> Cold Hearted > by Crimson Blade79 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Wish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comic Con Travis walked up to the entrance of the comic con and entered. When he saw Jax, he said, "Where did my brother go?" Jax looked at Travis and asked, "What do you want you bastard?" "I'm looking for my foolish brother so I can go home." answered Travis in a cold and emotionless tone. "Last time I saw him, *points at shop* he went to that shop over there, if you'll excuse me, I need to go use the restroom." said Jax. Travis shoved past Jax and walked towards the shop. He entered the shop and saw an old man, he really didn't care about the merchandise except one thing. Travis saw a spell book and decided to steal it. When the old man wasn't looking, Travis shoved the book in his jacket's pocket. Luckily the old man didn't notice so Travis decided to ask where Connor was. He said, "Hello, have you seen my brother? He looks like me but wears a white scarf instead of a red one like I have." The old man looked at Travis and said, "No, I have not seen him." Travis responded by saying, "Bullshit, I have eyewitnesses that say my brother has been here!" The old man smiled and said, "You're a clever young man. For that I will grant you a wish." Travis decided to make the wish and look for his brother when he was finished. He said, "I wish for all the powers I know of." "Your wish is granted." said the old man. "Now tell me where my stupid brother is or I'll kill you." said Travis as he pulled out a revolver from his other jacket pocket. The old man began to sweat and said, "OK, OK, I'll take you to him." Travis put his gun away and said In a dark tone devoid of emotion, "Fine but if you betray me, I will kill you." The old man opened a portal and Travis began to get sucked into it. Then Travis shouted, "You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!" He then shot the old man straight in the head. The old man's lifeless form slumped on the wall behind the counter. This however did not stop the portal and Travis's last word before falling in was, "FUUUUUUU-" Tartarus Tirek was on his throne. He was still imprisoned and weak from his last fight with the Elements of Harmony. He plotted his revenge ever since his defeat. He waited and waited until one day, an intruder decided to show. Tirek could here someone saying, "UUUUUCK!" He decided it was one of his minions being an idiot again but he was soon proven wrong. He heard gunshots outside and blood curdling screams. Tirek then stood up and decided to listen more of what was going on. He heard someone saying, "Come out, come out wherever you are? Ollie Ollie oxenbitch." Tirek decided he had enough and smashed the door in front of his throne room and shouted, "How dare you make a mockery of me and my minions you insignificant welp!" Travis then smirked and said with an emotionless tone, "Sorry. I don't really give a fuck. I'm going to kill you so I can take over this place for myself so why don't you just roll over and die." "You wretch, do you have any idea of who you are speaking to?!" yelled Tirek. "I don't really care." replied Travis. "I will make you suffer!" yelled Tirek. Tirek then charged an attack to kill Travis but Travis pulled out his revolver and shot Tirek in the head. Tirek fell in a lifeless position. Travis then absorbed Tirek's soul and said, "I thought you were strong but it seems that my judgment was misplaced. Now your soul is mine." Travis learned recently that he has all the powers that he has ever known in fiction. He decided to use this power to rule this new world and kill all it's other rulers. If he ever saw Connor again, he would go kill him too. Travis sat upon Tirek's throne until more centaurs surrounded him. One centaur said, "You will pay for killing lord Tirek you welp." Travis then laughed and said, "Do you really think you can kill me since I killed your insignificant and weak ruler. Why not bury him and then serve me. I will lead you to victory in this godforsaken land and kill any that stand in our way. If you don't however, you'll share the same fate as your pathetic former leader. Now serve me or die." The centaurs then had a look of fear and they bowed to Travis. Travis then said, "Excellent, now repair the door, get me an advisor, and lead me to the nearest bedroom. I'll talk to the advisor in the morning. Now go." The centaurs complied and they all went their separate ways except one. This one lead Travis to Tirek's old bedroom. Then the centaur said, "Here you are my lord. The royal bedroom." Travis looked around admiring it. He then looked at the centaur and said, "This looks nice. Please call me Travis. Now leave me while I rest and close the door behind you." The centaur nodded and complied with Travis's orders. Travis then walked toward the bed. He laid in it and said, "Finally some rest. After this stressful day, I deserve some rest. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day?" Travis then closed his eyes and thought, "Tomorrow, I'll start my campaign to conquer the world. If Connor is here, he will die by my hand." He then fell into a deep sleep, never to awoken from until the morning. > Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream Realm Travis found himself in a black void that he could walk on but could still see himself. This was not his first time to experience this however, he had dreams like this back home. He then walked around until he found something. He saw an amulet that had an alicorn shape engraved in it with a red gem. Travis could feel the power from it but he knew it was just a dream but he could still try to locate the real thing if it was real. He sometimes had prophetic dreams back home and used them to his advantage. Travis then looked around the place where the amulet was kept, it was a vault. Travis grabbed the amulet and walked out of the vault. When he walked out, he saw many corpses and he appeared to be in a hallway. Travis then punched through a wall and flew away. When he looked back, he saw a castle on a mountain. Travis then said, "This must be where the amulet is kept. If I find it, I will have more power and no one will be able to stop me." Once again Travis found himself in the black void of his previous dream environment. He looked around again to see a blue horse with wings and a horn or so he thought it was. It was none other than Princess Luna. She looked at him and said, "You seem familiar, is your name Connor by any chance?" Travis then thought, "So my foolish brother has met a dream walker, typical, my brother is far too trusting. Maybe this thing can tell me where my brother is so I can kill him?" He then said, "No, I am not my foolish brother Connor. I am Travis and do you by any chance, know where my brother is? If not, then I have no business with you, whoever you are." Luna then got an angry look and said, "So you are the cruel and cold hearted brother we saw in Connor's memories and dreams?" "If by cold hearted you mean stronger, then yes, I am his brother. I have a couple of questions for you now, who are you and where is Connor?" said Travis. "Why should we tell you where your brother is, you never cared for your sister even when she was ran over by a metal chariot!" said Luna. "That is the past and I only wish to find my brother to bring him home. Now I won't ask you again, where is my brother?" said Travis. "We know that you are lying about bringing Connor home. We feel only hatred, greed, and pride coming from you so we will never tell you where Connor is!" said Luna. Travis then got an angry look and said in an emotionless and dark tone, "I was really hoping we could come to an agreement but I was wrong so you will die." He then summoned a demonic and hideous looking blade. It was Soul Edge. He held it in both hands firmly and prepared to fight. It looks like the picture below. "You shall be slain you foul creature!" shouted Luna. She shot a barrage of beams at Travis. Travis kept hitting the beams in insane and inhuman speeds. When Luna stopped firing magic beams, she was slack jawed and had a look of fear in her eyes as she saw Travis's blade hitting her magic beams with rapid succession. Both Travis and his blade gave Luna a murderous and cold look. Travis then teleported on Luna's back and slammed Soul Edge's sharp end into her back. Blood squirted everywhere and the only thing that could be heard was Luna's cries of agony. Luna then said, "Why are you doing this? There is no point but yet you still do it, why?" "Simple, I need more power and I won't share it with anyone or anything. Soon this world will be mine and all of it's leaders will be dead." said Travis. "This is not over foul creature, we will be back and you will be vanquished." said Luna. "Big talk coming from someone with a sword in their back. You know, I could kill you right now but what fun would that be. I want to kill you in real life and see you bleed more, so I'll let you go but here is a warning, if you interfere with my plans, I will kill you in the most brutal and torturous way possible. Got it." said Travis. He then removed the sword from Luna's back. "We will be back and you will pay." said Luna. "You wouldn't be the first one who said that." said Travis Luna then disappeared from Travis's dream realm. Travis then sat on the ground and waited to wake up. He then said, "If I see her again, she will die. My brother is my primary target right now until I have other plans but she is my secondary target. She will regret going into my mind." Travis then waited until he woke up. > The Advisor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tartarus Travis rose from his bed feeling refreshed. He then walked out the door to be greeted by a centaur. The centaur said, "The advisor you requested is in the throne room Lord Travis." Travis nodded and walked toward the throne room. When he got to the throne room he saw another centaur that looked slightly different. Travis couldn't really put a finger on what it was that made the centaur different from the rest but he soon decided to just talk to the centaur. Travis sat on his throne and asked, "What might your name be if you don't mind me asking?" The centaur looked at Travis and answered by saying, "My name is Lucifer my lord. I was to be next in line in case Tirek died but I am happy to serve you now. I bet that you will accomplish what Tirek failed to do." Travis then decided to ask Lucifer where he was, how everything worked, and the history of this world. Lucifer talked for hours of the history of Equestria and Tartarus. He even told Travis of the neighboring nations and countries that are near Equestria. Lucifer told Travis of artifacts of immense power and one such artifact that took Travis's interest was the Alicorn Amulet. Travis knew he saw this artifact in his dream last night and if he was going to have one out of any artifact on Equestria, it would be the amulet. He also had mild interest in the Elements of Harmony but he doubted they would be of much use in his hands and since he heard of Tirek's defeat because of them, he decided if he saw them, he would destroy them as soon as possible and without mercy. Lucifer also told him of the princesses of Equestria and the one that caught Travis's attention was Luna. He figured Luna was in his dream last night because of her description and decided that if he were to conquer Canterlot, he would kill Luna first. When Lucifer finished with his lecture, Travis asked, "If we were to start conquering Equestria, which city or kingdom do you think we should conquer first?" "I think we should start with the Crystal Empire my lord." answered Lucifer. "Excellent idea. I shall destroy the seal that was placed on Tartarus tomorrow. Today however, prepare the invasion force because tomorrow, we strike royalty where it hurts." said Travis. Lucifer had a baffled look and said, "How can you break that seal? Are you also crazy, killing Tirek is one thing but invading an empire is a whole nother level!" "I have my ways and I will show you tomorrow. I'll also reveal to you and the rest of the invasion force my plans to conquer the Crystal Empire tomorrow too. Let me give you a hint of my plan just for you, we strike tomorrow night." said Travis. Lucifer then walked out of the throne room to inform the invasion force of Travis's plans. Travis then got bored sitting on his throne and decided to hone his skills for the upcoming invasion and what he would do before it. He went to the court yard and practiced his weapon combat, hand to hand combat, and his stealth skills. Tomorrow will be a dark night for the Crystal Empire. > Innocent Cries and Hatred Squeals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tartarus Travis rose from his bed yet again for the new day. Today he would finally invade the Crystal Empire. Yesterday he trained until it was night again. While he was training, he discovered he had various other abilities and couldn't wait to try them out on whoever stood in his way. Travis decided that he needed a change of clothes and since he had the power to summon anything he wanted, he would summon his own clothes. The clothes he summoned looked like the picture below. Travis left his old clothes in a closet and put on his new clothes. He then summoned a belt with a sheathe and put it on too. He then summoned a small version of Soul Edge and put it in the belt's sheathe. The new Soul Edge looked like the image below. Travis had everything he needed to be ready for the invasion and he was feeling very confident. He had everything planned out and his plan was to go on ahead of his invasion force and kill everyone that got in his way stealthfully until he found the rulers of the Crystal Empire. He would kill the rulers himself and claim the empire as his own. When Travis revealed his plan to his minions and advisor, they roared with excitement and wished their new leader the best of luck but he didn't need luck, only power and he had it. Travis also read the spell book he stole and he found a spell that could break all seals. When he got to the sealed exit of Tartarus, he chanted the words that was required to cast the spell and he broke the seal. Once again Travis's followers were excited and cheered for Travis. Travis and his army then left Tartarus to conquer the Crystal Empire. Crystal Empire It took Travis and his army many hours to reach their intended destination and it was conveniently nightfall when they arrived near the Crystal Empire. The plan worked smoothly. Travis killed all the guards at the front gate by chopping their heads off and he made sure they didn't make a sound. When Travis's army arrived at the Crystal Empire's Castle, all hell broke loose when Travis ordered his army to attack. Travis then used instant transmission to get in the castle. A guard spotted Travis and said, "Halt creature, in the name of the Crystal Empire!" Travis responded by dashing in front of the guard and slamming him on the ground. Travis then proceeded to repeatedly stomp on the guard's head until it was a mushy and gory mess. Other guards saw Travis and started rushing towards him and he then pulled out his revolver. Travis then proceeded to shoot all the guards in the head in rapid and deadly succession. By the time he got to the throne room, he had littered the halls with corpses and body parts. When Travis entered the throne room, he saw Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. How he knew about them was because of Lucifer. Shining Armor had an angry look and said, "Who are you and why are you covered in blood?!" Princess Cadence however, had a nauseous look when Shining Armor mentioned blood. Travis had a smirk on his face and said, "My name is Travis and why I'm covered in blood is because I had to kill about fifty to a hundred guards on my way here. I lost count at fifty." Cadence now had an angry look and Shining Armor said, "How dare you slaughter our subjects you sadistic and bloodthirsty monster! You will pay!" Cadence then said, "Where is your heart you foul creature?! I only feel hatred, pride, and greed coming from you." "Sorry but I don't have a heart anymore." said Travis "Then you will answer for your crimes against Equestria!" shouted Shining Armor. Shining Armor then charged at Travis with a sword that he levitated with magic. Travis then thought, "This is going to be easy. Have fun in hell you pansy." When Shining Armor swung his sword at Travis, Travis blocked with Soul Edge and pushed hard enough to snap Shining's sword in two. When his sword shattered, Shining Armor had a look of fear as Travis swung Soul Edge at him. He tried to block Travis's attack with his magic but he failed. Travis had successfully cut Shining Armor's head clean off and from the stump where Shining's head used to be, it began to squirt a geyser of blood. Princess Cadence then began to cry when Shining Armor was killed and yelled, "SHINING!!!!!" She then began to sob. Travis walked up to Cadence and said, "Don't worry, you'll see him again soon in hell." Cadence had bloodshot eyes from the crying. She looked at Travis with anger in her eyes and said, "How could you, we did nothing to you. Why would you kill us?" Travis then said in an emotionless tone, "Simple, I need more power and I want to conquer this world and since you are the ruler of this empire, I needed to kill you and everyone else that rules this empire to conquer it so I can be one step closer to ruling Equestria and eventually the world." "You sadistic and power hungry monster, you killed my husband and now your going to kill me just to rule Equestria!?" said Cadence "Yes and after I kill you, I'll kill your child, was her name Flurry Heart?" Said Travis "Don't you dare touch my foal, she's too young!" cried Cadence "Requiescat in pace." said Travis. "Wait wh-" said Cadence before she was interrupted by Soul Edge stabbing her head. After Travis was done cutting off Cadence's head and putting it in a satchel he found on a dead body, he looked for Flurry Heart. He eventually found her room. When Travis snuck up in front of Flurry Heart's crib, he thought, "May you see your father and mother again soon. I'm sorry but I can't risk you escaping so you can try and get revenge on me when you get older." Travis then stabbed Flurry Heart with Soul Edge and walked out of the castle. When Travis walked out of the castle, he saw Lucifer and Lucifer said, "We have won my lord and we only suffered five casualties on our side." "Good work Lucifer, I knew I could trust you and you deserve a reward." said Travis. "What kind of reward?" asked Lucifer. "Tomorrow you will have a paid day off." said Travis. "Thank you Lord Travis. I will make the best of my off time." said Lucifer "Oh yeah and before you take your day off, I want you to send a message that the leaders of the Crystal Empire are dead." said Travis. "Of course Lord Travis, I will send the message on Equestrias newspapers." said Lucifer Travis then took out Cadence's head out of his satchel and gave it to Lucifer. He then said, "Make sure you get a good photo of this head and put it on the cover of the newspapers. I will inform the citizens of their new ruler." "Of course my lord, I will do what you commanded immediately." said Lucifer as he walked off. Travis then went into the middle of the city where his minions have gathered the citizens. The citizens all had looks of fear, anger, and sadness. Travis then said in a loud voice for everyone to hear, "I have killed Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart! Now all of you may be sad but now you have a stronger and better leader." After he said his speech, Travis could hear many citizens crying and saying things such as, "You monster! Murderer! Tyrant! Spawn of Tartarus!" Travis then ordered his minions to escort the citizens to their homes. When everyone was at their home, Travis went back to the castle and went into one of it's bedrooms. He then wrote a letter to Twilight Sparkle a letter that said: Dear Twilight I killed Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart. Soon everyone you know and love will be dead and you won't be there to stop me. Signed by: Travis Travis then sent the letter with a spell he read that can teleport anything to anywhere he wanted. He then layed in his new bed after he used a spell to get the blood off of his clothes and slept. Ponyville As Twilight Sparkle was getting ready for bed, a letter was mysteriously teleported in front of her. She picked up and it said, "To Twilight Sparkle." She wondered who would send her a letter so late but decided to open it. When she read the contents of the letter, she began to tear up and screamed, "NOOOOO!!!" Locals say that the only thing they heard on that silent night was the sound of Twilight's cries. > Stealing The Alicorn Amulet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire When Travis woke up from his deep slumber, he left the bedroom and walked to the throne room. He found Lucifer standing near it. Lucifer then said, "Good morning Lord Travis, did you sleep well?" Travis remembered last night that he purposely went to Ponyville just to hear Twiloght Sparkle cry when he sent his letter to her and he enjoyed every second of it. Travis was planning on stealing the Alicorn Amulet today but without the carnage that was in his dream. Travis then said, "I slept well and you, I thought you had the day off?" "Yes I did but I just had to inform you of a few things and give you a letter that is from your brother or whoever this Connor is." said Lucifer. Travis then thought, "So my foolish brother finally noticed me. If he is foolish enough to face me this soon, then this will be our last fight. Now what are these few other things I wonder?" He then asked, "Before you give me the letter, what are these few things that you want me to hear about?" "All of Equestria is distraught, all of the remaining princesses are pissed off, and Queen Chrysalis is requesting an alliance." said Lucifer. "Queen Chrysalis huh, send someone to tell her that I have arranged a meeting with her tomorrow at this very castle but if she does anything suspicious, kill her." said Travis "Yes Lord Travis, I'll send someone immediately." said Lucifer "Oh and when your done, just please take your day off." said Travis. "Of course my lord, I'll see you tomorrow." said Lucifer. As soon as Lucifer left, Travis looked at the letter that was given to him by Connor. Dear Travis You motherfucker! I'll end you for what you've done! I'm going to kill you very soon even if you are my brother, the multiverse will be a better place without you! Signed Connor After Travis got through reading the letter, he thought, "Looks like my foolish brother is in Ponyville and he finally knows what I'm doing, took him long enough. After I take the amulet, I'll betray Chrysalis, kill my foolish brother, invade Canterlot, destroy Ponyville, and destroy all of the capitals of every other country in the world. If I do my tasks correctly, I'll rule the world. Now to go take the amulet by using instant transmission and since I sensed it's power from my dreams, I'll be able to get right in front of it. Nobody will ever know I took the amulet until it's too late." Travis then used instant transmission to get to the Alicorn Amulet. Canterlot Travis appeared in front of the amulet and whispered to himself, "Finally, the amulet is finally mine." He then took the amulet and put it on. Travis saw the red electric like energy coursing through him and thought, "Time to go back to the Crystal Empire. I'm sensing Lucifer's energy so I can get back." Before he used instant transmission however, he intentionally tripped the alarm and used instant transmission to leave. When the guards got into the vault, one guard said, "Stop right there criminal scum." When they saw nobody in there, one guard said, "Dammit, how the buck did he get away." Another guard said, "How the buck should I know?" When Celestia got to the vault, she asked the guards, "What happened?" "The Alicorn Amulet has been stolen Princess Celestia." answered a guard. "How did this happen?" asked Celestia. "Nopony knows Princess, one moment it was there and the next moment it was gone." answered another guard. "Find the one who took the Alicorn Amulet and bring him or her to me." said Celestia. All of the guards then dispersed and began looking for the one who took the amulet, if only they knew that the one who took it is long gone. Celestia walked down the hallway until she saw Luna and Luna asked, "What has happened Tia, we heard the alarm and came as soon as possible?" "The Alicorn Amulet has been stolen Lulu. I'm trying to find the culprit, do you know who it might be?" answered Celestia. Luna then had an angry look thinking who could of stolen it. Then she remembered Travis's dream and began to suspect it was him. Luna then answered Celestia's question by saying, "We might know of the primary suspect." "Who is it Lulu?" asked Celestia with a concerned look. "We suspect the new ruler of Tartarus has taken it. This individual is Connor's brother and his name is Travis." answered Luna. "You mean the one who has murdered our niece, Twilight's brother, and their daughter?!" asked Celestia. "HE DID WHAT?!!!" screamed Luna in her Royal Canterlot voice. "I'm guessing you haven't heard, am I correct Lulu? I knew this because it was on today's newspaper and the photo that is on the front page." said Celestia with a sad look. She then gave Luna the newspaper. Luna looked at the newspaper and began to cry and said, "That monster, we never done anything to him and he still goes out to kill everypony we know!" "It's sad to think that such a monster exists and why he does these merciless acts of violence. Every citizen in Equestria now knows of the deaths of Tirek, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart. I don't know if even I want to spare him now, I'm usually more forgiving but mass regicide is the most unforgivable crime in Equestria. We have to kill Travis or we may be next Luna." said Celestia. "We shall prepare an army to take back the Crystal Empire and take down the tyrant known as Travis." said Luna. "We will strike in a few days Luna to be sure we are prepared to take back the Crystal Empire." said Celestia. "But Tia, Travis could use this time to his advantage, we have to strike now!" yelled Luna. "No Luna, we have to be at our strongest to defeat him, if the rumors about him are true, this will be our most difficult fight and we require the assistance of Connor as well." said Celestia "You're right Tia, we will inform Connor immediately." said Luna before she teleported away. "Be safe Lulu." said Celestia before writing a letter to Twilight and the rest of the Friendship Council. Crystal Empire Lucifer was sitting in a restaurant in the Crystal Empire and was eating a very satisfying meal until Travis teleported next to the table and sat in the chair that was on the other end of the table that he was sitting in. Travis then asked, "How have you been doing today Lucifer, are you enjoying your day off?" "Yes I have been enjoying my day Lord Travis. How have you spent your day?" replied Lucifer. "I got something that holds great power. I have stolen the Alicorn Amulet." said Travis. Lucifer looked at the Alicorn Amulet and then looked at Travis with an amazed expression. He then asked, "How did you steal it my lord?" "I teleported right in front of it and snatched it." said Travis. "Good job Lord Travis and I also bring good news. Queen Chrysalis has received the message and the messenger returned alive." said Lucifer. "Good, I'll prepare the conference room and I'll see you again later." said Travis before walking away. "I'll be seeing you later then. Bye." said Lucifer before he continued eating Travis then walked into the castle, ordered some minions to set up the conference room, sat on the throne, summoned a TV, summoned an Xbox One, and started playing video games. > Meeting A Former Tyrant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire Travis was playing video games in the castle of the Crystal Empire and was sitting on the throne while doing so until a magical light appeared. The one in the light was Starlight Glimmer. Starlight Glimmer approached Travis until a centaur stopped her and the centaur said, "Hold it right there intruder, only citizens that have permission or have a reservation can approach Lord Travis!" Travis then paused his game and looked at the situation that was unfolding. He then said in a tone that you could tell he didn't care about anything that was going on, "Let her in, I think I might know who she is and I might know why she is here too." "Of course Lord Travis. You have permission to enter citizen." said the centaur and after he said this, he allowed Starlight Glimmer to pass. Starlight Glimmer then walked up to Travis and asked, "Are you the one who killed my mentor's brother, sister, and niece?" "I don't know, maybe. You might want to tell me the name of your mentor so I can know for sure." answered Travis. "Her name is Twilight Sparkle." said Starlight. Travis then thought, "I knew it, she must be Starlight Glimmer. Maybe I can get her to join me but if she doesn't, she'll end up like all the rest who defy me." He then said, "Yes I did kill those relatives of her's, why do you ask?" "I want to know why you did it?" said Starlight. "Oh come on, you of all people should know by now, I'm going to take over the world and I need all of the other rulers to be dead so my plan can work. Besides, didn't you have the same goal as me once?" said Travis. "I'm nothing like you, you murderous tyrant!" yelled Starlight. "Oh really, weren't you one yourself. Talk about a hypocrite." said Travis. "Back then I just wanted everypony to be equal but I used the wrong methods and I learned from my mistakes. Why not do the same thing I did and learn from your mistakes too, It's not too late to change. After this, do you want to just give up on the world conquering thing and come to Ponyville with me?" said Starlight as she reached out with a hoof to try to shake Travis's hand. "Sure, I'll change. I'll even go to Ponyville with you." said Travis as he walked down from his throne and shook her hoof. "Thank you. You don't know how happy this makes me to have a new friend." said Starlight and she also had a big smile on her face. Then Travis squeezed Starlight's hoof and yanked her up. He then slammed her on the ground and Starlight said, "Why are you doing this, I thought you changed?" "I'll change when I'm dead." said Travis before he pulled out his revolver and shot a bullet into Starlight's brain. She then layed on the ground dead with blood and brain matter around her corpse. Then Travis said, "Well, that was easy, time to get back to my game." He then sat back on his throne and played his game. Travis then thought, "Shit, I forgot to try to convince her to join me. Oh well, I don't think she would have been much use to me anyway." He then resumed his game. Ponyville Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends were watching a projection that she made in the Friendship Council main room. This projection is apparently a spell that allowed everyone who watched the projection to see what was going on in the eyes of the pony that was on the other end of the projection spell. Twilight then said, "Alright girls-" "And guys!" interrupted Connor. "Of course Connor, I would never forget about you and Spike." said Twilight. "Of course you wouldn't." replied Connor and Spike at the same time. "Jinx!" yelled Connor. "Oh come on!" shouted Spike "Cut it out you two!" yelled Twilight. "What are we doing here anyway egghead, did you have something to show us?" said Rainbow Dash. "Yes Rainbow, I have something to show all of you, I sent Starlight Glimmer to talk to Travis and hopefully get him to surrender peacefully. I also put a monitoring spell on her so we can see everything she sees and hear everything she hears because I don't trust Travis." said Twilight. Everyone then had shocked expressions and yelled, "Why?!" "Because I think even the most evil person can change, I admit I have extreme hatred towards Travis for killing my brother, my sister-in-law, and my niece but Princess Celestia said to at least give him a chance to surrender peacefully." said Twilight. "Hate to break it to you Sparkles but my bro doesn't really surrender." said Connor. "Why not?" asked Twilight. "It's kind of like what he goes by. When he starts something, he'll try to finish it and he won't stop until he does." answered Connor. "I wish you could of told me sooner!" yelled Twilight. "Well excuse me princess but you didn't really inform me of your plan, so how the fuck should I know to tell you that my bro doesn't surrender?" said Connor. "Enough outta' both of ya, let's just watch what's goin' on in that there projector." said Applejack. "I agree with Applejack, let's see what Ms. Glimmer is up to." said Rarity. "I don't mind seeing it either, I mean if it's okay with all of you." said Fluttershy. "Yay, movies!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she pulled out popcorn out of her mane "I think I'll watch too, I don't have anything better to do at the moment." said Rainbow Dash. "If everyone else is watching it, I might as well watch it too." said Spike. "I'll see how this plays out. Haven't seen my bro ever since I got here." said Connor. "Alright then, let's watch." said Twilight. When Twilight and her friends saw the centaur scene, Connor said, "That didn't last long." Then everyone else said, "Shhh." They then heard what Travis had to say about the situation and Connor said, "Yup, definitely Travis when you catch him the mood when he simply doesn't care about anything." "He doesn't seem too bad." said Fluttershy. "He killed my brother, sister, and niece! Why would you think he's not that bad?" said Twilight. "Eeep." said Fluttershy as she hid behind her mane. "Ouch, that's pretty low Sparkles." said Connor. "I know your mad Twilight but don't scare poor Fluttershy." said Rarity. "Yeah, what's the big idea." said Rainbow Dash. "Sorry guys, I'm still mad at Travis." said Twilight. "Yup, Travis is the expert in getting people mad." "We forgive ya Two but you should apologize to Fluttershy." "I'm sorry Fluttershy." said Twilight. "I know Twilight, I forgive you." said Fluttershy as she got out from behind her mane. "Hate to interrupt but Starlight is talking to my brother." said Connor and then everyone paid attention to the projection again. Everyone then heard Starlight say, "I'm nothing like you, you murderous tyrant." Then Connor said, "Whoa, feisty one isn't she." "I don't understand, why would she said that?" said Twilight. "If you didn't hear earlier, Travis said that she was just like him." said Connor. "That no good varmint." said Applejack. "Shhh, I think I hear Travis talking." said Connor. They then saw Travis shaking Starlight's hoof and Applejack said, "I got a bad feeling about this." "My Pinkie sense is going off and I think someone bad is going to happen." "Oh no." said Twilight. They then saw Travis shoot Starlight in the head. When they saw this, they all began to cry except for Connor. Then Connor said, "Travis you son of a bitch, you can't go one day without killing someone can you?" "That's it, I'm telling Celestia that my plan failed and Starlight is dead." said Twilight trying to hold back tears. "That varmit, she trusted him and he killed her. Is he really your brother Connor?" said Applejack. "Sadly yes, he's always been cruel and it looks like Starlight experienced that first hand." said Connor. "That uncouth and cold monster!" shouted Rarity. "Your brother is cruel and sick, Connor." said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie's mane was deflated and said, "That meanie killed our friend." She then began to cry more and Fluttershy was still crying. "Well, looks like when we strike the Crystal Empire, I'll enjoy making Travis suffer for what he's done." said Connor. "But he's your brother." said Applejack. Then Connor said, "Not anymore." He then walked out of the council room. Tomorrow, the Friendship Council planned on arranging a funeral. > Meeting the Changeling Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire It has been two days since the murder of Starlight Glimmer. Yesterday, there was a funeral and the remains of Starlight Glimmer was buried near Castle Friendship. Travis was also at the funeral in disguise. He made himself look like a merchant pony. Just imagine a merchant pony with Travis' signature black hair and red eyes. He heard the speeches of Starlight's closest friends and the remaining princesses. When he saw these ponies crying at the funeral, he enjoyed it, he enjoyed making them suffer, almost like he derived a sick pleasure from making people suffer. Travis then snapped out of his reminiscence and walked away from his throne room to go to his bedroom in order to get ready for his meeting with Chrysalis. When he got to his bedroom, he closed the door and when he summoned the outfit he was looking for, he put it on. The picture below shows the outfit he is now wearing. Travis then went to the conference room and saw Chrysalis. She had an impatient look on her face while Travis had a cold and distant look on his face. This look made Chrysalis cringe but she immediately composed herself. Travis was prepared for every possible scenario in case the meeting went sour before he had the chance to kill Chrysalis and effectively remove her from his target list. His goal right now is to kill Chrysalis and take her empire for himself. Chrysalis then said, "What took you so long, we were supposed to be meeting sooner than this." "Sorry, had to take care of a few things." said Travis. "Are we beginning this meeting or what?" said Chrysalis. "Yes, what is it that you wanted to discuss with me?" asked Travis. "An alliance." answered Chrysalis. "What are the terms of this alliance?" asked Travis. "You will have my kingdom's full support if you give me and my kingdom your full support." answered Chrysalis. "Is that all?" asked Travis. "No, I'll also need a steady supply of love for my kingdom." answered Chrysalis. "Now here are my terms, you and your kingdom will swear undying loyalty to me, if you do this, your terms will be fulfilled." said Travis. "No deal, you won't treat me and my kingdom like slaves." said Chrysalis. "I guess this alliance won't happen. You won't leave here alive." said Travis. "Die you worthless monkey! I never needed you anyway." said Chrysalis as she charged her magic. "Do you remember Tirek?" asked Travis. "Why do you bring up that kind of question in the middle of a fight?" asked Chrysalis. "Because I want you to know that I killed him and I also absorbed his soul. With it, I have his powers and I think your terrified of one of his powers in particular." answered Travis. Chrysalis then had a look of shock and realization. She then said after disengaging her magic, "Please, don't take my magic, without it I'm worthless and weak. I can help you, I'll even agree to your terms." "Sorry insect but the time for negotiations are over and your death begins now." said Travis. He then absorbed Chrysalis's magic. After her magic was gone, she said, "Please, I beg of you, don't kill me." "Time to die." said Travis while walking to her and pulling out his revolver. He then put the gun to her head and shot it. Green blood spurted everywhere. After that, he said to the corpse before walking towards Lucifer in the next room, "I'll be torturing you in Tartarus very soon." He then walked out of the conference room and went to the throne room where Lucifer was waiting. Lucifer then asked, "How did the meeting go Lord Travis?" "Not very well. I killed Chrysalis and now we must use her corpse as a message to the other Changelings. Send the courier." answered Travis. "Yes my lord. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?" asked Lucifer. "No. If you need me, I'll be in the courtyard." said Travis. Lucifer then walked off and Travis headed to the courtyard. Travis had only one thing on his mind, being prepared to fight and kill Connor. After that, he would steal Connor's soul to gain his power too. He could warp all reality by unleashing Weirdmageddon but that was only a last resort. Travis then made it to the courtyard and began to train for his next battle. > Brother vs Brother and Weirdmageddon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire The day has finally come. The battle of two brothers with bitter rivalries. Travis knew the day would come to finally finish this rivalry once and for all. After this, he'll use Weirdmageddon to destroy all of the other empires in Equestria, if he uses it during the battle however, he'll just send Weirdmageddon minions to destroy the empires for him. Travis was prepared and is now wearing the outfit he wore during the invasion of the Crystal Empire. He sat on his throne and waited for Connor. Connor recently challenged him to a fight. Travis knew his brother would be here any second now and waited. Connor then appeared on the other side of the room and said, "Hello Travis. I hear you've been busy." If you want to know what Connor looks like, read The Price To Pay For Power, it's my very first fanfiction that was released on this site. "Yes I have brother and I know why you're here. You told me yourself that I would pay for my crimes but I think this fight will only end in your death." said Travis. "It's been a while since we last met, where does the time go?" said Connor. "You and I both know that I lived on my own for a while back home. I was planning on killing you anyway but this makes it so much easier." said Travis. "Don't laugh just yet Travis, I got a few tricks up my sleeve too you know." said Connor. "I already knew that but I want to ask you a question. Remember the thug that killed your girlfriend, what was the name of your girlfriend, oh right Maria." said Travis. "Don't you dare talk about Maria you bastard!" said Connor. "Oh, I see you still remember, a shame that you killed that thug, I had so much more planned for him before you killed him. Besides, I was the one who sent him to kill your bitchy girlfriend." said Travis. "You cold hearted bastard! I can't believe she's dead because of you. I loved her so much. I'll make you pay for getting her killed!" shouted Connor in anger. He then rapidly swung the Yamato at Travis but Travis kept dodging using Connor's anger to his advantage. He then pulled out his revolver and kept smacking Connor across the face with it. That was when Connor got even angrier and swung for Travis's head. Travis blocked it with Soul Edge. Connor then yelled, "I'll fucking kill you!" "Oh come on brother, do you know how many times you've said that but never succeeded?" asked Travis. "I don't care about that right now, all I care about right now is making you pay!" answered Connor. "You're not going to win brother, no matter how hard you try, you'll never defeat me." said Travis. "I won't lose, I'll never lose to you!" said Connor. Connor then kept swinging at Travis but they matched each other blow for blow. All that can be heard now was the clanging of metal, tears of flesh, tears of clothing, and gunshots. They then stabbed each other multiple times but they kept healing from the wounds. They kept fighting until Travis said, "I'm getting tired of this, time to unleash my secret weapon. WELCOME TO WEIRDMAGEDDON!!" The sky then began to turn red and a giant black pyramid was up in the sky. Travis and Connor were then teleported into it. Heart of Weirdmageddon Travis and Connor now fought in the main room of the Heart of Weirdmageddon. Travis kept warping reality to get the upper hand but Connor persevered through the obstacles. Connor also warped reality to try to get the upper hand but Travis kept warping his reality warping. They kept going in this insane reality warping fight until they both drew a carbonadium sword. Travis then said, "This is the end of the line brother. Any last words?" "Fuck you!" said Connor. Connor and Travis then rushed at each other with swords at hand and with killing intent. They then got so close to each other that one of the two brothers could die at this very moment. > (Alternate Ending) The Return of Peace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart of Weirdmageddon Connor and Travis swung at each other with their carbonadium swords for one final killing blow. This blow can't be healed from and certain death awaits the person who gets hit. In the final swing Connor dodged Travis's swing and stabbed him straight in the chest. When Connor did so, the sky turned back to normal and the pyramid fell to the ground. Connor then yanked his carbonadium sword out of Travis's chest. Travis then said while bleeding from his chest, "Impossible, I should have won, I was stronger than you." Connor then faced Travis and said, "The difference is in our goals. You just wanted to conquer the world while I wanted to protect everyone I know and love. I wished that you could've changed, if you did, even after all you've did, I would've spared you." "That's actually kinda funny. Even after all I did to you and to others. You were always foolish, you saw good in everyone. I only ask one thing now?" said Travis. "What is it?" asked Connor. "Take my soul. I want you to have it so my power can't be wasted. In the end, I trust you the most out of all the insignificant beings in this universe. After all you're my brother. I also ask you to finish what I've started, if I can't rule this universe, you should." answered Travis "Do you really mean what you said, about me being the one you trust the most?" asked Connor. "Yes, don't let what I've done be all for nothing." answered Travis. "I'll have to say no about both of your offers Travis. You're my brother, I can't take your soul, it wouldn't be right. I also can't complete your conquest, I won't betray everyone just for you." said Connor. "Then carve your own path, choose your own destiny, use whatever methods you see fit. Now I have nothing else to talk to you about. Goodbye brother." said Travis before falling to the ground dead. "Goodbye Travis, I wish things could've turned out better." said Connor before walking out of the pyramid. This day was now remembered as the day of Weirdmageddon and was recorded in history. Approximately a day after Travis's death, there was a big celebration in Canterlot and most of the ponies of Equestria was there, Connor however didn't attend even though all of his friends did. He still thought about Travis and what he said. This was a day of celebration in Equestria but was a day of mourning for Connor, Travis was still his brother after all. Everypony that would ask him about his fight with Travis were just ignored by Connor. He only told his friends because he still regretted killing his brother. Peace was soon restored to Equestria and Travis's conquest soon became just a tragic turn of events. The Crystal Empire was soon taken back with the help of Connor. The changelings also got a new queen. This queen never bothered the ponies but instead established peace between the two races. Peace then continued for the rest of eternity. THE END > Devils Never Cry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heart of Weirdmageddon Connor and Travis swung at each other one last time with killing intent. Nothing can heal from a wound inflicted by carbonadium. Connor swung at Travis but Travis ducked and cut Connor clean in half. Blood and guts spewed everywhere until both of Connor's halves fell on the floor. Travis then walked up to Connor's upper half and said, "I win brother. You were foolish to challenge me and you payed dearly." "Why Travis, why are you doing this? I never did anything to you, nobody else did anything to you either." said Connor. "You're wrong, our parents always liked you better than me and you know it. You were also very popular and I was the social outcast for all of my life. I vowed to change that by killing you and to make sure nobody treats anybody else like an outcast. Unfortunately I have to rule as a tyrant to accomplish these goals." said Travis. "I had no idea you felt that way. Let me make it up to you, I'll make sure that nobody else rejects you ever again, I promise." said Connor. "I won't accept. I've went too far to quit now. Once I kill you, I'll finally be able to build my utopia, a place where no one is an outcast and everyone is equal." said Travis. "I guess there's no reasoning with you anymore Travis. Go on, kill me, I dare you to look in the mirror and say that you've done the right thing after this day." said Connor. "Requiescat in pace." said Travis before stabbing Connor in the head and teleporting back to the Crystal Empire. Crystal Empire Once Travis teleported to the throne room, the Mane Six were there. When they saw Travis, they had angry looks on their faces and Fluttershy hid behind a column. Travis looked at them with a face that said that he couldn't care less about this encounter. He was also surprised to see that the princesses weren't here yet but he couldn't care less at the moment. Twilight then said, "You, you're the one who killed my brother!" "Yes I am. Who else could it have been hmm, Santa Claus." said Travis. "You're a big meanie." said Pinkie Pie. "Shut the fuck up!" yelled Travis. "Hey, nobody talks to Pinkie that way!" yelled Rainbow Dash before speeding towards Travis with a sonic rainboom. Travis then sidestepped and cut off Rainbow Dash's head with Soul Edge. Everyone in the room gasped and started crying. "What's the matter, sad that your little arrogant friend is dead?" said Travis with sarcasm. "You monster, ya' killed our friend and you make fun of her! I hope Connor makes ya' pay!" shouted Applejack. "Hahahahaha. Did you really think he could stop me, he's dead now and there's nothing that you can do to stop me now." said Travis. Everypony in the room then had a look of shock and sadness except Applejack who had a look of anger and hurt. Applejack then asked, "Why, he was your brother, how could you?!" "Because he stood in my way, should I have any other reason?" answered Travis. "You cold hearted varmint, I'll make you pay!" said Applejack. "Wait, before you attack me, do you want to know my name. I've got a song that could spell it out for you." said Travis. "No!" yelled everyone else. "Too bad, I'll do it anyway." said Travis before he begun to sing. Read this in Perfect Cell's voice. "T is for the terror, upon you I'll bestow. R is for revolution which will be televized. A is annihilation, of all your puny empires. V is for villainous, a title in which so many has given to me. I is for invincible, just feel my power. S is for sinister which fits me quite well. My name is Travis and I'd like to say hello." sang Travis. "How can you change your voice like that?" asked Rarity. "Simple, I'm a fourth dimensional reality warper that can end all of existence as you know it." answered Travis. All of the ponies in the room then had a look of fear. Then Travis said, "Before you all die, I'd like you to see something I've been working on and I think you'll all find it quite impressive." He then used his devil trigger. If you want to see what it looks like, see the picture below. "What the hay is that?!" asked Applejack. "Behold my demon form, I've worked on this for quite a while. Do you find it simply divine." said Travis in a demonic voice. "No, you killed my brother and your own too! Why would I find you divine at all?!" yelled Twilight. "Looks like I know now who I'll kill next. That someone is you Twilight Sparkle, prepare to die! said Travis. Travis and Twilight then charged at each other and Twilight was building up her magic but it was too late when Travis used helm breaker to split Twilight in half, straight down the middle. When her friends saw what happened, they decided they had enough and all except Fluttershy, who was cowering in a corner, charged at him at once. Travis simply slashed them all into pieces and sent Pinkie's soul to Tartarus. Why you ask, he knew Pinkie could pull herself together but not without her soul. Fluttershy then flew up to Travis and used the stare on him but he shot omega beams from his eyes to shoot at her eyes and they burned right through her head. She then fell right to the ground. "That was too easy, I didn't even have to go super." said Travis after turning back to normal. He then walked out of the castle. When he walked out of the castle, he saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They both had angry looks on their faces. Travis however, looked like he's been having a good day. This only caused the princesses to give him angrier looks. "Well, if it isn't Sunbutt and Moonbutt." said Travis. "How dare you insult us you monster! We will defeat you in the name of Equestria!" shouted Luna. "I agree with my sister but I give you one chance to surrender." said Celestia. Luna then had a look of shock and anger. She then shouted, "Why sister, after all he's done he should definitely be sentenced to death?!" Celestia then said to Luna telepathically, "I'm lying to him, when he is unaware, we will kill him." "I get it dear sister. Let us set this plan in motion." responded Luna telepathically. "You do know that I can read your minds and know everything that your thinking right. I won't surrender so you can spring your little trap. Give up already, I have something that can wipe out all of existence so you better surrender to me. Besides, I killed the Mane Six so there is nothing in this universe that could possibly challenge me." said Travis. "Never." said Luna and Celestia at the same time. "Very well then. Time to die!" said Travis as he transformed into his demon form. Celestia and Luna both charged at Travis with swords and magic ready. Travis then absorbed their magic, broke their swords with his own, and killed them without hesitation. Travis then sent minions of Weirdmageddon to conquer all other empires in the world. He then killed Discord and absorbed his soul. Then he went to Canterlot and conquered it too. This was the end of Travis's conquest. This day was Equestria's darkest day in history. All hope was lost and Travis ruled the world with an iron fist. Everypony mourned the loss of the heroes that tried to stop him. Even when all hope was lost, some ponies prayed for something to save them from Travis. These prayers may or may not ever be answered but some ponies never gave up hope. Hopefully their prayers will be answered and someone could defeat Travis. Travis then walked up to a mirror and said,"I did the right thing." THE END > (Bonus Chapter) The Token and The Spell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Empire The pyramid from Weirdmageddon was still floating above the empire, a monument of all that has transpired thanks to Travis. Travis moved into the pyramid because he soon became paranoid. Even though he couldn't be killed by anything in Equestria, he still feared that an attack performed on him would lower morale in his army and start rebellions that he would surely have to destroy. Now he thought of making allies and conquering new worlds by making a few tokens but decided to set a trap in the tokens. Travis decided to use his scarf as the token and multiplied it into three. Travis decided to make a message by saying, "Hello, I am the one known as Travis and I am a displaced. If you are listening to this message, you can summon me by repeating what I just said to you or you can just communicate with me by talking into this scarf. If you summon me, I can give you my assistance depending on your goals. I am very good at killing entire armies and deceiving many people, if you summon me, make sure what you're doing is worth my time." He then selected a few spells from his spell book and rigged the scarves with a few unknown spells that will only be revealed in crossovers. After Travis released his tokens into the void, he sat on his throne to wait for a special prisoner. Lucifer then teleported by Travis's side and brought him the prisoner. The prisoner was the human enthusiast named Lyra Heartstrings. She had a look of both excitement and fear. I don't know how she pulled off that look but she did. Lyra then asked, "Why am I here, are you Lord Travis?" Travis answered, "Yes, to both questions I mean." "I have so many questions about humans and I wanted to ask you so I got myself arrested on purpose. Can you tell me all about your race?" said Lyra. "No, I won't answer your question. You were foolish to get arrested and I don't have time for your questions. Instead you will be executed by my hands. " said Travis. Lyra then had a horrified face and said, "Please don't kill me, I have too much to live for." "I don't care. I have been informed of your research however. Unfortunately I find it kind of disturbing so I'll have to kill you now." said Travis. "Please do-." said Lyra before she was interrupted by a bullet to the brain. Her brains splattered everywhere. "I don't care about your insignificant life and I'm glad I got rid of you. Lucifer, throw the body out of the pyramid." said Travis. Lucifer then picked up Lyra's body and said, "Of course Lord Travis." Lucifer then walked away to dispose of the body. Travis then walked around the pyramid a bit. He changed it a little since Weirdmageddon and it had windows that had pictures of battles he had waged during his campaign. Travis also had pictures of his most famous and best kills which included most of the MLP cast and his brother Connor but he couldn't help thinking he was missing something. He couldn't think of what he was missing until he saw the statute of Connor with Connor's sword in front of the statue. Travis now knew what he was missing, a challenge. His brother Connor was his greatest rival and since he was dead, Travis didn't have any competition anymore or at least not in this dimension. Travis then thought, "I can't believe I miss my idiot brother and yet I understand why. Now I see the meaning in his words but I'm just now realizing it and it's too late to turn back. Now I need to find other people to become my rival in order to fill what is missing within myself. Then I can conquer other universes to help in the creation of my utopia of nondiscrimination." Travis then sat on his throne and waited for someone to answer his message. > (Bonus Chapter) A Mockery of Humanity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travis' Pyramid One day when studying his spellbook Travis found a way to look into other worlds without going to them or using a token. To Travis, this was a huge advantage to his campaign and with this newfound power, he will be one step closer to going into the other displaced worlds but for now he has to settle for the worlds he can access that are not displaced and watching over the worlds he can't access. When he was looking at other worlds, he found a world where ponies used humans as pets and treated them as beasts. You can bet that Travis was totally triggered by this. "What is this, is this mockery of the human race? That is it, I will destroy that entire universe and every ignorant little wretch that lives there!", said Travis. Before he went to that world however, he checked if there was any displaced, it turns out there wasn't any. This excited Travis and ensured that his wrath will be inflicted on that universe. Before he went to that universe, he laughed maniacally and opened a portal. Travis then began to transform into super saiyan rose. After he did so, he went to that universe to destroy it or at least destroy Equestria. He then decided to just destroy that universe's Equestria because he feared that destroying an entire universe would draw the attention of the void gods. Space Travis now floated in space and began to look for the planet that had Equestria. He found it but he decided this time he would blow the whole goddamned planet up and leave before the void gods noticed. He began to charge a super charged Death Ball. When the charging was completed, he unleashed it on the distant planet, blowing it into a million pieces. Satisfied with his work, he reverted back to base form and went back to his empire. After this event, he celebrated with his friend Lucifer.