> Rainbow Dash is Pet Food > by Blissey1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow Dash is alligator food > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to Pinkie Pie’s room opened up and the eponymous pink pony skipped inside, her generous breasts bouncing up and down inside of her yellow tank top. Right behind her came her best friend, Rainbow Dash, her black sports top allowing no such movement of her own more modest assets. “Alrighty then, Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said as she stretched her arms over her head, “so what’s this bet you need my help with? What do I need to do?” “Oh, it’s real simple!” Pinkie said as she walked past Rainbow and closed the door to her room. She then suddenly grabbed Rainbow from behind, pinning her arms and wings against her body. “You don’t have to do anything, just hold still!” “W-what?” Rainbow asked, a blush coming across her face as her friend’s tits squished up against her back. Pinkie suddenly spun the both of them about so they were facing her dresser, where Pinkie’s minuscule pet alligator, Gummy, was sitting. Pinkie then suddenly bent her forward, putting her at face level the gator. “Pinkie! What are you…” her voice trailed off as Gummy started opening his mouth. She was at the perfect position to see straight into that pink, fleshy maw, which only seemed to be opening wider and wider, wider than the little gator should be able to open it. And then that fleshy maw was suddenly covering her face. Dash started struggling to try and get the gator off of her face, but Pinkie’s grip was like iron. “C’mon, Dashie! I told you, you don’t have to do anything! This is all on Gummy, now!” There was an audible gulp from the little gator as more of Dashie’s face was sucked down into that maw. Pinkie, seeing that Gummy had now established himself, forced Rainbow to stand up straight again, lifting the little gator off the dresser entirely. Gummy quickly engulfed the rest of Rainbow’s head and his green jaws were soon around her shoulders. An outline of Rainbow’s face was clearly visible bulging outwards against the green, scaled belly. “Pinkie!?” Your pet is eating me!” came a muffled cry from inside. “Of course he is, silly, that was the bet!” Pinkie replied with a smile as she watched her pet slowly slip farther down Rainbow’s body, the pegasus’ shoulders now crammed inside his gullet. “See, Gummy said he was hungry enough to eat a pony, but I told him that there’s no way he could eat a whole pony! So we ended up making a bet out of it! And of course, the only way to solve that bet was to find a pony for him to try and eat. That’s why I called you over!” Gummy, still swallowing down more and more blue pegasus as Pinkie talked, had slipped down another half a foot, engulfing the entirety of Rainbow’s sports top and the form wearing it. Pinkie moved her rock solid grip on her friend’s struggling form down to her waist to make more room for her pet.“I figured you probably wouldn’t like this bet, so that’s why I’m restraining you like this. But don’t worry, Dashie, I’m sure he can’t actually do it! He’ll stop somewhere around your waist and I’ll make him spit you out. Why this reminds me of this one time back on the rock farm, when...” Pinkie started rambling on, drowning out Rainbow’s continued cries for help as Gummy devoured his meal. The gator’s jaws were now around Rainbow’s flat, toned belly. Rainbow was already bulging Gummy’s stomach out to an absurd degree, a clear outline of her head sticking out past his tail, but the gator just kept on going. Her blue belly was quickly sucked down into his gullet, forcing Pinkie to move her grip further down to her friend's thighs as Gummy started advancing on the pair of black exercise shorts covering Rainbow’s firm, toned ass. “Wowee, Gummy, you’re really serious about this, huh?” Pinkie said, a look of worry coming over her face as her best friend’s ass became a bulge in her pet gator’s throat. With only Rainbow’s legs left, Pinkie carefully lowered Rainbow, and thus Gummy, down to the floor while still keeping a grip on the pegasus’ hooves to prevent them from kicking about too much. She watched in awe as Rainbow’s muscled thighs were sucked down between those green jaws, the massive green, scaled bulge that Gummy was resting upon growing larger and larger. She finally let go of her friend’s hooves, which started kicking about frantically, but the movement did nothing to keep Rainbow’s developed, meaty calves from being slowly slurped down as well. “Wow…” was all Pinkie said those green jaws reached Rainbow’s hooves. Gummy paused only a moment to lick at the appendages before giving a few more swallows and snapping his jaws shut, finalizing his victory in their bet. “Jeeze,” Pinkie said as she looked her pet over, now more pony shaped, scaly green bulge than alligator. She squatted down next to her immobilized pet and ran her hand across his back. “I guess that’s what I get for underestimating you, huh, Gummy?” “Alright, you figured out the bet!” came Rainbow’s panicked voice from inside Gummy’s obscenely stretched belly. “Now make him spit me out! It’s already starting to get all tingly in here!” A look of sadness came over Pinkie’s face. “I wish I could, but the terms of the bet were that if Gummy really does manage to gobble up an entire pony, then he gets to keep them.” She wraps her arms around the massive pony shaped bulge her pet rested upon, one final hug for a former friend. “Sorry, Dashie, you were a really great friend, but now you’re just alligator food.” “W-what!?” Rainbow cried out as her form bulging out Gummy’s belly started struggling about, “Pinkie, you can’t be serious! I’m not gator food! Make him spit me up!” Pinkie gave her friends bulge one last, tight squeeze. “No can do, Dashie. You know better than anypony else how seriously I take bets.” Pinkie watched gummy as he slowly blinked his eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, Gummy says you tasted really good! The best thing he’s ever eaten!” “No, it doesn’t make me feel any better!!” Rainbow practically screeched from inside Gummy’s stomach. “It didn’t? It would have made me feel better…” Pinkie said, mostly to herself. She stood back up and glanced at a clock on the wall. “Sorry again it turned out like this, Dash, but it is what it is. My shift at the bakery starts in ten minutes, so I have to start getting ready.” She leaned down and gave Gummy a pat on the head. “Please don’t give Gummy too much indigestion, Dashie. I’ll see what’s left of you later today!” Pinkie said as she opened the door and left to get ready. “P-pinkie!? Wait, don’t go! Pinkie, please!” Rainbow cried out, but there was nopony there to hear her. Only an alligator sitting atop a scaled green pony shaped bulge. As Rainbow’s desperate pleading started being drowned out by gurgling and churning noises from Gummy’s belly getting to work, the gator slowly blinked its eyes. His tongue slipped out the side of his jaws and licked at his eyeball. Later that evening, the door to Pinkie’s room opened again and Pinkie Pie walked inside, now wearing a white baking apron over her clothes. “Wow, that sure was a busy day!” She looked at Gummy, still on the floor where she had left him. He still couldn’t move from how bloated his guy was, but it had now rounded out considerably, only a few bulges here or there leaving any sign that there was once an entire pegasus inside. “And it looks like you’ve been busy, too!” Gummy’s belly gave a loud gurgle and Pinkie giggled. “I was pretty sure I heard some of that rumbling all the way downstairs!” She kneeled down next to her bloated alligator and put a hand to the side of his massive gut. She gave a tentative push, and her hand easily pushed into the scaled orb. “Wow, nothing left but mush, huh?” Gummy’s response was an exceptional loud gurgle from his stomach. He opened his mouth and with a noise somewhere between a burp and a cough, a slick and tattered pair of black exercise shorts and a sports top flew out of his mouth and landed on the floor with an audible splat. Pinkie stared at the garments in surprise. “...I guess that’s a yes, then,” she said. She stood up. “Well, I’m exhausted enough that I’m just going to go straight to bed.” She turned out the lights and flopped down onto her bed. “Goodnight, Gummy!” > Rainbow Dash is dog food > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack sat on the bed in her room nervously rubbing her hands together. She glanced out the window to see the moon rising into the night sky. She knew should be have gone to sleep hours ago, but she was too anxious. She hadn’t even taken off her plaid button up or her jeans. They had spent a month training Winona on a new method of dealing with nighttime intruders, and this was the first night they were putting her training into practice. It was unlikely that anything would happen, but if something did… Her head shot up when she suddenly heard barking from out in the orchard. Applejack could instantly tell it was Winona and as she listened for a few more moments, she realized it was the certain type of barking that they had trained her to use to let them know that she had caught an intruder. Applejack veritably lept off of her bed and raced out of her room, barreled down the stairs and out the front door. She couldn’t see very well in the dark, but Winona’s continuous barking was enough to guide her. She quickly found her beloved pet and a wide grin crossed her face. There she was, suspended nearly three feet off the ground atop a massively distended belly. “Good girl, Winona!” Applejack shouted as she rushed up to her dog. Sure enough, that massive gut of hers was writhing about with the struggling of whoever she had caught intruding on the farm. “I knew you could do it, Winona!” Applejack said as she started scritching under Winona’s chin and scratching behind her ears, “Good girl!” “AJ! AJ, is that you!?” came a muffled voice from inside Winona’s belly. Applejack’s face scrunched up and she stopped lavishing attention on her dog. It was hard to tell coming from inside her dog, but she was sure she recognized that voice… Her eyes shot open and she kneeled down to put her face besides that massive, fuzzy belly. “Rainbow Dash?! Is that you?” “AJ, you gotta help me! Your dog just devoured me!” came Rainbow’s voice from inside. “Well yeah she did, that’s what we’ve been training her to do to nighttime intruders!” Applejack replied. “Didn’t I tell ya about this?” “No!” came the quick response. Applejack blinked. “Huh, I must’ve forgotten…” she said under her breath to herself. “What the hay were you doing on the farm this time of night anyway?” “I was just going to set up a prank! That’s all!” “Well you sure picked a fine night for pranking!” Applejack let out a heavy sigh. “I sure am sorry ‘bout this Dash. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. At least now we know Winona’s training worked like a charm.” She gave a hard pat against Winona’s massively bulged gut. “Thanks for being a guinea pig for us, Rainbow!” She reached back up and started rubbing the back of Winona’s neck. “Good girl, Winona! Catching that nasty nighttime intruder like that!” Winoa barked back at her, tail happily wagging back and forth. “W-wait, what!? You are going to let me out, aren’t you!?” came the panicked cry from inside Winona’s belly. “And how the hay am I supposed to do that? Cut Winona’s belly open?” Applejack shook her head. “Sorry, Dash. You were a good friend, but now it looks like yer just dog food.” “What!?” Rainbow shouted, “Applejack, please, you can’t be serious! You have to get me out! Applejack!” But Applejack wasn’t paying attention to her anymore, instead focusing on Winona. “Such a good girl, doing exactly like we trained you to do!” she said as she pet her dog’s back, Winona’s tongue hanging out of her mouth as she enjoyed the attention. “I bet you want to go inside and get some rest while your belly works on taking care of that intruder, don’t you?” Winona gave a quick bark in response, getting a smile from AJ. “That’ what I thought! Than let's go, girl!” Winona whined as she helplessly waggled her legs back and forth, suspended well out of reach of the ground by the pegasus filling her belly. “...Huh, that’s something we hadn’t considered…” Applejack said to herself as she watched Winona flail about for a few moments. “It’s nothing we can’t fix, though! C’mere, girl!” Applejack leaned down and wrapped her arms around that massive furry belly, picking up Winona to carry her back inside. Winona appreciatively licked her face, causing Applejack to chuckle. “Don’t thank me yet, girl, we ain’t back home yet!” It was a heavy load to carry, but nothing that Applejack couldn’t handle. She ignored the continued shouting and pleading of Winona’s midnight snack as she made her way back, a task that became easier as more and more gurgling and churning started to drown out the words. Before long she stepped back inside the farmhouse. Big Mac was there, standing at the bottom of the stairs rubbing his eyes. He had clearly just woken up and only threw on a pair of jeans, leaving his well developed chest exposed. “Applejack? What-” His widened and his face lit up and she took in the impossibly stuffed form of the family dog. “Winona caught someone?” “Sure did!” Applejack said as she put the giant ball of fuzz with a dog on top down on the throw rug in the middle of the living room. “Great!” Big Mac said as he walked up to Winona to give her some attention. “Anyone we know?” “That’s the regrettable part. It was Rainbow Dash.” Applejack replied. “It was?” Big Mac asked, taking a closer look at the bugle in their dog’s belly. Applejack could hear the disappointment in her brother’s voice. “Yeah, sorry, Mac. I know you kinda had the hots for her.” She said, resting a hand on his shoulder. “But now she’s just gonna be fertilizer.” Mac let out a loud sigh. “Least we know her training worked,” he said. Applejack nodded. “Yeah, that was my thinking, too.” A large yawn suddenly forced her mouth open. “I dunno about you, but wasn’t able to sleep at all with how worried I was about Winona. Now that she’s all situated, I’m gonna hit the hay.” Big Mac nodded. “I’ll be doing the same.” They both turned towards the stairs, but spared a moment to look back. “And goodnight, Winona!” Applejack said. Winona yipped back in response, then rested her head against her huge belly. The shouting and movement inside her gut had stopped now, replaced entirely by gurgling and sloshing. The sounds were enough to help the canine drift off to sleep.