Morning Coffee.

by Lunasservant1985

First published

You've been called a suck up for bringing the principal a coffee and a doughnut every morning, but she's about to show just how much she always appreciates it.

They laugh and use a lot of names; brown nose, apple polisher, butt-kisser or ass-kisser if there aren't any adults around. You frankly can't care what they think of you, you are Principal Celestia's favorite student for not just studying hard and behaving, but for bringing her favorite morning treat to her everyday. A hazelnut latte and a pumpkin doughnut, and it's one morning when she tells you that she has just the reward for her favorite students who take care of their instructors.

Just The Way You Like It.

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The first comment to reach your ears is, "hey everyone! It's Anon the apple polisher!" As you make your way down the halls of Canterlot High with two things in hand, one is a large hazelnut latte and the other is a pumpkin spice doughnut. They're for the most important woman in your life, Principal Celestia. Some may call you a suck up and a brown nose, but you don't care. Your life is nothing without her, some would call it love but you know between the both of you, it can never be more than this mutual understanding.

You bring her coffee and a doughnut, and she appreciates it. Nothing more, nothing less. That's how it is and you're just fine with that." Principal Celestia?" You ask as you knock on her office door. Your free hand cool in comparison to the hot cup warming your other hand, you try not to squeeze the cup too hard less the top pop off and splatter hot coffee on your hand.

"Anon? Is that you? Hang one just one second and I'll buzz you in okay?" Her voice calls to you from the other side of the door. You smile warmly as you see her open the door, her hair itself seemed to be absorbing the sunlight itself through the open window behind her as she accepted the gift of coffee and her doughnut.

"Morning Principal Celestia, how's running the asylum today?" She chuckles softly at your joke, you know she likes that one even if C.H.S is far from an asylum. She takes her seat behind her desk and places the cup on the top, you grab a stack of blank attendance forms for the classrooms, it's still early that you and her can have a little talk for a bit.

"Oh it's the same as it ever is Anon, really I don't need you to concern yourself with the petty little matters of my school...Anon? Don't you have anything to do this morning before....class...starts?'' She asks the pauses her sips of morning coffee, you smile and get the extra help with the paperwork you offered to in order...granted it's just the daily attendance records but every little bit helps.

"Not really Principal Celestia, I don't have many friends to goof around with out in the yard, and my assignments are ready to be handed in." You tell her as you look the window to the antithesis to your words, students running about in the school yard; kicking around soccer and kick balls or trying in desperation to wing their homework at the last second. All the things you either aren't interested in or have no need to bother with.

"Mr. Anon?...are you okay? Would you like some coffee?" She asks offering to pour a portion of her own into a little foam cup for you, you politely decline her offer as you smile at her. You don't even have a girlfriend, even the nerdy guys in the yard like Bright Idea and Whiz Kidd have girlfriends to keep them happy.

"I...guess I'm just the odd ball out Principal Celestia, the one without much to worry about beyond my classes and such." You say as you place your papers in a folder, you make your way to the door about to leave when you hear her telling you to wait up.

"Mr. Anon, I know this may sound a little unusual but...would you like to join me for some lunch later on?" She says blushing softly as she asks, you take a double take to make sure you heard her right.

"Me? to have lunch with you Principal Celestia? Don't you have friends on the staff to enjoy lunch with in the lounge?" You ask her, she only shakes her head as the first bell rings.

Math Class.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, I'm handing back last Friday's math packet assignments, and I must say I was quite impressed with the skills of many of you, especially you Mr. anon, the extra credit came from a college book and you got it without any help save your book." Mr. Tractor (first name Pro, short from Prometheus) said as he handed back everyone's papers. The class is pre-calculus but he has a habit of adding an AP or college level question for extra credit at the ends of his packets to see who actually listens to him. He used to teach physics and advanced math at Columbia University and it shows. God only knows why he came here to teach high schoolers barley interested in this.

"However, some of you really should remember that while this only PRE calculus at best, you should do well to know how to actually solve these equations, not just look to your phones for the answers from Quizzlet." He said this just as he handed you back your own paper. He had written a big A+ along with 'Good job!' The only other student he seems happy with handing the paper back is that transfer girl from Crystal Prep Twilight. With her paper scoring a solid A, she'd later tell you. Along with the major relief it is to have praise for doing adequately, not reprimanded and told to go for a plus grade next time or risk losing boarding privileges.

"Sir?" You ask him privately when class ends, as everyone else is glaring at you and a few jocks crack their knuckles, hungry for retribution at being upstaged, especially with their athletic scholarships on the line with the grading curve. as you look at their faces, Mr. Tractor looks up from his Copy of Sagan's Cosmos and smiles.

"Yes Mr. Anon? did you have a question?" He asks happily but blissfully unaware what his actions earlier did.

"Sir...I appreciate the praise and all this morning, but if it's not too much trouble...could you please be more discreet next time about it? Like please don't make me look like I'm some kinda genius, it makes everyone else think I'm trying to be better than them." You ask him as you look solemnly in contrast to his cheer. Mr. Tractor is an intellectual in every sense of the word, his thin wire frame glasses and mousy sand toned hair. His expression serious but also very level and mellow. He's like a relic from the age of great writers who challenged precognition of the world; men like Orwell, Huxley, Salinger and even modern ones like Palahniuk and Warren Ellis. He hardens his expression at your words and you gulp nervously.

"Mr. Anon, know that in this world, especially in this age of new intellect, where anyone with a grad school degree and some half enlightened view can claim he's intellectual. There is no shame in being truly intellectual. This world needs more intellectuals like the ones from the bygone eras, not false ones that have been leading the flocks astray for so long. It is said that before the end of days, false profits will seek to lead the world astray to the point of all but the truly faithful into the path of being irredeemable, please don't follow them over the cliffs." In spite of his intelligence, he still heeds the words of so many who have been discredited or forsaken as "mad" or "obsolete thoughts."

"Yes sir, I promise not to be ashamed of who I am, but is it said that there is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” You say with only a few minutes remaining to get to class. He smiles and reaches into his desk, inside he pulls from it a copy of The Old Man And The Sea, but to your surprise you see there are books like Charlotte's Web and The Hobbit in there too...then again the later opens with a little girl questioning the value of the life of the meek so who are you to judge?

"Hemingway right?" He asks handing you his book, you look at him not understanding briefly. "You're words...they come from Earnest Hemingway do they not?'' You blush accepting his offering and leave, none the worse for wear now.


"It's so nice to finally have someone to spend time with at lunch Mr. Anon." Principal Celestia says as she helps herself to her meal. Being something of a vegetarian she has a plastic Tupperware of Spicy Thai Noodles with Ginger Peanut Dressing, and a vegetable medley with tofu. You won't hold it against her, any more than she resents your love of fish. You brought from home some of last night's Tuna Tetrazzini, you loved the way your mother perfectly seared the fillets of tuna to perfection. She also threw in a few bits of salmon steak and trout to.

"My pleasure Principal Celestia, I never knew you didn't really have anyone to spend anytime with but I gotta ask....why me?" You ask helping yourself to another bite of tuna steak, savoring the succulent bite as Celestia takes a restrained sip of iced green tea. She smiles warmly at you as she sips, her eyes seem to flutter softly.

"Just my way of thanking you for being so helpful Anon, and for bringing me my little...treats every morning, you think I let the sugar go to the wrong places?" To your surprise, she then gets up and squeezes her backside a little. You cough on a bit of pasta as she makes her rear shake a little bit, she's put on some weight in the rear but it's far from a bad thing. Her backside fills out stretching her purple stretch pants she wore under her blazer and blouse rather nicely, and her sides are nice and full complimenting her pear shaped figure perfectly. The figure where a woman is more built in the backside with fuller firmer hips that you find yourself feeling...strangely attracted to.

Wait what? are you...checking her out? What the heck's wrong with you? She's the principal man! Granted she may be a little older but you always felt you where something of milf and cougar chaser, older women were great in bed even with the experience or even because of it. Then again what would she se in you? Even if she was parading around her office and asking you too look at her...

"Anon? I asked if you think I'm getting a little plump?" She says snapping you from your thoughts. She leans on her desk some to push her rear out, again it fills out and stretches those tight pantsuit pants of hers out nicely. You gulp softly and wonder if....It's a million to one shot but what do you have to lose?

"Well...Principal Celestia, I don't think you've put on weight in a bad way it's just that...well..I...I" You stutter because you're wondering if she'll agree to this.

"Yes Anon? She says with a giggle as she gives her hips a little shake, it's a subtle one but it does make her ass shake and jiggle ever so slightly. You gulp softly and speak up.

"Could I maybe see what you look like with out....the pants obstructing my..." She raises a hand smiling back at you before you can say anymore...

"I work hard; I'm single, you do so much for me and I know what it is you want as much as I want it. So how bout this, either you and I can make the most out of what we have to offer each other, but if you're not interested I'll understand and let you just walk away and this whole thing up to this point never happened, what do you say Mr. Anon?...what do you say?" You walk up to her placing a hand on her cheek and return her Mona Lisa esq smile, you softly and gently plant your lips on her mouth she moans a soft little moan as you kiss the school can hardly believe what s happening.

" do we...start?" You ask her as she pushes you gently onto her chair and giggles as she turns around and smiles as she bends over until her hands are on her ankles and her rear is jutting up resting on your lap. It's like a dream come true, the way she starts to shake her gorgeously big butt up and down with the velvety purple stretch fabric brushing on your tan school pants. You feel all the blood rushing south and sweat on your forehead as your breath catches and stiffens in your throat as she works that ass on your lap like a professional stripper.

"You touch Anon?" She says she places a finger on her lip and closes her eyes as she blushes and softly sucks on the tip of her finger like its a phallus to play with. You gulp sweating more profusely as your raise a hand up and place on her ass softly. All that sugar HAS gone to all the right places, it's made her ass grow into malleable and pillow soft sugary mounds. The cheeks give under the fabric of her pants and she giggles as you start to firmly squeeze her butt cheeks like stress balls.

"Fu...fu...fuck Principal Celestia! You're ass is like a pillow that I could just snuggle and bury my face if and never pull away from!" You cry out not caring that you didn't mind your language in front of an authority figure. She doesn't seem to mind either, hell it seems to be exciting her more. She starts to push her ass back at you harder and sways it side to side harder.

"Then what are you waiting for baby? Do it!" She begs as she feels you hook your fingers around the waist band of her pants but not on her panties, wouldn't want to rush this too fast. "Ohhh naughty naughty boy Anon, but I understand why you'd want to feel my silky smooth ass with your face." She says blushing harder as her tiny pink frilly lace A thong underwear is exposed. The string of fabric is tight, it give you a sweet pussy floss as the pink strand digs in between the lips of her snatch and is wedged tightly into the crack of her large ass nicely. It's an arousing as hell sight that makes your boner painfully hard, but you resist and play this out as long as you can.

"Yeah, you know...I wonder why," you pause rubbing her left cheek softly before pinching the ivory flesh making her squeal softly. "Why you're single Principal Celestia, lady like you with an ass like this would drive all the boys wild." You raise your hand and slap her left cheek hard. Making her cry out softly and flail her tongue out in bliss as her snowy white skin turns red from the spank. She hooks her fingers in the waistband of her panties and starts to teasingly and slowly pull her panties down, you feel your breathe stiffen as she lowers them and you can just get a glimpse of her tight asshole and pussy until....the damn lunch bell rings!

"Oh darn...looks like you'll have to get back to class Anon." She says pulling her panties back up, then her pants and her blouse and jacket, as if she had been just innocently eating in here the whole time. Your jaw drops and you feel like crying in anguish, so...close.

"But...but it was just getting good!" You protest feeling your rock hard erection going limp in your pants, as Principal Celestia giggles girlishly and packs her meal up.

"Oh don't feel bad Anon, it's just another few classes then you can come right back...I'll show you a little something I had to learn to pay my way through grad school." She says with a wink as you turn to leave.

"Principal Cleestia?" You ask turning back as you leave.

"Yes sweetie?" She asks with a smile as if she really loves to tease as much as please.

"Can I have a bathroom pass?" You ask her, and she starts writing one up fully aware of just what you need it for.

An After school Treat.

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You sit at the end of the long desk she has turned on the side in her office, The lights have been dimmed, and she's propped some curtains up with a few stands. Celestia claims this was done for "atmosphere," what she meant by that you had no idea. You tug on your shirt nervously wondering just what she had in mind for this little "after school excursion." You look up to see the curtains fly open, and your jaw hits the floor. "Pppp Principal Celestia?" You ask as you can hardly believe what you see.

"Yes Mr. Anon?" Is all she can say as she cocks her hips to the side. Principal Celestia Stood on the desk as if it was a stage; and you suddenly understood why she had rearranged the office the way she did. She looked like a professional stripper; a canary yellow feather boa sits on her shoulders as she twirls one of the ends that she holds in her hands. Her top is a skimpy canary yellow bra with a sun motif on the cups. Her panties are also yellow and they are a skimpy thong, barley kept on by the strings holding them on. You saw it earlier but you can't help but really admire her body. Unlike the younger girls at school; Principal Celestia has a much more well formed figure. Her hips and bottom have filled out more, with all that sugar she loves having gone to the all right places. Her breasts have held up niecly over the years, they still look supple and firm as they sway side to side with every step she takes across her desk to you. Music starts to play from someplace probibly some speaker she set up.

"Is...this what you meant by how you paid you're way through college?" You say really leaning back and enjoying her little show as Mississippi Queen blares perfectly with her strut. When she got to the end of the desk she starts to lift her boa over her head.

"Well...believe it or not, I was quite the looker when I was about you're age, young in college but in need of cash." She says making sure to really shake and sway her hips before sticking one of her legs out and stretching it out. She has bright neon yellow and white go go boots with high heels on all the way up to her knees.

"Principal Celestia? You're STILL quite the looker." You compliment her as she lowers the boa onto your face. She must have sprayed it with body spray or perfume cause it smells like fresh lemons. She giggles as she gets on her hands and knees and leans forward until her lovely face is inches from yours.

"Why Anon you make we feel like the young "filly" I was what feels like so long ago...You know, it was when I was starting my freshmen year in college, going for my bachelor's degree. I needed money to pay Rutgers my tuition, and a friend from school said she had found good work over at the Satin Dolls club. Do you know that one? Its a little famous and has a bit of history to it." She says as she starts to shake her chest side to side, making her breasts sway as she also starts to dip her rear up and down. You only wish she'd turn around so you could see it dip and shake for you.

"No...not exactly Ms." You say as you feel the tightness at your pants get painful, even with the thought she did this kinda thing for other men.

" remember the old HBO show The Soprano's? The Bada Bing strip club scenes were filmed there. This was back in the day before that show even existed, but still. Anyway, my friend talked to the owner and I got a job as a dancer there...It was very different than what you may think the place would be like. The girls were nice and very supportive of each other, some of them like me in need of money to cover expenses." She says as she places her hands on her chest and starts to press her melons together, before jiggling them up and down. You don't even care that she's still got her top and thong on.

"OH? They...they didn't like abuse you or no one know?" You shudder as popular notions of what things go on in places like those clubs, or porn production studios. Celestia giggles and gets in a classic pinup pose. On her knees and balls of her feet holding up her long lusciously flowing hair with her hands behind her head. You can practically imagine the image painted on the side of a B-29 ready to drop the fat man on Nagasaki, cause she was hotter than a nuke.

"Oh heavens no! Nothing like that, oh the air was thick with cigar smoke and the champagne and Jim Bean flowed like nectar in a beehive, but the place was legit as they come, and you know dancing made me feel...empowered, confidant, like all those guys really thought I was beautiful and sexy." She sighs a bit dropping her routine some. "Now look at me, I'm ___ year old High School principal with a powder blue used Nissan Stanza and a mortgage on a bungalow in suburbia. I was a dancer, I was...wanted..." You ask if you can touch her, almost as if she's back on that stage surrounded by admirers. She says you can, so you plant a hand lovingly on her cheek.

"You're beautiful to me Principal Celestia, and you still have a body that would drive men crazy to have so much as a look at it." You say as your hand moves to her hair, the hair seems to come to life and flow on it's own at that. She smiles and continues her routine by leaning her chest forward and shaking her tits harder now. You'd give anything to take that top off her.

"That means so much to a older woman like me Anon, tell you want me?" She says as her hands take yours and guide them to her back before running along to the knot holding her top on.

"Yes, I want you so're so beautiful. And you got the body of a real cougar and I'm the hunter looking to bag one." You say as suave and coolly as you can. You words make her giggle as she helps you untie the strings holding her top on.

"Then come and get my faithful student." She says as she lets her top fall away and you now can see her nipples. The yellow straps are tossed aside shamelessly as her hands as they cup and squeeze her breasts hard before pinching the little nubs. Your eyes plead with her to lower them do you can take care of her yourself.

"Please." You say as your hand reaches under your pants and underwear, you don't realize that you started stroking your man hood a bit, but she doesn't say anything.

“Are you ready?” she asks with her tongue tip rolling past her lips in a seductive manner and tone while looking at you with lidded eyes, Mississippi Queen gives way to the original Lady Marmalade, not that cover for that pretentious Baz Luhrmann's crappy musical. You eagerly nod your head in response as your eyes start to widen with excitement, your hand gives your sack a little squeeze and you feel you legs wobble like damaged table struts. Principal Celestia chuckles softly after seeing this before her hands move away from her body, allowing you a full view of her breasts now.

Her unfiltered beauty is like a bottle of perfectly aged Fambrosie Noir wine, perfectly aged to the pinnacle of divinity like the goddess of the sun Amaterasu. Her pear frame body type has held its shape and complimented her round full hips and really big rear. Her bare breasts are just as lovely and perky as they must have been all those years ago. She stands in front of you while completely topless, and smiles like its the best feeling in the world. Your nose picks the faint aroma of lemon and sunflowers.

Her hard, and erect nipples protrude and poke out from her breasts, hard enough to cut glass as she holds her pin up pose before rocking her chest up and down for you giving you the clear sign of how much she wants this, indicating her arousal. She then sits down on her longways desk, spreads her legs apart and motions for you with one finger to come to her, before sticking it in her mouth and closing her eyes as she starts sucking on it like the cock you'd give anything for it to be.

You lean forward in you seat until your face is inches from that tight yellow thong as she spreads her legs wider before wrapping them around your head gently. "Oh yes." You mouth at the kinky way she clamps her legs around your head. By God her thighs are so thick and yet so soft. You don't even mind the light layer of sweat giving off more of a musky mixing with the lemony scent of her spray/perfume. "Mhhhh, she coos as she comfortably cradles your head in her thighs. "Take it off me." She orders as you look up at her through the pilowly flesh of her hips and thighs.

"But...My hands can't....oh." You say feeling even more flustered as you lean until you can practically taste the sweet and tangy juices that have left an aroused wet patch on her thong. You bite gently on the hem of her thong and start to slowly pull away, taking her thong with you. A soft sound the cry of bird of prey. You look at her slit as she spreads the soft fleshy lips apart with her fingers. To your surprise, her outer labia majoria lip and the hood of the pink pearl of her clit have ring piercings going through them! "Principal Celesita? When did you?" You start to ask.

"You do a lot of crazy things when you're young Anon...well you should at least, but I got these and thought they'd really rake in the tips at Satin dolls, well they did. Made the other girls a little jealous for a while, but soon everyone got them." She says giggling as she reminisces.

"Do you regret them?" You ask reaching slowly before realizing and asking, "can I touch them?"

"I regret only not finding the perfect man sooner Anon...and yes you may." You gently place a finger on the cold metal on her labia ring and the one over the hood (NOT through the clitoris itself) and she shivers a bit at your touch.

"Does it hurt?" You ask as you start to make the metal rings jingle and flick at them a little faster.

"Oh no not these days...they've long since healed. They still feel very pleasant through, the pleasure isn't as exponential as they like to say a piercing will give, but it is noticeably more...sensitive and prone to stimulation." She says cooing and moaning as you start to run and rub your fingers along the fleshy lips and metal loops. The feeling of her flesh and the piercings make your senses dulled to everything but the feeling of her. That and the musky and also lemony scent she releases as you pleasure her.

"Am I doing good?" You ask as your attention turns to her inner depths. You feel the slick warm wetness as you start to slowly pump your fingers in and put of her pussy slowly then faster. Celestia moans louder and and tilts her head back in bliss feeling your fingers fumble like the picks of safe-cracker trying to trip the tumblers until.

"Oh fuck YES!" She cries out louder as you fell a soft spongy bit inside her. It's not the G-spot per say. There is a gland inside a woman that produces fluids and most women can feel stimulated by it. Not to mention that thumb your pressing onto her clit. The clitoris is really the go to place most guys tend to neglect when it comes to pleasuring a woman, and your making sure your press and rub onto it as she squirms and moans at your finger work. You chuckle softly feeling the rings on her clitoral hood and labia majora and given them a little tug. She bites her lip a bit at that, it seems to hurt a bit but her moans and wetter release of juices seem to betray her.

"You know, you're quite the kinky one for a school principal. You paid for your bachelors by being a stripper, got your pussy pierced in two places, and now letting you're own student finger bang you on your desk." You as as your bend your fingers un and start exploring her more, your fingers are getting wetter and slicker from exploring her inner depths and squirming your digits around inside her.

"Oh? What are you saying Mr. Anon? does my kinky side turn you on?" She says as she tilts her head up to look at you smirking, a smirk you return with one of your own

"Principal Celstia? I think it may surprise you to know I'm into a few naughty things myself." You say as you give her ass a hard slap with your free hand. The spank to the ass makes her gasp in surprise but she seemed to really enjoy that one.

"Oh? What kind of naughty things Anon? I may be a little reserved and chaste on the surface, but given what you know about me know...I'm sure you can tell...I'll try anything once." You turn red as you start to take your clothes off, starting with your black button up collared shirt before opening the fly and button on your jeans but decide to tease her by leaving them on.

"Well I kinda always wondered what it would be like to be face sat on." You say she turns around and gives you a nice look at her gorgeous booty. "Mhhhmmm yeah especially with that ass of yours Principal Celestia, did you have a backside with all the sugar going to the right places as a satin dolls dancer?" you ask rubbing it softly as she coos.

"No I was more lithe and petite back then, I got my fuller and rounder form after as I became a teacher than the principal of this very school."

"And yet you could still pass a lusciously well rounded out dancer today ma'am." You as as she stands letting you switch places for her to fulfill your dirty desire. You sit on her desk as she stands on it some of her old routine returning as she makes her hips sway and shake as you start to lay on your back.

"Is it everything you ever wanted?" Principal Celestia says as she stands over you, she starts to squat down some inching her ass to your face.

"Oh yeah...just as I always imagined." You say as you lay on her desk, with her standing over you. After reorienting yourself, you noticed her massive, and plump ass hovering over you face, you thank the day the good lord gave man the recipe for cake and the tea that went right to her hips and those snowy pure white cheeks. As white and sweet as the sugar she likes to pack away into them. You feel blood rush south and make your cock spring and twitch against the underwear and pants you left on as she sighs planting those amazing orbs and fleshy; soft, pillowly mounds on your face. You could feel the warm, flabby, and fuckable flesh of her ass surround and cushion around your head. She sighs as she relaxes sitting on your face completely now, the lemony and yet also musky scent starts to turn you on even more.

"Ah! nothing like a nice sit eh Mr. Anon?" She asks with a giggle pressing down on you, but you were too horny and muffled by the ass cheeks and the soft lips of her pussy gently resting on your lips to care about anything anymore. You moan into her pussy lips before quickly raising your hands up to grab her fat, thick ass cheeks and felt the smooth ivory skin and tender veal soft flesh ripple under your touch. From the soft moans she gave, you could tell that her rear was quite sensitive. You gave her ass a firm slap, making her groan in pleasure.

You began massaging and kissing the thick mounds that filled your vision, the way they warm flesh pillowed and cushioned around your head was so warm and pleasant to feel. The warm feeling of the of those sugary bubbly cheeks spread through your body, and you groped and squeezed them hard. She plants her anus on your nose, the tip poking it. She doesn't smell too bad, like the rest of her mostly musky and lemony though less so back there. Your attention is soon drawn to her lower lips as her arousal became more obvious, Principal Celestia seems to like it shaved...or possibly waxed, her pussy is silk smooth without a hint of pubic hair. You moved your head forward and gave it a teasing lick, making her grind harder against you.

“Oh my such a naughty boy you are Mr. Anon.” Principal Celestia said, giving another soft moan.

"You're the one with her face sitting her ass on me Principal Celestia." You say though it all comes out as muffled gobbledy gook from that ass of hers smooshed down on you. God she could probably crush cans with how big her rear is, but she's also so pillow and soft to just cuddle up too. Her ass is like soft cushioned marshmallow and her pussy is tart but also surprisingly sweet and tangy. Like like those old Wonka candy shock tarts and watery maple syrup. smirk and decided to give her a small surprise as you lick her clit before clamping your front teeth in it ever so gently, you don't bite too hard as it really can hurt a female to bite the clitoris but you know just how to use your teeth on the super sensitive nub. You give her plump ass another smack. She gasped and started panting as she felt herself get hotter, and sweat started to really mat her skin. The musky scent grew and the erection in your pants was painfully hard.

You fell her pussy clench and clamp around your lips and tongue as she reached her climax. Her orgasm was like the release of the doves or a levee bursting in her panties....if she'd still been wearing any. She moans and cries out with slutty moans so loud you're glad that it's after hours. No one would be still in school this late save for the clubs, but the botany club is meeting all the way on the other side of the school and James and his girlfriend Rose won't hear you if they're doing what you think they do...provided those rumors turn out true of course.

Your mouth gets a blast of her succulent juices as she squirts and sprays stream after stream down your throat, you taste her, every single drop of her. She's like licking the nectar from a sunflower with a hint of lemon. You wonder why lemon, but maybe it has something to do with her personality. It's like the sunshine that gleams over the white stone walls and buttresses of the school every time the sun rises on the horizon. Principal Celestia seems to bring the sunshine with her into the young and hopeful eyes of her students every day, and that's why you love her so. Oh Anon, if you only knew just how close to the reality you were in thinking about a mere Administrator of the educational system you were.

"I love princess." You're brain turns to to ice when you realize just what you said. You just called the school principal "your princess." She doesn't seem to mind this looking at the juices dripping from your lips. If anything it almost seems to amuse her, as if she knows

"Flattery will get you no where young man...thought that tongue work is definitely a step in the right direction." She says as she crosses her legs teasingly as you lay in the chair she put on her strip show for you. Your head tilts back in bliss as she hooks her hands on the hem of your pants and underwear, a single tug and down they go, exposing your rock hard erection. Principal Celestia licks her lips as if she's seen a sweet lollipop before her hand cups and fondles your balls, squeezing them a bit making you cry out softly as her other hand starts to wrap around your shaft and starts jerking you off.

“I hope I'm not as rusty as I think I am, I haven't done this since...I can't remember.” she says a little sadly but shrugs it off by leaning forward and softly kissing the tip. "Mmmmhhmm," she moans around the head before she opens her mouth sticking her tongue out to lick the tip ahhhhing as she goes down on you. Sucking and swallowing all the way to the base of the shaft licking her tongue along the entire length until she bottoms out. You moan loudly watching her suck you off. It's enough to make you wonder what else she did in addition to stripping to not be gagging and struggling with taking it, but it doesn't matter when you see her start to bob her head like a pro porn actress on your dick. In approval, you rub the back of her head and even grab her by the hair a bit as she does it again and again before spitting it out to speak. While continuing to massage your balls and jerk off the shaft. “You like that baby?” she asks in her seductive tone, just like a porn.

“My God you're amazing, what did I ever do to deserve this Principal Celestia?” You ask as you loosen your grip on her hair and gently stroke it brushing it back in place.

"You where a good and caring student, who took such good care of me." She says as your eye catches the coffee cup from the morning, still on the file cabinet in a corner. Principal Celestia giggles like one of her own school girls, as she tilts her head back and lines it up to really give it too you now, "and I’m just getting warmed up too.” She takes only the tip of your shaft into her mouth before closing her lips around it. You immediately feel her tongue lap at it relentlessly before feeling more of your member enter her mouth. She moans louder and louder as she starts to bob and really suck along the length and take you down her throat. She looks up at you as she does, her eyes seem to glint deviously as she does.

“Oh...Oh.....fuck yes.” you groan, not caring that you just dropped the F bomb in front of the principal, given what she's doing with you, do you really think it matters if you watch your language now. While she keeps going down on you, you can feel her throat muscles as they clench and ripple hard around your cock. She then hums a little, her throat vibrates softly and pleasantly around your length. You gulp and moan a bit as she pulls her head up to leave a long trail of spit from her lips to the glistening pole of muscle before quickly going back down on it. She repeats herself over and over again as her head bobs up and down; her head goes faster and faster and faster, leaving a thick coat of saliva on your cock. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the point of no return.

“Principal....C-C-C-ohhhh....mmhmhm Celestia,” you say, gaining her attention, nut she refuses to stop. “I'm....I'm gonna!” You say as she giggles and winks up at you as she resumes bobbing. Really slamming her self down on it now. You figure she wants to be dirty, so let the woman be dirty. She moans as she feels your spurts shooting down her throat hard. To your surprise she spits your dick out at just the right time to let two or three more spurts shoot sticky, warm strands of cum like string shots into her hair and face. She gulps and lets her tounge out, she swallowed it all too? Damn, she's so good at this. She lays on her back on the desk her legs spread wide, you look down at your flaccid man hood. 'Come on! Not now...please just one more round please.' You internally beg the thing to get hard again, you're half tempted to ask if she has any Viagra on her, though you don't exactly need it.

"It's okay...I did kinda...drain you." She says in as warm and loving a tone as she can but her mood changes as you pracically slap and jerk even past the orgasm you had to get it to harden again you even tug it some and squeeze it, fluffing yourself back to life and making it sway and bounce, showing her you still got it in you to go again.

"Heh, I'm far from done with you babe." You say as she wraps her ivory feet over your shoulders giggling as you place your hands on her knees to guide your cock to her waiting pussy lips, its then you realize something. "Wait...I don't have protection." You say about to back off when she pulls a plastic disk from her purse, it's like a compact but popping it open, shows a week's worth of little white pills.

"I even keep some plan B in here too...And I trust you enough to know we don't have to worry about the...other reason." She says hoping the mood isn't broken up bringing that up, it isn't. You take her left foot and softly start to kiss and suck on her big toe making her her giggle. "That tickles." She says but it becomes loud moans of bliss as your man hood starts to enter her. you moan and gasp loudly as you feel her inner walls ripple and squeeze surprisingly tightly for her age, but you chalk it up to keigel exercises, and your dad laughed at you for reading Cosmo at the dentists office.

"Ohhh fucking hell yes!" You Say as you feel your shaft start to bottom out on her. Your sweat starts to drip onto her smooth and snowy white skin. You moan and cry out as you build up a rhythm and thrust your hips back and forth at a steady pace. Getting as deep into her as you can go as she tightens her hold around you with her legs. Her moans are loud and sensual as she closes her eyes in bliss feeling your cock poke and thrust into her cervix again and again with every thrust. Her hands grip and scratch at your thighs a bit leaving marks but you don't care. You moan as loudly as she does as she leans up and townars you. You wrap your arms around her waist and draw her in kissing her hard and passionatley. Tongues slapping and wrestling hard as they kiss and fight in each other's mouths.

"I'm gonna cum again." You say softly when the kiss breaks as you gently rub your head against hers, you know its perfectly safe to do so but you know the old saying, a gentlemen always gives a lady a little warning first. She giggles and holds you close as you speed up the desk really rocking and shaking hard now.

"Cum inside me Anon, do it...please do it." She says as you feel your cock twitching hard as it manages to spurt and shoot more thick creamy loads of baby batter into the principal's pussy. You kiss her again more lovingly this time as you feel the cum spurting into her filling her up good. You reluctantly part from her leaving her resting on the top of the desk bathing in the warmth of the after glow.

"I love you Principal Celestia." You say as you gently start to stroke and caress her hair as you gather up both your and her clothes...but what now?" "like...what are we gonna do from here on out?" You want to be with her and her as you would any of the girls at school, but what would she want?

"Let's just keep this between us, and say you're...still a very faithful student." She says as you find her hand reaching for the desk phone. You Reach into your backpack and take notice of the projector hooked up to her computer for presentations.

"Hey that computer play DVD's?" You ask her as she slinks of the desk as she makes her call. To where you wonder.

"Mhhmmm I got a speaker system set up too. She says while the both of you are still completely naked. You smile hearing that as you pull a cheap ten dollar DVD from your back pack and hold it up for her to see. "Ghostbusters 2?" She asks reading just as the phone dial tone rings on the other end.

"Yeah, thought we could spend the rest of the afternoon getting cozy in here and watch it on your projector screen, what do you say Principal Celestia?" You ask feeling like a total dork asking this after you just had sex with her. She smiles that warm and almost enchanting smile that seems to alwways light up a room with the glow of the sun as she speaks into the phone.

"Hello Domino's? I'd like to place an order for delivery to Canterlot High." Her wide smile is all the awnser you need...

It's sometime later and your and her are still nude sitting in bean bag chairs she keeps in the closet and enjoying the pizza; bread sticks and two liter of Pepsi she got for you both. Because of her vegetarian side, the toppings are green peppers; olives, and feta cheese, but you don't care. You watch the movie with her close beside you, she sighs contently as she takes a bite and you help yourself to a bread stick. dipping it in sauce as she swallows her bit and speaks. " I feel young again Anon, my sister and I used to always order pizza after school; pop in a movie and hang out...I almost wish she was here with s right...." She's cut off between bites of pizza as her door opens, but you locked it earlier. There's only one other person with a key to this office, her sister Vice Principal Luna.

Vice Principal Luna to your surprise, stands in the door way wearing a black latex top, short skirt, thigh high boots, and in her hands is a bottle of Fireball cinnamon whiskey and a platter of oysters on the half shell. Behind her is another guy you can't remember who's name was...He just kinda...blends in and you never got to really know him. He holds in HIS hands a lit candelabra; a riding crop, a ball gag, and a big lavender purple vibrator. Vice Principal Luna and her little "teacher's pet." Look like a couple of deer caught in the headlights as their eyes dart from the naked Celestia to you and back again. Just before they back out awkwardly from the room you speak up.

"Care to join us?" As you offer them both slices from the box, as if the situation is totally normal.