> Saviour of the Dazzlings > by Skaltrox Defiance Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > On the streets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No luck" Adagio said as she slowly stepped out of the store, her friends gave different reactions to her words that could describe their personalities to someone that has never met them before. "Again?" the normally cheerful one of the bunch, Sonata, asked. Her poofy orange haired friend simply nodded, slightly cursing at herself for failing once more to complete something. "Ugh this is not getting us anywhere. Those ...Rainbooms, this is all their fault!" the moody and normally grouchy one, Aria, growled out in anger. Adagio had to hold her back from trying to punch anything that has a face, she tend to do that when she was really angry and she had gotten very lucky with the police on numerous occasions since she didn't have a home. "Aria, we can't blame them now for our predicament, what's done is done. All we need to do now is try to survive" Adagio said slightly cooling the hotheaded girl down. Aria shrugged Adagio off of her and crossed her arms, she then turned her back on the others to look out at the street. "So...what do we do now Dagi? Sonata said pulling a face that even Adagio couldn't help but smile at. "Well, all we can do is keep looking. You two could look for jobs too...well you could Sonata, but maybe tomorrow, it's getting late and all the stores that could offer us a job are surely closing. Also don't call me that." Adagio replied. "Okay, we might as well go home then" Sonata suggested, Aria scoffed at that. "Oh yeah that area behind the bowling alley, such an amazing 5 star home!" Aria spat. This elicited a small squeal from Sonata as she reeled back from Aria's outburst. Adagio turned to the pigtailed girl and replied back to her "Aria, stop complaining about the way we are living. As far as I remember: we have no, specific home, no money and no place to go to acquire said money. The back of the bowling alley may not be the best place to stay but at least they throw out edible food scraps for us to eat. Id you have any place better for us to go, then I'm all ears" Aria stared at Adagio with a scowl on her face, Adagio only had determined look on her face that said that she wasn't backing down from what she said. Eventually Aria turned away slightly angry at Adagio and herself. "Right well let's get going girls" Adagio said as she began to walk, the others followed. ##### The Dazzlings entered the back bin area of the local Bowling alley, the area wasn't big nor was it crowded but at least it could hold the three of them and like Adagio said it had edible food scraps that the employees threw out. The area had two large bins resting by the wall of the building, a bunch of tyres some wooden planks and three flattened cardboard boxes that were used as beds. The entire area was surrounded by a wooden fence that was in disrepair, it wasn't much but what else could they do. Adagio walked over to the bins and opened them, peering inside, she gave a sigh not long after and closed the bins "No scraps for us tonight I'm afraid" Adagio said sadly. Sonata smiled "That's alright Adagio, I'm not really hungry" she replied. "Yeah I'm good to" Aria said half assed as she went over and laid down on her 'bed'. She then turned over to face the wall and began to sleep, Sonata did the same shortly after. Adagio stood sighing heavily 'I just wish things would change around for us. I know we tried to make everyone our slaves and I feel we deserved this but...I want to change and I'm sure the others do too. Sonata is already on her way there and I'm not far behind I just wish we had some help now' Adagio thought over in her head as she gazed at the stars. Eventually she turned around and made her way to her supposed bed and fell asleep. ##### "Why don't we try here?" Sonata said pointing to the Mexican take out joint, Adagio looked over to the store and shrugged. "You can try, since you enjoy Tacos so much" Adagio replied. Sonata smiled with her known glee and ran over inside to see if she could get a job there. Not 10 minutes later Sonata returned with none of her glee that she had before, Adagio gave her a look that said for Sonata to explain what happened. "So what happened in there?" the curly haired girl asked. "Apparently you can't get a job in taste testing their products" Sonata said glumly, Adagio could only face palm and Aria pretended like she didn't know the blue haired girl. "Well that's another one down. What now?" Adagio thought. "I keep saying we should go and be singing tutors, but you keep turning it down because we can't sing ourselves. So what if we can't any more" Aria spoke up still in a bad mood. Adagio wondered constantly if they should go and be singing tutors, they had the voice for it...emphasis on 'had', but unfortunately the tutor needed to be able to sing as well regardless of how good they were at teaching it. Which Adagio also wondered how the three of them were able to understand how to sing but not teach themselves how to do it. It might of been something to do with their amulets, but Adagio didn't want to go back to that. Adagio responded "Aria I said no, anyway even if we could get a job doing that, the pay isn't very good and we need enough money to get some more clothes a proper home and real food. Sonata's stomach growled. " Real food especially" she ended with, looking at the now blushing girl. The three girls were now standing outside the bakery, the three of them were practically watering at the mouth at the sight of the baked goods resting on metal shelves in the display window. They turned to each other and pulled out their pockets, between them they had three 10 cent pieces one 20 cent piece and several balls of pocket lint...which was clearly Sonata's considering she only ever had lint in her pockets. "Well that's just great, can we get anything for 50 cents?" Aria was giving an almost pleading look now, she may always look angry and be tough but she couldn't deny any longer that she was starving and that she lied last night when they went to bed. "We could get half a choc chip cookie?" Sonata offered a hopefully helpful response. It wasn't helpful...at all. "Sonata, just shut up" Aria said slumping to the ground her hands buried into her face, Sonata sighed as she began to pace (she tended to do that when she was frustrated), Adagio tried to think of something do but...she couldn't, she had run out of ideas and was about to give up hope... when suddenly a voice sounded out, drawing the attention of the three girls towards its source. "Are you three okay?" > Much needed help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Help' that word that felt foreign to Adagio but one that she needed more than any other at this moment and it coming from a complete stranger did not matter. The source of the voice spoke again "You three look hungry and judging by the way you were just a few moments ago, you don't have the cash to get anything" The three girls couldn't speak up, they just stared. The stranger was a boy of their age, he had grey skin with slightly longish azure blue hair with spiky red highlights, dark grey pants, a blue shirt with a symbol of a sword and lightning bolt clashing in front of a shield and a near fully black unbuttoned shirt over the blue one. He was also wearing a black necklace with a silver dragon attached to it, the girls were intrigued by the necklace and by the guy, he seemed mysterious but not in a bad way. Finally, Adagio managed to reply to the stranger "Y-Yes we don't really have any money with us. I thought we did have enough to get at least something, but as you can tell" Adagio opened her arms out to gesture to her other friends "We don't" The stranger looks at the other girls, he looked at Aria pulled tight into a ball with her hands on her face, she looked like she was crying and then at the pacing Sonata as she muttered some incoherent jabber about seagulls and...top hats. The stranger then turned towards the bakery and walked inside, not long after, he returned with an assortment of items from the bakery and placed them down by the Dazzlings. "Here, I wouldn't want such pretty girls to starve" the stranger said "I'll leave you be now, I don't want to get caught in your business" The stranger turned to leave when Adagio shouted out to stop them "Wait, please don't go!" she shouted "We haven't gotten food like this in months, you can't just leave now!" The stranger turned back around to face the girl, Adagio seemed like she was about to cry out of a breakdown of sorts, the stranger sighed and walked over to the three girls and asked what the problem was. "Why have you not eaten simple bakery food like this in months?" the stranger asked. "We don't...have a home" Adagio responded a frown on her face. "What, how long has this been going on for?!" the stranger asked now very confused. "Like a said before, months, 3 and a half to be exact" Adagio stated. The stranger was shocked that these three girls had no home, no money or any normal food, they rubbed there temple and then replied "What are your names?" Adagio spoke hers than gestured to the others respectively "Mine is Adagio Dazzle, that over there pacing is Sonata Dusk and the one sitting down is Aria Blaze. Who are you?" The stranger replied "I am Skyquake Horizon, and I'm going to guess by your names, that you are singers?" Sonata replied "We did sing, but not any more" Skyquake replied "Why not?" Adagio sighed at that "It's a long story and one that you may never understand" she said Skyquake laughed "Try me, I may understand more than you think" he responded "Well okay then, I'll tell you what happened" Adagio said. ##### So then Adagio explained the events that happened during the Battle of the bands, like how they had nearly everyone under their spell, their attempts to gain the negative energy from those that remained and then being defeated by those very same girls. Skyquake scratched the back of his head taking everything in before replying "So you guys are villains...or used to be villains and without your amulets you can't sing or be Sirens? All of that is extinguished?" Skyquake tried to run over some important parts of what Adagio said. "That's pretty much the gist of it" Aria barely mumbled. "Do you have the pieces of your amulets with you?" Skyquake asked. Adagio nodded grabbing out a handful of red ruby shards and a black necklace from her pocket "Yes, they may not be useful but they still mean a lot too us, Aria still wears the necklace part because she thinks it looks cool, she never really liked the gemstone itself but it was vital to her so she had to keep it on." Adagio explained. Aria didn't comment, she just turned away while eating some sort of pastry that Skyquake had given them in the assorted bags. Skyquake didn't expect something like this to happen today, but he was also thankful it did as he couldn't keep his eyes off of Adagio. She didn't wear anything attractive, just some pants, a hoodie over a plain shirt and some basic sneakers, but she didn't need to wear anything like that to look alluring. Skyquake had to turn away sometimes and cough purposefully to hide his blush whenever the orange haired girl turned to look at him...especially with a smiled. Skyquake sighed briefly, he thought of what should be done and if it would cause him any trouble with what he did. After thinking it over he spoke once more and his words were new and exciting to the former sirens. "You guys can stay with me" he said. Adagio and Sonata looked towards Skyquake wide eyed, "You w-w-want u-us to stay w-with you?" Adagio asked stuttering a bit as she did. Skyquake nodded, it seemed to good to be true to the girls but Adagio and Sonata agreed eagerly and Aria just gave a thumbs up, still turned away from the group. "Well it's settled then. Follow me and I'll show you the way, also you two should do what Aria is doing. Eating." Skyquake responded while pointing at Aria as she continued to eat her pastry but now walking over to the others. Adagio and Sonata looked at the remaining bags of food, they had forgotten about it completely. Wasting no time, they scrambled to snatch up the bags and proceeded to eat the contents with gusto, Skyquake chuckled as they left the bakery for Skyquake's home...and the Dazzlings new home. ##### Skyquake's house was big. That's what all three girls could agree on, it was double storey with a large flat front porch roof over hanging from the front door. The roof or roofs of the house were all modern flat metal and slanted, it was painted a dark grey and the walls of the house were a mix of grey and white. It wasn't overly extravagant but it looked expensive and the Dazzlings thought they struck gold when they looked at it. "Are you rich?" Sonata said now in her normal bubbly tone. Skyquake shrugged "Technically yes, but that's because of my parent's business, they are always on business trips so I rarely get to see them any more. We won't have any trouble from them." "Come on in" Skyquake said opening the door and offering them to go in first, which they complied to and went inside without hesitation. They looked at the interior, a lot of strange and most defiantly expensive art surround the house, one side of the house was the dining room and kitchen, the centre and the far back area on both levels were living areas and entertainment, on the other side of the house was many bedrooms, only one bedroom was on the other end of the house and that was the master one. "Unfortunately all the bedrooms downstairs have a lot of stuff in them. You'll need to take the ones next to mine" Skyquake sounded out as the three girls ogled at the house. Adagio shook her head to come back to reality and responded "Ok, thank you" The four went up stairs and turned to the right, once again more art and... a piano this time, their were four rooms along the corridor and one at the end facing them. "That end one is mine and those three can be yours, oh and don't fight over the rooms they are nearly exactly the same" Skyquake gestured to three of the four rooms. "What's that one closest to yours on the right?" Aria said pointing to the room. Skyquake smiled "Oh that's just my sister's room" The Dazzlings looked at Skyquake puzzled "You have a sister?" Adagio asked Skyquake nodded "Yep, her name is Solar horizon, she's a sweet girl, kind of like Sonata but not as bubbly. I'm sure she'll love you when she get's home from school" Sky stated. "Wait where does she go?" Adagio asked concerned "Canterlot high, same as me" Sky stated simply. " WHAT! Why are you not mad with us!? We probably had her under our control and...you too!" Aria shouted Sky just gave them a small smile "Hey it's ok, she wasn't harmed or anyone for that matter so I'm good. Also I wasn't there during the ordeal" "Why didn't you tell us that you went to Canterlot, you scared us thinking that someone we controlled is now helping us" Adagio said still feeling bad. "Sorry, I was going to put in that I went to that school, but I decided to just let you go through with the explanation. Besides like I said no physical harm done" Sky replied. "Now anyway, go and check out your rooms and get settled in. I have another surprise for you three that you may enjoy." Sky stated one last time before strolling into his room. The Dazzlings looked to each other before picking a room and going inside. ##### "So what exactly is this surprise Skyquake?" Adagio asked as the four of them returned outside in the hallway. "Well, you know how you said that you were sirens?" Skyquake asked. "Yeah?" Adagio confirmed. "Well, I know you sang to take control of people and have them do your bidding. But I could imagine that the three of you also enjoy singing and for that I'm willing to get you lessons on singing so that you can perform once more...but this time without malefic intent" Sky stated. "Really?!" the three said in unison. Sky nodded. "T-This is just unbelievable, you want to help us get our singing voices back?" Sonata babbled a response. "Yeah, I would think with names like that and the fact that you sang all the time, you would be pleased to be able to sing once more but this time...for real" Sky explained pausing at the end before finishing his response. "Pleased doesn't even begin to tell how we feel right now, thank you thank you thank you!" Sonata responded talking at the speed of a machine gun. Sky just smiled as Sonata shook his hand furiously. "Well I'm glad to help you guys out, my sister should be home any sec..." Sky stopped speaking when he heard the front door open and close. "Sky? Are you home?" a girls voice rang out. Sky grinned as he looked at the three girls in front of him "Oh look at that, she's here."