> Princess Desperation > by The Dark Wolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Four Desperate Princesses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The four alicorn princesses loved to hang out when none of them had any royal duties to attend to. Today was one such day, so they met up just outside of Canterlot to play volleyball. Princess Cadence usually played physically, but today she would be magically levitating a strong wooden board to hit the ball around, because she was pregnant with Flurry Heart. She was wearing aqua skintight shorts and a matching midriff tank top that showed off how round her belly had become. Princess Celestia was wearing a similar outfit to Cadence, except it was a more medium shade of blue, and was sparkly. She was truly a sight to behold. Princess Luna was wearing a black tank top and less tight (but still cute and athletic-looking) purple shorts, almost identical to what Pinkie Pie wore in Scare Master. Princess Twilight Sparkle was wearing a dark blue tank top and skintight red shorts. They were very tight on her but she liked it. The princesses had already had lunch together, so they began their game, Twilight and Cadence vs. Celestia and Luna. None of them were allowed to use their magic except Cadence, who was standing to the side and levitating the board to hit the ball. It was a hot day out so they each drank a lot of water, as Luna had brought a big bag full of bottled water. After about an hour of playing, Twilight's stomach gurgled. "Are you all right?" said Cadence, noticing the discomfort on her sister in law's face. Before Twilight could respond, she accidentally farted loudly, and blushed with embarrassment. Celestia giggled a bit. "I'm so sorry!" said Twilight. "That was so unprincesslike! I really should have held it in. I..." "It's quite all right, Twilight," said Celestia. "Even us princesses fart every once and a while. Here." She raised her behind in the air. PPPPPPFFFFFFFT! Celestia giggled a little more at the sound of her own fart, and Twilight felt much less ashamed. "Urgh..." Luna was clearly uncomfortable as well. "What in Equestria was in that..." BBBBBBBRRRRRRRT! Celestia laughed harder. Luna slapped her butt, a little annoyed. "I don't think I can hold this in," said Cadence, and she let out a fart that was a little quieter but also slightly longer than Celestia. She blushed a little. Celestia lifted her leg and let out a more deep-pitched fart that lasted eight seconds. She was enjoying this a great deal, for she secretly thought it was fun to fart, but couldn't at formal meetings. Luna wasn't enjoying it as much. She farted again and blushed slightly. Twilight was holding it in as best she could, sweating a little. As they had stopped playing, their outfits were now only damp with sweat. "Just let it all out, Twilight," said Celestia. A short but fairly loud fart made its way out of her rump, and she giggled. Twilight also giggled a bit and raised her tush in the air. PPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRT! A loud, wet fart made its way out of her rear for eleven seconds. Cadance lifted her leg and farted loudly for about three seconds. Stopping only to drink whole bottles of water, the princesses farted for about twenty minutes. Even Luna and Cadence were finding this to be fun after a while. FFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRT! Tears rolled down Celestia's face as she lay on her back laughing from Twilight's latest fart, which was only six seconds long but was loud and boisterous. Celestia kicked her hooves in the air, accidentally farting a few more times. "Stop!" said Celestia, who had barely stopped laughing. "If I laugh any harder than this I'm gonna pee myself!" "I do have to go to the bathroom," said Twilight. "Really badly!" "So do I," said Cadence. "And I as well," said Luna. They looked over at the only outhouse in the area. "You go first," Twilight offered Celestia. "No, Cadence should go," said Celestia. "She's pregnant, after all." "It's fine," said Cadence. "One of you can go first..." She felt a twinge in her bladder. "Actually, maybe you're right. Cadence walked over to the outhouse door, only to find an "Out of Order" sign on it. "No..." said Cadence, and she walked back to the other ponies. The look on her face told them what she had seen, and they all felt more uncomfortable. "What are we gonna do?" said Twilight, accidentally farting loudly. Celestia resisted the urge to laugh. "The train should be back to give us a ride to Canterlot. We can use the bathroom on the train, or else at Canterlot." "How long until the train gets here?" said Luna, who was crossing her legs. "About... three hours," said Celestia. "THREE HOURS?!" said Twilight and Luna. Cadence moaned. "We'll just have to hold it until then," said Celestia. "Or until someone comes to fix the outhouse." She farted again, and giggled a bit, then shot a hoof between her legs. ... The four princesses sat for five minutes. Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Fidgeting the whole while, for they had each drank over 20 bottles of water. The sweat had evaporated off their outfits by now, but occasionally they felt thirsty, so they continued to drink water bottles. Occasionally the princesses would fart, either accidentally or hoping it would loosen some pressure on their very full bladders. Celestia and Twilight seemed gassier than Luna or Cadence. Twilight felt herself leak a bit into her shorts, and whimpered a little, but her shorts didn't get much wetter beyond this dampness. She still fidgeted where she sat. She had never had to go this badly in her life. Celestia, on the other hand, had needed to pee this badly a few times in her long life. She had made it each time except once, 700 years ago, when she was going for a run around Ponyville with a skintight pink jumpsuit, and had suddenly been called to some event she couldn't remember, forgetting to use the bathroom along the way, and she had ended up peeing herself in front of all the ponies. It was embarrassing, but she pretended to laugh it off so the ponies wouldn't make a big deal. Luna had not needed to pee during her magical imprisonment in the moon, and she had never experienced this kind of desperation before. She didn't know how much longer she could hold it. For Cadence this was the worst, for she already needed to pee more than usual in her pregnancy. She had assumed the outhouse would be available whenever she needed it, but now it was out of order for who knows how long, and she needed to pee really badly. Twilight let out a boisterous fart that was wetter than any of the other farts today. She was barely able to stop the fart in time before something else could come out. Celestia giggled a bit, but stopped as she felt a small spurt escape into her shorts. "Anyone else feeling like they have to go... more than just pee?" said Twilight, who was fidgeting hard now. Celestia farted again, and felt the pressure build up in her bowels. "Yes, I am," she said, as dignified as she could. Luna and Cadence nodded their heads, for they were also feeling they needed to poop nearly as badly as they needed to pee. "How much longer till the train gets here?" said Twilight, farting again. "Two and a half hours," said Celestia. "I don't think I can hold it this long," said Luna, whose back legs were crossed. Cadence had to pee more badly than any of the other princesses. She felt her shorts grow damp as she leaked for a few seconds, but stopped. She leaked again, and again, making the damp spot on her shorts bigger. Finally, she lost control. Cadence began peeing full force, blushing as her shorts became soaked. The warm wetness flowed down her legs and formed a puddle at her feet. She felt embarrassed, but also relieved. Well, almost. The pressure in her bowels was still as heavy as ever. The sight of Cadence peeing herself made the other three princesses more uncomfortable. Luna averted her eyes. Celestia squirmed harder, and Twilight leaked a little more. As soon as she finished peeing, Cadence began sobbing. Twilight patted her lightly on the back, and immediately shot her hoof between her legs to hold herself. Twilight really needed to go. Her shorts were already damp from the times she had leaked, and her bowels felt just as full as her bladder. Celestia wasn't doing much better. Her shorts were also a little damp, and she had not had to take a dump this badly in her entire life. Luna groaned as she dribbled a bit into her shorts, and farted loudly. Celestia giggled, farting a bit in response, only to feel her shorts became damper. She put both hooves on her crotch to stop the flow, which worked, at least for the time being. She accidentally let out a louder, longer, wetter fart that turned the back of her shorts slightly brown. Though Cadence's bladder was empty now, she was still very uncomfortable, fidgeting hard to avoid soiling herself. Twilight was desperate beyond belief at this point. She decided to try farting again, hoping it would loosen the pressure at least a bit, although she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it. She took a deep breath. brrrrt It wasn't enough. Twilight farted again. PPPPFFFT Still not enough. Twilight farted even harder. PPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSH! Twilight's eyes went wide with terror and embarrassment as she made a muddy mess in her shorts. At the same time, she could feel her bladder give out, and her shorts darkened more. Rivers of pee flowed down her legs and a puddle grew under her. Twilight blushed, ashamed beyond belief as she wet herself and messed herself at once. She sat down, feeling warm squishiness beneath her butt, as she continued to pee. She might have enjoyed the relief and the sensation if it wasn't such a humiliating situation. She also felt something else that was harder to define as it was overridden by her embarrassment. Was this... arousal? "Don't feel ashamed, Twilight," said Celestia. "I don't think any less of you. Most ponies wouldn't have lasted this long, and... urgh... I'm not sure I can last much longer." Twilight sat in her soiled shorts while Celestia, Luna, and Cadence continued to try to hold it in. Luna sat with her legs crossed and squirmed harder than before. Celestia let out a very wet fart, which made the back of her shorts feel wetter but there still wasn't an actual mess in them yet, though she leaked again. Cadence had to admit she kind of liked the feeling of her shorts being wet, but she hated the desperation she was still suffering. Before long, another half hour had gone by. Luna leaked for another five seconds, wetting her shorts a little more. She held it in, initially feeling a bit of relief, but soon, she felt just as desperate as before, and before long, was dribbling some more. Luna desperately tried to hold it in, but it was no use, as it soon became a steady stream that soaked her shorts and her back legs and made a big puddle under her. She blushed with embarrassment, even though two princesses had already done the same thing in front of her. Celestia moaned as she felt another leak dampen her shorts even more. She was now the only princess who still had to pee, but Luna and Cadence also had to poop as badly as her. Luna farted again, but after a few minutes she felt the pressure get heavier. "No... not now!" said Luna. PPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTH! Luna felt even more embarrassed as she soiled herself as noisily as Twilight had, feeling the warm mess inside her shorts as an unpleasant smell hit her nostrils. Some of the manure leaked out of the leg holes in her shorts and down her legs. At the sound of Luna's accident, Celestia couldn't help herself. She fell on her back and started laughing, but stopped a few seconds after she felt her shorts grow warmer and wetter. She tried to stop peeing, but she couldn't. Celestia was wetting herself completely now. Her shorts were completely soaked within seconds, and she nearly soiled herself then and there, but sat up, still peeing, and continued to keep her bowels in check despite her peeing uncontrollably. Luna noticed Celestia peeing, but didn't give it much thought, as she was more focused on the humiliation of her own accident, and something else that might have resembled arousal at it. Celestia blushed lightly as she finished peeing, although she didn't have to feel too ashamed seeing as how she had lasted the longest of the four princesses. Afterward, she and Cadence squirmed, trying as hard as they could to avoid messing themselves. About another half hour later, a maintenance pony walked over to the outhouse and entered it. Celestia and Cadence kept an eye on it, though they kept their distance from the outhouse, not wanting the pony to see them - or Luna and Twilight - in their current state. "I have to pee again," said Cadence. Celestia only farted in response. After what seemed like hours, the maintenance pony walked outside. He caught sight of the princesses, but continued on his way. He wasn't close enough to see the state the princesses were in, but he could see Celestia and Cadence fidgeting and knew they would want the outhouse soon. Celestia and Cadence walked over to the outhouse, stopped, and looked at each other. "You go on ahead," said Celestia. "I can hold it, and if I can't... I can deal with it." She let out another wet fart. Cadence felt like she was about to burst. She entered the outhouse, but before she could get her shorts down, she could feel her bowels releasing themselves into her shorts, though much quieter than Twilight and Luna. She could feel the squishy brown mass inside her shorts, and then she began peeing. She quickly sat on the toilet to avoid ruining the floor of the outhouse. Her pee soaked her already-wet shorts, mixed a bit with the mess around her rump, and splashed into the toilet. Part of her enjoyed the sensation, but this could just be relief at not needing to go anymore. Still, this was still the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her. Celestia, meanwhile, was doing a variation of the pee dance, since she still needed to go. She let out a few more wet farts, but knew that she'd be letting out more than that soon. Cadence sat on the toilet for a while, taking in what had just happened. She had just soiled herself, and yet... why was she so aroused by it? Finally, Celestia felt the pressure reach its limit. "Urgh..." she said, closing her eyes shut tight and still trying her hardest to hold it in, but it was a lost battle. PPPPPPPPPBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! Celestia blushed as her next fart released a thick, brown mess into her shorts. The stench reached her nose within seconds. She messed herself for about seven seconds, and stood there in her not only wet but soiled shorts. She eventually sat down, feeling the manure squish beneath her rear, and hung her head in shame. Twilight patted her on the back. "Don't feel ashamed, Celestia. I don't think any less of you. And you lasted longer than me." Celestia felt much better now. She could now appreciate how good it felt to finally let go. And she did kind of like the squishy sensation around her butt, and giggled a bit, as did Twilight. She did get some kind of pleasure from doing something so unprincesslike. Both a naughty kind of pleasure, and something she was sure was arousal. Had she just discovered a fetish after all these years? Then Cadence walked out. Her shorts were wet, dirty, and smelly, and she blushed at the other princesses seeing her in this state. She hadn't bothered trying to clean herself up because, although she'd hate to admit it, she liked the feeling of the squishy mess around her rear. "I didn't make it either," said Celestia, turning around so Cadence could see her messy, smelly rear. Cadence giggled a bit, no longer feeling ashamed. The ponies sat in their wet, smelly, soiled shorts for a few more minutes, dreading the idea of ponies seeing them like this, yet each secretly liking it a great deal. Twilight needed to pee again, but she just let it all out this time, sighing of relief. "Wait a minute!" she said once she finished peeing. "Couldn't we have just flown to Canterlot?" "You're right," said Celestia. "Why didn't I think of that?" "We should fly straight to the castle and wash up," said Luna. "Before anyone notices." "Then let's go," said Cadence. The four princesses took off toward Canterlot Castle. They reached the window of Celestia's bedroom, and Celestia opened it with her magic and they flew inside. After many long bubblebaths, the princesses were sparkly clean, and with a special kind of detergent, the brown stains were removed from their outfits. "Let us never speak of this again," said Luna. "Can we speak of it to each other?" said Celestia. "It was a little funny." "It... it was, wasn't it?" said Twilight, and the princesses all laughed it off now that no one else had witnessed their humiliation. > Pregnant Cadence's Fetish Fuel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Cadence was having a big dinner with Shining Armor. For the occasion, she was wearing a pink dress that was a slightly darker shade than her. The lower part of the dress was a miniskirt, with a cute pair of light blue panties underneath. This dress was made a little bigger around the waist than one just like it because she was visibly pregnant. Cadence sat at the dinner table where Shining Armor was waiting. There was a lot of food all around the table, including a big bowl of beans. Cadence got as many beans as she could, along with a bunch of other food. Once they'd each picked out as much food as they wanted, they began eating. Both found their meal to be absolutely delicious, and as soon as Cadence was finished, she got seconds and even thirds of the beans. Eventually, they finished eating, and drank some non-alcoholic punch. Then they went to their bedroom. As soon as they stepped in, Cadence let out a loud fart. She blushed lightly. "Excuse me... that wasn't very princesslike." "It's all right," said Shining Armor. "I really like it when you fart." "Is that so?" said Cadence. She stuck her behind in Shining Armor's face, so that her panties were clearly visible to him. PPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFT Shining Armor chuckled and slapped Cadence's butt lightly. Cadence loved it when Shining Armor did this. Cadance released another loud, wet fart, and giggled. "All that food must have made you really gassy," said Shining Armor, patting Cadence's butt with his hoof. "Especially all those beans." "I really like beans, and I don't care how much-" *FFFFFFRRRRRRRRT* "they make me fart." "You can always fart without shame around me." Cadence farted again. "My rear end needs some attention," she said. Shining Armor started to rub Cadance's tush with his hooves. He really liked the feel of her butt. It was somewhere between soft and firm, and it felt wonderful against his hooves. He really liked her panties too, and she knew it. She also loved the feeling of him massaging her rear. PPPPPPPRRRRRTTT Cadence farted in Shining Armor's face again. She giggled, and Shining Armor inhaled deeply, feeling very aroused. After about five minutes of Shining Armor rubbing Cadence's butt, and Cadence farting the whole time, Shining Armor lowered his hooves and pressed his face against Cadence's rear. Both Shining Armor and Cadence took great pleasure in this. BBBBBRRRRRAAAAAAAP Cadence's farts were even more arousing with Shining Armor's head right next to her butt - for both of them! PPPFFFFT! FFFFRRRRRT! BBBBRRRRRT! PPPPRRRRT! Cadence released a flurry of loud, wet farts in Shining Armor's face. "That was just wonderful," said Shining Armor, and he kissed Cadence's butt. Cadence giggled. After Cadence farted for another several minutes, she eventually got tired, so she and Shining Armor laid down on their bed to cuddle together. "I haven't known a pony this gassy since Twilight," said Shining Armor. "But then again, she was the only other mare who was comfortable farting in front of me." Cadence kissed Shining Armor on the cheek. She farted again, and giggled. After about an hour, Cadence felt an urgent need to pee. She had drank more than Shining Armor. But, she was too comfortable laying at his side, and didn't really feel like getting up. She thought she could hold it until it reached a critical point. However, over another half hour, she started fidgeting. Shining Armor noticed, but didn't think too much of it at the time. Then, a jolt in her bladder caused her to squeal. "Cadence, are you all right?" said Shining Armor. "I'm fine," said Cadence. "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" "It's nothing serious," said Cadence. "I can hold it until I have to." "If you say so," said Shining Armor. He'd hate for Cadence to have an accident and be humiliated afterwards, but part of him would find it kind of sexy, and if she wanted to risk it, that was her choice. "Uhhh," said Cadence about five minutes later. She stood up, but the pressure in her bladder increased, so she laid down back at Shining Armor's side, fidgeting more. "Are you all right?" said Shining Armor again. "I... I can't hold it..." said Cadence. "And if I walk to the bathroom, I'm gonna lose it!" "It'll be all right. I could take you there if you want..." "Aaaaaah! I can't... it's coming out!" Shining Armor could hear a soft hissing noise emanating from Cadence as her underwear and skirt grew damper and darker, and soon the mattress around them got wetter and wetter. Cadence blushed beet red as she flooded her blue panties and soaked her pink skirt, her mattress puddle expanding to Shining Armor. Despite her humiliation, Cadence felt a sense of relief, as well as arousal. She was wetting her panties in front of her husband, and part of it felt really good in a naughty sort of way. She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Shining Armor felt aroused at this, though he also felt bad for Cadence, but her sigh made him feel better. Once Cadence finished peeing, she said "I couldn't hold it... I feel so ashamed..." "Don't feel bad," said Shining Armor. "I still love you as much as ever, and if you don't mind me saying, it was very sexy." "You think so?" said Cadence, feeling much better now. Shining Armor slapped her butt lightly. "I know so." Cadence let out a loud, wet fart, and giggled. "Your farting is even sexier in your wet panties," said Shining Armor. Cadence giggled and released more farts, each louder and wetter than the last. Then, came a particularly boisterous wet fart. PPPPPPPLLLLLLLBBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTHHHHHH! "Uh-oh," said Cadence. "What?" "I think I just made a mess in my underwear." Shining Armor lifted Cadence's skirt and looked at her panties. They were stained brown at the back, and had a big bulge on them. And they smelt a lot worse than farts now. "Yeah, you soiled yourself pretty good." "This is so embarrassing... but... actually, I kind of like the feeling." "That's good," said Shining Armor. "Besides, I find this kind of sexy too." Cadence relaxed, and unabashedly released an even bigger mess into her underwear, giggling the entire time. Shining Armor cuddled with Cadence in her messy state for about ten minutes, and then she took off her dress and her soiled panties, threw them in the wash, and they had sex, Cadence still smelling like pee and manure but both enjoying every second of it, and knowing they'd do it this way again many times in the future.