Worms; A Love Story

by Opium4TmassS

First published

Their is no blade longer. No tongue sharper. Their is nothing that can destroy a heart more thoroughly as the truest of love can.

The worms crawl in,
The worms crawl out,
The worms play pinochle on your snout.
They eat your eyes,
They eat your nose,
They eat the jelly between your toes.

-The Hearse Song-

Special thanks to MisterNick for all his help.

Don't ever laugh as the hearse goes by for you may be the next to die.

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Do you remember that warm spring day so many years ago? That time you and your special somepony made that trip to the park? The park near Twilight's castle. Remember the quilt you had brought with you? You know the one. It was a gift from your mother last Hearths Warming. Remember? It was the bright blue one with all those embroidered pictures of ducks and rabbits. She would have been upset if she had known you took it to the park and gotten it all filthy with dirt and grass from using it to lay on that small hill beside him. Limbs tightly entwined around each other while the both of you stared at the bright blue sky overhead. Arguing over the shape of the clouds.

You said it looked like Applejack's dog Winona. He said you needed glasses it was obviously Opal Rarity's cat. You pretended to get upset and began to pout from his constant teasing finally threatening to roll him down the hill and into the pond at the bottom. This only prompted him to do the same as he jokingly grabbed your limb and started to drag you through the grass apparently forgetting you were a pegasus. Easily picking him up and dropping him into the cold water below. You were laughing so hard at the time you could hardly breath.

Remember after? When the both of you made it back to the quilt? He was soaking wet and shivering. You held him tightly against yourself. Using your body heat to help him warm up. He was so cold. He tried so hard to pretend that he was tough and it didn't bother him but you could tell he was freezing. Remembering looking into his emerald green eyes? Remember how it felt? You wanted to drown in them. You would have if he had asked.

Not even aware what you were doing you kissed him. Gently at first. Becoming more passionate the longer the both of you kept it going. How surprised he was. How surprised you were when you pulled yourself even closer to him so you could crawl on top. You were so crazy back then. So free. Remember the feeling in the back of your head telling you that you shouldn't be doing this? That you were insane? Your out in the open if someone sees you. Sees us or Celestia forbid Twilight Sparkle glances out from one of her windows and catches the both of you screwing so close to her castle. But to tell the truth it kinda turned you on as well.

Hungrily you climbed on top of him. Neither of you knew what in the name of Taterus you were doing at the time having never been with either mare or stallion. But the want was there. The need was there. Desires of passion and love guided your inexperienced bodies as with shaking hooves you gently navigated your lover's penis until he was inside you. Remember how tightly you clenched your teeth together as your moan transformed into a harsh shrill. It hurt. It hurt a lot. You expected the pain but the pleasure that soon came with it made up for it and shortly the both of you found a rhythm to work with.

Gently he would thrust as far as you could take, which wasn't too far while the two of you would squeal and moan as you rode him up and down on his cock. Listening to the sounds of his panting as the both of you climbed higher in ecstasy. Feeling thing you have never felt before. Finally screaming as the both of you climaxed together. Remember the feeling of his his hot sperm the inside of you as he came? It felt so good. Their was so much of it that for a brief moment you worried about getting pregnant. Your parents would have killed you if that happened.

But that was a different problem for a different Squiggles you thought to yourself while slowly climbing off your lover to lay next to him. Panting as you placed your head on your lovers chest. Listening to his rapidly beating heart slowly calm as the both of you snuggled while silently watch the clouds pass overhead.

It was such a small time in your life. Just a few years before everything changed. Yet still in the darkness that you now call home your mind continues to drift towards that happy time. That time you loved and were loved. That time you were truly alive.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes?"

Squiggles couldn't help but shyly smile at the unicorn standing next to her. It was a corny line. One she was used to hearing but he was right she really had the most beautiful eyes. Golden like a sunrise. Matching the color of her fur, mane and wings. Squiggles was a pony that easily stood out in a room full of ponies. Quietly she had been sitting at the bar for a few hours now. Arriving shortly after Celestia lowered the sun. Absently toying with the cider she had gotten.

Barreled straight from Sweet Apple Acres farm and shipped all the way to Canterlot. It was one of the more popular drinks served and at one time her favorite as well. She didn't really want the cider. Only taking a sip here and their to give her hooves something to do. Couldn't taste it anymore but still Squiggles always bought it when she went out as a small reminder of things that once were.

"I couldn't help but notice that you have been sitting here all by yourself for awhile now," the stallion said, "I don't think he is coming."

"Who says I was waiting for someone in particular?" Squiggles replied. Shifting slightly in her seat to let him get a better look of her body. "Maybe I'm waiting for some handsome stallion to finally get up the courage to talk to me. Maybe I wanted some company?" She finished as a cute smile spread across her face.

He was a young stallion Squiggle noticed. Still sporting some edges of fluffiness around him. And a white unicorn to boot. Squiggles was willing to bet he was one of Celestia's personal guards as it was no secret the princess had a thing for appointing young, strong and viral white unicorns as her personal security so she could keep them close to her when the desire was upon the princess. If the rumors were to be believed Squiggles was surprised that Equestria hasn't been overrun by her offspring.

"So did you win or lose the bet?"

"Wha-what bet? What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on. I know you came in that that group sitting in the corner," said Squiggles pointing to a small table of huddled ponies whispering and watching, "They have been staring at me throughout the night. I've been paying attention. I wondered which one of you was going to come over to try their luck with me and it was you. You don't look like the type that has a lot of experience picking up mares in bars. You look like the shy quiet type. I'm betting their's another reason. So did you win or lose the bet?"

"Ma'am," the pony stuttered. Looking so cute and flustered Squiggles noted. Blushing so red he could have glowed in the dark, "Just..I don't know but I would never..."He continued stammering until Squiggles couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing. Finally calming down when she saw the look of hurt and embarrassment etched across his face unbelievably blushing an even darker red than she thought possible. Making her feel a little guilty of her teasing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was joking. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that," she said gently caressing his back with her hoof. Feeling the unicorns warmth spread through her limb briefly sending back the icy numbness that usually defined her existence. Feeling the beat of his heart echo through her body, "C'mon have a seat and talk to me. Your right I have been alone all night and well I wouldn't mind talking to someone. Maybe even meeting a new friend. My name is Squiggles by the way."

"Ever Ready," said the stallion causing Squiggles to giggle a little. He was so formal, shy and very handsome. Reminding her of Shining Armor in his youth and when the both of them went to the same school. She was a few years younger than he was and had such huge crush on him. Often times she would stand in some dark corner watching him from a distance while daydreaming fabulous adventures of just the two of them in which he would always declare his love for her at the end where they would live happily ever after just like the fairy tales her mother would read to her before going to bed.

"A very strong name for a very strong unicorn. Come join me I haven't had anyone to talk to and I'm feeling pretty lonely," Squiggles said watching the smile slowly spread across his face as he grabbed the stood next to her taking a whiff of the expensive perfume she wore. Surprised by the sweet flowery smell that surrounded her.

"it's a Rarity creation called Lust. I got it when I bought the dress. Do you like like it?" She said getting up and modeling it in-front of him. Knowing full well he would. That was why she bought it. To impress the other ponies.

It was a tight, red, and expensive piece interwoven with gold threading that caught the light from the lanterns hung overhead making her almost shimmer in the darkened bar. Created to show off every square inch of her shapely figure. With a slit near the rear letting everyone get a view of her shapely legs and a slight taste of what lay beyond. But never enough to show off anything that would be considered improper. It was the type of dress that only those ponies who were beautiful, sexy, and knew it would wear. And she was all of those things.

It took a bit of prodding to get him to sit and talk with her and even more to get him to open up. His inexperience with females was obvious making Squiggles feel a little prideful that she was able to get her hooves on him before Celestia. After all everypony knew virgins were a special conquest for the princess.

Of course he stumbled a few times. Was too forward in his attempt to be smooth. Probably got it from listening to too many stories from his fellow guards on how to pick up mares. But that was okay everypony makes mistakes and princess knows Squiggles had quite a few under her belt...

Remember that time when you moved into his house? You were so excited and happy. This was going to be a new chapter in your life with the stallion of your dreams and you just couldn't wait to live your life with him. You just knew he was your soulpony and the both of you were going to live happily ever after just like in the fairy tales.

Then reality set in: Work, bills, chores. Always short of funds as most new couples were. He was a writer and a good one too. Just not a popular one as both of you ended up getting a job at the local Hayburger joint to make ends meet. Ironic now as his stories are so well known through Equestria but at the time neither of you had two bits to rub together putting such a terrible strain on your relationship.

Work and writing, work and writing. When he wasn't at work trying to make a living he was nestled in his desk surrounded by huge stacks of paper endlessly creating new stories and new worlds with his mind.

It was then the arguments started. They were mostly about money. But the truth was they were about you. No more surprise bundles of roses, no more cards with cute pictures of kittens on them. No more time for laying on quilts while staring at the sky after passionate sex. You began to realize your darkest fear. There was no more time for you in his life.

You don't remember what started that last fight with him. Only remembering the shouting the both of you were doing that ended with you slamming the door in his face. Hearing his muffled yells as you stormed away in a huff. Keeping your face pointed downwards so one pony could see that you were crying. Finally ending up in some nameless bar at the edge of Ponyville drinking away your sorrows as you tried to cool down.

One drink turned to many as you stayed for what seemed like hours trying to get your emotions under control. Do you remember wondering if the relationship had been a mistake? Do you remember wondering if maybe you should move back in with your parents.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes?"

He was a unicorn. His fur was black with streaks of yellow running through his mane and tail as he sat next to you pushing a glass of your favorite cider into your hoof. He seemed so concerned over your sadness. He seemed like such a good stallion as you poured out your heart to him. You were so naive at the time. Not noticing how his eyes kept going to your flank or how his hooves just wouldn't stop caressing you. Letting them wander to places on your body no pony should go even after you told him so many times to stop as he plied yet more drinks onto you. Buying round after round and letting you cry on his shoulder. He seemed like such a nice stallion at the time.

Everything became a blur soon after. Suddenly finding yourself back at your home with him on top of you. Grinding his penis deep inside. To this day you want to try to convince yourself that you hated it. But the truth was you enjoyed the fucking. You loved it. Using you like no one ever had before. The pony rode you for every ounce of pleasure you could give. It had been such a long time since any pony had touched you like that. Loved you like that.

And ride him you did as your body started to tremble with one of the most intense orgasms you have ever felt in a long time. You grabbed and held him tightly. Laying their in the middle of your living room while waves of pleasure rippled across your body. Sinking your teeth into his neck as your moan transformed into a scream.

What was it that made you realize he was home? I don't remember. Can you? Looking up you saw him standing in the entrance. Remember the bundle of wrapped roses he was holding? Remember the card with the cute picture of a kitten on it?

Do you remember that look on his face? I do. The look of a heart that was breaking. The unicorn didn't see the other pony but you did. You watched him as he quietly turned around and left you there alone as that unicorn continued to fuck you. Too busy cumming to notice you had started to cry.

You never felt so dirty as then.

"It was then Shining Armor noticed he was holding a cucumber," Ever Ready said proudly.

"Nooo," squealed Squiggles holding her hooves up to her face ,"So who had the spear?"


Rich, warm, laughter erupted from Squggles as she looked at her new friend with disbelieving eyes, "You're lying. That didn't really happen."

"It's the truth. He sworn us all to secrecy right after it happened. He was so embarrassed."

"Aren't you going to get in trouble for telling me?"

Ever Ready snorted shrugging it off with a wave of his hoof, "That was awhile ago. We laugh about it now."

It was late in the bar. Last call had been announced by the bartender just a few moments earlier. Squiggles watched the group of ponies he came in with slowly gather their things and make their way out. She noticed a few of them shoot jealous glances their way. They were probably thinking, 'If only I had gotten up the nerve to approach her instead of him.'

No doubt they would gang up on him the next day wanting all the details of what happened. Squiggles wondered what would he tell his friend. Would he say she was a great lay? Say that she gave the most amazing blowjobs?

No He was shy pony. Probably get all flustered telling them that nothing happened and all they did was talk. Even if something did happen he would still tell them that line.

"Soo...," said Ever Ready in a slightly slurred voice. Unaware of the pile of empty cider glasses that had grown considerably during the night while Squiggles still had the same glass she bought when she came in, "It was great talking to you but I have drills tomorrow." continuing on as his face betrayed the desire to stay. "I hope I get to see you again but now I must go."

"Aw do you have to?" She asked as she gently ran her hoof across his limb watching freeze for a moment. Eyes glazing over in unmasked lust. Squiggles could tell he really didn't want to go, "I'm enjoying myself and the night is still young. I'm sure we can find something else to do."

"I really can't. I'm sorry. If I'm late for morning practice my commander will kill me. Maybe we can meet tom..." His words becoming a squeal of surprise then a soft moan as Squiggles suddenly pressed her lips against his. Gently at first but becoming more passionate as he kissed her back. Moaning again as she worked her tongue inside his mouth. Playfully teasing his own until Ever Ready sloppily returned what she was doing.

Finally pulling away from him when she saw his cock began to rise. Stopping herself so not to embarrass the pony. "Are you sure you want to leave me?" Said Squiggles giving him her famous pouty face that had won her so many arguments in the past, "I mean I understand if you have to go. But I'm sure you have a little time left." flashin her golden eyes at him. Eyes Ever Ready could drown in.

A cold breeze assaulted the young couple as they stepped into the darkened streets with only the moon and a few lanterns barely providing enough light for the pair to navigate. As big as Canterlot was the streets were quiet and a little eerie that late at night with the only noise to be heard were the gasps and moans of pleasure following the pair of ponies letting their hooves and mouths explore each others bodies with Squiggles guiding her new lover.

"Fuck me," whispered Squiggles harshly panting into Ever Ready's ear. Taking a playful nibble she worked her hoof under him and began to stroke his very erect cock. Fully exposed it throbbed rapidly in her hoof as she gently probed and prodded searching for the most sensitive areas. Softly giggling Squiggles enjoyed watching him twitch and jerk from her caressing,

"I want you inside me so bad baby," Squiggles moaned.

A prisoner to his own lust and inexperience Ever Ready let the beautiful mare take charge. Consumed in his desires he followed her guiding touch. Leading him to the back street that ran just behind the bar finally stopping by a wall that ran through it dividing the commercial area from the the pretty houses with their perfect lawns just beyond. Squiggles slowly untangled herself from his limbs, flashed him a naughty smile before backing up to the wall and posing herself seductively before him.

"You like what you see?" she taunted with a predatory glint in her eyes. Slightly raising her dress to partially reveal what lay underneath, "Would you like to see more?" Squiggles purred.

Hair standing on end. Body feeling like fifty millions volts electricity running through it. Every Ready could only nod his head hoping he wouldn't make a fool of himself and cum too quickly. Already he felt he was going to burst wanting nothing more in this world than feel her soft pussy surround his aching cock. To feel her forbidden flesh, taste her lips. Do all those things he read about in those porn magazines stashed away under his bed or what his comrades bragged to him in the locker room after patrols.

"Well if you really want me to," she said. Slowly pulling her dress off and laying it carefully next to her. Using her tail to barely cover her marehood. Giving him a small taste of what was to come. With her eyes glinting in the soft light of Luna's moon slowly descending towards the horizon, "How do I look?"

"Like the most beautiful mare in the world," gasped Ever Ready.

"Your just saying that."

"No I mean every word of it. I have never met anyone like you before. You are the most wonderful pony I have ever met."

Hearts racing the ponies stood their for a moment staring at each other in silence. Every Ready, unsure of what to say or do began to feel that he had done something wrong. That he might have offended her in some way and crossed a line.

It was then she slowly walked over to him, gently kissing him on the cheek. Taking his hoof in hers Squiggles smiled, "I think your special too," she whispered turning herself around to allow him to get on top.

"Oh baby," Squiggles moaned. Using her one of her front hooves to help guide his cock inside of her. Feeling it slide deep inside her warm, wet pussy hungrily devouring all he had. "Oh Celestia you feel so good," she gasped feeling his weight on top of her.

Ever Ready could only groan in response feeling her cunt tighten around him. Feeling her fluids drip down his penis and onto his balls.

"Don't stop baby. Don't stop. Yes, Fuck meeeee," whined Squiggles, Moving back and forth. She started to slide his penis in and out.

Slowly at first, moving in unison with her. It took no time for him to get into a rhythm. Pulling out as she pulled away, then thrusting when she got closer while Ever Ready began to pick up the pace. Crying out in pleasure as he felt her cunt tighten even more to his constant thrusting.

"Yes...Yes...Deeper baby deeper...Faster...Faster...Right there baby," she cried out. Turning her head to the side and sticking out her tongue so she could touch his, "I'm so close don't stop."

Ever Ready himself could feel the pressure mounting inside from the constant waves of pleasure after pleasure coursing through him. Grinding his teeth he fought against it. Not wanting it to ever stop he rode her harder, pounding his throbbing cock into her as fast as he could. Feeling the strain of his tightly clenched muscles already growing sore he close his eyes and thrust again and again as deep as he could and still it seemed she could take more of him.

"Oh Celestia I'm cumming. I'M CUMMMMMMMMIIIIINNNNNGGGG!" Squiggles screamed shortly joined by Ever Ready as he himself could no longer hold it in and released his semen inside her causing him to jerk wildly with his penis already becoming sensitive inside Squiggles as he could not stop cumming. Overcome with the sensation of his semen mixing with Squiggle's as it dripped out from her throbbing pussy. Ran down her leg to form a puddle underneath the pair.

Eyes closed, faced clenched from his strained muscles locked together. One more moan escaped Ever Ready's mouth. Thrusting one last time inside her pussy to release the last of his pent up sperm in one final spurt before finally collapsing on top of her. Spent and exhausted every part of his body cried out in exhaustion having been teased and taunted to their limits. Stopping for a moment to catch his breath with a new sensation suddenly overcame him.

"Squiggles," he gasped running his hoof through her mane.

"That was wonderful baby," she gasped. Having an easier time collecting herself, "For a first timer you did amazingly well."

"I love you," he said. Not caring how silly it may sound or if he was running into something way to fast. Right then right their he was sure as he was sure of anything. Right then he knew he loved her with all his heart.

Maybe it was the way everything suddenly became silent. Maybe it was the way she suddenly seemed to stiffen up, not taking a second to look back at him. Maybe it was this sensation that something wasn't quite right. His penis still inside Squiggle's pussy felt a little colder as the temperature seemed to drop a bit. He stared at her with a growing unease.


"Ever Ready. You are a great pony I just want you to know that," she finally spoke. Still not facing him, "I really am so lucky to have met you. Out of all the ponies I have been with. And you wouldn't believe just how many. You really shine above most of them. You are special."

A fear began deep withing Ever Ready. Small at first like a slight tick gnawing at the back of his brain telling him to pay attention. Telling him that maybe he should have left with his friends as he began to back himself off the mare, surprised to find himself starting to sink into her.

Her soft flesh came apart easily under his weight becoming a living, wriggling, squirming mass of nightmare fuel alive under his touch. Twirling and twisting the worm like things looped around his body dragging him into her as he fought with his strength along with his fears pushing him to new levels of desperation. "Squiggles!" he scream again finding that despite how hard he tried he still was sinking deeper into the pony that was looking less and less like a pony.

Like drowning in a sea of writhing colors the worms swarmed over him. Red ones, blue ones, golden ones, green ones. The things piled on top of Ever Read and terror feeling their cold bodies crawling all around. Unable to move. Too paralyzed to scream Ever Ready was consumed by dread and revulsion of an unknown horror he never dealt with before.

"Ever Ready," said Squiggles finally. Her head rotated around to look him directly in the eye. Forcing a muffled scream to escape. Staring at the horror of a pony he just declared his love to.

Melting like a wax doll. He looked with morbid amazement at her sagging, crawling, wriggling face. Watching as parts of her would wiggle off from the others, squirming away to Celestia knows where in the darkness. Leaving parts of her head exposed showing off glimpses of whitened bone stripped clear of flesh or muscle. Almost glowing under the light of Luna's moon. Ever Ready felt the world spinning as a wave of revulsion hit him as it took everything it had to keep the bile rising from the pit of his stomach down with the realization and insanity that he had lost his virginity to a pile of worms.

"I want you to know," Squiggles said. Moving her head closer to him, "I love you too. With all my heart." she said. Leaning over to cover his mouth with hers in a final goodbye kiss as the worms engulfed Ever Ready. Burrowing deep into his flesh to devour. Feasting on skin and muscles while Squiggles thrust her wriggling, squirming tongue deep into his mouth. The thing squirmed its way down his throat feeding on anything that came across its way. Consuming off his love and body Squiggles ignored his screams from the pain of being eaten alive. He gave her his love. She wanted to keep it forever.

Do you still remember those beautiful, wonderful eyes of his? You would have gladly drown in them if he asked you. Those wonderful eyes that always seem to sparkle whenever he was around you. That was the first thing you noticed about him. The first thing to ever make your heart race. His emerald green eyes.

Remember how his body swung gently on the homemade noose in the garage? Remember how blue his face was from the lack of oxygen? How his tongue stuck out? Did you even notice the bundle of roses laying on the ground a few feet below his hooves? Did you notice the card that had a picture of a cute kitten on it?

Remember the grief and anguish welling up inside you? The true horror of what he did. What you did? Felt the insanity welling up from the darkest pit of your soul as every part of you felt like glass shattering after being thrown against a wall. And still as you stared at the body of the only pony who ever truly owned you heart and soul. Gazing into those beautiful emerald green now lifeless eyes. Starring downwards at things only the dead could see.

You would still drown in his eyes if he asked you to.

Then the screaming started. And face it you never stopped. Even now you are still screaming.

But that wasn't enough was it? You were a broken pony now. Unable to live but too scared to die. Maybe at the time you were terrified of seeing him again? Maybe you just wanted to suffer more? So you continued on. Becoming a fuck toy to any stallion or mare that wanted a piece and lets face it, you were nothing but a whore. And you'll always be a whore.

You fucked so many ponies back then. Looking for anything to numb your heart. Even for just a few minutes. Do you remember that time you took on five stallions at that party? You vagina was so swollen it hurt to walk for three days. Didn't matter as the pain came back. Empty sex didn't numb you anymore.

Then the alcohol came. Drink after drink you poured into your system. It's a wonder your liver lasted as long as it did. And when that stopped killing the pain you turned to the ultimate of forbidden fruits; Drugs.

Remember that time in your life? I do. Nothing but a circle of sex, drink and drugs. And still you just kept going. Just amazing how you would not die. So skinny everyone could see the outlines of your bones. The open, festering sores and rotting teeth. And that smell that always followed you around. Do you remember it? Of course you do. It was the smell of death.

Remember ending up inside that shed outside of Baltimare? Meeting those two stallions offering you a free hit in exchange for blowjobs? You sucked them both off good being the little tramp that you were. And they delivered giving you a syringe full of what you wanted...What you needed.

You plunged the rusty needle deep into a vein in your arm. One of the few that haven't collapsed at the time. It didn't take you long to realize as that sweet sweet fluid flooded your limb and coursed through your body that you had really fucked up. The euphoric pleasure that came from being high was instantly replaced by searing pain as your body started to convulse from what was happening while you started to vomit and vomit and vomit. Expelling everything out of your stomach and still you kept throwing up. Muscles locking, lungs collapsing. Your body was too weak from all those years of abuse. Once you were the prettiest pony that walked the streets in Ponyville. Everywhere you walked you turned heads. Their eyes would be locked onto you lost in lustful thoughts. Now you're just a stain laying in your own puke and piss. The last thing you remember seeing are the two ponies you came with freaking out over your body. Watching you OD and arguing about what to do with you. One comes over to you and gave you a swift kick in the face sending you off to blissful darkness away from the pain.

They thought you were dead. You weren't. Not yet but you were dying. The two ponies had taken your body, stuffed you into a barrel that faintly smelled of your favorite cider and buried it in some unknown field nearby. Remember opening one of your crusty eyes? Now swollen from that kick and seeing this dark new world? You ached all over and what was left of your lungs burned from lack of oxygen. You knew you weren't going to make it. Knew it was the end. I admired the fact that you weren't scared anymore. You were grateful that it was finally over.

All this time you had been running from your guilt. Running from your pain and that had only led you to more guilt, more pain. You were still hurting but you weren't scared anymore. You knew then what you were going to say when you saw him again. You would tell him you were sorry and hoped he would forgive you.

You wished to once again see him and look into those wonderful emerald green eyes of his so you could drown in them. Even if it was for just one more time.

It was then in that span between heartbeats. Before expelling your final breath. You met it, felt it. Him, the forgotten, forbidden god of consumption: The eater of the dead. The king of worms. Carrion. Older than Celestia. Older than Discord. Older than Equestria itself. Living under the land. Existing in darkness to feed off of the remains of what was once full of life that now lay empty in its world.

You thought love ended with him. Yet I showed you love was everywhere. All you have to do was know where to look. In that barrel buried six feet under I, a forgotten god showed you the true meaning of love and called you kin. Then I released you back into Equestria. For what better way for love to exist than to be shared by all. Isn't that right?

And now you are out wandering the lands of Equestria sharing that love with all who will have it. Of course I know sometimes when you're all by yourself you can hear some small part of you screaming in outrage over what you have become. Its better to just ignore that part of you. What did they ever give to you? A dead coltfriend, a broken heart and a shattered mind that's all.

So wander the streets little pony with my blessing. Share the love of Carrion to all you find. Let them know the magic of our love.

It was quiet now in the darkened alley. The same alley where a young unicorn named Ever Ready declared his love to a beautiful pegasus named Squiggles underneath a sea of stars. It was here he lost his virginity. Here is where he will lay as like most ponies living in Equestria. Ever Ready found he did not know the world as well as he thought.

Squiggles body was now just a pile of squirming worms having lost its shape when she began to feed on her newest lover. Picking clean the last pieces of meat on Ever Ready's leg bone before dropping it onto the ground with the others. Slowly the worms began to glow in a variety of hues as they hunted for any piece of food overlooked in their frenzy. Once done they started to regroup.

Twisting and turning crawled towards and away from each other. Jamming themselves tightly together. Busy creating a pony shape as the abominations squeezed themselves in tight wriggling piles as the worms crawled over and over each other closing the spaces between them until something resembling skin began to appear while millions of long and short worms looped around others making fur, a mane and even a tail until once again a beautiful pegasus emerged from the hungry mass that she was.

A smile crawled across her face as the sensation of life once again flooded her body chasing away the numbness that at one time was all she had wanted. Once again she could feel. Once again the emptiness of her existence had been stopped. As sated as she was though she wasn't quite through. As she approached the remains of Ever Ready laying in a pile next to her.

Opening her mouth as she got closer a pair of new worms slithered their way out into the cool night sky. Unlike the others these were long, thick and black. Covered with a thin coating of slime they poked and prodded the pile of bones searching for the one thing she hadn't eaten. Absently knocking away Ever Ready's skull. His empty eye sockets staring upwards as if in silent prayer, begging any god who would listen to grant him a swift mercy into oblivion.

It took some digging as ponies do tend to have a lot of bones, to find her prize and pull his still beating heart out of the rubble.

Almost lovingly the worms receded back to the debts of her body. They held the heart inches from her face as she ran one of her wriggling hooves tenderly across it. Feeling the beat as it continued to pump nonexistent blood to a body that was now gone. Squiggles perked her ears listening to the faint echo of his voice still screaming that the object somehow still contained it within.

"You will never leave me and I will never leave you," she softly spoke. feeling fresh tears of joy run down her face gently kissing the heart, "I love you always. Now and forever we will always be together," Squiggles said. Before consuming it.

For a brief moment came other voices, rising from the debts within her body and assaulted her senses. Stallions and mare that have crossed paths with her. Others like Ever Ready that have lain with Squiggles and declared their true love. Their screams and cries poured out from the deepest parts of her soul. Flooding her with pain and grief that seemed to grow louder with every consumption.

Closing her eyes she focused herself. Fighting back the pain of the voices. Eventually they would fade away like some of the older ones. Their souls lost to her never ending desires empty now except for their love. Their love for her will always remain. For every pony knows true love can never die.

It was then Squiggles noticed the moon had disappeared and the first rays of sunshine were beginning to crest the distant hills and knew it was time for her to leave. Sunlight didn't bother her but the heat did tend to dry her out a bit. Making it noticeable that something was wrong if one took a closer look. And with six missing ponies it wouldn't take somepony long to notice they were all talking to a pretty pegasus before vanishing.

Quickly she gathered her dress folding it neatly and tucked it under a wing before hiding his remains inside a forgotten barrel full of trash. She knew it would eventually be found but by then she would be long gone as she slowly started to walk away.

"What are you doing here?" came a voice from the darkness. Freezing Squiggles in her tracks.

A unicorn mare her golden armor glinting from a light spell she had cast hovered a few inches above her walked into view. Glancing around suspiciously she approached Squiggles. "What are you doing here? Why are you loitering behind the bar?"

"Oh officer," cried Squiggles. Running directly at her she wrapped her limbs around the unicorn as she sobbed, "He left me. That son-of-a-bitch left me stranded. Then some tough looking ponies started to come around saying horrible things to me. Saying disgusting things that they were going to do. Your voice must have scared them off because they all disappeared just before you showed up," she wept, Burying her face into the guards chest.

Squiggles whimpered and held her tightly. Feeling the pony start to relax. Probably realizing it was just just some drunk fool of a mare who had gotten way over her head in trouble as Squiggles noticed how the mare was letting her eyes wander over her. Giving her a look she had seen on so many ponies when they meet Squiggles for the first time. Staring at the curves on her body. Her beautiful wings, sexy face. and of course her nice shapely plot. Yes Squiggles needed to leave but maybe their was a little time she could share with a lonely mare who needed somepony to be with. After all as her mother used to say; Love makes the world go round.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most beautiful eyes?" said Squiggles. Flashing the mare her brightest smile.