Hot Coffee Quickies: Celestia & Big Macintosh

by Fabulosity

First published

The hard working Apple, Applejack is slipping grades in school. Principle Celestia sends for her big brother, Big Macintosh. It's time for a meeting to discuss methods to improve those slipping grades.

The hard working Apple, Applejack is slipping grades in school. Principle Celestia sends for her big brother, Big Macintosh. It's time for a meeting to discuss methods to improve those slipping grades. It's a meeting between a graduated student and his past Principle. Whatever happens behind closed doors, will remain behind closed doors.

HCQ: Celestia & Big Macintosh

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Well now, wasn't this a nice little visit? Canterlot High School sure did bring back a lot of memories for anyone who'd attended there and graduated, especially in the past few years since sisters Celestia and Luna had taken up the Principal and Vice Principal spots, respectively. They made sure to take plenty of photos and documents about previous achievements and highlights in the past, whether it was trophies, certificates, team photos or more. Big Mac was plenty pleased to find the football photo that he was in, propped up right next to the towering trophy he'd helped win that year, a quiet little smile and nod given as he noted his reflection in the glass. It hadn't been too long ago of course, but he figured that there'd be more in life to reflect upon than high school victories. No point peaking that early after all.

Of course, he wasn't all here just to reflect on the past. Granny had been out of town, and being the only 'adult' in the house, it'd fallen to him to come into this little meeting that Principal Celestia had set up, in regards to Applejack's grades in school. Not too many details besides that, but he thought it unusual considering how hard-working and stubborn his little sister was, even if she wasn't always the sharp knife in the block at times. And so after school hours, he'd show up right on time in his usual bright red jacket and fairly worn jeans, the cleanest pair he could find that hadn't been worked in this week. A light rap of knuckles given upon the glass leading into the Principal's office before he opened up and stepped in, that faint, but warm smile always present as he approached.

" 'Ello."

Principle Celestia had been held up in her office most of the day, while her little sister Luna, had been working around the school with the students. It was another session of report cards and as usual, most of the students were worried that things weren't going to look good upon them. However the multi-coloured mane of Celestia flowed behind her, as her hand was writing upon various pieces of paper upon her desk. "Hm?" The concentration that was so heavily being applied, had been broken and right now her head had rose - looking toward the door that had just been knocked. "Yes, come in." She furthered added.

The moment that Big Macintosh entered the room, a slight flutter swept throughout her entire form and she'd smile - sinking back into her large chair.

"Big Macintosh... nice to see you again, it's certainly been awhile. Please, take a seat." Celestia politely offered, one leg now crossed neatly over the other and hands held snug together just over her lap.

Nice to see that some things hadn't changed of course. Sure she projected a sort of regal, elegant vibe most of the time and had been a great principal even when he'd been going through here, but it'd be a lie if he didn't say she was quite fetching as well, though he had enough respect for her to keep his eyes from lowering to her considerable bust right away. A polite nod given before he'd move over to the smaller, but still comfy chair opposite from her, his posture relaxed, but straight when he took a seat.

"Yup. So...Applejack?", figuring she'd know the reason for his visit, and rather curious himself as to what might be cause for concern with his little sister.

Celestia couldn't help but smile as she watched Big Macintosh make his way across the floor of her office, her eyes scanning over his hulking and well-kept form. The highschool football team was often one of her favourite activities to watch; merely because afew of the boys that had been partaking, where quite handsome. Big Macintosh especially. When he took that seat, she'd cough lightly upon hearing his words.

"Ahem, yes... quite. Straight to business."

A small blush spreading across her cheeks, as she fumbled to fetch out Applejack's school report. Pushing a folder onto the table, she'd gently open it up and lean forward to gaze over the folders contents.

"I have asked you to come into my office today, for the simple reason of discussing Applejack's report. While I am aware she is a hard-working student, very honest and quite popular with her friends... it has come to my attention, that she is... failing... in afew subjects." Celestia paused, as if to let the seriousness of this sink in.

Well now, this just wouldn't do. He'd rather hoped their meeting would be on a more pleasant topic, and perhaps there'd be time for conversation later on, but his brow quirked lightly as he picked up the folder and opened it to review the contents. A quick glance revealed at least it wasn't all bad news, with AJ having a solid A in math, chemistry, physical education for sure, but indeed, there was a significant dip in topics like literature and theater. It was just like her to have a little trouble with the concept of subjective critiques and acting, considering the possible frivolity of such things. A soft sigh uttered before he'd set the folder back down and nodded.

"Mm, looks like it could use some improvin'.", he'd finally respond a bit more at length, deciding that this would be one of those moments where his usual repetoire wouldn't suffice. "Think I saw one of her readin' assignments being used for a doorstop the other day. Better talk to her, right?"

The principle watched as the burly male picked up the folder, drawing it closer to himself so that he could examine it's contents. Celestia didn't open her mouth during this, she wanted to give him time to read over it. When he spoke up however, she raised her hands - making sure to cover her face and secretly biting her lip. That deep country accent of his, it was making her twitch in various places. This man was quite gorgeous and while he hadn't changed much from his younger days within Canterlot High, he was still a fine specimen.

"Yes, that would be the usual decision to make here. Having you, go home and talk things through with her... especially if she's using homework, as a uh... doorstop."

Lowering her hands, Celestia would sink back into her seat again. "We've known each other quite awhile, haven't we Big Macintosh? I could... offer an alternative method for fixing your little sisters problem, if you were to hear me out." Celestia's face precise, proper and elegant - awaiting the mans response.

Well that was a curious reaction. Considering how little he spoke, he'd taken to listening and studying people around him quite well, especially having been quite a chatterbox in his younger and more foolish days. Best as she tried to hide it, it wasn't hard to see a faint flush in her cheeks. Was she feeling alright, maybe running a temperature? It was similarly hard to ignore the way her considerable bust was rising and falling at a heavier, quicker pace, as despite the modest attire that clad her tall figure, the jacket and violet pants complimented both her upper body and those long legs of hers.

Luckily his green eyes had departed from her face for just a moment before he was hearing about this 'alternative method', brow quirked again in stoic curiosity. What wouldn't hard studying and focus be able to fix? But might as well see what she had to say. "Quite awhile, Principal Celestia. And please, go ahead.", he'd rumble softly in response.

Celestia couldn't help but raise her eye when she heard his response, he was going to hear her out. It was now that she took a deep swallow in her throat and coughed lightly, merely to clear her throat.

"Well, I would like to make you an offer. Perhaps... one you couldn't refuse." Celestia was playing off old movie quotes, how her life had got tragic.

Standing from her seat she'd gently brush down her clothes, making sure they were nice and neat; obviously she was trying to make a good impression upon Big Macintosh. The principle moved away from behind her desk, slowly moving out and along the side and edges of her desk and moving to the front of her own desk, beside Big Macintosh. Deciding to now sit upon the edge of her table, rather close to the farm boy.

"Perhaps... we could engage in some uh... activities that would be most pleasing to us both. In return I will take it upon myself to ensure that Applejack's grades improve and make sure she passes. How does that sound?" Her cheeks were a burning mess right now, her hair flowing neatly behind her and arms now crossing under her sizeable bust.

Big Macintosh couldn't help but smirk. She might be doing her best to seem as prim and proper as any high class lady ought to be, looking practically like royalty to a point, but he knew something was up. On top of that, she was moving closer to him and around the desk, enough so that he could even scent that faint perfume that he remembered her wearing the last time they'd been next to one another at his graduation ceremony.

A proud, but also pleasant little memory that had come back to him unbidden, and he'd find himself swallowing nervously out of reflex than really knowing what was going on. Activities? Pleasing? Wait a minute...he wasn't exactly the fastest horse out of the barn, but he was quickly seeing exactly where this was going. And of course it seemed like a great deal already, though there was something in his thoughts that refused to say 'Hell yes' right there and then. But soon a faint smile would join that calm, emerald gaze directed at her, sweeping down, then back up.

"Sounds...nice. But only if y'tutor her or help her fudgin' the grades."

Though he'd doubted that was what she'd been offering, it would satisfy that little part of him that wanted to be honest about all this. And then there was a big, and growing part of him that was curious about the other part of the deal, slowly rising up from his seat with something approaching a smirk on his freckled, rugged features, standing just about as tall as her despite being only a year or so out of high school.

"So... activities huh?"

When Big Macintosh stood up from is chair, standing right next to her - she felt her heart skip a beat. Goodness he was very tall, though it was possible that he even grew still; after having left school. Those eyes of hers scanned upon his face, taking in each and every little detail that made him handsome and out of the corners of her eyes, she was scanning the rest of his delightful form.

"Oh, please." Celestia chuckled gently. "I would never change or falsify a students grades. I merely meant offering her some extra support, extra classes and more assignment work - based specifically for her is all."

Celestia smiled and moved herself so that she'd been sitting in the middle of the table, wedging her butt right against it and even leaning back alittle. By doing this, she'd be showing off most of her form and how well her figure looked that she'd kept over the years.

"Yes, activities... I am sure you don't need me to spell it out for you? ...Do you?" She teased at the end, hoping to get him alittle riled up.

That would be plenty, and he knew AJ would be happy for it as well. No such thing as too much work for an Apple after all, though here was going to be a challenge that he'd feel plenty up for. She wouldn't have been the first girl to make eyes at him like that of course, and he wasn't so dim or disciplined to have not participated in some more youthful dalliances during high school, between cheerleaders, classmates, some of his tutors, and he was pretty sure that Miss Cheerilee had been making moves on him for awhile.

But those experiences had all been girls, not a woman like this, and he'd relish the idea of seeing just how 'pleasing' things might be between them, even as the amount of space between them closed once he took a step in, trapping her between the desk and his equally-tall, but more muscled frame that the jeans and jacket did little to hide, even her bountiful bosom mashed against his broad chest. And there was only one thing that needed to be said at that point. "Nnope.", and his lips pressed softly, warmly at her own, even as those powerful, firm hands settled upon her hips, a gentle embrace compared to the increasingly deep and wanton press of their lips.

The very moment that Big Macintosh moved in right against her, pinning her against the desk - she'd gasp out in sudden surprise. "Oh!" The principle was shocked to say the least, however, when he then pushed his lips upon her own - she'd whimper and push back, forcing her own lips against his and enjoying greatly that firm, broad body against her own soft, sleek body.

"Mmn! Mmmmnnn!"

Celestia released sudden moans between those kissing lips, her hands sneaking to his belt and trying to unbuckle the goods as soon as she could. Right now she wanted no interruptions and wanted to enjoy this hunky man as much as she could, before he would have to leave before it were considered 'unsightly' from anyone that had seen Big Macintosh walk inside her office mere moments ago.

He somehow doubted she had any meetings planned right after this, but of course she'd still be a busy woman in general. Heck, he didn't know that much about her outside of school. Did she have a husband, kids maybe? Though the more that he felt her body pressing back at him, her nimble fingers working at his belt, and the lovely, seductive moans both muffled by his kiss and offered freely when he began to plant kissed along the side of her neck, he'd feel like asking no more questions. And though he could practically pull a plow on his own for a day, there was nothing clumsy or awkward about the way his hands pushed her jacket off, the softer expanse of her bosom squashed beneath his chest.

A soft grunt uttered when he felt her hands sliding into his opened jeans, and right then and there, there'd at least be something confirmed about his nickname. Though some would use the term 'hung as a horse' a bit too liberally, the quiet, but strong farm hand here almost certainly fit that definition even as his swelling cock fit within her hands snugly. The buttons of her blouse followed next, though he'd almost yank it open with indecent haste and a soft grunt, as though it'd been tissue paper.

Celestia was still working so eagerly to get that belt undone so she could get those hands into his pants. It was mission successful when those pants had been unbuttoned and both her hands sneaked into his jeans, cute and nimble fingers slinking into his underwear and immediately feeling the impressive sidearm that Big Mac was concealing.


Celestia broke the kiss for a moment, feeling his mouth upon her neck and those heavy hands nipping and removing her jacket and blouse. "You are quite... impressive, to say the least Big Mac." Celestia smiled, using his nickname for once instead of being so formal. Though her hands released their grasp upon his crotch, blinking in slight surprise once more as she looked down upon her chest - seeing her clothing vanishing quickly.

"Oh, so you want to see my girls - hm? Then you may proceed, dear." The principle was playing on words now, smirking as she let the brute have his way.

At some point or another, every boy (and probably a lot of girls) had wondered what Celestia and Luna looked like once they had their proverbial hair down, and only occasionally that'd happen around the summer time when both of them had a reason to wear something skimpier or more revealing for the sake of comfort.

But now Big Mac was getting an opportunity that he'd only dreamed about before as her pale, heavy breasts were almost exposed, save for the surprisingly lacy and fashionable bra that kept them barely contained, the sight being enough to steal his breath away for a moment. He'd suck it right back in with a gasp, though a mischievous sort of smirk crossed his youthful, freckled features at the compliments and little acknowledgement of his eagerness. Much as he was loving to get this in a hurry, he had other thoughts in mind and hardly wanted to rush this.

"Not exactly why I'm 'Big', but may as well...and I'll show ya mine, if you show me yours.", a bit of juvenile teasing to be sure, but it'd give her quite an eyeful as he took a half-step back.

Jacket shrugged off his broad shoulders to fall to the ground, and he'd push his jeans down to around his knees, leaving that vast pillar of flesh jutting proudly and high before his loins, and he wasn't even at full-mast yet. Simple white T-shirt doing little to hide the solid, toned abdomen and well-muscled chest in addition, looking exactly like the sort of boy you'd think spent all day plowing fields. Those calm green eyes watching her in turn, though one couldn't mistake the eager lick of his lips.

A simple raise of her eye could be seen, as she heard what he said. "Alright, I suppose that's a fair trade." Celestia accepted and watched carefully as he backed up and slowly revealed himself to her, tugging down those pants and allowing that impressive sight of man-meat sway free in full view.

Celestia couldn't help but feel her face blush the deepest shade of red even possible. Then she would swallow deeply, her own beautiful and sleeked eyes watching that meat with great eagerness.

"My turn."

Making sure to remove her jacket fully, allowing it to slide off onto her desk and doing the same with her blouse, revealing the full colour of her pale body. "Mmn." Reaching back she'd unclip her bra, removing it from her form and allowing her beautiful and elegant top half become fully exposed to the male before her.

"What do you think, Big Mac? Are they how you dreamed?"

She further teased the boys, no-doubt younger days of staring at her ample bosom. Heavy breasts hanging firmly upon her chest, lifting gently as she breathed and reaching down with both hands, she'd start to undo her own pants until they rested down around her feet, leaving her panties on for now. Such a lovely, adoring shade of lavender on her undergarments. "Now... what will you do, I wonder?" Celestia smiled, sitting back against her desk.

She wasn't the only one looking as though they were running a fever of course, and even with his sun-kissed tan, it'd be easy enough to see the flush of blood in his cheeks and face, his broad chest rising and falling faster as his breathing got deeper, and she'd even have her own lovely view of that massive manhood swelling up to rock-hardness before her eyes once he got a full view of her tall, shapely figure with so little clothing left to hide her from sight. Save for those lavender undergarments shrouding her hips and loins barely, and he couldn't help but wonder how long she'd been planning this now. But there was no more time for talking, nor planning or otherwise.

There wasn't too much on her desk that was fragile or easily upset, though her name placard and a cup of pencils and pens would bounce away, roll across the carpet, and a lamp would fall into the waste basket with a quick sweep of his arm. Leaving only polished cool wood for her to be set upon, as Big Mac's return would have his powerful hands grasping at her waist and hip, lifting her up effortlessly to have her plush, barely-covered derriere seated on the smooth wooden surface.

The proud, broad cocktip lightly prodding up against her soft stomach as he moved in to lean down, trap one of her rosy, hardening nipples within his warm, suckling mouth, while the other would be attacked within his squeezing, rolling hand, calloused palms sinking into yielding flesh and teasing that other pink bud. The base of that heated monster grinding up over the thin layer of lace and silk keeping her mound covered as he practically devoured the feel and warmth of her body.


Celestia moaned as she was caught off guard, watching as his strong arm just sweeped everything from that desk - onto the floor, before picking her up and placing down upon the smooth wood of her desk. "Goodness, perhaps I should have closed the gate on my way out of this bull-pen." Celestia snorted playfully.

The moment Big Macintosh connected his lips to her breast, she'd hiss out loudly - almost squealing in glee, but making sure to hide it; as she didn't want anyone outside the office hearing what was happening. "Mmnnnaaah..." The older woman would shiver and positively melt into his loving, lustful embrace. When his hand came up, taking full hold of her breast however - she'd hiss again and whimper delightfully. "Hnnaaaah... my breast...!" Celestia quietly exclaimed, feeling that massive heat brush between her legs.

"J-Just try and not take too long... I don't want my sister coming in and finding us like this, I would certainly have quite the explaining to do." She'd smile, tilting her head back and humming in pleasure. "Mmnnn."

His lips pulled up, teeth lightly nibbling, making quite a show of finally releasing that sensitive rosebud with a faint and audible pop, though there was an uncharacteristic smirk upon his features at the mention of her sister. It certainly seemed to suggest 'So what? Let her see us.', and one could only imagine what possibilities might follow then. But the sound of her voice crying out, even with some restraint, and the warmth, softness of her body as she shuddered and trembled before him was already impossibly addictive. Stacked and sensitive, always a nice little pairing.

"Mmm...y'just want this inside you, don't you?", 'this' being that hefty manhood that would lightly slap atop her thinly-covered mound, a faint patch of moisture forming over the lavender silk as he stroked the throbbing underbelly of his cock over her nether lips, but soon used the tip to quickly, roughly push the crotch of her panties aside to bare those wonderfully pink, tight glistening folds.

"Fine hold on then, filly.", he'd chuckle slowly, curious to see how she'd handle it from the moment that vast cocktip spread her around that girth, followed by the spearing motion of that vast length into her hot, clenching folds, watching her face closely even as one hand continued to roll and knead her heaving tit, watching as he impaled her fully upon that giant shaft and left with his heavy, cum-filled balls throbbing against her mound.

Celestia merely shivered as she felt his mouth leaving her breast, that now stiffened pink nub. "Aaaaah." A slow and weak pant escaping her lips. It was clear that Celestia hadn't been with a man for sometime, if even at all. Right now she was at the mercy of the farm boy though she had only herself to blame for what happened next. Feeling that rod of man meat stroke against her body, she'd yelp and feel it's tip poke against her nether lips and pry apart those undergarments.

"You're not seriously goin-UUUUH!"

The poor principle immediately slapped a hand across her mouth as she squealed quietly into her palm, feeling that thick girth spear apart her insides - accommodating the males size. "Mmmnnnrrrrrrrgh..." Celestia whimpered painfully, but also pleasurably. It was painful at first, but she felt the surge of pleasure swarming over her body soon after.

He'd met a few girls who would only let him get halfway in, or nearly the whole way in, but already the principal was taking it like a champ as he felt her vice-like cunny squeezing and spasming around his buried cock, practically able to feel her innermost wall up against the tip of his shaft. He wouldn't simply please her and show her how good he was at this particular 'activity', he was almost planning to ruin her, making any other man seem boring in comparison.

"Nnnrgh...tight fit.", which was quite and understatement, but he'd muffled her following moans with another deep, passionate lip lock to groan into while his muscular hips stirred and rocked against her, helping to perhaps let her adjust to the sheer fullness which she'd be feeling. Kiss broken with a soft gasp, one hand pushing at her shoulder to lay her back across the desk, the other grasping at her other bountiful tit as he began to ram that pillar of meat into her silken sheath, battering at her innermost depths each time he plunged from tip to base, the desk already rocking slightly beneath her as he just started with his 'plowing' of the leggy and lovely principal now at his mercy.

The poor principle still couldn't believe that she was finally able to fuck the handsome farm boy, after all this time. Honestly she was enjoying it. Both the pain and pleasure he was bestowing upon her at this current moment. Celestia's pretty, tight and snug sex was being ruined by this boy's actions, feeling as that thick shaft of cockmeat beat back and forth within her womanly hotbox.

"A-Aaah! Aah! Aaaaah! Uuagah!" Celestia was doing her best to keep her voice down, but it was hard with such actions happening.

Even feeling that farm boy reach up and kiss her, as he rutted furthermore into her loving pussy. With each thrust he gave her, she'd feel him batter at her insides and poke toward her cervix though not quite there yet. As the principle was laid back upon the desk, she'd drape an arm over her face and grunt out with such cute, light whimpers as she reminded herself to keep things down. Feeling such a greedy hand or two grabbing at her heaving bosom, enjoying the soft feel of her plush breasts - as the male continued to penetrate her fuck-tunnel.

It'd be interesting to see someone else trying to be quiet for once that wasn't him, but he certainly wasn't going to make it easy on her, a cocky grin over his features as he pumped harder, faster with that vast manhood into her comparably tiny, glove-tight love canal, setting her entire body into a lovely, vigorous bounce that would have her free breast wobbling and dancing wildly as she was rutted upon her own desk by a former student.

He in turn wouldn't quite believe his luck, and though he wished there was more time and privacy now, he suspected there'd be plenty of opportunity later to hear her voice crying out without the worry of anyone else hearing them. He couldn't even resist the urge to question it now, panting and grunting softly even though he was hardly winded thus far.

"Anyone fucked you this good before, huh?", allowing her a moment to answer before one hand came up to 'help' by roughly covering her mouth to stifle her moans and cries, the other clutching more roughly, tighter into her breast as he leaned over and really started to plow furiously into her glistening, damp snatch.

Celestia knew what he was doing, she wasn't stupid - oh no. The older female would suspect him of trying to make her squeal out, even scream out his name. However the brute began picking up his speed, nailing harder and faster into her loving little cunt. Smashing her petals apart with each inward thrust, mashing his crotch against her entrance over and over. Everytime he thrusted inside, she'd yelp and arch her back against the desk.

"Hhnnnaaagh!" Celestia cried out. He almost got her that time, but not quite there yet. When she heard that question however, she'd remove her arm from upon her face and answer. "N-No... mmmph!" The answer was given, followed by a groaning moan as his hand covered her mouth. The moment that happened, she closed her eyes and grunted with each thrust into his palm.

"Mmn! Mmmnn! Mmnnh! Mnngh!" Were some of the noises she made, feeling him once again, pick up the pace. Right now he was bashing her pussy, over and over and she was getting so close to orgasm.

Granted, if someone walked in right now, it might certainly look bad with the way that Big Mac seemed to be silencing any moans, cries, screams, or pleading for help, but it was more for the control than it was to roughly keep her quiet. He wasn't getting things entirely his way either of course, not with the way her hips thrust back at him best as she could, fucking herself back upon that massive cock that seemed to be doing its damnedest to split her in half with each powerful thrust.

Grunting, clenching his teeth as he felt his climax already on its way, focusing best as he could to slow it down at least, though it wasn't that often that he exactly had time to sit around and play with himself like most guys his age. Hot, thin spurts of pre-cum announcing his imminent release, even as quick thoughts flashed through his mind. Should he slow down? Should he pull out? Was she on the pill? Oh, wait, too late.

"F-fuck...cumming...!", he'd announce between clenched teeth one, two, three final punishing plows were given that would have her body bouncing noisily over the desk, testing her ability to endure such a ride before he simply kept that impaling rod up to the hilt within her sex. Muscles tensed and bulging, his face flush, and features scrunched in seeming agony as hot gouts of rich, thick spunk erupted into her glove-tight, cock-milking pussy, each intense pulse firing off another rope of sperm into her love canal and practically right into her womb, groaning and stirring his hips atop her as those heavy balls worked overtime to empty their contents into the moaning, lewdly-poised principal who looked very, very unladylike at the moment.

The once ladylike principle was doing her best to endure, she really was. With his hand covering her mouth, she was unable to do anything in terms of talking and when she felt his pace picking up, readying himself for the explosion that was to happen. She would squeal into his palm, listening to him announce his intentions, his own orgasm.


Celestia cried out as she soon felt that squirting load, empty one shot after the other blast it's way inside her hot baby-maker. Soaking her ready fields with the seed of determination; it was obvious with how healthy Big Macintosh was, she was going to get pregnant if she didn't take the proper precautions to prevent such an event. Rolling her hips against him, bumping herself against his thrusts - even when he was balls deep inside, holding firmly onto him as if she wanted to get pregnant - or perhaps she just wanted the feeling of it. Regardless however she would mutter within his palm, arching her back and finding herself releasing a likewise pleasurable orgasm against his nethers.


Celestia oozed her own lady goo against his own, surely the farm boy could feel her experiencing her own orgasm. Pussy walls clenching and squeezing him, milking that cock for all it was worth; draining the remainder of his seed. The poor girl was spent, it was her first sexual experience in so long - perhaps ever. Right now she remained still, heaving deeply through her nose as she remained upon that table. Between her legs a dribbling mess of mixed liquids.

He wouldn't keep her mouth covered very long after that, now that the danger of her screaming out in bliss was well passed, settling for heavy panting and shuddering moans that they both shared. Big Mac's hands were set on either side of her to keep him from practically slumping over onto her, though his head would rest lightly within her cleavage, almost affectionately nestled between those grand, heaving mounds.

It'd been awhile since he'd gotten any action himself, and she'd feel the results of his pent-up duration with that pint or two of spunk now sloshing and still thinly leaking, spurting into her well-fucked folds. Her nectar and their mixed cum dribbled down his balls and pooled upon the desk messily, and he felt glad that at least most of the mess would be warmly within her womb, rather than messily splattered over her tits, or her face, or her hair....oops, the mental image had his cock twitching, hardening slightly within her, though he knew there probably wasn't time for another round.

A slow, teasing circling and grind of his hips followed, along with a light kiss upon her lush, panting lips. "Mmmrf...doing anything this weekend?", a coy wink of those green hues given as well, figuring what they could do for a full two days together...

Celestia chuckled as she heard his question, she'd release a gentle moan as she could feel his hips rock against hers - driving that dick further afew more times, causing her to whimper lightly.

"Aaaaaaauuuaagh... that felt amazing, I must say." The principle sighed in sheer content and looked down between her heaving orbs, to that handsome boy's face. "Doing anything? Well, not really. My sister, Luna is heading out of town for the weekend as she wants to spend time with afew friends outside of the city. Perhaps you'd like to come and spend time with me then, we could make a date of it?" The older, exhausted teasing woman would suggest and groan lightly, wiggling her hips slightly.

"Would you like that?"

The farm boy would smirk down toward the lovely lady, replying happily with a simple "Eeeeeyup.~"