Moonlight Catcher

by Firefox Lantern

First published

When Luna created the batponies, her stated goal was they would serve her in mind, soul and body. That third aspect was a little too successful, if a batpony didn't find release within three moons they could go mad. One-shot clopfic of ritual sex.

The oracles of Ancient Equestria offered counseling, fortune reading and healing herbs. The most popular service by far however was their massages, in particular the intimate kind. So it was a natural base to train the volunteers who helped relieve batponies of their pent up sexual energy. One new trainee on her first run in the field panics and throws precaution to the wind, turning the carefully controlled sex ritual into one of wild abandon.

Warning : Explicit sex and description of pony anatomy (Tab A into Slot B).

Chapter 1

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"If you wish to back out it is now or never. Your move, initiate."

Two studly specimens of equine bodies stood before me, putting up convincing stoic faces. I knew better. Under the soft light of the full moon hovering above us I could see the tell-tale signs of pent up hunger in them. The murderous intent in their slitted eyes as they seized up their prey. The ever subtle curling of their fanged muzzle as they anticipated their meal. The oh so slight twitching of their tuffed ears and leathery wings as they contained their arousal, for I was their moonlight catcher tonight.

I had learned a lot in my training at the oracle of the Luna Vitalis. Our Great Empress Luna had created these ponies in the image of her favourite familiar, bats, so they would devote themselves to her in mind, soul and body. The latter aspect in particular was a bit too successful, their passion burned strong enough to make love all night and they needed an outlet at least once every three moons or they would go mad. Due to Luna's penchant for handsome males they bore 5 colts for every filly, thus the need to establish a group of female volunteers to bleed off their excess energy. With their lust reaching its highest peak at the full moon and the nature of the reproductive fluids we were affectionnally named the moonlight catchers.

I had been raised at the oracle, I was one of the few nonbat ponies just an ordinary pegasus. Luna tried her best to encourage more mingling with her batponies but prejudices run deep. I had lost both my parents to a plague, all my uncles and aunties were struggling to feed their own foals and they had the wisdom to donate me to this particular oracle because they had more room available. The oracle played many roles, in addition to helping the poor and the needy they offered various counseling services, healing herbs and fortune telling. However they were most popular for their massages, especially the intimate kind. It made sense to also train the moonlight catchers here. I had a talent in the sensual arts, as soon as I was of eligible age I volunteered to be a trainee. I had 6 months of hooves on practice at the oracle before I was deemed ready to spend my first night out on the field.

So that night I was sent to accomodate two grizzled veterans from the city guard. They were made aware of my status as newly minted catcher and would take care in reigning in their ardour but they would still undoubtedly test my stamina. In the shrouded darkness of the clearing I could barely distinguish their purple coats, one having a generous helping of blue mane with streaks of silver as well as a nasty scar on his left cheek while the other had plain grey. They both had cutie marks with the moon and shield in different configurations.

I exhaled a deep breath as I attempted to still my beating heart. I had seen them in and around the oracle many many times yet under present circumstances they appeared much more frightning. I was afraid I might give in to my flight instincts, I had to get into the thick of it as quickly as possible before I lose my bravado. I turned around, lowered my head and lifted my tail in the most amateur of blatant invitations.

"What are you doing!? You have to start with the massages and the tonguing otherwise we'll come at you at full force and..." a strained voice shot to my ears. I didn't pay attention to the rest of the sentence as the other stallion gave in to his desires, galloped and jumped onto my back. I almost fell forward but my forehooves dug into the ground to absorb the impact. As soon as I recovered I felt teeth gripping the fur at my withers, making my breath hitch a notch. This was the reaction I was looking for but I was surprised just how fast and aggressive he had come.

"Shadow Lance control yourself!" came the scolding from behind but it was bereft of conviction. He was all stallion, I was all mare, we were about to do it like animals.

Chapter 2

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I grunted under the rough penetration of his spear into my private passage. Six months of training and I stupidly panicked, skipping all the preliminary massages. This was a big no-no because without a few rounds of foreplay the entire bouquet of the stallion's pent up pollen would be blown upon your delicate flower. I could cry out at him to slow down, or attempt to buck him off but I didn't because the intense adrenaline from the savage mating coursed through my veins. Some depraved part of me craved this brutality, this pain, this raw slapping of flesh upon flesh.

I regained enough senses to clench my vaginal walls around his thundering horsecock. It slowed down his thrusting for a second, either from surprise or from the extra resistance. The moment did not last as he soon redoubled his efforts and ploughed into my field harder than a farmer behind schedule on winter wrap-up.

"Unf!" I definitely felt the medial ring on his dick shove accross my pussy lips. He bit harder at my neck, tightened his grip around my torso and hilted into me at a breakneck speed. A snort hissed loudly from our mutual neighbour, no doubt psyching himself for the same performance.

His pace reached a fever pitch, he howled out a crazed combination of 'ah!' and neighing then stabbed his meat as far as possible. I recognized his climax and imagined the spray of fertile sediment gushing into my canal. From the various grunts it feels he shot at least four more loads, and kept on pouring a steady stream with smaller pumps. Eventually he slumped onto my back, his balls drained of their burden.

With a deep satisfied sigh my first giver of moonlight hopped off of me and trotted off to the side. I semi-collapsed to the ground, reveling in the intense emotions stirred by the unapologetic assault. From the squelching noise there was undoubtedly clumps of moonlight essence clinging around my entrance. I had a few fleeting seconds to catch my breath, then I felt a hoof shove me onto my back. A face of undisguised lust loomed over me.

"Shadow, move your ass to pin down the catcher's forelegs. Otherwise she might get blown away from the coming storm."

Chapter 3

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Front legs held down, back legs held up in the air, my second guard of the night battered my gate harder than the siege at Stalliongrad. His loins crashed repeatedly into my hips, booming like thunder. If he hadn't had the presence of mind of asking his partner to hold me down I feel like I would have been pounded clear accross the clearing. I didn't attempt to bottle up my emotions this time, letting out a banshee wail of distress and delight. I could feel the oncoming cresting of my pleasure.

"Fluttershy, I'm ready!"

Already? I responded to his impending release : "Yes fill me with your foals! Breed me with your babies!"


That didn't sound like a rough stallion's voice. In fact it sounded very feminine...

My eyes snapped open. Before me was not the somber grassfields of the Luna Vitalis oracle. I was quite enclosed by glittering walls and stylish tables with pink frilly covers.

"Err, I'm ready to head to our spa session?" Rarity murmured with hesitation.

It all came rushing back to me, I was at Rarity's house waiting for her to finish up. To pass the time I had resumed reading my book of Tantalizing Tales from Ancient Equestria, and I had reached a steamy section. The aroma of sex tickled my nose, had I also been...? Mortified, I dashed and squeezed myself under the couch.

For some time only the ticking of the grandfather clock could be heard. Eventually I heard Rarity reach out to me : "Now Fluttershy don't mistake my silence for disgust, I was startled that's all darling. Please come out and let's have a talk mare to mare."

I squeaked, shaking my head. I'm sure the couch wouldn't mind me staying under it for a few days, or years. It wasn't a barrier to Rarity's voice :
-You are going through estrus, are you not? You didn't use the heat supressing herbs?
-The first time I did, my throat swelled up and I couldn't breath. The doctors later confirmed I had an allergic reaction and prescribed some alternative pills. All of them had terrible side effects, from painful migraines to double vision to retching. So I stopped taking them.
-That's unfortunate. When was the last time you took some?
-Um, 22 seasons ago.
-Twenty-two!? Dear Celestia you were an early bloomer.

I blushed crimson red at that : "Yes."

"No wonder you couldn't hold back your heat anymore. Have you tried... relieving it?"

Silence was the only response I was willing to offer.

"Were you aware the spa offers some services for mares in your situation?" I gulped at Rarity's implied suggestion. "And they're very discreet about it."

"I've... I've heard about it."

"Come out now, we can't have you shut yourself in the condition you're in. Trust me."

Gingerly I crawled out from under the couch. I trust my friend, and I don't want to ruin another couch.