> The Witch Doctor's Orders > by Abramus5250 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prescription: Gotta Drain that Excess Fluid > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Witch Doctor’s Orders “Twilight!” “What, Spike?” “When did you say she’d be here?” “Soon, Spike, soon. Just try and move as little as possible.” “Easier said than done,” the dragonman muttered, lying as still on the couch as he could. Twilight shook her head. It was that time of year again, when all manner of cycles coincided with one another. The cold of winter was being replaced by the warmth of spring, many animals were beginning to build nests and dens, and as always, the mating season for dragons has arrived. However, therein lies the biggest headache for Twilight when it came to Spike, as he was part of a race of people who has interbred with dragons many generations ago, and as such, carried with him a good deal of their biology. Known as dragonmen, or dragonwomen in the case of females, they were not entirely common in or around Equestria, and how Spike came to be in Celestia’s care as an infant was still a mystery. Now, contrary to popular belief, dragons and their kin did not become raging hormonal monsters, desiring only to breed with whatever or whomever they could, regardless of consent. No, in actuality, for them it was a time of irritability, shedding of certain scales, or, in the case of humans, really itchy skin, and, in a young male’s case, an excess production of semen. Spike was handling the first two symptoms relatively well, as usual, with sheer will and a good deal of anti-itching cream, but this year, the third factor was far from the same. The swelling was far more pronounced than Twilight had ever seen it before, so much so that Spike’s balls had actually swollen in size. So, in accordance to the previous years where this occurred, she would have normally let Spike alone to “let off some steam”, as she had put it, but this year was different. He could not, somehow, find release on his own, and worried for his health, she had contacted the only woman she knew who might have a remedy for this. The witch doctor, Zecora. Or medicine woman, as she preferred to be called. Given the fact that so little was known of dragonmen in Equestria, Twilight had thought someone from outside their borders might know something. She had always been too busy in previous years, but this year, it seemed Zecora had made it her priority to be available. Why, Twilight did not know, but she was grateful for as much help as she could get, as she, herself, had a conference to attend all the way in Las Pegasus, followed by a plethora of meetings before the trip back. So Zecora would have to do what she could for Spike, while Twilight would have to leave Spike alone in his time of need, something she was very hesitant to do. She hoped she would be home within a week, but with these conferences, she never knew, so playing it safe and getting Zecora to watch over Spike, and hopefully help him, was her best bet. There was a knock at the castle door, and after shuffling several of her papers and placing them into her travel binder, Twilight answered it. “Ah, Zecora,” she replied, surprised as to the medicine woman’s early arrival. Here she would've thought that she wouldn’t show up until late afternoon, but yet it was still morning. “Please, come in, and thank you for coming on such short notice.” “It is alright, for that was my plan,” the witch doctor said, entering with a small crate filled with vials and jars and all manner of strange or unfamiliar instruments. “Now, please tell me, where is the young man?” “He’s currently upstairs, in the lounge,” Twilight replied. “Zecora, I can’t thank you enough for looking after Spike for the next few days. I hope you can find some way of helping him, he’s in a terrible amount of discomfort, and I have to be at the train station within an hour, so I’m sorry I can’t stay and try and help.” “You need not worry so much, princess,” the dark-skinned woman replied with a smile. “I will do what I can, while avoiding a mess. Now go, get to your train, and I will treat the young man’s pain.” With a nod of thanks, Twilight grabbed her already-packed (and thrice-checked) bag of clothes, and headed out the castle door, shutting it behind her. Zecora sighed as she maneuvered all of her vials, jars, and countless smaller things from her cart to the tables in the main lobby. Here, she would set up her “base of operations”, though given how relatively little she brought for such a large cart, it made little sense for her to come here, instead of bringing him to her own personal residence. “An heir to a bloodline as old as he, will surely appreciate my remedy,” Zecora muttered to herself, grabbing a large book and several larger flasks. Carrying them in her arms, she made her way upstairs, arriving in the lounging area the princess told her about. There, across from the large coffee table, lay Spike, nestled amongst the throw pillows of a large couch, underneath a large blanket, moaning softly every now and then. “Greetings Spike, it is I, the one for which Twilight sent. Now tell me, young man, how can I assist you with your predicament?” “Hey, Zecora,” Spike muttered, his pale skin shimmering with a light sheen of sweat. “Thanks for coming by. I guess Twi told you about what’s wrong with me, huh?” “She has indeed informed me of your pain. I must also tell you, Twilight has left for the train.” “Without saying goodbye?” The young man asked, more to himself than the witch doctor. “Probably for the best, I’m not in the best shape for a goodbye hug or anything.” He shifted slightly under the blanket, moaning softly as he did so. “Think you’ve got some ancient herbal remedy for my problem? You always seem to have one of those up your sleeve.” “Herbal tea will not suffice, any more than a bag of ice. The problem can't be solved by putting in, it has to come out, from within.” “What do you mean?” “Remove your blanket, so that I may see, and do not worry, young man, you can trust me.” After a moment of hesitation, the young man laid flat on his back on the couch, and moaning softly as he pulled the blanket up and over his head. Zecora hadn’t expected to be surprised that day, but here she was, stunned by what was displayed. For starters, Spike had been going through a series of significant growth spurts these past few years, his formerly-dormant and “scaly” heritage finally kicking in, to the point where he’d been going through clothes and even beds like crazy. This would have been extremely problematic a few years ago, before Twilight’s position as a princess had formally taken hold, but thanks to the money she made, she was now able to supply Spike with what he needed. However, that being said, the formerly-short man now towered over his adoptive sister and her friends by a good ten inches, standing even taller than Zecora, who herself was no small woman, with a slender six foot frame. If she had to guess, Zecora believed he would reach a final height of around seven feet tall, compared to average height of many Equestrians, being between four and a half and six feet tall. His muscles, formerly covered by what Spike had called “long-lasting baby fat”, had developed nicely, his heritage providing him with strong body from head to toe, which, to be honest, wasn’t exactly unappealing. However, the most shocking detail she had not fully expected was just how badly Spike’s heritage was kicking in. His testicles were usually around the size of a pair of chicken eggs, according to Twilight, who took him in for his physicals. However, they had currently swollen up to the size of large oranges, almost grapefruits, and nearly completely covering his manhood. Given that people of “scaly” ancestry were known for their kind’s oft-touted means of reproductive success, it dawned on Zecora that Spike indeed was just entering the prime of his life, but had no healthy outlet. Twilight had told her of his usual means of “release”, but this year, something was different. Well, it was a good thing she’d come as prepared as she had. Laying out her things and turning through the pages of her book, she looked down until she reached the part she was looking for. “Seed of serpents, from those by the ocean,” she read. “May be used to make many a potion. Storage is easy, but collection cannot be by force. It must come willingly, direct from the source.” “What does that mean?” Spike asked, rolling onto his side with a sharp hiss, the great pendulous globes that were his balls swaying at his crotch. “Spike, in order to relieve you of your pain, it is your balls that I must drain,” Zecora said. “However, to do so the best, there is one thing I need to get off my chest.” “What is it?” “In order to do so carefully, I must attend to your body's... sensually,” she said, and without another word, her clothes fell to her feet at the floor. Spike blanked. “W-W-What?” He stammered, trying to turn away, but the pain of attempting to move his balls too quickly made him stop. Still, he averted his eyes as best he could. Zecora was, by and large, a very attractive older woman. Well, older relative to him, anyway, and even though she’d never told anyone of her age, Spike would have to admit that he’s found it hard to believe her to be older than, say, thirty. Her body was firm and supple, rippling with muscle where it should be, and she was definitely all woman in that regard. From her long legs and slender waist to her chiseled abdomen, and from her tight, compact rear to her rather generous bosom, she was by all means a beauty, and that wasn’t even including her gentle smile, sparkling eyes, or her alternating black and white hair that seemed to work perfectly for her. The very unique, brilliantly-white tattoos over portions of her body really brought the curvature of her form in a way that Spike couldn't help but compare to great art. However, there was little time to admire that fact. Given the other fact that he was naked, and in front of a naked, beautiful woman, he was suddenly having a very, very hard time keeping his cool. “Spike, it is all right, please trust me,” she said, kneeling down beside the couch. “I will help you to the best of my ability.” “H-H-How are you going to do that?” When she had said “sensually”, did she actually mean… that? “I must coax your balls to empty their load, or else they may be liable to explode,” Zecora explained softly as she picked up one of the empty jars with her hand. “Now face me and stay still on your side, and let your good friend Zecora take you on a wonderful ride.” “O-Okay,” Spike muttered, rolling back to face her as best he could and, almost immediately, felt himself “rise” to the occasion as a blush crept across his face. “Spike, for this to work, you must be hard. So please, lower your guard.” With that, the beautiful ebony woman’s free hand reached down and gently brushed the tip of his hardening cock. Almost immediately, it jumped at the sensation, her fingers quickly grasping it as it rose to the occasion. “My, my, my, this is indeed a prize,” Zecora said, making no notice of Spike’s squirming as her hand held his cock in place, it's great length reaching out over the edge of his seat. “I have not seen many a-cock this willing to rise.” “W-what do you mean?” Spike grunted, feeling helpless in her grasp. “Many men have I treated, for ailments great and small,” the witch doctor replied. “However, none had a cock so girthy, nor so tall. How do you hide this in your clothes? To me, this secret, you must disclose.” “I just wear a lot of loose, baggy clothing. It helps, seeing as I’m growing so fast all the time. That, and getting a boner in public isn’t, well... it’s not all that fun.” Spike didn’t really have an opinion one way or the other that his cock was, well, big. What difference did it make? Most girls didn’t go for cock size, they went for the cute and tall guys, or rich and short guys, or something like that. “This I can imagine, young one. Now, lie still, and let me do all the fun.” “Wait, what do you mean- uhhh.” Spike moaned as the woman’s fingers, as enclosed around his cock as they could, began sliding up and down the sensitive shaft with a slow, but methodical pace. From tip to base they moved, stroking him to full mast, his sensitive balls twitching already. He’s always had more and more trouble “relieving” himself once he began to do so regularly, his own hands never being quite able to do the job, and no matter what else he tried, even the tried and true methods, over time, he just could not empty his balls. However, Zecora knew what she was doing, and already, there was a familiar tingling sensation spreading from his knees all the way up to his lower back, centered on his groin and the hefty set of cock and balls he had there. In any other situation, Spike would not have wanted it to end, but the swelling of his balls left him few other options, and with a deep grunt, he felt his balls twitch and shiver. Yet, despite this, and the mahogany woman’s ministrations, nothing came out. His cock, still hard, was twitching as though in orgasm, as were his balls, yet nothing was coming out. Worse yet, they felt as if they were pressing against one another harder than before, and to his horror, Spike watched them twitch and swell to an even greater size, literally growing before his very eyes. “This I did not expect,” Zecora said, her hand stopping its ministrations. “It is an error I must correct. Spike, please trust in me to make you well, but to find your release, I must reduce this swell. I have tried this with few as hung, but I might be able to help you, with my tongue.” “With your wha-,” was all Spike managed before the beautiful witch doctor pressed her plump lips to his swollen cock. Gasping in surprise and the feeling of something so soft upon his skin, Spike could only watch, agape, as Zecora laid a trail of kisses up and down his shaft, from the throbbing base all the way up to the bulbous crown. Before he could say another word, he watched her engulf the tip of his penis, encasing him entirely in her wet, warm mouth. Almost immediately, he felt the pressure of the swelling slightly decrease, the pain receding as she suckled on the very tip of his cock. Then, without a word, she began to slide up and down, her tongue slurping over and around the veiny beast before her. Spike grabbed a pillow to steady himself, feeling as if either he’d tear the fabric apart, or simply faint away. Nobody had ever done this to him; no woman had ever showed any interest in doing this to him. Zecora, in her own mind, was not entirely surprised she had to resort to this treatment, nor was she exactly unhappy to do so. Where she came from, women had been taught from an early age on how to hold power over a man in the simplest of ways without it being domination. Kind words, acts of goodwill and love, and in this case, making them feel better about themselves. Spike, for all his inherently good qualities, did not think much of himself, and Zecora, as she slurped along his shaft, was determined to reverse this. She thought he was a cute boy before his growth spurts, and now he was becoming a very fine young man, the kind of man most women would be lucky to have; loyal, kind, diligent, and more than a bit helpful around the house, given how often the others made use of his talents. However, he had a fair number of insecurities, from his looks to his heritage, to the way he thought and even how others thought of his kind. She needed to break down the barriers he had put around himself, yet to do so, she also needed something out of it. In fact, some of these might be the reason he was so pent up, regardless of his biology. To her, sex was both a pleasure and a tool, and for someone of Spike’s descent, their semen was often laced with magical properties. If she could gain enough to soothe the ache of his balls, she’d be very well supplied for some time. That, and it’s been a good while since she’s done something like this, something she actually enjoyed. It's been an even longer time since she’s done this with a man she wanted to do this with. Slurping loudly, her cheeks flexing inwards with every sucking motion, the older woman would push the great cock deeper and deeper down her throat, her muscles massaging the veiny beast. Its heat was seeping into her very bones, making her feel very giddy and very warm inside. Her tongue, both nimble and dexterous, would slurp out of her mouth, wedging itself between her lips and the great cock, simply to lap at whatever surface it could reach. Dribbles of spit trailed down her chin and along the lines of her throat, some of it pooling in the valley between her great, chocolate breasts. Spike grunted and gasped as she took him just a bit deeper than she had, and with a great eruption within him, his hips bucked against his will. “Zecora, I’m-!” He cried out, arching his back. In a flash, though savoring the musky flavor as she did so, Zecora popped his cock out of her mouth and directed the swollen tip over one of her flasks. In a great rush, she watched as Spike’s cum poured out of the veiny cock and into the glass container, watching as pulse after pulse of thick, potent seed pumped through his cock from his hefty balls. Within a minute, the large flask was full, and she swapped it for another as fast as she could. Laying a trail of feather-soft and silky-smooth kisses along the still-pumping cock, as Spike wheezed and moaned as his balls finally let loose some of their pressure, Zecora slid one free hand up and down the throbbing beast, making sure to get every last drop she could. After the torrent became a trickle, and then only a drop here or there, Zecora moved the flasks away and smiled at Spike. Oh yes, at this rate, she was going to be well-stocked for months. “Well done, Spike, well done indeed! It is not every day a man releases so much seed.” “Guh,” Spike replied, tossing the pillow he’d been crushing in his grip aside and sitting up as best he could. Gently, with Zecora’s help, he moved his legs over to hang off the couch, and rested his back against a few of the cushions. “Did... did the swelling go down?” Zecora eyed his balls, just hanging off of the couch like a pair of ripe fruits. They had indeed shrunk by a fair degree, but they were still swollen past what should have been normal for a young man of his descent. “More must be drained, and I am glad your cock fits.” She looked up at Spike with a gleam in her eye, and licked her lips as she smiled; time to take this up a notch. “To do that, Spike, I must also use my tits!” “Your-?” Spike stopped, helpless and amazed as, with one hand positioning his still-hard cock straight in the air, Zecora popped the swollen cap back into her mouth, moaning as she suckled the last bit of cum from his shaft. Smiling, which must have been hard with such a thick cock in her mouth, she held it in place with her puffy lips and brought up the two great globes that were her breasts, the large, darker nipples fully erect, almost swollen. Sandwiching his cock between her mounds, the beautiful witch doctor began to pump them up and down, slurping every now and then, echoing the lewd sounds throughout the room. Spike, for his part, did his best to keep calm, which, as it turned out, was not nearly enough. Gripping the couch for support, he could only give ragged, quick gasps as he watched the dark tits pump up and down, occasionally alternating in rhythm and pace. Zecora grazed the cap of his cock with her teeth, earning a hushed gasp from her “patient” as she continued to pump and pump. The valley between her breasts, already slicked with a light sheen of sweat, and the pooled spit of her earlier ministration, became slipperier and slipperier each and every moment. With every pump and kneading of her breasts, the cock between them grew slick with her sweat, dribbling precum from the tip, and whatever great wads of spit she did not swallow when she had the chance. She would have lied if she had said she was not enjoying herself. A deeply sensual creature by nature, both in her upbringing and with her place in society, Zecora knew that men looked upon her with lust and longing in their eyes, her stellar body combining with her deep mahogany skin to create the picture of an exotic beauty. Few in these lands had gotten to know her well enough to earn such a visit as Spike currently was, and even fewer had earned a second. The power she knew she could hold over a man, not through force, but through her sexuality, thrilled the witch doctor to no end. However, for Spike, this was a combination of sexual release and professional prescription. That made it all the sexier for her; here she was both finally getting some attention, and also helping a good friend in need. What more could she ask for? She squeaked in surprise when, suddenly, Spike’s hips bucked against her, driving his cock deeper into her mouth, and between her soft breasts on his own steam, pulling back just enough for his cock to exit her mouth with a resounding pop. She leaned back to avoid the cock’s upwards return, only to watch it partially vanish between her chocolate breasts. Then, again, he thrust, and again, and again, until he was moving on his own, and had no need for her pumping. Soon enough, his thrusting had propelled him up off the couch, and with his hand supporting themselves upon her shoulders, Spike continued to pump back and forth, his cock disappearing between her breasts, only to emerge under her chin. “Spike, my breasts, do you like how they feel?” Zecora asked with a smile, licking a dribble of precum from the corner of her mouth. “Y-Y-Yeah, they’re great,” he replied, not stopping thrusts, his swollen balls knocking up against the underside of her wonderful breasts. By the princesses, why had he not thought of this sooner? If he couldn’t get himself off, look for someone who could do the job, and better than he ever could! “They’re amazing, Zecora, I can’t thank you enough for this.” “Then keep on pumping, young man; make me squeal!” he demanded, clenching her ass, both muscular and thick, she bounced on her heels, pumping in time with Spike’s thrusts, sending her entire body into a jiggling motion. Zecora knew of few other women who could become aroused by the scent of a meaty cock, or the taste of precum, but she clearly was, Spike’s was a fearsome combination of the intoxicating virility and primal maleness that was a credit to his ancestors. Now, with his mighty shaft pumping between her sensitive breasts, Zecora could feel her arousal reaching a greater and greater peak. That, and she was so turned on by the face of helpless arousal upon the young man’s handsome face. If he didn’t find a girl to do this for him of her own accord, perhaps she might be able to snag him for herself, for the near future? Spike’s thrusts did not slow, but for all his pumping, she could tell he was struggling to hold back his second torrent of seed, which seemed to be boiling within his balls. But with her jars already alongside her, Zecora smiled as his look of concentration released a great upwelling of desire within her. Bobbing her head down, her tongue lapped on his cockhead with every thrust, tasting the flowing pre, the musky taste most agreeable to her palate. Then, without warning, she squeezed her breasts together as hard as she could, and holding him somehow in place, taking his monster as deep into her mouth as she could, impeded only by her great globes. Almost immediately, she felt him falter, and his cock swelling within her mouth. Grunting, one spurt managed to sneak its way into her, filling her warm and wet mouth with thick, creamy seed. Backing away and letting the swollen, throbbing cock drop down, she quickly grabbed it, just as another splash erupted from the tip, splattering all over her throat and the uppermost portions of her breasts. As quickly as she could, she grabbed a flask and held it under his cock, pumping as more and more seed spilled out in great bursts. One hand filling, the other pumping, she swallowed the thick load, licking her lips as it slid down her throat. “Delicious, and with so much left in store, I do hope you will give me more.” The second spurt dribbled from her breasts, coating her nipples in thick white sauce and dripping between the soft valley between them. Some even ran down her muscular stomach, coming to a stop at her waistline, pooling between her closed thighs. “Y-Y-Yeah, sure, whatever you say,” Spike said, grunting with every pump of her soft hand, feeling the pressure relieving itself from his swollen balls. How much more could he have left after that? First with her mouth, and now with her breasts; how was he not completely spent? At last, the torrent of cum came to a stop, the flow finally ending, and with a smile, Zecora suckled the bloated tip again, draining whatever little dregs were left, earning a small moan from the young man. Holding the cock up again, she cocked her head to the side in surprise. “Still so hard and fat?” She asked, noticing his balls had indeed gone down some more, but there was still a little ways to go, and from the throbbing of his cock, he wasn’t quite done yet, either. “I know just the cure for that.” “What?” Spike asked as she got up, the last dribbles of his cum pooling on top of her lap, dripping down the tops of her thighs, and caking the remains on her breasts before being quickly mopped up by the towel stored behind her. “What now?” “Now, my young friend, you must empty the last of your load. If you do not, you will likely swell again, and possibly explode.” Pushing him back a bit, she laid down on the couch, spreading her legs wide, exposing a rather pink pair of pussy lips, already dripping in anticipation, above which sat a small, trimmed patch of short white hair. “In order to do as much, you must show me your stuff, and fear not for your lust, I like it rough!” Spike almost staggered backwards, watching the gorgeous woman's heaving breasts glisten with sweat as it trailed right down to her shaven pussy. “You sure?” “If you wish to rid yourself of pain, this will help your disorder. Now get over here and fuck me, that’s an order!” Spike slowly moved towards her, and with a surprising amount of ease, he aligned his cock with her awaiting slit, the heat of it rolling over his tip. Pressing it against her, he found that he did not go in, the flower crumpling up before his rod. “What now?” “I am more than prepared, so do not worry, but I will smack you if you do not hurry! So just push it in, do not fret. Now please, I can only get so... AH!” Spike pushed, and in an instant, his cock was within her, within his first woman. Yet, it did not stop, it kept going, all the way, deeper and deeper, until it nestled itself completely within her. It felt as though there was another mouth at the end, pressing against the very tip of his cock, and all around, he could feel her wet, scorching pussy clenching and massaging his entire length. It was so maddening, and so amazingly good, he didn't want to move at all. Zecora could not believe her eyes. She had taken him all the way to the base, his cock so nestled within her depths that not only were his balls resting against her muscular ass, but the head was pressing against the very entrance to her womb! Never before has a man ever reached so deeply, so naturally, so filling with such thick, throbbing cockmeat. It made her whole body tremble and her head spin, the rush of it was almost too much to bear. Yet bear it she did, for Spike had one last load within him before he would be drained, of this she was sure. “Spike, though it feels as if my belly carries a lump,” Zecora said, her hands running over her lower stomach, positive she could feel his cock distending her belly. “In order for me to help you now, you must pump.” “Gah, it feels... amazing,” he replied. “Can’t... don’t wanna move. That little mouth on the end... it’s almost suckling me.” “That is my womb, you caress it with ease,” she replied, her whole body shuddering with every gasping breath. Gods, was he that dense, or that inexperienced? Her body was unable to cope with him just sitting there, she needed him to move, dammit! “Now, if you will, fuck me! Please!” Taken slightly aback by the forceful pleading tone, Spike, bracing himself on the couch, fingers digging into the cushions alongside Zecora’s slender waist, began to pump as slowly as he could. Already, he could feel himself tingling, but not by the throes of orgasm. No, this was something different, something stronger; his body was willing him to not only cum, but do so when he was needed to, not when he wanted to. Zecora muffled a cry into a pillow as he began to pump in and out of her, her fingers grabbing onto a pair of pillows hard enough that the whites of her knuckles stood in sharp contrast to the darkness of her skin. Sweat forming on every part of her body, and likely soaking into the cushions beneath her, as all she could focus on was her breath as she watched his cock push its way into her folds, spreading herself wide open, then retreating, and then repeating the process all over again. With every squelch of his thrusts, fluid dripped out of her honeypot, a mixture of her own natural lubricant and Spike’s seemingly endless supply of precum. How he still had so much, especially after his gargantuan climaxes was beyond Zecora’s understanding, but she didn’t care. She only cared about helping a friend, and getting a very, very good experience out of it. Yes, she was definitely going to be seeing more of him. To hell with another man, Spike was hers now, and she, his. “Zecora? Am... am I doing this right?” The thought's been pounding on his mind since he started, and only now that he saw the tears forming in the corners of her beautiful eyes did he feel the need to ask. Zecora cooed as a particularly hard thrust pressed the cap of his cock against the entrance of her womb. “Oh yes, Spike, so well you use this cock I so adore. Now, pump me harder! Pummel my pussy, more, more, more!” Spike grunted as he picked up his speed, his nerves on fire as he dragged his member through her sopping wet pussy, her convulsing walls seeming to suck him back in every time he left. Sweat dripped from his face, his hair matted down as his hands pressed further into the cushions, distending them under the pressure as his hips increased their thrusts, the mixture of his precum and her leaking lubricant began to splash all over the couch. His nuts, still swollen and filled with unspent seed, slapped against her hardened rear, the mixture of slight pain and glorious pleasure sending his mind into a dizzying spin. Zecora moaned, she knew she sounded like a whore, but she felt no shame from it. Her body was convulsing with each and every thrust, her large chocolate breasts bounced in time with his powerful thrusts. Her legs were going numb, her breath was becoming increasingly ragged, and deep inside her, pleasure was rapidly approaching her greatest peak. She couldn’t hold out much longer, and judging from the positively powerful throbbing from Spike’s cock, neither could he. “Spike, thank you, for within me you make pleasure bloom,” the witch doctor cried, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, mingling with the sweat and drool leaking from her mouth. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her powerful muscles kicking in as they pulled him even closer with every thrust. “Now, please, with that big hose, pump yourself inside my womb!” Spike pushed as hard as he could into her at her request, his balls suddenly throbbing so hard that they moved on their own, and with a final cry of pleasure, he felt his cock swell, engorging more than he had ever felt before. Zecora screamed, wailing loudly as the swollen cock within her pressed as far as it could against the entrance to her womb, and erupted once again. Thick, creamy cum spilled out, pumping into her with wanton abandon, like a dam bursting. It did not stop after one burst, or two, or even three, it just kept coming, as Spike just kept cumming. Spike collapsed on top of the beautiful woman beneath him, capturing her lips almost on instinct, her screams barely muffled as her arms snaked around him and held him close. Soon enough, the flood became a stream, and the stream became a trickle, until, at last, Spike could cum no more. His balls were now utterly drained, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, he rolled off of the witch doctor and onto the floor, just barely missing the table. Zecora, meanwhile, moaned, looking down at her stomach and rubbing it with her hands. She felt so full, so full to the brim, she could have sworn her stomach was absolutely bulging with the great load of his cum. Stumbling to her feet, and feeling the hot cum sloshing around within her, sending her well-used pussy into uncontrollable convulsions, she bent over a larger jar, and pressed down on her belly as firmly, yet gently as she could. Thick globs of Spike’s cum, as well as streams of a mixture of said cum, precum, and her own cum, dropped into the jars, while small trickles of it were left sliding down her legs. Almost too giddy to focus, she smiled as the last of it dripped out. She’d have to get that batch cleaned a bit, but it was more than well worth it. “Spike?” She raggedly asked. “Answer me this, if you will. How long does it take your balls to refill?” “About... three days,” he replied, sounding sleepy. “It started to hurt after the third day.” She leaned down and kissed him. “Then I will get myself ready, and leave you to rest. I think coming back the day after next, would be best. In case you are wondering about the deed, I ensure you that no one will follow heed." "What?" "For others, I shall never again visit for what we have done, because now, you are my sole, and only one, and thus, between us, there should be no more borders, and I will visit again, to drain you dry: doctor’s orders.” > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue "Spike! I'm home!" Twilight called out as she entered the main lobby of the castle, her legs weak from all the walking. Those conferences and meetings and all those private discussions had really taken their toll on her, much more than she would have thought. Being a princess was never easy, but since when did it get this hard? Or was she just having a problem focusing on what she needed to do, whilst also worrying for Spike for all these days? She'd only been gone a week, yet it had felt like nearly half a month. It likely wasn't easy for him, being a strange man in a strange land. Sure, he'd grown up here, but more often than not, she could tell his "fitting in" was just a cover for his anxieties. He worried about much the same things a young man his age might worry about; looks, girls, popularity, girls, finding a good job, and especially girls. However, in regards to girls, he often was quiet on the subject, and while he frequently told her he was indeed into girls, she just assumed he'd never worked up the courage to ask one out. He didn't really like to talk to her about it, but she never prodded more than she needed to on "that" subject. In time, she was sure he'd come around and ask her for some information. She'd already prepared him several books on the subject, as well as penning her own thesis and several papers on it. You know, if he ever got curious. "Spike?" she called again. Was he still up on the couch? Or had Zecora moved him to his bedroom? Hopefully whatever remedy she had come up with had helped him. The poor dragonman had had such a hard time with his condition, even more than in previous years. "Twilight, your return almost felt overdue," a voice said, and Twilight turned to find Zecora, positively glowing, pulling a large cart behind her, carrying many jars filled with thick, opaque liquid. A byproduct of the remedy, perhaps? "I would keep my voice down, if I were you." "Why?" "Spike is asleep, all alone in his room. My remedies are working, it is safe to assume." Twilight smiled. "So he's feeling better? That's great, I'll be needing him shortly for a few things." For some reason, Zecora's smile faltered, ever-so-slightly, for reasons the princess could not fathom. "Twilight, for work, Spike is not yet ready. He is progressing well, slow but steady." "What do you propose then? I don't want to rush him out of anything he's not quite ready for. I need him healthy as can be, and the dragon's breeding season won't last much longer than another week or so, maybe two at the most." "Take advantage of that, then, I must, for once it is done, my schedule, I must adjust. When the season ends, he should be well. He'll be even better, I think; this, I can tell. Now, send him to me every other day, out to my hut. I have... other remedies to use, to help him out of this rut." Twilight couldn't put her mind to it, but as the witch doctor walked away with her cart of liquid-filled jars, she could have sworn the medicine woman was... walking a bit funny, more so than she remembered last week.