The Hardest Years

by MailleMaker

First published

Rainbow Dash and her husband have the "privilege" of raising their teenage daughter Scootaloo.

This is the sequel to My Mother.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have formally been recognized as mother and daughter by Ponyville. After being "reunited", Rainbow Dash and Skeeter are raising their teenage daughter. Scootaloo has changed; for the better or for the worst, nopony knows. Soon, high school, drama, and colts press the relationship between the family. Can they survive together?

Chiming Bells

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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, birds were singing, wedding bells were chiming, and Rainbow Dash was fretting as Rarity got her into her dress.

"Rarity, I told you that all of this-" Rainbow Dash gestured to her dress, "isn't necessary. This dress is overkill."

"Darling, this dress is the work of several years," scolded Rarity with a roll of her eyes, "it is not overkill."

Rainbow Dash just looked at the dress in awe. It had long, white sleeves that billowed at the end. The bodice ended at the waist with a gold belt that the train attached to; and the train itself could be considered a work of art. Like Princess Celestia's tail, it shimmered in the light, but, instead of green, blues, and pink, the train matched the rainbow design in Rainbow Dash's mane and tail. Usually Rainbow Dash didn't like to wear dresses, but this dress was the prettiest dress she had ever seen.

"This is such a beautiful dress Rarity, but how have you been working on it for years when Skeeter just asked me to marry him four months ago?" asked Rainbow Dash confused.

"Well, to tell you the truth Rainbow, as soon as I learned that Scootaloo was your daughter and that Skeeter was her father those three years ago, I started making it. At first I wasn't sure I had done the right thing by making a dress so far in advance, but I'm glad to see that I was right," explained Rarity.

Rainbow Dash just looked at Rarity in disbelief, "So you're telling me that as soon as you learned that I was Scootaloo's mom, you started making me a dress?'

"Yes I do. Now, today is your wedding day; lets get you into your dress and ready to walk down the aisle," said Rarity as she lifted the dress in her magic.

Soon, Rarity had Rainbow Dash looking perfect, including doing the bride-to-be's crazy rainbow hair.

"Thanks for all of this Rarity, I have no idea how I would managed without you," said Rainbow Dash as the two walked to an enclosed pavilion outside. The wedding was to take place in a field next to Twilight's castle and later, the reception would be in the castle after the ceremony. Rainbow Dash was to wait in the enclosed pavilion until she heard the wedding march being sung by Fluttershy's birds.

"You're welcome darling, now I must skedaddle if I want to see the ceremony," said Rarity as she quietly slipped out of the pavilion and trotted to the wedding area.

"Mother, are you okay," asked Scootaloo who walked into the pavilion as Rarity made her exit, "you look nervous."

"Yes, I'm fine," said Rainbow Dash as she looked at her daughter. "I just can't believe my daughter's a teenager and I'm just now getting married."

"Mom, it's fine. You'll be okay-" the faint sound of the wedding march being sung caught the pair's attention. "Now, do your best and smile."

Scootaloo left the pavilion and joined her friends, the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, and began spreading flowers in the path that Rainbow Dash was to walk down. A sudden gasp from the crowd, and Scootaloo realized that Rainbow Dash was walking behind them.

As soon as the flower girls made it to the end of the aisle, they all made their way to their place and turned around to see that Rainbow Dash was standing next to Skeeter and the love birds were exchanging vows. Spike soon brought out the rings and Rainbow Dash and Skeeter sealed their marriage by saying, "I do." And they kissed. It was the sweetest, most love filled kiss that anypony had ever seen. There was not a dry eye in the crowd. Soon, everypony was enjoying the refreshment of the reception and congratulating the married couple.

"Congratulation Rainbow Dash," said Twilight, "you two are such a cute couple."

"Thanks Twilight," said Rainbow Dash with a blush.

"Yes, thank you," agreed Skeeter. "And thank you for letting us use the castle for the reception. It was very kind of you."

"Anything for one of my friends. I'm glad that you guys are happy," said Twilight, "do you have any plans for a honey moon?"

Rainbow Dash and Skeeter exchanged a discreet smile before Rainbow Dash responded, "We discussed a honey moon to Las Pegasus but decided against it since Scootaloo is starting high school in a few weeks. We want to be here to see our baby girl's first day as a freshmen."

"That's reasonable," said Twilight. "If you ever need me to watch Scootaloo, I'd be more than willing."

"Okay, we'll let you know if we decide on anything in the future," said Rainbow Dash with a thankful smile.

"Well, I must be going, there are a ton of guests here and I'm sure you'll be receiving several more congratulations before the day is over," said Twilight before she walked off to talk to somepony.

True to her prediction, Rainbow Dash and Skeeter received many more congratulations and were glad to be home after the long day. Scootaloo and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders had remodeled the inside of their clubhouse over the summer and were spending the night there so Rainbow Dash and Skeeter could have some time alone on the night of their wedding. For that Rainbow Dash and Skeeter were thankful.

"I love you Rainbow Dash," said Skeeter to his new wife.

"I love you too," said Rainbow Dash blushing. "Do you want to watch a movie and snuggle for a while or go straight to bed?"

"How about both," Skeeter said mischievously, "let's go watch a movie in bed and 'snuggle'."

"Sounds great," said Rainbow Dash with a grin as she walked towards their new bedroom with a little sway in her hips.

Skeeter followed slightly drooling and what happened that night is...probably best left unsaid.

Super Sleepover

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"Cutie Mark Crusaders! Super Sleepover!" yelled Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle.

The trio fell on their sleeping bags giggling.

"That never gets old," giggled Sweetie Belle.

"Nope, it never does," agreed Apple Bloom. "So," she said turning to Scootaloo, "how do ya feel about your mom marryin Skeeter?'

"Well, I'm not really sure. Even though Skeeter is my dad, but he was never there for me when I was growing up; so my feelings about mom marrying him are rather mixed. I never thought about having a dad live with mom and I so it will be different for a while," admitted Scootaloo.

"Do you think that you guys will get along with him very well?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I don't want to talk about it," said Scootaloo with a bit of force.

Surprised, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle just looked at Scootaloo in shock.

"Are ya okay Scootaloo?" asked Apple Bloom hesitantly.

"Yes! No? I don't know," wailed Scootaloo before bursting into tears. "I-I just don't know how I feel about it."

Sweetie Belle, always the peacemaker, tried to comfort her friend with a hug. "It's okay Scootaloo, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. We can change the subject if you'd like."

"So Scootaloo, when is your next scooter contest?" asked Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo immediately brightened before responding, "It's in a month and I'm super stoked about it! After Rainbow Dash got me a new scooter for my thirteenth birthday and my wings finally grew more, I've been winning more competitions. Do you guys think you'll be able to make it?'

"I'm not sure yet Scootaloo," admitted Sweetie Belle. "We start high school just a few weeks before and we'll probably have a bunch of school work."

"Oh," said Scootaloo, deflating slightly.

"Ah might be able to make it," said Apple Bloom trying to keep Scootaloo from crying again. "Ah'm actually not going to high school this year." After receiving puzzled looks from her friends, Apple Bloom hurriedly continued, "Because Ah'm a teenager now, Ah have a lot more chores on the farm so Ah'll be home schooled from now on. That doesn't mean Ah won't see ya'll, but Ah just won't be going to the same school as ya'll."

"So you're not going to the high school?" asked Sweetie Belle sadly.

"Um, no Ah'm not," said Apple Bloom with a small shake of her head. "Ah'll be doing the same curriculum as ya'll and Ah'll actually be going into the high school on Tuesday's and Thursday's for any tests or quizzes so Ah will see you every few days. And ya'll know that ya'll can always come over and help with our Algebra homework Ah know we'll have."

"Oh, that's not too bad," said Scootaloo. "We'll sure miss you though."

"I know I'll miss you a lot Apple Bloom," said Sweetie Belle sadly.

"It's okay Sweetie Belle, ya know you're always welcome to come over for the day," said Apple Bloom, and adding under her breath, "and the night."

Sweetie Belle blushed slightly before turning to Scootaloo. "Have you told your mom about you and 'you know who' yet?"

"Um, not yet. We had a fight the other day and I'm not sure how we stand right now as a couple," said Scootaloo with a little frown. "He said I was fat."

"So did ya'll hear about the 'Back to School' party Diamond Tiara is throwing next week?" asked Apple Bloom, completely changing the subject.

"I heard from Silver Spoon that Diamond Tiara said that she's going to have cider at the party so I'm not sure if I'm going to go," said Sweetie Belle disapprovingly.

"I'll probably still go," said Scootaloo. "Diamond Tiara likes to tell things that aren't exactly truthful. From what I've heard, the 'cider' is going to be hot apple juice with spices. Not any of the other stuff," said Scootaloo, rolling her eyes at the fact that Diamond Tiara would say that there would be real cider. Everypony knew how strict her parents were.

"Yeah, you're most likely right Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle after thinking it over for a minute.

"My mom would probably freak out it there were going to be cider," said Scootaloo, "since it was cider at that party she attended that caused her and Skeeter to, uh, you know. Cider was the only reason she got pregnant with me."

"Ah never thought about it but Ah guess your right Scootaloo," said Apple Bloom. "So Rainbow Dash told you how she got pregnant with you?"

"Well, she told me what she remembered. Mom said that cider can impair your common sense. Especially if you've never had it before like she did at that party," explained Scootaloo.

"BigMac drinks cider all the time, how come he never loses his common sense?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Well, he is so big and he's probably been drinking it for years to there's a chance that he's built up a tolerance," said Scootaloo, trying to remember what her mom had told her about the effects of cider.

"That makes sense Ah guess," said Apple Bloom with a shrug of her shoulders. "Hey Sweetie Bel-" she stopped after seeing their unicorn friend fast asleep. "Well, Ah guess we'd better hit the hay too," said Apple Bloom grinning.

Soon, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were snuggling and Scootaloo was snoring in her sleeping bag. At least, she was until a nightmare caused her to wake up gasping. In her dream, Rainbow Dash and Skeeter were yelling at her for some unapparent reason and kept saying that they were going to leave her and raise a little blue colt that was peeking out from between Skeeter's legs. Scootaloo reached up to her face and found tears were streaming down her face. What's wrong with me? Do they thing I'm "fat" too? Am I not enough? Do they want to start over with a baby of their own?

"Scootaloo, what's troubling you," said a kindly voice from behind her.

Scootaloo jumped and quickly looked behind her to see Princess Luna looking at her with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm not sure, I had this terribly nightmare where mo-mom said tha-" a hiccuping sob prevented Scootaloo from continuing.

"To be honest Scootaloo, you are still in a dream. Just in a different setting," said Princess Luna as she settled down next to the little pegasus. "Nightmares feed off negative thoughts. Is it possible that your jealous of Skeeter marrying your mother?"

"No!" replied Scootaloo, shocked that the princess would even mention something like that. "At least, I don't think I am."

"Then, why the nightmare?"

"I'm not sure. Could you please leave so I can think about things? Or, at least wake me up?" asked Scootaloo, closing her eyes.

"I will go if you wish me too. Just do your best to remain true to yourself," said the princess as she left Scootaloo's dream.

Scootaloo cracked her eyes open to see her friends tangled in each others limbs and the moon shining brightly from behind the curtains. After pulling her Wonder Bolt hoodie, a gift from her mom, tighter around her, Scootaloo thought to herself, I'm not jealous am I?

First Day of School

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"Ugh, where did our vacation go?" groaned Scootaloo under the weight of her books as she and Sweetie Belle trotted down the hall of Ponyville High School between classes.

"Our vacation went on vacation," said Sweetie Belle with a giggle, "but I wish that it hadn't."

"I wish it hadn't too," agreed Scootaloo. "So," she added after shifting her books, "any good classes this year?"

"Well, I have Advanced Equestrian History, Advanced Magic, Advanced Home Economics, Voice, and the required courses. What about you Scootaloo?" asked Sweetie Belle after checking her schedule.

"Um, well, since my wings decided that they would finally grow, I'm just now starting flying class. I have a few other required courses, but nothing too major. How is it that you have advanced classes?" Scootaloo asked curiously.

"Well, I always had straight A's in Miss Cheerilee's school so I was automatically stuck in the advanced classes," explained Sweetie Belle. "That, and Rarity likes me to get as much knowledge as I can to 'prepare' me for life."

"I've never really had the best grades to be honest," admitted Scootaloo sheepishly, "I've always had more important goals than making straight A's."

"I thought you did good in school?" said Sweetie Belle with a puzzled look on her face.

"I usually make B's on my report card and sometimes an occasional C. There's nothing too major to worry about," said Scootaloo with a shrug before stopping in front of a classroom door. "Well, last class of the day. I've got to go, I'll see you later."

"Will I see you after school?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Um, I don't think so. I have to go straight home after school to do my homework since I decided to go Diamond Tiara's party," explained Scootaloo.

"Oh," said Sweetie Belle with a little frown. "Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow. I'll talk to you later."

As Sweetie Belle quickly trotted off to her next class, Scootaloo promptly took her seat and waited for the rest of the class to get there. Soon, about a dozen pegasi fillies and colts were seated and waiting for the teacher. Several minutes after the bell rang, a young pegasi stallion trotted into the room looking quite flustered.

Scootaloo thought that he was just another student until he began speaking. "I am quite sorry class," he said after catching his breath. "A pony would think that the teacher would be on time. Anyway, I am Mr. Kane, your teacher. Today we will be studying the different flying techniques, but before hoof, a little about myself. My name is Hurricane Force. I graduated college at the age of eighteen and I am still currently eighteen." The shocked looks on his students faces caused him to laugh. "Yes, I know I am young. I was a gifted student and graduated early. Now, for the lesson!"

Scootaloo, having settled into her seat, scrutinized her new teacher. Mr. Kane had on a stark white suit which contrasted with his natural coat. He was a striking shade of steel gray with a dark black mane and tale. His cutie mark was the white GPS image of a hurricane. Curious about it, Scootaloo raised her hoof.

"You," he said pointing to her,"what is your name and question?"

"My name is Scootaloo. And, why is your cutie mark a hurricane?" she asked.

"Ah, I see noticed my cutie mark," he said with a grin, "I got it as a hurricane fighter."

"Oh, you were a hurricane fighter?" asked Scootaloo curiously.

"Yes. I double majored in rogue storm fighting and flight teaching and minored in Literature."

"That's really interesting. Thanks," said Scootaloo with an awed expression.

"My pleasure. Just next time be paying attention to what I'm saying instead of checking me out," Mr. Kane said with a completely straight face before turning to the rest of the class.

Scootaloo just sat there with a shocked expression. Checking him out, my hoof! she thought to herself. Well, maybe I was, I don't know. He sure is brash for a teacher though. Miss Cheerilee sure would have never talked like that.

After finishing the main points of his lecture, Mr. Kane instructed the class to meet him outside so he could demonstrate the flying techniques he talked about. "Scootaloo, could you please wait a moment," he called as the students filed out.

Cheeks burning with embarrassment, Scootaloo waited for the rest of the class to leave.

After the class had gone, Mr. Kane looked at Scootaloo with a lopsided grin. "I hope you realize that I was just giving you a hard time during class. I didn't intend to embarrass you."

"Oh, um, it's okay," said Scootaloo nervously. "I guess I had better get going."

"Oh yes! I will meet you and the rest of the class outside in a few minutes, I need to gather a few things," said Mr. Kane.

"Okay," said Scootaloo before heading out. That was awkward. I hope he doesn't do anything else like that, thought Scootaloo as she trotted outside.

Flight practice turned out to be uneventful with Mr. Kane just explaining basic things like wind gauging and flapping force. It wasn't until he removed his jacket that the entire class gave him their full attention. Mr. Kane had rippling chest and shoulder muscles underneath his coat. When he spread his wings, it was quite obvious to see why he received his cutie mark in hurricane fighting. His wings were massive and were absolutely all muscle. The rest of the class passed in bliss as the students watched Mr. Kane illustrate the flight patterns from the lesson. The illustrations ended sooner than everypony wished and the class dispersed with a disappointed groan.

"Don't worry class, tomorrow you'll get to do some flying of your own!" Mr. Kane yelled as the class left for the day.

After giving Mr. Kane one last glance, Scootaloo quickly made her way to her locker, packed her books up, and began heading home. She needed to do some homework before the party that night.

I think Mr. Kane is kinda cute, Scootaloo thought as she flew home. He sure is young for a teacher but he's an amazing flyer. Not as amazing as Mom though.

As soon as she arrived home, Scootaloo quickly trotted up to her room and began doing her homework. Rainbow Dash had left a note on her desk explaining that she and Skeeter had gone out to run a few errands and wouldn't be back before Scootaloo left for the party that night.

It would have been nice to tell Mom about my first day of high school, thought Scootaloo sadly. Then, vividly remembering her dream from the sleepover, Scootaloo nervously began to worry. They're not ignoring me. They, are just excited about being married. Thats all.

After convincing herself that nothing was wrong, Scootaloo zoomed through her homework and turned to her mirror.
Grinning from ear to ear she yelled, "It's time to party!!!"

Time to Party

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Scootaloo nervously stood outside of Diamond Tiara’s mansion as she waited for somepony to answer her knock. Even though she and her friends had made up with Diamond Tiara, she couldn’t help but be nervous about the party. Diamond Tiara had always been a popular pony, even if her popularity had come as a result of her bullying in elementary school.

“Welcome,” said the butler as he opened the door, “the party is this way if you will please follow me.”

After many twists and turns and left turns and right turns, Scootaloo finally found herself at the party. And boy what a party it was. The expensive hardwood floor had been converted to a dance floor, an amazing disco ball hung from the ceiling, and Diamond Tiara had even managed to hire a DJ for the party. The black lights and colorful lasers even added to the clubbish atmosphere of the party.

“Scootaloo, you made it!” squealed Diamond Tiara as soon as she spotted the orange pegasus. Soon, the two were chatting over near the food tables as they watched other ponies dance. “Do you think the party is good?” she asked with a worried look on her face. “I’m not sure if there are enough backlights.”

“Really?!” said Scootaloo with a shocked expression, “I think it looks amazing! You really outdid yourself.”

“Thanks, Silver Spoon really helped conjure up the club theme and somehow Pinkie Pie had a disco ball. Getting a DJ was a little tough but I managed to find one,” explained Diamond Tiara. “I invited all my friends as well as a few older colts and fillies. Any cute pony in the hallway got an invitation.”

“Wait, you invited all cute colts and fillies?” asked Scootaloo. I wonder if she accidentally invited Hurricane Force, I mean, Mr. Kane, she thought to herself, he's pretty cute.

“Yup, all cute colts and fillies,” Diamond Tiara in a sing-sonny voice. “Would you like a drink,” she asked as she ladled one for herself. “I actually managed to get cider from Daddy’s store.”

Hesitating, Scootaloo had a momentart inner conflict as her shoulder angels argued.

You’ve never had cider before, one glass can’t hurt,” said the little red guy with bat wings. “But my dear, you’ve never had cider before, remeber what happened to your mother,” argued the haloed unicorn. “Come on, you know you want it” “Remember what happened to your mom” Stop it, I can decide for myself! Scootaloo angrily yelled at the angels, making them poof out of existence.

“Sure, I’ll have some. Have you had any yet?” asked Scootaloo as she accepted her glass.

“Of course,” tittered Diamond Tiara, “everypony has. It’s soo good. Like, apple juice but ten times better!”

Scootaloo slowly brought her drink to her lips before taking a short swig. The cider hit her pallet with a rush of apple. It was tasted just like Diamond Tiara said. She swallowed and flinched as her throat momentarily burned.

“Oh, I forgot about the burn,” apologized Diamond Tiara. “After your next couple of drinks though, it will go away.”

“If you say so,” said Scootaloo with a shrug as she finished her drink. “That is actually pretty good,” she said as she hiccuped. “I think I’ll have some more.”

“I thought you would. I’ve already had a couple of glasses,” said Diamond Tiara in a slightly slurred voice. “Well, I better get going, Spoony and the Dance floor are calling my name.”

Soon, Scootaloo found herself on the dance floor as well just with her old “coltfriend.”

“Who’s a pretty pony,” he asked her with a slurred voice as they wiggled up against each other.

“I am,” she answered with a hiccup, gazing into his face with a loopy grin on her face.

“Nope,” he said as he stared across the room with bug eyes, “Diamond Tiara’s a pretty pony. Your’e a pig.”

Even in her drunk state, Scootaloo’s mind still reeled in shock. “Huh,” she asked, hoping to confirm what she heard wasn’t true.

“Yup,” he sighed, glancing at her with unfocused eyes, “you’re a big, fat pig. I don’t even know why I -hic- considered dating you. You’re mom’s a stuck up Wonderbolt with a -hic- rainbow mane. It’s a wonder she even married a stallion. I -hic- for the the longest time thought she was a filly fooler.”

“You can’t say that about my mom. She’s the best you could ever ask for. Maybe you should go dance with Diamond Tiara instead of me. But wait, you don’t like filly fooler! Did you forget she’s dating Silver Spoon ya big lug?!” yelled Scootaloo in a slurred, drunk addled mind.

“I was wrong!” yelled the colt back. “You’re not a big, fat pig, you’re nothing but a bucking bi-mmph” his obscenity yelling was stopped by the well placed hoof of Diamond Tiara’s butler.

“I believe this young sir is drunk. I will remove him until he regains his senses,” he said as the led the colt out of the room. “Thought that may be a while,” he added under his breath.

“Scootaloo, are you okay,” asked a slightly intoxicated Mr. Kane who had come up beside her.

“Okay? Okay? I don’t even know the meaning of okay anymore,” Scootaloo said as she struggled with tears. “Can you just bring me another glass of cider?” she said, swallowing away her remaining feelings.

“No problem, we can be palls tonight. Me and you, you and me,” he said as the pair walked over to the drink stand. “Wanna do a drinking contest?” he asked as they both finished two glasses of cider.

“Sure, sounds like fun,” agreed Scootaloo with a giggle.

After downing an uncountable number of shots, Scootaloo and Kane, as Mr. Kane instructed Scootaloo to call him, were lounging on a conveniently placed sofa in a quieter hallway.

“Ya -hic- know, you’re actually a very pretty mare,” Kane slurred as he traced her face with his hoof. “That colt was a fool to call you a pig. All I see is a slim young mare with beautiful wings.”

“Really?” Scootaloo asked breathlessly.

“Mhm,” he said, confirming his words with a kiss.

At first it was just a little peck on the lips, but as the alcohol in the pairs blood took over, it became more sloppy.

“Oh Kane, you really are a -hic- handsome stallion,” said Scootaloo as they finished.

“And I believe it is time for you to go home young lady,” said a voice from behind him.

“Oh, a, hi Mr. Butler, how are you?” giggled Scootaloo as the pair turned around.

“I am completely sane, whilst you two are extremely intoxicated. “I will be leading you home Miss Scootaloo, and Mr. Kane, I strongly advise you to get home. I believe you have a class to teach tomorrow morning,” the butler said with a disapproving stare.

After a long struggle, Diamond Tiara’s butler managed to get Scootaloo home. Although having to carry her in his telekineses because she had passed out had not been fun.

“Mrs. Dash,” he called as soon as he reached her home, “I come with your daughter.”

“Hm,” she said sticking her head out of the front door. “Oh you brought Scootaloo-” seeing her passes out daughter in the butlers grasp caused her to pause for a moment, “home. What happened?” she down as she raced down from her cloudy home.

“I am afraid your daughter made some unwise decisions tonight as Miss Tiara’s party. She drank too much cider, became inebriated, and needed a proper escort home. Not the stallion she was making out with,” explained the stallion.

“Making out with!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “What do you mean?!”

“Oh, nothing more than kissing I assure you. I found them before they went any further and removed Miss Scootaloo from the situation. I’m sure she’s love to tell you more after she wakes up. That is, what she remember.”

“Thank you so much,” said Rainbow Dash in a strained voice as she took her daughter. “She will have a lot of explaining to do. A lot of explaining in deed.”


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Beep Beep Beep!!! Scootaloo's alarm suddenly woke her up from a deep sleep.

"Oh my head," she moaned, "what happened?"

"Well, looks like you finally woke up. How's the hangover?" Rainbow Dash asked her daughter with a scowl on her face.

"Ha-hangover," gulped Scootaloo.

"I'm frankly surprised by you Scootaloo. I would have expected you would have better self control at a party that served alcoholic beverages. What shocked me the most is that you drank cider even after what happened to me," scolded Rainbow Dash.

"Mom, I'm sor-ow!"

"Go downstairs right now, take some aspirin, and get yourself to school," ordered Rainbow Dash, "even if you get sick at school, I expect you to stay there all day. You chose to drink, you chose to take the consequences. After school is over, I expect you to come straight home and clean the house. Your father and I will have a talk while you're in school and further decide your punishment," ordered Rainbow Dash.

"Yes mother. I really am sorry," said Scootaloo as she headed down stairs to get some aspirin. As Scootaloo woke up over a cup of coffee, a shocking realization hit her as her foggy brain cleared up. "Wait, I can't go to school," said Scootaloo panicking.

"And why is that?" asked Skeeter over his morning paper. "You still have to go. Going to Diamond Tiara's party was your idea. I didn't approve of your going to the party."

"Skeeter, I already apologized. But I can't go to school because there's a pony there that I really don't want to see today," explained Scootaloo frantically.

"Too bad," said Rainbow Dash coming up behind her daughter. "I don't want to hear one more complaint coming from you missy. You are already in deep trouble. I still need to contact Mr. and Mrs. Rich about their daughter's apparently unsupervised party. If I had any idea they were serving alcohol, well, I wouldn't have let you go. Now get your rear end to school before you're late."

Realizing that her parents wouldn't budge on her getting out of school, Scootaloo sighed with dejection and headed towards the door. "See you after school," she grumbled as she grabbed her Wonderbolt hoodie off a hook by the door.

Scootaloo quickly flew to school and made it in record time. The day passed uncomfortably slow and the never seemed to end. The persistent headache and groggy mind just proved that hangovers sucked.

Unfortunately, her favorite class, flying class, only met on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's and today was Tuesday. Hopefully she would get a chance to talk to a certain somepony after school before she needed to go home.

Soaring through the hallways after the final bell rang, Scootaloo nearly plowed over Sweetie Bell, one of her best friend's that she hadn't seen all day due to their conflicting schedules.

"Scootaloo," called Sweetie Bell, causing Scootaloo to slow her speedy flight. "How was the party last night?"

"Um, I'll have to tell you about it later, I have something that I need to do. I'm really sorry Sweetie Bell!" Scootaloo called over her shoulder as she sped off.

"Oh, okay," said Sweetie Bell to Scootaloo's swiftly parting form.

Where is he? Scootaloo thought to herself as she zoomed through the hallways.

"Scootaloo, stop this instant," said a demanding voice behind her.

Oh no, not principle Mr. Stiff Parchment, thought Scootaloo, inwardly cringing.

Mr. Stiff Parchment was an extremely tall beige unicorn with a grey mane and tail and a piece of parchment and a quill as his cutie mark. Stiff Parchment was as stiff and strict as his namesake and cutie mark. If he so much as caught you trotting in the hallway, he would give you a demerit. And he had caught Scootaloo violently flying in the hallway.

"Miss Scootaloo, what exactly has you flying so recklessly in my hallways," asked Mr. Stiff, towering over the orange pegasus filly.

"I was looking for Mr. Kane, sir. I needed to speak to him about, uh, flying lessons," stuttered Scootaloo, quickly making up an excuse to see Mr. Kane.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were an overachiever Miss Scootaloo," said Mr. Stiff with a shocked expression. Relaxing a bit, he continued, "If you are looking for Mr. Kane, he is in room 153. Just next time you are looking for a teacher, please walk, there is no need to fly in the hallway. I will see you later Miss Scootaloo."

And with that, Mr. Stiff left Scootaloo to find Mr. Kane.

Phew, that was a close one, Scootaloo thought as she let out a relieved sight. Ow ow ow, I kinda forgot about the headache, remembered Scootaloo as she gingerly toucher her forehead. Even though she had taken aspirin early, plus thrown up between classes, she still had a headache. Now, off to room 153, Scootaloo thought, trying to ignore her growing headache.

Scootaloo found room 153 rather quickly but hesitated at the door, whatever happened next was sure to be embarrassing.
Bravely, Scootaloo opened the door and walked into an empty room, save for one pony who was writing on the chalkboard with his back to her.

"What can I do for you?" Mr. Kane asked in a tired voice, not even stopping his writing to turn around.

Not sure if she should call him Kane or Mr. Kane, Scootaloo just went with her gut instinct. "Um, Kane, we need to talk."

Jumping at his name, Mr. Kane whorled around to see Scootaloo. "Oh, uh, hello Scootaloo, I suspect your here about last night," he said sheepishly.

"Yeah, I just, I don't know how to begin," sighed Scootaloo. "I was really drunk last night and I apologize for everything that happened."

"No, it's not you who needs to apologize, it's me. I didn't realize that the party would include minors and I'm afraid I took advantage of the situation," Mr. Kane explained while rubbing the back of his head with one of his wings. "I was told it was a high class party for high class ponies. I didn't even stop to think that Diamond Tiara was the one throwing it."

"So I guess you didn't mean anything that you said about me either," said Scootaloo, looking down. "I knew it was all too good to be true."

"No, yes. Oh Scootaloo, this situation is extremely complicated. As your teacher, I'm required to be professional with my students and you are one of my students. As your friend though, well, I'm not allowed to be your friend at school. Maybe we could go talk somewhere else, maybe Sugarcube Corner?" Mr. Kane suggested.

"I can't," said Scootaloo sadly, "I'm grounded for I don't know how long and I have to go straight home to clean my house."

The door suddenly opening startled them both.

"Have you gotten those flying lessons planned yet Miss Scootaloo? School will be closing shortly to students not in detention," asked Mr. Stiff as he stepped in.

"Uh, yeah, flying lessons," stuttered Scootaloo.

"Yes Mr. Stiff," said Mr. Kane, taking over the situation. "Every Tuesday and Thursday after school from four thirty to five. Thank you for your concern sir."

"Okay, well, I'm glad to see you have that all worked out," said Mr. Stiff with a smile. "Let's go Scootaloo."

"Oh, I guess I'll see you after school on Thursday then?" Scootaloo looked at Mr. Kane questioningly.

"Yes, I'll see you after school on Thursday Scoootaloo," Mr. Kane confirmed. "I can answer all your questions then."

"Thanks," said Scootaloo, understanding what Mr. Kane meant.

After Mr. Stiff led Scootaloo out of the building, Scootaloo began her flight home. As she flew Scootaloo thought about what her parents had in store for her once she got home. Maybe they won't be to harsh, thought Scootaloo with a nervous giggle. Oh, who am I kidding. Mom is going to kill me.

As soon as she arrived home, Rainbow Dash met Scootaloo at the door. "How was your day," she asked with a smile.

Confused, Scootaloo replied the best way she could. "It was good. My flight teacher is going to give me flight lessons after school on Tuesday's and Thursday's from four thirty to five."

"Sound like you have a good flight future planned out," said Rainbow Dash approvingly. As the two sat down at the kitchen table, Rainbow Dash faced her daughter. "Scootaloo, your father and I have decided that you will be grounded for two weeks only. You must come directly home after school and you will not be able to hang out with any of your friends. You will only be able to do your flight lessons."

Shocked that her mom didn't ground her for life, Scootaloo just stared at her mom with her mouth flapping open and closed in an effort to talk.

"I know, you didn't expect us to be so easy on you. But so much more could have happened to you last night and your father and I are just glad that you are okay. We believe that the hangover you experienced was a lesson in and of itself," explained Rainbow Dash. "After you clean the house, you can call your friends for five minutes each and explain to them why you are grounded and won't be able to hang out with them. Understood?"

"Yes mother, I understand," Scootaloo said after she finally found her voice. As she went to leave the kitchen her mom's voice stopped her.

"Scootaloo, I love you so much and I don't want to see anything happen to you. You are so important to me. I wouldn't be able to stand if something were to happen."

"I love you too mother."

"I just want you to realize that your actions have consequences," Rainbow Dash said, coming up to her daughter.

"I know mom," Scootaloo said, giving her mom a big hug. "The never-ending hangover really taught me a lesson. I still have a headache.

"Now," she Rainbow Dash said, "Take some more aspirin. I believe you have a house to clean."

From Friend to Father

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Scootaloo wiped her forehead, she was almost done cleaning their huge house. She just had to clean her room and her room was an absolute mess.

"So, done cleaning the house yet?" asked Rainbow Dash who had come up behind her.

"Almost mom, I still have to do my room and it's a terrible mess. It looks like it was hit by a tornado," sighed Scootaloo.

"Well, it's time for dinner and your father was kind enough to make hayburgers for us," said Rainbow Dash. "So please wash up and come downstairs for dinner. You can clean your room after dinner before you go to bed."

"Okay mom, I'll be right down," said Scootaloo.

She quickly made sure all the dust that coated her was washed off before she glided down the stairs and into the kitchen. Skeeter and Rainbow Dash were already seated at the table and were waiting for her.

"Mmm, the hayburgers smell delicious Skeeter," Scootaloo said as she sat down. "What sort of hay did you use to make them?"

"I can't tell you, sorry Scootaloo. It's a family secret," said Skeeter with a wink. "But I will tell you that maybe I'll pass the secret down to you once you have a family. That's what my folks did with me."

"Oh," said Scootaloo with a little frown; perking right back up she added, "they still taste delicious though."

"Um Scootaloo, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," said Skeeter with a glance at his wife. "You call Rainbow Dash mom and occasionally mother. Why don't you call me dad or father?"

Scootaloo just sat there with a shocked expression on her face. He wants me to call him Dad?! Why would I ever do that? I know he's my dad but he was never there for me as a young filly. Mom has been here for me my entire life, that's why she deserves to be called mother.

"Because you don't deserve to be called Dad!" yelled Scootaloo. "You were never there for me growing up, Mother was. Even though I didn't know it at the time, everything she ever did for me was in my best interest. She made my life better because I didn't have any 'parents' at the time. She deserves to be called Mother. You are only my friend. You don't deserve any other title!" And with that said, Scootaloo shot out of the room and her parents winced as they heard her bedroom door slam shut.

Skeeter just stared at his plate while trying to comprehend all that had just happened. "So she hates me?" he whispered.

"Honey," said Rainbow Dash as she reached to hold his hoof, "I don't think she hates you, I just don't think she's had time to adjust to you being in her life."

"Rainbow, I've been in her life for quite a few years now. How has she not adjusted yet? I have done everything in my power to get her to like me. No matter what I do, she always calls me 'Skeeter' not Dad. When we got married, I thought that would all change and she would start calling me Dad. I guess I just expected to much."

"Skeeter, you have done everything possible to be a good Dad. You realize that she is a lot like you. Stubborn until she realizes that what she's being stubborn about isn't worth it. She'll come around," comforted Rainbow Dash.

"I really hope so," said Skeeter, leaning into his wife. "I really hope so."

Meanwhile, Scootaloo was trying to calm down in her room. Even though cleaning it wasn't fun, it helped her dispel her anger at Skeeter.

Why would he even ask such a stupid question? Scootaloo thought as she slammed dirty laundry into a hamper. Picking up a picture of her and Rainbow Dash's family and sitting down on her bed, she paused the angry thoughts. Even though Rainbow Dash's parents embarrassed her, they were always there for her, cheering her on at the sidelines. Rainbow Dash has always been there for me, cheering me on at the sidelines. And where was Skeeter? Probably fooling around somewhere in Cloudsdale. Sighing Scootaloo looked at her now clean room.

"Scootaloo, can I come in?" asked Rainbow Dash, startling Scootaloo and pulling her out of her musings.

"Sure mom, I don't care," Scootaloo said, glad that her room was finally clean.

"Scootaloo," said Rainbow Dash as she walked in and sat on the bed next to her daughter, "you do realize that Skeeter loves you very much. Why, your'e even the spittin image of him with your orange coat and ruffly hair. Why are you so against calling him Dad?"

"Mom, I thought I already made that clear. He wasn't there for me as a filly and doesn't deserve to be called Dad," Scootaloo said exasperatingly.

"Wasn't there. You do realize how much bravery it took your da- er - Skeeter to come to Ponyville and even ask me to marry him? After the wedding he told me that he came back to do take responsibility for his actions. Scootaloo, I don't think you realize just how much he loves you," said Rainbow Dash as she looked at her daughter.

"I just, don't know right now Mom. It's hard to accept the fact that he lives in the same house as us, eats with us, and even does everything with us, it used to be just us two. What if you guys decide to have a foal and 'Us' goes away. It would be you and the foal, Skeeter and the foal, everything with the foal," said Scootaloo who was very near tears. "I don't want 'Us' to go away."

"Scootaloo, 'Us' wouldn't go away. You're still awesome and I love every second that we get to spend together! And a foal wouldn't change that silly," said Rainbow Dash, ruffling Scootaloo's mane. "You realize that if I were to have a foal, you would have a new member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. You could even start a club for the foal. How's this sound, 'Cutie Mark Crusaders, Juniors!"

Giggling, Scootaloo wiped away her tears, "That would be, awesome!" she shouted. "When are you going to have a foal? Now, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after tomorrow? Am I going to get to name it? Is it a filly or a colt? Will it look like you or dad?" Shocked at herself for calling Skeeter dad, Scootaloo stopped her excitement filled questions.

Smiling, Rainbow Dash looked at her daughter. "Scootaloo, you just called Skeeter 'Dad' and you called him Dad naturally. Are you sure you still are angry at him."

Smiling sheepishly, Scootaloo nodded, "I guess all it took was a little bit of thinking and a talk with you," she said, giving Rainbow Dash a big hug. Looking at the floor she added, "I guess I need to go apologize to Dad for yelling at him earlier."

"I guess so, how about we head downstairs," suggested Rainbow Dash.

The two walked into the kitchen to find Skeeter staring at his plate.

"Skeeter, I believe Scootaloo has something to say," said Rainbow Dash, causing Skeeter to look up.

"Skeeter, mom and I talked and I'm really sorry for yelling at you. I realized that you took responsibility for what you did and are here for me now," explained Scootaloo as she walked up to him. Giving him a big head, she looked him in the face and said, "I love you, Dad."

If Wishes Were Kisses

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Wednesday went by in a blur. All of Scootaloo's classes were boring and Mr. Kane was conveniently absent. A note from the office said that he was sick but would still make it to her flying lesson the following day. Soon the school day was over and Scootaloo was flying home.

Soon she was home and was immediately put to work cleaning the house (one of the many requirements of her two week long grounding). As she worked on her room, she finally got over frustrated at cleaning the several story house.

"Mo-om," Scootaloo whined, "do I have to clean the house every day?"

"Yes Scootaloo, your father and I went easy on you with your grounding," said Rainbow Dash, walking into her daughters room. "We feel like you need to learn from your mistake and cleaning the house is just one of the ways that you can spend time thinking about your mistake and ways you can improve in the future."

"Okay Mom," sighed Scootaloo, "I'm sorry for complaining."

"It's okay. Theres actually something I came up here to talk to you about," said Rainbow Dash, sitting on Scootaloo's bed and patting the sheets beside her.

"Um, okay?" said Scootaloo cautiously. She slowly walked over to the bed and sat down. "What's up Mom?"

Rainbow Dash breathed deeply, pondering how she wanted to say what was on her mind, "Scootaloo," she finally said, "I am going to be very blunt with you and I want you to answer this question honestly."

At this point Scootaloo's wingpits were sweaty and her frogs were clamy. What was it her Mom wanted to ask her? What was wrong? Was she in trouble? She had no idea.

"Um, what do you want to know," Scootaloo hesitantly asked.

Looking at her daughter, Rainbow Dash was having a hard time believing how much she had grown up. Scootaloo had gone from a little filly with stunted wings to a beautiful young mare with long, strong wings.

Rainbow sighed, "Scootaloo, do you remember who you were snogging at Diamond's party? I know you were drunk and probably completely inebriated, but I would like to know."

Scootaloo immediately had an answer although she didn't want to say. Thinking about the consequences of not telling the truth, Scootaloo pondered how to respond. What would her mother say if she told her that she had been snogging one of her teachers? The same teacher who was coming the very next day to teach her flying techniques.

"Mom," she began, "I was snogging Kane. He's my flight teacher."

Seeing her mom's shocked reaction, Scootaloo quickly continued. "But, he's only eighteen and I really like him. Even though he was drunk too, he stuck up for me at the party. There was a colt that I used to like who was making fun of me at the party and Kane helped me feel better after the colt stopped bullying me. Kane really is a gentlecolt and I believe that you and dad would really like him. He's a hurricane fighter and that's what he got his cutie mark in. I know he's one of my teachers and four years older than me but I want you to give him a chance."

"Scootaloo, I really appreciate your honesty. Your father and I have lot to talk about. If your description is accurate, we may allow you to continue being friends with this 'Kane'. I want you to get some rest tonight and your father and I will talk to you in the morning."

"Okay Mom," said Scootaloo quietly. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, sweetie, get some rest, you still do have a flight lesson tomorrow, with this Mr. Kane. He can stay for dinner and your father and I can talk to him over some of your fathers hamburgers and fries."

Rainbow Dash walked out and closed the door behind her, leaving Scootaloo with her thoughts.

I wonder what my private lesson will be like tomorrow, she thought, I know Kane only scheduled it so I could technically learn to fly better, but I know he also wants to talk about what happened at Diamond Tiara's party. I wish that I was older, maybe then I could be allowed to date Kane. He's cute and really nice. I turn fourteen soon so maybe mom and dad would let me date him. Who am I kidding, he's eighteen! That's a whole four years older than me.

Scootaloo soon fell asleep wondering how her day would be while Rainbow Dash and Skeeter were having a very intense conversation downstairs.

Rainbow Dash soon explained the conversation with Skeeter, and Skeeter just shrugged it off.

"Skeeter, I don't know how I feel about Scootaloo liking a eighteen year old colt. It's not appropriate," said Rainbow Dash exasperatedly. "You already know what happened when he and Scootaloo were alone at a party. Them being drunk aside, I don't even know if I feel comfortable with this 'Kane' being her teacher. The way Scootaloo describe him, it's very obvious that it's more than a crush going on. Skeeter, she really likes him."

"Honey, I understand why you are so worried, but you did tell me that Kane will be staying for dinner after Scootaloo's flight lesson right? I can question and threaten him over dinner. I know the age difference may seem drastic but Scootaloo will be fourteen soon. That puts them about four years apart. Depending on this colt's character, I may actually prefer him to be older than Scootaloo. I myself personally know that I was pretty stupid up until I was older. The younger colts I see today seen pretty stupid and I just want the best for Scootaloo, just like you do."

"Oh, that does make some amount of sense. But you must realize the flip side of that. An older colt may try to take advantage of her. I know we were drunk and pretty much consented when we had her. I don't want Scootaloo to be forced to do something that she feels uncomfortable about," explained Dash.

"Tomorrow night we will see what this colt is really like, for now all we can do is sit and wait," said Kane, yawning. "I'm pretty tired, you want to hit the hay."

"Literally of metaphorically," smirked Dash. "But I'm beat too. Wonderbolt practice today was tiring."

Soon Rainbow Dash's family was sleeping soundly, all expecting different outcomes of the next day. None of them knew what could happen, or even what would happen. They could only sleep and wait.