> Black and Silver > by Harmony Split > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Ad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ad Night growled in frustration as she slammed the mailbox shut. One month ago, she had sent advertisements  out that she was in search of a roommate for her big house. Nopony seemed interested. Was something wrong with my ad? It was at that time that Paint Bomb was heading towards the address listed with a crumpled newspaper folded under one of her wings, nestled against the black, faux-hide spiked vest she wore. Complete with her punk, vagabond look, Paint stood out as she headed towards the house, humming to herself thoughtfully Night Armor shook her leathery wings as she grumbled. "What is wrong with these ponies? The room is big enough, we even have a garden.” Paint Bomb trotted her way up to the house that the address listed, curiously examining it. There appeared to be a bat pony outside the house, cursing for some reason or another. Paint gave a little hum of thought before she trotted up to the gate and called out, "Yo! Are you the owner?" Night turned around and gave the mare a quick look over. “Yeah that would be me. Why?” Night really didn't expect anypony to be interested. "I heard that this place was looking for a housemate–I'm looking for a place to stay," she explained as she stepped up to the gate, stopping to take a look at the mare and the house. "Really?" Night asked dumbfounded. After one more look at the Pegasus she shrugged. "Alright, come on in for the tour.” At least it’s somepony, she thought. "Well yeah, gotta stay somewhere," Paint said with a short snort. She opened the gate and followed the bat pony curiously, "Well, lead on then. I'm curious." Night flicked her tail, interest flickering in her eyes as she smiled at the muscled mare. "Im Night Armor." The muscular mare gave a grin and nodded at the bat pony, "Paint Bomb," she said simply as she followed the other mare. Night opened the door with a flick of her wings, holding the door open for her visitor. "House has two floors and a small cellar" Paint nodded at Night's comment and went into the house, pausing to look around the main foyer with a passing curiosity, examining to see if it was worth the trouble. Night tossed her key into a bowl next to the door before walking further in. "First door is the toilet. Here is the living room combined with the dining room. The next door is the kitchen" "Alright, seems decent enough so far," she commented with a little nod, taking a look around as she started to walk the house. Night nodded before pointing to a pony sized hole in the ceiling "this is a flyers house. We have stairs but I prefer this." With that she ascended through the hole into the next floor. "Ohh, fuckin' A," Paint commented approvingly as she spread her wings and followed through the hole above, happy to have a chance to fly indoors without pissing off her potential roommate. "The big bathroom with shower and tub is here," night pointed at the first door before continuing. "Next door could be your room." Paint took a brief look at the bathroom before continuing on towards the bedroom mentioned, curious to see where she might be staying. She could deal with anything else, but if it was a shitty room, she'd have to look elsewhere Night opened the room to what seemed like a giant loft, high enough for a pegasus to stretch her wings "There ya go" Paint stepped into the room and hummed to herself, looking around the tall room curiously as she examined the size and any furnishings that were already in the room. With a quiet chuckle, she nodded a little to herself before looking over her shoulder, "How much?" "40 bits per week or 140 per month. Pay in what order suits you best. Per month is better for me so you get a small discount!" Night said before turning and glaring at the pegasus "There is just one rule. Break it and I throw ya out" "What's the rule, sugar cheeks?" Paint asked jovially as she turned around to face the bat pony with a smirk. "My room is a death zone. The first door of the cellar is a no go as well," Night huffed, her wings twitching. "Hah, right, gotcha. No bedroom to see all your drugs, and no cellar to see all the ponies you've got chained up to torture. Fuckin' A," Paint said jokingly, giving a carefree grin and holding out a hoof, "I'm in." Night waited for a moment to make sure it was a joke. Surely this pony couldn't know about her secret dungeon. "Alright, hope we get along just fine." Night shook the hoof firmly. Paint grinned widely and shook her hoof once before letting go, "I'll have my furniture moved in in a couple of days," Paint said happily, taking another look at the room contently "Alright. Mind me asking what ya doing for your living?" Night asked, her eyes roaming over the muscled and tattooed body of the pegasus. "Ehh, I'm a tattoo artist and street artist on the side," she explained with a grin, "How about yourself?" She asked as she eyed up the other mare curiously. "Personal guard of our Mistress of the Night, Princess Luna," Night replied casually. "Ehhhh," Paint blinked a few times, "You're gonna have to run that by me again." "I'm one the personal guards of Princess Luna," Night repeated slowly. Paint blinked a few times before giving a simple, "Huh..." Trailing off into silence, "Well, good to know, I guess." Night considered her with a skeptical glare before shrugging, "Well that's all there is to see here.” "Right, right," Paint nodded and gave a little nicker, "I'll be back in a few days to move my shit in," she said with a smirk before turning to head out. Night could only shake her head as she watched the pegasus go this will be definitely interesting. *** *5 days later* Night was busy polishing her armor when a loud knock made her jump. "Yeah? Door is open!" The door opened after the call and Paint Bomb could be seen in the doorway with a sheepish grin. She gestured behind her with a hoof, "Heya, housemate. Bringing my shit in, hope you don't mind," she said simply before she started dragging in a trail of duffel bags which seemed to be strung together with a rope haphazardly Night eyed the construct curiously before tending back to her armor. "Need help?" "Not yet!" she called out as she flew up the hole with the bags following her, heading to her room to dump off her things. Night shrugged and headed back to working on her armor, only the flickering of her ear indicating that she was listening to the ruckus Paint created upstairs. Paint made quite a bit of noise as she worked on unpacking. Most of everything she owned was in the bags, and she had gotten very efficient at moving stuff. After an hour, she came back downstairs and went out the front door, presumably to get more things. Night, finished with her armor, stashed it nearly before looking out of the window, trying to spot the pegasus to see if she carried more. Paint came back through the main room a few minutes later, lugging what looked to be a big white chair of some sort on her back, and a large milk crate filled with metal objects strung over her neck. She didn't seem bothered by the weight, but struggled a little to fit it through the doorways. Night did he best to open the door as far as possible, eying the objects on the pegasus’ back curiously. She wondered what Paint would need all that for. Paint carried the many objects up to her room, seemingly grateful that Night opened the doors for her, but with a strap in her mouth to keep things from falling off of her, she couldn't voice it. She moved everything into her room, dumped it, and then left again to get more. Night wondered how Paint could store so much in the room. Surely that pegasus had some trick, because the room was high, but not very wide. It was only a few more minutes before Paint flew back into the house, this time pushing a thick mass of cloud. She didn't even stop to explain as she flew through the house and all the way to her room with the cloud. Now Night was more than curious and followed the mare up. As soon as she reached the room, however, her jaw went slack in surprise and she froze. In the room, the white reclining chair was set up next to all of her tattooing equipment against a wall, with a room divider around it to provide some amount of privacy. Elsewhere on the ground was a futon she had presumably assembled from one of her duffel bags, with a small coffee table in front of it and a very large stack of magazines on it. The rest of her stuff seemed to be organized above, where she had built the clouds to act as half-floors. There were actually two half-floors above, jutting out of the wooden walls, and the lowest one seemed to be her "living area" of sorts with a cloud couch, a cloud table with a radio on it, and a cloud shelving unit stuffed to the brim with nicknacks. The upper cloud floor was likely her bedding area but it was too awkward to see from the ground. All in all, Paint had turned the tall and narrow space into a cramped, single pony apartment with a lot of ingenuity and creativity. "I have to say, I'm impressed," Night muttered quietly before shaking her head. "You want to work from here?" "Thanks. And nah, but sometimes I like to practice on myself and my friends, so I always keep my spare gear at home," she explained with a grin as she patted the white chair Night was intrigued. "Do you only tattoo fur and skin?" "I can do feathers too," she explained, gesturing to her own tattooed wings. The batpony hummed in thought before extending her right wing. "Even on skin like this?" "Oh yeah, I can do bat wings no problem," Paint agreed with an eager nod, grinning and showing off her teeth in the proces. Night smiled and slowly folded her wings, as if pondering over something. After a few seconds she turned and moved past Paint with a slap on her flank. "Yep! We are going to get along just fine!" Paint jumped at the slap and then gave a little laugh and rolled her eyes, "Hah, well, I'm sure," she said with a little nod and a smirk as she returned to organizing a few things in her room. Night smiled as she left the room. The pegasus was interesting. Maybe she could use her as new subject. That she was strong and cocky wouldn't make it easy, but where was the fun in easy? Paint watched her housemate leave and gave a small shrug to herself, not quite sure what the other mare had in store, but not really minding or caring either way. She just gave a little chuckle and went back to setting up. > "I have to get that flank!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I have to get that flank!" It was the third week since Paint had moved in, and everything was fine. Maybe even too fine. Night couldn't help but wonder over the muscled, pegasus mare. For three weeks, Night acted like before, inviting over some special guests, indulging in special activities. Yet, Paint wouldn't ask about the strangers coming in the evening and leaving in the morning. Shaking her head from such thoughts, she made her way to the kitchen. Paint certainly wasn't about to ask questions about someone else's business, especially when it had nothing to do with her. Her housemate could do whatever she wanted, as long as it didn't wind up having any negative effect on herself. The house was nice, the rent was cheap, so she wasn't about to ruin that by poking her nose into Night's business. Instead, she went about her normal schedule, and went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Night sighed, closing her eyes. For once she had a nice and reliable roommate. And a good looking as well, so it was just another plus. Maybe she would have to-"Ough!" Night staggered backwards as she hit something hard—yet also soft—in her way. Paint blinked and looked over at the smaller mare, raising an eyebrow at the sight of the bat pony bouncing off of her muscular flank. She gave a little scoff, "Watch where you're going, shorty, you might walk into something less appropriate next time," she teased with a little smirk, swaying her flank out to the side to bump Night playfully before she continued into the kitchen unhindered. Night shook her head as she watched Paint's swaying flank disappear into the kitchen. I have to get that flank! She mentally drooled. Paint headed into the kitchen and took a few moments to think about what she was going to eat before she settled on cereal and reached up into one of the cabinets. Her large size made it easy for her to reach the upper shelves. She grabbed one of the boxes with childish marshmallows in it and gave a little chuckle to herself, satisfied with her decision. Quick to follow, Night settled for a bemused grin upon the choice of her roommate before she prepared a bowl of her strawberry crunch. All the while she was unable to tear her gaze from the muscled pegasus. Paint contently chewed at her foal's breakfast cereal, ignorant to the gazes that she was receiving from her housemate as she happily ate away. Night, meanwhile, had to struggle to just keep herself in control. Just one small treat... she thought, but quickly shook her head and tried to concentrate on breakfast Paint licked her lips as she finished her meal, unintentionally taking longer to lick her lips than she really should have, enjoying the lingering milk around them. Okay, Night was totally focused on the view, slowly but surely drooling after the mare. Happy with her breakfast, Paint stood up and stretched languidly, curving her back and stretching her luscious wings to their full length as a small series of cracks and pops sounded from her spine and the bones in her wings. When she was done, she picked up her bowl and headed to the sink. "Are you doing this on purpose?" Night growled. "Doing what?" Paint asked with a chuckle as she proceeded to wash the bowl, her short, ragged tail swaying slightly from side to side. "Being so damn sexy!" Night shouted, doing various motions with her hooves, clearly frustrated. Paint gave a little laugh and idly shrugged, "Can't help perfection, cutie," she said over her shoulder with a smirk, "I'm just a piece of prime meat." Night growled, wings and fangs extended. "And I think I want that meat." Paint smirked at the mare and wiggled her flanks a little, "Oh really? That's rather... boooold," she teased lightheartedly. Without further warning Night flapped her wings and pounced at Paint, crashing into the mare, her wings hugging her. "I want you." Paint laughed, easily taking the weight of the mare and holding her upright with her massive forehooves, “Oh? Is that so?” she asked teasingly. The batpony just growled huskily, looking at Paint in unbridled lust. “I want to fuck you. I can’t take this anymore!” Paint laughed as she held the batpony in her muscular forehooves, holding her up as she examined the horny little mare with a smirk, “Ohhh? I suppose I could allow it.” “This is no game,” Night scowled, extending her tongue to lick over Paint’s muzzle. Paint gave a heavy chuckle at the lick and leaned down a little to give the smaller mare an affectionate nuzzle,” Heh, good. I don’t like games anyways - I prefer action!” she said with a wink. Night grinned back. “Then how about this. We go to your room and buck each other’s brain out till we both can’t stand anymore?” “Well, you don’t see me arguing,” Paint said with a smirk, looking down at the smaller mare confidently. It was all the permission the batpony needed. With a happy skree, she lifted the suddenly surprised mare on her back and made her way to Paint’s room. Being the bigger mare, of course Paint was surprised by suddenly being lifted by the smaller mare. But she wasn’t about to question it, she was about to get laid. So she just let herself be carried, unbothered. Without much fuss, Night carried Paint into her room and dropped her onto the bed before crawling onto her, her eyes speaking more than mere words could. Paint flopped onto the bed and gave an ‘oof’ as she was dropped. She looked up at the smaller mare with a smirk, watching the batpony crawl up her. Night didn’t waste any time, her hooves roaming over every single muscle the bigger mare had, coming to a hold on her full but firm flanks, gripping them tightly. Paint gave a soft sigh of contentment as she felt herself getting felt up and touched by the smaller mare. She rolled her head back happily, basking in the feeling of letting the thestral mare explore her muscular body. Night used that opportunity to gently nip at Paint’s throat, using her fangs to enhance the feeling. All the while her leathery wings continued the journey over the body of the mare beneath her. The nipping on her sensitive, muscular neck and the feeling of the dexterous wings exploring her body made Paint giddy, shuddering in eager pleasure. Night smiled at that, some ideas coming to her mind how to break the pegasus, but she quickly shoved them away. Today it was about pure sex and not her fantasies. Alternating between neck and chest, her nibbles grew to soft bites. The mare's head tilted back slightly, exposing more of her neck as she enjoyed the manipulation, allowing the teasing batpony to get her libido going with a breathy little chuckle of enjoyment. Night grinned at the opportunity she got and exposed her fangs to Paint, giving her a chance to object before she slowly sunk them into the muscular neck, gently playing over the spot with her tongue. The pegasus gasped at the penetration of the muscles in her neck, but stayed still, allowing the bat pony to continue biting her without resistance. As soon as the biting started, it ended. Night wasn't about to seriously hurt or even drink from her. Their relationship was too new for that. With a smirk, she lowered herself towards the prize she wanted, nibbles and kisses marking her way over Paint's delicious body. When her partner pulled away, Paint gave a satisfied sigh and a shudder of pleasure. Keeping herself on display for her partner, she let the bat pony explore her muscular form without any hindrance, enjoying letting the smaller mare have her way with her. Night took her sweet time until she reached a different kind of sweet: Paint's marehood on full display and dripping wet. Licking over her lips and casting a sultry gaze towards the muscular mare, she dove in. Paint moaned loudly, arching her back as she reveled in the feeling of the mare's tongue exploring her wet and eager folds. Night grinned as the pegasus moans sounded in bliss, doubling her efforts, her tongue slipping into the exact right positions. The batpony’s eager and skillful tongue play was more than enough to get the burly pegasus going, and going was exactly what she got. With every passing moment the pegasus got closer and closer to her climax at Night’s skillful manipulations. Night knew that Paint was close. Eager to force more out of the pegasus she extended her wings, searching for the best spots to accompany the actions of her tongue. Her wing was apparently very good at pushing all of the right buttons on the burly pegasus, and with almost no effort at all, Paint was teetering on the razor edge of a shattering orgasm. From the tones and volume of her moans, it would likely only take one more push. And a push, Night was ready to give. Maybe it would go too far, but she tried it nonetheless. Chuckling softly, she scratched her fangs over Paint's outer labia, then she sunk them in. The sudden sharp puncture of her sensitive area was enough to send the burly pegasus over the edge. With a scream of pleasure, the pegasus tensed up and a deluge of marecum flooded the batpony’s mouth, accompanying the blood from the bite marks. Taking everything in, Night enjoyed the taste deeply. The sweet mixture of blood and cum had something alluring. But she would have to lie if she said that the blood tasted better. No, she loved the taste of Paint. More than she would ever be ready to admit. Riding out her scream of pleasure, Paints' tensed muscles slowly relaxed until she was entirely slumped, limp and at the mercy of the bat pony on top of her. Night grinned and showed off her fangs, relishing in the feeling of the muscular mare going weak under her. It demanded of her to do much more, but she deemed it for too risky to do so now. Purring, she settled her head on Paint's stomach. “You’re an awesome little mare, do you know that?” Paint asked tiredly. “Now I know,” Night chuckled back, her eyelids slowly dropping more and more. “Maybe I’ll tell you my secret next time." Paint gave a tired laugh before both ponies drifted off to sleep.