> Monster Urge Mansion > by ImNoPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1- Entering the Monster Mansion (Set-Up) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One the outskirts of town, there sits an unoccupied mansion on top of a tall hill. It wasn't in a state of disrepair nor there is a need to renovate it. It just that nobody is living in it now. But while there isn't anybody living there now, it has become a target of a surge of rumors that everybody is talking now. Rumour has it that a couple of teens were dared to spare a night at that mansion. When they came back, they say that they were something abnormal about that place. They didn't say it was haunted or see any ghosts or the like, but claims that there were... "possessed" Saying that the mansion made them do stuff that there weren't normally do. When pressed on what they did, they clammed up and refuse to speak. And when other people heard that story, they decide to spent a night at the mansions themselves and came back with a similar experience. With the mansion quickly becoming a hot topic among gossiping teens, a certain group of Canterlot High students decide to investigate the rumour. Arriving at the front gate as the sun was setting, Sunset, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight look up to the mansion. These girls have a couple of names for their group; The Rainbooms, The Wondercolts, "The Girls from Canterlot High". But whatever they are, they are a group of close friends who were mentally preparing themselves for the night ahead. "Is this the place?" Fluttershy asked as she was slowly becoming nervous. "Yep. I'm pretty sure it's this place" Sunset calmly replied. Everyone was feeling tense, unsure on what they gunna find in there. Hoping to lighten the mood, Pinkie says out loud: "Ooh!? I wonder what spooky-stuff we will find in there?" Unfortunately, she only ends up making Fluttershy even more nervous. But then Applejack soon responds: "But whatever it is, I'm sure we'll can handle it together!" "Right!" said a confident Twilight. With their spirits slightly high, Sunset opens the gate and all the girls began walking along the trail towards the mansion. The sun slowly disappears over the horizon and night began to take hold over the sky. And as they were walking, the girls began to think on some of the stuff that led them up them there. After coming back from Camp Everfree, they learn that magic was leaking out of Equestria and was effecting certain places in their world. Knowing all too well on what magic can do to people, the girls take it upon themselves to round up the escaped magic before they could do any harm. This often made them chase up rumours and lead to dead ends that made them feel that they wasted their time. But sometimes, they would find a magical object causing a commotion and swiftly act to stop it. You could say that they became paranormal investigators in a sense. But as they were walking up the path, something about this mission makes them feel uneasy. Maybe it got something to do with them possibly staying at a (possible) haunted mansion for the night? Maybe this will be another wild goose hunt where they won't find anything. But regardless, Rainbow Dash ends up asking: "So, when we get in there, what are we expecting to find?" Twilight replies: "Well if it's anything, it'll probably be a geode that will be emanating magical energy. If it's there, all we have to do is to find it and retrieve it." "Ok, but what if it isn't there? How long would we have to search for until we can go home?" "Are you scared Rainbow?" AJ mockingly asked. Dash strongly replies: "NO! It just that I got swimming practice to tomorrow and I don't want to be tired for it." When they heard that, they quickly understand in where she is getting at. Sunset says to her: "Hmm... How about up to 30-60 minutes? Does that sound ok to you Rainbow?" After considering it, Dash happily responded: "Ok. I'm down with that." And right behind her, the rest of their friends were in similar agreement... but except for Pinkie. "Aww!" Pinkie moaned. "I want to see what it is like sleeping in a haunted mansion." "No offence Pinkie Pie, but only would be the type of person who would say that" Rarity stated. Pinkie shrugs and wasn't too offended. As they were coming up to the front door, there was still enough time for Fluttershy to remark: "Well I am hoping that this place isn't haunted by ghosts or stuff. From the outside, it doesn't look all that scary." "Well that is because this place has only been abandoned only recently Fluttershy" Twilight explained. "The owners moved out a few months and nobody is interested in buying it. I don't even think any real estate agents have put a price on it yet." Everyone found that fact peculiar but also somewhat interesting. When they were all at the front footsteps, there were all left staring at a well-designed. Rarity (in her head) was complimenting the craftsmen for making a such a divine door. However, all of them were a bit scared about opening it. The only people who were willing to open it was Sunset (who was the head of the pack since they got there) and Rainbow Dash (who was just that naturally cocky brave). Sunset was faster to act so she was the one to twist the knob and opens the door. As the door slowly opens, it makes a loud creaking sound that echoes throughout the mansion. The girls quickly get in and were quickly welcomed by the dim-lighting of the place. As they were dreading that they had to investigate the mansion in darkness, Sunset quickly found the light switch on the wall right next to her. She flicks it and lights instantly came on and shows them that they were in a rather welcoming foyer. They question how the place still has power, but they eventually guess that the mansion has its own generator that is still powering it. When she sees the foyer, a delighted Fluttershy happily remarks: "Ooh! This place isn't nearly as scary then what I imagined it to be." "I agree" Rarity added. "Whoever designed this place did a wonderful job decorating and making it look "elegant." Meanwhile, their friends let Rarity and Fluttershy have their moment and let them be relax to the scenery. Once they had their moment, the girls then get into the mood to do some investigating. Bumped, Rainbow Dash asks: "Ok, so what's the game plan?" Everyone eyes were on Twilight and Sunset since they were the smart one of the group. Twilight tells them: "Well since this is a big mansion, me and Sunset thought we all should split up and cover more ground." "Are you sure about that?" Fluttershy retorted. "Is that what they do in those old cartoons?" "Don't worry" Sunset quickly replied. She explains: "We will only be split up into groups and everyone will have walkie talkies." When she said that, everyone brought out the walkie talkies that was given to them before they arrive. "We should be in constant communication with each and if something does come up, shout into yours and we all will run to your location." When they all heard the plan, they could get behind it and follow it. They continue to listen to Sunset as she divides them into groups. "Ok! Me, Twilight and Rarity will see what is on 2nd floor. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, you two will search the ground floor. Is that ok with you two?" When Fluttershy was initially hesitant, Pinkie pops over, put her arm around Fluttershy shoulder and confidently says: "Don't worry Sunset! We'll got this!" Seeing that she will have a friend by her side, Fluttershy feels like she could be safe and nods." "Alright! Rainbow and Applejack; you two will try to find the basement and see if there's anything down there." "Right!" said RD and Applejack in unison. Happy to see that everyone was on the same page, Sunset put her hand out to the centre. When her friends put their hands-on top of hers, she says: "Well since everything is sorted, I guess we will..." "SPLIT!" After everyone had split up, they all began search different parts of the mansion. Fluttershy and Pinkie look wondered around the ground floor and all they see were just living rooms and a dining hall. Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow Dash found a door down to the basement but it was in complete darkness. On the 2nd floor, Twilight and Sunset come across a library and was fascinated with all the books that it still has. Rarity on the other hand was finding large bedrooms and luxurious bathrooms she was enamoured with all of it. All the while, they were keeping in contact with each other with the walkie talkies and constantly know where everybody is always. About 10 minutes later, everybody slowly began getting bored. While flicking through some books, Twilight says to Sunset: So, what do you think Sunset? Do think anything will pop up tonight?" Contemplating, Sunset says out loud: "Well... the rumours say that whoever is at the mansion at night will have weird stuff happen to them. If we stay around long enough, then maybe one of use will act strangely and we'll know that something here." "It sounds like you using us as bait" said Twilight in a concerned tone. Realizing how she sounded, Sunset reiterates: "No! No! No! Nothing Like That! It just that the rumours that I heard, the people there somehow became... a little bit "intimate" with each other." "Intimate!" But then, all of a sudden, they heard a scream through the walkie talkie. "AAH! *THUMP*" It didn't sound like a scream of extreme duress. It sounded more like somebody trip over and fell to the ground. As Sunset and Twilight wondering if they should check on the others, Applejack spoke through the radio. "Guys! You All Need to See This! Quick!" Hearing the urgent tone in AJ's voice, Sunset and Twilight drop what they were doing and began running to their location. They pick up Rarity and met Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy on the ground floor. They run around and try to find AJ's and Rainbow Dash's location. Soon, when Applejack saw them, she yells out to them: "OVER HERE!" Hearing her, they all ran to her. As they were getting close, Twilight says: "We heard your scream. What has... WHAT THE!" But when they got to them, they saw Rainbow Dash down to the ground. She wasn't unconscious or severely injured. She was still wide awake and was trying to pick herself up. However, she was having some difficulty because of what happened to her legs. You see, she didn't have any legs to stand on. Instead of two long limbs, Rainbow has one long tail. The tail was covered in fish scales and it looks long and smooth. There was a small fin on the back and flippers at the end of 'em. With shock expressions on everyone's faces, Rainbow friends could see that Rainbow Dash has turn into... A Mermaid! > Part 2- The Allure of the Snake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of Rainbow's friends stand around her, flabbergasted to what she was become. Disbelieving that one of their friends had become a mermaid. They had gotten used to seeing each other with pegasus wings or pony ears on top of the heads. But seeing Rainbow Dash having a mermaid's tail... it's driving them through loops. When she sees that her friend was just standing that and looking down on her, an annoyed Rainbow Dash yells to all of them: "AHEM! Can I Get a Hand Here Guys!?" Being snapped out of their daze, her friends went into action. Rarity was the fastest to react who help pick Rainbow Dash off the ground and sat her down on a nearby chair. But once she sat down, everyone could see her mermaid tail more prominently who was just as awestruck as ever. Twilight mutters: "H-How!? How Did This Happened!?" "I Don't Know!" Rainbow yelled back. "One minute, I walking around on my feet and wondering where I can find a light for the basement? And the next thing I know, I'm Tripping Over Flippers!" Upon saying that out loud, they realize that it sounds kind of ridiculous. Off in the background, Pinkie tries her best to hold back her snickering, although Rainbow still notice it. "Well at least we know for sure that somethin' is up with this mansion" AJ remarks. "Yeah, but I didn't expect something as radically different that this" Sunset responded. Fluttershy then chimes by saying: "Yeah. We usually transform into something that is related to ponies, not fish." "Well whatever it is, there is something here that did this to Rainbow Dash and we need to find out what it is before it could do the same thing to us." And then Rarity suddenly thought of something. "Um girls. Even though I'm a big fan of mermaids and everything, but do you know a quick way on turning Dash back to normal?" Obviously from Rainbow's expression, she also wanted not to be stuck as a mermaid forever. After quickly pondering, Twilight answers: "Well if it's anything that we went through at summer camp, we just have to get her away from the mansion's grounds and..." "Mmmm..." But before Twilight could finish, Dash began moaning and fidgeting. When they look at her, they could see her looking very uncomfortable and notice something slightly off about the tail. It no longer has the glossy sheen that it had a moment ago and it looks a bit dry. "What wrong Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked concerningly. Avoiding the urge to scratch her tail, Rainbow replies: "I Don't Know!? This thing feels like this thing is starting to chafe and getting really irritating." At first nobody knows what was causing it. But as Rainbow's tail gets even more dryer and remembers that she is now part fish, Sunset realize the problem. "Maybe she needs water!" When they heard what Sunset said, they quickly realize the same thing. Concern for her wellbeing, Rarity picks Rainbow back up and tells her: "Here. I know where the bathroom is upstairs." "Thanks Rarity" Rainbow Dash complimented. As Rarity carry Rainbow Dash away, their friends were still worried for RD. But since Rarity is with her, they feel that she can be ok. When Rainbow and Rarity disappear up the steps, Fluttershy soon asks: "So um... What do we do know?" Twilight replies: "Like Applejack said; we now know that there is magic here that will cause use us to change." "Ooh! Do think it will turn us all into mermaids?" Pinkie Pie asked with much intrigue. "Well I hope not. Or else it will make searching this place infinitely more hard" Sunset replied. Even though Pinkie Pie was slightly disappointed, she could get behind her reasoning and she appreciates Sunset's smartness. Twilight turns to Applejack and asks her: "Have you search the basement yet?" AJ cross her arms and replies: "We would... but the lights don't turn on down there and somebody forgot to give us a flashlight!" "Ops! Sorry!" Twilight quickly apologized. Twilight had the flashlight with her but since the lights still work for the mansion, she forgot to give it to somebody. She tosses the torch to Applejack and she doesn't look too upset about not getting sooner. When she got it, Sunset then tells her: "I think it's best to team up with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Just so you won't have to go down there alone." "That's fine by me" she said. "Are you girls ready?" When she heard that the basement was dark, Fluttershy imagines a scary image of a dark, damp cellar full of cobwebs and echoes that she will mistake for ghosts. Pinkie Pie on the other, since she doesn't know fear, raise her hand and eagerly proclaims: "I'm Ready!" "Wait!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Let me build up my confidence first, then I go!" Seeing that needs to build up her courage, Sunset happily replies: "Sure Fluttershy. Take as much time as you need." With everybody now knowing what their new groups are (Rarity with Rainbow Dash, Sunset with Twilight and Applejack is with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie), they all went back to their separate ways and continue searching the mansion. Only this time they got a clue on what the mansion can do. Sunset and Twilight wondered back to the library. Even though they have other parts of the mansion that they could look, they feel like that they can think best while surrounded by books. When they got there and close the door behind them, they let out their worries. "Oh my gosh Sunset! What are we gunna do!?" "We need to stay calm! We wouldn't be any help to the others if we panic." "Yeah... You right." When Twilight try to keep her cool, she somehow took the appearance that looks like she was worried. Hands were clasp together, eyes were closed and she was taking deep breath. She honestly looked like she was scared. Wanting to comfort her, Sunset walks over and gives her a soft hug. When she saw Sunset had her arms around her, Twilight welcomes it and softly says: "Thank you." But once that was done, Sunset moved away from Twilight and continue to speak out her thoughts. "But honestly though, I didn't expected Dash to be turned into a mermaid. With us having Equestrian magic and all, I'd expected her to be turn into a pony." But while Sunset was thinking out loud, Twilight started to feel a bit strange. She started to feel a tingle in her legs and it's like she can't move them both. She soon felt like she wasn't wearing any shoes and can feel the carpet beneath her feet. In fact, she was feeling a lot of carpet and she wouldn't "feet". "Um... Sunset!" "... Maybe centaurs but still." "SUNSET!" Hearing Twilight, Sunset turn around and says: "What is it Twilight?" But when she turns around, she was utterly petrified when she saw Twilight. No longer was Twilight the average teenage girl that she usually looks. No. Like Rainbow Dash, Twilight's lower half of her body was completely changed into something. Something... that was snake like? As both girls look at Twilight’s lower body, they saw that it was a long and slithering snake tail. It was covering in purple scales and it looks so long that it could wrap around either one of them (or both at the same time). Twilight... had become a lamia- a person whose lower half is a snake. "W-What! How..." "I Don't Know!" Twilight cried out. "It just sorts of happened." Confused, Sunset tilt her head and got a closer look. She was still blown away Twilight's smooth and scaly tail. She even feels a slight compulsion to touch it but it wasn't strong enough to make her do it. Sunset mutters: "Well... At least we now know that it's more than just mermaids" But then Twilight spoke up again. "Sunset..." Hearing the worried tone in her voice, she became concerned and replies: "What!" "Behind you." Confused, Sunset turn around and see what's behind her. However, nothing or no one was there. But after she turn, Sunset felt something shifted around on her back. It was like something is suddenly attached to her back and making her feel more weighed down. And then, in the corner of her eye, Sunset caught a glimpse of a feather. Becoming worried for herself, Sunset shot out towards the nearest possible mirror... finding that she has too large sun-red wings on her back. Twilight was just as stunned as Sunset who were astounded that their transformations was happening so quickly without them noticing. Sunset's wings were colored bright red, almost in the same coloring of the sun. She even has a tail of feathers in the same pattern (but luckily, she still has her legs). As Sunset stare at her new wings, she was instantly reminded of Philomena, Princess Celestia's pet phoenix back in Equestria. "Well... Uh... This is sort of familiar. Just... Not what I use to." But as Sunset was looking at her new wings with the mirror, Twilight began staring at Sunset's face. She didn't know why. Just that suddenly, she couldn't help but to admire her beauty. Her soft cheeks, lovely eyelashes, her... kissable lips. Twilight's heart started racing and a strong urge began to manifest inside her. Once she done looking at what happened to her body, Sunset states: "We have to report this to the others." But as soon as she pulls out her radio... "WAIT!" Twilight shouted. "What Is It!" Sunset shot her gaze at Twilight, wondering on why she yelled out stop. But when she looks at her, she notices that something was off about Twilight. Her hands seem tense, she was taking deeper breaths, her sight was fixed upon her and it looks like she was almost sweating. "Are you alright Twilight?" Twilight didn't reply, only staring at her more intensely. Soon, with her new lamia tail, Twilight began to slither her way to Sunset. Sunset mind was telling her that she need to back off and possibly run away. However, as Twilight was getting closer, something was keeping her feet glued to the floor. When they got of close to her, there was an intense moment of silence where nothing happened. "Twi..." But before she knows it, Twilight kiss Sunset on her lips. Sunset was shocked as her best friend was kissing her. Her soft lips, her arms wrapped around her back and a tight hold that wasn't letting her go. In a moment of realization and resistance, Sunset managed to break away from Twilight and push her back. "Twilight, No! We can do..." But before she could step, Twilight swing her tail behind Sunset's feet. She falls and Twilight caught her before she touches the ground. Trapped again within Twilight's arms, Sunset was left too surprised to speak. "Sunset no..." Twilight muttered. "Let... Let me do this..." Laying back on Twilight's serpent tail, Sunset only watch as Twilight leans in for another kiss. But as she watches her puckered lips lower towards her, Sunset too began feeling something inside her. It feels like her heart was getting tighter and a tingling feeling was lit within her stomach. The only time that Sunset felt something like this before was when she had a crush on a boy before. But is she feeling this now for Twilight. Sunset didn't resist when Twilight kisses her and began making out. As Twilight is holding her like a lover, Sunset was questioning herself in her head on why she is allowing it. "Why am I doing this? This isn't like Twilight. I'm... I'm not in love with Twilight... Am I?" But as they continue making, Sunset slowly relaxes and opens to the kissing. "Am I in love with Twilight?" she thought as she began to wrap her arms around Twilight. And then, when the kissing finally stopped, both girls pull their lips away and stare blankly into each other's eyes. They gaze into each other's souls as it seems like that they only have the other in each other's minds. And then things began to get even more heated. Twilight's tail began to wraparound Sunset's body. Before she could know what was going on, Twilight tore off Sunset's cloths and leave her bare naked with her coil. Sunset body was hold tight by Twilight tail, leaving only her head and wings exposed. Twilight take off her own clothes. Taking off her t-shirt and her skirt, both girls are now naked, in the library and one clearly rapped around the other. As Sunset was still wondering was going on, Twilight mutters: "Oh Sunset" before he leans down and hover her boobs in front of Sunset's face. Seeing those irresistible soft, round beauties right in front of her face, she latches on and began sucking on one of her tits. Twilight reacted as she feels Sunset licking and sucking on her sweet nipple that will cause pleasure throughout her body. Things got so intense that Twilight's tail got even tighter and Sunset's began flapping around unconsciously. Eventually, after that moment of sucking, Twilight let loose her coil around Sunset so she can suck on Sunset's boobs. Both parties felt so much satisfaction and passion that they say each other's name. "Oh Twilight..." "Oh Sunset..." When they got significantly aroused, they began to shift positions. Sunset could stand but Twilight's tail was still around her. It was like she was in some sort of snake pot and Twilight was keeping her in it. She had her arms resting on her shoulder while Sunset's arms were holding Twilight's waist. Twilight says: "I-I'm Sorry Sunset. I don't know what has gotten over me. it just that... I..." Both girls were silent for one another. Both know what she was going to say and both want her to say it. And then, when she builds up enough courage, Twilight confesses: "I think I have fallen in love with you Sunset." For a second, there were silence. She couldn't believe she said it. She doesn't know how she would react? But before she was about to get worried, Sunset smiles and brush her hand along Twilight's cheek. "Don't worry Twilight" she said. "I... I think I am falling in love with you too." Twilight's heart skip a beat as both feel overjoyed that they confess their love for each other. To show their love, both went back to kissing and making out again. Only this time they were even more closer. Like an extra set of arms, Sunset rap her wings around Twilight for an even hotter embrace. As their kissing was getting even more passionate, her serpent tail wrap around them tightly as both monster girls were making love. Eventually, when they want to ascend to an even higher level of love making, Twilight went back on top of Sunset and Sunset was resting on her tail again. And then she began to doing something with her tail. At the very tip of her snake tail, she was fondling with Sunset's pussy and it looks like that she wants to insert it in. Sunset as more than happy to have a piece on Twilight inside her so she widened her legs and stretch out her pussy with her fingers. Seeing the welcoming pussy, Twilight quickly insert it in and both girls felt a new serge of pleasure. Twilight could feel the insides of Sunset's vagina. Hot and tight, but cozy and moist. And for Sunset, she could feel every scale along her inner walls and she open the feeling with open arms. As Twilight began thrusting her tail deeper, both fall into ecstasy as they feel they were getting closer with each successive thrust. Hands holding onto the human parts of their lover's body as each thrust was getting closer and closer to cumming. Their only thoughts being that they don't want to do this with anybody else and want to do this forever with the partner. Eventually, both girls reach their limit together and shout: "CUMMING!!!" in unison together. Sunset's sprayed juices was as clear as day (or night] and it shots out of the hole that Twilight pulled her tail from. But for Twilight, it was a little more overt. At the intersecting on where her human and serpent parts meet, there was a small hole that acts like a vagina. Thanks to the shape of her serpent half, her pussy did have the usually oval shape. But for Sunset, it didn't matter what her lover's pussy looks like. When she knows where the juices were dripping from, she quickly licks it all up. Twilight did the same for Sunset so both girls got into a 69-position to satisfy each other. But since they weren't using their normal human bodies, things were a little more interesting. Twilight toyed with Sunset's feathered tail as she licks and Sunset was feeling Twilight's smooth tail. And as they drink each other's juices, they think that it was the sweetest thing that they ever had. Once they were done, both lay on the floor and began to coddle. Their arms wrap around each other's waists and they were face to face smiling to one another. Meanwhile, Twilight lamia tail wraparound Sunset's legs while her wings wrap around Twilight. "Wow... That was... That was perfect" Sunset exclaimed. "It was only perfect because I got to do it with you" Twilight replied Both girls chuckled to how corner Twilight's line was. However, that did not diminish their uncontrollable love that they have for each other. "I love you Sunset." "And I love you too Twilight." "What did you say?" "I love you Twilight." "And I love you too Sunset." Both kiss and hold each other tightly. As they were wondering what they were going to do next, Twilight mutters: "Let's be together forever. "Yes... Forever..." > Part 3- The Mermaid and the Hungry Cat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In one of the upper floor hallways, Rainbow Dash was laying in front of the door for the bathroom. To Rarity's assistance, she had to wait for her to have the bath full of hot, warm water. She doesn’t understand why she want to do it this but Dash decided to went along with it (to much to her own confusion). In the meantime, Rarity had given her a cup of tap water so she could prevent her mermaid tail from being even more dry. As she pours the water onto her fish scales, Dash could feel the discomfort of her new tail begin to dissipate. It no longer feels like it was chafing or like it was a burden on her. In fact, as Rainbow Dash got a closer look at her new tail, she slowly starts to appreciate how good and majestic it looks by how the scales reflect the light. It even feels good to slide her hand down. She still would like her proper legs back and that's the only reason she isn't too attach to her tail yet. Eventually, after a couple minutes of waiting, the door for the bathroom finally open. Steam and heat seep out of the room as Rarity step through the doorway. "Ok Dash. Your bath is already." However, when she came out to see Rainbow, Rarity saw that she was completely silent. She would have been ok with being silent. It just that Dash has a surprise and perplexed expression on her face. "What? Don't tell me I got something on my face?" Dash replies: "No... Just two things on top of her head." Rarity instantly lean back with shock and worry. "What is on top of my head" she thought. Hesitantly, she touches around her head to see what was up. And then, on the top two corners of her cranium, Rarity suddenly felt two furry ears. She was initially shocked at first but seen feel that these ears were soft and smooth. She even gets a tingling feeling when she scratches around the back of them. Curious, Rarity pulls out a pocket mirror that she uses for make-up and see what is on top. When she finally sees the ears, Rarity exclaims: "Oh My! It looks like... I grew a set of cat ears" "Cat Ear!" Rainbow responded. "Well I guess that would explain the cat tail." "Cat Tail!" Rarity yelled out. Rarity quickly twist her body around and try to look behind her back. And lo and behold, she saw a cat tail attached to her lower back. It appears that Rarity had become one of those cat girls that certain nerdy groups love to faun over. And when she realizes this, Rarity was... conflicted. "Wow! Well um... This is new." Seeing how tame Rarity's reaction was, Rainbow Dash asks her: "You’re not more surprise for this?" But Rarity's response was: "Well if can I can pony ears work, I think I'll be just fine with cat ears. Besides, I think they make more adorable! " Rainbow didn't know how to respond. Yes, they did manage to gotten use to their pony transformations relatively easy. But she would expect a little more surprise given the situation. "Oh well. Time for you bath." "Hey! Wait a minute!" But before she knows it, Rarity had already lifted her off the ground. However, Rainbow found that Rarity was carrying her in a different way. Before, she would have her arms under her armpit and she would sort of drag her along. But here, she was in Rarity's arms and she was carrying her like how a knight would rescue a princess. Rainbow was sort of amazed that Rarity has enough strength to carry her like this. But after that, by how intimately she's holding her, Rainbow was feeling a bit shy and embarrass. She also kind of like it that Rarity is touching her tail for some reason. And when she looks at Rarity with a confused look, Rarity just smiles back. When the girls got into the bathroom, Rainbow was blown away how luxurious it was. The room looked rich, royal and regal. The corners were like marble columns, the floor is glossy and shiny and even though she doesn't know what the bathtub is made from, it looks expensive. And speaking about the bathtub, it was full of warm water that was calling Rainbow's name (figuratively speaking of course.) But before she could get in, Rarity set her down on her... tail flippers and tells her: "Ok first, we need to take off your clothes." "WHAT!" Dash yelled with utter surprise. But Rarity soon reiterate: "Take off your clothes to get in the bath of course." "Oh!" When she heard the reason, Dash felt like she was an idiot. Of course, you would take off your clothes whenever you go in the bath or shower. That is how you're supposed to bathe. With a smirk on her face, Rarity asks: "What else did you think I meant?" "Well-uh... No, nothing." Dash didn't want to admit that she thought Rarity was about to do something provocative. Anyway, Rainbow Dash decided to undress to get into the bath. But as soon as she lifts her top up to her midriff, she notices Rarity was oddly staring at her. She wasn't being overly creepy about it. It just that she got an innocent smile that thinks she's not doing anything wrong. "Do you mind?" Rainbow asked in the politest way that she possibly can. "What?" "Do you have to watch while I'm undressing myself?" Expressing emotions ranging from pleasantly amused and mild annoyance, Rarity replies: "Oh come now Dash, we're both girls here. There's nothing with wrong with girls seeing each other naked." Know that that response was b***crap, Dash replied by yelling: "Well It's Still Damn Creepy Being Watched While Taking Off Your Clothes! So, Will You Please Just... Turn around and not watch." Seeing Dash being clearly shy and embarrassed, Rarity complies and says: "Ok Dash. If it makes you happy, I'll turn around." "Thank you" Rainbow calmly replied. When Rarity turn around and face the other direction, Dash felt confident enough to take off her clothes. She soon takes off her top and expose her bare nipples to the room. She took a quick glance at Rarity and see that she wasn't peeking. She wasn't moving except for her cat tail waving back and forth. When she could see, that Rarity wasn't peeking Rainbow soon turn around a face the ready bathtub. But at that moment where she forgot she has no legs anymore, she stumbles and fall forwards. "Whoa!" She would have fallen in if it weren't for her arms catching the edges of the bowel in the last second. Rarity instantly turn around when she heard Rainbow Dash's scream and soon sees that she was having difficulty getting into the bath. Rainbow quickly look behind her and saw a massive smirk plastered across her face. Even though she feels shy and embarrassed about it, Rainbow Dash confesses: "Can I get a little help here." Rarity just silently smirks and walk over. The lift her Rainbow up from her arms (much to her surprise) and lifted her a few inches off the ground. In a better position, Rainbow lifted her tail and hang it over the water. When Rarity slowly lower her and the water touch the tip of her tail, a shiver went down her Rainbow's spine. As more of her mermaid tail got lowered in the water, and whole surge of different sensations ran through out her body. It’s like the tail was an extra sense that give Rainbow Dash a whole new set of stimuli to feel. Things eventually got more relaxing when she got to sit down a lay back in the bathtub. After finally getting into the bath, Rainbow Dash says out loud: "*SIGH* Thanks Rarity" "No Problem!" Rarity replied while also giving a massive smile. As Dash sit back and relax in the bathtub, she could feel like all her worries were washing away. She couldn't remember the last time she took a proper bath, let alone remembering feeling this good in one. But at she was unwinding, she slowly notices that Rarity hadn't left the room. She was see off in the distance; sitting down on a chair and watching her relaxed. "What had gotten into Rarity?" she thought. She notices that Rarity was unusually provocative and a lot creepier. It was like that she wants to see herself naked for some reason. And it isn't just that. Rainbow also notice that she looks a lot more cheery and peppy. Not once did she see her make a frown or moan about anything. She didn't even make any remarks about clothes or decor or something. It like she was a completely different person. Dash tries to figure what was going on until she remembers about the cat's ears and tail. Were they making her act so differently she thought. But then the tense atmosphere was shattered when Rarity suddenly asked a question. "Is everything alright now Rainbow Dash?" Thinking that she means finally getting a bath, she replies "Oh Um... Yeah. This bath feels really good." However, Rarity just giggles and reiterate: "I'm mean your tail silly. Do you still feel awkward about having it?" Realizing what she meant, Dash lift it up and take a nice hard look at her mermaid tail. "Actually, it's kind of funny. At first, I felt awkward to have and I didn't like it since it really restricts my movement. But now... it actually doesn't feel so bad." She explains: "Maybe it's because it's finally in some water and how it's touching the scales, but it no longer feels weird about having it. Like I gotten use to use to it and it's finally a part of my body." "Well that's good" Rarity said. But after she says all of that, Rainbow Dash wonders if that was a good thing. True, she had gotten use to her pegasus wings whenever she "pony-up", probably just as well Rarity and her ponified form. But her getting this mermaid tail was a bit more... forceful if she should describe it. But as she was thinking, she notices Rarity got up from her chair and slowly walk her way over to her. "You know Rainbow Dash, when I was a little girl, I always had this desire to be a mermaid. To swim in the sea... looking beautiful in the ocean... it was one of those little girl fantasies." Rainbow at first was questioning why she is talking about this suddenly. But as Rarity steps closer, Rainbow's heart began to race and began to feel nervous. She quickly covers her breasts before she could stand over her. However, Rarity soon asks: "Can I touch it?" Surprised, Rainbow yell out: "WHAT!" "The tail I mean. I want to know how it feels." Rainbow was perplexed and wasn't very comfortable about being touch while in the bath. But when she looks at Rarity's curious expression towards her mermaid tail, some deep in her mind was telling her to let her do it. She didn't know if this was her own voice or some messed up ghost possessing her or something, but Rainbow oddly want to comply. "Um... Sure, I guess" she bashfully replied. Rarity smile to Rainbow's generosity. Rainbow Dash then bend her tail and lift one section of it out of the water. Rarity was mesmerized with the wet, shiny scales and her desire to touch it grew even stronger. When she finally touches it, Rainbow touch to the sudden sensation. But as she moves her hand up and down the tail, she slowly relax and let her guard down. It even slowly become a pleasurable experience as it all most feels like a message. Rainbow evens lean back, her eyes closed and was letting it happen. But then, she felt a strange tickle on her tail that send shivers through out her whole body. When she looks up and saw what happened, she could see Rarity having her tongue sticking out and was itches away from her tail. "Did she just lick me!?" she thought. "Rarity! What Are You Do..." But before she could finish, Rarity gave Rainbow another lick. The lick shot pleasure right to Rainbow's brain and left her stunned. "Ah!" she sounded that gave Rarity another smile. She continues her long licking assault on Rainbow's tail, giving a series or pleasurable sensations through her body. Rainbow Dash didn't know what was going on but each successive lick makes her brain fall deeper into the pleasure. But then, as Rainbow was on the verge of climaxing, Rarity suddenly stopped. She looks up and instinctively asks: "Why did you stop!?" The only thing that she said was: "I want to get closer" and sounded eager about it. While she was wondering what she means, Rarity then pulls her top and skirt and got rid of her shoes. She wasn't completely naked, but she was only wearing her bra and panties. And when she saw Rarity's slightly exposed breast and sexy, Dash blushed as certain emotions riled up inside of her and felt a certain "itching" towards her groin area. Also, the cat ears and tail made things even more steamy as it somehow boost's Rarity's sex appeal. Rarity then got into the bath, causing Rainbow Dash to pull herself back and give enough space for Rarity. This cause Rainbow to having to on the rim of the bathtub. She thought that Rarity would continue to lick her tail some more, but no. Rarity began by kissing the very tip of her mermaid tail; the tail flipper. While it wasn't a lick, it still gives on odd pleasure to Rainbow Dash. Rarity then began making her way up the tail, making a line kisses along the way. As she watches her do it, Rainbow could help but think that Rarity was being sexy right now. But then she reaches Rainbow's crotch area. There, she saw an interesting whole that she assumes is Rainbow's new vagina. Seeing a delectable source, the little white pussycat buried her face right in there. "AAAH!" Rainbow Dash scream as she begins to feel intense pleasure. Now Rarity was licking inside Rainbow Dash's vagina and she was relentless about it. The tongue touches every nook and cranny that it could get her hands on. Rainbow could do thing else as but moan and drown into this intense pleasure. It was like she was eating her pussy. Ironically, Rarity was now a cat and Rainbow Dash was now a fish. If she had even the slightest of congestive cognitive left in her brain, Rainbow would think that she was in some sick prank. However, the only thing that she can think about was the pleasure and was pushing Rarity head deeper into her pussy. And then, after several minutes of intense licking and self-indulgent sex, both Rainbow had reach her limit. When Rarity stick her tongue as far as it can go, Dash let out a massive wail as her juices squirt out and spray all over Rarity's face. "AAAAAAAAAAAHH!" When Rainbow Dash finally stopped, Rarity was soaked by all the pussy juices. Her face was even dripping in it. For a moment, Rarity though what she had done. But as soon as one drop of it hit her tongue, a new craving emerges where she wants to drink all of it that was on her face. When Dash finally regain enough energy to see, she saw Rarity wiping all the juices from her face and lick all of it that was on her hands. It was like an image of a cat cleaning itself. When Rarity notice that Dash was staring at her, all she could saw was: "....... He-He... Meow?" After a moment to awkward pause, both girls burst out laughing. "Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" "HA! Him! Him! Him! Him! Him!" Soon both let out a big sigh. "Ahhhhh..." With the scene now calmer, Dash slid down and went back to laying in the tub again. Rarity, instead of getting out, lay beside Rainbow and rap her arms around her. Rainbow then do the same thing and both began to cuddle in the bathtub. "You know Rarity: I don't what that was about, but that was really, really amazing." "Thanks, but it helps that you were so irresistible." After she says that, Rarity then give Rainbow Dash a kiss on the cheek. She thought that she would stop at one, but nope. She gave her series of delightful kisses and each one felt better than the last. Rarity then give her a quick lick around the neck that cause her a quick giggle. "Hey Rainbow Dash?" Rarity ask softly. "Yeah?" "I know you want to do something to me to make it all equal, but all I want us to do is to spend the whole night cuddling each other. Is that ok with you?" "Yeah. Holding you feels really good." "And it feels really good to hold you too." Both girls then began to rest their eyes and their minds drift off into unconsciousness. Never letting go of each other as they share their body warmth and their love. > Part 4- The Bee, The Goo and The Cow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, on the ground floor of the mansion, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie was standing in one of the rooms. They were supposed to help Applejack in searching around the basement but Fluttershy didn't got enough nerves to follow her down there. Despite they weren't supposed to split up and nobody should be alone in the mansion, an impatient Applejack ordered Pinkie Pie to stay with Fluttershy to build her courage while she search the basement by herself. However, as they were waiting around, the mansion's weird magic had transform them just like what it did to their friends upstairs. When they notice the changes to Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and herself took a minute and see what they are. Interestingly, Fluttershy became part bee. Two long and clear insect wings hand from Fluttershy's back and it sort of hard to miss. Black strips go up her arms and legs and combine with her already yellow-ish skin, set the common colors for a bee. She even has a fluffy white fur around her neck that looks like a boa. However, the most noticeable change to her body was a large... "bee but" that sticks out behind her lower-back. It's the large bulb on the bee that has the stinger on the end. However, with the way it was placed over her tail bone, it gave the impression that she has two butts. As Fluttershy give Pinkie a 360-degree trill to show all of her, Pinkie happily comments: "Wow Fluttershy! Your new look makes you really cute. Too bad that it gave you an extra bee butt." But Fluttershy soon corrects her by saying: "Actually Pinkie, this would be the bee's abdomen. But yeah, I can see how it would look like... he-he... a butt." Both girls then share a quick laugh together. "But honestly though, even though I had expected to be a butterfly or something, I really like how I look. Oh! But I also really like how you look Pinkie!" Then the attention went towards Pinkie and the monster girl that she became. However, while everybody else became part animal, Pinkie was... a little bit different. Actually, slash that; a lot different! Instead of becoming part snake, part fish or part bee, Pinkie Pie became... ... A Slime Girl! From head to toe, Pinkie was made of some sort of slime/jelly substance. She wasn't completely see through, but you could still see what's behind her through a blurry filter. She still retains her average teenage girl form. It just that she might out of slime. They didn't say it, but they think that this suit’s Pinkie's wild and bombastic personality. "Gee, thanks Fluttershy. I really appreciate that" Pinkie complimented. "It's like I'm one big gooey candy ball." But then, as she says that, Pinkie brush her... hair(?) and a piece of it came off. Both girls were shocked at first and was scared on what this could mean. But as soon as they were about to worry, the empty chunk in Pinkie's hair instantly grew back. Curious, Pinkie pull out another gooey chunk of her hair and her hair grew back into shape again. Both Fluttershy and Pinkie was amazed by this. If there is no draw back or limit to this, then Pinkie could produce and endless amount of slime. "Huh! Nifty!" Pinkie said as she was still happily surprised by this new discovery. However, Pinkie was now left with two blobs of goo in her hands. While they were wondering what they gunna do with them, a sick idea got into Pinkie's head. She got the blobs up close to her nose and sniffed them. They smelled like candy in a way. And with the scent of sweets in her... nostrils(?), Pinkie felt compelled to lick the blobs as she would ice cream. Fluttershy was shocked that she just did that became scared that Pinkie Pie might get food poisoning. But as soon as she finishes tasting it, Pinkie let: "Oooooh! That was Soooooo Gooood!" At first, Pinkie seems ok. But she then said: "Hey Fluttershy! You Need To Try This!" Fluttershy was nervous. She was worried on what might happen if she eats a piece of Pinkie Pie. However, by how happy and excited Pinkie looks, some of that worry chipped away a bit. Eventually, Fluttershy felt brave or curious enough to give it a try. She slowly walks over to Pinkie Pie, grab the blob of goop that was in her hand and very slowly stick her tongue out and lick it. When it hit her taste buds, Fluttershy's eyes widened as she instantly found it delectable. "Tasty, am I right?" Pinkie commented when she saw Fluttershy's face. However, the comment was quickly ignored as she began digging into the blob. She wants to show some restraint and didn't cobble it all down, but she finishes it within seconds. It felt like jelly in her mouth and Fluttershy was savor every bit of flavor. She acted like it was orgasmic with a massive, satisfying smile. Once it was all gone and she went back to normal, Fluttershy saw a rather surprised and amused expression on Pinkie's face. Realizing how she acted, Fluttershy quickly says: "Oh I'm so sorry. I-It was just s-so good that I couldn't" But Pinkie interjects and says: "Oh that's alright Fluttershy. At least I know you like this new substance from me." Fluttershy then felt happy and relaxed. "And by the way; How do I taste?" After finding the words, Fluttershy describes it as: "It was... so sweet and delicious. It was like I was eating sweet nectar from a honeycomb." But then she froze, realizing what she had just said. Fluttershy realize what she had just said and how ironic it is considering that she is now a bee. As Fluttershy begins to blush, Pinkie began to laugh out loud. "HA! Good one Fluttershy." "Yeah. He-He... Good." And after they had their happy moment and know what the mansion had turn them into, Pinkie Pie then tells Fluttershy: "Welp! I guess since that's now over; I think we should find Applejack and see how she is doing?" "Um... Yes, I guess" Fluttershy nervously responded. "I wonder what monster girl that AJ had turn into? A werewolf? A centaur? Those little devil girls with hearts at the end of their tails?" Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy then began walking their way out of the room and make their way towards the basement. But as they were walking, Fluttershy couldn't get rid of the sweet taste that lingers in her mind. It was the sweetest and mouthwatering thing that she has ever tasted. And as she sees Pinkie walking in front of her, Fluttershy slowly grows a strong urge to eat more of her slime. But as soon as she thought that, Fluttershy pull back in horror. She can't do that. Pinkie is her best friend. Her best friend... who is made of delicious goo. And as she sees Pinkie's nice, slim figure that is covered in all that slime, all she wants to do have her all to herself. But then, suddenly, Pinkie suddenly stop in her tracks in the middle of the corridor. She was perplexed and was wondering if they were heading the right way. "Hmmm? Are we going the right way to the basement?" she thought out loud. "I feel like we are at another part of the house. What do you think Fluttershy?" "Mmm..." Pinkie Pie soon realize that Fluttershy was face deep into her hair. When she abruptly stopped, Fluttershy must have collided into her and got stuck in her hair. Shocked and regretful, Pinkie quickly moved away from Fluttershy. "I'm So-So Sorry Fluttershy!" Pinkie quickly apologized. However, Fluttershy wasn't mad. In fact, she was far from angry. Her face was covered with Pinkie's gooey jelly. Dripping down her face, Fluttershy lick any of it that got near her mouth. It was like she was in bliss and Pinkie became a bit disturb. "Fluttershy?" Fluttershy soon snapped out of her trance. Realizing how she was behaving, she wipes off all the slime that was on her face. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I feel so embarrassed." However, in not wanting Fluttershy to be upset, Pinkie tells her: "No, that's ok Fluttershy. That just mean you like it." Fluttershy looked a little bit better, but was still ashamed with what she did. Hoping to make her feel better, Pinkie show he hair to her and says: "If you want, you can have more of me." Fluttershy pull back with surprise. "Are you sure about that?" she asked. "Yeah, I don't mind" Pinkie replied. Fluttershy was left in utter silence. She couldn't believe that she wants to give her more of her slime. And since the offer has been laid out in front of her, Pinkie has just become even more tempting to have. And before she knew it, Fluttershy become more and more like a hungry animal. Pinkie moved her hand behind her head and was about to pull a blob of her hair for Fluttershy. But before she could do so, Fluttershy suddenly dash behind her. Before Pinkie could question what's up, Fluttershy began licking the jelly from her hair. Pinkie jumped with surprise as she feels every little lick that was made to her. When Fluttershy tongue touches her hair, it's like she is licking certain parts of Pinkie's slime girl body. While Pinkie was surprised at first, she was willing to allow it to sate Fluttershy's hunger. But over time, as Fluttershy continue to eat her gooey, jelly and pink hair, Pinkie found that she was getting aroused by this. Not the "being eaten" part but more of the fact the licking was giving pleasure signals to her brain(?). If this continues, she found that she might develop a liking for Fluttershy. But Pinkie Pie doesn't want that. She sees Fluttershy as a friend, not somebody that she wants to have sex with. Although... Making love with Fluttershy doesn't sound all that bad. And then, in between all the licking, Fluttershy slowly wrap her arms around Pinkie and the licking was slowly moving towards her neck. As she begins tasting the slime that was on her neck, Flutter's found it just as delectable as the hair. Her hands move around and feel Pinkie's slimy body. One hand grab and hold onto Pinkie's boob. The other went down towards Pinkie's pussy. With everywhere being stimulated on her gooey body, Pinkie could help but moan. "Oh! Oh! Oh! AH! AH! AH! HMMMMmmvvvv... AH!" When Pinkie had her mini-orgasm, Fluttershy's brain reset itself yet again. She froze, shock and appalled to what she was doing. Pinkie twist her body around so she could face Fluttershy while still be in her arms. "I-I'm Sorry Pinkie Pie. I don't know what's gotten over me." But before she could say any more, Pinkie put her finger over her lips and silence her. "That's ok" she said. "I... really started to like it." Fluttershy was shocked when she said that. But as those words sink in, she strangely felt a large about of relief set inside. While she was still confused, Pinkie grab onto one of her hands. "This way" she said as she began pull Fluttershy towards one of the nearby room. Fluttershy didn't know where she is taking her but she felt too happy not to come along. Moments later, Pinkie and Fluttershy was standing in the middle of the mansion's kitchen. It was littered with pots and pans and it was equipped with cooker, stoves and an empty fridge. And in the intermediate time, Fluttershy had taken off all of clothes. Which made things even more enticing as she and Pinkie had their arms wrap around each other and holding the other closely. She could feel all the slime that was oozing onto her body and she quite like the feeling. There was only a bee girl and a slime girl standing in that kitchen. "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out" Pinkie Pie politely ask her. Even though she seems calm, she was eager to get started. After a moment of hesitation, Fluttershy open her mouth and did just that. With her tongue exposed, Pinkie touches it with her tongue and both began to dance around each other. Sweet sensations fill both girls mouth as they indulge in the pleasure. It was so delicious and blissful that she falls over backwards. Pinkie set Fluttershy down softly onto the floor and was right on top of her. Letting their instincts follow them further, they lock lips and slime began to pour down Fluttershy's throat. The sweet aroma was over whelming her and yet she could get enough of it. Eventually, a couple minutes of kissing and Fluttershy became drench in slime, Pinkie pull her mouth away and shift her attention down towards the pussy. With wet, slick hands at the ready, she inserted them into Fluttershy's tight vagina. Slime soon filled it and Fluttershy soon fill her insides stretch to compensate the foreign intrusion. While it was slightly painful, she soon adapts. "Oh Yess!" she cried. "Yes! Give Me More! Give Me More!" Pinkie's hand went deeper into Fluttershy. Deeper then what she imaginable. And as Pinkie thrust her hand deeper into Fluttershy, she began rub her down with her whole slime girl body. Soon, Fluttershy became entrenched in slime. Her arms, her legs, her torso, her insect wings and her bee butt. Absolutely everything was covered in slime. For them, it was the most pleasuring experience. This was certainly because their new bodies were enhancing the experience in some way. And almost like the slime that Pinkie is covered in, the two girls was becoming addicted to the pleasure and all they want was to satisfy each other's desires. And soon, as they were reaching their limits, their voices became synchronized and... "HA! HA! I! I! I!... " "I! I! I!... " "CUMMING!!!" Both girls reached their climax together and collapse onto the ground. Their breaths heavy and panting. Juices spill out and mix together with Pinkie's slime. And as Pinkie was resting on top of Fluttershy, they lock lips one more time and goo fill their mouths yet again. But then, as they were enjoying their aftermath, a voice suddenly yell out to them. "No Fair You Guys!" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie look up in complete surprise. They wondered who could it have been. However, by the sound of the country-like accent, they quickly form a decent idea. They look towards the door and saw Applejack leaning on the door frame... While also carry her overly large breasts!? "Applejack!?!?" said Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as they cry out in unison. And all of AJ's response was: "No fair. I can't start the action without me." It looks like that the mansion's weird spell had affected her too and it affected her in weird ways. Applejack looks kind of like a minotaur. She has big horns on her head, her legs were either goat legs or cow legs and have a tail behind her back. However, one of the noticeable changes was have two Enormous breasts on her chest. They were so big; AJ's overalls could barely contain them. Stranger yet, she has a weird cow bell around her neck. Combine that with the breasts, the horns and the cow like legs and tail, Applejack was like a literal Cow Girl. After get up from the ground, Fluttershy asks: "AJ! What happened to you?" Still holding onto her breasts, Applejack explains: "Well I was searching around the basement like I was supposed to. I didn't find much aside from a weird door with an opened grate. And in the room on the other side, I saw a weird rock that was glowing." "Glowing?" Pinkie Pie curious remarks. "I was right about to open the door when...... It suddenly turns me into this!" And as she says that, she suddenly kneels and look like she was in pain. However, she wasn't in pain. When Fluttershy and Pinkie got close to her, they could sense a strong sexual desire from her. it was like she was in heat and was eager to bone someone or to be boned herself. In between the huffing and puffing, Applejack confess: "I saw... What you both were doing back there." When she said that, both became extremely embarrassed. Somebody was watching them having sexy slimy sex. But AJ then continue by saying: "Y'all looked like you had so much fun and... it looked so good. I... Wanted To Join You Guys!" At first, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie was a bit taken aback by this. They haven't seen Applejack acted like this before. Normally; she seems like the most level headed and responsible one. But here; she seems like a desperate person who was begging them for sex. However, instead of turning her down and give her help, both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have another idea to help Applejack. Fluttershy kneel down to AJ, brush her hand against her face and softly says: "There-there Applejack, don't cry. It's was rude of us not to invite you. We'll now give you all the loving that you deserve." Gotten so happy that she actually shed a tear, Applejack replies: "Oh thank you guys. You're the best." All three girls then got together and had a group hug. But no longer than 5 seconds later, Pinkie unbutton the buttons that connects the strap to Applejack's overalls. Like a spring-loaded jack-in-the-box, AJ's breasts sprung out and show a massive pair of boobs. They were so big, both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy couldn't help but to be impressed. "WOW! Your breasts became HUGE Applejack!" said Pinkie Pie out loud. "Yeah" AJ chuckled. "But do you want to the best part?" Applejack didn't say anything. Only holding her boobs up to them and tempted Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to squeeze them. Confused and intrigue, they couldn't stop themselves to see what the surprise is. With each picking a breast, they lay their hands on them and softly give them a squish. And when they apply even the slightest bit of pressure, a certain white liquid began to leak out of Applejack's breasts. "OOH! Milk!" Fluttershy says with joy. AJ explains: "Yep! They suddenly became chuck-full of milk. Drink up y'all." No sooner then she said that, both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie press the lips to Applejack's nipples and started sucking. Milk quickly squeeze out of the breasts and went down both girls. It was delicious and refreshing. Almost as good as Pinkie Pie's jelly body. They like it so much, they began pressing down on AJ's breasts every time they suck more milk out. And for Applejack, this was paradise. Not only does it feel like a massive weight was slowly being lifted from her, but she could also get to feel her breasts being massaged as she was being milked. From a distance, it looked like Applejack was a mother who was breast feeding her two little monster girls. Sinking into bliss and her mind was going blank, Applejack says out loud: "AAAHH! This is so good! Let's stay here forever." Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy didn't say a word. Only moans as they continue to drink the intoxicating milk from AJ's breasts. > Part 5- Aftermath Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the outskirt of town, there's a recently abandoned mansion sitting on top of the hill. Last night, 7 close friends from Canterlot High enter the mansion and try to uncover the strange mysteries that surrounded it. So far, nobody had left that mansion... yet. On the crack of dawn, as the sun began to move pass the horizon, things were beginning to happen. After an engaging night of sex filled intimacy, all the girls were lying around the house. Happily resting alongside the person that they had just made love to. Happily snoozing the day away and snuggling next to the person that they made love with. It wasn't until the sun finally piercing through the windows that some of them finally began to wake up. In the library, Sunset and Twilight were holding each other closely as they lay on the carpet. Rubbing each other's smooth skin, naked skin. Smelling the sweet body odor of the person that they think they love (ok, it wasn't sweet but they think they like it). As they begin to emerge from their ocean, the two girls begin to make their early morning moans. "Hmmm..." "Hooaafe nta nta..." At first, both Sunset and Twilight paid no mind about hearing the other yawn or moan. They knew that it belongs to the other person and see nothing wrong with that. But as they begin be more awake, they slowly realize what scene they’re in. They realize that they have their arms around somebody. Snuggling or cuddling them even. As they touch and squeeze to see if this was real, they get touch and squeezed in return. "What is this?" they thought. "Why am I snuggling with somebody in the morning. Soon they see what they were going on. As their confusion get them to be more awake, they slowly open their drowsy eyes. It took them a minute to clearly see the other person. But when Sunset and Twilight soon see that they were holding each other (quite intimidate I may add), they had a delay reaction before the response that was most appropriate. "AAAAAHHH!!!" Both girls move back in horror while also covering their exposed body parts. Shocked and confused, they couldn't believe what they were doing. "S-Sunset! W-Why Were You..." "T-Twilight I... You... We...!" And then, as their brains became fully awake, their memories of what they did last night began to flash through their mind. They remember their transformations, their sudden desire for each other, their... confessions to one other. And as they remember what they did, all they could do was hold their head horror and left utterly petrified to what they done. The only solace or piece of mind that they could find was that there are no longer monster girls and were back to their normal human bodies. But then, as they were still reeling from their recalled memories, Twilight and Sunset suddenly heard a loud, girl shriek. "AAAAAHHH!!!" When they heard the scream, they instantly recognize who the scream belongs to. "Rarity!?!?" Even though they were still in shock about the stuff that they did, they couldn't ignore a cry for help from a friend. They got up and rush to the door... until Sunset and Twilight was about to run right into each other as they both was reaching for the doorknob. But when they step back and move away from embarrassment, they realize something by looking at the other: they both was still naked. Despite how much they want to help a friend, they couldn't run around completely nude. In fast but awkward silence, Sunset and Twilight grab some of their scattered clothes, rush to put them on and ran out of the door. They weren't completely dressed (a shirt and their underwear) but it was better than nothing. They remember Rarity saying that she was taking Rainbow Dash to the bathroom because of her mermaid's tail getting dry. Remember that they only found one bathroom last night, they ran down the hallway to its location. Upon finding it, Sunset and Twilight burst open the door. "Rarity! Rainbow Dash!" Sunset cried out in a worried tone. But when they got into the room, they saw Rarity with her back facing them and it looks like she's trembling. It set off an eerie and unsettling mood as Sunset and Twilight didn't know what made her so shaken up. "Rarity?" Twilight hesitantly called out. Rarity jumped when she heard her name called out. When glance over her shoulders, she was somewhat relieved to see that it was her friends. In a shaky tone, she says: "Sunset... Twilight... I'm glad you're here but..." "Whatever's wrong Rarity, you have to tell us" Sunset calmly states. For a moment, there was a tense silence as Rarity try to put her problem into words. Sunset and Twilight waited with bated breath. When she turns around to face them, Rarity cries out: "... PRUNEY FINGERS!" Rarity then pull up her arms and show her friends the state of fingers. They were indeed wrinkly and they look like the hands of a little old lady. Sunset and Twilight was taken aback, fully expecting something worse. They could see why Rarity would be upset about this and why nobody would want them, but they can't get too engaged about something that is only a temporary predicament. But then, when Sunset and Twilight got over Rarity's problem and look past it, they literally look past Rarity's hands and saw her exposed breasts. She too was naked and Sunset and Twilight was left stoned. When Rarity saw they weren't looking at her hands and see what she's NOT wearing any clothes, she quickly covers her breasts and scream. "EEEEK!!" But then, after the screaming, a voice was suddenly heard from the bathtub behind her. "Will You Stop Screaming Rarity! You Are Bursting My Ear Drums!" Everyone jumped with surprise and they soon see Rainbow Dash appearing out of the bowl. She did her morning stretches, the ones you see after waking up, and untie all the knots that were stored up in her body. After that, she finally opens her eyes and see the people who were in the room. "Oh! Sunset! Twilight! Uh... Fancy seeing your here." "Likewise," Sunset replied. However, the two smart girls could see that Dash also wasn't wearing any clothes. At first, they didn't know what was going on. But after noticing the scattered clothes on the floor, Rarity's pruney fingers and their own predicament from last night, their painted a... colorful picture in their heads. Twilight hesitantly asks: "Wait? Did you two... slept together in the bathtub last night?" Her question was instantly met with denial. "W-What! No, don't be silly..." "Yeah... He-he. Why would we every... do something... like that?" However, despite how much they try to deny it, Sunset and Twilight already knew that how it went down. And despite how they don't want to, Rainbow and Rarity could see no other way but to admit the truth. "Ok yeah. That totally how it went down." "Put It Wasn't Our Intention!" Rarity proclaims. "First; it was giving Rainbow a bath for her tail. Then I grow there adorable little cat ears. After that..." She stutters. "Well... I don't know what came over me?" Rarity instantly slump over and look depressed. It was like she was ashamed of herself with what she did and Rainbow Dash looks like she was feeling the same way. However, knowing that it will make them feel better, Sunset soon admits: "Don't worry you guys. Me and Twilight... are in the same boat as you." Rarity and Rainbow Dash look up at them and says: "What!" in confusion. "Yep. Twilight was turned into a snake person and was a phoenix-bird, angel thing. And then..." When Sunset couldn't continue speaking any longer, Twilight butts in and says: "But it's like what you said Rarity; we didn't what came over us. It's was like were possessed or something." Upon hearing that, Rarity and Rainbow Dash felt a little better. However, that only left them even more confused and they began asking why they were turned into monsters. But as they thinking, Rainbow decides to get out of the bath. And as she was stretching out her legs... "Hey! My legs are back!" she happily says out loud. Rainbow's friends were sort of glad that dash was happy. However, they didn't like that she became distracted. "Good for you dearie" Rarity flatly commentated. A few moments later, on the ground floor of the mansion, Fluttershy was rolling around on the floor in pain. Clenching her stomach and groaning and moaning, she was not having a happy morning experience even without the memories from last night resurfacing. This cause much worry from Pinkie Pie and Applejack who are standing over her (who were still very much naked like their friends upstairs). "Are you ok Fluttershy?" asked Pinkie Pie. "Ooooo-owwwww-aaaaaii!" "You better give her space Pinkie Pie. Maybe give her some water if she need it." "Water! Got It!" But before she would run out to the sink, Applejack grabs her arms and reiterate: "Only if she needs it Pinkie!" When AJ pulled her back, Pinkie then became upset and crossed. "Huff" she sounded when she crossed her arms. Applejack tells her: "Don't get too upset Pinkie Pie. It isn't your fault." "But it sorts of is" she refuted. "If I hadn't let Fluttershy eat my delicious jelly and have slimy-sex, Fluttershy wouldn't be rolling on the floor with a tummy ache." But then, Rainbow Dash's voice appear behind them and says: "Ok, I don't know what you three did last night, but I probably don't want to know." When Pinkie Pie and Applejack turn around, they saw that all their friends have arrived (all half-dressed). When they soon notice Fluttershy, a worried Twilight ask out loud: "Oh My Gosh Fluttershy! What happened to her!?" As the others rush to Fluttershy's side, Applejack jokingly admits: "She... kind of have too much to eat last night." They didn't know what she meant by that, but like Rainbow Dash, they aren't keen to find out. About couple minutes later, all the girls came together in one of the living rooms (now slightly more dressed). They all don't look particularly happy and were trying to hide away the shame that they did last night. And the worst was Fluttershy who sipping a glass of water and looks like she had a hangover. However, despite how everyone want to leave the mansion, they still hadn't done the job that they went out to do and was trying to stick it out. In the middle of the group, Sunset went over the facts. "Ok, so from what I gathered, we- " "-Were turn into "monster girls"-" Twilight interrupted. "-Became sex fiend addicts-" Rainbow Dash continued. "-And made out friends very, very sick" finished by Pinkie Pie with Fluttershy trying not to upchuck. After waiting a minute to see if her friends are gunna interrupt her again, Sunset says: "Yeah, we now know what this mansion can really do now. The question is now is: How do we stop it?" When she said that, everyone around the room became stumped. They have no clue on how or why the mansion change their behavior like that or that they became monster girls. But as they were thinking back to when they transformed into those monster states, Applejack finally recall something that she seen last night. "Hang on a minute! I think I remember seeing a glowing rock down in the basement!" Everyone instantly turn to her when Applejack said it out loud. "A glowing rock!?" Sunset asked out loud rhetorically . Rainbow Dash says: "You don't think..." "The Magical Geode!" Twilight finished. Remembering the magical geodes that they found at summer camp, they instantly thought that what Applejack's rock is. Seeing that this could be the problem that they have been looking for (and as a possible redemption for they did last night), all the girls rush off their seats and head downstairs to the basement. However, when they saw Fluttershy slowly getting up from her chair, they all halt their charge. "Are you ok Fluttershy?" Twilight ask her. "If you still feeling sick, you can stay here." However, in an unexpected turn of events, Fluttershy began to look healthier and says: "Actually, I think I'm feeling better." Her friends were surprised by this but was ultimately glad that she was ok. But then everyone suddenly heard a large rumbling and Fluttershy suddenly feel... something. "Oh!" "What is it!?" Rainbow asked. Clenching her stomach and doing a little dance that says "I got to go", Fluttershy stutters: "I, I, I think all The FOOD is finally going down my..." But before she could finish, there was another large rumble and something was quickly welling up inside of her. "Excuse-Me-I-Got-To-Go!!" In a burst of speed, Fluttershy barge through the group and began running through the hallway looking for a restroom. Her friends couldn't decide if they were still feeling sorry for her or was just glad that all that stuff will be out of her system. Moments later, all the girls (sans Fluttershy) was in the basement and hunting for Applejack's strange rock. The exploration seems much easier with light outside were seeping and reflecting into the basement for all of them could see. It didn't take them for them to find the mysterious glowing rock... through a metal grate on a steel door that was protecting it. "Is that it?" Rainbow ask curiously as her eyes were piercing through the grate. Moving her aside to have a proper look, Applejack replies: "Yep that the one." At first everyone was glad that they found it and was 100% certain that this rock was the cause of the phenomenon. They could feel the corrupting magic radiating from it. The only problem now was to open the steel door which, basing by how sturdy and imposing the appearance is, looks like it might be hard to move. Since Applejack was the residential strong person in their group, they let Applejack to opening. She more than happy to oblige... until she gave it a tug. "UFF!" She gave one large pull on the handle and the door didn't even give an inch. AJ was shocked by this but this made even more determined. As Applejack keeps on tugging, an impatient Rainbow Dash asks her: "What's taking so long!?" "Hold your houses!" AJ yelled back. "This thing... UGH!... is a bit tough to move." "Tough to Move!" Rarity gasped. "This coming from the girl who were tossing boulders in Camp Everfree." "Well this is being uncooperative! I don't know way but I feel like I can't activate my powers." "Do you think it's because of the rock on the other side?" Rainbow suggested. That doesn't sound too hard to believe. Maybe it was interfering with their magic and making them inoperable. But as they were thinking that, Pinkie suddenly thought of a tangent. "Isn't it strange that none of us was turned into centaurs is something?" Everyone did realize that was sort of strange... but they didn't pay too much mind to in. Meanwhile, as Applejack try to get the door open with Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie Pie beside her, Sunset was standing in the back and trying to make sense all of this. Now how or why the rock turn them in the monster girls but more along the lines of "Where did this rock came from and how did it end up in the basement?" But as she was thinking, she felt a slight tap on her shoulder. When turn around a look, she saw Twilight. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Twilight ask nervously. Sunset replies: "Sure Twilight." Twilight took a quick glance towards AJ and the other and see they were still preoccupied with the door before she pulls Sunset further away from them. Whatever it is that Twilight want to talk about, Sunset could tell that it must be important. When they were far enough away, Sunset silently asks: "So what do you want to talk about?" "Do you remember what we said to each other last night?" It took Sunset a minute to think about it since she didn't want to remember last night. But when she remembers what they said, she realizes what Twilight was talking about. Their... proclamation of love for each other. "Yeah..." she hesitantly replies. Twilight took a minute to breath and to fight through her nerves. When she was brave enough, she tells Sunset: "Those... weren't my true feelings." She explains that: "I see you as my closest friend, but not anything like that. I mean, I don't want to hurt your feelings but..." "No, it's ok Twilight" Sunset quickly responds. "I'm totally ok with it." Relieved, Twilight then says: "Really!? It just that I remember what you said to me and... I know that probably wasn't. I just thought that maybe... the mansion had release a deeply suppressed emotion or something." Seeing Twilight still worried, Sunset tells her: "It's like what you said; those weren't your true feelings and those weren't my true feeling. It's just that putting twisted thoughts in our heads." "Woo" said Twilight as she breathes a sigh of relief. "So... were're still best friends who don't have any feelings for each other, what-so-ever?" "What-so-ever" Sunset replied. After they had their talk, both felt a massive sign of relief as both were happy to resolve that issue. They felt so happy, they give each other a hug. "Still no feelings?" "Still no feelings." But after Sunset and Twilight had that reassuring moment, a ring tone suddenly went off. Everyone jumped when they heard it and look around to see where it came from. Turns out it came from Twilight whose phone was ringing in her pocket. "Sorry" Twilight apologize awkwardly to her friends. She pulls out her phone and answer the call. "Hello?" When she answers it, everyone heard a loud voice shouting over the phone. Twilight was scared when she recognizes the caller and the caller didn't sound happy. "Dad! No-No, I'm ok. I was just... Uh huh... Uh huh... Ok, I'll be right there." When she closes her phone, everyone had a worried look for Twilight. She turns and tell them: "That was my dad. He is super mad at me for staying out all night." At that moment, it dawns on them: they have been out all night. They told their parents that they would return home before midnight and now they must be worried sick about them. some even have important commitments that they have to do today. "Oh Dear!" cried Rarity. "I promise Sweetie Belle that I would make her outfit that she wants by this evening!" "And I promise Big Mac that I'll help harvest the early morning apples!" The girls look around with a panic expression as they couldn't believe that their mission went longer than they expected. Even though they are so close to finishing what they accomplished, none of them want to be late. When she saw her friends worried faces, Sunset came up with a decision. She didn't like the decision but she had enough. Grabbing her friend's attentions, Sunset tells them: "Hey, let's call it quits and come back later." Surprised, AJ asks: "Are you sure about that?" "Yeah, I'm sure" she sternly replies. "Our families must be worried sick about us, the mansion is doing weird stuff without heads and Fluttershy is crapping her pants off upstairs. Let's leave and we'll regroup later." After hearing that, none of her friends want to argue back. They all aren't having a good time and they would feel more than happy to leave. Some (particularly Rainbow Dash) feels this would mean defeat but they felt like cutting their loses. And when Applejack silently let go of the door, they had officially given up. They had mix feeling over this. They didn't like giving up, but they couldn't stand being there any longer. They round up all their stuff and met up with Fluttershy upstairs. They told her they were all going home and she was happy to do so. When all of them ready, they head out of the mansion and began walking down the path. Sunset took one more last look at the mansion, filled with anger and frustration that they couldn't solve the problem. However, she knows that this isn't the end of it and she is determined to come back.