The Stallion from Down Under

by Skylas

First published

Equestria isn't the only country that exists, from Zebras to Yaks, it's obvious many different sentient species exists... What happens when a stallion from another land shows up in Ponyville?

Equestria isn't the only country that exists, from Zebras to Yaks, it's obvious many different sentient species exists... What happens when a stallion from another land shows up in Ponyville?

Spread his genes! (of course.)

The stallion known as Dusty White comes from a far-away land, even farther than where Zecora's home land exists. Naturally, given he is foreign and rather large, in more ways than one, many of the mares of Ponyville take an immediate interest. However, one group of mares is a bit more forward than the rest.

(Shameless Smut, also a change of pace from writing failed Drama fics.)

The Stallion from Down Under

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The Stallion from Down Under

It was an exciting day in Ponyville, everypony had been talking about the sudden arrival of a new stallion. Normally such a thing wouldn’t be bigger news, most ponies heard about new arrivals from Pinkie, but this one was different. Lots of ponies had never even been anywhere close to the borders of Equestria, let alone across the sea to Saddle Arabia, which neighbored Zecora’s homeland. Many of the ponies of Ponyville didn’t believe Zecora when she told of a land down under, separated from Zecora’s land by an even mightier ocean. Spinning tales of the great fortitude of the ponies who lived there, and embellished or not, many took this that the stallions must be to die for. What made this new arrival so special, was that he came from this land…

The girls had all ended up gathering in Twilight’s Castle, Rarity being the first to speak about the new arrival.

“Did you girls hear? One of those super ponies is right here in Ponyville! I wonder if they’re all fantasy or if Zecora was telling the truth… Pinkie you saw him, did he look any different?” asked Rarity, curious to hear everypony’s opinion.

“Oh! Well he looked normal enough, except for one thing! He’s biiig! Like, Big Mac!” squealed Pinkie, who got an unimpressed look from Rainbow.

“Alright so he’s strong, is he a pegasi? I bet if he’s all muscle he still wouldn’t be able to keep up with me!” taunted Rainbow, seeming quite confident.

“Nope, just a regular ol’ Earth Pony!” answered Pinkie.

“So, if he’s bout’ the size of Big Mac, y’all reckon he’s stronger or weaker? That’s somethin’ I’d like tuh see.” smiled Applejack, curious if he’d be able to keep up with the workhorse that was her brother.

“Hmm! I can’t say for certain but I think he’d definitely give him a run for his money!” Pinkie gave a giggle, couldn’t help but thinking about the stallion chasing around living money.

“Oh, I hope he’s not scary, i’d like to ask him about all the wonderful creatures that he knows about but…” Fluttershy never finished her sentence before she was interrupted by Pinkie.

“I wouldn’t worry about that! He’s nice and friendly, didn’t even look at me funny when I gasped at his accent!” she gave a quick giggle.

“Don’t forget the best part Pinkie! Zecora did say stallions from his land possess quite the tools to please a mare~ A catch like him would be exotic AND fun! Since you’ve played him out to be quite the gentlecolt already.” quipped Rarity, who seemed to finally get Twilight to chime in.

“Oh stop it! Those are just rumors. Besides, Zecora only said they had great fortitude. That doesn’t mean he’s got a big…” The collective of mares stared at Twilight, “Tool. Alright? Until a scientific conclusion is met about this, there’s no reason to act like it exists.” Twilight turned back to her letter she was writing, notifying Celestia that a potential diplomat was present in Ponyville. However, she was incredibly, and shamefully, interested in Rarity’s supposed theory.

“I suppose you’re right dear. We haven’t had anything short of a miracle before though.” said Rarity, giving a slight gesture to Pinkie, whose tail suddenly shivered, taking a half-step to the right as a feather from Rainbow slowly drifted down and landed next to her.

“That’s different, I still tested her to see if I could at least get answers.” Twilight said, turning back to her letter, then having a crazy idea come to her head. “Huhm.”


Time had passed, most of the girls left, save for Pinkie, who had been asked to stay by Twilight for her idea.

“Alright Pinkie, hear me out, do you think you can go and find the stallion again? I need you to ask him to a party that’s being held here alright?” asked Twilight, getting close to Pinkie to make sure she heard her.

“A party here?! Did you plan it? Were you going to invite me?! Oh wait, you just told me about it so, of course you were!” exclaimed Pinkie before Twilight put a hoof over her mouth.

“No no, it’s just… I need him here, there’s no party.” explained Twilight.

“No party!? You can’t just lie to him like that, why not just ask him to come here and say you wanna do weird sciency things to him?” asked Pinkie, seeming a bit sad about the lack of a party.

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Pinkie! Risking not answering some of these questions is a bit too risky for me to let happen, in the name of Celestia could you please just get him here, any way you can?” Twilight pleaded, who got a simple nod from Pinkie.

“Okie dokie!~ Operator Pinkie is on the job!” and with that, the pony dashed out the door.

It felt like an eternity to Twilight, curious if Pinkie might had gotten caught in the fact that she was leading him somewhere… However, as she started to fear the worse, the pink pony burst through the door, with a rather large figure following her. Twilight moved up quickly to greet him, looking up once she got close…

“Hello! I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and of Equestria. I apologize for taking time away in your visit to Equestria, and for whatever means Pinkie had to say to get you here.” Twilight gave a formal bow, to the seemingly dumbfounded large white stallion.

“Pssst… Twilight… I told him you wanted to do sciency things with him!” Pinkie fake whispered, getting a death stare from Twilight before she turned back to the stallion.

“Well it seems you already know what you’re here for, so I suppose I don’t need to apologize.” Twilight smiled happily, her ears twitching as she heard the thick accent from the moment he spoke.

“Sure, I’m Dusty White by the way, no need to say the full bit, just Dusty.” he gave a large grin, being much taller than the two mares near him, “So what was it that you wanted to test anyways, you seem pretty much the same to me.”

“Ah yes, follow me please.” Twilight turned, having him follow her, unaware that Pinkie was still with her and Dusty, “I had heart quite a bit about you before you showed up, I wanted to confirm a possible rumor that had shown up within Ponyville.”

“And that rumor is?” he questioned, tilting his head down so he could hear a bit better.

“Well… Several mares of Ponyville have… Theorized because of your naturally larger body scale, you’d have a… tool to fit it? As well as the ability to last longer. While you are only one test subject it’d let us get a basis to know if it was larger than the average stallion of Equestria.” Twilight said with soft hesitation, finally finishing leading him to the lab, “So, if you’re willing, I would like to get an accurate measure.”

He stared down at Twilight before sitting down in front of her, almost at head height, slowly giving a chuckle before answering, “So, basically you want to see how big my cock is?” He looked down at Twilight, then Pinkie.

“A-Ah… In layman's terms yes, but it’s for science, and to stop rumors…” Twilight gave a motion for Dusty to sit in front of her, he chuckled as he did so.

“Alright Miss Sparkle, I’ll bite. Go ahead and measure.” he leaned back in the chair, exposing his soft length to the two mares in front of him. Twilight’s horn lit up, still having a soft blush, she lifted his length up straight and a roll of measuring tape next to it. Pinkie walked forwards before speaking.

“Pssst… Twilight I think he needs to be a bit more excited…!” whisper yelled Pinkie, who got a look from Twilight as she measured the width and total length around.

“I know I should do that too Pinkie, but sometimes you can see very different things before they’re stimulated, it’s best I do it as thorough as possible.” Twilight turned away, writing down her numbers as Pinkie’s head popped up between Dusty’s legs.

“Hey, Twilight’s probably just gonna use magic to get you going but, that’s not fun…! Let good ol’ Pinkie handle this.” Dusty gave a slight tilt to his head as he watched Pinkie’s maw open and stuff his tip in, letting out a low groan as the cotton candy mare sucked in the rest of his soft length, feeling her tongue slip out of her maw at the deepest point and taste his nads.

Twilight turned around after Pinkie had given a bit of a hard suck, making a loud slurp, gasping and her horn lit up, “Pinkie! I didn’t want him aroused yet!” yelled Twilight. Pinkie started to pull out when she’d realized how quickly the stallion was growing in her maw, she popped off quickly as she watched the decent sized soft length, throb into a colossal tower of stallionhood.


“Wow, I expected something because of your body size but, that’s just…” Twilight slowly wrote something down before sighing, “Sorry, I’ll need to reverse this if I want everything.” said Twilight, whose glowing horn gave a soft flash as she casted a spell to try and reverse his hardened state. Nothing had changed, much to Twilight’s amazement.

“I’m big for you girls? Quite surprising, by most standards i’m pretty average.” said Dusty, who seemed intrigued at her failed attempt to soften him. “Oh, can’t get it to work?” he questioned with a tilted head.

Before Twilight could answer, Pinkie started speaking, so Twilight simply recorded her inability to use magic on him, “Hmm. Well if magic isn’t going to work, you’re just gonna have to soften him up the old fashioned way!” Pinkie hopped onto the large stallion’s lap, positioning his length against her rather plump flank, Dusty looked down at Pinkie, then at Twilight, giving a shrug.

“Pinkie you don’t need to do that, I can still grab it with magic-” Twilight was interrupted by Pinkie.

“That’s no fun! Besides if you’re testing how long he’ll last, using an option that’s only available to one race isn’t going to give you what you want is it?” Pinkie, using some surprisingly solid reasoning, wiggling against the length.

“Pinkie- That… I don’t- Okay fine you win! Dusty are you okay with-” Twilight was interrupted with the sight of Dusty solidly smacking a hoof against Pinkie’s flank, which prompted and eep, than a giggle from the mare. Twilight blushed before recording the starting time of stimulation.

Pinkie lifted her hips and planted her slit solidly on Dusty’s tip and slowly sat down, her tongue flopping out as his length stuffed her orifice quite full! Finally fully sitting and shivering, “Mmh! You’re really a pony pleaser aren’t ya?!~” She leaned forwards, putting her hooves around Dusty’s neck as she sat down again, her flank slapping solidly against Dusty’s thighs.

“Goodness, If all Equestrian mares are as tight as you…” Dusty huffed, letting the mare use his length as she chose, quite enjoying the feeling of her forcefully filling herself to the brim! Twilight’s blush only grew as she watched, slowly sliding a forehoof down her chest as she watched Pinkie take care of the stallion’s problem, her hoof ending up between her back legs.

The party mare rode and rode, letting out a high pitched squeal as she rode herself into an orgasm, twitching atop Dusty, settling and slowing her speed to settle down, but Dusty wasn’t having none of it, wrapping his forehooves around Pinkie’s waist as he thrusted deep into her, “Don’t slow down yet missy!” Pinkie’s tongue flopped out as he started to thrust to keep her original pace, causing her to clench around his length.

“T-That’s too much at once! Oh sweet-” she couldn’t finish her sentence as Dusty started to go faster than she was riding before, driving her straight through another orgasm! Pinkie had gone cross-eyed at this point, being used more than she was actually participating in the lustful activity. Twilight huffed, her hoof digging into her own nethers deeply.

“Uhm Dusty, I think you should calm down, she’s not one of your mares, she can’t handle nearly as much as you think she might be able to.” huffed Twilight, watching Dusty push deep into the mare on top of him, and Pinkie’s face contorting into the face of a pony that’s been fucked silly.

“Oh? Is she done?” He took a moment to actually look at the mare’s face, then chuckled as he started to really thrust, burying his length fully over and over, the mare squealing out her fourth orgasm, seeing her eyes flutter. “Alright, guess i’ll finish up with her than…!”

Twilight watched with a bit lip as Pinkie was pounded, watching him push deep and Pinkie’s expression change, she knew Dusty had just given her a load. Holding her down, Pinkie panted and moaned with her tongue out, his length stuffing her full of stallion milk… Twilight’s jaw dropped as she realized he was still cumming, as he pulled out, a huge rope of jizz spurting onto Pinkie’s back, she’d just realized how much was put into the mare…

“Mh, That was a bit underwhelmin’” Dusty turned to Twilight, who was busy writing down her findings, noting large amounts of discharge, great control over when release happens, her horn glowed as she took the milk off of Pinkie’s back and floated it into a vial, she looked up to see Dusty’s still hard length in her face, much to her surprise. “Next!”

“H-Huh? You’re still aroused?” she backed up slightly, then suddenly pulled her hoof from between her legs, quickly writing down that they easily lasted more than one orgasm, “Are you tired at all? A load like that must take at least half your stamina.” she looked up at him expecting some sort of agreeance, but only getting an odd stare.

“No? That’s just me gettin’ started, if all your mares are similar to her, you’ve really got no idea what you’re dealing with.” he chuckled again, “Now, I saw what you were doing, if you’ve got anymore questions, ask them because I’m not leaving you like that.”

“Ah… I suppose that’s all, I wanted to test until you were done but I have a feeling I’m at a lack for resources to do so… Perhaps it’s best if you wait until I have enough-” Dusty shook his head as he picked up the mare and placed her onto her back on the table, walking up and letting his length flop onto her belly, causing her face to turn red, “I-I guess it might help for me to experience it…!”

Giving a nod, Dusty pushed his tip firmly against Twilight’s entrance, she started to speak before his length popped in, and he wasted no time in slamming it balls deep! Twilight shivered and squealed, her cunt already gripping him tightly, “Did… Did you just cum?” he held himself deep, watching Twilight give two quick nods, grinning as he pulled back and gave her another huge thrust, causing her to go cross-eyed. “Mmh~ Sensitive mares… This is gonna be fun.”

Slowly speeding up, he leaned his upper body into Twilight, watching her expression change and contort, he chuckled as she started to pant like a dog, “T-Too big, Mister White please s-sloow down…!” He responded by giving an especially hard thrust, pushing her over the edge for what felt like the millionth time!

Slowly clambering onto the table and pushing Twilight’s rump higher in the air, he slowly fucked more downwards and deeper, loving her expression as he continuously brought her to the deepest of pleasures, “I love the expressions you ponies have…! So much more sensitive than mares from where i’m from!”

“H-How are the m-maa-ARES!~ From your homeland l-like?!” Twilight moaned and questioned, causing Dusty to roll his eyes and suddenly push as deep as possible, his length crammed into her, bending and throbbing hard!

“Why don’t you just stop asking questions and enjoy the sex?~” He started to speed up, getting faster and faster as his hips smacked hard against Twilight’s inner thighs, making her squeal and groan, pounding orgasm after orgasm into the poor sensitive pony, he seemed fit to go forever it seemed, she couldn’t take it much longer yet, it felt like time had slowed for the deep pleasure!

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Twilight began to pass out from the pleasure, Dusty grinned and suddenly pushed deep, bringing her back from the brink of passing out as his milk stuffed her womb, her eyes widening and she panted with her tongue out, feeling the fullness Pinkie felt not too long ago, suddenly pulling out and soaking her belly in stallion milk as well! “Mmghr!~”

Panting and huffing, Twilight twitched in the aftershock of her orgasms, letting out a soft whimper as she felt the stallions seed spill out of her nethers as he pulled out... "You uh... Alright?" he asked, tilting his head as she mumbled to herself.

"A-Analysis... subjects are confirmed to have b-bigger phallic regions... S-Stamina test inconclusive c-couldn't finish up testing... W-Will hope to resume later with more m-mares for him to use..." and then, as she finished writing, she promptly passed out beneath him.

Dusty looked between Twilight and Pinkie, giving a soft huff as he exited the lab, quite proud he had managed to make the two equestrian mares happy. Quite a bit of time passed before the pair had woken up, Twilight waking first, picking up Pinkie with her magic to try and lead her to her bed, which only ended up waking up the party pony.

“Ogh… Twilight? What happened…?” asked Pinkie, wiggling as she was placed back on the floor.

“I think we both bit off a little more than we could chew, that’s what I think happened Pinkie.” responded Twilight, who simply rubbed her head.

“I think i’m gonna go home… That party might have to wait another day after that.” Pinkie stretched her back legs, letting out a low groan. The party pony gave her farewell to Twilight as she left. Moments after her departure, Applejack and Rainbow Dash both entered, giving each other half concerned glances as they had just seen the disheveled Pinkie past them.

“Hey Twi, y’all got any idea why Pinkie looks like she had one of her crazier parties? We’ve only been gone about two hours what were you two up to?” asked Applejack, who noticed Twilight looked like a mess, “And pardon but, you also look like you were hit by lightning.”

Twilight groaned, giving a bit of a sigh before starting to explain, “Well if you must know, I took the opportunity to study our visitor to Equestria, particularly the parts that I assumed were simple rumors… They weren’t. Dusty has a remarkable asset, and stamina to boot, not to mention a strong ability to hold back his discharge.”

The pair simply stared at Twilight, then at each other, then back at Twilight. “Uhh, can you run that by us again but, less sciency and… Eggheadish.” quipped Rainbow, which was met by a death stare from Twilight before she sighed.

“In layman’s terms… He’s got a big stallionhood, he can last a long time, and even if he can let go of his ‘load’... odds are he can hold it in… Is that enough information? Now if you’ll excuse me I need to stop standing, my legs are killing me.” an exasperated Twilight simply laid down on the floor, ready for another nap.

“Well, that’s certainly somethin’. What do ya think?” Applejack turned to Rainbow, who simply shrugged.

“I dunno what you mean, he’s just like everypony said he’d be. Big and strong.” Rainbow continued to shrug before Twilight gave a gentle interjection.

“He’s definitely more than just that… I suspect mares from his homeland share a similar aspect to him… He mentioned how Equestrian mares are incredibly… Fun and sensitive.” Twilight’s head flopped onto the floor, starting to nap. Applejack motioned for Rainbow to follow her outside of the room as to not disturb Twilight.

“Heh!” Applejack gave a quick chuckle, prompting Rainbow to tilt her head in a bit of confusion, “Ah don’t think ah’ve ever seen Twi so satisfied, she can barely walk! Now ah’ve only seen one other stallion capable of doin’ that to a mare, and it’s Big Mac.”

“Applejack, that’s just weird… Besides Big Mac isn’t as hard to handle as you think.” Dash folded her forehooves before she realized what she’d just admitted to, Applejack giving her a smirk before continuing.

“Well missy, if that’s true, Ahm sure you’d have no problem handling this stallion than? You’d seen what he’s done to Twi an’ Pinkie! Still confident?” Applejack grinned, which hit Rainbow right in a nerve, it was truly a challenge but, she wasn’t so keen to stoop to doing something like that with a stallion just off a challenge.

“Yeah I’m sure I could, but that’s no reason to just go and prove it, a stallion like him would be lucky if he got to even see my backside outside of a race. Besides, you haven’t done anything remotely close to something like him, Since Big Mac is your brother, and I really don’t wanna know if you’ve tried something with him… He’d be the first real challenge to outlast you’d ever have!” Rainbow gave a bit of a smirk, hoping she’d back down.

“You’d have yourself a bet than missy… Ah’ll even go first if you want, but if Ah can handle him, you automatically lose.” She smiled at her, “Unless yer chicken…~” the simple taunt from AJ was enough to push Rainbow over the edge, her pride was at stake!

“Alright fine, you’ve got a bet! You’re gonna eat your words Applejack!” She instantly, at a habit spat on her hoof, with AJ doing the same, their hooves colliding, sealing the deal.


It didn’t take long for the pair to find the stallion, he was busy munching on hay fries at the local restaurant when they found him, he had gathered quite a crowd of mares, observing him from a distance. Approaching him, the pair sat down in front of him, which seemed to please him, as he gave a smile.

“Oh hello. I’ve been wonderin’ when one of you mares would actually try and talk to me, cheers for taking the initiative!” Dusty gave a big grin, “Name’s Dusty White, but you can just call me Dusty.” he gave a nod, as he took a huge pile of fries into his maw.

“It’s nice to meetcha partner! Name’s Applejack, and this here is Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow gave a quick wave, “We’re friends with Twilight Sparkle, and we’ve got a proposition for ya.” Dusty gave an odd look, curious to their proposition.

“Listen, we’re the two best athletes in Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash started, already bringing great interest into the stallion in front of her, “We were hoping you could help settle a bet, since both of us think the other wouldn’t be capable of handling you.”

“Handle? Like sex right? You mares sure like to beat around the bush with that subject don’t you?” Dusty questioned while munching down the rest of his hay fries, “Either way, seems like a pretty reasonable request, I’d be honored to help a couple of nice looking mares settle a bet! That’s the way things like this should be settled anyway.” Dusty stood, “Where we goin?”

Rainbow and AJ looked at each other, almost a bit concerned at his forwardness. However, the pair nodded, AJ motioning for him to follow.


They had lead the stallion to the barn in Sweet Apple Acres, which he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, they both were almost concerned with his confidence. Which showed up moments after they arrived at the barn.

“Mm, nice spot. Alright, which one of ya is first up then? Or are you both going at once? Can’t lie to ya, after the first mares I wondered what a proper strong mare could do. Both of you look incredibly well built!” said Dusty, with a slight grin.

“Ahm goin’ first. Shame you won’t get to try em before ahm done~.” Applejack grinned at Rainbow, which got a bit of a sigh out of her, and a chuckle out of Dusty.

“Yeah right, i’ll see you in ten minutes when he’s done rutting your butt off.” Rainbow crossed her forehooves and looked away, secretly hoping she wouldn’t have to deal with him, something about his confidence irked her.

“Alright then!” Dusty walked into the barn with AJ, appreciating her well toned flank as they left Rainbow outside to wait for them. Once the door had shut behind them, AJ turned and pushed Dusty slowly onto his back, nestled against a comfy spot of hay. “Oh, careful, last mare who did that couldn’t finish her own ride!”

“That mare, wasn’t me Dusty. Now why don’t you go ahead and sit back and enjoy yourself.” With that, AJ leaned in between his legs, lapping her tongue at his soft length, bringing it slowly up, she slowly laid down, glazing his length slowly, looking quite calm.

“Mmh, for an athlete you’re surprisingly tame with that…~” Dusty commented, his length quickly gaining girth and hardening… Applejack payed no mind to it as she pushed the tip into her maw, sucking softly, her tongue digging into the small hole at the tip. Dusty looked away with a bit of a smirk as AJ realized it was still getting bigger, her maw opening more and more to accommodate the obelisk of meat that appeared.

“Mmph?!~” She popped off, barely able to contain the rod in her mouth, huffing and looking it up and down, “Well ahll be… You’re a lot more impressive than I initially thought…” The length twitched softly in front of her face, she slowly began to lather it in spit, licking around the entire length slowly, “Best actually prepare for this one…” she muttered softly.

Dusty gave a soft moan, smiling as he watched the orange mare lather up his length, before she pulled away and turned around, showing her well toned flanks to the stallion, pressing her sit against his thick tip, she turned away and bit her lip before turning around to look him in the eye as she slowly sat down on his length, “Mmh! You’re quite the big fella, but let’s see if your size speaks for yer stamina…~” She let out a huff as her rump squished against his hips, not able to get all of it in from her angle.

“Mngh!~ Even for an athletic pony you’re remarkably soft… Equestrian mares really are somethin’ else!” Dusty, bucked his hips softly, cramming the extra inch she couldn’t fit in, causing her to give a soft gasp, licking his lips as he felt her squeeze around him from that small thrust.

Dusty laid back, bringing a hoof solidly against AJ’s rump, grinning as she started to ride faster when he did so, trying to ride him out of stamina was obviously not going to work on him, his length prodding her womb over and over, he let out a low groan, watching the mare try her hardest to outlast him.

Her rump slapped hard against his hips as she panted, panting out the orgasm she rode herself into an orgasm, Dusty giving a slight grin as she didn’t slow down for a moment, happy that the mare was able to last through one of her own orgasms… He prodded deep on purpose for one thrust and felt her clench hard. “Mngh!~ You’re getting quite tight missy~ Must’ve cum at least once by now!~”

Applejack gritted her teeth, as she leaned forwards and put all her effort into riding the huge stallion, letting out a moan as her rump repeatedly slapped against his belly and hips, trying to fight through the multiple orgasms she had rode herself into, finally letting out a loud groan, her front end collapsing quite hard as she shivered on his length… Then he stood wrapping his forehooves around her back legs, “W-Wait!” His cock pushed in DEEP! Kissing her womb with his tip and cramming her pussy full.

“That was quite a good ride miss Applejack, but now it’s my turn to show you what I’ve got!” He tugged her legs off the ground, leaving her head and upper body on the floor as he pulled back and thrusted deep again, making a thick lovely slapping noise on her toned rump, she felt that thrust… “Mngh!~ Those other two mares weren’t good enough to handle my hardest… You two are big strong mares I think you’ll be fine!”

Rainbow had been watching this unfold, despite her wanting to wait until Applejack was done or… He was done. At this point she had quietly slipped into the barn… A hoof between her back legs, watching her competitor start to lose… badly.

Applejack’s tongue flopped out as Dusty started to go faster, the hard powerful thrusts making a lovely thick slapping noise with each powerful thrust! Applejack shivered and grunted, admitting defeat at this point as she was quickly pounded into submission, another orgasm jolting through her body. Dusty let out a loud snort, “Times up missy, three orgasms, three strikes…~”

Rainbow’s eyes widened as she watched Dusty bury his cock deep into the orange mare, watching her back legs twitched and her go cross-eyed, a moan couldn’t escape her taut throat from the massive ropes of pleasure stuffing her womb… Rainbow turned and started to leave, she knew she couldn’t handle the stallion after she watched him pull out, a huge amount of stallion milk spilling out of her friend.

She let out a yelp as two powerful hooves wrapped around her back legs and tugged her back, flopping onto her belly and feeling weight and another coat press against her back, her forehooves collapsing under the weight. Dusty wrapped his hoof around Rainbow’s head, making her look up at him, she gave an innocent grin.

“H-Hey! I uhh, you know I watched part of that and, I don’t think I can do this! A-Appleja-G-Ggg-Gguhhh…~~~” Rainbow dash didn’t get to finish her sentence, Dusty looking her straight in the eye as his length slowly pushed into her cunt, slowly stuffing her cunt, groaning as it was much tighter than Applejack’s.

“You’re obviously a little bit more than outmatched here… Ngh~” Dusty gave a quick buck while he was balls deep, watching Rainbow’s tongue flop out and her eyes glaze over, she was already lost to the feeling of being overpowered. “Oh?~ Looks like someone likes being beat in this game, heh.” Dusty pulled back and rammed deep, smacking against Rainbow’s sleek rump, causing her to give a squeak. “Oh look at that reaction! You want me to keep going ‘till you’re passed out and full of my milk you submissive little mare?” The seduced mare only gave a tiny nod.

The moment she nodded, Dusty’s grin only grew as the mare trapped beneath him got a cunt full of stallion cock, over and over, she panting and let out a moan, smiling happily as she came over and over from the almost abuse level of thrusting. Her rump turning red from the force of his huge thrusts!

“Mmph!~ You sure do cum a lot, but you seem fine! You’re an interesting little mare.” Dusty gave a huge grin as he pushed her head down, Rainbow panting as she felt him start to thrust insanely fast, her rump cushioning his powerful hips!

“A-Ahgghoh!~ Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!~” Rainbow’s wings splayed out, twitching and flapping randomly, she was slowly losing her function as Dusty pounded her rear. “Dear sweet Celestia I don’t think I can take much more of this…!” She went cross-eyed, one eye struggling to stay open as Dusty figured she had enough.

Dusty leaned back, wrapping his forehooves around Rainbow’s midsection, pounding harder and harder until he buried it into her pussy, grunting and smiling as he watched her satisfied face slowly relax as he stuffed her womb full of foal batter. Pulling out and huffing, looking at his handiwork as the winged mare continued to give soft flaps even in her sleep, the aftershocks of her orgasm still going through her.

Dusty pushed the two mares together, making sure they were nice and comfortable, before walking out of the barn… The pair awoke around the same time, both groaned as they sat up, looking at each other with equally defeated faces before Applejack finally spoke.


“Yeah Applejack?”

“Ah think we both lost.”

“Yep… This sucks.”


“Remind me again why you asked me to be here with you?” Fluttershy gave a bit of a whimper as she sat at the small table Rarity was preparing, “Isn’t there somepony better for this?”

“Nonsense darling! You and I are the most graceful of our friends there is no question about this, if we have any chance to woo him alone, both of us combined can surely pull it off.” explained Rarity.

“Yes I understand that but, uhm, why do we want to do that again?” asked Fluttershy, who was playing with a strand of her own mane nervously.

“Well, think about it, we already know he’s quite the gentleman if Twilight is anything to go off of, and we both know he must be quite the catch considering what he did to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. For me it’s mostly for fun, but I figured you would need to know how to do this someday.” Rarity gave a small smile as she set up dishes.

“What do you mean?” asked Fluttershy.

“I mean you’ll need to know how to get a stallion someday, I’m sure there will be one you love one day and knowing how to win them over is key. Besides, you’re stunning darling, it’d be easier for you than most of us, you carry yourself with an overwhelming amount of grace.” Rarity smiled even brighter, watching Fluttershy hide her face a bit from the compliment. “And, you can always ask him about the creatures from his home.” Fluttershy seemed a lot more interested from that one sentence.

Before Fluttershy could answer, a ring sounded as Dusty entered the boutique, approaching the two mares without much hesitation, prompting Rarity to quickly flip her mane and approach, “Oh! Welcome Mr. White, I didn’t expect you here so soon.” Rarity nodded, as Dusty peered over her at the eye-catching yellow mare behind her.

“Ah, no need for all that, call me Dusty.” he nodded at Rarity before moving over to Fluttershy and giving a grin, “Hello, I’m Dusty White, as you heard, call me Dusty.” Fluttershy gave a small squeak in response.

“Pardon, but I was hoping we could have a meal but I haven’t had time to set it up, I didn’t expect you here so early.” said Rarity, giving a bit of a nod, to the otherwise quizzical looking stallion.

“Hm? Oh, you don’t gotta do all that, I just figured you wanted to know somethin’ about me, considering I’m not from around here and all. I don’t figure mares such as yourself would ask me over for the typical reason I have been so far.” he chuckled, bowing his head a bit. “But, some of the most proper mares are the most interested in ones such as me.”

Rarity gave a bit of a head tilt before smiling, “Ah, I am afraid I read you a bit wrong Dusty, I suppose one who could work over the top athletes of Ponyville in the same session wouldn’t be smart enough to figure what I was doing. Apologies but, now that I’m sure you know, are you perhaps interested?”

Fluttershy stared between the two, the grinning stallion and the smug looking mare, “Uhm, sorry but, what do you mean?” asked Fluttershy softly, looking at Rarity for answers.

“Well, I suppose our friend here knows the code for a mare asking for a special service rather than an actual dinner.” said Rarity, still staring up at Dusty.

“I, being a stallion who understands this, accept. I’m not one to disappoint a beautiful mare, let alone two.” Dusty gave a soft chuckle as Fluttershy hid her face away, “Ya sure she’s up for it? I’m not sure she understands.”

“I-I really don’t, uhm Rarity, can I go? I don’t think I need to know this sort of thing.” asked Fluttershy, taking a step back.

“Fluttershy, the nice stallion has wholeheartedly agreed to a request to assist us, you don’t want to waste his time do you?” asked Rarity, blinking at her constantly.

“I-I uhm… I don’t.” Fluttershy hung her head in defeat then took a deep breath, “Okay, M-Mister… I mean uhm, Dusty. I’d be uhm… Delighted?” she looked at Rarity for approval who only gave a nod.

“Hm, If you follow me, we can get started then.” quipped Rarity as she lead the two upstairs.


“R-Rarity I don’t know how I feel about this…” Stuttered Fluttershy, who was laying by Rarity’s side, her rump facing Dusty, who was asked to look away whilst they prepared.

“Nonsense, when he turns around he’ll be drooling on the floor.” Rarity quietly interjected, also presenting her rump near the edge of the bed, “Whenever you feel you are ready Dusty.”

As Dusty turned and gave a large grin, slowly approaching, Fluttershy spoke softly, “H-How about when I feel ready? I think we might have to wait awhile but I’d get there eventual- EEEEE!~” Fluttershy was interrupted as his hoof grazed her rump and rubbed her slit, he was quite gentle with her.

Rarity on the other hand let out a bit of a purr, grinding against the hoof assigned to her pussy, letting out a squeak as he started to get rougher with her, but not Fluttershy, still gently pushing and rubbing her slit with his hoof.

“Hm~ Like I said right? He’s quite the gentleman…!~” Rarity let out another squeak as his hoof widened her slit, still gently caressing Fluttershy, easing her into it quite well.

“I-I suppose so, I’m… I’m thinking this is fine…~” Fluttershy practically whispered as she laid there, enjoying her soft cunt massage, her back leg twitching quite hard even from the soft teasing, then he stopped quite suddenly. The bed flopping a bit as he slid on and turned onto his back, his hardened length in between their faces.

“Oh… Oh my it’s… So big.” Fluttershy’s eyes practically lit up, getting a bit of a smirk from Rarity as she leaned forward and started coating the stallion’s cock in saliva.

“Allow us, no need for you to do anything, just enjoy.” Rarity continued to slowly and daintily lick his length, slowly covering and lubing it, Fluttershy watching and shuffling awkwardly as she leaned forward and took a huge lick onto the side of his length, still barely covering it, then giving a soft sigh.

“Uhm, Rarity…” Fluttershy asked softly, watching Rarity stop her coating of his length.

“Yes Fluttershy?” she responded with a tilted head, slowly dragging her tongue along his length.

“Do you mind if I…” Fluttershy scooted to the center of his legs, Rarity backing off as she allowed the yellow pegasus to take over.

“Not at all dear, but don’t keep him waiting, i’m sure he’s dying to get to the better parts of this night…~” Rarity gave Dusty a wink.

Fluttershy’s maw opened up quite wide, propping her head over the tip, her tongue gently sticking out of her maw, “Oh dear, Fluttershy I know you’re trying but I don’t think- Oh dear.” Fluttershy’s maw pushed around his tip, but before Dusty could even groan, the mare had stuffed half his cock into her throat… Suddenly pushing all the way down, the yellow pegasus caging his huge cock in her throat… Looking up at him innocently, “Holy Celestia…~”

Dusty let out a slow growing groan, huffing and chuckling in surprise as his legs twitched from the excitement, he hadn’t seen a mare take this much of his length, let alone an equestrian mare! Patting her head twice as he didn’t feel a single suck… She slowly pulled off, leaving his length nice and lubed up, the small pare panting with her tongue out, “D-Does that work Rarity?” Fluttershy turned and asked innocently, unsure if she had actually done wrong, Rarity simply gave a nod, suddenly wondering how much Fluttershy knew.

“So, which one of you is going first?” asked Dusty, his length twitching. The two mares looked at eachother expectantly, each one seeming to want the other to go first. Dusty looked between them then smiled, “Not to worry, I’ve got an idea.” After finishing his sentence, he got up and stood over Fluttershy, who instantly flopped onto her back, squeaking in nervousness. Instead of using her however, he simply moved away and pushed Rarity on top of her, belly against belly with Fluttershy.

“Oh my...” said Fluttershy, covering her face as she peered up at Rarity.

“Mmh~ That’s quite the idea.” Rarity peered back as Dusty made sure Fluttershy and Rarity’s cunts were touching, causing Fluttershy to blush even more, than he slid his length between their pussies, separating them with his thick length, and grinding along them. “M-Mnogh… Come here Fluttershy…~” Rarity leaned forwards, as Dusty set to work, grinding his cock between the two mare-hoods.

Fluttershy had been flush red, covering her mouth with a hoof as she tried to keep her moans from escaping from the slow but rough grinding. Rarity had reached forwards and moved her hoof away from her maw, forcing a soft moan to escape Fluttershy’s lips before Rarity’s lips were pressed firmly against hers, the pair moaning into each other's maws.

Dusty began to speed up a bit, huffing as he put his forehooves on either side of the pair of mares, then he angled upwards towards Rarity’s belly, his length grinding against her clit softly from the gentle angling, but it was enough to prompt a response. Rarity shivered on top of Fluttershy, letting out her moan into her maw before breaking the kiss, leaving Fluttershy to moan out into the air softly.

“Mmh!~ You certainly know what you’re doing, I have a feeling you’ve dealt w-with multiple mares before, and ones with different tastes no less.” Rarity looked back, looking quite satisfied with service.

“Mgh~ I try Miss Rarity… However, things are getting a bit intense for Miss Fluttershy down there, I’ll fix it.” Dusty suddenly pushed Rarity against Fluttershy, pulling his cock out from between their slits and angling Rarity’s rump slightly so that his tip could push directly into the mare, not hesitating to stuff her full.

“M-Mmghah!~ D-Dusty!~ Using a lady like that! N-Naughty!~” Her speech was obviously a bit sarcastic, he’d read her like a book, pushing deep and giving her the roughness she’d been asking for. He didn’t forget about Fluttershy, pushing a hoof a bit roughly, against her slit as he slowly pumped his hips into the fashionista.

“M-Mnhm…~~ You can uhm… Deal with her first if you want.” Fluttershy said softly, panting and huffing out the pleasure from the rubbing, Dusty simply gave her a grin as he pulled the mare off of Fluttershy. Rolling onto his back and thrusting upwards into her, his forehooves holding her belly. Fluttershy watched, blushing as she slowly pushed a hoof between her own legs, softly rubbing herself to the scene of Dusty starting to really use Rarity.

“M-Mogh yes you hunk of a stallion!~ Give this lady what she wants!” Rarity’s tongue flopped out as Dusty flipped her over while keeping his length inside of her, holding her by her waist as he repeatedly used her pussy, her tongue flopping out as her composure slowly and surely broke from his forcefulness.

It quickly became obvious that Rarity had reached her limit, her legs twitching wildly and eyes shutting were telltale signs of her imminent unconsciousness, “Mgh!~ Inside or outside missy?~” Dusty knew better, to always ask a proper woman before finishing.

“I-Inside!~” she squealed, her eyes opening up wide as Dusty buried his length in her and let loose thick rope after rope into the pale white mare… Sliding her off, as she became a panting mess of mare, Dusty turned to Fluttershy, who suddenly seemed a bit nervous in the stallion’s presence.

“Don’t worry, I won’t do that to you, not unless you want me to, which at this point I know you don’t.” Dusty gave a quick chuckle after his remark, he slowly moved over the dainty yellow mare, pushing his muzzle against her neck and licking it, calming her down slowly as he pushed her onto her belly, nibbling her ear as he pressed his tip against her slit. “If you feel any pain at all, let me know, alright?”

“O-Okay…” Fluttershy felt surprisingly relaxed in the stallion’s presence, letting out a few sharp breaths as she felt his length push into her, slowly, inch by inch filling her up, her back leg twitched hard, trying to contain her orgasm, however the sensitive mare didn’t have much choice once Dusty hilted himself into her. “N-Nnnooohhh…~~~” Fluttershy felt the shame building in her before she felt a soft lick against her ear.

“Don’t worry, just relax, i’ll do the rest alright?” Dusty reassured her slowly as he began to slide from tip to base, at an incredibly slow rate, licking and nuzzling the mare beneath him quite gingerly… Fluttershy slowly felt calmer and more into the situation, her pussy starting to grip much less than it did before, slowly Dusty began to gain some speed.

“M-Mnghm…~ D-Don’t go any faster please.” pleaded Fluttershy, which was met with a gentle smooch against her head.

“I’ll make sure to keep it nice and within your pace.” Dusty continued to slowly stuff the mare, her tongue flopping out and her cunt tightening as she was gently pushed into orgasm. He smiled, watching her enjoy her treatment as much as the other mares before her.

“M-Muhm… Okay I… I have a request to make.” Fluttershy spoke quickly and softly, her hips shuddering as Dusty hilted himself in her, his length filling her to the brim, “C-Could you uhm… Finish inside? Y-You can do whatever you want to me to make sure you finish…” her soft voice didn’t falter, Dusty gave her a very soft kiss on the muzzle.

“Alright…~” Dusty leaned into her quite hard, speeding up to a thrust per second, the equivalent of him going his hardest on the athletic mares was what it felt like for the dainty pegasus. Fluttershy began to pant and squeak rapidly.

“O-Oh my! S-So big! So much at once… P-Please don’t stop!” Dusty fought the urge to go all out on her, snorting quite hard as he continued his almost snail-like pace to please her and not break the mare.

Feeling her clamp down quite hard, the mare got quite the surprise, his last three thrusts he pumped out quickly, one after the other like he did with Rarity. Fluttershy’s eyes widened, as her orgasm hadn’t even ended before the quick burst of thrusts had pushed her into another, his tip thudded and pressed hard against her womb as he let loose his milk into her womb, twitching as he pulled out, watching the gentle mare pass out before she could realize he’d cum inside her.

Huffing and tugging the covers over the mares, Dusty slowly exited the boutique, giving a long and slow yawn, looking up and noticed it had become night. A slight glint in his eye as he noticed it was a full moon. Then he was spontaneously whisked away.


Dusty huffed, shaking his head, unsure of his location before he realized he wasn’t in the cold outside, the room was rather warm, and smelled quite nicely, most of the decor being a dark blue, slowly looking towards a large ornate door, with a large crest on it. It depicted a crescent moon with shadows around it, then he heard a soft, ahem behind him, turning to face the voice.

“Tonight, six mares all dream of you Dusty White, all six, also believe that you have given them the best… Ahem, breeding of their lives.” Princess Luna was slowly illuminated by her window opening, the moon lighting her up as she lay on her large bed, “Knowing much about your people, this does not surprise me. What does surprise me is that a stallion from the land down under is here, are you here on any sort of business?”

Dusty tilted his head, knowing instantly who was laying before him, all lands knew of the Princesses. “Nope, I’m here for leisure. I’ve been touring across the entire land, I’ve recently come from the land of the Zebras.” answered Dusty, putting on quite a smile.

“Hmm… You’ve done a good job of pleasing some of our subjects.” Luna remarked, her face continuously deadpanned.

“I only gave them what they asked for.” said Dusty, a bit concerned, but also intrigued, if she wanted him gone she would have sent him away, not bring him to her.

“I know this already. Dusty, you prefer to be called, Yes?” asked Luna, to which Dusty nodded, he saw the change in tone as she continued to speak, “Despite your long day, I’d like to ask you if you were willing to try and please one more denizen of the land of Equestria…~” Luna spoke with a bit of playfulness in her voice, her horn shone as she floated Dusty onto her bed, placing him on his back as her head showed up between his legs.

“Well, you drive a hard bargain Miss Luna, but it seems you have already decided for me, not that I’m complaining…~” Dusty gave a quick chuckle, Luna’s horn shone quite brightly as Dusty felt the soreness of the day seeping away.

“I’d like to at least give you a fair chance Dusty, you’ve been pleasing mares all day, normally one more wouldn’t be a stretch but…~” Luna gave a soft chuckle as she opened up wide, slurping up Dusty’s length, not caring in the slightest as it throbbed to life… At full size she nibbled on the tip before stuffing it into her mouth, sucking quite hard on it. Dusty let out a groan, feeling a bit at home, as the Princesses actions felt much more effective. He let out a grunt as Luna deepthroated him easily, his huge length becoming invisible inside of her cheeks and throat.

“D-Damn, you must be taking out a lot on me huh?~” Dusty felt his legs twitch as Luna withdrew from his cock, smiling at him as she turned onto her belly and shook her rump at him.

“Correct Dusty, now, I believe it is your end of the bargain now… Come, give the Princess what she wants…~” Luna’s rather bodacious flanks practically hypnotized him, he wrapped his forehooves around Luna’s belly, mounting her like every other mare and pushed his cock firmly against her pussy, huffing as he pushed in deep on the first thrust… Letting out a low groan of regret… It felt like he was fucking heaven.

“Mmgh~ You feel deceptively… S-Soft and tight… Rgh!~”

“Alicorn Marehood almost feels like a dream doesn’t it?” Luna let out a soft pant, liking the feeling of the still quite large length inside of her, giving a slight wink to Dusty.

After giving a loud snort, Dusty dug his back hooves into the bed, slowly pulling to his tip and starting to use the Princesses cunt, grunting and huffing as his length was massaged and squeezed tightly. It almost frustrated him to be out of control of his orgasm for once, but he loved the feeling. Luna let her forehooves completely collapse as Dusty began to wildly pound Luna’s rump, his hips making a wonderful smacking noise against the great rump of Luna.

Luna let out quite a high pitched squeal, even for her, as she got tighter, Dusty being balls deep and letting loose a thick load of of milk into the princess, their orgasms colliding head on, as Dusty quickly turned the Princess to face him, staring her in the eye as he continued his mission to please the Princess of the Night!

“You are quite the stallion Dusty! Give this princess more!” Luna grinned, laying back and huffing, letting Dusty use her to his heart’s content.

“You’re damn right I’ll do that!” Dusty suddenly pushed his lips against Luna’s starting to go wild again, his hips having zero control, his only focus to fuck Princess Luna’s brains out. His huge length throbbing and pulsing hard as he only went harder and faster into the mare.

“O-Ooggh…! Y-You are doing well in pleasing this princess…!” Dusty grinned, feeling much more confident about his actions, as he buried his cock deep once more, letting loose more milk into the Princess’ womb, licking his lips before he was suddenly pushed onto his back, the Princess holding him down.

“What do you say we finish up huhm?~” Luna spoke with a grin as she started to ride her mounted stallion, letting out her squeaks and squeals of enjoyment, using his cock like a toy. Dusty was having none of this… Suddenly wrapping his forehooves around Luna, he began to fuck upwards, hard… Harder, and faster! His hips making a loud slapping noise against the Princess’ rump! The both of them fighting to keep their huge orgasms from rising, but it was too late.

The pair let out grunts and squeals in unison, as Dusty pumped the last of his load into the princess again… Suddenly pulling out and panting hard against the Princess, “M-Mmngh…~ How… was that for finishing up?”

“It was… most excellent... “ Luna panted, slowly starting to pass out, shaking her head.

“No shame in losing consciousness miss Luna… I tend to do that to mares…~” Dusty chuckled softly before, he felt himself slipping too… Wrapping his forehooves around the Princess, he slowly passed out beside her.
