The Heartbroken Photo

by Oldtakufanboy

First published

My boss photo finish has been quite saddened for the past few days. Tonight, she unexpectedly comes to my place for a talk and needing company

My job is easy; take the photos, show them to my boss and if she accepts them, they are in magazines. However, my boss, Photo Finish, has been feeling a bit down the past few days. I worry for her, but it's none of my business. Tonight, I get an unexpected guest, my boss, wanting to talk to talk to me about her situation.

The Heartbroken Photo

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It's a Monday on a sunny and warm day in Manehattan. In a studio called Dazzling Mares, I happen to deal with a photo shoot for the new bikini with flames on the top that sparkles in the light. The background for the shoot is of course, the beach with a bench for the model to sit on with a beach ball beside her, sand on the floor, and a fake tree on her right. The model herself is quite a looker; she's about the age of thirty-one, has green-lime mane and tail, emerald eyes and light grey fur. Her name is Lime Rock and this is her first time becoming a model.

"Right there," I said, as I snap a photo of Lime Rock. "perfect."

Lime Rock smiles for the camera as she makes a 'come over here' gesture with her finger, allowing me to take a snap of that.

"I love it," I said. "Sweetie, could you grab the ball on your left and place it on your lap?"

She nods, as she reaches over for the ball and places it directly onto her lap.

"Now place either of your arms onto the ball and give me a wink."

She places her left arm on the ball and gives me a wink with a little of her tongue sticking out in a cute manner.

"Oh! That looks perfect," I said, as I quickly take a few snaps. "Sassy. That's perfect."

With four more snaps, I pull my head away from the camera and give her a thumbs up.

"Okay, you're done."

Lime Stone gets up from the bench and gives out a stretch.

"Thank you for the photo shoot, Mr. Human," said the model, as she walks away from the set and over to a chair that has her shirt once this was over.

"Please call me, Greg."

"Well, Greg," she said with a few swishes of her tail. "How do they look?"

"I'd say they look perfect, Miss Rock," I said, as I grab my camera and brought up the photos.

Lime Rock walks up to me and looks at the camera screen of the pictures as I slowly switch from one picture to the next.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"They look perfect, except could you go back two?"

I press back two times until I made it to the picture she wanted to see.

"Could you get rid of that one? I noticed that I blinked in that one."

"Of course," I said, as I deleted the photo. "Are you thirsty? We have water and some mango juice."

"I'm good," she said.

"Alright then. Hang right here and I'll Miss Finish your photos for approval."

"Before you go, Greg. Why is a human like you doing something like this?"

"I've been a photographer since before I got here in Equestria. I've been taking photos since I was a teen. I would snap photos of nature, places and even people. I wanted to be a photographer and become famous, but all of my dreams have been ruined since I somehow got here in Equestria. I became a citizen and got a job here by Photo Finish. She was kind enough to bring me here after seeing my skills and I am paid great money here. I'm twenty-one and yet, I feel like I'm at my moms whenever I come here."

"So sorry that you never got to be famous back where you're from."

"That's okay. I hope to be famous maybe in the future here. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

"That's cute. Did you make that up?"

"It was from one of my favorite films back where I'm from called Forest Gump."

"Hehehe. Funny title."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be back to see if these photos are going in. Be back in a little while."

"Take your time."

I walk away with camera in hand and towards the stairs to my bosses office.

"Say Greg," called out Lime Rock before I could take a step on the stairs.

"Yeah?" I replied, as I look back at her.

"I hope you become famous one day. I'll be routing for you."

I smiled at her as she did the same.


I turn my head forward and walked up the stairs before reaching to the door. Before I could give it a knock, I could hear what sounded like... crying? I take my ear to the door and listened; it is definitely crying. I pulled my head away from the door and gave the door two knocks.

"Mrs. Finish," I said. "The shots are done. Would you like to see?"

"Hang on a sec," said Mrs. Finish from the other side.

I stood there patiently, as I waited for her to allow me in.

"I wonder if that was her crying?" I thought to myself. "I shouldn't have put my ear to the door."

I then hear footsteps coming up to the door, as I stood up straight. The door opens, as Mrs. Finish gives out a sniffle and uses a handkerchief to wipe away what I believe is her tears from behind her glasses. Unlike usual, she wears a black dress with a skirt that goes down to her knees and has pink nail polish on her finger nails.

"Please come in, Greg," she says in her german-like accent.

"I'm here to show the photos of Lime Rock," I said, as I close the door behind me.

"Ze new girl?" she asks, as she makes her way to the desk.

"Yes," I said, as I make myself comfortable on the chair that sits in front of Mrs. Finish's desk.

"May I see?" she asks, as I hand over the camera.

As she skims through the camera of my photos, I look over to the left corner of her desk that has about three tissues and a picture fame that has a photo within it of her and what I believe is to be her husband. The stallion in the photo has a grey mane and tail; a few wrinkles in his face and wore a black coat that says style written fancy-like. I wonder if she may have broken up with him. She's been feeling quite down the past few days and I worry about her. Despite me worrying, it's none of my business to ask her anything about her personal life.

"Greg," she said, getting my attention. "You never fail to amuse me. Another job vell done."

"Thank you, Mrs. Finish."

"To zis day, I can never forget vhen you first came here and showed me vonders vith your photography. You are almost like ze son I never haf and never vill."

"That's very sweet of you, Mrs. Finish. You are kinda like my adoptive pony mother."

She gives out a chuckle and could notice a twinkle of a tear going down her left cheek.

"Mrs. Finish, you have a tear going down your left cheek," I pointed out.

"Oh! Sorry you haf to see zat," she said, as she pulls out her handkerchief and wipes away the tear.

"Mrs. Finish... um..."

"Yes Greg? Vhat is it?"

"Are you... okay?"

"Don't mind me," she says with a sniffle. "I'm fine. Now run along home and get vell rested for tomorrow. You got another shoot to give."

"Sorry for prying," I said, as I get up from my seat and walked over to the door.

"I miss you, love."

I stopped and look back at Mrs. Finish.

"Did you say something, Mrs. Finish?" I asked.

"It's nothing. Go!"

I didn't answer and walked out of her office, shutting the door behind me.

"Something is definitely up with her," I said to myself, as I walk down the steps.

"So what's up?" asked Lime Rock, as she looks at me with excitement. "Am I in?"

I smiled weakly and give her the thumbs up.

"You're in, sweetie," I said, as Lime Rock jumps from her chair and rushes over to me for a tight hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she says repeatedly.

"It's my boss you should really thank."

"I'm just so happy right now! Eek!"

She let's go of me and clasps her hands.

"Thank you for being my photographer."


"Is there something wrong, Greg? You look a little worried."

"It's nothing, Mrs. Rock. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh okay."

"Here," I said, as I reached into my pocket. "Go out and buy something to celebrate."

I pull out twenty pieces of bits and handed them over to her.

"Wha? You really mean it?"

"I'm feeling nice tonight, so why not."

"Thanks, Greg," she says, as she reaches up to my cheek and gives it a kiss.

"Oh! Why your welcome."

"Hope to see you around," she said, as she makes her way to the dressing room and shuts the door behind her.

I smiled and make my way towards the exit and walked over to my car. I got in and buckled up. I pull aside my brown hair before turning on the vehicle and driving out of the parking lot towards my apartment complex. Despite doing something nice, I still worry about Mrs. Finish. I can't help myself; I worry about her. I'm positive that she's sad that she lost her lover and now she's single again.

It's six O'clock, as I worked in the kitchen making my kitchen making pasta with broccoli and shredded parmesan. Ever since I came to Equestria, I've been losing weight since ponies don't have any meat to eat and are herbivores. I wear a long-sleeved shirt that says 'Manehattan' in big letters and wore dark green PJ bottoms.

I carefully drain out the water until the pasta noodles were all that's left. I then move the pasta noodles into a large bowl and poured them all in. After that, I put in chopped up pieces of broccoli and finished it all with pieces of shredded parmesan cheese.

"Perfecto," I said, as I reached towards the cabinet for a smaller bowl and poured in little of the pasta. "Nice dinner to end my day."

I grab my bowl and walked over to the dining table near the sliding glass doors and looked out towards the night of the city. Lights on in buildings close and far away with a few clouds in the sky. Higher in the sky stood Luna's moon looking proud and bright.

"Such a lovely night," I said to myself, as I walk back to the kitchen and grabbed myself a fork.

As I walk back to the table, there was a knock on the door. I quickly put my fork onto the table and rushed over to the door. I looked through the peephole and to my shock, is none other than Mrs. Finish, my boss, standing outside my apartment door. She wears a purple coat with pink fluff around the neck and arms. I open the door, as a breeze comes in giving me a shiver.

"Mrs. Finish? Why are you here?" I asked.

"May I come in?" she asks. "I'd like to haf somepony to talk to."

"Come in," I said, as I pull the door open for her to enter. "Make yourself at home."

She takes a few steps in, as I close the door behind her with her looking around my apartment. She walks over to my coat stand and takes off her coat and hangs it along with her purse.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. "I have some pasta if you're hungry."

"Greg, I must say," she says, as she looks around more of my apartment. "You haf style even at home."

Her attention gets drawn by the picture frame with a large waterfall that's alien to her. It stands above the TV about five feet above it.

"Vhat ist that vaterfall?" she asks.

"It's a memory from my home," I said. "It's niagara falls. Great place to see."

"It... looks beautiful."

She continued to stare at the picture, looks breathless and taken away from its beauty.

"It's one of the best places to go back where I'm from."

She looks back towards the velvet leather couch and takes a seat.

"Again, Greg, your apartment ist vonderful," she says, as I take a seat on the opposite side of her.

"Thanks, Mrs. Finish."

"Please call me Photo vhen ve're not around the studio."

"Okay then, Photo. Feeling comfortable?"

"Very," she says, as she takes her hands to her lap.

"So you want to talk?"


"About what?"

"You are my favorite vorker out of everypony at ze studio," she says, as she looks over to me. "You are alvays on time and you take such great photos. I vanted to talk to you privately and only you for vhat my situation ist going vith me for ze past few days."

"That's very sweet of you, but what is it you'd like to talk about?"

"You see... I broken up vith my husband. Ve had quite some problems because I am alvays avay from him because of vork. I loved him, but he left me because he thinks of me as a Vorkaholic."

So I was right; she's broken up with her partner and now she's feeling heartbroken.

"I thought so," I said, as she looks over to me with a tear going down her right cheek.

"You knew?" she asks with a sniffle.

"I knew for the past few days that you seem... different then what you usually are. You are always kind and joyful, but lately, you haven't been like that. I knew there was something that happened and I worried about you, but-"

"You vorried about me?" she asks, giving me a cocked eyebrow.

"Well, yeah," I answered. "I always worry about someone who isn't acting like themselves."

"You haf a big heart," she said, as she wipes a tear from behind her glasses.

"Thanks, Photo."

"Do you haf anything to drink?"

"Would you like some wine? I have a bottle of 'Toasted Mare'."

"I vould love some."

I get up from the couch and went into the kitchen and took out two wine glasses. I pour in the wine and carefully brought them back.

"Thank you, Greg," says Photo, as she takes the glass from my left hand.

"Your welcome," I replied, as I sit back down across from her.

"To ze new girl," she says, as she brings her glass toward me.

"To the new girl," I said with a chuckle, as we clink glasses together.

We both take a sip and then pull the glass away from our lips.

"To be fair, Greg, I never had zis vine before."

"Really?" I asked.

"Ze only vine I ever had vas 'Hard Hoof' or 'Strong Mare'. Zis one ist new."

"If it's bad, I have some soft drinks instead."

"Oh no, no, no. Zis is good."

"My parents always told me that I should always try something new, even if it was terrible in the end. Back on Earth, I tried new foods that I missed out on as a kid and my mind was blown by what I missed."

"My parents told me to do vhat I alvays love to do and I'll be known by everypony."

"Life is like a box of chocolates, Photo. You never know what you're gonna get."

"Zat's quite ze quote zere, Greg."

"It's from one of my favorite movies back where I'm from."

She giggles before taking another sip.

"Vhat's it like? Back vhere you are from?"

"Earth? Well, it's somewhat like Equestria in a way. Politics, nature, work, same stuff, only a lot different."

"How so?"

"It's not as friendly as Equestria is. I'll point that out. A lot of horrible things have happened before I got here and some great actors and actresses I grew up with by watching their films have passed away. They'll be missed very much. They were like idols to me growing up."

"Ist here anything good before you got here?"

Anything good? I honestly couldn't tell her. A lot of bad things have happened that I can't think of anything good that has happened.

"I can't remember," I said. "It's been so long since I got here. I'd like to know at least something good happened that isn't sad or depressing."

"Don't feel so bad, Greg. Equestria ist like a place vhere dreams can come true once you put your mind to it."

"That's true," I said, as I take a sip of wine.

"Oh! Ist zat your dinner over here?" asks Photo, as she points to my slightly warm pasta.

"Oh! That's right!" I said, as I place my glass down on the coffee table and rushed over to my dinner.

I take a hand to feel that it's still warm, which is good, noting that I don't have to put it in the microwave to make it warm.

"It's still warm," I said, as I walk back to the couch with plate and fork in hand. "Are you hungry?"

"Vhat is it zat you are eating?" she asks.

"Pasta with broccoli and shredded parmesan. It's really good."

"May I haf some?"

"If so, have this one. It's still warm."

"You're too kind," she says, as I hand her my plate and fork. "Vhat about you?"

"I'm fine. I'm not that hungry anyway."

She smiles, as she twirls a little of pasta with a piece of broccoli at the end pulls it up to her mouth. She plops the fork into the mouth and pulls it out for her to chew it.

"Is it good?" I ask.

"It tastes delicious," she says after swallowing. "You're a good cook."

"I learned it from mother. She's the best cook of the family."

"Are you sure zat you're not hungry?"

"I'm fine, Photo."

"Come," she says, as she brings a forkful of pasta towards me. "Haf some."

"I... um..."

"I don't haf cooties, now eat."

"Well... um... o-okay."

I open my mouth and chomped down onto her forkful, as though she were thinking of me as a child. I pull my head away and continued to chew until I could swallow.

"Why would you ask me to eat like a child?" I ask, feeling warmth on my cheeks.

"Because you are such a kind human, Greg," she said with a smile. "You alvays make me happy even vhen you're not vorking. You are almost like my son or husband."

"That's sweet of you, but with you here, I don't want to lose my job. I can't be myself because you're here."

"So you're pretending to be nice vith me all zese years?"

"N-no! No! I like being friendly with you and everypony else. It's just that with you, here, at my place, I don't want to make something- gah! Never mind that last part!" I said, as I facepalmed.

"Calm down, Greg," she says, as she puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're doing fine. No need to stress."

"S-sorry you had to see that."

"Zat's okay."

I sat there awkwardly, as she finishes up her glass of wine and looks over to me with a smile.

"You are such a good vorker, zat I feel like I should repay you personally," she says with a purr in her voice, as she puts both glass and plate onto the coffee table.

"W-what do you m-mean by that?" I asked, as she kicks off her high heels and brings her legs onto the couch.

"You've been such a nice boy and you allowed me into your home.," she says, as she crawls over to me. "I feel zis pounding in my bosom and vhenever you talk to me, I begin to feel a feeling zat you haf given back to me."

"And that is?" I said, as she brings her face closer to mine.

"Love," she replies, as she puckers up her lips and plants them onto mine.

My mind felt blank; for the first time, I get kissed on the lips that isn't human. My boss, Photo Finish, is kissing me.

"Whoa!" I said, as I gently push her away from me. "You like me?"

"A lot so," she said, as brings her muzzle to my nose and rubs it back and forth.

"I think you n-need to go, Photo," I said embarrassed. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"I zink I should stay and ve should make love right here," she says, as she looks into my eyes from her large glasses.

"Oh! Okay... Wow... um..."

I was out of words. Perhaps it won't be that bad, but this is my boss. I may fuck things up, but I didn't have a choice. It was either do it or get fired.

"Vell?" she asks impatiently.

"Before we do this... could I look at you eye to eye? The glasses are in the way. I'd like to see your eyes."

She gives my nose a kiss before standing on her knees and pulling off her glasses to reveal her magenta colored irises. They shined like rubies from that light of the kitchen light that I felt as though I were under a spell.

"Photo, you have really pretty eyes," I said. "They are like rubies."

She looks at me surprised and covers her mouth with a blush on her cheeks.

"Like rubies?" she asks.

"They're very pretty."

She pulls her hand away from her mouth and places it on my chest. She brings her face close to mine and gives me another kiss, which I allow her to do so. She then takes her hand to my right cheek, as she starts to insert her tongue within my mouth, feeling the wet crevices. I start using my tongue, as I push her tongue back into her mouth with her trying to push my way. I slip my tongue to the left and decided to slide it along hers, making her trying to do the same.

We pull our heads back, as a strand of saliva follows, but breaks apart.

"You're quite a good kisser, Photo," I said, as I take in a breath.

"I can say vith you too," she says, as she licks her lips.

"Why so lovey-dovey?"

"I'm starting to fall for you. You are ze nicest human I'll ever know."

"And you are the best boss I will ever know."


"Plus, I think your accent is very sexy."

"Oh you."

She brings her lips down for another kiss, but then pulls away.

"How about ve get more frisky," she says in a sultry voice.

"F-frisky?" I said wide-eyed.

"How about you take off zat shirt," she says, as she looks down to the bottom of my shirt and grabs it with both hands.

"I don't think-"

I get cut off, as she continues to pull my shirt upward and holding it up to cover my face.

"You have quite ze body," she says.

"I've been losing weight since I got here. I now eat greens than what I had back on-"

I get cut off yet again, as I could feel something warm and wet sliding around my chest and towards my left nipple. When it got to it, I feel a tingle and began to feel my member starting to get hard.

"Oh boner, not now," I thought, as my nipple continued to be circled around by something wet and warm.

The wet and warm thing moves over to my right nipple and circles around it.

"Ph-photo? Wh-what is that?"

The wet and warm thing pulls off of me.

"Ist my tongue, Greg," she said, before pulling off more of my shirt until I was shirtless.

She tosses my shirt to the floor and looks down at my chest.

"You taste zelicious, darling," she says with a lick of her lips.

"Uh... thanks?"

"You're so cute vhen you're shy," she says with a giggle. "How about I strip? You like?"

"I-I-I g-guess," I stuttered.

She giggles, as she reaches the back of her dress and pulls down a zipper by the sound of something unzipping. As the zipping stops, she reaches down to the skirt and pulls the dress off slowly, making me want to know what her body looks like under that dress. As she pulls it off to her neck, I could get a look at her slender body; her body is magnificent as those models I take pictures of. Her fury beneath her clothing looks sexy, along with her black bra and panties.

"Like vhat you see?" she asks, as she drops her dress aside.

"You have a great body, Photo," I said, as I continued to stare. "You have nice curves, if I may add."

"You are about to see more," she says, as she gets up from the couch. "Lay down on ze couch."

I lay on my back and notice a bulge coming from PJ, making me gasp and look back up at Photo.

"What is it?" she asks, as she looks over to where I looked and give out a gasp.

"I'm sorry, but you're very-"

"My goodness, Greg," she says, as she takes a finger and gives it a poke. "Oh! It's getting hard."

"I'm sorry you have to-"

"Oh don't, Greg," she says, as she looks over to me with a smile. "It makes me happy zat you find me an attractive mare. Let me make it harder."

She reaches to the back of her bra until a click can be heard before her bra falls to the ground, showing off her C-cup sized breasts. She brings her head down to her left breast and gives her nipple a flick of her tongue. My boner gets harder that it's fully visible.

"I can see you like zat," she says, as she looks at the bulge. "How about I let him free."

She reaches down for the button to let my member come flinging up, but I grab ahold of her hand before she could do so.

"Photo," I interrupted. "Wait. Are you sure you'd like to see it? It's very different compared to a stallion's."

"I don't care, Greg," she says, as she starts to unbutton, making my hard member fling upright. "Oh my! Ist so big. It looks like a mushroom compared to a stallions."


"I wouldn't mind having that in me," she says, as she gets up and grabs the laces of her black panties and slowly slides them down her legs until I could see her wet and dripping clit.

She removes her legs from the panties and drops them to her side, as she takes her fingers down to her pussy and show me more of it, as little of fluids slide down her legs.

"Your cock hast made me vet," she says, as she takes a leg and sits above me with her pussy above my member. "I vant it inside me. Fuck me, please."

She brings her pussy up to the head, making her give out a little squeak of surprise.

"Something wrong? Condom?"

"No! No condom. I vant this to be remembered."

She starts bringing my member in, as the both of us give out a moan. Her pussy felt so good, I couldn't help myself but grab her breasts.

"Oh!" she says with surprise, as I start thrusting my way into her.

Her moans grew louder with each thrust, that felt like music to my ears. It's been a while since I had sex back on Earth. The last time I had sex was when I was eighteen when I dated a girl named Colleen. She was a nice girl, but I caught her cheating one day and we broke up. I was heartbroken until I went back to doing what I did best: photography.

"Yes!" she moans. "Fuck me, Greg! Fuck me, hard!"

I thrusted as hard as I could, as I give her breasts more of a squeeze to them.

"This (hah!) feels great (hah!) Photo," I said, as I thrusted.

"I love you, G-Greg!" she shouts, as she grasps onto my hands.

I began to feel the build up of cum coming, as I thrusted quickly into her.

"Here! I come!" I said before giving out a gasp and allowing my seed to go within Photo, as she did the same.

Our fluids mixed before the two of us could give out heavy breaths. She places her soft hands onto my sweaty chest, as I release my grip of her breasts. Relook at one another, as she lays onto my chest with her breasts pressing up against my chest and her arms wrapping around my neck.

"I love you, Greg," says Photo, as she plants a kiss onto my lips. "Vould you like to be my new lover? You are such a sweetie."

"If it makes you happy, then I'm happy."

She gives me a smile before giving out a yawn.

"May I stay here for ze night?" she asks.

"Sure, but we need to wake up early."

"I'll make us some blueberry pancakes vith a side of orange juice."

"I'd like that."

She rests her head below my chin and falls asleep in the matter of minutes. I look over to the clock that reads eight O'clock, which is perfect timing to tell me to get to sleep. I give out a yawn and shut my eyes till I was off to lala land.

I wake up with the smell of something sweet and the suns rays hitting down on my face from the sliding glass window. I lean up and look over to the kitchen, where Photo is flipping over a pancake. I rub my eyes and give out a morning yawn. She turns around and notices me with a smile.

"Good morning, Greg," she says, as she walks over to me wearing her bra and panties.

"Morning Photo," I said, as the two of us share a morning kiss.

"Get your shirt on and come to ze table," she says, as she walks back into the kitchen. "Breakfast ist ready."

I look down and grab ahold of my shirt and put it on. I get up and weakly walked over to the table and waited.

"Here I come," she says, as the smell of her pancakes catches my attention. "Voila! Blueberry pancakes and I'll be back vith your juice."

"Wow, Photo," I said, as I look down at her creation. "They look scrumptious."

"Think of this as a vay for letting me spend ze night," she says, as she gives my right cheek a kiss. "I'll be back vith your OJ."

I smiled to her before she walks back to the kitchen. I grab my fork and started cutting the pancake by using the side. I stab the piece with my fork and take a bite into it, tasting the syrup, blueberries, and the love she has while making these pancakes.

"Wow!" I said out loud. "Photo! These are the best homemade pancakes I had since elementary school!"

"Thank you, Greg," she says with a giggle as she walks her way with a glass of OJ and her plate of pancakes.

The two of us ate our breakfast together, as we looked at one another with smiles on our faces.

"That was delicious, Photo," I said, as I pick up our empty plates and headed over to the sink.

"Anytime, sweetie," she said with an air kiss. "Also, ve need to get going in a little vhile."

"Understood boss," I said, as I turned on the sink.

"How about ve take a shower together?" she asks, giving me a wink.

"Uh... sure," I said with a half-smile. "I'm gonna have neat day."