> The Empress' New Broodmare > by 555randomness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Break Her In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dark and damp wherever she was. The last thing Applejack could remember was doing her regular chores at Sweet Apple Acres when something grabbed her up and drugged her. Now she was here, in some kind of prison. Meanwhile she had no idea who her captors were or what intentions they had for her. She tried to get up and walk around, but unsurprisingly she was restrained by heavy chains that kept her planted in place. They gave her just enough leeway to stand up and slightly shift position. “C-Can anyone hear me?” she called out, “We can talk about this….whatever you want, I’m sure there’s a better way to go about it.” There was no response other than a maddening dripping of water. She could also notice a strange smell. It was hard to figure out exactly what it was. The scent carried a sweet but somewhat wild vibe. She could almost call it enticing, if she wasn’t too distracted by fear of her current situation. That’s when the door to her cellar open and another pony walked in. Applejack didn’t have enough time to make out details on the new arrival before the door closed again and darkness took back over. However, she saw just enough to tell that this was a large figure. At first she thought it was possibly a stallion, but the voice ended up being far too feminine for that. “Hello, Applejack. I hope you aren’t too uncomfortable” “Uncomfortable? Nah...ah’ve just been kidnapped and locked in a strange dungeon, ah’m not uncomfortable,” the snark in Applejack’s voice was thick, but it seemed to make her captor chuckle. “Still feisty I see. We’ll have to break that out of you in time.” Applejack squirmed against her restraints, “What do you mean break it out of me? What do you want with me? Show yerself!” “Well, if you insist,” replied the unknown figure as she flicked on a dim light to the room. Applejack’s jaw dropped in shock. It was… “N-Nightmare Moon?! But...this is impossible!” “Oh, it’s very possible. You need not know the details of my return. Simply know that I have very special plans for you, little pony.” “W-What sort of plans?” Nightmare Moon put on a devious smirk as she began walking around Applejack in a predatory manner. “Well, I still haven’t given up my plans on taking over Equestria. However, I can’t do that very well without an army. My choices are pretty limited. I either have to recruit my own….or breed my own.” Applejack gulped at the implication, “Well, looks like you're straight outta luck, huh?” “It would seem at first. I’m nothing if not inventive, though. With a few good mares, and some well placed spells to increase efficiency, I could create a perfectly crafted army in no time. I think you’ll make for a fine test run of this little experiment.” Nightmare Moon then moved in close to Applejack’s body and placed her hooves on both sides of Applejack’s hips, tracing their noticeable curvature. “Yes, you’re the perfect specimen. Strong breeding hips, plump flank. You’ll do quite well,” she smirked as she spanked Applejack’s flank with one hoof and teased her marehood with the other. Applejack shuddered at the violation, “Get yer hooves off me! Y-Ya won’t get away with this! My friends will come for me.” “I’m not scared of them, they’ll be sharing the same fate as you. One by one, they’ll each join you as another breeder for my glorious army. I should have thought of it sooner. Why worry about the Elements of Harmony when I can turn the bearers into a bunch of drooling sex slaves?” She gave a disconcerting laugh. As Applejack panicky began looking around for any way to escape Nightmare Moon walked towards a small cabinet near the cell entrance and pulled out a glistening potion of purple and pink fluid. She looked at her prisoner with malicious intent as she took the potion and walked over. “Don’t fear, Applejack. This will help you come to terms with your new situation.” “Ah ain’t drinking any of that” “Oh, but you will,” Nightmare Moon put the potion up to Applejack’s mouth, and when she refused to drink Nightmare simply used magic to open Applejack’s jaw and started pouring the potion down her throat. Applejack had no choice but to gulp down every sip, coughing heavily when the assault finally ended. “W-What was that stuff?!” Applejack asked fearfully. “You’ll see soon enough,” came the response. Applejack didn’t have much time to wonder before the effects started to hit. It began with a sense of heat filling her entire body, but primarily centered on her loins. She began to pant and sweat heavily as the heat only got stronger. Meanwhile her marehood began to lubricate heavily to the point it was dripping with her female juices. Her mind began to fog over, and it was becoming difficult to focus on anything other than the growing primal needs of her body. “Looks like you’ve got a little problem there, thankfully I know of a way to fix it,” Nightmare Moon smirked as she opened the cell door and let a new occupant in. The one who entered was a very impressive Bat-Pony stallion. His entire body rippled with muscle, and he stood just a bit short of Applejack’s brother Big MacIntosh. Applejack couldn’t help but observe every chiseled part of this stallion’s physique. She knew the potion was affecting her, but it was hard to stop herself from lusting after the newly arrived male. Both Nightmare Moon and her guard walked over to Applejack, who was a panting mess at this point. It was all she could do to avoid grinding her rear legs together in a desperate attempt to sate herself. “This here is Captain Sanguine, one of my finest warriors. He’ll be the first of my guards to take turns at breeding you. Just relax and let him take care of you.” Applejack was hardly in the position to say no either way, although she still had a bit of token resistance left in her. She aggressively bucked and squirmed as Sanguine moved in position and mounted her. Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon was slowly rubbing her hoof all over Applejack’s sweet nether lips. “Mmmh, she’s all ready for you, Captain. Don’t hold back,” Nightmare smiled as she stepped back to observe as Sanguine begin prodding at Applejack’s entrance with his throbbing shaft. Applejack let loose a loud moan as Sanguine suddenly pushed his way inside of her. Her entire body shuddered with pleasure as that thick rod penetrated her needy marehood inch by inch. Part of her was still screaming to resist, to keep up the fight. It was a losing battle though. Her most primal instincts were in control, and there was no way she could deny herself the relief. Her moaning and panted competed with the masculine grunts of her mount, who was hard at work thrusting in and out of her. She took a moment to look over her shoulder and up at her chosen mate. He looked about like a typical bat-pony, but there was a certain handsome ruggedness about him. For a moment her green eyes met with his dark blue irises. “Those are the eyes of the colt that’s about to impregnate you” came a voice in her mind, trying to force her into a moment of clarity, but that clarity was interrupted when she felt a hard smack on her right flank, sending her plump rear jiggling. Sanguine than began to ram at her entrance much harder and faster than before. A mixture of shame and perverse pleasure filled her. Here she was, getting rutted by a colt she had never met, and she was enjoying it. She was panting and moaning like a slut, her flank bouncing every time she was pounded. Nightmare Moon observed the entire scene with satisfaction. The two were going at it quite intently, but perhaps a bit more energy was needed. She moved in from behind the two and began to charge up her horn with a special magic. As the spell charged she fondled Sanguine’s heavy testicles with one hoof. “You’re doing quite well, Captain, but I don’t think it’ll hurt to improve your chances a little.” She then released her magic and watched as Sanguine’s balls began to swell in size as they filled with more life-giving seed. The affected stallion let out a primal groan as the tempo of his thrusts became more desperate and erratic as his testicles grew nearly as large as a pair of melons. They sloshed with their massive load as their owner came closer and closer to release with every thrust of his hips. “Unnnghh...s-so close...need to...need to release….” grunted Sanguine. Nightmare Moon leaned down next to Applejack and began to whisper into her ear, “Not much longer now, Applejack. Hope you’re ready to become a mother,” to which Applejack only let out an embarrassed whimper in response. The loud sounds of mating continued to intensify until Sanguine let out a final powerful thrust and lodged his member deep inside Applejack’s folds. His heavily inflated testicles tightened up close to his member, building up in pressure before finally shooting a massive gush of fluids into Applejack’s womb. Applejack gasped at how full just the first wave made her, already her womb felt flooded with warm, sticky seed. That was just the beginning, as another thrust from Sanguine resulted in him pumping even more seed into Applejack’s helpless body. He gripped her wide,fertile hips tightly and held her in place as he continued working to fill her with as much offspring as possible. It all served to remind Applejack that she wasn’t just being rutted, she was being bred. After a few more thrusts Sanguine finally relented and withdrew from Applejack’s abused marehood, allowing a fair amount of his seed to spill out of her and give some relief to her now heavily distended belly. Afterwards Applejack quickly collapsed to the ground in a panting,sweaty heap. Nightmare Moon looked at her newly initiated slave with approval before turning to congratulate the one who broke her in, “Well done, Captain. You may return to your regular duties for now, I’ll call you if your other services are needed again.” “It would be my pleasure, your majesty,” Sanguine replied with a bow before taking his leave. Nightmare Moon then leaned down to Applejack’s defeated form, “I must say, you endured that quite well. Although you better rest, we’ll be repeating this several times to make sure you take. I’m confident you’ll make an excellent broodmare though.” Applejack closed her eyes and shuddered in defeat as Nightmare Moon laughed on her way out the door. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Huff. Puff. “Unnnnghgh” Applejack groaned in exertion as she moved along her escape route. She had spent much of the past months plotting on how to get her freedom. She finally got her opportunity, although it came a bit later than she had hoped. At this point she was already heavily along in her pregnancy, and what a pregnancy it was. Her belly swayed just a perilous few inches away from the ground, squirming regularly with the multiple foals within. She wasn’t sure how many she was carrying exactly, but there was probably near half a dozen. Luckily she didn’t have very far to go. Her cell was just a couple hallways away from the exit of Nightmare Moon’s base, and thankfully security around her had been light. Nightmare Moon probably assumed Applejack wouldn’t be able to go anywhere with her “condition”. Which, if another month had passed, that might have been true. She just had to focus on taking one step at a time. She spread her legs to a wide stance and slowly waddled closer to her freedom. Although focusing was difficult with one of her foals kicking every couple of moments. She hoped to Celestia she didn’t go into labor before getting back to Equestria. At long last she reached her plan escape route, an old and unguarded window in the rear of the facility. It was big enough for most ponies to escape from, but then again...she was far bigger than most ponies now. With the new girth she was carrying there’d only be mere centimeters of clearance for her, if that. She gulped and mustered her courage as she climbed up into the window and tried to squirm through. Her body shivered as the sides and bottom of her swollen belly brushed against the cold concrete frames of the open window. She carefully continued moving forward until suddenly, she stopped. “Oh no…” She was stuck. She groaned and whined as she struggled to get her massive belly through the tight space, but it barely seemed to budge. She silently began to curse everything responsible for her troubles. She cursed Nightmare Moon and that foul potion that made this even possible, she cursed Sanguine, she cursed whoever didn’t make this window bigger. There wasn’t much time to complain about it though. She needed to free herself fast before a guard could come by and catch her in this humiliating position. She grunted in pain as she wiggled forward with all her might, her belly scraping against the edges of the window as she finally managed to ease herself out of the building and onto the ground with a thud. She panted heavily, completely out of breath after all the effort it took to get out the window. She was usually a mare with high stamina, but sitting around for the past few months as her belly swelled with foals and she was stuffed with the food to feed them had taken a bit of a toll on her athleticism. Still though, surely she had enough in her to get back to Equestria. That was when she stood up and saw where she was. The base was in the middle of nowhere, and there was nothing but miles of vast forest all around her. “Well, just my luck. Dozens of miles from home, with only a few weeks before I give birth to an entire village….I better get a move on.” > Nightmare Moon's New Toys (Alternate Ending, Semi-Dark/Bad End) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack awoke to a familiar sight. It was one that would bring horror to most mares but was now the natural state of things for her. Looming at-least a couple feet above her head was her swollen belly, so tall she couldn't see her belly button and so heavy it pinned her down to the bed. Her expanded womb was, as usual, filled to the brim with young soldiers for her mistress' army. She was now carrying her seventh brood, and it was far larger than any she had before. She didn't know the exact number of foals growing inside her but guessed there had to be over a dozen at least. The massive dome of her middle shook and wobbled slightly on contact as she began running her hooves over the small parts she could still reach. A heavy shudder of surprise and odd satisfaction ran through her body as she felt a couple of her offspring kick against her womb in response. She once felt fear and anger at what had happened to her, but now felt nothing but motherly pride at her over productive fertility. Escape was no longer on her mind. The constant cycle of pregnancy she was kept in, combined with the increasing brood sizes, left her with periods of mobility that lasted a few weeks at best. The rate at which that window was shrinking meant that trying to run would soon be physically impossible even if she had the willpower. However, a new spell developed by Nightmare Moon which caused Applejack to orgasm with every birth had broken her willpower and left her addicted to the entire process. She still missed her friends, but aside from that had mostly embraced her new life. Applejack's thoughts were disrupted as the door to her private room opened. In walked her mistress, owner, and sometimes breeder. Nightmare Moon smirked with the usual pride and satisfaction she had for Applejack's ever-expanding womb. After dropping a small bag off near the entrance of the room she approached Applejack's bed from the side, giving her massive orange belly a light pat. "Good morning, my broodmare. I see the latest batch is coming along nicely." Applejack nodded, "Yes, mistress. It's a strong group this time." "I'd expect nothing else. Your offspring have always been powerful and healthy. I made a good choice in my breeding slave. You've come so far in such a short time. To think a few months ago you were so small and toned, but now..." Nightmare's voice drifted off as she ran a hoof over the curved slopes of Applejack's swell. She had to raise up on her hind hooves in order to touch the top of this orange mountain in front of her. She gently brushed over Applejack's navel, which had popped out and swollen to comical size. Applejack was shuddering lightly at each touch, her stretched belly now hyper-sensitive to every sensation. "Truly a marvel of magic and potion making. I wonder how much further we'll be able to stretch your womb as I continue refining the fertility potion..." She allowed that question to hang in the air as her roaming hooves moved back down the slope towards the lower regions of Applejack's body, with Nightmare Moon re-positioning herself for a better view. Sitting below Applejack's mountainous belly were the two smaller slopes of her breasts. She had been giving milk constantly since her first pregnancy and her body had compensated admirably. Each breast exceeded the size of a large melon, and her swollen nipples were continuously leaking small droplets of motherly milk. Nightmare smirked before leaning in and giving the right nipple a teasing lick. Applejack let out a moan with hints of both pain and pleasure, clearly desperate to relieve her overfilled tits. Nightmare obliged her slave by wrapping her lips around the nipple and eagerly sucking out a few thick streams of sweet milk. "Your production of milk is impressive. However, these breasts will need to grow much larger if you are to keep up with demand." "Y-Yes, mistress." Applejack's submissive response had hints of excitement. "I see the rest of your figure is coming along as well," Nightmare remarked as she began to grope and squeeze at Applejack's plump flank. Applejack had been forced to eat meals that could feed an entire village in order to sustain her broods, and the leftovers were filling out her hips, thighs, and backside at a rapid pace. Her plot cheeks were nearly as big and round as basketballs, jiggling and wobbling anytime she exercised what little mobility she retained. Her plump thighs squashed together nearly all the way down to her knees. Most impressive, however, was her hips. Her hips stretched almost twice as wide as her shoulders and emphasized her excessive fertility. During the increasingly rare occasions when Applejack was able to walk, she did so with a heavy sway to her gait. "These foals are turning you into such a large, heavy mare. To think this is only the beginning. I can only imagine how fat your flank will be and how wide your hips will get after seven more broods." Upon finishing her sentence Nightmare noticed that Applejack was now rubbing her thighs together and panting lightly. "Oh, does this excite you, broodmare?" "A-A little." "Good. My plans for you have just begun, and you've already surpassed all expectations. There is one problem, however..." Applejack frowned, "Have ah displeased you?" Nightmare Moon chuckled, "No. It's just that some events are happening that mean I need to accelerate my plans. Even with the exceptional progress I've had with you, one broodmare isn't enough to achieve the numbers I need in time. So I've obtained a gift for both of us. One that'll give me more soldiers, and will cure the loneliness you've felt recently." "What is it?" Nightmare Moon returned to the door and called for her guards. A squad of Nightmare Moon's soldiers soon entered the room, and the identity of their prisoners made her jaw drop. She saw all five of her best friends. They were beaten, bruised, and tied up. Their faces contained a mix of shock and horror as they observed Applejack's current state. "What have you done with her?!" Rainbow Dash cried out. Nightmare Moon chuckled, "The same process I'm going to do with the rest of you, little one." The appearance of her friends brought Applejack into a rare moment of clarity. She had long given up hope that they'd be able to rescue her and resigned to her fate. Seeing that they hadn't given up on her inspired a small sense of resolve. What could she possibly do though? She doubted even her full strength would be enough to roll over, and being able to stand up and walk was utterly impossible. While Applejack was desperately trying to think of any plan, Nightmare Moon was already preparing to put her own into full effect. She used magic to levitate a set of five potions into the air as she spoke. "As you can probably surmise from your friend over there, I've found a new approach to conquering Equestria. I am no longer concerned with destroying the Elements of Harmony or stealing their power. No, I am going to breed the Elements. You five are going to join Applejack as my broodmares. The six of you will be the mothers to a massive army of powerful magic-enchanted soldiers that will easily overrun Equestria." Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes, "That's a terrible plan. Even if you kept us here for the entire time we're fertile you'd only be able to produce maybe a hundred soldiers." "Usually you'd be right. However, thanks to my fertility potions I'm able to bend those pesky biological limits. Just look at your little friend over there. A few doses of this and you'll be able to spawn several foals with every pregnancy. Your wombs will be able to stretch to untold sizes to compensate." Twilight seemed a bit more nervous now, "W-Well, you'd still have to wait for any offspring to grow up." "I'm working on a way to mature them to fighting age faster. However, even if I can't a few decades is a short time to wait for total conquest. Enough talk for now. Open up, girls." Nightmare Moon began floating the potions over to her new prisoners. Naturally, all five of them closed their mouths tightly in resistance. "Fine. We'll do this the hard way." She gave one potion to each guard in the room before walking up to Fluttershy, who was the first in the line. "I'll just force you to drink one by one." Fluttershy let out a frightened gasp as Nightmare Moon's magic forced her mouth to open. Soon after, the guard standing by her opened the potion and began pouring it into her maw. Any resistance she made was in vain as every last drop made its way into her. The effects were remarkably quick. Fluttershy began to blush deeply, her body trembling with quickly building arousal. "W-What's happening to me?" Fluttershy asked. "That would be your body going into a state of heat as multiple eggs are released into your womb. It's no normal heat. With your heightened fertility, think of it as a superheat." "You aren't getting away with this!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "You think we'll sit around and wait to swell up like balloons? We-" Her protests were cut off as one of the potions was shoved into her mouth, its contents easily flowing down her throat. "Applejack felt the same way," Nightmare retorted, "She attempted multiple to escape many times, but I broke her in time. Just as I will with all of you." Applejack scowled in rage, feeling a bit of old fire starting to rekindle. She rocked helplessly back and forth on her bed, her massive belly wobbling heavily in response to the movement. She could also feel her foals becoming more active, several of them actively kicking against her womb. These sensations filled her with arousal, and she found herself forced to fight against the very effective brainwashing she had previously submitted to. Meanwhile, all of Applejack's friends were forced into drinking Nightmare's potion one at a time. They were actively trying to resist the effects, but it was clear the pressure was building. All five were blushing heavily, panting, and fighting against the urge to rub their thighs together. The growing arousal in their eyes was clear as day. “Now for the fun part,” Nightmare smirked maliciously as her guards spread their legs enough to reveal themselves to their captives. Each soldier had a pair of very large balls, clearly swollen with excessive production of seed. This was accompanied by a large, thick rod throbbing with eagerness to deliver the pent-up payload. After the four guards showed the helpless mares what they were in for they each picked out a prisoner to claim. Twilight appeared notably left out. “Looks like you’re one rapist short,” Twilight remarked with a scowl. “Not at all. I just wanted you for myself.” Nightmare let out a slight cackle as she turned her body to reveal her own set of male equipment. She was even more endowed than her guards. Her balls were almost as big as soccer balls and the fluid inside them sloshed with her movement. Her hard shaft was a good foot in length and definitely thick enough to give Twilight a good stretching. Twilight gulped as Nightmare Moon maneuvered behind her and positioned herself above her. Nightmare’s hooves were now placed to the sides of Twilight’s head, with her stomach directly over her back. Nightmare slowly moved her lower body forward until her cock was pressing against Twilight’s already wet slit. She leaned her head down and whispered tauntingly into Twilight’s ear, “The first time is always the best. I can’t wait to see you break~” Twilight’s friends weren’t in any better situations. All of them had been mounted and were being penetrated by their respective captors. The room was filled with shouts and whines as each mare tried to resist with little progress. “You uncouth barbarians. T-This won’t work!” Rarity declared, “With all of us together..we can resist,” the guard mounting her only chuckled in response as he began thrusting in and out of her slick marehood, filling the room with the lewd sound of flesh on flesh. “Y-Yeah!” Pinkie shouted in agreement, “You think you can use sex as a weapon? That’s just crazy!” Her voice cracked a couple times with hints of moaning. The stallion rutting her gave her flank a hard smack, smiling as it jiggled heavily. “This one will make a good breeding cow. She’s already halfway there,” Pinkie’s forced partner declared, inciting some laughter from the other guards. Rainbow Dash struggled violently against the whole process but found her head shoved down to the ground as the guard above her began thrusting more aggressively. Just a few feet away Fluttershy whimpered meekly as a guard who was a bit too big for her mercilessly ravaged her previously tight marehood. Applejack was incensed. She had to do something. Although it was difficult when she was finding two battles at once. One was against the massive bulk of her body, and the other against her own mind. There was something strangely erotic about watching her friends getting pounded and bred. Her mind was filled with images of her friends slowly growing pregnant. She could picture each of them expanding larger and larger much the way she had. Eventually, they’d all be in this same position. Helplessly pinned down to a bed by an overfilled womb packed to capacity with Nightmare Moon’s future soldiers. The thought of it all made her begin to rub her plump thighs together subconsciously, with a familiar feeling of heat and moisture building between her legs. “No! Snap out of it!” Applejack chided herself as she began making a final effort to roll herself over. She put forward all her strength, working until she was panting desperately for breath. Despite it all, she was still in the same position as a few moments before. It was at this point that she realized no amount of willpower was going to help. She was simply too large to do anything. The only option was to lay back and watch events unfold. The level of intensity in the room had only increased. Lewd grunts and groans were emitted from all parties involved. In addition, wet slapping sounds filled the room from all the different sets of hips colliding together. Nightmare Moon and her guards were thrusting into their captives much harder than before, and they seemed to be slowly drawing closer to the big climax. “Not much longer now, little pet.” Nightmare whispered into Twilight’s ear as she continued rutting her target. Twilight’s marehood clenched tightly around Nightmare’s girthy cock, providing extra stimulation to both of them. All the while Nightmare’s nuts were churning heavily with her corrupted seed. “We’ll never *pant* give into you. Even if *pant* you do this,” Twilight attempted to protest, but it was becoming difficult to get the words out amidst all of her moanings. Her body was actively betraying her. No matter how much she wanted to hate what was happening, she couldn’t fight the physical pleasure that was rendering her weak and submissive. “Suit yourself. Breaking you mentally is just a side-goal. Your body will do what I want in either case,” Nightmare bragged with a smirk as she began ramming Twilight’s entrance much harder and faster. The other four were in no better condition. The lust potions had been slowly overwhelming their resolve. At this stage, most of them were reduced to moaning and thrusting their hips back against their captors. They were like feral mares in heat. All they could do was what came naturally. Applejack bit her lip as she watched. Now that she’d given up on intervening her mind had flooded with more lustful thoughts. She began to wonder which of her friends would get knocked up first and how many foals would swell out their bellies in the coming months. Their figures would likely suffer the same fate as hers, with fat bouncy flanks and swollen tits. She whimpered, being unable to reach a hoof down and pleasure herself. She settled for grinding her thighs together eagerly while enjoying the show. She soon observed that the stallion thrusting into Rarity was becoming more erratic with his rutting. There was a slight twitch in one of his back legs, and he was thrusting unevenly. It looked like Rarity was next in line on the broodmare-to-be list. Applejack’s prediction proved correct as within a few moments the stallion she was observing pushed deep into Rarity with a loud groan. A submissive whine emitted from Rarity as her captor began pumping large spurts of virile seed deep inside of her. The potion had definitely done its job on her, as she put up no further signs of resistance as she was thoroughly inseminated. There was a far-away look in her eyes, with the parts of her brain that would resist this being suppressed by overwhelming pleasure and desire. The whole process was repeated with Pinkie Pie just a few moments later. The stallion rutting her gave her plump flank a final hard smack before tightly gripping onto her hips and lodging his cock as deep into her as it would go. Pinkie moaned and babbled with pleasure as she was rapidly pumped full of baby batter, “Ooh, you guys sure do make a lot of yummy cum.” She giggled loudly as a few final waves of seed were released into her waiting womb. “Two down, three to go.” Nightmare Moon bragged as she quickened her pace. Nightmare’s cock was throbbing heavily now, the pressure inside continuing to build. It was obvious to everyone that this was going to be a big load. The two Pegasi were next to be bred. The two stallions rutting them smirked at each other as they thrust in unison. It looked like they planned to impregnate their targets at the same time. “I bet this one with the pink mane will make a great broodmare. She gave in real easy,” Fluttershy’s guard taunted. Fluttershy was too lost in the lust of it all to respond properly, any meek retort she made was lost in all the moaning. “Please *Moan* d-don’t, I’m not ready *pant* to be a mom,” Rainbow Dash made a slightly larger attempt at protest, but it was equally in vain. “You look ready to me. So shut up and just take it,” her guard gave her a hard slap on the rump to emphasize his point. The two guards bumped hooves before giving out a few final thrusts and releasing into their respective mares. The sounds of their groans were quickly drowned out by the receiving mares moaning with pleasure. Any final complaints Fluttershy or Rainbow may have had were lost as intense satisfaction washed over them. It was yet another manipulative effect of Nightmare’s potion, causing mares to orgasm just from cum reaching their womb. “Just one left,” Nightmare Moon laughed sadistically as she continued whispering taunts into Twilight’s ear. “I hope you’ve enjoyed watching your friends get claimed one by one because now it’s your turn.” Sounds of their sex intensified as Nightmare assaulted Twilight with deep and heavy thrusts. Her member was throbbing harder than ever, with her balls churning and sloshing with the massive load she was about to release. “You should be honored to get impregnated by me. You’ll get to carry the largest and strongest brood out of all your friends. I’m sure you’ll catch up with even Applejack after just a few pregnancies.” Thrust Thrust Twilight grunted and whined as she struggled against Nightmare’s grasp. She could feel the same haze that broke her friends starting to fog up her mind as well. She could know tell that if Nightmare was allowed even this one victory it could have irreversible effects. There was no escape, though. Her focus was clouded and her muscles weak. Her own body had defeated her, shutting down her resistance to fulfill its desire for Nightmare Moon’s potent seed. Thrust Thrust “S-So close. This is glorious. I wish Princess Celestia could see her prized pupil become my pet,” Nightmare panted as her heavy balls began tightening up closer to her shaft. She was only a few more thrusts away from completing her conquest of the Elements of Harmony. Thrust Thrust “Ready yourself, Twilight Sparkle. It’s time for your new life...n-now!” With one final thrust Nightmare Moon pushed her member right up to Twilight’s cervix and begin spurting a torrential wave of seed into the mare’s womb. She soon began thrusting once more, releasing a new wave of cum every time she embedded herself into Twilight. She pumped wave after wave of potent semen into her new broodmare. The onslaught she released was so large that Twilight’s belly began to bulge out slightly and gave her a very pudgy look. Twilight tried to resist at first. However, as her womb began to fill she was overwhelmed with the same sensations that the others experienced. By the time it was done she was moaning and panting shamelessly. All of her previous anger and worry seemed distant as the fog of lust claimed her mind. Nightmare took a few moments to savor the victory before pulling out. There was a lewd slick sound as she withdrew her cock. It slapped against Twilight’s rear and let out a final few drops of cum. The empress took a few moments to look at the other captured mares. They all were in the same condition as Twilight, rendered into a state of lustful haze by the potion. “Well done. Now, move each of these prisoners to their own cell. We need to make sure they’re all properly broken before we can trust leaving them together.” As the guards began dragging the others away Nightmare strolled over to her heavily pregnant first broodmare. Applejack’s face was deep red with a mixture of lust and embarrassment. “I take it you enjoyed the show?” Applejack was too ashamed of herself to speak, but it was clear the answer was yes. She shuddered as Nightmare began rubbing a hoof over her swollen belly once more. “Soon, you won’t have to be lonely when I’m away. You’ll have your friends to talk to. You’ll all be broodmares together.  For now, though, I’ll leave you with your thoughts.” “B-But…” Applejack bit her lip, still rubbing her thighs together. The arousal that had built up from watching earlier events was driving her crazy. Her marehood was hot and drenched, but she had no way to relieve it. “Oh. I see. I’m afraid I won’t be helping you with that tonight. Consider it punishment for those displays of attempted resistance you made earlier,” Nightmare cackled evilly as she began walking away. “See you in the morning, broodmare.” Applejack gently rubbed the sides of her belly as the door slammed coldly. This was a rough life sometimes. She had hoped her friends would rescue her and take her away, but at least they’d be here with her now. Six broodmares were happier than one, after-all.