Star Trek: Into Equestria Part 4 of 4: Into Oblivion

by admiralthunderstorm

First published

The crew of the Enterprise save Equestria once and for all.

Takes place 6 months after the events of Star Trek: Into Equestria Part 3 of 4: Contagion. Queen Chrysalis boards the Enterpsrise and sabotages it. Written in the point of view (like always) of Doctor McCoy. Also, the Enterprise almost crashes into Manehattan.

The enemy Within

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Chief Medical Officer’s Log

Stardate: 6147.202

We are en route to Equestria… again… Not very many things have been happening with the crew in the ways of diseases and deformities. Kirk is in fine physical and mental health and not complaining about having to deal with his Med Bay being overrun by Tribbles since the one I revived with Khan’s blood decided to start making babies. We have given some to the Equestrians who, surprisingly, know how to keep their numbers in check better than we do. We have not heard from the Shackleton since our last visit to Equestria. People are saying that they can go ‘interdemensionally’ due the magic from that colt we opened being exposed to the technology of the ship. It irritates me that the Shackleton has become the flagship of the Federation for the time being. They may have a better ship but, they do not have a better crew. Stand by for more word on the matter.

I sit the Chief Medical Officer’s Log down on the table in front of me and look out the window at the stars flying by. I had thought a lot about what I said to Celestia on my last visit. I asked her if space truly was the final frontier. She never gave me a straight answer. (Which, I am kind of irritated about. Hrm… I’ll just put that in the 500-page novel of things I’m irritated about.) I looked around my office on the Enterprise and see my Celestial Medal of Honor and Applejack’s hat she gave me. I had some more stuff on my shelves like my phaser and tricorder but, I decided to get up and walk to the bridge. We were under impulse power to give the warp nacelles time to cool off. Our last planetary visit was to Alpha Testla Rissa a planet on the edge of the Tessta Rossa system with enough food to give a starship crew a fighting chance to live after crashing. I say that because the crew of the U.S.S. Excelsior were said to be there but, we found no wreckage or crew members.

I get to the bridge and hear Jim talking to Uhura about the present condition of the Equestria population. I walk up just as he finished and he turned toward me.

He started by saying,

“Hey, Bones, have you heard about the Equestrians?”

“What about them?” I replied.

“Their numbers are at 150% of what they used to be!”


Sulu turned his chair around and said,

“Ready for warp, Captain.”

“Alright… Punch it.”

Sulu pushed the throttle forward and we were on our way to Equestria at maximum warp.

“So, what do you think they need us for this time, Bones?” Jim continued.

“I don’t know. They probably need me to save their planet again.”

Kirk laughed, patted me on the back and said,

“Probably, Bones. Probably.”


“What is it, Bones?”

“Am I a hero?”

“Why do you say that, Bones? You’re my hero. You specifically brought me back from the dead.”

“Yeah, I know I’m your hero but, do they think I’m their hero?”

“I don’t know about that legend that Celestia told me about but, she thinks of you as the leader of that legend.”


“Because, between you and me, the legend, she told me, said the leader was a man in a blue shirt.”

“It’s probably talking about Spock.”

“No. It’s not, because you’ve done more for that planet than any of us have.”

“What about you, Kirk? What have you done for the planet?”

Scotty turned his chair around on the bridge and said,

“Well, you did screw Celestia to get her to change her stance on the Federation. I find that weird, screwing a horse.”

“Might I add, Scotty. You did say when we met, referring to the Enterprise, and I quote, ‘You would like to get your hands on her ample nacelles.’ I find that weird, screwing a starship.” Kirk fired back.

Scotty looked violated, like he’d just been insulted about his Scottish origins.

“That’s… That’s… different!” He stammered.

“Uh-huh.” Kirk smiled. Knowing that they had both been burned very severely. (Probably because they knew they had both been caught wanting to induce intercourse with what was once ‘considered’ an inanimate object.) “Sure, it is…”

Sulu stopped the conversing short when he said,

“Sir, ETA to Equestria, 25 seconds.”

About 20 seconds later, Kirk replied with a,

“Alright, Mr. Sulu. Drop us out of warp.”

We exited warp very suddenly and stopped abruptly.

There was wreckage of a Klingon Battlecruiser near the moon.

“Jim. I don’t like the look of this.” I told him.

“Alright. I am beaming down with you to Canterlot. Bones, bring Phasers. Set them to kill.” Kirk replied.


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We materialized in the throne room and saw Celestia covered in blood and struggling to move. So, Kirk and I ran up to her and Kirk said,

“Celestia! What happened?!”

“The Klingons! They came back saying something about Dilithium!”

“Why would they want Dilithium? Last sensor readings said that your planet didn’t have any Dilithium.”

“That’s just it! I… I… I told them we didn’t have any and they almost killed me for it!”

“But, you’re an alicorn!” I said. “Alicorns can’t die!”

“That’s what I tell everypony. The truth is that we Alicorns can’t die from natural causes. We can die from being beaten to death but, not from getting old.”

Kirk starts crying and hugged Celestia. She whimpered and kirk said,

“What’s wrong, ‘Tia?”

“Broken ribs.” I said.

“Okay Bones. Beam back up to the Med Bay. Get Celestia to feeling better.”

“Okay, Jim.”

So, after beaming back up to the Med Bay, I put splints on Celestia’s bones and put her in my room to sleep. While in bed, she asked me,


“You call me Leonard, Celestia. Why do you call me Bones, now?”

“Because we’ve gotten to know each other. Now, Bones, is that a window?”

“Yes… Why?”

“Can you open it so, I can see Equestria from space?”

So, I went to the window and opened it, showing her a remarkably grand view of Equestria in all its glory.

She instantly started crying.

“That’s so… That’s so… Beautiful!” She said.

So, I decided to ask her the question I asked Kirk earlier.

“Celestia, am I a hero?”

“We are all heroes in our own way, Leonard. What way pleases you?”

“Saving people. But, I don’t know if I can save you. I’ve never had to save a horse before.”

“Pony, Leonard. I am a pony.”

“Okay… pony.”

So, I went over to my nightstand and grabbed my Tricorder and scanned Celestia. She had a normal heartbeat for what I thought a horse (dammit! PONY, Leonard! She is a pony!) should have. I also found out that her magic was busy fixing her bones. 10 minutes later, the fixing of her bones was finished and she was getting out of bed. By that time, Kirk had beamed back up to the Enterprise and had entered the med bay, obviously hoping to see Celestia.

I walked up to him and said,

“Jim, she’s fine. You can go see her in a little bit.”

“I don’t think that’s Celestia.” He said.

That was not what I expected to excrete from his mouth at that moment in time.

“W-w-w-… Why don’t you think that’s Celestia?”

“Just some things.”

“What kind of things, exactly?”

Kirk leaned to look over my shoulder.

“This proves my point.” He gestures to whoever’s behind me.

I turned around to see who he was referring to and saw a dark green pony (perfect, Leonard!) licking its chops at the two of us.

“You finally figured it out, Kirk! I hid Celestia away in a secure location ever since the last time you left. Now, since I have successfully infiltrated your ship, I have no choice but, to claim ownership of it.” The pony said.

“Why do you want my ship?” Kirk said.

“Why do you care?”

“So, I can know why you’re doing this.”

“Well, it will help me take over Equestria. Does that tell you enough?”

“You’re not getting her.”

“Oh. That’s what you think. My Changeling army is already down at you precious warp core, taking it over. So, basically, I already have it.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Queen Chrysalis.”

I spoke up.

“You may have the warp core but, you don’t have the rest of the ship.”

“Oh… Leonard. That’s what you think. I won’t have you stopping me from taking over Equestria this time.”

Next thing I know, I found myself flying backwards toward a wall. I hit it, slid down, and had time to see Kirk run out of the room before I blacked out.

My name is Queen Chrysalis…’ was the last thought that went through my head.

I awoke I don’t know how long later to the sound of gunfire one deck below and decided to investigate. I got out of the room and the power shut off. (Probably because the so-called ‘Changelings’ shut off the warp core.) That also includes shutting off the gravity generators. So, while we fell towards Equestria, I was stumbling down the stairs to deck 6. I got to that deck and instantly found Mr. Scott and Keenzer.

“Scotty! What the hell happened?” I asked him.

“The bug ponies didn’t know how to shut off the warp core so, they severed some of the warp core wires so, Keenzer and I are up here to find replacements.” Scotty replied.

“Okay. You stay safe.”

Scotty handed me a phaser.

“They’re surprisingly easy to kill but, there’s so many of them that they’re tough.”

“Thank you.”

About the time that we ended our conversation, the Enterprise tilted again and I found myself running on the wall past the doors to the Brig and sustainable food storages. I got to the rear of the ship and got on the turbolift track to go down to the warp core deck. I ran and ran and ran down near the edge of the track as the Enterprise was about to right itself. I started sliding down the track and heard the banging of a turbocart falling toward me. I jumped up and swung myself into another turbotrack, causing the cart to miss me by less than a couple of inches. I ran to the nearest door and opened it. I found I was on the deck right below the warp core deck. It was the deck containing the garbage dumps. I looked near one of the doors and saw a yellow shirt and Queen Chrysalis fighting in one of the garbage dumps.

Why would Queen Chrysalis be on this deck? I thought to myself.

I ran over to the garbage dump and saw who the yellow shirt was.

It was Ensign Chekhov and he was locking the door to the garbage dump.

With him and Queen Chrysalis inside it.

Sacrifices will have to be made

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Chekhov and Queen Chrysalis stopped fighting and looked at me with wide eyes. Seeing what Chekhov was going to make me do, Queen Chrysalis grabbed Chekhov’s phaser, grabbed Chekhov around the neck and held him hostage.

“Move your hand towards that panel, I kill him!” She said. “Now, open the door.”

I looked at Chekhov. He was young. A 19-year-old kid with a full life ahead of him but, here he was, being held hostage in a garbage chute by a dark green pony. I saw the fear in his eyes as he realized what he had to do. He nodded and mouthed the words,

Do it.

I quickly slammed the release button and saw that because of the shock of a human defying her orders, Chrysalis dropped Chekhov and backed towards the door. Chekhov looked at me knowingly. He and I both knew he was giving up his life to save all the crew members lives on the Enterprise.

“I’ll never forget you, Chekhov.” I said.

“I won’t either.” He replied.

Then, the door opened. Queen Chrysalis and Pavel Andrevich Chekhov got sucked out into space and got incinerated on reentry. It was a horrible way to die. It was even more horrible to watch him suffer like that. The only good thing that came out of this was that Queen Chrysalis was also incinerated. I close the door and stand with my back against the hull wall. I slide down and sit on the floor. That’s when I start crying and Sulu comes running up to me.

“Where’s Chekhov?” He asks me.

I pointed to the garbage chute.

Sulu put two-and-two together within a matter of milliseconds.

“Are you telling me that you killed Chekhov?”

I nodded.

He pulled out his phaser and placed it upon my cheek.

“Do it.” I said.

The phaser started shaking.

“DO IT!!!!!!!!” I yelled.

He dropped the phaser and hugged me.

“I’m so sorry, McCoy.”

“We need to go.”

“The main bridge doesn’t have power going to it. We may be able to go to the battle bridge and get control of the ship.”

I was basically dragging him with me.

“We need to go!”

So, we got up to the battle bridge and found it to be a wreck. A steel I-beam fell and hit Sulu in the head, knocking him out. That left me to work the controls. I tried to recall the book Starfleet Vessel Training for Manual Override Part 1.

Alright McCoy, you’ve got one chance to get this right.” I said to myself.

I pulled the column back as I saw a rather large city below us. Flaps and ailerons opened in the back of the primary hull and warp nacelle pylons, dragging the nose up and pushing the tail down. I pushed the impulse throttle forward and the Enterprise began her arc toward the sky and leveled out just above the water of Manehattan Harbor. Before going back up, the torch on the Statue of Liberty gets destroyed by the deflector dish. I let go of the steering console and breathed a deep sigh of relief. I’d just caused a whole lot of money in damage but, saved a whole lot of ponies in the process. When we went out of the atmosphere of Equestria, I turned the Enterprise to orbit the planet and got up to the transporter room.

“Hey, Scotty?” I said when I answered the room. “Got the warp core working again?”

“You bet your arse, Doctor.” Scotty replied.

“Beam me down to Manehattan.”

So, I got beamed down to where I wanted and found myself at the opening to a rather large cave. I went into it and explored and heard voices coming from inside. About the time, I heard them was when Kirk and Celestia came running around the corner.

“BONES! YOU FOUND US!” Kirk yelled happily.

For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky

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The next day, I decided I had to tell Kirk about what happened to Chekhov when he asked me this question,

“Bones, where’s Chekhov? I haven’t seen him all day!”

“Jim, Chekhov’s dead.” I replied.

“He’s… He’s what?”

“He’s dead. He sacrificed himself to save the Enterprise.”

“Did… did he die in agony? Was it painful?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t him.”

“Did it look painful?”

“It was quick.”

“Good. At least he didn’t die painfully.”

Celestia came over to us and said,

“Crew of the venerable starship Enterprise, you are cordially invited to attend my party. It is celebrating your triumphant victory over the Changeling army!”

“Oh great, another party?” I asked Kirk unenthusiastically.

“Just come on, Bones. You know that she would want you to.” Kirk replied.

We got to the banquet hall and I found a bunch of ponies all saying my name. They pushed me up on the podium and I went up to the microphone to say a few words.

“Fellow ponies, I may not be one of you but, I am happy to be accepted into your society. I am your hero but, the greatest hero cannot be measured or bought.” I was looking at Kirk when I said the next part. “The greatest hero is a friend. Even if that friend is not with us anymore. Thank you.”

I stepped down from the podium and grabbed a plate of cake. I walked up to Kirk and Spock as Kirk said,

“So, Bones, you are a hero. Does that mean you can fly?”

“Dammit, Jim I’m a doctor not Superman!”

“I think that’s what everypony was waiting on.”

“Again, Jim?”


“With the ‘Everypony.’”


Two hours later, we were back on the Enterprise. Shooting towards Yorktown Starbase to get refitted. I sat down in my office and wrote to Celestia like she told me to.

Dear Princess Celestia

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned a lot during my time on your planet. I’ve learned how to be a better friend and how to not care what stereotypes other people give us. We do the job we must do anyway. It may be hard, doing what’s right, but, we must keep making choices. Even if those choices may not be the right ones. Because you need to keep your life moving forward because, what are we living for if there’s no fun in the unpredictability of life? Your planet has been kind to me. I am hoping we can share experiences sometime soon.

Best wishes,

Lieutenant Commander Doctor Leonard Horatio McCoy M.D.

Chief Medical Officer of the Starship Enterprise

I sit the paper in the safe by my desk and look out the window at the snow globe-like Yorktown Starbase sitting out in the expanse of space and I think to myself,

If space truly is endless, then what are we really searching for?

I put Applejack’s hat over my face and doze off.