> Demonic Ascension > by timemaster40 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Human’s Last Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ugh, how did my friends convince me to come to a costume party? I hate dressing up and yet somehow they convinced me to do it. Still I can put up with a little annoyance as long as I can get some free food. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to find a black cloak or a faceless mask for this thing. All I found in the bargain bin was this red and black cloak I'm wearing. Still I can claim that I’m a mage at least. It’s just too bad that I didn’t find any cheap staffs that I could use to finish the costume. Meh, I don’t really care. Right now I’m more interested in watching everyone else party. Maybe I should just head home? Oh right, I have to be the designated driver for my stupid friends. Sigh, all the food in the world isn’t enough for me now. Well I guess it’s time to pull out my phone and surf the web. “Hey there! What are you up to?” A preppy female voice distracts me from paying attention to my phone’s screen. Looking up I see a young woman wearing a Bulma costume. And while the hair would have given me a clue the fact the costume has Bulma’s name on the pink short dress just clinches it. “I’m being bored.” I tell her before going back to looking at my phone. “How can you be bored here? It’s so lively!” Ugh, I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. I’d hoped that going back to looking at my phone would make her leave but I guess not considering she's just hovering right at the edge of my vision. Sigh, I guess I have to answer her. “I don’t like parties like this. They’re not my thing.” I don’t really like any big party but saying that out loud will just make her begin to espouse the benefits of parties. Or she’ll just annoy me all night trying to get me active. Either way I wouldn’t like it. “Don’t be such a kill joy. Besides, how can you not like parties? Parties are fun. So, what are you dressed up as?” What is with this girl? One second she’s complaining about me not liking parties and the next she’s trying to figure out what I’m wearing. “I’m a mage.” I say with a bit of annoyance present in my voice. Please take the subtle clue and leave. Please. “What type of mage doesn’t have a staff?” That’s what she cares about when it comes to my costume? Not the fact it’s pretty obvious that I bought it last minute. Or how anyone can tell I don’t care about it or being here. “I couldn’t find any when I was shopping for my costume.” Of course, I bought this costume last minute so it’s no wonder I couldn’t find anything. I also didn’t look very hard since I only went to one place. “Couldn’t you have just picked up a big stick or something? Or you could have used a baseball bat!” “I don’t live near any trees that have sticks that are large enough. And I don’t have any baseball bats at home.” Well there is that aluminum bat. Or did I donate it years ago? I honestly don’t remember. As for sticks, well the only long ones around my place are palm fronds and making that into a staff would be to annoying to attempt. “Well couldn’t you have used a small stick and said it was a wand?” Please leave. I'm trying to get you to leave by glaring at you but it's not working. “I didn’t really care enough to go through the effort of making something. Even something as simple as a wand out of a stick.” “How could you not care about your costume like that?” She actually sounds scandalized about that while she continues to smile at me. Heh, that's hilarious. “I don’t like dressing up.” I deadpan at her. Though even then she doesn’t stop smiling. “Aww. Well even though you’re boring, today’s your lucky day! My friend was going to dress up as a mage as well but he wasn’t able to come tonight.” “So?” I ask as sarcastically as I can. “So…he left his staff at my place yesterday and I brought it with me before I found out he wasn’t going to be here. I have it in my car right now if you want it.” “You’re just giving it to me?” “Sure! I don’t have any use for it and you can use it to finish up your costume. It may even get you into the spirit of things.” “Well, if you really want to give it to me I guess I could accept it. But will you want it back at the end of the night? I’d feel bad about taking it from your friend without his permission.” I guess accepting this will hopefully get this girl off my back so I can go back to doing nothing. Well unless she wants to dance with me after this. Who knows, she may be more interesting than her preppy personality shows. She is wearing a young Bulma costume so she probably at least knows about Dragon Ball. Hmm, this could actually be fun. “Don’t worry about it! We’ll deal with that later.” As she says she smiles wider before she begins heading towards the door and beckoning me to follow her outside. Sigh, I did agree to this and I guess I could get a dance out of this. So with some reluctance I get up and follow her outside. As I step over a passed out partier, and really someone should bring him inside and put him on a couch or something, I then make my way down the uneven driveway. And by the time I make it to her new looking car, and I can’t make out a make or model but I’ve never been good at that, she’s already rummaging around in the backseat of her car which is covered in junk. And I can tell that even from my position behind her while standing in the dark. Still she eventually finds what she’s looking for since she pulls out a long staff from the backseat. Actually, I’m surprised that fit back there with all the junk. But that’s not the only strange thing I notice. The staff itself doesn’t really look like something that I’d consider a magic user using. It doesn’t have any gems wither on the tip or embedded in the staff. It also doesn’t have any runes carved on it. Actually, the only magical ornaments I can see are the tips which look like they’re made of gold. And they’re pointed for some reason. Though as she hands it to me I can get a better look at the staff and besides the gold pointed tips the staff looks like it’s made of wood. But as I take it out of her hands I’m surprised by how heavy it is. In fact, I think there’s actually a metal core inside the wooden shaft. Huh, what type of mage would use a staff like this? Still, this is way beyond what I expected. “I can’t accept this.” I tell her while holding the staff out to potentially hand it back to her. This thing must have cost a lot of money and there’s no way I can take it. Especially without a way to give it back after the night is over. “Sure you can! It’s more useful to you than it is to me. Now let’s get back to the party and have some fun!” As she says that she immediately locks her car and rushes back to the party. And she left without me. Sigh, I guess I’m not going to be able to talk to her about this staff yet. Ugh, I don’t like this. This staff is way too expensive to just give out to a random person she just met. Plus, it’s not ever her staff. I guess I can just keep a close eye on her tonight and if she looks like she’s going to leave early I can just give it to her. Or if I can convince my friends to leave early I can give it to her before I go. Yeah, that’s a good plan. Now I just need to make it back to the party, so I begin the trek back to the front door. Why is this driveway so dark anyway? Meh, I’ll be fine. I have pretty good balance. And even though it’s dark it’s not that dark. Unfortunately, I don’t notice a slight crack in the driveway as I head back up to the house. A crack that has pushed up enough of the driveway for me to trip on. “Shit!” I scream as I begin to fall. Though as I try to stop my fall I run into a big problem. Mainly that I didn’t account for my new staff. And because of that I slam hard into the pavement. Ugh, I feel horrible. Actually, am I bleeding? I try and move my arm but I find my arms aren’t obeying my commands. And, oh god, I…I think my vision is starting to go dark. I just hope I didn’t split my head open when I hit the ground. And unfortunately all I can do right now is hope that someone sees me passed out here and helps me inside. Ugh, but based on what I’ve seen I don’t really have much faith in…in… > Waking Up with a New Body in a New Land > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When did asphalt begin to feel like grass? Wait, I’m lying face down in grass? Why am I doing that? Last I remember I fell headfirst into the driveway of the house that the stupid costume party was at. And I remember my head hurting a lot more than it’s doing right now. Though I am feeling some weird pinching from my chest so I try and roll onto my back to relieve that. Ah, much better. Though now I’m getting a face full of sunlight. Ugh, who moves someone with a potential concussion onto grass? Sigh, I better get up. Well, if I can. Though as I begin to move my right hand I notice it’s still clutching the staff I got last night. Huh, I’m surprised that no one stole it while I was out of it. Still I slowly open my eyes and see that I’m actually surrounded by several trees. Huh, could they have dragged me into the backyard of the house since I know that there were no tress in the front yard. I should worry about that later. For now, I need to stand up so I slowly leverage myself into a sitting position using my hands after I let go of the staff. Though as I do I notice what that pinching feeling was. I have breasts now. Like real breasts. Huh… “Ahhh! What the hell happened!” I scream as the shock wears off. And not only do I have breasts but my clothes are different. I’m not wearing my red and black cloak anymore. Instead I appear to be wearing some kind of skintight red bodysuit with black accents and a window under my breasts that I can feel exposing part of my stomach. And it looks like I’m wearing red high heels. And…and is that my hand? The skin is blue! And I have sharp red nails. And they don’t look like they’re painted. What am I? Huh? Is that my hair? It’s white? I slowly reach up to my head and pull some of my new white hair in front of my face. Though as I do I feel it pull against something that seems to be attached to the back and sides of my head. Something that I quickly take off and find to be a golden symbol that somehow attaches to my head. Huh, if I could make the symbol flat it would look like the infinity symbol. Weird. Okay, I need to focus. The first thing I need to do is stand up and start figuring out where I am. To that end I put the gold symbol back onto my head, and it still attaches somehow, before I try to stand up. First I get onto my knees and then I slowly stand up. And when I’m up I figure out that I may be a woman wearing high heels, but I have no idea how to stand in them. And because of that I immediately fall back onto the ground. Though at least this time I just fall on my side instead of my head. Huh, that didn’t hurt. I guess I’m more durable in my new body. Still I can’t have that happening again so I take off my heels and stand back up. This time without falling at all. Cool. Okay, now what? Ugh, why didn’t I ever learn any survival skills? They would be so useful right now. Though before I start moving I look back down at the staff. I better take it with me. It could be useful as a spear at the least. So as I pick it up with my right hand I find that it seems to weigh a lot less than it used to. Did it lose mass or did I become stronger? Well considering my body seems more durable I’m going to assume I’m stronger as well. Okay, let’s take stock here. I have my staff in one hand and my heels in the other. I also seem to be a blue woman with white hair in a skintight red and black bodysuit. Oh, and I just noticed that I appear to have some kind of skirt attached to my bodysuit that doesn’t cover the front of my body for some reason. Well today can’t get any weird… *Roar!* I shouldn’t have taunted fate. I really shouldn’t have. As I turn towards the source of the roar I see an animal that seems to be a lion with a scorpion tail and bat wings that’s heading right for me. Quickly I turn back the way I was facing and run away from it as fast as I can. There is no way I can fight that thing. I don’t care how strong or durable I am now, I have no idea how to fight. Though my awesome coward strategy doesn’t seem to work since I can still hear it chasing me. Shit. What the hell is happening? I thought I was just having a bad day but it just seems to keep getting worse. What’s next? Maybe I find myself running right to a ravine. Oh please don’t let this direction lead me to a ravine. Still as I run I find I’m not tiring out as quickly as I should. Hell, that thing should have easily caught up to me. I guess this is another advantage of my new body. Though I think I’d prefer my real body and not this one if I had a choice. Especially if that choice would also have it so that I would be home and not being chased by this crazy monster. Ah! The trees are clearing up. I think I’m getting to the edge of this wooded area. Unfortunately, as I pass through the last line of trees I’m greeted with a dead end. Thankfully it’s not a ravine. It’s a sheer cliff. Sigh, what did I do to deserve this? I was a good person. But I guess I’m going to be food for some trumped up lion. Well with nothing left to lose, I turn back around and drop my heels before holding my staff like a spear. “Come and get me! I’ll make sure you have to work to eat me!” I shout at it as it slows down now that it has me trapped. It also looks like it wants to extend this execution considering I swear I can see some intelligence behind its eyes. And I mean real intelligence not animal intelligence. And even though I’m watching it I’m caught off guard when it lunges at me. Wait, is…is it moving slower than it should? No I can’t worry about that right now. I need to take advantage of this. Moving as fast as I can I dodge the first lunge and then I try to spear it with my staff. And I get a nice wound in the things side for my trouble. Unfortunately, it reacts by spreading its wings and tossing me away from its side. Thankfully I made sure to keep a solid grip on my staff as I sail away from the thing which begins roaring in pain. But I can’t take advantage of that since I don’t land cleanly and I tumble a bit. A tumble that’s going to cost me my life since the monster is now heading right for me. Well I had an okay life. I’d have liked it if I could have lived a bit longer but I suppose it’s my time to die. If only I died of something that wasn’t going to be as painful as a mauling. I’d prefer almost anything else really. *Zap!* Huh? The monster just stopped moving closer to me as a bright blue blast of energy just hit the ground between us. “Back! Back to the forest manticore! You shall not kill anybeing here today!” An older male voice shouts out from behind me. Well behind me and closer to the tree line to my right. Though it looks like the manticore isn’t going to follow the man’s instructions since it almost immediately tries to eat me again. But this time I’m so scared I can’t even move even though I can still see that the manticore is moving slowly. I…I’m terrified. Terrified enough that I close my eyes as I put my hands up to protect myself. And I know that putting my hands up is just a futile gesture but… *Boom! Crash!* Huh? What was that? It felt like my hands warmed up for a second before I heard the boom. Slowly I open up my eyes and I see that the manticore has been blown almost fifty feet away. In fact, it looks like it had a bad landing since one of its wings is bent at an unnatural angle and I think it’s limping now. Though that seems to convince it that it can find easier prey elsewhere since it takes one last look at me before limping back into the forest. And as it does I hear weird footsteps coming up behind me. I don’t know what exactly is wrong with those footsteps but they just seem to be too fast for someone who sounded as old as that guy did. “Amazing. I didn’t realize you could use magic.” The male voice says in what sounds like curiosity. “Magic? I have no idea what just happened. I have no idea where I am. I have no idea what’s going on.” I tell the voice though I can hear some fear and confusion in my voice. Still even as scared as I am, I turn my head to see the man who helped me so I can thank him for his help. Only it’s not a man. It’s a tiny grey unicorn with a short white beard wearing a stupid looking hat that has stars and bells on it. “Fascinating. I’ve never seen a creature like you before. Especially not one who had a magic surge to protect themselves from danger. Still, I’m being rude. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Star Swirl, Magical Advisor to King Rhodium of the Unicorns.” “Ah, I’m…I’m…I…I don’t remember. No wait, my name is…Towa? That doesn’t sound right but that’s all I can remember as my name.” As I realize that I can’t even remember my name I feel a few tears begin to slip down my face. “Memory loss? Oh dear. This could be serious.” As he says that a glowing blue aura appears around me before I’m lifted form the ground. And as I’m lifted I notice that both my staff and my heels, which I had completely forgotten about, join me in the air. “What’s going on?” I ask as I begin to move ahead of Star Swirl who begins cantering off back towards the direction he came from. “I have a feeling that you’ve suffered magic related memory loss, probably from a magic surge, followed immediately after by another magic surge. This could be serious Towa. I need to bring you back to my home so that I can examine you to make sure nothing else has affected you.” I’m glad that he sounds confident about this because I don’t feel that way right now. So, I just decide to hang there in the air cradled by his magic as he moves me through the air. And now I can use this time to have an existential crisis about why I think my name is Towa there’s something else on my mind. Mainly that the name Star Swirl seems familiar. Especially when connected with a small unicorn. A unicorn…pony. Oh you have got to be kidding me. I’d almost enjoy going back to that existential crisis now. Please brain, can you go back to that one? Please? > What Am I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I still can’t believe that Star Swirl carried me all the way back to his humble cottage on the edge of the Unicorn Woods, which is apparently the name of the forest I woke up in. Though the best part was when I mentioned how stupid the name was to him and he just sighed before telling me that it was named by an arrogant noble who owned the forest and the land around it. He apparently ran afoul of one of the myriad of monsters that calls the forest home. Still the fact that Star Swirl could carry me and my staff all the way to his house without a break is impressive. I doubt I’m light in my new body and I know my staff is pretty heavy. But he did it. And as soon as he opened the door he pulled a cot out of a nearby room with his magic and plopped me on top of it before telling me to lie down and stay still. He also propped my staff up against the wall near the door and then went over to a nearby desk and pulled out some paper, or at least something that looks like paper, as well as some quills and an ink pot. He also pulled out a plank of wood that he put his paper on before he turned to me and began casting a bunch of different magic spells at me. And after the first few dozen spells I stopped paying attention. Instead I tried to remember as much of my life as I could. And while I could remember a lot of facts about both science and fiction I can barely remember anything else. Like anything related to my friends and family. I don’t like this. Will I forget more things the longer I’m here? Can I even recover my missing memories if I get back my real body? Is it even my real body or is it just a hallucination brought on by my memory loss? No! I have memories. I remember them. They’re just…fragmented. But they’re there! I still remember what I learned in school. Like my Calculus and Physics courses, thought I don’t know how useful Physics will be in this world considering all the magic. And speaking of this world, I remember all about how Twilight Sparkle and her friends awaken the Elements of Harmony and save Equestria. But if I remember all that, why can’t I remember my family? Why am I in this body? Why… “I’m done.” Star Swirl announces casing me to break out of my self-destructive thoughts and look at him. Though as I do I notice that it’s a lot darker outside the window. In fact, it looks like it’s night now. How long was I laying here letting him examine me? I mean sure it looked like it was after noon when he brought me into the cottage but this seems ridiculous. “What did you find?” I ask him as I start to sit up on the cot while he puts his papers onto his table and trots over to a bucket in the corner of the room. “Well Towa, you do seem to be suffering from a magic induced amnesia. Luckily, or unluckily depending on your point of view, your body is already healing from it.” When he says my name, or the only name I know, I can’t help but shiver. I know that’s not my name but I can’t think of what it should be. Still he doesn’t notice my discomfort since he’s not looking at me since he’s currently putting a wooden cup into the bucket. And as he pulls it out I see some water fall out from it. “What do you mean unluckily?” I ask him as he levitates the cup over to me. And when I see the water inside it I realize how thirsty I am. And due to my massive thirst, I quickly take the cup and start drinking the fresh water in it. Ah, this hits the spot. “You may never recover your memories due to it. Though considering what you are I’m surprised to see this happening. I can only assume that the magic surges you experienced did more damage to your body than it can heal easily.” I almost drop my cup when he says I’ll never recover my memories. Wait, he said I may never recover my memories. I just have to have some faith that I’ll eventually recover them. Wait, he knows what I am now? “What am I?” I ask him as I finish off the water and put the cup down. Though I could probably use a bit more water later. “Hmm? Oh, you’re a demon. Though I’ve never heard or read about any demons like you. It’s quite amazing actually.” How does someone react to finding out they’re a demon? I don’t think I’m doing it right since I just can’t feel anything. “I’m a demon? But I don’t feel like a demon.” I don’t really feel any different. Well besides being a woman now. And I guess I’m stronger and more durable but nothing about me really screams demon to me. I mean, where are my horns? “Well I wouldn’t know anything about that, but my spells don’t lie. You’re a demon.” How blunt. I wonder if this is how he always is. “If that’s the case, why aren’t you terrified to be around me? I mean, I’m evil aren’t I?” As far as I know all demons are evil. And while I don’t feel evil, would I even notice if I am? Could I already be evil and not realize it? “Why would I be terrified of you? You may be a demon but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a living being who needs my help. And I haven’t seen any sign that you’re evil. Admittedly, we haven’t spent much time together. But in that time, all I’ve seen is a scared being who suffered some kind of trauma that I may be able to heal.” I don’t know what to say. Would a human do the same thing in this situation? I’d hope so. “I…” “Besides, I wish to finish examining your unique magic. From what I’ve seen you have the potential to be one of the, if not the, strongest magic user on the planet. And that’s not even mentioning that magic that you used against the manticore. I have no idea what it was and I’d like to find out.” And there goes all my good feelings for Star Swirl. I guess he’s not as altruistic as I thought he was. “So…I’m nothing more than an experiment for you?” I ask him with an undercurrent of hostility in my voice. “What? No no no. Why would you think that? Sure you’re an interesting specimen, but I’m more concerned about your health. And your potential. But mostly your health.” Though as he says that he levitates some of his notes off his desk and begins to read them again. “You don’t really fill me with a lot of confidence here Star Swirl.” I tell him as I watch even more notes levitate over to him. “Why? Did I say something wrong again? I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. I’ve been told in the past that I sometimes say the wrong thing. Especially when it comes to magic.” I have to give him some credit. He did lower his notes and make eye contact with me as he apologized. Even if his apology is a little halfhearted. “I guess I can forgive you.” Especially since I have nowhere else to go and he’s the only person, err pony, I know on this planet. “Good. Now why don’t you get some sleep and we can start your tutoring tomorrow.” Huh? What’s he talking about? “Tutoring?” “Of course! I see it as my duty to teach you everything you need to know about both magic and the world around you. Now, you should have a bit more water and then head straight to bed. Tomorrow we’re going to covering a lot of core concepts.” As he says that he picks up his notes again while also refilling my cup with some more water before floating it back to me. “If you say so.” I say to him as I begin to slowly drink the water he gave to me. “I do. Now I need to review all these results and get some sleep myself. Good night Towa.” Ugh, I still don’t like that name but I guess I’m going to have to live with it. “Good night Star Swirl.” I tell him as he trots out of the room into the one he pulled the cot from while snuffing all the candles in this room using his magic. And while he doesn’t acknowledge what I said I’m sure he heard me. Still as the door closes I lay back down on the cot and look at what little I can see of the ceiling in the moonlight. I don’t know what to think about this. I’m trapped in the past of a fictional world and I’m now a demon. And not only that, but I’m going to start learning magic from a unicorn wizard as if this day couldn’t get any more surreal. Ugh, maybe sleep will help. It certainly can’t hurt. Maybe everything will make more sense tomorrow. Though I heavily doubt that. Still I shouldn’t give up all my optimism. I’m still alive after all. I just need to take this one day at a time. > Settling In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I sit on the cot that Star Swirl gave me to sleep on in the main room of his house I decide to look outside a nearby window. And while watching the leaves on nearby trees wave in the wind I can’t help but sigh. It’s been a month since I ended up here in Equestria in a new body and I still have no idea how to react. Should I be mad? Or scared? Or…or something? I just don’t know. Maybe I’m still in shock from all this. Or maybe I just don’t have the same emotions I used to have since I’m a demon now. Or maybe I need a shower since I’m beginning to smell from a month of learning magic and not much else. Wait, they won’t have showers here so I guess I need a bath. But even then, that would mean that I’ll need to undress… “Ugh.” I quietly say while leaning back and putting my face in my hands. “Towa! You’re sounding extra depressed today. What’s wrong?” Star Swirl asks from his position at the small desk he keeps in this room. I guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought considering he heard me while he’s working on that stupid potion he was telling me about yesterday. “I’m sorry Star Swirl. I was just thinking on my lot in life right now.” “What’s there to think about? You survived a massive magical surge and came out with some memory loss. Considering how powerful you are you could have easily exploded. Or imploded. Or…” Ugh, I’ve heard all of this before from him. And I really don’t need to hear how all my organs could disappear while I’m still alive and in extreme pain. Once was enough and I’m just glad that hearing about that potential fate didn’t give me nightmares. “I get it you annoying stallion.” Honestly, I respect the unicorn but his bedside manner sucks. “Ha! See you’re already feeling better. All you need to do is think of the bright side of things. Now would you mind getting me the oak leaves in my pantry?” Even though I know that he can eat leaves I still find it strange. Actually, I haven’t really felt hungry since I changed. And I’ve been eating whatever he gives me. Have I been eating things that would have killed me as a human and not noticed? “Oak leaves? What for?” I ask as I get up and slip on my heels. Though as I do I begin to lose my balance. Thankfully I can lean up against the wall to steady myself. And once I’ve restored my balance I begin to slowly walk into the kitchen. “I need them to help balance out the manticore venom in this potion I’m making. With both poisons together, my potion should be able to heal a rare form of stomach affliction. Or it’ll kill any pony who ingests it. I’m not sure exactly what’ll happen yet which is why I need to make the potion so I can test it thoroughly.” As he says that I successfully make it to the kitchen and open the pantry. “Wait, oak leaves are poisonous? Then why do you have them in the pantry?” I ask him as I begin trying to find the properly labeled jar. “Hmm? For potions of course. Where else would I keep my ingredients?” I can’t see him but I’m sure he’d be looking at me as if I asked a stupid question. “A separate potion ingredient cabinet so you won’t poison yourself accidentally.” Ah, there’s the jar. A simple ceramic jar which looks identical to all the other jars in this pantry except for the fact that it has the words oak leaves painted on the side. And I still can’t believe I can read and write the unicorn language. Star Swirl thinks it’s some demon ability of mine and I can’t really discount that since I have no idea what natural abilities my body has. “Where would I put a separate cabinet? Besides I know where all my ingredients are so it’s not like I’ll poison myself.” Star Swirl self-assuredly says as I pull the jar out and start walking back to the main room so I can give it to him. “If you say…eep!” I slip in my heels just as I cleared the threshold into the main room. And as I slip I accidentally let go of the jar which goes flying into the air. Thankfully I don’t hit the floor since Star Swirl catches me with his telekinesis. And it looks like he caught the jar as well. “Thanks for the leaves Towa. Though I have to ask, why do you wear those crazy shoes of yours? You’re always tripping while you wear them. And if it wasn’t for your demonic physiology I’m sure you’ve have broken something. Or at the very least strained something.” As he says that he uses his magic to lean me against a wall before he releases me from his telekinetic hold. “These are the only shoes I have Star Swirl. And while I could go around barefoot, I just feel better wearing them. They remind me of home.” And I can’t help but find it sad that heels remind me of home. But they’re the only part of my clothes or body that don’t scream demon. Even if they’re blood red and shiny. “And the constant tripping?” He asks as he mixes up his potion while reading from some notes. “…I’ve never worn shoes like these before so I have to learn how to walk in them through trial and error.” I shyly admit as I slowly walk up behind him. “Bah! Just go around without them. It’s not like it’ll hurt you.” Star Swirl says dismissively. “I’m getting better at walking in my heels Star Swirl. I just need more practice.” I say slightly petulantly. Ugh, I sound like a child. “I suppose I can’t fault you for wanting to practice. And speaking of practice, how’s your elemental magic coming along?” He asks as he puts his potion on an enchanted stone that will heat it up. It’s still surprising that he doesn’t use an open flame for that but he told me he likes using his enchanted stones to heat things up. Something about the enchantment giving him more control over the heat. “I’m getting better at water and wind manipulation. But I was wondering, is it normal for someone to pick up magic as quickly as I’ve been doing it? I mean, I learned telekinesis in an afternoon. And even though you taught me elemental magic last week I’ve already moved onto journeyman level fire and earth spells.” I think he can hear the worry in my voice since he actually turns around to talk to me face to face. “It helps that I insist on you learning the theory behind any magic I teach you first. Still I wouldn’t worry about the speed you’re learning magic at. Part of your quick learning curve is from how powerful you are. As for the rest, well it’s likely that you used to know magic like what I’m teaching you before your amnesia. And because of that your magic already knows how to properly shape itself for the spells you’ve been learning.” I guess that makes some sense from his perspective. But the problem with his theory is that I never knew any magic as a human. Though I guess my body may have known some. I may even have some instinctive magic since I'm a demon. I was able to use that magic blast, or whatever it was, to defend myself from that manticore. Though I should probably put my musings aside since I think something’s wrong with his potion. It’s starting to aggressively boil while turning yellow. “If you say so. Um, Star Swirl?” “Yes?” “Is your potion supposed to be turning yellow and boiling that much?” “Yellow? No, no it’s not. It’s supposed to turn violet if my theory is right. If it’s turning yellow that means that the manticore venom is overpower…” *Boom* “…ing the oak. Hmm, I’ll need to decrease the amount of manticore venom next time. And it looks like I’m going to have to replace my potions set. Darn, this is the eighth time this year.” As he says that both of us, and most of the room, are covered in a slightly warm yellow gunk. A yellow gunk that smells horrible. “Is this poisonous Star Swirl?” I ask as I wipe the surprisingly cold gunk off my face. “Hmm? Well it should be considering how much manticore venom is in it. Oh dear, we better get cleaned up as soon as we can.” As he says he casts a spell at a nearby mob and bucket which begin moving on their own to clean up the room. “And how do you plan to do that?” I ask while happily finding out that my clothes protected most of my body from touching this gunk. If only my clothes provided protection for all of my body. I don’t really like the feelings I’m getting from my midsection. “One second…” as he says that his horn glows again and the two of us are covered in in a bright light. When it disappears, we’re no longer covered in the gunk. Though as I hold my hand near my face I can still smell it on me. “…there we go! Though we should probably go take a bath in the manticore’s lake. It’s been about two months since my last one and you don’t exactly smell that good yourself.” The manticore’s lake? What is he talking…wait, did he just insult me? “Are you saying I smell?” I say with an undercurrent of malice. Huh, since when do I care about such things enough to threaten someone? “Well, you haven’t bathed or changed your clothes since I took you in.” He says in a confused voice. “Then why haven’t you said anything about that until now? I mean, you just admitted to not bathing for two months.” I can’t help that coming out defensively. I just don’t understand why I care about my appearance right now. “I know some spells that allow me to extend the time between my baths. Now let’s go before it gets too late.” And then the annoying stallion begins walking for the door completely forgetting about how I’m a demon who doesn’t want to be seen by his neighbors. And while they may be far away they’re close enough to check up on him every so often. “Star Swirl, do you honestly expect me to go walking outside?” I ask him while I levitate my staff over to me. Hopefully I can use it as a cane if I need it. Or I could just take off my heels. That may be a better idea. “Oh. Heh, I completely forgot about that. I’ll just teleport us there.” What! I still need to take my heels off. And you seem to have forgotten to bring soap and towels for us. “Wa…it.” Before I can even finish I’m blinded by a burst of light and a popping sound. And when it fades we’re no longer in Star Swirl’s house. Instead we’re surrounded by trees and in front of us is a big crystal clear lake. And while I’m surprised at how quickly he teleported us, I can’t help but be exasperated by his cavalier attitude. Well, at least I don’t feel that bad from the teleportation. I was kinda expecting some nausea or something. But as good as I feel, I better remind my absent-minded companion of what he forgot. “As amazing as your skills with teleportation are Star Swirl, you forgot to bring soap and towels along for the ride. Unless you plan to materialize them out of thin air or something.” “…Darn! Why do I always forget the soap and towels? Well at least this time I don’t have to teleport back to my house wet. I’ll be right back Towa. Stay here.” And there he goes popping away again. Sigh, that unicorn may be intelligent but he can still be an idiot at times. Really, how many times can you forget soap while bathing? Still with him gone I can start getting ready for my bath. Well first thing first, I better take off my heels. There’s no way I’ll be able to walk with them around here. Besides, I need them off for when I need to take…off…my…clothes. And how do I even do that? *Growl* What was that? Panicking a bit, I look toward the source of the growl and I see a massive manticore sunning itself on a rock that overlooks the lake. And it’s looking right at me. Huh, I guess that’s why Star Swirl called this place the manticore’s lake. But even with that figured out I keep staring at it. Should…should I run? I mean it’s not moving. Though maybe that just means it wants a chase. Like a cat chasing a mouse. Thankfully before I can start running I’m blinded by another flash of teleportation and Star Swirl reappears. This time he has a bar of soap and some towels floating next to his body. “I’m back Towa! Did you miss…are you okay? You seem a little pale. Well pale for you.” Ha ha ha, Star Swirl. Let’s see you not turning pale when a massive manticore is staring you down. “Star…Star Swirl? Do…do you see that manticore over there?” As I say that I point at the sunning manticore. And it snorts at me. Gulp. “Hmm? Oh, don’t worry about him. This lake is his territory but he lets other creatures use it as they see fit. Well, as long as they don’t start anything. Now come on, we shouldn’t be wasting daylight when we could be bathing.” With that he begins trotting down to the shore. “Wait up!” I call as I pick up my heels and follow him. Well I guess it’s time to find out how to get out of my clothes. Though I’m keeping my eye on that manticore while I’m here just in case it decides to do something considering the last time I met a manticore. And if he does I’ll be ready for it.