> Storms and shadows > by Shadow Firetail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The terror in the storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the first few years after being able to stay in Ponyville, Twilight became the proud owner of the Ponyville Public Library. This made Twilight very excited because she was now able to share the joy of reading with other ponies. One fine example is with Rainbow Dash and the stories of Daring Do. Now as the years past, Twilight began to get restless. So Twilight finally decided on taking a nice long vacation. As Twilight said her goodbyes and got on the train heading for Canterlot, strange and malicious looking storm clouds began to form out of thin air. Twilight dismissed this as a freak occurence and went on her way to see her brother, Shining Armor and her sister in-law Cadence. This would be the first time in a few years that she would be able to see them since the wedding. When Shining Armor recieved the letter telling of Twilight's impending visit, he grew so excited that he lept for joy. Shining Armor kept it a secret as to surprise Cadence. When Twilight finally arrived at the Palace, she headed straight to Princess Celestia to ask about the unnerving storm clouds. While she was conversing with Celestia, the rain began to fall like thick sheets of mist. If you looked outside, the rain would obscure your vision at about ten feet. This left Twilight with a strange uneasiness that made her feel a might uncomfortable. When Twilight was done talking with Celestia, she went to go find her brother and her sister in-law. When she finally found her brother, he told her that they had a surprise for her; but they first had to meet up with Cadence. The pair found Cadence at a bakery in Canterlot, the finest to be procise. Waiting giddily with anxiousness the surprise was about to be shared with her. When Cadence turned around and saw Twilight standing there, she had the largest grin across her face. Her grin was one to make the sun come out from behind the clouds. It was Shining Armor who told Twilight the big surprise, he said" Twilight, you are going to be an aunt". Twilight smiled and said congrat but that was as far as she got before she feinted. This made Shining Armor worry because this was the first time she ever feinted. Shining Armor picked up Twilight with a levitation spell and created a force field to keep them from getting wet. He carried her all the way back to the castle and then to the hospital wing. When Celestia heard about Twilight, she rushed there as fast as she could and Luna tagged along. When Twilight woke up, it was three days later. Twilight's stomach began to growl protesting the extended wait for food and the sound echoed off the corridors of the hospital wing. During the three days that Twilight was unconscious, it never stopped raining. Twilight went to look for Celestia and found her in her favorite garden. When Celestia saw Twilight and looked into her eyes, Twilight noticed that Celestia had been weeping for several hours judging by how red her eyes were. This was the first time Twilight had seen Celestia so distressed and it broke her heart knowing that she couldn't do anything about it. Twilight cradled Celestia's head in her hooves and began to sing her a lullaby to help her relax and possibly sleep. Luna walked into see how her sister was doing. She saw Celestia sleeping in Twilight's arms and asked what was going on. Twilight told her " I went looking for Celestia and found her here in her favorite spot in the entire garden. When she looked at me, I noticed that she has been weeping for several hours. I took her head in my hooves and began to sing a magical lullaby to make her rest and relax" Luna thanked Twilight for helping out Celestia. Celestia woke up with a new aura about her that made her usually gleaming and sparkling coat and mane look as grey and dreary as the sky. After a few hours of talking, Celestia went back to her room to get what appeared to be some much needed rest. Celestia did not wake up until ten o' clock in the morning. The Princess looked like a million dollars once she found a peaceful sleep. The days were getting shorter and darker. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all agreed that the storm was unnatural and erie. It made everyponies' mane stand on end. They believe that it is an omen of bad things to come. That night while everypony was sleeping, Twilight had a vision filled with terrifying animals which made her wake up making a blood curdling scream, when the two princesses arrived they noticed that Twilight was levitating in a sphere ofraw power. They eventually got Twilight to relax and tell them what she saw, the terrors that she saw were frightening enough to change Twight's mane and coat from blue and purple into a neutral grey color. Twilight had learned that she formed a forcefield ball of defensive magic to cocoon her for lack of a better term. The princesses saw this and tried to calm her down and they succeeded after awhile. Twilight awoke from her dream to the sound of the voice of Celestia calling her name. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight decided to have a meeting in Celestia's private chambers to discuss the contents of Twilight's vision without hinderance. Twilight told them of creatures that called themselves the shadow hunters. These creatures could not fly or walk as other creatures could, this is what made them so dangerous. They were dangerous because nopony could see them coming or defend themselves against them. Their return meant very bad news for the citizens of Equestria. Life back in Ponyville seemed to be the same as usual except for the ponies. All their coats and manes were changing into duller shades and their moods were somewhat mellow and less lively. The colorand behavioral patterns were drastically affected by this enchanted storm. This storm has been going on for nearly a week and the violet lightning was abit unnerving for the townsponies. They were beginning to be very very alarmed and were overly cautious. > Train ride at midnight. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Twilight finally said her goodbyes, she felt a strange uneasiness envelop her. She brushed it off as a stomach ache. Twilight would eventually come to regret her brushoff, but it would happen sooner than she would care to admit. That is the problem of which every O.C.D pony would come to face. They plan all this time ahead, but forget to plan for unexpected complications. This was Twilight's issue. Twilight began to board the train and took one last look at the place she once called home. It was a bittersweet feeling that while she left from her former home, she would also be returning to her friends. While riding the Canterlot Express back to Ponyville, she began to fall asleep. She awoke twenty minutes later at the sound of thunder and creaking metal. She started to go back to sleep when she heard the sound of thunder and she looked outside just as a part of the railroad tracks fell into the Dragons Den Ravine. This sudden and unexpected turn of events frightened all of the passengers including Twilight. Twilight then stepped up and eventually got the passengers to calm down long enough to listen. She told everypony to get back into their seats and sit quietly. After this was successfully completed, Twilight began to hum an erie tune. While Twilight was humming her special tune, she began to glow until she was almost as bright as the sun. While glowing, Twilight used her full raw power to cast the strongest levitation spell ever. When the train was about to reach the fallout in the tracks, Twilight lifted the train off it's tracks and carried it over until they reached solid ground. When they arrived at the solid ground, Twilight feinted from the sheer exhuastion and concentration from her spell. When Twilight feinted, she fell and hit her head on the side of her seat. She hit her head on the corner of her seat to be procise. Luckily for Twilight, there was a nurse heading from Canterlot. The nurse sang a magical lullaby that made Twilight fall into a deep sleep, almost like a coma. While the nurse stitched up her wound, she sang another lullaby. This one was merely to calm herself as well as her patient. A few hours later, the train arrived at the Ponyville trainstation. The nurse placed Twilight under a strong magically induced coma to prevent her from doing further damage to herself. Twilight was levitated by the nurse to the Ponyville hospital which left the nurse considerably weakened because the hospital was about five miles from the trainstation. Nurse Red Heart notified Twilight's friends and both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. All of her friends and the princesses arrived exactly ten minutes after being notified. Her friends were near the point of bursting into tears. The nurse who had took care of Twilight on the bus had fell asleep shortly after arriving. Princess Celestia went to look on the nurse to see if she knew who it was. The sight she saw nearly incapacitated with tears as she saw both the nurse and Twilight noticibly paler than usual. Twilight was sleeping and her dreams were causing her to scream with absolute terror. Princess Celestia did everything she could short of using the dream spell to try and help her student. Princess Celestia performed the spell after she had told the nurses what she was planning on doing to help Twilight. Celestia had performed the spell and was now in Twilight's dream world. When. She saw Twilight, Twilight was surrounded by shadow demons and Twilight cried out in terror. The sound made Celestia change into the warrior angel Celestia, the angel of veangence. Celestia began to glow bright white and gold and got brighter with each of Twilight's screams until she unleashed a spell that disintegrated the demons where they stood. Once Celestia had changed back into her alicorn form, she ran over to Twilight to try and calm her down. Twilight looked at Celestia with eyes that were still wide with terror. The sight of her student nearly broke her heart. Celestia huddled closer to Twilight and put her wing over her and began to hum a strange and relaxing tune that caused Twilight to tremble. When Celestia was certain that Twilight had calmed down, she exited Twilight's dream world and returned to her body. Celestia stood and watched over Twilight. Celestia stayed and looked after Twilight while in her deep coma like sleep. Luna found her and asked if she had slept at all through the ordeal. Celstia told Luna that she had not slept for five days now. This made Luna very anxious. After a little bit of pleading, Luna finally convinced Celestia that she should sleep. What Celestia did not know is that a terrible turn of events was about to take place involving Twilight. > Welcome home party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Twilight is able to go home tomorrow" the nurse told Princess Celestia and Twilight's friends. Princess Celestia walked in to check on Twilight and found her sleeping peacefully. Celestia gave her a kiss on her brow and told her sweet dreams. Twilight slept until noon and she woke up feeling a little on the sore side. Nurse Red Heart gave Twilight some pain killers to alliviate some of the discomfort. Twlight walked home to the library much to the nurses' pleas that she use a cab. Twlight arrived at the library in fifteen minutes. When Twilight got inside the library, she discovered Spike waiting for her. Twilight told Spike that she was going to take a nap. The little walk made Twilight so tired that she slept until the next day. Spike went over to Sugarcube corner to talk with Pinky Pie. While Spike was at Sugarcube Corner, Twilight woke up and began to do research on the Shadow Hunters. What Twilight discovered made her pale considerably. Twilight wrote a letter to Celestia about what she discovered and requested an audience with Celestia. Princess Celestia wrote back and informed Twilight that she is sending a carriage for her. When Shining Armor heard that Twilight was coming to visit Princess Celestia he hurried to meet her. He was fifteen feet away, he saw Twilight collapse. Shining Armor let out a scream for help, but nobody was around to hear him. Shining Armor levitated her onto his back and carried her to the hospital wing in the castle and stayed with her until a nurse saw her and hurried over to help her. Then Shining Armor ran to find Celestia. Shining Armor was looking for Princess Celestia for about an hour when he finally found her in her chambers. He told Celestia of Twilight's arrival and her collapse. Princess Celestia was a little surprised that Twilight arrived so soon. Shining Armor asked what had happened to Twilight while he was gone. He was very concerned about her and wanted to know everything. Celestia told Shining Armor about the storm and the accident on the train. When Shining Armor asked more about the train accident, Celestia told him how Twilight used her magic to levitate the entire train to get it safely to the other side of the tracks after the tracks fell apart at the middle and this worried Shining Armor very much. He told Celestia that it left out why she collapsed. Celestia agreed with Shining Armor and told him how Twilight had died at the Ponyville Public Hospital and her friends brought her back to life using the elements of friendship. Shining Armor broke down in tears when he heard how close he came to losing his sister and his sbfff. Shining Armor went to check on Twilight. He found her fast asleep. When the nurse told him she would be alright, Shining Armor went to Ponyville to talk with Twilight's friends. He thanked them all personally and gave each of them a hug and kiss. Due to the recent events, Shining Armor requested time off to spend with his sister. Both princesses gave him their blessing and gave him time off. Their only request was that he be ready to help at any given time. Shining Armor accepted this and went on his way. He slept by Twilight the entire time she was in the hospital wing. He began to sing to Twilight a lullaby long forgotten by the unicorn race not as a whole but most forgot the lullaby. This lullaby was one that was also a healing spell. As Shining Armor was singing, his horn began to glow a deep aquamarine blue color. The spell covered Twilight from head to hoof in a aquamarine haze. He also placed a spell that alerted the princesses and Shining Armor that Twilight was in danger and needed their help. It pained Shining Armor that he couldn't help Twilight anymore than he had already. > Wake up, Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor slept in the hospital wing on a bed next to Twilight's bed. He slept in the hospital wing for days. On the fifth day, the princesses came to check on him. They discovered that Shining Armor left to go find them and report her changes. Twilight had not changed as much as they wanted was still in a deep sleep. They each took turns looking after Twilight to make sure that somepony is there for her when she wakes up or when she takes a turn for the worst. On the beginning of the third week in the hospital wing, Twilight began to wake up and move. When Twilight looked over at the bed next to her and saw Shining Armor laying there asleep, she smiled her tender loving smile and trotted over to him. She patted his head which effectively woke him. When he saw that Twilight was gone from her bed, he immediately thought the worst had happened to her during the night and he began to cry. Twilight saw this and patted his shoulder and said hi. When Shining Armor turned around and looked where he heard that voice, he saw Twilight and had a huge smile on his face. He then called the nurse to check up on Twilight. They took her vital signs and a couple of blood tests. When the results came back, they were all fine. Twilight would be able to leave tomorrow. The only condition was that she stay in Canterlot for a few more weeks. The princesses ran to visit Twilight in the hospital. Luna arrived first and Celestia. " Twilight, how are you feeling today" Celestia asked in her usual velvety voice and Twilight replied in a voice that sounded like she hadn't slept for days" i am feeling a bit better but i am insanely tired". Twilight fell asleep soon after she said this. Both princesses gave Twilight a kiss on her brow but Luna gave her a special gift. Luna cast a dream spell on Twilight and gave her a blessing of sweet dreams. Twilight slept the rest of the day. The next morning, Twilight woke up and discovered that Shining Armor had fallen asleep on the bed next to her. Shining Armor woke up at the kiss of his brow and blushed a rather coltly shade of red. Twilight tried to suppress the giggles but failed miserably. Shining Armor was glad she was okay and still alive. The thought that he came very close made tears spring to his eyes and gave Twilight a big hug and cried into her shoulder. After five minutes of crying, Shining Armor regained his composure and led Twilight to the great hall for breakfast with the princesses. Twilight heard her stomach growl and realized that she hadn't eaten for three weeks. This sudden realization made her stomach growl even louder than before, causing the princesses to laugh very hard. Luna said" it looks like it is time to get Twilight something to eat, wouldn't you agree sister" Celestia replied " i agree entirely" suppressing giggles. > Twilight and Shining Armor talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was walking around in the royal garden stopping to admire each flower's color and scent. She had been walking for about an hour before she heard somepony come up behind her. It took all her strength to suppress a shriek of terror. Terrified about what she would find behind her, Twilight slowly turned around to see who walked up behind her. When she saw that it was her brother, her body relaxed quite noticibly. Shining Armor jumped towards Twilight to apollogize for scaring her and checked to make sure she was alright. Satisfied that she was okay, they walked about the castle together for awhile. Twilight noticed that her brother has been acting stranger around her ever since she woke up. Curious as to why this was happening, she asked" Shining Armor, is something bothering you?" Shining Armor replied barely able to hold back the tears" When you arrived, you feinted and did not wake up for three weeks. I carried you to the hospital wing using a levitation spell and I stayed with you until a nurse saw you and came to help you. When she told me that you would be okay, I ran to find the princesses. When I found Celestia, I told her what happened to you and asked what caused this change to happen to you. Celestia had me sit across from her and told me about everything that had happened in the past month that I was away on royal duty." Twilight was looking and listening to her brother until she finally had one question for him. Twilight asked " What did the princess tell you?" Shining Armor replied his voice breaking from the sheer amount of emotional stress" Celestia told me about the train bridge giving out and how you saved alot of ponies lives. She also told me about visiting you in the hospital and how you died there." Twilight's mouth dropped almost to the floor and almost passed out again. When Shining Armor saw this, He looked at Twilight with fear and tears in his eyes and asked if she was okay. Twilight said she was fine and asked him to continue. Shining Armor began to tell her how her friends brought her back to life using their tears and the elements of harmony. Twilight took a few steps and collapsed on the floor. Shining Armor let out a piercing scream and called for a nurse. Luna and Celestia heard his scream and teleported to where he was to give him aid in helping his sister. The nurse arrived galloping at full speed to help. Celestia told the nurse" Since the hospital wing is very far from here, why don't we take her to my private chambers?" The nurse had no response so she just took Twilight to the Princess Celestia's room. When they arrived at Celestia's room, they took Twilight in and put her on Celestia's bed. When the nurse was satisfied that Twilight was stable, she left. Celestia said to Luna" Look after Twilight while I go talk to Shining Armor." Celestia was looking around the castle to find Shining Armor. She found him in the fountain room crying into the fountain. Celestia approached him and put her wing over his shoulder to calm him down. Shining Armor turned around and embrace Celestia in a great big hug and cried into her shoulder. Celestia saw him shaking with sobs and began to sing him her favorite childhood lullaby " Mare in the meadow". When she finished singing, she noticed that he had fallen asleep. Using her powerful magic, she levitated him to her room so he could sleep right next to Twilight. The next morning neither of them woke up. Celestia figured out that the empathic link between the siblings and the extraordinary amount of physical and psychological stress put the both into a coma. Celestia wrote a letter to their parents explaining what was going on and said they were needed immediately. Celestia told them that she was sending a chariot for them to travel on. They arrived fifteen minutes after the letter was sent. They each demanded to know what was going on with their children. Celestia filled them in on everything including Twilight's temporary death. This information brought the couple to tears. After they calmed down a little, Celestia allowed them to visit their children. > Visitation time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Twilight's and Shining Armor's parents visited them while in the coma, they looked rather peaceful. This made them feel very uneasy. Celestia and Luna had both promised to look after them and be there when they need help. Their parents were so greatful for their help and support. Celestia gave them one of the guest chambers that was close to the hospital wing. Celestia then said" I am going to raise the sun and be back here in half an hour. Luna is in the room on your left just in case you need help when I am not around.". They looked at her with a profound respect and love causing the princess to blush a light rose color. When Celestia finally left, they turned their gazes upon their children. They looked upon their children with a looked that was a combination of fear and love. When brought back from their deep thoughts, they heard the sound of somepony singing a mystical lullaby. When sung, this lullaby you could see musical notes float through the air. They noticed that the notes were dark blue. They instantly knew that it was Luna that was singing. The notes started to spin around the parents and go in and out their ears. They fell asleep on the cold floor. Luna then used a levitating spell to carry them to their room. She took very good care of them. When Celestia had finished raising the sun and went back to the hospital wing, she noticed that the parents were gone. She saw Luna sitting there with a sheepish look on her face. Celestia asked her" What did you do to their parents?". Luna said " I sang them to sleep because they were very tired and troubled. I read their minds and both were about to pass out on the floor. I also heard the mother crying.". Celestia talked with Luna for awhile longer and then heard the sound of somepony waking up. Celestia turned and saw it was Shining Armor. Celestia told Luna to go and wake up his parents. Luna left faster than light and soon they could hear three sets of galloping hooves. Shining Armor jumped up at the sound and ran forward to protect the princess. Celestia looked down at him and chuckled a bit as he got into his defensive stance. When he looked again, he saw that it was his parents. He ran to them like a little foal and began to cry into his mother's shoulders. They gave him a big hug and tried to calm him down a little bit by telling him that everything was going to be alright. Shining Armor hadn't slept a full night eversince Twilight arrived and fell into her coma. Shining Armor kept a very close eye on his sister all the tIme except when he too was in a coma. He watched Twilight pale in her sleep and knew he couldn't do anything about it. This made him break down in tears several times. Celestia came in and saw him weeping and the sight broke her heart. She walked over to him and put her wing around him. Celestia asked him what was wrong and he replied " I see my sister running from a terror that makes her coat pale and I can't do anything about it" Celestia saw the pain and anger in his words and told him " I used a dream spell which transported me to Twilight's dream world. I saw what it was and it was indeed terrifying. You will need this to protect you from the beast.". Celestia hands him a dagger and says" this will protect you from harm.". Shining Armor thanked Celestia and was rewarded with a hug and a kiss. This brought a blush to Shining Armor that made Celestia giggle that made him blush even more and Celestia just laughed. Shining Armor was waiting to ask Celestia a question. Shining Armor asked Celestia" Could you perform the spell for me?" Celestia replied " I can't perform the spell for you.". Shining Armor looked crestfallen when he heard this. Celestia then said" I can't perform the spell for you, but I can teach you the spell." Shining Armor looked like a happy colt with the cutest smile that Celestia had ever seen. > Dreamworld spell and happy unicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple cinnamon muffins, orange juice, apple juice and eggs are what awaited Shining Armor when he got to the great hall for breakfast. Celestia had been up early to raise the sun but Shining Armor had seen her eyes. What used to be purple were now red from crying. Shining Armor trotted over to her and gave her a big hug. Celestia fell asleep in his arms and had to be carried to her room to sleep. Shining Armor sent a message to Applejack and had them escorted to the castle. All of Twilight's friends showed up. While they were on their way, a sight beheld a pony who he loved very much. Twilight had finally woken from her coma and made it to the great hall for breakfast. Shining Armor ran to her and gave her the biggest hug ever and a kiss on her brow. Twilight was starting to get a little wobbly and she sat down. Her friends arrived to see her eating and was so excited to see her awake. Pinky pie showed up right behind Twilight and said "good morning sleepyhead. It is nice to see you awake.". Twilight had become several shades paler than her usual coat color and almost feinted. This did not escape Shining Armor and he was mad. Twilight fell asleep while eating and her brother carried her to Celestia's room. When he arrived, he knocked several times before Celestia answered the door. After five minutes of talking, Celestia put Twilight on her bed. Twilight slept until dinner time and woke up with her stomach growling like a lion. Twilight still wasn't up to walking and so Celestia had her brought up some food by Shining Armor. They ate dinner together and then Twilight fell back asleep. Twilight slept until noon the next day. Twilight tried making her way down the stairs but only succeeded halfway because she fell down the last flight of stairs. Celestia caught her before she hit her head on the steps. "Twilight, Twilight, can you hear me?" Celestia asked. Twilight could only shake her head yes. The royal guards brought her a stretcher to carry her to the hospital wing. Twilight spent three days in the hospital wing. Twilight slept all three days. > Storm at Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was sleeping on her bed in the hospital wing when a fierce storm arose. The clap of thunder split the night sky and the lightning gave the clouds a silver lining. Twilight was sleeping through the storm and was caught in a nightmare from which she thought she couldn't escape. The second clap of thunder caused Twilight to awake with a blood curdling scream of terror. Shining Armor ran to Twilight and gave her a big hug saying" it is alright little sis, I got you." When he finished telling her this, she looked at him with her eyes full of terror. After he looked into her eyes, her eyes began to glow white while her body instead of the usual lavender color, she glowed a deep dark blue almost like the night sky. Twilight told him in a voice withered and raspy" Tonight as the bell tolls midnight, A pony will be killed in Ponyville. An unspeakable terror has been unleashed in Equestria by an evil sorcerer." Celestia, Luna, Her parents arrived to see the entire conversation. Shining Armor ordered his guards to move out immediately to Ponyville to protect the citizens. He told Luna" I need you to stay with Twilight and make sure she doesn't go back to sleep please." Luna replied " I will do as you ask, Shining Armor. I will need to speak with you once you get back. Shining Armor went out in the hall and began to weep in earnest. Celestia saw him weeping and asked what was wrong. Shining Armor replied" Twilight had such terror in her eyes when she looked at me and it broke my heart to know that what was causing her so much terror I can't help her." Celestia saw all the truth in his words and gave him two very special gifts. Her first gift to him was peace of mind for his sister and making her immortal along with her friends. Her second gift was making him an alicorn like Luna and her were. Shining Armor flew to Ponyville and landed. As soon as he landed, he heard a second blood curdling scream and ran to the source. It was a young filly who had just seen her mother killed in front of her. Shining Armor led the filly away from the scene and got her to the Ponyville hospital. The doctors did several tests and the filly went into shock. The filly looked at him with the same look of utter terror as his sister. The monster or whatever it was was making him very angry. With these feelings of anger, hatred, frustration, and rage made him receive chaos powers as well. He too also got a second cutie mark. His second mark was a yin yang symbol. This meant he had the pony power and he had chaos power. This made him twice as powerful. He stayed with the filly until she is up and done with the tests. Shining Armor noticed that the filly was an alicorn pony. He took her back with him to Celestia and Luna. When they arrived back at the castle, Shining Armor called the princesses for a meeting. When they arrived they noticed a filly cowering behind him. They asked " Who is this little one here?" Shining Armor replied" Twilight was right, a pony did die tonight as she foretold. This little one was the victim's daughter. I called you here because of the filly. She is an alicorn like you." The little filly stepped out from behind him. The princesses were very shocked. The filly was dark blue like Luna but had a mane and tail that glistened like real silver in the moonlight or sunlight. The princesses asked her name. The filly replied" I am Twilight Shimmertail." Could I ask you your names? Celestia replied" I am Princess Celestia, princess of the sun." Luna replied next" I am Princess Luna, princess of the moon.". When the filly learned that they were princesses, she bowed so low that she fell on her face. Twilight rose up quickly and she blushed so bad. The princesses let Twilight choose who she decides to sleep in the same room with. Twilight chose Luna. Meanwhile Shining Armor made his way back to his sister. > New cutie marks for siblings. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Shining Armor got back, the princesses noticed a difference in the way he walked. What really got the princesses thinking is what caused this change. They discovered that he too also got a second cutie mark. Shining Armor had gotten a yin yang symbol for his second cutie mark because now he is a master of both pony magic and chaos magic. Twilight had an eye that glowed. The princesses tried to figure out what caused this change. The next morning, Shining Armor and Twilight discovered these new cutie marks and were just as curious as the princesses as to how they got them. Shining Armor walked as silently as a ghost. When he walked, he seemed to glide across the floors. Shining Armor actually startled the princesses quite a few times with his powers. He was more powerful than both alicorns. He is a master of both magics. He is never vulnerable to magical attacks. Twilight also was different. She was prone to seeing the future at random places and times. Luna is trying to help Twilight control her new power. Luna and Twilight spent the next several weeks working on her mastery of her new power.