> Chrystil Mist: Of a Changeling > by Bass Kick > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 - A Memoir of Self Neglect > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I already know that I am an abnormally hideous creature. I do not need anypony outside of my mind's obscure bounds to tell me those words of truthfulness. My eyes coat my feelings of sorrow with a thick, black rim of echoing darkness, my coat containing the dull color of smoke, mane even of an even duller pigment, as it keeps itself straight and untangled. My heart is a dim and endless prison, as it has been breathing at a slower pace than the hearts of those around me. Pain is not what I feel, no. The uncontrollable feeling that I do sustain is of self-betrayal, a woeful characteristic of my presence in life that has brought me to unbearable points in time. Hate is what I feel. Knowing of yourself as a spawn of an everlasting dread between evil and those around you is at most times intolerable. That is my dilemma; Trying to live as any other normal pony when I know I am not, in slight, normal at all. I am an poison flower grown upon the garden of all ponies in Equestria. A spawn of hatred. I am a Changeling. ~ A Memoir of Self Neglect ~ After eighteen years of living in the shadows of various places accross Equestria, places even considered deathly, Chrystil's father had finally chosen for the two of them to settle down and live a calmer life style. But he knew that from Chrystil Mist's perspective, the mere statement of those words meant chaos. The idea of settling down at the time came about as ruthless towards Chrystil's safety. During their lifelong nomadism, the evils that she had tried to escape had always seemed to creep back into her life, no matter how peaceful she had become in the newer town. Chrystil saw moving as a way to prolonge the time before these evils would haunt her again, for it was no way she could actually dispel them. Chrystil could never just sit and wait for the evils to find her. Moving was something that kept peace in her life. Settling down was not an option. Though stern about the subject, Chrystil's fearfully stubborn views lightened as her father informed her on where he chose for them to move to the next morning at breakfast. "They call the city Canterlot," Chrystil's father said in a youthfull, lighthearted voice that echoed throughout the dining room. "Canterlot?" she repeated, her yellowish-green eyes gaining a more vibrant appearance to them as she became more intrigued. Her father nodded. "I had already bought the transportation tickets, and I was informed that there are many townhouses open for rent." The city of harmony that Chrystil had studied in her books brought about a golden heartbeat inside her whenever she merely read the context on it. And now she had the option as to spend the rest of her life there. "I would love to live in Canterlot, father!" She said happily after recollecting her thoughts. Knowing that she was going to move to The City of Harmony created a heart-warming presence inside of her. "Good," He replied in a tone just as cheerful as hers. "Then we shall leave tomorrow." Chrystil enjoyed the rest of that morning sipping on a cup of soup at the makeshift dining table, her head filling with all of the wondrous thoughts of actually living in the golden city. She had slept peacefully that night, dreaming of how the harmony of Canterlot would feel. Chrystil barely tossed and turned in her sleep, which was unusual due to the fact that she hadn't been able to sleep in weeks prior to. In the morning Chrystil and her father were busy packing up as they cleaned all of thier belongings from the small barn that they had been residing in. Actually, they didn't have much to put in thier saddlebags, since they did not carry many belongings from town to town. Chrystil's father was busy outside, collecting the sparse assortment of vegetables he had growing on a small strip of soil. Chrystil was done packing up her belongings when she watched him through the single window of thier hoof-crafted barn. Her heart became flooded with the blissful memories of them gardening. She was just a filly when her father had shown her how to plant and tend to the flowers and food he had growing. They were at a different, more spacious house back then. Her father had a full garden set up, and each morning, she would watched him care for each plant with almost as much passion and love as he had gave to the young Chrystil. It wasn't until six that the filly had decided to help in his agriculture. "Daddy, can I help?" she enthusiastically asked her young father. After a moment of thought, he agreed to teach her how to garden. Chrystil wasn't that good at tending to the plants then, but she kept trying, and by the age of eleven she had started a small garden of her own beside thier large house. Life was simpler at the time. That was until... Chrystil shook her head violently, forcefully wiping away the dark memories that were trying to creep back into her mind. As she brought herself back into the present, she noticed that her father was done collecting the food and was all packed up. "Shall we go now?" He said in a willing tone, standing at the open door. "Yes," Chrystil simply said before grabbing a hooded cloth in her mouth and throwing it over her body, which covered up her Changeling features. Entering Canterlot Immediately following their deboard from a fancy piece of transportation that her study books called a train, Chrystil urged her father to push rent towards any available townhouse on the outskirts of Canterlot. He agreed to do so as to her pleasing, and guaranteed that in the next two hours she would be able to enjoy the privacy of thier new resting place. After signing the last scroll that was laying out on the welcome table, her father slipped his saddlebags back on and left toward the town hall's exit, with Chrystil following close behind. As she entered the crowded main streets of Canterlot, Chrystil had followed even closer behind her father, almost as in hiding, as they walked down the wide paths. The mare had her eyes almost fully shut during the walk, looking down at the stone street paths. She could not afford to have her Changeling identity exposed to the hundreds of ponies and dozens of armored guards that they passed. Whenever greeted, she would try to act as normal and polite as possible towards the pony. Throughout the whole walk, Chrystil trully wished that she was a full-bred Changeling then; She could have simply disguised herself as any pony she had passed, and would have at least felt as if she belonged. But fate is fate, and Chrystil was stuck in her hybrid form as it was. After what seemed like hours of fatigable walking, Chrystil and her father had finally reached their townhouse on the outskirts of Canterlot. The streets alone, however, had stirred up a reluctant feeling in Chrystil. Her heart and mind were debating on whether she would feel at home in the new city. What was I thinking? I had willingly agreed for us to move into the most populated city in all of Equestria, with Manehattan just under it, she thought to herself while standing at the entrance sidewalk to the house. Crystalia's father had noticed the emotions that his daughter was currently going through, and lightheartedly pushed her to take a look inside of the house. "Go on," He said in a soft voice. "I think that you will like our new home. After a long contemplation of staring at the townhouse's entrance doors, Chrystil decided to enter the building with an expression of enthusiasm so that she could please her kind-hearted father. And when she entered, Chrystil found that her father wasn't the only one pleased. As soon as she stepped one hoof into the house, Chrystil was overwhelmed with a presence of tranquility. The air that flowed through the townhouse's hallways had described what she thought was the feeling of gold. The living room was neatly spaced and arranged for a hundred-year-old town house, and the shining wooden floors and white walls created an ambience of peace. This was the sanctuary that she had been looking for her entire life had and gradually orbited to. This was Chrystil's home. The small family had finally been able to settle down in the house at around the time when Princess Celestia departed the sun and Princess Luna rose the moon. Chrysil was in her nicely spaced upstairs bedroom, looking into her mirror at her Changeling image. She unwrapped the bandages from around two of her legs that she had in place to hide her "deformities". The bandages had covered holes in both her hind right and front left legs. Holes that reminded her who she was every time she had the courage to look upon herself in a mirror. But today made her feel more lighthearted about her image. I don't look that bad, Chrystil thought to herself as she examined the dark grey figure that was standing in the mirror. She fluttered her eyes to catch a gleam of light that sparkled in them. To be honest, Chrystil had the idea in her mind that her eyes were the most, if not only, beautiful part on her. She started to take pride in the black rims that lined her irises after more that eighteen years of looking at them. Chrystil felt a cool breeze of air wisp through her body, from head to hoof. She let out a sigh of utter enjoyment; the feeling that she had gained was delightful. A smile was casted upon her slim face as her heart turned to ice, and melted. Almost literally. She fell back onto her bed, giggling. "My heart has never felt like that before," she said aloud to herself. Actually, her heart had gone through many strange feelings throughout her life, happening at sporadic times. And when the feelings did randomly occur, it was a different one each time. The one Chrystil had just felt, though, was the most pleasurable. After moving strands of straight hair that covered her face out of the way, she gazed up at the mirror. "I have finally found my home," she said with a smile. Just then, a loud knocking was heard at the door downstairs. "Open up!" a booming voice commanded. ~ A Memoir of Self Neglect ~ Welp, this is the end of chapter one! Please tell me if you found any errors, or if you don't like the ending... because I didn't really like it, myself. Thought it was kinda dull. But don't worry! There will be more of a plot progression as the story moves on, adding more characters and conflicts! > 1.5 - Inside the Walls of Peace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only those of desperate shallowness will feed upon the souls of unaware ponies. ~ Inside the Walls of Peace ~ "I said Open Up!" The voice commanded a second time, just as terrifying as before. This time, Chrystil's father was only a few feet away from the wooden door that had possible danger on the other side of it. Chrystil Mist had been upstairs in her room, terrified. Tears started to form in her eyes. This can't be happening... she thought. Her father slowly unlatched the dead bolt of the door and opened it even slower, causing an audible creek to be heard. "Hello?" He answered in a voice as calmly as possible, but still shaken from the surprise. "The Council of this Canterlot has granted us permission to question your presence, sir." A grim looking Royal Guard said, just outside of the open door. "Us?" The question came to Chrystil's father's mind, and he opened the door wider to reveal three other Royal Guards in view. "Yes. And we have noticed some slight suspicions about your new arrival in this city." "Well, I assure you that I am not engaged in any suspicions." He was telling the truth. "Well then, may we have a look around, sir?" A bigger Royal Guard said, stepping up to the house's door mat. "May I ask why you want to search my house?" Chrystil's father added, the sweat of the moment building up on his face. Another of the Royal Guards spoke up, bringing the topic to hand. "We had noticed a strange pony enter your house with you." Chrystil's father became rather shocked at the guard's remark. "This is absurd! That pony that had come into my house was my daughter, and she has a serious condition!" He was trying as hard as he could to keep the Royal Guards from entering. "Your daughter, sir?" The grim Royal Guard questioned. "We believe that you had smuggled a Changeling into your house, sir." He said with a smug grin. Chrystil Mist was listening in on the conversation from her bedroom, liquids of sorrow running down her cheeks. "I don't know what you're talking about." The leading Royal Guard had now managed to step a hoof into the house. "Every pony that enters Canterlot is evaluated by magic to confirm their identity. This procedure was put into place after the Changelings attacked this city not too long ago." Chrystil Mist was now bewildered through her silent sobs. Had her father known that Canterlot had previously been attacked by Changelings? "My daughter is NOT a Changeling, sir!" Chrystil's father rebutted to the grim Royal Guard. "Then call her into your presence, sir." "She is asleep." "This is a time of alert; we cannot take claims from any outsiders!" the bigger guard was now outraged. "Call her to our presence, now!" "Or we will have you both apprehended and put on trial for treason in a time of crisis," The leading guard added, now inside of Chrystil's house and face to face with her father. After a long thought, Chrystil's father called his daughter. "Chrystil! Royal Guards are here to question us!" Chrystil was in panic. She quickly grabbed and threw on her hooded drape and unlocked her bedroom door, peering downstairs. After a moment of silent waiting, a pony had come into view and started to descend the stairs. After noticing her, the bigger Royal Guard grinned. "So this is your daughter?" "Yes, and she has to wear that because of a serious illness. I told you that." Chrystil did not say a word as the stallions spoke to each other. "Evaluate her." At that moment, a unicorn guard pointed a glowing horn at the mare, and after a brief evaluation, stopped its glow. "This is strange," he said to the leading guard. "What do you mean?" "These readings are... unusual." "How so?" The bigger guard spoke in an awaiting tone. "I am getting Changeling readings, that is for sure." That was all the leading guard needed to hear. "Good, now apprehend the intruder!" The two backing Royal Guards started to circle the Changeling mare as she began to whip her head around in despair. Chrystil's father took a step toward the two guards, ready to defend his daughter at all costs. "Wait!" The unicorn stopped them. "But my readings are picking up something different." He said, stepping closer to Chrystil. "Please take off your hood, ma'am." the guard used a tone that was much more polite than his companions. After glancing around the room, Chrystil slowly brought her hood down with her front left hoof. The unicorn examined her hoof as she did so. The other three Royal Guards examined her in awe. "What is that?" "She is a pony I have never seen before." The unicorn said, looking at the black rims surrounding Chrystil's irises. "May I ask why you look like this, ma'am?" The guard kindly asked. By now the intruding Royal Guards had softened up, and wanted to gain knowledge on the strange pony. Chrystil's father had also calmed down. Chrystil was in acceptance instead of defensiveness, for this was the first time any pony's actually asked about her appearance. "I am not a Changeling," she started. "But I do have some Changeling features, some that I'm not so proud of," she finished her claim on a quiet tone. "And this is your daughter?" The bigger guard had now focused his attention to Chrystil's father. "Yes, she is partially of a Changeling descent, but also of my Earth pony descent." Her father started to look down at the floor as if there was a secret he was trying to hide. The leading guard stood proudly in the center of the room, ready to deploy his question. "So her mother is a Changeling, and her mother is your mate?" The stallions had accepted the idea that Chrystil's father was an Earth pony and his daughter was a hybrid. "Yes, her mother is a Changeling. But you just don't understand," Chrystil's father said in a low tone, seemingly becoming aggravated. "Why are you speaking towards a Royal Guard in that tone?" "It's because... you just don't know; I didn't know..." "Know what? The guard asked inquisitively. Chrystil didn't know what her father was going to say about her mother she never met, but didn't want to find out. "So what is going to happen now?" she softly asked the unicorn. "I don't know," he replied. "What will we do with this mare?" he asked the leader of the pack. "Our council would approve if we demanded a showing of the mare to her Majesty." Her Majesty? Chrystil thought. She had always wanted to meet the joint ruler of all of Equestria, but not on this note. "We will expect your presence at the Royal Castle tomorrow at noon," the leading Royal Guard said to Chrystil and her father before hinting to the other three guards to follow him out of the house. When the guards left and there were only two ponies left in the living room, Chrystil's father sighed deeply. Chrystil decided to put what was going to be said about her mother in the back of her mind, focusing on the point at hand. "So we are going to see Princess Celestia tomorrow?" she asked her father. After bringing his eyes up from the floor in deep meditation, he simply said, "Yes". ~ Inside the Walls of Peace ~ Okay, guys! That's the second chapter of the story. I intended for this chapter to have more dialog and plot buildup to it, somewhat away from the normal lines of the story. Chapter Three will be coming, but first, a question for the audience: Where should the story lead towards from here? I mean, what atmosphere should be brought about? Yes, I've decided to turn this story into sort of a whole fan creation, so I need your input! And if you like my story so much, then you should follow this guy! And as always, moustache. > 2 - Pre-Judgement Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Behold, all of my dear Canterlotians: we have downthrown and admonished the bitter hatred and leeching love of the shadows, but now, as the deathly womb of hatred stays unbarred, evil will sprout. And we will be waiting. ~ Pre-Judgment Day ~ The Royal Castle of Canterlot had been placed where it was strategically, so that the eyes of the City of Harmony could watch over all of Equestria, the stars and life as it was known. Standing in a small, tiled room at the foot of the castle was a mare and her father. Chrystil held her head low, heart almost crashing out of her body in nervousness as she awaited a Royal Guard to lead the newcomer to the main Royal Hall. She was thinking of both what it will be like to meet the joint ruler of all of Equestria, as well as what the ruler of unlimited power would think of the hybrid Changeling. Silent minutes went by until Chrystil's father spoke to her. "Don't worry, Chrystil. We'll be back at home before you know it. Trust me," the stallion said on an even tone of hope and sorrow to his daughter. He partially spoke on sorrow because of the fact that she was about to be judged for her appearance. A heavy wooden door to the room opened, and a unicorn Royal Guard peeped in. "You must follow me now, Miss Chrystil." the unicorn from last night told her, in his polite tone. "You may come with her, if you wish," he informed Chrystil's father, who nodded in agreement. The three ponies had left the room and were now pacing through a short, dimly lit hallway that led to the grand Royal Hall. At the end of the hallway, the unicorn guard turned around to give Chrystil a quick piece of advice. "Miss Chrystil," he started. "Don’t be afraid to show her Majesty who your heart depicts you as, not what the holes in your legs depict you as." Chrystil looked down at her front left hoof briefly before looking back up at the unicorn. "Thank you," she said with a warm smile. The unicorn silently gazed into her eyes for a moment before bringing himself back. "Um, yes, you're welcome. I'll lead you to her Majesty," he added in as he walked out into the Royal Hall, with Chrystil and her father following. The ponies walked down the center path of the wide, red carpeted hall. Chrystil tried to take in the beauty of the scenery. The giant violet walls that stood on either side of the walkway were embellished with glorious stain-glass designs, huge drapes, and flags of the various cities of Equestria. The floor was white as pearl, and sunlight shot in through onto it with marvelous patterns. Ponies of all sorts of high powers stood near the walls of the Royal Hall, watching Chrystil's every move. And Chrystil actually felt like she was the grand presentation to Canterlot. And she really was. After walking down the rug for some time, the ponies had finally stopped a few meters away from the joint ruler's throne platform. And there, on the platform, sat Princess Celestia, in her normal position of comfort. Chrystil bowed to the princess as if it was on instinct, as her father and the Royal Guard did too. Princess Celestia raised a hoof, and silence swept all throughout the Royal Hall in an instant. The unicorn Guard stood up from his bowing position. "Our Majesty; may I present to you, Chrystil Mist." The hybrid mare slowly raised her head to look at the Princess with shaky eyes and timid movements. "That is quite frank, I suppose," was the first thing that Celestia said, rubbing her chin with her hoof. "Do you speak?" she asked, in a tone showing her wanting to learn about this newcomer. Chatter started to fill the Royal Hall again. Chrystil looked up at the ceiling, took a deep breath and replied, "Yes." "Well then, may we have a pleasant conversation?" Chrystil was confused by the way that Princess Celestia was acting towards her. Why is she behaving so... kindly? "If it's fine with you, your Majesty." Inside her mind, though, she questioned herself as to why Princess Celestia had seemed calm and collective with a Changeling in her presence? Was there something in Chrystil that she could see? "How nice mannered," Celestia commented. "Now for my third question, Can you tell me why you are feeling so timid? Is it because of the crowd?" By this time, every pony watching this public display had been befuddled. Why was one of the Princesses of all Equestria having a mild-mannered conversation with a newcomer? Moreover, why did she not seem of the slightest bit on-edge about a Changeling? Chrystil swallowed hard, anxiety creeping into her. "Um, may I ask a question, your Majesty?" "Please, call me Celestia." The fixated ponies in the crowd were bewildered. Surprised. Suspicions rose. "Um, Princess Celestia, I just thought that..." "That you would be ridiculed? I already knew that you were not a threat to our city; I could see into your heart," Celestia finished with a slight chuckle. "Just not literally." Chrystil didn't know what to say. The unicorn guard beside her spoke up. "Your Majesty," he bowed. "May I present the question to your highness as to your views on our newcomer." "Why, she is quite polite. A level of being self-kept that I would expect to see in all of my subjects." With disagreement pressing up against his own heart, a bigger pegasus guard asked the princess another question, without greeting. "What should we do with this..." a disgusted look crept across his face as he stared down at the grey mare. "... this newcomer? And her father?" The stallion's tone of voice hardly hinted that he was asking a question, more like implying some sort of punishment to the newcomer. Celestia hardly acknowledged him. "Why, I will have Chrystil Mist and her father be let alone to live their lives, of course." "But this newcomer is a Changeling," the pegasus guard, known as Tipwing, growled. "Watch your tone," Celestia replied. "I know that Chrystil has Changeling features, but does that honestly give her Changeling qualities?" She turned her attention towards Chrystil. "Not to be of offense, but," "No offense taken," a now calmer Chrystil waved her off. "I have strong views against Changelings, myself." "Well then," Celestia said quietly. She tilted her head to the left, getting a view at the silver pony behind Chrystil. "Hello, sir," she said, grabbing his attention. "I presume that you are Chrystil Mist's father?" The silver pony took a step forward, fully revealing himself to Princess Celestia. He bowed his head before continuing. "Greetings, your Majesty. I am Chrystil's father. I thank you for noticing." Celestia nodded. "Yes. And may I ask what your name is?" The stallion under her throne cleared his throat. "My name is Platinum. My daughter and I have ventured to this city from a small area outside of the Steephoove Mountains." "Yes. I am certainly familiar with the Steephoove mountains." Princess Celestia smiled. "Well then, please take good care of your daughter; not that I have had any doubts," she complimented in a warm tone. "The public greeting of Chrystil Mist and her father is dismissed!" And with that, the crowds of spectating ponies left the Royal Halls, full of mixed opinions. Princess Celestia had a small chat with the newcomers afterwards, and in minutes they were left to travel back to their home, escorted by the Royal unicorn Guard. After walking out of the Royal Hall and nearing the carpeted exit flight of stairs, the unicorn guard had his own conversation with Chrystil Mist. "Well, my Majesty has acted very welcoming to you." "Yes, she has," the now happier Changeling replied. "So... I have to say thank you," she said, head turned away from the guard but smiling. "Thank you for what?" The guard asked, confused. "Thank you for defending me at my house yesterday. And thank you for the kind words that you had given me." She was now looking at the unicorn. "What is your name, by the way?" "Um, Steelstreak," he slightly stuttered. "Well, thank you Steelstreak," she responded. Chrystil didn't actually know why she had wanted to thank him, over other things. Maybe it was because of the joy that her new home town of Canterlot had given her. A hoof was stamped down in front of the three ponies. The owner stood tall. Tipwing had a grimace. He inspected the two newcomers. "I don't agree with Princess Celestia's decision on you, Changeling." He spoke directly to the mare. "What do you mean?" A sense of bravery had given Chrystil the ability to confront the stallion that had mocked her the night before. "I don't take to kindly to the pitiful beasts that you are," Tipwing deadpanned. This was enough to make Chrystil's father snap. He took a step forward, his hooves planting on the tiled floor with a loud 'thud'. Steelstreak stopped the angered stallion. "Platinum, sir, you have no need to worry about Tipwing; he acts this aggressive towards all new ponies he meets." "Do not speak ill of my name," Tipwing commanded to the unicorn. "I am your captain; stand down." Steelstreak stepped away from the pegasus guard, but still keeping his efforts to defend the mare. Tipwing swaggered over to Chrystil. Taking a close step to her, he stared her down, and spoke violently. "Enjoy your stay, Chrystil." "I don't fear you." Chrystil Mist stood brave. Tipwing, who had proceeded to exit the castle, whipped his head around. "I don't care what you fear," he said hastily, before unfolding his wings to fly out of the castle into the shielded Canterlotian skies. Steelstreak quickly recomposed himself. "Let's get you home," he soothingly said to a suddenly worried Chrystil. The three ponies traveled through the streets to the small residence of Chrystil, which was on the outskirts of Canterlot. All the while during their nearly silent walk, Chrystil couldn't get one thing out of her mind: She was so sure that she had seen the pegasus' guards eyes flicker with a green spark before he took off flying. ~ Pre-Judgment Day ~ End of Chap Three. Sowwy if this was a long wait! Gosh, I just had to publish this chapter today; you know why? Because, it's Friday the 13th AND one of the MOST AWESOMEST things EVER in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has happened today!!! (Bet you can guess.)