> Sky Bolt and the Twin Stones > by BadgerBrony900 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was like any other day in Ponyville the sun was shining, everypony was happy, and everyone seemed to be enjoying one another, Well...... Almost everypony....... "Sky Bolt we almost had it, what WAS THAT!" said a very angry dark grey pony. "Hey back off Moon Bass, I just don't have any inspiration..." I said shamefully looking at the ground. " Are you saying you've never been in love before?" said Moon Bass both shocken and confused. "Yes......." still looking at the ground. " But you're the most loved player of the band " said a Sky Blue Pony, He pulled out his phone out of thin air like he had pockets, he surfed through the internet for our Fan Page. " See look" putting the phone in my face. I pushed the phone down out of my face, " Yah I know Nimble.... But thats just Fan Love, They only love me because I'm famous, I bet if this band died they wouldn't even offer a hoof to me." I said about to walk out the door. " Yah sure, Oh why did the boss say were in the small dump of a town?" said Moon Bass slightly annoyed. " Boss says we have to play a concert here, well see ya all later" I said closing the door before any of them could respond. "Hmmmm.......We'll every town has something to offer lets see what this one has" I said whispering to myself As I walked around town, looking for something to do I played around with my thoughts.... Hmmm a Library I wonder if they have Dari- "SPIKE" said a loud voice coming from the library. Never mind...... Hmmmmmmm......... I continued to walk around a bit exploring what this town had to offer, I walked around till I saw it, even the building looked edible, I walked inside to be attacked by sweet aromas. Mmmmmmmmm, and with a smile on my face as I rang the bell, It took a bit but a Pink Fluffy Pony walked, well more like hopped out. All I got was a deep gasp "Oh my god your playing at the concert its so nice to meeet but what was your name again...?" Uhhh "Shhhh, I can get it" she put a hoof to my mouth..... "Pinkie dear, whats wrong" said a voice from the kitchen, I assumed Pinkie was the Pink Pony, but she didn't respond as if still trying to think of my name. I walked out more confused than hungry. Mrs cake opened holding a Muffin tray. " SKY BOLT AND THE TWIN STONES" Said Pinkie startling Mrs Cake making her drop all the muffins. " Heh heh sorry I'll pick that up for you" said Pinkie slightly embarressed. Shocked from that event I Decided never to go back to that area for the rest of the day, I walked for a little longer than I realised how late it was from the combination of band practice and and walking around the town, knowing the guys would want to go some where to eat considering none of us could cook, I slowly walked towards the studio that we rented while here. Almost home I heard yelling, decided it was nothing I continued walking home, I was about to open the door but the yelling got louder, Since it wasn't to far I decided to check it out. It only took about a minute to get there, As I peeked around the corner, I saw a Bright Yellow Pegasus, Light Pink Hair, being yelled at by some black earth pony. "I SAW YOU PICK POCKET ME, NOW GIVE ME MY BITS BACK!" said the pony angrily, obviously on the verge of tears and defenseless the yellow pegasus just stood there , I felt the urge to help her, So I tried what I could and I walked up to them. " Hey whats the problem here? " I said trying to be as threatening as I could, " The Problem is this little thie-" he looked at me and immediatly switched to Fan Mode, " Hey You're from the Twin Stones, Ive Always wanted to meeet like this is one of my biggest dre-" I Cut him Off by giving a autograph," So excactly how did she steal from you?" I said switching my view from him to her, him to fer. " 20 bits, and she wont give it back". "........" The pegasus said something but none of us could here it, she covered her eyes in her pink mane, and looked at the ground in defeat. " Uhhhhhmmmmm, well heres 100 bits and uhhh good day" I said handing him the money. He walked away before giving a stern look at the pegasus. "Did you really steal from him?" I asked hopiong for an aswer. She Just covered her eyes more with her pink mane and kicked the ground a little. " You can talk to me cmon " I tried again hoping for an answer. no.... "What?" "no" "What?" " No ". " But than why did he do that?" ".........", I gave up, not knowing what to do in these kinds of situations. " Uhhh Heres ..... 200 bits.... for your troubles....." I said scratching my neck and handing her the bits. " Flutter Shy" Said a voice coming from the sky, she perked up immediatly and looked at the sky, " Well uhhhhh, I guess your friend is here, so bye..... Flutter Shy?" I said trying to hopefully get something out of her, her attention returned to me, she blushed a little, covered her eyes in her mane and took to the sky. "Ha Ha, you like her!" said my thoughts " Oh shut up brain I only knew her for 5 seconds" I said talking to my thoughts while walking back to the studio. I opened the door to be greeted by my band watching the TV, " Hey lets get something to eat" Speaking louder than the TV so they could hear me. " Finally" "Lets go" Said Moon and Nimble walking out the door past me. " Hey Willow hurry up" I said to a Pony about the same color as Nimble. " Sorry " She turned off the tv and walked past me. That pony....... My my, this band will never get this song done. > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " So thats all that happened? " Said a dark gray pony poking me in the side with a slight giggle, " Yes, I probaly won't even see her again til the concert." I said slightly annoyed poking him back". Time for a nice nights rest, I thought to myself as I walked back to the studio with the band. As we walked back into the studio we were cooled by the air of the studio. I gave everyone a goodnight before I walked to my own room. As I took off my jacket and put it on the hood I felt uneasy, something just made me want to go back and see that pegasus.... I snuggled into bed shrugging off the thought, but it just kept crawling back into my head, I slowly drifted into sleep only for it to keep me up. I don't know when but, I just drifted into slumber... [*Day before Concert*] " C'mon we got this, we got the song, now we just need to make sure everything goes smoothly for tomorrow" said Nimble as he paced around the room. " Ill go check on the final preperations for the concerts " I said lifting a hoof. " Okay, you go, I have a feeling this will work" Nimble said finally calming down. As I headed the door I think I heard Nimble say one last thing, but I closed the door to fast. As I walked towards the Town Square where the concert was being held, I was barraged by screaming fans, just drooling for autographs. It probaly took about an extra hour than it would of regularly of tooken me to get there, but I got there, and thats what counts. As I saw many ponies planning and working on remaining parts of the stage, gray pony with glasses walked up to me. " Nice to meet you Mr. Sky Bolt, I am the Mayor of this fair town of Pony Ville " She said to me with a slight hint of pride in her voice. " Uhhhhhh, yah I just want to know how the plans on the concert are going?" I said looking around at the stage, " Very well, We will be done before tomorrow" she said before looking around at the stage with me. " Well, ummmmmm.... I guess Ill be going now" I said walking off the stage back to the studio.... only to be barraged by more fans. Finally after seemingly an hour of fans both asking for autographs and questions, I made it back to the studio, " Yo man, so we ready to go for tomorrow?" said Moon Bass sitting ina bean bag chair watching tv. " Yah they said everything will be ready for tomoroow." I said taking off my jacket and plopping myself in the bean bag chair next to Bass. " So in the mean time........" [*10 Minutes before concert*] " Haha... We got this, this isn't are first concert... right? " I said nervous out of my mind. A just as nervous Nimble walked up to us, " Heh heh... yah..... But boss aid this love song has got to work or were out of the contract." almost about to shake himself out of his own hoofs. The mayor walked out onto the stage, " Mares and Gentle Colts, we present to you, Sky Bolt and the Twin Stones!" She walked off the stage and as we walked on the stage I was deafened by the roar of the crowd, I tapped the microphone letting the crowd know were ready. Right before I was about to speak into the microphone, I saw her.... That yellow pegasus, she looked like she didn't want to be here, but it appears of what I assume to be friends dragged her here. " So ... Uh um..... Yah we have a new song here for are fans of ours, we call it, Together in our dreams. " I said in a nervous tone and probaly blushing like crazy, I felt that this was going to fail, I just couldn't do it, the feelings the yellow pegasus gave me.... were driving me crazy. Ahem, I cleared the voice and I looked back at the band letting them know to start. [ Sorry guys not really a song writer...] " As time goes by, I know we will remain together forever" " As things go for better or worse, I know things between us won't change." " But time has changed annnnnnd I was wrong, But I know, We will be, together forever " In our Dreams" " Its been a few years and Its been forever, but I still have those memories" " But I just can't get rid of your face, in our dreams" " Ladetedumdadodee-" I started to choke and Just things came out of my mouth, I probaly looked a tomato by now, I looked back at my band who was just face hooving themselves, I didn't know what to do, from the booing to the yellow pegasus, to everything, I broke down, I started crying as I ran off the stage to who knows where. As I slowed my pace and cleared my head, I looked around to see where I was, I was on the outskirts of town... I walked up a hill, It wasnt tall enough to over look the town but tall enough to over look a portion of it. I layed down on the grass, Looked up to the stars, I stared endlessly at Luna's stars of the night. I don't know when, But I fell asleep, only to be greeted by the booing of the fans in my dream. I woke up in a sweat next morning, I was blank at first but the memories of last came back into my head. I sighed knowing I just face the rest of the band, I walked towards the town, and the studio. As I looked at the streets of Pony Ville I was right about The Fan love, no pony even dared look at me in the eye as they turned away with disgust. as I reached the studio I was greeted by a note, " Dear, Bolt The boss Is pissed, he is removing this band from the face of the earth, and all you have to know THIS IS ON YOUR SHOULDERS, So were taking everything and leaving you in the dust. Don't even try to look for as by the time you read this we have already taken the train to where ever it takes us. Sincerely, Buck you." I looked away from the note, almost about to cry again, but I instantly rejected that feeling and opened the door. The note didn't lie the studio was deserted and raided, I walked in sadly looking at everything..... I looked in my room, and hopefully I will find something they forgot, I looked under my bed, and yes they didn't take it, My acoustic guitar, though old and dusty its my most prized possession, It almost looks like my cutie mark. I hugged and cry tears of joy before remembering, What do I do now.... I opened the door and Celestias sun shone brightly in the deserted studio, I left out a long sigh before walking out the door, preparing for the worst. > 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I closed the door to the studio, I looked around, trying to find some pony willing to help, but once again they looked away, not bothering to lend a hoof. Well how could it get any wo-, I cut my thoughts of realizing the many possibilities. I started walking trying remember what I could from my short stay. All I could think of was that hill on the outskirts, so I walked there annoying the other ponies as they looked at me with disgust. As I reached the hill, I climbed up slowly making sure not to drop my guitar, and as I reached the top, I looked up to the sky hopelessly looking for an answer on what I should do. As thoughts became clear, I was begenning to realise, that it was a nice day out, mabye things weren't going to be so bad. So I stopped moping walked down the hill and headed for PonyVille Park. As I started to take a stroll I couldn't help but just admire the nature filling this park, The plants, the trees, the animals, everything seemed in place. After a while my legs got tired, not only from walking, but from not eating breakfast either. So I walked up a nice and shady spot, and no pony seemed to be around so I took out my guitar and started playing a random song. After a couple a seconds later, a bird came in and started humming along. I smilled as I started to go into a bit more organized playing. More birds started to come, in and I couldn't help, at first I whistled along with them, than it became La's. Than as more birds came, and squirrels were knocking on the tree to imitate percussion. After a while I felt like it became a real song and I started singing. " La de ta tum" " The sun shines above our heads, the trees sway from left to right, The flowers shine with many colors" " But the only thing that seems to hypnotize my mind, is me and you" " As the sun comes down, and the trees dance to the night time stars, they light us on our way" " and nothings going to stop us now, But as the flowers fade and they go away" " The only flower I see, Is you and me." " Laaa dadada dum dadadum lalala" " As the the trees calm their movement" " and the flowers come to gray, I know the only thing that matters, is you and me" " So walk along with me as the sun comes up, not knowing the path we take, but the only thing that matters" " Is you and me" " The sun above our heads, and what we can car-" I was interrupted by the birds flying away and the squirrels running up the trees. I looked behind me to see the yellow pegasus, and what I again assume to be 5 of her friends. " Uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm...." I looked at the ground half embarresed, half nervous, cheeks flaring like crazy. " Heh heh...... Sorry we scared your birds away, but we really liked your song." said a Purple Unicorn. The other 4 nodded in agreement, the yellow pegasus just hid behind her mane. " So wheres the rest of your band " Said a Cyan blue pegasus looking around the trees. " The band broke up, they left me with nothing saying it was fault" I was looking back at the ground almost about to cry again. " Well it kinda was " she was hushed by the purple unicorn. I put my acoustic guitar on my back, as I started to walk away, I was stopped by the purple unicorn once again. " Do you have anywhere to stay? " she said giving me a stren look knowing there was no way out of this. " No ", " Hmmmm....... Spike doesn't like when other colts are over...." "Rarity?" " Sorry deary, I got to finish a order."said a white unicorn. "Rainbow Dash?", " He's not a pegasus.... " said the cyan blue pegasus " Apple Jack?", " Sorry, but its my here turn to take care of the crusaders, and having some one famous around.. well you know...." said a orange earth pony " Pinkie?"," Heh heh, still not allowed to have guests over since our last party..." said a Pink Earth pony. " Flutter Shy?", the pegasus stood quietly trying to slowly scoot herself behind a tree... Rainbow Dash pushed her to me, inches away from my face, from what her mane didn't cover I could tell she was blushing like crazy, as was I. She said something but it wasn't audible. " Did she say something?" I said looking to the other ponies who just shrugged. " Okaayyyyyy.... Well thanks for offering but I have to be on my way " I walked away but they didn't seem to stop me this time. It was hopeless, I need a place to stay and I needed what ever bits I could get right now, so I headed in to downtown PonyVille, I was going to sell my most prized possesion... I head a small ring as I walked into the music shop, it was nice, it look liked it just opened up. A very light gray pony walked in, " Looking for something? " said the the pony " Actually... uhhh... I was looking to sell my guitar" I said as I pulled the guitar off from my back, " How much would this go for?" I said handing it to him. He placed it on the counter and started examing, after about 5 minutes he handed it back to me. " 500 bits at the most, though it was nicely crafted and well designed, but its simply to worn out." I thought about for a bit, it would last me long enough to get a job, but it would be giving away my what made me... me..... " I'll take it " I was about to hand him the the guitar when I head a small squeaky, " Please don't " from behind me. I turned around to see the yellow pegasus blushing slightly while kicking the ground. " What else am I going to do?" I said as I put the guitar on my back. " You... can live... with me......." she was blushing even worse, and I was blushing as bad. " Oh.... Okay...." I said following her out the shop. Neither of us said a word as we walked to her place, as she opened the door we were greeted by a white rabbit, he acknowledged my presence for a bit they he looked at the pegasus, he didn't seem happy as he stomped his foot on the ground. " Oh sorry angel, I pwomise ill make it up to you" she said as she picked up the bunny. The bunny accepted the apology, but still gave a rude gesture as he escaped her grip and walked away. She welcomed me inside, I walked inside to be greeted by even more animals. " So your cutie mark is.... Taking care of animals?" I looked to be greeted the most sweetest, blue eyes Ive ever seen. I looked into them as she looked into mine, The gaze was broken by the gurgling of my stomache, " Heh heh... Guess im kind of hungry", I said slightly embarressed. She pushed me into the kitchen, forced me to sit at the table as she cooked. She came back to the table with 2 hay sandwitches, we ate, only got a few words, as she washed dishes I walked into the living room and sat on a couch that was comfier than it looked, I felt happier than ever, but drowsiness started to over come me, I slowly drifted to the dream world, everything was almost pitch black than, I felt a something warm cover me, than I was out. > 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... I awake to the smell of something baking, I sit up, I take a thin blanket that was covering, I fold it and put it off to the side, she must of covered me with that last night, I walk up to a window and look out, Celestia's sun was shining upon Equestria, I looked back and headed towards the direction of the smell, as I walked in the kitchen, Flutter shy greeted me with a plate with pancakes and a muffin on the side on it. " Here eat this " She gave me the plate and was almost out the door. " Wait where ya going? " I asked already half done with the muffin " My friends need me at the library, Ill be back some time tonight " she was already out the door before I could reply Okaayyyyy I said to myself.... I ate the breaks fast and put the dish in the sink, I thought about it, If she seemed in a rush, and she wasn't her usualy shy self, it must be important..... Oh well, its her buisness Ill just stay out of it, So now wheres my guitar.....? After about 10 minutes of speed searching, I gave up, The bunny hopped in with a smirk on his face, I ignored it but he contiously tried to get my attention. " What do you want? " I asked the bunny though my talent wasn't animals, He pointed at his eye, than his head, than he pretended to strum a guitar. " You know where my guitar is? " thinking that was what he meant. He nodded, than he held out his hand as if he wanted me to make a deal. " Wheres my guitar? " slightly louder not wanting to waste time with this rabbit He shook his head than held out his hand again. " Okay fine, but what are the circumstances?" I said figuring out how stubborn this rabbit was. He pointed at me, pointed at his heart, than he pointed at a picture of Flutter Shy. " What no i don- " I was cut off by the rabbit pretending to smash a guitar. " Okay..... but how? " I said sitting on the couch wishing for anything but this.... He than pointed at Flutter Shy first, his heart, than me. " She lov-... likes me too? " I said looking straight at the rabbit He nodded. " Okay but still, How do I attempt it?" I said running my hoofs through my hair. He shrugged as if wanting me to figure it out myself. " Why you little " He pretended to smash my guitar again. " Okay okay she comes back tonight, just give me time to think about it. " He nodded in agreement than hopped away. Well, it just happened, one of the possibilities that just made things worse...... I walked out the door making sure I locked it though I didn't have a key...... Crap ............... I walked towards Pony Ville, as I though about my current situation. As I reached Pony Ville I made sure to steer clear of the library, the studio , that crazy bakery, (though I still wanted to go back there....), and that music shop. I glanced at that many ponies that were my fans barely a couple of days ago, now just regular old strangers to me. After a while of glancing at the few shops and few restaurants I grew bored. I walked towards the outskirts of Pony Ville to find my hill, after about 5 minutes I reached the bottom of my destination, I climbed up a lot more faster that this time I didn't have my intrument to look over. As I reached the top, my mind was else where, about how was I going to go through with this. I lay in a soft blanket grass and stared at the sky. Gonig through the many possibilities I started to drift off....... I shook my head, must stay awake, but though no matter the effort this was a perfect napping spot for me. I woke up, yawned , scratched my back, almost pissed my pants, Celestias sun was almost being replaced by Luna's moon. I stretched as fast as I could and rushed towards her cottage. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry Is all I could think of, I had to take a shortcut through the down town and thank Celestia it was night and almost no pony was there. I Made it, I was out of breathe though, after taking a breather, I checked the door, it was still locked, thank Celestia. I knocked on the window to be greeted by that evil bunny. " Open the door " I pointed towards the door incase he couldn't hear me. He face pawed? and walked towards the door. He opened it, but I as I was about to walk in, he shook his finger. He then pointed to Flutter Shy walking with her friends. " C mon, let me in, I can't do it infront of her friends " I whispered trying to make my presence un-aware. He shook his head and slammed the door in my face, As I recovered, I rubbed my nose with my hoof, crud cakes as I thought to myself. I heard their voices, " Oh Flutter Shy you should do it, it would be so nice for you " I couldn't tell which one it was but I was scared out of my hooves. " Oh there he is , go on Darling ask him. " Said the white unicorn if I could remember her name was Rarity. The 6 of them walked up to me, the the white one nudged her towards me, Broken guitar, or broken heart, broken guitar, or broken dreams, I kept runnign that through my head..... We stood there, slightly embarressed, not even looking at each other... Well its now or never, is what both ran through their thoughts. " Flutter Shy " " Sky Bolt " we said in unison " Oh sorry, you first " Still in unison " Oh no, you first " " Uhhhmmmm " " Would you.... " " You ask first. " " No you " The unison went on intell the Purple one... I think Twilight was her name broke it up. " Mr. Famous, you first " They all glanced towards me. I Looked at the window, that bunny was pretending to destroy my guitar again. " Would you..... Like to be...like to go on........ " I said not being able to finish my sentence. " On a date " She finished it for me which surprised me since she was the shy one. " Uhhh no.. Yes, I mean yes, Would you like to go on a date....? " My face was so red I could feel it. She wasn't as bad but blushing. " Awwwwwwwwwww " was all that came from her friends. " ummmm.... sure..... " She returned to her shy state realizing the situation she was in. The friend stll continued to look at us with awww faces, with the exception of the cyan one laughing. I shot them a annoyed glare, They saw this and realized that we needed privacy, she unlocked the door letting us both in. " So will a picnic be fine? " I asked her. " yah, sure " she walked up stairs still shy but with slightly more joy. My attention went to the bunny who I gave a death glare. He laughed, she led me to my guitar which was hidden between some rocks behind the cottage. " Ill get you back " still giving the death glare, he just shrugged and hopped off. I walked back inside and resumed my place on the couch, this time just staring at the ceiling, it seemed to never end, but I fell asleep. > 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke, nothing felt right, I was still in Flutter Shy's Cottage, but it didn't feel right, everything just felt gloomy. I got up from the couch, my guitar was gone, I walked upstairs and checked all of the rooms, none of them contained Flutter Shy. As I walked downstairs a cool breeze sent shivers up my back, the door was open. Confused I walked slowly to the door, But before I closed it something caught my eye. Not a single star shined in the sky, even the moon was gone. I looked down the path that led to town, there was a hooded pony holding my guitar, he smiled as he ran towards town, " Hey wait up, thats my guitar, uuuggggghhhh " I started chasing the Hooded Theif. I was too focused on the theif to see me surroundings, none of the street lights were on, the eerie yellow eyes staring at me from the shadows, the whispers of hatred that surrounded me. I finally caught up to the theif, he stopped at a familiar building. We were at the studio, " Whats the deal man? " I said almost out of breathe, He didn't say a single word as he stepped into the studio... Knowing this was a bad idea, but that guitar meant a lot to me, I stepped in. It felt, cold and hard to breathe in here, my hoofs clicking at every step I take, the eerie mist that surrounded me, and my own breathe fogging up my vision, " Hello? " my voice echoed through the studio. The floor at my feet started to give away when another voice echoed through the studio, " It appears your waking up, until next time " was all I heard before I fell away with the floor. I awoke, I was sweating and shaking really bad, it also appears I disturbed some of the animals. *Pinch* . Ow, okay I wasn't dreaming anymore, I looked out the window see it was about early morning, a time I would usually never wake up. My guitar was leaning against a wall next to the couch. I looked at the staircase to Flutter Shy has just awoke too ". " Oh..... " She blushed and tried to fix her hair. " Stop that, Your perfect just the way you are " I said smiling, I walked back to the couch and picked up my guitar. " What?..... " she said shocked, I froze, blushing at what I just said also, I mean ive said it as a charity promo to many screaming fans, but this was different. " Uhhhhhh.......... Erm....... " was all I managed to get out. An awkward silence followed..... The charity promo was for Fillies and Colts that were born with a disorder, I forgot what it was called but it caused them to lose there fur. I did the promo because those I hate it when Mares try to look all pretty with make-up and that crap, and I just wanted to let those fillies and colts know that they're beautiful on the inside. So as I and Flutter Shy stood completely still avoiding eye contact, my face was tomato red, hers was more of a rosey red. The silence was broken by the white bunny who wanted his breakfast, " Oh okay angel " She left him into the kitchen and I walked outside to enjoy the morning air. I took the deep breathe of the refreshing morning air, It took a minute for that dream to work its way back into my head. " ......Hope that dream doesn't happen again " muttering to myself. I just stood there looking around and watching the day begin. The birds chirping, the sun rising, and the bits of dew on the grass. I took another deep breathe of the morning air before I walked back inside. As I walked inside breakfast was ready for both of us, it consisted of pancakes and a muffins and 2 glasses of milk.