An Elusive Affair

by ExTor

First published

Worlds have collided, which is no big deal. All the more ways our ponies can get up to incredibly lewd stuff. There's no need for apocalyptic events when you have things like two EluRarities lurking around, seeking out things to do to applejacks.

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: blatant nudity, sexual acts, includes sex scene, Rarijack x1.5, inequine treatment of sensitive parts, feet&fetish (THIS WAS GOING SO WELL), tickling (THIS DIDNT NEED TO HAPPEN), anthro with tails, ears and snouts and zero signs of crippling brain cancer. All characters have graduated high school.

One anthropomorphic Equestria has found a point of connection with another - near identical, what with the people that inhabit it and a severe lack of world-ending hijinx that happen on a weekly basis, but with one major difference. All the genders have been reversed. Quite convenient when things had gone quiet and all ponies' sex lives had begun to grow and develop.

Especially for ponies of the Elusive|Rarity variety, who are entirely up to indulging themselves by putting their friends through various lustful gauntlets. Especially when said friends are actually their beloved life partners named Applejack. Especially the boy one, who got himself into quite a pickle within the web of depravity Elusive and Rarity had spooled.


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Once upon a time, reality hiccuped. In an instant, two universes became one, if only a little. In this case, the epicenter of this event was a lighthearted little world called Equestria.

Out of all the versions of said planet contained within the infinite multiverse, the two that were linked were almost similar in every way, excluding one key difference; the gender of the inhabitants were opposites. In the royal archives of both worlds, a neat, scientific document is sorted away in a large locker. The paper refers to this happening as “Event 63”, and neither world has been the same since, instrinsically linked by a series of arcane tears that litter the landscape of either Equestria. This is the short story of one such crossover tale…

“I must say, Ellie-dear, I do wonder how we even convinced him to surrender to this?” Rarity asked Elusive, flexing her finely manicured fingers in eager anticipation of what was to come.

“Ohh, it was no big deal, really, it wasn’t. After we orchestrated that little tickle fight between my boy and your pretty little woman,” the white stallion complimented the mare’s choice of life partner with a nod, “the silly pony-boy insisted be the “gentleman” and take the fall, although he won. You were there, Rarity, your Applejack was quite adamant about giving up after what she’d been, uhm… subjected to. But him, he walked right into it, he did… isn’t that right, sweetie?” Elusive cooed, gently stroking his boyfriend’s long, blonde hair. His female counterpart scowled at him for a brief second, shaking her head in remembrance for what was done to her second half to get her to break ten seconds ahead of her boy self.

Applejack was laying straight down on a long, padded table, heavy silken strips of cloth wrapped over his body, revealing nothing but his head, feet (the only part of his body still clothed, by heavy boots and woollen socks), and nether region, which already stood at attention due to the previous engagement with his female counterpart. It was quite the night, and pretty late into it. He did need a teeny bit of time to get over what she put him through, and then what they were both put through to decide the winner. Leave it to the Rarities to make simple kink so complex...

“Hmph, if I knew you two wenches were schemin’ the entire time, maybe I wouldn’t have agreed to this at all.” Applejack pouted, wriggling and testing the strength of his bonds, finding them airtight even with his considerable strength, even his fingers were curled into permanent fists. “If I didn’t know myself, I’da’ thought other-me was in on it too. Gah, this is gnarly.”

“Aww, but darling, this is simply a part of any healthy relationship. We all have our urges to relieve, do we not?” Elusive giggled, kissing his partner on the lips particularly deeply.

“Yeah, and that’s why I’m gonna spank your ass extra hard when we’re back home.” AJ retorted, causing both the devilish white unicorns to titter at the same time.

The two were wearing equal levels of clothing, loose and breezy, light in colour to avoid obvious stains. Rarity wore a pair lavender underpants and thigh high stockings, along with a slightly baggy sweater with nothing underneath, whereas Elusive was wearing a simple short sleeve t-shirt and jeans, opting to pad around barefoot in an attempt to tease his lover further. The male unicorn evened out on style by having a pair of small half-piece glasses perched nicely on his snout.

Gazing around the room, Rarity ticked off her mental checklist, not wanting to waste a valuable second. “Everything seems accounted for, so let us begin!”

Making his way over to the very obviously needy lewd area, Elusive began by sticking a series of small, soon to be vibrating objects to the length and its two partners everywhere that would evoke a delicious reaction. He kept his fingertips far enough away not to let the familiarity of that sensation do too quick a job.

“Hmph, surprised you’re even being THIS nice.” Applejack chuckled, looking forward to finally feeling some degree of release. What his… herself put him through was no joke. The contest was quite the brutal endeavor, and, in frankness, it was all rather justified that he step down. The state that mare left him in, it seemed unfair that he’d won. Honesty did come above all. He wasn’t that much of a horny slut. Someone else was, though...

Elusive giggled once more, looking at his boyfriend, who had just been thinking nasty things to call him. “Oh, we’re not. We’re only setting them on low, just a consistent, gentle, mayfly buzzing for you, dearest. Well, that - and this…”

The male unicorn ducked out of sight, Applejack’s head twisting back and forth in a vain attempt to see where he’d gone, until he felt an extremely weird feeling shoot up his body from below. Something was deposited in his posterior, a rather alien feeling indeed. The stallion gasped and scrunched his butt up a little, somehow not finding that alien presence all too uncomfortable.

“Lucky you, there’s a small hole in this table... for our female counterparts, heh.” Elusive grinned, waving a small remote back and forth.

“What the hay, Elusive? Y’know I don’t bottom. Nuh-huh, that’s YOUR job, you… butt slut!” Applejack protested, squirming in his bonds.

“Oh, lighten up, darling,” Rarity chimed in, while she was undoing the zippers on his boots, “He just wants to share the joys of… reverse stimulation that you grant him every night.” The mare winked knowingly.

“Tsk-tsk-tsk, don’t you dig any more of a grave than you already have, sweetie. I promise you’ll at least have SOME fun.” Said Elusive as he made his way down where Rarity was busying herself.

Undoubtedly one of their favorite parts, unwrapping their victim. Such a favorite in fact, they got Applejack to put his footwear back on before arriving. They just couldn’t pass it up. After both of them had wrangled off - very slowly, Elusive running a few seconds ahead of Rarity - a tight boot, remarkably synchronized sock pulling followed, leaving Applejack’s rather large, slightly sweaty boy feet stark naked.

“Mmmh, I love this part a little too much. I’d do more, but... we do have a lady present.” Elusive smiled, giving Rarity a pat on the back.

“Wheeheheee, yes yes, you’ll have ample time to indulge yourself with sniffs and licks and whatever else later, you dirty animal, you. First, though, we have to get down to the real business.” The white mare smiled as she wheeled over a stand with a rather large tray of intimidating looking equipment on it. “I’m so glad we pooled our toys together, makes it look that much threatening.”

Tough or not, Applejack winced when he saw the table tray, knowing all that maniacal wear was going to be applied to his feet. Despite wearing evidence of wear and tear, his large, wide feet were surprisingly warm and tender to the touch, containing a multitude of exploitable weakpoints. Sighing, and scrunching his toes tight, he prepared his mental fortitude with whatever was going to unfold. He wasn’t going to give them the joy of any additional complaints, or hopefully, a single lick of laughter.

Well, he was allowed to lie to himself.

“Hmm, let’s start with formula 12, the softening cream. The boy looks like he needs a bit of it.” Rarity observed, giving AJ’s peds a look over.

Elusive seemed ever so slightly ticked at that comment. “Are you insinuating I don’t properly maintain my beloved boyfriend’s feet?”

Rarity poked her tongue out. “No, I’m just saying they need a woman’s touch.”

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re both damn women. Move it or lose it!” Applejack playfully growled.

“Shush you, nothing but giggles and moans from you now,” Elusive teased, Applejack retorting by blowing a crude raspberry in his direction. “Fine, we’ll play it your way, Rari-dearie. I’ll follow your… expert lead.” The two white unicorns exchanged glares, momentarily giving the orange stallion a reason to be happy to be where he was, and not in front of one of those.

Both sets of white hands lathered themselves up, before touching down on the warm orange soles, massaging every inch. Applejack had no reservations about moaning loudly. His feet were usually overworked and sore, and his boyfriend’s professional massages always felt like a trip to Elysium, a state of absolute bliss, and this time, it was both feet at once. Two fancy fashionistas servicing him, he could get used to this. The guys back home got used to him huffing and moaning when El came by after the work day was over, so clearly nothing was impossible. Disregarding what was to come, of course, but AJ had to keep up his happy disposition, and it was a joyed one indeed.

“Ahhheheheee, he likes this, doesn’t he?” Rarity chortled, hands gliding down his arches, heels, the slippery, lithe fingers slipping between his toes, causing him to buck in his bonds ever so slightly - just invasive enough to no longer be a massage, but not going overboard either.

Elusive simply chuckled to himself, pressing down on every spot he knew that made his boyfriend dribble with pleasure. Like putty in his hands, each press sinking deeper and deeper into the orange field of achey muscle.

The oil not only softened, but removed any trace elements of dead skin, leaving Applejack’s soles silky smooth to the touch and glistening with oil. The wonders of magical lubricants.

“We’ll follow that up with… formula 8 and formula 9,” Rarity stated flatly, coating her hands in two more lots of liquid. She smiled ditzily to herself. “Ellie dear, do remind me to scrub and soap my palms before I, ahm… Depart. I am pretty sure all combining these does is enhance the effects, but… who knows. I’d trust our provider Twilight with chemical matters, but still… Ah, well, this is experiment day, after all.” Her grin turned to the mummified boy body.

Applejack raised his head, ears picking up that peculiar piece of news. “What?”

Elusive looked sheepish. “Oh, darling, I may have forgotten to tell you. Rarity suggested we use you as our test puppet. You’re bigger, stronger, more resillient, we need to test stuff out on somebody, and it’d probably drive the others… insane. We started going down this road with the losers of Flutterbutter and Sparkleshine pairs, but they lost it, bad. I don’t know who I feel worse for, Butterscotch or Dusky.”

“Yeah, this is for the good of our sexual relationships, mister Applejack. Besides, a big strong boy like you won’t be broken down by some simple tickles, no?” Rarity complimented, though not without reason. AJ knew her intent, to goad him into this as a test of manhood. Judging by the revelation of the secret between Dusk Shine’s extraordinary jitters one week ago and Butterscotch’s very raspy voice a few days prior to that, it really was going to be one. And now that he thought about it, the girl-Blitz, Rainbow Dash, was borderline white with rabid bloodshot eyes when they last met three days ago… That would be the one they didn’t experiment too much on, too… But then… Blitz was… oooh.

It worked. Laying his head back, he awaited the inevitable, gritting his teeth. For pride’s sake.

At least for now, the pleasurable feeling of oily massaging resumed, feeling more effective than ever, also regenerating any lost arousal. He always felt weirdly ashamed when he was aroused by things being done to him, as opposed to him doing things to others, but his mind still lingered on the changing sensations from below the ankles. AJ felt more sensitive to the touch, and any acclimation his nerves had gathered to the barrage of delicious sensations had disappeared. He was savvy enough to know what both meant.

“There, alll lathered up~” Rarity sung, seeming particularly pleased, prancing elegantly over to the tools. “Oh my, all these goodies decency couldn’t allow us to use before... I don’t even know where to start!”

Elusive grinned. “I do.”

And with that, he adjusted the knob on the remote, the gentle hum of the vibrators starting up, teasing the entirety of Applejack’s package.

Body going rigid, Applejack tensed as the vibrators did their job, teasing him, but not enough to bring him to finish. The one in his backside felt strange and new, but regrettably delightful, though he’d never admit it. It made him feel oddly full and satisfied, an almost comfortable feeling despite current circumstances. The fight between comfort and the discomfort of the realization of said comfort was quite the psychological encounter, indeed.

Either way, it was only mere seconds before the gentle bucking began.

“Mmm, perfect. Now let’s not waste anymore time. Lets get to tickling. We’ll start with… fingers first, as a control, as Twilight or Dusk would put it.” Rarity explained, Elusive surprisingly being willing to play along, for now. The two exchanged nasty looks, to which the mighty apple tree in the middle of the two parties rose by a nice inch.

Elusive’s fingers prodded and poked, fingertips sliding up and around AJ’s left foot, movements lubricated by the layers of oil. Rarity on the other hand - or foot - her manicured nails scratched firm and deep, gleefully gliding across every inch of tender skin, relishing in scratching the stems of his toes, a nasty spot his traitorous boyfriend pointed out.

His feet could barely wiggle, and the splaying of his toes only enabled horrible adventures to take place between them. He tried his absolute best not to laugh, spluttering, choking sounds erupting from his muzzle, spraying saliva into the air as he tried his best to shut his mouth, to not display such childish weakness, but given the circumstances, it was a futile effort, and the raucous laughter poured from his maw like honey, rich hooting and giggling that bordered on uncharacteristic, turning on all those present to hear it rather madly.

“You get to hear this on a regular basis? I’m almost jealous, Elusive. This would put me to sleep at night, surely.”

Elusive smiled and shook his head, fingers not lifting away from the deep muscle tickling he was applying by digging the point of his thumb into his lover’s arch. “Don’t you have your own Applejack to torment?”

“Yes, and her music is beautiful. But there’s something about this, the breaking down of a big, tough male that’s so… primally invigorating.”

The finger and nail assault lasted a luscious forty minutes or an approximation of that - nobody bothered to bring a timer over, Applejack didn’t seem the kind who could be teased out of their mind by torturing them with how long they have left (and then readjusting the timer once they were almost done (poor Dusky)). Even as they were done, however, an occasional finger still quickly whipped up his sole to make him yelp, to keep him on constant edge, much like his male parts.

“Oooh, let’s we try THESE!” Rarity beamed, holding up two rather daunting triple pronged scratcher objects, which had fast, rotating, hummy-buzzy tips. They looked too cruel to touch even a very needy back, let alone something more sensitive than that. It required unrepentant cruelty to use that on a living being.

“We really are the same person. Thank the stars for bringing us together.” Elusive patted Rarity on the shoulder in a moment of appreciative sentiment.

“Get a damn room youohohouuouwaihaihaitnonohohohoho heyhayhay stohohohophahahAHAHAHA I SAID FUHUHACKING STOP HEEEEEEHEEEE—“ Applejack howled out as they cut his retort short, digging the scratchers straight into the center of his arches, turning them on, the diggy points twisting his sensitive skin just a little to make it tickle beyond reason, the slick oil preventing any friction injury.

Elusive pried the toes back on his right foot, as Rarity scraped the fork all the way down his taut sole, causing yet more inane, feral howling. It was the most horrible feeling he had ever experienced, and yet, he was hornier than ever, the multitude of buzzing things driving him mad combined with the sensations scratching him raw.

Sweat was flicked from his hair as his head spun from side to side, doing anything to try and lessen the sensations plagueing his feet. Even his firm heels weren’t safe, the twisty, turny metal points scraping away at any hypothetical defense he had left. Throughout what felt like hours, and likely wasn’t that little time at all even in reality, every single bit of his soles was left pulverized, and then even tiny portions of the tops, too.

But the worst was yet to come. As if linked by some psychic connection, both unicorns wrangled his toes far back with magical string hooking to seemingly no visible fixed point, his feet now stretched firm and vulnerable, taut like a drum, now without a wrinkle. To follow it up, a long swipe down the stems of his toes starting from the toepads themselves made him screech like a banshee, voice going far beyond its normal octaves. He was already in tatters.

“Still hasn’t come yet... My oh my, you must have to take a lot of pounding before he’s done every night.” Rarity teased Elusive, who was rubbing the own considerable bulge in his pants after looking at just how needy his boyfriend was.

“…I could do with it right now, to be completely honest.” Elusive admitted, blushing fiercely, imagining his partners very respectable length pleasing him as it always did.

“Now-now, don’t you lose your nerve. We still have tools to test.” Rarity reminded. “Unless you want to volunteer instead.”

Elusive shook his head, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “No no no, let’s… keep at it. You get the next stage ready, I’ll… go talk with him for a bit.”

Rarity nodded, fiddling with her tool tray. Elusive padded over to where Applejack’s head was resting. “Hanging in there, sweetie?”

AJ swallowed, piecing his sanity back together. “Yeah… yeah, I’m… hhhfff... fine. Should be… hooh. Should be taking it a bit easier on ol’ me now anyway, mmm, hon?” His teary eyes were pleading. The big, sweaty boy was just like a puppy dog.

Elusive’s heart almost melted, before he remembered exactly why he was here. “Actually, no. We’re going to make this even worse! Remember that time you had me all stocked up in the barn? You said you were veeery horny that night, and I wanted to please you so badly…” Elusive recounted, finger idly dragging around AJ’s bandaged chest. “You had my feet restrained perfectly. You are quite good at tying, aren’t you?.. Oh, and then… came the session of a lifetime~”

The orange stallion received a playful peck on the lips.

“You… licked them, nibbled them, spanked them, rubbed ice cubes over them…” The unicorn, blushing very unabashedly and grinning rather hard, dove in on his lover’s face, their snouts colliding. “Melted wax over them. Scrubbed them cleeean. Then? Spread ~itching powder~ all over then. Then, when I simply couldn’t cry anymore, you scrubbed them clean again. Then, you rubbed yourself right off on them. And then tickled me another good half an hour. I. Was. Broooken. Mewling!.. You were so rough that night, and I never forgot it. Now it is time for my revenge, Applejack-dear. You had to have knooown...”

“Heh, hey now! Hoooh… Holy damn… You agreed… agreed to all of that, remember? Why, your pervy butt all but—” the orange stallion took a second to breathe in, still just a tad worn out. “—goaded me into half o’ that. You just forgot afterwards cause you were driven nutty. You WANTED to experience all of that… nasty… auuuooohhh… stuff!” Applejack pleaded.

“Come now, dearest. You’re the Element of Honesty, I can tell when you’re lying - though I will admit, today you’re doing a surprisingly good job of it,” stated Elusive as he tied another strip of cloth around AJ’s muzzle, effectively gagging him, before sliding a thick, dark blindfold over his panickingly bulging, adorably distressed eyes. “Now, you’re the one that’s going to be broken. Howl for your love~”

Snapping his fingers, the once white bandages all over Applejack’s body were now seethrough, giving Elusive a satisfying look at Applejack’s fit, trembling, sweaty posterior. Laying there, unmoving, refusing to retreat from the tortures heaped upon it. Just the way it was meant to be.

"All done, Ellie-dear? Let us get this done, I really need a lady’s time out, sooner rather than later...” Rarity whined, fingering a rough piece of string between her fingers.

“What is that, anyway? That wasn’t part of my kit,” Elusive asked, picking his own weapon of choice.

“Oh, this is something Pinkie made for me. Now, as you see - that’s a plain piece of string, quite a nice shade of red, but! It’s rough, it’s fuzzy, and, oh, the best is that it heats up as you use it! Drag it between a set of aidless toes, and the victim is a deliciously uncomfortable, hot, sweaty disaster. Tee-hee!.. It even glows red— Say, I don’t recognize what it is that you are holding there, either.”

“It’s a fine coincidence. This here would be a specialized set of pinwheels - they tickle madly, as they do, but this particular set you can imbue with powders and lathers and what have you. And, from memory - oosh, my memory’s correct - there is quite a heap of itching powder on this one. A nasty sensation in each torturous wake,” Elusive explained, having spinned the wheel with his finger, the imposing objectlighting up with a green aura. “Fittingly, Bubble Berry made it for me… somehow.”

“They find a way, don’t they, our pink friends. I cannot wait until they come around to the challenge. Ah, but, look at me rambling on. Let us… make apple juice, as it were!” Rarity clapped her hands excitedly.

First, the thread was looped between all his restrained toes, the scratchy string already making him squirm, followed by the pinwheels being pushed up against both wide arches.

And so it begun. Rarity gently eased the cord through the trembling orange toes, the red aura getting brighter and brighter. It snaked its way through Applejack’s weakest points, causing a loud, muffled “MMMFFF!” sound to echo against the walls.

Elusive followed suit, the pinwheels beginning their steady roll up and down the taut soles. AJ was weakest to tickling with firm, diggy impact, and this was exactly that, the points prodding his flesh, causing yet more muffled howls of wild abandon.

“Your boyfriend is so deliciously ticklish. Ohh, I hope he can hear this, coochy-coochy-coooo~”

“Mmm, of course he can hear you, even if he is... busy feeling everything we do to his poor ticklish feetsies. So tender and soft, not like a farmboy at all, oh no. Tickletoy, tickletoy, AJ is a tickletoy~”

Both unicorns sung their respective song that never ended, going on and on for an album’s worth, further adding insult to injury. Insult plus injury was insanity.


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In Applejack’s mind, the barrage of sensations was unbearable. The warmth between his toes was horribly effective, like his feet were in a private sauna, cooking away, sweating buckets, not to mention the invasive thoroughness of the thread itself, roughly scratching away within his hollows, where the skin was thin and soft.

The pinwheel too, and its repetitive, but effective assault left the rest of his feet occupied in crackling terror. Rolling away, every inch of his soles felt their pointed metal, causing him to yelp between muffled wails. The itching, however, was also beginning to take its toll. It tingled maddeningly, to the extent where he almost wanted the scratchy points of the wheel to march back over where they just were, providing temporary relief, but only adding to the itching right after. Rarity’s manicured nails would do wonders here, but her hands were far too busy. In the end, hot tears rushed from his eyes, dribble leaked out of the gag. He simply couldn’t take this, and to be so far removed from his controlling life as a full time dominant male was… the most embarrassingly delicious thing that had ever happened to him.

Belittled, tormented, finally having control wrested away from him, for once he only had to worry about one thing, his own palpable suffering, which occurred in spades. He didn’t have to make sure whiny ol’ Elusive had come yet or not even though he’d been getting banged for near a damn hour without no breaks. He didn’t have to worry about getting up in the morning, yanking himself out of bed away from the warmth of his beautiful companion. Apples this, apples that, apples here, apples there, oh and go save the world every Saturday. None of it mattered right now. It was freedom, in torture form.

With that, his behind siezed up, squeezing against the toy lodged deep inside, as his length shuddered to life, inches away from climax. His feet were on fire with sensations, almost causing the coming wave of pleasure to be pale in comparison. Though not quite, thanks to the sneaky little vibrator Elusive snuck where no thing had ever gone before.

“I think its time, dear.”

“I think you’re right, Rarity.”

With that, Elusive twisted the knob on the remote to maximum strength, before quickly resuming the assault upon the ravaged soles.

Applejack’s scream all but nullified the thick, venerable gag. His whole body bucked wildly, causing some of the ultra-tight, magically enchanted, trusted for life banadages to tear and fray, a feat physically impossible, or so it would seem up until now. His nethers were quaking with incomprehensible pleasure on even a biuniversal scale, as the other, hidden vibrator teased and fulfilled his inner core, granting him spine-melting pleasure no conscious entity ever contributed to the infosphere of their two worlds, ever.

His seed spurted out, hard and fast, both unicorns watching in awe, but not ceasing in their tickling rampage. His astonishing load actually managed to touch the rather reasonably placed ceiling, before ricocheting back down and covering poor Applejack’s already liquid-stained face. The following spasms delivered yet more “apple juice”, shooting more moderate distances, though, landing on Elusive. The unicorn, enthralled by the spectacle, his hands too consumed with the feet, now more sensitive than ever before, disposed of most of it orally, with a satisfied “glomp” at the end.

After they were sure the climax was at completion, their tools were mournfully removed from the suffering pair of abused feet, outrageously sweaty and blushing, as was the rest of his body, just to a slightly lesser extent. The stallion was barely orange.

Now that his hands were free, Elusive found a clean spot on his shirt - not an easy task - and disposed of the liquid love that was smudged all over his spectacles. He made his way over to were Applejack’s head was quivering, flowing free with tears. “Aww, my poor baby-boo… Oh don’t worry, it’s all over now. Shhhh… shhh.., hush-hush-hush!....” Elusive stroked his hair again, settling him down as best he could.

Applejack’s toes were free, but his feet were now spasming again under Rarity’s touch, her nails once more gliding across his soles as she hummed the tune of the menacing song to herself still. The stallion let out the most miserable, tortured, tearful giggle-snort imaginable.

“Uhhmmm, Rarity… I think that may very well be enough,” Elusive stated, getting slightly worried about his lovers state.

“Oh, apologies,” the mare replied, nodding herself into consciousness and almost covering her face with a palm that was smothered with Apple-goop. “Just still a bit of a mess myself. Precious as she is, my Jackie-jack can’t physically do… THAT, so forgive me if I’m all over the place. I shall... leave you two alone for a bit. Hope you boys had fun!” Rarity waved goodbye, no doubt making her way home so she could request said Jackie-jack to finish her own business.

“Scrub and soap.” Elusive lifted up a finger in reminder.

With the departure of the mare, the remaining white unicorn slipped off the thick, rigid blindfold - or, rather, the wet rag that it had become due to the sheer amount of liquid heaped upon it - and unraveled the muzzle thread, revealing a gentle pair of sparkling emerald eyes. He’d never seen them look so soft and vulnerable before.

“Ohh you poor, poor thing. I’m sorry… I…” Elusive spluttered, waving the magic of the bandages away, slowly setting Applejack free at last.

Applejack summoned up the last of his strength to put his hand on Elusive’s cheek in reassurance.

“Nnngh… N-No… I… d-ddd… oohhhh... deserved that. Yooou… oosh… earned your revenge… glmp! For, for that night, I mean…” The abused orange pony breathed in deeply, his eyes rolling back for a bit. “We’re… hoooh… even now, really. No harm… no foul.” He smiled weakly, as the experience was so murderous that his face could barely grin in spite of the terrible tickles. “ And… ‘sides… would be a liar if I said I din’ enjoy none of that…”

Elusive swept his own sweaty and greasy but still styled hair behind his ear to look his lover in the eyes. “Heh, really now? We’re even?”

“Well… I’m still gonna spank that white butt hot flashin’ red when we get back... But yeah, even.” Applejack smiled, hauling himself up to give Elusive a rather wet hug. “Let’s take a bath… if you’re lucky, I’ll bend you over and give you a happy ending… now I know how that feels, you’ve been hoarding all that pleasure for yourself, ya greedy slut.”

Elusive laughed. “Hey, I offered plenty! Now shush, you’re a smelly disaster, there’s itching powder you haven’t sweated out yet, I’d wager, so we need to get you washed soon as possible. I’ll do your hair, and then your washing. Clean and crisp.”

“…Didn’t take long for you to get back to normal, huh?”

“Hmph. Normal doesn’t exist anymore, dearie. Look around yourself, we’re surrounded by female clones of ourselves, and they’re all as hopelessly horny as we are.”

“True enough, El. True enough. Ever tickle me that hard again though, and I’m giving you and the rest of the boys up to the girls,” AJ shot a threatening look with his tearful, wet, sparkly eyes. Elusive couldn’t help but giggle at the adorableness of that. “Shit, Dusk is already a fuckin’ pervo, I don’t wanna KNOW what girl-him does when she’s not the one tied down. Damn, even I’m a monster, and I… ain’t… whew… ain’t exactly no Mr. Nice Guy. And that… MARE… you know what, El, I better give your butts over to them. Or else, y’know. I could go for a curvier you with a mouth that really needs some intense shuttin’.”

The white unicorn gasped and threw his hans up to his face, grinning nonetheless. “Applejack!!!”

“What? Your butt’s impossible to threaten, whatever I do to you, you’re munching it and askin’ for feckin’ two. I ain’t no adulterer, but you got lessons to be taught.”

Elusive dropped his hands and shut his eyes, smirking. His fingers wriggled in the air, momentarily causing a shudder from the drained body on the table, but then they merely delivered it a boingy snootle boop. “Now-now, don’t give me even more reason to misbehave, you big stinky oaf.”

“Heh, we’re such a loving couple. Better or for worse, Rarity and girly-me proved that we were meant for eachother, I dare say.”

“I guess if we’re going to take anything from recent events… that will do nicely. That, and you are quite the marksman. I love you sweetie.”

“And I you, Elusive."

A long, slurpy kiss echoed against the walls of the room.

“Now, we can’t waste any time. Your feet need scrubbing, or else the itching powder will activate again. Lots of scrubbing. Trust me.”


That was the last echo in the room for that night.


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A few short hours later, both boys were squeaky clean. Elusive was always very thorough, but tonight, he went even further above and beyond to make sure his partner was well soothed after his ordeal.

Blonde hair now bouncy with a definitive sheen, Elusive was always impressed how well his farmboy cleaned up, although, a hot bath by candlelight with one’s lover would do anybody wonders.

Now, the clean pair were snuggled up on Elusive’s silky bed, dressed in bare minimum undergarments which were just as silky as the sheets were laying on top of.

“I gotta say… your aftercare is almost worth the torment.” Applejack chuckled, giving Elusive a kiss on the forehead.

“And the way you pleasure me is almost worth your naughty jokes about me.” Elusive grinned, trailing a lone finger down AJ’s chest, all the way down to nethers, which were currently in a state affectionately referred to as “cuddleboner”. “That being said… I still haven’t… let off steam from earlier. Care to assist me, loverboy?~”

“Well, fairs fair, seeing as how you made me supposedly shoot for the moon.” Applejack positioned himself on his knees, easily dragging Elusive over to him, butt first. He always loved it when AJ manhandled him like that. Gentle, but firm, the mark of an experienced lover.

Peeling down Ellie’s underpants until his shapely white posterior and dripping male parts were revealed, Applejack caressed his lover, touching up all the right places to make the effeminate boy coo and shudder.

“Yahknow, I never thought I’d like boys, I once thought all this” said AJ as he not so gently grasped and squeezes Elusive’s boyhood, causing a gentle squeak, “but it really started to grow on me. The honest fact you look like a girl until someone reveals this part of you notwithstanding.” Applejack’s other hand rubbed the slight bulge masked by his boxer shorts. “Tsk… yah really did a number on me earlier, I ain’t at full mast yet. Mind givin’ me a hand, or better yet, a foot?”

Elusive glanced back to roll his eyes. “Go ahead then, dearest. Just don’t leave me hanging too long now.” With that, Elusive began to wriggle his toes a little, inviting the coming slew of affection.

Applejack loved these feet dearly. Softer than butter, smoother than silk, immaculately clean, always smelling like a delicious mixture of perfume and an indescribable scent that only the girliest of boys seemed to carry innately. Without hesitation, he lowered his muzzle and began to lap away, Elusive giggling lightly as the forceful tongue lapped at his soles.

Strangely, he felt more protective of these than he did Elusive’s actual male parts, initially hesitant to let others spend time with what he had always seen as his possessions. After a while though, he warmed up to the idea of sharing these gorgeous feet with his closest companions, so that everybody could relish in them. That, and putting them on display for the genderbent version of themselves gave Applejack a great handful of fond memories of his boyfriend squealing under their tickly love.

Lowering the waistline of his pants so his own length could breath free, he became more taken with his task, as he always did. Simple licks soon turned to nibbles, munches and suckles, causing the chortling to gain a few octaves. Following, the squirmy white toes found their way into the warm maw itself, his toes dainty enough, and Applejack’s mouth big enough, to easily slurp on multiple at a time, which he did with no shortage of glee.

The greater degree of affection only served to make Elusive’s own bits quiver with even more need. As if it wasn’t obvious already, he adored having his feet worshiped. He put enough time into maintaining them and making them beautiful, why wouldn’t he? They deserved it.

Finishing up with one last, especially slobbery lick up his arches, Applejack raised himself up a bit, positioning his particularly hung self with Elusive’s tight posterior, gradually inching himself in, but not without placing a hand on each cheek and squeezing firmly, getting a good handful of what could only be described as a marshmallowy butt.

Elusive gasped. Taking his lover was no easy feat. As delightful as bigger bits were, they took no small amount of effort to take up one’s rear end. Many moons of intense yoga stretches were done in preparation of their first lovemaking session, even if half of it were spent as his feet.

Soon enough, AJ was hilted, their union as complete as could be. If Applejack thought a little buzzer was filling, he truly had no idea of how fulfilling something like this could be.

Little conversation was always had during this time, both boys utterly consumed in their respective ecstasies. Every hump was met with an additional slap on the rump, Elusive’s white butt gradually blushing a fetching shade of red. Handprints always made such a nice tag of ownership, AJ thought.

Observing the amount of pre leaking out of his boyfriend however, Applejack knew he was close to finishing, so he decided to mix it up. One hand took the dripping length, kneading it firmly, a warm grasp always doing wonders. His other hand naughtily snuck down to Elusive’s twitching feet, which always adorably squirmed like mad when he was being rutted, and started to tickle gently.

He loved doing this far too much. Elusive’s body always tightened up and went rigid when it was tickled, and that was quite a large boon if you were waist deep inside him, lucky it was a two way pleasure street.

Bending over his boyfriend’s back, he began to whisper his usual sweet nothings into the flicking ear. “Oooh, Ellie. You may have gotten me good tonight, but you’re still the more sensitive of the two of us, and don’t you forget it now. Cause if ya do, what you’re feeling now will just be playtime compared to the things I’ll do… ohohoho, giggle away, sugarcube, moan and wail while you still have the breath. Kitchy coooo~”

After his delicious taunts, Applejack followed it up by taking the ear in his mouth and chewing it gently, a much relished hobby of his that caused squirming even in front of guests.

The multitude of sensations were too much for his body to handle, and Elusive finally had his sweet relief, a very respectable amount of goo wetting the sheets beneath him, Applejack’s hands also getting a good covering.

Moaning wildly, giggling like a madman as the fingers kept scribbling against his saliva soaked soles, his cock throbbing in the palm of Applejack’s strong hand, it would never not be too much.

Elusive being the good little tight yogaboy he was made sure Applejack’s own second finish was only moments later, coating the boy’s needy insides, filling him up enough to cause an apparent leak.

Moments later, they collapsed on the bed, tangled and on top of one another. A sweaty, sticky mess once again, panting and exhausted.

Applejack uncurled his hand next to Elusive’s face, motioning for a cleanup of sorts. Elusive obliged, gently lapping away, almost hungrily. AJ grinned, his lover’s lust never ceased to surprise him.

“We’re… ahh… a mess again… phhheww… I don’t think… my body could get up after that… heh…” Elusive sighed contentedly, curling up like a satisfied kitten.

“Ahh… don’t worry about it, we’ll.... bathe come morning.” Applejack chuckled, wiping his dirty hand over Elusive’s tummy.

“Ohh you… dirty beast. Hmph. Have to wash ourselves, the sheets....”

“Stop worryin’ ya pretty little head about it and go to sleep… you’ll need it. Who even knows what’s gonna happen tomorrow these days, eh?” Applejack squeezed Elusive tight, trying to usher him off to sleep.

“Mmm… thanks Jackie. Love you… again.”

“Heh, love you too. Now please, hope nobody gets horny again at least for eight hours…”