Love on the Rocks

by TheCrimsonDM

First published

Trixie gets a very special message from the mare she once loved in the form a rock. This was very same mare she left behind to get revenge on Twilight Sparkle. So she heads to Ponyville to meet up with her, and discovers that their romance is still v

Trixie gets a very special message from the mare she once loved in the form a rock. This was very same mare she left behind to get revenge on Twilight Sparkle. So she heads to Ponyville to meet up with her, and discovers that their romance is still very much alive.

Cover art by: Suzyumaru

A Rocky Start

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Love on the Rocks

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Today was a special visit to Ponyville for Trixie. Thanks to a little bird that had come flying in through her open window this morning, she found out that a very special pony was visiting for a few days. To be fair, she was already on her way to visit Starlight, but this confirmation had her heart beating a thousand miles a minute. Just a few seconds with this pony would be enough to last her a lifetime, especially considering that she hadn’t seen the mare since the alicorn amulet incident.

Of course, she also realized that she had no right to see this pony, let alone deserve talking to her. It was surely going to be a heartbreaking reunion. One to leave Trixie’s spirit torn to shreds. Still, she had to see her again.

The message itself came in the form of a small rock tied to the bird’s leg. The message had been written in black marker. “I’m in Ponyville. I want to see you.”

Trixie was beyond happy to just see the words written by this delightful mare, even if her deliver methods were a bit odd. As usual, Trixie opened up her strong box, magically enhanced to withstand being crushed by a giant bear, and gently put the message into it with a hoof full of other likewise rocks. Messages that she’d kept, but had been unable to reply to.

She looked back outside. Today was going to be a day to remember, for the Great and Powerful Trixie was finally going to face one of her greatest emotional wounds, for better or worse.

The trip to Ponyville wasn’t a long one, especially considering how much that message energized her. She pressed onward, moving at a quick trot with her wagon trailing behind her. Her mind kept fighting between being overjoyed to see this mare again, and being utterly terrified. Yet Trixie had faced down the entirety of the changeling race, how could meeting a single mare scare her so badly?

When the town came into view she was riding an emotional high. Somehow she kept all the questions contained within herself. How she managed not to have an emotional breakdown she didn’t know. She knew that nopony should make her act like this, to feel like this. Not even Starlight could get to her so emotionally. Yet this was the mare she had been in love with, the mare whom she’d betrayed in the name of revenge.

When Trixie saw the group of ponies standing in front of Sugarcube Corner, she was almost certain she was going to die. There stood Pinkie Pie, a mare she’d hurt in the past, next to her was Starlight Glimmer, her best friend, and finally there was Maud Pie, the mare who meant everything to Trixie.

On her approach the three looked over at her. Trixie’s heart stopped as all their eyes focused on her. She’d never had stage fright, but she imagined that this was what it must feel like. Still, she had to remain calm and collected. She gave them a false smile and said, “The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived. She also got your message…”

Maud gave her a flat stare that could have meant anything, but Trixie felt like she was being judged. “We were just talking about you.”

Trixie stood there, horrified, shocked, and increasingly worried. She looked from Pinkie Pie to Starlight for assistance; neither of them seemed to think anything was wrong as they both kept smiling innocently at her. Still she couldn’t cease her heart from galloping.

“Well,” Trixie said, “When Trixie comes to town, she is all anypony can talk about.”

Maud’s lip twitched. “That’s true.”

That lip twitch could have meant anything, still it was a sign that Trixie was getting through to her heart. She just prayed that it was in a good way. Before Trixie could even properly greet Starlight, Maud butted in. “Trixie, we need to talk.”

That smile on Starlight’s face faded as she looked at Maud, then back to Trixie, and finally resting on Maud. “Wait, did I miss something?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Oh, Maud. You can use my room.”

Maud nodded stiffly. “Follow me.”

Reluctantly Trixie followed her into the bakery. She gave one last longing look at Starlight, just to make sure that her friend still existed for after this was over, and Trixie was a complete wreck. “I’ll come see you in a bit, Starlight.”

It wasn’t that Trixie minded being alone with Maud, it was that she knew what was coming. Deep in her heart, she knew that Maud was about to rip her to shreds emotionally. Each step up the two staircases left Trixie closer to the brink of tears. They went through the door at the top and entered into Pinkie’s loft apartment. The bright colors, frosted decorations, and even the pile of stuffed animals on the bed were all nice, but none of them made Trixie feel safe.

Maud shut the door behind Trixie with a little more force than necessary. “Lulu.”

That was it. Hearing her pet name spoken aloud in that quiet room was all it took to break her emotional walls. Trixie lowered her head and covered her face with her hat, trying to keep the tears hidden. Yet she couldn’t hide the pain in her voice. “I’m sorry.”

“Do you know how long it’s been since I have last seen you?”

Trixie shook her head. “Two years…”

“It’s been two years, one month, twenty five days, and,” Maud looked at the clock, which read one pm, “Sixteen hours since I last saw you. You left the farm before I woke up to go and get revenge.”

“I’m so sorry,” Trixie whimpered.

“Look at me.”

Trixie didn’t want to. She couldn’t face Maud. Not after knowing how much pain she’d put Maud through.

“Please,” Maud asked in gentle voice.

Trixie looked back, surprised to have heard such a soft sound from Maud. When she saw those steel blue eyes glossy, wet, and a few tears spilling over onto Maud’s cheeks, Trixie sat down. Her mouth worked a few times, trying to form words of apology, yet nothing came out. She had just committed the most grievous of sins. She had made Maud cry.

“I waited for so long for you to return to me,” Maud said. “I even sent you a few messages.”

Trixie’s entire body was shaking. “I… I kept them all.”

“Why didn’t you come to see me? Why didn’t you send me a letter?”

“Because I…” Trixie shook with pain. “Because I wasn’t even capable of talking to anypony for a long time after the amulet was done with me. They always tell you not to use dark magic, but they never tell you about the withdrawals from it. Or about the damage it causes, both physically and mentally. Maud, they hurt. I was in physical agony for a long time after that. Then there was magical therapy, emotional therapy, all of that. I didn’t want to have you see me like that.”

“I still would have loved you.”

“I… was so ashamed. And by the time I was actually able to go out and be on my own again, too much time had passed. I knew that I’d lost you already. Now you’re finally going to break up with me officially, and I’ll be all alone again. I am so sorry for hurting you.”

Maud reached over and wrapped a leg around Trixie’s neck. “Who said I was breaking up with you? The choosing stone chose you.”

Trixie blinked. “W-what does that-“

She was cut off as Maud pulled Trixie close and their lips met. For a moment, Trixie’s body went rigid with surprise, then she relaxed into it. They kissed several times, and Trixie felt herself melting into Maud’s warm embrace. Everypony had their own unique flavor, and Maud tasted like grapes.

Maud pulled away, and when the cold hit Trixie’s lips, she shivered. All she wanted was more, more of this, of Maud. There was a look in Maud’s eyes, one that Trixie hadn’t seen before, it was commanding, powerful, confident, and yet it offered safety.

“I love you,” Maud said.

Trixie swallowed. “I love you too. Again, I’m sorry for hurting you.”

Maud’s lip twitched again. “You can make it up to me.” Her eyes glanced over at Pinkie’s bed.

This time, Trixie shivered from excitement. Maud threw off her dress and now naked, she led Trixie over to the bed. This was impossible, it couldn’t be happening. Not only was Maud still in love with her, but she was about to have sex with Maud. Sure Trixie wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never had sex with Maud before. She wanted too, for so long, yet on the farm they shared a room with both Marble and Limestone, so the opportunity never came up. Yet Pinkie had just lent them her room.

“Wait,” Trixie asked with realization, “Does Pinkie know ab-“

Maud shoved Trixie onto the bed with just enough force to get her onto it, but not enough to hurt her. Now on her stomach, Trixie could only breathe rapidly as Maud climbed on top of her back. Maud’s mouth appeared next to Trixie’s ear as she whispered, “Shh, it’s just us.”

Maud’s hoof slid over Trixie’s bare side, causing warm tingles to spread through her body. Teeth found their way onto Trixie’s ear and gently bit down. Maud’s other hoof grabbed Trixie’s and squeezed. Slowly, Maud pulled away from Trixie’s ear and went down for another kiss. This time, their lips met with fiery passion. Tongues met, and they tasted the inside of one another’s mouth. Maud gave a powerful thrust which caused Trixie to moan.

“M-Maud, this is your sister’s bed,” Trixie stated. Her eyes narrowed and she licked her lips. “You naughty pony, you.”

Maud kissed her again. “She won’t mind.”

Another thrust with Maud’s belly rubbing against Trixie’s marehood caused her to moan once more. Maud let go of Trixie’s hoof and slid down across her back. Every muscle in Trixie’s body tingled with excitement. Maud got down to Trixie’s rear quickly enough and placed a hoof on one of her butt cheeks.

“Maud,” Trixie looked back at her lover with wanting eyes and bit her lower lip in anticipation.

It was easy for Maud to roll Trixie over onto her back. They locked eyes and Maud’s lip quivered. “You won’t leave again?”

Trixie closed her eyes tightly at the thought of how hard this must be for Maud. When she opened them again she felt her soul being ripped in half for having ever hurt her in the first place. It was then that she made her vow. “I swear I will never leave you like that again.”

This time Maud smiled. It was a small smile, but it spoke volumes about the way she felt. Maud then lowered her head and kissed Trixie’s belly button, making Trixie’s head spin. Maud’s lips drew a line of kisses down to her inner thigh and Trixie couldn’t help but move her hips. She was already soaking wet and she knew it. It was embarrassing to have Maud down there, looking at all her naughty bits, kissing her legs, brushing her vagina with her hair, yet each touch was like electricity running through her veins.

Maud’s lips met Trixie’s marehood and she gasped. A hot tongue moved over the outside of Trixie’s winking lips, carefully massaging the outside before moving in. Trixie felt her hips moving of their own accord. Maud’s hooves were wrapped around Trixie’s legs, squeezing them tightly.

“M-Maud,” Trixie tried to say between sharp breaths. “I love you.”

Maud pulled away just long enough to look up at her with a soaking wet muzzle. “I love you, too.”

When Maud went back to licking, she added an extra surprise that had Trixie thrusting against Maud’s face. Maud’s tongue went inside. Trixie’s hooves had to grab onto something, it felt like she was going crazy. She reached down and grabbed a hoof full of Maud’s hair and pulled. Maud groaned and dug deeper with that hot tongue.

Maud pulled away and jumped up to Trixie’s face. Their lips met and now Trixie could taste blueberries mixed in with that grape flavor. She didn’t care about tasting her own juices, she just needed Maud’s touch. Maud’s marehood met Trixie’s and she gave a tentative rub.

“Ah, M-M-“ Trixie tried to speak, but as Maud rubbed faster, she lost all ability to make words.

Maud however still had enough of her head to speak. “I’m glad you like this.”

Trixie wanted to tell her to shut up so she could just enjoy Maud’s breathing, but couldn’t speak so she chose to use her mouth to silence her. They kissed deeply. Trixie’s hooves rubbed across Maud’s back in desperate search for something to hold. Maud began thrusting against her, hard. Trixie met Maud with equal enthusiasm. When Maud grabbed Trixie’s mane and pulled Trixie’s head to one side, she squealed in delight. Maud bit into Trixie’s neck.

“Oh, RUT ME!” Trixie screamed as she thrust herself with increasing force.

She was losing herself to a void of ecstasy and pleasure. Every single muscle burned with electricity, every touch of Maud’s sent waves of pleasure through her body. Maud’s heavy rhythmic breathing was music to her ears. They thrust harder, and faster. It was like Trixie was on fire. She screamed again. White hot pleasure consumed her. She was being consumed by Maud’s passion, her energy, and her love.

The tension snapped and her entire body twitched as she gave one last powerful thrust before going numb.

Maud collapsed on top of her. It took a moment for Trixie to figure out how to move. She wrapped her legs around Maud’s back and pulled her into a loose, but close embrace. Her lips kissed Maud’s neck, and nuzzled into her fur. Maud smelled like earth, and sweat, it was delicious.

“T-Trixie,” Maud said. “I… that was my first time.”

Trixie blinked. “But… that was good. Like, really good.”

“I have read a lot of magazines.”

Trixie laughed. “Sexually frustrated, were we? Well, give me a few minutes and I’ll help with that some more.”

Maud laughed, then pulled a blanket over the two of them and wrapped her legs around Trixie’s back. Pretty soon, Trixie felt Maud relax over her, and her breathing slow. She looked over to see Maud’s beautiful face with her eyes closed, a warm smile firmly planted over her lips. She was sleeping.

Trixie nuzzled into Maud’s neck again. “Don’t worry, my love. This time I’ll be right here when you wake up. Promise.”

The End