A Mother And Daughter Day Out


First published

Rainbow Dash spends her day with her mom.

Set after "Parental Glideance". Rainbow Dash tells Scootaloo that she and her mom never spent any time together when she was a filly. And that made Scootaloo ask Rainbow Dash to spend time with her mom. Then, Rainbow Dash finally did what she should've done a long time ago.

Cuteness ensues.

A Mother And Daughter Day Out

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"Rainbow Dash!", Scootaloo called, right before she crashed into a tree trunk with her scooter and making Rainbow Dash fall off the tree branch and landing on her back. Rainbow Dash made a painful cry as she felt pain in her back. She was enjoying that nap on that tree, all she needed was some quiet time after an overwhelming and nerve racking day with her parents two days ago. The reason why that day was overwhelming and nerve racking was because Scootaloo brought Rainbow's parents over to see her with the wonderbolts after she told them that Rainbow Dash was a wonderbolt. Rainbow's parents are biggest fans of her. Things just got crazier and crazier, until Rainbow Dash snapped at her parents, she was just sick and tired of her parents supporting her throughout the years. Then, she had some time to think things over when she saw Scootaloo's hero report for her school. So, she and the wonderbolts did a performance for her parents to show that she's their biggest fan as well. It helped Scootaloo finish up her report and it was a biggest hit.

Rainbow Dash lifted her head and rubbed it with a hoof. "What the hay?!", she shouted. She gasped as she saw Scootaloo laying on the ground with her eyes rolling around and stars flying around her head, which shows that she got a headache. "Scootaloo, oh my gosh!" She ran to her and helped her up by taking her hooves and pulling her up, so she stands up straightly again. "Are you ok?"

Even though Scootaloo's standing up, she was still dizzy. She shook her head to make her eyes stop rolling. "I never felt any better!", she cheered. "I'm just still happy after what happened two days when you finally got along with your parents!" Her eyes and smile were wide and she was bouncing on her hooves.

Rainbow Dash put a hoof to the orange pegasus's head to make her stop bouncing. "Alright, calm it down, kid.", she said, as she felt Scootaloo's action of bouncing beginning to die down. "I know your goal for that day was to make me get along with my parents and finish that report about me for your school. You did work so hard on that project and I really am proud of you for doing that."

"And I am also proud of you for doing that performance for your parents.", Scootaloo said, proudly. "That was I wanted to see you do, apologizing to your parents for taking them for granted and showing them how you now appreciate them."

"Thanks, kid.", Rainbow Dash said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to my nap on a cloud, instead of a tree, because my supportive little fan knocked me off by accident." She was about to fly to the sky, but Scootaloo stopped her, so she can ask something. Her face became a frown and her excitement died down.

"Wait, before you go, was there something you wanted to tell me before you left for wonderbolts that day?", Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow Dash went back to that day, she did have something to tell Scootaloo, but she was too late. The wonderbolts called her back, so they can practice some more. "Oh, right.", she said. "Yeah, there was something I needed to tell you. But, this could shock you. As a filly, I never get to spend some time with my mom."

Scootaloo gasped in shock, her lungs nearly filled with air that they got a bit more plump. What Rainbow said made her heart fall to the pit of her stomach. "You never spend any time with your mom?!", she asked, putting her hooves to the sides of her head, feeling her brain pumping really fast.

"Yep, it's true.", Rainbow Dash sighed. "When I was a filly, I was all focused on flying and stuff. Whenever my mom asks if we can go out and spend time together, I would just reject her."

"Well, if you still have some time, then why don't you go do that?", Scootaloo asked. "I think you should make up all those times when she asked and you reject her. You shouldn't keep her broken hearted for too long."

"Alright, goodness gracious.", Rainbow Dash huffed. "I guess I better go check on her to see if she's available. Thanks for telling me that, Scoots. I'll see you later." She flew off into the sky, trying to fight her humiliation.


Rainbow Dash arrived at her fillyhood house where she used to live. She knocked on the door. The door opened, she peeked inside the house to see who opened it, but there was nopony spotted. She walked in. "Mom, are you here?", she asked, still looking around.

"Dashie!", Rainbow Dash's mom, Windy Whistles cheers, jumping from behind the front door, making her daughter scream and fall on her flanks. "Oh my, sorry I scared, Sweetie." She reaches out a hoof to help her up.

"I wasn't scared, I was just surprised.", Rainbow Dash said, standing up on her hooves. She bends down on her front hooves to stretch her back. Then, she rubs her brow with a hoof. She then notices that her mother was bare, she wasn't wearing her jacket. That's kind of strange. Rainbow has never seen her mother bare before. "Where's your jacket?"

"It was dirty, so I'm going to wash it tonight.", Windy said, pointing at her basket of laundry. "Also, I'm thinking of going out in public, naked for a change."

"Ok then.", Rainbow Dash said, darting her eyes right and left, curiously. "Anyways, I was going to ask if you're available."

"For what?", Windy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For spending time with me out in Ponyville.", Rainbow Dash said, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof.

Windy was pleased. "You mean, you finally want to spend some time with me? After all these years?", she asked, feeling delighted.

"Yes, Mom.", Rainbow Dash said, nodding. "Rejecting you all those years was a bad idea."

"Yeah, pretty much.", Windy said. "So, what made you think about this?"

"I told Scootaloo that you've been asking me to spend time with you when I was a filly, then she suggested me to ask you if you and I want to have a day out.", Rainbow Dash explained.

"Oh, this is what I wanted to hear from you, saying you really want to spend time with me.", Windy said, wrapping her arms around her daughter for a hug. "So, what do you want to do first?"

Rainbow scratched her chin, thinking of something to do. "Well, I was thinking I should introduce you to my friends.", she said.

"Lets go.", Windy said, grabbing her daughter by the hoof and speeding out the door happily.


Rainbow Dash and Windy stopped by the castle of friendship, where Twilight lives after her old place got destroyed. "So, Mom, this castle is where my friend, Twilight Sparkle lives.", she said. "She's-"

"Yes, I know her, she's the princess of friendship, I read articles about her.", Windy said, interrupting her daughter by putting a hoof to her mouth. "Now, it's time for me to meet the hero of this world."

The two entered the castle. "Twilight, are you here?", Rainbow Dash said. She sees the alicorn princess on the top floor and waved to her. "Hi, Twilight."

"Hi, Rainbow.", Twilight said, walking down the staircase. She then notices Rainbow's mother standing next to her. "Who's this?"

"Twilight, meet my mom, Windy Whistles.", Rainbow Dash said, introducing Twilight to her mom. "And, Mom, this is-"

"Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship, it is such an honor to meet you in person.", Windy said, interrupting her daughter once again and shaking Twilight's hoof.

"It's nice to meet you too, Miss.", Twilight said, winking to the pegasus she just met.

"This is like my first time seeing you.", Windy said, glancing at the features of Twilight's body. "I must say, you're a lot different from my daughter." Windy touches Twilight's neck. "You have a neck that's a little bit longer," She then pats Twilight's mane. "you got a streak on your mane," She then touches her hooves. "your hooves are fine, there's nothing different about them, although they're a different color," She flew to her left wing and spread it out to take a glance at it. "and your wings are much wider than Dashie's." Her left hoof kept the wing spread open and her right hoof stroked it.

The stroking tickled Twilight's wing. She howled and yelped with laughter. "Stop!", she yelped, breaking free from Windy's hooves.

Windy got concerned. "Oh my.", she said, softly landing on her hooves. "Was I doing something wrong?"

Twilight didn't answer. She was still clutching to her wing, she had a cute smile on her face, and her face was bright red.

"You didn't do nothing wrong, Mom. Well,... you kinda did.", Rainbow Dash said. "Her wings are pretty sensitive and she's not comfortable with ponies touching her wings. Not to mention, all pegasus ponies and alicorns have sensitive wings."

"Oh.", Windy said, giggling embarrassingly. "Sorry I tickled you. I didn't know and now I do. And, I must say, my wings are sensitive too. When Dashie was little, she would just try to chase my wing and try to nibble on it and make me laugh."

"Hey!", Rainbow Dash shouted with shock. "I never did that!"

"Dashie, I'm teasing.", Windy said.

"Hey.", a voice said from behind. It was Spike, walking down the staircase to see what all the commotion was about. "What's going on down here?"

Windy turned around and gasped as she saw the little drake. "Oh my gosh.", she squealed happily. "Who is this little cutie?"

"That's Spike.", Rainbow Dash said. "He's the only dragon that lives with Twilight, he's harmless and he would never hurt anypony. I know most dragons are scary, but he's not like them."

Windy glanced at Spike's body, Rainbow did say that he's not scary, but she needed to investigate. She took hold of Spike's ankles and glanced at his scaly soles. She put the left one down and prodded the sole. She put the foot down and took his hands, glancing at his fingers, they don't seem sharp. She lays them back down to his sides and used one hoof to prod Spike's green scaly belly. Then, she prodded the very top frill on his head. "Hmm. He doesn't seem that scary.", she said.

"Anyways, Spike, this is my mom, Windy Whistles.", Rainbow Dash said.

Spike got on his feet. "Um, hello.", he said shyly.

"Hello, Spike, please to meet you.", Windy Whistles said, patting Spike's head.

"Please to meet you too.", Spike said, blushing. "Nopony has called me 'cutie' before. But, as for you, you may not be like Rainbow Dash, but you do have her cuteness."

Windy smiled warmly. "Aww, that was very sweet of you.", she squealed, hugging the little dragon tightly.

Spike returned the embrace. Right after he was put back down by Windy, he moved his claws to her, feeling her soft fur. "Your chest is soft.", he said, trying to suppress the blush from getting brighter.

Rainbow Dash looked back at the door, looking at the sun and figuring out the time. "Okay, Mom, according to the sun, it's 12:45.", she said, looking back at her mom. "So, we should probably get going."

"Coming, Rainbow.", Windy said, trotting to her daughter. "Nice meeting you two."

"You too.", Twilight said, waving to her friend and her friend's mom. "Come back soon, ok?"

"Anytime, Princess.", Windy said, as she and her daughter walked out the door and flew away from the castle.


Rainbow Dash and Windy made it to Applejack's home in the name of Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack and her family owned this farm for four generations, her grandmother, Granny Smith owned this before she did. "Wow, this farm is huge.", Windy said, admiring the whole area and every single part, such as the apple trees, the barn, and fields. "Has it always been like this?"

"Sure has.", Rainbow Dash said. "When you meet Applejack, you're going to love her, she's a great apple bucker."

Applejack bucked her last tree to get seven more apples in her full bucket of apples. It's been a hot afternoon, after she gets back in her house with her bucket, she'll probably get a cold cup of apple cider or take a nap on her bed with a fan blowing on her. "Alright, that should enough.", she said, glancing at her bucket of apples.

"Hey, Applejack.", Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack jumped, feeling startled and prepared her hooves to buck her own friend.

"Whoa, Applejack!", Rainbow Dash shouted to stop her friend from nearly bucking her in the face.

Applejack turned and saw her friend standing behind her. "Oh, Rainbow.", she said, putting her hooves down. "I almost bucked you in the face." She noticed the other mare that's related to the rainbow pegasus. "Howdy, Sugarcube."

"And howdy to you too.", Windy said winking. "I'm Windy Whistles, Rainbow Dash's mom."

Applejack was amazed, she never seen Rainbow Dash's mom before in her life. "Oh my Celestia.", she said, putting a hoof to her cheek, feeling surprised. "I don't believe this, I'm meeting my best friend's mom in my farm."

"And I'm delighted to meet a great mare like you.", Windy said, shaking the farmer pony's hoof. She looked at the hat that Applejack's wearing. "I love the hat your wearing."

"Thanks.", Applejack said, straightening her hat a little bit. "My father gave it to me."

"Where is your father right now?", Windy asked.

"He's not here and I... rather not talk about it.", Applejack said, remembering her father. He died along time ago, along with Applejack's mother. She does remember the death of her parents, if she talks about to other ponies, then it would make her more sad.

"Oh my.", Windy said, feeling bad for the poor farmer. "I'm so sorry I asked that question, didn't mean to make you sad." She patted her back, trying to comfort Applejack.

Applejack's sad face disappeared and her mouth came to a smile. "Thanks for making me feel better, Mrs. Whistles.", she said. She turned brought her bucket of apples to Windy. "Apple?"

"Sure.", Windy said, reaching for an apple and taking it with her hoof. She takes a bite and chews it lightly, admiring the taste of the juice inside the shiny red fruit. She swallows, feeling the chunks of the chewed apple going down her throat and down to her stomach. "Whew, that apple has given me strength." She flexed the muscles of her chest and hooves.

"Well, are you pretty strong?", Applejack asked with challenging tone of voice. "Can you buck a big apple tree?"

"Well, lets just see.", Windy said, flapping her wings to fly. She sped twenty feet in the air away from the apple tree she's about to buck. She flew down as fast as she could toward the apple tree, she turns around and gets her hooves prepared to strike. She got close to the apple tree and bucked her hooves hard on it. The tree broke off the ground, it flew in the air and landed on its branches, apples detached from them.

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash's jaws dropped of what they saw. "Wow, Mom.", Rainbow said with a smile. "You impress me."

"Thank you, Sweetie.", Windy said, getting on her hooves. "So, you buck trees to get apples down?"

Applejack was still shocked of how hard Windy bucked that tree. She shook her head, getting back into focus. "Oh, yes I do.", Applejack said, rubbing the side of her head to get her brain fixed up.

"You know, doesn't that make your hooves sour?", Windy asked, rubbing her left front hoof with the other.

"Nah.", Applejack said. "Well,... kind of."

Windy scratched her chin. "Don't you think you need a massage?", she asked, feeling worried about Applejack's hooves having pain after bucking trees.

Applejack looked at her hooves and thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think I should get a massage at the spa.", she said, starting to head for the spa.

Windy blocked her way. "Not so fast.", she said, putting a hoof to her chest to prevent her walking. "I'm great at massages, let me take you into the house and I'll give you one."

"Oh, you don't have to, Mom.", Rainbow Dash said. "Applejack can just go to the spa and-"

"No need to for that, Dashie.", Windy said. "Let the massage master do all the work."

"What in tarnation was that?!", a yellow filly named Apple Bloom shouted, bursting the door open. "I heard a noise that was outside! What happened out here?!" She ran to the area full of apple trees. She then sees Windy with her sister and Rainbow Dash. "Oh, Mrs. Whistles."

"Apple Bloom!", Windy said, running over to the filly and giving her a hug. "It's good to see you, little one. I haven't seen you since we first met at Cloudsdale."

"Wait.", Applejack said, widening her eyes in shock. "You two met?"

"Yeah, Scootaloo invited her friends to see Rainbow Dash perform with the wonderbolts and meet me and Rainbow Dash's father.", Windy said.

"Okay then.", Applejack said awkwardly. "So, can I get this hoof massage over with? We're wasting daylight."

"Massage?", Apple Bloom asked, raising an eyebrow. "Can I get one too."

"You may, dear. If I have time.", Windy said, bringing Applejack into the house. She, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Bloom entered the house. "So, where's your room, Applejack?"

"My room is upstairs and on the right.", Applejack said.

The four walked upstairs and entered the orange pony's room. Windy admired the details of the bedroom, two ropes hanging on hooks, two pillows with apples and a red blanket for the bed, an apple designed on the front part of the bed, a table with books, a picture of a farmer pony galloping on a cloud, a table with a lamp and a picture frame next to her bed, a red rug underneath the bed, and a giant cushion on the wooden floor. "Wow, Applejack, this bedroom is fascinating.", she said, darting her eyes at every object. "Did you design this room like this recently."

"Oh, this ain't new, all of this is old.", Applejack said. "But, I'm still using them."

"Alright, where do you want to sit down at, so that way you're comfortable?", Windy asked.

"Lets do this on my bed.", Applejack said, jumping on her bed and sitting down on her flanks, having her legs laid out across the bed.

Windy flew over to the bed and landed on it softly. She looked at Applejack's smiling face and then her hind hooves. She slowly pressed the tips of her hooves on Applejack's right back hoof, she began to rub it, each of the pegasus's hooves going in different directions.

The massage felt good on Applejack's hooves. Her eyes drooped half way, she leaned back on the bed, putting her front hooves behind her head and closing her eyes completely. She sighed in deep relaxation. She looked like she was about to fall asleep, but turns out, she didn't.

Windy looked over at Applejack's snoozing position and adored it. "You love this, don't you?", she asked, putting the farmer at ease.

Applejack didn't say anything, but to make a nice peaceful "mmmmmmm" with a cute smile on face. Having Windy massage her hooves felt so dreamy for her. Her belly was rising and falling within breath. She never felt so relaxed since Spike scratched her back while he assisted her after saving him from the Timberwolves and the first spa session she had when she was a filly. As for her spa sessions she had, she would just rather go for a back massage or a hoof massage instead of a hooficure, getting her hooves polished, or having spa cream on her face and cucumbers on her eyes. She just doesn't like having her body so shiny, because she's a farmer. To top that off, why would a farmer be shiny? She has to be dirty, otherwise she's not a real farmer. Farmers have to be dirty on farms, that's just how life goes.

Windy stopped with Applejack's right hoof and moved on to the left one, doing the same thing she did with the other hoof. To be exact, Applejack's left hoof felt more boney than her right hoof. "Oh, this hoof feels a bit more boney.", the lighter blue pegasus said.

Applejack opened her eyes and faced Windy. "Yep, it sure does.", she said. "That hoof you're massaging is Bucky McGilla Goodie."

Windy stopped the massage and faced Applejack. She was concerned, she never heard such a weird name before. "Who?", she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bucky McGilla Goodie.", Applejack answered. "My left hoof is Bucky McGilla Goodie and my right hoof is Kicks McGee."

"Huh.", Windy said. "I never heard such names before in my life." She continued the massage on the same hoof she paused on. "Did you name them just now?"

"Nah, I named them that a long time ago after we taught Rainbow Dash a lesson on not to brag so much.", Applejack said, calling Rainbow Dash off on that moment.

Rainbow Dash blushed, hiding her face with her right hoof. "It's true.", she mumbled, moving her hoof to the back of her neck and began to stroke it.

"I already knew that, Scootaloo told me that part.", Windy said.

"Oh, Scootaloo told you that?", Applejack asked.

"Why yes.", Windy said. "Scootaloo was making a school report on Rainbow Dash."

Applejack turned her head to Rainbow Dash. "Is that true?", she asked.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, she's been working so hard on it, I had to help her finish it.", she said.

Windy was getting ready to wrap it up, she rubbed Applejack's hoof three more times, and then she disconnected the tips of her hooves from the orange hoof. "Alright, you're done.", she said.

Applejack sat up and wiggled her hooves with joy. "Thank you so much, Miss.", she said, getting on her hooves and jumping off the bed. Her massaged back hooves bounced two times. "My hooves feel great."

"My turn.", Apple Bloom said, bouncing into and off her sisters back and landed on the bed. She laid her hooves out in front of Windy and leaned back into the covers of the bed. "Okay, let me have it."

"Alright, but I won't do you for long, because your sister has bigger hooves than you do.", Windy said. "So, I'm going to do this in a different way." She went to the area where she's facing Apple Bloom's whole front, then she placed the tips of her hooves on the filly's tiny hooves. She rubbed them with both of her hooves in different directions.

Apple Bloom felt so relaxed and very at ease. She laid her head back with her front hooves behind and closed her eyes, feeling how great the massage was. It felt wonderful. It felt relaxing.

"So, does Apple Bloom get really enthusiastic every time?", Windy asked.

"Not every time, but sometimes.", Applejack said. "There's this one time when she got really excited when she found out that Pinkie Pie was... our fourth cousin twice removed."

Windy was surprised. "Pinkie Pie's related to you?", she asked.

"Yep.", Applejack said. "She came up to my door, calling me her cousin, but we didn't if she really is my cousin yet. So, we traveled through land and water to meet Goldie Delicious, if she can tell us if Pinkie is our second cousin twice removed. Turns out, she couldn't figure it out and that pretty much means we traveled all the way over there for nothing. But, I did tell her that she's an apple to the core. It was like the time of her life. How come you didn't know that? Did Pinkie not tell you?"

"No, she didn't tell me.", Windy said, still doing her massage on Apple Bloom's hooves. "Besides, I never met her in my life."

Applejack's jaw dropped in shock. "Wait! You know about my friend, Pinkie Pie, but you never met her?! Where have you been?!"

"Well, I've been in Cloudsdale always depending on my daughter trying her hardest to become a wonderbolt. Also, I've been doing laundry and swimming and giving my own husband massages for some reason.", Windy said. The word "massage" popped back into her head. "And speaking of massages, Apple Bloom looks so at peace with this massage."

"She sure does.", Applejack said. "Don't you, Apple Bloom?" She didn't hear an answer for her sister. She frowned and perked an ear up, trying to get the answer. "Apple Bloom?" She and Windy noticed that Apple Bloom had just fell asleep while her massage went on. She snored as her belly raised and lowered with each and every breath.

Windy smiled when she saw how adorable Apple Bloom looked in her peaceful sleep. She went over to the upper half of her body. "Oh my, looks like I put the little dear to sleep.", she said, patting Apple Bloom's head. "I guess I should put this sleepy head in her bedroom."

"You don't have to.", Applejack said. "I'll put her in her bedroom. You and Rainbow can go run along. Sorry for being rude."

"Okay then, well, I guess I'll take you to see Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner, Mom.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Sounds good.", Windy said as she and Rainbow Dash headed out the door. Windy peeked her head back in the room and waved a hoof to Applejack. "Goodbye, Applejack." Then, she disappeared back in the hallway.

"Take care, Windy.", Applejack said, waving back. She then looked at Apple Bloom's sleeping body. "I suppose I should put you to bed."


Rainbow Dash and Windy arrived at Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie Pie lives to bake treats and make other ponies smile. Pinkie doesn't really own the place herself, she also lives with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and their two foals, Pumpkin and Pound Cake. "So, Mom, this is Sugarcube Corner, the place where Pinkie Pie works to bake the most delicious treats and has a job to make ponies smile.", the rainbow pegasus said.

"Well, if she's the only pony to make me smile and laugh, then I'll definitely enjoy it.", Windy said, walking towards the shop with her daughter.

They walked through the door, but there was something strange, Pinkie Pie didn't jump out cheerfully, or sing a welcome song, or anything else to welcome a customer. How come neither of those things happen? Was Pinkie taking a nap or sleeping in during the day? Was she in her secret room, doing something quietly? Is she somewhere else? "Pinkie? Pinkie Pie? Huh, this is kind of weird.", Rainbow thought. "Pinkie normally comes out and welcomes the customer cheerfully. I wonder why she's not here."

"She's probably running late.", Windy said. "Just give her some time."

Suddenly, Pinkie fell from the ceiling with rope tied to her left back hoof. "Darn it, I was hoping I would do it that time.", she said sadly, looking at rope.

"Uh... Pinkie?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Dashie!", Pinkie cheered, hugging the pegasus in her forearms. She turned and saw the other pegasus standing in front of her. "Who are you?"

"This is my mom, Pinkie.", Rainbow said.

"Hello, I'm Windy Whistles, Rainbow Dash's mom, and you are Pinkie Pie, the only cheerful pony that can make anypony smile.", Windy said.

"You bet I am.", Pinkie said as she and Windy embraced each other. Pinkie broke it. "Why don't you take a seat and I'll have something for you in a jiffy." She pulled out seats from under a table for Windy and Rainbow to sit on. She dashed into the kitchen and got to baking on something, she was cooking as fast as she can, flour was flying around. She came back out with cupcakes in separate flavors, Caramel Apple Cinnamon, Lemon Raspberry, Mango, Peaches and Cream, Vanilla Cherry, Peanut Butter, Pumpkin, and Red Velvet. "Pick any flavor you want. Make up your mind."

Windy reached over and picked up a mango cupcake. It both the cake and the frosting was orange with a slice of a mango on top.

"Nice choice, mom.", Rainbow Dash said.

"I was thinking you would pick Peanut Butter.", Pinkie said.

"Oh no, I'm seriously allergic to peanut butter.", Windy said. "The last time I tried peanut butter, it gave me food poisoning and I had to go and stay to the hospital for a few days."

"Ok, thanks for giving out your explanation about your allergies for peanut butter.", Pinkie said. "Anyways, why don't you take a bite of your cupcake?"

Windy licked her lips, opened her mouth wide, and took a bite of her cupcake, admiring the taste. "Hey, this is actually really good.", she said with a smile.

"I'm glad you liked it.", Pinkie said. She perked an ear up when she heard Mrs. Cake arrived in the shop with a bag full of paper boxes. "Do I need to stack them, Mrs. Cake?"

"Sure.", Mrs. Cake said, letting the handle go out of her mouth. "Be a dear and do that for me, please?" She head into the kitchen and got to work.

"I'm on it.", Pinkie said, going over to the bag, took the boxes out, and began to stack them onto the counter.

Windy remembered what Applejack said about Pinkie being her fourth cousin twice removed. "So, Pinkie, you're related to Applejack?", she asked.

Pinkie froze in shock and dropped her third box she was going to stack. She turned to the two pegasus ponies. "How did you know that?!", she asked.

"I met Applejack and she told me that when I was giving her sister a hoof massage.", Windy said, finishing her cupcake all in one bite. All that remained of the cupcake in her mouth, was the scent of the mango slice.

"Well, it's true, I am part of her family, and they never knew that until that time ago.", Pinkie said. "I had the time of my life. First, Big Mac pulled a big heavy load of luggage, we went through a big cave on a lake, we fell down a waterfall, I took pictures while we were falling, we met Goldie Delicious, then I became an apple to the core!" She was catching her breath after saying some many words, it was a bit hard for Windy and Rainbow to understand.

But, Rainbow just chuckled. "Pinkie Pie, you are so random.", she said.

"Like you always say that.", Pinkie admired, getting back to stacking her boxes.

Rainbow Dash got off her seat. "Well, I guess my mom and I have to get going.", she said.

"But, Dash, you didn't have a cupcake.", Windy said.

"Meh, I don't need one at the moment, I'm on a diet.", Rainbow Dash said. "What do you say we hang out with Fluttershy at her cottage?"

"Sure, Sweetie.", Windy said, getting off her seat and walking over to the door.

"See ya, Pinkie.", Rainbow said. "Have a nice day." She and her mother flew off.

"Ok, bye, Dashie.", Pinkie said. "Well, I don't have anymore time to waste, so I'm going to get stacking."


Rainbow Dash and Windy arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy has been Rainbow Dash's closest friend since the first time they became a team to defeat Nightmare Moon, it was one of their biggest memories. In fact, the first she met Rainbow Dash was when she was a filly being humiliated by those mean colts. "Well, Mom, this is it, Fluttershy's cottage.", she said, walking up to the front door.

"It seems pretty cozy in there.", Windy said. There was steam coming from the window. Windy put her nose up to it and smelled it. "Is that the smell of tea in there?"

"It must be.", Rainbow Dash said, knocking on the door. "Fluttershy, are you home? I want you to meet somepony."

The door cracked open a little bit for Fluttershy to peek her yellow head out. "Um... hello?", she squeaked quietly.

"Hey, Fluttershy.", Rainbow Dash said, making sure that Fluttershy knows it's her.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, it's you.", Fluttershy said, opening the door all the way. "How have you been doing on this glorious day?"

"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking.", Rainbow Dash said, brushing her shoulder clean. "This is my mom, Windy Whistles. Mom, this is Fluttershy."

"Hello.", Fluttershy said, greeting her friend's mom. "It's nice to meet you."

Windy approached the yellow pegasus. "Why it's nice to meet you, Fluttershy.", she said, shaking Fluttershy's hoof. "And, oh my gosh, you look so beautiful." She patted the underside of Fluttershy's chin with a hoof, making her cheeks turn red.

Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, thanks for the compliment.", she said, rubbing her right front hoof with the left one and turning her left cheek to Windy. "And... for flattering me in front of your daughter."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to the left, awkwardly. "Ok then.", she said slowly. "Anyways, can we come into your cottage?"

"Oh, how rude of me.", Fluttershy said, smacking her forehead with a hoof and leading them into the house. "Please come in."

The three pegasi walked, with Windy never expecting to get hit in the head with a carrot by Angel Bunny. The bunny madly crossed his arms.

Fluttershy felt so disapproval. "Angel, shame on you!", she snarled. "You do not throw your carrots at house guests. Now, don't get in the way of me hanging out with my friend and her mom." She turned back to the two pegasi. "Sorry about that, Angel gets naughty at times."

"Oh, it's ok.", Windy said. "Anyways shall we have tea?"

"Why yes, of course.", Fluttershy said, walking into her cozy where her kettle was steaming on the stove. She turned off the heater and poured tea in three cups. One for her, one for Windy, and one to for Rainbow Dash. She set the tray of tea down on the little table and took her teacup in her hooves. "So, Windy, what do you ever do in your life?"

"As for me, Fluttershy, throughout the years, I've been supporting my daughter showing other pegasi what she's made of.", Windy said.

Fluttershy chuckled. "It is great to have families support you.", she said, as she and Rainbow Dash took a sip of her tea at the same time.

"I totally agree with you.", Windy said. Before she could take a sip of her tea, Angel hopped over to her teacup that was still full of tea and kicked it in her face. The hot tea burned Windy's face as she screamed in pain.

The scream made Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash jump and drop their teacups, causing them to shatter and splash the tea on the floor.

Angel landed on the floor, stomping his feet with anger.

Fluttershy glared at her bunny and flew over to him. "Angel, do you know who that is?", she asked the bunny.

Angel carelessly shrugged.

"That is Rainbow Dash's mom.", Fluttershy said. "I don't want you hurting her and embarrassing me in front of my friend." She flew over to the kitchen, grabbed a towel, and gave it to Windy. "I am so sorry, I just can't believe my bunny did that to you."

"Don't be, Fluttershy, it's okay.", Windy said, wiping the towel on her splashed face. It still burned after the tea got splashed in her face. "I need a bathroom. Where is it?"

"Upstairs.", Fluttershy said, pointing to the direction. Windy flew into the bathroom, turned on the facet, and splashed water in her face to cool the hot spots off. After a few more splashes of water in her face, she dried her face with the towel and left the bathroom.

"Are you ok, Mom?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash, I'm alright.", Windy said, walking down the stairs. At the last step, her right back hoof slipped on a bar of soap, slid across the living room and kitchen, and crashed into the refrigerator. At the very top of the fridge, Angel pushed a pot off the edge and the pot hit Windy at the top of her head. Stars flew around her head and her irises rolled around her eyes as she got a headache.

Angel hopped to the ground, fell on his back, and kicked his legs as he laughed.

Fluttershy slammed her front hooves on the floor in front of Angel, startling him. "You are really bumming me out, Angel!", she snapped. "Go sit in the corner!"

Rainbow Dash walked over to her mom and held out a hoof to help her up. Windy took her hoof and stood up on her hooves. Her hooves were a bit wobbly, but she stood steady as possible.

Angel drooped his ears and hung his head in sadness. He walked over to the corner in the living room and touched a wall with his forehead.

Fluttershy still gave him that glare. "I said sit in the corner.", she snarled.

Angel faced Fluttershy and dropped himself on his tail, feeling shame inside him.

"Good.", Fluttershy said, turning away from Angel to face her friend and her friend's mom. "So, now that that's taken care of, may I take you to my front yard to have you meet some of my animals?"

"I'd love to.", Windy said, following Fluttershy through her front door and to the front yard along with Rainbow Dash.

They arrived at the front yard. Fluttershy whistled a little tune to summon three of her bird friends. The first bird was red with a white belly, the second bird was magenta all over, and the third bird was a blue jay. Their feet were holding on tight to Fluttershy's skin, so they don't tip over and fall off. "Howard, Joey, Shawn, this is Windy Whistles.", she said.

The red bird was Howard, the magenta bird was Joey, and the blue bird was Shawn. The three birds turned their eyes to Windy. They flew over to her, the blue and magenta ones landed on her back and the red one landed on the top of her head. They took grip of Windy's fur gently, without trying to hurt her. The red one jumped a few inches closer to Windy's forehead. It reached out a wing to Windy's nose and moved it around with the feathers tickling the bridge and the edge.

Windy giggled and snorted as she felt the feathers from the wing tickle her nose. "Very ticklish.", she laughed.

The red bird stopped tickling the nose and flew over to Fluttershy's hoof when it was held out. "You tickled her nose, Howard.", she chirped.

The red bird chirped happily.

"Oh, Howard, that is so you.", Fluttershy squeaked.

"What did he say?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"He said that's how he tickles my nose.", Fluttershy said as the bird flew onto her head when she puts her hoof down. The bird did the same thing it did to Windy, reaching down to Fluttershy's face with a wing and tickling her nose. Fluttershy let out some soft giggles. The other two birds flew over and landed on her back as the tickling happened. They joined in, but instead of going for the nose, they went for the neck, because they're on her back and not on her head. Fluttershy's giggling turned into laughing, her hooves moving up and down, both of her hooves going in different directions.

Windy chuckled. "That is such an adorable moment I've seen with birds.", she chirped happily. She noticed a shadow shaped like a bear narrowing down on her. She turned around and saw a huge bear reaching down to her and taking her by hold in its arms. She screamed as it happened.

The scream made Fluttershy jump and the birds fly away. Rainbow Dash didn't even get scared, she knew that bear, she always knew that bear. And so did Fluttershy. The bear was Harry, the one and only bear that Fluttershy kept in her area all her life. Fluttershy calmed down. "Oh, don't worry, it's just Harry, my bear.", she said.

Windy was surprised. "This is your bear?", she asked.

Rainbow and Fluttershy nodded.

Windy thought she would just be nice to say 'hello' to the bear. "Um... Hello, big guy.", she said.

That greet made Harry smile. He began to lick Windy's face, drool escaped his tongue and went onto the grass and Windy's mane. Drool is gross, but somehow the licking made Windy laugh.

Rainbow chuckled. "Hehe. Looks like he likes you, Mom.", she said.

Windy wiped the drool that was about to get in her eyes. "This bear may be a sweetheart, but he IS very slobbery.", she said.

It is true, Harry does have a mouth that's really slobbery. Of course, he is an wild animal and wild animals are supposed to have slobbery mouths. Even when Windy said that about him, he did not care. After three more licks, he finally set Windy down on her hooves. Windy's mane was still covered in saliva, she shook her head and it flew off. Her mane was shiny clean once more. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Mr. Bear.", she said.

The bear nodded and walked away from the ponies. Just then, three beavers came, running from the bushes. There were two that were taller the other one. The small one was a few feet shorter. They ran up Windy's hooves and got comfortable on her back.

"Oh, hello, Mr. and Mrs. Beaverton Beaverty, and your little son, Benny.", Fluttershy said happily.

Rainbow Dash was worried. "Oh no.", she whimpered. Why was she worried about the beavers getting near her mom? Does her mom have a fear of beavers getting on her fur?

Fluttershy was concerned. "Oh no?", she repeated confusingly. "What do you mean, oh no? Are you superstitious? You shouldn't be. It's very rude to be-"

Right before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, Windy huffed in some air, which showed she was a about to sneeze. After the biggest huff she ever made, she let out a sneeze. She began to sneeze non-stop.

"Oh my, I guess that's why.", Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, can you please get those beavers off my mom, Fluttershy?", Rainbow Dash asked politely. "Because, my mom's allergic to beavers."

"Of course, Rainbow Dash.", Fluttershy said. "Thanks for being polite. Beavers, can you please get away from Windy, because she's allergic to you."

The beavers nodded, jumped off Windy's back, and ran off as fast as their little legs can carry them.

Rainbow Dash quickly covered up her mom's nostrils with a hoof, before she can take another sneeze. "Thanks for preventing my sneeze, Sweetie.", she said, smooching her daughter on the cheek.

Rainbow Dash smiled embarrassingly with a blush. "We should get going, I don't want you to risk getting near another animal that you're allergic to.", she said.

"Good idea.", Windy said.

"Fluttershy, we'll be-", Rainbow started, right when she spotted Angel at Fluttershy's front door. "Is he... okay?"

Angel wore a frown on his face and his ears were droopy. He looked down in shame. He wanted to go over to the three pegasi, but he was worried that Fluttershy might yell at him and force him to go back into the house or do something to punish him after what he did to Windy.

Fluttershy flew over to him, feeling concerned. "Angel, what's wrong?", she asked, looking at the poor bunny. It turns out she's still not mad at him.

Angel lifted his head with tears in eyes. His lower lip was quivering. Did he feel that bad of what he did to Windy?

Fluttershy saw the sad bunny's face and felt sorrow in her heart. "Oh, he looks like he feels bad of what he did to you, Windy.", she said. "He's saying, he's sorry." She picked him up with her hooves, brought him over to Rainbow Dash, and Windy and put him down on the ground.

Windy noticed the little bunny's face and made a loving smile. "Oh, it's ok, little guy.", she crooned, patting the bunny on the head.

Angel's sad face faded and his lips curled into a smile. He walked over to Windy's right front hoof, hugged it, and nuzzled his cheek into her fur.

Windy giggled as the bunny snuggled into her leg. "Alright, lets get going.", she said as the bunny broke the embrace on her hoof.

"See you later, Fluttershy.", Rainbow said as she and her mom flew off.

"Bye.", Fluttershy said, waving to her friend and her friend's mom. She yawned. "I need a nap."


Rainbow Dash and Windy stopped by Carousel Boutique, Rarity and Sweetie Belle's home. Rarity owned her shop in Ponyville for many years, she made tons of dresses and earned a lot of money for her property. She worked so hard for ponies to like her dresses, especially her friends. Not to mention, she did work her tail off to make them love the dresses she made for them one time. It was for the Grand Galloping Gala a few years back.

"Well, this is it, Carousel Boutique, the place where my friend, Rarity works on great dresses.", Rainbow Dash said, being descriptive as possible.

"Wow, your friend has everything.", Windy said.

"Yeah, she sure does.", Rainbow Dash said, entering the shop. She looked around to spot her friend measuring a dress. "Hey, Rarity."

Rarity turned and saw her friend entering her shop. "Rainbow Dash, it's so good to see you on this glorious day.", she said. "And who is this?"

"This is my mom.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Good afternoon, my name is Windy Whistles, and it's an honor to meet the best fashionista in Ponyville.", Windy said, shaking Rarity's hoof.

"Why thank you, I'm glad you know who I am.", Rarity said, separating her hoof from Windy's. "I must say, you nearly look like your daughter, but you don't have the same mane, tail, fur, eyes, and voice."

"Uh, Rarity?", Rainbow Dash asked. "I was wondering if my mom would like to try on one of your dresses."

"Oh.", Rarity said, smacking her forehead with a hoof. "Of course, come over to the dressing area and lets begin."

Windy walked over to the dressing area where it has a couple of mirrors, never expecting Rarity's cat, Opalescence to swat her claw at her.

Rarity gasped, feeling startled. She glared at her cat. "Opal, we do not attack customers!", she yelled disapprovingly. "You could've scratched her beautiful fur!" She opened her bedroom door and put her cat in there. "Stay in there!" She breathed deeply and turned back to Windy. "Sorry about that, Darling. Opal sometimes doesn't like new customers."

"Oh, it's perfectly alright.", Windy said. "So, what kind of dresses do you have?"

"I'll show you.", Rarity said. "But, first I have to take your measurements." She grabbed her tape-measure with her magic and wrapped it around Windy's midsection and hooves. The tape-measure gave a little bit of pressure on her hooves, not too tight at all. The tape-measure touched some of her ticklish spots on her midsection.

"Hahaha. It tickles. Hahaha.", Windy giggled.

"Well, if you would've hold still, then it wouldn't tickle as much.", Rarity said, writing down the measurements in her notepad. "I bring out dresses, don't move, I'll be right back." She zoomed into her closet and brought out three dresses she worn. The first dress was the one she wore at the Grand Galloping Gala long ago, it was darkish pink with gold stripes, it included a gold crown and glass slippers along with it. The second dress was the one she wore for Nightmare Night a few years back, it was her mermare costume, the tail was blue with purple fins and seashells on the sides in a line, the seashell bra was purple, it came with a seashell to put on the ear and seashell shoes for the front hooves. The third dress was the one she wore for Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding, the cape was bright blue, it had pink silk that was part of the cape, the headpiece had flowers on it, and it had a crystal for a chest piece. "So which dress would you like?"

Windy scratched her chin, thinking. She didn't know what to pick, they're all perfect. "I like the pink and gold dress, but the mermare costume is too perfect.", she said. She just couldn't take her eyes off the mermare costume, she loved the seashell part that Rarity puts beside her ear and the color of the tail. She made her final decision. "I'll just go with the mermare costume."

Rarity chuckled. "Okay.", she said. She picked up the dress with her magic and levitated it over Windy. She wrapped the tail part around the lower half of Windy's belly and strapped the bra to her chest. She then placed the seashell on her right ear and the seashell shoes on her hooves. She was done dressing Windy up.

Windy loved how she looked in the costume, she looks a lot like a mermare. The seashell does hold really tight on her ear, and the seashell shoes fit her hooves. "This is glamorous.", she chirped.

But, the costume wasn't enough to make her beautiful. She was thinking a little makeup to make her more beautiful. "You do look dazzling in that outfit.", Rarity said. "But, I think you need another thing to make you more beautiful."

"What's that?", Windy asked.

"Makeup for your face.", Rarity said, grabbing a tray of makeup tools and setting it beside her right front hoof. She turned back to Rainbow Dash. "Is that ok, Dash?"

Rainbow Dash nodded.

Rarity picked up a thin brush with small bristles with her magic and dipped in sparkly lapis blue eye shadow paint. "Let me put some lapis blue eye shadow on you to really bring out your eyes.", she said. "Close your eyes."

Windy closed her eyes, before Rarity brushed her eyelids with the sparkly lapis blue eye shadow paint on the bristles. "That looks stunning.", Rarity said as she put the brush down on the tray.

Windy opened her eyes and blinked a few times. "Lapis blue does go with the color of my fur.", she said. "What's next?"

"How about a dap of blush to make your cheeks rosy.", Rarity said, grabbing a blush puff ball from her bowl of blush puff balls and dabbed it on Windy's cheeks, making them bright pink.

"Looking good, Mom.", Rainbow Dash remarked.

"Maybe add some mascara for your eyelashes.", Rarity said, grabbing an eyelash brush, dipped it in lash paint, and brushed Windy's eyelashes.

"How much more are you going do?", Windy asked.

"Just two more things.", Rarity said, grabbing a bottle of hair gel with her magic and walked over to Windy with it. "Now, lets add some hair gel for your mane." She squeezed the bottle, causing some slime to get on Windy's mane. She then used a hoof to brush it in. Windy's mane was now shiny. "You don't want straight hairs ruining your look, do you?"

"No, perhaps not.", Windy said.

Rarity grabbed a red lipstick tube with her magic and levitated it over to Windy. "Now, for the final touch, lets add some lipstick. Pucker up."

Windy puckered her lips, before Rarity traced them with the lipstick. Her lips were red. Her makeup was complete.

Rarity grabbed a mirror with her magic and levitated it over to Windy, to let her look at herself. "What do you think, Darling?", she asked.

"Wow, Rarity.", Windy chuckled. "You did a great job on this." She glanced at every part of her face.

"Rarity.", a squeaky voice called. A White filly with a curly pink and lavender mane and a musical note on a shield resembling her cutie mark walked out. "Our picnic basket is still on the counter. You promised me that we would leave for our picnic two-" She gasped when she saw Windy in her dress and the makeup on her face.

Windy looked over at the filly. "Sweetie Belle.", she chirped.

Sweetie Belle walked over to the mysterious mare. "Mrs. Whistles, is that you?", she asked.

Windy nodded.

Sweetie Belle smiled happily and abruptly wrapped her arms around the mare's neck for a hug. "Oh my gosh!", she squeaked. "It's so good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too, little one.", Windy said, patting the small unicorn on the head.

"Wait.", Rarity protested. "Sweetie Belle, you know this mare?"

"Yeah.", Sweetie responded, nodding. "Scootaloo introduced me to her and Rainbow Dash's dad when we were in Cloudsdale."

"Well, it is nice seeing you for the second time.", Windy said.

"I got to say, Windy, you look quite lovely today.", Sweetie Belle complimented.

"Why thank you.", Windy chuckled, doing a pose that Rarity would do, lifting her chin up and closing her eyes and revealing her eye shadow.

"Hey, I should definitely take a picture of you in that look.", Sweetie Belle grabbing a camera from her picnic basket. She made perfect aim at Windy with the lens of the camera and took the picture. Rarity wanted to use that camera to take pictures while she and Sweetie Belle are at the picnic, pictures of her and Sweetie Belle next to trees and playing in the leaves. The picture came out of the camera and Sweetie Belle grabbed it to take a look at it. She approved it, she showed it to Windy.

Windy admired the picture. "I look so gorgeous in that picture.", she said. "You should send that to my husband."

"Yeah, I should.", Sweetie Belle said.

"Before me and Sweetie Belle go on our picnic, I'll go find Derpy and tell her to go to Cloudsdale and...", Rarity paused her sentence, she wasn't sure what the address is. "What is the address, Rainbow Dash?"

"Well, it's pretty hard to find, but I'm sure Derpy will know what my dad looks like.", Rainbow Dash said. "She's a pegasus after all."

"Well, what does your dad look like, Rainbow Dash?", Sweetie Belle asked.

"My dad has blue fur, a rainbow mane and tail just like I have, but the mane of a stallion, and he wears a white shirt with a blue plaid shirt over it.", Rainbow Dash said, making the best description of her dad as possible.

"Got it, Rainbow.", Rarity said, grabbing an envelope from her cabinets and putting the picture in it. She grabbed a quill, dipped it in ink, and wrote Windy's name on the back.

Rainbow Dash gave her mom and satisfied smile. "Well then, since I introduced you to all my friends, can I take you to the sky to rest on a cloud?", she asked. "That's what I do often."

"Sure, Dashie.", Windy chuckled. "But, I need to take off this dress and get this makeup off my face. Is there a bathroom?"

"I'll take you to a public bathroom and you'll take that off while you're there.", Rainbow Dash said. "But, we must be sure to return the dress to Rarity as soon as you take it off." She and her mom headed toward the door. "Bye, Rarity."

"Toodaloo.", Rarity said.

The two pegasi left the shop.


"Are done yet?", Rainbow Dash asked, groaning and leaning against the wall of the bathroom building.

Windy was taking off the mermare costume and removed all of the makeup from her face. "Stop worrying, I'm about to come out.", she said. She walked out of the bathroom with the whole costume hanging on her left front hoof and the shoes and ear piece being held by her left wing. Every part of her makeup was gone. "Now that I have this costume off, I can return it to Rarity."

"Actually, I think I should give the dress back to Rarity.", Rainbow Dash said, holding out her hoof and wing to take each part of the costume.

Before she could take the stuff, a shot of magic flew into Windy's fur, turning it green as grass. Windy screamed with terror as she dropped the costume. "MY FUR IS GREEN!", she whaled.

Starlight Glimmer came running over to the two pegasi. "Oh my gosh!", she gasped. "Rainbow Dash, I am so sorry, I didn't see your friend there!"

"Starlight, change her fur back to normal, she can't be like this!", Rainbow Dash shouted, worried.

Starlight lit her horn and shot magic at Windy's fur, changing her fur back to bright blue. "There we go.", she said.

Windy's panic drifted away and made a wide smile of joy. "Thank you so much, I would hate to lose my beautiful blue fur.", she beamed. "I say, you must be friend of my daughter's."

Starlight was surprised. "Daughter?", she asked. "Did you say 'daughter'?"

Windy nodded. "My name is Windy Whistles, Rainbow Dash's mom.", she said, introducing herself to Starlight.

"Oh, I want to be rude in a descriptive way, but you are kind of young, so I thought you'd be one of Rainbow Dash's friends.", Starlight said. "Anyways, I'm Starlight Glimmer, one of your daughter's friends."

Windy made a frown and squinted in her eyes. She took a close look at Starlight. "My daughter has mentioned you before.", she said, stroking her chin with a hoof. "Aren't you that evil pony that stole my daughter's CUTIE MARK!?" Her curious tone turned into an angry tone, she sounded like she was going to punch Starlight in the face as payback for stealing Rainbow Dash's cutie mark.

Rainbow Dash gasped. She never seen her mom so angry before. She did tell her that she went on a mission where it included a scene where her cutie mark got stolen by Starlight, but she didn't think she'd be that strict. She wanted to protest her mom, but she was too nervous and hesitant.

Starlight stepped away from Windy in fear. "W-Well, y-yeah, b-but that's all in... in...", she stammered.

Windy laughed. "I'm just joking, and you're right, that's just in the past, you have moved on from that.", she said. "Anyways, my daughter and I are on our way to rest on a cloud."

Rainbow Dash found the costume on the ground near her mom's hooves. "Wait a minute.", she protested. "What about the costume?"

"I'll take it for you.", Starlight said, taking the costume with her magic. "You two enjoy your relaxing time."

"Thanks for that, Starlight.", Rainbow Dash said, smiling.

"Anytime, Rainbow.", Starlight said. "But, I must hurry, I'm supposed to be going to the Changeling Kingdom with Trixie to see Thorax."

"You're going to see the changelings?", Windy asked, raising an eyebrow. She knew changelings were heartless monsters. She wondered why Starlight would visit. "Hold on a second, I thought changelings were heartless and evil."

"Mom, we know that they're heartless, but they're harmless now.", Rainbow Dash said. "Chrysalis is the only one who's heartless and dangerous."

"You mean you and the gang made her minions turn against her?", Windy asked.

"Oh, she didn't defeat Chrysalis, I did.", Starlight said. "The changelings kidnapped her and knocked her out along with the rest of the gang. Plus, they didn't hear anything while she was out."

"And she got rewarded for that.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Well then, good job for that.", Windy said.

"Thank you.", Starlight said. "Anyways, now if you'll excuse me I need to return this costume to Rarity. Take care you two." Her horn lit up and she disappeared in a flash of magic.

Windy's eyes widened in surprise. "Huh, where did she go?", she asked.

"Spell of teleportation.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, pretty impressive.", Windy said. "Anyways, lets go find a big cloud that has enough room for the both of us, shall we?"

The two pegasi flew into the air. They looked around for a cloud that's big enough for the both of them. Rainbow Dash has slept on many clouds before, but some of the clouds were nearly the size of her. So, this time she and her mom are going to find a spot in the sky where it's completely peaceful, with no noise to bother them. Well, one time she slept on a tree branch near Ponyville and she heard noises that totally kept her from sleeping. Finally, they saw a cloud that was like the size of Fluttershy's cottage. They flew over and safely landed on it, it felt so soft like a big marshmallow or, even better, a big group of marshmallows. In fact, clouds are made out of water, so if you connect a marshmallow to water, then it would be a mushy marshmallow and it will taste very bad.

Windy laid down on her back against the cloud, it felt so nice and heavenly. She closed her eyes and made a satisfied sigh of relaxation. She always wanted to rest on a cloud, now it's a dream come true. "This feels so relaxing.", she said, putting her front hooves behind her head. "Now I know how it feels when you're on a cloud. Have you tried cuddling with somepony while you're on a cloud?"

"Sometimes I do.", Rainbow Dash said, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof. "Only Scootaloo. Whenever I see her feeling down in the dumps, I just bring her up to a cloud and we cuddle together."

Windy sat up. "Figures.", she said. "You and Scootaloo do make great sisters."

"Yeah, she's been looking up to me since day one.", Rainbow Dash said. "Even though she's not my real sister, I just treat her like one."

"Point taken, her fur isn't like yours.", Windy said. "You know, she's orange and you're blue."

"Yeah, no kidding.", Rainbow Dash said. She looked down below, making sure Scootaloo wasn't around to hear what she and her mom are saying about her. "Just making sure she's not around to hear what we're talking about."

"Oh, actually, she's here.", Windy said, smirking.

"Huh?", Rainbow Dash asked. "What are you talking about?"

Windy snuck behind Rainbow Dash. "She's right... here!", she squeaked joyfully, poking her daughter's back in a teasing way.

Rainbow Dash yelped. She rubbed her back, blushing. "Oh, you're so going to get it.", she snorted playfully.

"And you're going to get it now.", Windy said, pouncing on Rainbow Dash. She held her front hooves down with her's, while she used her wings to tickle her sides.

Rainbow Dash laughed hysterically as she felt the feathers of her mom's wings stroke her sides. This brought back a little memory when she was a filly, that moment doesn't happen often, her parents loved to tickle her. As a matter of fact, she loved being tickled as a filly. They used to go on a picnic every Saturday, they bring a rope along them, they use it to tie her hind hooves and hang her on a tree branch, her mom would use her wings to tickle left side and her dad would use his hooves to tickle her right side.

"Coochie Coochie Coo.", Windy giggled cutely as she continued.

"Mom, stop!", Rainbow Dash squealed, laughing. "Stop tickling me!"

"Are you sure?", Windy teased. "You seem like you're enjoying this."

"Yes, please stop!", Rainbow Dash laughed, trying to get out of her mom's tickling wrath.

"Ok.", Windy sighed, smiling warmly and getting off her daughter. "I haven't tickled you since you were a filly."

Rainbow Dash sat up, catching her breath and rubbing her right side with a hoof. "How would you like if I tickle you?" She grabbed her mom by the shoulders, held her down with her left hoof on her chest, and tickled her belly with the other.

"Ahhhh, Dashie - hahaha - tickle torturing me! Hahahaha.", Windy laughed, doing nothing, but keeping herself laid down on the cloud and letting her daughter tickle her. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms while laughing.

"How do you like it, huh?", Rainbow Dash taunted.

"Hahahahahahaha! I can't breathe!", Windy laughed.

Rainbow Dash stopped, letting her mom breathe. "I've been waiting to do that to you since I was small.", she laughed.

Windy sat up. "Yeah, you got me that time.", she said with a blush rising to her cheeks. "I haven't laughed that hard in a while."

"In fact, I've never seen you laugh that loud.", Rainbow Dash said, scooting over to her mom's side. "You know, that brought back some memories when we go on picnics, you and Dad would bring that rope just to tie me up and tickle me."

"Oh, most definitely.", Windy agreed. "Your father and I loved having picnics with you when you were little. After we eat, we would take you to a tree, tie up your little hooves, hang you on a branch, and then the tickling starts."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Yeah, I was a ticklish little filly back in the day.", she said. "I was that I would go back in time and see those moments."

Windy's smile turned into a little frown, she looked down with sadness. She missed all those moments, after she pictured the moments in her mind, her eyes started to tear up.

Rainbow Dash turned and saw her mom's sad face. "Hey, are you crying?", she asked, noticing a tear in her right eye.

"Oh, Dashie.", Windy whimpered, as a tear rolled down her right cheek. "I missed you when you were a filly. All those moments that we had together when you were little, I missed them so much. I know you're not that kind of pony anymore, but when I look at you, it reminds me of that one filly that blue fur, rosy magenta eyes, a rainbow mane and tail, and those awesome wings. That was my favorite part of you. I... I just..." She threw her arms around her daughter's neck and sobbed into her shoulder. "I don't want it to leave!"

Rainbow Dash returned the embrace and stroked her mom's back. "Mom, it's ok.", she said, making her hug a bit tighter. "That filly side of me, it's still here. I know how much you loved me as a filly, but I promise you, I'll always be your little filly."

Windy broke the embrace, dried off her face, and her smile returned to her face. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash.", she said. "I love you."

Rainbow Dash giggled with a blush on her face. "I love you too, Mom.", she said, as she leaned over and smooched her mom's cheek. She yawned and leaned back into the cloud. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to... get some... shuteye." She drifted off to sleep.

Windy smiled at Rainbow Dash's adorable display. She laid down on the cloud and snuggled against her daughter. She said a few final words before she enters the world of sleep. "Sleep tight, my little angel."