Love is Stronger Than Chaos

by fluttercordlover232

First published

Did Fluttershy and Discord trespass into the human world? Or did the humans trespass into Equestria?

Did Fluttershy and Discord trespass into the human world? Or did the humans trespass into Equestria?

When human scientists discover Discord and Fluttershy, they take them back to a lab for testing to learn all about this new "species" they've discovered. How will the two lovers escape without endangering the lives of the rest of the citizens of Equestria?

WARNING: The following story contains a Discord OCish character. In other words, the author of this story allows Discord to be captured by humans. So please keep all angry and hatred comments about him getting captured, how he is an undefeatable all powerful being, and the like, to yourselves please.

Chapter 1

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"Fluttershy come on! That little furball has enough blueberries to last him a millennium! Some of the berries are practically rolling off your basket; it's so full!"

Fluttershy rolled her eyes, she and Discord were in the Whitetail Wood picking fresh blueberries for Angel Bunny.

"It's not that full Discord, and besides, Angel is very picky and only likes a certain number of berries. Otherwise he'll throw a fit that even I can't stop. I only have a few more blueberries to pick and then we can go." Fluttershy didn't tell him that she had picked a few extra for herself, as he would've complained more; but as of late she's been having a strange craving for them...

She heard him groan in protest and she rolled her eyes again. Even after months of being married to the draconequus her life hasn't gotten any easier, but it has made her life much more exciting. She couldn't be happier.

Fluttershy looked over to said draconequus and saw him standing not too far behind her with his arms crossed and pout on his face. Fluttershy could not help but laugh at the adorable pout he displayed.

"What's so funny?" Discord asked, annoyance clearly evident in his voice.

Fluttershy stifled a giggle. "Nothing."

Discord glared at his wife and raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but didn't say anything.

Little did either of them know that their lives were about to become much more exciting... and so much more chaotic...

Two men were walking down a dirt path, each with a rifle strapped to their backs. They were dressed in camo, and both looked to be in their mid to late thirties.

"I've never been in these woods before, and that's really saying something! I've been all over the world poaching and hunting every animal species known to humankind and know all the forests and woods I have been into by memory. I'm ashamed to say I don't know this one, do you?" He looked over to his hunting companion.

"Can't say that I do, Brett. I ain't familiar with all them forests like you are, but I know enough to know I haven't been in this one."

"What's this place called again Gunner?"

"The sign said 'Whitetail Wood'. I'm guessin' it got it's name from the many whitetail deer that live here." Gunner said, and he wasn't wrong about that statement, they've only been walking in the woods for a few minutes and they've already seen at least six deer cross their line of vision.

"Ain't nothin' like good ol' deer, wouldn't ya say Brett?"

"Yep." Brett said with a simple nod of his head.

"Let's go find a decently clear spot an' set up gear. As the old saying' goes, 'To hunt successfully you must know your ground,' and in order to know your ground, ya' gotta' see the ground. We can't see the ground if it's covered with bushes and whatnot."

"But Gunner, the bushes are helpful when it comes to hiding, especially if the animal sees us. Plus, we blend in better with the bushes and trees. That's why we wear forest colored cameo. Come on man, I know you are not as big of a hunter as I am, but that is common knowledge. Even non-hunters know that! That being said, that same quote also says 'To know your quarry.' If we have learned anything in our hunting experience, we know that all game, big or small, run for the hills if they see or so much as smell us. That is why we mask our scent with deer urine. In order to hunt successfully we have to know what causes our prey or quarry to stay around long enough for us to give the killing shot. Thus, winning the game...Ha! Get it? Game?" Brett shook with laughter at his own joke. "That was an unintentional joke, which makes it even funnier!" He laughed harder.

"Ha ha yes yer so funny, everyone knows yer so brilliant!" He said quickly and sarcastically as he rolled eyes. "But yer correct on that part. I at least want to find a spot that is not totally blocking my view. Got any complaints about that?" He narrowed his eyes at Brett.

Brett wiped away the tears that formed in his eyes from laughing so hard. He bit back another laugh the look his friend was giving him caused. "Nope, no complaints here."

"Good. Now follow me."

Chapter 2

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"Alright, just five more berries." Fluttershy said as she trotted over to the next blueberry bush and carefully began picking berries with her teeth and dropping them in her basket.

Discord sighed in frustration, just as he was about to snap his fingers to pick the blueberries for her to move things along, his ear twitched when he heard a small sound in the distance. With such advanced hearing, he can tell what creatures make what sounds. For whatever reason, he could not seem to identify this particular creature or creatures that made that tiny sound. Discord did not know whether to feel concerned or not, but after a few minutes of looking around and having his ears perked to attention to pick up the slightest of noise, he did not hear anything remotely similar to the noise he heard originally, so he brushed it off as nothing.

"Would you be quiet?! You're scaring everything away!" Brett whispered fiercely, glaring behind him at Gunner.

"We haven't even spotted anythin' yet Brett."

"Exactly! Because you frightened them all off!"

Before Gunner could say anything else, Brett held his arm out for Gunner to stop. "Shh, I think I hear something..."

They both stood still for a moment, listening closely for any sound that might indicate that an animal might be near.

Then they heard what sounded like…voices? They could not make out what they were saying, but they were definitely voices. Brett looked quizzically at Gunner.

"There are more people here?

Gunner only shrugged. "Sounds like it. Let's go see if they know of any good huntin' spots in these here woods."

No more words were exchanged as they marched through the undergrowth toward the sound of the voices.

Chapter 3

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Discord was sure he had heard it again. He perked his ears to attention one more, concentrating on nothing but the wooded area around him. His head moved in sync with his eyes as he scanned the distance around him and Fluttershy.

He heard a twig snap and he swung his head in that direction. This sound was closer to them than the last one had been, but Discord still couldn't see anything.

"There, that's the last one. Now we can go home Discord… Discord?" Fluttershy looked at her husband and noticed that he wasn't paying any attention to her.

He heard the crunching of leaves, louder and closer than ever before.

"Do you hear that?" He whispered to her.

"No, hear what?"

It was then that Discord realized that he was the only one who could hear it, he could see and hear things at a much farther distance than regular ponies could, and unfortunately, Fluttershy fell under that category.

All of a sudden, Discord saw a tall bush begin to rattle and shake. He started to get a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach at the way the bush was being disturbed..

"I think we should leave." Discord leaned down and whispered into his wife's ear.

Fluttershy became annoyed then. "I'm aware Discord, you have made your opinion on the matter perfectly clear since we got here. I finished picking all the blueberries so..

"No not about that!" Discord hissed softly, "Listen.."

Brett peeked over the tall bush that was blocking their path. When he looked over the top, his eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"What the hell is that!?" He whispered fiercely, his gaze still fixed on whatever was on the other side.

"What? What is it?" Gunner came up to stand next to Brett.

"That's the thing, I don't know what it is! I'm familiar with almost all the animal species but have never seen nor heard of these creatures before!"

"Here, let me see."

Brett pushed the top of the bush down a bit to make room for the other man to see out as well.

What the two men were seeing was a draconequus... and a pegasus...

Chapter 4

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"Hold on a minute..these creatures are actually talking! Like…legitimate talking with verbal words! English words that we can understand!!!" Gunner gasped. "Please tell me I'm just dreamin'?"

"If you are, then I'm having the same dream." Brett said.

"Well, dreamin' or not, I'm not gonna miss this opportunity." Gunner grabbed the rifle from behind his back and loaded it. With a steady hand, he carefully aimed at the pair, trying to aim it perfectly…

"What the hell are you doing!?" Brett pushed the gun down so it was pointing at the ground. "We can't shoot them!"

Gunner's face was full of rage. Brett just ruined his perfect shot! The creatures were going to get away and he would lose his chance forever! "And why the hell not?"

"Think of all the money we could make off of them! All the fame and fortune we will get from discovering a new species?! We could be rich!" Brett exclaimed.

Gunner looked thoughtful."Yeah, yeah yer right!" he said with a wicked grin.

"Yeah I am!" Brett beamed, "You stay here, and I'll go back to the truck and get the net gun. I usually just leave it in the back of the truck because we usually just shoot and kill, but this is a special occasion. Just keep watch and make sure they don't leave."

"What do I do if they try?"

"I don't know, just shoot them in the leg or arm. It won't kill them but it will keep them grounded long enough for me to get back and trap them." Brett gave Gunner an encouraging pat on the back before hurrying out of the woods.

Fluttershy paid close attention to the sounds around her. Her husband was so sure that he heard something that could pose a threat to them. At first, she thought he was just being paranoid, but when she looked at him, there was a sense of urgency in his eyes and and in his voice that made her gulp with nervousness.

She heard leaves rustle, but nothing about the sound made her feel uneasy like it did with Discord.

"I don't understand Discord, what's-"

"Shh!" Discord interupted, putting a finger to his lips.

"Please love, just trust me ok? I can't explain it, but I just feel like somepony is watching us. Let's just go." He whispered.

Fluttershy nodded and with her mouth, picked up the basket of blueberries from where it was resting on the ground beside her. She nodded to Discord to confirm that she was ready to go.

With a nod of his own, Discord flapped his tiny mismatched wings and took off into the sky, with Fluttershy coming up to fly beside him.

Discord smiled and chuckled softly at how adorable Fluttershy looked while holding the basket of blueberries in her mouth.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang and the basket and it's contents flew through the air, showering blueberries everywhere.

At the same time, Fluttershy was falling lifelessly from the sky.


Chapter 5

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Discord dove after her with his arms stretched wide, desperate to catch her before she hit the ground.

Mere inches before she hit the ground, Discord caught her in one fell swoop and laid her gently on the soft green grass.

"Fluttershy?" He softly whispered.

It was then that Discord noticed her back leg. Her once velvet, soft yellow fur had become red and sticky with blood.

He quickly put two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt it.

Fluttershy regained consciousness and groaned softly in pain.

"D-Dis..cord.." she barely whispered.

"Hush my dear." He said gently. "Lie still, I'll heal you."

Discord held his paw over her injured leg and his paw glowed with his magic, and with tender care, began to heal her.

Gunner was hiding behind some bushes and watched with disbelief, and at the same time amazement, as he watched the scene unfold before his very eyes.

After he shot the yellow winged horse in the leg, the tall and quite frankly, freakishly long creature was instantly at her side and was healing her... with magic...

"That creature has... powers..." he whispered so softly that even he could hardly hear himself.

He was watching the taller creature help his companion up when he heard footsteps approaching. He turned around to see Brett pushing his way out of the brush and made his way toward Gunner. The net gun in his hands.

"Alright, I got the gun. Did you have to shoot?"

"Yes I did... but..."

Brett's face dropped. "They still got away?"

"N-no, not exactly.." Gunner stammered. "The taller creature has magical powers."

Brett had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing out loud.

"Yeah right." he said sarcastically, "What are you a five year old girl? There's no such thing as magic, or powers."

"There was no such thing as these creatures, but look in front of ya." Gunner rebutted.

Brett looked thoughtful for a minute, as if considering what Gunner had said.

"This is different. We didn't know these creatures existed, but we know magic does not." Brett finally said.

"What are we doing standing around chit chatting? We've got some money to make!" Brett exclaimed.

Chapter 6

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As quickly and as silently as they possibly could, they made their way toward the pair, hiding behind trees as they got closer. The net gun held tightly against Brett's chest.

He held his finger over the trigger, prepared to shoot as soon as he got close enough...

"Are you okay my love?" he asked as he embraced her in a hug.

She nodded against his chest. "I am now. What happened?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore as long as you're alright." Discord tilted her chin up and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.

Discord had been so distracted with healing Fluttershy that he did not notice the two hunters coming within shooting range…

Just as Discord released her and stood up to his full hight, he was immediately knocked back down to the ground by an unknown force that instantly wrapped around his long, almost serpent-like body, trapping him.


Instinct took over and he started to writhe around violently on the ground like a fish out of water, trying to get free. But to no avail.

"Discord!" Fluttershy yelled in fear.

"Ha ha! We got them! I didn't think it would be that easy! I can already smell all the money!" Brett exclaimed victoriously.

"Discord what's happening?!"

There was so much fear in his wife's voice that it snapped Discord back to reality.

"It'll be okay honey! Hold on! I'm coming!" Discord snapped his fingers and in an instant he was out of the net. At the same time, he had used his magic to teleport Fluttershy out of hers as well. As soon as she was free, Fluttershy ran to Discord, who wrapped her in a protective hug while she sobbed into his shoulder.

"What?!?!" Brett shouted in disbelief. "You weren't lying Gunner! That creature really does have powers! This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought..."

He could not concentrate on his magic to teleport them out of there, his only concern at the moment was keeping Fluttershy safe. Discord got down on all fours and stood in front of Fluttershy protectively, shielding her body with his own against any harm these new enemies might bring upon her.

"Stay away from her!" He snarled as his tail wrapped protectively around her shaking form.

Brett only smirked at the display before him. He gave a curt nod and all of a sudden, Discord was encased in blackness...

Chapter 7

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He could hear her voice through the thickness of the black void he was in, but she did not sound too far away.

Brett snapped his fingers, as an idea just came to him. "We cannot risk the beast using it's magic to escape and to free the other one! It can't use it's magic if it doesn't have the energy…or if it's not conscious…Knock it out!"

Before Discord could fully process what was happening, he felt something hit him in the back of his head. He saw stars, until a blackness darker and deeper than the one he was already in enveloped the stars and quickly took over the rest of his vision.

The two elated hunters hauled the burlap sacks containing their keys to fortune into the truck bed of their pickup truck. They closed the tailgate and got into the car. Brett placed his keys in the ignition, and the engine roared to life.

"I'll call the Museum of Natural History." Gunner pulled out his smart phone and started dialing. "They'll want to know about this."

"Good idea."

Gunner put the phone on speaker. It wasn't until they were back on the main road when the phone stopped ringing.

"Museum of Natural History, how can I help you?"

Discord groaned as he opened his eyes. There was a small throbbing in the back of his head, but he ignored it.

Everything came back to him in a rush, and he became angry at himself for not teleporting himself and Fluttershy out of Whitetail Wood not just when the...whatever they were...approached them, but if he had teleported themselves at the very beginning when he first felt the impending danger, this whole thing would never had happened.

His first instinct was to protect Fluttershy at any or all cost, and he had failed.

It was Discord's own fault that Fluttershy was in danger.

He growled to himself as he unsheathed his claws and started tearing at the blackness around him. Afraid he would put Fluttershy in more danger if the...things...saw him using magic again.

Discord crawled out once he tore a big enough rip in what he now realized was some sort sack made out of some kind of thick, heavy fabric. He stood on all fours as he took in his surroundings to better assess his escape.

He was standing on a large metal platform that seemed to be moving from underneath his paws. When he looked beyond the platform, he could see they were speedily going down a smooth, grey, path.

He immediately went over to the other sack which he assumed held Fluttershy in it as well. When he was in front of it, he leaned his head close to it so he could speak to the pony inside.

"Fluttershy? Are you in there sweetheart?" He said loudly, as the platform made a lot of noise as it moved.

"Discord!? Oh you don't know how happy I am to hear your voice! Please! Get me out of here! I'm scared!"

"I know my darling, I know. Get as far back as you can, I'll be using my claws."

Discord unsheathed his claws once again, and in one quick motion, ripped it big enough for Fluttershy to crawl through.

"Great, Thank you!"

Brett said as Gunner ended the call. Great big smiles were plastered on both of their faces.

"They have agreed to meet with us! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we show them what we've found! I'm ninety-nine percent positive they have never seen these before!" Brett took his hands off the wheel and rubbed them deliciously.

However, just as Brett put his hands back on the wheel and turned his attention back on the road, something in the rear-view mirror caught his attention. He adjusted the mirror slightly and to his horror, saw the long, mismatched beast, help the yellow winged horse out of the burlap sack.

"Crap! they got out!" Brett slammed his foot on the brake, immediately jolting the vehicle to a stop.

Chapter 8

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Just as Discord helped Fluttershy out of the sack and onto her hooves, the platform from underneath them came to an abrupt halt, causing both of them to lose their balance and crash into the side of the platform.

Discord shook his head to rid himself of the dizziness he was feeling from his fall and looked over at Fluttershy, who had been knocked unconscious when her head had banged against the cold, hard, side.

Standing on all fours, he stumbled to her side, still feeling a little dizzy from hitting his head.


Just before he tried to rouse her, Discord saw their two assailants approach them from around the side of the platform. Angry and irritated expressions were on their faces as they kept their cold and icy gazes fixed on Discord.

Discord however, was not about to make the same mistake twice. He wasted no time and immediately stood over Fluttershy in a protective manner. He then raised his eagle talon positioned to snap..

"NOO!" Brett cried out and immediately took his rifle, but Discord was prepared this time, and just when he was about to snap his fingers to turn the weapon into a giant marshmellow... the draconequus was hit in the back of the head. Very hard. Instantly knocking him out cold.

Brett smiled in satisfaction and relief as he watched the beast crumple from his hit and fall on top of the yellow winged horse. Blood gushed on the back of its oddly shaped head from where the butt of this gun had made contact with his skull.

"Did ya just kill him!?" Gunner glared at his friend with shock and anger.

Brett just scoffed. "No I did not, he's still breathin'. Besides, I hit it hard enough where it should be out for a good long while." He started to walk back to the drivers side of the truck. He opened the door and looked back at Gunner.

"I ain't takin any chances with these two though, I need you to sit in the trunk with em' and if any of them wake up I want you knock them out instantly. I DO NOT want any of them to have the chance escape."

Chapter 9

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Discord's eyes fluttered open and he groaned. The once small pain in the back of his head had become excruciatingly unbearable. He tried to sit up from where he was lying on the ground, but found the task to painful. His paw and claw gave out under him and he fell back onto the floor.

Wait…floor? He wasn't lying on the forest floor like he had originally thought…but a cold, hard, white colored floor instead.

Discord tried to make out everything around him from where he was lying. He could see that he was in a fairly large room. It was void of any furniture really, and along with the floor, the walls and ceiling of the room were white as well.

However, he immediately took notice that Fluttershy was not in the room with him, and panic instantly arose within him.

"Fluttershy…" he weakly called out.

As he continued to scan the room, his eyes fell on a tall glass window in the far corner. He forced himself up onto all fours and slowly walked to it. The pain in his head crashing in him like huge waves on a beach.

He finally approached the tall glass window and peered through it, his eyes fell on his wife, who had her hooves tucked underneath her and looking very frightened. Discord managed to summon enough energy and teleported to her side.

"Darling! Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Instead of answering him, Fluttershy immediately stood up and ran to him. The speed of it almost knocked Discord over.

He felt her tears start to rapidly soak his shoulder fur and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Still holding her in his arms, he sat down on his haunches. She was so upset she didn't even look up when he moved.

Discord put his paw on the back of her head and started to soothingly rub her back.

He longed more than anything to snap his fingers and take them home, but there was one big problem with that..

As much as he liked to believe his magic could do anything he wanted it to, that was sadly not the case. All magic had limitations, and his was no exception. His magic's limits showed in teleportation. It depended a lot both his physical and mentally strength. His strength and energy was a lot like a battery, the less energy a battery had, the shorter amount of time it will work.

So the less energy he had, the shorter the distance he could teleport. And the more energy he had, the farther the distance he could travel.

"Fluttershy, I've a feeling we're not in Equestria anymore." Discord said dramatically.

Fluttershy looked up at him through her tears and gave him a hard glare.

"Sorry, bad time to joke."

Even through her tears, he could see the tiniest glint of amusement in her eyes.

Unfortunatly, any amount of amusement that were in her eyes had died, and was replaced by fear and concern when Fluttershy pulled her hoof away from where it was around his neck and saw his blood.

"Dis-Discord..You're hurt!"

She got out of his hold and walked behind him.

"Sweet Celestia!! Discord what happened!?" she gasped, as she tried to examine his injury without hurting him.

"It doesn't matter now…"

"It most certainly DOES matter!" Fluttershy said angrily. "Heal yourself this instant!" she demanded as she stomped her hoof down.

Discord lightly chuckled to himself, his wife was always cutest whenever she got mad. Especially if her anger was directed at him in some way.

Chapter 10

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He complied to her request and snapped his claws, making his injury no more, as if it wasn't even there to begin with.

Fluttershy smiled and visibly relaxed. Discord smiled back at her and standing up on two feet once again, walked up to her side.

"Now my dear, what do you say we finally go home?" He picked her up and pulled her against his chest in an embrace. Fluttershy sighed happily as she wrapped her hooves around his neck and nuzzled him affectionately under his chin.

"Nothing would make me happier my love." She reached up until her lips found his and kissed him sweetly.

Discord instantly welcomed her kiss as he growled seductively. His claw burying itself within her luscious pink strands and gently gripping the back of her scalp to hold her still to him. After a minute he pulled his lips away from hers and looked down at her lovely face. With a tender claw, he moved a strand of delicate pink hair that had fallen over her face and tucked it behind her ear. His eagle claw lingering on her cheek as he gently caressed it there. Fluttershy could not help but lean into his touch and nuzzle it affectionately. Discord's heart warmed at the gesture.

Unfortunatly, their sweet reunion was short lived. For out of nowhere, they were suddenly sperated from each other as they were thrown to the ground.

They had both been so lost with each other that they were completely oblivious to the fact that the automatic door that lead into the room had opened and that several scientists came rushing through. Throwing themselves on top of the creatures and pinning them down on the floor, trying to hold them still.

Altogether, there were about eight scientists. Three of them held down Fluttershy, while five held down Discord. They were warned of this particular creature's violent behavior when the two hunters had brought them in.

"Quick! Hold down his paw and claw! That's where he can release his powers! We can't have that!" One of them shouted over the struggling draconequus.

Discord felt his hands being pulled, stretched, and being dug into the cold hard floor.

Discord felt sharp, but small pricks all over his body. One prick in each different species part that made up his entire body. From through the thick scales on his tail, to the soft fur on his neck and shoulder.

He saw Fluttershy struggling against her captors. Her wings pulled and held tightly to keep her from flying off as they too, pricked her delicate skin with what looked like...needles!

But then, he saw something that made his blood run cold...

One of the scientists who was the closest to Fluttershy's head, saw something that sparkled around her neck.

He reached up and pulled something off from around her neck. When he was sure he had it safely in his hand, he opened his fingers and stared down in complete and utter shock.

What he held in the palm of his hand, was the necklace that contained Fluttershy's wedding ring...

Chapter 11

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The scientist continued to stare down at it in awe. His eyes went to the draconequus and he almost immediately saw the familiar gold band around one of his fingers on his lion paw.

These creatures weren't just mates...they were actually married! Legally, legitimately, like with a whole ceremony...married!

All of a sudden, he bursted into laughter.

"These cre...these creatures are actually married!" He said through his laughter.

The other scientists stared at him as if he lost his mind. That was, until he held up the necklace with the ring attached.

Discord’s eyes constricted into slits of anger at seeing his wife’s ring in the dangerous clutches of his new enemy..

All the color drained from Fluttershy's face when she saw her necklace in the tight grasp of one of her captors. She didn't even feel it being removed...

She looked at Discord. Along with the tears dripping down her cheeks, there was deep shame and regret showing on her features at letting them not only steal it, but from letting them steal it easily from her. She hadn't even put up a fight...

"It's not your fault Fluttershy." Discord tried to reassure her.

One scientist who had been helping to hold Fluttershy down stood up. He held two long needles that contained...blood! Fluttershy's blood!

Then, two scientists who were holding down Discord stood up as well, also carrying needles, but filled with his own blood.

The three of them briskly walked out of the room. Which left three of them holding Discord and two holding Fluttershy. Discord was about to roar in frustration, when an idea struck him.

They did not know about his tail!

They had no idea that he could also use his tail the same way he could use his lion paw and eagle claw to cast spells!

As discretly as he could, he snapped his tail tuft. With a flash, The remaining scientists have become frozen inside different large colored cubes of jello! Discord stood up and walked over to the one trapped in the green cube of jello. He stopped in front of it and glared menacingly at the being inside, and without any words, reached in and snatched the necklace from where it was still being held out proudly.

With the necklace held firmly in his eagle claw, he pulled his arm out and popped some off excess jello that had been pulled out into his mouth.

"Want some?" He asked her, holding out a small cube of wiggling green jello in his paw.

"No thank you." Fluttershy quietly replied.

Discord shrugged and popped the jello into his mouth.

He snapped his fingers to fix the chain of her necklace, which had broken when it had been yanked off her neck. He held out the now repaired necklace and gently placed it over her head until the ring was once again resting on her neck.

"Thank you Discord." She said softly.

"Of course, my love." He gave her a small kiss on the lips.

Discord noticed the small round welts that the needles have left behind on her precious yellow coat. He instantly snapped them away.

High above the room where Discord and Flutterhshy were being kept, was an observation room where a few other scientists looked through a long glass window to see down into the room the two creatures occupied. Their mouths agape from what they just witnessed.

"Did you just see that!? That freak of a creature just turned them into..." He squinted to make sure. "Into jello!" he confirmed.

"It could escape any moment! This discovery is too important to have that happen! Call every person in this building on deck! We need to do anything, and I mean anything to keep it here!" The other scientist standing next to him exclaimed. "Whether we need to chain him up or weaken it to the point where it can't use it's powers, we will need every mind and every person to keep it here! No matter what!"

Chapter 12

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Discord and Fluttershy were moved and held in another room while the other scientists went to work with helping the unfortunate ones out of the big cubes of jello. They went to work digging and eating their way to the poor souls who were still trapped inside.

Meanwhile, Discord and Fluttershy were being held in different rooms. Something that Discord could not stand at all! Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it.

He was completely helpless.

And he hated it. He hated it with such a passion.

Discord was chained and locked up in a separate room. Heavy blocks of iron were placed on his body that the scientists believe he could potentially release his magic from. The scientists already knew about his paw and claw, and they somehow found out about his tail. Discord was positive that he snapped it when no one was looking...

Some new places the chains were on included his cloven hoof and goat leg, his chest, and over his wings. There was also a rusty, tightly fitted muzzle that had been placed over his mouth. The metal digging painfully into the fur around it.

Just like his spirits, the iron chains weighed down on him, making it almost impossible to even stand on all fours, much less two.

Discord felt hot tears spill down his cheeks as he thought of his wife, how terrified she must be right now. So many emotions were racing through him; fear, sadness, anger, and defeat. Fear for Fluttershy, and angry at himself for not protecting her. Because of him, Fluttershy was in a lot of danger. Who knows what those freaks were doing to her at this very moment, she could already be dead for Celestia's sake...

Discord had a cold, sick feeling just thinking about it…

With new determination, he began to push and pull against the chains bounding him. Determination to get to Fluttershy gave him new strength, as the chains rattled loudly as he struggled against them.

He didn't hear the sliding doors open, or her hoofsteps approaching him. It wasn't until she came close enough that her natural rosy scent hit Discord's nostrils when he became aware of her approaching. He turned his head as much as the chains on his neck would allow and watched as his wife came into his full line of vision.

As she approached, Discord noticed fresh tears brimming in the corners of her eyes, he couldn't read her expression though.

"Discord..." Fluttershy let the tears fall and buried her face deep into his chest. Seeing as how Discord could not lift his arms to fully embrace her, he wrapped his neck around her. It was a bit difficult with the chains around his neck, but he managed.

"Shhh, it's alright..." he tried to say through the muzzle.

Fluttershy noticed his trouble and quickly set to work on trying to take it off. She finally managed to pull the contraption off him and throw the hatful thing across the room.

"Thanks." His voice was hoarse.

Fluttershy smiled despite the tears that were spilling from her cheeks. She sniffed, and then turned her gaze to look straight into her husband's.

"R-remember when they held us down and took our blood? W-w-well they ran some tests on mine, a-a-and they found s-something..."

Discord brows furrowed in confusion, but also concern. "W-what did they find Fluttershy? What's wrong? Are you sick?" He asked with genuine concern.

"N-no, not exactly..."

Fluttershy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them again.

"I'm pregnant."

Chapter 13

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For the first time in his life, Discord was stunned speechless. His mouth kept opening and closing, but no words would come out.

"You're...You're pregnant?" He managed to say in a hushed whisper. "Oh Fluttershy...that's...that's wonderful news..." He had to stop speaking, as the overwhelming emotion of it all crept its way into his voice.

Discord expected to see tears of joy and happiness shinning in her eyes just as his were, but when he looked back up at her face, he was shocked to see tears of fear and sadness shinning in the beautiful depths instead. Seeing them, he instantly felt his heart drop to his stomach.

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?"

Then he asked the question that had been plaguing his heart when he first saw her tears of despair. He could feel his heart breaking as he said these next words,

"Are you...upset...that you are carrying my child..." Discord couldn't look at her as he let the painful tears flow.

Fluttershy put a hoof to his lips and gently shushed him before nuzzling him under his chin.

"Of course not Discord, this is all I've ever wanted since I married you." She said as she gingerly wiped away the tears that were still falling down his cheeks.

"Then what's the matter?"

Fluttershy sighed. "They…They want to keep me here…until the baby is born."

Discord's eyes widened, "WHAT!? WHY!?" He growled through gritted teeth.

Fluttershy began to cry again. She shook with quiet sobs as he felt her face bury deeper into his chest fur. Discord instinctively wrapped his neck around her in a protective manner.

"I overheard them talking about it. They…They said something about..studying its development. Both in the womb, and out. They want to experiment on him or her! T-they also want to study m-m-me…a-and how I was able to conceive with you being my 'mate'" Fluttershy said as she bent the tips of her wings to emphasize air quotes. She sniffed again and wiped the remaining tears that were rolling down her cheeks. She looked up at her husband.

"Oh Discord…" Fluttershy completely broke down again and fresh tears were streaming down her cheeks. She buried her muzzle into his chest fur, wetting it with her tears.

Discord wrapped his neck around her once again and buried his snout in her luscious pink locks.

"Don't you worry, I will not let our child come into this world knowing this evil place, nor will I not let it be poked and prodded at like a bunch of guinea pigs." Discord said with determined confidence as he looked into his wife's eyes. "I will not allow its first few days, hours, or even minutes to be met with fear. I swear to you and the baby that I will have you out of here before the eleven months are up. I promise." He whispered to her.

Fluttershy was crying again, only this time they were tears of happiness because of the comfort his beautiful, passionate oath had brought upon her.

"I will do everything in my power, literally and figuratively to get you out, Fluttershy. I will make sure of it."

Chapter 14

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Unfortunately, their reunion did not last long. The creatures walking on two legs came into Discord's isolation room and literally dragged Fluttershy by the hair: pulling the two apart from the warm loving hold within their lover's arms.

Something inside Discord snapped. Just as a scientist was approaching him cautiously to put the muzzle back on him, he broke free of the chains binding him and without even thinking, launched himself at the one dragging Fluttershy away. Biting and clawing him until he lost his hold on the pony and was on the floor, screaming in pain and fear as he tried to defend himself against the draconequus' onslaught.

Discord grinned in satisfaction. He wanted to feel them suffer under his own claws without his magic. They brought pain and fear to his wife and himself without magic. Well; two could play at that game.

There was a deafening sounding bang, like a firework that detonated right above Discord's head. He felt the pain like a lightning strike as quickly and suddenly when he heard the booming thunder from above.

Fluttershy watched in horror as her husband crumpled to floor completely motionless. One minute he was fighting the beast that was holding her, and the next he was on the floor as if he were...dead...

"Discord!" Fluttershy screamed and ran over to her husband.

The scientist who fired the shotgun stood there in dumbfounded shock at what he just did.

"You idiot!" Shouted the scientist that had been viciously attacked and was sitting on the floor. His face was covered in blood due to the nasty scratches the creature left. "Why did you do that?!"

The one who shot the draconequus raised his eyebrows in complete confusion at the question. " was attacking you sir, i-it was going to kill you if I didn't-"


The younger scientist shrank back from the other man's shouts. Seeing this, he took a calming breath and sighed. He than looked over at the motionless draconequus with the little yellow pony weeping over it's still form.

"Put it in isolation and do whatever you can to stop the bleeding." He ordered.

"Discord..." Fluttershy whispered, bending her head close to his. She gently nudged his chin with her nose. He didn't stir.

Fluttershy felt tears roll down her cheeks.

Whatever had hit Discord had struck him in the upper chest; his soft, downy fur there was now clumped and sticky with dark red blood. Fluttershy was relieved to hear that he was breathing, although it was very weak and came in short and shallow breaths, it was there nonetheless. It was truly a miracle.

Chapter 15

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They allowed her to enter into the room where they kept the injured Discord. She wasn't allowed to be in there for long, but she would use all the time she had to bring him comfort and hopefully ease his pain a little.

She walked through the large, automatic double doors to find herself in a hallway that led into a tiny room. The size of the room reminded Fluttershy of prison cells. There was no light inside and the room was small with barred windows to prevent escape.

At the far end of the room, Fluttershy could see the shadow of a figure lying on the cold, hard ground. Knowing it was Discord, she immediatly ran up to him. However, her heart broke at the condition he was in.

He was lying on his side on top of a thin blanket. He was breathing in short quick painful gasps, and his body was trembling. Fluttershy's eyes scanned over the wound on his chest, which was poorly wrapped in a bandage and blood was starting to seep through. In fact, it didn't look as if it was cleaned at all! Much less thoroughly! It looked like they just wrapped it without even bothering to clean the blood beforehoof!

Fluttershy was seething with anger at the lack of carelessness they've shown to her husband.

"Discord...honey." She said gently so as not to startle him. Through the dim light, she saw him slowly open his eyes.

"Flutter...Flutter...shy..." he weakly whispered when he started to violently cough. Fluttershy saw liquid coming from his mouth; even though she couldn't see the color, she knew it was blood he was coughing up..

Fluttershy leaned her head to gently nuzzle his own. The poor thing was so weak he couldn't even lift his head.

"Hush now, I'm here." She said soothingly. "Don't talk Discord, save your strength."

There was the sound of a door sliding closed along with the sound of someone approaching. Fluttershy lifted her head to look at its approaching shadow, until finally it loomed over her threatengly. Suddenly, a rope was thrown over her head and fastened itself around her neck. It tightened to the point where she felt like she couldn't breathe, as it pulled and dragged her away from the wounded draconequus.

Fluttershy couldn't take it any longer. She planted all four hooves on the ground and held fast as the two-legged creature pulling the rope struggled to get her to move.

"Come on!" It said frustratedly as it pulled the rope harder and harder.

Fluttershy gritted her teeth at the pain the rope was causing her. The material pulled and tugged at her fur the wrong way, causing it to rub the sensitive skin underneath. But she held firm as she started to wiggle backwards until finally the rope slid off her neck and over her head. She was free.

Fluttershy didn't know if what she was about to do would work, but she had to try. For Discord. She took a deep breath and looked angrily, but defiantly at her captor, and gave him what she was known for around the animal kingdom. The Stare...

"STOP! Who do you think you are, treating poor defenseless creatures like that?!" She pointed a hoof to Discord. "The only thing he has done around here was that he'd been trying to protect me from YOU!" Fluttershy flew into the air and shoved her face mere inches from the two-legged monster, who was cowering in fear from her tone of voice and her intimating stare..

"How DARE you take innocent creatures and lock them up! Without even bothering to take proper care of them! We have done NOTHING to you to deserve to be treated this way! My husband and I have never seen creatures like you before, but you don't see us poking and prodding at you all just because you're new and different, now do you?"

The man visibly gulped.

"Now, since you heartless lot have failed to treat the injuries that YOU CAUSED! I will! Unlike you, I actually care for him enough to put forth the little effort required to help heal him!" Fluttershy stopped to catch her breath, she had never spoken that loudly or that fast before! She took a deep breath and blinked her eyes a few times before continuing, as she never had to keep her eyes wide and unblinking for as long whenever she did her Stare. Her animals were smart enough obey her so they could end her Stare as quickly as it had started. Fluttershy spoke again, calmer this time.

"Now, I will need all the proper healing supplies if I am to help him; such as fresh bandages, warm wet cloths to clean the blood, sutures to close the wound, and surgical tools to try to get whatever you guys shot him with out."

When she saw that the creature she had directed her anger at continue to stand there, she flew in front of him and shouted,


He finally seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in and made a mad dash for the door.

Fluttershy wasn't satisfied until she saw him speeding down the hall. She sighed in relief and turned back to Discord. She sat down in front of him and began to softly stroke his short black mane with her hoof.

"Don't worry Discord, you're going to get the help you need. I promise." Fluttershy whispered.

Although in an unconscious state, she hoped he could still hear the soothing words she just spoke.

Chapter 16

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With a proper first aid kit and other supplies now by her side, she went to work right away caring for Discord’s wound. She could just barely see the object Discord had been struck with, but she did not want to risk him bleeding out. Besides that, she was inexperienced with this kind of thing and she did not want to kill him if she did not do it correctly.

This is more of Dr. Fauna’s area of expertise. Fluttershy thought to herself, remembering the time she had to bring Angel Bunny in for hurting his foot practicing for the Ponyville Parkour Contest. Which Fluttershy strongly advised against him doing to begin with, but of course, Angel had convinced her that he would be fine and thus, had let him do it.

Fluttershy sighed as she secured the fresh clean bandage around Discord’s chest. He hadn’t improved much, neither getting better or worse, but at least his injuries were being properly cared for.

At Fluttershy’s request, an extra blanket was brought in along with the first aid supplies. Which she took and placed over Discord’s shivering body. It wasn’t very thick, but it was better than nothing.

She settled down next to Discord and tucked her legs under her. She pressed her body close to his, hoping her body heat will help keep him warm.

“Oh, Discord.” Fluttershy said as she nuzzled his cheek.

Discord’s eyes slowly fluttered open at the touch.

“Flutter-Fluttershy, is that you?” He whispered.

“Yes Discord, it’s me. I’m here.” She started to gently stroke his mane.

Discord gave a contented sigh as the feel Fluttershy’s hoof brush through his hair in a reassuring manner.

Fluttershy’s eyes misted with tears as she gazed down at Discord sadly. She could only imagine the amount of pain he was in, he looked so fragile and weak through the darkness that the small room held, that she didn’t even want to think about what his physical state would be like in full light.

She couldn't bear to see him like this. Under normal circumstances he could use his magic to snap his injuries away, but the only downfall was that his magic depended on his strength. If Discord tried to use his magic for anything when he was in a state of anything but, his magic would go haywire. More than it would usually, and it could lead to dire consequences.

It was clear to Fluttershy that Discord needed more care then she could provide at the moment. Warmth, and proper food were just a few of those things on that list. Fluttershy knew she had to get him back to Equestria...

The only problem is...where was Equestria?

A wracking sounding cough from Discord pulled Fluttershy from her thoughts. What was she going to do? She can’t, and will not watch him suffer at the hooves of these cruel creatures. She had to do something, but what?

Suddenly, there was the sound of a door opening and the bipedal figure came toward her. He must be here to take her back to her own observation cell.

“Come along” the figure beckoned her through the darkness. However, Fluttershy held her ground. She took a deep breath and stood up straight with confidence.

“No.” She said with defiance.

The guard’s eyes widened with shock and irritation at having been defied in such a manner. Especially by a yellow, pink maned, talking pony at that!

“No?!” He raised his voice threateningly.

“Keep me here, I’ll take his place. Just please let him go! He’ll die if he stays here!” Although Fluttershy knew that wasn’t true, that he was immortal. But she thought they would have pity if she told them their “precious discovery” would perish if they did not release him.

“Are you kidding? No way! You two are way too valuable to lose! We need you BOTH here!”

“Please,” Fluttershy begged, “I’ll stay here. I won’t try to escape, just let him go. He’s very sick.” Fluttershy gulped nervously, knowing what she was about to say would put herself in danger, as well as her unborn foal. But it was the only way to save Discord.

“B-besides, you’ll still have me...a-and my baby. Whom is carrying a part of Discord...” She rubbed her stomach tenderly. “P-p-please” She begged through tears. “I will stay and take his place. I won’t run, I will never try to escape. I promise. Just let him go...”

Her captor was silent for a moment, as if considering her offer. After a brief pause, he gave a curt nod. “Deal.”

“No...n-no Fluttershy...You can’t d-d-do this...”

Fluttershy turned to look behind her to see Discord attempting to lift himself up on his paw and claw, only for him to collapse almost immediately. His arms not yet able to hold his weight.

Fluttershy immediately rushed over to his side.

“Y-you can’t do this F-F-Fluttershy...” He whispered weakly as he felt his wife’s gentle hoof on his cheek, trying to calm him down. “I-I won’t let you...T-t-the baby...” a painful cough overtook him from speaking any further.

“Hush,” She whispered gently. “It’ll be okay.”

They both knew that wasn’t true, and he could see tears of fear and sadness rolling down her cheeks. “Return to Equestria and get the care you need.” She sniffed.

“B-but what about you? W-w-what about the baby? You’re the one who...who should escape and leave me here. I...I can’t let you do this...I won’t let you do this...”

“This is my decision Discord, and there is nothing you could do to change it.” Fluttershy said firmly, but gently.

Discord’s paw and claw clutched both of Fluttershy’s hooves desperately. He brought his lips to her hooves in a kiss. He let his lips linger there before pulling away and looking into her eyes.

“I love you..” his voice shook with pain and sadness, “I will get help.” He vowed to her, “N-nothing can stop me...”

He felt the chains that had been binding him release him. All of a sudden, he was pulled up harshly from where he was lying on the floor by a strong grip on his goat horn.

The last thing he saw was Fluttershy’s teary face staring sadly at him before the door of the room slammed shut.

Chapter 17

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Even in the state he was in, Discord still put up a fight and struggled to be free of his captor’s tight grip. Biting, clawing, anything he could do to get himself free. He was so busy trying to do this that he didn’t notice a door being pulled open, and was suddenly thrust through it and landed on the cold hard ground, completely motionless.

The man just pulled the door closed when he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He turned around and saw his supervisor approaching him. Once he was close enough, he whispered in the other’s ear,

“Follow him, and see where he goes. He might lead you to more of his kind...”

When Discord finally came to, it was raining. With great effort, he managed to struggle up to all fours and launched himself at the heavy metal door. He tried to muster up enough power to at least remove the lock, but even that simple spell seemed impossible given his current weakened state. He collapsed limply to the ground in defeat. What was he supposed to do now?

“I...I have get back to Equestria. It..It’s my only chance to save Fluttershy and the foal.” Once again, he shakily got up to all fours, only to collapse shortly after doing so. But Discord wasn’t deterred, he would stumble for a few steps but fall to the ground every few seconds, panting from the effort.

He was exhausted, He was in pain, and he hardly had enough strength to even stand.

But he had to push through it all. For Fluttershy...For their unborn child...

He continued on for hours, through wind and rain, and long after the sun had set. He fought the need to collapse, knowing that if he did he wouldn’t get up. The only noise that could be heard in the darkness of the night was the chirping of crickets. Hearing that sound would usually bring a feeling of peace to Discord, but he felt anything but peaceful right now. In fact, the pain he was in was so great, that it completely blocked out the sound. He couldn’t focus on anything else except the physical pain he was in, as well as the emotional.

He didn’t even feel his eyes rolling in the back of his head and his body slumping lifelessly to the ground. Too exhausted and numb to take notice of anything...

Chapter 18

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Discord groaned as he opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed once his vision cleared was that he was no longer outside. Strange decorative masks hung on the walls that seemed to stare at him in way that was sinister and threatening. Also hanging on the wall were bottles of pottery spun into different sizes and shapes, and hoof-painted with every color imaginable. The air smelled of both incense and damp wood, strangely mixing together to create a somewhat pleasant aroma. He was lying on something soft. A bed perhaps? As luck would have it, there happened to be a fair sized round window adjacent to where Discord was lying. He winced in pain as he tried to sit up enough to see out the window, but he was too weak and ultimately collapsed back down.

He groaned in frustration. The last thing he remembered was walking through the forest in the pouring rain, so how did he get here? Where was here?

“Ah, I see you are awake. But tell me, what has happened to you for goodness sake?”

Discord turned to the sound of the familiar voice and saw a blurred gray shape come toward him

“Zecora?” He mumbled in a whisper, suddenly feeling exhausted, he felt his eye lids grow heavy as they began to close once again.

He felt a cool but gentle hoof on his forehead, “It is I indeed, but there’s no need to fret. For I can assure you that I am no threat. How you came across these wounds, I have no clue. There’s no need to worry though, I think I know what to do!” She declared. She walked over to her cauldron that she kept in the middle of the room and began to stir the liquid within. “As I suspected, your wounds are badly infected. With this brew; it will help heal, but a great deal of rest would still be ideal.”

Zecora walked back over to where Discord was lying with a wooden ladle in her mouth. She approached his bedside and gently poured the liquid onto his now unbandaged wounds.

Discord winced in pain as the liquid stung and burned his exposed wounds. Even after the pain subsided, it was impossible for him to let his body relax.

“Where is the mare you have grown so protective? It seems as though you always want her by your side, at least from my perspective. Given the way you were found, something terrible must have happened to just see you around. Please my friend, tell me that this is all in my head? That Fluttershy is alright, and that you two only just had a fight?” Zecora said with alarm.

Discord didn’t know if it was the potion or what he assumed to be hours of rest, but he could begin to feel the smallest trace of his strength returning. Well, at least enough speak up. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I wish it was a fight that brought me here. Speaking of which, Thanks for the help, but I’ve wasted enough time as it is. It has only been a few hours since I left her...but the longer she’s there, the closer she is to death!” He started to lift the jaguar print cloth from his body and began to swing his legs over the side of the bed. His feet just hit the floor when Zecora stopped him.

“Have you not hear what I’ve been saying? The price of arrogance is not worth paying! But to answer your question about how long you were in a daze, I can say without a doubt, it’s been at least three days.”

Discord’s eyes widened, “Three days?! No! No no no no! Fluttershy has been alone at that terrible place for three days while I’ve been here napping in luxury?! I can’t waste anymore time here! Fluttershy’s life is in jeopardy!” Discord suddenly felt a cold sinking feeling in his stomach when he remembered that there was another life in peril. “And our unborn foal’s as well!”

Zecora gasped, “Discord, I now understand why you are so eager to go: but given you’re current condition, don’t you think you should take it slow?” You need to have full strength to work your magic. If not, the aftermath could be tragic.”

Discord signed, “I’m all too aware, Zecora, but I don’t care. Fluttershy and the baby’s wellbeing is the only thing that matters to me right now. I don’t care what becomes of me, as long as I make certain they’re both safe.”