> Soul Eater: Soul Goes to Equestria? > by Shadowflash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Soul and Maka: Why Does Jack Come Back? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul and Maka: Why Does Jack Come Back? A/N: The first chapter and second chapter DOES NOT contain ponies. This story does contain ponies, or else it would fail moderation. The first three chapters allow backstory and make sure you understand the characters. Please do not auto dislike based on the fact that this chapter does not have ponies. Be realistic and read onward. You will enjoy this story. I promise. Soul and Maka: Why does Jack come back? City. Such an impressive word it is. Its meaning has taken various roles throughout the world. A large town of collective people who build the betterment of society is the best that we see fit. But this city is much more ... Extravagant. The city in question is called Death City. The city is dark and gloomy in appearance, a pile of various identical-looking buildings with white walls and red roofs in the middle of the deserts of Nevada, with the buildings resembling those of European origin from the 1800's. However, seeing the city from within it, it is actually a rather lively city rich in atmosphere and culture. The cobbled streets are long and winding (and often maze-like), with lots of stairs, twists and turns. The occasional Shinigami mask structure is shown above the buildings. Right at the top of the 'pile' of buildings is the Death Weapon Meister Academy. A single long highway leads out of the city. Its appearance also seems to resemble the settings seen in Tim Burton and David Lynch films. Unlike the real world, the Sun and the Moon that appear over the city (and in the rest of the world in fact) have faces and can usually be seen grinning or chuckling. Although invisible to most, Shinigami's soul is seen surrounding the city like a force field. Overall, it is a strange-looking city. However it is also the place where many 'characters' call their home. But today or tonight; however, was going to be different. Within this city, as the night sky overheads the integrity of the metropolitan, there lays an alleyway that glimmers with only the chuckling moonlight as the cobblestone walls are greased with a thick, green, moss. There lay many garbage bins along the cobble-corridor, and are littered with filth such as rats, chewing away at the sickening garbage. There is only one lantern, dimly lighting up the eerie-way, and there is a snarling sound echoing within the alley. It bellows, and it increases. The sound of saliva drips from the growls and phlegm seems to hack out of the origins of said sound. The thing or 'creature' that is emanating this sound is standing over a woman, licking the lips under the mask that hides its hideous face. It's build is monster-like with an elongated body accompanied by disproportionately long skinny arms and legs, and a strangely profound pot-belly. It stands in a crouched position, similar to a predatory animal and has a line of small bumps in his skin going down his spine. The 'monster' has grey skin and wears a strange-looking outfit similar to that of bondage gear, made up of a few scant straps going across his torso and waist. On the strap around its waist, a black jagged shadow-like plume is attached to either side of his waist. The monster's face is obscured by a mask that looks like it is stitched onto his face, with a pointed conical orange nose, dark angry-looking eyeholes (with one eye more narrow than the other) and a wide mouth with razor sharp teeth, complimented with a long drooling tongue, and the ends of its mouth appear to be stitched. It is shown that its eyes glow red at some intervals. The beast has a strange-looking symbol on his forehead and has a tuft of wild black hair on each side of his head; as well as a long lock of hair hanging down on both sides of his face. The most prominent feature of this disgraceful oddity is its hands that seem completely replaced by mechanical claw-like appendages. Each metal hand has five long razor-sharp blades that he uses as his primary weapon. These metal hands are attached to thin metal bars that run along his arms and connect to a metal ring around his neck. It truly is a monster, and is be feared by many. The woman underneath it is clearly displaying the fear of the atrocity is capable of instilling; by quivering and sobbing. The beast grinds its claws against the cobble, making sparks rise and fall. It raises them a few feet in the air, ready to swing, when a voice calls out to it. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The beast stops, as the woman underneath it runs away. It turns to face its new victim to only be met by a boy who is sitting on a case of cobble-stairs. The boy has white hair swept to one side, and red eyes. He naturally sports a lazy, droopy, and somewhat uninterested expression on his face. The boy wears a yellow and black jacket with buttons going down the front. Around his head is a prominent sweatband that has a sticker with the word 'SOUL' on it and a round logo featuring a red-lipped mouth bearing pointed fangs surrounded with the letters 'E-A-T.' He wears a pair of maroon pants, and yellow and black sneakers with a pattern on the soles resembling fanged-teeth. "Hsssss!", The creature responds to the boy, and the boy retorts with a laugh, standing up on the stairs. A girl then appears from behind him with a look of determination on her face. She is fairly petite, being about twelve to thirteen years of age. Her primary outfit is a typical schoolgirl outfit and a trench coat with a cloak-like end, a white blouse with a yellow sweater vest, a red plaid skirt, and black boots with white buckles. Her hair is ash blonde and in pigtails and she has large olive green eyes. "Jack the Ripper. Didn't think someone else would take that name", she laughs along with the boy next to her. "My name is to honour him. I will honour Jack. The beautiful murderer!", 'Jack the Ripper' yells with a growl in his voice, as phlegm seems to spit out from a small hole in his mask. "Funny... We'll see about that, and how your soul enjoys the depths of his stomach. Soul?", the girl looks to the boy named 'Soul', and he nods. "Let's do this, Maka." He puts a fang-like grin on his face as his body glows blue for a moment, and turns into something else. His body morphs into a large scythe with a red and black teeth-like design on the blade. At the top, near the back of the scythe's blade is an eyeball with a white colour to its cornea, red to its iris and a regular black pupil. The rest of the scythe is a silver-steel like coloured pole (and most likely a steel material), in which is held in the hands of Maka. Jack the Ripper hisses from below and grinds his talons against the ground, running up the stairs. He immediately slices at Maka in which she jumps back. The metal claws just miss her as she grinds her feet against the cobblestone ground. Maka grins, and watches Jack forward himself, flailing his right arm towards her. She laughs as she swings her scythe upward at a speed unknown to Jack, slicing off his right claw. "Graaaahg!", he yells, as he bounces back. Blood pours from his wrist as the metal bar that attached to his back hangs loosely. He falls to the ground as a pool of crimson forms underneath him. Jack's left claw moves, but is immobilized by the lack of support from the other metallic appendage. He lays there, unable to move. "Too easy, eh Soul?", Maka looks at her scythe, and it's eye moves to her. "Definitely. C'mon, I'm hungry." Maka laughs as she raises Soul into the air, swinging his blade towards Jack's head. Unfortunately she is stopped, and shot backwards. Jack stands up and laughs as it bellows through the air. "Foolish girl... I am much stronger than the original Jack. I will beat you. Maybe not with melee...", he glares at her as she lays on the ground, Soul's scythe form in her left hand. "But I will beat you with magic", Jack's body contorts as he yells in pain. His body moves and cracks, bones moving out of place as the mask bursts off from his face, and blood pours from the sewn holes. His eyes are a beet red, and his teeth hang loosely from his lipless mouth. But he is not done there, as Jack's body turns and cracks further. The sound is sickening, echoing further and further. His once skinny arms grow into a bulging sickness, jutting out the previous appendages on his left, but no claw on the right. Jack chuckles loudly, glaring at Maka. "I will feast on your bones, girl. Then, I will eat your partner. I don't have fetishes for boys, but you will be delicious never the less" As if on cue, the moon lets out a loud chuckle, and blood pours from its teeth. Jack moves dangerously close. He crawls over the top of her, laughing. His lipless mouth pours blood from it, and it seeps onto her sweater vest, leaving a stain of yellow-crimson. "You're mine..." He raises his left arm, ready to strike. "Now!", Soul's voice echoes from the scythe, and Maka darts forward, swinging the scythe at Jack. She is now behind him and with Soul by her side in human form. Jack laughs lightly, but then collapses in half, blood spurting out of his lifeless body, and then it spins in a dark spiral. It morphs into a small red ball; with hexagonal stone like features around it. "Finally. I was starving." Soul walks up to it, grasping it in his hand and then tossing it in his mouth. He chews for a moment as some saliva seeps from his lips, then he swallows. A large 'gulping' noise is heard, and then he sighs as he pats his stomach. "God, I thought that would never end." Soul looks back at Maka, laughing lightly. "Yeah. Glad he's gone. C'mon, let's head back. I'm tired." Maka smiles, and then starts walking behind Soul. Soul glares at the back of her head for a moment then proceeds to follow her, whistling a quiet tune. And so it begins... Foolish kids... I will see you soon, Soul... I will indeed... > Soul and Maka: Death And A Mission? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul and Maka: Death And A Mission? Soul and Maka were making their way through a tunnel of torii gates, which are styled to look like guillotines. After that, they reach the main part of the room. A strange-looking room the Death Room is. Dome-shaped and domed ceiling with a bright blue sky filled with white clouds, in contrast to what one would expect from a dwelling of a typical Grim Reaper. The clouds actually float around as if the ceiling is an actual sky, with the clouds drifting along the ground. The main part of the room is a large round platform with some stairs leading up to it. In the center of the platform is a large mirror with a brass frame, mounted with a Shinigami mask on top where Lord Death usually dwells. At the top of the dome, small windows show the scenery outside. Around the platform is a vast desert-like expanse, which looks like it stretches on for eternity. The entire ground around the platform is filled with strange cross-like foundations rising from the ground. It is shown that each cross marks a place where a Kishin Egg is buried, meaning that the Death Room is a place for storing souls as well as Death's dwelling. Soul and Maka now merely look forward to see Lord Death, who seems to have the most eccentric appearance of all the characters amongst Death City. He is arguably one of the tallest too, standing at about eight feet in height. He also wears a black robe with many jagged edges which appears to house his arms and covers his entire body with his face being covered by a cartoonish skull mask. Death is standing in front of the large mirror, looking at his reflection and laughing with a lightly high pitched voice. He turns to greet Soul and Maka. If he could show a smile he would display one right now. "Heya, kids! Hoooow's-it goin'?", Death bounces closer to Soul and Maka as they make their way closer to Death. "Not too bad, Death. We're doing good on getting our soul count up again. Fifty-three so far.” Soul smiled as Maka said this with an optimistic tone. "Well, isn't that terrific! Hehe. Anyways, I called you here for a special assignment as Maka told you, correct?" Death looked to Soul, and he nodded. "Perfect. Now, there is a witch named Jigen. She has been preforming a lot of Dark Magic recently, and has been causing a bit of... A disturbance. I wish I could explain, but that's confidential." Death moved in close to Soul and Maka as they listened intently to his words. "If you accept this mission it'll be a bit of a fight. But I know you two can do it. And it will let you have a witch's soul early in the game too!" Death looked at the two, who had a look of ponder on their faces. Soul smiled, and Maka did as well as they both spoke at once. "We'll do it!" Death jumped back, smacking his large, white hands together. "Perfect! Now get ready for a big trip then. Tomorrow you'll be leaving!", Death turned around as he started to hum a tune to himself. Maka looked at Soul and smiled brightly. They turned around and evaded the premisses with determination put in their minds. * Within the apartment of Soul and Maka, it consisted of a bathroom, a kitchen with a counter, a table with two chairs, a fridge etc. It was joined in with a living room which has an armchair and two couches surrounding a coffee table and a few bookshelves and a TV in the living room along with a stereo set and a gramophone. Both the kitchen and living room have windows and the kitchen has a blue door which leads to Soul's room, which is adjacent to Maka's. Soul sits at a table, eating a piece of bread and Maka stands in the living room, flipping through a book as if to find something of importance. "So how hard can it be? Maka defeated a Kishin. Can't be hard to kill a witch.", Soul was chewing a piece of bread that was lightly flaky to the touch. A young, tall, sexy woman with large breasts and an alluring figure stands next to Soul, rubbing his shoulders with a cat-like smile on her face. She has long violet hair and a strand of her hair on each side of her face curl up and around to resemble a tail and a bauble can be seen below her neck. She has a set of purple cat like ears with a pink tip instead of human ears, which are initially hidden by her hat. Her black witch's hat coils around at the end and retains her bright yellow cat eyes. She also has a curled up purple cat tail that resembles a cat's tail in many senses. Her lips are curled like the shape of a "3" number to represent those of a cat and she also has two little sharp fangs in her mouth like cats. "Ohhhh, is my wittwe Souly Wouly going to be fighting a big bad witch?" she smiled as she pressed her breasts around Soul's head. Soul dropped his bread and his nose started to bleed uncontrollably. Maka however, was standing near her and smacked her on the head in uncontrolled anger. "Blair, knock it off. We know how much you want Soul in the pants, but this isn't the time for that." Soul's body was laying on the table now as 'Blair' pulled off of him. "Awww, just havin' a little fun Maka!" she giggled, and gave a cat-like smile to her. "Yeah, aren't we all?", Maka sighed, pulling out a chair and sitting at the table with Soul. Soul sat upright, wiping away the blood that emitted from his nose. He went back to eating his flaky bread and nommed on it with satisfaction. "So Soul, what will you do when we get the one hundred souls we need?" Maka looked at him, and Soul smiled, speaking with a mouth full of food. "Well... I fink I'll take a vreak frum all th' fighting..." he swallowed. "And then I'll just chill with you. Sound good?" He smiled and Maka grinned as a response. "Sounds good" Soul laughed lightly as Blair wrapped her arms around Soul's neck, pushing her breasts around his head again causing another nosebleed. "Ohhh! My Souly Wouly found a date?! Soooooo keeee-ute! D'awww, I wish my Soul would have a wittwe fun with me!" She shook his body back and forth, laughing as Maka's face went red with embarrassment and anger. "We're not dating, we're friends! Soul's older than me anyways!" she yelled at Blair as the colour of her eyes seemed to disappear. "Young women sometimes like older men, didn't you know?" Blair giggled as she let go of Soul, who fell against the table again. "God... Damn... Boobs..." he grunted as blood spilled onto the table from his nose, leaving a crimson pool. "Dammit Blair, we don't need him passing out from blood loss if you keep smooching your tits on his face!" Maka yelled at Blair who just giggled. "I like how much he appreciates them! A girl doesn't earn these D's without a man to love them, right Soul?" Soul just grunted in response, muttering something along the lines of 'boobs' and 'erection'. "Guh! Soul needs to be ready to fight the witch, I don't want him thinking about your breasts the entire time!" Maka bellowed at her, and was interrupted by the door closing. A boy stands there, dressed in a refined manner, mostly because of his status known by the three of them. His main wardrobe is a standard black business suit with white rectangles and the rectangles are placed in a manner that is completely symmetrical. There are at least six small rectangles along the seam where the sleeves attach to the jacket, and four small rectangles run along the front of his jacket. It is possible that these shapes could be replacements for buttons. His undershirt is a formal white dress shirt, and a metallic skull rests under his collar, and could be used as a tie. The boy's most notable feature is the three white lines that cut across the left side of his hair, stopping in a completely straight line along the front and back of his head. This throws off his symmetry just a little bit, but other than that; his body is completely symmetrical. "Am I... Interrupting?” he asks in a low tone with a light rasp. "Not at all, welcome to the party, Kid!" Blair yells as she runs up to him and hugs him, throwing his face between her breasts. "Mmmphg!" Blood can be seen seeping onto her blue dress and she pulls away, smiling at him. "Aww, he even appreciates them, Maka!" Blair walks over to Soul and Maka, giggling. "Uhg!... Kid, what are you doing here? Didn’t you knock?" Maka looked at 'Kid', who was wiping the blood from his pale face. "No, I heard yelling... Thought something bad was happening. What is going on anyways? And why is Soul bleeding?" Kid asked, and was met by Maka pointing a finger of disgust at Blair. "Anyways... I'm getting Soul ready to fight a witch, Jigen. She is said to be powerful, but Death wants us to kill her immediately. I don't know why he is so urgent about it though." Maka crossed her arms and looked at Kid, who was nodding. "I see... I know why." Kid walked to the table that Maka and Soul sat at and pulled out a seat, sitting down. "Jigen means Dimensions, I'm sure you know. Jigen the witch is forming more and more openings to dimensions. Of course, they don't work. But, every time she opens one it becomes closer to working. I think my father fears that evil will be brought through these dimensions." Kid looks at Maka, who nods. "I see. Well, we better get going soon then. I wouldn't want to be late for when she opens another dimension." Maka looked at Soul who was again, in between the breasts of Blair. "God dammit Blair!!!" Maka yelled and argued with her in a tone of anger. Blair just giggled at her yelling, and kept putting Soul back between her breasts to annoy Maka. * Jigen. Medusa. How goes forming the dimension to where I am? It's going well. This one will work for sure. I have a feeling Soul and Maka will be here. I will separate them, upon my defeat. Good. Then I can deal with Soul personally, and leave this dimension. All is going according to plan. Medusa? Yes, Jigen? I love you. I love you too, Brother. > Soul and Maka: A Break Between Dimensions? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul and Maka: A Break Between Dimensions? "God, can it get any colder? Jesus Christ" Soul announced as the duo walked through the heavy forest, winds as cold as the Arctic. Maka just laughed, and then her teeth started chattering; a common response to let her body know it was trying to warm up. Soul and Maka were just making their way through a thick forest where the sky is barely visible through the large amount of black leaves and branches. The ground mushed with water and mud as their feet proceeded across it. "Uhg... Let's just hope the Witch is close. I'm hungry and tired and cold. That's not a good combination for a guy." Soul put his hands behind his head, yawning loudly. "What? I get the hungry and tired and cold thing by themselves, but why isn't it a good combination?" Maka looked at Soul as she placed her hands in her armpits; right in the left, left in the right. "Well, if you had a dick and balls, you'd know" Soul smirked, and Maka's face went beet red. "W-what does that have to do with anything?!" she bellowed. "Well, when it's cold your ba--" "I don't want to know! That's disgusting!" Maka flailed her arms in anger and disgust as Soul just laughed. "You have a vagina. You wouldn't know what it's like." Maka's face heated up from heavy embarrassment on the subject. "Soul! That's something we never talk about! You promised that! It's gross beyon--" "Shh." Soul placed his hand in front of Maka's face, interrupting her. "Don't interru--" "Shhh! I hear something..." Maka calmed down and closed her mouth, looking around. Soul's ears perked a bit as a cracking sound was heard in the distance. Soul and Maka glared at each other as they walked forward, and found that the cracking sound was coming from a large building up ahead. The building was shaped like an upright rectangle, with only a few windows surrounding its sides. The machine making the cracking sound was actually a small generator that had a thick cable wrapped in a coil and then sliding into the darkness somewhere. A few lights were also scattered amongst this building, making a bit of it more visible, but nothing of big detail. "That's the place Soul. Jigen's Manor. I can't believe a witch harbored herself so close to Death City, yet so far." Maka quickly ran through the trees into the open area. Soul quickly followed, and was next to Maka as they made their way across the wet grounds of the expanse. After a few seconds of running, they were at the building's entrance. Or in this case, Jigen's Manor. The door was crested with a large symbol, much like the symbol for air: a spiral that warps into a middle point. Maybe this was to represent something else? Who knows? "So, we run in and kill her?" Soul looked at Maka, grinning lightly. "Might as well. Seeing as she probably knows we're here anyways. I swear, most Witches can be a real b--" "Maka, language?", Soul joked as he interrupted Maka. His body turned blue, and he immediately turned into the scythe that he was two nights ago. Maka grabbed the scythe, and held it over her shoulder as she gripped the handle of the door and opened it outwardly; displaying the insides. She walked in to be greeted by a large room, bigger than the actual manor itself. There were multiple glowing tiles on the ground, emitting different colours every few seconds. Around these tiles were just a plain, oxidized, green colour of tiles; making the place look like it has been sitting here for far too long. The walls of the room though, seemed to be bent, and moving inward, and then outward, as if the building was breathing. It was a massive headache for Maka, seeing all the movement and colours, but she had to press on. She walked forward and as she did so, saw a person. The person was sitting on the floor, wearing a black hooded cloak. It had the same spiral-air symbol as the door behind Maka did, and it seemed to glow from unknown magic. The person stood up, and it could be seen that it was a woman due to the slender body, small hands, small feet and -- "Hey nice ass, Jigen."The voice of Soul boomed out of the scythe Maka held, and Maka smacked it against the ground. "Soul, stop being a perv!"Maka yelled. "Stop being a bitch. Jesus, don't hit me like that" Soul laughed, and then Maka focused back on the woman, who is assumed to be Jigen. "Ah... So you're Soul and Maka. I've been waiting for you. Mmm... For quiet a while now..." The woman turned around and revealed a partial bit of her face... Or what was on it, anyways. She wore a white mask that only had an eye-hole for the left eye, and covered the mouth completely. Her hair was drooping out of her hood, and could be seen as a blackish-blue colour, much like oil when it reflects in sunlight. Her cloak was tightly tied around her neck, and hung over a white blouse and brown leggings. She wore no shoes, and didn't seem to have any weapons on her. "She's a threat? She looks harmless", Soul spoke, chuckling softly. "She's a Witch, Soul. She may look harmless, but she has a lot of power. You know that." Maka placed the scythe in both her hands, sliding her right foot forward, and left foot back; in a aggressive stance. "Witch Jigen, the Witch of Dimensions, you are hereby declared a threat to the D.W.M.A. You're days of evil are over, and we're here t--" "I am of no threat, and I will surrender as so.", Jigen removed her cloak as she interrupted Maka, revealing more of her hair. "You win, you got me. C'mon, kill me. Take my Soul."Jigen could be heard chuckling, as her cloak dropped underneath her. "It's probably a trap, Maka” Soul said, as a reflection of himself was displayed in the scythe. "It's not a trap. I truly give in. Kill me." Jigen fell to the ground on her knees, placing her hands behind her back. "Take my life, Soul and Maka. Take my soul." Jigen sat there as Maka glared at her. "Screw this. Maka, let's ju--" Maka swung the scythe forward, and then behind her, holding it in both her hands still. Jigen was just chuckling, until blood started pouring out of her mouth. It then shot out of her face, her arms, and, eventually, her body tore up. It warped into a black spiral, spinning around a purple soul. As the spiral finished, the soul floated there in a little ball of purple, with a small, hat like, shape on top. Soul left his Scythe form and picked up the soul, gripping it tightly in his hand, and then opening his mouth. He pushed the soul into his mouth, chewed for a moment, and then swallowed, burping lightly as he finished. "Delicious" Soul said, as he bellowed another burp. "Indeed. Now enjoy your time in a new dimension, Soul!" a voice called out, much like Jigen's crossed with Death's. "What?!" Soul yelled, as he stepped near Maka, but was then pulled away from her by an unknown force. "Maka! What's happening?!" He was slammed against a wall and landed on the floor with a thud. "Soul! Are you okay?!" But Maka was interrupted as a black circle appeared with a white hue on the outside of it. It expanded and started spiraling inwards, moving closer to Soul. "Tell Medusa I said 'Hello', won't you?! Gahahahahahaha!" Jigen's crossed voice left the room as the black circle engulfed Soul. "SOUL!!!", Maka yelled as she moved close to the portal. "M-Maka!" Soul's arms flailed as it engulfed him fully, and then disappeared. "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUL!" she yelled as she fell to her knees. She glared at the spot he once was, imagining his outline. What exactly happened? It was a trap... It's all her fault... "Soul...", she cried. * Darkness. That's all there was. He couldn't see anything and could barely hear. The sound of ringing was in his ears, mostly. He smacked his ears for a moment, and the ringing stopped, replaced by a clapping sound against his ears. He stopped smacking his ears, and then could hear steps. Steps... Not footsteps... I've heard those steps before... But... They don't sound human..., He thought to himself. The sound got closer. It smacked against the ground like bone against stone. It did feel like he was lying down on stone though. In fact, he wasn't even standing. The sound was starting to frighten him though as it hung over his head. God dammit, eyes, open!, he yelled in his mind, as his eyes open to see a cyan face in his, staring at him. The face had magenta coloured eyes, and a rainbow-colour hair-style with red, orange and yellow in the front, and other colours hanging down the back. The magenta eyes glared at him for a moment, and then he could see that it wasn't human. This made him jump back. "Guuuuugh! What the hell?!" He was sitting upright as he glared at a... Pegasus? Its wings were at its side, as it glared at him with an even more confused look. "What? Scared of me?" it laughed with a female voice. "Gah! You can talk?!" He backed up further, only to be stopped by a rock. "Of course! All ponies can talk. But you're not a pony, are you?" The... Female pegasus walked forward, looking over his body, mostly at the bipedal legs. "Who are you, or... What are you?" the pegasus asked. "You tell me first..." he said, shaking nervously. The pegasus smiled, and shot up yelling: "I'm Rainbow Dash! Best pegasus flier in all of Equestria! No one can beat me at anything!" 'Rainbow Dash' was grinning wildly, standing on her hind legs, and after a second or two she stood on her four legs again. "Now who and what are you?" she asked. "I'm Soul. I'm a human with Weapon blood" Soul said as he frowned at the pegasus. "Human? Weapon blood? Slow down, I can only compute one thing at a time... Explain the 'human' part to me?" Rainbow Dash asked as she sat on her rump. Soul sighed and readied himself for an explanation. He was confused as it is on how he got here, but he might as well cope with what he has, for now. "A human is ... Uhm... A mammal?" Soul looked at the pegasus for a moment, then resorted to thoughts. What the hell did those lessons teach again... God... Oh!, Soul then struck a memory, and spoke again. "A human is a bipedal mammal that is an ... Omnivore? I think that's the word. I don't know. But that's what I am." Soul then grinned and Rainbow Dash still looked confused as hell. "Okay, I see. Well if you're a ... Bipedal... Mammal... You're like... A monkey thing?", Rainbow Dash questioned. "Yeah, just with less fur, I guess. Pretty cool, right?" Soul smiled and Rainbow Dash laughed softly. "Yeah, kinda. But, what's ... 'Weapon blood'?" she inquired Soul on this, and this was something Soul definitely knew. "Weapon blood is something I was born with. My dad had Weapon blood in him, and my dad's dad, et cetera. It means I can transform into a weapon as long as I have my Meister, a person to control me. But I don't. So I'm kind of useless." Soul then sighed, looking at his hands for a moment. His hands were a bit rough to the touch, and had a bit of dirt on them. He didn't know where he was, but he wanted to find Maka immediately. He's useless without her. "So, can you show me?", Rainbow Dash asked smiling a little. "I... Can try, but, no one can use me as a weapon without my Meister." Soul's saddened frown changed to a neutral look, and Rainbow Dash nodded. "It's cool, I just want to see!" Rainbow Dash's tail seemed to wag like a dog, and Soul just chuckled. Even if she's a... Pony, I guess, she's pretty cool, Soul then made his body glow blue as he morphed into his scythe form. The blade edged into the ground, and it jutted upwards, and Rainbow Dash just gasped in awe. She walked around it, glaring at its intricate design. The structure of the pole, the blade, how sharp the entire thing was. It was elegant; much like Blair, for no better comparison. "Wow. This is really cool!" Rainbow Dash smiled, and sat on her rump as Soul morphed out of the form, standing on two legs. He could see that he was quite a bit taller than the pegasus, by about two feet. It didn't make her feel afraid though, she was pretty comfortable in fact. "So... Where exactly am I?... I wasn't here originally... I don't even remember what happened to get me here. Uhg... Now I have a headache. So not cool." Soul sighed, as he brushed his hair. "You're in Ponyville. Just outside of it at least. Over there is Ponyville." Rainbow Dash's hoof pointed over to a town in the distance. No details could really be made just yet. Except that they were in a massive field of grass with a few trees here and there, along with a park off to the left that seemed to stretch itself to 'Ponyville'. "Hmm. Guess that's where you can lead me to, then?" Soul asked, and Rainbow Dash nodded. "Not a problem! I am the best mare in Equestria anyways!" She gloated and Soul just chuckled. "What's so funny?" Dash asked as she flew up to his eye level. "Nothing. You remind me of a good friend of mine. He always claims how he will surpass God, and how awesome he is." Soul said, with a bit of a smirk. "I am awesome! But... Who's God?", Rainbow Dash questioned. Dear Lord..., Soul sighed, and gave a quick explaination. "God is some being some people speculate to be a higher being. I don't know if he is real, but I don't deny him either. I just try to stay away from religion." Soul said as Dash flew down to the ground, walking at his side a few feet in front of him. "Oh, just like Celestia! Except she's real" Dash giggled lightly, and Soul rolled his eyes. "Man, I need to know a lot more about where I am... Who's Celestia?" Soul asked, and Dash started to explain as they continued walking down the grassy fields. * And so it begins, Soul. You'll be mine soon. And I will be back in the original Dimension, destroying everyone there can be. Including that pesky Lord Death. Seeing that my powers have grown beyond your comprehension now. How can you be so sure? Because I am Medusa, Queen of The Snakes. > Soul and Rainbow Dash: Ponyville and Ponies? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul and Rainbow Dash: Ponyville and Ponies? The dynamic duo, or Soul and Rainbow Dash, were standing in the midst of Ponyville’s town square. They were surrounded by 'houses' that are timber-framed with distinct thatched roofs and overhanging upper floors. Soul made note of all the bright colours this place held, and it made him feel a bit weird on the inside. Rainbow Dash was still leading Soul through the town, and ponies started to stare and point at Soul. It made him get a bit upset, as most people (or ponies) do when someone points at them. Or, in this case, something. They walked through the town square, and found themselves at a large, brown and green tree. The tree was littered with lanterns, small objects representing planets and beehives, along with a few birds' nests. The door was a bit small, compared to Soul, and had a picture of a candle on it. It arched itself at the top, and had a distinct red-mahogany colour to its wooden frame. "Huh. A tree. How original. This place is weird... I'm surprised I'm not freaked out about this. Then again, I've dealt with worse.", Soul put his hands behind his head as Rainbow Dash just laughed softly. They got closer to the door, and Rainbow Dash's hoof raised upwards, gently tapping its wood. It echoed a sound within the house, and the clicking of hoof-steps were returned, along with the creak of the door. It was another pony that was standing there, looking at Rainbow Dash with a smile, then she looked up at Soul. The pony was a unicorn, with a lavender coat, and a purple mane. The mane had a streak of bright pink swimming through it, alongside a streak of pink going through her tail, which was also purple. She had the same symbol on her flank as Rainbow Dash, but it was stars instead of a lightning bolt and clouds. "Does she have a problem, or something?", Soul said, pointing to the unicorn with a lazy finger. "Probably Twilight being Twilight.", Dash waved a hoof in front of 'Twilight's' face, and she shook her head. "Uhm... Rainbow Dash, who is this?", Twilight asked, and Rainbow Dash just laughed. "It's better if we come inside, and he explains it.", She giggled, as Twilight nodded. Soul watched their bodies move into the doorway, and he soon followed, nearly hitting his head on the arch of the door. "God, this place is small.", Soul said as he stepped inside the tree-like house, to be met by a library within. At the side sat a stairway that led upwards to a door that looked similar to the front door. Forward sat another stairway that seemed to go to a different level within the tree, and all around were bookcases filled with a mass of books. "Sorry. It wasn't designed for... Are you a human?", Twilight looked into Soul's eyes, studying them as if they were a book. "Yes and no.", Soul quietly crossed his arms, sitting on the trunk-like floor. As hard as it was, he was pretty comfortable. "What does that mean?", Twilight asked, looking over at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash gave a wide grin, as her magenta eyes darted to Soul. Soul smirked and gave a nod. He knew what she wanted him to show her. So, Soul stood up, towering over Twilight and Dash once more, and started to morph his body. It glowed its regular aura of blue and spun into a scythe-like shape. Afterwards, the blue aura faded and all that was left was the black and red scythe blade with the silver-steel rod attached, displaying a red eye at the top. "Pretty cool, huh Twi?", Rainbow Dash looked at Soul's scythe-form, as the scythe leaned backwards on a wall, so it wouldn't fall. "How... Did you do that?! I heard humans weren't capable of magic!", Twilight walked closer to the scythe prodding its pole for a second, receiving a small shock of electricity. "Ow!", She responded, rubbing her hooves together. "I'm a Weapon. I was born with Weapon-blood, so I can morph into a scythe. Although, I'm useless without a Meister; someone who can hold me and use me to their advantage.", Soul sighed, and continued, as he morphed out of his scythe form. "You were shocked cause your Soul-Wavelength is not matched with mine. Only one person's Soul-Wavelength can meet mine, and yours isn't it. I don't even know how you'd be able to hold me with hooves, anyways.", Soul shrugged, and walked over to the bookshelves, looking over some books. "Rainbow Dash, what're we going to do?", Twilight whispered to Rainbow Dash, looking her in the eyes. "I'll watch over him, Twi. He's so cool, that I couldn't let him leave my sight!", Rainbow Dash grinned widely, and Twilight sighed, her ears flopping down a little. "Promise me that he won't cause trouble?", Twilight gave a weak smile, and Rainbow Dash nodded. "Promise! You can even tell Celestia that I'm watching him so he doesn't cause tro--", a loud crash was heard from behind Twilight, and they both looked to see Soul covered in books, with a bookcase leaning on the pile. "OW! Holy shit, get this off me! It weighs a million pounds! Oh, God! Someone heeelp!", Soul's arms were flailing lightly at the sides of the large pile of books, as he muttered something about women and sheep. Twilight looked over at Dash with an unimpressed look and Dash gave a sheepish smile. "Don't worry, Twi. I got this!", Dash said, excitedly. * "He what?", Lord Death sprung over Maka, as she had her face within her hands. "He disappeared... Just vanished... I have no clue what that Witch did... She just made him vanish!", She wept and Death the Kid placed an arm around her, which made Maka move into his chest and cry further. "Father, what are we going to do? If Jigen made Soul disappear on death, will she be able to do it again to us?", Kid looked up to Lord Death's mask. If Lord Death could have a look of curiousity and ponder, it would be displayed about now. "Hmm... It may be possible, due to the fact that she may have divided her soul into two parts. Something referred to as 'Soul Split'.", Kid and Maka looked up at him, and furrowed their brows. "Soul Split? What's that?", They both asked, and Lord Death answered. "Soul Split is a technique that is banned from magical practice and labelled as Dark Arts. Mostly because it is a Necromatic ritual that I will not have in my city, or in this world.", Death clasped his hands together and let out a sigh. "The technique splits your Soul-Wavelength into another entity, or an object. It may be possible that she attached her soul to her house, or maybe a new dimension. Or Soul himself!... But, we'll never know.", Lord Death finished, and was met by a sigh from Maka. "So... Soul will never come back...? I'll...", She cried within Kid's chest once more, and he encased her in a gentle hug, letting her tears soak into his luxurious dress coat. "Dad, we have to do something. We can't let Soul be stuck... Wherever the hell he is. Isn't there anything we can do?", Kid's yellow eyes glared into the black pits on Lord Death's mask. Lord Death turned around, glaring into the mirror, staring at his reflection. His shape reflected well within the mirror, and it made him look more grim than usual. He turned away, back to the two, in disgust. He looked up at the clouds that drifted overhead and started to ponder. It'd be risky. But, I trust Maka. If I let Kid, Liz, Patty and Maka go, they'll be fine. I know where Soul is. A place I haven't been too for three hundred years. I'm amazed it's still there., Death looked down, and the aura of glee filled him once more. "Okie-Dokie, kids, I got an idea! Although, I warn you, it is risky. I want you two to be prepared, along with Liz and Patty, got it, Kid?", Death looked down to Kid, and he nodded, letting go of Maka, who was a bit more cheery now. "So, what is it, Lord Death? What can we do to save Soul?", Maka glared upward and clenched her fists, which made a grinding leathery sound from the white gloves she wore. "It's risky, as I said. I know where Soul is. But, I cannot leave the city, therefore, you two-- er -- four, rather, must head to it. I can transport you there, and back, once you've retrieved Soul and dialed my number. So, are you ready to hear where you're going?", Death leaned down to the two, and they both nodded. "~You're going to Equestriaaaaa!~", Lord Death literally sang that sentence and the two went blue faced when his awful singing voice entered the air. It didn't help with the fact that his voice was already a bit high-pitched, anyways. "Father... Don't sing again. Ever.", Kid said, facepalming. "Alright, Simon Cowell.", Death laughed, and then return to his commanding posture. "I'll send you two there. If anything happens, give me a call. Kid, I'll send Liz and Patty there with the spell I'll use. I hope they're not bathing or jumping off something right now, cause it wouldn't be fun for them. Anyways, are you two ready?", Kid and Maka nodded and Death pulled his hands out of his void-like shroud. Lord Death's hands clasped together, making a nice slapping sound, and immediately Kid and Maka were encased in a glowing blue orb. They rose gently into the air, as the space around them started to pick up a mild whirlwind. The orb-structure started to grow in size, and Death raised his hands, touching the orb. Sparks were immediately flung into the air and Kid and Maka were zipped away, as fast as you could snap your fingers. "Oh, darn, forgot to tell them to say 'hi' to Celestia. All well.", Death shrugged turning around to view the city through his mirror. * "God, I'm starving... Is there any food around here?", Soul said, walking next to Twilight and Rainbow Dash. "Plenty! We got hay-sandwiches, hay-flowers, flowers, appl--" "I want food. Like, y'know, meat or something.", Soul interrupted Twilight and was met by a spit on the ground. "You humans eat meat?!", Twilight and Rainbow Dash yelled in unison. "Yeah. I hate vegetables, my Meister eats those a lot, though. They're God-awful.", Soul's stomach churned a bit and made an echoing rumble. "Please, feed me something that doesn't have hay or flowers in it!", He begged. "Okay, we'll stop by Sugar Cube Corner and get you a cupcake, or something. Okay?", Twilight said, looking over at Rainbow Dash who, in turn, was eyeing Soul's hair the entire time. "I'll need a whole freakin' cake, if I want to survive for a day.", Soul continued walking, as the two ponies lead him a ways through the town, only to stop by a large, ginger-bread like, bakery. The building's roof is styled to resemble that of a gingerbread house. Two upper stories house, what looks like from outside, living quarters; they appear as a pair of stacked cupcakes, with candles on the upper one. Posts on either side of the door have red and white candy-cane stripes, a purple rock-candy projection stands up from the roof, and a picture-sign of a cupcake hangs at one corner. "I could eat the house, that's how hungry I am.", Soul's comment was met by laughter from Rainbow Dash and Twilight. "This is...", Twilight coughed, taking a breath, "Suger Cube Corner. My friend, Pinkie Pie, works and lives here. She's a bit... Crazy and Rand--" "TWILIGHT! DASHIE!", A blue eyed, pink pony jumped out from a flower pot, diving in between Soul and the two other ponies. Soul immediately fell onto the ground, and the pony sat her rump on his face. The ponies exuberant personality was met by a poofy mane and tail, that had gentle curls within them. On the pink ponies rump was three balloons: two blue and one yellow. "Omigosh, it's soooo comfy right here! I wonder why the ground decided to be comfortable today! Anyways, are you here to pick up some cupcakes, or, ooo! Maybe you're here for a party?!--" "Pinkie, we're--" "No! Let me guess!", 'Pinkie' interrupted Rainbow Dash, and started to think for a second. "Oh, helping me with Pound Cake?!... No, that's my job... Maybe... Helping to bake?... Wait, you're not good at that, Dashie... Maybe, Oh, I know--" "Pinkie! We're here because of the pon-- I mean... Human you're sitting on.", Rainbow Dash's hoof pointed to where Pinkie's rump was, and she looked down, bouncing off of him. "Omigosh! I'm sorry!", Pinkie looked down, to started at Soul's red eyes. "Soo... Much... Ass...", His nose was bleeding lightly and Pinkie immediately jumped and gasped. "Omigosh! This pony is new! I need to throw a party immediately!", Pinkie was about to run off, but was grabbed by Twilight. "Pinkie! He's here to eat. He's apparently starving. His name is Soul... Wait, why are you so calm?", Twilight asked as she glared into Pinkie's blue eyes. "Because, silly, I've seen him before! I saw Dash walking into town with him, but, I must've forgot. I was freaking out at first, but then, I remembered that if he hasn't hurt Dashie, that means he's a good ... Hum-man.", Pinkie said, smirking. "Human.", Twilight corrected. "Poo-man? Twilight, don't be immature.", Pinkie gave a questionable brow to Twilight. "Human! Hue. Man. Human. That's what he is. A bipedal mammal. Kind of like a monkey.", Twilight explained a little. "Ooo! A talking monkey! I can live with that! Oh, c'mon, let's feed him! I remember you saying he was hungry?", Pinkie looked to Soul, who is now standing and wiping blood from his nose. "Yeah. I'm starving.", Soul said. "Well, c'mon in!", Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash all walked into the gingerbread-like house, ready to eat up a storm. In Soul's mind, anyways. * "Pardon my French, which is pretty well defined, I might add, but... What the fuck?", Death the Kid was commenting on his new body form, which was a pony. A pegasus, to be exact. His body was jet black, and met by a jet black tail and black and white mane. Three lines crossed through his mane, and was the signature hair-style, but more as a mane form. His eyes were a boxy shape, as before, but they had large corneas and pupils, which were yellow and a thick black colour (his normal colour). Maka was the same, and was looking over her new body. It was actually a normal horse to what she could summarize. Her mane and tail were ash blond, and her mane was in a pony tail. Her eyes were the regular dark-like shade of green and her body was a light red colour, very close to pink, and she still wore her signature vest. "Am I... A horse?", Maka asked herself, and Kid, and was met by yelling. "I can't be a horse! I'm too good for that! Oh, this will ruin me! What if Liz and Patty see me like this?! They'll call me an ass all day long and laugh at me! My symmetry will be wrong forever! Oh, for Death's sake, save me!", Maka smacked Kid with a hoof, and he fell to the ground. She was wobbling, though, as she walked over him, trying to get use to the feeling of walking on all fours, instead of being bipedal. Maka just looked down and shook her head, none-the-less. "Calm down, Kid. Liz and Patty are more respectful than that, so I dou--", Maka was interrupted by giggling and laughter, mostly laughter; coming from behind Maka. Maka turned around to see two girls who she was familiar with. The one on the left has chin-length, bright yellow (blonde) hair with bangs, light blue eyes and stands at about five foot two. Both of them are wearing cowgirl outfits: A tight, red, sleeveless, turtleneck belly shirt with a white tie, cowboy hat and black, high-heel boots. However, the one on the left wears puffy shorts. There is also a subtle difference in their hats. As the one on the right has rims that slant forwards, whereas the left's hat has rims that are in a perfect curve. Now then, the one on the right is much more different. She has dark blonde hair that reaches her mid-back, dark blue eyes, and tanned skin. She is much taller taller than her sister, standing at about six foot one. They are both crouched down and laughing at Death and Maka, wiping tears from their eyes. "Oh my God, Kid, you look like an ass!", The dark blond one called out, and the bright blond one just repeated the word 'ass' to emphasize their 'humour'. "... Or not. Hey Liz, Hey Patty.", Maka moved closer to the two, with a bit of a struggle, who finally calmed down. Kid's expression was more grim than usual, as he walked forward with a greater struggle, nearly stumbling on his hooves. "Hey. A little hoarse?", the dark blond one said, giggling a little. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, Liz.", She smirked lightly, trying to make light of the situation. 'Liz' just smiled and calmed down. The blond one, which can be assumed to be Patty, was still giggling a little. "Uhg, shut up and let's find Soul and get out of here!... Actually... Where the hell are we?", Kid's yellow eyes looked around at their surroundings. They were encased in a circle of trees, which were dense and many dark shades of green, brown and, somewhat, yellow. Kid, Maka, Liz and Patty all sighed in unison, with a bit of a groan as well, as they knew that they were completely lost. * Soon... I'll have all of you within my grasp... > Kid, Maka, and Two Weapons: Everfree Forest and Timberwolves? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid, Maka, and Two Weapons: Everfree Forest and Timberwolves? The group had been walking for a good fifty minutes through the dense forest, passing through even more dense bushes and small ponds that were filled with unknown gases and substances. Liz was having the most trouble with the forest, though, as there were many bugs -- which were ten times larger than normal -- and a lot of trees that resembled ghastly faces. "This forest is creepy..." Liz said, as she gripped her upper arms in fright. "I find it kind of funny! Look, a branch!" Patty pointed to a tree that had a branch sticking out in an odd curve, and she started to laugh hysterically at it. Kid and Maka just shook their heads, as they continued to stumble forward, trying to walk in this new pony form. It was increasingly hard, as there were four legs, instead of one. Each leg moved at a different interval, and had to be done so with precision. Maka was getting used to it, though, so she was finding it much easier to continue forward. "I don't understand...why is it that you two aren't...horses? Ponies?...Whatever you want to call it," Kid questioned out loud, sighing. "I have a theory, but I can't tell until we find civilization.", Maka trotted a bit ahead of the group, getting more used to walking on all fours, now. She stood in a bit of an opening that looked much like a road. It directed itself left and right, along with having trees crowding the sides of the roads, much like the rest of this forest. The only difference there was to define this 'road' as a road was a sign stuck in the ground just across from Maka. Maka trotted over to it, and read it aloud. "Everfree Forest: Beware of Timberwolves.", Maka tilted her head and looked back at the three behind her. "Timberwolves?" Liz gave an unimpressed look to Maka, letting her arms fall to her sides. "Maybe it's some creature native to the forest. Doesn't sound that threatening," Kid suggested, as he clicked closer to Maka. "Maybe it's a cat!" Patty said, laughing hysterically once more. "Patty, why the hell would it be a cat? The name clearly suggests it's a wolf!" Liz yelled at Patty, and was barraged by laughter in reply. Eventually, it broke down into a massive burst of laughter and yelling from Patty and Liz. Kid and Maka just sighed, shaking their heads as they let the two fight it out. "So, which way should we go?" Maka asked Kid, as he examined the sign for a moment. "We should head left. This sign is like an entrance, so, civilization must be this way.", Kid was pointing to the left, which lead the road to a bit of a brighter opening than the rest of the forest. Maka gave a nod, and started to walk that way. Patty and Liz stopped arguing and laughing, and followed Maka, along with Kid. They trotted -- and walked -- for a good ten minutes down the road. Thanks to Kid's intuition, he was right about the exit being that way, as the exit was nearing, and a brighter atmosphere was muc-- "Do you guys hear that?" Maka stopped, looking around the group for a moment. "Hear what?" Liz asked. "Yeah, I hear it..." Kid said, as he trotted next to Maka. "Hear what?” Liz asked again. "Sounds like....growling...?", Maka suggested, and Kid nodded. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Liz yelled, and many birds flew away from the nearby trees. Maka and Kid stared at her, very unimpressed. She gave a sheepish smile, and the growling that Maka and Kid were hearing was confirmed when glowing red eyes appeared nearby in the darkness. Liz grabbed onto her sister, scared for her life; much like the time when they were in Inubis' tomb. "I think those are our Timberwolves..." Kid said, as he lowered his body to the ground, readying for a fight. "Agreed..." Maka said quietly. The growling intensified, and the eyes started to change into shapes. The bodies that emerged were covered with a wood-like structure, covered in various 'planks' of bark, to form the shape of a common wolf. The ears were much like twigs, but it could be assumed that they could pick up various sounds. The legs of these 'wolves' were structured for running, as there were less pieces of wood, but more versatile and dynamic shape, to the legs. "What...?" Liz said as her eyes widened. "Liz, Patty, get ready to change to weapon form..." Kid announced, as the wolves fully came out of the thick forest, wearing an expression that was labeled 'hunger' to any traveler. * "Holy crap...that was delicious..." Soul said, patting his much larger stomach, expelling some gas from his mouth. "I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Pinkie said, bouncing next to him. "Man, this place is pretty cool. I wonder what other things you chicks got here that would be entertaining." Soul was gently brushing Pinkie's mane, and she was nuzzling her head into his hand like a dog that wants to be petted. "Well, there's plenty to do! Especially if you hang out with me, Soul!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew next to him, eyeing him with her magenta stare. "Well, first things first...where the hell am I going to sleep?" Soul asked, looking at the three mares. They stared at each other for a moment, unsure what to do for the moment. But then, they exchanged some sort of look that meant that they did know what to do. They started to laugh and giggle, shaking their heads, but then their expressions changed to a more serious one. "You can stay with our friend, Fluttershy!" they all spoke in unison. "Fluttershy? What kind of...actually, nevermind. I shouldn't be talking." Soul started to laugh lightly. "Well, anyways, you can stay with her for now...if she's okay with it," Twilight said sheepishly. "Sounds good to me. Let's just hope she can feed me like this chick can." Soul snatched another cupcake and tossed it in his mouth, quickly finishing it off. After a couple minutes of some more eating, Soul and Rainbow Dash left Twilight and Pinkie Pie, waving them off as they left. They eventually made their way just a little outside of the town, and into the park, where the birds were the only thing that was making a noise. Trees neatly lined the road of the park, and a large fountain sat in the middle, emitting water from the top of it and flying downward into a little pool underneath. Around the fountain was a couple of small benches and a few areas where a good picnic could be held. Alongside this, there was a bridge just leading outside of the park, over a small river that flowed to the right into the forest, and coming from the mountains to the left. "Hmm...seems creepy here..." Soul said as he looked around the park, eyeing the empty benches and fields. "Yeah...it is...I've never seen the park so empty," Dash said, as she trotted forward a little to look around the area. "Uhm...well, anyways, what do you want to do?" Dash's head tilted upwards to Soul, and he just shrugged. "Dunno. You're not big enough for me to ride, so that's out of the question," Soul said, giving a cheeky smile. "Ride?! Ewww! That's disgusting!" Rainbow Dash yelled, sticking her tongue out in disgust. "Not that kind of ride!" Soul yelled as his face flushed red with anger and embarrassment. "Uhg...well, anyways, how about we just chill out on the grass? I'm tired," Soul suggested; Rainbow Dash responded with a nod. "Sounds good!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly. They both walked over to one of the open fields outside the light tree line, laying down on the grass. To Soul, the ground was a bit uneven, and bumpy, but the grass made it comfortable, and made him feel drowsy just laying himself down on it. After a few minutes of getting comfortable and nearly falling asleep, Soul felt a small head nuzzle down on his leg. He looked down to see Dash, fast asleep, laying her head on his upper leg, with her forelimbs folded behind it. Soul just shook his head and gave a small laugh as he gazed upwards to the clouds, giving a bit of a sigh. I wonder how Maka is doing...Soul thought to himself, closing his eyes tightly and drifting off to sleep. * The Timberwolves gathered around the small group, ready to strike at any moment. They licked their bark lips and growled fiercely, letting their red eyes do any talking to their prey. Kid was tired of it, though, and wanted to show what the son of Death could do to these beasts. "Liz, Patty, Weapon forms. I'll take care of this," Kid said, holding out his forehooves and arching up on his hindhooves, waiting for the two girls to turn into their weapon forms. "Got it!" they both said as their bodies emitted a yellow glow, and they changed into two identical weapons. Liz and Patty both changed into a handgun. The style and type of handgun was unknown to everyone, but Kid mostly didn't care. What he cared about was the handgun's symmetry. Both guns had a teeth-like pattern on each side, and behind those were semi-circles, looking like eyes. Other than that, the only distinct feature was the colour, which was a silver-steel for everything but the grip, which was black. As they transformed, they landed next to Kid, and he placed his hooves on them, trying to pick them up. He aimed at the Timberwolves, but soon realized that he did not have Liz and Patti in...hoof. He tried picking them up again, and nothing happened. He had no appendages to grip the handguns, or even fire them! "GAH! I can't pick you two up! How am I supposed to fight if I can't pick you up?!" Kid yelled, losing a bit of his sanity (or what there was of it). "What the hell, Kid! Why didn't you think of this before?!" Liz shouted from the gun on the right, and giggling and laughter was heard from the gun on the left. "Uh, guys..." Maka said sheepishly, staring at the nearing Timberwolves. "What?!" they all yelled, Kid looking at her. "The wolves?" she inquired, pointing a hoof at them. "Oh, right," Kid said calmly. Shortly, the group could be seen running frantically away from a wild pack of wolves. Debris and dust was shot everywhere as they tried their best to speed away from the already fast creatures. Kid was nearly crying, Liz was screaming for dear life, Patty was giggling, and Maka was keeping a level head, darting for the exit, which was relatively close now. As they all exited the forest, the wolves suddenly stopped, growled at the group, and then darted back into the forest. Maka sighed, taking a breather, as Kid continued crying and yelling at Liz and Patty for their stupidity. "Our stupidity?! You're the one who told us to go in Weapon form!" Liz yelled, as Patty just laughed wildly. "You should've known beforehand! That's what you're trained for!" Kid yelled, tears streaming down his jet-black muzzle. "Would you three shut up?!" Maka looked back at them, yelling. They all stopped, staring at her, and she simply pointed a hoof to a nearby town, which seemed to echo life. "We'll head there. Maybe there's someone who knows where Soul is. If he stayed human, then they'll know what he looks like, making it easier," Maka said, giving off a small smile. "Well, then, let's head out," Kid said, reforming his stature and following Maka, as they walked toward the town. Hope Soul is okay...I'm coming, don't worry, Maka thought to herself, sighing. * They're all doomed. Soul is in this place, but now Maka and Kid are here. This is getting better every day... And, soon, we'll be together, my love. Indeed... > Black✮Star and Tsubaki: Gods and Ponies? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black✮Star and Tsubaki: Gods and Ponies? Just atop the DWMA, there was a boy crouching in the signature 'crouching tiger' stance. He stared out in the distance at the city, eyeing the many cultural buildings within and the desert surrounding the city. He let out a small chuckle, and grinned brightly, looking up -- but away -- at the sun. He had bright blue spiky hair, with the spikes sticking out in the manner of a star-shape. He was rather short, but had a well-muscled build due to constant training. His eyes were a shade of green, much like the stem of a rose. His outfit was a sleeveless black shirt with a funnel-like collar, with white trousers that were black from the knee down and just a little short of being full length jeans. On the front of his collar, two short strips of grey material adorned with rivets stretched down from the top of the collar to the breast of his shirt. The boy had similar strips wrapped around his neck in the form of a scarf, and around his waist in the form of a belt. Rivets could also be seen on his pockets and on the ends of his trousers. On his hands, he wore gray, fingerless gloves with heavy wrist weights, and had a band going across the back of each hand, adorned with a star. The boy's footwear was basic black boots with white tips, with a star shape visible on the toe of each boot. On his right shoulder was a star-shaped tattoo only a shade lighter than the color of his skin, showing his heritage as a member of the Star Clan. This boy was Black✮Star; one of DWMA's finest assassins. Although failing a lot of his missions, he set out to do what he did best: kill the evil in the world. It was his sole duty a few months back to surpass God...and it seemed like he had, by helping defeat the Kishin of Madness, Asura. But, that is another story. This story, however, involves Black✮Star having to fight a new teacher. A bit of a warm welcoming for him, but it will seem for the best. Black✮Star couldn't help but laugh at this, as he jumped down from the large spires atop of the academy, and onto the white-cobblestone ground, standing in front of a man. "So, you'll be teaching here, huh?" Black✮Star asked the man in front of him, who just laughed. "Of course, Black✮Star. I told you I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to teach kids, now would I?" the man responded, crossing his arms. He had long, straight, sand coloured hair, along with a rather muscular build. He wore a large brown overcoat draped over his shoulders as if it were a cape, fluttering behind him in the wind. The cape had visible cuts on its ends, more than likely as a result of combat damage. He wore a high collar, Japanese-style, button-down white shirt, and olive green dress pants. These pairs of pants contained cuts in their fabric at the sleeves, much like the cuts in the fabric of his overcoat. Finally, he wore a pair of twine sandals, in addition to being commonly seen with a piece of twine in his mouth which he spit out quite often. This man was Mifune, Master Samurai and one-hundred percent human. He was going to be a teacher at the DWMA, but Black✮Star had other plans before he joined. "Think you're up for a warm-up fight, Mifune?" Black✮Star questioned, crossing his arms as well. "Always, Black✮Star. I would never pass up a fight with you. What is it, three-to-two, now?" Mifune smiled, and Black✮Star nodded. "Yup. Glad you remembered." Black✮Star looked behind him and waved his arm, as if telling somebody to come over to him. A woman slowly emerged from the shadows of the DWMA's entrance. She wore a pale yellow, sleeveless outfit with a skirt end that had a slit down the side; a bright yellow star was emblazoned on the right side of the chest. She also wore a dark brown scarf and a tight dark brown stocking on her right leg, starting just above the knee and her white boots. She wore a sash, that looked similar to Black✮Star's gray, riveted straps, which wrapped around her waist twice and hung down diagonally from right to left. She had long, black, hair, tied up in a ponytail, and large, indigo eyes. "Ah, Tsubaki, it's good to see you again," Mifune commented, as Tsubaki walked to the left of Black✮Star. "Glad to see you made a recovery, Mifune." Tsubaki gave a small smile, and watched Mifune pull out a large, silver samurai sword. "Well, are you ready for this, Black✮Star? Because I don't intend on losing again." Mifune's expression changed to a much more serious one, and he spit out the twine from his mouth. "Always. Tsubaki, Uncanny Sword mode!" Black✮Star stood in a defensive stance as Tsubaki's body glowed yellow, changing into a large, black, katana sword. At the hilt of the blade were many bandages, and the pommel of it was decorated finely with a black and gold style to it. Black✮Star held it in his right hand, and gently slid his finger upon the sharp side of the blade. Mifune smiled lightly, but then returned to his serious expression. "Let's do this!" Black✮Star and Mifune yelled as they began charging towards each other. Black✮Star raised his sword, and brought it down upon Mifune's steel samurai sword. Sparks flew out towards the side, and Mifune pushed Black✮Star back. Black✮Star quickly recovered, smashing his sword into Mifune's again and using his left fist to uppercut Mifune. Mifune dropped back, using his sword to stay standing. He quickly stood up, slicing his sword into the ground, and bringing it up to Black✮Star's chest, hoping to cut him. Unfortunately for Mifune, Black✮Star quickly parried it, and smashed his fist into Mifune's face, making him fall back and causing blood to shoot from his nose. Mifune fell onto the ground, doing a reverse somersault, and he quickly recovered, landing on his feet. Black✮Star quickly charged towards Mifune, but Mifune uppercut Black✮Star in the jaw. He then swung his fist into Black✮Star's face, shooting him back near the entrance of the DWMA. Mifune quickly charged himself towards Black✮Star, aiming his sword at the other’s leg, slicing his lower calf. Black✮Star narrowly avoided it, but still took on a bit of a cut, landing on his arse. He stood up and smiled, looking deep into Mifune's eyes. Mifune looked at him, unmoved by the assault of stares, and watched Black✮Star's movements for signs of another attack. "Tsubaki; smoke bomb mode!" Quickly, Black✮Star was surrounded by smoke, and it disappeared as quickly as it re-appeared, leaving no one to be seen. Mifune closed his eyes as he tried to remember this trick. He quickly meditated into a state where all he could hear was his own heartbeat. He listened and waited for the time to strike. *CRACK* Mifune swung his fist into Black✮Star's face, causing Black✮Star to fall on his ass once more. Mifune brought his sword up, swinging it into Black✮Star's chest. He stopped, just above his collar-bone, and smiled very slowly. Black✮Star stared at Mifune's smile, unmoved by the change of emotions. But soon, Black✮Star started to smile, and laughed loudly, Mifune quickly joining in. "Looks like it's three-to-three, now, huh?" Mifune helped Black✮Star get back up and Tsubaki re-appeared out of her Weapon form. "Yup. But, next time, you won't be so luck--", Black✮Star stopped and gripped his chest, cringing tightly. "Black✮Star!", Tsubaki yelled, wrapping her arms around him. "Black✮Star, is something wrong...? Why is your body glowing like that?" Mifune asked, staring at Black✮Star's glowing body. "Tsu-...Tsubaki..." he managed to squeeze out of his lungs, and quickly Tsubaki and Black✮Star were gone. Mifune stared at the air where they once were, his eyes wide with surprise. He couldn't believe it. They were just there...where'd they go...? I have to inform Lord Death at once! Quickly, Mifune ran into the DWMA's entrance, ready to find Lord Death. * Uhg...my head...my ass...my...everything...His eyes opened up, to be greeted by a yellow face with pink hair surrounding it. The eyes of the face were much larger than normal, and they displayed a light shade of blue, along a bit of confusion, to them. Black✮Star's eyes glared at it for a minute, then he realized it wasn't human. "GAH!" he yelled, sitting up quickly. "Eep!" The creature jumped back, putting its forelimbs on its eyes. "WHAT?!" Black✮Star looked at his body, and realized it was now a silver-grey body with hooves, along with a light shade of blue for a tail. "Mmm!", the creature in front of him squeaked as its wings flared, probably from fright. "What the hell are you?! What am I?!" Black✮Star stared at the creature's light yellow body, then its wings, and finally its flank, gazing at three butterflies that lay upon it. "Uhhh..." Black✮Star quickly fell down, and his eyes closed. Everything turned black. 10 minutes later... "...Starrrrr..." "..." "...Black✮Star..." "..." "...Black✮Starrrrryy..." "..." "Black✮Star!!" "GAH!" Black✮Star quickly woke up, only to be greeted by Tsubaki kneeling down by a couch that Black✮Star was laying on. Tsubaki was surrounded with a weird, cream-coloured wall. The carpet under her was a few shades of green and orange, in a circular-target design. To the left of her was a staircase, with a mirror and a few bird-houses and cat-perches. To the right seemed to be a kitchen, and all Black✮Star could see inside it was a small fridge. "Tsu...Tsubaki? Was it a dream?” Black✮Star asked, and Tsubaki shook her head. "No, it wasn't. I think you're a...pony...right, Fluttershy?", Tsubaki looked back at a timid looking pink and yellow 'pony', who just nodded. "Yes...he's an Earth Pony...uhm...s-sorry for scaring you when you woke up...you just...surprised me..." 'Fluttershy' said as she moved closer to Tsubaki. "Uhm...why am I a pony, then, and you're not, Tsubaki?" Black✮Star looked at his new hooves, shaking his head. "Oh, well...I think it's because I'm a Weapon...but, I'm not quite sure, yet. I'm sorry, Black✮Star," Tsubaki apologized, and Black✮Star just shrugged. "It's fine...God...what the hell happened?" Black✮Star questioned, and Fluttershy spoke softly. "W-well...you just kind of...fell from the sky. I quickly came over to you, and saw you were okay. I was about to pick you up when, uhm...Tsu-Tsubaki here woke up, as well. She startled me a little, and then you startled me. After you fainted, we brought you here, and Tsubaki explained a bit of what she was." Fluttershy quickly took a breath in, and softly sighed. "Uhg...this is so confusing. It feels weird not to have my hands, either. How'd we even get here?" Black✮Star asked. "Well, I just sa--" "No, I meant, how'd we get here. Like, whatever world we're in. Because you're not human, and I'm no longer human. This isn't normal," Black✮Star interrupted Fluttershy, and Tsubaki answered. "I'm not sure. But, we'll figure it out soon, Black✮Star. For now, just rest." Tsubaki laid Black✮Star's head on a pillow, and he sighed, closing his eyes. Hopefully Mifune will help. This is all so crazy...Tsubaki looked over at Fluttershy, who was leaning down and listening to a squirrel, for what it looked like. [-------------------------------------------------] Thanks a lot for starting to read it this much. I'm glad for all the attention it's getting. I love you guys for it, and I'm going to make sure this fic is well liked. Love you all, my little bronies! <3 Oh, and thanks to Gunsmith, who edited my the last chapter, and this one. > Death The Kid: Rarity is Rare As Symmetry? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death The Kid: Rarity is Rare As Symmetry? Within a dark cave in the Everfree Forest, one that would deter any traveler along its route, life seemed to be sprouting from it. This cave was an abode that resided just a little East of the Two-Sisters’ Castle. If one were to walk said path, there would be a promptly lit-up sign, covered in many arrows that were vectored around it. Of course, one cannot be too sure what path to follow in the Everfree, and for Grave Digger, he seemed to find it interesting to follow a new path everyday. Grave Digger was a pony, of course. He wore a thick, black, hooded cloak, to hide his face and most of his upper body. He was a fairly decent sized stallion, and his coat was an oxidized-green; the color one might see on a penny that hasn't had its fair share of 'good' days. As Grave Digger made his way down the blackened and eerie path, he noticed a sign, and took a moment to read. "Medusa's Cave: You've been warned," he says in a low, rasping voice. He looked forward, to eye the scenery. There were many trees surrounding a large hole, the hole made out of a gray-coloured rock formation. The rocks were mostly covered in vines, and reflected some of the sunlight that broke through the Everfree's thick trees. The darkness of the hole appeared...odd. He decided it was best that he head into the cave, anyways. Slowly, he crept forward, moving closer and closer to the cave. He could hear his own heart beating within his chest as he approached the dank cave. After a few minutes of slow moving, he found himself entering the mouth of the cave, and then... A scream. * The group pushed their way closer to the town, and soon found out that it was called 'Ponyville', judging by the massive sign in the front of the town. They were glad to be out of the forest; as they traveled along, they were greeted by quite a lot of European-styled houses, which had something similar to a Gothic look. But, as the town's name stated, many ponies were walking about, doing the normal things humans would do: buying food, doing daily chores, working at their jobs, farming, et cetera. It was so surreal for the four, but...maybe there was quite a bit more to this world that Lord Death didn't mention. "Alright, this is weird..." Maka said as the group made their way through the town's entrance, greeted by none other than ponies. "A little," Kid said with a sigh. "I think they're cute!" Patty let out in a giggle, and was met by Liz yelling at her. Again. "Well, where should we start? Split up and meet back later?" Kid looked to Maka, and Maka nodded. "Seems fair. I think that's the best idea. And if Soul stayed in his...'human' form, then it'll make our search easier. Liz, Patti, you two split up and go that way..." Maka pointed over to a gingerbread-like house and an apple stall near it. "Kid, you go that way." She pointed for Kid to go over to a large, purple and white structure, looking much like a carousel. "And I'll head over there." Finally, Maka pointed to a large, tree-like structure. "Sound like a plan?" Everyone nodded with Maka, and immediately split up. Kid moved over to the carousel structure, and soon had a better look at it. Its door was actually made up of two smaller doors: one on top, and one on the bottom, as if it were a shop of some sort. The two windows, right and left, were oval shaped, and the glass was tinted a shade of blue; yellow curtains were barely visible on the inside. Around the windows were a diamond shape and a frilly pattern, on both sides of the windows. Spires were the main structure for the building, as they held up most of it. They had two shades of purple, dark and light, spiraling around each of the cylindrical spires. The four on the bottom held up a second floor, which held a large sign with a pony on it; there were two hearts on each side of the pony's hooves, and a line going through said pony. Above the pony was another two shades of purple, similar to the spires, and then a miniature carousel just above that. The carousel was just for show, and held two ponies on each side, each being held up by a purple iron pole. At the very, very top of the entire structure was a kind of lookout point, as one might see on a castle. It was held up by four blue poles, and on top of it was a small, red flag, waving through the wind. As Kid got ever so close, his jaw dropped, and his yellow eyes brightened with excitement. "Dear God! It's perfectly symmetrical! Every little detail, all the same! Look over here, each spire, an even number of them, and all evenly spaced!" He moved over to the spires of the building, placing his hooves on them. "And look at the windows! Both of them are the same shape, and same design, with the same yellow curtains! Oh, beautiful! I have to see the owner and thank them for having such a marvelous place!" Kid immediately burst through the door, and was greeted by a variety of sewing machines, neatly yet sporadically laid about. Many materials laid across the floor, from silk, to velvet, to leather and to cotton, but it didn't seem to bother Kid. The inside was made up of three mirrors, one on the left of the inside of the building, one on the right, and one in the middle. There were many clothes and accessories lined up around each mirror, and a circular stand in the middle of each area. It must be a clothing store! Brilliant! Kid thought, as his eyes grew wider in excit-- "Wait a second..." Kid stopped his excitement, as he looked further at the details of the store. On the far right mirror, there was a couch, laid at about a forty-seven degree angle to the mirror. Next to the couch were three velvet curtains, as if they were changing rooms. On the far left mirror, there were three velvet curtains for changing rooms, but no couch. "Right..." Kid looked to the right for a moment, eyeing each detail. "Left..." He then moved to over at the left. The rage ensued in his mind. "NO! This cannot be! All of it simply must be fixed!" he yelled, but was interrupted by a soft, and classy, feminine voice. "May I help you, sir?" Kid looked over to see who was talking to him. It was a white unicorn with a purple, curly mane. Her mane fell in perfect circular curls, and it matched her tail, which also did the same. On her rump seemed to be three diamond shapes, and her eyes were a moderate azure colour, shadowed by a light-cornflower bluish-gray. This made Kid lose it with excitement. "Do you realize your mane and tail are perfectly symmetrical to each other?! It's simply wonderful!" Kid said, as he moved closer to eye her 'symmetry'. "Really, now? I just finished curling it today! I'm glad you noticed my fine abilities. I do enjoy the wonders of making things just perfect." The unicorn smiled as she gently pushed her mane up in down, bouncing it. "It's simply marvelous! But, there is a problem with this building," Kid said, a bit of frustration in his voice. "What's that, then?" the unicorn asked as she looked into Kid's yellow eyes. "Well, you see that couch?" Kid pointed over to the couch that lay to the far right mirror, "That's not symmetrical to the left mirror, over here. As I can tell, that couch is on a forty-seven degree angle, and there needs to be another just like it to the left mirror." Kid took a breath for a moment. "Otherwise, it is just awful!" The unicorn's eyes went wide and she nodded. "I do have to agree, it has been bugging me. Perhaps I'll get another couch fitted in. Until then, my name is Rarity, you are?" 'Rarity’ let out a hoof, and Kid's hoof met hers, gently shaking it. "I'm Death the Kid. You can call me Kid, though. I have to ask you something that's important." Kid moved past her a little, eyeing himself in the mirror. "Death the Kid...? That doesn't seem too welcoming..." Rarity said as she moved behind him. Kid stretched his body a little, looking at his wings. He was figuring out how to make them move, and eventually, he moved a certain muscle in his back, which caused them to flap lightly. After this success, he looked over to Rarity. "It's just formality, really. My father had me named that to make sure people knew that I was his son," Kid said, looking back in the mirror. "Ponies. Your father named you that to make sure ponies knew that you were his son," Rarity corrected. "P-ponies?" Kid asked, and couldn't help but burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" Rarity asked as she moved next to him. "Ponies! Oh, that's rich! Gahahaha!" He smashed his hooves onto the ground, laughing hysterically. "Bah. C'mon, tell me why you're here," Rarity said, slightly annoyed now. Kid quickly stood up, regaining his composure. "Right then, back to business." Kid looked into her eyes for a moment, and then looked away. "I'm looking for my friend, Soul. I'm sure you've seen him, as he is a bipedal and are all quadrupedals. I've been sent here with my other friends to get him back and bring him back to our--", Kid stopped for a moment, thinking: I can't tell her about our 'world'. That would seem crazy! "--Academy. Back to our Academy," he finished, smiling. "Well, no. I haven't seen a bipedal at all. I've been in my store, making dresses all day," Rarity said, making Kid sigh. "Well, all we--...wait, dresses?! Dresses you can make one hundred percent symmetrical?!", Kid's eyes lit up once more and Rarity smiled. "Yes, of course! Would you like to see?" she asked, her eyes shining lightly. "Would I?! Show me to the dresses, woman!" Kid said jokingly as Rarity lead him to her 'workshop'. > Patti Thompson: Pinkie Pie Party Thrower? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patti Thompson: Pinkie Pie Party Thrower? As Patti made her way through Ponyville, over to the gingerbread structure, she was glared upon many eyes of the citizens there. But, Patti being Patti, she didn't care, and just kept walking, as well as laughing. As she reached the gingerbread structure, she looked up and eyed it, glancing over it for a couple of moments. The building's roof was styled to resemble that of a gingerbread house. It was a two story house, from what it looked like from outside; they appeared as a pair of stacked cupcakes, with candles on the upper one. Posts on either side of the door had red and white candy-cane stripes, a purple rock-candy projection stood up from the roof, and a sign bearing a picture of a cupcake hung at one corner. Patti walked up to one of the white and red candy canes and licked it, getting a sugary sensation from the lick. She squealed in joy and bounced to the door, walking inside, being greeted by a mass assortment of goods. Her eyes lit up like the sun in the afternoon, and she put her face on the glass of one of the cabinets that held the sweets. There were shelves upon shelves filled with cupcakes, sugary candies, small cakes, big cakes, massive cakes, muffins, even veggie and fruit inspired sweets, and all Patti could think of was eating them! When she stepped in, there was a counter with a register on it, decorated with small candy corn buttons, and stairs going to another floor, most likely. It was simply wonderful to Patti. "Hiya, I'm Pinkie Pi--" Patti turned around to be met by a pink pony with a pink mane and three balloons on her rump. "Ooo! They talk!" She started to laugh and point at the pink pony. "Hey, you look like my one friend! How'd you get here?" The pink pony asked, and Patti smiled, moving closer. "Well, I was walking with my sister, and then, bam! Straight in the middle of a forest with my Meister! My name's Patti, what's yours?" Patti held out her hand, and the pink pony shook it with her hooves. "Pinkie Pie! Party Thrower Extraordinaire!", Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, laughing. Patti soon joined in, bouncing with her. "This is fun! Ooo, can I have a cupcake! It looks delicious! Oh, maybe some cake. Oh, I know! We should bake a super-duper-awesome cake and then feed it to all these cute ponies!" Patti's eyes lit up once more, and Pinkie Pie grinned excitedly. "Ohmigosh! That's an amazing idea!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, and her mane shook back and forth. "To the kitchen!, she yelled as Patti followed her. Pinkie Pie lead Patti around a counter with a large register upon it, and through a back door. Within the back door was a giant table, holding many ingredients such as flour, sugar, brown sugar, gum drops, et cetera. There were cabinets in the back that were all open, and they all held an assortment of pots, pans, and dishes for sweet shaping and making. Under the cabinets was an array of sinks and marble counter tops, along with an assortment of knives and cutting boards. To the far left of all this were fridges, likely filled with cooled or chilled ingredients, such as fruits or veggies. Attached to the fridge were weird cylindrical gloves, along with a lot of spoons and pewters for stirring and mixing. "All right! I'll grab the cake tin, and then we'll get started!" Pinkie Pie jumped over to the cabinet, ripping out a massive cake tin from it. How it fit in there, no one would ever know. "This is going to be fun! Oh...if only we had music!" Patti said, a small frown on her face. "Oh, that's easy! I have a cupcake song, but, it'll work, won't it?" Pinkie asked, as she pulled out a few bags of flour and sugar. "Of course! Something to keep me going!" Patti laughed, and Pinkie Pie joined in, as she began. "All you have to do is take a cup of flour; add it to the mix!" "Now take something sweet, not sour! A bit of salt, just a pinch!" "Baking these treats is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of vanilla!" "Add a little more, now you count to four, and never get your fill of..." "Cupcakes! So sweet and delicious!" "Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!" "Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes!" "C'mon, sing with me!" Pinkie Pie was pouring ingredients into the cake tin, and it compiled into a brown mixture, similar to a chocolate colour. Patti just jumped for joy as she picked it up and tossed it in the oven. "All you have to do is take a cup of flour; add it to the mix! Now, take something sweet, not sour! A bit of salt, just a pinch!" Patti began the song, and Pinkie soon joined in, giving the newcomer a warm hug. "Baking these treats is such a cinch! Add a teaspoon of vanilla! Add a little more, now you count to four, and never get your fill of...!" They smiled brightly, as they reached the final part of the wondrous song. "Cupcakes! So sweet and delicious! Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty! Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcaaaaaakes!" Patti and Pinkie Pie hugged once more, as the oven dinged. "Wow, that was a fast-baking cake!" Patti said as Pinkie quickly withdrew it from the oven. "It's the Super-Duper-Cake-Baker 3000! That's why! Makes baking so much faster! Although, I burn a bit more cause I forget it cooks a lot longer then normal," Pinkie said, smiling. "Alright, awesome! So, what are we going to decorate this big cake with?" Patti asked as she looked down at the swirl of baked chocolate inside the tin. "Well, first we'll cover it in delicious vanilla icing, then top that with a layer of chocolate sprinkles! Afterwards, we'll top that with an array of caramel dipped apple slices, and sprinkle those in rainbow-flavoured sprinkles!" Patti's eyes were growing wide with excitement at this idea, and Pinkie continued, "Afterwards, and finally, we'll top all that in sugar salad: a bunch of sugar-made leaves to look like salad! It'll be yummy!" Pinkie finished; Patti was drooling. "That...sounds...", Patti looked to the ground, faking disappointment. "AWESOME!" She sprung to the air, and started laughing wildly. They immediately went to work on doing just as Pinkie described. Slowly, they iced the cake, towering an array of vanilla icing in a neat, delicious, spiral into the middle. Afterwards, they neatly spread chocolate sprinkles onto the cake. Soon, Pinkie pulled out hot caramel, and cut up apples into thin slices, dipping them into the caramel before handing them to Patti, who placed them on the cake neatly and evenly. As she finished, they put a neat coating of rainbow-flavoured sprinkles on each of the apples. "Alright, so, I'll get to baking the sugar leaves. Meanwhile, you can tell me about yourself!" Pinkie kindly suggested, and Patti smiled. "Of course!" Patti smiled brightly, and began with a deep breath. ------------ A/N: Yeah, that's how that chapter ended. Just letting you know before you're confused, reader. > Maka: Twilight and Books? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maka: Twilight and Books? Maka started to make her way through the town, eyeing many of the cultural houses and noting how they represented a lot of the early European ones back home. She also gazed over many of the different stalls that were scattered around Ponyville. Some sold fruits, others vegetables, even tools and small accessories. But, that isn't what caught Maka's eye. What did catch it was the large tree not too far away from her. Many birdhouses, beehives and birdfeeders hung from it, and the tree stood tall at about two, maybe three stories high. From what Maka could see, there was a balcony jutting out from the right side of the tree, and a telescope aiming out the top. "Maybe someone here knows something," Maka said to herself as she trotted forward, looking at the door with a large candle-like symbol upon it. She raised a hoof to the door, clopping it against it and waiting for a response. A few seconds later, a lavender-coloured pony answered the door. "Hello, welcome to the Ponyville Library. We're closed, though, so you'll have to come back later," she said, giving a small smile. "Oh, I'm not here about that. I just need to talk to you. Trying to find a friend," Maka said politely. "Oh, really? Well, come in!" The lavender mare opened the door for Maka, and as Maka made her way in, she continued, "My name's Twilight Sparkle. You are?" Maka didn't answer as she gazed at the many books that rested inside this wonderful library. She could see many titles such as those labelled Magic for Foals, Starswirl the Bearded's Guide to Equestria, Celestia and Luna: The Great Dispute, and so on. It was truly a sight for any egghead to go wild for. But, it was short lived, as she realized Twilight was poking her; Maka finally answered. "Maka. My name's Maka. I've come here to look for someone, and I was hoping you'd know something about my friend." Twilight's purple eyes glared at her, and she gave a small smile. "Hey, who's here, Twilight?" A small scaled creature walked in from a stairwell in the middle of the room. He had razor-sharp, green spikes jutting from his head, continuing along his back to his small, diamond-like tail. The rest of his body was purple, with a white underbelly. His eyes were a bright-ish green, with cat-like pupils. "Who're you?" Maka asked, a little impolitely, and Twilight answered briskly. "He's my assistant, Spike. Spike, shouldn't you be cleaning the upstairs, again?" Twilight motioned her hoof upstairs, and Spike grunted. "Oh, come on, I just did that last week!" Twilight just gave an unimpressed look, and Spike rolled his eyes. "Fine. If you need me, I'll be cleaning the upstairs." Spike wandered back upstairs, and a few incoherent mumbles could be heard from the stairwell. "Well, anyways, I'd be glad to help out in any way. What's he look like, what's his name, and when did you last see him?" Twilight pulled up two small cushion chairs as she sat on her rump, Maka following suit and finding it extremely comfortable. "Well, he has white hair, and wears a bandanna that says 'Soul' and 'EAT' on it. He usually wears a yellow and black jacket, with a pair of jeans, and he's Caucasian. His name is Soul Eater Evans, but I just call him Soul. I saw him just a few days ago, and I'm looking to bring him back to an Academy we bo-- ...are you okay?" Maka glared at Twilight, seeing Twilight's mouth was in an 'o' shape, as if she was stunned by the information. "Is...he a bipedal, per se?", Twilight asked, ignoring Maka's question. "Well, yeah. I expected myself to stay bipedal when I came here. But, I was transformed into a pony somehow. Kind of weird, to be honest." Twilight's eyes seemed to lock onto Maka's, and Maka was feeling slightly weirded out by it. "Uhm...Tw-Twilight?" she asked, and Twilight just shook her head. "Yes! I've seen him! He's in town, actually, staying with my friend Rainbow Dash for a bit. He's going to be with my other friend, Fluttershy, soon, but I assume Rainbow Dash and Soul are just hanging out somewhere. It won't be too hard to find them. I can help you look, as well!" Twilight jumped up, and Maka started to smile. "Perfect! This'll be easier than I thought, then. So--" Before Maka continued, her stomach growled, and her face went red with embarrassment. "Uhm...maybe I should eat, first?" Twilight nodded, and quickly called to Spike. "Spike! Can you fetch us some apples, please?" "Yeah, one minute!" Spike returned an answer, and Twilight sat back down along with Maka. "So, while we're waiting, can you explain this whole Meister-and-Weapon thing to me? Soul briefed me on it, but it's still a bit unclear." Twilight's ears perked up, and she gave an expression that showed she was generally interested in what Maka was, hopefully, going to talk about. "Oh, well, a Meister is like a 'Master', in a way. They're the 'Master' of the 'Weapon' they use to destroy evils in our world. Those evils, if they progress and continue to kill humans, will turn into something called a Kishin Egg. If they do that, then they'll become a god-like being that is beyond any power. Mostly, our leader, Lord Death, would handle those Kishins. But, after dealing with the first Kishin to exist, he founded the Academy for Meisters and Weapons." Maka saw Spike carry in a tray of apples, including some milk to go with them, and she gently plopped an apple carefully in her hooves, biting down on it. Spike walked out of the room, going back to his cleaning duties. "So, these Kishins are what you are out to destroy? Soul mentioned something about not every Meister can hold every Weapon, too. So, is that relevant to defeating a Kishin?" Twilight questioned as she took a sip of her milk. "It could be relevant. See, our souls must be the same wavelength. If they aren't, it could hurt both the Weapon and the Meister. I guess I see the relevancy in this, as the perfect pair are needed to defeat a Kishin. I defeated a Kishin once. The first Kishin in existence. I'm glad that I don't have to worry so much about it, anymore, though." Maka sighed, chomping on more of her apple before taking a long drink of milk. Maka looked down at the core of her apple, noticing how fast she ate, and set it down on the tray. She finished off her milk, and let out a sigh, her face contorting a little; she let out a sneeze. She brought a hoof to her muzzle, and wiped off any remnants of the mucus that may have evacuated; Twilight just giggled. "What?" Maka asked, and Twilight shook her head. "Nothing. So, anything you'd like to know about Equestria?" Twilight asked kindly, and Maka nodded. "Well, I figured out a few things. I know it's really hard to walk on all fours, my friends that aren't Weapons turned into ponies, and I was sent here by Lord Death to find my friend. I want to know how Lord Death knew about this place, mainly." Maka grunted lightly, and Twilight just raised a brow. "Lord Death? Who's that, exactly? I know you mentioned him before, but, I want to know who he is specifically." Maka let out a sigh, and started to explain. "Lord Death, or known as Shinigami -- God of Death -- is the leader of the Death Weapon/Meister Academy; DWMA for short. He's basically a kind hearted kind of...uhm...I think he's a he, anyways. But, he's a kind hearted guy who mostly wants to protect the humans of the world. Well, our world, seeing as he knew about this one befo--" something started to buzz near Maka's ears, and make a light vibration to her body. She stood up and look around the room, searching for something. Her body moved to the bookshelves, then over to the windows, and then back to Twilight. "Is something wrong, Maka?" Twilight asked, confused and worried. "Do you have a mirror? I need to do something." Twilight nodded, quickly making her horn glow a magenta colour, and withdrawing a mirror from on top of one of the bookshelves. Maka approached it, tapping it gently to make sure it was solid. She moved her mouth close to it, breathing hot air upon it to build up condensation. She then used the tip of her hoof to draw in it. Numbers. "42-42-564, whenever you want to knock on Death's Door." The mirror bubbled with an odd essence, as the shape of a mask with black outlines appeared in the mirror. "What are you doi--?" "Well, hey-hey-hey, Maka! How's it goin'? Enjoying Equestria as an equine, I see?" Lord Death had his signature, childish tone to his voice, and Maka grunted lightly. Twilight, being interrupted, just stared in astonishment at the mirror. "Lord Death, I want to know how you know of this place. Is there a specific reason why you sent us here? You would've told us the dangers of Jigen if this wasn't done on purpose. Tell me, why are we here? Is there something else behind this?! Tell me!" Maka's voice boomed in the library, and Death sighed, nodding. "There is another reason, Maka. One I didn't want to mention. I know of this place because I was there once before. A long time ago, I met Celestia, a wonderful Alicorn, and we both became close friends. But, that's another story. I sent you there for a specific reason, other than to find Soul. Soul was just an accident." Lord Death sighed once more, pausing. "Then, why are we here? Why'd you send us?" Maka quickly questioned, and Lord Death's unseeable eyes glared at her. "Medusa is back, that's why." The room went quiet. > Liz Thompson: I Ain't Reckon Ya Buck? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liz Thompson: I Ain't Reckon Yah’ Buck? Liz kept grunting as she continued along a dirt road that seemingly lead out of town. Her thighs were hurting from wearing her short-shorts for too long, and how they'd been scrunching up her crotch. She let out another annoying groan, as she dropped to the ground, sighing. "This sucks!" Liz said with a small cry of annoyance. "Why'd I follow this road? I'm hungry, my legs are hurting, and my panties are ramming up my va--" "Are ya'll okay?" a voice called, interrupting Liz's thoughts. Liz looked up to see a blond-maned, orange-coated pony looking at her. Her green eyes were displaying confusion, as one brow was moved upwards, and the other downwards. On her flank, there was a trio of apples, and she seem to be wearing a Stetson hat upon her head. Liz couldn't answer, but only stare. "Ya'll are a weird lookin' bunch. What're yah’ doin' out here?" the mare asked, as Liz stood up on her aching feet. "I'm looking for a friend. About yay high-- ", Liz raised her right hand to her chest level, to display the height of who she was looking for, "-- is a human, like me, and is a guy. His name is Soul. Seen him around lately?" Liz was only met with a shake of the mare's head and a question. "Nope. What's a ‘hue-mon’?" "I'm a human. Sorta. Look, I really need a place to rest, so, could you lead me somewhere where I could sit and eat and preferably shower, too?" Liz displayed an expression of direness, and the orange mare laughed. "Well, of course Ah’ can. Mah’ name's Applejack, by th' way. Yours?" Applejack held out a slightly muddy hoof, and Liz shook it gently. "Elizabeth. Liz works, though." Applejack nodded, and turned around, gesturing with a hoof for Liz to follow. Applejack eventually lead Liz to a large orchard filled with apple trees. A large road lead between the many rows of apple trees, which lead up to a large white picket fence and gate, labeled 'Sweet Apple Acres'. Within the large, picketed area there was a red and white barn, seemingly torn up a bit from some weather damage, but was well designed. The barn had a massive weather vane with an apple sitting upon it. Around the roof of the farmhouse were around four balcony windows, and on the sides were at least another four on the walls of the farmhouse. To the right, there was a large house, consisting of at least two stories, made up of a couple houses put into one. They all bore the same farmhouse-red design, which made them slightly boring, but it was something for ponies. "So, this here is Sweet Apple Acres. Mah’ pride 'n' joy. So, whaddya’ think?" Liz was looking around, nodding a little as Applejack asked. "It's cool. But, I really need to eat something and shower. So, mind showing me where all that is so I can get that out of the way?" Liz smirked lightly, and her face went a bit red with embarrassment. Applejack laughed. "Don't ya'll worry. C'mere, Ah'll show ya where th' facilities are." Liz nodded and followed Applejack to the barnhouse. Inside, there were seemingly odd amounts of hay laying everywhere, but then again, it was a farm. In the back of the farmhouse seemed to be a large, shower-like area. Probably used for cleaning animals. "This here’s our shower. We normally use it tah' clean animals, but, it works just as fine. Don't ya worry about if it's sanitary. We all clean it after use." Applejack smiled and Liz nodded. "Thanks. I'll tell you when I'm done. I'll probably need a towel, too, so that might be handy." Applejack nodded as Liz walked to the shower, opening up the large glass door that was frosted to stop anybody, or anypony, from seeing anything they really shouldn't see from seeing in it. Liz closed the door, took off her clothes immediately, happy to get out of her tight short-shorts, and tossed them on the side of the top of the door to keep them dry. She reached for the shower handle, and looked up where the showerhead was. Thankfully, it was above her, so it would be easier to clean her body without getting her clothes wet. She turned the handle to the middle so it would be a decent temperature. The water was cold when it hit her skin, making her jump in discomfort. After a moment, it began radiating some heat and made her body relax. Her muscles expanded with relaxation, and she grabbed some bar soap from one of the soap holders, rubbing it over her body. * Liz and Applejack sat at a mahogany table in the middle of a small kitchen. The kitchen had counters to the left with marble tops upon them, in a tile-like design. There was a steel sink in the middle of the counter, and a window through which sunlight streamed. Above the counter were cabinets, which most likely held dishes, and to the far left of the counters was a white fridge, along with a door leading outside to the back yard. Liz had just finished off an apple pie as Applejack started to speak. "Feel better now that ya'll have eaten 'n' showered?" Applejack asked as Liz patted her stomach in satisfaction from the many apple pies and apple treats she just snacked on. "Yeah. But...” *belch* “I came here to find my friend. So, I don't know what I'm exactly I'm going to do. Do you know anyone around here who could help us find him?" Liz looked at Applejack, who nodded in reply. "Of course Ah’ do. Mah’ friend Twilight will help us. She prob’ly already saw him, anyways. But, I've got a few questions for yah’." Liz tilted her head, and Applejack nodded. "Well, Ah’ want to know where exactly yah’ came from, what are ‘humans’, why ya'll are here, and why exactly ya'll are lookin' for this friend of yours?" Liz readied herself to answer, as Applejack sat and waited for a response. "Well, I come from a place called 'Earth', in a city called 'Death City'. I live at an academy called the 'Death Weapon/Meister Academy', and I'm a Weapon. Before you ask, a Weapon is a human that can morph into a certain type of tool to kill evil. Now, a human is what the rest of me is, two legs instead of being like you horses with four legs. I'm here ‘cause I'm looking for my friend, who stupidly got pulled into this place, and now we're kind of stuck here. I have a couple other friends looking, too," Liz explained in a bit of brief, but reliable, detail. "Ah’ see. Well, that makes much more sense. Ah’ can start helpin' yah’ in lookin' for your friend." Applejack smiled, and Liz stood up to leave with her in response. > Soul and Maka: Meister Reunification? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul and Maka: Meister Reunification? A/N: Sorry for the long wait, guys. I've been busy and procrastinating. :c But, I dented the plotline good enough to feed you guys what you want. Next chapter is filler with Excalibur. :3 Hope you enjoy! Shadowflash, ah-waaaaay! Liz and Applejack had spent about thirty minutes heading over to 'Twilight Sparkle's' place. Liz wanted to rest, but Applejack insisted that they started leaving immediately to find her friend. Besides, apparently this 'Twilight' would be able to find him faster than one can say 'Equestria'. They finally made it to the town of Ponyville, passing by the many houses that mainly surrounded the market and town square. Applejack was virtually dragging Liz, as the pain was slowly seeping through the rest of her body and making her fall to the ground. "Are we there yet?" Liz groans, receiving a nod in reply. "Right there, sugarcube." Applejack points a hoof to a large tree, one which also seems to serve as a house.. "This is Twilight's home." Applejack smiles before proceeding further, Liz trudging slowly behind. Making their way up to the door, the orange pony pauses to knock upon it with a hoof a few times. A second later, a lavender unicorn opens the door and greets them with a smile. "Heyah, Twi!" Applejack says, tipping her Stetson and giving a nod. "Hey, Applejack. You two should come in. Don't ask why I'm not so excited to see her, either," Twilight says with a frown, pointing at Liz. “I’ll explain later." Applejack simply nods, and both walk into the home. Liz ducks most of her body through the small door, and once inside, immediately sits down. Her feet ache with pain, and she is tired from walking about, in her mind, three million miles. Liz looks around at the many books piled neatly upon shelves. This is clearly a personal library, or some sort of bookstore. Either way, it seems pretty nerdy to Liz. There is a staircase in the midst of the bookshelves, and one on the far right of the bookshelves, most likely leading to more books, Liz thinks to herself. "Liz? What're you doing here?" Maka walks out of a smaller doorway adjacent to the entrance to the tree-library. "Applejack brought me here", Liz says with a huff. "Said Twilight could find Soul ‘faster than you could say Equestria’." "Hey, Ah ain't lyin'," Applejack says defensively. Liz retorts with a puff of air. Maka shakes her head and walks over to Liz. She sits down beside Liz, looking at her with a stern eye. "Look, Liz, there's something more than us trying to find Soul. Soul wasn't put here by Jigen. He was put here by Lord Death." Liz raises a brow, and Maka continues. "Lord Death explained to me that Medusa is alive in this world. He wants us to finally finish her off, so she can't bring terror to the inhabitants. I've explained everything to Twilight Sparkle, and she said her friends should be able to help us." Liz nods and points to Applejack. "Well, I got one friend ready to help. So, that's two for...?" "Six. There's six friends. I assume Kid and Patti have already found one right now. But, let's not worry about that. For now, you get some rest and Soul should be here anytime. Twilight sent out a letter to him, so, yeah." Liz smiles and laughs lightly. "Best news I’ve heard all day. Excuse me while I take a small beauty nap." Liz collapses backwards on the wood floor, her head miraculously landing on a small, red pillow. Maka shakes her head and looks over at Twilight and Applejack. "There's a lot that you don't understand, yet, Applejack. I'll explain from the beginning..." * Soul and Rainbow Dash lay relaxed in an open field, surrounded by a few sparse trees. It is based just outside the town of Ponyville, and a large, yellow-brown pathway lead itself before the two, down to a larger section of the beautiful, scenic pasture. "So, this is all you do all day? Lay down?" Soul looks over at the small, cyan pony. She nods lightly, cracking open an eye and glancing over at him. "Well, mostly on clouds. They're waaaay comfortable than this stupid grass," Dash's scratchy voice confirms with a chuckle, and Soul lets off a smirk in response. "I could get use to this...Maka is a hassle sometimes." Soul closes his eyes, placing his hands on the back of his head and resting. "Does she treat you bad, or something?" Dash asks, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "A little. It's mostly because she's been...off, lately. Hard to explain, since you don't know her," Soul sighs quietly. Maka isn't just a little off. She's been tired and mopey ever since Asura was killed. She's been eager to pull away from Soul. As of late, their bond together has been splitting. He doesn't even know if he can pull off a Soul Resonance, let alone fight with her. Sorry, Maka. I really am...I wish I could've explained it a lot better... Soul sighs, but soon opens his eyes. Dash is on her hooves, looking down a small, brown piece of parchment. Soul pulls his upper body up to an erect position to look at it better. "Hey, Soul, we have to head back to Twilight. Apparently that 'Maka' you've been talking about is at her place. I guess Fluttershy's can wait." Rainbow Dash crumples up the piece of paper and tosses it to Soul. Soul puts it in his pocket and stands up, wiping the dust and dirt off his legs and buttox. He adjusts his jacket, cracks his neck a little, and sighs. Dash looks at him, wincing as he cracks his neck. "Eww. That's gross," she says, sticking her tongue out. "You're naked all the time. I have to look at your ass all day." Soul says with a laugh as he walks in front of her, heading to the yellow-brown path that leads back to Ponyville. "Well...you're...you have red eyes!" she retorts feebly. "Oooo, such a great comeback." Soul puts his hands in his pockets and Dash flies herself in front of his face. "Well, you do have to stare at my 'bits'...if y'know what I mean." Dash raises her brows and Soul shakes his head. "Yeah. Horse vag. Got it. Let's stop there..." Soul quickly speeds up as Dash starts to laugh, hovering beside him. * Deep within a dark cave encased in stalactites, stalagmites and small pools of echoing water, there is a luminous light glowing a pale white colour. A hooded figure stands within the light, leaning over the corpse of another hooded figure. Blood drips down and around the animate figure and soon, from the robes of said figure, emerge hands. The hands pull down the hood to reveal a spiky, blond hairstyle and a petite-structured head. The figure turns and stands, being very small in stature; deep, yellow, eyes with sharp, black, pupils look around. The figure giggles in a female tone, and speaks. "So, is this good enough for you?" she says quietly. "Hrm...it is beyond my distinctiveness of Chaos, but I do approve of your methods. Alluring him in here with...explicit acts if far beyond what I could do." A male voice that seemed to embody another realm speaks, echoing loudly in the rocky insides. "But, I do have one thing to ask: who are you, and why do you call upon me, Discord, Lord of Chaos?" Discord questions, letting out a small chuckle at the end of his question. "Well, let's begin from step one: I was defeated by a little bitch named Maka. I lured her damn Weapon into this realm so I could fight her here: knowing she would be weaker. Alongside that, I have the true embodiment of Chaos talking to me. And I can free you." She lets out a small, childish giggle, finishing her explanation. "That's all fine and dandy. But, to stop sugar coating it in rainbows and lollipops, you have to realize you're in Equestria now, lady. There's a lot more threats than your stupid gang of 'humans', as you call it," Discord snaps in return. "What do you mean?" she asked, frowning slightly. "Well, let me begin..." About one-thousand years ago, Equestria was separated into three kingdoms: the Ponies, the Griffons, and the Draconequus Empire. I ruled the Draconians, Celestia ruled over the Ponies, and Kha'ahl Griffon Vrae ruled the Griffons. Everything was peaceful until I realized something about us Draconians: we each hold a little magical power within us that allows us to alter many things around us. When I started doing it, the Empire revolted. I immediately reacted by killing all of my empire and decided I would become the sole ruler of all of Equestria. The Griffons wanted nothing to do with the Ponies, so I would left them alone; this left Celestia as my biggest threat. As I honed in on them, I was faced with a problem...six, to be exact. Celestia had fought back with all her might for a while, but I had the upper hand. As I was about to finish her off, she whips out these silly gems, and passes them to some ponies nearby. I couldn’t detail who they were, but they used them against me, and soon, I was encased in stone as I am now. One thousand years passed, and I broke free. I tormented Celestia and all her dumb little subjects. But those accursed ‘Elements of Harmony’ once again found their way back and defeated me... "Where are you going with this?” the woman interrupts impatiently, brows furrowing.. "In order for me to help you, you'll need to get rid of those Elements or the Element holders." Discord yawns loudly. "So, you can either break into a high security fortress and try and open a lock that only I, or Celestia, can open. Or: you can separate one or two of the element holders and free me. The choice is yours." The woman looked down at the rocky floor, just standing at the edge of the illumination behind her. She closed her eyes and started to smile, as she brought her hands together and looked up once more. "I think it shouldn't be hard to get rid of a few of them." She laughs softly, and Discord lets out a chortle. "Well, I better tell you who they are, then." Discord begins another long, telepathic speech. The First Element is the Element of Laughter. It's my personal favourite, but she is the most dangerous. She is fearful of nothing and laughs at all danger no matter what is in her way. Unfortunately, she hates the idea of being laughed at, or her friends hating her. So, that's an advantage. The Second Element is the Element of Honesty. She never lies to her friends and always seems to be honest no matter what. But, she has flaws: when she knows something that will happen that's inevitable; she can't help but lie. Alongside that, she is very driven and too hard working to let others help her. The Third Element is Generosity. This one is generous, even if she's a high class 'lady'. She's always willing to lend something or give discounts to those who can't afford things. She has flaws, as well. When I tricked her, she thought a rock was a diamond. So, I'm sure you can get creative. The Fourth is Kindness. This one really got me mad. I kept telling her how her friends always point out her flaws and make her feel inferior. She kept spewing how she enjoys that and how she likes the feedback on improving. But, she's a meek little horse, so, you can be pretty harsh and scare the bejeebers out of her. The Fifth is Loyalty. The aspects of this one are sporadic. She's very loyal to all her friends, but she can't help but give up her pride. She's always wanting to prove that she is better than everypony else in that town and is aspiring to be a 'Wonderbolt' or something. I'm sure she'll be easy to lure in. Finally, the most powerful. The Element of Magic. This one controls all the bonds between the others. She's the intellect, the knowledge and the brains of everything. She always has a plan but she overthinks things. She's very studious and enjoys being around her friends. The only problem is: if her friends disown her; she falls apart. It's perfect. "All their names are listed as followed: Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle. By the way, who are you, again?" Discord asks in an oddly polite tone. "Medusa. My name is Medusa. Glad that we're getting along, Discord." Medusa giggles quietly to herself. Everything is in order... * Black✮Star, Tsubaki and Fluttershy gather around a mahogany brown table within a kitchen-like room. If looking from the small-but-large doorway of the room, to the left would be a large marble sink with two button-like handles. Above the sink is an array of oak cabinets; most likely containing plates and glasses. Directly in front of the doorway, give or take a few metres, is an exquisite fridge, almost touching the ceiling in height. Finally, to the right of the doorway, is a plain, yellow door that leads outside. "This is confusing, Tsubaki. I still don't get why I have to be a goddamned horse and you get to be...you." Black✮Star grunts as he sits on the floor, drooping his head onto the table. "Well, I don't understand either, Black✮Star. It makes a bit of sense, yet no sense at all. Fluttershy doesn't know too much, either." Tsubaki smiles over at Fluttershy. "I, uhm, might know somepony who'll know what's going on. She's really smart on this kind of thing. If you want, we can go over to her place right now...if that's okay." Fluttershy offers meekly to the two. Black✮Star sighs and nods; standing on his hooves awkwardly. He tries to pace himself forward, but keeps wobbling all over the place. Fluttershy turns and exits out of the doorway with Tsubaki. After a minute or two, Black✮Star manages to make off at a steady walk as a quadruped and eventually catches up with the duo. The three make their way outside to be greeted by a large pond surrounding the house like a moat. Many animals bounce around on the grassy parts, and amphibians make their way to the water, soaking themselves within it. Black✮Star shakes his head at the amount of animals around this place before making his way in front of the two, crossing a small, cobblestone bridge onto a large yellow pathway. The pathway travels forward, then turns to the left, heading leftwards to a town in the distance. Tsubaki and Fluttershy trail behind Black✮Star, talking about something. Black✮Star takes no notice and continues walking forward, thinking to himself. I don't understand it...how am I suppose to fight if I have to be like this? Is there another God I can surpass here? How did I get here in the first place? Black✮Star ponders, furrowing his brows as he lowers his head to the ground. Tsubaki gets to stay her human self...why don't I? I liked having fingers...how do I hold a Weapon with fucking hooves? Black✮Star lets out a quiet sigh, hearing the two behind him giggling. "Black✮Star, is something wrong?" Tsubaki comes to Black✮Star's side, now looking down at him. "No, I'm fine..." He is eager to pull away from her right now, not feeling the need to talk. Tsubaki moves in front of him and goes into a crouching position, looking him in the eyes. She always gets me with this... Black✮Star thinks as Tsubaki started to speak, "Black✮Star, I know when you're sad. Stop being so stubborn. Everything will be fine. I promise." Tsubaki smiles, wrapping her arms around Black✮Star's neck, letting him rest his head on her left shoulder. "Better?" she asks, pulling away as Black✮Star nods. "Thanks, Tsubaki...I just hope it is." He lets out a soft sigh as they continue on their journey. * Rainbow Dash and Soul made their way back to Twilight's house. In a bit of a rush, Rainbow Dash bursts through the door, causing Soul to emit a laugh. "Sure know how to make an entrance," Soul says, entering the small doorway to be greeted by a small mass of ponies. Twilight, Maka and Applejack stare up at him as Liz was rests on an incredibly small couch to the right. Soul kneels down and looks at the dirty-blond-maned pony, smiling. "Enjoying yourself, Maka?" Soul smiles and Maka wraps her forelimbs around Soul's neck. "I missed you, y'know. But, there's a lot I have to explain, so I need you to listen." Maka backs away as Soul sits down in the middle, next to Twilight and Applejack. Rainbow Dash leans against one of the bookcases as Maka drags a mirror to the center of the room. She breathes hot air upon the mirror, and using the tip of her hoof to start writing something. "42-42-564, whenever you want to knock on Death's Door." she speaks as she writes the numbers in the condensation of the mirror. The mirror bubbles, and soon, a figure with a skull mask appears. His mask is spiked at the bottom, and rounded at the sides to the top. His eyes are black circles and when he speaks, he does so with a voice that didn't seem possible. "Hey, hey, heeeeey, Kids!" he sings in a slightly high-pitched male voice as he waves a large hand in front of the mirror. "Oh, look, Soul is back. How ya doin', Soul?" the figure asks, and Soul laughs. "Pretty good, Lord Death." Soul smiles and Lord Death moves over to look at Maka. "So, you wanted me to explain further to him, I assume?" Maka nods as Death asks her this. "Then take a seat, and let's get this show on the road!" Lord Death sings again, his hands flapping downward at the ground. Maka takes a seat next to Soul and Applejack, and everyone -- ponies included -- stares at the figure within the mirror. *Ahem* About...oh, eight-hundred years ago, I decided it'd be fun to try and let my newly founded Academy flourish without me. At the time, I never bound my Soul to the city. I let my headmaster Scythe take control while I was gone. So, anyways, I used a very special magic spell to allow me to travel somewhere else in the universe. It eventually brought me here: to Equestria. I was greeted by a bunch of little horses and I couldn't help but laugh as they bounced around me. I was surprised they weren’t scared. I soon made my way to a city called 'Canterlot'. There, it was a lot different. All the guards pointed spears at me and all the ponies were freaking out! I was brought within a large palace to be greeted by a large, flowing-rainbow-maned Alicorn. She told me her name was ‘Celestia’. I told her I ‘was no threat and that I was actually here to spend some time off’. She couldn't help but laugh and I joined in. We spent some time together, sharing information about our cultures. I was amazed what her pony subjects did. In fact, she told me a lot about the history there. It was a dreadful one, I have to say, but a lot of the ponies made it through. Reminded me a lot of the humans back on Earth. Anyhow, fast-forward about eight-hundred and twenty years, just after you defeated The Kishin of Madness. Medusa was dead, but, I had a feeling she'd come back. She's tricky like that. That's why you're here, Soul. Medusa is-- "Oh, telling stories again, Death?" a womanly voice calls in an echo, much farther beyond the room. "Medusa!" Soul and Maka both yell, jumping up on their hooves and feet. "Calm down, don't get too riled up. I just wanted to see what I was up against. Horses aren’t a problem. I'll have that purple one gutted, or maybe that orange one mounted on my wall. Sound good?" Medusa lets out a cruel laugh, and Twilight shoots to her hooves. "Nopony is gutting me or hanging my friends on any wall! I won't let you!" Twilight yells upwards, receiving a laugh in response. "You think you can win against me? Those Meister fools can't even fight me with their Weapons ‘cause they don't have hands! It's hilarious! Besides, I doubt you'll be able to beat me when I release 'him'. Anyways, I have plans to forward on. Ciao." Medusa's voice echoes and then disappears. "Looks like you kids need to act fast. 'He' will not be so polite when 'he' comes. Call me if you need me." Death disappears from the mirror, leaving everypony looking at each other. Soul remains standing, his arms crossed against his chest. He stares upwards at the ceiling, sighing. "Soul?" Maka looks up at him, standing at his side. "It's nothing. We should get some rest." Soul turns and goes to the bookcase, sitting down and leaning back against it. He's never acted like that before...Maka frowns and sighs. We should rest... > Excalibur: The Pain Of A Bane? ... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excalibur: The Pain Of A Bane...? Within the beautiful Death City, there is a waterfall. The waterfall flows freely and gushes rapidly into an ongoing stream that provides the city with proper sewers and waste management. But, if one were to read a book within the library of the DWMA, they'd find that this waterfall is a bit...unique. The book states a peculiar map that leads one to the waterfall. Climbing to its very top would procure an entrance that leads into a very extensive, yet simple, cave system. Many heroes have found this cave system, followed its watery corridors, and been greeted by swarms of angry little pixies. But, if one were to make their way to the end, they would find a sword; a beautiful, exquisite sword. One so great that the mighty King of Camelot once wielded it and defeated entire armies with it and it alone. This sword was, once, alongside Shinigami, Lord Death, and many other great heroes of the DWMA's past. Existing in the form of a radiant, golden broadsword, it is comprised of an unblemished double-edged blade and a precisely ornamented cruciform-shaped hilt, engraved with various regal inscriptions along both its guard and pommel. The very presence of this blade makes the air in the immediate vicinity vibrate and when its considerable powers are initially invoked, the surrounding area is bathed in a brilliant, dazzling light. The sword is reputed to possess numerous capabilities of tremendous power, which alone are enough to warrant the promotion of its respective wielder to the highest echelons of the DWMA in a single instance, in spite of their previous rank. This mighty sword began to glow tremendously within the rock it was stabbed into. Many glowing orbs were pulled towards it, and soon, the sword disappeared from the existence of the cave. Many pixies came out from crevices along the cave to gaze at the open area. They all cheered. * Within the Canterlot Castle, two sisters were organizing books within a decently-sized library. The walls around them were made of marble, and all bore either the symbol of a sun or the symbol of a crescent moon, showing the day and night sections of the library. Many books were scattered around in piles before the large bookcases that lined the walls of the circular room. There was a large, velvet carpet on the floor, bearing the same symbols as the walls. Windows fluttered light in from above, casting an elegant light upon the many tables within the library. For nighttime, there is a chandelier hanging above, which emanated a bright light for those who wished to read. "Sister?" a mare of royalty speaks upwards within the large room. Her coat is a dark blue, the colour of the night sky. Her tail and mane are a similar colour, if only marginally darker or lighter; stars seem to rest within them. She has two large wings and a unicorn horn upon her head. A crown rests within her mane, wrapped just around her horn, and a chest piece is tightly bound against her. Upon her flank was a dark splotch with a crescent moon upon it. "Yes, LuLu?" calls a soothing, yet heartwarming, voice from above Luna. This voice comes from the most elegant of all mares in Equestria. Her mane and tail constantly flow and shimmer as if blown by cosmic winds, the colors those of pale greens, yellows and reds, colors of the cosmos themselves. She has much larger wings than her sister, and a much larger horn, only increasing her majesticness. Upon her head sits a golden crown, laid behind her horn, unlike her sister's, and upon her chest is a large, gold chest piece, also bound to her. On her flank is a bright, yellow and orange sun, the counterpart to her sister alicorn. "Uhm...well...it is difficult for us to explain, but--" "What is it?" Celestia interrupts her sister's thought. "There is an...odd, pale creature of some sort within the castle. It lacks manners and continues to call me 'f--" "FOOLS!" a booming voice shouts from the other side of the room, near the large, mahogany doors. There stands a simplistic anthropomorphic creature, whose diminished stature barely even equates to that of a half-grown foal. Its misshapen facial features comprise of bulbous eyes that, according to some, look like a failed arts-and-crafts project. It also has a prominent upturned snout, a physical representation alluding to its reserved and pretentious attitude, while the remainder of its small white body displays slender limbs and feet strangely akin to those of a rabbit. The only indication of creature's prestige is its high quality attire, consisting of a white top hat that nearly equals him in height and a similarly coloured shirt with a frilled ruff, worn under a white jacket. However, this esteemed air is severely compromised by the absence of any clothing covering the creature's lower half. "I am not an odd, pale creature; I am Excalibur, mighty sword to those who can meet all one-thousand provisions as disclosed via contract!" 'Excalibur' thrusts an ominous white cane into the air. Princess Celestia marches forward and leans her head down, looking into the large, bulbous eyes. "Well, ‘Excalibur’, what are you doing in our castle?" She smiles gently, only to receive the rap of a cane on the snout. "Fool! All castles belong to the citizens of the states, respectively! As the citizens built the castles for the rulers!" Excalibur freezes there, and Celestia shakes her head, pushing the cane away. "Well, would you be so kind as to leave? You are intrud--" "Fool! I am not intruding, I am simply admiring! I am Excalibur: mighty sword of Kings and Heroes in which only the 'chosen' may wield me!" He pokes his cane at Celestia's snout again. "Oh, really? Why haven't I heard of you before, then? I've lived my entire life in Equestria, as its ruler, alongside my sister." Celestia smirks, receiving a smack on the forehead. "Fool! Do not mock the Excalibur! That is number six-hundred-and-eighty on my list of one-thousand provisions you must retain to in order to wield me!" Excalibur puts his cane against the ground, leaning against it. "Well, we do not want to 'wield' you. We want you to leave!" Luna calls from behind Celestia. Excalibur glances behind Celestia, and Celestia nods with agreement. "Yes, we're very busy, and we don't have time to play games, 'Excalibur'. Please leave, or I'm going to hav--" "Fool!" Excalibur interrupts. "As I wa--" "Fool!" "Plea--" "Fool!" "Sto--" "Fool!" "Seri--" "Fool!" "That's en--" "Fool!" "SILENCE!" Luna yells in her 'Royal Canterlot Voice' over Excalibur's. Excalibur looks upwards, points his cane at her, and utters: "Fool." At that moment, Luna's face goes red with rage as she dives forward and tries to attack the creature. Celestia simply encases her in a golden aura, stopping her from doing so. Luna utters many curses at the creature, as well, a lot of it in a tongue not native to Equestria. "My apologies, Excalibur. She is short-tempered." Celestia smiles. "Fools. One must not be so short tempered." Excalibur taps his cane on the floor. "Yes. But, you did invade my castle, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave. If you do not, my guards will force you out." Celestia sets Luna down as she ceased cursing. Excalibur stares at the two, and tips his hat. "I shall find a true hero who can wield me, then! Soon, they will be the righteous owner of this land!" Excalibur pushes open the large doors, and walks away, quietly uttering: "Excalibuuuuuur!" As the doors close, Luna sighs, looking at her sister. Her sister's face is stern for a moment, and then she bursts out laughing, stamping the floor with her hooves. "Sister? What is so funny?" Luna asks. "Its...eyes...they're so...silly!... And its shape...oh, my...!" Celestia gasped, laughing madly. Luna couldn't help but join in with a giggle. > Professor Stein and Excalibur: Scootaloo and Fools? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Stein and Excalibur: Scootaloo and Fools? (ﺧ益ﺨ) Stein. Professor Franken Stein. A Meister of great strength, honour, and nobility. His Soul Wavelength is one of the strongest ever seen at the DWMA, rivaling that of the original Death Scythes and even Lord Death himself. Though Stein's personality is one of a madman, he is a fairly nice man, and is always prepared to dissect something new... * "So, today, class, we're going to be learning about Magic and how it affects our Souls. There are many types of 'Magic' in this world; some good, some evil, some... probably not the best for you to know.” A man with silvery hair sits on a large, sewn wheelie-chair, resting his forearms on the base of the back-support. He has a large screw/bolt going through his head, which he turns occasionally, often as a means to focus his thoughts. A signature trademark of this man is the zig-zag stitching running across his face and body. He has sewn stitches all over his body and clothing, and his most notable piece of clothing is his white lab coat. He is also surprisingly well built for a man his age, due to a large portion of his time being devoted to combat training, as his profession states. This is Professor Stein. Stein is surrounded by large, circular desks that are arranged in a slow incline upwards away from him, in rows, much like a university lecture room. Behind Stein is a large chalk board, which has his name written on it as such: "フランケン・シュタイン" (Furanken Shutain). Students start raising their hands, but Stein stands up, shaking his head. "No questions, not yet. Let's beg--" Before Stein can finish his sentence, a knock is heard at the door, directly to the left of the chalk board. Stein sighs, sitting in his chair and skating over to the door, opening it. As he does so, he reveals a tall man with scarlet-red hair, who is wearing a bold, black tuxedo. His eyes glare down, and he wears a frown on his face. This is Spirit; Stein's Weapon. "Stein. I need you to come with me." Stein is smiling as he first looks at Spirit, but the look soon fades to a frown as he realizes the serious tone in Spirit’s voice. "I see. Class dismissed. Enjoy your free day." Stein stands up, pulling his chair behind him as Spirit leads him into the hallway. * "So, you want me to go check up on Maka and the rest, Death?" Stein looks up at the large, black silhouette of Death. Death turns around and nods. "I know they're powerful students, but I want to make sure you're there with them. The last thing we need is some dead Meisters in a land I haven't visited in about a thousand years." Death sighs and claps his hands together. "Spirit, are you coming with me?" Spirit shakes his head. "Maka is a big girl, now. As much as I love her... I can't invade her missions. She doesn't need me right now. But, I'll keep an eye on her with Death here." Death nods and Stein smiles. "Well, let's get going, then." Stein sits down in his chair, and Death nods once more. Death swivels his hands around, making his fingers dance within the air. Light begins to flow as he keeps moving his hands around, and soon, balls of light appear on his palms. He holds his hands over Stein, and speaks, "Kōtsū ekūsu o yobidasu!" Stein is engulfed in a yellow ball of light. It warps outward, moves inward, then explodes, leaving faint traces of glitter on the floor. Lord Death sighs and looks at Spirit. "I hope Medusa doesn't hurt them..." Spirit nods in agreement. * As quickly as he disappeared, he reappeared in a massive, scenic, outlook; Stein, that is. He is also falling. Well, sliding down a hill on his chair. Towards a rock... at a remarkable pace, too! Stein zips forward, his head tilted down at his chair. His eyes are shut, momentarily blinded by the teleport. After a moment of getting his gears oiled, he lifts his head, opens his eyes, and observes: "Oh. A rock." *CRASH* Stein lands face first into dirt, his chair next to him. His legs sprawl outwards and his arms lay at his sides. He slowly lifts his head and sighs. "Well... I'll get Death back for that one." He slowly stands up, stretching and cracking a few ligaments in the process. He picks up his chair and retakes his seat. Unfortunately, as he does so, he hears some talking nearby. "I'm not a fool!" a squealing voice yells, getting closer. "Fool! One can not simply not a fool!" yells a familiar voice in retaliation. "But, what makes you not a fool, then?!" It approaches steadily as Stein watches a white figure and orange figure appear in his vision. "Because, I am the Mighty Sword Excalibur! I am simply not a 'fool'!" Oh God... Excalibur... is all Stein thinks after Excalibur speaks his own name. As they finally reach Stein, he glares down at them. There sits a small, orange Pegasus; she seems to be no more than a mere filly. "Aha, it seems we have found a weary traveler--" Excalibur raises his cane upward as he speaks, to Stein's nose, "--fool! Do not sit on such a ghastly chair in a beautiful meadow!" Stein slaps the cane out of his face and remains seated. "Don't point that at me, and shut up. Now then, who are you, orange one?" Stein glares at the filly, who was stares up at him in question. "I'm Scootaloo!" she says in a bold, confident tone. "But you can call me Scoots, if ya want." She smiles and Stein adjusts his glasses, gripping the large bolt on the side of his head and turning it. Scootaloo peers upwards as she watches him turn the bolt upon his head. It clicks with each turn it makes, as if it were grinding against small gears. Scootaloo starts to wince, and then the bolt clicks loudly. "So, anyways, Scootaloo, where am I, exactly? As you can see... I'm not from around here." Scootaloo nods in agreement as Stein says this. "Uhm... yeah. You're in Equestria. Best place in the universe!" Scootaloo puffs out her chest in excitement, and Stein laughs softly. "Well, then, do you know of a place called Ponyville?" Scootaloo nods eagerly. "Yup! I live there! Why, what do you need there?" Stein keeps a smile firm on his face as Scootaloo questions him. "Well, I need to see some people by the name of Soul and Maka. Maybe you can help me find them. Not hard to miss." "Of course I can find them! I know that town like the back of my hoof!" Scootaloo smiles brightly and Stein chuckles. "Well, lead the way--" Stein looks over at Excalibur and furrows his brows "--you can stay here, Excalibur. Last thing I need is someone mocking my intellect all day." Excalibur raises his cane to his nose. "Fool! One does not simply outca--" "Shut up. Go find some idiot adventurer and see if he can stand your personality." Stein pushes forward on his chair, as Scootaloo started trotting next to him. Excalibur doesn’t move as they leave. Instead, he stands there and ponders, soon glaring upwards, then away from the two. He starts plodding off, following the pathway leading away from Stein and Scootaloo. "That was harsh." Scootaloo says as she looks up at Stein. "You don't know that thing like I do. Probably best to ignore him." Scootaloo frowns as Stein says this. Maybe he just wants a few friends... I knew that's how I felt when I first moved to Ponyville. Poor guy. Scootaloo sighs at her thoughts, but continues forward. > Medusa and Rainbow Dash: A Shadowbolt Arises? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medusa and Rainbow Dash: A Shadowbolt Arises? A/N: I just want you guys to know that the chapter before this, and this chapter are one day after chapter 12. I'm writing the chapter for the day before Chapter 13 and this chapter after this one. So, don't get confused, please! And thanks for the massive amounts of liking and enjoyment! Tell your friends! I'm glad this is almost at 800 views! in such a short span of time! Rainbow Dash and Applejack made their way just outside of Ponyville, near Fluttershy's cottage. There are two open fields, one near the cottage, and one near the entrance to the Everfree Forest. Trees populated the area near Fluttershy's cottage, so Dash immediately bolted to the field near the Everfree. "Rainbow, Twilight told us tah’ stay together!" Applejack exclaims, holding Rainbow Dash back by her tail as she attempts to fly away; wanting the sweet freedom of the sky as every Pegasus does. "You know I can't do that, Applejack! I can't stay grounded for the next... I don't know, forever, so that you can stay safe! C'mon, let me fly! I promise, only above that field, you can watch, alright?" Dash pleads; Applejack hears the sincerity in her voice. Applejack sighs, then nods. "Ah guess so. But, if ya'll hear me hollarin' fer help, ya'll better come." Applejack and Rainbow Dash smirk at each other. The two make their way out into the open field, preparing for the day’s activities. Applejack simply lays down on her back, watching as Rainbow Dash rockets into the air. The wind whistles over Dash’s extended wings as they pierce the fluffy, white clouds around her. Her tail and mane wave behind her in a sea of rainbow and even a little bit of static electricity. Shocking! Rainbow Dash goes into a dive, and proceeds to perform her usual tricks: barrel rolls, loop-de-loops, aerial swerves, and even an attempt at going fast enough to create a Sonic Rainboom. After the first few tricks, though, Applejack begins to doze off, drawing her Stetson down over her eyes, blocking the sunlight. She slumbers lightly in the warm, beaming light of the sun. Unfortunately for the both of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, today is not a good day to be sleeping. No, in fact, they are being watched... Rainbow Dash... Rainbow Dash stops in the middle of a barrel roll, looking down at Applejack. Perfectly safe, and sleeping. Dash just shrugs, preparing to launch again into the barrel roll. Ooooh, Rainbow Dash~... Rainbow Dash looks back down at the ground. It's not Applejack... she thinks, then lowers her altitude closer to the ground. She looks around the expanse of the field, but spots nothing unusual. Rainbow Dash... oh, Rainbow Dash. You're such a powerful, wonderful Pegasus. One of the best I've ever seen... "Who's there?" Rainbow Dash questions in a sharp whisper, trying not to wake Applejack. Just me... a voice... that needs your help. The voice giggles. It sounds familiar, but Dash isn't good with tone of voice and memory. "What do you need...?" Dash asks the voice cautiously. I need you to find me, first... I have a beautiful offer for you. One that will make you an even better Pegasus than those in the Wonderbolts themselves... Dash smiles lightly, then lifts a hoof, admiring it with a preppy grin. "Well, I am a pretty great flier... and I guess any extra help would be appreciated. So, where are ya?" I'm in the Everfree. Not too far in, don't worry... but, I know you're a courageous girl, and can get through this forest with ease... Dash nods, grinning even wider at the compliments. I'm in a cave just near that entrance near you. The cave is very easy to find, you can't miss it. "On my way!" Dash stretches her wings, launching to her immediate right; where the Everfree Forest lies. She bolts just above the treeline, looking down for the mouth of a cave. The Everfree is known for very ominous and lucid caves, but she was determined to find this mare; whoever she was. As she approaches the middle of the forest, she stops, looking around. Many rocks jut out above the treeline, symbols of the many caves the Everfree has. But one sticks out even more than the rest; it bears a large spike which stabs into the air, and radiates a green light from the cluster of trees below. "There!" Dash darts forward, diving to where the glow is. Two green-flamed torches are lit just outside the dark entrance to a cave. The green torches are an obvious symbol of magic, as the flame would only ignite that torch specifically. Dash learned that one from Twilight's constant babbling. Gotta stop listening in to her speeches. Don't want to be an egghead! Dash slowly looks around, tentatively gazing at the cave. As much courage as she has, she isn't sure if she wants to proceed. She knew Applejack would be freaking out... but what would a few minutes harm anypony, right? She slowly plods into the darkness, making her way inside the cave. It is smaller on the inside, and she immediately discovers a crimson light coming from a low pedestal. Near the pedestal is a hooded creature. It stands on two legs and wears clothing resembling a hoodie; the problem is that it is only covering just below the thigh. "Um, hello?" Dash moved forward to the creature. The creature slowly turns and reveals eyes smaller than Dash's, but of a yellow hue. They complement the crimson surrounding, but just make it feel eerie to Dash. The creature smiles softly, then pulls down its hood, revealing blond hair and a very odd complexion. Soon, Rainbow Dash realizes she is much like Soul, and feels a bit more comfortable. "So, what's this thing you were going to do?" Rainbow Dash asks. "Well, I need to make sure you're okay with it..." Her voice is high-pitched, much like a little filly’s, further allowing Rainbow Dash to feel more comfortable. "Sure, what is it?" Dash asks, smiling. "I need to practice a spell, to make sure it works. It should make you able to fly better than anything in Equestria! I just need to make sure you're okay with it. It might have a side-effect if it doesn't work... just a bit of dizziness for a few days." The girl smiles to Dash. "Well, why not? Shouldn't hurt anypony! Cast away!" Dash sits on her rump and the girl smiles widely. "Thanks! Just let me get it ready, should only take a second!" The girl raises her hands in front of her after saying this. Immediately, a small spark of bright, blue electricity starts to form between her hands. The electricity flows around her fingers, changing colours fluently and frequently. It goes from red, to yellow, to orange, to green, purple, blue, cyan, and eventually black. Soon, a ball of black plasma rests between the girl’s hands, and she smiles to Dash. "Ready?" The girl asks. Doesn't look comforting... but it shouldn't hurt, right...? Maybe this was a bad idea... "Um, actually, I change my mind... maybe this isn't such a good idea..." Dash says, nervously, starting to stand. The girl’s expression goes stale, her yellow eyes glaring down the magenta of Rainbow Dash's. She slowly starts to grin again, much more devilishly than before, making Rainbow Dash a bit freaked out. "I'm gonna go... um... th-" "You're not leaving, Rainbow Dash. You're mine, now. You're so naive, it's hilarious. Stop trusting people, and stop being loyal to your friends. They're useless. You're mine." The girl’s tone drops to a deeper one, still mixed in with the feminine tone, of course. She shoots the black ball directly at Rainbow Dash, catching the Pegasus off guard. It sticks to Rainbow Dash's chest, encasing her chest and wings in dark electricity. Dash struggles and grunts as she tries to free herself; it only makes the girl laugh maniacally. The black electricity soon makes its way all the way around Dash's body and encasing her completely in darkness. After a minute or two, the electricity recoils, dissipating into the ground. Rainbow Dash emerges in a black-and-purple spandex suit, respectively striped yellow just at the hooves with crosses of black over to purple. The body of Rainbow Dash's suit is a deep purple, and on her flank is a snake enveloping a pony skull. Her hooves and torso, up to her entire head, are jet black. She now wears stitched, purple goggles with yellow visors, constantly emitting an angry look. Dash moves forward to the girl and glares down at her with the angry expression upon her face. "How may I serve you, Master Medusa?" This makes the girl, Medusa, very pleased. "You'll see. Just you wait." Medusa smiles, pleased her plan worked flawlessly. * Medusa is sits upon the pedestal, grinning brightly and speaking outwards into the cave as Rainbow Dash stands nearby, keeping guard, much like a dog would for their master. Medusa is encased in a crimson-green glow, floating in a meditation stance. "Wow... I'm impressed, Medusa. You've caused enough chaos to make Rainbow Dash become a Shadowbolt. I can't wait to see what else is up your sleeve." Discord’s deep, maniacal voice speaks to her, and Medusa can't help but laugh in reply. "Well, I'm flattered, Discord. I'm happy it went perfect. I can't believe how naive she was. Now, I'll just need to get another pony, but I'm not sure who..." Medusa's voice trails off into thought, but Discord speaks again. "Well, Pinkie Pie is probably an easy one, that is for sure. She's ridiculously courageous, and it would be easy to make her see the chaos. I'd suggest her." Medusa nods in agreement with Discord. "Perfect. Tomorrow, I'll do just that. Until then, I'll have fun with my Rainbow Dash." Medusa grins, and Discord just chuckles. "Sounds like a great idea. Update me when you proceed further with Pinkie Pie." With that, the crimson-green light fades back to just a crimson light. Medusa remains floating, and decides it would be a good time to rest before she proceeds further. She looks to Rainbow Dash, first, and speaks. "Dashie, make sure nopony gets in this cave. If they do, show them out with a... bang, alright?" "Yes, Master Medusa." Rainbow Dash speaks monotonously, moving closer to the entrance of the cave and standing guard. Perfect... Wait until my love hears about this one... now, time for rest... Medusa closes her eyes and folds her hands together in her lap, dozing off to the land of dreams. > Black✮Star, Tsubaki and Fluttershy: A Meet-Up of Friends? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black✮Star, Tsubaki and Fluttershy: A Meet-Up of Friends? A/NSorry if this chapter isn't 'up-to-par' as the rest. I felt bad for not releasing anything for this for about a month. * Somewhere, deep within the darkest reaches of the universe... Agro broke his neck. * Approximately One Day Earlier... "This is it!" Fluttershy raised a hoof to the large, grand tree that was known as Twilight's Library. "My friend, Twilight, stays here and looks after the books for the town. I usually go to her when I don't know something." Fluttershy blushed softly, and Tsubaki couldn't help but giggle. "Well, we all have those kind of friends." Fluttershy let off a gentle smile and brought a hoof to the door, lightly knocking on it. Black✮Star, however, was scowling at the two; mostly Tsubaki for her being able to stay human. I want to stay human... Why do I have to be some deformed horse? Even my di--, just as Black✮Star was about to finish his thoughts, the door opened and there stood a lavender unicorn. "Oh, Twilight, I'm glad you answered. Listen, I have a que--" but, before Fluttershy was able to finish, Twilight bound the small triad into a bundle of magic, pulling them all into the extravagant tree and slamming the door, setting them down. "--stion... o-oh my..." Fluttershy looked around the room to see many figures like Tsubaki, and a new pony alongside them. "Fluttershy, this is Soul," Twilight pointed a hoof to the large figure with white hair, "Patty," she then pointed over at the one resting on a velvet pillow, with a small bubble of mucus forming at her nose, "and Maka." She ended with pointing at the blond-maned earth pony in front of her. "Hey, Is that Black✮Star? Can't believe you're an ass, too!" Soul laughed and was greeted by a scowl from Black✮Star. "Shut up, Soul! This isn't funny!" Black✮Star was met with more laughter in response. "It sure as hell is to me. Anyways, glad to see you're safe." Soul smiled as Black✮Star nodded. "Yeah, you too..." I also look like a freak... Black✮Star sighed and looked around the library and the assortments of bookshelves. "Well, I guess we should get Black✮Star up to speed." Twilight looked over at Maka, and Maka nodded in response. "Black✮Star, Tsubaki... Medusa is here, in this world." Black✮Star and Tsubaki's eyes went wide as Maka said her name, both displaying the question 'What?!' on their faces. "It's worse, too. She's going to go after these ponies here, and her friends, to try and take over this land and make it her own. Who knows what evils she might summon?" Maka paced around for a moment, then looked over to Black✮Star. "Do you understand the severity of the situation, Black✮Star? Death just didn't send us here for Soul, he sent us here to finish her off. I do--" Maka was cut off my Black✮Star raising a hoof, and grinning. "Hey, I'm Black✮Star, I'll take care of that stupid witch over and over if it means I can build up my rep!" Black✮Star chuckled and Maka smiled softly. "Glad you agree. We need to find Kid and Patti. I think Patti is at some bakery, and I saw Kid wander into some boutique... Wonder what they're doing..." Maka placed a hoof on her chin, inquisitively, thinking... *** "It's... beautiful!" Kid's eyes beamed with glee as he viewed the masterpiece before him and Rarity. "It's... marvelous!" Rarity was smiling widely, the curls in her hair reflecting a gentle glow from the dress before her and Kid. The dress was embroidered with small jewels on every edge, giving it a perfect and chromatic shine. The two sleeves for a pony's forelimbs were laced with a golden velvet, and spiraled around to the shoulders in a purple embroidery. The entirety of the dress, besides the sleeves, was white. The skirt to the dress had flowers flowing down to its rim, and near the waist. At the neckline, the dress had a scarf attached to it, equal on both sides. "This is the best piece of symmetry I've seen since... ever!" Kid beamed with joy as he bounced on his hooves. "I must say, this is simply... grand! The symmetry adds a beautiful effect to it! I'm so very glad you helped me out!" Rarity smiled, and Kid just looked at her with a grin. "Grand doesn't just make this dress! It's perfect! Any mare in this small town should wear this piece of art! Or, or, frame it! That's how beautiful it is; it should be in a museum!" Kid was laughing joyfully, as he wrapped his right forelimb around her neck in a light embrace. Just as Rarity was about to say something, a small burst appeared in front of them. A scroll fell onto the table that they were standing at, and Kid jumped back in surprise. Rarity lifted it with her magic, opening it up. After scanning it, she looked over at Kid, and smiled. "Say, would you like to meet a friend of mine? Twilight is her name, and she said some of your friends are with her; looking for you." Kid's smiling expression faded to a much more serious one. "Ah... right. I have to find Soul. *Ahem* Yes, let's head to your friends place, maybe she knows where he is." Rarity nodded as Kid agreed. "Well, follow me, darling!" Soon, Rarity and Kid left the boutique, heading off to Twilight's residence. *** "Woohoo! That was a doozy!" Pinkie Pie's voice rang through the bakery as she pulled out the last bits of the cake she and Patti have been working on for the past six hours. "Yeah! It looks totally delicious!" Patti let out a happy chortle, Pinkie’s hooves wrapped tightly around her. "You're the bestiest, best, bestiest friend ever! I'm glad I met you! I can't wait to use this for your 'Welcome to Ponyville Party'!" Patti wrapped her arms around the fluffy, pink party-pony. "I'm glad, too! Hey, maybe when you meet my friends, you can throw them a party, too!" Pinkie Pie gasped in delight as Patti gave the suggestion. "Ohmigosh! That's a perfect idea! We'll need mo--" just as Pinkie Pie was about to finish her sentence, a flash of bright green filled the room, and placed before them was a scroll, sealed with a piece of red tape. Patti grabbed the letter, unravelling it, and revealing its contents; reading it aloud, she said: Dear Pinkie Pie It's Twilight. I need you to come to my place urgently. I know you may be busy, but, it's an emergency. I'll explain everything when you get here, okay? -- Twilight Sparkle. PS: Maka wants me to tell your friend, Patti, to hurry down here, as well. "Oooh?! Who's this Twilight? Is she a sparkly vampire?!" Patti's face, somehow, changed into that of cat’s, with bulging and adorable eyes, pencil thin pupils, and her mouth shaped like a '3'. "No, silly! There aren't any vamponies around here! Twilight is a unicorn! C'mon, I bet I'll be able to meet your friends, considering this Maka knows you!" Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, making Patti cheer in excitement. "Weee! Fun times for all!" She flew herself in a circle, like an airplane, following immediately after Pinkie. *** "There. They should arrive here in a bit. For now, I think it's time to settle in for the night. Applejack and Rainbow Dash should be safe at Sweet Apple Acres." Twilight looked around the room at everypony, pacing ever-so-slightly. "Everpony else is welcomed to stay here, at least until I set up an interview with the Princess." "Sounds good to me... I'm beat." Liz flopped herself down onto the small couch, immediately snoring. This produced a laugh from Maka, Black✮Star, and Tsubaki. "Well, is anypony hungry?" Spike suggested as he walked out into the centre of the library, tray of sandwiches and drinks in claws. They all gathered around him as he set the food on the table. The sandwiches were made out of the common food that horses ate back on Earth, to Maka and the others. Hesitant to eat it, they all slowly took bites. After getting use to the surprisingly good taste, they took larger bites. A chorus of chews and "mmmm's" echoed in the treehouse, and after a good few minutes, everypony had settled in. Tsubaki was laying over by a bookshelf, reading a book, next to Black✮Star -- he had taken the liberty to fall asleep there, after spending five minutes re-adjusting his position. Maka and Soul were over by another bookshelf talking back and forth to each other, along with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike a few feet next to them. "Soul... ?" Maka looked up at Soul, who was staring off into the distance. "Hrmm... ?" He looked down at Maka, his red eyes gently glazed over. "Is something wrong... ? You... seem distant to me." Maka had strain in her voice. She was whispering, not wanting to be overheard. Heh... Too smart for your own good as always, Maka... I guess I should be honest with her... "Yes. I've been... feeling different. Like... can you still read souls, Maka?" Maka nodded, then immediately changed her mind. "Wait, I'm not sure... We're in a new world. We might not have souls here..." Soul smiled gently to her. "Try, Maka. Tell me what mine looks like. I want to know..." He let out a sigh, and Maka nodded. Maka closed her eyes, envisioning the structures around her. She took in the placement of the pillows, the couch, the door, staircases, bookshelves and the bodies of the ponies. Soon, bright lights emanated from all her friends, and the ponies, within the room. She could see Twilight's violet soul, Fluttershy's yellow soul, Spike's purple soul, Black✮Star's light blue soul, Liz's red soul, and then Sou-- "S-Soul... ?!" Maka gasped, opening her eyes. "It's... it's that bad, huh?" He cocked his head, sighing. "Your soul... It's so... full of... s-sadness... despair... What happened...?" Maka had a tear in her eye, and Soul softly placed his hand on her muzzle, gently brushing away her tear. "I'm not sure... I've been feeling odd lately. Maybe it's because of the Kishin thing... Or with everything going on now. I'm not sure." Soul let off a sigh, running his fingers through his white hair. I just hope it's going to pass... > Interlude With Excalibur > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interlude With Excalibur "Ah, hello, dear reader! It is I: The Mighty Excalibur! Holy sword of Kings and Heroes! Perhaps you're wondering why the chapters are so bland, and seem to be missing plot? Well, it's called progression, my friends! Bare in mind, the author is working very hard to please his readers, and wants all of you to be happy!. Now, I know some of you are most likely thinking: 'Excalibur, why is it that the author makes you so beautiful?'. Well, to answer this, I must ask the author myself! In which, I have! It is because I am the glorious, and most beautiful creation on God's green Earth, and you will love me as such! Though, to hold me within your hands, good fellows, you must meet all one-thousand provisions! Now, I kno--" Excalibur, what are you doing? "Oh, gracious author! I'm just telling the readers about m--" Shut up, seriously. You so egotistical. Why are you even here? Oh, right, because you're just a filler for most chapters. You're most likely going to do nothing in the story. "How dare you mock Excalibur! I am the mightiest sword across the unive--" Oh, shush. Tell the readers the real reason you're here before I erase you from this alternate universe. "Oh, fine!" That's better. "Now, dear readers, the main reason the author is being so slow with posting your favourite story is because he's loaded with schoolwork! Excalibur always says school is very important, and to those who are patient, the author will deliver! His chapters will, most likely, be unedited for the time being. Not because he's lazy, but because his editors seem to be MIA -- Missing In Action! How dare they mock my boo--" Excalibur... You're pissing me off... "Right, right. Well, reader, I see I should be leaving. Just make sure you wait, favourite, like, and spread this story like wildfire and banana's! Time to fly!" Thank God...