> The last Night Sentinel > by Curse-Never-Dying > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1. The Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sounds of hooves clattering against brick, pants, an officer yelling orders, and the sounds of fighting outside echoed through the labyrinth of castle halls. The guards, both Lunar and Solar and both awoken by the sounds of fighting, ran as fast as they could towards the castle armory, just woken up by the frantic commands of a centurion. Running through the dimly lit castle corridors and with something hot on their heels. They could hear it jumping along the walls, hiding in plain sight, hunting them. With a loud, monstrous shriek the creature lunged towards an unsuspecting bat Pony guard and pulled him into the darkness. His screams and the sound of flesh tearing and bone breaking was heard next. The armory doors became closer and closer. “Get inside NOW!” An officer yelled. As soon as they entered the room a larger earth-pony guard braced his massive tower shield against the door. The armory was full of their weapons and armor, Spear and javelin racks were along the walls and sword and armor racks were in the center of the room. Both Solar and Lunar armed themselves in their Steel armor, grabbing their swords, spears, crossbows, axes, Maces, Flails, hammers, and rifles. “Where in Tartarus did they come from?” A Lunar guard asked. “I have the slightest clue, they just... appeared and began killing without hesitation and warning.” A Solar Officer said, blood stained his golden armor. “The Princesses and their praetorian's are already in the streets fighting with us against... whatever they are.” “They look like something from tartarus itself.” A female Lunar guard said. “Tartarus or not we can still kill them, so quit your lollygagging and get—” A heavy banging came from the armory door, the guards, some barely in their armor drew their weapons. The banging shook the door and the guard bracing it. After a third bang a guttural and low growl was heard from behind the door. The door soon exploded, a creature flew right through it and the guard bracing it, his shield broke in half and his wrist instantly shattered as he was sent flying into another guard. The horrifying creature stood in the center of the room, slightly slouched over and using one hand to keep it up, guards encircled the creature and raised their weapons and shields. It looked around the room with its three glowing yellow eyes, its mandible like mouth dripped with saliva and gore and its pale skin had still wet blood on it, it had long arms with four fingers that ended in massive claws that were a dark red. It looked around and hissed at them. “KILL IT!” A Lunar officer yelled. A guard ran at it with a sword and swung. The demon moved out of the guard reach, grabbed his sword arm, and swung him across the room, ripping off the guards wrist with barely little effort. A black and purple haired lunar guard ran at him with a spear, the demon grabbed the end of the spear and yanked him forward, grabbing him by his head it pulled him down, and used its other arm to impale him, sending blood spraying from the Lunar guards chest and back. The demon threw the lifeless corpse at another guard and leaped across the room, grabbing a Solar guard in the process and slamming his head against the hard stone wall causing it to splatter his heads contents across its white surface, it then leaped off the wall and pounced at a solar centurion, it raked its claws across the officers face sending sparks flying as its claws made contact with his helmet. Another two guards rammed their rifles bayonets into the demons back, causing the beast to scream in pain and be pulled off the officer, another guard quickly slammed her axe into the demons skull, causing it to drop dead instantly. The centurion, bleeding claw marks across his face, was helped up by another guard. “What now sir?” A Lunar asked. “Leave the dead, take our wounded to the main hall.” He commanded. “The rest of you with me!” He drew his two swords and walked towards the exit, followed by the rest of the now armed guards. The Solar princess fell to her knees in exhaustion, breathing heavily and clutching her golden tonitrus in her right hands now stained red. Her golden armor and pristine alabaster coat was drenched in gore from the constant and intense fighting, she had not fought like this in centuries, not since Discords fall. She looked up and watched as Canterlot's Lunar and Solar guards fought off these demonic invaders. The guards were being ripped apart by these savage creatures that attacked the city without little warning. She saw a guard blocking the blows from a tall, grey skinned, and twelve eyed creature. The tall demon ripped the shield from his arms and pounced on him, it then sank its jagged teeth into the guard neck and held him there and made sure he died a painful and violent death as it tore his throat out. Loud and heavy footsteps caught her attention, she looked and saw a massive pink demon with jagged teeth, goat like hooves, and massive horns walking towards her. Before it could raise its hand to strike her several javelins pierced its back and arms, the iron shanks poked out of the beasts chest. It roared at the guards that threw them, once they saw the beast had their attention, they quickly ran from it, drawing it away from the princess. Three guards quickly ran to her and helped her back on her hooves. Atop the demons back she saw her younger sister, clad in armor like she was but held two swords, a saber and a spatha and her armor was a much darker color, mainly a shade of blue and black. She climbed up the javelins in the beasts back, grabbed it by one of its horns and drove her sword through the back of its head causing the blade to rip right through its face. She quickly kicked herself off the dead beast and used her magic to rip the javelins from its back and send them flying into a group of demons with beam like weapons on their rock like arms. Celestia quickly regained her strength and with the aid of her guards she made her way towards her sister. She struck a charging demon in the gut with her tonitrus, the large, seemingly eyeless brute fell to its knees, gasping and holding its gut, before it could stand back up she slammed the tonitrus on the back of its head, causing its skull to crack wide open and it then fell to the ground in a heap of blood. In the distance she saw another one of the massive pink demons slam a guard to the ground as if he was a mere toy, the guard did not move, it then grabbed another by the leg and used him as a makeshift club against other guards. The poor guards armor dented and his limbs ripped off his now lifeless body as he was used as a club against his will to injure his fellow guardsponies, once his use was all but over the demon tossed him onto the ground. Several pony height, bipedal creatures that resembled hairless primates shambled towards some guards. She could see what looked like the remains of clothing on them. Some had no eyes, only massive holes in their heads where their eyes would be. They took almost every strike the guards delivered to them, simply ignoring the pain and continued to shamble towards them and assault them with their combined mass. Luna flew towards one of the pink demons at high speeds, kicking hard it in its face. The impact caused the beast to recoil to the side and send several teeth flying from its maw. She flew at it again, this time slashing across the back with her swords. She flew at it again but the demon calculated her attacks and quickly ducked from her swings and grabbed her left leg in its massive hands. She flapped her wings frantically as she tried to free herself from its grasp, it squeezed her leg, causing her greaves and leg armor to buckle, break, and pinch against her skin. The demon, threw her into a building. Her back slammed hard against the stone building, her swords fell from her hands, and her breastplate almost buckled from the impact. “Luna!” Celestia yelled as she quickly ran to her sisters side. She tried to stand but the leg the demon had a firm grip on wasn't moving and it pained her to move it. The massive beast snorted and walked towards her. Celestia's horn and eyes glowed brightly, and soon a beam of white flew from her horn and strike the demon in the face, causing the flesh on its face to melt off. The demon still stood, holding its burned and bleeding face, howling in pain. Celestia ripped a spear out of a fallen demon the threw it. The spear penetrated the now bare eye socket of the demon and ripped through the side of its head. The demon held onto the spear for mere seconds before falling onto its back, causing the ground to slightly rumble because of it. She and two centurions ran to the fallen princess. “Luna are you alright!?” “Ngh... no... my leg, I think that... beast broke it.” She looked down at her sisters leg, one of the centurions was scanning it with her magic. “Its dislocated princess, what do you want us to do.” The centurion responded. “Get her into the castle!” Celestia ordered. “No! Absolutely not! I will not leave you here Celestia!” Luna protested. “This isn't the time to bicker sister! Your wounded and I need you inside now!” Celestia told her, almost using her royal voice. Luna stared at her, being hard on her for leaving her sister here but she understood her worries. She looked at her sister and nodded. The pegasus centurion picked her up bridle style and quickly flew towards the castle. Celestia picked her tonitrus back up, her horn began to glow and soon her weapon was engulfed in flames. She raised it into the air. “To me!” She yelled as she ran towards the hordes of demons, striking a large animal like demon with bone like plates all over its body in the mouth, causing its lower jaw to unhinge and fly off. Another massive pink demon saw her, what was left of a royal guards mangled, headless, missing an arm, and bleeding body was in its hands, he threw it down and ran towards her. Celestia raised her tonitrus and stood her ground against the charging foe. Before she could strike it hit a massive blue beam struck the ground where the demon was at, the shock wave caused her to fly back but quickly able to use her wings to balance herself from the blast. Many demons and royal guards were launched back and the one charging her was gone, turned to ash save its legs, part of its right hand, and its upper jaw. The demons halted their attack and stared at the blue beam that was illuminating the night sky, her guards, though shields still raised and weapons drawn, looked at the beam in awe. As did her soldiers, the demons backed up, but even more so, like their afraid of the beam. The only ones that stood their ground were the larger pink ones and smaller, but still well built ones with no eyes. She saw that one of the larger pink demons was close to her, several arrows in its hide, a javelin in its back, and a lifeless guard in its grasp. It seemed to pay her no mind at all, focused on the portal. The silhouette of a large humanoid figure was in the portal, slowly walking towards them. Several small demons with hunched backs and mandible like mouths and mantis like arms hissed, screeched, and backed away towards their larger kin, some even teleported away. A strange two headed with yellow eyes with five or six limbs and lumps all over its hunched body scurried away past her and up a building, almost running in fear. The demons maw opened up, revealing its several saliva and gore covered teeth. From its gaping maw, he uttered three words in its demonic and deep voice. “He is here... ” It said, it then tossed the corpse aside. The massive figure soon emerged from the portal. He had a masculine build to him and wore green armor and a matching helmet with a blue visor with some grey inlays. His boots were stained with dirt and gore, his gauntlets were stained red over its original green, and his armor had deep claw marks and blood on it, in his arms he held a large, sword like weapon that revved quietly and on his back was an object she thought were weapons. When the portal dissipated, he looked at the many demons and Equestrian soldiers, scanning them. One of the eyeless brutes roared and charged the being, showing no fear whatsoever or possibly showing his vigor to the smaller demons. The figure dropped the strange sword, and instantly it disappeared with a flash of blue light. The demon got closer and closer to the figure who seemed to not be fazed by the charging demon. With a quick swing of his hand, the figure punched the demon, hitting it so hard that the sound was heard clear across Canterlot, the demons jaw flew of towards the crowd. The figure then pulled it down and grabbed its natural collar and then by the roof of its mouth and popped its head off with little to no effort. Grabbing onto its spine he used its head as a flail to hit one of the smaller, teleporting demons that had appeared behind him, sending it down to the ground. He then slammed his massive foot into its chest, causing his foot to break through its ribs and shoot gore all across his boot and the surrounding ground. One jumped at him from behind, but he heard its screeching, he turned around and grabbed it by its neck. The little demon thrashed around and screamed, the figure tightened his grip around its throat, soon it began to wheeze, gasp, and cough up blood until the figure fully crushed its throat in his hand with a horrid crunch, spewing blood from his neck and onto bits of his armor and visor. He tossed it aside, looked at the other demons and then the Equestrians. Now focused on him, they ran past and ignored Celestia and her soldiers. From inside his helmet he heard the voice of his now A.I. companion, Vega. “These beings are strange, from what I'm picking up they emit and control a form of energy similar to argent energy. Perhaps harming them wouldn't be the best course of action. Maybe see if they can aid us in leaving this place.” He said, the Slayer simply rolled his eyes, he knows not to hurt the ones effected by the forces of hell, a simple beep came from his helmet. “I've quickly made a simple and yet effective guide to defeating the demons without any collateral damage to the natives.” He yet again rolled his eyes, huffed, and then drew his plasma rifle and fired volleys of hot plasma into the hordes of hell, cutting down all he saw. Celestia and her soldiers stood in awe as this lone being faced down the overwhelming horde of demons. “Princess!” A Lunar unicorn yelled. “What are your orders m'lady?” Celestia looked at the carnage the being was causing. With his strange weapon and his bare hands he was ripping them apart, rending, tearing, burning, and clawing. Though he was obviously outnumbered, and even his strength wouldn't do much against the oncoming horde. “Form a shield wall!” She yelled before charging into the horde once more. With her soldiers now rallied, they seemed to have a heavy impact against the dwindling forces of demons. As their forces dwindled the now rallied Equestrian guards surrounded what demons were left, an estimated four-hundred at most, and surrounded them within a circle of shields and spears. The shield wall moved closer and closer towards the center, stabbing with swords and spear while pegasus and bat pony guards provided archer support from above. Stepping over the piling demon bodies the phalanx moved closer and closer to the strange warrior. He looked at the incoming phalanx, holding their own even against the hell knights and pinky demons. One of the natives held the shield while another held a long spear, jabbing it into the demons leathery flesh. In a way, he thought the tactic was rather clever, but foolish against more pinky demons, knights, or even barons. After what seemed like a brief few moments all the demons were piled among themselves, all dead from the Slayer and the native soldiers. They all sat down, exhausted from the intense fighting, some were crying, shaking, and some standing over a fallen friend. He watched as the one of these natives, the largest among them that wore golden plate armor that resembled something his knights of old would wear into battle. He could tell she was obviously female due to her slimmer features. That and Vega using his helmets scanners to study her and her companions. She seemed cautious around him, holding her hammer close to her and her guards seemed to be shaking. “Can you understand me?” “Indeed we can.” He said, projecting himself from the Slayers helmet light and onto the ground. This caused the soldiers and their queen to jump back and raise their weapons at him.“Believe me that wont work.” The larger one cautiously walked towards Vega. “What... are you?” She asked. “I am an Artificial intelligence made by the U.A.C. to operate the research facility on Mars. My name is Vega. I was also known as the professor to a group of students.” She poked her hand through him and then looked at the Slayer. “Is he dangerous?” The Slayer crossed his arms and looked at her. “Very but only if you provoke him, but luckily for you, he has no need of harming you or your people.” A Solar pegasus flew towards Celestia and touched down next to her. “Princess our soldiers in the lower districts are being overrun and request reinforcements.” Upon hearing this, the Slayer walked towards the gate house, putting the weapon on his back. “Where is he going?” Celestia asked. Vega looked at her and said. “To do what he does best. We're low on ammunition so he'll have to resort to his older ways of carnage, hand to hand.” He then disappeared, Celestia looked towards the Slayer, who was now past the gate and descending into the middle district of Canterlot. “Send word to our allies in Griffus, Zebrica, Saddle Arabia... to everyone!” Celestia said to a Guard, “We need to know if they've been affected too.” She lifted her tonitrus and ran towards the gate, with several guards in tow. The imp screamed in agony as the Slayer plunged his thumbs deep into its yellow eyes, he then squeezed, causing its its head in to explode like a melon. He then threw it aside next to the other six dead Imps. He looked around at the burning city, the screams of its people could be heard mixed with the sounds of the demonic howls, screams, and roars of pleasure. Sounds he was all too familiar with. He had gone through several demons as he walked through the streets, rarely seeing a live, let alone whole, denizen of the city. From his helmet he heard a small chime from Vega, “If I am correct, through scans I have obtained through your helmet these natives seem to be Equine and humanoid in appearance. Meaning their gender would be the same as the ones found on earth, Mares for the females and Stallions for the—” The Slayer hit the side of his helmet in order to shut Vega up and listen. Screaming came from a nearby house, the screams were feminine in nature mixed with the screams and cries of what sounded like a child. He quickly made his way inside, past the broken door and over a mangled corpse of what could have been the homes occupant and possibly the mares mate. He stared at the corpse for a moment, realizing the wounds were mainly around his chest and neck, arms showed defensive wounds. He growled quietly and squeezed his hand into a fist, his knuckles cracking loudly. He looked next to the body and saw the bloodstained footprints of what he identified as one of the most agile of imp breeds, the primate like Vulgar. He could hear its grunts and hisses as the primate like demon ripped at the wooden door. Behind it he could hear the familiar screams of the 'mare' and briefly see her through the cracks in the door. He quickly walked towards the demon. He grabbed it by the back of its head and slamming it through the door, causing the mare to scream in shock. He ripped it from the door, grabbing it by its tail he threw it into the living room. Knocking over a couch and nightstand in the process. The Vulgar quickly stood up, only to be met with a large green fist impacting its face. The Vulgar was knocked back to the ground from the impact of the punch, the Slayer then stepped on its back, holding it in place. He then grabbed its tail with one hand and tore it off with a single pull. The Vulgar shrieked loudly but its screams were soon silenced as the Slayer roped the severed tail around its neck and pulled. The Vulgar gasped for air and tried clawing at the Slayers arms as it was being choked to death. Hearing a roar come from outside he drew his attention away from the Vulgar, now dead and still garroted it with its own tail. An Imp, similar to the one he killed earlier, burst through the living rooms window and onto the overturned couch. It quickly ran at him, teeth and claws barring at him. He kicked it in the chest with his right leg, causing it to fly back into an arm chair. He took the barbed end of the Vulgar's tail and stuck it into the ceiling fan above. The sturdy fan lifted the now dead Vulgar off the ground and comically spun it around. The Imp stood back up, facing the Slayer who was now armed with a long and empty wine bottle. As the two faced each other down the Vulgar still spun. As the Imp lurched forward it was struck by the dead Vulgar, angering it even more the Imp grabbed the dead Vulgar by its leg and pulled it down with the fan in tow. Once it was down the Slayer struck it with the hard bottle, dazing it and surprisingly not breaking the bottle. He gabbed it by its neck, lifted it up and slammed it down onto the wooden coffee table. Causing it to break into several pieces. The Slayer rammed the neck of the bottle into the demons mouth, breaking several of its teeth in the process. He grabbed its neck and pulled it up. He hit the back of the bottle with his palm, causing it to burst through the back of the imps mouth, killing it almost instantly. He grabbed the bottle, but from behind him he heard a deep growling. Large grey hands then grabbed his shoulders and a larger Imp, the tall grey kind with several eyes, threw him through the living room wall with the bottle still in his hands. Taking out the white picket fence and mailbox upon his exit from the house, the grey imp soon trudged out of the house with one of its smaller, copper colored cousins and a Prowler behind it. The Slayer quickly regained his footing with the bloodied bottle still in his hands. The smaller copper demon ran towards him, once one was close the Slayer rammed the neck of the bottle into its eye, not killing it though it did cause it to scream rather loud. As the eyeless one clawed at the bottle and howled in pain, the Prowler and its grey cousin ran towards the Slayer. He quickly picked up the mailbox, grabbing it by its shaft and he used it as a makeshift hammer and slammed its metal box into the Prowlers side. He then lifted it into the air and slammed it down upon the grey imps head. Though this action didn't kill the imp whatsoever. To his surprise and having a small chuckle from it, the mailbox became stuck on its head and the Imp soon tried to claw the metal contraption free from his head. The bottle-eyed Imp ran back at the Slayer, who then hit the bottom of the bottle, causing it to burst from the back of the imps head. The prowler lunged at him, only to be caught by the neck. He then threw it to the road and curb stomped its head into the brick road, sending brain matter, bone, teeth and gore all over. He walked over to the Grey imp, still trying to claw its way free from the mailbox. He slammed both his hands on both sides of the mailbox, crushing the metal and the imps skull, sending blood spewing from the bottom, top, and cracks in its side. As the creature fell onto its back the Slayer looked at the house. There he saw the mare that was trapped in there, she had a all white coat with long pink hair and a horn atop her head and a fussing infant in her arms. The Slayer turned to face her. Moving his right arm up he pointed to the castle, looked at it, and then looked back at her. Behind his helmet he uttered to her. “Castle... Go... ” His voice deep was hard as stone and as rough as sandpaper. Taking the hint the mare quickly made her way there. He watched her as she made her way up towards the castle, once she was out of his sight he walked deeper into the city. Mainly following the sounds of the ongoing battle in the cities center. Celestia slammed her tonitrus down on a barons face, causing it to cave in and spray her armor with red gore. Her personal guard surrounding her, facing the several smaller demons with their swords, maces, and Axes while other guards were quickly trying to clear the cities streets and buildings. Atop the large walls of Canterlot's defensive walls she saw several demons providing fire support to their comrades below. The combination of red and blue fireballs striking the ground causing small explosions and horribly burning her guards when they were struck. Atop the wall she saw several demons of similar size, floating slightly above the ground and using forms of magic to conjure more demons upon the field. Soon a familiar sound was heard from the wall. Walking towards the demons mages she saw the Slayer walking towards them, a massive nine barreled machine chucking out bits of flaming metal at an incredible speed. Shredding the demons flesh and bones, some being torn in two from the firepower of this weapon. Turning them into piles of bloody mulch. A smaller copper colored demon quickly ran towards him on all fours only to be knocked off the wall and down the mountainside by the slayers massive weapon. Another imp ran towards him but was easily subdued by the slayer by slamming the front of the weapon down on it and causing it to become stuck in it. He began to fire it again, this time making the barrel spin and causing the trapped imp to spin and slam its head on the ground several times until it broke open and spewed its contents all over the wall, himself, and the surrounding demons. As it did before the machines contents ripped the demons apart, the only new addition was its new crosshair at the end. He threw the gun down on the ground, like the weapons prior it dissipated with a flash of blueish white. He jumped from the wall, grabbing one of the flying demons. He climbed up its side and rammed his fist elbow deep into its eye socket, causing it to squeal then explode into a mass of gore. When he landed on the ground the demons had already began their flee from the city, mainly the smaller ones while the greater demons remained and fought to the bitter end. Something the slayer seemed to love, the biggest seemed to put up the most fight. One of the eyeless demons ran towards him, the Slayer happily ran towards him and headbutted the demon. The impact caused it's forehead to violently cave in. He ran towards one of the barons and jumped into its chest. The force of the impact knocked the Baron down. Once down the slayer rammed his fist through its neck and ripped out its throat and tongue. The baron died violently, gagging on its own blood as the slayer loomed over it. The demons that did not flee were quickly massacred by the city guards in rapid success. Celestia walked towards the slayer, who was standing on the defeated baron like a hero of old. He sees her approach and walks off the corpse. When they get close Vega comes out of his helmet. “They will return, I suggest full evacuation of the city to someplace safer.” “There is no place safer than Canterlot.” The slayer looked at the several dead guards and civilians lying among the city. “They took us by surprise, Canterlot is built upon a mountain and there is only one way into the city and its through that gate.” “Meaning others will be coming here. Princess, we should send our airships to Ponyville to evacuate its people.” One of her Praetorian's said. The Slayer observed the large stallion donned in plate armor. “Go... send them and make sure they have an escort.” The soldier bowed and quickly ran towards the mountain. She looked at the Slayer and then Vega. "He'll have to come with us. If he wouldn't mind. But he'll have to surrender his weapons." Vega turned to look at the Slayer. The Slayer stared back quietly, arms still crossed. After a few moments of staring he sighed loudly under his helmet. “He will comply and will surrender his weapons to you.” “Good... please come with me.” She said. Vega dissipated back into the Slayers helmet. He smacked his helmet. “That'll only effect you and not me.” Vega replied, the Slayer simply groaned under his helmet. They soon entered the castle, wounded and dead guards were laying on its stone floor while others tended to their wounds. “Princess, we've been able to drive them out of the city, but civilian and guard casualties are high.” “Send all the wounded to the castle. Make sure the railroads are still operable, we'll no doubt be seeing other refugees soon and get all the wounded into the castle and castle courtyard, draw up all reserves and bring out our prisoners and arm them.” She said, the guard bowed quickly and then ran out of the keep. “Arm them m'lady?” Another asked. “If they love their country and their families they will no doubt fight for them to the bitter end. Get all of our people into the mines, make sure the lower districts are barren.” The second guard bows and quickly runs off. So her name is Celestia, not a queen but a princess. The slayer thought. He looked around the room, some of the guards looked at him in awe and fear, some whispered among themselves. He looked at the large chairs near the end of the room, atop the largest sat another one of the 'Alicorns' Vega told him about. Unlike the other she was a darker color, perhaps a blue or a shade of violet, her mane was blue and her clothing was near the same color. Next to her was a guard and a surgeon, they were carefully removing the crushed armor and placing it to the side, leaving her leg exposed and bare. “Sister, have we won the day?” She asked. “We'ave, thanks to him.” She gestured her hand at the Slayer. “If I could stand I'd properly shake your hand, or even bow... but as you can see—” “You have severe bruising on your femur and calve bones, and your leg is dislocated.” Vega said, projecting himself next to one of the guards. “And who is this?” She asked, slightly jumping back. “This is his companion Vega.” Vega smiled and did a respectful bow before returning to the Slayers helmet. “Would you like help with that leg?” He asked. “No I'm sure it'll be fi—” Before she could finish the Slayer bent down and placed his hands on her thigh and bruised leg. He gently slid his hands up her soft leg, causing Luna to slightly shutter and have a hint of red flush to her cheeks. His other hand held onto her knee and he soon pushed upward with a low grunt. A loud popping was then heard following her pained and somewhat surprised shriek. He stood back up and stared. After a minute she began to move her leg, even tried standing. “A little warning would have been nice... but thank you.” “Follow.” Celestia said, beckoning with her hand. He followed her closely. She led him into a large room with several chairs and a microphone placed on a long table. In front of the table was a large mirror that showed another large room with a metal table in the center with two chairs and a single bed, it looked like a cell. “Set your weapons on the table please.” The Slayer stared at her, rather reluctant on leaving his weapons and ammunition alone. But he still did it. 'No' is what he really wanted to say, but he didn't want conflict with her or her people. She seemed rather amazed at how much he was carrying, some of the weapons he had looked like the rifles her soldiers had but far more advanced. After he set it all down he walked into the small room and looked around it, Celestia shut the door behind him. Locking him in the room. He looked around the small room. “Stay here until I return.” She said to someone, her voice muffled behind the walls and glass. He heard a someone respond to her and sit in one of the chairs in the other room. He could hear another door shut from the other side. Vega formed on the ground and walked around the room. “They don't mean to imprison you, heightened levels of adrenaline suggest they are simply afraid.” The Slayer grunted angrily and walked around the room, though he could understand their fear, he wasn't the most welcoming face in the midst of a demonic incursion. He walked over to the two way mirror, and stared. The guard behind the glass simply tried to ignore the presence of this imposing being that was peering endlessly into his very being with his angry and non-blinking blue eyes. The guard simply walked over to the glass and pulled the shutters down, though still seeing the beings imposing figure silhouetted behind the glass and shutters. “I hope the princess gets back soon... ” The guard whined. Celestia quickly walked towards the former room of Starswirl the Bearded, now donned in a white dress but still having a sword on her belt just in case. Luna quickly followed her, also donned in a dress but she had a slight limp. “Shouldn't you be laying down Luna?” “Shouldn't you? You were exhausted when you came back inside and now since he has arrived you've been antsier than usual. Whats going on sister tell me!” Celestia stopped dead in her tracks and turned to her sister. “I've known only one being that's ever fought like him sister.” “Who?” “Don't you remember? A large, bipedal man who was donned in plate.” Luna stood there, pondering for a moment. “Argus... but... he died almost a millennia ago. How would this... man be the same as Argus?” Luna had long forgotten about the being Argus. Long ago, during the reign of Discord, Argus came to Equestria. He had horrid wounds when they found him, so Celestia and Luna with the help of Starswirl took him in and helped him recover. She remembered the stories of the place he was from, it was called Argent D'Nur, a once beautiful place until the demons besieged and conquered it along with their other colony worlds, taking the power from their gods, beings called 'The Wraiths'. He was taught to destroy the demons and any who associate with them and to protect the innocent peoples of Argent D'Nur and others who were attacked by them. During the uprising against Discord he was killed by the chaos god, facing him in single combat. He was buried in the Canterlot catacombs and a statue was erected in the castle garden. “Argus spoke of his king, his homeland and about the demons, the same exact demons that besiege us now.” Celestia said. “Starswirl wrote down the things he told us, even drew them. We need to find that book sister.” “Alright... alright... I'll help you.” She said, Celestia tiredly smiled at her. They continued to walk towards the study. Celestia opened the door and into Starswirl's old room. “I'll look over here.” Celestia said, her horn glew as she looked through one of the wizards old chests. The study was the most dusty area in Canterlot due to it being vacant for so long. While looking through some old papers Luna found a picture of she and her sister with Starswirl when they were young. She was standing next to him, wearing a little white dress and Celestia stood next to him wearing a golden dress. She was about eleven when this was taken and Celestia was about seventeen, still with her natural pink mane. They all had big smiles, this caused her to smile, missing the fun they would all have together. “Luna, I found it.” Luna walked over to her sister, in her hands was a very old, and very dusty leather book. “Come, lets see if our guest can answer some questions.” > Chapter 2: The Gathering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia quickly made her way into the holding cell where her new guest, the Slayer, was being held. In her arms she held the journal Star Swirl wrote in almost a millennia ago, hoping to get some answers from it. Once she entered the room, her sister Luna, still limping from her wound, followed her in. The guard who had been posted there quietly sat in one of the chairs, his head was slumped down and he was quietly snoring. She pulled up the shutters in the room and saw him walking around the room in a seemingly bored circle while his companion Vega talked on about a subject she wasn't entirely familiar with. Taking the key from the slumbering guard she walked over to the door. “Sister wait,” Luna said, “Are you sure he's. . . friendly?” “Well he's listened so far, if he was here to kill us well. . . we'ed know.” She said, turning the key she opened the door and walked into the room. He and Vega looked at her. “Princess, how does everyone fare?” Vega asked. “Not well, we still don't have an exact number of casualties and we just received word from Queen Gwendolyn from Griffonstone, her city was attacked as well. They had to retreat to the city of Gweer, deep in the mountains." “That is not good then. Do you have something for us?” “Mainly for him. . . ” She pointed at the Slayer. He crooked his head in surprise and walked over to her. She set the book down on the table and slid it towards him. He walked over and opened the book, inside he saw the words and pictured the old wizard wrote down and drew. He looked at the pictures of the accurately drawn Imps and Barons. “Where did you get these?” Vega asked. “An old friend of ours, the wizard named Star Swirl the bearded wrote these. Long ago a man, much like him came to our world in a portal just the same. His name was Argus, and he told us about you.” She said. The Slayer looked at her and then looked back at the book. “He told us about your people, about the Wraiths, the Knight Sentinels, and the demons that attack us now. Sadly. . . he died.” He studied the old book, flipping the page to see a well drawn portrait of Argus without his helmet. He had little hair, a complete buzz cut was common among the knights. He had scars across his face and one of his eye's was a different color than the other. “Where. . . ” He said in the lowest of voices, looking up at Celestia with his deep and intimidating blue eyes. She gulped. “In the catacombs, here in the city. I can take you to him if you want?” He nodded in response. Celestia picked the book back up and walked towards the door. “Good, follow me please.” She pulled on the handle of the metal door, it didn't budge. She pulled on it several more times, making the same thudding sound. “Luna the doors jammed again, go get the pry bar please.” There was a muffled response from behind the door. He walked towards her, simply nudging her to the side. He then reeled back his fist and punched the door, hard enough to create a fist indent on the other side of it. Pulling on the now barely functioning door knob he pulled the broken door open, it squeaked open now. Once it was open he looked at the princess and gestured her forward. “Thank you.” When they walked out he saw her sister Luna standing there in shock with the stationed guard next to her. “That door was as durable as a banks vault, and he broke it.” Luna said. “Come now sister, he needs to see the catacombs.” She said walking past her and the guard. “The. . . the catacombs? What in Equestria for?” “He wants to see him.” Luna stared as they left the room. Huffing quietly she quickly caught up to them. As always the catacombs were always silent, damp, cold, and devoid of life, save the occasional rat or two. It was mainly used by high ranking members of the Equestrian parliament, those born and die into nobility, military commanders and hero's, and the only non-Equestrian in their history. Once a large gold mine that dried up centuries before the city was built, now it serves as a crypt for the royal class, while the other citizens of Canterlot used a large mausoleum and cemetery in the lower district, probably flooded with wounded and dead now. At the farthest corner of the catacombs, in the oldest area of the city itself, lay Argus, the Night Sentinel that came to Equestria many years ago and died defending it. The catacombs were barely lit, the only light visible were from the magic lights from the horns of the two princesses, their escorts lantern, and the lights coming from the Slayers helm. Once they reached the end the Slayer looked up at the large stone door blocking the way in. He walked forward, cracking his knuckles, getting ready to rip it open. "No need for that." Celestia said, nudging him aside. Her horn glowed bright yet again, this time engulfing the whole door with magic. Stepping back, he watched as the door was slowly moved outward and then to the side. After she had moved it she took the lantern from her escorts hand and used her magic to move the flame about the room and onto a brazier of oil. Once the tiny flame danced its way to the oil it lit up the entire room and then some, finally revealing the massive marble sarcophagus that held Argus. “This is him.” Luna said. The Slayer moved forward and looked at the coffin. Once a beautiful white color like Celestia's coat, it was now a dark tan due to its age. On its lid was the effigy of the Night Sentinel's figure neatly carved onto it. He was laying down, hands folded and holding his swords handle which was on his chest and pointing downward towards his feet, and his helmet rest beside his head, allowing the Slayer to see his face. He brushed his hand against the old stone, wiping off years upon years of dust. “What did you plan on doing with him?” He simply turned his head to glance at her only briefly before looking down at the sarcophagus. He lowered his large hands and latched onto the cracks on its lid. He lifted it up slightly, dust shooting off all over it, and slid it off the coffin. The heavy lid fell to the ground with a loud thud, causing the dust on it and around to form a large cloud but only to quickly dissipate soon after. “Why did you do that?” Celestia asked, looking at him in surprise and confusion. The Slayer looked down at the Sentinels corpse. His armor was a light grey with black details and golden inlays around its edges. His visor was a green color now long faded with the rest of his armor, through it he could make out his empty eye sockets through it. He then drew his attention to his sword. It sat there on his chest, the same place shown on the lids mural of him. He reached down and gently moved Argus' hands away from it. He then took the old sword in his hands. It was about five and a half feet long, big for a longsword, but the right size for him and the knight's that wielded them. It's leather sheath was in surprisingly good condition for being in the crypt for so long, but no doubt needed oiled. He took the grip in his hands and slowly unsheathed the blade. Cobwebs and dust pulled off the blade as it was removed from the scabbard, but unlike the rest of the crypt, the sword still kept its razor sharp edge and shine, seeing himself and the princess behind him on the blade. He looked down at the body and leaned the sword against the tomb. He gently removed the sentinels helmet, revealing his bare skull, showing the many healed and rebuilt fractures and wounds. He reached inside the helmet and removed a small chip from inside it and placed it in a port on the side of his helmet. He set the helmet next to him again, placing his hands back on his chest. Placing his hand on his skull the Slayer looked downward and began to speak, but in a language the princesses couldn't understand, though it was familiar for Argus spoke the same language when he arrived. “Whats he saying?” Luna asked. Vega soon formed outside of his helmet, facing them. “I can translate if you'd wish?” He asked. Celestia nodded in response, he looked at the Slayer and back at them. “So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others would falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again. Rest, and finally join those who are now gone.” The Slayer was now standing, placing the seal back on the sarcophagus. “Can he not understand us?” “He can, his helmet has a build in translator in it and I have been teaching him, he only knows few words.” Vega said. He was now looking at them, sword in his hands. He slid it back in its sheath and held it close to his side. “Let us leave. . . ” He said. Walking through Vega and past the princesses and their escort. The lights on his helmet turned back on and he made his way through the catacombs. Celestia quickly caught up to him. “Wait, Slayer. I have a proposition.” He turned and loomed over her. “Help us, teach is how to defeat them.” She said. “Our people will be flocking here in droves, we'll need to take back our towns and cites eventually, clear them from every nook and cranny of Equestria.” Luna said, quickly hobbling towards him. “We'll give you our best soldiers, train them to hunt these demons.” He looked at her with his imposing stare. He looked at the two escorts with them, studying them. He then looked back at the princesses and leaned forward. “How many?” He said. “You'll have to ween out the weak willed ones. . . bout eleven, possibly fewer once they're weened out.” “Ready them. . . ” He said. He then turned and walked from the catacombs, with the princesses in tow. ***Two days later*** Ever since the invasion only two days prior Canterlot was being filled with hundreds of refugees and wounded from all across Equestria. The kingdoms largest cities are on lock down and hundreds of ghetto's were made in the parks and lower areas of the cities for the refugees. Along with the refugees came the few captured demons held in iron gibbets and cages. They hissed, spat, and tried to claw at those who came even close to them. Many ponies tried to scrub away the blood and gore left over from the demons and citizens of Canterlot, though the pentagrams made of blood are still silhouetted into the stone and wood of the city. The largest of these rally centers was a place called the Crystal Empire, some place far north of Canterlot. Many gawked at the large seven foot tall titan as he walked past them and towards the few demon prisoners, behind him was a large trio of Equestrian soldiers, all of high ranking status. He walked towards on of the gibbets, inside it was a small Imp who upon seeing him, began to hiss and slowly kneel in fear of the man. The soldiers watched as the man sorted the cages into small groups. He stopped and looked at the group of soldiers. Vega soon formed outside of his helmet. “What uh. . . what's he want us to do?” One of them asked. “I believe he is showing you the various types of demons there are and their strengths and weaknesses.” Another said. The Slayer pointed to one group and sat down. Taking out his chainsaw to clean out the bits of bone and flesh from it's blade. Vega used the projector on the Slayers helm to show the various Imp types. The Vulgar, the grey's, copper Imps, wraith's, prowlers, and the maggot type. “The Imp's are one of the most common type of demon in hell's army. They have thick skin that is a good defense against must cutting weapons but it is mainly used for heat resistance due to the sulfur rich environment they thrive in.” Vega said, showing making the various holograms larger and smaller when viewing a certain one. “The grey for instance, real name unknown, are the tallest in the imp breed and by far the deadliest. About eight feet tall, long arms and legs, with four fingers on each hand they are excellent climbers. Unlike the other imps their bones are the strongest but that doesn't make them any less agile, they can easily glide through the air and leap an estimated thirty feet to catch their prey and their twelve eyes makes their sight the greatest of all demons.” That hologram then shrinks. “Most imp breeds can use argent energy as an offensive weapon in combat,” He highlights the ones that can, the Grey, copper, and Vulgar. “they have distinct colors resembling fireballs in a way, Hell Knights can utilize them as well, so can Barons of hell.” “I hate to interrupt sir but what are they weak too?” A unicorn said. The slayer looked over at him. He had a blonde mane with light blue highlights with the same color on his tail, his coat was a cream color. “Well there are little. Bullets, as my companion has shown you all, work well though I fear your firearms will do little.” He said. “This. . . magic you use may be effective as well. But every imp type shares the same strength and agility that is far superior to your own.” “What kinds do we need to be worried about?” Vega deletes the few holograms of the Imp types and shows the larger types, the Pinkie demon, Baron of Hell, Hell Knights, Revenants, Summoners, Arch-Viles, and many more. The Slayer didn't pay his teachings any mind, he already had many years of experience hunting and ripping these demons limb from limb, they'll never be like his knights of old. The information from Argus' helmet provided him with some knowledge of Equestria and its neighboring kingdoms. A highly diverse land with several different kingdoms and races inhabiting it. Though many of the recordings and logs were with the princess of the sun. A crash was then heard, quickly catching his attention. One of the cages was torn open by an imp. The copper colored demon quickly ran into the crowd of armored Equestrian's and made them scatter, taking one hostage. “Get this off of me! Somepony help!“ All the soldiers had their weapons drawn. The Slayer walked towards them, gently moving the guards out of the way. The imp screeched at him and tightened his grip around the terrified soldier. As the Slayer drew closer the imp backed up towards a wall. It raked its claws against it, sharpening them and leaving a large mark. It then held them up to the Equestrian's face. “For Celestia's sake stop!” The Slayer stopped, inside his helmet Vega was trying to make a strategy to save the Equestrian soldier, only leaving him with. . . minor injuries. He had been through this exact situation many times prior so he didn't pay the A.I. any mind. He knelt down and took a small, palm sized flat stone in his hand. The imp followed his movements very carefully, not knowing what he'd do next. He then turned around and walked back towards the other soldiers. “What are you doing! Help me!” The guard screamed. The Slayer then quickly turned, throwing the rock as if he was skipping it across water. The rock then lodged into the imps eye, causing it to scream and loosen its grip on the Equestrian. Its captive then grabbed it by the arm and threw it towards the Slayer. Once it was in front of him he grabbed it by the neck, lifting the squealing and screaming creature off the ground. He then rammed his free hand into the imps belly, breaking through the soft flesh. He grabbed its spine and tightened his grip around its neck. The imp screamed loudly and then the Slayer ripped the imp in two, sending its gore all over himself and the surrounding road. He then threw the lifeless corpse down. When he turned he saw another guard standing among the others. The pegasus walked to him. As he walked towards him he seemed to hesitate and shake. “Uhmm. . . m. . message from the princesses sir.” He said, the Slayer turned and loomed over him. “They have summoned you to the council meeting in the war room, atop the solar spire.” He looked at the tallest tower on the citadel, he looked back down and walked forward, his trainees moving out of his way. A small trail of demon blood followed behind him. Princess Luna walked out of the citadel, wearing a casual outfit that was a mix of a grey long sleeve shirt and jacket and plain black pants. As always her sword was on her belt. As she looked into the courtyard she saw the several soldiers and volunteers arming themselves and training. On one side of the courtyard she saw a much older officer instructing a group of about thirty or so civilian volunteers how to use the several muskets they had. Due to their quick and easy use, many of the civilian volunteers would be rifleponies. Unlike the soldiers, who were dressed in various armors, the volunteers wore simple clothing save the powder bandoleer across their chest. Some had metal helmets given to them while some wore simple hats. They were primarily armed with short swords made from steel, axe's, hatchets, billhooks, pikes, and even wooden clubs. The instructor was teaching them the use of the volley formation. Their targets, due to the increased amount of them in the city, were the corpses of the several demons that were killed. Their bodies were propped up on wooden poles. Close by another officer was teaching volunteers how to use crossbows, while another was teaching them simple sword and hand-to-hand tactics. At another corner of the courtyard an artillery officer and his subordinates were showing a group of volunteers how to properly operate a falconet and a mortar. In the forges beneath and in Canterlot several sets a munitions grade armor was being quickly produced for the new swath of troops. These mainly consist of breastplates made of iron, steel, or a hardened leather. The prisoners that were in the cells of Canterlot were being closely watched over by several high ranking centurions as they were being trained with simple weapons. The largest prisoner, and by far the most dangerous, was a chestnut colored earth pony with a copper and silver colored mane named Boxer. A former centurion turned bandit chieftain. They needed close to eleven armor clad soldiers to restraint this beast that was close to the Slayer's height. He rarely talked, only glaring at anyone who passed him with his angry orange eyes. He was restrained in a large cell. "Princess." She turned around to see one of her personal guards, a bat pony clad in purple armor. “Yes?” “The Slayer approaches, your and the other lords await him.” “Good good, see to it that—” She watched as the now bloodstained Slayer walked through the courtyard, getting many stares in the process. As he walked he left a trail of bloody footprints on the stone road. Before he could enter the citadel the princess stopped him. “You cant go in there like that.” She said. He looked down at himself and back up at her and shrugged. “Your about to meet the most powerful people on the continent, Queen Gwendolyn of Griffus, King Aspen of Thicket, Chief Thunderhooves of the great plans, and many more.” She walked over to spigot that was along the citadel wall. She picked up a hose. “Now. . . stand still please.” He couldn't feel the water against his armor, nor could she see the disapproving look he was giving her through his helmet. The princess shot water at his breastplate and legs, the imps blood slowly creeping off and flowing into a nearby sewer drain. She motioned her hand and he turned around and outstretched his arms. She then sprayed his back with water. After a few minutes of the wash his armor did look rather clean, but not as clean and shiny as it once was. “Well that'll do, follow me please.” The citadel was the same as he saw it prior, except the halls were filled with wounded soldiers. The wounded that could see watched him in awe as he walked among them, his footsteps heavy and echoing through the halls. At the end of the massive hall he saw guards much more different than the Equestrian ones. They were taller, only by a few inches of a foot and had bird like faces, beaks, feathers, and long cat like tails. “These must be the Griffons the Princess mentioned. Interesting.” Vega chimed. He ignored the A.I. and continued to walk towards the room with the princess, briefly glancing at one of the guards to his right, allowing his deep blue eye's to intimidate the young griff. Once the door opened he could now see the many leaders of Equestria and beyond. On one side was the solar princess herself conversing with a female Griffon wearing a finely colored green tunic with a golden chalice brazen on it, a golden crown upon her head, and a sword sheathed on her belt. Her eye's were a green color with the feathers on her face were a dark brown color, save the few white and tan ones on her cheeks. She had a grey colored beak and hands. Behind her a grey colored tail swished around the floor. Next to the Griffon was a a white colored Deer with large golden antlers. His plate armor was a deep silver color and almost reflected the nearby surroundings. On his belt was a long curved sword. Across the table was one of the large Bison chieftain's. He was a deep and shaggy brown, about eight feet tall with massive arms. He had various scars on his toned body as well as a few new ones possibly caused by demons. A feathered headdress on his head and clothing made from organic materials. On his belt was a long stone knife and a large axe with an metal blade. Even a Baron of hell my want to reconsider fighting this one. A nearby guard walked over and leaned towards the princess. “Princess, he is here.” The praetorian's said. Celestia and the Griffon, whom he'd amuse is Queen Gwendolyn they mentioned prior, leaned up from the map. “Slayer, I hope the soldiers were to your liking.” He didn't say anything to her, only after standing there silently for a minute he shrugged. “Well. . . I hope they fare well in your care.” He didn't just need capable warriors, he needed smart ones, ones who could stare hell itself and not fall insane. “Princess, if I may?” One of her guards asked. She nodded. The soldier then walked over to the windows and pulled down the massive curtains to blot out the incoming rays of sunlight. The princess then pressed a small button next to the table. From the ceiling a large blue crystal came down from its resting place, being held onto by gold colored bars. Once it was in place a beam of sunlight came down and went into it, causing several beams to come off from it and around the table. Within moments the rays made four figures, three were of the Equestrian species, two were Alicorn's. The last was a large bovine like the Buffalo he was standing next to, but this one had larger horns, a shaggier coat, and wore more metal for armor than the Buffalo, but they both had the similar three fingers. “Auntie Celestia it's good to see you, is everything well in Canterlot?” The pink Alicorn asked. “No, not well at all. How many refugees have arrived in the Empire.” “Too many, the Yaks have helped us in our defenses against these invaders but our troops morale is waning princess.” The Unicorn next to her said. When he motioned his arm towards the 'Yak' next to him, the Slayer noticed the matching rings on his and hers fingers. “Expect more soon, anypony who cant fight is being flown to the empire. Have you relocated Cloudsdale yet?” The princess asked. She looked at the smaller Alicorn. She was smaller than the others and out of all the ones seen she looked to be the most worried. “We're. . . alright princess, we'll be over dragon territory within four days. Luckily Ember has agreed to help us.” She said, not removing her hands from her face when she talked. “Princess, is something the matter?” The Yak asked. “Fluttershy's missing, Rarity and Applejack suspect she's gone back to Ponyville.” She said, her voice almost breaking. “What in Equestria for?” Luna said, “Ponyville was evacuated two days ago, when did you find out she was gone?” “This morning, both she and Rainbow Dash are gone.” She said. “Her animals, she had many at her cottage in Ponyville.” The Deer King said. “I can send out my soldiers to track her and the element of loyalty down.” “The only safe place near Ponyville is Thicket, Aspen, have the demons discovered the city yet?” Celestia asked, looking at the plate clad Deer. “If they did, we'ed know by now. But the forest, even in these times is no place for somepony to be traveling in alone.” The Slayer looked at the large map, mainly at the highlighted town of Ponyville, which was directly below the city. “Princesses, if I may?” Vega chimed, forming on the outside of his helmet again. “You have an idea?” “Thousands developing every second but this one seems the most promising.” “Well. . . shoot.” “While studying the notes left by Argus I discovered several mentioning a race of canine like beings called the Diamond Dog's and that there was a small tribe of them outside of Ponyville long before it was formed.” “I know of these Diamond Dogs,” The purple princess said. “they kidnapped a friend of mine a few years back and forced her to locate gems, and I wouldn't say they're a small tribe. There hundreds of them in that old gem quarry.” “Are they friendly towards Equestrian's?” “Well, our relations had been getting better for sometime, friendly trade here and there. There chieftain, Talon, he'll be the one you'd need to talk too.” She said. “You plan on taking the two elements to the Diamond Dogs?” An Equestrian praetorian close to Celestia asked. “Yes, the Slayer and I,” He looked at the A.I. with his arms crossed, not really having a say in this plan. “and hopefully they'd be willing to escort them to this hidden city.” Vega looked at the Slayer. “There'll be plenty of demons to mangle on the way, so don't be to upset.” In a way he then agreed, simply shrugging. . . “Most of the time a Diamond Dog clan would ask for something in return, we'll send a few crates of rifles to them. Hopefully they'll accept.” Luna said. “And if they don't. . . well. . . ” The slayer looked at her. “Lets hope they do. And Slayer, the Diamond Dogs, if you haven't already learned, are hardy and skilled fighters, they're the ones who wouldn't shy away from a fight. If your looking for skilled warriors, I'd suggest one of them.” He nodded and beckoned Vega back into his helmet so he could prepare to leave. “Before you leave, I'm sending one of my best with you.” Celestia said, gesturing towards one of her praetorian's. The Pegasus stallion walked forward and removed his purple and grey helmet. He had a cream colored coat and a golden mane with green eyes. “The is my captain of the guard, Cloud Singer.” The Pegasus looked at the Slayer and slightly bowed his head. “He'll accompany you to Ponyville.” The Slayer looked him over. A fine set of plate armor with a long cape on the back, a longsword on his belt along with a dagger, three pistols, and a powder belt. He replied by bowing his head the same way the Pegasus did. “My student, Lunar Lullaby will also accompany you. He'll be waiting outside.” “My nephew Galahad will join you Slayer.” The Griffon queen said. A Griffon, somewhat similar to herself walked to her. The only difference between them were their eye colors, his were a deep blue, and their feathers on their faces, his were a lighter shade of brown, almost a coffee color. “I am sorry princess, but I cannot spare any warriors at the moment. Many were killed in my journey here.” The buffalo said. “I understand chieftain, but thank you.” Celestia said. “And I will meet you in Thicket, Slayer, get them there unharmed.” The Deer king said. “Auntie I'll let you know if anything else happens.” Princess Candace said. “Be safe Cadence, as you Twilight.” The holograms soon dissipated and the curtains were reopened to let the sun shine into the room. “Lord Slayer, please if you'd accompany me to the courtyard.” Cloud Singer said. As soon as Vega dissipated into his helmet he walked towards the door, with the Griffon and Pegasus in tow. The courtyard was still active and full of soldiers and volunteers. The booming of a cannon and rifle fire was common now as the many soldiers trained to fight the demons. “The princesses student should be out here somewhere,” Cloud Singer said, “he's a bat pony, bout my height with green hair and amber eye's.” He said again. The Slayer looked around the courtyard trying to identify the said, ‘Bat Pony’. But something else caught his eye. “Right, when I find him I'll either look for you or head to the gardens.” The griff said. Walking past Cloud Singer and the griffon Galahad he walked down the stairs, towards the group of conscripted prisoners. Upon seeing the massive cage he looked at the prisoner sitting inside. The large earth pony stallion was sitting against the back of the cage. His body, save the bottom of his hooves, were covered by the shade from the citadel and the Slayer could clearly see the white fetlocks covering his grey hooves. He looked at Cloud Singer, who quickly caught up to him to see why he was walking over to the cage. Vega scanned the ledger on the nearby table that held his information. “Prisoner 11939, real name Boxer. He is seven-foot three, weight two-hundred and seventeen pounds, age; forty-one.” Vega said, “Reason for imprisonment; armed Robbery, arson, assault of an officer, Illegal purchase and selling of goods along the Equestrian boarders, bandit chieftain of a large bandit clan, desertion of the Equestrian army, capture of an officer, and piracy. Captured six months ago, arresting officers needed eleven personal to restrain him.” He looked at Cloud Singer, back down at the prisoner, and back at him, pointing at the prisoner. “Him. . . ” He said. Cloud looked at the prisoner and back at the Slayer. “Your kidding?” He shook his head. “No, he's in that cage for a reason, for many a good reason.” Vega came from his helmet. “It is either you set him loose and give him his former equipment or my companion rips the cage apart.” Cloud and another officer stared at him and the cage. With a heavy sigh he looked at another officer. “Inform the princesses and give Boxer his things.” The guard nodded and walked towards the keep. Cloud walked over to the cage and looked down at the stallion. “Boxer, starting at this moment you have been conscripted into the Equestrian military, though you are a former member you will be stripped of your former rank. The task we have at hand is to find the elements of Kindness and Loyalty, they are somewhere in the vicinity of Ponyville and the Everfree.” The stallion said nothing and stared at Cloud Singer. “You will either report to me or the Slayer for any questions, though if you try to flee I or the Slayer will assure you don't return to Canterlot alive. Do I make myself clear.” The Stallion looked at him and the being in green armor. “What if I say no?” He asked. “Then you stay here and rot in the sun.” “Mmm. . . I'll do it, but it'll need somethin' in return.” “Name your price.” “After this is finished, I'll leave Canterlot, Equestria even. Ah'll accept exile if it means I'm free. Dimondia's a pretty place this time of year.” The praetorian stared at the stallion for a brief moment before looking back at the Slayer. “Deal, I'll pull some strings with the princesses, but no promises.” He stood up. “Guess that works,” He stuck his arms out of the cage. A nearby guard took his shackles in hand and took them off. Boxer rubbed his sore wrists afterwards. The guard from earlier returned with a scroll and a crate. He gave the scroll to Cloud Singer and set the crate down. Once the cages door was unlocked Boxer slowly walked out of it, covering his eye's once he saw the sun. To the Slayer he was indeed impressive to look at, slightly taller than he was but probably not as physically strong as him. Not long after the crate was opened Boxer was reunited with the weapons and armor he was using when imprisoned. His weapon, a long ball and chain, the spikes on its iron ball were jagged and crooked and its handle had several studs on it and a leather loop to tie it to his belt. A small iron sword was sheathed onto his belt. His shield was a small heater shield modified into a targe with several small spikes jutting outward on it. His clothing consisted of brown wool pants, leather boots, a long and ripped up surcoat over mail that neigh touched the ground. His pauldrons were old and dented, but still able to cover his shoulders and provided some protection. His arms were bare, save the shield strapped to his left arm. His helmet was a combination of an early greathelm welded to the bottom of a kettle helmet. Protecting the back and front of his neck was an aventail made of several different scale materials. Some looked like leather, copper, bronze, wood, bone, stone even. But the original scales were still there, they were made of steel. Atop the helmet were several small and jagged spikes. Setting the last item into it's sheath, a pistol, Boxer turned and looked at the group. “Where we goin'?” “Ponyville, two of the elements of harmony went missing and they may be there.” He said, the large stallion strapped his flail to his belt and walked with the Slayer. “We're to escort them to a Diamond Dog clan located in the nearby gem quarry, and possibly recruit someone from there.” “Haven't been to Ponyville in a while, though I do remember me a cute mare that lived there.” He said, “Lived in the caves with the Diamond Dogs for a while, they'd buy the thing's I'd have and pay in gems. She sure did love them.” “Know anyone in the caves that could be of use to us?” “Possibly, if he's still there. Where we headin' now?” “The gardens, there'll be a small airship waiting for us, the weapons we'll give the Diamond Dog's are aboard it.” As they continued back into the palace the number of wounded was starting to slowly diminish. Most were being moved outside is their injuries weren't to serious, while those with life threatening injuries have been taken to the palace's main apothecary for treatment. The garden was nearly empty, even at this time of day. Flower's that had medicinal properties were all dug up, leaving bare pots and ground. Though even with the few flower's missing, the garden was still a lovely sight. The Slayer looked around it, seeing the many exotic tree's and statues that made of the garden. It reminded him of Argent d'nur before it's fall to the demons. So long ago. . . He thought. Near the center of the garden was the small airship that would carry them to the town of Ponyville and to deliver the supply of weapons to these, 'Diamond Dogs' he kept hearing about. He saw the griffon from before talking to another stallion, a bat pony stallion. It must've been the one that was assigned to him. As he was walking towards the airship something caught his eye. The statue he saw was covered in vines from top to bottom, covering the figure it was supposed to represent. Once he reached the statue he made short work of the foliage that covered it. Once the last vine was taken off he looked up at the statue of Argus. He stood atop a headless corpse, his sword was lowered and in his right hand. The head of said corpse was held by Argus, brandishing it victoriously in the air and holding it by it's horns. The said creature has shaggy fur on it's head and beard, it's mouth was agape, showing it's sharp and jagged teeth and long tongue. “That is Grogar. . . well was.” The Slayer turned to see the bat pony he was supposed to meet earlier. “Story says that Argus didn't even use his sword to take his head, only his hands. My name is Lunar Lullaby, I was assigned to you.” If he had not been informed about these bat ponies prior he'd mistake them for a lesser form or descendant of demon offspring. He wore long grey and blue robes with hints of chainmail under it, leather pauldrons on his shoulders, and metal gauntlets with finger plates. A long staff made of a gnarled oak and a green gem atop it. He had a smaller sword sheathed on his belt along with several pouches. His horn was much more different than a normal unicorns, his had a slight curve to it. Before he could say something in response Vega formed out from his helmet, causing the bat pony to jump back. “Greetings, I am. . . are you well?” He asked, looking at the pony who was now holding his chest and breathing heavily. “Luna's sweet name. . . you could have warned me.” He said, Boxer, who was walking past carrying a crate of rifles looked at him. “Yeah that's something you gotta get used t'” He said. “Apologies, my intention was not to frighten you.” “No it's alright, just didn't expect you. When will we be off?” “As soon as the crates are loaded onto the shuttle, might take a few.” The Slayer looked at one of the crates being carried by two guards. He quickly walked over to it and picked it up by its handles and lifted it up without any effort as the two guards that carried it prior looked at him. He slammed the crate onto the deck of the airship and waved the crew and his new companions onto the ship. “Bit impatient isn't he.” Cloud Singer whispered to Galahad. “Let's not keep him waiting then.” He said, loading the cloth wadding into his pistol while walking towards the ship. Once he was finished he set the pistol in a sheath on his side and took his seat on the deck. Cloud Singer and Lunar quickly followed them onto the airship and within a matter of minutes it lifted into the sky. The Slayer leaned on the edge of the airship, looking at the vast and green countryside Equestria had to offer, filling his mind of past memories of a home long since gone. While he watched onward his new companions were bickering away, mainly the griffon and the pegasus while the bat watched them but said nothing. The convict had his back leaned against the railing and watched them bicker as well, chuckling slightly as they argued about a meaningless tactic against the demons. The Everfree forest was indeed an impressive and massive forest. He couldn't see it's ending or beginning, just keeps going on in the distance. It must be teaming with demons at this point. “Down there.” Vega said, “In the forest, do you see them.” The Slayer looked onto the highlighted area Vega mentioned and zoomed in with his helmets built-in binoculars. He couldn't see what he was talking about, but it was directly below the ship, and he could hear them only slightly. The screams were heard again, this time only louder. Beings he was the only one that heard it he quickly un-holstered his sawed-off and stood on the railing. Boxer looked up at him. “The hell you doin'?” Without warning, or single thought of hesitation, he jumped off of the railing and into the forest below. Cloud Singer looked towards the railing, only to see Boxer standing there with a rather shocked look on his face. “Where's the Slayer.” Boxer looked at him, back towards the plummeting Slayer, and back at him and pointed. “Uhh. . . down.” The other three, followed by a few of the airships crew members, quickly rushed to the railing and looked down. “He's gone barmy.” The Griffon said. “Well, we're supposed to follow him aren't we.” Lunar said, jumping off the side and following him down. “I don't have wings, looks like one of y'll'ave to carry m'.” Before Cloud could look at Galahad he was already over the side and flying towards the Slayer. “Fine. . . just don't thrash around.” He said, putting on his helmet and walking towards Boxer. “Fluttershy keep running!” Rainbow Dash said to her friend Fluttershy, who was right beside her cradling her pet rabbit Angel Bunny. “Once we get to the treeline we can fly out of here!” The snarls and howls of the demons behind them were getting closer and closer by the minute. One of them, an Imp quickly closed the distance between them by jumping from branch to branch before landing on a weaker one and falling to the ground. Rainbow took the crossbow, which she stole from a sleeping guard, and fired a bolt at the Imp. The bolt dug deep into it's shoulder, the imp screeched and ripped out the bolt. Throwing it to the ground he quickly got onto all fours and chased them. In front of them a much larger and pink demon with green eye's blocked their path. As they quickly stopped they tried running another direction but were quickly cutoff by another imp. Surrounded, imps and their larger commander now surrounding them it was only a matter of time before they pounced. Fluttershy hugged and held Rainbow close as she cried into her shoulder, looking at the demons behind them. Rainbow held onto her friend and watched as the imp she had shot moments before slowly crawled towards them. It lifted up one of its arms and jumped at them. Rainbow closed her eye's and waited for it to end. Above her she heard several branches break from an unknown and heavy force. The imp that lunged at her was suddenly crushed by something massive, it's impact shaking the ground and tree's around them, causing Fluttershy to stumble slightly. When she opened her eye's she looked up at the massive figure before her. He was clad in green armor, holding some sort of strange gun. The imp that jumped at her was now a red mass of gore sitting in a crater under his feet. He looked at the two and motioned them back with his head. Quickly getting the message, Rainbow and Fluttershy quickly fled behind him as he stared at the baron. The Baron snarled and pointed forward at the Slayer, commanding his underlings to attack him. The large figure then ran towards the demons, gun in hand and strait towards the largest one. > Chapter 3. The Forest Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first imp was quickly blown in two by the eight gauge depleted-uranium slug from his shotgun, sending one half into the tree's while his legs stayed where they were. The second had it's head completely ripped apart by the second round, causing it's limp body to fly into another imp. He opened the breech, causing the shells to shoot out behind him. Once he reloaded the gun he fired both barrels into the chest of an advancing hell knight, sending it flying back a few feet into a tree. Fluttershy screamed as an imp quickly ran towards her. Before he could kill it, the imp was blown back into the forest by a green flash, black smoke trailed off it's body as it crashed several branches. Lunar quickly landed behind the Slayer, followed by Galahad and Cloud Singer, who was carrying Boxer. “Celestia's sake... your aren't exactly a feather you know!” “Quite your bitchin' and kill somethin'!” Boxer shouted, bashing an incoming imp with his targe and slamming his flail down on it. Galahad readied his sword and used his metal shield to block an incoming attack from an imps claws. As Cloud was unsheathing his sword he looked at the Slayer and pointed. “Slayer look out!” When he turned an imp landed on his back, knocking his shotgun onto ground. As he grabbed the imp he slammed it onto a tree stumps jagged roots, the roots shot out of it's chest and it died within moments. He ran strait towards another tree and smashed another imp with his combined mass and that of the tree's. The Baron quickly grabbed his head and threw him across the clearing and into a tree. The Slayer quickly regained his footing and took a large branch in his hands. He swung the branch, the impact was so loud and the strike so powerful that it shattered the Barons horns and several of it's jagged teeth in one go. The second strike knocked off the demons second horn, holding the branch as it was a spear now he rammed it through the demons mouth. The branch broke out the back of it's neck, the Slayer then grabbed it by both end's and twisted it. The Baron tried desperately to get free, but it's attempts at escape stopped at the first and loud snap. He dropped the demon's head and walked over to another imp. He kicked it down and then knelt on it's back. Grabbing it by it's jaw he then ripped it's head clean off with one pull. Cloud Singer was the one to kill the last demon, ripping his sword from it's back and wiping the blade off on it. The Slayer walked towards his shotgun and Fluttershy. Kneeling down he picked up his gun and then looked at her. “Stay by me.” He said, holding the gun in one hand and helped Fluttershy up. Once she took his hand they stood up. “W... w... where are we going?” She asked, a little shaken by the skirmish. “To a Diamond Dog settlement nearby, then we'll take you to Thicket.” Galahad said, pulling his sword out of an imp. “Better there than here, let's go.” Rainbow said, quickly walking ahead of them. As they walked on the Slayer noticed Fluttershy looking around the ground. “Angel, Aaaaangel. Come out sweetie we're safe now.” He scanned the ground for this, 'Angel' she was calling. In a hollowed stump he saw a shaking white tail. He leaned down and grabbed the bunny which squeaked and screamed loudly in protest. Once it got a look at him it started to wriggle violently in his hand. But when the Slayer saw him, he paused. He looked into the bunnies little amber eye's. He set the shotgun on his magnetic belt and moved his hand towards the rabbits head. Expecting it to hurt him, the bunny flinched and closed it's eye's. Only to open them again in surprise when he gently pet the back of his neck. When Fluttershy saw him she quickly walked over and looked at Angel and then the Slayer. “Look Angel, he seem's to like you.” The Slayer paused, a brief memory went through his head. In it he heard laughter, he wondered if they were his own. He hadn't laughed in centuries, not since the time before Argent D'nur fell. He once owned, or someone close to him did, once owned an animal similar to this, a gift for someone he once cared deeply for. Quickly snapping out of his trance he shook his head and gave her the rabbit. Taking his shotgun from his belt he turned and walked towards his companions and then past them into the forest. “What was that?” Lunar asked. “No idea, best we don't ask him.” “Agreed, come lads. Lets get these mares home.” Boxer said, walking past Cloud and following the Slayer into the forest. He looked at Fluttershy and Angel bunny and then back at the Slayer, trying to understand what happened. He ignored it, and quickly caught up with Boxer and Lunar, towards the edge of the forest. The forest became darker the deeper they went, forcing the Slayer to turn on his helmet's lights. “How far?” He asked Boxer. “Not to much longer, the quarry should be neab—” A loud bellowing cut him off. The soldiers drew their weapons and knelt down in the brush. In the treeline ahead of them the familiar sounds of a Pinkie demon could be heard, as well as the sounds of other thing's. “Kill da beastie!” A voice yelled from the tree's. A Pinkie, it's back riddled with spear's, arrows, and other weapons came crashing through the brush, chased by several canine like beings wielding spears, clubs, axe's, and swords. The largest among them, the Slayer estimated his size to be about seven feet tall, cracked the demon over the head with a large wooden club with a stone head. The demon was knocked face first to the ground and several of it's large teeth flew from it's gaping maw. As it tried to lean back up the Diamond Dog then again slammed the club down on it's head, knocking out several more teeth and killing it from the powerful blow. One of his companions quickly rushed to the pinkie and rammed his sword into it's neck to make sure it was dead. “Those are the Diamond Dog's we're supposed to be meeting.” Cloud said, he sheathed his sword and stood up. He and Boxer walked out of the brush and towards the hunting party. One of the dog's ears perked up and he whistled to the group. “Oi Mutt, lookey d'ere.” One said, the largest one with the club, a Diamond Dog with a brown coat and short brown hair looked at them. He was wearing a chainmail hauberk that ended at his waist. “You'da pony folk coming to see us?” He said. His large club had a stone atop it while several other jagged one's were socket'd into it's wooden pole and tied down with sinew. “Yes, my name is Cloud Singer, I am captain of Canterlot's guard, this is Lunar Lullaby, student to Princess Luna, Galahad, the nephew of Queen Gwendolyn of Griffus.” He had failed to mention the Slayer or Boxer accordingly. The large Diamond Dog looked at the Slayer and Boxer. He had a thick belt on his waist with several loops for small one-handed clubs and knives. “An'who he 'b?” He said, looking at them both. “This is—” The Diamond Dog then rudely interrupted. “Ah know who he is,” Looking at Boxer. “Who dis'un in the green armor 'ere?” “The Doom Slayer, a mortal and feared enemy among the demons.” The Diamond Dog eye'd him over with his big yellow orbs. “Long as he can kill these beastie's good, he's alright with me, come come, yer balloon landed in the quarry where da'others are.” He said, setting the large club on his shoulder and leaning down to the dead pinkie's mouth. He took a small knife from his belt and began to rip at the demons large bottom teeth. Once they were removed he set them on his belt. He looked at the Slayer and then walked back towards the group. “Those would make an effective weapon, or trophy.” Vega chimed. The quarry was a short walk from where they'd met the hunting party. Down inside of it he saw many more armed Diamond Dog's walking about, some burning the bodies of recently killed demons. Among these Diamond Dog's were large, round bellied giants with flat heads. Wanting to know exactly what they were he tapped on Lunar's shoulder and with a low grunt he pointed at one. “Oh that's a cave troll. Don't worry, they're naturally very friendly and social creatures. Well unless provoked.” “Aye they ain't to bright neither, saw two drunk ones fighting over a branch once.” Boxer said, “Diamond Dog's and other kingdoms use'em as heavy lifters in construction and and mines. During times of war they... well they have a habit of using uprooted tree's as clubs.” “We employ them as mercenaries along our boarders and villages along the mountains to counter the threat of the Arimaspi.” Galahad said. “They are usually paid on hooch or food.” They walked past one of the trolls, unlike the other's this one was somewhat shorter, about fourteen feet tall maybe, and was wearing what looked like a crude animal skin loincloth and toga. He had several small and large round or kite shaped shields strapped to his shoulder's and large arms and he had a club made from an uprooted tree with a stone tied atop it with rope and chain. The large beast didn't seem to mind them, he was to focused on picking his nose to care. But when he did notice the trio he smiled and revealed his crooked and dirty teeth. “Hi hi ponay.” He said with a very childish and, somewhat, comical voice. The Slayer then noticed the crater close to the troll that contained the bloody puddle of what remained of an imp. “They'll do.” He said. Lunar was quite surprised to hear him talk, being silent most of the time he had known him, save the occasional grunt, growl, and sigh. The entrance to the cave was at the farthest wall of the quarry and it was defended by heavily armored Diamond Dog's with three large cannons outside the entrance. Nearby the airship was docked and the crew was unloading the rifles with the locals. Inside the entrance he saw another troll, this one being the largest he'd seen so far. He was about twenty three feet tall with a long vest made from the same rough material as the one's outside, except it had what looked like thick wooden planks sewn into it for armor, and he had several normal sized shields strapped to his arms. In his hands he held a large stalactite that only a being of his size could easily use as a weapon. On his back was a large bow made from a tree and a quiver of large arrows on his back made from various materials. The draw force from that bow would no doubt be as devastating as a siege engine, possibly even more so. The four trolls nearby, all had a matching height of about twenty feet, had large cages on their backs and one was pulling a large cart. One knelt down and picked up several smaller Diamond Dog's in his hands and put them in the large cart with the others. “Come come lil Dimon dogo's, we's go to trolly mountain.” He said. “What exactly did he mean by that?” Cloud asked their Diamond Dog guide. “We's evacuatin, heading towards the foal mountains we are.” He said, “There an old Diamond Dog castle there, we's gonna head to it and hunker down with the trolls there.” "Isn't that mountain full of spiders and Changeling's?" "Aye and neigh, spiders good eatin' if cooked right and the bug's left sometime ago. Trolls have made sure we'll'ave a safe trip.” He said, “Oh and Boxer, a couple of your boys arrived here couple of nights ago. Best they know your out of the cell.” “Aye I'll let'em know.” He said. The group came to a stop, the two ponies they'd rescued earlier stayed close to the Slayer and Galahad while Boxer walked away from the group and into a smaller area with stone and wooden houses. “How long are we gonna be with you guys?” The Rainbow one asked. “We have orders to get you too Thicket, you'll be safe there.” Galahad said. The large Diamond Dog they'd met earlier, he assumed his name was Mutt, walked into a small shack. After a few moments he and another Diamond Dog exited. This one was a little smaller and had a white coat. He wore armor made from metal and stone. “Welcome, glad to see you all arrived safely.” He said, “I'm Bennis, chief of the dogs 'ere.” “Cloud Singer, captain of the Canterlot guard, Lunar Lullaby, Galahad of Griffonstone, Boxer of... well most of you seem to know him, and the Doom Slayer.” He looked at the large armored man with strange weapons. “Aye the princess sent me a message, informed me of what's going on.” He said, “I'm sendin' Mutt 'ere to accompany you through the forest and into ol' whitetails city.” “Thank you. Mutt, it's good to have you.” Cloud said. “Aye I'll do m'best.” “Alright, we'll resupply and head on in an hour. Mutt if you want, take your time with the goodbye's.” The Diamond Dog nodded and walked into the group of stone buildings and past it's many residents. “We could sit for a moment, if you wish. Look over our supplies.” Vega said. The Slayer walked over to a large boulder and sat down, setting his shotgun to the side and taking off the small bag on his back. The bag was left in hell by a U.A.C survey team member who was ripped to shreds by the demons. In the bag was a small assortment of rations left behind by the former owner. Inside was also his ammunition and the few grenades he had left. The rations consisted of three sealed cans of biscuits, energy bars, potted meat, and canned fruit. With it was three small vials of medi-gel and four stimpacks. Boxer walked into the small inn. The owner and a few of his helpers were putting the various liquors and wines in boxes while one was serving two patrons nuzzled in one of the corner booths. One was a parrot, about five and a half feet tall with a small saber strapped to his belt. He wore a chainmail hauberk and had thick ailette's on his shoulders. While the other was an Equestrian with a blue mane and a white coat, though much more younger than him and the other patron. He was dressed in an old guards set of armor, a bit of rust and dents on it but it was still a faded gold, with a chainmail coif on his head. He had a rifle sitting next to him against the wall. “Well... ah'll be damned, that you Boxer?” The Equestrian said, he had an accent that the ponies around Appaloosa or Dodge City would have. “Aye, that's the big boss alright. How'd prison go?” The parrot asked. “They needed a bigger cage.” He set his flail on the table and his shield against the booth and sat next to the Equestrian. “What're you two doing here?” “Blue Jay sent us ahead, see if we can find any recruits.” The parrot said, before he could take a drink of his drink Boxer took it and drank it. After he finished he slid the glass back to the parrot. “Find anyone?” The Equestrian shook his head. “Nah boss, everyone's getting ready to scram, case ya haven't noticed.” He said. “Tried to offer our 'elp to em but they said they'd got it handled.” “They've got twelve trolls with them, they've got it handled in case somethin' does decide to go awry.” “Where's everyone else?” Boxer asked. “Western edge of the Everfree, we're hold up in an old stockade, we've been there for a couple week's now but we're about ready to move out.” “Where too?” “Not sure, Blue said he'd take us south, possibly to Paramo, or west into Saddle Arabia or Zebrica.” The Equestrian took another drink of his whiskey and somewhat cringed from it. “Not really sure boss, shits gone south real quick the last few days.” “Did we lose anyone recently?” “Aye, night 'fore we left those... whatever the fuck they are attacked the camp. We had just finished repairing the old palisades that surrounded the camp when one of those pink fuckers charged the gate and broke a hole through it. Mind you, this gate was made from black cherry with a cedar bracing bar behind it. After that they rushed us, some flew over the walls and spat fire from these metal things on their shoulders.” “One of those shots easily ripped through the armor of seven of our own before we took it down with a well placed shot to the melon, not much left of them after that though, just mangled bits of meat, bone, and metal.” The young Equestrian explained. “Fight lasted... about an hour 'fore we secured the camp.” The parrot said, “'ell we probably lost... forty of our boys.” Boxer sighed heavily, taking a drink from the whiskey they had on the table. “Out of?” Boxer then asked. “Out of four hundred and three, so that makes us at three hundred sixty three. Most of em are still Diamond Dog though.” “Few more of our boys went out to the other Diamond Dog tribes, most are heading to the mountain with this lot.” “I want you two to leave as soon as possible, get a message to Blue Jay, let him know to come here, locals ought be cleared out by then.” The Parrot nodded and finished his drink. “Come on boyo, lets get a move on. Pray nobody else was killed while we're away.” The Equestrian finished his drink and put his helmet back on. He then slung the rifle over his shoulder and waved goodbye to Boxer. “Right now, up ye go!” Mutt said, lifting up one of the last children onto the troll's cart. “How long you gonna be gone for?” The golden pup asked. “Not long, just gotta help escort some ponies to Thicket, shouldn't take more than a day.” He said. “Who's that big guy with them?” He asked, pointing towards the Slayer, who was modifying a discarded leather belt and now using it to carry his grenades. “'Parently, the mean beasties are afeard of 'im, must have a good reason.” He set the last bag onto the cart. “Now, mind your mother, and don't you cause trouble.” “I promise papa,” He said, Mutt then outstretched his arms and hugged him. After letting go he waved his arms at the troll, letting him know that everyone was ready. The troll walked over to the cart and grabbed the rope to pull it. After a soft grunt the troll then pulled the cart out towards the quarries earthen ramps. “Your child?” The griffon asked him. “Aye, one of three. Y' got any?” Galahad shook his head. “Best job in the world it is, come on, lets see if everyone else is ready to get a move on.” He grabbed his club and used it as a walking stick while the other smaller ones on his belt rattled against his mail vest. Unlike earlier he was now wearing stone ailette's on his shoulders and chausses made from layers of linen with brass scales sewn onto them. His arms were protected by brass gauntlets with spikes on the knuckles. “So, who exactly leads this little... trio.” Mutt asked. “Well, Cloud Singer is the voice, but it's the Slayer who leads. Though he doesn't say much.” “So... how good is he?” “I saw him rip one apart with his bare hands, the guards in Canterlot said many other things as well.” He said, “From what I understand from stories recorded by this Argus, a knight from another world, the lord of these demons hides in the very deepest chasms of hell because of him...” He pointed at the Slayer. Cloud Chaser and Lunar walked over to the large man and said something to him. The Slayer stood up and looked at the small map Cloud had. “How long is it from here to Thicket?” Galahad asked. “Bout half a days walk from 'ere, we'll be there by nightfall.” The three then walked over to the Griffon, Vega then formed out from the helmet. “The 'ell's he supposed to be?” “Vega, he's a friend.” Lunar said. “We should leave soon before nightfall, after we safely get these two too this Thicket we'll return to Canterlot.” The A.I. said, he then returned into the Slayer's helmet. The large man grunted and walked towards the two waiting ponies. He stopped in front of Fluttershy and knelt down to her. She somewhat leaned back, but only slightly. She knew he meant her no harm but that didn't mean she was somewhat frightened when he was near. He set his thundering weapons aside and extended a hand to her. “Up... ” He said, in a rather soft but still raspy and hard voice. She looked at his hand and then back at the unblinking blue eye's staring at her through the visor. She slowly moved her hand towards his and as soon as she felt the cold metal of his gauntlets he gently grabbed her hand and leaned up, she did the same. He then guided them to the center of the group, between he and Boxer. He then took his shotgun in hand, looked at Cloud and motioned his head towards the forest. Cloud nodded in agreement and the group then walked back into the dark forest. ******** Luna walked alone in her realm of dreams. Her sleep schedule was the same as always, sleep during most of the day and guide dreams at night. But her dreams were no different then the dreams of other ponies. But she was here for another reason... “I know your here wretch,” Luna said, gliding from dream cloud to dream cloud. “I could hear you beckoning me again.” Her voice echoed throughout the endless void, “Come out creature!” She then yelled. Something stirred in the shadows, eventually a large mare resembling Luna herself walked from the mist. “Selena... ” Nightmare Moon said, referring her to her birth name. “You called, I answered, what is it you want of me?” She said, crossing her arms. “Not here, come.” She said, a small portal opened next to her. Luna looked at her and the small swirling portal. “And how do I know this isn't some ruse of your's to regain control over me?” The large mare let out a small and wry laugh. “You'd know by now, come... sister.” Nightmare Moon walked through the portal. Luna, hesitant at first, finally decided to see what the wraith had to offer. When she exited the portal she was surprised to see a pleasant meadow with many flowers that bloomed only at night. She then saw Nightmare Moon, armor and helmet gone, and only wearing a long black dress, unusual attire for someone like her to wear. She was tending to a small glowing flower. “Well, I followed you, so what now?” The wraith didn't seem to mind her too much. “You wont survive this conflict,” She said, “Not without help from otherworldly allies.” Luna scoffed. “Is this what you wanted me to hear? That we wont win this conflict?” She yelled, “We have the very person the demons fear the most and he's currently ripping them apart as we speak.” “Is he enough, I know you've wondered this Selena, how many ponies died that night... or is the number still not known.” “It's... yes... still unknown.” The mare sighed and sat on a small bench. “You've hidden me away for long enough Selena, it's time for me to come out again.” “Excuse me? NO never!” Luna shouted. “You will never control me again!” “No... not control.” The soft monotone voice made her a little curious, being one to be loud and boastful. She cupped her hands together around a small purple rose petal and blew into it. A faint glow came from her hands. “I will give you small portions of my power to fight back against these invaders.” She then slowly walked over to Luna and presented her with a small necklace that was formed from the flower. “What does it do?” She asked. “Simply touch it when you are in the most dire of need, and a portion of my power is yours.” Luna looked at the small necklace, though hesitant, she knew the power Nightmare Moon held. She then took the necklace and put it on. “Now what?” The mare walked closer to her, almost nose to nose. “It's time to wake up... ” She touched the center of Luna's head and she then awoke from her sleep. She woke up, lying on a fainting chair in her sisters laboratory. Stretching her arms and yawning, she looked around at the various specimens lying about the tables. Mainly deceased and dissected demons. As she stood up from the chair she felt the small necklace against her neck, taking it off she his it in her pocket. Her sister was in the center of the room, working on a large golem made from clay, stone, and iron. Her tank top was stained with brown muck from the wet clay and the stains were more so on her hands. The golem was nearly finished, it was masculine in design with a face similar to that of Vega's but with the body of a fit man. The golem was about the Slayer's height and the finishing parts was the golems chest cavity. She could see its iron ribs and 'heart' that was made from a deactivated crystal ball. Golem's were usually rare these days, they can be constructed from almost anything inanimate, all the mage would need is a crystal for it's heart, powerful scrolls or parchment, and magic powerful enough for one to stay alive long enough, some can live for thousands of years if properly made. Poorly made ones are usually used for heavy infantry in certain wars. Golem's made of clay were the most common, though unlike some, Golems made from Clay or wood needed organic materials like water to survive. “Your awake, sleep well?” Celestia said, adding some more clay and water to it's chest. Luna crawled out of the chair and stretched her arms. Looking at a clock she saw it was close to eight pm. “Well enough, your nearly finished.” “Nearly, I hope Vega'll like it.” “If he can use it.” Celestia shrugged and sighed, setting the last bit of clay on the Golem. She then took out her hair tie and shook her head. “I'm gonna get ready for bed, shower first though.” “Would you like me to finish him?” Celestia yawned and stretched her arms. “No, only thing I need to do it add Vega and attach the chest.” “What about clothing?” “I'll have a tailor make some tomorrow. It all depends if Vega can operate it.” Luna touched the already dry clay of the golems arms. “You made him look like Argus.” Luna said. “Well... he did let us study his anatomy and physique.” “You mean let you study, you forgot the smile.” Celestia let off a small laugh as she walked out of the room. Luna looked back at the statues face, she then let off a small sigh. She did miss him, not as much as her sister though. She remembered how friendly he was towards her and others, almost like a big brother of sorts. Then she had heard the news that he would soon be her brother-in-law, but... due to Discord's antics at the time, that never happened. Luna then picked up the heart of the golem. It was a heart sized, spherical gem with several runes carved into it that glowed slightly. The essence of the golem, sometimes called it's soul, would be put inside it. The problem with this transaction with Vega, he was a machine, not magic. So the problem was pretty clear. She then looked back to the clock, “Best I prepare, moon isn't gonna raise itself.” She said, walking towards the door and turning left, instead of right where Celestia's quarters were, and towards her private room. ******** The large and ornately carved wooden doors of Thicket slowly swung open with a loud groan, and behind the door the Doom Slayer stood, with Galahad and Cloud Singer beside him. As they entered the city the Slayer looked around at it's interesting design, and it did somewhat impress him. The buildings were carved directly into the large tree's that made up the forest, bridges and walkways connected each house to another and finally ending at an almost out of place stone citadel that had hundreds of armored soldiers patrolling it. The Deer, unlike the Equestrians though he really couldn't see much of their fashion after the attack, wore silky and very organic clothing. The soldiers of the deer wore heavy plate armor with chainmail underneath it. Their faces were covered by a veil of chainmail coming from their helmets, the only distinguishing feature among female and male soldiers were their antlers. Like the guards in Canterlot these one's had golden colored armor with red cloaks, most were armed with a large single-edged sword, a long spear, shield, and a bow. Walking down the stairs to the citadel he saw their current leader, King Aspen, still adorned in his silver armor with a trio of guards beside him. Cloud took off his helmet and set it under his arm. Once they reached him the few bowed, the Slayer didn't. “I'm fortunate to see nobody was hurt on your journey here.” He said, two unarmed servants walked to the mare's and walked them up the stairs to the castle. “We ran into a few demons, but not many.” Galahad said, “The Elements of Kindness and Loyalty are safe and sound.” “Good, good. Come, you must be somewhat wary from the walk.” He said, turning back around and guiding them into the Citadel. “Have the demons discovered the city m'lord?” Cloud asked. “We have seen scouts so far, nothing to be concerned about.” He said. “You mentioned back in Canterlot that one of your own would be joining us, who would that be?” “My lead scout, Willow Branch. She sets all routes, plans, and locations for my advanced scouts.” “I'm eager to meet her my king, will an airship take us back to Canterlot?” “Yes, though it will be som—” A horn rang and several Deer soldiers ran towards the gates. “My lord Aspen!” A Soldier yelled. She was shorter than most Deer he had seen so far, but clad in the same armor as the others, save her helmet less red hair ending at her shoulders. “The Demons are attacking in force, the west and eastern watch towers have fallen and we've lost contact with the northern watchtower.” “And of the south?” “Nothing my lord. What are your orders?” “Have out troops form up around the gate, archers and slingers in the towers and buildings behind them. Get our civilians inside the castle!” She bowed and quickly ran off with a force of archers. “King Aspen, what do you want us to do?” Cloud asked. “Split up, I need your mage and the Diamond Dog on the front with my men. Slayer, our eastern watchtower has something more vital. A crystal, about fist sized sits in one of it's store room, once activated it will activate several hidden golem's throughout the city. They will help us greatly in this fight, Cloud Chaser and the Prince will reclaim the southern and activate the crystal there.” “Looks like I'm with you Slayer.” Boxer said, the gate door began to bang and shutter from it being beat on by the demons. A large piece of the gate broke off at the bottom from a pinkie demon ramming through it. Before the beast could regain footing it was cut down by a hail of arrows and spears. Like a swarm of insects the demons rushed through the gate, many being pinned down by the swarm of arrows while some charged the line of Deer soldiers. They slammed into the shield wall with a loud bang, Deer soldiers rammed their spears into the various demons while many jumped over the line of soldiers. A single hell-knight rammed through the wall like a ram, knocking over many of the soldiers in the process before being killed by a spear thrown into it's face. Lunar and Mutt quickly ran to the soldiers on the ground, Mutt throwing one of his smaller throwing clubs at an imp while Lunar cast a spell that fired a beam into the chest of a hell-knight “Come on, lets get to that tower and get these boys the help they need!” Boxer yelled, the Slayer nodded and the two quickly ran towards the southern portion of the city. Deeper into the city Boxer slammed his hoof against a downed imps head while the Slayer blew one in two with his sawed-off. The inner city was mainly quiet, save for the sounds of fighting at the gate. Most of the civilians had fled for the castle and from what he had observed so far there was little in the terms of civilian deaths, though there were plenty of dead Deer soldiers strewn about the city. Many dying horribly maimed, ripped apart, and broken by the demons. Another two imps fell to the rounds from his shotgun, one losing it's head completely and the other having it's leg blown off. The imp squealed loudly as it crawled frantically away from the two, leaving a bloody trail across the ground. Both the Slayer and Boxer walked towards him slowly, Boxer extending his weapon towards the Slayer. “Wanna try it.” The Slayer looked at the primitive though devastating weapon, holding his shotgun with his left hand he took the flail in his right and began to spin it. The imp crawled away frantically before getting most of it's head taken off by the flail. It then became a twitching bleeding lump on the ground. The Slayer looked at the weapon and admired it's effectiveness at rending the demons flesh, he then gave it back to Boxer. “Tower can't b'far, come on lets m—” Something clattered under his hoof. “Move... ” He knelt down and picked up the small metal casing. “This one of yours?” He sniffed it. “Fresh.” He was right, the thermal vision in his helmet indicated the round had been fired prior to their arrival, along with many more on the ground around them. Vega then scanned the round. “This is a 5.7x28mm, used by the MG-88 Enforcer, it used by U.A.C Security forces. Well, was.” “Was?” Boxer asked. Vega then projected the weapon in front of the two. “The MG-88 is a simple and effective design with a breechloading clip that contains sixty rounds a magazine. U.A.C Security used these in the old bases and Mars City. A place older and far different than the one you awoke in Slayer.” “What happened to the old one?” "From it's original population of around nine thousand only one survived the first demon incursion. Before we discovered Argent Energy and before my initial creation, we experimented with particles being broken down in an EPD laser, for terraforming the planet and making new elements to better human living on Earth as well as teleportation, well, that is what we told the initial public.” Vega said. “Along with that we were excavating ancient ruins found on Mars, as well as making incursions into Hell to study the demons, as you can guess it did not go well. The marine that survived was taken into E.D.F custody and from my knowledge, remains there. Another yet smaller outbreak then occurred a year later after we began to take back bits of the older facility, resulting in a smaller loss of personal but effectively closing the last portal to hell. Until we returned nine years later and discovered Argent Energy, then here we are.” “But what is so special about these guns?” Boxer asked. “It means the user was originally Mars security, and they were all either killed or converted into undead troopers to serve their demon masters. It looks like some survived and must have walked across the surface of Mars to reach the new portal, meaning there is another on Mars we didn't close.” Vega said, the Slayer dropped the round and looked at the Deer soldiers killed by it. The rounds cut through their metal armor. He then pointed towards the intended tower, where the trail of bullets and Deer bodies led. The tower was large with a set of swirling stairs going up and down into store rooms and a barracks. “So if these demons got themselves guns are you able to spare a better one?” Boxer asked. The slayer un-holstered the pistol on his belt and gave it to him. “You downstairs... ” The Slayer said, pointing to one staircase “I up.” Boxer nodded in agreement and moved downstairs. He slowly walked up the stairs, passing one of the dead Deer guards and an empty magazine. He then came to a long hallway with several rooms, like he guessed, the hallway was full of dead Deer soldiers with bullet wounds across their bodied and spent casing littered the floor in puddles of fresh blood. Among the dead bodies was a pale and emaciated human in an old set of black and rusty armor. His skin was as pale as snow and sinewy and it clung to his bones, he had milky white eye's that seemed to fit in with his skeletal like appearance. His armor was old and dented with bullet holes prevalent on it. On his chest was a faded name tag that had only remnents of his birth name on it, "Nasir H. Adil, Mars security captain." His pants, well almost like shorts on his left leg, were damaged and ripped with only bits remaining on the left and a whole leg on his right. He was killed via decapitation from a nearby Deer soldier who was also dead from several bullet wounds in his back. Lying next to his body was an older model of pistol with a wood grip. The Slayer picked up the small pistol and put it on his belt. From a nearby room he heard something move around, leveling his shotgun he walked towards the guards room, next to the door was another dead Deer. He peeked his head into the room. The room was a mess, the beds were ripped apart and wooden debris was strewn among the floor with blood stains on most of them. Standing at a table in the center of the room he saw a large human like figure, lying on the table was a faceless Deer soldier, his eye's were still intact but bloodshot and pale. He heard a quiet chewing coming from the being and the sound of something breaking then ripping, a small grunt and a satisfied moan came from the creature. On the table beside it was one of the older SMG models Vega had mentioned. The figure wore armor similar to the ones the U.A.C would issue it's guards, except there was no body suit under it, only bloody and skinless flesh with plates strapped on it. The creature then shifted, sniffing the air and then turned, it saw the Slayer at the door. Taking the SMG in hand it turned fully around, revealing it's inhuman face. He had long and bloody teeth, no nose, and piercing orange eye's. It screeched and fired at the Slayer, the bullets from his gun finding it's target in his breastplate, simply bouncing off his armor. He took cover behind the door, after the creature stopped firing the Slayer turned back into the room and pointed his shotgun where the creature was, but only to find nothing there. He looked at the dead Deer on the table, his chest cavity had been ripped open and some of his organs were missing. It had fled through an open window, hearing a loud thump from outside. He ran to the window and looked down, seeing it run back inside but not upstairs. He swore under his breath and ran out of the room, only to be met by the several dead Deer, now resurrected and turning their arms to him. The one from the table lunged at him and clung to his back, throwing the faceless zombie off he holstered his shotgun and took out his plasma gun. The bolts hot plasma ripped through the metal armor and flesh of the undead Deer soldiers, finally putting them down and hopefully to rest. He then continued down the hall and the stairs. Boxer walked through the empty halls and past the dead Deer, his new pistol in one hand and his shield in the other. He had already past many of the inactive wood golem's, he just needed to find the activation crystal. There were no demons so far, all quiet, and many corpses. From the end of the hall he heard something mumble and a large figure then walked from an empty room. He had the figure of the Slayer but smaller and his armor was different. His skin clung to his bones and his pants were ripped, in one hand was a pistol like his own and a large shield, through his helmets visor he saw glowing red eyes, those eye's then locked on him and he then hid behind the shield and fired his pistol at Boxer. The rounds slammed into the stone walls and broke a piece off of his targe, firing back his pistols rounds dented though did not pierce the figures metal shield. His targe was now broken beyond current repair, sighing he threw is aside and took the pistol in both hands and fired at the figures knees. One of the rounds hit his knee directly, causing him to collapse with a loud snap from his leg. When he fell to his knees he was now exposed, taking this moment, Boxer took out his flail and began to spin it. Sprinting towards the figure he swung it upward, hitting the figure directly in the head before it could raise it's pistol, causing the helmet to fly off, exposing his sunken face and patches of black hair. Boxer then shot the figure in the face several times with the pistol, making the figures face explode and rip apart after the third shot. After the figure was dead he gave him one last look over before taking the pistol it used and its ammo. Putting the weapon and its strange ammo in his pouch he then picked up it's lightweight though durable shield. “You owe me a new one, fuckin' demons.” As he was getting the hang of it he heard something running behind him. Before he could turn he heard something let off a shrill screech, he then felt something hard against his back, knocking the wind out of him and propelling him through a door into a small room full of smithing supplies. He groaned, holding his back and trying to stand back up. Before he could stand the same thing that kicked him grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the wall, then he could get a good look at it. It was like the thing he killed in the hallway except more demonic, with a horrifying maw to accompany it. Taking out his pistol the beast knocked it away and attempted to strike him. Using his new shield he knocked the demons hand away and struck it in the face with one end of it. The demon grunted and then grabbed the shield, ripping it away with one hand he used his other to punch Boxer in the side and then knock him to the ground. The demon threw the shield aside and grabbed Boxer's head and slamming it hard against an anvil. The first strike dazed him while the second broke the rim on his helmet. Taking a small hammer off the ground he then struck the demon in the head, causing it to recoil back and hold the said spot. He had struck it where the ear would have been and dazed it, after he regained his footing he hit the demon in the belly with the hammer, causing it to collapse. He then swung it down, hitting the demon directly in the top of the head and causing the hammer to cave a portion of it's skull in and becoming stuck. The demons stared at him slightly, blood pouring down it's forehead. It then fell to the side. Boxer sat on an anvil and held his side, hearing something else walk to the room he raised the pistol. He sighed in relief to see the Slayer walk inside and look down at the dead demon and then back at him. “Are you injured?” Vega said through the helmet. Boxer nodded slightly, wincing at the pain in his side. “Aye, think he broke m' rib, maybe two.” The Slayer took something from his bag and knelt to Boxer. “Better be morphine.” He said. “Something similar, it should help with the pain.” Vega said. Moving Boxers tabard to the left and pressed the needle into his side. He groaned and winced as the needle and fluid entered his system. “It should also get you on your feet.” The Slayer helped him up and picked up his new shield for him. “There's an activation crystal somewhere here, should get these golem's working.” “Lets look around for it then.” Vega said, Boxer huffed and walked out of the room, picking up his flail that was thrown aside during the small tussle. He and the Slayer then walked into another room, this on with another golem, the large magical war machine resembled a small wooden hill in it's dormant form. Seeing a small crystal lying near the golem he picked it up and pointed it towards the golem. The large beast stayed silent, he then shook it, smacked it against it, and set it back down, huffing annoyingly. Boxer then grabbed it and took it to a small pedestal. Setting it on the pedestal the crystal began to glow and levitate, letting off a small hum afterwards. The large golem then stood up slowly, letting off what he thought was a groan. It's arms unfolded to reveal large jagged fingers with sharp points and a large blunt mallet on the other. It's feet resembled the bottom's of tree trunks while the rest looked somewhat Equine but with a bigger appearance. It looked around the room and then exited with two others following it out. “Come on, other's will be waiting for us, lets get back to the gate!” The Slayer grunted in response and ran out of the tower with him and back into the city streets. Mutt threw another one of his clubs at an imp, the club slammed into it's face and knocked several of it's teeth out in the process, causing the demon to collapse and hold it's bleeding maw. He then took his larger maul in two hands and swung it at the demon, knocking the rest of it's face and body away. One of the recently awakened golem's impaled an imp on a sharp branch and used it's mass to crush another under it's trunk like feet. Another stopped the full charge of a pinkie demon, being slightly pushed back, it grabbed it by the mouth and threw it to the ground. It then proceeded to rip it apart with it's wooden talons. From behind a burning building a pinkie roared and charged Mutt, stepping on or over the various corpses in it's path. Before it could reach an unseen force of magic knocked it away and into a stone wall, dazing the beast and killing the unfortunate maggot demon in it's path. Lunar's staff glowed green from the magic force he used to propel the demon, as it slowly faded another imp lunged at him. Quickly evading it the grey imp tried to slash him with it's long claws but he quickly evaded it. It then readied a fireball in it's hands and threw it at him, stumbling slightly as it threw it. He used his magic to catch it and propel it back at it's face. It screamed as it's fireball struck it's face, searing many of it's twelve eye's shut in the process. As the smoke cleared it caught the sight of Lunar's staff end striking it, knocking out one of it's eye's and several teeth and then striking it in the groin. As it collapsed he levitated a discarded mace and flew it into the demons face, causing it's remaining eye's to pop out and the mace becoming apart of it's head. As another pinkie demon charged through the hole in the gate it broke through a small shield wall set up by three Deer soldier's. The wall didn't hold it's charge, one of the soldiers was crushed in it's charge while it's massive mouth latched down like a vice on another's arm. As the Deer screamed it used a broken part of his spear and struck it's head. Only enraging it more it then lifted up it's head and shook, relieving the guard of most of his arm and propelling him into the third guard, who was still recovering from the demon's charge. The demon than spat out the arm, howled and readied to charge again. But before it could several bullet's impacted it's backside. As it screeched it covered it's face with it's large arm. Boxer, a little confused on how to load his newly acquired "Machine gun" as Vega called it. He opened the breech and pulled out the empty clip, putting in a fresh one soon after. As he fired the bullets bounced off the pinkie's arms and armored face. It roared and charged Boxer. As it closed in, the Slayer sheathed his shotgun on his belt and unsheathed the old knight sentinels sword, and took it in both hands. As the demon ran past Boxer and towards the Slayer. He swung the sword into the pinkie's maw, taking off the top of it's head and back with an effective and clean cut. The beast's body fell to the ground twitching while it's head fell next to it. Swinging the sword again he split an imp completely in two from the waist, swinging again he took the arm of another Z-Sec soldier armed with a modified sledgehammer, grabbing it by the blade he swung it like a club and took off a large portion of the zombies head. A baron of hell charged the Slayer and then knocking his sword away. As the sword flew from him it stopped, covered in a green aura it realigned itself with the Baron and flew into it's back. The Baron howled and fell to it's knee's, allowing the Slayer to grab it by the head and tear it's horn's, as well as it's face, off. Seeing Lunar's horn dimming, the Slayer gave him a thankful wave and retrieved his sword from the demons back. “Slayer!” Cloud yelled, he and Galahad were running towards him, blood stained their swords and armor. “The tower is secured?” He replied with a low "Mhmm" “Good... has anyone seen King Aspen?” “After the demon's here started dwindling he and most of the defending force went to the western portion of Thicket to drive them off.” A Deer soldier said. The Slayer looked around, almost on alert. “Not right... ” He said. “What's not right?” Lunar asked. The ground then began to slightly to slightly shake, something roared from the forest and the ground shook more. “Run... ” The Slayer said, he then took out a much larger weapon, it beeped as he activated it. The gate to city was knocked down, sending broken bits of wood and metal flying across the city, one of the large pieces of the door crushed one of the golem's and five Deer trying to flee the carnage. From the smoke a large demon walked out of it. The demon was massive, having two large clubs for hands and a large horned head for a face. It had a single eye's in the center of it's head and several sharp and jagged teeth. Lesser demons flocked around the beast as it roared, the demons ran to the group. He pointed at a fallen column, “Cover!” He shouted. Without little hesitation the trio, excluding the Slayer, ran towards it and hid. As the massive creature charged him his large weapon charged up and fired a solid green projectile. Green lightning arced off of it and struck several other demons, causing them to explode into piles of steaming meat and blood. Once it impacted the massive demon it exploded like the other's into a massive wave of blood, bone, and flesh. The column may have protected them from the blast and demons, but they were still exposed to the rain of flesh and blood that covered them from head to toe. Cloud stood up and wiped his eye's clean of blood and looked at the piles of flesh and blood caused by the Slayers weapon, “Sweet Celestia! What the hell was that!?” The Slayer shrugged and let off a small chuckle. Before he could react a surviving imp lunged at him, latching it's claws under his helmet. As he threw it off his helmet was in it's claws, revealing his worn and beaten face. Cloud Singer then looked at him. His face was of brick and mortar, unflinching and unbroken, he face was covered in a litany of scars. His jaw seemed to be carved from the stone of a fortress, and his eye's... like the bluest sea or sky they glowed brightly, even more o with his helmet off. Atop his head was a patch of brown and blonde hair. A hell-knight then punched him in the side of the head, the impact sounded like iron being slammed against steel. The Slayer recoiled and fell to the ground, the demon stood over him, holding one of it's broken fingers as the imp that stole his helmet walked closer to him. “That was unwise.” Vega said from the helmet. As the demon looked down it was met with the face of the Slayer, he grabbed the surprised demon's jaw and yanked it off with little effort. Ramming his fist into it's belly he ripped out it's intestine and reached for the imp. As the hell knight fell onto it's back the Slayer used it's intestines to strangle the imp to death. As the trio watched and cleaned themselves of the mess of blood and guts of the gibed demons the ground was ripped open in a torrent of fire. As the ground split open another one of the large demon's crawled out. It's eye set on them instead of the Slayer. It charged the group, but as they were getting ready to flee Cloud tripped over some of the debris from the gate. As the demon snaked it's way to him it roared, the bloodcurdling sound made him freeze in terror. As he tried to crawl he grabbed onto the Slayers leg and looked up. Those blue eye's were locked onto the demon ahead of him. It roared again and it charged causing him to charge it as well. As one of the golem's tried to attack it, the demon smashed it into splinters with it's massive club hands. Cloud watched as the Slayer grabbed onto it's mouth and force it open. The demon's tongue wagged out and the Slayer bit onto it and ripped it from it's mouth. As blood began to pour from it's mouth the Slayer yanked it to the ground and pinned it's head down, lifting it up and slamming it's head down hard enough to break off one of it's horn's. As it's arms flailed around it was unable to strike the Slayer. Punching a large hole in it's teeth he then slammed it's head onto the ground again, forcing it's jaws open wide enough until it's jaw was then broken with a loud snap, the beast then squealed and screamed loudly in pain as the Slayer continued his assault. Stepping onto the broken jaw he then grabbed hold of it's horns. As it resisted by pulling back the Slayer took control over the wounded guardian of hell and in one massive twist and pull he removed the upper portion of the demons head. As the demon finally died he threw it's head aside and looked for his helmet. Several Deer soldiers led by King Aspen emerged from the city and saw the various bodies and ripped apart flesh across the ground. “Have the demons fled?” “Seems so my king, how many lost?” Galahad said, scraping of what he believed was the flesh of a demons leg from his pauldrons. “A little over two-hundred, would have been more if the golem's hadn't been activated. Thank you.” “Always glad to be of assistance my king.” Lunar said, bowing. “I suppose you'll want to return to Canterlot soon?” “Yes, but what about the bodies?” Galahad said, mentioning the various corpses of demons strewn about the city. “The animals of the forest will eat aplenty come morn. Come... lets wash you off.” Cloud looked over at the Slayer, he was kneeling, using his helmets visor as a mirror to wipe off the blood on his face before putting the helmet back on. Taking the sword he then used the dead demon to wipe the blade clean and then put it back in it's sheath. The trip back to Canterlot wasn't long and had no delay's. After their armor was taken off and washed the group decided not to wear it the rest of the night due to the stink of demon infesting it. Mutt had already fully washed himself by jumping into one of the many public fountains in Thicket, Aspen wasn't entirely amused with the action. The Slayer stood at one of the wooden tables on the airship, weapons he had taken from the dead Z-Sec guards were strewn out with the various shells and weapons they had. All he didn't have was Boxer's new pistol, like his own but it had a wooden grip. Five MG-88's, eleven pistols, three grenades, four shotguns, and a handful of riot batons. Due to their age the weapons were rusted and overused. The barrels needed to be cleaned and the dust from the martian surface stained their frame's. But they'd still due as replacements or spare parts if his others were to break. Along with the few weapons he had a crate full of ammunition for the new weapons. “How long until we reach Canterlot?” Cloud, who was no wearing the simple cloths he wore under his armor, asked one of the airship crewmen. “Twenty minutes, the rest of the Mane six will be meeting with us in the hangar.” Hearing this caught Boxer's attention, he sighed and slightly grumbled to himself. “Somethin' wrong pony?” Mutt asked, playing with several of the pinkie teeth he had collected in Thicket. “Aye... there be a... certain somepony among them that I may have—” “Did you diddle one?” He asked, Boxer coughed and rubbed the back of his head. “Stone's sake... ye daft draft bastard.” “Well... I had a reason to stay around Ponyville and a reason to trade with your lot for gems.” “She like'em?” “A little yeah... this'll be fun.” He said, laughing a little afterwards. Galahad and Cloud spoke with the new member of this group, the Deer named Willow Branch, or Willow as she liked to be called. Lunar sat close to the Slayer, looking over one of the pistols they acquired from the Z-sec soldiers. “Are there many of you?” He asked the Slayer, he looked at Lunar but then looked back at the weapons. “You'll have to be more specific.” Vega said from the helmet. “Of him. Those... zombies back in Thicket looked kinda like—” “He's not Human, close, but not close.” Vega said, “He's the last of his kind.” “Oh... I'm sorry to hear that, truly I am.” “Are there many of you?” “Bat Ponies, yeah, but we're not looked highly upon by some Equestrian's.” He said, setting the pistol aside and taking his staff in hand. “Unicorn's like myself are rare.” “Is there racial prejudice against your people?” “No not much anymore, long ago when Nightmare Moon revealed herself many of my kind flocked to her side, being's we're moon worshipers.” He tapped the staff on the wooden deck of the ship. As the gem glowed green a few small figures appeared on the table, they were in a way holographic Bat Ponies. “After she was defeated many of my kind fled back home to Trotsylvania, afterwards a small civil war happened for a few good years, short... but a meaningless waste of life.” The small figures fought each other with small spears and shields until only one was left standing. “I take it the victor is Equestria?” He nodded. “It's been good so far, but before Princess Luna came back it was difficult for us. Me becoming her student was one of the better things in my life to happen to me.” “Are you the only unicorn of your kind?” “No there's a handful of us, most the time one would be the result of a bat pony and unicorn crossbreed, my parents were neither. Like most of my type, I was abducted by the Lunar cult and taken to Canterlot to become either a Priest or combat mage, I picked the latter.” Before he could continue his story the bell on the airship rang out, signaling their approach with the Canterlot zeppelin hanger. The Slayer picked up the weapons and set them in the small crate. Taking two of the pistol clips in hand he separated them from the rest, as well as the grenades, setting them into a pouch he had taken from a wounded Deer soldier. As the airship set down several ground crews tied it down with ropes. Standing at the loading dock were the two princesses and their entourage of personal guards and others. A small handful of these other's were different than the Equestrian's around him, they had stripes and wore a different clothing. He took the box in hand and drug it off the airship and down the ramp. “I was informed of the battle in Thicket, how many lost?” The solar princess asked. “Few in the terms of civilians, it's defense force lost around two-hundred soldiers.” Cloud replied, dragging the small cart that had his armor in it. “We'll send what we can to aid Aspen. Slayer, a moment of your time.” He set the box aside and walked to the princess. “Oh no bring your things, we'll speak on the way.” Before he could return to his crate one of the princesses guards picked it up instead. As she asked he followed her through the hallway. “We've had rather disturbing reports of emaciated beings similar to your build spotted in the forests and cities across Equestria, ponies go missing and end up like these creatures. What are they?” “Zombies or the Possessed,” Vega said, “Fodder, food, or servants to the demons, no doubt they have come from the older Mars facility. If they are to bite someone they victim will eventually turn, though there are other ways for this process. As seen in the Mars security they still exhibit slight forms of intelligence. We saw some of the Deer soldier's turned into these poor wretches during the battle.” “Not just those, our guards found something near Ponyville earlier today while searching for any remaining Ponies.” She led them into her personal study, the central area she was studying the demons with her sister, her former student, and Equestria's brightest minds. Lying on a metal table near the emaciated corpse of a former U.A.C engineer, he could tell by what remained of his former orange jumpsuit now ripped and eaten away, with a large hole in his head from a mace wound. His name tag said, "Seamus Blake. Technician. Serial number 6805-14". On a table next to him were an assortment of horribly and if not creativity crafted weapons from various materials. A large wrench with a metal pipe welded to it to act as a improvised war pick of sorts, an axe made from a metal pipe with sharp metal scrap welded to it, and what seemed like a PDA was strapped to the zombies shoulder to act as an improvised pauldron. There was also an old chainsaw, through very rusted, and the strangest weapon there was an older shotgun now modified as a club with a long knife welded to the end. But the princess then diverted his attention to what lay on the table farthest from him. The tall, three meter creature was covered by a shroud. When he stopped in front of it she pulled it off to reveal what was underneath. It looked Equine in features, but it's skin was completely stripped away exposing it's long bones, implants, and organs. Unlike the prior Revenant's which had a U.A.C made rocket launcher and jet pack, this one didn't have said equipment, instead it had what looked like recently crafted metal implants on it's legs and arm's and unlike the rocket launchers the human one had this one had two three feet long serpents lying dead coiled around it's arms and shoulder. He recognized these small beast's, almost similar to the one's that power the hell guardians but they expel certain flammable gasses through their mouths and ignite it, almost like a flamethrower. Outside of the demonic additions the Equestrian revenant had a small breastplate still strapped to it, rather small now due to it's increased size. The wound in it's head indicated that a musket ball finished it off while the impact of a metal horseshoe killed the serpents. “It was found scouring the town hall in Ponyville, three of the group of fifteen were killed by it. One had his arm's ripped off while another died from the burns he received while the last died from a punctured lung.” Celestia explained, “Several demons have also been sighted using various weapons captured from the soldiers they kill, spears, swords, axe's, and even rifles.” “They're adapting,” Vega said. “We also need the device Vega is on.” He looked at the Lunar princess in quite a bit of surprise, he then looked at Celestia. “Why?” Vega said through the helmet. “A little experiment of sorts, we may have a way of putting you in a body of your own.” Celestia said, pointing towards a humanoid statue made of clay and stone. “I can see how this project would be beneficial, but will it be dangerous?” “Possibly not, we've done this before, but not with something of your caliber.” Luna said, “It might take some time.” He looked at the princesses and at Vega, who was now standing next to him in his holographic form. Sighing, he took the small card from a slot on his armor and gave it to Celestia, Vega then dissipated, no longer being able to use the flashlight as a projector. He was no no bigger than a grenade, standing on his A.I. chip. “This process usually takes sometime to do, Luna will take you to your chambers if you wish?” He simply looked at the princess and tilted his head. He then shrugged and nodded in agreement. A room to store his thing's isn't such a terrible idea. “Follow me please.” Luna said, walking past him and out the door. He walked past the guard carrying his crate of weapons and as they passed he picked up the box and followed. The short walk to his new quarters took less than ten minutes, the guard somewhat exhausted due to the weight of the weapons in the crate. Luna stopped at a large wooden door and fiddled with a set of iron keys. After the third key she twisted it and it made a click, she turned the knob and pushed the door opened. Taking the lead she walked into a sizable room with a large bed, two nightstands, a large dresser with a mirror, and a door leading into a bathroom with a large bathtub in it. Setting the box down the soldier left the room and waited outside the door. “I hope it will suffice, it used to belong to Argus a long time ago, some of his thing's might still be here if you want to look around.” He looked around the room, studying the ceiling, walls, and floor. It had been a while since he were in a room similar to this, a very long time ago. On the dresser was an old book, the dust on it had been cleaned off recently but it looked like it hadn't been moved for a while. He recognized the leather to belong to the hide of a Baron of hell, something his Sentinels of old would keep personal notes in. “Rest up if you want, I'll come and get you once we've finished.” Rest, he thought, Been sometime since we've had that. As she left the room the Slayer stopped her, sticking up his index finger, trying to signal her to wait a moment. “What is it?” He dug through the crate and pulled out the better quality weapons, a shotgun, four pistols, and an MG-88 with a small handful of ammo for it all. Confused at what he was doing she simply stared at the weapons and then back at him. He gave her one of the guns, “Learn... adapt.” He said. “Oh... you want us to... make them?” She said, taking the gun in her hands. He nodded, taking out the grenades from the satchel he placed the guns he was giving to her into it. Taking the now heavy bag she slung it over her shoulder. “We'll see what we can do. Thank you.” She turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. He stood silently, staring at the door and then back at the bed. After a few moments to himself all of his weapons and their ammunition were spread out on the bed, smallest to largest. The BFG being at the one end while the pistol and grenades were at the other. Rest, he thought. An almost foreign concept to him after years in hell, the last time he was able to rest is when he was imprisoned by the demon's. Deciding it would be best for him he walked into the bathroom and stared at the tub. It was about his size, long enough to lie in. Turning one of the knobs the water then began to pour out, after a moment he began to see the steam coming from the boiling water. Setting his helmet on his bed and the rest of the armor next to it he walked towards the bathroom. As he passed the mirror he stopped and looked at himself. His chest bore the signs of demons new and old, most a lesser being would be easily killed by. His palms bore the demonic pentagrams that were branded onto his hands when he was captured. Postponing his one-man war against the demons for a time. He reminisced on the memories he had across his body, pointing at the one on his right breast. A Baron of Hell did that, before he had gotten the Praetor armor from the Seraphim. He remembered seeing his flesh being ripped open like tissue paper, the pain was worse. Like before, and like all the other's... he survived. Again and again... he survived, while his brother's and sister's in arm's died around him, one by one... Not wanting to reflect on the past, he walked towards the tub. It was high enough so he turned off the water, the heat from the water was noticeable due to the steam fogging up the window. The water didn't burn him as he entered, as he was fully submerged he crossed his arms aver his chest and closed his eye's. As he slowed his heart rate he entered a small dream like state, almost like sleep. Celestia set Vega's ship aside and prepared the Golem for activation. Luna had recently returned and started taking apart and writing down the inner workings of the advanced U.A.C. weapons. “How long should this process take?” Vega asked. “Normally a few hours, but it take's an additional two to prepare the crystal for transmogrification with your hardware.” Celestia said, her magic being focused directly on the small crystal ball. “While that happen's, I figured we could talk.” “About what?” “Everything, I want you to start from the beginning, the U.A.C, the Demons, what you know about him.” She said, no doubt meaning the Slayer. Vega paced around his chip before sitting on it. “Of course princess, though I don't think he'd enjoy me discussing his past. It's... from what I observed, not a pleasant tale.” She knelt down, setting her head on her crossed arms she stared at the little A.I. “Please begin.” “As you wish.” Luna looked over at the two, she couldn't exactly hear them speaking but she could see Celestia's horn glowing. She looked down at the small necklace Nightmare Moon had given her, touching it slightly the small crystal had a dim glow behind it. She then focused her attention back on the weapons, hoping they'd help in events to come.