> Big Pinkie Pie Warms You Up > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Big Pink Pony Warms You Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter… it just had to be the coldest winter of the century in this magical horse land when you ended up in it. What makes it even worse, they have control of the weather and these cruel bastards made it fucking freezing this winter. Of course, it was no big deal for these big fat alien horses, for they had no real need of an electrical, gas or any other heating system. Because they had some sort of natural resistance to the cold, so you were told. ‘Or…. maybe they just eat so much fattening cake,’ you thought bitterly. You lay within a pink love heart shaped bed within a darkened room. The thin blanket did nothing to keep out the cold. “It’s so cold… so fucking cold,” you muttered quietly. Apparently, not quiet enough. Because about two seconds later, a huge pink horse walked into your room… backwards as if to give you a perfect view of her massive butt. This horse was a really…. really big horse… about three times as big as an elephant in-fact. Not that you like pony butts or anything… but she had a really big butt. Of course, all ponies had really big butts, but Pinkie Pie’s butt is one of the biggest butts you ever seen. The memory of Pinkie Pie speaking in a hot breathy voice: ‘Oh, just you wait little ape. You won't be able to resist me when I get my big pink buns even bigger!” suddenly went through your mind. And… true to her word her butt seemed to have grown even bigger when you rejected her last week, to the point her butt became disproportionate to the rest of her body. Nonetheless, her butt contained its perfectly round, bubble-butt shape. It seemed, most, if not all the fat went to her butt, for her belly hasn't seemed to have changed at all. Rumors reached your ears she stayed up all night crying, while stuffing herself with ice cream and cake. You wondered if Pinkie Pie needs help, you made a mental note to talk to her about her eating habits and tell her no matter how big she grows her butt, you won't go out with her. Anyway, enough about pony butts, you don't like pony butts... On queue, as if she read your mind Pinkie Pie turned around to face you, to look upon you with her huge blue beach ball sized eyes wide in alarm “Anony, are you okay?” came her bubbly voice in a worried tone. “Yes, brrrr…. I-I am f-f-f-fine Pinkie Pie,“ you shivered out. Her ears perked curiously from the sound of your voice. Without uttering a word the mare stepped forth. Once she stood next to your bed, she softly placed a massive hoof upon your forehead… entire body. "Anony! You’re freezing!" she shouted in alarm. "You need my butt ASAP!" "Wait, wh-what?" you shouted. A dark shadow loomed over you when the huge mare jumped onto your bed to bring her massive, plump backside right over your face. "Pinkie! Nooooo! You'll kill me!” You screamed like a little girl in terror when the mare sat down upon you… crushing you into a bloody jelly under about at least a dozen or more tons worth of butt fat. Except... that didn’t happen for some reason. Pinkie Pie's tall, towering rump pinned you down from under its incredible weight. Layer, upon layer of squishy soft fat covered your entire body, her flanks were so thick and massive they shrouded your entire world in darkness. "Mmmmmmmaaa!” you said, through a mouthful of big fat pony butt. With steely resolve, you struggled valiantly to lift the massive, heavy mare’s enormous rump off your face…. entire body. You grunted as you tried with all your might to lift her immensely heavy rump off you, but your efforts were utterly pointless. Her butt literally weighed tons, it was not helped by the fact this pony would stuff herself with cake and candy on a daily basis. She did, in-fact have the biggest, fattest butt of all Ponyville, even before her butt had grown even bigger. “He he he, that tickles Anony,” she blurted out happily. Pinkie Pie continued to giggle in delight at the feel of your hands trying desperately to lift her massive form off you, which only resulted in your hands digging in deeply into the thick, bountiful layers of her squishy soft fat of her massive rump. The soft fat of her backside folded around your body like soft dough, depressing deeply around your small form. Out of thin air, Pinkie Pie pulled out two massive chocolate cakes, one in each hoof. She licked her lips, before opening her mouth wide to swallow down the two entire cakes in one gulp as if they were nothing. “Mwahahah, look at my butt grow!” she beamed happily. Her already absolutely enormous butt thickened outward, growing by several feet to pin you down from under an even bigger and fatter butt. Even now, you still continued your epic struggle to lift her butt. Unintentionally, through your struggle to lift her you were doing more of a feel up of her ass than anything. Your hands did more squeezing and rubbing the squishy soft fat of her ass than lifting. In fact… there was no lifting to be had at all. Your pitiful, small human form was of no match against the power of Pinkie Pie’s big fat pony butt. Here you will lie pinned under her big fat butt until she deems it necessary to get up. To stand against the power of big fat pony butt, there can be no victory. So, you gave up and said your goodbyes to the world. However, when you stopped struggling you realised the strangest of things…. you could still breathe… somehow. Plus… you were warm now. Pinkie Pie’s methods were strange, but her heart was in the right place. You were freezing cold and Pinkie Pie used her butt to help warm you up. You hate to admit it, but her butt felt nice… very nice. The immensely thick layers of squishy soft fat from her humongous rump felt softer, warmer… and heavier… much-much more heavier than any blanket. Her ass did indeed make one hell of a blanket, so soft, so warm and faintly smelling of candy. "Good night Anony," she said softly. You merely… merely could mumble in reply, before closing your eyes. At first, you merely lay there, just trying to fall asleep. However, that big, soft butt of her’s soon began to take its tole on you. Rising to attention your cock rose to poke her right in the buttcheek. “So… you do like pony butts, don't you Anony?” she spoke in a smug tone. “Aaammmmmaas!" you replied angrily through a mouthful of big fat horse butt. “Oh, don't lie to yourself, you want to worship my big fat butt,” she said in a hot, sensual voice. A low, sad mumble left you. “Oh Anony, I don't care if you don’t got a big enough penis to please me. I've had sex with many a breezie and they are far smaller than you,” she spoke in a soft tone. You made a mumble in a questioning tone. “That's my fetish. I like em small. Now, I think my butt is looking a bit bony thin, it needs to get bigger. Much bigger!” With that Pinkie Pie summoned forth two more cakes, one in each hoof. Which she gulped down with ease, causing her rump to once again expand in size by several feet. And… she summoned another set of cakes a moment later… and more after that. Pinkie Pie made a mix of giggles and moans of bliss whilst she stuffed herself with cakes. Every cake she pulled out of thin air was sent down her gullet. As she ate her butt grew rapidly in size like a inflating balloon, her flanks sped across the room, thickening outward and higher into the air as more and more layers of squishy soft fat added to her growing butt in a manner of seconds. As her butt grew in size, ton, after ton of extra weight of her already massive body piled up on top of you. Pinkie Pie’s ass continued to grow bigger and bigger. Until suddenly, there was a loud snap of wood and a loud groan as the walls of the room itself began to strain from the pressure of Pinkie Pie's growing butt. At long last, her butt stopped growing when her cheeks had become so massive they strained against the very walls of the room, struggling to contain her growing butt. “He he he! I think that's big enough,” she giggled happily. “For now,” she said in a wicked tone. Pinkie Pie shifted herself up slightly, relieving you from the tremendous weight of her giant butt upon you, but still leaving you in total darkness. With her weight now gone, you could finally move… just about... your head was still bumping off the soft fat of her butt above you. In your prone position you gradually snaked your way out of the dark room… at least you thought so… until your hand touched the cold surface of the wall. “He he he! Other way, Anony,” she uttered happily. So, you went the opposite way… only to touch another wall. “Hah! Guess again,” she said in a mocking tone. This continued for quite some time, until you eventually found an opening. Once you found it, you crawled out from under your big fat pony butt prison out into the hallway. When you turned around you saw Pinkie Pie’s vagina standing nearly as tall and wide as the door you just came out of. Her dripping wet marehood glistened before you in greeting, smelling of sweet candy and cake. The sight of which drove you crazy with lust. So, with that you lunged forward to begin licking her sweet clitoris, the mare making loud moans and quiet horsey sounds whilst you did so. Her delicious juices flowed into your mouth as you hungrily licked her out with glee. With both hands you massaged the walls of her vagina, in search of a spot to please her. You eventually did find it just right under her clitoris, judging from the loud neigh she uttered when you touched there. With the spot found, you placed your right hand there to begin lovingly caressing that area, in so doing you drove Pinkie Pie wild with lust, your tender touched made her roar loud horsey sounds. Pinkie Pie's whole body trembled erratically to the point she shook the house violently, causing some dust to fall on your head. It made you feel happy to make Pinkie Pie happy, so you decided to pay some attention to her butt. From what you could reach you raised your left hand in order to caress that godly butt of her’s. Your hand dug deep into the thick, layers of squishy soft fat of her giant butt. You payed homage to dat massive glorious ass of her’s. Your loving hand rubbed the squishy soft flesh between your fingers. Next you grabbed a chunk of the soft fat and squeezed it tightly, loving the silky soft feel of it and the loud moans Pinkie Pie made whilst you did so. “Yes, worship my big fat pony butt!” she shouted in pure bliss. You lifted your hand and pulled it back before you unleashed a hard slap to her cheek. You smiled like an idiot as you happily watched her big fat buttcheek jiggle wildly about, before going back into its perfect bubble-butt shape. “Stick it in me, my sexy little ape!” she shouted excitedly. With that you lunged forward into her hot marehood, to push your cock right against her clitoris. The warm, wet walls of Pinkie Pie's vagina squeezed your body almost painfully tight, her sweet, hot juices were drenching your body all over. From inside her you humped back and forth against her nub, muffled moans and horse noises filled your ears as you made sweet love to her. You tried to hold out as long as you could, but the walls of her vagina were massaging your entire body all over, the warmth inside her felt absolutely incredible, and the sweet nectar of her marehood was seeping into your mouth, tasting absolutely delicious. So, with that you soon came, showering her insides with spurt after spurt of your gooey human spunk. Pinkie Pie unleashed a loud neigh, before a tidal wave of marecum slammed into you, sending you hurtling out of her vagina to land in a heap on the floor. “Anony, are you Okay?!” she shouted in panic. “Yeah, I’m fine. Horse magic, remember?” “Oh yeah, silly me. Incidentally, could you please fetch Twilight so she can return my butt to normal size?” “Sure thing, my sexy big pony,” you said firmly.