> After School Delight > by Darkest Dungeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Which Rumble Passes the Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the door swung shut behind him, Rumble blew a sigh of relief. His empty school bags slipped from his withers and landed on the floor beside the front door with a soft ‘thump’. It was Friday, and Cheerilee had decided at the last minute to not assign any homework over the weekend, due to not having time to cover the subject well enough in class. No homework over the weekend meant that for the next two days, Rumble was a free colt. Abandoning his bags, he trotted further into the house. The light from the afternoon sun streamed through the front windows, casting patches of warmth upon the carpeted floor. A few of the windows were opened a crack, allowing a fresh breeze to waft inside and cause the white curtains to dance and flutter. “Hey, Thunderlane, I’m home!” he called out. When no reply came, he perked his ears. “Thunderlane? Did you hear me?” Silence greeted him. “Thunder? Are you even home?” He poked his head into the kitchen and glanced around. “H-hello?” The kitchen was empty. The window above the sink was open, the sound of birdsong drifting in. The sink itself was full of dirty dishes, most of them from this morning’s pancake breakfast. Hoof-drawn pictures covered the fridge, many of them depicting the same four pegasi: two mares, a stallion, and a colt. Various books, scrolls, and papers covered the kitchen table, and Rumble didn’t need to look to know that they all pertained to weather charts and movements. Thunderlane had a nasty habit of leaving his work papers all over the place. A glass of milk and a plate of apple slices on the counter caught Rumble’s eye. His eyes lit up at the same time his stomach grumbled loudly. An after-school snack was exactly what he needed. Excitedly making his way over to the counter, he hopped up on one of the wooden stools located there. A small bowl of peanut butter sat beside the plate as well, just waiting for an apple slice. Reaching for one of the slices, Rumble paused when he caught sight of a note slipped beneath the plate. It was written in Thunderlane’s sloppy hoof-writing, and Rumble had to squint to make out what it said. Rumble, Had to go into the Weather Factory for an emergency meeting. Be back late. After school snack is on the counter, and I left bits on the coffee table for a pizza. See you tonight. Thunderlane Chewing on a peanut butter-covered slice of apple, Rumble read the note again. So, until Thunderlane got back from Cloudsdale, he was home alone until this evening. No foalsitters either, as Flitter and Cloudchaser would probably have to attend the meeting as well. That was fine with Rumble; he had reached the age where he didn’t need adult supervision every second of every day. One evening alone wouldn’t hurt. Plus, Thunderlane had left him bits for a pizza, and since he was ordering for himself, that not only meant that he had a pizza all to himself, but he wouldn’t have to pick off the pineapples Thunderlane always liked to order. Pineapples might be good by themselves, but they didn’t belong on a pizza. Though that left Rumble with the conundrum of what to do to pass the time. Usually he and Thunderlane would play some video games after school, such as Mareio or Legend of Heifer. Sure, Rumble could always play by himself, but it was never the same as when he played with his brother. Thunderlane would always do funny voices for the characters, or make funny commentary about the gameplay. Picking up another apple slice, Rumble dragged it through the peanut butter before popping it in his mouth. Maybe he could go see what the Cutie Mark Crusaders were up to. With no homework for the weekend, they probably had big plans that might turn out fun. Although, they had kind of stopped hanging out with him after he got his cutie mark. Maybe Button Mash was free to—no, wait… no. He was going on a camping trip with his mom this weekend. Sighing, Rumble brought the last apple slice up to his muzzle, only to freeze. His eyes widened as an idea suddenly drifted to the front of his mind. He was home alone, for the first time in a few weeks. There was nopony else in the house with him, which meant that he should be able to… Butterflies sprung to life in Rumble’s stomach. No longer hungry, he placed the apple slice back down on the plate before hopping quickly off the bar stool. With his heart beginning to beat faster with excitement and anticipation, the young colt made his way out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. Practically dashing up the stairs, he hurried down the hall to his room. A quick stop to make sure that Thunderlane was actually gone and not just napping in his room, and Rumble slipped into his own bedroom. Shutting the door, he made sure to lock it behind him. That should give him enough time should his brother come home early. Now locked away in his room, Rumble’s breaths were coming in short gasps. Trotting quickly to the window, he pulled the shades, blocking the outside from view. The room was suddenly plunged into a comfortable semi-darkness, the only light coming from a small lamp on the bedside table. The lamp that had apparently been left on all day. Oops. Rumble winced at the sight of the lamp before returning to his original objective. Crouching down, he crawled under his bed and began to root around. A few seconds later he emerged again with a cardboard box in his hooves. Licking his dry lips, he placed the box atop his mattress before pulling himself up with it. He sat there, staring at the box for a few long moments before lifting the lid off and revealing the contents within. Inside its sheath, his member twitched. Within the box several articles of clothing rested, neatly folded and cared for: two pairs of long striped socks, several pairs of frilly panties, at least half-a-dozen ribbons and bows, and one white dress. It had taken many long months to acquire the meager collection before him. Most of them he had… appropriated from Flitter and Cloudchaser’s luggage during that one time they had stayed over several nights to watch him while Thunderlane went to a convention in Las Pegasus. The rest he had gotten from the fillies’ locker room at school. The first thing Rumble grabbed from the box was a pink bow, which he immediately tied in his mane so that it rested beside his left ear. It was by far his favorite piece from his collection, as it had once been Flitter’s ribbon before he had acquired it and her scent was still faintly on it. Something about the smell caused his heart to flutter, and he could almost picture that it was his natural scent instead. His face beginning to flush, Rumble reached into the box and slowly pulled out one of the pairs of socks. The cloth was lavender, with stripes that were a lighter shade of purple. Heart now thumping in his ears, he began to pull the socks onto his hind legs. A shiver ran up his spine as he pulled the first one on, the soft fabric slid effortlessly up his leg. The top of the sock reached his upper thigh, and though it was a little big, it still hugged his thigh comfortably. The second sock soon followed, and he took a moment to run a forehoof over the socks, enjoying the sensation of the cool fabric against his fur. His member was already beginning to peak from its sheath. By his side, his wings flexed as they started to stiffen. Why did this feel so good? A full blush now on his cheeks, Rumble turned his attention to the next article of clothing. Picking up one of the panties—a pink pair with frill around the edges—he unfolded them and gave them a quick sniff. A faint musk filled his nose: his own, from all the previous times he wore them. Lying on his back, he quickly slipped his hind legs through the leg holes. The silky cloth slid smoothly against his coat, sending more shivers up his spine. He wiggled his hips, working the underwear up around his rump, only to gasp as the soft material brushed against his exposed member. The panties caressed his sensitive flesh as he moved, cupping his balls and stroking his growing erection. The feeling was weird yet erotic, and Rumble felt his colthood twitch. Suitably dressed, he sat back up only to let out a soft sigh as the panties shifted about. His member was now fully erect, straining against the silk fabric and forming a tent in the underwear. Slowly he reached down and placed a hoof against his rump. The panties hugged his flank, yet had enough give to slip and slide as he moved his hoof about. His blush deepened as he gave his flank a tiny squeeze. The feeling sent a shiver through his body, and he couldn’t help but gasp softly. Removing his hoof from his rump, he reached into the box again and pulled out one last thing: a small black bullet vibrator with controller. The centerpiece of his collection, he had found it in Flitter’s room one day when he had been over at her house. She had been napping after a long day at work and he had gone snooping. Retrieving it later hadn’t been easy, but it had been so worth it. Rumble placed the vibrator down on the mattress beside him before putting the lid back on the box. With a gentle push, he dropped it down onto the floor with a soft ‘thump’ before setting about getting himself situated. Placing a pillow up against the bed’s headboard, he propped himself up against it, sinking a little into the plush pillow. His stiff wings prevented him from moving about too much, which in turn caused his excitement to grow. Once he was comfortable, Rumble picked up the bullet vibrator in his hooves. Breath coming in short gasps, he lifted the bullet to his muzzle. His pink tongue poked out from between his mouth, and he gave the small egg-shaped device a long lick. Slowly, he pushed it against his lips until the bullet slipped past them and into his maw. He swirled his tongue over the small device for a few seconds before pulling it free from his lips with a small ‘pop’. With the black silicone now covered in his saliva, Rumble leaned back and spread his hind legs wide. Reaching down, he slipped the vibrator into the back of the panties, by the base of his tail. He fiddled around with it for a moment before stiffening as he felt the small bullet come in contact with his tailhole. His dock twitched, causing his tail to swish across the bedspread. Pausing to take a deep breath, he then began to slowly rock the bullet back and forth over the tight ring. He met with some resistance, but gradually the muscles gave and the bullet started to glide into his pucker. Rumbled moaned softly, closing his eyes as the bullet finally slipped in completely. From within the confines of the panties, his member twitched. The tip was already beginning to leak precum, dampening the pink fabric. He remained still for a minute, enjoying the strange sensation of having something in his tailhole. The first time he had tried it, it had just been uncomfortable, but now that he had gotten used to it, he found the feeling to actually be quite pleasant. While the bullet wasn’t that big, it was large enough that he was able to feel it within him. He shifted slightly on the pillow, only to feel the vibrator shift inside him as well. Opening his eyes again, he bit his lip before reaching down for the controller. It was a simple one, with only a single dial controlling the intensity. Licking his lips, Rumble paused for a second before turning the dial to its lowest setting. Inside him, the vibrator began to shake and shimmy, sending small waves of pleasure up his spine. His colthood twitched before spurting more precum onto the panties, soaking them further. Eyes widening, he let out a startled gasp, “Ahhh!” The vibrator was set on low which, while pleasurable, wasn’t enough for the young colt, so he turned the dial up a few more notches. With each new level, the intensity of the vibrations increased, earning more high-pitched yips and moans from Rumble. At about one-fourth the maximum setting he stopped, the stronger sensation causing his hips to buck slightly. The muscles of his pucker flexed around the buzzing intruder, and his small cock quivered in time with the convulsions. Reaching down, he ran the tip of his hoof lightly up and down his length. A low moan escaped his lips as the panties gently tugged at his sensitive flesh. Slowly trailing the hoof up to the tip, Rumble rubbed the head of his member through the precum-soaked material. After a few seconds he pulled his hoof away, a string of arousal connecting the hoof to the damp underwear. Bringing the wet hoof up to his nose, Rumble gave it a tentative sniff, only to groan at the faint musky odor. Unable to help himself, he stuck his tongue out and lapped at the moisture, the tangy taste filling his mouth. With renewed vigor, he reached back down and continued stroking his colthood. His hind legs—still spread wide—trembled as the feeling of pleasure slowly began to build, urged along by the vibrations coming from within his tailhole. Giving himself one last caress, Rumble then reached down and picked up the vibrator’s remote. He moved to increase the intensity to fifty percent—the highest he had ever set it to—but his hoof, covered in his own arousal and shaking slightly, slipped. Instead of fifty percent, the dial turned up all the way. The vibrator in his rump went haywire. Dropping the remote with a squeak, Rumble’s eyes widened in shock. The sensation now coming from inside his tailhole was incredible, almost too much for him to handle. He tried to reach the remote to lower the intensity, but the minute he began to lean down, the bullet shifted about and came to rest against a small bump inside him. Stars exploded before Rumble’s eyes and his mouth fell open in a silent scream. The world went white as he fell back against the headboard. His colthood jerked and twitched as the bullet continued to vibrate against the spot, sending large bursts of pleasure rushing through his body. Precum leaked from his tip at almost a constant rate. Panting desperately for breath, Rumble could only hold on for the ride as the vibrator continued to assault that extremely-sensitive bump. The pressure that had been slowly building in his nethers was now growing at an alarming rate. He was nearing his peak, and there was nothing he could do to slow it down. The muscles in his tailhole were contracting uncontrollably now, squeezing down on the practically non-existent intruder. His member throbbed in time with his heartbeat, the front of the panties now thoroughly soaked with his precum. He teetered on the edge of oblivion for a long, glorious moment before, with a mewling cry, he tipped over the edge into pure bliss. Rumbles eyes rolled into the back of his head and his hips bucked and spasmed as he climaxed. A high, girlish moan escaped his lips as his colthood began to quiver, the head flaring and scraping against the silken material of his underwear. With one final twitch, it released into the panties, painting the inside white. With each jerk and convulsion, his hot essence filled the underwear until it was leaking through the fabric. The bullet continued vibrating at an incredible rate, milking him for all it was worth. Rumble was unaware of the world around him as bolts of pleasure raced through his body. After what felt like an eternity. Rumble collapsed back against the pillow, breathless and completely spent. His stomach and groin were sticky and warm, covered in his fresh seed. The bullet was still vibrating mercilessly within his tailhole, rubbing against that spot and making his hind legs shake uncontrollably. The pleasure was becoming unbearable, even to the point of being painful. Struggling to move, he reached down and—with some difficulty—switched the vibrator off, but left it inside his depths. With that, he fell back and stared up at the ceiling, breathing hard. He just laid there for several minutes, enjoying the warm afterglow of his intense orgasm. Eventually, he worked up enough energy to move his head and, turning it to the side, he glanced at the alarm clock positioned on his bedside table. The glowing display informed him that it was still early in the afternoon, and there were still a few hours to go until Thunderlane was supposed to get back. Rumble stared blankly at the alarm clock for a while before biting his bottom lip. His heart beginning to flutter in his chest again, he adjusted his position on the pillow before reaching down for the remote. With baited breath, he switched it back on. A low buzz filled the room followed by a weak moan. Not a bad way to pass a Friday afternoon.