> 80 > by Hydrargyrum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red lights bathed one of the many narrow hallways twisting all around the subterranean lair that was the other-worldly ACOM facility. It was these red lights that were all Captain Mart Harold could think about as he ran down the corridor with his squad members—well, that what he would be think if he could over the head splitting alarms. But it wasn't the just the warning sirens, it was another instance of perpetual brooding that plagued his mind; a brood that only a most awesome, most hard-boiled captain such as himself could brood, as awesome and important captains often do. This brooding that not even the loudest of alarms could completely vanquish from his thoughts, was shockingly stirred by the faintest arousing of a nearby subordinate. Although such a feat was nearly impossible, if not highly incapable of any living creature, this wasn't just any creature that stirred him. It was the alicorn, Princess Dusk Shine of Equestria, Mart's loyal companion who he single-handedly saved from the alien Invaders. From the second their eyes met, they fell madly in love, but would never admit such feelings to each other or their peers as it would jeopardize their placements in the project and offend the other rulers of Equestria. But in this time of great danger, Mart could see the fear in her eyes, the shaking of her voice, the only voice that could have distracted him from his hard-boiled brooding. The insatiable need to comfort her overtook his imposing alien composure, but before he could reach out and hold her tight, a pluton crashed through a passing door on the right, finally striking after stalking them. The ambush was followed by the firing of Mart's weapon, a heavy lightning rifle. Ignoring Mart's assault, the pluton, now realized as the charging class, ran right through the hail of bullets with little hindrance and even deflected some of the fire back at Mart's squad, killing the few that did not flee from the beginning of the attack. With his quick thinking, Mart overturned his weapon to bare a bayonet outfitted below the barrel of the rifle. Hitting a chink in the pluton's armor, his strike cleanly decapitated the offender, dropping the body to the floor instantly. Mart turned to face his squad only to find that the remaining had been slain, save for Dusk who had barely survived a near fatal blow to the flank, crippling her. He rushed to her, catching her in his strong, minotaur like arms as she tried (and failed) to stand. her breath hastened as the pain of her legs subsided at the increase of adrenaline. Mart could feel her heart heave in her chest as she trembled in his arms. Clutching her closer still, he reached up a hand to stroke her mane, a comforting gesture to the pained mare. Her deep violet eyes welled with tears of pain and emotion as they bored into his. "BASE DETONATION IN TEE MINUS 5" screamed the speakers along the corridor walls He leaned towards her face- "4" "Dusk" He whispered- "3" "Mart" she echoed- "2" Their eyes closed- "1" "SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!" called Twilight from downstairs. "C- coming Twilight!" stuttered a very flustered Spike. He was just about to reach a heavy climax in the new comic series he was reading. It was the first issue of the ACOM: Alien Allies series that Twilight picked up for him on her trip to Manehatten to meet with the city council. Apparently, one of the comic industries in the area took to the new sci-fi genre that was on the rise of popularity. Twilight told him that the comic would be aired a few months from now and he would get to read it before anyone else. You sure have a way with ponies he thought as he remembered when she said it was a gift for buying so many of the other comics in the past. Of course, he knew that wasn't the only reason, the CEO of the corporation must have known she was an avid reader and hoped to gain attention from her purchase. After all, who could resist a product that a princess had read? Even though she ultimately intended to give the comic to him anyways, he was grateful that she went through so much to get it for him. With all the nagging and demands everypony throws her way, her recent change in status quo had really put a number on her; gone were the days of privacy as the constant legal and regal responsibilities drew so much attention to her with relentless reporters, and even more so paparazzi. Getting back to those responsibilities, it would be an understatement to say they were crushing her. One time, she received so many letters and forms at once that she was literally buried in late paperwork. With this juxtaposition from the quaint, slow task of a librarian to a big time, ruler of Equestria, her life was completely consumed by the sheer size of it all, and her free time was merely an appetizer. The fact that she can still find time for Spike was a great appreciation on his part. I really should make it up to her a some point he thought as he rubbed the length of the book's spine. As hard as she tries to keep up with this job, it's still too much. She's already earned my respect by being my parent, but doubly so as a peer for her unyielding determination to keep up with the pressure. He jumped off of his bed and looked at the floor boards on the stairs, thinking of something- ANYTHING, he could do to show his gratitude. His eyes strayed to the deflated balloon in the corner from Twilight's coronation a few months ago—the after party Pinkie threw at the library. Wait a minute. Spike reached an epiphany, I'll talk to Pinkie about throwing another party! One celebrating her accomplishments as a princess so far! There will be friends! Games! Food! Gifts! He paused for a second. And I know just what to get her! Spike tossed his book back on his bed and made a mental note to talk to Pinkie about a party for Twilight. With a happy little plan formed in his head, he practically floated down the stairs to meet twilight, beaming all the way down. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!" called Twilight from downstairs. At the dining table in the Golden Oaks Library's kitchen sat the newly coronated alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle. Although adorned in regal yet casual attire, contraire to the rustic abode she resided, she had no plans for any event of said caliber. Rather, the fact she wore the gown, the crown, the whole shebang, (sported partly for comfort, as much as she would hate to admit), was mostly out of what she could only label spite in her dearest opinion. Just recently she had returned from the neighboring nation, the Crystal Empire for the meeting of the dignitaries ceremony—that's it, just the ceremony. Not one to stake a claim to popularity, she had kept her thoughts to herself, but in all the work she had done so far for this land, both as a princess and before, both of legal matter and that of heroism, her presence has still not gained any air of responsibility or trust. Of the myriad of state governors and positions of power from the equine nation and beyond come the pleas of signings and bills and laws and all other tasks that are tossed her way, not a single grain of importance does she hold to her superiors. Granted, her mentor and sister in law hold some gratitude for her, but to be given nothing more than glorified busy work was a running factor for her lowness, Twilight. In place of recognition, there would be desecration, for all she can be granted at a meeting so important for one of her kind is to gently smile and wave to the actual leaders and rulers. This role of a princess she was given? A humiliation she would say! Her tiara, speckled with priceless jewels that shown no brighter than mundane rhinestones on a cheap toy, ever slightly rose from her head to drop harshly into her open hooves. Princess she thought, I'm just a slave to the masses. She thought back to her talk with Celestia, about her role in this system. A great, 'big ball of potential' she was, 'her time was coming'. Yeah, sure it was. Her eyes wandered from her crown to the doorway ahead of her, there stood her eager assistant Spike, his ready smile proving so. The frown that once stamped her face weakly mirrored Spike's happy grin as she thought of him and all of her friends. At least they're still here with me. With them by my side, this nightmare won't be so hard to bear. "You called for me Twilight?" He asked "Sorry I took so long, I was reading that comic book you got for me." "Oh right, I did call for you, I got a little spacey there. I'm just a bit frazzled with all the stuff going on right now" Spike winced at that statement. "I just needed you to come and send off a letter for me and then you can go back to your book, I'm glad you've taken such an interest to it." "Sure! I'd be glad to help, just toss me the scroll." he chirped and took in a deep breath, ready to send. "Yes the letter..." she fumbled around through the sea of papers and forms on the table for the note she prepared. For such an organized pony, her work had gotten quite sloppy. Once she had passed the scroll onto Spike, he promptly about-faced and darted for the stairs "You sure do like that book don't you!" she called to him. "Of course!" came the far away call from Spike, "You got it for me!". "Don't go reading it all in one place, that's my job!" she shouted back, earning a giggle out of them both. That little dragon knows just what to say she thought with a smile. <<====>> As his foot hit the last step on the stairway, Spike leapt to the window as quietly as possible and headed out to Sugarcube Corner. He was ready to begin his plan. With Twilight thinking I'm up here reading, I can start to plan the surprise. The distraction was faux however, as much as Spike hated to admit it. He knew that she'd be too busy to notice he was gone. What, with all the obvious work she had to get done today. He scolded himself inwardly as he should've offered to help instead of leaving so quickly. What kind of assistant am I? Bounding away to read while she works her ass off? he stopped himself, no, you're doing this for Twilight. As much as she deserves his help, she needs this party to show that she isn't alone in this and her efforts are appreciated, and when the surprise is all set up, I'll make her give up her work to have fun and I'll do it for her His mind raced as he thought of all the things he was going to do to make Twilight have the respite and respect she deserves, and he would do all the work Twilight would ever get before he would stop trying to lessen the load. His pace hastened down the dirt path to town, now more enthusiastic than he had ever been before to prove his gratitude. I'm going to give Twilight the best recognition party ever! Even if it kills me! > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a great morning today, as all the other days before it had been. In a world where whether the weather was bad or misplaced, or the Sun lay too low on the horizon, a simple wake up call to the right pony upstairs would fix the problem in a jiffy, putting any one pony in the most opportune position to go about their day. Such was the case for little Spike as he set off from Golden Oaks to his next point of business, Sugarcube Corner. The worn path that was Mane Street lay afoot, welcoming the oncoming messenger with every step, those of which had gone by at a steady pace and balanced gait. He occupied his stroll by hammering into his head the plan for today, as the more efficiently he could get through his schedule would be less and less conspicuous to Twilight. This schedule of course comprised of a finding and providing catering and decoration for Twilight's party while simultaneously assembling it right under her nose. That was why he needed to see Pinkie Pie first; her role was to spread the word to the ponies around town without "spreading" the word, hence why an expert planner like her would be first in line. She would also be helping him around town with the setup. Next of course were the services, giving another close friend a hoof in preparation. Applejack would bake and cook food for the party. After meeting up with Pinkie he would have to travel way out to the farms and get to work with her in the kitchen. Later would come the decorating, that of which will be supplied by Rarity and he could persuade Rainbow Dash into helping them set them up. Fluttershy was the failsafe in case Twilight got too nosey about the racket going on in the library. He was sure she could get Discord to guard her from the setup without looking too suspicious, given Twilight would expect dickery from him anyway. His plan was foolproof, all he had to do to start was to knock on Pinkie's door.   <<====>> Knock, knock He was too early, she could have sworn he wouldn't get here till noon. Pinkie hopped out of bed and bounded to the staircase. Knock, knock The stairs grew exponentially longer, every step she took had been replaced by another. Could she have held out any longer? Did this have to come so soon? Knock, knock Things were going to change today; her life and that of those around her would never be the same. Knock, knock She kept going faster and faster, her legs were getting so tired, but she barely moved. Each step she descended seemed to put her back in bed. She was so terrified of what was going to happen tonight. What would come about from it. Who would come abo- Knock, knock Thump Thump Thump Thump THUMP THUMP The front door flung open, "Pinkie Pie! Was that you!" She looked up to see the concerned eyes of a baby dragon staring into her own. "Are you hurt?" He asked "Should I get help?" "Nope!" Pinkie huffed, popping from the ground to her hooves "Just a little bump on the noggin from a trip down the stairs!" Spike noticed the dark circles under her eyes and a small bump and cut where her head must have hit the floor on the way down the stairs. She looked pained, but her voice gave no help to show it. "have you been getting enough sleep, Pinkie? Your eyes look a bit crusty on the edges." "Oh you mean this?" She pulled her eyelids from her face like rubber bands before snapping them back into position in a similar fashion, "I uh- read a spooky story last night and had a nightmare! I was up all night!" He heard her voice falter. Was pinking lying to me? he thought. Pinkie is a very... simple mare. There wasn’t much to her aside from her sporadic, spontaneous nature. He didn't even know if she had anything she would lie about, given she could even lie. "Well you should at least put a bandaid on that scrape and ice it. You're lucky there don't seem to be that many steps on your stairwell." "Right, of course" <<====>> Firmly affixed to her head was a bag of refrigerated peas- pretty much the only cold thing in the café that wasn't ice cream. Although a bit dizzy, along with a small bump with a cut on her forehead, Pinkie really didn't feel that bad. After Spike relayed his plans for the day, she sent him off to set it all in motion, whilst she prepared a special line of deserts that Spike totally allowed her to do. Her thoughts drifted back to her fall and the thoughts that accompanied her along the way. Even now, a mere four minutes have past and the dream had began to decay from the depths of her subconscious, its looming threat flickering out as the details of her premonition alluded her for good. All she could remember was that it was something that would shake the very fabric of her way of life, quite ominus of a threat to happen the day of such a big party which she couldn’t bare as parties were what made her who she was after all. She wondered if she could after have celebrations of this caliber after the events of tonight. Would the meaning of the word ‘party’ carry a solemn reminder of what would come to be—would this party tonight birth a grim age and would she be to blame for its conception? The infecting dread that plague her mind was ever present beneath the mask of a smile she wore as she went about her role in the festivities tonight, tormenting her psyche, feeling responsible for the unknown destruction to be wrought in the near future. <<====>> Looking to the Horizon, Spike could just make out the red of Applejack’s barn over the massive property of Sweet Apple Acres. He walked the beaten path from Ponyville to here time and time again, but not once did it occur to him just how large the property was. He left Pinkie’s place this morning around sunrise and he was now just arriving at AJ’s place and the Sun was already high in the sky. To own such a large sum of land brought the realization of just how successful the Apple family must be and he questioned why Applejack settle down in a lowrate town such a Ponyville; why, with such wealth, she could take on business in high class cities like Canterlot or Brookneighven. Granted, the Apples were among some of the early settlers of Ponyville so it's natural for them to have such a hold over the land it occupies and maybe they see it in their roots to stay. He’ll have to ask her later when he isn’t behind schedule. He considered saving AJ for last as he could have swung by the boutique before he left for the acres, but he needed to have her know now to allot enough time to cook everything, especially with how late-notice the party was. It's unlikely she would turn down such an offer whether it was for her close friend, Twilight or not—though that may have just been an excuse to not feel bad about putting her on the spot like that. Surprise parties are a surprise for everybody he guessed. He finally made it up to the porch of her abode when he notices the back door was ajar. He decided that he wouldn’t get to quick of a response if he had knocked, and it not like he had much time to spare anyway, so he skipped the front door and passed around to investigate the commotion “Is that you back there Applejack!” he called out as he approached the door. A loud series of crashes was all he got in response and he hastened his pace to meet the kitchen. He walked inside to find a comically tall mountain of pots and pans and the like on a now ensnared Applebloom. “AJ! Big Mac! Can somebody help,” she called out, “the cabinet door broke open again!” Spike bent down and began to dig her out of the mass of cooking utensils that spilled onto her. “I’m here.” he replied between the clanking of tossed metal. “Is that you, Spike? I’m glad for the help but what brings you out here?” “I came to ask Applejack to help cook up some grub for-” he paused, wondering if he could trust two-year-old, “-lunch today. Twilight asked me to find her. I was about to ring the bell when I saw the kitchen door wide open and found you instead” “Last I saw AJ was out by the orchard at dawn checking up on the trees and such,” rang out her still muffled response. How much could these guys possibly be cooking?! “I dunno if she’s still out there but it would be the first place I would look! Also, why would y'all just be making up lunch at 3 o'clock? Isn't that a bit late? I'd say its more time for a nice supper by now.” “Uh, consider it then a-uh," he paused once again, wondering if there was a word for the combination of lunch and dinner in the same sense the word 'brunch' existed, "linner, lupper I guess? That's not important right now, however, can I ask you what's going on in here? I don’t think the cabinet door would have just fell off on its own, or so I’d assume anyway. ” “Uh, I wasn’t doin nothin...” she mumbled sheepishly. Spike’s eyes drifted from the chair propped up against the counter to the only thing left cabinet above, a jar of cookies. Something told him he was right to assume foul play as his eyelids sunk in a mix of disappointment and assurance. “I’m sure you were…” he muttered with the last of the pile removed, a large crock pot that had once completely covered the now free Applebloom, her bottom lip tucked between her jaws. “I’ll just leave you to your ‘nothin’ and head out to the orchard for Applejack”. Just as he stepped out the back door a rustling in the bush nearby caught his attention and his head snapped to it, his eyes locking onto a mix of orange and white among the leaves. “Mission failed! Abort, abort!” cried the bush as two pairs of wide eyes met his own and their owners fled the scene. “Don’t leave me you cowards!” cried Applebloom as she dashed past Spike in pursuit of her friends. Crazy kids, he thought while he turned to the bounding hills ahead.