True Motives

by X3n0heart

First published

Being the best doesn't always mean good things happen to you. I've found that out the hard way and now this one case is pushing me to the limits.

Sunset Shimmer pushed her way to the top and now is the lead detective in a crime filled city. Coming upon the latest scene, she starts getting an uneasy feeling about it. It wasn't until she finds out who's behind everything that pulls her even deeper into it.

The Confession

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Six years, two months and twenty seven days since I've became a detective in this corrupt city. Ever since graduating from Canterlot High, I went straight into college to study criminal psychology and what makes people tick. Over the years I tried to keep in touch with my friends but we gradually grew apart, each of us chasing our own dreams.

Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name's Sunset Shimmer and I'm the lead detective here. It hasn't been easy but pushing myself to be the best got me this far and I don't plan on stopping now. I have seen many things over the last few years, some that still haunt me sometimes in the dead of night. Things that could never be unseen nor forgotten, even with the help of alcohol or prescription drugs. I've given up on those things and just dealt with it as it comes now.

Pulling up to the crime scene I put the car into park and turned off the ignition, taking a deep breath. I gave myself a few moments in the quietness of the sedan before opening the door, feeling a blast of cold wind against my cheeks. It was unusually cold this time of year as I wrapped my jacket around me, ducking under the yellow tape as one of the officers came to greet me. I nodded to the CSI team as they stood on standby as I approached the officer.

He started filling me in on what details they currently have as he escorted me towards the front door of the two story house. It was a nice place, probably around twenty two hundred square feet, with an upstairs patio that hung over the front porch. Stepping over the threshold, the first thing I noticed was that there were no signs of a forced entry. He explained that the door was shut but not locked when they arrived after getting the call. Looking around I noticed that things were still where they should be. Photos on the wall, a small vase sitting on a hallway table with fresh flowers in it, even to the entry rug that lay in front of the door. Muddied now from those who have came and went but nonetheless out of place.

Same goes for the living room as I took my time, studying everything as I looked around the room. Strange, I thought before entering the kitchen, food on the counter as if someone had started a celebration of some kind. It became more clear as I noticed a cake on the counter with seven unlit candles in it. Walking over to it I read the finely placed letters, Happy Birthday Pound and Pumpkin! An uneasy feeling started to grow in me as I made my way back out towards the living room.

The officer stopped at the base of the stairs and informed me that his partner was waiting for me up there. I gave a slight nod and proceeded up the stairs as that feeling continuously grew in the pit of my stomach. The stairs ended at the opening of a giant loft area with two hallways splitting off from it. To the right it looked like that might be the master bedroom while to the left there were three doors. Two of them were open one to the left and the one directly across from it but the third was closed. I made my way over to the officer that was posted there and I could tell how pale he looked.

Seeing me he nodded and tried to explain what was in there the best he could but he just choked on his words. I excused him as he hurriedly made his way back down stairs, probably to get some fresh air. Stepping closer to the door I heard a wet squishy sound as the carpet felt a bit softer than it should be. Looking down I noticed that there was a pool of blood peeking out from underneath the door. As I reached for the doorknob that feeling grew more intense which made me hesitate, my hand only inches away from it. Taking a deep breath I slowly turned it as the soft clicking sound of it opening resonated like a gunshot in the quietness upstairs.

The first thing I noticed was the putrid smell of copper and death that floated through the cracked door. Turning my head I took a few more breaths before slowly opening the door all the way. Remember how I told you that I've seen some pretty unforgettable things? What my eyes saw before me is a hundred, no, a thousand times worse than anything I could imagine. Not a speck of white could be seen on the walls. Pieces of flesh and bone were thrown every which way, covering everything. The carpet was stained with about a half inch of blood lying on top of it.

Turning quickly I made my way into the bathroom and vomited into the sink. My heart felt like it dropped into my stomach as I tried to calm myself. Another wave of nausea hit me and even more of my lunch came up. I couldn't help it, the smell, the blood, the pieces of tissue, all of it made me sick. What kind of unholy person, no thing, could do something like this? It was inhumane to even comprehend why something like this could happen. I took a few slow, deep breaths and steadied my nerves for a moment before standing up straight. I cleaned myself off as I looked into the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom and back to the crime scene.

Once more, I told myself, closing my eyes and taking another slow breath. As I stepped closer the smell wasn't so intense this time and I was able to take a better look inside. From what was left of the bodies, I could make out that there were two or three adults along with two children. As it looks now, it would be almost impossible for them to be identified but we wouldn't know for sure until the CSI team gets up here. Turning from the doorway I made my way back down stairs and headed directly outside. The cold air never felt so good as I stopped and inhaled deeply, clearing my lungs of that awful carnage.

I signaled to the CSI team that they were good to go and watched them start getting their gear together, heading inside. Even the most hardened veteran would find that scene disturbing. Wrapping things up I stepped over to my car, getting in, placing my hands on the steering wheel. I just took a few moments to myself for I was still a bit visibly shaken. I felt dirty and needed a shower. Placing the keys into the ignition, I started it up and decided I would head home first before going back to the station.

Pulling into my parking spot I shut the car off and leaned my head back onto the headrest, closing my eyes for a moment. Images of that room flashed through my mind making my eyes snap open immediately. That dreaded feeling was still there and I just couldn't shake it. Getting out, I set the alarm and proceeded towards my apartment, stopping by the mail box along the way. I was greeted by one of my neighbors before unlocking the door and stepping inside my home.

Home. A place to feel safe and secure, at least for most people. Switching on the lights, I tossed my stuff onto the small desk I keep next to the door. A cold shiver ran down my spine which made me wrap my arms around myself. Heading to the bathroom I started the water for a shower before stepping into my room to grab a change of clothes. By the time I returned the steam had filled the top half of the bathroom as I started to undress, tossing the clothes on the floor. Stepping inside, I closed the shower door and got under the hot water. It felt great as I just let it run over me as I closed my eyes enjoying the constant beating against my skin.

But that feeling was still there, like an anchor weighing itself down and not letting go. I couldn't explain the feeling and before I knew it I fell to my knees and started crying. I'm not sure what suddenly came over me or why everything just felt so wrong. I couldn't stop myself and let it all out, placing my hands over my face. I probably spent about twenty minutes on the floor as the water continuously poured down on me. Getting up slowly, I looked up and let it wash over my face before turning it off. The steam floated lazily around as I opened the shower door and just stared off into it.

It only took me a few moments to dry myself off and get dressed. I felt a bit better now as I stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to the kitchen. Coffee, that always makes everything better. Letting out a quiet giggle, I started the coffee pot up, waiting for it to brew a fresh cup. Letting my eyes wander around the room, I spied the book Princess Celestia gave me oh so long ago. Strolling over to it I picked it up and turned to the last message I received from Twilight. Has it really been four years since we've last talked? I really couldn't believe it and wanted to write back to her but I just decided to close the book and replace it back where I found it.

A soft ding got my attention and I made my way back into the kitchen grabbing my favorite mug and filled it with the dark liquid. The aroma was satisfying which brought a smile to my lips as I added a little bit of milk, making it a nice chocolate color. There's just something about that first sip of coffee that makes everything so much better. A sound from my bag went off which caused me to turn my head to look at it before heading over there, taking the mug with me. It was a text message from one of my co-workers saying I need to get back to the precinct ASAP. Sighing to myself I took a few more sips of the coffee before rinsing it out, placing the mug in the sink.

Throwing my shoes and jacket back on I headed back into the cold and towards my car, deactivating the alarm and getting in. Good thing the building was only about fifteen minutes away, I thought as I backed out of my spot. It was going on 10pm so I knew there wouldn't be any traffic out so taking the highway would be a good choice. I pulled into the parking lot and took the first spot I could find, once more getting out and into the cold night air. Shoving my hands into the jacket's pockets, I made my way to the front doors and headed inside. It seems a bit busy tonight for there were a bit more people here than usual as I made my way around and towards my office.

One of the other detectives saw me, got up from his desk rushing over to me, getting my attention. He explained to me that they have someone in custody that is a possible suspect to this evening's crime scene. As he led me to the interrogation room that the person was being held, he said that this person knew about details that the press is still not even aware yet. I ask him if he was confessing to the crime and the detective wasn't really sure about it. Approaching room number three, we stepped into the adjacent room and from behind the one-way mirror I saw two figures inside. One is sitting in a chair looking very calm, very organized, the other standing opposite of him questioning him about how he knew all that information.

My eyes immediately fell upon the one sitting down as they grew wide for I knew him from my high school days. The other detective saw my reaction and asked if I knew that person. Giving him a nod I explained that I went to school with him and that his name is Flash Sentry. The detective that was questioning him gave up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. A moment later he entered this one and mentioned that he would only talk to Sunset Shimmer, giving me a cold stare. They both looked at me and I agreed to go talk to him. Turning back to look through the mirror, my breath caught in my throat as he was looking right back at me. It felt like he knew exactly where I was standing, staring straight into my eyes. I'm not sure how long we stared at each other but I had to tear myself away from him, letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. They asked if I was alright, reassuring them that I was fine and I can handle this before leaving the room.

Taking the manila folder with me, I took a few deep breathes before entering the interrogation room. I closed the door behind me and took a seat at the metal table, resting the folder upon it. I'm not quite sure how long it's been since I've last saw him but he doesn't look much different now. It was quiet in the room for a few minutes as we just stared at each other, his face calm and collected, a glimmer of intelligence hiding behind those sapphire blue eyes. He greeted me with a hello before I went straight to the point, asking him a few basic but direct questions.

Flash seemed slightly disappointed but answered them without any trouble. It was when I brought up how he knew all those details about the crime that he suggested I take a look at what's inside the folder. I deflected and pressed him again about the information as he once again mentioned it, insisting that I take a look. Seeing how I wasn't getting anywhere with him, I opened the folder and began to skim through the pages of the report. Most of the details I already knew. But what caught my attention were the names: Mr. and Mrs. Cake, their twin children, Pound and Pumpkin. It was the last one that made me freeze. I couldn't take my eyes off of it as that gut wrenching feeling I had before suddenly had a reason to be there. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I must have read it about four or five time before it started to sink in. Pinkie Pie.

I slowly looked up at Flash and I felt sick. You know, the sick feeling you get when you're about to throw up but actually don't. His demeanor never changed as he just sat there quietly, waiting for me to say something. What could I say? One of my closest friends just got murdered not only twelve hours ago! But how could he have known all of this? It was then that he leaned forward and offered a deal. I responded by saying that I'm not authorized to make deals with criminals. That's the DA's job. My eyes went back to the page and they stayed glued to her name as he went on about how there was no evidence to prove against him. He would be released within the next day and I knew it. We couldn't hold him there on just hearsay.

I couldn't think, and could hardly breath as my vision blurred slightly. I needed to get some air so I got up, closing the folder and taking it with me. I made my way towards the door and he called out, mentioning the deal once more. He also added that he would only talk to me and no one else. I couldn't think. The visions of their bodies floated through my head as I exited the room. Pressing the folder against one of the other detectives on the case I hurriedly made my way outside, leaving my jacket in my office.

Oh God, why? It's true I haven't been in contact with my friends as much as I'd like to but this? This isn't fair. I turned and punched the wall, pain shooting up through my arm, my fingers going numb. Anger built on top of the sorrow as I punched it again and again. Turning, I sat against the wall cradling my hand to my chest as the tears flowed down my cheeks. My former partner came out to see if I was alright and helped me to my feet. He took me inside to get my hand cleaned up and bandaged before leading me to my office.

As he sat me down, he informed me that he was able to get a hold of the DA and told her of the situation. She has given me the authority to make the deal to get the confession from him. I really wasn't in the mood to see Flash again, let alone talk to him. I asked him how long can we keep him here till and he said until tomorrow afternoon. I nodded and gathered up my things, making my way towards the exit. I told him I'm going home to get some sleep and would be back tomorrow to talk to Flash. He gave me a wave in reply. Walking out of the building and back into the night's cold, I unlocked my car and quickly got into it.

My hand hurt like hell, my arm was completely numb, and I was feeling pretty exhausted on top of everything. I took my time getting home as I wasn't in that much of a rush. By the time I walked in through the door it was going on four o'clock in the morning. I just wanted sleep and my body totally agreed with me. I undressed, tossing my clothes to the floor and crawled under the warm blankets wearing nothing but a tank top and panties. It was only minutes before the warmth of my body started to make me feel better and I let the darkness slip over me.

It was almost noon when I walked back into the precinct. I felt better as a whole but my hand was a bit swollen. Even though the aspirin helped, it didn't fully take the pain away. There was nothing that could take away the pain of losing a friend. I made my way back towards the interrogation rooms and I was met with the DA there. I wonder if she was waiting on me? Probably not. I greeted her and asked how she was before she filled me in on what the plan was. I kind of already figured that part out myself but it never hurts to hear it from someone who does this for a living.

All I had to do is go in there and make the deal, get the confession and head back out. She'd take care of the rest. At least that's what was implied. Was I up for this? Not really. Did I have a choice? No. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, closed it behind me and stepped over to the medium sized metal table. Flash's look still hadn't changed since last night. There was just something about him that didn't feel right to me. Let's just get this over with, okay?

I told him that the deal is on, as long as we get a confession. He confirmed the deal with me that it was for his own cell but not in solitary. I nodded and told him that the DA is handling that part. Flash sat back in the chair, his cuffed hands resting calmly in his lap. I asked him if he was the one that murdered the Cakes and Pinkamena Diane Pie. He repeated what I said adding that it was him that committed the crime. I said I needed specifics, not just that he did it. He leaned forward, resting his hands on the cool table and looked me in the eyes.

My eyes grew wide when he started to explain, in full detail, that he began with the children. Taking wire cutters to their fingers and toes before using a hacksaw to remove each of their arms and legs. Next he went after the parents, a hatchet was used to dismember their bodies, slowly and painfully. Finally he began to relate how he took apart Pinkie and I had to stop him. I couldn't take it anymore and I got up, glaring at him, knowing that he'll be put away the rest of his life if not to death.

His eyes followed me as I moved around the chair and he asked me what was going to happen next. This part was easy. I explained that we have enough on him to put him away for good. I turned and headed for the door and that's when he called out to me saying he had another confession. With another confession comes another deal. There was nothing else he could say as I reached for the door knob. Then he said her name and I froze. My hand holding the knob but unable to turn it. Twilight Sparkle.

I knew he wasn't talking about the one I used to care deeply for but it was the name that flooded my head with the memories. I half turned and stared at him from across the room. He was sitting back in the chair, his face still cool, collected as his eyes once again sparkled like he knew something I didn't. The deal was that he wanted lunch with all the trimmings from his favorite restaurant by 2pm sharp tomorrow. That was it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and walked out of the room, pulling out my cell phone. I dialed Twilight's number, this world's Twilight, and listened to it ring until her voicemail picked up.

Hanging up I tried again and again with no answer still. I walked into the adjacent room and asked if anyone could get a hold of her. It was only moments before one of the girls got back to me saying that the dean of the university where she worked reported her missing about a week ago now. My eyes turned towards the window as Flash seemed to be once again looking right at me. We heard him repeat that he wanted it no later than two o'clock sharp a few times before falling silent, looking straight ahead.