> The Story of The Count > by The_Count > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the story of a monster a creature so evil that the universe must live his way or it will burn to ash, our story begins now. Long ago on the planet of Gallopfrey, located in the constellation of Kasterborus at galactic co-ordinates 10-0-11-0-0 by 0-2 from Galactic Zero Center, Aurora was born. He was born a unicorn foal and he lived a normal life, well that was until he looked into the untampered skism and he heard the screams that nearly drove him insane, he heard ponies shouting orders, and he heard ponies begging for him to spare them, this made the young colt run away in fear, fear for indeed what he may become. First he tried to become a time-lord, because hey why not go for the strongest ones, am I right? but he failed because, in their words mind you, "He wasn't strong enough and he didn't have a strong enough purpose." And after his failure of trying to become a Time-Lord he ran away to the one place he knew he could make it, The Time Naval forces, then ,after months of training, he was finally accepted into the Gallopfreyan Naval Forces, or The G.N.S. for short, as a recruit. He would spend hours everyday training, but on days when training was mandatory halted, or he just wasn't training, he would spend his time at the Two Suns, which was the name of a bar located on Pazithi Gallopfraya, one of Gallopfrey's two moons. Aurora was sitting at the front of the bar having a conversation with the bartender when suddenly an amethyst colored mare, with ultramarine eyes, brown hair, she also wore a white lotus flower sitting on the edge of the blue moon surrounded by stars as a cutie mark, sat at the bar, and basically so I can save you time because this would be way longer if I didn't, they fell in love after Aurora tried to flirt with her but failed then she left but he saw her again and she also remembered him from the bar, she turned him down without a second thought, even before he had chance to say anything else, but Aurora was a persist colt, so as to him out of her hair she gave him another chance and let's just say they fell in love and many, many years later, let's just say about twelve thousand years later, Aurora finally worked his way up the ranks. He was rightfully awarded the title of Captain in the Gallopfreyan Naval Forces, and was assigned a ship, the ship being The GNF Hyde, which was a standard Bowship, heavy cruiser. The Name Hyde was a name selected from off world culture, that of earth's culture mind you , and he was also assigned a crew, Moon Lotus being one of said crewmembers, and you'll remember that those two had a thing for each other. The GNF Hyde was then assigned to a convoy, and while on said convoy it fell under attack by a large enemy combatant, somewhere in the Kathroin nebula. The rest of the convoy managed to drive them off, but not without death and injury. Several ships were destroyed, almost everyone they were assigned to protect on the convoy had died all the others were Injured, everyone on the ship had sustained some sort injuries, but before he could call for reinforcements they were hit with another wave of enemy combatants. Most of the ships that were still operational were heavily damaged, so the combatants easily overtook them by disabling every ship's engines and weapons, basically leaving them as sitting ducks. Soon after every ship left in the convoy was crippled, Raiding parties invaded each and every ship, taking those they could, and killing the ones that resisted too much. The enemy combatants called themselves The saviors of the galaxy, because they believed the Time-Lords, and all those affiliated with them were murderers, and dictators, who loved to control time and force the very universe to their wills. After every ship was cleared The Saviors of The Galaxy took their prisoners to the black market and sold them for slaves. Most of the crew was sold off in the following months to different members, but luckily some scientist, that called themselves The Last Resort, bought the rest of them in droves, the group also included Moon Lotus. The Last Resort scientists were trying to make some sort of super enhance Time-Pony that they could control. Soon after arriving at the facility the experimentation began. It started off as little experiments like giving them genetically modified food and injecting them with syringes the had some stuff to increase their muscle mass and pain tolerance but after that the experiments got worse. After the first faze was done they started ripping them all apart and putting them back together, as they cloned modified parts using each subject's own D.N.A. and then put them back together. Everyday again and again it was the same thing, adding newer and better parts ripping out the old ones, you get the point I shouldn't need to explain it further, and if I do, how have you made it this far in the story? Anyway I'm continuing. The scientists made them all into monsters, their brains being the only original part left in any of their bodies. After years of experimentation the last resort scientists finally got what they wanted. Super enhanced time ponies, it was finally over, but not without failure. Over half of what crew he had was dead, everyone from the convoy was dead.they then pranced them around like pets…their own pet monsters. They made them do tests and missions for long months on end. All that changed one day when they thought they had them all trained. The staff thought they were all well behaved little death pets, who followed orders and did nothing that they weren't told to do, but were they ever so wrong? Every staff member in the facility was, at least at the time, attending a party, the party was to congratulate them all for all their hard work and research. The party was going well, every staff member at the party was having a great time, such a good time in fact that one the scientists revealed they all of the drinks that everyone there had been drinking was filled with Nano Bots and as he spoke they were turning all the liquids they had consumed into alcohol, this caused all of them all of them to rise in a cheer. The alcohol in them was strong, so strong in fact that several of the staff members became fiercely drunk, and while in said state one of the staff members, a containment officer to be precise, drunkenly made way to his post, once there he proceeded to piss all over the console, causing it to short out and unlock all of the holding pins allowing all of the subjects to escape and split up and wreak havoc. They began roaming the facility and ripping out their tracing beacons that The Last Resort scientists had implanted inside of them, as they ran deeper into the facility the screaming of the staff could be heard echoing off the walls as all of the experiments not just the enhanced ponies but also genetically modified beasts, were ripping apart the staff or anyone who was too weak to fight back. Soon an alarm rang out and red sirens started to flash all over the facility, Aurora could easily guess that, that alarm also sent out a distress signal that would alert someone or something to destroy or retake the facility, and that means they didn't have much time Aurora, Moon Lotus, and private stargazer fought their way through crazed experimented ponies and genetically bread monsters just to get to the research and testing division so they could of steal something that might help them escape the facility in time. As they make way to the lab a big mutated genetic experiment bursts through a wall and grabs private stargazer and rips off his head causing blood to spray everywhere, Aurora and Moon Lotus run as fast as they can to the lab while the experiment is right on their tails. As Aurora and Moon Lotus make it to the lab they quickly look around for things they could use, as they look around the room they found a box labeled for emergency cleansing, so they opened it up and it was an acid spitter and a blowtorch. Aurora took the acid spitter and aimed it at the door just as the experiment came crash by through with a loud roar. Aurora pulled and held down the trigger which made the front of the gun open and a glowing liquid spray out of the front of it. As the liquid contacts the experiment's skin it begin to shriek of pain. As the beast shrieks It stumbles around and charges at Moon Lotus while crashing through, tables and chairs, Moon Lotus tried to dodge it but she got grabbed by the beast and thrown, causing her to be knocked unconscious. The acid is working rather fast but the beast just won't stop. Aurora shot at it again with the acid and this time the beast let's out a high pitched wail hurting Aurora's ears causing the magic holding the gun to drop to the floor. The beast charged at Aurora and he panicked and looked around for the gun but when he dropped it something came off and he didn't know how to reattach it so he picked up a big spike of debris that the beast had made when he charged Moon Lotus. As the beast charged him Aurora shoved the spike into that beast's head and the beast fell and rolled and finely came to a stop. Aurora ran over to Moon Lotus and rolled her over onto her back, she was bleeding from her head. The bleeding on Moon Lotus's head was caused by a glass fragment in the rubble it wasn't that bad so Aurora kept looking at the body to see if she was alright and he saw she had a large piece of rubble and other assorted fragments of objects logged in her stomach, and when he tried to pull it out she woke up and screamed in pain so he quickly stopped, Moon Lotus started to cough up blood as tears stream down her face, causing Aurora to start crying but Moon Lotus put a hoof on his face and told him not to cry because...she'll finally be free, truly free. This caused Aurora to break down even more as he let out loud cries as he wrapped his hooves around her and held her as she faded away, then suddenly a segment of the wall slides open revealing the Tardis workshop, two stallions walk out laughing and chatting about something, but their words are blocked out by the utter unrelenting rage that overtakes Aurora. The two stallions quickly notice the state of the lab and turn to see him, the first stallion froze in fear while the second stallion levitated out a laser weapon, and then began to shoot at Aurora. Aurora's horn quickly shoot to life and a barrier is raised around him. Aurora gently sat down the body of Moon Lotus and then proceeds to rip off the head and spine of the second stallion, causing his blood to spray against the first stallion and the floor and walls. The barrier drops and Aurora stares at the second stallion and he begins to breathe heavier, and heavier by the second until he released a beast like yell, whatever was in control of Aurora now was worse than the beast he killed. Aurora then charged at the second stallion and tackled him, he then proceeded to punch the stallion, doing this broke the stallions trance and he began to try and fight back while yelling and screaming, but that only made things worse, as he did this Aurora got angrier and angrier, and it began to punch harder and harder, to the point to where the screams had stopped because he had caved in the stallion's skull with his bare hooves. With Aurora's hooves now covered in blood and brain matter he rose his head to face the ceiling and let out a blood curdling yell, that almost seemed unnatural, just as a voice came over the interior communication system. The voice said, I hope you make peace with your gods for what you've done just now, cause you're going to be face to face with them in a few seconds. Aurora's eyes widened and he grabbed Moon Lotus's body with his magic and ran into the new Tardis and set coordinates randomly for anywhere and just as the Tardis took off with a flash of light the entire faculty and the asteroid it was located on was sucked into a black hole that vanished just as soon as it appeared. As the Tardis landed on the random destination Aurora cradled Moon Lotus in his magic and places a hoof on her chest and as he does this orange glowing mist floated out of her mouth and into the Tardis console. All the lights in the Tardis shut off for a minute but then came back on and suddenly Moon Lotus was standing right beside him looking confused she opened her mouth and moved her lips, but no sound came out, that only made Moon Lotus more confused and she touched her throat, this allowed Aurora to hear her breathing, she then let out a smile because she noticed it to. Moon Lotus told Aurora that she was so very happy to see that he survived, and she was sad that she was not able to hang on long enough to escape with him. This made Aurora break down crying, but after a while he cracked a smile and little laugh, and he told her that he was glad to see her back alive and well, we'll sort of he alive. One day as Moon Lotus was searching through the memory of the Tardis, she found files that somebody had tried to delete, that connected The Gallopfreyan high council, with the Last Resort scientists that had done all this to them. > The Change Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow this has been a long story I'll try and spare you the bore of reading all of this for much longer, not really though. You probably are very important, so I'm honored that you're reading this, but I just don't care about the time you're wasting, it's your fault you wanted to read this, I didn't force you. You made the commitment to read this story now you have to finish it. Well would you look at the time, it's about time I get back to the story. Sometime passes and Aurora and Moon Lotus have had plenty of time to get used to one another, Aurora has also taken up reading, he'd spend hours or weeks on end reading his ever expanding library filled with books he's found, stolen, or written during his travels. One day he reads this book, The Count of Monte Cristo, and it inspires him. The Count of Monte Cristo is the story of a pony betrayed by his closest friend, who gets him locked in a Dungeon, The Château D'if, were he spent years just rotting away until a priest teaches him how to read, write, and count in exchange for his assistance in digging an escape tunnel so he ends up escaping while the priest died during the tunnel collapse hurt his lungs, and Edmond places the body back in the priest's room and as they wrap the body and leave to get that head master Edmond takes the body out and places it in his room and gets in the wrap instead, anyway the priest has told him where some great treasure was so after he escaped he met up with a gang of smugglers and proves his ability to them by fighting and sparring a man who then becomes his Allie and his right hand. After that he gets the treasure on the island of Monte Cristo and takes on the name The Count of Monte Cristo in order enacted his plan for revenge. This story inspires Aurora to change his time and shroud his identity. So Aurora changes his name to The Count and travels back to gallopfrey In order to become a Time-Lord so he could try to become president. As the count arrived on gallopfrey the Suns were just rising and he was reminded of the beauty of his homeland. I've realized at this point in writing this that I should probably tell you who/what the Time-Lords are, and no before you say anything about it, I did not just copy and paste the wiki page into my story, I did this all by hand so respect my typing skills. The Time-Lords are the native people of gallopfrey, Gallifreyans, what they are, is basically time cops, they sit back and watch over all of time and space, ensuring that every event in time that is absolutely necessary, will happen, and always will happen. The Time-Lords achieve this but locking off that point in time by using a time lock, what this does is basically seal that area in time, not allowing anything, or anyone that is trying to enter that specific point in time, to enter. I can hear what you're saying already, "So if you travel to one year before that event and wait for it, will that work? "and my answer to that is, Shut the fuck up, who said you could ask questions. Anyway what the Time-Lords over all mission was, was to save all of time and space, while not intervening, which meant if they saw someone dying right in front of them, they were not allowed to so much as interact with the pony, or body. Them constantly having control over all of power and time, was kind of scary to most of the known universe, so almost every planet fell into line, which made the Time-Lords look like huge assholes, which they kind of were. Anyway that should be enough, now back to reading my thrilling story. The Count walks to the capital city of gallopfrey and appears in front of the council of Time-Lords and president Rassilon himself and asked to be trained as a time-lord, he was admitted almost immediately, due to the fact they knew the last great time war was coming. The Count's Time-lord training was accelerated, partly because the training the test subjects got were supposed to be used against the Time-Lords in case they turned against gallopfrey so they got mostly the same but better training, so he was already prepared beforehand. The Count was a good fighter, though he wasn't sure if it was because of the training or the programing from the scientists, none the less the Count ended up back on the battlefield, but this time against a different type of enemy, The Daleks, The Daleks were killing machines that roamed the galaxy killing and enslaving planets entire planets and star systems, and now they sparked a war against The Time-Lords. The Great Time War is what ponies called it, Because what both sides were fighting for, was control over all of creation, time in its truest form is creation. The war raged on for years, outside of time, star systems had been burned to a crisp, and even some were destroyed, but the Daleks never surrendered, they never needed to rest, they were damn near unstoppable killing machine, with no emotions besides rage. These creatures drove The Time-Lords to the brink of destruction. The Time-Lords, and the ponies of gallopfrey, made their last stand on Gallofrey. It was on the last day of this Last Great Time War, that the Fall of Arcadia began, The city of Arcadia thought it was the safest place gallopfrey, after all it was protected by about if not exactly four hundred sky trenches, and there had never been any reports of anything making it past two let alone four hundred, so you can understand why they thought they were so well fortified. As they suns were rising the watchers on the watch towers were scanning for Daleks as they usually did, but instead of finding nothing, they found a Dalek, and this caused the city to go into a panic, because one Dalek could destroy all of Arcadia, but this fear and panic only increased as a few moments after an unknown amount of Daleks poured out from the sky like rain, along with their saucer ships, they began their attack on Arcadis, raining hell fires wherever they traveled. The city tried to evacuate as many as they could as they fought the losing battle against the Daleks, the fighting became so fierce that Bowships had been implemented, and even with these countermeasures the city was lost, Both The Doctor, and The Count were fighting on the front lines that day, but after it was over it scarred them both for life, It would take centuries for The Doctor to recover, it wouldn't take The Count as long, because he buries his emotions way deep down, and refines them to use later as weapons. The Doctor was the first known Time-Lord to go Rogue, and disobey the high council, and President Rassilon, But his adventures are for another to tell, trust me there's already for you to read about him, so I'm not filling up my story full of him, however I will continue talking about him for a short bit, only because he's important to my story. During The Fall of Arcadia, The Doctor ended up borrowing a Blaster-Rifle from one of the soldiers in the battle. What he did with said Blaster Rifle, was to blast a message that "No More.", which was a message to both the Time-Lords and the Daleks. What The Doctor meant by his massage was that he was going to end the war by using the moment. Now what the moment is, is the ultimate weapon, and he stole it from the high council, and planned to use it to eliminate the Time-Lords, and the Daleks, in the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe, although he did in fact make the decision on his own, The Count, was not there to witness the destruction of Gallopfrey, as he had found a way to fuse his Tardis and a still functioning Battle Tardis together, he used said Tardis, to Blast, and burn his way to escape. When The Count received word of Gallopfrey's demise, he was unfazed on the exterior, but on the interior he was broken and devastated, a battered stallion he was indeed. The Count and The Doctor survived the fall of Gallopfrey. As I said thought this isn't a book about The Doctor though, It's called The Story of The Count for a reason, anyway I digress. After hearing the news, The Count sat there, at the desk in his study. For days on end he sat there, his hooves clopped together whilst pressing against his muzzle, just staring at the wall. On the fifth day tears began to gently roll down the count's cheeks as the sadness finally hit him with the greatest force it could muster, which was like a freight-train combined with both Death stars, as well as two dreadnaught class Star Destroyers. I hope you understood that reference I made, It's a major franchise so you really should.The Count recovered slowly, very slowly in fact it took him literal decade for even so much as a hint to show that he was indeed getting better. During the time his recovery The Count began a lot of his habits that now drove him mad, he killed relentlessly, he would steal anything he wanted, he would even go as far as to use mares to fulfill his urges and desires. The Count loved to talk his feelings away, shroud them behind a locked door that no one would dare unlock or even try the handle to open. The Count openly showed his distain for other ponies, his pupils like black dots among a cyan ocean so black and sharp they pierced a hole through reality in which The Count openly scoffed at. He would owatch from the sidelines of history mostly, but of course every time a battle got bloody he was there cheering, or even pitching. The Count could be found all over random parts of history as he loved to pop into special segments of it, hell once he was the captain of a ship named trailblazer. I do believe however this was a way for him to subconsciously try to heal himself, and of course that attempt failed miserably because as you know how insane ponies function, self-destruction, which means that since that mentally stable part of himself showed itself, it allowed the other nonstable side to track it down and kill it. Hold on, hold on, hold on, you see I think know what you're thinking right now, hell I bet you're thinking "Wow that's pretty edgy." and yes you'd be correct, as this is EDGY... AS... FUCK, but you also have to realize that this is a very bad mental disorder to have as it can and will cause a lot of problems for anyone experiencing it as it is borderline schizophrenia and I don't know if you know this, but mental disorders like this can change nice and honest people into heartless murderers and freaks, you don't have to be born with this disorder either, you can develop it after receiving a great mental trauma, such as a murder, or a suicide, and any other things that your brain just can't cope with. Anyway I've talked about this enough. I'm pretty sure some of you are asking this exact question. "Why do you know so much about this? Do you have some sort of mental disorder?" And to that I have to give a surprising no, I do not have a mental disorder, I'm actually quite advanced mentally for a person of my...uh, age range. Mentally I'm 45 years old, however I will not give out my real age openly, maybe sometime after this book is published and I become horse famous? Ha ha ha, like that will ever happen. Anyway, back to the thrilling narrative that I wrote. After murdering one of the last sane parts of his shattered mentality The Count [To be concluded].