> No Place Like Home > by Dusk Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Her Mind a Beacon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an overcast, windy Monday morning. In her office, Sapphire Nightingale sat and calmly reached for her second milky coffee of the day while the weather pegasi did their work outside. Once she had drank her beloved coffee, a zebra import from down in Manehatten, the thirty five year old pegasus mare decided it was high time she started her day. Pushing herself out of her comfy recliner, the dull orange pony swept her two tone light and dark blue mane away from her green eyes and with a sigh left her office. Immediately she was struck by the very noticeable chill that seeped through her fur to her bones, as well as the stiff breeze that took her breath away. Doing her regular rounds, though she was a little late at nine a.m., she checked up on some of her regular guests. She was rather proud of her room by the hour motel in Whinnyapolis. It had been in her family for over thirty years, and she had personally owned it for ten of those years. She climbed the outdoor steps. The bottom floor was a ‘real’ motel for those that could afford it, but the top floor was her actual bread and butter. Using her master key, Sapphire Nightingale moved down the line. As she expected, only a few rooms would still be occupied by those ponies that had nowhere left to go. Every room had a secure deposit box on the inside by the door where each freelance whore or gigolo would leave her their cut. Sapphire grinned to herself as she checked each box in turn, taking the money that was rightfully hers. Nopony would be able to forget that cut a second time. The occupied ones were all the same, disgusting roach pits that stank the moment she got near them, and she didn't bother to knock when she went in. She took her cut that was due and left unless one of them dared to speak to her. All of them were disposable and utterly beneath her notice. On the second storey, in her room – though cell would be a better term for the fifteen by twenty five foot space – a unicorn mare in her late forties by the name of Monsoon lay unconscious on the filthy construct that passed for a bed. The pale brown mare snored and drooled, draped over the side of the bed, her frazzled dishevelled blue mane tangled and lank over her half open eyes. The room itself stank of old stale alcohol, salt lick and Luna knew what else stained the dirty hardwood floor, while she stank of age, drugs and sex. Unmentionable liquids were dried on the fur between her hind legs and on her inner thighs, unpleasant remnants of the last night’s tricks that she was sleeping off, as well as her drink and opium fuelled hangover. Monsoon had wet herself in the night, and various old cuts and bruises mottled her pale brown body. Painfully thin from not eating properly in favour of getting high, she was, in a word, disgusting, both to smell and to look at. Unbeknownst to her, as most things were, there was no money in the box. Her pimp, though Monsoon loved him dearly, Red Light had taken it all beforehoof, leaving his - for want of a better term – marefriend, in the disgusting pit of a room to face Sapphire’s wrath on her own. Red Light had no love whatsoever for Monsoon. All she was to him was an easy-to-manipulate source of bits. She was his property. She was his whore and his tool. Though, lately, she was his disappointing whore. As she was forty seven, or eight, or whatever – he didn’t know and didn’t care to know either – her looks were failing her. The opium he used to control her didn’t help. She looked a good ten years older than she was. As such, to teach her a lesson, he’d taken everything from the secure money box. Sapphire Nightingale had ascended to the second floor having taken her fifteen per cent cut from those in the rooms on the first floor. As she neared the last door, she knew for some ponies it wasn't that they had nowhere to go, rather that they had reached the end of the line. She opened the last door, to Monsoon’s room. The physical wall of disgusting smell that hit her in the face meant nothing to her as long as the pony inside preformed. Nopony who came up here paid for the ambiance. To her immense displeasure the box was empty. Sapphire turned to face the wreck of a pony sprawled on the filthy stinking stain covered bed and with a well-aimed kick, knocked the whore onto the foul floor. "You don't get a bed here unless you pay for it!" She screamed as loudly as she could. "MMMMPH!" Monsoon protested, her bleary eyes opening a fraction but not really seeing. "B-Box..." she slurred, pointing at what she hoped was the right wall. If it hadn't have been bolted down to the wall, Sapphire would have tossed the box at the wretched excuse for a mare on the floor. "Empty, whore! Did you sneak out and piss it all away?" "N-No..." she tried to stand up but her legs, trembling for there was no heating in these rooms, collapsed under her weight and she fell back down into whatever filth was on the floor. "Red...took the money," she slurred and opened her eyes properly, though through her drug addled haze she was having trouble focussing on the mare stood over her. "Sapphy? Is th-that you?" "That ain't my problem,” Sapphire sneered, aiming another kick at the forlorn pony’s midsection. “I'll give you till noon or you're going to work it off." With that, she turned on her hooves, intent on leaving the mare on the floor as she walked out. "Wait...Sapphy..." Monsoon sobbed, tears stinging her eyes as she once more tried to stand up. "I won't have it...please don't throw me out! Y-You know what Red will do!" Sapphire Nightingale spat at Monsoon, glee in her eyes as the glob of spit hit her target square in the face and slid down her cheek. "Not my problem. You can sleep in Red's asshole for all I care." "Sapphy please...please don't throw me out! I've got nowhere else!" She sobbed, her hangover and her opium downer kicking her ass. She knew full well she wouldn’t have the money by noon. Maybe if she was younger, just maybe she could get the one thousand plus bits the motel owner demanded daily. "I'll do whatever, please Sapphy, we-we're friends!" “You're a friend of any cock that walks past you.” Sapphire sneered, spitting on her a second time. “There’s no charity here, you want something you're going to have to work for it.” "Whatever you want, Sapphy," Monsoon whimpered, sore absolutely all over as she walked towards the dull orange pegasus. "I'll clean, I’ll do anything!" A very cruel smile spreading on her lips, Sapphire snorted, "Last time I gave you an easy job of cleaning the rooms on this floor and you did a shit job. Why don’t I just get a strap-on and screw you till you can’t walk?" "Please Sapphy...I’ll do whatever you want...I need this room!" Monsoon dropped back to the stained filthy hardwood floor and crawled on her thin belly over to the angry motel owner, grovelling pathetically at her orange hooves. Sapphire however would not be so easily swayed. "Get your filthy hooves off me!" She kicked out at the whore’s face and tossed Monsoon the keys to the second floor. "Clean them right and I'll let you keep tonight's cut. Fuck up again and you can sleep on Red's horn for all I care, Bitch." Monsoon creeped a little closer and nuzzled the closest hoof to her that she could reach, not caring how clean it was as she licked the hard edge of her toe. Utterly revolted, Sapphire Nightingale backed away and then she wiped her hoof clean on the dirty soiled bed spread. "I'll be checking up at three o'clock this afternoon so you got six hours for twelve rooms. If a pony is in there just clean around them." With that, she walked out and didn't bother to close the door. Sapphire Nightingale stomped her way back down to the ground floor and to her office / living room. She badly needed a coffee just as much as she needed to wash her hooves after being in those rooms and having them touched by Monsoon. As she slumped in her recliner with her mug full, she shook her two toned mane out. She hoped that Monsoon and Red Light would move on. They’d been in Whinnyapolis two years now and it was about time they moved on to the next city. Presently, three o’clock in the afternoon came, and Sapphire Nightingale once more made her way – albeit reluctantly – back up the outside stairs to the second floor. As she checked each room, she stopped at one that made even her recoil in horror. "Celestia have your hide, Blender.” She screamed down the balcony. “You clean up that shit or I'll have you eating it! I put a toilet in these rooms for a reason!" Shaking her head, she stalked away from Blender’s room to find Monsoon. She really needed a pony to bully, and the old opium addict was her favourite target. Sapphire slammed the door to each room that she checked and then she started yelling down the balcony at a pony that tried to sneak out past her. Finally she yanked open Monsoon's door. "You did a shit job again!" Monsoon didn’t look up as the irate motel owner entered. She had finished the cleaning an hour earlier, as much as she could, but with the best will in the world there was no adequate way of cleaning these rooms. “I didn’t!” The pale brown unicorn protested weakly as she looked up from an old photograph held in her hooves. "I didn't!" Monsoon wailed again as she saw the look of thunder on Sapphire Nightingale’s face. She dropped the old photograph of her with her daughter on the bed. The only remnant of her old life she had left, and the only thing she had to remind her of her filly, Cyclone. "Sapphy I cleaned them, I swear I did!" Unswayed, Sapphire snorted. She knew full well these rooms of the motel weren’t exactly five star quality, but even so, she could still bully the snivelling whore. "Half ass jobs are all you're good for." Nonetheless, she opened up a wing and an unwrapped daisy and avocado sandwich fell with a squelch to the floor. "That and any bits Red leaves you are your payment. Shit, I might fire that stupid zebra and hire you for cleaning." Monsoon saw the sandwich fall and her mouth instantly began to water. The pale brown unicorn lit her horn and she made an attempt at levitating the sandwich from the frankly nasty floor, but her pathetically weak magic petered out halfway, leaving her to stumble the rest of the way to get it in her hooves. "Red doesn't leave me with bits. You know that..." She smiled as she took a bite of the dirty food. "I'll leave him today...I’ll go home." Sapphire Nightingale just laughed her snide derisive laugh as she walked out, "I've heard that one a million times, from a million whores. What makes you any different?" Left alone, with the motel owner’s mocking laughter ringing in her ears, Monsoon sat and wept over the photo of Cyclone as she ate the sandwich she had picked up from the floor. It had been twenty something years since she had seen her daughter. Monsoon didn’t know for sure how long it had been since she had left Canterlot just that it had been a long time. Crying fresh hot salty tears, she went into the dirty mouldy shower and tried as best she could to freshen herself up. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her little Cyclone again. In order to do that, she needed bits. To get bits, she had to get a trick or two, or three or four. Having made up her mind to leave Red Light and this life behind – the millionth time she had come to this decision – Monsoon, now looking as good as she ever would, given her physical state, left her motel room in search of a score. Quickly, fortunately, she found two earth ponies in search of a good time. Taking them back to her room, Monsoon bucked them both, the stallion and the mare once each while the other watched and then both together in a threesome on her soiled bed. Having earned herself one thousand two hundred bits for the three hard bucks, the pale brown whore saw her two tricks out of her room before depositing the money in the secure box. At least Sapphire would be satisfied for tonight, at any rate. Once more, she decided to wash up as best she could to make herself as desirable as she could and she ventured outside into the darkening evening for a walk. From her time in Whinnyapolis, Monsoon knew there was a really nice lake not far from the motel. About a mile away amidst some towering trees, she loved this lake. It put her in mind of many, many years ago in Canterlot when she used to play with Cyclone. She smiled as she remembered, through the haze of sex and drugs, to when she used to levitate her little filly out over the water before she could fly properly. As she walked along, her thoughts consumed by her jet black filly and her unruly turquoise mane, Monsoon found her thoughts interrupted by a buttercup yellow earth pony colt with a dark green mane, surely no more than eighteen, barely a stallion. “Hey granny,” he called out to her, “what has you out tonight?” “Granny?” Monsoon squeaked, at first outraged until she remembered – from the mirror in her shower – her 'past it' appearance. She hated that mirror and she hated the wasted excuse for a pony who looked back at her from it. “I'm no granny, kid. I wanted a walk, I'm going to the lake.” She pointed towards the rippling waters. “What about you?” The young pony shrugged, “Bored and looking for a good time, if you know what I mean.” “Oooh...” Monsoon smiled and, looking the colt over, gave him her very best bedroom eyes. He looked well built, strong and most of all, he looked clean. “I do know what you mean.” The buttercup yellow earth pony, whose name actually was Buttercup Meadow, though he wasn’t about to disclose that to her, laughed at that. “I thought you would, how much for some head?” He asked, casting furtive glances here and there as he got down to business. About to reply with her usual four hundred bit rate, Monsoon stopped and thought about it. She realised she hadn't had a decent opium hit in two days thanks to Red Light taking all her bits. He’d fed her just enough to keep withdrawal at bay and keep her under control. She also realised Red wasn't there. “I'll do you here and now for two hundred bits,” she offered with a smile, “Three hundred for a bit more, honey.” “Here?” Buttercup Meadow looked around like he was scared he was about to be stung. “But-but, um…don't you have a place or something?” “I have a place,” Monsoon replied, “But it'll cost you more. Right here I'm nice and cheap…” she stepped close to her potential trick so that he could smell her and she ran a hoof along his sheath. “C'mon...you want a story for your friends, right?” Nervously now, he looked around in the semi-darkness. “You swallow?” “Hmhmm you bet I do,” she murmured as she rubbed his sheath a little harder, now nuzzling his neck. “How old are you, honey?” “Old enough.” Buttercup replied simply. “I don't wanna do it here, I'll give you four hundred and fifty if you suck me off and I watch you swallow my load.” Straightaway, Monsoon nodded. She saw in this rather young stallion the easiest trick of her life. “You got a deal. Let's go to the lake, it's real quiet this time of day.” “What?” Buttercup Meadow couldn’t hide the panic in his voice. The very last thing he wanted was to be seen by his marefriend, or worse, one of her family members. “No! You got no place then I'm outta here.” Monsoon quickly nodded her head. Last thing she wanted to do was lose an easy score like this. Four hundred and fifty just for oral? It was like Hearths Warming. “My place is this way, honey.” As she turned to lead the way, she flicked her blue tail along the length of his sheath. Buttercup, young and woefully inexperienced as he was, was quickly getting hard under Monsoon’s soft gentle caresses. “O-Okay, now you're talking, but not for much longer.” He added with a snicker, because he’d heard something like that on the porno he’d ‘borrowed’ from his dad one time. Monsoon snickered as she led the way back to the motel and, like any good whore would, she held her blue tail up high, giving her customer a clear view of her marehood. However, casting a well-trained sexy look over her shoulder, the pale brown unicorn noticed her trick was not looking under her tail but instead his focus was on her mane and her ears. “You like my ears, honey?” She asked as she flicked them sensuously in his direction. His jaw hanging open, Buttercup just nodded behind her. Leading the way up the stairs to the upper motel and on to her now somewhat cleaned room, she turned and purred through half-lidded eyes, “Hmm, I bet you want to hold them while I blow you, right?” Nervously, the colt swallowed. “Can I stroke your mane too?” “Honey, you can do anything you like to me.” Monsoon opened her door. “Any. Thing. Pet it, sniff it...” “O-Okay,” with a very shaky hoof, Buttercup Meadow reached into his bag and placed the four hundred and fifty bits on the table in the room. “I wanna sniff your mane. Now.” “Yes Sir.” Monsoon smiled and, running a hoof through her mane, she fluffed up the mess of hair as much as she could as she found a relatively clean patch of hardwood floor and sat down on her haunches. Coming at the old whore from the front, the buttercup yellow earth pony nuzzled his way gently around her almost-useless horn. “S-Soft and Hmmm…smells nice…” sniffing her blue mane, he had one hoof playing with her left ear while the other lovingly stroked her mane along her neckline. “Hmmmm!” Monsoon couldn’t help but coo softly at the young stallion’s surprisingly gentle touch, which was much gentler than she was used to. Panting just a little bit, she reached her forehoof under his body to play with his hardened cock. As it happened, Buttercup was very hard indeed, and rather proud of his package even if he was sure the old prostitute had seen bigger. She was indulging his fetish and that had him very excited indeed. “Can I lick your horn?” “MmMmmm, yes you can, you big boy…” No sooner had she muttered her consent than she felt several tentative licks along the whole length of her horn making her shudder. All too soon however he abandoned that experiment and he went back to nuzzling her mane and then, amazingly, he licked her ears. “Oooooh....oh m-my...so soft...” Monsoon’s breathing hitched and her tail flagged, sending her scent up in the air as she moved to fondle his heavy balls. Buttercup groaned, “C-Can you do it now, p-please?” “Yes honey.” Monsoon nodded. For this nice young colt, she’d do almost anything he was so sweet. “Would you like to lie down on my bed?” The buttercup yellow pony took one look at said bed and decided he’d rather not lie down on it. “I wanna do it sitting so I can see you under me.” “You’re the boss, honey.” Monsoon watched the young stallion sit on the edge of her bed and she shuffled forwards to get a better angle of attack. It was a little awkward with her horn, but she quickly found it could be done. Buttercup continued to play with her ears and her mane and he kept up that sweet gentle touch even as the old whore licked up the length of his impressive cock. “Mmmm big boy…” when she was at the top of his shaft, Monsoon kissed all around his flat head, probing his urethra delicately with her tongue before opening her mouth and lowering her muzzle down. Slowly she went, torturously slowly, inch by inch she took more and more of his twitching member in her mouth until his tip hit the back of her throat and her lips touched his yellow fur. Poor Buttercup didn’t last very long at all. All it took was several long hard deep throat bucks where the experienced prostitute bobbed her head and mouth all the way down to his crotch for him to blow his load in her mouth. “Don't swallow yet! I wanna see it in your mouth!” He yelled as he came. When she felt the first rope of his hot cum spurt from the tip of Buttercup’s flared cock, Monsoon held it in her mouth as she pulled off of him. Expertly she held his tip in her mouth and closed off her throat as she allowed her mouth to fill up with his seed. When he’d finally stopped ejaculating, she opened proudly, even going so far as to play with it with her tongue to put on a better show. “That's so hot.” Buttercup moaned, “What does it taste like?” Monsoon played with it a little longer just to make a little extra show of it for him before she swallowed it all so she could answer. “Hmmm, it’s sweet, warm, with a little saltiness to it...just delicious, honey.” “My-my marefriend won't do that.” Buttercup blushed, a red tinge colouring his yellow cheeks. “Says it's gross. Um…thank you.” Monsoon smiled as she licked her lips clean. “You're the best tasting trick I've had all week. If your marefriend won't do it, you come right on back to me.” Nodding, Buttercup Meadow heaved himself off of the bed and walked over to the table. Leaving an extra fifty bits, he turned to face her when he paused at the door. “Might see you around the lake again. Um, ah...bye?” Smiling, giving him her very best bedroom eyes, Monsoon blew him a kiss. “Bye, sweetie.” As the buttercup yellow stallion left her room, the last she saw of him was his dark green tail vanishing through the door, she reflected on how that was the least amount of work she ever had to do for five hundred easy bits in her job. As the trick was logged in, she deposited the requisite four hundred of the five hundred bits she had just received in the secure box. Seeing as Red Light only expected four hundred bits per job, she decided to keep a hundred back for herself in her shoulder pouch before heading back out for that walk she was going to have before she had encountering the young stallion. After all, if Red Light wasn’t giving her the drugs she needed, then she’d leave him and get them herself. Then, she’d go home and see her little filly again. Cyclone. Every single time she thought of her filly her heart burned. Love, pride, affection, that was all there when she thought about her little jet black foal. Also, as she kept on thinking, was shame, regret, remorse and a whole load of other negative emotions. Shame, regret and remorse because she’d almost killed her when she had been four. She was no mother. She was a rotting disgrace of a pony. She deserved everything that happened to her. “Hey kitten,” a voice that was clearly not a pony’s voice interrupted her self-destructive train of thought. “Nice to see you outside of that roach motel.” Still seeing her husband’s - well, ex-husband by now surely – twisted accusatory face snarling at her, throwing what she did to Cyclone back at her every chance he got until she had no choice but to leave, Monsoon looked back over her shoulder to find the source of the voice in the moonlight. “It's nice to be outside the roach motel.” The voice, it turned out, belonged to a large powerfully built male griffon with a dark blue plumage that looked black at this hour of night. “You for sale, kitten?” “Always,” Monsoon replied and, with an act of will, shoved Tropical Storm’s face and her filly’s loud crying away from her thoughts into that dark little pit of her mind that needed the drugs to stay closed. “If you have the bits, that is.” “I have bits if you're worth the service.” The griffon replied, turning alongside her so he could show off his size. “I like to do it in the natural.” “I like to do it anywhere I'll get paid.” The dark blue griffon saw which way the old whore was walking and pointed his clawed hand towards the dark waters of the lake. “May as well enjoy the walk.” “I'm headed to the lake.” Thoughts of her family very far from her mind now, Monsoon took a long moment to admire the view as he drew alongside her. “Does look lovely in the moonlight.” He commented, making small talk as he pointed with his left wing tip. “I think there is a boat dock just over there.” “Perfect.” Determinedly, Monsoon headed over in the direction of the dock. She could only just barely make it out in the near distance. “So, you know I'm out of the motel. Haven't seen you before.” The griffon, whose name happened to be Boreas, walked with her over the cold dark grass towards the lake. “Just drifting through, I was staying there on the bottom floor and noticed a lot of traffic to the top.” He said in a bored voice that screamed he didn’t care. “Put two and two together.” “Uh huh.” Monsoon nodded as they walked, forcing a broad smile up to her face that didn’t reach her eyes, though in this light it was hard to tell. “I drift too I guess.” “Let’s drift onto the dock.” Boreas smiled a dangerous little smile, the moonlight glinting off of his sharp beak. “So, how much for sex?” “Yes Sir.” Monsoon’s attitude once again shifted now the prospect of a second unsolicited trick had reared its head. “Three hundred bits…” she smiled a genuine smile then when she realised she could go big and milk this griffon for a lot of bits. After all, she knew from experience griffons had ‘extreme’ tastes and that precious few prostitutes around here would even entertain them. “Ah…three hundred for a blowie, five hundred for the snatch and seven hundred for whatever kinkiness you can think of.” Boreas laughed a particularly cruel laugh at that. He could scarcely believe he’d finally found a whore willing to screw him, even if it was an old nag. “I can think a lot. Surcharge if I get some blood on my claws?” “Blood is an extra one hundred and fifty.” “And if we should get wet in the lake?” “Extra one hundred bits.” Boreas snickered nastily as he led her out onto the very exposed boat dock. He couldn’t care less that they were out in the open. “You're game, kitten, I’ll give you that. Here's five hundred bits now and another five hundred when I'm done. If I'm satisfied.” “Oh...” Monsoon took the offered five hundred bits in her somewhat shaky hooves and put it in her money pouch. “You'll be satisfied, Sir, I'm a good screw.” “I'll be the judge of that.” Boreas snapped sharply, “You do any kinky magic with that horn?” Monsoon blushed, “I'm afraid my magic isn't that great…” actually, truth be told, her magic was so awful it was practically non-existent. She had been rather accomplished at levitation, once upon a time, but following what had happened with Cyclone in Las Pegasus as well as twenty something years of drug abuse had robbed her of what magical prowess she might have once possessed. Boreas simply shrugged, not caring one way or the other. “Can't have it all.” He walked out onto the very end of the dock. “Pretty nice town you have here, but I need you working on my undercarriage right now.” “Yes Sir.” Taking the not-so-subtle hint, Monsoon ducked low and crawled underneath the larger stronger griffon’s body and gently but firmly ran her hoof along his sheath. “Pony lips are so soft…” Boreas purred. “They are indeed, Sir,” smiling, though her nose was wrinkled at the frankly foul unwashed smell of this griffon’s crotch she delivered flowery little kisses all along the length of his sheath. As she did so she did her best not to retch. He tasted even worse than he smelled. As she kissed and licked him, the griffon waited without comment and just watched her work. Determined to him all hard, especially for one thousand bits, Monsoon pushed her disgust out of her mind as she sucked hard on his unwashed scummy sheath to draw him out. When his pointed tip emerged, she sucked hard and fast until his moderate length was hard in her mouth. As soon as the old whore had him in her mouth, he grabbed onto her horn, holding it roughly at the base at her forehead with a clawed hand and he sneered, using it like a handle to force her on and off his shaft. “Aaaaah...” Monsoon squeaked in pain, her magic might be crap but her horn was still sensitive, the action had her tail up and her snatch all wet as she had no choice but to suck him hard and sloppy. “GLMMMMPH!” Monsoon did her very best not to choke on his rancid cock as he forced her to deep throat him over and over. Not as long as Buttercup’s, it was wider and fouler. “AAaaAH oow!” She moaned, he was definitely lasting longer than the colt did, and his clawed grip was hard and uncaring as he ran her up and down. “AAaaah...aah...oooow!” She whimpered in a not-too-little amount of pain due to the harsh grip on her horn. She didn’t however complain further as she slurped and sucked, her drool slobbering all over his shaft and balls. As Boreas felt he was near his peak, he roughly pulled the drooling whore off of his throbbing cock. “Turn around!” He screamed in her face, “Ass in the air and tail up! Now!” “Y-Yes S-Sir...” Monsoon’s eyes were very watery as she turned around and hastened to comply. Had she thought on it, she would’ve been stunned at the difference between the young stallion and this griffon. Seeing her ass offered up to him, Boreas moved forward and roughly seized hold of her hindquarters, his sharp talons digging into her cutie marks and with no finesse or consideration, he rammed his thick pointy cock deep up her snatch and pumped himself like there was no tomorrow. “GAaaaaAAH...” what started as a pleasurable moan quickly turned into a scream as he rammed himself to the hilt insider her again and again. As he continued to viciously rape her well-used pussy, Monsoon cried genuine hot salty tears into the decking. She felt wetness on her flanks and she smelled the coppery tang of her blood as it seeped down over her cutie marks. Powerless to do anything else, she screamed her pain as her loins were stretched to their limit. “AAH ooow Buuuck oooow!” Several long hard rough thrusts later and Boreas screeched to the heavens as he came. Shooting inside her he hilted until his sperm was seeping out of her loose battered snatch and with a flap of his wings he ripped his claws out of her flanks and with a satisfied smirk shoved her off of the dock into the water. “Tartarus that was a good fuck!” “AaaaaAAARGH!” Monsoon screamed a very throaty genuine scream of both pain and shock - the water was very, very cold – Boreas just stood on the deck and watched uncaring as she swam while he casually licked his blood slicked claws. Spluttering and coughing she finally managed to haul herself out onto the shore by the dock. “Oooow!” The dark blue griffon laid out another five hundred bits on the dock. While he was tempted to just fly away, she had been a damn good screw. “You are some fine pony ass! You even taste good!” Monsoon looked back at her bleeding flanks and decided to bite back the retort that was rising in her throat in favour of the extra bits. Bits that were all hers. “Th-Thank y-you…” she whimpered through the hot salty tears in her eyes as she scooped up the heap of bits, “S-S-Sir.” “I'll remember you next time I fly through town.” Boreas looked back over her bloodied flanks and licked his beak. “I love that colour. Take care, kitten.” Spreading his wings, he turned and flew off into the night sky. “Bastard...” Monsoon spat once her most recent, and most violent – trick was safely in the air and she was sure there was no way he could hear her. “Filthy bucking shit...” again she spat in an effort to get the fetid taste of his dick out of her mouth. Limping noticeably, she walked painfully away from the lake, wincing as she felt his thin skanky cum leak out of her used snatch and dry on her inner thighs. As she limped on, Monsoon began shaking violently, but this time not from the cold temperatures of the lake and the water dripping from her pale brown fur and her now lank straggly blue mane. “Damn...I need some stuff…” she said to nopony other than herself. It had been a good few days since she’d had a decent hit. Red Light had given her just enough to get by, enough to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay. Nowhere near enough to sate her eighteen year habit. Now she had a thousand bits in her pouch, all thoughts of leaving and going back to Canterlot galloped out of her mind as her cravings kicked in with renewed force. She knew what she needed. She also knew by the lake that she was very close to her pimp’s area of control. “Oh buck...Red's area…” she shook a little harder as she turned away, intent on finding something. Anything to get her high. Sadly, she turned away from the direction of the train station. Fortunately, for her cravings at least, she knew there was a maintenance area by the marina at the far end of the lake. She’d heard from other whores and gigolos in the motel that belonged to the other pimps that the gear that was sold there was really good, and really cheap. “The marina!” Monsoon cheered to herself, proud of her own ingenuity. “Sweet...” with that, she limped off around the lake. “Buck you, Red.” While they did hurt, Monsoon quickly found the punctures at her flanks were not very deep at all. After a few minutes they’d even stopped bleeding after her cutie marks were stained red. Not long after that, she got to the marina and, not having come here to buy before, cautiously checked it out. She did however know what she was looking for, as Red Light had bought her round here to pay off his debt by bucking the main dealer. In short order, the pale brown unicorn spotted the flame red Chevelle parked up a few hundred feet away. She knew this was the car she needed, as she saw a loose line of ponies wander up to chat for a bit with a hoof in and out of the side window. Happy she had her target, Monsoon trotted over, licking her lips in anticipation of the high to come. As she approached the muscle car, she noticed, appropriately perhaps, there was a couple of very bulky stallions lurking about twenty feet away watching the 'clients' come and go. Doing her very best not to make eye contact with them or anger them in any way at all for that matter, Monsoon walked up to the car, her body shaking noticeably now and starting to sweat with the need. In the car a slim grey earth pony stallion she didn’t know sat in the driver’s seat. Next to him in the passenger side was a violet unicorn mare with an assortment of several grocery bags on the floor. There was also a hulking great unicorn stallion in the back. “You lost?” The grey stallion asked. Monsoon snorted. “For twenty years. Can you show me where Auntie Em is?” The slim grey stallion nodded slowly. It took him a moment to realise this stinking old pony was talking about opium, Auntie Em being the character in Wizard of Oz, and poppies featured in that movie and they made the drug from them. “Let’s see the address.” “She lives here, honey.” Monsoon pulled out two hundred bits from her pouch, bits that could’ve gone to getting her a train ticket, and passed them to the drug dealer. She knew a hundred would get her off, but after all this time addicted she needed the good stuff. The stallion counted out the bits and, once he was happy they were all there, nodded to the mare sat next to him. “I know the place, give her directions.” The violet mare reached into one of the grocery bags and pulled out a small unmarked package. She hoofed it over to Monsoon while the grey stallion never touched it. “Thank you!” With trembling, shaking hooves, Monsoon took the package and fitted it in her pouch. “Come back next time you're lost.” “I will, thank you! I will!” Monsoon turned and, with the pain in her flanks forgotten in favour of what was to come, skipped away back to the motel. On the way back to Sapphire Nightingale’s place, the old whore picked up another trick purely for fun. She found a pegasus mare that found the blood on her flanks hot and, unusually, offered her four hundred bits to lick her flanks clean of the blood and lick the four loads of cum from her well-used pussy. After that trick, which was almost as easy as the young stallion had been, Monsoon climbed up the steps to her second floor room, intent on smoking the rest of the night away. As she reached the door, her hoof touched the handle, her legs shaking and her brow sweating, Cyclone couldn't have been further from her thoughts, especially when her eyes fell on the opium pipe resting on her nightstand by her bed. ~ ~ ~ It was eight a.m. the next morning, a considerably brighter and warmer morning than the overcast one the previous day. Red Light, a large muscular scarlet red unicorn with a short cut peroxide blonde mane and nasty, cold grey eyes entered his whore’s room. Unceremoniously, the first thing he did was check the box and, seeing it was all there, he not only took his cut and Monsoon’s as well. He saw it as his right, seeing as his ‘past it’ bitch had barely broke even the past few days. He did however leave Sapphire her cut for payment of the room. It was only then, after he had his money safely in his saddlebag, that the pimp turned his grey eyes to unconscious body of Monsoon passed out on the bed. Then, he spotted the opium pipe. Monsoon was drooling, her tongue was lolling out of her mouth and at some point she had been sick in the night, the vomit dried on the bed next to her where she was laid, sprawled out with no dignity whatsoever, the pipe held loosely in her hoof. On the floor by her nightstand was her bag and her full money pouch. She had packed to leave but never made it. On the bed next to her was the crumpled picture of a much younger smiling Cyclone. Red Light, fighting his mounting outrage for the moment, moved near to the passed out pale brown unicorn and took a sniff. At once he smelled the drugs. Anger bubbling below the surface he knew full well hadn't left her any supply. Fuming, he searched her belongings for more of the drugs. Finding what was left of the stash she had bought he took it and, seeing her money pouch he took that too. Seizing her roughly by her vomit covered blue mane he tossed her violently to the dirty hardwood floor. “Uuuuugh...whu...what the...Canterlot already?” Monsoon slurred, only barely stirring despite being thrown the whole length of the room. Staring stupidly around herself she thought she was on the train. Swinging his forehoof, Red Light caught Monsoon a backhooved blow across her face on the floor as his temper finally broke. How dare his whore do this to him, to him! How dare she!? “Steal from me, bitch!” He screamed, towering over the fallen mare, “Where did you get the drugs?” “Aaaaah...shhhh...” Monsoon giggled and raised her hoof to her lips and shushed her pimp like she was shushing a naughty foal. The enormity of her situation hadn’t yet dawned upon her. “Don't tell Red, it's a secret!” She giggled like a filly as she tried without success to get up. Angrily, Red Light shoved her bodily to the ground. It didn’t take much. He was so much stronger than she was. Already a bruise was forming at her face under her right eye where she had been hit. “You went out last night! Who paid you!?” “Uuuuum...I dunno,” Monsoon lay sprawled on the stinking hardwood floor. “There was this colt, then there was a griffon...or was it a minotaur?” She asked rhetorically, staring at the wall. “No! No it was definitely a griffon. Outside.” As she said that, she squinted around her room and finally her eyes rested on Red Light’s seething body stood over her. “Red? Red? How are you here?” Again she looked around and realisation hit her like a Mack truck. “Isn't Canterlot...?” Snarling, Red Light backhooved her face again, making a second bruise appear next to the first. “You fucked a griffon and didn't give me my cut? Who sold you drugs? I'm you're only supplier!” As she had tried to get up from the floor, Monsoon immediately fell back to the ground, a thin line of blood trickling from the cut skin and her bruised cheek. “Owww!” She lifted a shaking hoof up to her rapidly swelling cheek, the ugly dark purple bruise standing out against her pale brown fur. “Yes!” She screamed up at him, “I did! I fucked him! And I screwed the colt as well! There was a dealer, at the marina...” “That bastard!” Red Light interrupted her babbling and, seizing her in his magic he took her by the mane and roughly dragged her back up onto the foul bed. “You don't get nothing I don't give you!” “GAAaaaAAH!” Monsoon screamed again as several strands of her mane were ripped from her scalp she was pulled so hard. She offered very little resistance from being dragged, not that she could resist anyway. “Y-Y-You weren't giving it me anyway!” “Oh?” Red Light paused at that and his voice grew cold. How dare this…whore, speak like that to him? “Oh really? I do have something to give you.” “Ha...like what?” Monsoon rolled onto her back and her eyes struggled to focus through the haze of opium she had smoked the night before. “You've been taking from me for years!” She didn’t know where that nerve came from, and she tried to get up to at least a sitting position. “That's why...why...that's why...I'm. Going. Home!” Roughly, Red Light shoved the struggling mare back down on the bed and physically, not magically, rolled her over onto her front so that her hind legs were dangling off of the side of the bed. “This!” He yelled and, with no warning or preparation at all – he didn't even move her tail - he brutally shoved his horn in her asshole. “GAAaaAAAAH!” Monsoon screamed like she was being split apart and white hot fire was being poured in her colon. Her hind legs twitched as she screamed again. “RED stooOOOOP!” Behind her, Red Light was rather enjoying the rough ride of having a dry horn in his whore’s ass. “I'm giving you something now, bitch!” He snarled with twisted satisfaction as she squirmed and screamed, he had no finesse as he pulled out and plunged ever deeper, his tapered horn stretching her hole and tearing blood vessels on the way in and out. “R-Red pleeeeeeease!” Monsoon begged ineffectually, struggling against the firm hoof holding her down on the bed. “You're hurting! Please!” Again she struggled as he raped her asshole hard and dry, her blood acting as a lubricant. Her hind legs flailed uselessly. As he plowed into her again and again, her blood trickling down his forehead, she tried valiantly to light her horn and push him off. Cruelly, Red Light just laughed at her weak and feeble effort to throw him off. It was so pathetic he didn’t even try and fight it, he just carried on dry-raping her ass. Over and over, again and again, he hilted his horn until he had a magigasm and came magicum deep in her ruined hole. Laughing as she cried in pain, he pulled his horn out of her and wiped it off on her twitching tail. As he cleaned his horn of the blood, faecal matter and other unmentionable ‘stuff’ on her tail, he stared at her gaping, bleeding asshole. For a moment he was tempted to ram his cock in there as well and truly destroy her, but he had no rubbers to hoof and he wasn’t getting his member anywhere near her bareback. Instead, he magically grabbed her tail and pulled her off of the bed. “That was a good fuck!” He declared as he dragged her bodily over the floor. “You think you can make your living on the streets? Then to the streets with you!” “M-M-My bag!” As she was dragged towards the door, Monsoon flailed and scrabbled pathetically with her hooves on the foul floor to get her bag that has her photo in it. She didn’t care about the wet stickiness that was coating her hindquarters and her inner thighs. She didn’t care she was bleeding. “Red please!” She was crying floods, not from the pain, or from the bleeding, which she hadn't noticed yet. “Pleeeease don't!” Red Light however was deaf to her pleas. “You can go shack up with that griffon!” Scrabbling with her hooves, Monsoon only just caught the strap of her bag and dragged it with her. “Red...Red please don't!” Outside her room on the landing, she grovelled pathetically at her pimp’s hooves. “I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!” Disgusted, Red Light kicked her away from his hooves, landing a blow on the other side of her face that immediately bruised. “You can go down the stairs or I can toss you over the edge!” “Y-You wouldn't!” Monsoon backed up, scared and terrified, leaving a little trail of blood as she went. “I-I'm your filly! You said...you said you'd take care of me, Red I love you!” Again, Red Light backhooved her hard across her face, this time above her right eye which swelled and bruised so much she couldn’t see out of it. “You cheated on me!” He screamed in her face as blood tricked down her face. He grabbed her blue mane and dragged her so that she was dangling with half of her body over the second floor railing. “A-Alright!” Monsoon squeaked, very genuinely scared and terrified, she pissed herself in fear of her wretched life. Along with the blood trickling down her hind legs it pooled on the balcony. “I'm going! I swear!” Dropping her into the filthy puddle on the balcony, Red Light took the time and effort to spit on her face and kick her ribs one last time as he turned and stomped down the stairs. The last Monsoon saw of him was his peroxide blonde tail disappearing into Sapphire Nightingale’s office. Crying fresh hot tears, the battered pale brown unicorn stumbled her way down the stairs, her cheek swelling up all the more from the well-aimed repeated strikes. “Damn...damn you Red...” she fell the last few steps and hit the dirt face first. “I want to go home!” She snivelled pathetically as she tried to walk, ending up instead limping she has no idea to where. “That bitch Monsoon doesn't sleep here tonight!” Red yelled as he burst into the dull orange pegasus’s office. “I don't care where else she sleeps. I'm going to replace her so keep the room open for me. Here's your cut for tonight.” Quietly, Sapphire Nightingale finished the coffee she had been drinking and took the heap of bits that the scarlet unicorn stallion gave her. “The rest in the rooms?” She asked, and he nodded at her. “Fine.” Was all she said to that. “Train...I need the train…” Monsoon babbled, her drug addled brain trying to form some sort of coherent plan, to earn enough again in tricks to buy a ticket. She of course had no idea she looked like she'd gone seven bloody rounds with a minotaur in a pit fight. “Home, I'm...going home...” A few minutes later, Red Light left the motel owner’s office and headed off towards the marina while Sapphire Nightingale came out and saw Monsoon wandering aimlessly a few yards from her building. “Hey. You look like shit. You cleaning rooms today or what?” “S-Sapphy! Oh Sapphy!” Monsoon, with her swollen shut eye, struggled to focus on the pegasus with her good eye. “Red threw me out. I said I'd leave him...he took everything!” Dispassionately, wholly uncaring, Sapphire looked the whore over. She really did look a mess. “You don't own anything, and you got your bag.” “M-My money,” she explained through fresh tears as if the notion had only just come to her and she hadn’t smoked away her chance to get free, “To get home, he took my money!” “Mare, you're ain’t never gonna have money.” Sapphire sneered, “You cleanin’ for me or not?” “Hospital...” Monsoon moaned and let out a little whimper as she nodded, the blood seeping down her hind legs already starting to dry into a filthy crusty layer. “Sure,” she instead turned to the mare she thought of as a ‘friend’ and nodded. “I'll clean, wh-what do I get?” “Two hundred and forty for them all,” Sapphire shrugged dismissively, “And there is a garden shed out behind you can sleep in.” “Okay, I'll do it.” Monsoon knew she didn’t really have a choice. She needed money, and her friend was offering to help! “You um...y’know, you got any stuff, too?” “Stuff?” “Y'know, stuff...drugs, smokes, just to get me through the night?” She winced involuntarily as a lance of white hot pain shot up her spine from her ass. “Aaah shit...” “I don't want nothin’ to do with drugs.” Sapphire Nightingale shook her head. “Work or walk, all the same to me.” “F-Fine...I'll work…” Monsoon sighed a defeated sigh, limping heavily on her left hind leg as she turned around on the street. Luckily, although she didn’t know it, she had suffered no internal injuries from her brutal ordeal, Red’s horn wasn’t long enough for that, but it did feel like somepony and taken a brillo pad and bleach to the inside of her asshole. “Whatever,” Sapphire sneered, knowing the useless whore would be busy for the next six hours. “Let me know when you’re done.” On his way through the verdant grass of the lakeside, Red Light passed a very pretty little sky blue pegasus filly who barely looked eighteen propped up suggestively against a tree without a second glance. Walking with a purpose, Red ignored her when she called out to him, in fact he ignored everypony. The mean spirited scarlet unicorn knew the dealer he was looking for, and his Hench ponies. Fortunately, the dealer was in the same flame red Chevelle by the marina he had been in the night before. Smirking, Red Light stomped over and knocked on the window. “Popper,” he started without preamble, “you sold to one of my mares last night. I thought we had a deal, you sell through me.” Popper, the slim grey earth pony stallion, simply shrugged his shoulders. “Not my fault you can't keep track of your bitches and I'm not even trying to. Which one?” When the scarlet unicorn described Monsoon to his partner, the earth pony snickered. As it turned out he did remember her. Just. “Yeah,” Popper said thoughtfully, “I sold her a couple dimes worth. What about it?” Red Light waved it off and got down to business, though his thoughts were on that delicious looking filly he’d passed on the way here. “I'm here for five dimes worth and some of the crap you sell the rubes.” Popper laughed humourlessly, “I toss the crap in for nothin’. Show the bits.” “Now you know her,” Red Light said as he paid the violet unicorn mare and got his stuff in return, “if she comes by again sell her that crap and keep the bits.” Popper gave his partner a salute. “Can do Red. Don't you smoke it all in one spot, now.” Now Red Light had what he came for, he left his partner in his car and headed out from the marina towards his place with the intention of blowing off some steam. As he trotted past, he happened upon the same sky blue pegasus filly who was still there where he walked by her earlier, making with the sexy poses. “Hey!” She called out loudly to him, “Ya wan' some fun now, big guy?” This time, now he had his gear and a revenge in mind for his wayward bitch, Red Light actually stopped and walked over to her. “Who d’you work for?” “Nopony, I work for me.” The young mare declared, sounding far, far braver than she felt. “You have no idea who I am, do you?” Red asked somewhat rhetorically. Looking her over he could see she was as young as he thought she was. He also noted her left wing hung lower on her barrel than her right. Idly he wondered what that was about. “How long you been working here?” “Coupl'a weeks mebbe, I dunno, p'haps three?” She answered, her broad Trottingham accent betraying where she was from. “Don't be lying to me filly.” Red Light gave the young mare a little snarl, his top lip curved nastily. “I come around here every day and I’ve not seen you.” Just then, one of Popper's Hench ponies walked past. “Stomper!” He called out, “Tell this filly here who owns this turf for whores.” “You do Red,” Stomper replied quickly, not missing so much as a step, “And I haven't seen that filly around. Tartarus she is a cute little thing though.” “A-Alright!” The sky blue pegasus squeaked, rattled at being found out so quickly. “I'm new 'ere, 'kay? I'm lost, tha's all…” “How old are you, pretty?” Red Light asked as Stomper just laughed and moved on, going about his business. “Eighteen, I um...” she trailed off as she fiddled with her forehooves. “I jus' wanna get 'ome, 'onest.” “I can put you up for the night.” Red Light smiled a very wide, very fake smile. A smile like an angler fish hunting its prey in the deep ocean. “Hey, d’you smoke? I got some good stuff.” The pegasus shook her head. “Me mam said not to. I jus' need some bits t' get 'ome t' Trottin'ham.” Red Light snorted at that. “Give me a free test drive and I might let you go. You a long ways from Trottingham, pretty.” “Trottin'ham Sky Uni,” the young sky blue mare, barely older than a filly, explained eagerly. She couldn’t believe her luck that she’d found a pony willing to help her! She’d thought she’d be stuck out here for weeks. “We 'ad a trip out 'ere to see th' sights an' stuff.” She blushed hard. “Stargazer, sh-she cuffed me t' th' bed an' I missed th' train back. She took ev'rythin' I 'ad, too.” “Come to my place and I'll help you out.” Red Light smiled, playing the slow game for now. He couldn’t believe his luck when she nodded. Sometimes, he reflected as he walked alongside her, steering the young mare to his house, he had to kidnap bitches and condition them to be his whores. Sometimes he had to blackmail them and sometimes, just sometimes, they threw themselves at him and went of their own accord. Red light smiled. This dumb bitch would make a fine whore, a perfect replacement for that washed up old nag he’d just thrown out. “Oh thank ya sir!” The sky blue pegasus turned and walked with what she saw as her saviour. Very, very naïve, she carried on talking. “I'd fly, but I can't y'see. I ‘ad an accident durin’ weather trainin’ a month back. Bad break all along my flight surfaces.” Red Light’s smile only widened as she talked. “M' name's Cumulus, or Cue if'n ya want. This is m’ firs’ time outta Trottin’ham, firs’ time away from ‘ome.” Red Light smiled and thanked Celestia that this jewel had fallen into his lap and offered herself so willingly. He knew it wouldn’t take long to hook her on drugs, to use her to turn tricks and pay her enough to keep her hope alive that she will escape, but he knew she never would. He’d played this game before, and he was a master. ~ ~ ~ After Monsoon had spent the seven hours cleaning all the rooms in the motel – it took her longer than before due to the fact she could hardly walk straight – Sapphire Nightingale not only paid her the two hundred and forty bits but, in a rare moment of charity, she allowed her to use her bath to clean herself up. This wasn’t an entirely altruistic move however. The last thing the dull orange pegasus wanted was an investigation of a blood soaked whore possibly coming back to her door. So, just this once, she played nice. Once she was as clean and presentable as she was going to be, Monsoon took her bits and left the motel in search of food and tricks. Food she found, at a not-to-expensive outdoor café not far away from the Whinnyapolis train station. Tricks however were another matter. Her right eye was still swollen from where Red Light had beat on her at the motel. Already a hundred bits down from buying the food, she found a dealer willing to give her a hundred bits worth of Auntie Em in exchange for forty bits and a blowie. It wasn’t long after smoking all of it that she passed out cold on bench at the train station. A few hours and several complaints later, the prim station master called the police. Moments later, the summoned police officer made his first valiant effort to wake her up. “Nggggh g-get lost...” Monsoon slurred, rolling over on the bench. Again, for a second time, the white earth pony police officer tried to wake her up. Opening her eyes slightly, Monsoon turned to see who had woken her up. “Buck off unless you're paying. I'm waiting for a train…” “Show me your ticket.” “I don't have one…” Monsoon rolled over on the bench to face the young police officer, fully displaying herself to him in the process, even rubbing a forehoof suggestively over her marehood. “How about I show you something better, and you can buy me one?” Stunned, and more than a little revolted at her brazen display, the white earth pony took a step back and spoke into the radio he had at his shoulder. “Station Control, this is Ironhoof. I’ve got a five zero seven in the train station. Send a wagon and I'll haul her out.” “Oooh!” Monsoon giggled stupidly as the radio operator replied to Ironhoof’s request. “Where are we going, your place or behind the sheds?” “My place.” Ironhoof replied, feeling just a tiny pang of sympathy for the washed up old mare in front of him. He’d seen her ilk before. “Just give me a few minutes, Ma’am.” “Mmmm…” Monsoon sat up and ran her forehooves in what she thought was a sensuous manner down the front of the young officer’s uniform. “If you insist, you hot thing you.” Ironhoof put his hoof to his radio as it crackled into life with some instructions from the station. “Roger that, Station Control.” He looked the plainly drug addled whore over and shook his head when the controller asked if he needed any backup. “No, I got her, just be there in a couple.” Carefully, as he knew there were witnesses and he wanted his back covered, he moved forward and gently lifted the old unicorn onto his back. “Okay, let’s go, Ma’am.” “Wohoo!” Monsoon whooped, “Remember hottie, four hundred and you'll get a reeeeally good time!” Simply shaking his head, Ironhoof carried the out-of-it Monsoon off of the train station and out to the police wagon that had literally just arrived a second or two earlier. “Hi, Jackstand.” The white earth pony greeted his colleague. “Looks like some pimp dumped another old prostitute. Put her up for the night. She looks strung out too.” Jackstand tutted and shook her head. She’d also seen this before too. “Toss her in the back, Ironhoof. I got it from here.” Monsoon stirred a little as she was carefully – albeit unceremoniously - dumped in the back of the police wagon and the doors were slammed shut. “Old!” She yelled as Ironhoof locked the door, “Old!” She staggered to her hooves and pounded uselessly on the caged inner wall, crying tears that streaked down her pale brown coat. “I'm not old! You take that back!” She cried, “I'm n-not...old...” On the other side of the caged wall, Jackstand called through from her driver’s seat, “You can be a filly for all I care. Two meals and a cot then you're back out on your own.” > Chapter 2 - The Veil of Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh thank ya sir!” The sky blue pegasus turned and walked with what she saw as her saviour. Very, very naïve, she carried on talking. “I'd fly, but I can't y'see. I ‘ad an accident durin’ weather trainin’ a month back. Bad break all along my flight surfaces.” Red Light’s smile only widened as she talked. “M' name's Cumulus, or Cue if'n ya want. This is m’ firs’ time outta Trottin’ham, firs’ time away from ‘ome.” Red Light smiled and thanked Celestia that this jewel had fallen into his lap and offered herself so willingly. He knew it wouldn’t take long to hook her on drugs, to use her to turn tricks and pay her enough to keep her hope alive that she will escape, but he knew she never would. He’d played this game before, and he was a master. It didn’t take Red Light long to lead Cumulus back to his small but nicely appointed home. “Come on in,” he smiled the sort of smile that a hunter smiles just before it snares its unsuspecting prey. He knew he had this filly in the frog of his hoof, he just had to play it nice a little while longer. “Would you like something to eat?” As if on cue, Cumulus’s belly voiced its own opinion on that, making a rather loud, very noticeable, rumble. “Ooh yes please. Stargazer an' th' res' lef' me wi' no money no nothin'.” “Wait here.” Red light said as he led the young mare through to his cream wallpapered dining room. Moving over to his well-stocked drinks cabinet he poured her a generous glass of fortified wine. “Have this while I get something together.” Smiling at his ‘guest’, he went into the kitchen to make them both the first microwave meal he could find. “Oh wow, wine!” Feeling rather spoiled, and more than a little grown up at being offered the wine – her mother had never allowed her to drink anything like this before – she took the glass up in her hoof and treated herself to a teeny sniff as she looked around the apartment. It was a nice place, clean and simple. The décor was ‘nice’, utilitarian. Nothing too fancy but not cheap either. Cumulus, just used to her mother’s cloud house and her dorm at the Trottingham Sky University, was pretty much just going with it at this point. She did notice there wasn’t a lot of things on the walls, no personal effects, more like what one would find in a hotel or flea market. From the kitchen, Red Light called out, “Mashed oats with honey, carrots, and spiced apples okay?” Cumulus’s belly rumbled ever louder. She was so hungry! “They're perfec'!” Anything would’ve sufficed at this point, but that sounded gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as the stallion cooking, she thought with a definite blush as she took another delicate little sip she winced, not used to wine in her house. “Um...I wanna thank ya, for takin' me in like this. I really didn' wanna spend th' night on th' street.” Minutes later, when the microwave dinged that the two meals were smoking hot, Red Light lit his horn and levitated the plates and cutlery onto a wooden tray. “I take care of my friends.” He said as he walked into the dining room, the tray floating alongside him. “You want to be my friend?” “Sure Mister!” Cumulus squeaked, it didn’t matter to her right then that she didn’t know this older stallion’s name, all that mattered to her was her watering mouth and her eyes zeroed in on the floating tray carrying its wonderful smelling cargo to the table. “You're real nice.” ‘And you’re such a gullible foal, it’s almost too easy,’ Red Light snickered as he set the tray on the table. “All my friends say the same.” Lighting his horn once more he levitated over the strong wine from his cabinet and without being asked, refilled the naïve filly’s wine glass even though she’d only had a few sips and filled one for himself. “Here’s to a lasting friendship.” “Lastin'?” She asked innocently, “I guess we'll keep in touch af'er I get 'ome, right?” “I do hope so,” Red Light smiled as he took a sip of his wine. Her thick accent was adorable. It was like carrying around a glowing sign broadcasting just how far from her home she was. He wondered, idly, how long the accent would last after she’d been screwed senseless a few times. “After all, you may find Winnyapolis as your choice vacation spot.” “Th' Museums was nice…” Cumulus thought out loud before taking another sip, a noticeably longer one this time and she didn’t wince at the taste. “An' th' parks...” she paused as she bent her head and, foregoing the cutlery altogether, took a mouthful of her steaming hot food. “But, I doubt me mam will let me come on me own again.” Red Light shrugged, barely managing to suppress his grin. He knew full well this filly wouldn’t ever see her home again. She’d be his toy by the end of this night. “Time will tell.” “I 'ad t' talk 'er into lettin' me come 'ere as it was...now this 'as 'appened…” the sky blue pegasus let out a sniff of sadness as she drank her wine. “Me mam warned me abou’ Stargazer, she tol' me not t' take me eyes off of 'er.” She looked around the dining room then, with thoughts of her mother in her mind. “Mister, ya got a phone?” “Phone?” Red Light asked, “Sorry, I don't even have a phone line. Maybe Whinnyapolis isn't all that advanced. Still, I think there is a pay phone somewhere. Maybe we can look for one tomorrow?” He knew just where to take her tomorrow. Sapphire Nightingale’s motel would swallow her up just like all the rest. With another sad little sniff, Cumulus nodded. “I wanna tell me mam before th' train gets 'ome. I don' wan' 'er waitin' for me at th’ station.” Smirking a little, Red Light dutifully refilled his guest’s wine glass. “Good that you're trying to be responsible.” It was oh so easy, give her a few compliments here and there, refill the wine, he almost wished she was more of a challenge. Completely oblivious to her host’s underhand intentions, Cumulus dove in and took a mouthful of her food but she also took two large slugs of the wine without even thinking about it. “Thash whattah tol' me mam!” She didn’t even notice she was slurring her voice. “Ah'm reshponshible!” “It shows.” Red Light’s predatory smile deepened. He had her now, he could almost taste it. “Eat up, you do need to keep up your strength.” “Ya!” Glowing full of pride at being given what she saw as a very accurate compliment, Cumulus dived in head first to her plate where before she was a little more delicate. The effects of the wine robbing her of her inhibitions. “Then mah wing'll heal faster!” Once her plate was empty – with as much food on her face as there was in her belly – she lifted her glass in a shaky hoof and took a very long drink, she even spilled a little down her front. Unbidden, Red Light leant in and licked up the spilled wine from the young pegasus’s chest. “Would you like to watch a movie?” Cumulus completely didn’t notice the intimate gesture. “Wha' movie?” “Alicorn Bride,” Red Light smiled as he licked up to the sky blue filly’s chin. “It is a nice film.” “Oh ya I seen that!” Cumulus was oblivious as she emptied her glass of wine and hiccupped loudly. “Ci-Cirrus don' like it. I'll tell ya a sec'ret…” Smiling, Red Light leant in closer. “I love secrets.” “He ses he likes it cos he wants ta get in mah p-p-pussy!” Cumulus slurred, the wine heavy on her breath. The moment she said the word ‘pussy’ she went a very bright red. “I said p-pussy! Me mam'd spank me!” She giggled at the thought of the love struck teenage stallion back home, and of how naughty she was being, unaware she was very drunk. “Cirrus has been tryin' for aaaaaages wi' me.” “You are a naughty little filly indeed then, because I think that is what you offered me in the park.” The crimson unicorn very graciously refilled and levitated her wine glass. “Let's go watch the movie, shall we?” He neglected to fill his own glass however he did take a fresh bottle from the drinks cabinet – Cumulus had drunk the first bottle by herself – and he moved close to 'assist' her through to the great room. “Oh um...” still blushing really hard, Cumulus’s wine soaked brain registered the fact that the crimson unicorn’s barrel was pressed right into hers, it told her it was good. As her breath hitched she said, “I didn' know what ah was doin', some old mare said t' do it.” She found she was walking very unsteadily. “Is tha' wha' ah offered, really?” Subconsciously, guided by her unwary mind, her tail linked in a twirl with Red’s. “Ah...I'm sorry.” “Think nothing of it.” Red Light waved his hoof dismissively. “It did get you a warm place to stay tonight.” With the blushing young pegasus deposited on his couch, Red started the movie going in his DVD player and joined her, making sure to sit what would otherwise be uncomfortably close. “So, ah, you've done it before?” Cumulus, having made herself comfortable, reignited the blush on her sky blue cheeks. “N-No...but!” she squeaked quickly, not wanting to lose face with her new friend, “But! We learnt about it at school!” “Oh!” Red Light hid his almost victorious smirk behind his hoof as he made a show of apologising. He couldn’t believe his luck! Gullible and a virgin too! By Luna this was his lucky day! All he had to do was put on the right act, and he’d have her where he wanted her. “Oh, ah, sorry, just, well with you offering,” he stammered, “I was hoping I might be able to learn from you.” “Mammy…” Cumulus paused as she sloppily sipped her wine. “Me mam said I 'ad t' wait...but she don’ know, I watcshed a dvd though ah...shtole, ah mean, ah...borrowed it from mam's stash!” She was slurring so much now she could barely hold the wine glass in her hoof. “Oh, yeah, you know parents...” Red Light smiled, just a little more, that’s all… “They never want their foals to have the fun they did. I guess they think it robs them of their own joy.” Cumulus giggled. “Wash fun watcshin it!” She giggled like the silly drunken filly she was. “It made me feel all funny, ‘down there’.” Not wanting to get her blind drunk, Red Light took the glass from her before she dropped it and rested it on the side table by the couch. Using his magic, the much older stallion pulled an opium pipe out of a drawer in the side table and turned back to the sky blue pegasus, whose head was lolling gently. “Now, this will make you feel good.” “Wha...Whassat?” Cumulus asked as she looked around drunkenly. Something sparked in her mind from somewhere though, “P-Phone…need phone…mam…” she blinked once then twice, trying to clear the drunken fug as she tried to get up from the couch. She wasn’t even aware the movie was playing. Gently, very gently, Red Light held her down on the couch with his hooves as he used his magic to get a pouch of the opium from the table drawer. “You must really be tired from being out all day and night. Your train isn’t due for hours yet.” He whispered the poisonous honeyed words as he packed the pipe. “Here, this will help you relax.” “Ugh...uuuuh...y-you's right,” Cumulus stopped trying to get up. His very words seemed to make her drowsy. She allowed herself to be held back down and she took the pipe in her hooves. “Well, if you's ses so, Mister.” Grinning, Red Light magically lit the pipe. “Inhale very softly and let it roll in your mouth a bit then breath in what is in your mouth.” Cumulus, inexperienced, inhaled like she was told but she did so a little too quickly on her first go and she ended up coughing and spluttering. “W-Whassit? Tastes funny.” “It's just a flower that is ground up.” Red Light explained dismissively. Taking the pipe from his prey, he took a hit from it but he carefully didn’t let it in his lungs and, exhaling, he blew out a large smoke ring. “Wow, look at that!” “Ooooh, you clever!” Not caring what it was she was smoking, Cumulus’s eyes lit up like a filly on Hearths Warming Eve morning. “I wanna do that!” Taking the pipe back, she inhaled properly this time, allowing it deep into her lungs. “Awww!” She whined, disappointed when no smoke ring appeared. “This...this is...cool!” She lay on the couch with her hind legs now splayed wide open. “I have a spare bedroom,” Red Light smiled as sincerely as he could, for he sensed the time was at hoof. “But, if you don't want to be lonely, I will share my bed with you.” Cumulus’s lip quivered at the very thought of being left alone. She had of course slept on her own for years and years, but here, now, with this very handsome and reassuring stallion who was, after all, her friend, she didn’t want that at all. If only Cirrus was as nice and considerate as this pony was. “Can um...can ah um...sleep with you a bit, until I go sleep?” “Yeah, that sounds nice.” Red Light smiled and he snuggled in close with the young mare until the of the movie, at least going through the motions of watching it. Periodically they shared the opium pipe, Cumulus of course inhaling every lungful of the drug and enjoying its effects on her system. Cumulus looked up from Red Light’s neck as the movie ended. “Then...t'morra, we's gonna get a phone, right Mister?” Red Light nodded without argument. “We can look for one tomorrow. Ready for bed?” “Uh huh…” Cumulus yawned a very big wide yawn and blinked, more than a little disoriented. “Th' room's spinnin'...it's trippy!” “Let me help you.” Red Light offered graciously, playing his part well and playing the sky blue pegasus like a puppet master pulling strings. “Like a ride?” “Yeeeesh...you's so nice. Aren't you nice? I think you is nice!” “That is kind of you to say.” Lighting his horn, the very sober older stallion levitated the drunken high filly onto his back and he carried her through to his bed and very gently placed her on top of it. “I do have a confession to make.” “Oh?” Cumulus tried to hear. She almost missed it his voice was so low now, like he was embarrassed. “You has a confes...a conf... a what, now?” She was so far gone she couldn’t even form the complex word let alone say it. “Well, when I said I haven't done it, I have, ah, well, masturbated.” Red Light whimpered, performing his role as if he were on Bridleway. “I'm may be the only pony that ever has…” “Oooooh!” Cumulus giggled at that and, propping herself up on her elbows, she beckoned him closer with her forehoof. “Pr'mise ya won' tell on me?” She asked foolishly. Getting on the bed next to her, Red Light whispered in her ear. “I promise.” Cumulus wrestled with herself, debating whether or not to tell. Eventually, she carried on, deciding to trust this perfect stallion. “After sex ed class...I told me mam I was goin' t' th' cafe. I wen' t' th' MiAC store instead. I got me a toy t' play wi'...it helps t’ keep th' heat away.” “A toy?” Red Light took note of that, he was rather pleased. If she’d gotten herself a stallionator then at least she wouldn’t be uncomfortably tight when he fucked her and broke her in. “Wow, that is brave of you. I use my hooves but they are hard, I've wondered what it would be like to use something soft.” “Me mam don' know abou’ it.” Cumulus smiled a satisfied smile at her praised bravery. “I brough' it wi' me, till Stargazer took it…” she blinked drunkenly up at the nice stallion above her now. “Somethin' sof', like what, Mister?” She asked innocently, still unaware of his intentions. “Maybe lips, yeah, I mean would you like somepony to use lips, you know, down there?” “Ooh...like in me mam's DVD?” Cumulus asked, realisation dawning as her wings sprouted painfully to either side of her and she winced at the pain in her recently healed wing. “Can...” she sounded truly awed at the possibilities. “Can ya do that, for realsies?” Red Light smiled, he felt he deserved an Oscar for the way he played his role. He played her like Lady Octavia played her cello. He wasn’t entirely uncultured, after all. “I-I can try, but you need to let me know if I'm doing it right…” slowly he moved into position between the young pegasus’s splayed open hind legs. “Oh wow, pl-please...w-what's it look like?” Once he got down between her hind legs out of sight his usual nasty smirk came back in full force. “It, ah, it looks like a, a taco.” What it looked like was the most pristine example of a vagina the pimp had seen in many a long year. Clearly untouched by anything other than a toy, and certainly as fresh as could be, he wished he could take a picture of it as it was now. “A t-taco?” Cumulus meeped before pausing for a second. Cirrus had after all been trying through many, many dates to get where this strange yet strangely reassuring stallion was after just a few hours. She completely missed the part the drink had played in this scenario. “Can...can you um...lick it?” “Sh-sure.” Red Light inched closer and took a long lingering moment to savour the sweet untouched ‘fresh’ smell before lowering his muzzle to her labia and giving the folds some tentative licks. He knew perfectly well what he was doing. He licked her pussy, delicately probing her slit and flicking her clitoris with his tongue, he worked continually to bring her to the edge and then he purposefully fumbled to leave her hanging. “GAaaaaAH!” Cumulus screamed the loudest scream thus far, over the past few minutes of riding her edge of climax, the most wonderful climax of her young life so far. Again, after the seventh time, her climax was denied to her. Her legs were soon twitching and she felt all squiffy beyond measure and description. “Aaaah M-Mister...it feels...ooooh wow! Pl-Pleeeease! I n-need to cuuuuuum!” She even had her forehooves on her breasts, toying with her hard erect nipples to try and bring herself over her edge. Red Light sat up, the young mare’s juices covering his crimson furred muzzle. “I don't think I'm doing it right!” He sat back, his erection was clearly visible to his prey. “Maybe we need something like your toy.” Cumulus propped herself up on her elbows and looked at the unicorn stallion rather stupidly for a long few moments as she slowly put two and two together the long way around in her head. Ordinarily she’d be embarrassed beyond belief. She’d only seen an erect cock once, and Cirrus was nowhere near as big as this pony was. “Well....m-my toy...kinda looks like that...” she pointed a drunken forehoof at his bobbing erection. “You's can try that?” “You-You sure?” Red Light grinned inwardly, his twisted psyche doing victory laps. He knew she was so close now she’d agree to just about anything he asked of her. “I mean, I'm willing to try…” Cumulus then let out a very needy whinny that all but sealed her fate. “Please Mister! It's never felt like that before! I...I w-want you to, please!” Red Light’s smile turned openly predatory as he moved up between her open hind legs and positioned the flat head of his very hard cock at the entrance to her dripping wet snatch. He smirked a nasty smirk as he thrust his hips forward and entered her to an accompanying scream of pleasure and pain from his victim. As he pulled out and thrust back in past his medial ring, stretching her wide open, Red Light enacted his plan. His plan to rut her. To fuck her senseless through several orgasms and get her to pass out. Then sleep, after filling her fresh hole with his seed so full it would seep out of her like a true whore in the making. ~ ~ ~ The next morning, which happened to be a Tuesday, Monsoon was somewhat rudely awakened from her slumber by the sound of the cell door opening. The grating noise of metal on metal stirred the pale brown unicorn mare, causing her eyes to flicker. Resolutely she stayed laid down on the small one-pony cot that was securely bolted to the wall. That was, at least, until she smelled the breakfast that the counsellor mare was carrying in with her. Delicious scents of cooked toasted oatmeal, milk, water, raisins, as well as buttered toast reached her nose. “Good morning!” the sun yellow unicorn mare with a flowing blue mane called out cheerfully as she set the tray down on the small table by the bed. “Good morning!” she called out again, wanting to make sure her newest client was aware of her presence. “Uuuugh...” reluctantly, Monsoon grunted as she sat up onto her elbow, her eyes adjusting to the light in the cell. Vaguely her brain registered the fact that she a, wasn't in her room at the motel and b, she wasn't on the street or the train station. “Ugh, where am I?” "Whinnyapolis city jail.” the sun yellow mare answered chirpily, way too happy than anypony should be at eight in the morning. “You were brought in last night for vagrancy.” “Oh...yeah...” sitting up properly now, Monsoon yawned and, having a stretch that popped several muscles, she rubbed her swollen and bruised face. Her bruise, delivered at the hooves of Red Light, while not as pronounced as yesterday, was still quite noticeable. “Ow.” However, she soon forgot about the dull aching pain in her face when she saw the hot steaming delicious food waiting for her on the breakfast tray. Her mouth was watering from the toasted oatmeal alone, never mind the rest. “Thank you.” Annoyingly, the very chipper yellow mare sat opposite her on a chair she levitated in from outside the sparingly decorated cell. “My name is Doubleshoes,” she introduced herself in a bright yet no-nonsense tone of one who had done this job many, many times before and was resigned to the fact that she'd be doing for many times to come. “You didn't have any ID on you, just that bag.” she pointed a hoof to the bag in question, just in case she hadn't seen it yet. “My bag!” Monsoon cried, turning to look at the one thing in the world right then that could’ve distracted her from the best breakfast she'd had in months. She swooned fir a moment as her head spun from the after effects of the drugs in her system from the night before. “Uugh...um, my name's Monsoon.” Doubleshoes fixed the older mare in a steely gaze. Sadly she'd seen too many before her in this situation, but not many were as old as this wretched mare before her. “Why were you at the train station, Monsoon?” “To get money.” Monsoon answered quietly, though she was looking at the food and not the counsellor, she hugged her forelegs around her thin waist. “To go home.” “Where is home?” Doubleshoes asked kindly, offering her hoof in a wave towards the food tray to let her client know she could partake at any time. “Canterlot.” “What brings you to Whinnyapolis?” “Same reason I went to Trottingham, Baltimare, Vanhoover and the rest.” Monsoon answered, though she took a moment to load up some raisins on the buttered toast and take several bites out of it. “When Red says it's time to move on, we move on.” “Red, as in, Red Light?” Monsoon nodded sadly. Somehow the toast lost its flavour when she thought about Red Light. “He looks after me. He knows what's best. I love him.” “I see,” Doubleshoes commented evenly. She didn't write anything down, but, as she was fully aware of the blame ‘Red Light’ from her other case studies – one thankfully she was able reunite with her parents - her horn was recording it all for her notes on her behalf. “So, you were not really going to Canterlot.” At first, Monsoon nodded, then almost immediately she shook her head. “There's nothing for me there. They don't want me.” Doulbleshoes sighed a deep sigh. She recognised that self-pitying tone. How many ponies – stallions as well as mares – had she heard it from in her career? Too many was the answer to that. “What about your opioid addiction?” she asked bluntly. Monsoon, about to help herself to the oatmeal, looked up from the tray at the table. “What about it?” she asked in reply, just as bluntly as the sun yellow police counsellor. “Do you want free of it?” Doubleshoes asked, rubbing the bridge of her nose, “or do you just want another hit?” Monsoon didn’t know how to answer that at first. At first she was going to lie, give this young mare any old nag’s tale, but something stopped her. What it was, she didn’t know. There was just something about her that made the older mare want to open up. “No. I need it.” she replied after taking a drink. “When I smoke it helps me forget.” ‘Aha! There we are. The nub of it.’ Doubleshoes was only surprised it didn’t take her this long to get here than with most mares. “What are you forgetting?” she asked kindly. “Their faces.” Monsoon pushed the tray away from her, though she kept the drink in her hoof. “Tropical Storm and...and...m-my little Cyclone.” deep down though she knew it was a lie. No matter how much opium she smoked or how many shots she drank or how many ponies she went with, she could never forget their faces. Etched forever in her brain like a hot knife that cut through the butter of everything she had done for the past twenty plus years were the fear on Cyclone’s face and the hatred on her husband’s. Doubleshoes rested her hoof ever so gently on Monsoon’s knee. “I'm with family advocacy. I'm usually dealing with runaways, but in truth you are another runaway.” she said gently, “If you were offered a chance to go back to Canterlot, will you take it?” “How?” “I can give you a train ticket today,” Doubleshoes explained, although she could readily understand the scepticism of the older mare before her. It was clear to her that life hadn’t been kind to Monsoon. “That is what you wanted when you went to the station, right?” Slowly, Monsoon sipped her drink. As she felt its warmth course through her old tired body she nodded even more slowly. “That's right.” she took a deep breath, as if she was deciding how much she could trust this young mare. She had no reason to, but here she was offering her a way out of this Tartarus. A way home. There was just one thing she needed to admit first. Somehow, she found the nerve. “I...I want to go home but...I'm scared…” ‘There we are. That’s what’s at the root of all this.’ Doubleshoes thought triumphantly. Usually it took her longer to break down her clients before she could start to rebuild them, but she supposed this poor mare was as broken as it was possible to get already. “I can give you a contact there. My counterpart. That pony can assist you in many ways. First, to help free you of the addition, and second to reconnect with your family.” she paused, raising up a calming hoof at the look of horror on the pale brown mare’s face, “I know that is the hardest part, as time has passed and ponies can and do change.” Monsoon set down the mug on the table. Her tone was miserable, defeated. “I know they hate me and they have every right. Years ago when I called them, Tropical Storm made it clear both he and Cyclone didn't want any part of me.” “Ponies change.” Doubleshoes repeated herself kindly, “Do you want this chance? You don't have to take it. I can't keep you in here so you are free to go. We have a shower you can use before you do. Then, if you want the train ticket, you can have that too.” For a very, very long time, Monsoon didn’t answer. She was debating internally with herself as what was the best thing to do. Throughout this whole time, Doubleshoes didn’t attempt to hurry her or to interrupt. Ultimately though, after what felt like hours but was in reality a few minutes, Monsoon nodded. “Yes please, Miss. It's time, I think.” Doubleshoes had to try really hard, very hard indeed, to not jump up in the air and scream for joy. ‘Another lost pony found!’ she had already decided that Monsoon would go on her wall of fame in her office. Her picture would join the long line of those that had taken the first steps. “It is only too late if you don't go at all. Leaving here will be your best decision. You are free to go, but please, stay till lunch and I'll have your ticket with your meal.” she smiled as she stood up from where she had been sat. “Would...would you like for me to contact the ponies you mentioned?” Monsoon wanted to cry. She could scarcely believe she was finally going home, after all these years! “Please try.” going back to her half eaten meal, she gave the counsellor the only number she knew for Tropical Storm, which was the main Playcolt offices. “Will you um...let me know what he says, please?” “Of course. I'll see you at lunch then?” she asked the somewhat rhetorically as she headed to the door. She had things to do, things to set up. “Thank you Miss.” Monsoon actually smiled what was a rare genuine smile. For the first time in a very, very long time, she felt optimistic for her future. A future she had all but given up on. She looked back at the breakfast tray. “I believe I'll finish this and take that shower.” “Shower is down that way.” Doubleshoes pointed with her hoof down the hall in the direction of the showers. “I'll see you later, Monsoon.” with that, the young sun yellow counsellor left the cell door wide open and she walked off with a purpose, her blue mane and tail bouncing in her wake like they were on springs. She was right she said she had a lot to do. Absently she ran through the list in her head as she made her way to her office. Chief among them were several things; she had to look for any outstanding warrants for Monsoon, as well as her arrest record. She had to look up Tropical Storm and Cyclone in Canterlot if they were still there. She had to do a trace of the number given to her. After that, she would then attempt to verify Monsoon's relationship with Tropical Storm and Cyclone. Once that was done she would check for any missing pony reports for Monsoon. Last of all, and perhaps the most important, she would call Tropical Storm if the rest of it all checked out. All in all, Doubleshoes knew she had a very busy morning ahead of her. Three hours later, and with several new grey hairs in her mane as a result of the many phone calls she’d had to make on her client’s behalf, Doubleshoes returned to Monsoon’s cell carrying a lunch tray consisting of daisy sandwiches, apple juice, water and hay fries. “So,” she started pleasantly after knocking on the open door to announce her presence, “I did talk with Tropical Storm and he had in fact put a missing pony report about you, and he would like to see you return.” Concentrating, she sent the tray over to the table. Thankfully, Monsoon didn’t see the twitch in her eye. The conversation with Tropical Storm had been…‘eventful’, but eventually she had managed to talk him around. “Cyclone isn't living in Canterlot,” Doubleshoes continued as she sat down and smiled when she took a deep breath and found Monsoon much more pleasant smelling than before. “And, Tropical Storm wouldn't let me know where she had moved to. Here is a train ticket from Whinnyapolis to Canterlot.” she concluded as she laid a ticket on the table beside the tray. Looking at the train ticket, Monsoon noted straightaway that it had ‘no refund / no transfer’ in bold print and that her name was on the ticket. She felt a great upsurge of affection for this young sun yellow mare. Clearly she had gone above and beyond for her. “Tropical Storm said that? He really said that?” “Yes.” Doubleshoes amazed herself at the way she answered that with such a straight face. She had no doubt if she played Straight Flush at poker right now she’d clean him out. ‘Then again,’ she thought, ‘it’d only a teeny little fib…he was fine…eventually.’ instead, she smiled. “He did seem genuinely apologetic for not putting a lot of effort into tracking you down, but I think you did a very good job of hiding yourself.” Monsoon hung her head. “I didn't want to be found. I almost killed my filly. He was right to cast me out of the house.” “Well, now you'll have a chance to rectify all that.” Doubleshoes stated matter-of-factly, “The ticket is good for a week so you can wrap up any affairs here, but I recommend you go straight to the train station from here and take the next train out.” “You're right.” Monsoon couldn’t argue with her there. Instead she made a start on her delicious daisy sandwiches. “Thank you, Miss, for all your help.” Doubleshoes stood up, content her work was done. “I sincerely hope the next time we meet is when you come here on a family vacation and you just want to say hi. Take care Monsoon, go home and make things right.” Once she ate the last sandwich, which hadn’t taken long, Monsoon likewise stood up. “Are you accepting hugs, Miss Doubleshoes?” Her smile widened. “I am, Ms. Monsoon.” Immediately, Monsoon wrapped her new best friend up in a tight hug and she even placed a light peck on her cheek. “Thank you, for all you've done for me.” “Good bye, Ms. Monsoon, live life to the fullest.” After finally managing to extricate herself from the very tight hug, she walked over to the door just as received a message on her phone alerting her to a new case waiting down in cell seven. “You are free to go at any time.” “Good bye to you, too.” feeling buoyed, Monsoon concentrated very, very hard and thought her magic was essentially useless she even managed to levitate her bag onto her back, securely placing the precious ticket in it. ‘I'm going home! I’m going home!’ with that thought in her mind, she walked out of the police station. As she walked along the street towards the Whinnyapolis train station however, it wasn’t long before Monsoon started to get those oh-so-familiar shakes. At first she tried to ignore them. She tried really hard to ignore them. She told herself repeatedly that she didn’t need the opium anymore, that she was going home. ‘Don’t think about it! Don’t think about it…’ try as she might though, she couldn’t not think about it. Every step she took her hooves shook harder and harder. She was even sweating, and it had nothing to do with the early afternoon sun that shone down from the clear cloudless sky. ‘Damn...I need some stuff...just to take the edge off, that's all, and then I'll go home…yeah, just a little stuff. I need money...not much, just a few hundred bits...’ With that plan in mind, she quickly found an unoccupied spot on the sidewalk and smiled welcomingly at a passing mare. She didn’t want a tough trick, just one to get her the quick fix she knew she needed to get her through the day. Then she’d sort herself out. On the train. That’s what she’d do. Unfortunately, as she had chosen a somewhat public street corner and it was early afternoon, the mare merely glared at her and continued on her way to wherever she was going. Chiding herself for being stupid, the pale brown mare instead trotted over to the lake. Doing her very best to put the opium shakes out of her mind. It was quickly approaching two p.m. by the time Monsoon managed to reach the wide expansive lake. There were a few ponies there already, those with the day off were busy sunning themselves at the lakeside. Some were enjoying the waters, others were just enjoying the sun. Monsoon scanned them all sizing up the likely tricks. Of the ponies she saw, she judged the two most likely were a lone geeky looking stallion reading a book and a rather portly looking mare eating an unhealthy lunch of fast fried food. The rest were family units or couples that are doing a 'together' activity and of zero interest to her. Spotting the mare, a chubby red earth pony, Monsoon swayed over to her as provocatively as she could. “Hey there…” Unfortunately Monsoon’s swaying was ineffective. Looking up from her meal with her mouth full of food, remnants of fries and grease leaking from her muzzle, she slurred, “Yeah?” “You look like you could use some 'company'.” Monsoon had to force herself not to shudder. This mare was gross. She could smell the grease on her fur from where she was stood. “Look, if you're hungry you can get your own food, I'm not sharing.” another trail of grease joined the one before it as she spoke. ‘Oh sweet Celestia’s sun…’ Monsoon wanted to retch so badly. She also needed the opium just as badly. She tried very hard to breathe through her mouth so she wouldn’t have to smell her or her food. Still, a trick was a trick. “Oh...I wasn't talking about eating your food…” she purred as she allowed her forehoof to stray over her fat hind leg. As if she had been scalded, the mare jerked her hind leg away and she tried swiping her forehoof at the whore propositioning her. “I'll call the police!” “Fine, look, there’s no need for that!” Monsoon squeaked, more in relief than anything else and, before the mare could change her mind, she turned and headed over to where she saw the stallion reading the book. He was a much better target anyway. Oblivious to what had happened with the mare, the cream coloured unicorn stallion glanced up at Monsoon as she approached him and he blushed so hard the lenses of his glasses fogged up. Despite this, he tried to once more become very interested in his book. “Hey there sweetie…” Monsoon purred in as sexy a voice as she could muster. “Wh-who me?” the skinny unicorn stallion stammered nervously, wondering why a mare would be interested in talking to him. “Yes you.” Monsoon purred, all the while smiling at the physically unimpressive specimen as she stepped closer. The cream stallion looked all around for an escape route and, when he realised there was none, he contented himself with staring red faced at her hooves. “Aaah, h-h-hi…” Monsoon noticed where he was looking and smiled. This she could work with. “You like my hooves, sexy?” “Um…” very quickly, he looked away at a tree and blushed more heavily. “Wha-n-n-no!” “Come now, no need to be shy.” now she was up close with him she almost regretted teasing him. He seemed a genuinely nice, albeit stereotypically nerdy, stallion. Idly she wondered, as she stroked his ear, if any mare had ever looked at him once let alone twice. “You look tense. I can do something about that, if you'd like?” Still staring at her hooves, he looked around again and finally settled back on her hooves. He tried looking up at the mare’s face but that just made him blush harder so he tried to stare at his book instead. “You, ah, c-can?” “Oh yes.” Monsoon scratched at his ear before caressing his cheek. She was almost tempted to do him for free just so he’d get to experience being with a mare. Almost. She still needed her fix so she could go home. “I can make you feel very good indeed.” The poor stallion’s muzzle was almost planted deep in the book he was struggling to hold. “You um, you-you can?” he squeaked, “Why-why me?” Monsoon’s heart broke for this stallion. She had a thought he’d be happy with a cuddle, let alone what she could do for him. Still, she needed bits. “Because you look lonely, sweetness, and in desperate need of a good time. Plus, I need the bits. So, sexy, how about it?” “B-Bits?” all of a sudden, the ‘bit’ dropped for him. “A-Are you a prost- prostitute?” “Why yes I am.” Monsoon smiled, happy to see that he hadn’t run away from her. “I'm a good one too…” the sexy purr was back in her voice as she ran her forehoof very slowly up and down his foreleg. As he weighed up the pros and cons in his head as he was wont to do, chief among them the worry that he’d not have the equipment to satisfy her, or the skill, having never been with a mare before now. “H-H-How much?” “Hmmm, how does two hundred and fifty bits sound?” “Wh-What do I get for two hundred and fifty?” ‘Oh sweetie I’d do you for free…’ she thought with a smile. In a lot of ways he reminded her of Tropical Storm. Not much to look at but charming and sweet all the same. A nice pony. And, nice ponies deserved her best. “Hoof job and a blowie. I'll even swallow for you.” Quickly, the geeky stallion fumbled for his shoulder pouch. He didn’t want to pass up this opportunity now. “W-w-wow, yeah, I'd l-like that!” in shaking hooves he pulled out the necessary bits and passed them over. “Deal, sweetie!” Safely tucking the money away in her bag, Monsoon’s hoof briefly brushed over the train ticket. Just this one last trick, one last hit, then she’d be going home to her filly. “Now, let’s take you around this tree, hmm?” Almost immediately, the cream stallion’s dark mottled cock started to emerge from its sheath with excitement at the prospect of finally being used as he gathered up his stuff. “Oh, ah, okay!” Once they were on the grass around the tree in the shade provided by the overhanging leaves and branches, Monsoon took it upon herself to try and calm him down. “You really don't have to be so nervous, sweetie.” she smiled warmly as she ran her left hoof lovingly along the length of his emerging cock and her right along his sheath and balls. “M-Most m-mares don't give me a sec-second look…” he moaned a deep pleasured moan while pretending to read. ‘Oh, I can imagine they don’t give you the first,’ she thought as she stroked him hard. “Well sweetness, I'm not most mares.” stroking him a little firmer now, she sat on her haunches and used her other hoof to fondle and massage his heavy swinging balls. “Ooooh,” the stallion’s hind legs trembled under her expert ministrations, his glasses fogging so much he took them off instead. “Mmmm, aahhhh!” “Hmmm, I think somepony likes that?” she asked cheekily as she licked and kissed her way from his balls all the way up his – surprisingly – bigger than average cock until it stood hard and proud. The cream stallion just nodded and any pretence of reading was gone as the book fell from his hooves. “Mmmmm!” Monsoon smiled and placed very delicate little kisses all around his flat head, paying attention to flick her tongue over his pee hole. As she worked the head of his throbbing cock, the stallion lowered one trembling forehoof to fondle her mane as he laid back with his eyes closed. Taking it as read she was doing a good job, Monsoon swirled her tongue all around the head in her mouth and she lowered her head down. She sunk lower and lower and as she went, she could feel his hind legs tense up. Almost reluctantly, she knew the poor pony wouldn’t last much longer. With all her practised skill she worked both of her forehooves around his balls as she deep throated his cock. It was a matter of professional pride almost that if he was going to blow quickly, she’d at least give him a cock sucking to remember. Again and again she lowered her muzzle all the way down until her nose touched fur. Time after time she sucked, unhurriedly fucking him with her mouth and throat. Sadly, as she had silently predicted, it was over much too soon. Several deep bobs of her head later and she felt the hoof that was caressing her mane tense up and the stallion thrust his skinny hips into her face as he came. “AaaAAaaAAH!” he screamed, shooting rope after rope of hot thick cum into her throat and mouth. “Aaahaaah!” he panted as he continued to cum until it began to fill her cheeks and leak from her mouth. Monsoon was surprised – and impressed – as he came as much as he did. One aspect of him that was not disappointing. As promised she held as much of it in her mouth as she could until his ejaculation had ceased and only when he had stopped cumming did she pull off. Sitting back, she held her mouth open wide to shows off her prize, winked at him and swallowed his hot load. The sight of the whore’s wide open mouth full of his white seed and then to watch her swallow it all down almost made him cum again. He slumped against the tree and gasped. “Th-thank you, that...that was amazing!” “Hmm, yummy!” Monsoon wiped her nose and licked her lips clean before taking a moment to gently and with genuine affection she kissed and nuzzle his neck. “Thank you. I hope you enjoy the book, but you won't find mares in there.” The stallion simply snickered, though he was breathing heavily. “I don't think I'll find my hoof as pleasant anymore either.” Somewhat emboldened by his recent experience he leant in and stole a kiss, immediately blushing hard. “Hmhmm, confident.” Monsoon kissed his lips once more. “Mare's like confident.” He smiled at that and took the chance to kiss her one more time. “Bye and, um, maybe I’ll see you again?” Even though she knew full well that she wouldn’t be seeing him again, Monsoon smiled. ‘Who knows,’ she thought, ‘maybe I’ll take him with me?’ “Sure thing sweetness. How about you mount me next time?” “Meep!” As he blushed hard, Monsoon took the opportunity to steal a kiss of her own before turning away. “Take care now, sweetness.” she walked away from the stallion, her tail lifted right the way up to grant him a clear and unfettered view of her marehood as she swayed her hips and walked away to where she needed to be next. The stallion’s eyes were locked onto Monsoon’s undercarriage as she walked away, though just as she turned the corner to the far side of the marina to where she knew Popper’s car would be waiting, she chanced a glance over her shoulder back at him to blow him a goodbye kiss and very quickly his gaze dropped back to his book. As Monsoon approached the familiar flame red Chevelle, she noticed the set up was the same, though the mare sat beside the drug dealer was different. “Hey there.” she greeted him pleasantly through the open car window. Seeing her coming, Popper smiled. He remembered her from the day before. He also remembered Red Light’s instructions to him if this whore ever approached him to buy again. “Lost again, are we?” “Yeah, but I think I've found my way.” Monsoon returned the smile as she thought about the train ticket in her bag. “I just need a little something to ease the trip along, y'know?” “Yeah, yeah, Address?” Knowing what to do, Monsoon reached into her bag and pulled out one hundred and fifty of the two hundred and fifty bits she had just earned and passed them through to Popper. “Here it is.” Taking the bits from her, Popper tapped the mare’s shoulder once. “Give this filly some directions.” Nodding quietly, the mare reached into the first bag of three between her legs and took out a pack of the otherwise unmarked ‘special mix’ and hoofed it over to the waiting Monsoon. Unaware of what exactly it was, Monsoon took the pack gratefully in her shaking hoof. “Thank you, this'll help with the journey.” Popper nodded. “Have a good trip now, y’hear.” he smirked a very nasty smirk as he watched the pale brown unicorn almost dance away from his car. He knew full well the only journey she’d be making after smoking what he’d just sold her was a one way trip six feet under. Still, that was the price you paid for cheating on Red Light. Monsoon stowed the package in her bag and skipped out of the lake. She needed someplace quiet to smoke her purchase, then she’d go to the train station. A flash of inspiration hit her. The motel! She could use the shed that her friend Sapphire Nightingale had offered her, get high, say her goodbyes to what she saw as a good friend, and go home. She skipped a little quicker now. She could almost taste the high she was so excited. ~ ~ ~ Tuesday morning, and the sunlight streaming through the half closed curtains landed on the two ponies laid on the now messy bed. Red Light opened his eyes and, rolling over, was very pleased indeed to discover that Cumulus was still there. Smiling a wicked smile, the scarlet unicorn stallion brushed his short cut white mane and slid out of the bed. Walking carefully to the bedroom door, he had in mind to make breakfast for them both and to prepare some hair of the dog that bit her for a hangover cure. When Red Light moved, Cumulus stirred in the bed. Red Light looked back at the eighteen year old filly and smirked nastily. She was looking quite the worse for wear, her sky blue feathers were all at odd angles, her exposed marehood was looking all puffy and swollen and, as a result of what he’d done to her the night before, there was a slight bulge in her belly and dried cum stains all on her inner thighs. “UUuuuuuugh...” she groaned, drool on her mouth. Callously, Red Light said nothing, he just turned on his hooves and left for the kitchen. He knew he had the ‘fresh’ young filly now. She was as good as his. Cumulus tried to get up once from the bed but she fell back to the bed. Stunned in the morning light, she laid there for a moment. It was a very long moment indeed, blinking, trying to get her bearings, trying to work out where she was, who she was and why her marehood hurt so much. Several moments later she tried to sit up again and open her eyes. “Wh-Where...what...huh...” Again, she slumped to the bed. She felt rough, rougher than she’d ever felt in her young life. Though she didn’t know it, this was a result of her body craving the addictive opium that had left her system and the whole bottle of fortified wine she had drunk the night before. The first thing that came to her senses was the smell of cooking coming from the kitchen. Very slowly, her drug addled brain put two and two together and she realised where she was. With the smell of cooking wafting through from the kitchen, she managed to haul herself out of the bed and stumbled, walking like a mare of seventy, towards the bathroom. Limping, as her crotch was still so very sore from losing her virginity so roughly, she took herself to the bathroom and made a valiant attempt to freshen up. It took her the best part of an hour, but she toileted, washed her face and, after a very quick preen, she discovered the dried semen stains on her inner hind legs. Gingerly she washed them off and staggered through to the kitchen where she saw Red Light cooking. “Las' nigh'...did we...um...did we...do it?” she asked, shocked at how her voice sounded to herself. Turning from his stove, Red Light smiled. ‘Time to win the Oscar again…’ he thought as he smiled at the gullible vulnerable young filly. “Did-did I do okay?” he almost amazed himself at how convincing he sounded. “I wasn't too sure what to do, but you talked me through it. Scrambled eggs okay?” “Uuugh...y-yeah...” Cumulus just registered the words ‘scrambled’ and ‘eggs’ as she walked over to the breakfast bar with a definite wince in her gait. “It was good, I think...wait, I talked ya through it?” this didn’t seem right, not at all, but she couldn’t figure out how it was supposed to be right so she gave up. “Yeah,” Red Light answered her with an energetic nod of his head, getting thoroughly into his role. “See, you had a toy so you kinda used me like you would the toy.” with that, the crimson unicorn stallion dished up some scrambled eggs, hay bacon, and apple juice on a tray in front of his latest victim. Before the foolish filly had come into the kitchen, he had doctored her juice with a liberal amount of vodka knowing full well it would be hidden by the sweet juice. “I...I used ya?” Cumulus looked up at the stallion with a bright red blush all over her cheeks as she sat and took her eggs. “I'm sorry, I didn' mean to…” Red Light almost felt sorry for her. Almost. He supposed it was a good thing he had no compassion whatsoever. “No, it's okay, I wanted to learn. You're a good teacher. You could do that professionally.” Having just taken a mouthful of scrambled eggs, Cumulus coughed and almost choked. “Wha'!?” she exclaimed, “Me mammy'd kill me! She's gonna kill me as it is, fer wha' I did las' nigh'!” ‘It’s almost too easy!’ Red Light quietly sat opposite her at the breakfast bar and ate. “I don't know about that. I think I'd be proud to know my foal was so good at something.” for a moment he was worried he’d gone too far. “I've heard you can make good money doing that.” About to retort, Cumulus instead took a drink of her doctored juice. The effects of the hidden vodka were almost immediate. “But...but me mam said those kind o' mares were filthy trollops, not fit t' live under Celestia's sun....am...I like tha'?” Red Light did his very best to look shocked and surprised. “You, a filthy trollop?” he smiled as he laid a hoof gently on Cumulus’s own. “I would think not. I mean, I don't think I would have even talked to you if you were. So you can't be.” At that, Cumulus took another drink of her juice. The young pegasus felt the calming buzz of the vodka that made her headache fade away and she smiled in return. “Could um...could I really earn, doin' tha'? Ya think I'm good enough?” Red Light let out a snicker of triumph that he hid well. “Well, I thought you were good, but you're my first.” ‘Ha…my first…she must be so stupid…’ “Still, I think you would be very good at it. I was happy and you took your time with me last night.” “I guess...I mean...I suppose...” Cumulus shook her head. The nice stallion seemed to be making sense. Again she shook her head. ‘What am I doing even thinking it?’ However, when she took another drink of the juice, her objections seemed to melt away. “I mean, I need ta earn bits t' get 'ome, righ'?” it seemed reasonable in her head. “True that,” Red Light encouraged her, “I'm sure you could earn enough in no time and you can leave whenever you want.” “Yeah...yeah!” Cumulus agreed as she ate her eggs, “I'd only 'ave t' do a couple, righ'?” Red Light shrugged, “I guess you can so as many as you like.” Now it was time to turn the screws, just a little. “Do, ah, you have money troubles back home?” “Well…” Cumulus trailed to silence, though her uncomfortable shuffles on her seating pad as she looked down at her empty plate spoke volumes to the evil minded pimp. “Maybe your mum will be surprised when you come home with lots of bits. I mean…” he paused, quite proud of the way he was playing her like a harp straight from Tartarus, “You don't have to say how you got them, if that worries you.” Cumulus was still looking down at the table. “Well...I didn' tell ya this, but I can trus' ya. I know me mam's strugglin' t' pay for my university fees. She don' think I know, but I foun' a letter th' other week.” “Yeah, parents don't tell you a lot of things.” Red Light, the very picture of empathy, squeezed her forehoof. “Does your mum like the preforming arts?” Going once more for her juice, Cumulus nodded. “She likes this op'ra singer, um...wha's 'er name, some unicorn…” try as she might, the sky blue pegasus just couldn’t remember what the opera singer’s name was. Which was very odd indeed. Usually her memory was good, especially as she and her mother had seen Serenity sing live many times. Not really caring either way, Red Light just shrugged his shoulders. “Well, if she asks where you got the bits you can say you were a street performer here and the ponies really liked it. Always good to be honest with your mum.” “Yeah...I coul' totally do tha'! I can get 'ome and pay me mam back for th' tuition fees!” Cumulus paused in her excited little monologue when a thought struck her. She let out a subdued “oh...” while Red Light smiled and said nothing, waiting to see what his little harp had to say next. “Where am I gonna stay? I ain't got nowhere t' go!” Red Light couldn’t believe how easy this was. She was flying head first into this new life he had planned for her. “Oh, yeah, and a place to hold your classes...wait, I know a pony who has a place with lots of rooms. I think you'll like her. Her name’s Sapphire Nightingale.” “Y'do? Really? Y'think she'd 'elp me out?” Eagerly, Red Light nodded, playing the helpful friend to a tee. “I've helped her in the past, so maybe I can call in a favour. If you like, after breakfast, you can use the shower and clean up.” “Thanks um...um...” Cumulus suddenly looked embarrassed. “I don' know your name.” “Oh, I'm sorry! It's Red.” Cumulus’s face fell as did her mood. “Guess I am one o' those mare's af'er all, huh? Sleepin' wi' a stallion wi'out even knowin' 'is name.” Again, Red Light squeezed Cumulus’s hoof, though this time he got up and moved around to hug her as well. “Don't be hard on yourself. You were a bit lost last night, and it is my fault. I was, a bit embarrassed to know so little.” Cumulus blushed hard at that. “Thank you. You were just great, Red.” she reached for and drank the rest of her vodka juice. Emboldened once again as her inhibitions fell away, she returned the hug to her new friend. “Would um...do um...y'wanna join me, in th' shower?” “S-Sure!” for good measure, Red Light even put on a good blush. “I'd be happy to help you anyway I can.” “C’mon then!” Cumulus, all nice and buzzing from the effects of the hidden vodka in her juice, got up from her seating pad at the breakfast bar and swayed towards the bathroom. With her inhibitions slipping, she even had her tail well up offering him a clear view of her crotch. Red Light had to try very hard indeed to keep his stallionhood under control. “Um, okay, the dishes can wait.” he grinned as he followed after her. Once they were in the shower, Cumulus turned to face the much older unicorn stallion. “I wanna do somethin', if'n you'll let me.” “Okay, you're the boss.” Cumulus giggled at that. “Well...las’ nigh’ you said ya wanted somethin' soft, down there? Ya licked an' kissed me. I wanna do you too.” “Oh. Oh!” Red Light made a mental note to give her vodka at every meal if this was how she was going to act on it. “I, I would like that, um, maybe you should clean it first? To be safe.” Red Light, ready to comment on her technique if needed, he found he didn’t have to at all as Cumulus reached for the shampoo and she got busy cleaning his sheath. When she washed the shampoo off with the water she placed enthusiastic – if sloppy and inexperienced – kisses and licks all along its length. “Am I doing it okay?” Red Light thought his new little whore was doing just fine. His cock thought so too as it emerged hard and erect from his sheath. It didn’t care she hardly knew what she was doing and neither did he. Once she was faced with his impressive erection looming over her head, Cumulus bit her lip and, summoning her vodka enhanced nerves, she took the flat head in her warm wet mouth. For a moment she didn’t do anything, she sat there with the head in her mouth. Just as Red Light was about to snort, she remembered the video she had watched that one time and she began to suck on it as she awkwardly moved her head forwards. “Oh my,” Red Light’s snort died on his lips. “I never knew it could be this good. You are a master at this!” Cumulus’s wings fluttered with pride and she tried going a little deeper, all the way down to the medial ring. Very pleased with her efforts, Red Light sighed a contented sigh and caressed the back of her head with his hoof. ‘Huh…looks like she’s a natural cock-sucker! I know stallion’s who’ll pay tons for this!’ he thought to himself. “Hmmm, that is so much better than my hoof!” “HmHmmmmm!” Cumulus slobbered in agreement as she bobbed her head up and down her new best friend’s cock. Drool leaked around the edges of her mouth and from nowhere she had an inspiration to copy the DVD she watched and she used her hoof to gently caress his balls. While Cumulus was clumsily sucking on his cock like it was a popsicle, Red Light, determined to cum, used his imagination to bring himself to a rather satisfying climax. “Cu-Cu-Cumulus, I'm going to come!” No sooner had he said that, than Red Light’s tip flared out in her throat as he did indeed orgasm. With no choice, the sky blue pegasus swallowed the hot sticky mess straight down to her belly before she pulled off. As she did so she saw some of the cum leak from her friend’s cock and she licked it up so he could see what she was doing. “Was that good?” “That…” Red Light was truly speechless. He never expected this dumb bitch to be such a good dick polisher. She was going to earn him so many bits! “That. I've never…It was better than anything I could do for myself!” so overjoyed was he at the quality of his new cash cow that he kissed her lips before he realised what he’d done. Cumulus coloured up in a huge blush, shower water spattering off of her mane. “Y-Ya kissed me...” ‘Dam it, damn it, damn it!’ Red Light cursed himself and looked away. “I'm sorry!” Slowly, Cumulus turned his head back to face her and she kissed him in return. “Why?” “I don't want you to feel bad or think you owe me anything.” That wasn’t the reason at all. He just didn’t want to get emotionally involved with a whore that was going to literally piss him bank notes. “I don' feel bad...I feel...” she staggered in the shower, almost falling in the tub, “I feel…wooo! righ' now!” “Okay, if you say so.” Red Light snickered, happy that the vodka laced juice had done its job on her. Still, there was no harm in being a little nice, he supposed. “Um, do you want me to wash your mane?” when she nodded the affirmative, Red Light began to give her a very sensual cleaning, one that he didn’t intend to stop unless she said something. As he started to work the shampoo and the hot water into her mane and her scalp, Cumulus was actually purring throughout the wash, her wings were noticeably erect. While Red Light admittedly wasn’t the best preener in Equestria, he had learned a thing or two. ‘The benefit of having feathered sluts before,’ he thought as he started to deliver a functional but arousing preen to the filly’s left wing. “MMmmMMM!” Cumulus moaned out loud almost straight away and it wasn’t long before she had her forehoof buried between her hind legs. She didn’t care she was sore and her marehood was still swollen, she needed to get off, badly. Behind her, Red Light allowed her to rub one out but, after he was done with her wings, he moved down her back to clean her backside which would involve a very hooves on 'deep' cleaning. Cumulus felt his hooves down there under her tail and shuddered. “Wh-What're y'doin'?” “I was going to make sure you were clean everywhere.” Red Light smirked behind her as he stopped what he was doing. “I can stop if you like…” “No! NO!” Cumulus squeaked desperately. “Please...d-do it!” she was so needy, so close, Red Light dutifully continued with the deep clean using both his hooves and his mouth under her tail. “AaaaAAH...” the sky blue mare was moaning and squirming from the sheer pleasure she was receiving and it didn’t take long at all for her to cum noisily and messily from the ‘clean’ Red Light was giving her. Still smirking, he decided she needed deep cleaning again. This time, she didn’t try and stop him. She just laid there in the shower and let him do whatever he wanted to do to her. Pleasure, opium and vodka pushing all thoughts of Trottingham from her mind. ~ ~ ~ Two hours after the very deep cleaning session in his shower, Red Light was walking with Cumulus through the maze of back streets in the suburban part of Whinnyapolis. His ultimate destination was Sapphire Nightingale’s motel, where he would complete his acquisition of this frankly idiotic mare. First though, there was one thing he needed to do. Turning a corner, he led her past a small time grocery store. “Hey, you may as well get some food and stuff for a couple of days at least. I'm sure Sapphire has a fridge in the room. I think you'll have to asker her about using a kitchenette.” Looking from Red Light to the grocery store and back again, Cumulus’s sky blue face erupted in a bright red blush. “I can'...see, I don' 'ave any bits…” this was true. Stargazer had left her with nothing. “Oh, oh, yeah, sorry.” Red Light smiled in a faux apologetic smile as he dug around in his shoulder pouch and in a few moments he came up with two hundred bits, which he readily passed over to the young filly. “Um, I have this, and you can have it.” “Really?” Cumulus was frankly awestruck at her friend’s generosity. “Ya jus' givin' it t'me?” ‘Well…it makes up for what you’re giving me, stupid.’ He thought with a smile. “Hey, you're far from home, just need a leg up is all. Maybe you'll be able to repay me?” Realisation dawned on Cumulus’s face, realisation aided by what he had talked her into at the breakfast bar. “Ya wanna do wha' we did in th' shower again?” Red Light made a show of nervously looking around. When she was firmly his, he’d take great pleasure in plowing her when and where he liked, whenever he liked, but for now, that could wait. “We may need to get cleaned up after you move in to your room, or... Um, maybe, ah...” “I don' mind bein' dirty wi' you,” she smiled as she trotted towards the store, her tail still held up high thanks to the vodka she had unwittingly drunk. “Ya nice, an' I trus' ya.” “Okay, I'll wait out here so you can get what you like, and then I'll know what you like.” “Okay, Red!” with that, Cumulus swayed her hindquarters in a way her mother would’ve tanned her hide for and entered the store for her groceries. Once Cumulus was out of sight, the very split second that the filly was inside the store, Red Light’s whole demeanour changed as if somepony had flipped a light switch. The crimson unicorn lit his horn and levitated his cell phone out of his pouch. There was just one thing he had to take care of. Smirking his nasty smirk, he dialled his associate’s number. Almost straightaway, Sapphire Nightingale picked up. “What is it now, Red?” Red Light didn’t waste any time on pleasantries. “You at the motel?” Sapphire Nightingale grunted. She recognised the business-like tone in the stallion’s voice. “Will be in a few minutes, what do you need?” “I got some fresh meat and she thinks I'm her knight in shining armour.” “Ha!” Sapphire Nightingale snorted out the blunt laugh, “I don't think that armour ever shined.” “I need you...” “I know what you need and, I'll play along.” “Okay,” Red Light allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief. He knew as soon as he got the filly in the motel she’d be his good and proper. “You got a room for her?” “Yeah, and it’s even clean,” the dull orange pegasus answered quickly, thinking of the room Monsoon had been forced to vacate the night before by the pony she was talking to now. “Well it’s clean enough, anyway.” “Thanks Sapphy, we’ll be there in about twenty.” reassured that his associate would get the room ready, Red Light quickly put away his cell phone and moved back round to the front of the store just in time as a second later Cumulus reappeared from the store carrying a bag filled with a variety of pop-tarts and crunchie bars. “That was quick.” Red Light had his nice smile back in place. “Okay, along the lake and then to Sapphire's place.” “Don' take long t' shop for poppers!” Cumulus smiled proudly as she showed off what she had bought from the store. “Sapphire. She sounds nice.” Red Light nodded. “I've had no problems with her,” he replied as he led her the long way around the lake in a slow stroll before turning back to go past the marina. He had told Sapphire twenty minutes, and he wanted to give her enough time to get the motel room ready. “Wow...” Cumulus was struck by the beauty of the lake she was being taken around. “Th' lake's real pretty ain't it, Red?” “Yes,” Red Light agreed. Whatever he thought of the piece of meat walking beside him, he had to agree the lake was beautiful. “I love to walk along here, then again, I found you here.” Cumulus smiled. “Ya, tha' was fortui...fortu...fort...lucky!” she giggled as she had to change her chosen word. For some reason, she just couldn’t articulate the word ‘fortuitous’. She knew it, of course, but it just wouldn’t come to her. “Lucky for me!” Red Light grinned. He knew the side effects of opium were memory loss, though of course some were more succeptible to it than others. It seemed this foolish filly was one of the ones that were. His grin widened. It seemed she’d be more easily controlled than he thought. This was perfect. “You're amazing!” “I'm amazin’?” Cumulus blushed. ‘I'm amazing! He thinks I'm amazing! Wohoo!’ Smiling easily now, Red Light performed a little rump bump with his rump. “You are, and I think others will think the same way too.” “Wow...ya so cool!” Cumulus’s blush deepened as she returned the rump bump. For a split second she was reminded of Cirrus, then she forgot all about him. “Red?” she asked quietly as they walked around the lake together. “Yes, Cumulus?” “'Ave ya got any more o' that plant we smoked?” she asked tentatively as she started to get the onset of withdrawal shakes, though she didn’t know yet what they were. “I coul' do some more, wi' you.” Red Light blushed genuinely at that. He was caught off guard by the question. “Um, I was going to leave some in your room as a surprise. So, can you pretend to be surprised?” as it happened, he had intended to do just that. “Oh sure!” Cumulus replied quickly, then, a moment later she blinked her wide eyes. “Surprised about what?” she asked genuinely, the previous thing she’d said having completely slipped her mind. “Right,” Red Light knew her well enough to know she wasn’t putting on an act. She genuinely wasn’t playing. This pleased him immensely. “I like you, you are funny.” “I am? Cumulus giggled profusely and blushed harder at the perceived compliment. “So, um, what's your friend like?” Red Light snickered as they rounded the lake and walked past the marina. “She’s like a mom.” ‘Yeah,’ he thought, ‘a mom who couldn’t give a buck about anypony,’ which was just how he liked it. He had a pony like Sapphire Nightingale tucked away in every town in Equestria, just in case. “Mom...mom...” Cumulus looked confused for a – thankfully for Red Light – brief moment. Flashes of memories were trying to light a spark in her brain, but it wouldn’t take hold. “Um, wasn' there somethin' I was gonna do, with a mom?” “I'm sure you can do it with Sapphire,” Red Light put in quickly, trying to breathe evenly and keep his face straight. The last thing he wanted was to remember she wanted to call her family, though he doubted she could remember the number now. “I like to think of her as mom. I don't have...so I think of Sapphire.” that did the trick. Cumulus immediately swallowed the line she was being fed. “Awww ya poor thing!” she pulled the older stallion into a tight hug that he didn’t try to fight. Earning his imaginary Oscar, Red Light sniffed, pretending to cry on her shoulder. “Thank you, you are the best.” Pulling away from the hug just a little, Cumulus kissed the crimson stallion’s lips. “Jus' tryin' t' help, like ya helped me.” Thankfully, for Red light’s acting skills, the battered old motel soon came into view. Pausing, he pointed out the large building in the middle distance. “There it is. Sapphire owns that place,” he snickered, “Why she has plenty of rooms.” “Oh...oh well, tha' looks nice, don' it?” “It does.” Red Light nodded as he steered her towards the motel. Already he was picturing her in a room on the first or second floor servicing trick after trick that formed a line at her door. “Let's see if Sapphire is in her office, hmm?” “Alrigh'!” Smiling a very wide smile, Cumulus pressed in as close as she could to Red Light’s flank and, as they walked towards the motel, she even had her tail entwined with his. It didn’t take them very long at all to enter the motel’s office on the ground floor. Sapphire Nightingale was sat with her hind hooves up on her pouffe, sat in her favourite comfy chair with a half consumed mug of milky coffee by her side. She was ready to greet her associate’s new meat. They’d played this game many times over the years, and she was just as good at it as Red Light was. “Hi there Red!” she greeted them in her best friendliest voice, “Who's your friend?” “This is Cumulus,” Red Light introduced the young filly proudly, “she's a bit lost.” “Lost?” Sapphire Nightingale set her mug down on her side table and got up from her favourite chair. She had a slight frown on her face when she saw just how young this sky blue pegasus was. She knew Red Light liked them young but she was willing to bargain this pony was barely legal. Still, she breathed through her nose. Bits from Red Light paid three quarters of her bills while he was in town, and you didn’t just say ‘no’ to him. “Whinnyapolis is getting big, but not that big.” “Ya, I'm from...I'm from...ah,” Cumulus scrunched up her face, apparently deep in thought. “I’m from Trottin'ham, miss.” “Oh my, dear, you're a long way from home, aren’t you?” Sapphire Nightingale came over and gave the young filly a very motherly hug. In the process she could smell the opium in her fur as well as Red Light’s cheap shampoos. ‘I…I can’t allow this,’ she thought to herself, ‘But what can I do? Red can and will kill me!’ she shot him a look over Cumulus’s shoulder and she got the message. “So, dear, why has Red brought you here?” Cumulus melted into the hug. “I need a room t' stay for a bit, miss, while I earn some money.” “Well, now if you're going to work and earn money, I don’t see why I can't up you up for as long as you need.” “Thanks Ms. Nightingale.” Red Light smiled over the young filly’s shoulder, but his eyes stared daggers at his ‘friend’. Sapphire’s dull orange wings fluttered. She more than got the message, alright. Still, she had an idea of what to do. True, she didn’t care much for the old whores like Monsoon that used her motel as a base of operations, after all they had made their choices long ago. This however was a scared young pony who didn’t even realise what was about to happen to her. “A friend of yours is a friend of mine, Red.” “Um...is it really okay miss?” Cumulus muttered, “See th' kind o' work I'll be doin', ya might not like, entertainin' stallions for bits.” “Oh, I see,” Sapphire Nightingale’s voice only wavered for just a moment before she recovered her composure and she shot Red Light a ‘look’. For his part, the crimson stallion looked a bit surprised that she was quite that easy to bring into the fold. That more or less made up the dull orange mare’s mind. She’d have to give her cousin Doubleshoes a call. This filly didn’t deserve this life. “Well, what a pony does behind closed doors is none of my business, is what I say.” “Oh thanks miss. It's only for a bit, till I get bits t' get 'ome. Red said it was...um...street performin'.” “That sounds like a very respectable profession.” Sapphire smiled sweetly. She had to bide her time though. If Red Light got wind she was trying to help this filly out, then the Whinnyapolis PD would find her at the bottom of the nearby lake. “I'm sure you'll do well dear. Leave her to me Red. I'll put her up in room 212.” “Thanks Ms. Nightingale,” Red Light gave the older mare a nod of thanks and turned to leave the office. He had clients he needed to organise for his new meat. “You’re a life saver. I was going to leave a present in her room.” “Very well,” Sapphire wrinkled her nose in disgust when Red Light dropped a pouch of opium on her table before disappearing out of the office. She knew she had little choice but to give it her for now, but the first chance she got, she made up her mind she was going to call her cousin. “It's awful nice ya puttin' me up, miss.” Cumulus said with a dopey smile that almost broke the apathetic mare’s heart as she led her up the outside stairs to the second floor. “D'ya ‘appen to ‘ave a phone?” “Yes dear, there is a pay phone outside.” She answered carefully. She didn’t want to say anything to her that might get back to Red Light and lead her to a watery end before she could make the call she needed to make. “There is a phone in your room too, but it can only dial local, like if you want a pizza. “O-Okay miss!” like a lost lamb being led to slaughter, Cumulus happily followed Sapphire Nightingale into the shabby room that had, up until recently, once been Monsoon’s and she was still smiling like an oblivious puppy when the door had slammed behind her, all but sealing her fate. > Epilogue - A Wrong and a Right > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A short, sharp brutal knock on the door of her shabby motel room roused Cumulus from her semi-aware drug addled state. A second, more impatient knock and, struggling to see in the gloom, the young pegasus could see that it was her two a.m. appointment. Setting aside her warm cola and cold pizza, she heaved herself on unsteady hooves to answer the door to the fifth customer of the night so far. The harsh glare of the motel’s hallway lights contrasted harshly with the gloom of her room. So bright was it that she couldn’t see the large brown earth pony stallion at all for a few seconds. Unfortunately for the young mare, the gruff stallion wasn’t about to give her that time. “You the Red Light escort pony?” he asked, getting straight to the point. “Ya,” Cumulus replied, going into an automatic, well-trained pose at the door, rearing up and thrusting out her flank suggestively, just like Sapphire Nightingale had taught her. “Tha's me, cutie pie.” The stallion ran a hoof through her mane. “You'll do, forelegs on the bed, I don't have all night, slut.” “Y'sir!” Cumulus slurred, thanks to the drugs still in her system that Red Light had given her, she turned around with an exaggerated sway in her hips and she rested her forelegs on the bed, her hind legs spread apart. At least positioned thus, the dingy room had stopped spinning. Without wasting any time on foreplay of any kind, the stallion shoved his nose under Cumulus’s raised up tail and took a long, exploratory sniff. Finding what he found to his liking, he took a lick of the teenager’s puffy swollen marehood. He ignored her pleasured moan. “Good, you're clean.” The stallion did like his whores clean, and Red Light had promised a clean fresh mare. He hated those washed up old cum dumps. Satisfied, and with his cock hard and ready, he wasted no time in mounting her. “Ooooh, Celestia, you're tight!” he grunted, thrusting his length inside her in one single hard movement. “AAaaAAAH!” Cumulus screamed, raising her head up from her filthy pillow. She was almost dry down there but the stallion hadn’t let that stop him as he forced his medial ring inside her tight snatch. Though she had her tail up high and to one side, bracing herself against the bed, the force of the intrusion still rocked her forwards. If the stallion cared for her pained screams he didn’t show it. “Such a pretty cutie mark too…” pulling out half way, dragging her swollen raw labia with it, he thrust back inside, timing a hard slap to her flank as he hilted in her. “AaAA...Oooow!” Cumulus screamed, her white cloud cutie mark turning a little red with the force of the slap. “Oh that is hot!” the stallion moaned, timing a slap to her other cutie mark as he thrust inside her tight tunnel for a third time. ‘Sweet Celestia she’s a good buck!’ he thought savagely. “Ooooow! H-Hey!” Cumulus tried to protest, she didn’t know what hurt more, the stallion’s erect cock raping her marehood or the stiff slaps now constantly raining down on her reddened cutie marks. In spite of all this though, her wings were semi erect, her body betraying her as it found perverse pleasure in the act. “Take it bitch!” the earth pony leaned forward and yelled in her ear, hilting and slamming into the young pegasus’s cervix with each brutal thrust of his hips, “Ask for more! Beg for my cock, whore!” Poor Cumulus was in a world of stimulus, the pain in her crotch and from somewhere there was pleasure. “Y-Ya hurtin' me!” she squealed like it was the first day of school all over again. ‘I’m wet…how…why…I’m wet? I’m enjoying this?’ she tried to think, but the stallion currently balls deep in her drove rational thought from her mind. “You're lov'n it!” he bellowed, landing a hard smack with the flat of his hoof against the ring of her asshole as again he forced his way inside her. Celestia he loved her tight clinging cunt. He loved the way it was contracting, trying to force his huge rod out of her, he loved overpowering this dumb young bitch, just like all the rest. Fifteen minutes and innumerable hilting thrusts later and Cumulus was very wet and her wings were extremely hard. Could she be loving it? She supposed she must be. Why else would she be so wet and begging for it? “OOooooOW!” again she lifted her head and screamed, “Pl-Please! Gimme more!” Smirking nastily, the stallion reached forward with both forehooves. Finding her erect wings, he wrenched back, pulling hard on her tender sensitive wing joints so he could use the leverage to ram himself deeper. “Take it all!” he bellowed. “OooOOOW!” Cumulus screamed all the louder now. She couldn’t pretend even with her drug addled brain that it was nice any more. It hurt and it kept on hurting. “N-Not me wings, pleeeease!” she begged him uselessly as he kept thrusting inside her, “Ya hurtin' meeeeeee!” With a particularly hard thrust, the brown earth pony simultaneously flicked a hoof tip on her wing joint as he rams in hard, penetrating her cervical wall, painting her womb with his hot nasty seed as he came. Cumulus cried with the force of the climax, she could almost feel her insides get splashed with his thick cream. “Oooow th-that hurt!” she whimpered, her head slumped into her dirty pillow. The stallion however didn’t have a flying buck to give. He roughly slapped the ring of her asshole again and again, staying inside her until he finally stopped cumming. Pulling out of her used whore-hole, he slapped her ass one last time as he fished in his shoulder pouch for the bits to pay her with. Without a thought being given to the semen dribbling from her gaping pussy onto her thighs, Cumulus wipes the tears from her eyes. Red Light had taught her not to cry. Customers didn’t always like it. “Th-Thank ya, sir…” she gasped, barely able to move. Snickering, the stallion left her seven hundred and fifty bits, five hundred for the base cost and a decent tip, seeing as she had been so tight and all. “You're a sweet thing, I'll be calling on you again, slut.” “O-Okay s-sir…” she gasped as he left her room, slamming the door behind him. ‘Again!’ she thought in sheer panic, ‘I can' take that again!’ After several long, quiet moments, she took the bits she had been left and, still looking a thorough mess, she left her room. She didn’t have a plan, or a destination, she just wanted some air. She barely registered the fact that it was just after two thirty a.m., or the chill of the early morning breeze, all she could focus on were the welts and bruises forming on her flanks and cutie marks from the stallion that had just used her. They joined the other ‘trophies’ she had received from her other clients. “Aaaagh...ooow...” she cried out pained little whimpers as she half walked / half staggered along the street away from the motel. Cumulus hadn’t staggered very far at all, in fact she was still on the long tree-lined driveway that lead up to the motel, when a couple of very drunk unicorns in their late forties appeared in her path, coming in from the main street behind them. The mare, a white pony, nudged her mate. “Look love, somepony left a toy out.” The stallion, a tan unicorn, sniggered out a nasty, mirthless laugh. “It looks broken, think it still works?” In utter panic, Cumulus backed away from the couple, though soon she hit the rough bark of a tree. Unable to back away any further, she almost fell over as her hind legs threatened to give out. “L-Leave me alone...please!” she begged, she had no desire to be used anymore that night. The couple simply shared a ‘look’ between them as they advanced upon the poor young pegasus. “Aren't you available?” she asked, a horrible sneer in her voice while her partner jiggled a little pouch of bits in her face. “I...I jus' wanna go 'ome...” Cumulus whined, struggling to even form that thought in her head. She was tired, she was sore and she hurt, but as she blinked eyes at the bag of bits, something clicked like a trigger. Little did she know it was her conditioning already kicking in. “Yeah, I'm available, ma’am…” “That’s a good filly.” The white unicorn mare moved drunkenly over to the tree that Cumulus had almost fell onto and she laid on her back, her hind legs spread apart. “You munch on this and he'll munch on you.” “Y-Yes ma'am,” Cumulus followed, she had her eyes zeroed in on the older mare’s crotch and, as she lowered her head down to the waiting snatch in front of her, she did her best to ignore the stench of stale urine, beer and Luna knew what else. She also put out of her mind the fact she wasn't in to mares, after all Red Light taught her better than that. “That's right filly, eat me out!” the mare commanded while the stallion laid on his back to get under Cumulus’s spread open hind legs. As the young mare almost retched on the sour smell coming from the white unicorn, the tan stallion used his hooves to pull her down to his face. “GAaaAAAH!” Cumulus let out a squeak from the stallion's hooves as she started to enthusiastically lick all around the mare’s dripping pussy. So eager was she to get this over with and get her bits, that she shoved her whole muzzle deep into her loose slit. Underneath her, the stallion was very aggressive with his tongue work, he lapped and bit at her already swollen and raw labia. To distract her, the mare played with her mane and her ears while Cumulus ate her out. “MmmMMMPH!” the young pegasus moaned and groaned, all of her sounds muffled as she was muzzle deep in the old mare's snatch, adding desperate licks to her exposed clit. Twenty minutes later, after two ponies had walked past the impromptu threesome and done nothing but watch, the white unicorn mare wrapped her hind legs around Cumulus’s head, trapping her muzzle in her pussy as she came hard. “OOOooooOH LUUUUUUNA YEEEEEES!” she screeched into the night, actively rutting her nasty slit into the young pegasus’s face until she almost passed out. “Oh, oh love, she is a keeper. Mark this one!” Deprived of air, breathing nothing but the fetid aroma of the skanky white unicorn, Cumulus’s eyes wide with panic as she shuddered to her own climax too with a muffled scream. “Mark‽” she squawked, “Whaddaya mean mark?” The stallion, busy eating out the young mare’s sloppy marehood, pulled a knife from his pouch. The first thing Cumulus knew of this was when she felt the extremely sharp blade slicing along the inside of her right breast. “Aaaaargh!” she screamed in fresh pain once the mare had released her head, “OOOooOOW st-stop it!” The tan stallion slid out from under the crying pegasus, just as his white lover stood up. “She was well used and very tasty, love.” He sneered to his partner. Cumulus, largely oblivious to their jeering laughter, laid whimpering on the grass, her hoof out for the bits she was owed for degrading herself. “She didn't run,” the mare said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Guess we will have to pay her.” He pulled six hundred bits from the pouch as he put away his knife. “Thanks for the snack, lil’ filly.” “Th-Thank you…” Cumulus answered numbly, a large amount of her now dead inside, as she took the offered bits in her pouch. Groggily, with no help whatsoever from the drunken couple, she got up to her hooves and she started to stagger off in the direction she had been going before she met them. “That one isn't long for the business.” The mare said to her lover. “You never know,” the stallion shrugged, “but I'd be happy to taste her again.” Sharing a sloppy cum filled kiss, the two ponies swayed drunkenly towards the lake in search of Popper and a good time to last them until morning. Cumulus cut a very, very sorry looking pony as she staggered along the driveway towards the street. Almost all her feathers were out of alignment, her mane and tail were bedraggled, there were angry red welts on her ass, mare-cum plastered on her muzzle and dried semen on her thighs. She could barely stand let alone walk. The wretched young mare managed, through sheer dumb luck, to wander aimlessly onto the street beyond the motel drive. With her partial memory loss as a result of the opium she had been given, she still didn’t know where she was going. She didn’t even really know where she was, any more. Thankfully, for Cumulus at least, the next pony who saw the sorry excuse for a pegasus was none other than Doubleshoes. Out on a hunt to save more fallen mares following her success with Monsoon, the sun yellow pony spotted her next possible target and decided straightaway to take a closer look. Walking away from her car, trying not to get so close that she spooked her, she saw she was in a very bad way. Lost in her drug fuelled pain filled universe, Cumulus was sniffling and whimpering, muttering about going "'Ome to me mam..." ‘The poor thing…she’s a long way from Trottingham,’ Doubleshoes thought, tailing her for a short few moments, until she saw the blood on her breast leaking and mixing with the semen on her hind legs. She decided it was time to act. “That is an interesting accent, where are you from?” “Huh?” startled by the unexpected voice, Cumulus looked around and, after a moment where she expected to be violated yet again, she finally saw Doubleshoes stood by her side. “Um...I'm...” she started, really having to concentrate to string words together, “uuuh...I'm from 'ome, Tr-Trot...Trottin'ham…” ‘I thought so!’ Doubleshoes patted herself on the back, then she gently quizzed her. She knew this part was tricky. She had to get this wrecked youngster to trust her, and quickly, before a dealer found them both. “Are you here on vacation, or are you lost?” “I should be 'ome.” Cumulus struggled to think. Thinking hurt her head. “I-I wanna go 'ome…” ‘Score! I got one!’ Doubleshoes had to force herself to remain calm. Overenthusiasm now could still cause this filly to bolt, though she doubted she’d get away from her. Still, she’d rather avoid calling the police if she could. “If that is what you want, that is what I do. I like to send ponies home.” ‘Easy, ‘shoes, easy, you almost got her…’ “How long have you been in Whinnyapolis?” “Um...” Cumulus screwed up her face, deep in thought. “Came wi' th' school few days ago. I missed me train,” stupidly, with a blank look on her face, she looked around at the street they were stood on. “This ain't 'ome. Where’s this?” “I'm Doubleshoes,” the sun yellow counsellor ventured, carefully offering the poor pegasus her hoof, “what is your name?” For a long moment, she didn’t have an answer. The pegasus turned and looked blankly at her own cutie mark and eventually she had an answer to give. “Cumulus, ma’am.” ‘Cumulus, what a lovely name for a lovely filly. I’m gonna help you, Cumulus.’ Now she had a name, Doubleshoes was more confident of a result than ever. “I'm going to call a friend of mine to see if we can get you home, okay?” When she nodded dumbly, the yellow mare pulled out her phone and dialled. “Felt Tip,” she greeted him once he answered, selecting to swear at her since it was gone three in the morning, “It’s Doubleshoes, do we have a missing report on a filly from Trottingham?” she asked and, when her partner back at the office asked for details, she gave them. “Her name’s Cumulus, she’s young, say fifteen or sixteen, she’s got a pale blue coat and her cutie mark is a single white cloud.” It didn’t take Felt Tip much searching on his computer for him to find the missing pony report. “I got it, ‘Shoes. It was a prank gone wrong. The mother, Open Sky, made the report the moment the train pulled in and she found out what had happened.” “Thank you Felt, I got this now.” She hung up the call and returned her attention to the young mare slumped against her. “Do you know an ‘Open Sky’, Cumulus?” she asked, trying not to retch with the smell emanating from her. “Um...ya!” a flash of recognition made her smile, “Tha's me mam! I was supposed t' meet 'er off th' train!” “Okay, I'm going to let my friend know so we can get you back with Open Sky.” Very quickly, ignoring her colleague’s grousing at being called again, she filled him in; “Felt Tip, I have a positive ID, I'm going to take her to the shelter and get her cleaned up. See if they are coming up to get her, or if we send her down to them. Thanks.” With that taken care of, Doubleshoes carefully placed her foreleg around the young pegasus’s shoulders and gently steered her back to where her unmarked car waited for them. “Okay, Cumulus, I have a nice house for you to get cleaned up in. Care to come with me?” “I'll go fer bits!” Cumulus squeaked automatically, “I need t' get bits t' get 'ome! Red said so...” she blinked as her memory again began to fail her miserably, “wh-where are we?” Walking slowly back to her car, Doubleshoes was very glad she drove out that night. From observing her charge, just for the short time she had, she was convinced she was in no fit state to walk anywhere. “We are in Whinnyapolis, and Open Sky called to see if you are coming home. Do you want to go home?” “I-I wanna go 'ome!” Cumulus started crying like the filly she was as she walked, supported by the yellow counsellor, back to the plain car. “I been a bad pony! I didn' wanna! He said I 'ad to!” “You receiving hugs?” Cumulus nodded miserably, still she felt the need to explain herself, as much as she could. “I was stuck. I couldn' get 'ome…” she had to make this nice mare see that she wasn’t a bad pony. “I-I jus’ wanna go 'ome.” ‘They all want to go home, dear,’ Doubleshoes thought as she hugged her as tight as she dared which, under the circumstances, wasn’t very. When she pulled away from the hug, she helped her into the passenger seat and buckled her in. The counsellor knew she wasn’t safe yet, until she was in motion. “I'll take you to the house to clean up and let you give your mum a call. We can get you treated there, too.” “Treated? Wha' for?” Cumulus asked, her voice all slurred, slumping onto the counsellor’s shoulder when she got in the driver’s seat. “You're nice. You smell nice.” ‘And you smell like you’ve had ten customers,’ Doubleshoes thought as she put her car in gear. “Treated for opioids. I can smell the smoke on your fur.” ‘Amongst other things…’ “Tha's a special plant!” Cumulus smiled proudly, sitting up only to slump pathetically against the passenger window. “Red Light said it was good fer me. Said I was a big filly!” suddenly, with the car in motion, she started crying, the horrific memories trying to break through. “He said, th-then he said I 'ad t' work fer 'im!” ‘Red light? I got you now, damn you!’ Doubleshoes smiled a bittersweet smile, thankful that as she drove towards the safe house, the conversation in the car was being recorded for evidence purposes. She had been after Red Light for almost a year now. “Well, you don't have to work for him anymore. What were you studying in Trottingham?” “Clouds...um, in the sky...” again, she had to think really hard. “Weather! At th' cloud school…” with the realisation of what she used to do, Cumulus’s mood dropped once more, fresh tears leaking tracks down her cheeks. “It may take time, but you will study clouds again.” Doubleshoes smiled supportively, hoping that the young pegasus would keep giving her dirt on Red Light. The more she got, the better chance she stood of nailing the bastard. “I liked studyin'…” Cumulus blinked in the car, looking at the lights whizz by in a blur of speed. “Where am I? Can I go 'ome?” “Yes,” Doubleshoes smiled grimly as the safe house appeared in the distance, “but let's get you clean, cleaned up and back in touch with your mum first.” ~ ~ ~ Sapphire Nightingale walked past her garden shed and paused. She scrunched up her nose at some awful stench. First she looked around the shed to make sure some pony didn’t use the outside as a toilet. She looked at the shed door and noticed the lock was missing. ‘Not like there is much to steal inside,’ she thought. Sapphire opened the door and immediately staggered away to retch in a grassy spot. Sapphire wiped a hoof across her mouth and looked back at the shed. The sunlight was enough for her to see the pony inside. She shook her head, “Monsoon, so that is where you ended up. At least you’re out of pain now.” Sapphire left the door open as she went back to her office to call the police. Fifteen minutes later an officer and another pony walked into the lobby. “Ms. Nightingale?” said the pony in the police uniform. Sapphire stood up from behind her desk, “Right here.” She walked up to the counter, “You here to collect the body?” “Yes,” said the officer. “I’m Walker, and this is Peace with the coroner office. What can you tell us about finding the body?” “I was out walking the grounds to make sure everything was in order,” started Sapphire. When I walked past the garden shed I noticed a foul smell. After I checked for a source around the shed I opened the door and that is when I found her.” “Her?” asked Walker. “Yeah,” said Sapphire, “her. I know the pony as she was staying her up till three days ago. She checked out to head back home. Her name is Monsoon.” “Do you know where home was?” asked the officer. Sapphire shook her head, “She never said. Only said she had a foal to get back to. I had hired her to clean up the place and she did a good job, but I guess she had enough money to get out of here and told me she was going to do so.” Peace spoke up, “How often do you check the shed?” Sapphire shrugged, “Almost never go in it. There isn’t much in it. I hire a pony to mow the lawn, and that is where they keep their stuff like seed and fertilizer.” “Could you take us there, please?” asked Peace. “Sure thing, it is out behind the main building.” Sapphire led the two ponies to the shed which still had the door open. “I wanted to let it air out a bit.” Walker took one sniff and remained outside with Sapphire. Peace put a mask over his muzzle and went in. The coroner took a few photos before he came back out. “I put time of death at two to three days ago. Do you know if Monsoon took drugs?” “It’s none of my business what ponies do,” said Sapphire. She looked at the officer, “But you know this neighborhood, and I won’t say she didn’t take any drugs. I avoid them myself. I don’t need my life messed up with that.” “Walker, I’ll have to go with a drug overdose for this one,” said Peace. “There is a pipe and it looks like she had convulsions before she died. I’ll bring my wagon around and load her up. We’ll keep the body for seven days before we send her to Potter’s Field. Gives you a chance to track down that home, if you can.” “Yeah,” said Walker. He turned to the hotel owner, “Thank you, Ms. Nightingale. I don’t think we’ll have to trouble you anymore with this. Thank you again for reporting this.” Sapphire nodded, “Just sad. I thought she was gone, and never thought to look for her. I hope you can contact that foal of hers. She deserves more than Potter’s Field.” The three of them walked back to the front and Sapphire went back inside. “I’ll let you know if I find anything out,” said Walker to Peace. The other pony nodded as the split up to their respective vehicles. ~ ~ ~ Walker was at his desk when the phone rang. “Hello?” “It’s Peace,” came the answer “I found some stuff in her personal effects. She has a photo of her and a pegasus stallion with a pegasus foal. It must be twenty years old. She also had a train ticket for Canterlot. It is one of those the Emergency Services ponies give. Monsoon was on the ticket so that is a positive ID.” “Thanks for the call,” said Walker. “I had nothing to go on so far, but I’ll contact the services and see what they have on her. This should be one you don’t have to bury.” Walker hung up and dialed another number. “Hello, I’m Officer Walker in equacide and I’m looking for any information you may have on a unicorn named Monsoon. She had a train ticket issued by you.” “Hold on please. I’ll see if I can find the case worker and have them give you a call back.” “Thank you,” said Walker as he hung up the phone and waited. After fifteen minutes it rang, “Hello?” “Greetings Officer, this is Doubleshoes,” said the mare at the other end of the line. “I was Monsoon’s case worker. Where did you find the ticket?” “Hello Doubleshoes,” responded Walker. “It’s bad news I’m afraid. We found it on her body. Looks like she had a drug overdose two or three days ago.” Doubleshoes’s voice sounded grim, “I gave her the ticket three days ago. I have contact information for her family. Where is the body?” “Peace has her in the coroner’s office. He will arrange her burial if the family doesn’t want her,” said Walker. “Okay, I’ll contact them and then Peace with the results,” said Doubleshoes. “I’ll keep you in the loop too.” “You can’t save them all,” said Walker. “I know,” responded Doubleshoes. “It would be nice to not need to save them at all.”