Tending the Royal Staff

by JediWyrm

First published

Luna reinstates some of the duties of the royal staff and guards that Celestia had abolished over the years.

As society progressed some of the duties assigned to various employees of Princess Celestia were done away with. Some of them she got rid of while others were determined to be outdated by other officials.

When Luna returned it took some time for her to get used to the changes. However she disagreed with several of them and is taking steps to reinstate some of them. The first changes she is making is to the guards, both in having mares amoungst their ranks as well as some of the abolished duties.

Warning: Princest, futa, overly large cocks, cumflation, acts that require magic to do safely

Polishing the Spear.

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Celestia straightened her back. This wasn't because she was slouching, but due to something else straightening. There wasn't much worry about somepony noticing, but it helped ease her mind about it.

This was one of the few things she kept secret from the common pony, though her guards and other personal staff members, some of the nobles, and her personal friends knew about it. She had made alterations to many of her everyday outfits to ensure that she could keep it hidden whilst out in public.

Taking another breath only aggravated the problem. The duke who was her current petitioner of the court was complaining about a public playground that had opened near his house. Celestia had tuned him out when she was sure that his issue wasn't due to the foals trespassing or vandalizing and more about the noise of them playing.

Her problem was that he had brought his wife, who was at least a decade and a half younger than him. It was clear she was a trophy wife for him to tote about as eye candy at functions. A purpose she seemed to have little strife about handling due to the way she shifted in place while casting little glances at the guards. Several of whom managed to keep their own glances quite discreet.

Celestia felt her problem slide past her stomach on it's way up. Her eyes flicked over the mares body once more taking in it's features. The kind of features that are more often seen in illicit videos than on the streets. Blinking a couple times as something clicked into place, she had seen this mare in a couple of those videos.

Making a mental note to find said videos later for her perusal, she took another deep breath. Adding another note to install some discreet fans. A pressure at the bottom of her prodigious bust brought about another bout of squirming. She was well practiced at doing so in a way to ensure only the most attentive would have a chance of noticing.

Celestia decided to have one of her staff members find out what perfume the duchess was wearing. It mimicked the pheromones a mare put out during estrus. A quick survey brought an internal giggle to Celestia. Whatever effect she had planned on by wearing that perfume wasn't really happening. The guards and other royal employees were well disciplined to be affected by it though it was clear everyone would need a break to relax. The thing Celestia found funny, was the duke himself wasn't being affected.

If that was because he was used to it, or if it was a more personal reason why wasn't as relevant as him lacking the reaction. His wife ran a hand down her side having not given up on trying to get a reaction out of the guards.

Celestia felt herself squeeze up through her cleavage. The duke finally wound down his complaint.

“Thanks for coming to me, I'll be sure to think on what you have presented to me today.” She stated regally.

As the pair walked out her eyes examining the way the duchess's hips swayed. Her assistant announced the break in the schedule while Celestia stood up off her throne.

She was shortly walking down one of her private corridors. Pulling at her dress slightly brought the decolletage far enough that she could clearly see the flare of her rather sizable cock sticking just out of her cleavage. Altering her pace so that every step made her breasts jiggle enough to massage the upper part of her length.

Celestia was making her way to Luna's bedchambers. She was glad her sister had returned as it gave her someone who understood the problems brought about by their physiology and was willing to help. Cadance had recently started to acquire the additional features afforded to alicorns but she was courting one of the guards and Celestia didn't want to impose on young love.

She smiled as she remembered the pair's reaction when they discovered it. Cadance did take to the magics Celestia taught her to be able safely use her new tool. Granted there was some time before the younger alicorn would really require them as Luna and Celestia did.

A maid walked by bringing Celestia's thought back to her present problem. Sparing a quick glance to see that there weren't anypony else in the immediate area, she lowered her head and placed a kiss on her tip.

She was quite glad that her cock was long enough that the flare sits at the top of her cleavage. Luna's, while thicker, only nestles itself midway in her titflesh. This still left both mares at a size far more massive than any stallion. Something that isn't very surprising when you take into account that most ponies' heads are level with Celestia's upper stomach and just short of Luna's bust.

Most ponies would have a hard time accommodating such size, so they practiced magic to allow them to safely enjoy the embrace of others. There were plenty of ways that they utilized that magic, the most passive being a compression spell on the inside of their balls. Said spell caused the large testicles to constantly produce more and more cum as the balls never really filled up making it so they held almost a gallon of sperm.

Moans reached Celestia's ears as she reached Luna's room. Nodding at the guards, who despite their discipline were blushing at the activities going on inside, she opened the door. Walking into the room found Luna with two of her Lunar Guard.

Their armour was piled up near the door leaving all three in a stat of undress. Luna was lounging in a chair while the male was kneeling before her. Whatever he was doing was obscured by his own body, one of Luna's legs, and the tail of the mare. It was more obvious what the mare was doing.

She was sitting on Luna's lap, moving up and down on the deep purple cock. As Celestia walked over to her sister's side, she could see the mare's stomach bulging out with every thrust.

"Luna, I thought I told you we can't use the guards like this. Social constraints a couple hundred years ago led me to removing that particular duty." Celestia remarked.

The male guard pulled his head backwards, making a popping sound as Luna's balls left his mouth.

"Actually your highness, when she rewrote the contract, the captain told her that we couldn't have two separate ones for the sexes. Princess Luna made a single one and included this in it." He said, before lowering his head and returning to his task.

Celestia regarded her sister with a raised eyebrow. Luna shrugged before placing her hands on the mare's hips and pressing down.

"Don't worry Tia. I put a copy on the Solar captain's desk for him to revise their contracts with." She stated and she moved the mare along her shaft.

A glob of precum slipped out of Celestia's tip, slicking her cleavage as she watched the mare's stomach distend with the length and size of Luna's member. Smiling down at the male guard, she removed her dress. The two guards were quite surprised, not so much at the fact that Celestia had a cock given that they were tending to Luna's, but the length of it.

Once fully disrobed, Celestia walked around behind the male guard who raised his hips. Magic washed through him accomplishing multiple tasks, cleaning, lubing, and most importantly ensuring he could stretch enough to safely take the Princess inside of him.

Celestia lined up the pink-toned pillar of flesh with his entrance before placing her hands on his hips. She then him back until Luna's balls popped out of his mouth and her tip was squeezed into him. Taking a half-step forward slide several inches of her royal flesh into the guard.

Said guard found his head resting on Princess Luna's thigh as he was stretched beyond filled. He gasped when Celestia took another step pushing more her length in.

When her medial ring was pressing against the guard's balloon knot, she gave him a quick spank. The strike elicited a yelp from him, shortly followed by another when she used his hips as leverage to pop the ring into him.

He reached down and felt the bulge created by the massive cock impaling him. Celestia cooed as she felt him stroke her length. Slipping her arms around him she lifted him and let gravity sink him onto the rest of her tool.

His head rested against her large breasts as he adjusted to the total intrusion. Looking forward he saw that his stomach had distended outward as the overly big cock stretched him. Noting that it was around eye-level he felt glad that it didn't slip into his ribs as it would've likely have come out his mouth.

Feeling a hand stroke his own erect member followed by a voiced filled with respect.

"Most stallions tend to wilt in my presence. You deserve something special." Celestia remarked.

Before he could wonder at what she meant, he felt a recently familiar heat weigh down on his flare. Looking down, and around his stomach, he noticed that his cock was being slid underneath Luna's sack.

When Celestia had his tip pressed against her sister's vagoo she gave a thrust herself seating him solidly in the Lunar diarch. Another thrust had him fully immersed in the velvety softness of her while her testicles pressed firmly against his lower abdomen.

Celestia leaned forward pressing the two guards together and into Luna's bust. As she planted a kiss on her sister's lips, the impaled pair found nipples for their mouths to latch onto.

Luna moaned at the multiple assaults on her body. It wasn't long before she felt a particular pressure building inside of herself. She reached around and groped the ivory mountains that were Celestia's tits.

The two alicorns felt the two bodies between them squirm as orgasms wracked their forms. As the guard came inside of her, Luna felt each of the warm bursts of cum which set off her own eruption of pleasure.

The pleasure of the others brought Celestia to her peak. Her balls clenched as the began pumping cup after cup of boiling sperm up her shaft. The guard felt each pulse travel through it, passing his prostate and teasing him to a second orgasm.

Retaining a trace of sense, he watched as the tip of Celestia's cock flare inside of him widening greater than his handspan. When the cum started to erupt of of the tip, causing noticeable bulges, he passed out.

Meanwhile Luna was doing much the same to the mare, who had placed a hand on her own stomach to feel it balloon out. She moaned into the dark blue titflesh supporting her head.

Once Celestia had finished unloading into the stallion, she noted that he was sleeping. Smiling, she back him out of Luna and laid him down on the floor. Carefully pulling out of him she left a trace of magic to keep all of the load she had pumping into him inside until he had closed up. Looking over his form gave the impression of a pregnancy several months in.

Seeing that the mare was still awake she moved over to a spot to the side of the chair. The female guard stroked her belly, stretched as it was by her cum-inflated womb, before feeling magic along her jaws and throat as something was pressed against her lips.

She glanced up at Celestia, who had her cum slicked cock poised to enter the guard's gullet, and opened her mouth to take in the flare. The sensation of something as wide as her own face was very odd and she thanked the magic the sister's were using on her for keeping her safe.

Celestia's cum tasted wonderful to the mare, and looking down at the pink pillar penetrating her oral portal she watched as the medial ring quickly approached. As her lips pressed against the ring, Celestia paused to take in the feeling of her throat.

While the mare got a moment to adjust to the spit roasting, Luna shifted around and stood up, causing her to be supported mainly by the two cocks. Feeling hands on her head and hips, she mentally prepared for what was about to happen.

A moment later found her vision filled with the well-toned abdomen of Celestia as her lips stretched around the base of the Solar diarch's member. Then the wall of flesh sped away from her as Luna slammed her hips back to the base of her tool. She spent several minutes being slid back and forth between the sisters.

The quivering of her pussy from constant orgasms as well as her own moans teased the princesses into their own quickly. Feeling the two massive flesh rods flare out and pump more quarts of seed into her womb and stomach caused the mare to pass out.

The sisters gently removed themselves from the guard and Luna placed her next to the stallion before shifting them to her bed to sleep off their encounter.

At her sister's raised eyebrow she stated "They were already dating, and yes I informed them that we keep ourselves sterile when we aren't wanting foals."

Looking over at a clock Celestia responded "Good. Thanks for writing this duty back into the guard contracts, Lulu. I have to get back to court."

After running a quick spell to clean herself and getting dressed, Celestia gave her sister a hug. The pair giggled when the mare let out a small burp, then parted as one went to get a shower and the other returned to her duties.

As she made her way back to court, Princess Celestia made a note to have an open stage added to the park near the duke's house. She would also put out a quiet encouragement for musicians to play there to entertain the children as they played.

Relieving the Weight of the Crown.

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Celestia entered the royal baths after a long day. Her dinner with the griffons went overlong with too much talking and very little eating of food. Knowing that her sister would want to take a bath before they exchange shifts for the day, she decided that joining her would be relaxing.

She gave a nod to the guards outside the door before closing it and striping out of her clothes. Walking up to a group of shelves filled with an array of bathing products, Celestia spent a couple minutes choosing what she wanted from the collection.

Once she had the bottles she wanted, she moved over to the showers. Setting the bottles on a small shelf nearby one of the larger showers that had multiple heads, she turned a dial to a preset for her preferred temperature. While waiting for it to warm up, Celestia stepped back and stretched out.

Twisting her body one way and then the other let her find the tense areas of her muscles. Shifting her weight on one leg, she brought the other one up against her. The weight of her balls shifted moving out of the way of her thigh and stomach. Lowering her foot back to the tiled surface of the shower, Celestia repeated the process with her other leg.

When she finished she placed her hands on her sizable breasts and massaged them. As she was enjoying the feelings brought about from her ministrations, a soft beep caught her attention. Her shower was up to temperature.

As she stepped into the hot water she let out a sigh. Her mane was quickly soaked from the shower heads above her as the ones on the wall sprayed pressurized streams against her helping ease her muscles. Celestia slowly turned in place to let the water soak her thoroughly.

A few minutes after she had entered the shower the sound of a small door opening and closing resounding throughout the mostly quiet room. Celestia waved at the several mares who had entered but snorted at how the bath attendants were dressed.

The mares seemed to be engaging in a skimpiest swimsuit contest. One, who was wearing a red slingkini that just barely hid her nipples and nether lips that matched her mane, walked up to Celestia and gave a curtsy.

"Evening your highness. Since your sister will be taking her usual bath in a little while, we called in a few more attendants to cover both of your needs. If you are wondering about our outfits, Princess Luna finds them intriguing, particularly when she strips us out of them." She stated.

"Maybe I should see about making some kind of uniform for you girls. That one looks very enticing on you Soapy Suds." Celestia remarked as the mares joined her in the showers.

They had each taken a smaller show up, standing under the water as it warmed up towards the same heat as Celestia's. Said alicorn watched them as the water streamed over their bodies. A couple noticed her gaze and spiced up their movements. Once they had gotten accustomed to the warmth, they moved over to join Celestia.

Two of them began running their hands over her body while another soaped up a couple loofahs. The first mare squatted in front of the Solar diarch, and rubbed the large balls. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on the sheath containing the royal cock. Another mare sidled behind Celestia and squatted to rub her pillars that were Celestia's legs.

The feeling of all the hands roaming her body brought about an expected reaction. Suds tilted her head to one side as Celestia's flare poked out of its sheath and began growing. She slipped one of her hands underneath the large balls to caress at the feminine entrance there.

One of the mares turned off the water and passed the loofahs over to the others. They began soaping up Celestia's body as another took the shampoo and lathered up her ethereal mane and tail. Meanwhile Suds focused on coaxing out the entirety of her cock which was currently laying down the smaller mare's back, the flaccid length flopped over one shoulder. She nuzzled the warm pink flesh pressing against her neck.

Hefting the ballsack, she planted a kiss on one of the balls before sucking it into her mouth to massage with her tongue. Soon enough one of the loofahs got pressed into her hand. Popping her mouth off of the testicle she proceeded to soap up the majestic member. By the time she had tended to the sheath and sack, Celestia had started to harden.

Suds had started to rise up alongside the cock as she rub the loofah along its length. When she had gotten past the medial ring it was fully erect. Feeling the touch of magic on her jaw led Suds to sucking the tip into her mouth. She continued to soap the length as she ran her tongue around the royal flesh in her mouth.

When she reached the tip with the loofah she backed off the flare. Once it was fully soaped Suds let go of the cock causing it to spring deep into its owner's cleavage. Celestia smirked before reaching up to squeeze her breasts together and stroke her length.

She gave the mares a little nod and gave them a second to step out of the shower before she turned the water back on. Feeling the hot water stream over her body sluicing the suds off and down the drain. A moment later her attendants rejoined her and gently massaged her under the shower.

One of the mares pulled of one of the shower heads off the wall, its hose sliding smoothly out of the wall. Squatting down she used it to clean off Celestia's legs and around her sheath and balls. When she had cleaned everything off she let the head retract while she slide between her diarch's legs and pressed her mouth against the entrance nestled there.

Celestia stood there immersed in the pleasure that the mares were giving her. After a small orgasm shook her system she looked down and giggled at the sight of the mare whose face was supporting her balls.

She turned the shower off again so that the attendants could use the conditioner on her. As several of the mares focused on doing that, Suds stood in front of Celestia. She ran her hands along the pillar of flesh towering out of the larger mare's crotch. As they reached the titflesh concealing the upper part they moved to caress the ivory mountains.

Leaning up she latched onto one of the nipples pointing at her. While suckling on the humongous breast she massaged the other. She felt one of the other mare slip between her and Celestia to lick at the alicorn's shaft.

After a couple minutes Celestia tapped them on the shoulders. Once they stepped out of the shower again, she turned it on to rinse the conditioner out of her mane and tail. When it was all out she turned the water off and moved towards one of the pools around the room.

Noting that she was heading towards one of them more moderate temperature baths, the attendants followed. As Suds moved up to her side, Celestia grabbed the back strings of the slingkini she was wearing. Starting at the feeling, the smaller mare looked up at Celestia who just smiled back.

Soon the mare found herself straddled between a massive cock and a larger mare. Her head was nestled with a breast on either side of it while a flare was rubbing her face. Then she felt large hands slid her swimsuit off and groped her tits.

Celestia stepped into the warm pool and sat down at one of the benches along the edge. The water came up to just under her breasts, leaving Suds' head above the surface. As the other mares joined them they stripped out of their swimsuits.

One of the unicorn mare's horn lit up briefly before sinking under the water. She slipped between the legs of her princess and used her muzzle to lift the ball sack seeking for the prize behind them.

Celestia cooed as she felt a mouth press against her vagoo followed by a tongue starting to probe her depths. Then her attention was drawn to the large doors as they opened. Princess Luna strode into the room shedding her pajamas with a rubber ducky floating alongside her.

"Evening Tia." She greeted her soaking sister, dipping a hoof into the water to check it's temperature.

"Evening Lulu." Celestia replied.

Looking over the few mares in the water, Luna gestured to one. "Lather, you and your sisters, come tend to me."

The indicated triplets climbed out of the water while Luna looked at the pile of cloth next to the pool. As Luna turned around to head to the showers the trio hurried after her.

Celestia watched the smaller mares walk off with a focus on their swaying hips. She kneeded Suds' breasts in her hands while using them to tease her cock. The mare was licking the last bit of length before shifting herself up to suck on the tip.

Suds felt another tweak of magic on her as Celestia cast a water breathing spell. Then her view shifted as she was rapidly lifted by the hips and flipped in the air so she was upside down with her mouth pressed against the alicorn's flare. Opening her mouth wide to take it in, she began to slide down the pole.

With the tip in her throat, she felt a mouth suck on her breasts before a light nip was applied to them. As she returned to her downward journey the water started to tickle her nose. Celestia giggled when the mare's head submerged with a large snort that disrupted the surface of the pool.

The larger mare jerked her hips forwards as a orgasm racked her body due to the attendant between her legs. This caused several inches of her cock to hasten their way into Suds' throat. Celestia removed the swimsuit she was wearing and tossed the strips of fabric to join the rest.

Once The smaller mare's hips were level with the alicorn's face her progress downwards was halted. The larger mare wrapped an arm around the other mare and dove into her pussy. The sudden pleasure triggered an orgasm in Suds who moaned around the cock in her throat.

As she savoured the juices flowing into her mouth, the mare underwater doing much the same to her triggered another orgasm in Celestia. This one was much stronger and caused her balls to clench as her cock began to cum as well. She closed her eyes due to the dual pleasure.

The rocking of the larger mare's hips fucked several inches of pink flesh in and out of Suds' throat. Her belly quickly filled up with sperm which began to slosh around in it's new resting place. After a couple minutes of pulsing from the cock she found herself being lifted off of it, her tongue doing what it can to clean the member as it left her mouth.

Celestia set the smaller mare on the edge of the pool before nudging the attendant between her thighs to join her. While she was surfacing Luna joined the group. The darker alicorn slid into the middle of the pool and fully submerged herself for a moment.

As the triplets were settling in with the other attendants, one having added a few sloshing inches to her waistline and walking funnily, Luna reemerged and joined her sister on the bench. While Celestia's member was softening, the one wielded by the lunar diarch was still hard. Noting the devious smirk accompanying the hard cock led to her to widen her legs.

The feeling of her balls being lifted out of the way by the flare was immediately followed by it pressing against her entrance. She moaned as it opened her up and a meter of steel-like hardness found its way inside. Once she felt Luna's hips against her own, Celestia leaned forward and kissed her sister.

They held the kiss for a minute before pulling away. Seeing that her own rod was erect again, the ivory alicorn reached over and picked up one of the nearby attendants. As she lined up the smaller mare's entrance Luna's hands moved to help assist.

When both of them moved her down, the mare gasped as a full third of Celestia's cock slide in. She stroked the bulge in her stomach as the two alicorns shifted their grip only to gasp again when the rest of the length was pushed into her.

As the mare began to be hit by orgasm one after another, Luna began to thrust in and out of her sister. The water began to move about from the force of her thrusts creating waves. Neither alicorn was surprised when the other attendant's hands began to stroke their bodies as the mares slid into the pool.

The pace of her fucking quickly led to strong orgasms in both princesses, though the mare impaled on Celestia's shaft being the only one to swell up from the cum load. While Luna pulled out of her sister, the mare was slide upwards along the solar diarch's cock until only the large flare was sitting inside.

As Luna lined herself up, the other attendants watched with wide eyes before gasping as both alicorns slide into their coworker's pussy. She was stretched massively to accommodate the two pillars of flesh inside of her. Once the pair of princesses were hilt deep in the mare, the took turns thrusting.

She placed a hand on the obscene bulge towering in front of her feeling and seeing the movement of the two cocks. The pleasure drowning her body quickly led her to passing out. Noting what had happened, the other attendants moved to help speed along the orgasm of the cocks.

The attack on their bodies hastened the princesses towards cumming, both pressing deeeply into the mare as they felt each other cum. Their balls pulsed in time with one another bringing a far larger load from each than normal. When they had finished there was enough sloshing around in the smaller mare's womb to make her look halfway through a pregnancy.

As they pulled out they shifted the mare to the side of the pool, the pile of discarded swimsuits acting as a pillow. The other mares quickly got to work cleaning the two softening and receding cocks.

Celestia stretched a little before giving her sister a nuzzle. Both got out of the pool before heading towards ones placed elsewhere in the room. Celestia slipped into one that was hot enough to be considered boiling while Luna slipped into one that should technically be ice.

As the heat worked out the remaining kinks in her muscles, Celestia informed her sister of any pertinent issues for her to take care of. Once she felt relaxed the solar diarch bid adieu to her sister, got dried up and left the baths.