A kobold in Canterlot

by supersilverdraco

First published

A miss-spell lands a kobold sorcerer in a very awkward situation...right into the figurative lap of the most powerful leader in Equestria. Just what is a sun goddess to do with a tiny terror such as Zikkar?

Pests to most, slaves to some, loyal only to dragons, the kobolds of Krynn were for the most part either shunned and hated, or taken advantage of.

But not Zikkar. Oh no. Zikkar was strong. Zikkar was powerful! Zikkar...was running for his life.
Despite all his training within his clan, and all his attempts to gain more knowledge from stealing and tricking knowledge of sorcery from others, he still wasn't as powerful as he wanted to be to prove to his clan he wasn't just some weak runt. His latest trick had failed miserably, as usual, and while being chased by the very dragon his clan had sworn to serve, he stumbled over the traveling incantation he'd risked his future on.

But this was most certainly not where he had been hoping to end up...he only hoped that the incredible pressure of magic he felt behind him wasn't among the races that killed his kind on sight.

Zikkar the Fearful

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Zikkar the Fearful

Zikkar did not like having his tail burning. Most certainly not. Having his tail burning could mean many bad things. Usually of an uncomfortable nature.

In most cases, he'd left the tip over a fire and only got singed. Other times he'd accidentally set off one of his fellow clan-mates traps. The acid ones were the worst. But his clan-mates were understanding, at least. He might be clumsy, but many times he'd proven that for a runt, he was a powerful sorcerer. Even his teacher was proud of him and his diligent work. Especially all the times he'd left the den and managed to steal knowledge from sorcerers of other races.

But their den master, the dragon Zarath, while young and impetuous, was far more powerful and knowledgeable in the art of sorcery. Zikkar wanted nothing more than to learn those secrets, and so, he had done his utmost to learn what he could from the dragon. But no matter how he pleaded, none in his clan would let him speak with the powerful master. He was still 'too young' to meet the grand being that was both their caretaker and commander.

So he took it upon himself to do so without permission. That was his first mistake.
His second was daring to look in his master's book of magic.
His third was getting caught.
Hi fourth mistake was trying to talk his way out of punishment. After all, he wasn't just going to convince a dragon of all creatures that he was only trying to please them by trying to steal knowledge from them. Not the best idea.

And so, Zikkar found himself running with his tail on fire towards the nearest tunnel, his fear fueled rush making it near impossible to concentrate on the travel spell he had gleaned from the book before he had been interrupted by his master's roar. He knew the spell was beyond his power, but he didn't care at this moment in time. It was the only thing he had that would save him. All his other spells would do nothing to his master aside from anger him further. He was a combat adept, not an illusionist! Even this travel spell wasn't in his realm of expertise...but he had to try.

Beginning the incantation as he ran, he fumbled over the words. He couldn't even perform the hand motions while he ran, but he wasn't so unskilled as to be able to cast without them...it just made it unstable. Nothing dangerous, really. He'd done many spells like this while on the run.

Ok, not like this particular spell, but there was nothing else for it. He felt the lick of his master's flame again just as he made it into the tunnel. Only a few more seconds and he'd be toast. The flames would easily reach him in here once his master decided to just blast the tunnel itself. It was now or never.

He reached into his materials pouch, grabbing the first thing he thought would work with the spell, which was a piece of misshapen metal one of his clan-mates had given him, stating it was from a fallen star. They'd hoped it would bring him good luck. Zikkar had accepted, of course. That clan-mate had supported the runt's desire to be a sorcerer...at least until the tunnel collapse not long after Zikkar had been promoted. He had mourned his friend for a few minutes, as all clan-mates did for close friends, and then gone right back to his studies.

Spinning in place to face his master one more time as he finished the incantation, Zikkar nearly yelled the final words of the spell as he saw, instead of his master's face or eyes, nothing but teeth and maw, the raging fires of destructing bearing down upon him, and the world went white.


"Surely you jest, Auntie! Holding this year's Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville? Why, of all places, would you choose such a, ahem, rustic town?"

The sun shone warmly through the stained glass windows of the historical hall through which Celestia was now walking, each window representing a piece of Equestria's past, though some were rather simple pieces, mostly unimportant to those alive today. The warm, colorful light cascaded across the white fur of the regal pony, the image of a sun blazing across each flank. The golden regalia she wore gently reflecting these colors as well, while her ethereal mane and tail floated as if in an underwater stream, the pastel colors of which took on a strange quality from the light of the glass. Her large wings shifted little as she walked, the white horn upon her head sharp and gleaming, as the Alicorn responded.

"Now now, dear nephew. Every settlement within our borders deserves a turn to host. Ponyville included. Besides, I hear they have a rather talented cake maker there."

A soft snort followed this statement, a unicorn with a coat just as white as the ruler beside him. His own mark a compass rose of gold and blue, with mane and tail of golden hair. Far shorter than the princess, he holds himself with dignity nonetheless.

"A fine pastry does not make a town so great, but if that is what you wish Auntie, I will begin the preparations."

Gracing the muzzle of the princess was a gentle smile, which she leaned down to share with her nephew with a nuzzle.

"That is all I ask nephew. Let me know if you run into any trouble."

The face of the Prince was of awkward tolerance. He hated when she did that, but he'd never tell her such. She was his aunt, after all, and the Princess of Equestria besides. His family may have gained influence through their relation, but he often feared his title was nothing more than a farce. But farce or not, he at least had the influence to actually plan something as big as the Summer Sun Celebration for his aunt.

"I...I will Auntie. You can count on me."

Celestia turned to look at one of the windows, this one depicting an Alicorn just like her spinning around an eclipsed sun with another alicorn of midnight blue and starry mane. Seeing her attention taken by the stained glass, Blueblood left her without a word, plans for the celebration forming as he recalled from his constant ministrations of finances what all was in Ponyville. He wouldn't be able to attend himself, of course. He had too much on his plate in Canterlot as it was, with the parties and other such meetings with nobility on his plate. Not that any of them really mattered. No. The only ponies that mattered in the end was himself...and his Aunt Celestia. She kept the country running, and he made sure to take what weight off her shoulders he could. Anypony else was just a means to an end. Her happiness.

Sitting alone, watching the light shine through the window, Celestia sighed, having turned back after watching her dear nephew leave the halls. She was grateful that he was unlike his family, who had only cared for their status. She was sad that he didn't make any friends, but she could tell his gloating about being a Prince was nothing more than a mask when in noble company. She just wished he'd drop the mask and let somepony in other than herself.

"Oh sister. I wish you were here."

Her reminiscing was sadly interrupted at that moment, as with a bright flash, Celestia found her muzzle draped over by a scaly creature that had fallen from a few centimeters in the air. One that had been rather singed recently, if the smoking tail was any indication. But she did not recognize the creature at all. In her many years of life, nothing such as this had she ever encountered. Gently placing the small reptile upon the ground, she nudged it with a hoof, but got nothing in return. She could hear it breathing, and leaning close enough, she was certain she could hear a faint heartbeat. Nodding to herself, she concentrated her magic, and after allowing a moment for it to form into the pattern of magic she needed, cast her aura upon the creature, healing it of injuries, before lifting it into the air with her more basic magical grip.

"Let's find a room for you, little one, so that I may hear your story when you awake."

And so, Zikkar was taken by the monarch of a leading nation on a continent of quadrupedal sapients...what could possibly go wrong?

Zikkar the Confused

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Zikkar the Confused

Zikkar hadn't felt this sore since he had set off his clan-mate's boulder trap. Luck alone had saved his scales that day. Well, most of his scales. The last thing he'd remembered had been his master's flames before him as he'd finished his incantation...and then nothing. Had he failed? Was he dead?

Upon opening his eyes, Zikkar immediately closed them again. Too bright! Far too bright! Where were his goggles? Oh right...if he was dead, he doubted they'd be with him. So he was to be punished by bright light for his transgression against his master?

He started to rant, his draconic language reaching the ears of nearby ponies.

"Xsio wer mitne! Svaklar re sia lenses?" [Damn the light! Where are my lenses? ]

One of the guards immediately sparked the magic of his horn to signal the Princess that her recent intruder was awake, and not a moment later, with a sound akin to a whip crack, Celestia appeared before the door.

"You are certain he is awa..."

"Kiri itmen, KIRI ITMEN!!!" [ Too bright, TOO BRIGHT!!!]

The voice reached through the door, answering her question before it was finished, to which she responded by opening the double doors to one of the guest bedrooms of Canterlot Castle.

Zikkar heard the opening of the doors, and opened his eyes just slightly, hoping to block out some of the light so he could see what was going on. Unfortunately, it was still far to bright in the room, and even squinting hurt. But he didn't need to see at this moment. No...he could feel it. Behind him, where he'd heard the door and then movement, he felt it. A power so great that his master would have been like Zikkar in comparison. Nothing of consequence. So this was what it was like in the presence of one of the gods? He truly was dead then.

"Si kiwieg wux, tangis sjek si nomag ti ocuir wux, jennu ir. Re wux tenpiswo ekess deyhurr ve?" [I feel you, even if I may not see you, great one. Are you here to punish me?]

Hearing him speak, Celestia cocked her head, never having heard his language before. This creature was beyond her travels without a doubt. She just hoped that wasn't his only language.

"Can you understand me, little one?"

Zikkar tilted his head, turning himself to face the speaker, though he kept his eyes closed still.

"Zikkar understands. Zikkar is ready to be punished for his misdeeds against his master. Even in death, Zikkar understands he must pay."

The kobold sighed internally. He'd gone too far, and now must pay the price. Fearful he may be, but he would take his punishment without complaint. It seemed it had been his place to be lowly after all.

"Punished? In death? I am sorry, little one, but I think you misunderstand. I am not here to punish you, and you most certainly are not dead. Your belt and goggles may have been a little singed, but my healing spell took care of your personal burns."

"Zikkar is not dead? Great one healed Zikkar? Would...would great one allow Zikkar to see? Zikkar is blind in such brightness."

Celestia looked over to the open balcony, the rising sun shining directly through the open windows and curtains. With a flick of her magic, the glass closed and the curtains were drawn.

"My apologies, little one. I did not know you were sensitive to sunlight."

Zikkar slowly opened his eyes, the more gentle light from the closed curtains nowhere near as painful as when they had been open. However, when he looked upon that which held such great power, the little kobold nearly lost his mind. Where on Krynn was he for there to be an equine that held such power? Surely his master would have spoken about it, for there to be such a 'puny' creature to hold greater strength than himself. So he asked the most obvious question.

"Zikkar is unsure where he is. Zikkar does not recognize great one. Where is Zikkar?"

Celestia took a moment of thought, wondering how this little creature managed to zap himself right into her face without knowing where he was at least trying to go.

"I do apologize, Zikkar, for not welcoming you properly. I am Princess Celestia of Equestria, and you are within Canterlot Castle, my home."

The kobold's eyes widened. He had never heard of such a place or of this princess. But if she was the Princess...

"Zikkar must ask...who rules over such a powerful being such that Great Celestia is but Princess?"

Zikkar nearly melted when the Princess graced him with her light chuckle.

"None rule over me. I myself am the leader. My title as Princess is the highest there is."

The little kobold mulled this over. He had no idea where on Krynn he was, or if he even was on Krynn. He'd used the star piece as his focus, after all. He'd angered his master...but perhaps he could have a new one. While he had respected his master, he hadn't liked him much. Too much gloating when he rarely left his own cave, and he put most effort upon his clan of kobolds rather than doing anything himself. Weak...but a dragon nonetheless, and Zikkar's clan had been beholden to him a long time. For a moment, Zikkar felt longing for his clan-mates, but it didn't last. Not when the onslaught of potential to learn more magic became apparent. If this being before him was truly the ruler, perhaps he would have a new master after all. And this one seemed nicer already. Much easier to trick nice creatures into teaching Zikkar new spells!

"Zikkar has request of Princess of Equestria. Zikkar would like Princess to be Zikkar's new master. Old master was not nice. Not even give Zikkar chance to learn new magic, so Zikkar escape before get burn death."

He bowed to Celestia after standing upon the bed, even then barely reaching the height of her muzzle, which currently bore an expression of shock and empathy.

"May Zikkar stay with Princess and seek new magic?"

As he sneered internally, he didn't see the barest hint of suspicion pass across Celestia's face.

"I am afraid not, little one."

He nearly lost his composure for keeping the bow, thinking she'd already figured out he just wanted the magic he felt her wield, but she spoke again before he could try to spin another attempt.

"I am afraid our magic would be impossible for you, little one. Those of my kingdom are born into the magic they posses, and hone it throughout their lives. It is not something that can be taught. However..."

He gave the barest look up, seeing her tap her chin with a hoof. Zikkar questioned his sanity for a moment, since he knew most quadrupeds could not maneuver their forelegs like that. Then he reminded himself that there were far stranger things among the planes, even if he hadn't seen them himself.

Celestia, meanwhile, was working her own little magic within her mind. Plans, hopes, small nudges in the right direction. Zikkar might just be what she needed. She could tell just from how he acted that he was seeking power for the sake of power. But put him in the right place, and he might see a better reason to get that same power, and use it well. She just needed him to do one thing.

"Would you be remiss in learning from my student, little one? While I myself may not have time to teach you, my student often has far too much time on her hooves. Perhaps you may even surprise us and learn our magic after all? However, in return, you must share your own magic with us. Do you find this agreeable?"

The kobold froze for a moment, realizing this meant he would have to share to receive. He'd always managed to get by simply by stealing into towers and homes and taking the books that were there. But if what this Princess said was true, what he knew wasn't going to work this time. But that went both ways. Anything he shared, they wouldn't understand anyways. He simply had to make sure he didn't share all of it, and they'd never figure out his magic, whereas he could easily learn all of their basics, and steal their spells for himself! He could be the most powerful spell caster in this land, with his own tower and study!

"Zikkar agrees, and is honored to have such a benevolent master."

He wasn't lying, at least. This would be a walk in the den, and then, he'd be able to take his time to master this new magic. Preferably somewhere quiet and secluded. Maybe deep in a desert, or a mountaintop tower? Nothing says 'go away' like being surrounded by a wasteland.

With a nod, Celestia turned to leave the small sorcerer, but with a backwards glance and her usual warm smile, she gave him one last thing to think about.

"I hope you become good friends with my student. I'm sure Sunset Shimmer will make for an excellent teacher."

Zikkar the Startling

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Zikkar couldn't understand, quite honestly.

Here Zikkar was, traveling with one Shining Armor, after having been told he would be taught by the student of the Princess, and they had even given him his smoked goggles back so that he wouldn't be blinded just stepping outside of the door.

And yet he couldn't place this feeling that something was wrong. The Guard was a peon, as far as Zikkar was concerned, yet that strange magical pressure he had felt from the Princess seemed to emanate from this Guard as well, though nowhere near as strongly. Did all of these creatures just showcase their prowess like this?

Other guards they passed sometimes released this same pressure, but if he was to compare it to anything...the Princess was like being smothered by a cave in, Shining armor was being at the bottom of a sleeping pile of clan-mates, and the rest were nothing more than a light shawl one might wear while sneaking around a human town.

After some silent passage of time, Zikkar nearly skittered away when his escort spoke up.

"You must have shown something interesting for the Princess to ask so few questions of you, Zikkar, but do forgive my own curiosity, as I would like to know where you hail from?"

The look Shining Armor was giving him wasn't unfriendly, but there was no trust in those eyes.

"Zikkar come from other plane. Zikkar can already feel this plane not the same as his own. Once Princess left Zikkar with escort, no longer blind to how air felt. This not my plane."

Shining Armor's head tilted in confusion.

"Plane? How the air feels? What are you talking about Zikkar?"

Zikkar thought for a moment, then figured that a little explanation wouldn't harm anything. After all, he doubted the Princess didn't know about planes of existence, not with so much magical power at her disposal. What would a peon use with the knowledge anyways, if he could even understand it.

"Castle has many floors, yes? You reach each floor with stairs. All existence like castle. You find stairs in existence, you find other floors. Many different stairs...most of them not so friendly to travelers."

Shining smiled and nodded.

"I think I understand. So you're saying that...above and below us are other worlds?"

Zikkar started to chitter his laughter.

"That simple way to see, yes. But side to side too. Forward and back. Even in and out. Planes all ways to go. Travel easy once know how, but getting where want is hard part. Easy get lost, like Zikkar now lost."

They had reached the bottom of a tall tower just outside the tower, though Zikkar suddenly realized he hadn't paid attention to the path they'd taken. Damn this creature for occupying his attention.

"Well, that's a bit to chew, but I think I see your position. Lost in a new world with different magic must put a damper on your own abilities."

Zikkar was about to speak when it dawned on him he had yet to test a single spell here! If it didn't work, how would he be able to give them anything for their magic if he couldn't even prove he had the ability, despite his intent to not actually teach them everything they needed to actually learn his spellcraft.

"Zikkar...need ask Guard favor. There place to practice spells?"

"Of course there is! Sunset's Observatory has plenty of wards and space to practice magic. It's one of the reasons she got the tower in the first place, what with her own affinity for fire magic."

Shining was already climbing the stairs, leading the tiny reptile upwards and onwards. The pony did wonder what was with how small the reptile was, though, and if he really could work magic without a horn. He'd heard of the very rare magicians among the gryphons, but hadn't even heard of any other creature that could work spells besides them and ponies.

As they reached the landing for the Observatory, a rather loud explosion of sound was accompanied by the tower shuddering, soon followed by a some smoke escaping between the center of the double doors before them, as well as from open windows.

"See? This tower can take a beating just fine. Sunset's proof of that."

Speaking her name almost seemed to summon her, as a very singed pony of bright orange, with mane and tail of red and yellow flamelike quality, opened the doors, allowing a large cloud of smoke to exit, while she herself coughed up some soot of her own.

"I could have sworn I had that rig...oh! Hello Shining."

Shining gave a light nod to the smoking pony, who had just noticed she had company. Seeing Zikkar, she tilted her head in curiosity.

"Um...what is that?" Her hoof pointed at Zikkar, whose eyes narrowed under his smoked lenses.

"Zikkar not 'what', Zikkar is Zikkar!"

"That answer your question Sunset?" Shining chuckled as he saw Sunset glare at the speaking lizard in confusion.

"Ok then, and was is Zikkar doing here? I'm busy with my studies, Shining. I don't have time to add a strange talking reptile to my research at the moment."

As Shining opened his muzzle to speak, Zikkar pointed at her with a grimace of his own.

"Little horse not speak of Zikkar like not here! Zikkar not strange reptile. Zikkar noble kobold sorcerer! Princess say learn new magic from student, but if you student, you weak student! Zikkar not even feel magic from little horse! Guard feel stronger!"

And Zikkar wasn't lying. Compared to the guard beside him, Sunset felt like barely a speck of dust to him. How could the Princess think such a weakling could teach him!

If looks could kill, the glare Sunset gave the kobold would have likely melted him on the spot.

"Maybe that's because, unlike Shining here, I don't go around just letting my magic leak all over the place. No offense Shining, but you do really need to practice on keeping a lid on your reserves. As for you, oh 'noble kobold', unless you can hide your own magic presence, what you have wouldn't even lift a twig off the ground. Whereas I..."

At this point, her horn began to glow, which confused Zikkar for only a moment before he was lifted off the ground by a matching haze all around him.

"...hide my signature very well, and could easily lift many more of you without breaking a sweat. So...tell me, what can YOU do, hmm?"

She didn't notice the sorcerer mumbling under his breath, claws making gestures in the air he had been lifted into, before he pointed at Sunset and released his spell, the ground just in front of Sunset making a very loud bang, startling her and making her release her telekinetic hold. When the kobold hit the ground, he was already laughing.

"Pony weak magic user if lose control from little bang! Hahahaha! Zikkar no need lots magic for easy target!"

Shining had his muzzle in a hoof, not believing what he was seeing and hearing. If these two were going to work together, he feared for the safety of everything near the tower. Sunset's experiments were known to test the limits of the wards as it was...

Zikkar and the Student

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"Hah! Beat that you stupid lizard!"

Shining Armor sighed. He'd ask why the Princess had given him this assignment, but the proof was right in front of him. Where exactly was that kobold getting so much magical energy?

"Zikkar not stupid! Little horse is stupid! Not even able to make simple cone of ice!"

The Inside of the observatory was scorched, frozen, and even blown apart in several locations, the only reason it hadn't been worse being the sergeant's liberal use of shields. Zikkar had been fascinated with the constantly held barriers, but had lost that interest the moment Sunset had started displaying her proficiency with fire spells.

Zikkar had refused to have any of it, and had decided to display his own prowess...hence the shields.

Another explosion rocked the tower, a new corner of the lower floor frozen by Zikkar's example of an ice cone.

"Hah! Cones? Beams? What are you, a joke? Where's the flare? The skill? Show me something interesting, like this!"

The two competitive magic users were in the center of the room, Shining himself standing high above on the railing that circled the upper part of the tower, keeping himself shielded constantly, and flaring temporary shields wherever he thought they might damage the superstructure of the tower itself. Sunset's next demonstration of an explosive fireball certainly making his preemptive notion worthwhile.

"Graaagh. Zikkar see nothing but fire from stupid horse!"

Shining would have gone whiter if he could, as the sorcerer sprayed something liquid that appeared from nowhere, as the reptile had nothing but his belt and pouch on him. But...was that table...melting?

"Oh...well that's new. Is that acid?"

Sunset had lost all anger, replaced near instantly with curiosity. She was looking closely as the compound Zikkar had unleashed eventually stopped eating away at the table, leaving it looking as if it'd been put in a furnace for a few hours.

"Never seen a spell do that before!"

"Because all little horse use is fire! Other horse only show shield. Not enough. Need...what was common word...variety!"

He reached into his little pouch again, and Shining watched closely this time, having noticed the sorcerer had done so many times when casting his spells. Was that...a piece of flint?

"And it's pony, not little horse, repulsive reptile!"

"I am noble kobold, putrid pony!"

The two were practically throwing sparks in their glares, as the kobold muttered again, holding the flint out just before...


Not too far from the tower, two parents and their lavender filly were entering the wing of the castle that held the magic school for which their daughter was to be tested.

"Oooh! Look at the pretty flare momma!"

Twilight Velvet looked up just in time to hear the detonation that came from the other side of the castle, her ears tilted back, while Night Light also looked on in awe. The observation tower had a very small mushroom cloud contained in a pink bubble. Night Light recognized that shield work, as he'd helped the guard train that particular unicorn.

"No worries girls. That's contained just fine. Let's go find ourselves that testing room and see what they have in store for our little one."


Coughing, wheezing, and little bit of groaning permeated what was left of the top of the tower. Shining had felt the growing energy as the tiny titan had prepared his next spell, and had shielded accordingly...himself, the tower, and Sunset. Surely the caster didn't need the defense, right?

"Hah! Zikkar show pony real fireball! Zikkar win! Now, teach Zikkar pony magic!"

As the dust settled, Zikkar soon stopped celebrating as the pony he had been verbally poking was now staring him down, her horn charged. This time, he could feel the power it was holding, and for a moment, he wished he was staring down a dragon's maw instead.

"You call that a real fireball, pipsqueak? I've been holding back this entire time you weakling! Even Celestia has admitted I have more potential that any other unicorn she's met, and I'm just getting warmed up. I'll be a Princess, just you wait!"

She was staring him down, trying to figure out where he was getting all that energy he kept expending without looking tired at all. She'd noticed him pulling tiny things from his pouch, but that didn't make any sense to her.

"Now, feel the wrath of Sunset Shimmer!"

Just before she could cast the spell, however, three things happened in quick succession.

First, all the shields went down, the reason being Shining had just plum run out of juice when his shields took the hit from that fireball.
Second, a wave of rainbow energy swept through the tower, shocking Sunset from releasing her spell, which sputtered out. Zikkar more felt then saw the wave of energy, and couldn't shake this feeling that...something had changed.
Third, they all felt an incredible magical surge from the castle, followed by a dragon's head breaking through the roof of the faraway wing of the unicorn school.

Looking out the window from his position, Shining could only say, "Just how strange is this day going to get?"

Sunset watched on in wonder, a nagging feeling in the back of her head. Before they'd told her to stay in the tower and wait for something Celestia was sending her to help her studies, she'd been ready to enter the forbidden sections of the libraries...and she couldn't help but feel like she wasn't supposed to be here right now.

"Zikkar not feel right. Zikkar...take nap."

Sunset turned to watch as the kobold conked out.

"Well, if his spells are anything to go by, he might be a better fountain of information than some stupid archive."

And so, she turned away from the scene, and the thoughts of forbidden knowledge.


It was late night, and as Celestia exchanged the celestial bodies, she couldn't help but feel something wasn't quite right. Sunset was using her magic to repair her study tower, and hadn't objected at all to not only her own student, but had actually looked happy to be told she'd get to be part of the tutoring of their new protoge'. One Twilight Sparkle. She held the same potential she'd once seen in Sunset. Maybe, just maybe, having the younger filly around would turn Sunset back on the right path.

She sighed, looking up at the moon that held her sister imprisoned.

"Just a few more years, sister. Just a few, and we can be together again. Please...come back to me."

Just before she could lay to rest, she heard another explosion from the nearby observation tower, and only shook her head.

"At least she has somepony...no, someone to help relieve her stress. I just hope he lets go of his self loathing. I can feel the heart of a warrior as noble as you claim your race to be, Zikkar. Prove me right."

She giggled and settled herself in her chambers, a piece of cake floating over for her midnight snack. As she enjoyed her confection, she wondered at all the strangeness of this one day, and smiled. Things were looking up for her. Two personal students, a new magic to explore, and Zikkar himself.

"This will be a Summer Sun Celebration to remember."

Zikkar's Stars

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Zikkar couldn't sleep, not with the snoring fireball nearby. Sunset had followed her namesake and dropped like a sack of coal after all their exertions earlier. Zikkar, of course, felt fine. A little burnt, maybe, but that wasn't something he was unfamiliar with.

Shining had left for...wherever it was the guards here went to sleep. Another had come in his place. One Emerald Buckler. Supposedly he had shields as strong as Shining, just nowhere near as flexible in their application.

Zikkar shuddered, that strange feeling from earlier still possessing his senses. Something was very, very wrong, and he just couldn't place it. To entertain himself and take his mind off of it, he started muttering, not bothering with his limited supply of materials this time as he didn't have to call upon much for this.

Small lights began to dance before him, each on creating an almost bell-like sound, though said sounds weren't very loud at all. Just enough to be audible to the kobold. His nest-mother had performed this trick for his nest-mates and himself, and it had been one of the first spells he'd learned. It was always calming, the chimes and lights reminding him of many things.

With a huff, he hopped off of the couch, dispelling his charmed lights as he did so. He was so far unrestricted with where he could go or do, but Zikkar was no fool. They would be watching him, certainly, and waiting for him to do something that would allow them to put him away. It's how it had always been, why would these...ponies be any different? At least the fireball was fun. The shieldworker didn't seem like any guard he had met, however. Too friendly.

The kobold opened the door with barely any sound, slipping out and walking onto the landing, looking up into the night sky.

"Svaklar...svaklar ui okarthel?" [Home...where is home?]

Only one moon. Zikkar shuddered, realizing some of his spells would probably not work without the moons that he called upon for those spells. But so far none of his casting had failed, even the ones he thought had come from the call of one of the gods. Sure, they didn't discriminate with who used their spells...well, most of them. But that still didn't explain why he could cast some of them now. Perhaps they were latching onto some other gods here? He could only wonder.

Hopping up onto the side of the observatory, Zikkar scrambled up the rounded roof until he was on top, at which point he took a seat and stared up at the stars and lonely moon, taking some note of the shape of the shadow that crossed its face. It felt regal, to him. Casting the chiming lights again, he danced the laughing orbs in the air, trying to make the constellations of home as he did.

Help thee...

Zikkar sat up quickly, looking around. He could have sword he heard a voice just now.

Release us...

Another voice. Too quiet...he heard them. But too quiet. Where?

I'm here...please...

We can't...not alone...escape

"Who speaks to Zikkar? Where be?"



They were becoming distinct now. Both were definitely female, and Zikkar had to admit, both had strangely alluring voices, almost the same. But one felt innocent, and the other, not so much.

She won't leave Thee alone...

We must be free...together...

As Zikkar looked around, trying to find the source, he felt it. That sensation of being watched. And the magic behind that stare. It was phenomenal. Almost on par with the Princess. The only problem was, it came from...

We beseech thee, little one. Free us!

Zikkar was staring at the moon...and that twinkle in the eye. That barest of motion in the shadows.

The moon was staring back.

Zikkar the Suspicious

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Zikkar was no trap master like some of his brethren. But he was a noble kobold, and so, he of course new the basics or trap making.

Especially since it was a great tool for having fun with the unprepared. And his first victim in this world was of course...

"Sweet Celestia, I will immolate you, ludicrous lizard! What have you done to my mane?"

Emerald Buckler, the steady sentry, was doing his best not to laugh at the scene unfolding before him. The goggled kobold had snuck back in overnight after having taken some time on the rood. Emerald knew this because he'd kept a tracking charm on the small creature, but had found it odd that with such talent, it hadn't detected the charm. When the reptile had begun chanting over Sunset's sleeping form, he'd been ready to cast a shield over her...but it had ended as quickly as it had begun, and when he'd seen the result, it had taken all his training not to burst out laughing. And now, it was being put to a stronger test as Sunset raved about her now lime green mane.

"I swear if it's permanent, I'll make sure you have pink scales for the rest of your rotten life, you hear me? ZIkkar!?!"

Emerald was not going to tell her the sorcerer was hiding right behind him, also doing its utmost not to laugh. No...his only job was to watch and protect, not sell out a harmless prank.

Zikkar had been unable to help himself upon watching the sleeping Sunset when he'd returned. He needed something to shake off the fear he'd been feeling after being spoken to by the solitary moon of this world's sky. If anything, he was hoping it had been a dream caused by that strange feeling he'd gotten from that shockwave. But now...he was just enjoying the moment of having annoyed his 'teacher'. That was, until he heard a soft 'pop' behind him, and turning, found himself facing her directly.

"You know, for a creature that seems to smart, you're pretty dumb for not noticing the tracing spells all over you."

"What? But...pony was downstairs! You not displacer beast!"

"It's called a teleport, dummy. What, your world didn't have teleport spells?"

Zikkar could only gawk for a moment...yes, such spells had existed, but they took preparation! Expensive components! And...that hair...

The kobold burst out laughing, unable to stifle it anymore, his barking voice overwhelming Emerald, who also began to laugh.

"Oh har har. Laugh it up you two. Let's see who's laughing after I torch your fur and scales off!"

Just before she could charge her spell, there came a knocking on the doors. At that same moment, Sunset's hair returned to its normal, make fire jealous, style of coloration.

"Oh. Well, I guess I can forgive you this time. Only a minor scorching instead, but I'll save it for later. Let's see who's at..."

And with a pop, she was at the doors.

"...the door."

Zikkar gawked again...he needed that spell! To teleport that quickly without preparation or need of components? If he brought that kind of spellwork home to his clan...then maybe his master would forgive him...and let him live upon returning home. If he could even find his way back.

"Oh, hey Princess! Is today another lesson for me? What's it going to be? Solar Flare? Starswirls Conflagration? Clover's Corona Cannonade? I...oh, who's this?"

Looking over the rails, barely, Zikkar was able to see that a bemused Celestia had not come alone. There was a lavender filly beside her, looking at Sunset with no small amount of awe.

"Actually, Sunset, I'm here to introduce you two my new, and second, student. Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, this is my personal, and quite honestly, brightest student, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset was looking the filly up and down, neither smiling or frowning. Instead, she circled the awed unicorn, as if sizing her up.

"I take it she's the one responsible for the massive magical surge I felt yesterday that followed that rainbow...thing?"

"Yes, and it was a Sonic Rainboom. A phenomenon not seen in decades. I wish to leave this filly in your care and tutelage for the day while I go find out the cause. I know you can be a great teacher if you want to be, Sunset."

She leaned forward, nuzzling her protege, which brought a look of shock upon Sunset, before she returned the nuzzle in kind.

"And I believe this is part of the path you are looking for as well, my student. Let your two students guide you as much as you guide them, and the way will be clear."

Sunset looked upset by this, and was about to retort when Zikkar spoke up from above.

"Tiny pony strong. Zikkar feel it! Why tiny pony so strong! Zikkar work long, work hard, and tiny pony feel stronger!"

Celestia chuckled, looking up at the kobold trying to look over a railing taller than himself. But it was Emerald that spoke up.

"Strength only does so much, Zikkar. For someone who shows so much talent already with spellwork, I thought you'd know that skill matters just as much."

The answering growl made all the ponies look at the kobold in fear for a moment, for his magic seemed to become apparent for that bare moment...and it was not the magic of light they practiced.

"But should be earned! Not given! Look at tiny one. What do to earn it? Well? What do?"

Twilight looked up at the lizard, and snorted, wagging a hoof at him.

"But I study all the time! I've wanted to be in Celestia's school for years! I've never been tardy to any class, and I always keep my grades up. What would you know of that? You're not even a pony!"

Zikkar glared at her, and hopped over the rail, landing with a light 'tak' sound before approaching the three ponies. Emerald didn't like the look on his face, but knew that with the princess there, nothing could harm any of them.

"Zikkar study all time. Always. Never stop. Here now, learn more. But fail. Many times fail. Learn from fail."

He stood before the filly now, his height barely making him tall enough to see her eye to eye.

"Zikkar here to learn. Pony not mess up Zikkar learning, or Zikkar teach pony what it mean to fail."

He turned and stalked away, Sunset and Celestia watching him go. Sunset's face was enraged, and about to call the lizard out when she felt a hoof upon her withers. Looking up to see Celestia's still warm face, she only got confused. Twilight herself was just trying to put together what had been said to her. She'd never heard anypony speak in such broken Equestrian.

"Why did you let him talk to her like that? I've been learning just fine without mistakes. I don't need to fail to learn anything new! Why should she?"

Celestia's expression didn't change, but Sunset suddenly felt like she'd just disappointed her mentor.

"Do not regard him so lightly, Sunset. It is as he said. There is as much to learn in failure as there is in success. Now, I must go. Watch over them, Sunset. I trust you."

With a snap of the air, Celestia was gone, and Sunset was left with not one, but two students to take care of. With a sigh, she ushered the still confused Twilight into the observatory, and shut the doors, a sigh escaping her as she turned to see Zikkar playing with a fully formed fireball in his claws, and Emerald putting up a sweat as he tried to determine where it was going to be thrown.

"Oh...this better be worth it Princess, or I swear I'm going to make good on looking into the forbidden archives."

Zikkar himself was busy watching the destructive force he held in his claws, keeping it confined and active...a practice technique one of his many mentors had taught him would increase his personal reserves should he ever be without the backing of a celestial being. This was the longest he'd held it, and he didn't feel even one iota of strain. Once again, he felt something wasn't right.

"Zikkar...did not earn this."

Zikkar the Uncertain

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With an audible thump, Sunset's face was well planted into the table in front of her, both Zikkar and Twilight on the opposing side, having been listening intently to her attempt to teach them River Presage's Theory of Portent Arcanum. Needless to say, they didn't get it one bit.

"Look, you two. It's siiiimple! All you have to do is use a controlled set of flames in a regular pattern matching that of the thaumic resonance of the water pool to get an image that pertains to the future! How is that difficult?"

Twilight, at the least, understood what Sunset was getting at. There was just a small problem.

"I'm afraid I haven't studied Simple Matter's spells for thaumic resonance yet. That was supposed to be next year's studies."

Zikkar, meanwhile, didn't understand a lick of it, mostly because all the magic HE had learned, he'd learned based on a combination of the basic understanding of godly influence upon magic, and the internal reservoir most magic users had at their disposal, being combined with physical materials, verbal incantations, and even body motions, to create the spellwork. Some of what she said made sense in that there was a method needed, but the method itself escaped him right now. There was just something intrinsically wrong with how their spellcraft seemed to work to Zikkar. Where was the art in it? All these equations and patterns...he just needed to feel his magic most of the time to get it to work.

These ponies were acting more like wizards then they were sorcerers.

"Zikkar not need such silliness. Zikkar only need feel magic, feel words, feel spell itself. Why pony magic need so much thought? Just teach Zikkar spells!"

Sunset's glare was one that would likely have set Zikkar on fire if she'd put any magic behind it. On the balcony, Emerald prepared his shield spell. She had a bad habit of firing off without warning, after all.

"That's what I'm trying to do, you lazy lizard. Our spellwork requires dedication and study. The patterns you see on the board are what we unicorns create with out magic in order to form the spell itself. No pattern, no spell. Just raw magic being thrown around."

Twilight smiled and nodded, a hoof going up into the air as she recited from memory an old school mantra.

"Bring the puzzle before your muzzle, sort the sigils and stay on vigil, for with the harmony of the pattern and the unity of the mind, any spell can be cast with great study and time."

Zikkar narrowed his eyes, though they were hidden behind his smoked lenses, and he contemplated this. What they were effectively telling him is there magic had no outside components other than patterns others had learned. Did this many any pony could learn this magic, even non-unicorns?

"Why Zikkar only see horned pony magic and no other?"

"Oh, oh! I can tell you! I know, please Sunset, can I tell him?"

Sunset sighed with an eyeroll, waving a hoof for Twilight to go ahead. With a deep breath from Twilight, Zikkar suddenly regretted the question.

"While all ponies are capable of performing patterned magic like this, unicorns have the unique advantage that most of the spellwork and pattern creation comes naturally, as our horns channel our mental representation of those patterns into reality, whereas an Earth Pony would have to call upon the earth beneath their hooves to form the pattern in whatever material they have at hand, which takes time and quite a lot of patience, and Pegasi have to channel their magic through their wings, creating the pattern in the wind and clouds instead. Unfortunately, unless both are physically fit, a single spell can often leave them drained, sometimes to a dangerous degree! But that hasn't stopped some from learning regardless! Why, River Presage was an incredibly gifted Earth Pony mage! She could perform some of the spell patterns Celestia herself had created! Her theories are used to this day for some of our greatest spellworks, why...."


"He was even able to use Starswirl the Bearded's Mass in Motion spell pattern to create an iron golem that worked for three days! THREE DAYS!"


"And that's not even considering his ability to use earthen spell patterns no unicorn has ever been able to replicate. But there were many spells that unicorns can perform easily that he couldn't even grasp. Celestia herself theorized..."


"...sorry. Did I do it again?"

Sunset was giving Twilight the stink eye, while Zikkar slowly thumped his head against the table...multiple times.

"Zikkar has decided purple one needs way to turn off."

Sunset chuckled despite herself, holding a hoof in front of her muzzle to stifle it a little, before replying to him.

"And I think Zikkar needs to be careful what he asks for."

"Stupid pony."

"Mangy reptile."

"What does it matter, all three of you are eggheads."

Emerald was glad that day that he'd had his shield pattern already prepared. As it was, the cleaning crew would probably spend a day or two replacing the wall behind where he had been standing that now only had a pony shaped portion of wall still standing.


Shining Armor, meanwhile, was starting to wonder just what kind of influence the firebrand that was Sunset would have on his sister. He wasn't assigned to the tower anymore, as Emerald seemed more than capable of keeping the place relatively intact. He was off duty, and approaching the throne room, intent to speak with Celestia. He was hoping to catch the tail end of court, when Celestia was most approachable as the nobles of Canterlot had usually left for the day by now. Pressing his way through the large double doors of the thron room, he found the room empty save Celestia herself, who was looking over a pile of documents, a pair of half-moon spectacles perched upon her muzzle.

"Ahem...Princess? May I speak with you?"

She looked up from the scroll held in her magic, blinking a little as her eyes refocused, before he usual warm smile graced her muzzle and she beckoned Shining over.

"Of course, Shining. I always have time for my little ponies. How can I help you?"

Her cocked ears assured him that she was listening as she went back to perusing the scroll in front of her.

"I wanted to ask...about Sunset. I recall you ordering the guards to keep a close eye on her. She's been very...confrontational lately. Anytime I've seen her away from Twilight and Zikkar, she's seemed very angry. Even Emerald mentions how quickly she tends to release destructive magic. I'm just worried how that will influence Twilight."

Celestia put the scroll down, the spectacles following it to the pile next to her.

"Sunset is a very unique case among the students I have had, Shining. Yes, she is quick to anger and even quicker to fly into battle. However, you need not worry. She is slowly becoming more level headed. Take the other day. She only blew out one wall of the tower all day. A vast improvement, wouldn't you say Shining?"

"Perhaps to the treasury. I must admit, I have no clue how that tower is still standing after all this time."

"Everything is fine, Shining Armor. You sister is in more than capable hooves. Just imagine what would happen to anypony that even thinks of harming the student of Sunset Shimmer."

Shining armor took a moment to try imagining such.
He decided it'd be better not to.

"And what about that, uh, creature. The kobold, I think I heard him call himself? Zikkar. Why are you so trusting of him already?"

"You can trust even those that seem incapable of being so, Shining. You just have to know in what ways you can trust them."

She leaned forward, her ethereal hair flowing over her right eye, obscuring it and effectively forcing Shining to look at her left.

"Trust is an interesting thing, Shining. You can trust a guard to perform his duties, insofar as their training and experience allows."

She cocked her head to the side, that one eye squinting a little, though her smile never changed.

"And you can trust a thief to steal, insofar as the reward far outweighs the risk."

She tilted her head the other way, closing her visible eye as her smile seemed to become more devious.

"And you can trust a noble soul to put others ahead of himself when he finds the others worthy of it."

Finally, she leaned forward, and gave Shining a small nuzzle, one which would be fine among family, which to Celestia, all her little ponies were.

"Just as you implicitly trust me to move the sun and the moon every morning and evening without fail."

Leaning back, the Solar Princess placed a hoof against Shining's chest, and nodded.

"Just as I trust you to guard this castle. I hope this sheds some light upon things for you Shining. I am afraid I have much work to continue, however. Is there anything else?"

Shining was looking at her hoof against his chest, his heartbeat slowly rising throughout the little speech, until he felt a strong calm upon her touch.

"No, Princess. Thank you for indulging a foalish pony."

"Nonsense, Shining. You are not foalish to have such questions. You would only be foalish if you failed to bring them up. Sleep well tonight, Shining."

With a bow and a twist, Shining left the throne room with a lightened heart and a cleared mind. Trust.
Celestia had all the trust his heart and soul could bring to bear, and he knew it was not misplaced. He only hoped to earn the trust she was already giving him. He'd made a promise to be the best Royal Guard when he'd entered the academy. Now, he promised to be the best Royal Guard Celestia had ever seen.