Of Rolls and Rolls

by DarthMalentai

First published

A Shugoki in Equestria. A For Honor Story.

This is only for me to try and get back into the story writing scene from the Rp side of all that I have been doing for the past 4 years.

Baso arrives in Equestria, unchanged, and deals with the fact that he deals with waist high ponies. Thus he must learn to live with the strange ponies.

This story is based off my Shugoki from the new game, For Honor. Anything I do with this guy is mine.
My descriptions still on point. XD
Lord Demolitions is my editor.

A Journey of a thousand miles...

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A fire crackled in a central firepit of a small hut, and the smell of freshly brewed tea wafts from the hole in the roof. The soft patter of rain outside, and the warmth of the fire eased Basos' mind as he held his mug, filling it with the hot refreshing brew. He set down the old, battered pot he had owned for who knows how long, turning his blue eyes to his cup, and saw himself in its reflection; grizzled, aging defender who had started to turn towards an easier life.

He lost himself in the memories of fending off raiding parties from their neighbors to the north, the countless times that they had landed, only to be pushed back or defeated fully. He shook his head lightly, and drank from the cup, downing half the contents slowly. The drink had been a mix of mint and some ginger root that a passing merchant had on hand.

In the distance, a sound of thunder boomed, and Baso could feel it go through him, and his eyes darted towards his armor and weapon on their stands next to his bed. The sound had reminded him of the few times he had been in battle with catapults, and the damage they could reap. His body shuddered slightly at a particular memory of being hurled down a flight of steps from one such boulder, and the smell of burning hair. Other memories of his kanabo, the large studded club that had saved his life... and been a helpful backscratcher at other times, where it stood up to the toughest of steel weapons, besting them, before knocking their users a couple dozen paces back,

His smile picked up at the memory, and the old times where he stood as a bulwark against the aggressors. His smile quickly soured at the memory of being beaten in his early days, the thoughts of doubt creeping up on him before being helped by the sensei, who helped mold him into what he would become.

Quickly a knock came from his door, drawing Baso to turn slightly, and pulling him from the memories before getting up, moving towards his weapon quietly, then towards the door with the weapon behind him like a child with a large toy.

As he neared, a small pit grew in his stomach, the usual reaction to having a villager come and retrieve him. His hand rested on the door before it burst open, and a clad warrior, sporting the small blade that most of the Orochi order held. The smaller being looked up at the bigger man, fear in his eyes as he pointed wordlessly towards the village.

Baso only nodded, and closed his eyes, sighing and turning towards his gear. After only a few minutes he walked out, his armor, old and beaten, seemed imposing only to the weaker of heart. With a glance at the Orochi, and a nod of the head, he jogged towards the village.

The Orochi stood there, staring at the receding warrior, a small smile gracing his hidden lips before giving chase...


The Village of Neti, one of the scattered villages that had been formed just before the Viking Raid from only 4 years prior that had pushed all the way to the capital, had only a hand full of defenders, and Baso's eyes, they were no where near enough.

As Baso rounded the hill that was one of the dozen barriers from the village and most of its traffic, he could see that half the village was being razed, and he could hear the screams of people and the clash of weapons. The sounds only made his jog only more urgent, and memories flood back into his mind.

His eyes darted back and forth as he neared the southern gate, which stood broken and open, showed him the initial carnage. The village leader, a Nobushi who was beloved by the town, speared upon her own weapon and left in the mud. Around her body was atleast a dozen or more slain warriors, and atleast two with large axes.

He stopped, and neared her body slowly, hefting his weapon onto his shoulder before crouching next to her body, and resting his large hand on her shoulder, his head turning down as he gave a silent prayer to the spirits that were watching, before looking up, only to see a half dozen soldiers round the corner, two busy with a large wagon of food while the other four had their weapons ready.

With no sound, Baso stood up, and stepped over his fallen friend, and pointed at each of the six slowly, before slamming his hand against his chest plate. all of the guards lifted their flimsy wooden shields, and the two with the wagon lifted up their swords alone. Baso eyed each one, before charging forward, and when he was in reach, swung his club straight down, smashing one of the warriors down into the mud, breaking bone. One on his right swung, only to be met with the blade of the Orochi, and a kunai into his neck.

Baso lifted the kanabo in a low sing, taking both of the other warriors legs out from under them before lifting a leg in the process and bringing it down like a smiths hammer, crushing ones chest completely in on itself. The last shielded warrior attempted to crawl away before an arrow sprouted suddenly from his helmeted head. The last two warriors, who had just witnessed the sudden mini slaughter, attempted to flee, but as they turned around they were met with a large blade slicing at them, and both of their heads rolled off, their bodies acting like puppets without their strings, and slumping to the ground.

Baso looked to the newcomer, before giving a small sad smile under his dark grey mask, and giving a small nod, before walking past the corpses, and motioning for the Orochi to follow. The Nadachi wielder nodded at them, before looking towards the gate, and sprinting for the fallen village leader, and as Baso and the Orochi left for the main plaza where the fighting seemed to sound more loudly, they could both hear the faint cries from behind them.


The village plaza, where most of the commerce would be done, was awash with blood. Civilians armed with crude weapons or anything they could scrounge, fought the warriors with everything they had, and in the midst of the throng was a large hulking figure of a raider, his large axe cleaving at the civilians and the troops the town had. The brutes attacks leaving bloody sprays around him as he cheered and taunted those that gave him a wide berth.

Baso, seeing this, moved forward, slamming his club into the raiders forces with timed strikes, knocking them down to be mobbed and killed by the civilians at hand, before entering the circle that had been cleared by smarter heads than some. The raid leader looked towards him, and slammed the pommel of his large axe into the mud, and taunted the Shugoki, speaking the tongue of barbarians for all Baso could care for.

Baso hefted his club o to his shoulder again, and pointed gestured at the raider, and the raider then lunged forward, swinging wildly. Baso, even as he aged, still was fast and deflected most of the hits, taking a small cut on his arms every so often, and as the raider moved back, Baso charged forward, grabbing the raider in a massive hug, lifting him, and cracking the barbarians back, before throwing him to the gorund.

As Baso moved away, pulling his weapon behind him, the raider rolled away slightly, before hurling a small round object at the Shugoki, and as it broke against his armor, he was enveloped in flames. Baso couldn't help but jump in surprise before swinging forwards and down, the clubs flat and heavy end landing on the raiders head, and a loud cracking sound could be heard as metal and bone shattered and squished.

As Baso lifted his club, he dropped it as he attempted to put out the fire, batting at it, which ended up only making the fires grow as they started to burn the paint, and the natural bundles of rope that kept parts of his armor together. His shouts and exclamations were loud, and his vision started to fade as he was engulfed only more so in fire.

The last thing before Baso lost all of his sight was the Orochi that had come to him, giving a small salute, and his eyes shifted from their brown to yellow with red pupils....

.... Starts with a single step.

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Celestia stared out over the gardens that she had walked countless, and more, times when she was able to slip away form all the political hub-bub, the overly protective guards, or even from the dietician that had been assigned to her as a joke from her sister. She rolled her eyes at the idea that her little sister had pulled it off, and grumbled about reminding herself to remind herself later to figure out a way to get back at Luna.

As Celestia neared the look out, where she could have the perfect vantage point and see all the way to the Ever free, her horn glowed on its own accord, and she blinked lightly, before her coat raised up slightly, feeling an imbalance in the natural magical equilibrium in the world shift.

She looked around worriedly before hearing what sounded like shouting and then nothing ahead of her. Her mind told her to run back before the more motherly side pushed her forward, and she crept up to the last bit of hedges that were taller than her, and glanced through them. What caught her eyes surprised her, even though she had thought to see almost anything in the realm of possibility.

The bipedal being stood there, looking at its... hoofs with little appendages, a large club next to it, partly buried in the ground. The being looked up, before seeing the vista in front of it, and fell to its knees, before staying still.

At that, she almost fled, feeling the weight of the strange creature through the ground, before thinking quickly, then opening her mouth...

{Ă}{}{ Baso }{}{Ă}

The sight was beautiful, the far forest, the mountains that looked like those of times before the Cataclysm, which brought up a memory of the large painting that has stood the ages in the Emperors throne room, depicting in breathtaking detail the beauty that had been their home before.

With ease, Baso lifted his hands to his helm, before slipping it off his head, his greying hair falling free partly around his face, and feeling the breeze gently tickle his short, ashen beard. His eyes, unmoving, soaked in all the detail of the land, seeing a small village far away towards a large forest. He looked down. seeing a sprawling city beneath him, and the fact that he was only a few feet from the ledge only starting to register in his mind.

A soft melodious sound came up from behind him, making him turn his head to only go from delight and awestruck to absolutely dumbfounded. A pearl white horse, with a long flowing mane, that moved with a life of its own, had its mouth moving as if forming words that fell to untrained ears.

Out of reflex, he donned his helmet once more but stayed on his knees, and watching the strange creature carefully, a brow quirked. The only thing that could come to mind was if a child had gotten hold of some paste, or sticky rice, and stuck two wings and a horn to a horse then had fun with some paint. The thought brought a smile to his face, which thankfully was hidden by said mask.

{͔Ă}{}{ Celestia }{}{Ă}

Her brow furrowed slightly as she had tried to coerce at least some kind of response from the biped.

"Do you not understand me?" She asked, taking a step forward hesitantly, and to her surprise the creature infront of her lifted its hand, and gestured to the spot next to it, seemingly calm.

She moved forward, step by step, and watching the large club that laid behind the strange creature, before sitting next to it. She looked at it closely, curious as to the white hair on the side of the mask, and seeing the pale skin underneath. She looked the being up and down curiously, before closing her eyes, and speaking once again, her horn glowing slightly.

"I will repeat this till you hear me," She chanted softly, and the being turned towards her, curious until seeing the horn, and his eyes widened before they rolled back, and the large being fell onto his back.

She opened her eyes at hearing the sound of the body slumping over, before frowning and shrugging lightly, and closed them once again, using her magic to carefully and precisely through the beings mind and brain, before exerting part of herself magically into the space.

As she finished her little intrusion, seemingly influencing the proper areas of its mind to accept, and absorb the information of her language, she smiled, before looking out towards the sun, and the beautiful landscape once more.

{͔Ă}{}{ An hour later }{}{Ă}

With a roll, Baso felt his body hit a cloud, or what felt like a cloud, before hearing a creak of wood, then a loud crash as his body gently bounced upon the cloud. His eyes opened, to see a softly panting Celestia, and a small pile of other ponies, clearly passed out, panting heavily. He rolled over and sat up, looking at all of them curiously.

"Silly creatures got tired lifting old Baso..." He laughed softly to himself, his voice deep and resounding. He turned his eyes to look at the bed he laid upon, barely fitting his large frame. He pressed a hand in, surprised at the feel of almost nothing beneath him.

"These "Silly creatures"... Just brought you here.." The pearl winged horse said, her eyes looking straight at him as he jumped slightly, his eyes looking to hers.

"You speak?!" Baso exclaimed in surprise, eyes wide. The pearl horse nodded her head lightly at him, before lifting a hoof up, lowering her head slightly and breathing in heavily, before breathing out, seemingly getting her energy back.

"I've never carried... something so heavy before in my life.." She said, before her eyes widened, looking at the creature who named itself Baso. He only waved it off at seeing her slightly embarrassed expression.

"Its fine.. I'm big. Nothing new there and been that way most of my life," He said, his tone taking a joking side. "Although if a horse coo-"

"Pony." She interjected quickly, looking at him as she held herself up more, the strain ebbing away. "We are ponies. Horse... is.." she quirked her mouth lightly, her eyes darting around in thought.

Baso nodded his head, "Alright.. I see its a taboo word. If a pony of your size couldn't carry me easily then there's a new record.." His eyes turned towards the small pile of ponies, some groaning and crawling out from under their compatriots.

She nodded, motioning towards the pile of ponies. "Yes... off duty guards.. strongest I could find and as you can see.. they're gonna be very sore."

He let out a small grunt, before shaking his head, and laying back down on the bed. He tilted his head to look towards her before asking, "What is your name, white one?"

She glanced to him, before using her magic to pick up the ponies and move them out the door, feeling Baso's eyes on her as she did. "Celestia.. I am the Co-ruler of this land, and what might yours be exactly? I did hear you say Baso."

He nods his head, before looking up at the ceiling, "Aye. Baso is my name. If I may be bold... Where am I?"

She only blinked in response, before opening her mouth, then a frown crossed her lips. "You're in a country called Equestria. As I've said, I'm the co-ruler. My sister is the other half of this diarchy."

He sat up once more, before swinging his legs over the side, watching her, before looking out of the window to the slowly descending sun and the clouds the floated by. "Could I ask you one more thing, Celestia?"

"What is it, Baso?" Celestia asked, her curiosity tickled slightly.

"Do you have some herbal tea?" He asked, turning his head towards her, and his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Cause I don't think I am going home anytime soon."

What about a hug?

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{Ă}{}{}{ The following morning {}{}{Ă}

In his room, Baso, who had asked enough questions that he was surprised his hosts head didn't spin off, did his daily stretching. Laying flat on the floor, naked, legs splayed out as his chest was pressed against the floor. He groaned out in slight pain at having pulled something from the fight with the raider, before rising up, breathing in then lowering himself down once more.

On a chair set in the corner was his armor, and his kanabo leaned up against its side. He glanced at it as he lifted up once more before bringing his legs together, and standing up slowly, before moving towards his clothes set on the bed, dressing himself. The low grumble of his belly made itself noticeable which caused him to pat his belly.

“Calm now.. You’ll get filled after training.” He chuckled lightly before moving to his armor, fitting the pieces on, and rolling his shoulders, feeling everything fall back to its usual spots. His eyes glanced to the kanabo, before taking it by the handle and hoisting it over his shoulder. With a glance around the room, he looked to what might possibly be his new life, before making for the door, opening it and taking a step.

As he stepped out however, a pony in gold armor looked to him before yelping, and pointing a crude spear at him in something along the lines of borderline adorable fearsomeness. Baso looked to the pony, before grabbing the base of the spears end, and twisted it, simply snapping the point off of the wooden pole, before shaking a finger and shaking his head.

“Little pony… it's not nice pointing toothpicks at those bigger than you… unless you plan to kill,” His soft voice hardening only slightly at the end, before crouching down, getting face to face with the guard. “And I have no quarrel with you… Now I only ask.. Care to go for a run?”

{Ă}{}{ Elsewhere in the castle, 1 hour later }{}{Ă}

The guard panted, leaning against a pillar as he looked to the large bipedal… demon really. His mind raced at how something like that still had the energy of a constant run, let alone keeping pace with his full gallop. The guard had to admit, although it seemed scary, there was that soft side it showed instead of trying to threaten him like other races had done if he had been startled.

As the guard was lost in his own thought, Baso squatted, his Kanabo vertical as he stretched, feeling the slight strain coming and going, before looking back to the guard, who was practically panting and nearly drenched in sweat while he only felt warmed up. His brow furrowed slightly at the thought that if this was what the guards were, then maybe he could suggest daily training to Celestia.

A commotion sounded at the end of the hall ahead both of them, dragging both of their gazes to see, to Baso, a large bull on its hind legs, holding a pony in a some strange frilly outfit. The large bull like creature was shouting, and the pony, who was upside down, was shivering and her eyes watered.

Baso made his way, his weapon held over his shoulder, before stopping right behind the smaller bull creature, and tapping his shoulder.

“I’d put the pony down, boy.. And calm down. They are hosts and it’s not wise to abuse the hospitality,” He says as the bull turns around, his face contorted in his anger still before going blank, and looking up at Baso, who wore his mask, its features turned into a permanent snarl.

The bull stared at the strange newcomer, his eyes keeping their anger, “If this stupid pony had been paying attention then she wouldn’t have tripped me.” He drops the pony, who proceeds to scamper behind Baso.

Baso quirked his brow, before shaking his head lightly, “Anger doesn’t solve all of your issues, and only being aggressive will only make situations worse. Calm down and apologize for terrorizing the pony.”

“Pfft.. like that’ll happen.” The bull snorted before shoving the bigger man. “Only the weak protect the weak and wear silly things to look scary.”

Baso, at being shoved, closed his eyes and laughed lightly, before opening his eyes and looking to the bull, and tilting his head. “I’ll give you one chance to apologize. Otherwise there might be a slight problem…” Baso’s rolled his shoulders slightly, and stared down the bull, hoping that it would agree and things would pass.

“Apologize? Are you trying to make me laugh? If anything you should step back before I teach you about manners and not getting involved in other-taurs fights,” The bull stepped back and lifted his hands, getting into a strange fight stance to Baso.

“Have it your way then…”

{Ă}{}{ The hospital section of the Castle }{}{Ă}

Baso sat in the waiting room, having only a slight bruise on his shoulder and arm, sitting in a cross legged position with a small platter next to him on a chair, a pot of tea and a teacup next to him.

The door opens from the exit, and Celestia walks in slowly, her head peaking in first before seeing Baso, and quickly moving towards him, a scowl on her face.

“I heard about the incident, and about some of the damage. Care to explain?” Her tone, stressed and irritated, as she sat in one of the long seats, looking to him expectantly.

“This will sound childish but it’s the honest truth.. He started it.” He looked up to her, before chuckling lightly, before looking towards the intensive care set of doors, grimacing slightly before diving into the set of events. “... and I ended up lifting him up, crushing the air out of him, and then sitting on him… I didn’t realize I possibly broke his spine and broke at least half of his ribs. Us humans are at least a little more durable.”

Celestia only stared at him as he unravelled what she had heard for the most part, before looking towards the same set of doors worriedly. Suddenly the doors opened with a doctor pony, who walked over to the pair, levitating a clipboard and nodding his head to the princess, before looking to the strange masked creature.

“Sir.. Just to let you know there is a possibility of a full recovery.. And as the patient asked me to tell you,” The doctor coughed lightly before looking a little more serious, “ ‘Next time I will be the victor. I will not be humiliated in such a fashion once again.’ He also started rambling about other things such as ‘Stupid ponies’ afterwards.” He shook his head lightly.

Celestia’s face at the news softened before she looked down to the floor, shaking her head lightly. “ Hopefully the Minotaur Ambassador will overlook this as just a big misunderstanding or an accident.” She looked up to Baso. “If worst comes to worse then the Ambassador will challenge you to single combat. Best case is he brushes this off.”

Baso nodded his head lightly, before grabbing the pot of tea, and poured himself a cup, before lifting his mask slightly and sipping it, wiggling his shoulders in delight at the feeling of the warm liquid filling him with its calming flavor. He closed his eyes, breathing out slowly before nodding his head, before looking to the princess.

Celestia raised a brow at the ‘human’ looking to her, “Yes?” she asked curiously.

“Tea?” Baso asked innocently, obviously derailing the situation, and holding up the pot slightly. Celestia blinked for a few seconds, before her horn popped, and a cup appeared out of nowhere.

“I suppose..” She accepted as Baso filled her cup, then setting it back down on the platter…

{Ă}{}{ That evening. The gardens }{}{Ă}

Baso kept pace with the Princess, looking at all the plants and few animals that he happened to spot as they walked a path that, as Celestia had stated, circumnavigated the gardens. As Baso stopped to look at a particular set of flowers, which had midnight purple centers to light blue edges, his belly let out the loudest growl it had made, causing Celestia to yelp in surprise. Baso looked to her before laughing lightly, and patting his belly before making a shushing noise.

“T-That was your stomach?!” Celestia nearly squeaked out, her eyes staring at his large gut, then to him just to catch him nodding and shrugging lightly.

“I haven’t exactly had anything to eat today given the action of today,” Baso stated, amused but his stomach protested again. “It’d be nice to have something with meat and vegetables… lots of it preferably.”

Celestia blinked before nodding slowly, and walking forward once more, a little faster, “ Let's head to the dining hall, then I’ll have the chefs prepare the food.” She glanced back curiously as he started following, and a thought crept into her head.
How soft is that belly? She looks forward once more before blinking and shaking her head, wondering where in the Tartarus that thought came to be.

As he followed, he glanced to her wings, and a thought entered his head, thinking back to how the hawk had felt soft to the touch.. That is when it wasn’t trying to bite him. He shook his head lightly and put that thought for later, thinking to what kind of food he’d receive.

Something strange this way comes

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{Ă}{}{ That night }{}{Ă}

Baso walked through the halls, the guard from earlier staying with him. The guard's eyes drooped and he let out a yawn, shaking his head. Baso glanced to guard curiously as he walked slowly before looking out of one of the large windows, watching the sun set, before blinking as the moon rose at the same time.

The guard looked to his charge, watching the stunned being curiously, “What’s wrong?” He looked to the solar bodies switching positions.

“From my world they do not do that… One sets as and the other takes its place in a cycle,” Baso said, watching as one replaced the other in the sky, and the sky darkened. “Let alone do they both come from the same part of the sky.”

The guard blinked before looking to him, before shaking his head. “Well.. my replacement will be with us soon.”

“Replacement?” Baso looked to the guard, his tone curious, and before he could say anything more, the flapping of wings could be heard before another guard in dark blue armor landed, contrasting to its gold armored compatriot.

They guards looked to each other, the gold one looking up at the man before nodding its head to the new arrival. “My replacement.” He glanced to said pony, who’s wings looked like a bat, before nodding to Baso.

The bat looking pony nodded, before looking to Baso, before seeing the mask and its eyes just stared. The first guard looked to the bat one, before nudging, and the bat guard shook its head before giving a small cough.

“So… You’re based of Celestia, I take it?” Baso asked curiously, just now starting to connect the dots and not just assuming it was a wealth basis. “But what about you, bat guard?” His head turned to the dark armored guard.

“You’re correct to that, and mines based off the sister, Her mistress of the Night,” The bat pony said, his voice melodious. “And speaking of that.. She would like to see you, creature.”

Baso only closed his eyes, before sighing, hoping for the sweet relief of a bed, before having more introductions and dealing with more new faces. He opened his eyes and looked to the bat guard before gesturing with one arm.

“Later big guy,” The golden armored guard waved with a hoof before quickly trotting away, then the faint sound of even faster hoof falls the receded. The bat guard slowly shook his head before, motioning with his head, and walking along the hallway.
{Ă}{}{ A little while later }{}{Ă}

Baso and the bat pony guard, who liked to be called Alu, stood in front of large set of black doors with a large crescent moon crest on the front, and a small note on at head height saying, ‘No Sisters allowed’.

He glanced to Alu, quirking a brow, and whose response was a slight chuckle and a embarrassed shrug before knocking on the door.

After a little bit of silence, the door slowly opened, and a dark blue pony head peeked out, a long horn on her head and a onyx circlet upon her head. With a glance around she saw the big human, blinking and looking him up and down.

“My sister said you were big but I… wow..” She just stared, completely surprised before slowly sliding back into her room, before a minute passes and both doors open up. She waves him in, which Baso slowly walks in, unsure of what was going on.

As he enters and looks around the dimly lit room, mainly from a large strange rectangle that showed rather strange images, he felt a hoof poke his side where there was no armor, before looking down at the Princess.

“Yes, little dark one?” He asked, watching her as she gently squished her hoof into his side.

The question grabbed the lunar princess’s attention, looking up at him before only blinking. The silence hung in the air for a little time, before she drops her head and gives a slight cough, her embarrassment evident.

“You poked my belly and honestly that’s a little strange. Would you like to explain why?” Baso leaned his weapon against the door frame before crossing his arms and looking at the princess, whose only reaction was to look away innocently before backing up and slowly walking to a large couch.

As the lunar princess reached the couch and hopped up, she looked to him before motioning to the large couch with a hoof.

“Come… sit.” She said, before her horn glowed and a small strangely shaped object that had a glowing triangle on it levitated in front of her. Baso only stood there for a few more moments before walking forward, glancing at the large rectangle that only started to move as the princess manipulated the strange item, causing what looked like a version of a pony in the picture to move about with a large glaive, fighting some multi headed monster. As Baso got next to the open space proffered to him, he glanced to her only to be met with her staring intently at the screen, her tongue out of her mouth.

The sight made Baso laugh, before he sat down slowly, hearing the wood on this couch groan out in annoyance to his weight being added on. Then an idea struck Baso, and he stood up, removing his body armor before sitting down then sitting back down, only to be met with the same, albeit quieter complaining from the wood.

After a small bit of time, the small character on the screen got mauled by the multi-headed monster, and the lunar princess frowned, before doing some actions in said game and arriving to a screen that said “Dark Pones”, then turned to face Baso, her eyes widening once more to see him without his upper armor, and seeing the shirt that covered his body. Baso only looked to her and saw her gaze on his belly, before blinking once more in confusion.

Before Baso could react, he had a dark blue pony hop onto him, focusing on his belly, and felt the princess start playing with his belly, pressing hooves into him and watching his belly roll around and ripple from her playful yet uncomfortable attention.

“H-Hey... “ Baso grabbed her hooves and held them up, looking to her sternly, and with her hooves lifted she looked to him before a she blushed in embarrassment.

“So-Sorry… Our sister told us..that maybe you were soft.” Luna spoke cutely, and Baso only rolled his eyes in response before looking up, closing his eyes, before letting her hooves go. He only could think that simple, childish beings would find playing with anyone’s belly, let alone a ruler of a nation, wouldn’t stoop that low for entertainment.

As her hooves fell back to his belly, the lunar princess pulled back before her upper body laid on him, acting like a dog as she glanced to him. “I do have to say though that you are quite comfy..” Her small sheepish smile looking at him, and he could only bring his hand up to his face and shook his head.

“That doesn’t make this any less awkward for me, you know?” Baso said, before dropping his hand onto the arm rest. He then looked to her, and only received a strange noise she made as she made a larger smile, before sighing, giving into the childishness of the pony.

“I.. know this will be strange but could you possibly..” Luna said softly, before tilting her head towards him, turning so she looked to his left. “Possibly.. Scratch behind my ear?”

Baso rolls his shoulders slightly before lifting a his right arm, and moving his hand in, and moving two of his fingers behind her ear, and gently scratching. The result was immediate as the princess stiffened before laying on his belly, and a dopey smile stole her face, her eyes almost closing as her tail swished lightly. Baso could only watch in amusement, with mild curiosity as he kept going.

After quite some time, Baso pulled his hand away, and let out a yawn, lifting her up light a pup, and sat her back on the couch, before he stretched, twisting to let out a few kinks in his back from sitting on a strange piece of furniture.

“That was nice..” Luna said with a cough, before hopping down and quickly making for the door. Baso looked to her before putting the armor back on in assumption. “.. The hour is late, wouldn’t you say?” With that she opened the door, revealing the guard standing at attention as the door opened.

Baso made his way to the door, snatching his weapon before walking out, nodding to the Lunar princess. “I assume you’re going to tell your sister?” In response, she only nodded, smiling softly before waving, and closing the door quickly.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Baso turned to the guard, who only looked at him expectantly, his eyes flashing mischievously.

“You gotta tell me what happened.” The guards tone was insistent, but low before he started walking away, nodding his head. Baso only shook his head in disbelief, before following the guard.

“You won’t get a word out of me.” Baso said sternly, keeping his eyes forward. The guard stopped, spun around and made a pleading noise as he stomped all four of his hooves.

“C’mooooon…. Just a little?” His eyes, already somewhat ridiculously large, a fact that Baso only started to notice as to his lack of care of surroundings, only had gotten larger.

Baso laughed softly before shaking his head, waving his free hand onwards, keeping his lips sealed. The guard watched as Baso kept walking, and frowned before trotting ahead and leading the way, passing a massive set of doors on their trip back before the guard left Baso at his room, and stood outside.

As Baso entered his room, he stripped out of his armor, closing the door, locking it, before looking around, only now realizing that taking in account of what his life will be.. Will now be necessary. He moved towards the bed that, before had been flat against the floor, was now raised not on wood, but raised on a metal frame.

As Baso stripped out fully and lifted a hand to his mask, he thought to himself… and what life had in store for him in the future. Unaware to him, a set of eyes peeked out of the wardrobe in the corner of the room, the being having a small smile on her face.


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Honestly the title may seen nonsensical, and it is.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting to any of my stories, for I have lacked thought or will to do so.

I can't help but feel like my writing has gotten terrible when it's come to other areas, and as such have taken a step back.

Again, I am sorry.