> Not my world. > by Zebrapenz1276 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The excited chatter of voices filled the air. "What will happen?" "Will she survive?" "This is dangerous..." The blue maned Pegasus opened her eyes and stared at the wheeled bed she was attached to. Strapped down. The room was blindingly bright, the walls painted white and shiny. No... the walls weren't shiny. The glass tube surrounding her was. A faint whirring was heard in the background. “I think she's awake. Sir, I thought you said the melatonin would keep her asleep for the transfer. " Murmured a mare. What is going on? The Pegasus struggled against the straps, wings flapping rapidly, though it was all in vain. It did nothing to free herself. The whirring grew louder, but only by a bit. Her eyes opened fully, the pony's mane stuck up in places from the static. A light flashed on above her, stinging the mare's eyes. “Hgn..." She groaned. “Shut off the machine! Daisy, shut it off, NOW!" The buzzing noise was beginning to be a pain in her ears. It was getting louder. There was a panicky shout far off to the left. The light and buzzing noise were dulling her mind, making it more blurry than the glass tube she seemed to be in. She couldn't get a grip on what was happening. The scientists began to fade away, and black ate at the corners of her vision. The lights in the tube went out, and the buzzing was no longer audible. Neither were the voices. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! This is my first story, so please be gentle with the comments. Please let me know if there are any spelling mistakes, and feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Featherflint's eyes flew open. She was surrounded by a darkened forest and trees. It was freezing cold. She shivered and tucked her mane behind her ear. She sat up and stared at her...hooves? Normally where her hooves would be, were tanned, long fingers. She covered her face with her new hands, breathing quickly, trying to calm herself. Moving them away from her eyes, she finally caught a glimpse at her form. She let out a shriek of surprise, not knowing what to do. Forcing herself to look away from herself, she spied a small pond farther off in the distance. Moonlight glinted off of the water, lighting up Featherflint’s face. She got on her hands and knees, attempting to walk in this awkward form. Pebbles cut into her feet and hands which would have normally been protected by the hard shell that used to cover them. She paid no attention and continued. She grunted throatily in relief as she reached the patches of soft grass. Immediately after approaching the pond, she lowered her head towards the still glassy liquid. She sipped at the water, until she felt it fit to stop. She hit the ground suddenly, still shaking from shock. The last thing she saw before passing out, was her human face looking back at her from the pond. *** "Hello? A-are you alive, lady?" Inquired a shaky female voice. An uncertain finger tentatively jabbed into her leg. The former pony's eyes shot open with a sharp gasp, and the finger recoiled as if pulling away from a sprung mouse trap. A tall creature was standing on two limbs in front of her. Featherflint was sprawled in a large puddle of mud, and smelled completely raunchy. She wrinkled her nose at herself. Her wings were crumpled and sore, and her form felt completely wrong. Not bad, just wrong. The beast standing before her was perhaps as tall as Princess Celestia herself; her mane was long, blonde, and braided. Her bright green eyes examined Featherflint's body in a concoction of concern, alarm, and mild disgust. The female being's physique was fully clothed in a plaid shirt, and denim shorts, only exposing her thighs down. The former pegasus's brow furrowed in confusion; the middle of the Everfree forest wasn't really the type of place someone would wear a full suit of clothing. Featherflint launched into a sitting position, her large maroon wings snapping out instinctively as she did so. "Oh my god." The human girl backed away from Featherflint, startled by the red wings sprouting from the unclothed girl's back. She stared at them, before finally speaking timidly. "Who… what are you?" The human looked bewildered. Featherflint didn't speak for a while, seeing as she was just as startled as the hominoid. She steadied her breathing. "Featherflint." She folded her crimson wings back in softly. The blonde girl raised an eyebrow. "Featherflint?" Her inquisitive curiosity taking over, she asked, “Where on earth did you get a strange name like that?" As soon as she said it, she regretted her poor choice of words. Featherflint blinked. Goodness, this creature was ignorant. It was insulting her birth name. The absolute NERVE of this thing! Featherflint got up and tried to walk away, hoping the human wouldn't follow her. Of course, she did. The blonde girl ran after her, still keeping her distance, though not as nervous. "Wait!" The girl grabbed her shoulder, wincing as her thumb brushed her wing. “You can't go around without clothes!" Featherflint turned around. She looked confused, and gave the girl a look that explained so. "Uh, you're in a public park! You can't just walk around stark naked and expect people to be okay with it! You act as if you never wear clothes at all!" She examined Featherflint’s face. "Oh...Wait here. I'll be right back!" The blonde human ran off. *** After about ten minutes of sitting on the ground, thinking that she wouldn’t come back, the being returned. “Hey.” She carried a saddlebag, which she flung down on the muddy forest path and unzipped. The human unpacked a pile of brightly colored clothes, a white towel, a purple bottle filled with a cream like substance, a bar of soap, and one of the only recognizable items from the bag was a fine toothed comb. The human looked down at her, and tried to hide the fact that the wild girl smelled repulsive. "Would it... be okay if you," She played with her fingers awkwardly. "Sort of bathed in the pond?" Featherflint nodded and jumped into the pond, eager to be clean again. The water had been chillier than she had expected. She grabbed the soap from the edge of the pond and began to scrub herself down. The human coughed. ”Anyway, I'm Amy. Are you from here?" The former pegasus shook her head. Amy gave her a strange look. "Then where did you come from? How did you get here?" She shrugged. It wasn’t a lie; Featherflint had no clue to how she had gotten here. It was silent for a while before the winged woman bit her lip and pointed to the purple bottle in question. Amy laughed. “It’s for your hair. It makes it clean and shiny." "You mean I… put it in my, uh, hair?" She tried her best to mimic the word Amy had spoken. She was pretty sure Amy was referring to her mane. "Err..." Amy looked confused. “Yeah, and then wash it out. Is it naturally colored blue like that?" "Hn.” Featherflint awkwardly rubbed the cream from the bottle in her hair, and the dunked her head in the pool to wash it out. She got out of the water, and Amy tossed her a towel. The former Ponyville citizen dried off, and then was tossed a white bra and underwear. After a bit of explaining, Featherflint finally agreed to put those on. Amy picked up the pile of clothes, which were similar to what she herself was wearing, then gave them to Featherflint. A striped button up shirt, the same denim shorts the human was wearing, and a pair of size 5 running shoes. She put those on too. Conveniently, everything seemed to fit her well. She used the comb to pull the tangles as well as some of the unwashed shampoo out of her hair. "There." Amy looked satisfied, and she grinned. “Now you look better. Follow me." They walked off, silently through the noon sunlight, curving through the man-made paths. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sunlight was awfully bright. Featherflint desired to fly up and move the clouds and shield her eyes, though thought twice when she remembered how Amy had reacted to her wings. How would all the other humans respond to her crimson feathers? So, she just put her hand on her forehead, creating makeshift protection from the celestial object. She sighed quickly, casting a glance at the girl who resembled the element of honesty so much. Even her voice and accent seemed familiar. She looked away from the blonde girl. This, "Tennessee" place was giving her an uneasy feeling that she couldn’t shake. Many shady looking humanoids stood around corners, watching the girls walk past. It was relatively quiet traveling through the avenues, beside old brick buildings and houses. Once in a while they would ask each other awkward questions, like, " Where do you live?", or " How old are you?", which after answered, they would fall into silence. Featherflint didn't really know where she was following Amy to exactly, but she trusted her. Somewhat. Maybe she could help her get home. If she ever believed where she was from, that is. "So..." Began Amy. "Are we not gonna tell anyone about your...” Her voice lowered. “wings?” That was another thing she couldn’t understand about humans. How they slurred their words together. It was just… annoying. Though, she would never actually say that to Amy’s face. The former pony pondered her question for a moment. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to go around show people that she had wings. Featherflint nodded and tucked her hair behind her ears. "That would be best." She said quickly, trying to avoid another conversation that would make herself look stupid. She already felt dumb enough as it was with everyone they past’s eyes boring into her back. Amy felt her braid, trying to think of something to make conversation. She usually could think of anything at all to talk about, but maybe it was Featherflint's wings, or the fact that she didn't really seem to want to talk. They turned a few corners, before coming to a tall metal playground. There was one child running and playing around the equipment, while a man; most likely his father watched him. The corners of Featherflint’s mouth twitched into a tiny smile at the little boy as he slid down the bright green firepole. He looked so sweet, his chest puffed out at the very top of the equipment, declaring himself to be the king of the castle, and the rest dirty rascals. She frowned again, noting he was standing on the highest point, where he shouldn’t be. He could easily fall. A group of adolecents stood in a circle, while one stood out to Amy. The teenager looked vaguely familiar... Aw, no. Tommy Jackson, the so called "Tough guy.” What a jerk. He was the entire reason she had quit out on high school. She tensed and turned away, hoping that he wouldn’t notice her. "Are you okay?" Featherflint noticed Amy's sudden discomfort and quickened pace, turning her attention from the little boy to her partner. She tried not to stare at Amy's flustered face. The human girl gestured to a boy with darkened brown hair and a black leather jacket. He looked like he was the leader of the group; they were all crowding him and trying to get his attention. “Him? What about him?" Amy opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the shrill scream of a child. The same boy that had been standing dangerously on the smooth metal poles was flailing his arms around, looking for something to grasp. Sadly, nothing was around, and the child teetered, about to fall over onto the pavement. No one seemed to pay attention to it, the man texting on his phone, the teenagers brushing it off like they couldn’t care less. She and Featherflint were too far away to help. Amy closed her eyes, not wanting to watch the child fall. Suddenly, she felt a huge gust of air, catching her off guard. Looking to her side, there seemed to be a lack of Featherflint. She had taken a running start across the dry grass, and large red wings had burst from two slits in the back of her shirt. Her wings started to beat down, and she took to the air. She steadily raised higher, going as fast as she could. She felt inches away from the Sonic Rainboom. A supposed mare's tale, until it was performed the year before in Cloudsdale by none other than the Element of Loyalty- Rainbow dash. The child's wild screams and flailing arms did nothing to help regain his balance. He fell, and Amy gasped, looking down, her eyes shutting tight once again. Featherflint's eyes watered as she experienced new speed. The little boy fell faster and faster as gravity took hold, and time seemed to slow in a play by play in the winged girl's eyes. The teenagers didn't move, the father didn't move. Featherflint could taste the tension in the air as a red blur streaked across the playground. The adolescent child stopped screaming, knowing what befell him. And then, Silence. Featherflint hovered above the playground, panting, and sweat gleaming on her face. In her arms, she held a very surprised small boy, staring up at her in amazement. She slowly and carefully set the toddler down in front his father. She bolted over to Amy, who had now looked up and was watching in bewilderment. "Run." Hissed Amy. The two girls took off down the street, as the bystanders at the park stared after them in amazement. *** They ran down the sidewalks, the chilly evening atmosphere cooling down their overheated skin. The sunset was blended shades of purple and orange.They finally came to a tall apartment, by the name of Bartlett towers. Featherflint guessed silently that this was where Amy lived. Chests heaving, the two groggily came through the entrance, ignoring the strange looks they were getting from some employees. Shuffling over to the elevator, Amy pressed the up arrow and walked inside. Featherflint hesitated and did the same. Amy sighed. The music was awful. Neil Diamond or something. She ought to complain about the terrible music they play in here. After an awkward two minutes in the elevator, there was a sharp Ding , and the metal doors opened. Featherflint was the first to get out of the elevator, looking slightly troubled. If there was one thing Featherflint hated, it was small, confined spaces. Amy took out a white card from her pocket, and inserted it into a black compartment. The door unlocked with a click, and Amy opened the door. They both stepped in the room. This was definitely cleaner than all of her house in Ponyville. The bed was made, everything was tidy. Amy pointed to an empty room with only "You look exhausted. Feel free to sleep." No sooner than Amy was done the sentence, Featherflint walked into the room and fell down on the bed, not even bothering with blankets or pillows. Amy yawned and stretched her arms, hearing a small pop from her shoulder. She took out her braid, letting her silky blonde hair spill down on her shoulders. She sat down on her computer, an important part of her schedule, and started surfing the internet. She typed in, "YouTube” On Google. She clicked the link, and was sent to the homepage. She scrolled though the trending videos. Her eyes scanned the screen, finally resting upon a video. “Bird Girl Saves Child." A lead ball dropped in her stomach, as she clicked on the blue lettering and watched the video. “Oh no." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haha~! How was that? Sorry, I know it went a bit fast, but finishing this story was kind of last on my to do list. Leave any suggestions or questions in the comments below, see you next chapter! > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I’m so sorry! I’ve been seriously busy all summer, and it’s been a long time since I’ve updated. Thank you all for reading. Enjoy!) “So where are we going?” Featherflint asked in a cautious voice. By the time she had woken up, it was past lunchtime. Amy had insisted on her wearing sunglasses for whatever reason, even though it was rather cloudy outside. When the duo left the apartment, Amy had been nervous, but for what reason? “To get lunch, since we missed breakfast. I don’t want my special guest to starve.” She winked at Featherflint, in hopes to comfort her, but she really felt like she was trying to comfort herself. Amy hadn’t the slightest clue what to do with a woman with wings. What would happen to the both of them when more people find out? The video had already been all around the internet. She paused her thinking, remembering reading a book somewhat like her situation. She shook her head, and watched the sidewalk. They approached a colorful and interestingly shaped building. Amy held the door for Featherflint, gesturing for her to go inside. Featherflint did so looking around in wonder. And boy, did it smell good. Amy ordered, picking what she thought Featherflint would like best. The mare’s mouth watered at the smell, and as soon as they sat down in a booth, she sank her teeth into her meal. “Wow, what is this? What’s it made of?” Amy laughed. “It’s called a hamburger. And it’s made out of cow’s meat. You act like you haven’t ever seen on-“ “W-WHAT?!” Featherflint looked frantic, and she almost extended her wings in surprise. She dropped the burger, looking horrified with herself. “I’m eating a cow? How could you?” People stared at the two in confusion. Amy coughed, her face flustered. “Um, how about we get a salad for you and go?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at Amy’s apartment Featherflint seemed fascinated with the computer. She seemed to enjoy clicking the mouse. “Look, Amy! I’ve been selected for a free giveaway of an Ipad!” “Nonono, don’t click that.” *Knock * Amy paused. “I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything stupid.” Before she could ask anything, the Tennessee girl rushed to the door. “Hello, Miss Vinson. We require to speak with you, as well as your friend.” 4 people stood at the door. A man in a labcoat (A scientist, most likely), The one who has spoken to her wore a business suit, and two of them were police officers. Amy gulped, getting a bad feeling about this ‘meeting’. The group let themselves into her apartment, walking past the former mare on the computer, and into her living room. The scientist and man in the business suit plopped down on the couch like it was their own home, earning them rather annoyed looks from Amy. One officer stood at the door, the other beside the couch. “Hey Feather, Come here for a second.” “Just a minute, I’m almost done!” Featherflint called back. They all sat in silence, until she walked in the room, looking awkwardly at the people, and went to stand with Amy. The guy in the suit smiled. “Now. Ms. Vinson. We are your friends! You can tell us the truth.Your friend has wings. True, or not?” ___________________________________________________ Sorry it’s so short! It’s been really hard for me to get on the computer, and now that school is coming up, I don’t know how often I’ll be updating at all. Hopefully I can finish it soon. Thanks for reading.