
by Cloplestia

First published

Tricked by the treacherous Chrysalis, Luna finds herself lost in a haze of lust, her body the plaything... of Nightmare Moon!

It's been a month since the changeling invasion of Cadance's wedding, and Celestia and Twilight have gone missing. Luna searches the land for them, and finally discovers a cave complex in the wastelands of Equestria's border. But finding them is only the beginning of her ordeal, as she falls under the mind-fogging drugs of Queen Chrysalis and comes face-to-face with the last pony she would ever expect to meet.

But making sport of a princess of Equestria may be a game with higher stakes than Chrysalis realizes...

(Contains mild NC and domination, futa sex, futa sex, and more futa sex.)
(Arbitrary chapter breaks added because holy crap, 20,000 words.)

Chapter 1

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Princess Luna hovered above the wild terrain and peered down at the rocky crag below her, its flanks shrouded in gnarled trees and dense shrubs. The wispy echoes of her sister's dreams had led her to this lonely place, and she was sure Celestia must be somewhere in the area.

It had been a week since both the Princess of the Sun and her prized student had disappeared from Canterlot without explanation. Luna had chosen to keep the matter quiet—the city was still recovering from the changeling invasion a month prior, and the ponies scarcely needed fresh cause to panic. Her own worries were slightly mollified by the knowledge that wherever she was, Celestia was still raising and lowering the sun on schedule. And of course, the traces of Celestia's dreams Luna had sought out.

Celestia was not being burdened with the nightmares a pony in danger would have. To the contrary, they were embarrassing, frilly pink dreams. When Luna had tried to enter one directly, she had found her presence made no impression on the dreamer. Celestia had ignored her, instead fussing at the frippery of her dress—a wedding dress, Luna noted with incredulity—before turning to face the dream's groom, Twilight Sparkle, who was dressed in a rather stylish tuxedo. In the dream, Luna noted Twilight was particularly tall and broad of shoulder. Moreover, she sported a beard just like Starswirl's, the sight of which left Luna with a distinctly lowered opinion of her sister's tastes.

So whatever had happened, it did not seem Celestia was feeling an imminent threat to her life.

Had Celestia and Twilight eloped?

No, even then Celestia would not have left without telling Luna, at the very least. And Luna was troubled that she had been unable to make contact in Celestia's dream. Something was wrong, but the nature of the situation was unclear.

And so, Luna had quietly sent the Wonderbolts by day, and her batponies by night, to search the land for signs of her sister and Twilight. And, because she herself found she could not stand to sit idly in Canterlot, she had turned the everyday duties of rule over to Celestia's staff and Princess Cadance. When ponies asked about the matter, Cadance had come up with the explanation that Celestia wanted her to have more experience in rulership, and was quietly sitting behind the scenes observing how she handled herself.

This freed Luna to search in her own way. The geography of the dream realms did not map onto the geography of the waking world in any meaningful way. Yet even so, Luna struggled to find Celestia's location, seeking traces of her dreams across the physical world like a bloodhound tracking a fading scent.

And it had led her here, to this lonely tor set in the rugged wilderness on the border of Equestria.

She dropped to the ground, brushing through the trees. The leaves were tinged with gold in the afternoon light. She closed her eyes and cast about for some hint of Celestia's dreams, but there was nothing. Her sister was likely awake at this hour. As certain as Luna was that she had fixed upon the right place, she had not caught a trace of her sister's dreams since the previous evening.

Down here the forest closed her in, the shadows of the trees crowding about her. The ground was a soft carpet of rotting leaves that settled atop the scattered branches of fallen boughs. They snapped beneath her hooves like brittle bones. She made her way through the gloom tentatively, wondering which way to go.

Before long, chance or instinct brought her to a faint trail. She followed it as it wound along a tiny streamlet. Though the forest had an oppressive atmosphere, the water smelled clean. She drank deeply, surprised to realize how thirsty she had become.

To be sensible, she should return to Canterlot and bring a detachment of her batponies to search the area. But having come this far, she was reluctant to leave without something beyond the fuzzy certainty that this was the right place.

Restored by her drink, she followed the trail further, until it suddenly opened out into a clearing at the foot of the stony ridge she had first spotted. She stood at the edge of the clearing, carefully checking for any other creatures. The ferns licked at her legs, caught by a vagrant breeze.

Her gaze traced the course of the streamlet as it crossed the clearing and disappeared into a rent in the rocky crag across the way from her. Cautiously she approached.

The water chuckled and whispered as it made its way into the cave. She peered in. It was a large enough passage for her to enter—if she dared. Was it possible Celestia was somewhere inside?

She made up her mind to explore then. Within a few steps darkness wrapped around her, and soon the sounds of the forest outside were swallowed up in the muffling walls of stone. The water slid coolly around her hooves, and she stepped carefully lest she slip on the wet rock.

She made to illuminate the cave with her horn, but she noticed a faint glow that rose from patches of moss on the walls and ceiling. As she ventured deeper, the moss became more frequent, and the light it provided grew stronger.

And then the watercourse cut its way into a passage to the right, far too small for her to follow, while the main tunnel twisted left.

Here the mosses were luxuriantly thick across the upper parts of the passageway, bathing the rock in a soft yellow light. They seemed to counter the musty scent of deep rock as well, bringing a mild but unexpectedly pleasant scent to the air. Luna followed along, growing increasingly determined to see if this all led somewhere. A few times the way widened out into larger caverns, and at one point it split, leaving Luna to choose the path that seemed to lead upward. A few times the path narrowed so closely that Luna fancied the rock clutching at her flanks as she moved. She feared reaching a dead end, and lacking the space to turn around, having to back her way through these twists and turns. The silence of deep underground muffled her steps, interrupted only by the occasional sound of a waterdrop from somewhere unseen.

But soon the narrow passages were behind her. Ahead the passage opened into a low-roofed chamber. Its floor seemed almost a carefully tended garden of fungi, from low violet spheres to tall stalked mushrooms of a bright orange hue. Strangely enough, the only thing the chamber lacked was the ubiquitous glowing moss.

This was hardly a problem, however, for one entire wall of the chamber was absent, opening to overlook a much larger cavern that was bright with the glowing mosses. The light spilled in to the chamber, providing a soft illumination of the myriad fungi.

For a moment, Luna admired the various colorful species, but a soft sound from somewhere within the larger cavern caught her attention. She pricked her ears toward it and made her way to the overlook. It almost sounded like a soft moan...?

Luna stood at the edge of the dropoff and looked down into the cavern. The walls were densely covered in the glowing moss, and the floor gently rolled with soft beds of another variety, evidently intended for comfort.

And there, amid it all, lay Celestia, splayed upon her back, her hind legs lewdly spread. Twilight Sparkle lay in her embrace, back to Celestia's belly, legs similarly spread. From where she stood, Luna could see everything. The wet pink shaft of Celestia's cock thrust into the glistening purple lips of Twilight's pussy. Their groins were matted with juices, and Twilight's tail lay like a waterfall down Celestia's thigh. Celestia's pussy was dripping steadily down across the pucker of her anus, and the dock of her tail was lathered with the wetness. Her hips moved in a slow rhythm, but there were quivers deep in her muscles that made the nearness of her orgasm plain. Twilight gave another moan. Her tongue hung from her mouth drunkenly, and she pressed her head into Celestia's chest, while her forelegs wrapped around Celestia's own as the larger mare steadied her in place. Celestia's own face was slick with a sheen of perspiration, and her eyes were tightly closed as she focused on the raw pleasure she was feeling.

Twilight stretched out one hind leg, reaching, quivering. She rolled her hips, trying to bring Celestia even deeper into her.

They were fucking. She'd found them. They were fucking. That explained Celestia's frilly pink dreams. They were fucking.

Eyes transfixed at the sight, Luna stared in shock.

Celestia gave a long, low groan and clutched Twilight to her. She flexed her haunches, and her balls bounced with each thrust. Twilight panted, and cooed soft little cries of delight.

Luna felt herself flush in embarrassment to be witnessing such a sight. And yet she also felt a deep, shameful throb of arousal.

Celestia buried her nose in Twilight's mane. “Twilight,” she groaned, and her breath bellowed in her chest. Her hips shivered and twisted, straining to press even closer, even deeper into Twilight. Luna saw her cock twitch then. A thick pulse of semen rippled visibly up the shaft until it passed beyond the lips of Twilight's pussy. Twilight threw her head back and howled in ecstasy, and Luna saw her pussy suddenly drizzle and then spray the liquids of her own orgasm. They splashed across her and Celestia's legs in a messy shower. Celestia snorted at the sensation, and then her cock pulsed again, shooting more of her sperm deep into the unicorn. As they writhed against each other Celestia's cock twitched again and again, until a jet of her sperm squirted suddenly from Twilight's overfilled pussy and spilled back down her cock, rolling a milky trail down her balls to dribble onto her thigh.

“What a lovely couple,” a silken voice whispered into Luna's ear.

Adrenaline shot through Luna's veins, and she jumped back from the creature that had silently crept up beside her.

Its sleek form and long limbs bespoke alicorn grace, but its filmy insect wings and twisted horn made mockery of such beings.

“Queen Chrysalis,” Luna hissed.

“They'll be back at it before long,” Chrysalis said. “They are quite devoted to one another. It's almost uncanny. I can flood the cavern with Twilight Sparkles, and Celestia will have the most debauched of orgies, but in the end she always ends up with the real one. And vice versa—Twilight may frolic with a field of Celestia's, but she always finds her way to the true one's semen.” Almost as an afterthought, she sketched the faintest bow to Luna. “Princess Luna, my pleasure to meet you.”

“It would not have been your pleasure had we met in Canterlot,” Luna snarled.

“Alas, my changelings apparently detained you then.”

“Since the minions did not survive meeting me, the queen had best be careful,” Luna shot back.

Chrysalis raised her eyebrow. In a scandalized tone, she said “You are my guest! You are all my guests! I would not dream of fighting with you.”

Luna scowled, and glanced toward the cavern. Celestia and Twilight were catching their breath, still in their obscene embrace, a look of bliss on both their faces. Luna pawed the ground angrily. “Just what is going on here?”

“True alicorns are such marvelous beasts, are they not?” Chrysalis mused. “Their essence is an amalgamation of all three pony races, but as if that degree of perfection were not enough to satisfy them, in spite of their feminine physiques, they are also blessed to possess both genders.” Chrysalis smiled. “But then, you would know all about that.”

With a sudden flick of her head, Chrysalis scraped her horn across Luna's own. An intangible force rippled across Luna's coat—the sensation of a spell forcibly disrupted. For an instant she didn't understand what had happened, and braced herself for combat. But then she realized it had only been the modest illusion spell she and her sister used to conceal... well... the matter Chrysalis had just brought up. Luna's sheath and testicles were plainly exposed now, though here in Chrysalis' stronghold it hardly mattered.

Though it wasn't just her sheath on display after all, Luna realized. The sight of her sister's lovemaking had left her sporting an undeniable erection.

Chrysalis smirked, plainly staring at the thick, dark meat of Luna's cock.

Luna brought up her hind hoof, trying in vain to conceal her stiffness behind it, but then she stomped down in a flash of anger. “What of our nature?” she said defiantly. “What does it matter?”

Chrysalis sidled up to her. “Oh, don't be offended, Princess. I admire your kind. Changelings are capable of making similar arrangements, after all.” She slipped a hoof between Luna's thighs, and softly caressed Luna's balls. “It seems you are not smaller than your sister in all respects.”

Luna aimed a kick at her, but Chrysalis danced away easily. “Those things feel positively brimming with tribute,” Chrysalis said.

Luna frowned. “Tribute? Are you mad? We defeated you. We owe you no tribute!”

Chrysalis waved a hoof airily. “A modest setback. We still have the power to vex your land no end, as well you know.”

“After what you have done, you will get not one bit from our treasury, I promise you that!”

Chrysalis burst into laughter. “My dear Princess, the only treasury I desire to plunder is the one you carry slung between your lovely thighs.”

Luna stared at her in confusion. “Wh... what?”

Chrysalis looked at her in disbelief. “Really? Did your sister tell none of you ponies? How rich!”

“Explain yourself, creature!”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “I demand your alicorn sperm so that I may hybridize my eggs into a new, greater breed of changeling. In return, so long as you pay your annual tribute, I shall neither invade nor infiltrate Equestria, notwithstanding all your excess unneeded love that you don't know what to do with.”

Luna stared at her in astonishment.

“Oh come now,” Chrysalis said. “What is unreasonable in any of that?”

“I will have none of this,” Luna said. “I have come to recover my sister and Twilight Sparkle, nothing more.”

Chrysalis sighed. “You'd get them much sooner if you helped, you know. That unicorn manages to get most of the tribute for herself. I am running out of patience.”

Luna looked down into the cavern once more, biting her lip in thought. How exactly was she going to extricate the two of them, especially if Chrysalis tried to stop her? Her gaze settled on the two of them. Celestia lay on her side now, spooning Twilight. She was still barely aware of her surroundings, her eyes only open to slits.

Luna froze, staring more sharply. She was certain she could see a green glimmer of enchantment in Celestia's eyes.

She spun on Chrysalis angrily. “What have you done to her? I can sense a glamor upon her!”

Chrysalis shrugged. “It's nothing. A little post-cocoon suggestion to draw her here, that's all. Hardly anything. And then a smidgen on top to keep her at ease. That's being kindly! And of course changeling pheromones to enhance her desire, which scarcely bears mentioning. I have aphrodisiac perfumes—and stronger liquors, though I've not troubled to serve them up—that keep those two in a happy, eager haze.”

Luna stomped her hoof. “That's it. We are leaving. If you try to stop us, I shall tear this place down around you!”

Chrysalis turned away and sighed. “You ponies,” she said. “You could have had such an enjoyable sojourn. I have been nothing but accommodating, and yet you still behave like this. Well, so be it.”

With that, she spun back to Luna with startling speed. Luna didn't even have time to see the strange fungal puffball carried in Chrysalis' magic before it was in her face, spraying its spores up her nose. She managed to sneeze once before darkness came crushing down onto her consciousness.

Chapter 2

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She awoke to the pleasant sensation of a hoof lightly teasing up and down her cock. Her mind was full of fog and for a moment she wondered if she was masturbating half asleep. But as she became more aware, she realized it was not her own hoof delicately tracing the veins on her cock.

There was a starry sky above her, but she could not feel it in the way she felt her night sky. Her regalia had been removed as well. She had a sense that she should be alarmed by these things, but her mind was dulled.

I've been drugged, she observed, with no particular urgency.

Some part of her mind was screaming at her to beware, but it was locked in a cage of green magic, and there was no reason to pay it any heed.

Though her mind was wrapped in gauze, her body was keenly receptive to sensations. She felt the smooth stone she lay upon, and sensed she was surrounded by rock... in a grotto, perhaps. And the feathery touch along her cock drove her to flex her hips and press her cock into that hoof, but it teasingly moved with her, denying her the pleasure of grinding against it.

A cool voice chuckled above her. “Awake, are we?”

She stared up at the pony above her. The other came into focus.

Her mind tried to jump into gear, but thick fog was clouded her thoughts. Even so, confused denials whirled through her head. She shoved back, hooves scrabbling at the stone floor and propping up her front on splayed forelegs.

“No,” Luna whimpered. “No, you can't be. It's not possible.”

The creature stood before her, tall and elegant, her coat sleek and shiny. Her grand wings rested comfortably at her sides. Her horn was a sharp lance. She stood naked, her glowing mane floating from her neck.

“Well, my little Princess, it's been a while,” Nightmare Moon said.

Luna shook her head in denial. “You can't be here, you're me,” she murmured, trying to fit her sluggish thoughts around the situation.

Nightmare Moon smiled. “Yet here I am.”

“This isn't possible. I'm dreaming.”

“Are you?” Nightmare Moon purred.

She knew she wasn't. Her mind was confused, and she wasn't certain of how much time she'd lost track of, but she was still sure enough of herself to know she had not wandered into the dreamlands.

Nightmare paced in front of her, dipped her nose under Luna's tail and took a deep breath. Startled, Luna snapped her tail down, but Nightmare just raised her head, eyes half-lidded, and savored the smell. “The scent of a mare's sex is a lovely thing, don't you think? But of course I know you do.”

Nightmare Moon stepped back and displayed herself to Luna. “Am I not the better part of you? The creature you always wanted to be? Are these slim legs not your very own taste? Is my neck not a lovely arch? Does the sheen of my coat not earn your admiration?” She turned her back to Luna, and glanced back teasingly. “Is not my rump deliciously round? And,” she said, twitching her tail aside just enough to grant Luna a glimpse of the sweet treasures beneath, “do you not crave a sip from this cup?”

Luna growled, her gaze fixed to the sight of Nightmare Moon's sleek pussy in spite of her will. The midnight-black lips glistened wetly. But an instant later, Nightmare Moon swung to the side and flexed her back, stretching out one hind leg to shamelessly display the stiff shaft between her thighs. “Or perhaps the perfection of this staff is more to your liking,” Nightmare said.

The veins of Nightmare Moon's cock throbbed gently with her heartbeat. The shaft was identical to Luna's own, of course, but Nightmare sported a lewd bit of jewelry as well; a silver hoop resting snugly at the base of her scrotum.

Luna felt her own cock give a sudden twitch.

Nightmare Moon gave a predatory smile. “Your body can't help but react to me. I am everything you desire, everything you wanted to fashion yourself into.”

Luna fought through the fog of her thinking. “No. I repudiated you.”

Nightmare Moon laughed. “Can you truly repudiate yourself?” She moved in close to Luna, and pressed her lips to hers. Nightmare's warm tongue writhed its way into Luna's mouth, stroking and grappling with Luna's own. A feverish heat flushed through Luna's body, and she felt as if she could not catch her breath. She needed to reject this contact, this impossible kiss—but she found she could not bring herself to thrust herself away.

Instead it was Nightmare Moon who broke away, with a mocking chuckle.

Luna sprawled, dazed, the taste of Nightmare Moon's saliva on her tongue.

Nightmare Moon brought one hoof to dangle before Luna's face.

“Lick my hoof.”

Luna batted it aside weakly. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “You resist?” she said. She brought her hoof down to slowly stroke once again up the length of Luna's erection. Luna shivered at the sensation as the smooth hoof caressed up her shaft with just enough pressure to coax a trickle of pre from her. Luna whimpered as Nightmare Moon rubbed the head of her cock and slathered the liquid onto her hoof.

She waved the wet hoof before Luna's face once again, and the sweet aroma of her own lustful fluids tickled at her nose.

“Lick my hoof,” Nightmare Moon repeated, “and I shall give you such pleasures as you cannot imagine.” She bent her head to Luna's ear and whispered. “Acknowledge my mastery. Put your worries aside and surrender to me.”

“N... no...” Luna said weakly.

Nightmare drew her head back and stared into Luna's face. There was a blazing green shine in her eyes that dizzied and confused Luna, but Luna held to her determination. “I defeated you,” she insisted, but her voice trembled.

“Perhaps,” Nightmare purred. “But not today. There's no need to trouble yourself over that today.” She sidestepped to Luna's haunches and slid her hoof under Luna's tail. Luna's pussy was already dripping, so when Nightmare slid her hoof along the fat lips, Luna couldn't help but gasp at the sudden rush of pleasure.

Nightmare stepped away and laughed. “I can scarcely believe that a low creature like you even tries to resist me.” She grinned down at Luna. “A pathetic beast who even spies upon her sister's carnal moments.”

“What? I... I wouldn't...” Luna shook her head in confused denial, but instantly the image of her sister locked in amorous congress with Twilight Sparkle flashed into her mind as vivid as real life. Had... had she actually seen something like that? She could even picture the sweat on her sister's face, and her lips pulling back from her teeth as she strove to reach the crest of ecstasy.

Luna's cock gave a thick slap to her belly, and without conscious thought she reached down and began stroking it. Thrilling pulses of delight shivered through her body as her hoof slid along the hard flesh. Her mind was filled with visions of her sister thrusting eagerly into her paramour's sloppy cunt.

No... this wasn't right... her thoughts were muddled, but she still knew she shouldn't be pleasuring herself with Nightmare Moon standing over her... But she was Nightmare Moon, it wasn't possible for Nightmare Moon to appear before her... she needed to understand what was going on... but at the same time her cock needed these caresses so much...

“How filthy, sister,” Celestia's voice rang out.

Luna's eyes snapped wide open and her head snapped toward the source of the voice. Celestia and Twilight stood at the entrance of a corridor. Both of them stared at her with cold sneers on their faces.

“To think you would actually masturbate in the hall of the Night Court,” Celestia continued. “Displaying yourself to anypony who might walk in... and moaning my name, no less.”

She hadn't been... had she? Luna felt a flutter of panic in her belly. She glanced around—was this the Night Court? She saw a throne to one side that seemed to confirm it was.

And yet her hoof continued to grind along the shaft between her legs.

Twilight gave a contemptuous snort. “She sure has a dirty hobby, doesn't she Princess Celestia.”

“Indeed,” Celestia agreed. “Come, Twilight, let us leave her to her sick vices.” She turned and began to walk away down the corridor.

Stung, Luna wrenched her hoof from her cock and reached after the two of them.

Celestia glanced back at her. “I hope you don't expect any pony to shake hooves with that,” she said.

Luna focused on her hoof, and saw it slimed with her cock's lubricants. A long silvery dribble hung from the bottom of her hoof.

Celestia and Twilight disappeared around a bend in the corridor. A moment later twin green flashes dimly reflected off its walls, but before Luna's fuzzy thoughts could stop to wonder at the meaning, Nightmare Moon's laughter barked out.

“Such a touching reunion,” she sneered.

“My sister wouldn't...” Luna murmured.

“Oh really? Did I miss something? Did she not recoil from the sight of you shamelessly pleasuring yourself?”

“That's not...” Luna's mind was in confusion. Her hoof, however, knew her need and reached between her thighs to stroke once more up her quivering shaft. Her voice drifted into a low moan.

“Do you want to cum?” Nightmare whispered into her ear.

“Yes,” Luna groaned, the pace of her hoof quickening. Her cock felt so good, she could almost feel the sperm surging in her balls.

Nightmare Moon slapped her hoof away. Luna whimpered and tried to reach for her cock again, but a greenish swirl of Nightmare's magic caught up her hoof and held it away. Luna stared up at her in confusion.

“If you want to cum, lick my hoof,” Nightmare said.

Luna gathered her will. “I won't,” she insisted.

“Such a little thing, and yet you refuse to acknowledge my mastery. Well, so be it.”

Luna strained her hooves trying to reach her cock, but the magic wrestled with her, denying her touch. She writhed and bucked her hips, trying to get her cock to her hooves since her hooves could not get to her cock, but to no avail.

Nightmare laughed at her struggles. She watched in satisfaction for a minute and then said, “What a pitiful sight you are. I almost feel sorry.”

Luna whimpered, and then tried to use her magic to do what her hooves could not. She managed to send a flurry of soft etheric tendrils licking at her cock, but Nightmare Moon immediately disrupted Luna's magic with her own. However this freed Luna's hooves to return to the task, and she eagerly stretched to grasp her throbbing shaft.

Instantly Nightmare Moon was on her, grappling her forelegs with her own, pinning Luna to the ground with the weight of her chest while both their magics spattered and surged against one another. Luna's nose was inches from Nightmare Moon's, and she could smell the other's faintly sweet breath. As they struggled, Nightmare's own warm erection prodded Luna's, and a shiver of pleasure made Luna gasp. But Nightmare shifted her stance and denied her any more of that obscene touch.

Nightmare shifted her head, and purred into Luna's ear. “Now, now, settle down, Princess. This will get you nowhere. Is it so difficult to lick my hoof?”

Luna was silent, gritting her teeth in frustration. But she stopped struggling.

Cautiously, Nightmare Moon levered herself off the other mare. “Hmm,” she said. “I'll tell you what. I am not a merciless queen, and I see that you are in a most dire state of need.” She chuckled as Luna's cock gave a kick and spattered a little squirt of fluid into her belly. “Get to your feet, slovenly beast.”

Luna levered herself up and let Nightmare Moon lead her to one corner of the chamber, her cock a heavy thickness between her thighs. Nightmare shouted out “Maxilla, Spiracle, bring it in!”

A pair of ponies in lab coats wheeled a strange apparatus into the chamber from the corridor her sister and Twilight had disappeared down. Luna didn't think their names very pony-like, though she could sense that her mind still felt foggy. Nor did the rough walls of the corridor seem to match the architecture of the Night Court (and the court itself felt wrong somehow. The stars looked wrong, almost painted on a ceiling, for one thing.) The apparatus consisted of a metal cabinet with various lights and switches. Two tubes came from the cabinet, one leading to a gallon-sized glass carboy, and a second was attached to a large tube. The inside of the tube was lined with a series of spongy pads that were hooked into some kind of system that let them ooze a slimy green lubricant.

“What is this?” Luna asked suspiciously.

Nightmare Moon seemed barely able to control her laughter. “Why, it's a simple milking machine for my livestock, my dear.” She glanced at the assistant ponies and said “Hook her up.”

Before Luna quite realized what was happening, the two ponies flanked her and slid the tube over her cock, until its mouth rested snugly at the base of her cock. She gave an involuntary shiver of pleasure at the sensation. “M... milk...?” she murmured in confusion. “That's not...”

“Yes,” Nightmare Moon said in a satisfied tone. “It's obvious you are in need of a good milking. I'll tell you what, you'll be free to leave once you fill three jugs worth.”

Luna stared from Nightmare Moon to the glass carboy. Fill that? Her cock throbbed at the thought of her sperm sloshing in the jar.

Of being “milked.”

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Consider it your... tribute.”

Luna felt crazed with lust enough to think she might actually be able to fill one jar, but three? Nightmare Moon was mocking her.

And yet, she was at the very least, promising the very release Luna craved.

“Shall I turn it on?” Nightmare asked in a silky tone.

The soft pads pressed into Luna's cock. Her hips gave a slight buck forward, instinctively trying to drive her cock deeper into the tube, but it simply hung from her shaft, providing no relief. Although the motion did spatter the inside of one thigh with a long strand of juice that was dripping from her pussy.

Luna realized how high her tail was standing, and just how wet her cunt had become, the lips soaked with her desire. For an instant, she imagined Nightmare Moon mounting her, the wicked creature's cock slamming deeply into her quivering walls, granting her some measure of release. How good would that dark shaft feel inside her, the pulsing veins stroking along her tender flesh?

No! She had defeated that side of herself; she would not lose to Nightmare Moon here. She shook her head in rejection.

Nightmare Moon misinterpreted the gesture. “You don't want me to turn it on?” she asked, startled.

“Do it! Turn it on,” Luna gasped.

Nightmare Moon snickered. “But you didn't say the magic word.”

“Please!” Luna cried out, then bit her lip at her weakness.

“I was looking for 'Mistress,'” Nightmare Moon said. “But that will do.”

She gave a gesture and one of her assistant ponies flipped a switch on the metal cabinet. A loud mechanical purring started, but Luna scarcely noted the sound as the spongy wet pads in the tube began to slide and spin against the flesh of her cock.

Luna sucked in her breath as pleasure surged through her groin. Her pulse pounded in her throbbing cock as the device stroked and teased her. Her balls tightened between her thighs, and mounting waves of erotic delight surged through her body.

Nightmare Moon traced the tip of her wing down Luna's neck. Luna shivered at the touch, and a low moan escaped her throat.

“Look at yourself, you pathetic worm,” Nightmare Moon purred. “So desperate you resort to some machine sucking at your cock. You're like a mindless brute in heat.”

Luna whimpered, an irresistible tide of ecstasy rising in her despite Nightmare's sneering words. The sperm rumbled in her balls. She quivered on the brink, the sweet promise of release just a hair's breadth away. Just another moment of the device's wonderful massage, and she would reach that glorious eruption and spew her eager juices into the tube until it was painted white as a milk tank with her semen.

But then the delicious sensations halted abruptly, leaving her hanging on an unendurable precipice. The machine made a loud beep. For a moment all was perfectly still, Luna scarcely able to understand what was happening. Then another beep.

“Oh dear,” Nightmare Moon said. “The machine seems to have malfunctioned.”

Luna gave a strangled scream. “Let me cum!”

“Now, now, you poor thing. We'll have it back and running in no time.”

One of the assistant ponies rushed to the machine's cabinet and pulled aside a panel. He fiddled with the equipment within as the device continued to periodically beep. Luna stretched back her head and parted her lips in a silent shriek. She could feel herself falling back from the edge of orgasm, leaving her with only the frustration of the rock-solid need that consumed her.

Nightmare Moon smirked.

After an interminable period of waiting, the machine at last resumed. Luna's flanks twitched as the soft pads in the tube once again massaged her cock. A fresh pulse of the green lubricant spurted along her cock, slickening her up, as if the flaring head of her cock wasn't already soaked from the steady dripping of her pre.

Once more the pleasure rose between her thighs. Unconsciously she cooed and gasped as the pads stroked at her. They did not move in perfect synch, so that from moment to moment the sensations shifted into fresh forms of pleasure, a constant kaleidoscope of erotic delight. Though their touch was soft, far softer than she wanted her cock to be gripped, nevertheless their relentless motion teased her further and further toward a powerful climax.

She panted, losing herself as slow shudders of pleasure swept through her body. Beads of sweat formed on her brow. Nightmare brought a hoof to Luna's forehead and gently wiped at the dampness. “You're so cute when you're in this state,” she said, and licked at the sweat on her hoof.

She walked around Luna, inspecting. She paused behind the alicorn, and then Luna felt Nightmare's hoof softly caress her balls.

Luna felt the semen churn and gather to leap up her shaft. She teetered on a precipice of ecstasy. Then, once again the machine shut down.

Beep... beep... beep...

“Fix it!” Luna howled. “Fix it, fix it, fix it!”

The sperm sloshed in her balls, still percolating, eager for the gates of orgasm to open wide.

“How vexatious,” Nightmare said. “I must complain to the manufacturer.”

“You're doing this on purpose!” Luna accused, shifting her hips in vain.

“How could you think such a thing of me?” Nightmare Moon said with a mocking laugh.

“Take it off,” Luna said. “I'll take care of myself!”

“Oho? How?”

Luna flushed red. Her cock gave a thick twitch.

Nightmare's voice was honeyed with mockery. “'I want to grab my dripping cock with my hooves and stroke it like wild until I shoot my seed all over myself.' Hmm? Is that what you mean to say? Or maybe, 'I want to sprawl before you and display myself as I masturbate like the shameless whorse I am until I squirt my filth straight into my own face.' You'd like that, wouldn't you?" She leaned in close. "But you know that isn't allowed.”

Luna gnashed her teeth in frustration as Nightmare Moon's cruel laugh rang out. She was taking such pleasure in tormenting her. But before Luna could retort, the machine switched back on.

Luna squeaked as the pads resumed their delicate stroking. At this point, a part of her knew better than to think the device would ever carry her over the brink, but nonetheless her body responded. Her thighs quivered and as the machine worked, her hips clenching up periodically to give random thrusts. The device kept up its sucking and caressing, bringing steadily mounting surges of pleasure to her body. Her mind crumbled under the erotic assault, her moans of need escaping her throat uncontrollably. Her cock trembled... and once again the machine stopped.

She howled.

“Are you all right?” Nightmare Moon asked in false concern.

“Pleeeeease,” Luna begged in desperation. She could scarcely think.

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “Just acknowledge me your master, and I will do something to help. Perhaps we have a better machine available.”

Luna craved release with every fiber of her being. Her balls were tight as drums, aching to empty themselves. Her cock's need shrieked through her body. But somehow she stayed silent to Nightmare Moon's demand.

But then Nightmare dangled one hoof in front of Luna. It hung there, swaying in her vision, an elegant glossy black solidity. She fought herself, but her body was shaking with her suppressed desire. Slowly, trembling with strain as she fought herself, she craned her head toward the hoof, parted her lips, and stretched her tongue out to lick Nightmare Moon's hoof.

She could smell it, the faint odor of hoof tickling at her nose, but the hoof dangled just out of reach of her tongue. She whimpered.

Nightmare Moon drew the hoof away. “No,” she said, “no, I'm afraid that offer has expired.”

Luna stared at her in horror and confusion.

Nightmare turned away slowly, shifting her hips before Luna's nose. Luna couldn't help but stare at the sleek curves of her rump. Nightmare twitched her tail slightly to one side, as if by chance revealing the smooth crease of her pussy. The lips glistened wetly. The alluring scent of Nightmare Moon's sex wafted past Luna's nostrils, and her cock gave a mighty shuddering throb—but she was still no closer to release.

To her shame, a sudden burst of saliva filled her mouth.

“I'll lick it,” Luna heard herself say, her voice weak with desire.

Nightmare paused and looked back over her shoulder at her. “Lick what?” she asked innocently.

Luna's gaze was glued to the sable flesh of Nightmare Moon's pussy. She took a step forward and pressed her muzzle to the slick, warm softness. Nightmare gave a start at the touch, but held still as Luna slid her tongue along the slit. The flavor exploded in Luna's mouth, a sensual musk that left her in an erotic haze. She inhaled the scent, filling her lungs with it, and she swirled her tongue into the warm crevice, scooping up Nightmare Moon's juices with abandon.

“What a thirsty little slut you are,” Nightmare said with a contemptuous laugh. But the muscles in her inner thigh quivered alongside Luna's cheek, and her tail hiked up of it's own accord.

The machine restarted, and Luna nearly squealed as the irresistible stroking along her cock resumed. Pleasure mounted swiftly between her thighs, and she prayed this time she would reach her orgasm.

She guzzled at Nightmare Moon's pussy, sucking at it and driving it into sudden convulsive quivers around her tongue. Her muzzle was soaked with her saliva and the nectars of Nightmare Moon. As she stroked and probed, she was rewarded with little surges of liquid as Nightmare responded to her oral ministrations.

Luna could not last for long with her face buried in such a tasty mare quim. Her breath roared between Nightmare Moon's thighs as she panted and gasped. Her cock was a throbbing shaft of lust, kicking within the prison of the machine's tube. Just a little more and she would finally cum. She was racing toward orgasm, praying the machine would not fail again, or at least that she might beat it this time.

But it was not to be. The machine stopped at the last possible moment, leaving her balls churning on the brink, her cock flared with hypersensitive eagerness. Then Nightmare Moon stepped away from her with a sudden movement, denying her more of that luscious pussy.

Luna shrieked in frustration and scrambled after it, but Nightmare's magic gripped her and held her in place.

But Nightmare was panting herself, affected in no small measure by Luna's skillful tongue. She turned to face Luna, and for a moment the two ponies stared at one another. In the silence, Luna heard a patter of drops spilling from Nightmare's vagina to the floor.

Without conscious thought, Luna slipped her tongue between her lips and slurped up the warm juices that dripped from her muzzle.

“On your knees,” Nightmare said, her voice a husky whisper.

She didn't intend to obey. But desire had left her shaking and her mind in a fog. She felt her legs fold and her body dropping to the floor.

“Good girl,” Nightmare Moon breathed.

Resting on the floor, Luna saw Nightmare Moon's already engorged cock jutting stiffly beneath her belly. It throbbed steadily, and a shining dribble of fluid hung from the tip.

She wanted to lick it.

No, Luna thought. I will not give in...

But her body gave a convulsive shudder, breaking her thoughts.

Nightmare straddled her, bringing her cock close to Luna's face. A waft of Nightmare's thick musky scent filled Luna's nostrils, and she shivered at the raw sexual odor.

“I gave you a chance,” Nightmare panted. “I gave you a chance to show respect and give a chaste kiss to my anus. But instead you missed the mark and slobbered around below it like a dog.”

“No...” Luna said.

“But I am generous. I am kind. I'll give you one more chance. If you worship my cock like a good little slut, I'll give you what you're craving.”

A part of Luna tried to resist. But the intoxicating scent of that cock, throbbing just before her nose, filled her lungs and pushed her willpower aside. As if in a trance she felt her lips part and her tongue reach out.

Her tongue flicked across the head of Nightmare's cock, and a thick droplet of Nightmare's oozing pre smeared across her taste buds. The flavor was richly succulent, a promise of intoxicating sexuality.

I won't put that thing in my mouth! Luna swore to herself.

But oh, she wanted to suck on it. She wanted to suck on it so much.

Nightmare shifted closer to her, and now Luna could easily nuzzle at the hard shaft. She rubbed her lips along it and let her tongue slip out to lick at the warm flesh. There was a faintly salty taste, as of the residue of Nightmare's faint perspiration. Luna lapped in long, slow passes that left Nightmare's cock glistening with her saliva. She pressed her muzzle further along the shaft, until the heavy globes of Nightmare's testicles bumped up against her nose.

She rubbed her muzzle along them, inhaling Nightmare's musk. The cool metal of the engraved ring around Nightmare's scrotum pressed against her nose, and though she wondered at the strange choice of adornment, she was far more entranced with the solid heft of Nightmare's cock.

What if she did suck it? Would that be so bad? It would be herself she was indulging, not the vile creature who stood over her.

She nuzzled at Nightmare's balls, licking them and imagining the thick cream they held. They were heavy and shifted against her face as she pressed into them.

Luna's pussy was dribbling a steady trickle of her juices down her thigh. Her cock throbbed demandingly in its prison, calling her to drown herself in erotic indulgence.

She drew back and rubbed her cheek along Nightmare's cock, and felt it give a little twitch. Nightmare's belly quivered above her with a sudden little gasp, and she felt a hot jet of pre splash onto her neck.

Luna's body twitched at the sensation. Her mouth was awash with saliva, and a wolfish hunger for the taste of Nightmare's cock took hold of her. She licked and slobbered over the shaft, caressing it with her lips, but she knew it was not enough for her. Fighting herself, she worked toward the head, and at last her tongue once more slid against it. Nightmare's cock twitched and spattered another squirt of pre into her muzzle.

Luna locked her lips around the head and sucked at the delicious nectar.

She could no longer resist. She had to fill her mouth with this hard shaft, and sate her hunger for its taste. She slid her head forward and eagerly gobbled up Nightmare's dripping cock. It shuddered and throbbed against her tongue. She moaned and slid her tongue around it, sucking it deeper into her mouth until it battered at her throat. Nightmare's sweet liquor oozed from it steadily as she began to thrust her head up and down, loving the slide of its veiny surface along the inside of her mouth, and the thickness of the head scraping along her tongue.

Nightmare gave surprised little squeaks as Luna worked at her cock. “You... you're a skillful little slut,” she tried to say, but her gasps at the sensations Luna brought to her undermined the viciousness of her words. Luna scarcely heard her anyway, consumed utterly with sucking every luscious drop of pre Nightmare spilled from her cock.

But pre alone was not going to satisfy Luna's thirst. With an animalistic hunger she slurped and gulped at the cock, her mind now focused solely on her need to taste the sweet cream waiting in Nightmare Moon's balls. Her loathing for the alicorn was cast aside in the ferocity of her own lust. She could think of nothing beyond the luscious shaft filling her mouth. Each pulse and quiver against her tongue made her heart pound in anticipation, and each little burst of flavor as the cock dripped more of its lubricious oozings made her own cunt and cock shiver in excitement.

Nightmare trembled above her. Her haunches gave little spasms and shoved her cock into Luna's mouth irregularly. It was clear she was trying to control herself, but her self-mastery was betrayed by her own pleasure. The snide insults she'd lavished on Luna had trailed off into involuntary moans and heavings of her chest as she tried to catch her breath under the intensity of Luna's service.

The wet sucking sounds filled the chamber. Luna's muzzle glistened with her saliva, and a dark trail of it rolled from the corner of her lips down along her jaw and all the way to her neck. Nightmare's cock had become hard as iron in her mouth, and she could feel the head swelling into a flare, the bulge of it scraping along the base of her tongue as she gulped down Nightmare's thickness. Soon she would be rewarded, soon her desperate thirst quenched. Eagerly—no, beyond eagerly. Desperately she shoved her head up and down the shaft, pressing up until her lips touched the base of Nightmare's cock, and the thick head slid down her throat. She pulled back and pumped at the shaft, grunting hungrily with each stroke.

“Is your throat dry, little whorse,” Nightmare gasped out, but the words were slurred, and midway through her whole body shuddered in a burst of ecstasy as Luna's tongue wrestled with the flared head of her cock. It was twitching in Luna's mouth, groups of massive irregular throbs in quick succession, practically kicking within her cheeks as Nightmare teetered on the brink of orgasm.

Luna yearned for it, knowing Nightmare could scarcely last an instant longer.

Nor did she. Nightmare's sudden indrawn breath was a shriek of ecstasy. Her cock jerked in Luna's mouth, and then Luna felt a pulse where her lips were tightly sealed round the shaft as Nightmare's sperm surged upward to release.

It erupted with a powerful blast that rocketed into Luna's mouth. The hot cream shot into the back of her throat, and Luna convulsively swallowed, her mouth squeezing around Nightmare's cock and making the alicorn cry out and instantly fill Luna's mouth with another thick spray of cum.

The taste exploded across Luna's tongue, a powerful musk of sex, cloyingly thick. It was intimately raw flavor, foul yet sweet, choking and overwhelming yet succulent. Her head reeled at the taste... and then her whole body convulsed with an unbelievable rush of pleasure, like a hot wave crashing over her.

Luna came. Her long-delayed peak struck now in a crazed tsunami of ecstasy. Her balls squeezed, and her cock shot off an enormous, seemingly endless rope of sperm. It painted the interior of the tube creamy white, and spurted down the long hose to the collection jar. At the same time, her neglected pussy clenched hard and sprayed a great sheet of marecum across the floor behind her.

Electric bursts of release swept through her. Her mind reeled in the storm of delight as her body twitched and spewed her juices in glorious eruptions of pleasure. Her sperm fountained from her cock as the tube sucked and massaged at her, and her hind legs spasmed and weakly pawed along the floor.

Another hot rush of semen filled her mouth, spilling from her lips in messy dribbles even as she tried to swallow the rich nectar down. It slid down her throat thickly, leaving an intoxicating coat of slime. Her body pulsed hotly again, and she gasped around the cock in her mouth.

Her mind locked up under the intensity of the sensations, like a jammed gear. She reeled, incapable of thought, drunk with the storm of ecstasy thundering through her. Nightmare's cock slipped wetly from her lips, trailing strands of saliva and cum. It throbbed and squirted a dense gout of cream across Luna's face.

The warm spatter jolted her awareness just enough for her to be horrified at the waste of sperm, and she brought her lips back up to the shaft just in time for the next surge to spill messily across her muzzle and onto her tongue. Warm trickles dripped off her eyelashes and down her cheek while she suckled at Nightmare's cock, relishing the dizzying taste that filled her mouth, her mind, her whole existence.

At the same time, her own cock continued spewing her seed in powerful, shuddering jolts of pleasure. Dimly she heard the sound of the fluid spattering into the collection jar. Her pussy clutched and quivered and squirted in a wet counterpoint of delight, drenching her rump.

Luna eagerly slurped and swallowed each pulse from Nightmare's cock, body twitching and spurting in sympathy with each splash that spilled onto her tongue. She could not understand the mindless intensity with which she craved it. Some part of her knew she ought to be gagging by now on the cloying foulness squirting down her throat, but instead her body shivered with pleasure every time Nightmare's spunk crossed her tongue.

The cock gave a few more throbs, the last drops of Nightmare's orgasm dribbling off, and Luna pressed her tongue along the head to scoop up the remaining drops. Nightmare stepped back, pulling her shaft free of Luna's lips, and instinctively Luna followed, stretching her neck to reach the cock.

But Nightmare stepped back until she stood before Luna, looking down upon where she lay. For a moment she simply stood there, her flanks heaving as she caught her breath. Then she gave a sneering smile. “Did you satisfy yourself, squirting like an unhousebroken animal?”

Luna felt a jolt pass through her at the words. She had cum—oh how she had cum—yet for all those explosive bursts of pleasure, she was still unsatisfied. Her cock remained a tense shaft in it's milking sleeve, and her pussy was aflame with desire, begging for the attention it had been denied.

She felt like she was going insane. By all rights she should be in a hazy post-orgasmic bliss, but her release had only driven her into a deeper feeling of lust. She wanted to fuck. She wanted the feel of another mare beneath her, the wet sounds of a pussy devouring her cock. The milking sleeve had become an intolerable substitute; she wanted to be free of it.

And she wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be rutted. It was like a fever coming over her. She needed the feel of some mindless brute of a stallion roughly shoving his shaft inside her, the caress of its flaring head stroking deep within, and the hot rush of sperm pumping into her.

In a daze, Luna staggered to her hooves, her juices dripping down her hind legs. Her tail was hiked up and to the side, lewdly displaying herself to any pony who might pass...

Lewdly displaying herself to Nightmare Moon.

Chapter 3

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Something in her still rebelled against the evil creature. She would not be broken. Though the taste of Nightmare's cock still lingered in her mouth, Luna would not cravenly beg for more of it. Her hips shifted, but she resisted the urge to turn her haunches invitingly toward Nightmare. In vain she tried to draw her tail down, but her body betrayed her, and instead her pussy wetly clutched at nothing, craving to be filled.

Nightmare saw it all, and snickered. She slowly strolled before Luna, casting a supercilious look upon her. Luna tried to disregard her, but she could not help but notice Nightmare's cock, still half-erect and hanging beneath her belly. Luna's gaze fixed upon it, staring at the sheen of wetness that still glistened on it, and the way the thick shaft bounced with each step Nightmare took. She could not tear her attention away.

“Oho,” Nightmare said. “Does my cock fascinate you so? Are you hoping for another mouthful?” She glanced meaningfully toward Luna's raised tail. “Or would you prefer to suck on it with a different set of lips?”

Luna stared raptly as Nightmare's shaft visibly stiffened.

“Go to Tartarus,” Luna gasped out. But Nightmare's words sent a yearning shiver down Luna's spine

Nightmare gave a cruel little laugh. “Your tone is a lie. Your body craves me.” She sidled up to Luna, brushing across her back with one black wing. “I am your master, after all. Your nerves itch for my touch. Your cunt aches to surrender to my cock. It drips and drizzles its need for my shaft.”

Luna shuddered and pulled away, a shameful thick dollop of her juices suddenly leaking from her pussy to spatter onto the floor. She snarled “No!” at Nightmare.

Nightmare smirked and circled behind Luna. She snaked out her neck and put her nose to Luna's glistening pussy, inhaling deeply and noisily. She raised her head, savoring the scent of Luna's arousal. “This is not the smell of “no,” little whorse,” she purred. “This is the smell of a slut who is dreaming of the feel of a cock between her thighs.” She looked toward the two assistants by the milking machine. “Can you smell it from across the room?” she called out to them, mockingly. “Don't get too worked up. This one is specially reserved for me alone.”

Luna spat a curse, but Nightmare's words evoked a storm of erotic thoughts. She imagined Nightmare Moon mounting her, the vile creature bending her to her will, thrusting and spewing into her with a victorious howl as if Luna were but a senseless beast, meant for nothing more than Nightmare's use.

A hot shudder passed through her, and her cock slapped the milking sheath up against her belly, momentarily interrupting its steady, teasing massage. Why would she think such things? Why would they send such thrills of excitement through her? Her pussy was soaking wet, clutching desperately at a phantom cock.

She would not be Nightmare Moon's toy! Yet a traitorous part of her reminded herself she had been sucking on Nightmare's cock not so long ago, for the promise of orgasm. And having gone that far, was it so much worse to spread her legs for the same reward?

Nightmare sidled up and whispered into her ear. “You want me to fuck you.”

Luna shook her head roughly and pulled away, but Nightmare followed. “You want to feel my cock spreading you open. Your body quivers for my stallionhood. You fight it, but your instincts will not be denied. You need to be bred. You need to feel my virile seed gushing inside you.”

Luna half-spun and bucked at her, but it was a weak effort and Nightmare danced back easily. Luna's legs felt like jelly, her pussy an inferno of lust.

Nightmare dipped her nose to Luna's pussy and gave a thick, slurping lick up its length. Her tongue pressed warmly along the sensitive lips. Luna felt fireworks of pleasure explode through her pussy, and she cried out involuntarily.

Luna tried to step away, but her hind leg only quivered and jittered her hoof sideways, parting the slobbering lips of her cunt ever so slightly and invitingly. She felt strands of her juices slip free and spatter along her hind legs. Her hips flexed and offered herself in spite of her own intentions. She hurled a curse at Nightmare Moon, but her voice only came out an animalistic groan.

Nightmare laughed. “Are you asking for something, my dear?” She smacked her lips and ran her tongue along Luna's wetness that christened them. “I can't understand if you don't say it clearly.”

Luna felt a hot shiver of need pass through her. Her pussy ached for another touch of Nightmare's tongue, but more than that, it ached for a hard shaft to fill it. Desire flooded through her, swamping her loathing of Nightmare Moon. Words bubbled in her throat, lust-crazed imprecations to be fucked, desperate pleadings for Nightmare's cock. She bit them back, horrified by the weakness of her will... but she did not know how much more of Nightmare's torments she could withstand.

Nightmare took another deep whiff of Luna's vagina, and gazed upon it with relish. “When you pose like this with your legs apart, your quim is open just enough to see your rosy-pink flesh inside, Luna. Is that deliberate, I wonder?” She snickered.

Nightmare's words sparked a sudden burst of heat in Luna's pussy, and it clenched and winked hungrily, dripping juices before Nightmare's eyes.

“Oh, it's much easier to see when you do that,” Nightmare said archly.

Shame burned in Luna's cheeks. Desperately she tried to wrest back control of her desire, to control the pounding of her heart and the pulsing ache of lust that constantly swept through her thighs.

“I wonder how it would feel to have that wrapped around my cock? What do you think, Luna? How would it feel to have your pussy wrapped around my cock?”

“Sh... shut up,” she gasped out, her mind assaulted with eager thoughts of Nightmare Moon's cock.

“I'm sorry, I couldn't hear that,” Nightmare said. “Let me come closer.”

The next moment, the black creature reared up and settled herself onto Luna's rump. The sudden weight made Luna grunt in shock. She was being mounted! She thought to scramble and throw the other mare off, but she could not bring herself to move. A powerful anticipation surged in her veins instead, holding her in place.

Still, Luna fought back. “Get off,” she spat, but Nightmare Moon only hunched her way further up her back. The weight and feel of another pony mounting her brought an intoxicating intimate aspect to the sensations wracking her body. Her heart pounded in undeniable eagerness.

“Hmmm?” Nightmare asked. “You said something?” She shifted her body a little further along up, bringing her hips ever closer to Luna's haunches, and then Luna felt it. The flat head of Nightmare's cock kissed up against her slavering pussy.

An electric jolt passed through her. For an instant her thoughts shattered, and all that existed was the warm tip settled at the lips of her vagina. She quivered at its teasing pressure, her pussy winking and squeezing, trying to draw it in.

Nightmare lay her muzzle along Luna's neck. “So? How do you think I should imagine it? The sensation of your cunt around my cock?” Her voice buzzed against Luna, her breath stirring the hairs of her neck. “Would it be tight and innocent? Quivering with uncertainty, unfamiliar with the sensation of a shaft exploring its depths? Or maybe sloppy and loose, a well-traveled highway, never closed to traffic.”

Her cock gave another prod at Luna's pussy, spreading her lips and teasing at her. Luna felt a bolt of pure joy quiver through her thighs. An involuntary squirt of fluid sprayed against Nightmare's cock and spattered noisily to the floor.

“So that's you answer,” Nightmare said. “Loose and sloppy. I see.” She pulled her cock away and slid herself backwards, moving to dismount.

Luna heard a drawn out whine, and it took her a moment to realize it was she herself whining. She felt a panic well up in her, and took a step backward as instinct seized control of her hooves and tried to keep her underneath Nightmare Moon. The whine surged upward into a sharp “Wait!”

Nightmare froze. “Oh? What is this? You object?” she said with a smirk. She pulled herself forward along Luna's back until she could stretch her nose to reach Luna's ear. She angled her hips as she closed the distance, so that her cock did not once more find Luna's eager nether lips, but rather slid downward between Luna's thighs to prod against her balls.

Luna felt the head smearing Nightmare's warm pre into her balls like it was massaging oil into her skin. Her cock shuddered inside the milking tube. The shattering orgasms she'd already enjoyed had only primed her with a hunger for more. She wanted desperately to cum again, but more than the delight of spewing another load of seed, she craved attention for her pussy; and Nightmare's continued teasing only drew her into a deeper labyrinth of lust.

“How do you object?” Nightmare whispered into her ear. “What part of your sloppy, loose, overused whorse cunt was I mistaken about?” She gave her hips a little thrust, sliding her cock against Luna's balls. The heat of the shaft was a pleasurable warm pressure soothing her orbs.

“It's not loose,” Luna gasped out incoherently.

“Is that what your guards tell you? How many do you reward at once? Six? Eight? You know they are just being polite when they tell you that. If you fuck that many at a time, you're sure to be loose, you know.”

“I don't—”

“If you won't tell me the truth, I can only guess for myself, you know. It seems like it must be very, very loose.”

“It isn't!” Luna gasped out. “I don't fuck my guards!”

But instantly on saying it, her mind filled with vivid imaginings of doing just that, calling them into her chambers and commanding them to turn her into a sticky, cum-drenched mess. Her pussy gave another hungry squeeze at the thought.

“What a pity,” Nightmare said. “If you did, we could find one to give testimony. As it stands, I can only assume you are lying about your gaping pussy. A shame. I suppose I'll never know one way or the other.” Nightmare shifted her weight as if to slide from Luna's back once more.

Luna felt close to shrieking with frustration. The words slipped from her lips without thought. “Just try it!”

Nightmare froze, though her cock gave a throb against Luna's balls. “What was that?” she asked.

Luna gulped, but mind-numbing waves of desire pulsed through her thighs. “Try it,” she heard herself repeat.

“Try... what?” Nightmare asked. “What exactly are you asking me to do?”

Through clenched teeth, Luna said “Shove your dick in my pussy and find out for yourself!”

Nightmare snickered in mock surprise. “My, what a clever idea! I didn't think of that. You must spend a lot of time thinking about such things for an idea like that to occur to you. I suppose I could give it a try.” She craned her neck forward and whispered in Luna's ear. “Of course if I do, it means I'm not going to stop until I've painted the inside of your cunt with my cream.”

Luna's body answered with a lustful shudder that Nightmare Moon could not help but notice. Nightmare threw back her head and laughed. She shifted back slowly, letting the head of her cock press teasingly along Luna's balls.

But the instant it slid free, Nightmare's cock abruptly twitched up past the drizzling lips of Luna's pussy and slapped up against Nightmare's belly with a noisy thwack that sent droplets of her pre spattering across Luna's rump.

Luna felt a quiver pass through Nightmare's body atop her. Nightmare made an urgent noise and pushed her hips forward, but the warm head of her cock missed the target and kissed up against Luna's anus instead. For a moment she held herself there, prodding at the tight pucker, but then her cock gave another sharp twitch, and the head slipped up to catch for a moment against the underside of Luna's curled-back tail, leaving a warm streak of juices, before slapping again at Nightmare's belly.

Nightmare whimpered, or perhaps it was Luna herself. She could not be certain; all she knew was she needed that monstrously stiff cock inside her. She reached for it with her magic, seeking to grapple and draw it down to her pussy. This time, Nightmare's magic did not come crushing down to stifle hers. Instead, Nightmare's breath hiked in her throat an instant as Luna's magic pulled at her shaft and drew it down to the hungry pussy awaiting it.

Strands of Luna's fluids were dripping from her eager cunt. The moment she felt Nightmare's flaring head touch those slavering lips, she felt a delicious shudder of delight pass through her. Her pussy quivered and clenched eagerly.

“I'm going to make you shriek and beg,” Nightmare breathed, and slowly, ever so slowly she pushed into Luna. The head of her cock spread Luna's wet walls open, driving into her with an agonizing slowness even as it sent explosive bursts of pleasure rippling through her.

For a moment, Nightmare halted, her flare barely contained within Luna's walls. Luna tried to suck her in, clutching at the thickness. She felt it throbbing, and then a sudden hot splash as a little squirt of Nightmare's pre spurted along her already soaking walls. Luna inhaled sharply, nearly swooning at the sensation.

Nightmare chuckled, but it was gasping chuckle. The muscles in her thighs quivered, and her belly heaved as she tried to catch her breath. “You... you want more of that?” she managed to say. She pulled fractionally back, sending thrills of sensation rushing through Luna. Then she resumed her slow, teasing penetration, gradually spreading Luna around her cock, clearly meaning to drive her into a wild agony of frustration.

Yet Nightmare's own body was trembling at the feel of Luna's pussy. Her tortuously slow penetration was disrupted as a quiver in her haunches sent her cock probing deeper. She groaned as a powerful quake shook her, and what had been an exquisitely controlled thrust collapsed into an uncontrollable flexing of the powerful muscles of her haunches. She drove her cock into Luna in a sudden surge, parting Luna's walls in a brutal rush until she bottomed out in a single thrust, her hips slamming tightly against Luna's own. Nightmare threw her head back, her groan turning into an animalistic snarl.

Luna reeled, overwhelmed by the sensation. A spasm of ecstasy gripped her, and her cunt clamped down savagely tight around the steel-hard shaft.

For a moment they stood frozen, locked together. Luna could feel Nightmare panting, and then felt a quake of pleasure pass through Nightmare's body all the way to the cock buried deep within her.

“So this is the feel of an alicorn's pussy,” Nightmare breathed.

Luna too felt a delirious pleasure from the warm cock sunk so deeply within her. Its mere thickness filling her coaxed forth her honeyed juices to soak it, and her silken walls flexed and squeezed at it relentlessly.

It pulsed inside her with the pounding of Nightmare's heartbeat. It twitched erratically, responding perhaps to her own squeezes, or to the spikes of Nightmare's sexual desires.

Yet this was not enough. Luna needed to feel Nightmare's cock thrusting in and out of her. She needed to be fucked. Would she have to abase herself even further before this creature and beg?

But it seemed Nightmare had reached her own limits of self-control. With a convulsive shudder, she flexed her hips, drawing her cock back and then thrusting in again. The feel of it sliding inside her sent shockwaves of bliss through Luna's body. Nightmare made a gasping moan herself.

Then Nightmare got down to the serious business of fucking. She thrust into Luna with long, powerful strokes that thrilled Luna to the core. Luna could feel Nightmare's thick flare forcing it's way deep within, and then being tugged back with breathtaking force, ravishing her tunnel mercilessly. Her walls clutched at it and her juices were sucked in the wake of its passage like surges of the tide, until the pressure of them built up enough to squirt around the length of Nightmare's cock and spill out of her, splashing down her hind legs in pungent streaks.

“There,” Nightmare said, “aren't you ha... happy to take my cock?” Though her words were meant to torment, her voice wavered as she spoke. Her sneering attitude of superiority could not hold up against the wet sensations of Luna's pussy quivering around her. “Fuck you... 'till you... beg...” Nightmare's words slurred into unintelligible grunts and panting. Her hips jerked, thrusting erratically as uncontrollable shudders of ecstasy shook her frame.

Every thrust of that cock sent threads of pleasure jolting through Luna's body. Her rump was sweating as Nightmare ground her hips into it, and she quivered and gasped to each twitch of Nightmare's cock deep within her. She thrilled as the ropy veins slid along her tight walls. Her body welcomed the thick intruder, hard as granite with Nightmare's arousal. The unsteady rhythm as Nightmare drove into her made Luna's heart pound with her excitement. The evil creature was swiftly losing any semblance of control as she rutted Luna, and each rough thrust propelled Luna toward her own wet eruption.

Luna's cock throbbed steadily in its milking sleeve, and her pussy drizzled a constant flow of her fluids around Nightmare's meaty shaft. The air was filled with the sounds of Nightmare's urgent grunts and Luna's own rushing breath, and the wet noise of Nightmare's cock sliding in and out.

Soon Nightmare was slamming into Luna with great thrusts, gasping with each pump. Luna could feel the thick flare fattening even further within her, pushing at her walls and sending intense rushes of pleasure surging through her thighs. Her world became the joyous sensation of that cock filling her, the erotic weight of another pony atop her, fucking her senseless. She no longer cared that it was the vile Nightmare Moon (or even that some fragment of her could not understand how Nightmare Moon could even be separate from her), or that she was imprisoned, a plaything of the creature who rode her. She only cared to feel more of that cock, to flex her hips and welcome it deeper, clutching at its hardness as tightly as she could as shudder after shudder of delight burst between her thighs.

Nightmare's coat shone with a glossy sheen of sweat. Drops of it fell across Luna's back, and steamy heat radiated from her. When Nightmare gave a particularly rough thrust forward, her damp balls bounced forward to bump up against Luna's own thighs. “What do you want next... you little... slut...” Nightmare grunted with each thrust. Luna could feel Nightmare's body trembling with her own need.

“I want your cum,” Luna gasped. “I want to feel your cum!”

And she did indeed. She was full of a craving to feel Nightmare's cock spew her potent seed deep within her. She wanted it to drench her womb, to feel that shaft pouring her full of thick cream.

“Well said,” Nightmare wheezed, and slammed her hips tight to Luna's rump. Nightmare's haunches quivered and twitched. Deep within, Luna felt Nightmare's cock give a kick, and her pussy clutched at it in anticipation.

With a desperate groan, Nightmare suddenly heaved back and thrust in twice more in rapid succession, then held tight to Luna as her cock gave another kick.

Then Luna felt it, a rumbling surge up the length of Nightmare's shaft. An instant later, Nightmare cried out, and Luna felt the hot torrent of sperm shooting inside her.

From it, a warm feeling of raw pleasure radiated through her body. And then, an instant later, blinding ecstasy gripped her, and orgasm swept over her. In its milking sleeve, her cock began to spew, her body shuddering with each thick pulse. At the same time, her cunt surged and frothed around Nightmare's cock, spraying messy squirts of her juices across Nightmare's thighs. Fireworks of erotic release swept through her, and she threw back her head and squealed as the thrilling pulses shook her body.

Nightmare herself quivered at the feel of Luna's cunt spasming around her. Another thick pulse of cum poured into Luna, and then with a rough motion, Nightmare began thrusting again, sliding her fountaining cock in and out of Luna, wringing every drop of pleasure from her orgasm she could. Her hips jerked and trembled as her cock squirted again and again, and she groaned in delight at the feel of emptying her balls inside Luna's slick pussy.

For Luna, each jet of cream that painted her pussy's walls sent another eruption of pleasure exploding through her. Her pussy clenched, locked in multiple orgasms that left her panting to catch her breath. Her cock drained into the milking sleeve in bursts that left her legs shaking in reaction. Her eyes rolled back and saliva dripped from her lips as storm upon storm of ecstasy left her a shuddering mess.

Nightmare's pace slowed, but her cock still twitched and poured more of her seed into Luna. It spilled back around her cock and dripped from the lips of Luna's pussy in thick dollops, dripping to the floor or spattering along Luna's hind legs in long strands that swung back and forth from the force of Nightmare's thrusts. At last, with a wheezing groan, Nightmare slid her cock deep into Luna, now an easy passage flowing with a rich stew of Luna's juices and Nightmare's cum. Nightmare pressed her hips tight to Luna's rump once more, and squeezed one last trickle of sperm from her cock. For a minute she held herself there, catching her breath as Luna quivered beneath her.

Then she slid back off Luna. Her cock pulled free with an obscene wet sound, and a spatter of fluids. Nightmare stumbled backwards drunkenly, shaky in the aftermath of her orgasm. She bumped against the side of the throne behind her, and let her rump slide to the floor, until she was sitting like a dog, her cock still firm enough to jut up between her thighs toward Luna. It glistened with Luna's juices and a white bubble of semen trickled from the tip. Nightmare watched Luna with an amused half-smile, still clearly floating in a post-orgasmic bliss.

Chapter 4

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Luna should have felt the same pleasant lassitude as Nightmare Moon. She should have been well-satisfied and worn out from the powerful orgasms that had crashed through her.

But she was burning with lust.

At best, the glorious (and they had been!) eruptions of pleasure she had enjoyed had begun to clear some of the fog from her mind that had plagued her since she woke. But that was scant compensation when her body still ached with need.

A dollop of Nightmare's cum slid teasingly from her pussy, and she shivered. The milking tube coaxed weakly at her cock, denying her another climax. She couldn't stand having her cock imprisoned in it any longer.

A surge of angry frustration welled up in her. Eyes blazing, she dropped her haunches to the floor and tugged at the straps holding the tube in place with her hooves and her magic. She half-expected Nightmare Moon to stop her, but the creature merely sat and watched, amused.

The tube pulled free, and she cast it aside. Cool air bathed her dripping cock. Without a thought, she laid her hooves along it. Pleasure surged at the touch, and instinct drove her to stroke, giving a happy moan as it twitched in her grip. She wrestled with it, giving it the strong grip the milking tube had denied for so long, barely aware of her surroundings. A moment later, she gasped as the sensation surged in her loins, and her cock spurted a thick rope of semen across the floor. She stared in shock, but continued to stroke, bringing forth more spurts and covering her hooves in the white slime of her sperm.

Her body gave a happy shiver at this release. But hard desire still gripped her.

Nightmare's laugh barked out. “You did that!” Her voice was rich with a mocking laughter. “You actually did that.”

Luna couldn't understand how she could still be so filled with lust. I've got to think, she told herself. Get it together! This doesn't make sense!

Her mind was still sluggish, but the hard edge of the soporific drugs that clouded her thinking was wearing down. The stars above were plainly painted on a ceiling, and the whole chamber was but a crude approximation of the Night Court, carved from some stone chamber.

She raised one hoof to her muzzle, wrinkling her nose at the reek of her sperm. Absently she licked, her mouth filling with the pungent taste.

“You really can't get enough!” Nightmare chortled. “Was there ever such a whorse?”

Luna looked at her, but her gaze irresistibly dropped to stare at Nightmare's still semi-erect cock.

Nightmare wasn't as overpowered with desire as she was. Luna furrowed her brow, trying to understand, but the sight of Nightmare's cock sent a sudden burst of saliva into her mouth. Her gaze flicked to Nightmare's balls, still hefty with the promise of more loads of her cream. She saw the elegantly worked silver ring around Nightmare's scrotum as well, and the strange choice of jewelry dragged at her fuzzy thoughts once more.

Luna crawled across the floor to Nightmare's cock.

“Oho,” Nightmare said as Luna inched her way between her thighs. “Really? You still want more?”

Luna's body throbbed with her insatiable excitement. The dark shaft rose before her face, a semi-erect tube of flesh, glistening with the thick residue of sperm and Luna's own pussy juices. The sharp scent filled her lungs and drove her own cock to pound up against her belly. She needed more. Yes, she had to have more of Nightmare's cream.

Of course, she thought. Of course I need more.

She rubbed her muzzle along the slimy cock, letting the scum gather along her lips. Her tongue slipped out to sample more of the rich mixture, tasting her own wetness combined with the heady flavor of Nightmare's sperm.

Nightmare gave an unsteady chuckle at the sight of Luna's continuing fascination with her cock. She gazed down at the other pony with a vaguely superior expression of amusement. Her belly rose and fell deeply as she still recovered her breath from the furious fucking she had delivered. With a lazy tease in her voice, she asked “You want to worship it more?”

Luna answered by raising her lips to the head of the shaft and sucking it into her mouth. The luscious taste of the semen slime coating it burst across her tongue and sent a warm pulse of pleasure through her body. Her pussy suddenly tightened and squirted a spatter of cum slop across one thigh and onto the floor behind her. She shuddered and nearly swooned—to think, the cock that she was slurping on now had only minutes ago been ramming into the depths of her pussy.

She worked at the flexible tube with her tongue, filling her mouth with it and sliding it to the back of her throat. Nightmare continued to watch her indulgently, but gradually her breath started to hitch in her throat at Luna's ministrations. The cock slowly hardened in Luna's mouth, throbbing with Nightmare's pulse.

Rewarded by the stiffening organ, Luna redoubled her efforts, sliding her head up and down the shaft and slurping at it noisily. She heard a sudden “O-oh...” from Nightmare as she sucked, and she let her lips curl around Nightmare's cock in a slight smile of satisfaction. It was not that she liked Nightmare—how could she? But she had gone long beyond being able to deny that Nightmare's cock was a magnificent, beautiful thing in its own right, and the sheer joy of being able to wrap her lips around it and coax it into twitching eagerness gave her an undeniable feeling of satisfaction.

Nightmare seemed almost in a daze. She gently rested a hoof on the back of Luna's head, silently urging her to deepen her sucking.

Luna felt the hoof, and began thrusting her head more vigorously, messily sucking at the shaft. Saliva bubbled from the corners of her lips and wet trails of it spilled down to drip from Nightmare's balls. Nightmare began to give soft little cries more often, and here and there she would accompany them with a sudden pressure to her hoof, driving Luna's head down until the head of her cock pressed to the back of Luna's throat.

As Luna drew back from one of these, Nightmare's cock gave a shudder and spurted a little splash of pre. The sweet, erotic taste coated Luna's tongue and she moaned in response. Nightmare's thigh quivered next to her face.

Luna scooched up closer between Nightmare's legs, squatting on her haunches so that she could cup and caress Nightmare's balls with one hoof while she stroked at the base of the cock with the other, all while keeping her mouth slurping at Nightmare's cock.

Nightmare was murmuring “Yesss...” with her eyes half-lidded. She brought her other front hoof up to join the first holding Luna's head, and with growing insistence started shoving Luna's head up and down on her cock.

Luna let her set the pace, and ran her tongue along the thick cock with eager strokes. Before long she could taste the steady bubbling of pre, and the head of Nightmare's cock began to flare. It pressed against her tongue, sliding thickly to her throat and back. Nightmare rocked her hips on the floor with each thrust of Luna's head, trying to press her cock deeper.

Nightmare was huffing and panting now. Her cock was throbbing, steadily quivering as it stroked in and out of Luna's mouth. She felt Nightmare's balls tensing up, and a mighty twitch rocked the shaft, but Nightmare's cream did not yet flow. Nightmare roughly thrust Luna's head on her cock, grunting with each stroke. Luna's saliva ran freely down the shaft, strands of it flying with each pump.

Then Nightmare threw her head back with a cry and ground Luna's mouth down to the base of her cock. It thrummed against her tongue, and swelled as the sperm shot up its length.

Don't swallow!

It shot against the back of Luna's throat, a hot blast of cum that instantly filled what little space remained in her mouth, and then sprayed out past her lips.

Nightmare's hooves relaxed their grip on Luna, and she pulled back enough to accommodate the next rush of sperm in her mouth. The hot cream swirled in her mouth, the raw taste of it sending shudders of need through her. She locked her throat, refusing to swallow, but oh, how she wanted it, wanted the thick juice sliding down her throat.

Nightmare flexed her hips up, trying to push back deeper into Luna's mouth, but she was caught up in rapture, her head lolling drunkenly, and was left at Luna's mercy. Still, Luna's tongue instinctively stroked at the shaft sliding in her mouth, drawing forth another thick eruption.

The sperm sloshed in her mouth, filling her cheeks. She craved swallowing it, thirsted for it with a need she could scarcely control. Yet somehow she managed to resist, though her throat quivered with want. Carefully she drew her lips up that shaft, freeing more space just as another pulse squirted into her mouth. She could hold no more, and pulled free. Nightmare's cock shuddered again and spurted a thick, messy strand across Luna's face. Her whole body gave a twitch at the sensation, and she nearly lost control and swallowed right then. Surely she could ease her thirst with a tiny bit? Another long strand of cream landed in a hot strand across her face.

No! Just a little longer!

Part of her was screaming at her to stay in control. Her mouth was absolutely full of cum. She knew she had to be salivating like wild, which could only add to the volume. Still, she kept her throat locked closed.

She scrambled forward, practically crawling up Nightmare's body. She felt a final little spurt from Nightmare's cock splash against her chest. She levered herself up until she was nose to nose with Nightmare.

“What's this,” Nightmare said, still drunk with the pleasure of her orgasm.

Luna leaned in.

“You want a kiss? Really?”

Luna drew her forelegs around Nightmare's neck, and locked her lips to Nightmare's. Nightmare parted her teeth, expecting a taste of Luna's tongue.

Luna parted her lips and clenched shut her jaw, filling Nightmare's mouth with a huge gout of hot sperm in an instant.

Immediately Nightmare tried to pull her head away, shoving at Luna with her forehooves. But Luna held tight to her and mashed her lips to Nightmare's, preventing her from escaping. Rich trickles of semen spilled from their lips as Nightmare struggled, staining her dark muzzle, but Luna managed to prevent Nightmare from forcing it back into her mouth or spitting it out.

Nightmare shrieked with rage, a muffled sound in the back of her throat. She reared up, trying to break free, but Luna clung tight to her. They balanced on hind legs, belly to belly. Luna felt her cock pressing against Nightmare's shaft, warm and wet, and ground her hips against it. She slid the flare of her cock head along Nightmare's thickness, groaning faintly into Nightmare's mouth at the feel of its pressure.

Nightmare battered at Luna's chest with one hoof, struggling ferociously. Her jaw quivered against Luna's lips, and it was clear she was being overwhelmed by the intense flavor of the raw stuff swirling in her mouth. Luna knew the craving to swallow must be overpowering. Nightmare resisted, but then she coughed, sending a spray of cum shooting from her nose, white droplets spattering against Luna's face. More messy trickles oozed from between their lips, dripping down their chins.

Nightmare trembled in Luna's grip a moment longer. And then Luna felt it, the rolling convulsion in Nightmare's neck as she finally was forced to swallow the rich cream down her throat.

The effect was immediate. Nightmare shuddered against Luna, and then Luna felt Nightmare's cock twitch against her own. An instant later a hot torrent of Nightmare's cum spewed across Luna's cock and soaked her belly and chest. The feel of that hot spray sent Luna into her own orgasmic shivers, and her cream surged up to spurt alongside Nightmare's. She pressed her groin against Nightmare, and felt each quiver and rumble of her cock and Nightmare's as they squeezed together, squirting a filthy mess over one another.

Nightmare gasped and coughed, trying to catch her breath. Spatters of cum dripped from her mouth. Caught in a breathless haze of orgasm, she rocked her hips against Luna, sliding her cock along Luna's unconsciously as her body jolted to each surge of cum she spilled.

Luna no longer had any need to hold back herself, so she finally swallowed down the residual cum in her mouth. Just as it had affected Nightmare Moon, so Luna too felt a mind numbing rush of pleasure as the raw taste settled into her stomach. Her cock fountained an especially thick squirt, and she set to hungrily licking up the mess of sperm that coated Nightmare's muzzle, coating her tongue with the raw, musky flavor while Nightmare panted and groaned. Each swallow sent another burst of desire through her thighs.

For a moment they stood rearing up and intertwined together. Then Nightmare came to herself, and with an angry snarl she shoved free of Luna. She dropped to all fours, thick sheets of semen dripping from her chest and belly, and glared at Luna. “You tricked me, you whorse!”

Luna stumbled back and settled to the all fours as well. She lapped up a warm dribble of cream still on her muzzle and smiled wolfishly at Nightmare. “Did things not go to plan?” she asked.

Nightmare's eyes were ablaze with anger, but her body was caught up in the waves of lust the bellyful of sperm had given her. Little shivers of need passed through her, and her cock throbbed steadily, sometimes slapping up against her belly audibly.

Luna felt much the same lust, but she also felt as if she were thinking more clearly nonetheless—as if her sexual exertions had finally burned off whatever had fogged her mind.

So it was that Luna began stalking around Nightmare, who seemed to be having difficulty coping with the intensity of her own desire. She was panting, and gnashing her teeth. “You think you're so clever, princess?” she said. “You haven't won anything!”

“You seem distressed, Nightmare Moon. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“Shut up!”

Luna slid in close to her and whispered in her ear. “Are you not the master here? Are you not to be served?”

In spite of her teasing act, Luna knew she was scarcely better off than Nightmare Moon, and barely able to control herself. The sight of Nightmare's cock sent her mouth salivating, and as she stepped around the other mare, she caught a whiff of Nightmare's pussy that made her knees weaken and left her cock as hard as diamond. She wanted to throw herself atop Nightmare, or under her; it scarcely mattered.

No. It did matter.

She was the Princess of the Night. She had struggled with being Nightmare Moon, and she had put that behind her. She was not going to fall to those feelings again. She was greater than Nightmare Moon. No matter what, she had to be. No matter how she had degraded herself so far, she could not give in any more.

She forced herself to maintain her poise. “Is there something you would like, dear Nightmare?” Her voice was edged with sweet malice.

“Don't toy with me,” Nightmare growled. “I... I am master here! You can't... You can't...” Her voice trailed off in shuddering pants, and she shifted her hindquarters as if trying to gain some faint relief by sliding her pussy lips together.

“O master,” Luna sneered, “do you crave something? Are you going to beg? Perhaps I might help if you begged.”

Nightmare stared at her. “I do not beg,” she snarled. “Not from anypony, not from you!

Luna laughed, and stroked one hoof along Nightmare's flank. Nightmare sucked in her breath, and her whole body twitched at the contact.

“Your body is begging,” Luna murmured. She let her nose drift near Nightmare's rump once again, and the musky sweetness of Nightmare's eager pussy collected in her nostrils. Nightmare's tail was flagging high, exposing her wet slit. “I can smell it on your cunt.”

“Why don't you try licking it instead,” Nightmare retorted.

Luna lined up behind Nightmare. “I don't think so,” she said, and then reared onto Nightmare's back.

I will master you, Nightmare Moon!

The moment Nightmare realized what was happening, she reared up. Luna clutched at her shoulders and struggled to keep in position as Nightmare gave an outraged shriek.

Luna's cock swung wildly as she wrestled for position, then punched at Nightmare's anus as Nightmare came back to the ground and Luna shifted and pushed her hips forward. The merest physical contact of bumping into Nightmare's haunches sent quivers of eager pleasure jolting through Luna's cock. She feared she might cum right then, and simply paint her sperm across Nightmare's rump. Her cock did give a squirt then, but it was only a spurt of pre that soaked the pucker of Nightmare's anus.

And then Nightmare grunted and shoved, trying to throw Luna off her back. Luna felt her cock jam up against the now-slick anus, and then something gave way. Her cock slid into the tight warmth of Nightmare's ass, quite unintentionally.

Nightmare gave another outraged shriek, but she froze as she felt the intruding shaft. “What are you doing?” she cried out.

Luna felt the sensations around her cock, and lust surged through her body. She pushed forward, sliding deeper, loving the feel of the tight ring squeezing around her shaft. Her cock pulsed steadily, driblets of her pre spilling inside Nightmare to further slicken the way. Nightmare shuddered beneath her, momentary robbed of speech over what was happening.

Luna's hips jerked back and forth, sliding her cock in and out of the tight hole in little thrusts. Slowly it became easier to progress, and Nightmare began to make little yelps and cries as she accommodated more of Luna's cock.

Luna's thoughts were hazy with pleasure. Nightmare Moon was her nemesis, Nightmare Moon was her failure, Nightmare Moon was the worst side of her.

But now she was fucking Nightmare Moon in the ass.

A feeling of liberation swept through her. She gripped Nightmare around the barrel and thrust her hips in deep, relishing the gasp from Nightmare. The anus gripped and squeezed at her, trying no doubt to force her out, but it only made the pleasure more intense.

Luna reached with her magic, tickling along Nightmare's cock and sliding to the hoop nestled around her scrotum. Deftly, she slipped one testicle through the hoop and then the other, freeing the strange jewelry.

“What are you—NO!” Nightmare shouted, as she felt it happen. Her magic lashed out, trying to wrestle back the ring, but Luna had a firm grip, and Nightmare's magic had lost focus thanks to the surges of lust that poured through her body.

“Just thought I'd try out your little bauble,” Luna said. She slipped her own testicles through the hoop and felt it settle around her scrotum. The metal was still warm with Nightmare's body heat.

“Give it back!” Nightmare snarled, and shoved underneath Luna, trying to dislodge her.

Luna stretched her neck forward and growled into Nightmare's ear, “Do you like having your ass stuffed with my cock?”

Nightmare gave a shriek of rage, and her anus clamped down crushingly. She heaved herself underneath Luna, trying to buck and throw her off her back. But Luna clung to her as she tried to twist and escape. Her struggles only resulted in further rough shoves of Luna's cock underneath her tail, and she yelped with each awkward thrust.

Luna was already driven to the edge by the residual sperm she had let herself swallow. The feel of Nightmare's vain struggles as she squealed and shoved beneath her, sent her galloping into a sharp rapture. The hoop around her scrotum tingled with magic, adding to her pleasure. Her cock sent a lightning burst of ecstasy rushing though her, and she threw her head back as her cum exploded up her shaft.

But to her horror, the ring of Nightmare's anus gripped her with such crushing force that it blocked her sperm, backing it up in the base of her cock. Luna gasped in shock, feeling the lower part of her urethra distending with the pressure of the buildup of cum. Inside Nightmare Moon, Luna's cock gave a tremendous, dry twitch as it failed to shoot the first blast of Luna's orgasm.

An electric jolt of panic slashed through Luna's thighs, but before she could even begin to try to free herself, her balls were clenching up with the next surge of cum. Her eyes widened, and for an instant the pressure in the base of her cock felt unbearable.

But it was Nightmare's anus that could not hold back the flood. The pressure of Luna's cum forced its way past the barrier, and in the next moment, an enormous eruption of cream blasted into Nightmare's ass. Luna cried out as her body quivered in pleasure, the delicious sensation of release sweeping through her haunches.

Nightmare gave an outraged howl as the hot torrent shot inside her. It squirted with the force of a firehose, painting her gut with alicorn princess sperm in but a moment. She reared up and this time Luna was half dazed with pleasure, and slid partway from her hold. Luna's cock pulled halfway out of Nightmare's ass even as it thrummed with another jet of sperm.

Still caught up in orgasm, Luna was slow to counter Nightmare's struggles. Nonetheless, she wrapped her forelegs around the other mare and held on, in spite of Nightmare's twisting and sliding. They reeled awkwardly on their hind legs, Luna gasping with the rush of pleasure in her thighs.

But as she wrestled with Nightmare, her cock pulled free of Nightmare's ass, her flared head just barely sliding from the muscled pucker as another burst of cream spurted from it. Her cum squirted across Nightmare's anus and painted a white trail along the black underside of Nightmare's tail. As their hooves shifted and they staggered against one another, Luna's cock was jammed into the crevice of Nightmare's rump, and then swung free to shoot another hot trail across Nightmare's haunches. Thick ropes of semen dripped down Nightmare's hind legs.

“Get off me,” Nightmare snarled, but Luna held on, growing steadier as her orgasm trailed off. Her cock remained hard all the same, still supercharged by the lingering taste of Nightmare's semen in her throat. They remained balanced on hind legs, Nightmare trying to throw Luna off balance. Luna let her cock press against Nightmare's rump and grind into the other pony as they fought. Only then did she realize Nightmare's cock was spurting as well, spraying white streamers of cum across the floor as she struggled, her body quaking and shuddering the whole while as she tried to break free.

Luna needed no further proof of the powerful effect of the ring's magic. How long had it swayed her, twisting her body in insatiable lust while Nightmare made sport of her and took her own pleasure? Perhaps she had already been given a dose of it's power while still sleeping—that would certainly help explain the sharp arousal she'd felt on waking. Well, no matter. Now it would be Nightmare whose desires were lashed into frenzy.

“It looks like you enjoyed it up the ass after all,” Luna cooed into Nightmare's ear.

Nightmare's body shook and pressed against Luna with carnal need. Defiantly, she spat, “I'm going to make you pay, you bitch!”

“Oh, I don't think so,” Luna said. She shifted her hips behind Nightmare. “You're going to be my plaything now.”

Chapter 5

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“You're going to be my plaything now.”

With that, Luna pressed her haunches forward. The head of her cock found the slathering lips of Nightmare's pussy, and then she slid into it.

Nightmare froze, making a choking noise. Luna felt the wet folds part around her, hungrily devouring her cock. There was no evading it—Nightmare's body was betraying her lust with every twitch and quiver. She came down to all fours, yielding to Luna and, whether consciously or not, spreading her hind legs in the process. Luna sank her cock into the warm wetness. It parted around her easily, already so thoroughly lubricated with Nightmare's juices that little squirts of it sprayed out as she penetrated.

A soft whimper escaped Nightmare's throat as Luna slid in, and then Nightmare's pussy flooded with a hot surge of her juices. The torrent spilled around Luna's cock, and the pussy walls clamped down on her, shuddering and shooting a hot spray from her to drench Luna's balls and thighs.

“Cumming already?” Luna said. “You must really like my cock.” She drew her hips back and then gave a smoothly forceful thrust. Nightmare made a strangled groan as her pussy continued spasming around the solid shaft, wet splashes spilling down her legs.

“Don't be so... full of yourself,” Nightmare grunted.

Luna gave another big thrust. Nightmare's pussy was a delicious wetness around her, brimming with warm juices and quivering at her mercy. She chuckled. “Who's full of me again?”

“Screw you! I can barely feel that puny thing.”

“Your pussy is wetter than any mare I've ever fucked.” Luna's hips were smoothly rolling on their own now, the steady pleasure of Nightmare's cunt clutching at her drawing her onward.

“Maybe those mares didn't think so much of you either,” Nightmare gasped out.

Luna gave a sharp laugh in response. In punishment, she stilled her hips and held herself in place within Nightmare's pussy. She could feel it quivering and twitching around her, eager for more.

“You're a liar, Nightmare Moon. You're lying about how good this feels. You're lying about how much you want this. And you're lying about your name, too.”

“You... you fool! I am Nightmare Moon! I am your master!” But even as she spoke, she shifted her rump, trying to drive Luna's cock deeper within her.

Luna swayed her hips with Nightmare's vain attempts and kept her cock motionless within the other mare—barring a few uncontrollable throbs of her own. Nightmare's warm juices oozed from her and dripped down her legs and to the floor.

Nightmare's voice came out a frustrated whine. “If you're going to fuck me, just get on with it!”

“Oh? Are you begging?”


“Show me your true self and maybe I will.”

“I am Nightmare Moon! I—”

“No,” Luna said. “I have grown inured to your mind-fogging perfumes. I can think clearly now. I know all there is to know of Nightmare Moon, and you are not her. Show yourself.”

Nightmare squirmed beneath her. “You poor delusional foal—”

“Show yourself. Or you won't taste another inch of my cock.”

Nightmare shuddered. “As if I care!” But then she gave a thoughtful pause, a crafty look crossing her face. “But no... you innocent little pony. Have you considered the risks if you happen to be correct? Some illusions might be better left unshattered, lest the dick that gives you such thrills of pleasure now shrivel up in terror!”

“Try me,” Luna breathed in her ear.

Nightmare's pussy clenched at Luna's cock. “So be it, foal!” A wave of green magic shimmered across Nightmare's hide. Luna felt it tingle against her, and the evil alicorn's body shifted beneath her, becoming sleeker and more angular. “Witness! You thought it was Nightmare Moon who mastered you! In reality, it was I, Queen Chrysalis, all along!” The feathery wings became gossamer fans. “You thought you were worshiping Nightmare Moon's cock, but you were really suckling on mine!” The strong muscles became firm, alien flesh. “You thought you were gulping down Nightmare Moon's sweet seed, but it was my own changeling cum!” The tall, proud horn warped into a twisted abomination. “You thought your pussy was dripping for the touch of Nightmare Moon, but it was for me you were dri—hlggkk!”

Chrysalis's voice cut off as Luna gave her hips a powerful thrust. Nightmare's cunt had been a tight slickness, deliciously thrilling. But it was as nothing compared to the changeling's. The walls quivered and stroked at her, their warm wetness fitting around her as if this pussy had been born to hold her cock and her cock alone. It enfolded her, gripping her with such perfection that every nerve in her cock sung with ecstasy. As she sunk within, it swallowed her with an eager, convulsive hunger. As she drew back, it released her with the sweet reluctance of a lover's kiss.

For a moment, the pleasure blinded her, and she rutted Chrysalis like an animal, grunting and slamming as deeply into the changeling as she could, her raw snorts echoing through the room, the strength of her thrusts forcing Chrysalis to shift her hooves just to stay upright. Lightning jolts of ecstasy shot through her thighs, and her pussy squeezed with each thrust, messy squirts of her wetness splashing to the floor.

Chrysalis gasped at the rough treatment, throwing her head back and moaning. Her body shuddered with the intensity of the sensation as Luna took her.

But with a wrenching effort of will, Luna mastered herself. She stopped thrusting, her cock quivering like a taut bow inside the changeling. Her belly heaved as she panted, and shivers of delight rippled through her.

“What's the matter? Afraid you're already going to cum?” Chrysalis sneered.

In truth Luna could feel herself building toward another eruption all too quickly, but she only shot back at the changeling, “Shouldn't you be afraid? I have your little toy now, after all.”

“A mere bauble. I know all the ways of lust, it scarcely merits attention.” But her voice rushed as if she were trying to convince herself, or could barely get her words out without a telltale quaver.

Luna gave a slow roll of her hips, and Chrysalis gasped, her pussy squirting out a warm spurt of fluids. “I see,” Luna said.

“Pah! I've had cocks far finer than your withered excuse of a thing!”

“Maybe if you weren't so loose you'd have a better sense of what's in there.”

“How dare you!”

“How indeed,” Luna said with another languid thrust, warm tendrils of delight caressing the length of her cock. Chrysalis snarled and brought her head around, trying to snap at the other pony. But the motion threw her off her balance just as Luna shoved her cock deep within, and the hoof she threw out to steady herself skidded on one of her own wet splashes on the floor.

Chrysalis fell with an outraged yelp, Luna's cock pulling free of her with an obscene sound and whipping up against the alicorn's belly to spatter a fine mist of changeling juices.

Luna staggered in surprise, the cool air a shock to her cock after the hot embrace of the changeling queen's pussy. She filled her lungs with great gasping breaths. Her shaft felt hard and heavy as iron, the tip flared and sensitive, promising her cream must soon spurt again.

Chrysalis lay sprawled on the floor, her head drawn up and staring at the organ. She seemed momentarily transfixed, her eyes wide, and a thin trickle of saliva slid from one corner of her mouth.

Luna broke from from the tableau first. She pounced on Chrysalis, grabbing up her forelegs and wrestling the changeling queen onto her back. She pressed her chest to the other, bearing down on her. Chrysalis snarled at her, but Luna pulled her lips back in a savage grin. She angled her hips and pressed the head of her cock to the lips of the changeling's pussy.

The moment it touched, Chrysalis's body gave a tremendous twitch.

Luna held herself still as Chrysalis writhed beneath her, straining to rub her wet pussy against Luna's cock. “What's wrong,” Chrysalis spat, “lose your nerve?”

“My, but the changeling queen is desperate for my cock.”

Chrysalis growled. “Count yourself blessed to have even a fleeting taste of my pussy. There are ponies who would kill for but a few moments of such heaven!”

Luna barked out a laugh. “I'm certain half of Equestria has had a taste of your pussy, you slut.”

“Half of Equestria? You imply that I have fewer paramours than your sister?” Chrysalis sneered.

For an instant Luna saw red. Rage and lust burned in her veins, and with a powerful thrust she jammed her cock deep into Chrysalis. The changeling's cunt shuddered and squirted around her, and Chrysalis cried out.

Electrifying pleasure engulfed Luna's cock. Her hips thrust almost without her volition, grinding into Chrysalis in long, violent shoves. But as good as it felt, Luna still kept her presence of mind, fed by a growing anger at how Chrysalis had toyed with her and her sister. “You think you can kidnap her and get away with it?” she snarled in Chrysalis's face.

“You pony princesses think you're so high and mighty,” Chrysalis mocked, her voice husky in her throat. “You think the world belongs to you. But just wave a little perfume under your nose and you start panting like a bitch in heat.”

“You drugged us! Do you think you can conquer Equestria with such tricks?”

Chrysalis laughed bitingly. “You little foal, you've already given me the key.”

Luna got her forehooves under her, lifting herself off Chrysalis's chest. With effort she got control of her haunches, holding herself back from further thrusts of her cock inside the changeling pussy. It practically fluttered around her, sending delicious feathery sensations up her spine. “Your 'tribute'?” Luna scoffed.

Chrysalis wrapped her own forelegs around Luna's standing over her. She brought her nose up to Luna's, smiling wickedly. “Your sister is jealous of her seed,” she breathed softly. “She only gives it to Twilight. Even wrapped in a haze of lust from my pheromones, she somehow tells who is Twilight from the changelings. She slakes her fantasies in an orgy with a dozen Twilights, but when her climax comes, she always sinks her cock in the real one.

“They spend their days making languid love,” she continued. “You are like fire, filled with urgent need, but she will build her pleasure to its peak over hours. And we scarcely manage to harvest a drop of her cream. As soon as she catches her breath, she nuzzles down between her lover's legs and licks up her own slime until Twilight is twitching and eager to be filled again. It is as if she knows what we seek. Even when she sleeps, she keeps her shaft sheathed inside her lover.”

“Shut up,” Luna said. Her hips gave an involuntary shudder, and shoved her cock deeper into Chrysalis.

The changeling queen quivered beneath Luna. “Oho, hearing about how your sister fucks ponies turns you on, doesn't it.” She licked at Luna's nose. Her breath was thick with the smell of semen.

“Fuck you!” Luna grunted. Deliberately this time she rocked her hips, dragging her thick cock through Chrysalis's steaming wetness. Liquid surges of pleasure poured through her. Chrysalis rocked her head back luxuriously and moaned, clearly feeling the sensations as strongly as Luna.

From the corner of her eye, Luna saw twin green flashes as the two ponies who ran the milking machine turned into changelings. They approached nervously, and one called out “Queen Chrysalis, should we get help?”

Chrysalis's head snapped around and glared at them murderously. She gave a throat searing hiss, and they jumped back, stumbling over each other as they retreated to hide behind the milking machine.

An instant later Chrysalis brought her hind legs up and clutched at Luna's hips. She rocked her own hips up to meet Luna's thrusts and take each stroke deep into her sopping wet pussy.

Luna gasped, and clenched her teeth. For a moment she froze, trying to resist the seductive feel of the silken walls that quivered around her cock. But Chrysalis slid herself along Luna's shaft all the same, and the sensation overpowered Luna with a surge of need. She stabbed her cock forward, the slick walls caressing her flaring head, and for the briefest moment she held still, deep in Chrysalis. But it was only a moment. The strength of her self-control crumbled like wet sand, and she could not help but yank her hips back and then lunge forward again.

Rushes of ecstasy shivered through her thighs. She felt her balls shifting and rumbling in their sack. There could be no need to further lubricate Chrysalis's sopping wet pussy, yet Luna felt her cock extravagantly spitting forth a steady flow of pre to slicken the way even more.

“You want your tribute? You want alicorn sperm?” she snarled. “I'll pack you so full of it you won't be able to walk!”

Chrysalis laughed in her face. “Spill your seed until your balls shrivel up. My new, powered-up brood will infiltrate your precious Equestria and take it for our own, while you pathetic princesses drool.”

For an instant a shock of fear jolted up her spine, and she froze. But Chrysalis's pussy shuddered and squeezed at her, and coaxed her need onward. With a rough grunt Luna tensed her thighs and drove deep into the changeling, and began fucking her with strong, relentless thrusts. Something inside her took flame, and she suddenly felt as if she were soaring on dark wings of lust and seething anger. A tense pleasure thrummed through her loins, and she reveled in each forceful stroke. Her lips pulled back into a cold grin as she stared down at Chrysalis. “You really think you can beat us that easily?”

Chrysalis panted beneath her, thrusting her hips up eagerly to meet each of Luna's strokes. Her hind legs clutched tightly to Luna's hips, shifting to grab on whenever Luna's violent thrusts threatened to loose their hold. Her own needy lust was no less than the alicorn's, and a thin gloss of sweat shone on her face. Still she sneered back. “I... haah... I milked you like a cow!”

“Filthy slut!” Luna sneered back. Scarcely able to control herself, she sped up the pace of her thrusting. Chrysalis's pussy quivered and pulsed, sucking at her shaft, and the wet sounds of fucking filled both their ears. Slow, heavy surges of ecstasy swept through her and left her gasping, scarcely believing her cock was not yet spewing her seed deep into the changeling's pussy.

“Cow!” Chrysalis spat back. “Brainless... haah... rutting beast!”

“You're the one—ahh!—clutching at my hips, you insatiable whorse!”

Both driven half-mad with their lust, they clung to one another, fucking with wild abandon. They shoved and pressed close, wringing ever heightening bursts of pleasure from each other's body even as they spat insults in one another's face. Luna flexed and tensed her haunches with athletic intensity, and Chrysalis gasped and clutched hungrily at the hard shaft with her pussy. Luna's felt a drop of sweat drip from her brow to splash on Chrysalis's face. Her whole body had become slick with sweat, and she panted to catch her breath, heart pounding as shudders of delight trembled through her body. Chrysalis's hind legs slipped and scrambled lithely as they struggled to hold on to Luna's wet coat and grind Luna's shaft as deeply inside as possible.

Chrysalis grunted and moaned at Luna's thrusts. “You must be... dying to spew your filthy... pony sperm inside me,” she gasped.

In truth, Luna wanted very much to do so, but perhaps thanks to her previous ejaculations, she found herself blessed with a degree of stamina that surprised even her. Still, the aphrodisiac effects the magic ring had enchanted Nightmare's sperm with now kept Luna's pleasure riding a sharp edge of need.

But as far as that went, Chrysalis had guzzled down a much greater dose. Luna had made sure of that. If anything, it was she who was dying to have Luna's filthy pony sperm spew into her. Though with the magic ring now nestled around Luna's scrotum, that flood of semen would only push Chrysalis into deeper lust.

Chrysalis should be fighting to escape her, not shoving her hips to meet every one of Luna's thrusts. But Luna could remember how it had taken every ounce of her own willpower not to swallow down the aphrodisiac-enhanced sperm when it had filled her mouth. Even now the memory made her salivate and quiver eagerly. How strong was Chrysalis's resistance? Especially with the pleasure of Luna's cock filling her.

Another wave of ecstasy poured through Luna, like the surges of a tide inexorably rising. She could feel the tension rising in her as her body drew closer and closer to an enormous orgasm, stamina or no. And yet, she wanted to hold off. Chrysalis was writhing in pleasure beneath her. She wanted to enjoy the feeling of having the changeling queen at her mercy.

Fired with the feeling of mastery, Luna changed her pace, easing her quivering haunches down to slow, deep thrusts. In its own way, slowing like this only served to deepen the erotic sensations, as it gave her better opportunity to luxuriate in the skillful caresses and quivering squeezes of Chrysalis's pussy.

For the changeling queen, however, Luna's apparent fading interest was torture. A wheedling moan escaped her throat. “What are you slowing down for? Do it! Don't you need to spray your filthy cream inside me?”

The insides of Chrysalis's thighs were hot and wet with her sweat as they clutched at Luna's flanks. She thrust herself along Luna's cock with a desperate hunger, in an effort to make up for Luna's slowed pace.

Luna was panting herself, but still had enough presence of mind to say, “I can feel your pussy wrapped around me. Quivering in want. You're the one who needs my filthy cream!”

Chrysalis barked a laugh back at her. “Rejoice that I deign to grant you a purpose in life as my cum-pump.” But it was her body that trembled with each of Luna's thrusts. She barely lasted two more before she yelped “Give it to me!”

Luna tried to hold herself still, to torment the changeling even further. But her body refused, instead drawing her cock in and out of Chrysalis without pause. She could no longer hold herself back from the thrills of pleasure each stroke in Chrysalis's pussy sent rocketing through her. Still, she gasped out “Give you what?”

“GiveittomeGiveittomeGIVEITTOME!” she shouted out. She threw her head back, and a massive shiver passed through her body. She rocked her hips up tight to Luna, burying the cock deep inside.

Luna felt it then. Chrysalis's pussy clamped down tightly around her, powerful spasms quivering against her cock. Then a hot flood of juices bathed her shaft and came squirting out the lips of Chrysalis's pussy. The changeling queen was cumming.

She suddenly brought her head up to Luna's, her lips seeking the alicorn's, and then her long tongue forcing its way into Luna's mouth. It wrapped around Luna's tongue, stroking and squeezing as Chrysalis gave muffled shrieks of pleasure into Luna's lips.

Wet torrents sprayed across Luna's balls and thighs, the liquids splashing down her hind legs as the pussy fluttered and clenched wetly at her cock. Luna felt her balls shifting as her own pleasure mounted. Still she kept thrusting, her cock sliding deep in Chrysalis's passage, spurring more wet eruptions from the twitching changeling. Luna felt as if the flaring head of her cock were the size of her hoof. It ravaged Chrysalis's cunt, shoving along her trembling walls, imprinting its shape deep inside the changeling queen. Each stroke sent a raw pleasure sizzling through her that almost made her stagger.

Chrysalis let her tongue slide from Luna's mouth and pulled her head away, gasping for breath. Ropes of saliva spilled from her jaw. Thick shudders racked her body as orgasmic rapture pulsed through her, each of Luna's strokes sending bursts of wet ecstasy spurting from between her thighs. She pawed at Luna's chest weakly and cried out “Shoot it inside me! Fill my cunt!”

Luna felt an almost unendurable pleasure mounting within her. Her hips shook with each thrust, the sweet delight of Chrysalis's pussy edging her ever closer to the brink of ecstasy. Beneath her the changeling writhed and moaned, begging for Luna's semen, and cursing her with every stroke that continued the torment unsatisfied. Luna herself was lost in the sensations. The sheer delight of each slick motion of her cock left her swamped with a rapture so intense she could barely sense the border between it and orgasm. Somehow she held herself floating in this state for a timeless erotic nirvana that might have lasted a minute or an hour for all she could tell.

But at last her body reached its limits. The perfection of Chrysalis's pussy sucking and shivering around her brought her pleasure to its irresistible peak. She felt her balls draw tight between her thighs, her load of sperm rumbling within them. The steady surges of ecstasy with each thrust merged into a thunderous pressure. She groaned as Chrysalis grasped at her, the changeling sensing a fresh tension in Luna's body and crying out as her own body reacted with another hot drizzle of her juices around Luna's cock.

A wave of mind-shattering ecstasy rushed through Luna. She felt the eruption of rapture surge through her thighs, and then the joyous release as the first rush of her sperm poured up the length of her cock. Every nerve in her groin sang in pleasure, and she quivered to feel the thick pressure of her sperm racing through her shaft, pushing to be freed in the depths of the changeling's pussy. That first jolting eruption shot deep into Chrysalis, a torrent of alicorn semen spewing inside her, drenching her depths in an instant.

Luna howled out as she came, her muscles rippling and twitching as bursts of ecstasy pounded through her body. Another thick stream spurted from her, lapsing only for a moment before her cock throbbed with a massive twitch and spewed yet more of her pure cream. The magic scrotum ring seemed to vibrate faintly as it strained to keep up with the volume of sperm being expelled from Luna's twitching balls. Chrysalis's pussy convulsed, greedily swallowing down the eruptions of cum. It mixed with the changeling's juices as Luna jammed her cock back and forth, and was whipped into a pale froth that spilled around Chrysalis's pussy lips and dripped down the crease of her buttocks. Luna's cock was a heavy shaft, quivering and kicking as each hot pulse of cream filled it and spilled inside Chrysalis.

Chrysalis's head lolled back, and she gasped and panted as climax after climax battered her. The feeling of each hot spurt pulsing into her sent raw shudders of delight hammering through her body. She could scarcely withstand the mind-shattering explosions of orgasm that sent her pussy into fluttering, clenching spasms. Luna's sperm coated her silken walls, the magic enhancement tickling every nerve into shrieking symphonies of pleasure.

Luna's thoughts were shredded in a storm of ecstasy. She was controlled by the primal need to fill the creature beneath her with sperm. Her haunches shook with each pulse, and the sweat ran freely down her coat. Her rage at Chrysalis was a red thunder in her blood, but it only served to spice her pleasure further as she dominated the changeling. She shoved her cock in uneven thrusts, spasming constantly, the slick grip of the walls on her only prolonging the sensations as she spewed gout after gout of semen.

How long she remained in that heavenly state she did not know. The moment seemed endless. But eventually she grew aware again of her surroundings, and the ebbing quivers of her cock as the intense sensations subsided. It was then that Chrysalis's hind legs lost their grip on her hips, slippery with her sweat as they were. Chrysalis's rump fell to the floor with a smack, Luna's cock pulling out of her with a suddenness that made Luna give a little gasp. For an instant, a thick rope of semen connected the head of Luna's cock with Chrysalis's pussy. Then it spattered across the changeling's belly.

Luna staggered back a few steps, a warm afterglow of satisfaction filling her. Chrysalis lay on the floor, her eyes rolled back, and little quivers shuddering through her body. Her body glistened with sweat and her belly heaved as she panted. Her hind legs splayed wide, offering a shameless view of her gaping pussy, and the thick stream of cum that drooled from it and swiftly formed a pool around her rump.

Luna watched as Chrysalis struggled to bring herself back from the mind-shattering intensity of ecstasy that had racked her body. Luna's own legs felt weak in reaction to her own pleasure. Her cock hung, only slowly softening as the slime of cum that coated it cooled in the air.

Chrysalis brought her head up and pawed weakly at the air. Her unfocused gaze settled between Luna's legs.

“More...” she begged, her voice thin.

For an instant Luna was astounded—but then again she knew well just how intense the effect of the magically enhanced sperm was. And she had just shot a terrific amount of it into Chrysalis, had she not?

As if to underscore the point, Chrysalis's pussy gave a convulsive, eager wink, spattering a little spray of cum in the process.

Luna paced a slow circle in front of the changeling. Her cock swung beneath her, not yet ready for more, but at least no longer softening. As she moved, Chrysalis's gaze was glued to it. “Perhaps I could manage another load for you,” Luna said, “but what do you have to bargain for it?”

Chrysalis's face was strained with desperation. A faint whine issued from her throat.

Luna grinned wolfishly. Had she said bargain? No, given Chrysalis's state, there would be no bargaining. There would be plunder.

Some hours later, a tired-looking Twilight and Celestia managed to find her. Luna was sitting on her rump, lolling back against the base of the throne. Her cock lay along one thigh, a thick hose, quite drained. Chrysalis, utterly worn out, lay sprawled to her side. Though she slept, her lips were wrapped around the head of Luna's cock, occasionally suckling gently.

Twilight threw a hoof over her eyes to avoid the lewd sight, then immediately peeked around the edges. Celestia raised her eyebrows.

“Come back to your senses, sister?” Luna asked. She used her magic and slipped the ring from around her testicles and tossed it to Twilight, who caught it instinctively. “What do you make of that, Twilight?”

Twilight's brow furrowed as she studied it, holding it up to her eyes with her magic. “Hmm, decorative design... some kind of enhancement magic... combined with elements of a want-it-need-it spell... Oh! It's an aphrodisiac... or rather, anything that passes through it becomes an aphrodisiac. Designed to be set around the bowl of a goblet, or maybe hung around a bottle of wine...? Very unethical.”

Only then did she seem to realize where the ring had lately rested. With a sudden “Eep!” she dropped it, but Luna smoothly caught it up with her magic and tossed it over Celestia's horn.

“Very funny, sister,” Celestia said, “but by the look of things, you've given Chrysalis just what she was after.”

Luna snorted. “It was your own disappearance that led me here, was it not?”

Celestia's cheeks colored. “A shameful post-hypnotic suggestion implanted in me while imprisoned during the changeling invasion. That does not excuse you running riot and spilling yourself everywhere for... for that!” She pointed one hoof disdainfully at Chrysalis. “Don't you know she plans to—”

“Breed changeling-alicorn hybrids and bring down Equestria, yes sister, I know.” She smiled and stroked a hoof along Chrysalis's semen-streaked mane. “But I've made some changes to her plans.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“And in conclusion,” Twilight's voice echoed through the royal hall of Canterlot Castle, “thus far, raised in an environment surrounded by ponies, the changeling-alicorn hybrids show every sign of complete loyalty to Equestria.”

The hall was nearly empty, a squad of guards standing at the entrance and a nervous few flanking the twin thrones of Celestia and Luna. Celestia sat on her haunches in formal pose, but Luna lay at ease across her throne as if it were a sofa. Twilight stood to one side, and the reason the guards were tense and most ponies had been ushered from the hall stood tall before the thrones, watching Twilight speculatively.

“Did she used to have wings?” Queen Chrysalis asked Celestia, her gaze still fixed on Twilight. Then she gave her head an angry shake. “Nevermind. That report is precisely why I demand a renegotiation of our agreement! You are brainwashing my hybrids!”

“Brainwashing?” Twilight said in outrage. “Who put Celestia in a cocoon and tried to reprogram her mind?!”

Chrysalis scoffed. “There is no comparison to my cocoons. Cocoons are heritage, not mind control. I speak of the continued abuse, nay, plunder of myself and my changelings! My grievances are immense! I will stand for no more.”

Luna spoke up. “You made this deal of your own free will.”

“I was in no condition to negotiate, as you well know! You took advantage of my straits!”

“So you wish to... 'renegotiate',” Luna said. For an instant the magic that hid her penis failed and it was plainly visible, a semi-erect shaft spilling from her sheath. A familiar ring was nestled around her scrotum. Twilight saw it, and prayed the guards had not. Chrysalis saw it as well, for a shiver passed through her body.

“I insist,” Chrysalis said, but her voice lost its commanding air.

Twilight's sharp ears heard a guard mutter “She does this every other month.”

Celestia spoke now. “As co-princess of Equestria, I believe I also have a place in these negotiations.”

The magic that hid her own penis flickered as Luna's had. Twilight's eyes shot wide open to see a glimpse of Celestia's cock standing rock-hard, a silvery strand of pre dangling from the tip. A metallic glint was visible from where her balls rested on the seat of the throne, revealing a matching ring to Luna's.

Chrysalis licked her lips. “Naturally. Furthermore, I would take it as a diplomatic insult to the changeling race if the negotiations were delayed in any way.”

“Well, we can't have that,” Celestia said, rising to her hooves. Luna joined her and the two of them made their way to a door that led to a set of conference chambers behind the hall. “Guards, these will be delicate negotiations, and may last more than the day. We are not to be disturbed under any circumstances. Contact us via dragonfire if there is a dire emergency, but otherwise do not trouble us. Have meals delivered outside the door.” Celestia swung her head to look at Twilight. “Will you join us, my dear? I'm sure there is much of the art of negotiation for you to learn.” Her voice was a seductive purr.

Twilight gulped, and then nodded. She fell in behind Chrysalis as Celestia led the way. The changeling's tail twitched upward as she walked, and Twilight caught a clear view of her lovely pussy, glistening and slick. A few drops of her arousal pattered to the floor, and Twilight felt a sudden eager wetness between her own thighs in response. She hoped she would make it to the privacy of the inner chambers before her own juices added to Chrysalis's trail.

She nearly did.