Vinyl Scratch's Documentary (First-Person point of view)

by junothebox

First published

Vinyl Scratch explains her basic life through the mind of a DJ (First-Person)

Vinyl Scratch is posting a documentary about her basic life as a DJ. She explains that a DJ is more than the person behind the music, a DJ is just a normal person with a normal life.

Vinyl's Legacy: A Fuc*ing Documentary

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Vinyl’s Legacy: A Fuc*ing Documentary
By jU/\/0TheB0%

“What’s up guys. It’s yours truly, Vinyl Scratch! HAH. HAH. Alright, I’m filming a fucking awesome documentary about the life in the day of a DJ. Or a day in the life of a DJ? Bah. But anyways guys as you all know I’m known as DJ PON-3. I live in Ponyville, of course, and I live with my bitchy roommate, Octavia. Speaking of which, I’m gonna go talk to her!”
“HEY, Octavia, whatch’a doin’?”
“Wait, are you recording. Turn that thing off. I SAID TURN IT OFF! NOW!”
“Fine! When will you stop being so bitchy?!”
Vinyl’s House-11:32(PM)

“Ok…that just shows how just ugh…I can’t say bitchy…but just how stuck up Octavia can be. Soooo, to get her back, I’m gonna do the one thing she hated the most: DJ’in. Right now she’s asleep. I just got my bass cannon out from the attic. *chuckles* This is gonna be some funny shit! Alright…3…2…1…DROP IT! *WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOMP WUB WUB WUB WUB WHOOOOOOOMP*
Vinyl’s House-10:27(AM)

“Hee Hee, Octavia hasn’t said one word to me since last night. WOW. I can’t believe I actually did that to here. I don’t even know why she lives with me still. Like I like Wubstep, and she like classical. I like to party, she likes to read. I remember that one time I combined both classical and wub into this sick mix and played it at one of her promotional parties. I embarrassed the shit out of her. Like all the old people were all like “AHHH what is the sreaming?!” Really? Why can’t all ponies just like wub like me? Like I’m tryna’ create the new age, and Octavia’s just tryna’ bring back the past. Well anyways, I got to go. Cya’!”
P0N-3 RaveCon Backstage-(11:01)

“DJ P0N-3 in dah house. Oh my gosh. I got this sweet gig at a legendary P0N-3 RaveCon. RaveCon is basically a huge event in which almost all the “cool” ponies come to have some drinks and party. So here’s my load out. Iya’ got my turntables, speakers, a shitload of records, headphones, and MIDI cables. Alrighty, I think I’m Ready.”
17 minutes Later

*WHOMP WHOMP* wububububuwwub* *WOMMMMMP* “HOLY SHIT! This is amazing guys. I wish all you ponies could be here right now. WOW. I’m on break right now. There’s another co-DJ takin’ my spot right now. Buta’ he’s kinda cool. I’m gonna go get a drink. Hey if I get to wasted could you take me home?”
Documenter: “Uh, yah sure”
“Okay thanks!”
The Bar-(11:37 PM)

“Let’s go! Bartender gimme a round of 5 shots. Thanks bro. *chug* Hey wait a minute. I know you. Your that shy pony everyponies been talkin’ about. Hi I’m Vinyl Scratch. But you can just call me Vinyl if you want.”
“Oh…hi Vinyl. My name’s Fluttershy. Nice to m-meet you.”
“Ditto. But hey, what the fuck are you doin’ at RaveCon. This place is like a place full of like fucking wubs and alcohol?”
“Oh…ah *blush* my friends always think I’m suck a scaredy-cat and they never really pay attention to me because of that. Or something like that, I don’t know.”
“Tell yah what. I’m on break right now. Let’s take some shots girl. Just you and me. It’s easy, just put everything behind and enjoy the fucking music. C’mon.”
“Welllll…when you put it that way, Vinyl, I might give it a try. Just…just make sure I don’t get to wasted…because you know. I don’t know.”
The Bar-(12:23 AM)

Manager: Hey Vinyl. You time’s up. Get back up there.”
“Oh shit. Fluttershy, it was nice meetin’ you, but duty calls. Fuck. *SHIT I’m FUCKING WASTED*”
“OoOkAAy, Vin-*collapse of drunkness*”

Pony:”Holy shit, she just passed out.”
Vinyl’s House-(1:29 PM)

“WHOA. Okay, Vinyl’s back. Sorry guys. Wait…sorry? Hell nah. That party last night was amazing. I met a new friend, played some wubs, danced, and even fucking crashed on my tables. Now the last part was pretty awesome to me. But Octavia wasn’t so happy about it. She probably would have kicked me out if I hadn’t explained that she had a whole night without and wub (which was mostly every night). But uh…today, I don’t know what I should do. Maybe I could go get some new swag maybe? I don’t know. Yah ill probably get some new swag. But which kind…Gear or Outfits? Fuck. Why don’t I get both? Ok I’ll be going now. BYE.”
Party Rocker’s SWAG and GEAR Store-(2:30 PM)

“Hello. Uh I’m filming a documentary. Do you mind if I uh use my camera?”
“Not at all. Go ahead.”
“Alright. Where should I start? Do you want anything?”
Documenter:”Nah. I’m good.”
“Oh kay. WHOA! A DJ P0N-3 shirt. I’m gettin’ it. OOOOO. Purple lamenet headphones. Holy shit.
Vinyl’s House-(4:12)

Alright. Uh. I just got back from the store. Get some pretty cool shit. I’ma go get a beer. *opens fridge* *clinking bottles* *pop* That’s more like it. Octavia want one?”
“No. Shouldn’t you be sober if you’re doing a pointless documentary about how crummy your life is?”
“Bitch shut up. Go sip your tea. *Fucking first class bitch*”

*sip*” Ahh. I remember back in high school. Me and Octavia were both in the same music class. We both hated each other. We both hated each other’s music. But as for all the other classes, we were best friends. Ya we were best friends. Me and Octavia would do that pussy stuff like brush our manes and shit back then. But when I dropped out of school to take on the career of a DJ we met back up in Ponyville and decided to rent a place together. Ugh…now that I’m talking all this shit…I gotta go back and say sorry. But so yah. Bye.
One Day Later-(Vinyl’s House)

Okay guys. I would just like to say thanks for watching. I hope you got just a little taste of what it’s like to be a DJ like me. Well…I said sorry to Octavia and it actually went to the unexpected. We uh had a few beers and together…we actually listened to some wub. Like just the two of us. I’m proud of her. Well a deals a deal. BYE!

Thank You for Watching Vinyl’s Legacy: A Fuc*ing Documentary
By jU/\/0TheB0%