> A Promise is Kept > by QueenChrysalisForever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Stallions Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changeling Castle- Queen’s Chambers- Shiny Whistle Winter has reared its harsh head, blowing in a blizzard that had kept us all cooped up inside for two days. Yet, at least things had been going well so far this winter, even with the severe weather, which surprised me more than I could have thought. After we had returned from the search for Chryssy’s harem of ‘shiny things’, things had heated up. Silvered Whistle, my mare counterpart, and I had grown quite close, becoming good friends. Course it did help I found her sexy, which as weird as it sounds I had grown used to the idea. Dusk Shine, Shining Armor, Apatelodes, Morphie and I had enjoyed sharing two of our favorite mares, though they were also not against going at it with each other. That was still where I had drawn the line. Sure let the others enjoy all that. I was more interested in cellos than a trombone. I watched Shining Armor as he stood over by the vanity, running a comb through his ruffled mane. Apparently something had come up in the Crystal Empire, or at least according to the bedraggled crystal pegasus that had blown in during the fiercest part of the storm. She was a midnight blue, with a mane and tail that would be white if not filled with the detritus the colossal winds had picked up on her way to Changeling Castle. A scroll had been pulled from her satchel, offered out to Shining on one hoof, who took it up in his pink magic and read through it. “I must go, I’m sorry but this is something that Cady can’t face alone.” He looked up at Chryssy, who nodded. “Very well, but I am going with you.” “Must you go as well?” I grumbled, pouting. Chryssy sighed and looked down at me, running a hoof down my mane. “Well of course! Can’t let a good stallion like Shining make such a long trip all on his own,” she crooned, turning around and winking at him. Shining blushed, then cleared his throat. “Besides, we’ll get there faster by wing power,” he said. “Instead of taking a week or more to get there by hoof, should only take maybe four days. If all goes well we’ll be back in less than two weeks.” “But you can’t tell us what ‘it’ is?” I asked. Shining shook his head. “Sorry Shiny, but it is classified.” “Don’t worry,” Chryssy said, kissing me on the tip of my muzzle. “We’ll be fine. Maybe you and Silvered can have a little fun while we’re gone hmmm?” She laughed when my face turned beet red. “Actually, I was hoping we could have a little guy’s night out,” Morphie winked at me as he stepped closer. “Yes, that could work well,” Shining said and placed his comb down on the vanity. “Come then Chrysalis. We haven’t time to waste. Bluebird mentioned another storm is planned for here tomorrow.” “Shining, please, just call my Chryssy,” she groaned but followed the retreating stallion to the door. With a glance behind her, she blew me a kiss, then turned around and closed the door. Silvered groaned, stirring on the bed where she and Dusk had been resting. I wasn’t sure where Apatelodes had gone. After Shining had received the letter, Chryssy had sent him off to prepare supplies for the trip. Silvered looked around, blinking her eyes slowly. “Where did everypony go?” she asked, letting out a yawn. “On a trip. Don’t worry love I’ll explain everything later,” Morphie said, trotting over and nuzzling her mane. He turned to face me, giving me a leering look that made my ears fall flat against my skull. What was he thinking? I shook my head as he turned back to the others, tapping Dusk with a hoof. “Wha?” he groaned, sitting up, then lifted a hoof with eyes half open. “Just put the hay in the apple and eat the candle,” he murmured and his hoof dropped and head fell back against the pillow. Morphie rolled his eyes and shook Dusk with one hoof. “Wake up,” he growled. “Okay, okay, I’m up, I’m up,” he groaned, stretching out and sitting up on the bed. “What’s the problem?” “I agree, what is the problem Morphie?” Silvered crossed her forehooves and raised one eyebrow. “I think the two of you should go get some lunch, you kind of slept through it and need your nourishment.” “What about you and Shiny?” Dusk asked, hopping off of the bed. Morphie smiled over at me. “We have something to discuss.” I gulped, eyes wide. Could it be? “Ah, I understand,” Silvered said, putting a hoof around Dusk. “Come on, I’m sure Star Bright can put together something tasty for us.” Dusk looked between us, but then nodded and followed her to the door. I looked back over at Morphie as the door closed behind them, only to take a step back at the leering smile he was giving me. “So Morphie er… what did you want to talk about?” I grinned sheepishly up at him. “Oh, I think you know very well what I want to say.” He stepped closer to me, tail swishing back and forth behind him. “I’m sure you remember the promise you made me?” I nodded. How could I forget? “That I’d let you have your kinky ways with me when the time came,” I whispered, rubbing my right forehoof against my leg. He chuckled, lowering his head to gaze into my eyes. “And that time is now, little Shiny.” I sighed, closed my eyes and walked toward the bed. “Very well, what do you have in mind?” He wrapped his magic around me and pulled me away from the bed, levitating me in the air in front of him. “Lots of things, actually. But first, something a little fun, a new experience for you.” “Well won’t it all be a new experience? After all, I haven’t done anything with you or the other stallions yet.” “Oh, but this experience is even more… entertaining than that,” he chuckled. “Now, close your eyes and prepare for a big surprise.” I nodded and did as he had asked. His magic grew warm around me, almost hot below my tail and between my legs. A few minutes later I felt him levitate me away and drop me on the bed. “You may open your eyes now,” he said, a snicker escaping from him. I opened my eyes and looked around, not seeing anything different in the room. That is when it hit me. My ears twitching, I lowered my head and spread my back legs, feeling a little dizzy when I saw what was missing. My balls and stallionhood were gone, replaced with a vagina and all those other little mare bits. “You-you turned me into a mare!” I yelled, breathing heavily. “You-you turned me into a mare…” I glanced up at him, one ear lowered, head turned to one side. “What is the point in that? Don’t you have Silvered for this kind of thing?” Morphie cackled, closing his eyes as he did so. When he finally calmed down a minute later, he gazed over at me. “That is different. She was born a mare, but you were not.” “I still don’t get it,” I said, shaking my head. He sighed and tossed a hoof around me. “You’ve never been a mare, have you?” I shook my head. “Well then, like I said it will be a new experience for you.” I groaned, and facehoofed. “So you are into making stallions experience things the mare way?” “Actually, you are the first, at least in recent memory, which I have decided to do so for.” “Great, then let’s just get this over with.” “Aw, now is that the attitude to have with the one who is going to make you cum and scream his name?” I glared at him. “And who said I would do that?” “Before I’m done with you, you will,” he said and ran a hoof down my back. I shivered, surprised with how… good it felt. “Now, before we begin, do you want to check yourself out?” He waggled his eyebrows at me, gesturing toward the vanity mirror. “Why? I’ve seen what Silvered has down there, I doubt I look all that different.” “Perhaps, but it is a whole new experience to see it on yourself rather than another pony.” He did have a point there. I nodded and stood, taking a few steps toward the vanity before he gathered me up in his magic again and floated me closer. “I can walk well enough on my own you know,” I grumbled. “But you can’t see everything that way. Go on, take a look.” He watched me eagerly as he levitated me in front of the mirror. I rolled my eyes then turned to look, eyes widening a little at what I saw. Morphie hadn’t changed too much of me. Besides looking a little more delicate, wider hips, and of course missing my stallionhood and balls, I didn’t look that much different. My mane was maybe an inch longer, fur on my chest a little thicker and… oh my Celestia, I had tits! I sat up in Morphie’s magic, examining the little sparsely furred nubs of flesh above my rear legs. They were a slightly darker color than my fur, and as I ran a hoof over one of them I winced at how hard it was. I moved my hoof down lower, running it along my vulva and around my little folds of flesh. It was already slightly moist, and even the light touch of my own hoof sent shivers over me. Was I that easily turned on as a mare? “So, you like?” Morphie asked, pulling me back over to the bed and plopping me down beside him. “Well, it is… different. I don’t know what to think.” “Maybe this will help,” he grinned and putting a hoof behind my head pulled me in for a kiss. My ears shot up as his lips ground into mine, keeping me from pulling away with that hoof firm against my neck. I had to admit though, his kiss was intoxicating. My shoulders relaxed and I leaned into the kiss, my face flushed with warmth as he pushed his tongue into my mouth, twisting it around my own. A moan escaped my lips and I wrapped my own hoof lightly around him, only to have him pull away, my hoof slipping down his side. “So, you enjoyed that did you?” he smirked down at me. I could only nod. Stupid changeling, I didn’t want to like this! Before I could think of much else though he had moved his hooves, one down my back the other down my stomach until it rested right above my tits, which seemed to throb at his presence. “Then let’s continue.” He flicked the one closest to his hoof and I gasped at the tremors it sent through me. I could feel heat building between my legs, my fur moist. He moved his hoof lower, coming to rest against my inner thigh, and I couldn’t help letting out a moan. His rough changeling hoof felt so good, and he had only just begun! I glanced up at him and he smiled down at me, winking. With that he moved his hoof directly over to my clit, grinding his hoof against it. I pinned my ears back against my skull and let out a loud moan, colt did that feel good! Maybe even better than when Chryssy rubbed her hooves along my length. What can I say, that feeling of chitin against my nether regions was addicting. My nostrils flared as a delicious scent filled the air, so close to Chryssy’s only a citrusy orange overpowered the cantaloupe and dark chocolate, instead of her rosy aroma. I licked my lips, taking it all in. A lighter, sweeter scent arose under it, banana and mint. My ears rose back up when I realized it was me! Curse that Morphie, he sure was good at what he was doing. I frowned when he removed his hoof, letting out a little groan. “Ugh, don’t stop,” I moaned. “That feels so good!” “Well, well, well, look who is enjoying being a mare,” Morphie teased, putting the hoof he had been using beneath my chin and turning my head to look him in the eyes. “But I didn’t change you just to get you turned on, oh no.” He shifted, and my eyes grew wide as I felt his huge cock slap against my leg. Turning my gaze downwards, I took in the sight of him. Of all us stallions, he easily had the largest endowments. Balls larger than cantaloupes, stallionhood longer than even Shining’s and almost as thick as my leg. A shudder ran through me at the sight of it, now that I had seen it I couldn’t turn my eyes away. Morphie grinned slyly, watching my gaze. “Yes, dear little Shiny. You want this don’t you?” He purred, holding up his member and running it along my stomach, making me moan softly. “Then take it, and have a little fun.” Nope, nope, nope I wasn’t going to do it, nope. Yet I saw my hooves move down toward it, almost hypnotized by its beauty. I cupped it in both hooves, feeling the pulse of it against them with every beat of Morphie’s heart. Its rough edges caught against my hoof as I ran it down his length, hearing him hiss softly as I did so. Okay, this wasn’t so bad, at least my body sure didn’t seem to think so as I felt the heat increase between my legs, mare juices dripping from them. A few drops of pre dripped from Morphie’s length onto my fuzzy belly, and I watched as they dribbled down the sides. Would it taste a lot like Chryssy? I had to know. Still holding on with one hoof, I moved his thick cock closer and gave the tip a brisk lick, making him moan. Oh yes, he tasted so much like my Chryssy. Opening my mouth, I took in the first inch or so of him, the heat almost scorching against my lips. I grinned when he let out another moan, and took a little more of him in, running my tongue along his length. “There we go, my little mare, take me all in,” he growled, putting a hoof behind my neck again and pushing me forward, forcing even more of him into my mouth. “You know you love the taste of me, and I you.” He leaned down and nibbled on my ear, making me moan against his length. Ooooh yes was that nice! Pre dripped down my throat in rivulets, and I gulped it down, taking in even more of his length as I did so. I felt his flared tip hit the back of my throat and tried my best not to gag, breathing heavily through my nostrils. Opening my eyes, I saw he was only almost halfway inside my mouth, his thick medial ring pulsing a mere inch or so away from my muzzle. His huge balls dangled in front of me. I reached up a hoof and cupped one of them, feeling it pulsing against my hoof. “Mmm Shiny,” Morphie moaned, coming up off of my ear, a large dollop of drool running down and along my cheek. “You sure you’ve never done this before?” he chuckled, and glanced back down between my legs. “Now, let me return the favor.” Morphie licked his lips and pulled his stallionhood out of my mouth, the tip coming out with a little pop. Drool and pre dribbled down my chin, He adjusted his position, bringing his head down near my flank. Oh no, he wasn’t going to- yipes! I yelped as I felt his long tongue lick against my hot marehood. He licked up my mare juices as they spilled out, humming to himself as he did so. I tilted my head back and moaned, bucking against his ministrations. “Liking it that much are you?” he asked, coming up and grinning at me. “What will I tell poor Chryssy when she returns? That you are mine now?” He gave another long, slow lick down my entire vulva, making me bite my lip as I tried to prevent another moan. “Nnn-no,” I managed to gasp out. “I will al-always be her stallion. Oooh that feels so good!” I groaned out as he continued the long, slow strokes of his tongue. Morphie chuckled. “You sure about that?” He leaned back down and planted a kiss on my clit, forcing a buck out of me and a moan. Giving it one more lick, he took my clit between his lips and began sucking on it. Oh my Celestia! Nothing so far could compare to this! A heat rose in my groin and I felt the pressure building up. “I-I think I’m about there.” I let out a yelp as he let go of my clit at my words. “Then let me get you the rest of the way there, hmm?” He licked his lips, covered in my mare juices, and plunged back down sticking his tongue deep into my vagina. His muzzle nuzzled against my dripping folds, my body shivering as his tongue reached my g-spot, and I let out a gasp. Ooooh why did I like this so much? I shouldn’t be, but the spark between us was electrifying, and made my cheeks redden in pleasure. I let out a scream as I came, mare juices pouring all over his snout as he licked them up eagerly, only making me spill out all the more. “Mmm you taste just as delicious as my dear Silvered.” I collapsed back against the pillows, basking in an afterglow. Though I hated to admit it, things had been fun so far. It certainly was different going at it as a mare, but not… unpleasant. Morphie had for sure known what he was doing. “Well, glad to help,” I said and wiggled toward the end of the bed. Morphie wrapped me in his magic again and pulled me closer. “Where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you yet!” He grinned, and planted a kiss on my muzzle. “You may have come, but I still need that sweet release.” “Oh, right,” I moved a hoof down toward Morphie’s hard stallionhood but he flicked it away. “No, not like that.” he snapped. “You are a mare right now after all, let’s do this the traditional way.” He grinned slyly at me. “I’m sure you’ll like this even more, especially with your fetishes.” He let out a soft chuckle, and rubbed one hoof up and down his erect member. “If you like our hooves against your cock, just wait until you get one inside of you.” I gulped, but nodded, rolling over and offering up my winking clit to him, swishing my tail to the side and out of his way. He was just so huge, and I wasn’t sure I could get him all the way in. A shiver ran through me as he put a hoof against each of my flanks, rubbing them over my cutie mark as he did so. I closed my eyes and almost purred in pleasure, but let out a yelp a few seconds later when I felt his flared tip brush against my winking slit. My eyes widened as he slipped it inside of me, just the tip at first, and then slowly another few inches. And oh colt was he right! A chitin covered hoof against my stallionhood was nothing compared to the chiton covered changeling cock plunging inside of me. It scraped against all my heated areas, sending a jolt of lightning down my spine and pleasure running down my entire body to the tips of my hooves. I bit my lip, trying not to cry out. It was what he wanted me to do sure, but that one was one thing I wasn’t going to give him. Morphie chuckled, probably enjoying seeing me struggle. “Go ahead, let it out,” he purred, nipping me on the flank. “Scream for me to put it all in.” He slipped another few inches in, and I moaned, feeling the giant thing expanding my walls, pulsing to the beat of his heart inside of me. He was almost halfway inside of me now, I could see his green veined medial ring just outside of me. And oh how I did want it all in me, if it could all fit, but couldn’t admit that to him! “Very well then, I’ll just play with myself,” he shrugged when I didn’t say anything and slowly pulled back. “Wait,” I gasped and looked back up at him. He smirked at me, only his flared head still inside of me. “Yes?” he prompted, gazing into my eyes. I lowered my ears, but smiled sweetly at him. “Put it all in me.” “Oh? What was that I hear?” He put a hoof next to his ear, and I glared at him. Fine, he wanted me to yell? I’d yell. “Put it all in me!” I yelled, ears perking back up as I lifted my head to stare him in the eyes. “That’s more like it, my little mare,” he teased, kissing me on the tip of my muzzle before he plunged back inside of me, medial ring popping past my winking hole. This time I couldn’t help it, I let out a scream as he pulled out again and then back in, continuing the motion as his balls slapped back and forth along the wet blankets, sending shivers through him and his amazing cock. My knees felt weak beneath me as I felt another orgasm coming. “Don’t stop Morphie, I am so close!” I moaned, only to hear him laugh. “I’m right there with you,” he said and with a growl, plunged into me once more, hilting inside of me. His great balls rose up and just thinking of what was about to come, I came, mare juices splashing against my hooves. I jolted a moment later when Morphie came as well, his hot seed spilling into me and making me gasp. It spilled into me like rushing rapids, my belly expanding as it filled with his seed. He winked at me, lowering a hoof to rub it against my belly. “Ahh all my hard work. Isn’t it beautiful?” He chuckled, holding on tight to my barrel as he continued to pump into me. How much had he worked up to send into me? I was already feeling so full, and yet his balls looked maybe half full still. All that was supposed to fit in me? I didn’t know what to think, or if I even could. My legs began to feel like jelly as I struggled to continue standing, finally falling forward as his stallionhood shrank, and the last dribbles of his seed falling to the blankets as he fell forward on top of me. He breathed heavily next to me, cheeks green in his afterglow. “Mmmm that was nice,” he purred, closing his eyes. “And I told you so.” He poked a hoof into my side, making my now very full belly jiggle. “I told you I could get you to scream my name.” “This time maybe,” I gasped, leaning against him as I caught my breath. “But it won’t happen again. No matter how-how good it is.” I looked up at him, ears lowering when he stared back at me. “So, yo-you satisfied? Do you forgive me n-now?” “Oh Shiny,” Morphie sighed, and placed a tired hoof to my shoulder. “It has only just begun!” > A Stallions Night Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen’s Chambers-Shiny Whistle I took some deep breaths as we lied there, my heart still thumping wildly. Being a mare has sure been… interesting. Would I want to do it again sometime though? Maybe. Wasn’t quite sure of that yet. I looked over at Morphie. He had his eyes closed, forehooves curled behind his head, smiling. His plans for me hadn’t been… all bad yet really, had it? What did he plan to do next? Keep me a mare for longer? Or were things going to get even more… serious? Should I hope the others would stay away until he was done with me? Morphie let out a deep sigh and opened his eyes, turning to look at me. “Ready for round two, my mare?” “So I’m staying a mare a little longer hmm?” I asked. “Oh no, you’ll be going back to being a stallion,” he grinned. “Being the nice changeling that I am I wanted to go easy on you at first, but now it is time to get serious.” “Right, nice, easy,” I said and rolled my eyes. I gulped as his magic engulfed me again, and with the return of the heat I felt my balls and stallionhood return. Welcome back guys, I thought then bit my lip, ears pulling back as Morphie rolled over on top of me, a hoof to either side of my face. “Er… hi?” Morphie chuckled, “hello there.” He licked his lips, staring into my eyes. “So, you’ve seen the things I and the other stallions have done. Ready to experience them for yourself?” “Do I have any choice?” I huffed and he shook his head. “Well then I guess I am as ready as I’m going to be then.” “You’ll be thinking differently before I’m done with you,” he purred, and ran a hoof down my throat and chest. A shiver ran down my back and I closed my eyes. Ugh, since when did I become so easy? No, I wasn’t going to make this easy for him. “You want to bet on that?” I asked, to which he only grinned slyly. “There’s no need for that,” he said, leaning forward and planting a quick peck on my lips. “If you want more time with me once I consider your debt paid all you need do is ask.” “You’re not going to turn me into a coltcuddler,” I snorted. “Mmmm enough talk,” he said, opening his mouth wide and placing it around my ear, sucking on it. “Why do you and Chryssy love ear sucking so much?” I asked, lowering my other ear. “You taste good,” Morphie said, shrugging and continued sucking. I just narrowed my eyes at him, heart thumping wildly as he continued to suck, running his long tongue into my ear and making me snort. “Hey, that tickles!” “Hmm,” he replied, looking down and winking at me. He pulled away a moment later, licking his lips as a dribble of drool ran down it. “Shall we get a little more intimate then?” he grinned slyly. “Present yourself,” he commanded, backing up and sitting on the bed in front of me. “O-kay…” I said, wiggling deeper into the blankets and spreading my legs. My own cock was already close to half mast, growing slightly bigger as Morphie stared at it, chuckling. “The other side,” he said. “Has Chryssy never given more than your cock attention? You poor stallion!” More? OH right. Blushing slightly, I sighed. “I’ve never been anything but satisfied with the attentions she has given me, if not more.” “I have a feeling that is about to change,” Morphie cackled softly. “Now flip over, and put your tail to the side.” I complied, just wanting to get this over with already. Rolling over and holding my tail to the side, I rested my head on a clean spot on the covers, my rear in the air. Morphie leaned in closer, examining my ponut. “Ah, unclaimed territory, and it’s all mine,” he chuckled, bringing his muzzle down and nuzzling against it. I jumped slightly, which just made him nuzzle against it more. “Mmmm you are smelling delicious. I could just eat you right up,” he licked his lips. “In fact, I shall do just that.” My eyes widened as I felt his tongue lick up my anus to the dock of my tail, making me shiver, ooo did that feel good! His licks grew shorter but rougher, focusing mostly on my anus as he licked around it, his tongue pulling at the puckered skin around it with each stroke. Breathing heavily, I moaned softly with each stroke. The heat of his tongue, drool dripping from me onto the covers, and most of all the feeling of his tongue stretching me out helped my own cock to slip lower, slowly hardening as he continued. I gasped as he pulled away, my tongue hanging out as I looked up at him. “Looks like you are enjoying that a little too much,” he teased, moving a hoof to my head and ruffling my mane. “I’ll make you a coltcuddler yet!” “N-no,” I shook my head, ears going down slightly. “M-maybe for tonight, but not after.” Morphie just grinned. “You think that will really work Shinikins?” he purred, licking his lips. “I- or well this body,” he beamed, spreading out his wings. “We have been at this kind of thing for over one thousand years. You wonder why the princesses have no special somepony? Well, other than the fact the ones from my world are stallions.” “Let me guess, you stole them from the princes.” I rolled my eyes at him. “But what does stealing some mares have to do with changing me into a coltcuddler?” “Who said the princes liked mares?” he winked at me. “They have had some mares in the past, but with the mare to stallion ratio being so low, more often than not their special someponies have been stallions. But yes, I did steal their special someponies often. As I have with plenty of other stallions. None of them left me liking mares anymore.” He grinned. “Well you won’t break me!” That badly, anyway, I thought. No, I would always be loyal to Chryssy. She was my one true love. Nothing Morphie, Silvered, or any of the other ponies in our little winter harem did would change that. “Hmmm is that a challenge I hear? I do so love challenges!” he cackled. Morphie leaned back up to my ponut, dripping with his drool, and kissed it. Wrapping his forehooves around my flank, he gave me a fangy grin. “By the time I’m done with you, you will be saying ‘Chryssy who?’” His tongue licked against me again, then without warning he plunged it inside of my anus. I yelped, jumping back at its intrusion, only to make it go all the deeper as this time he licked the inside. “Ooooh you are so tight!” He said, coming up for a moment, chuckled, then dove back in. I shut my eyes tight, curling my forehooves back and forth as he went at it, biting my tongue and tensing as he pushed in deeper. Below me, I could feel my balls slowly filling with my seed, my cock lengthening and hardening. Reaching a hoof down to my cock as pre started to drip, he swatted my hoof away. “Ah-ah-ah, no taking care of yourself,” he growled softly, pausing and resting his chin on my flank. “You taste so good!” he moaned, closing his eyes. “Er… thanks?” He simply winked and wrapped his hooves around my flank harder, tongue poking back into my anus. As he licked, he moved one of his forehooves down, wrapping it around one of my balls and squeezing hard. “Ahhhh,” I yelled, closing my eyes. He was bringing me so close! Pre dripped down onto the covers from my fully erect cock. Upon my yell, I could hear him moan loudly beneath me, increasing his pace. Ugh, why was he having so much fun? With one more squeeze of my ball he had grasped in his hoof I came, and came hard. He laughed, pulling his tongue out from inside of me and rolling under me, opening his mouth wide to catch my cum as it gushed out. Much of it splattered into his mouth, but even more dripped down his face and chest as my cock bounced upward with each new release. As the last few dribbles dripped onto his muzzle, I collapsed on top of him, my belly fur quickly becoming soaked with my own cum. “I- I don’t think you have cum that well since our little four way back in my dimension.” Morphie chuckled, licking my chin with his cum covered tongue. “N-neither do I,” I admitted. Curse him and his good skills! I felt my cheeks burning in my afterglow. “S-so what else?” “You don’t really think I’m done with you, do you?” he smirked. “Without you giving me some attention?” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Give me a few minutes, I need to catch my breath.” “We can still have fun while you reload,” Morphie winked, adjusting below me and yai! A shiver ran up my spine as his fully erect cock touched against my own and my balls. He rocked his hips up and down, grinding it against me. Oh. My. Sweet. Celestia! A changeling hoof against my cock and balls was one thing, but a changeling cock against them? Ooooh the rough surface scraping against them sent tendrils of pleasure through my entire body. I could get used to this. NO! I shook my head, gritting my teeth. What was I thinking? Morphie chuckled beneath me, reaching up and kissing my cheek. “You like that huh? I can feel the love of it flowing from you.” He wrapped his forehooves around my barrel, pulling me down against him to where my head rested on his chest. His hips rocked harder, causing me to let out a loud moan despite how much I tried to stop it. “Yes, enjoy it, savor it!” he yelled, rubbing a hoof down my spine, lifting it as he reached my flank and smacking it. He took my tail in his magic, pulling on it and bringing it to his waiting hoof. “You are all mine,” he whispered, nipping my ear as he pulled on my tail, hips rocking harder. “N-no, I only belong to Chryssy!” I yelped, feeling my cock and balls grow again as he continued. Their growing only increased the pleasure from his own rubbing against them. It was clear he was enjoying it too, as he closed his eyes, tongue hanging out as he continued the rocking motion. “Not tonight,” he grinned, pausing in his grinding and leaning back against the bed. “Come closer handsome,” he chuckled. I scooted farther up, until we were muzzle to muzzle. “Yes, Mr. Crazy Changeling King?” He cackled, letting go of my tail. “Oh Shiny, you crack me up!” He wrapped a hoof around my neck and pulled me downward, kissing me. With a soft growl, he pressed his tongue against my lips, forcing his way into my mouth. His long tongue had a faint taste of banana on it, part of my cum that still clung to it. I moaned as he pressed his muzzle harder against mine, licking his tongue around inside rapidly. He moved his kisses slowly downward, trailing down my neck and making me shiver slightly. Morphie pulled away, wrapping his magic around me and lifting me off him. Rolling over, he moved his tail to the side revealing his own gaping anus. Different from a pony’s, chitin still covered most of the area around it, except for a thin gap around the hole and between his fine flanks. Wait, did I just call his flanks fine? Ugh! “Well what are you waiting for? Have a little lick,” Morphie winked, flicking his tail at me then holding it to the side again. I sighed, shaking my head as I leaned down and gave it a tentative lick. The chitin around it scraped against the edges of my tongue, but not unpleasantly. His taste though, was almost intoxicating. Slightly different from his cock earlier, but still emitting his musk. “Well don’t stop!” Morphie grunted, turning to look at me. “Go deep inside of me Shinikins, make me cum!” “Then stop using that nickname!” I shouted, stomping a hoof –not very effective on a bed-. “You’re going to ruin the name for me.” “Oh we’ll see about that,” he winked. “Just continue.” I sighed and bent back down, running my tongue along his ponut. “Ah yesssss, just like that!” he moaned, pressing back against me, “remember what I taught you with your rimming.” It was a good thing he tasted good, or I would have slapped him. Maybe I should still. As I continued to lick along the edges, I slapped his flank, getting a loud moan out of him. “Ooooh, getting feisty are we?” he teased, swiping his tail across my face. I snorted, shaking my head, and glared at him. To which he just chuckled. I pulled away, drool dripping a connection between his anus and my lips. His puckered flesh around his hole had pulled away with my licking, making the hole wider. Following his example from before, I licked my lips and then buried my muzzle into him, sticking out my tongue and poking it deep inside of him. Morphie let out a loud moan, a shiver running through his body and down to my tongue. I closed my eyes, running my tongue around inside him licking every spot I could reach. My tongue was shorter than his, but I still got fairly deep, if his moans were anything to go by. He pushed back against me again, his balls now so big that when they bounced back they brushed against my chin. I groaned softly at their warmth, reaching a hoof up and grabbing one while I continued to lick his ponut, squeezing the ball between my hooves gently. It and its brother began to rise slowly beneath my hoof, preparing to let out their load. Morphie pulled away, gasping as my tongue left him with a pop. “Turn around,” he growled, showing off his fangs. Gulping, I nodded and did so, once again exposing my own ponut to him. Oooooh this was going to hurt, wasn’t it? “Um… shouldn’t we use some lube first? I-I mean Chryssy had to when she was with Meep, so….” I stammered, turning to look at him as he sized me up. Lowering his ears, he glared at me. “Fine, fine, here” he muttered, pulling a tube of it out of the bedside table. Opening it, I let out a little yelp as a cold sensation covered my ponut, watching as Morphie rubbed the lubricant all over and around it. Then, turning to his own flared cock, he rubbed the lubricant over it as well, shivering. “There,” he said, tossing the tube aside. “I think we are ready now,” he winked. “Lay down, flank in the air.” I took a deep breath and nodded, doing as he requested. Though as I looked behind me, watching him step closer, lube dripping from his cock as well as rivulets of pre, I swear my heart skipped a beat. My own cock pulsed beneath me, wiggling around as if it was eager for the other stallions cock to enter above it. I jumped as I felt the tip pressed against me, moaning as he slowly circled it around my entrance, teasing me. “Now, you want this, don’t you my stallion?” He purred, pressing it against my hole again and circling once more. Doing this again and again after each poke against me, moaning softly. “Do you have to ask?” I moaned. Despite it all, I really did want it. I had loved having it in me as a mare, albeit a different hole, and now with my cock throbbing painfully below me, I wanted it again. “I might be cruel, but at least I make sure you are ready,” he pouted, the pout changing to a grin as he finally pushed the first inch inside. “Oh Sweet Celestia!” I moaned, feeling his rough edges scrape against me. I grabbed onto the edge of the bed with my forehooves, panting as I heard him chuckle behind me. “Already spouting out swears? This is going to be fun.” Morphie continued, the widest part of his cock already inside of me, the rest of it followed smoothly, until he got to his medial ring, where he paused. I looked down to see a bulge where his cock pressed against my skin, throbbing with each heartbeat. Then with a low chuckle, he pressed forward, medial ring popping past my tight ponut and making me scream in ecstasy. “Yes, scream for me MY stallion!” He yelled, not moving any farther but rolling his hips around, letting every part of me feel his giant cock. I blinked in surprise as he started to pull out. What was he doing? Morphie paused with just his flared tip left inside, smirking down at me. “You ready to go all the way Shinikins?” I groaned, not able to speak as I panted, nodding my head. He plunged the rest of the way back in, medial ring popping past my hole as he hilted inside of me. He leaned forward, biting my mane and pulling on it, pressing him hard against my insides. “Ahhh Mo-Morphie,” I moaned, ears instantly going down as I realized what I had just done. But he only cackled, pulling out and smacking himself back in, over and over as all I could do was barely hold onto my position. My insides felt rubbed raw as he thrusted again and again into my rectum. “That’s it, scream my name!” Morphie yelled, biting down on my right ear as he continued to thrust into me. I could feel his balls rising above me, my own following not far behind. He pulled almost all the way out one last time, then with a loud slap of his balls against my flank he came, spilling his hot seed into my ponut. “N-n--- fine, Morphie!” I yelled as I came as well, seed gushing out over the already soaked bed. My breath came in gasps as he shot more and more of his seed into me. My own continued to soak the blankets beneath me, as well as my belly fur. A moment later, we both collapsed to the soaking wet bed, both of us spent. His cock slowly pulled out of me, releasing a gush of his stallion cum as it did so. Wrapping a hoof around me, he nibbled on my neck. “So, did you enjoy yourself handsome?” “Hng, I-I think the real question is, did you enjoy it?” I gasped, breathing through my nostrils. “Hmm yes I did,” he murmured, licking the spot he was nibbling then nibbling it again. “You made a nice cocksleeve for me tonight.” “Then…?” I prompted. He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I suppose you are forgiven now. Just don’t you dare make my Silvered cry again,” he said, poking me in the ribs. “If you do, I won’t go so easy on you next time.” “THIS was going easy on me?” “Do you WANT to see what the hard way is?” He countered. “No, I-I’m fine.” I stuttered, blushing. Morphie chuckled. “You know, I think I can grow to like you. Perhaps we can go again sometime this winter?” “Perhaps,” I said softly. Ugh, was I really agreeing to possibly doing it again? Oh colt, had he really made me like stallions? Hopefully it wouldn’t take Chryssy and Shining long to return, I didn’t want to know what might happen if they didn’t! > A Just Reward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen’s Chambers- Morphie “I can’t believe how much we have him wrapped around our hoof!” Meta cackled as we relaxed against the bed-frame, smiling over at Shiny. “Colt, he might even be having more ‘fun’ than us! Now, what else shall we do with him?” he hummed. Indeed, what else should we do? Tonight had been fun, introducing my dear Silvered’s stallion version of herself to so many things. He looked pretty exhausted from our efforts so far. His eyes closed on the other side of the bed, ears twitching every so often. “We could just let him rest,” I whispered, not wanting Shiny to hear. “After all, we did tell him he was forgiven.” Though even just the thought of such made my cock twinge. Silvered and I usually went many more rounds than Shiny and I had so far. That mare had more stamina than many of my changelings! Though it seemed Shiny hadn’t gained that kind of stamina yet. I grinned, rolling over onto my side facing him. Chryssy had probably gone too easy on him. Perhaps I could help them with that? We might only be here for the winter, but that left plenty of time to build the stallions stamina. “Oh Shiny,” I crooned, rolling over to him and rubbing a hoof up and down his back, making him jolt awake. “Uhhhh… Morphie? What’s wrong? I thought we were good?” he yawned, smacking his lips and blinking slowly. “Oh we are, and that is why I was thinking. I want to give you a present,” I beamed, giving him a fang filled smile. He sat up in the bed, giving me a deadpan stare. “A present? Why would you want to do that?” I nodded. “Well let’s just call it kind of a double present, as it is something to help out Chryssy too. And a way to… reward you?” “Okay, but what is it?” Shiny huffed, turning toward me. Good, at least we had him curious now. “We,” I said, and poked him in the belly with a hoof. “Are going to work on your stamina!” He just stared at me, not blinking. “My stamina? My stamina is fine,” he snorted. “Not really,” Meta chuckled. “Tell him Silvered’s record.” I leaned in closer and nibbled his ear, watching in glee as a shiver ran down his spine. “Want to know how many times Silvered can go before she tires out?” I whispered into the nibbled ear. “Twelve.” His eyes widened and mouth dropped open, ears splaying down flat against his head at my words. Turning to look at me, he opened and closed his mouth wordlessly, looking like a fish. “Tw-twelve?” he finally managed to gasp out. “How?” “Practice,” I growled playfully. “With my sexual appetite, she adjusted to make things work.” Rubbing a hoof against my chest, I grinned. “I’m surprised you and Chryssy haven’t gotten further yet. Being well she is, me!” “Well I−” Shiny began, blushing. “Aw, he’s so cute when he blushes!” Meta said. “Come on, let’s get him going again!” “We can fix that,” I purred, licking my lips and folding a hoof around Shiny’s barrel. “They said they would be gone for around two week’s right? Well then,” with a quick peck on Shiny’s cheek I winked at him. “I bet I could get you up to five rounds by then.” Wrapping him tighter in my embrace, chuckling as he struggled in my grip, I pressed my muzzle to his in a deep kiss, holding it until Shiny finally managed to wiggle away enough to part, panting. “A-are you crazy?” he shouted, looking up at me. “Why, yes. Thank you for noticing,” I winked at him, laughing as he shook his head. “Don’t you want to help Chryssy out with that?” I pouted, puckering my lips at him. “Just think what it would do for your relationship, if you could hold out for longer, last longer.” Shiny rubbed a hoof to his chin, ears twitching as he thought it over. “She’s never said she was disappointed in my performance,” he murmured softly. “Sure Chryssy has a lot more experience than me, but she loves me and what I can do for her.” “Wouldn’t you rather surprise her though?” I grinned. “Besides,” I rolled to his side and kissed his cheek. “I think I have an offer you won’t want to refuse on that.” “Oh? And what is that?” he asked, tilting his head sideways. “Remember the second part of the ‘present’? Well, how about some fun with my lovely Silvered? You still owe her for making her cry,” I snorted, poking him in the belly. “She might have forgiven you, but still deserves payback.” He looked curiously at me for a moment, rubbing his chin. “You mean, just giving her a good buck, instead of you, to help with my stamina?” “Oh, if only he knew,” Meta cackled. “I have a plan! This would be even more fun than just us bucking him.” He quickly went on with his idea, and I couldn’t help a sly grin from forming on my face. Yes, it was perfect! “Not sure if I like that grin on your face,” he said biting his lower lip. “Oh, but I think you will,” I chuckled, rolling off the bed and stretching out my legs and wings. “You rest a bit, you’re going to need it. I’m off to grab Silvered. If you are up for the challenge?” I cocked my head to the side, one eyebrow raised. He chuckled, “Sure, after tonight, I think I can handle being with Silvered.” “Then I’ll be baaaack,” I said, and trotted toward the door. After asking a few of the pony servants trotting along the halls, making sure things stayed clean, I found Silvered and Dusk in the servants dining hall. Empty plates lay on the table before them. Dusk was lying down on the bench, his four hooves splayed out to either side of it as he snored softly. “Colt, these ponies sleep anywhere,” Meta said. Silvered looked up from twirling a fork around on her empty plate with her magic, smiling when she saw me. “Morphie!” she yelled, jumping up to latch a hoof around me, hugging me close. I wrapped a hoof around her, nuzzling her mane and breathing in her fresh scent. Her nostrils quivered as she sniffed the air, a grin forming on her face as she pulled out of our hug. “Seems you and Shiny have been having a lot of fun,” she chuckled. “How is he taking it?” “Better than I imagined actually,” I said honestly. “At this rate, I might just make him a coltcuddler.” Silvered chuckled. “Oh come on, you know I would never leave you my little lovebug,” she crooned, reaching up to kiss my cheek. “And as Shiny is me, in a different gender, I doubt he would leave Chryssy either.” “Perhaps,” I nodded. “But, Meta and I do have some more fun plans for him, involving you my dear.” “Oh? What have you two cooked up this time?” she sat back on her haunches, crossing her forehooves together. “I know you two can have some wild ideas. Most, that I really like though,” she fluttered her eyes at me, giving me a bedroom stare. Ooooooh colt did I love that look. “Hmmmmm you shall see when we get you back to our room. I’d rather keep it a surprise for both of you.” She nodded, standing back up. “Okay, lead the way handsome,” she purred, rubbing her flank against the side of my own. “Oooooh, how did I ever deny we could love this mare? She is practically a changeling in pony’s skin,” Meta sighed. “Let’s get there before Meta gets too excited,” I said, gazing at her fondly as she giggled. It didn’t take us long to return to the bedroom. As I pulled open the door, Shiny looked over at us from his spot on the bed and stretched. He gave Silvered a lazy smile, and waved a hoof at her. “Morphie tell you his plans?” “Nope, he wants to surprise both of us,” Silvered said, trotting inside and looking at the bed. “Colt, you stallions sure have made quite the mess already! Should I be worried about you stealing my husband?” she teased. “What? NO! Nonono,” Shiny gasped, coughing as he blushed deeply. “Aw, are we that bad at wooing you?” I crooned, closing the door behind me and stopping beside Silvered. “No, just well I−” he paused, ears going down. “Just- I love Chryssy is all. You will not change that Morphie!” “No, perhaps not,” I sighed, putting a hoof to my forehead. “But perhaps Silvered will.” “What?” Silvered and Shiny yelped together, giving me that same little cute, confused look. “Well, you two are going to buck each other tonight,” I said winking. “But, let’s make it more interesting, shall we? Close your eyes.” Silvered obeyed immediately, a small grin on her face. Shiny took a few moments longer, but letting out a sigh he nodded and taking a deep breath, closed his eyes. “It’s a shame we can’t do this more often,” Meta sighed as our magic wrapped around the two of them. “At least they both produce a lot of love, so we will be full of that after the fun.” I concentrated the magic on their nether regions, swapping their lovely parts with one another. Oh, was this going to be FUN. “Okay, open them beautiful eyes of yours my dears!” I yelled. Silvered let out a little squeal of excitement as she looked down between her legs, prancing in place. “Ooooh Morphie! It has been ages since we did this! Hello, my little friends,” she crooned, reaching a hoof down below. Shiny just groaned, a hoof to his forehead, shaking it slowly. “So this is your idea Morphie?” “Awww does our little ‘mare’ miss her male bits?” Meta cackled. “Indeed it is Shiny,” I said, chuckling, watching the two of them. “But not with me, remember?” “One, two, three…” Meta counted, pausing when they both gasped at the same time. “You mean−” Silvered asked, eyes wide looking over at Shiny. Then her ears went down slightly as she blushed. “Yes, that is exactly what he means,” Shiny said, his own cheeks burning pink as he looked back at Silvered. “A-and are you okay with that?” she asked, taking a step closer to Shiny. “I mean, well this being your first time as a mare−” “Actually Morphie already introduced me to the… gender change,” he said. “Oh, well this is awkward,” Silvered chuckled hesitantly. “I’ve never bucked myself before. At least, not with ME being the one with the− handsome cock,” she sighed, eyes falling nearly closed. “Yeah same here,” Shiny grinned down at her. “I’ve always been the one with a cock.” “Well then, why not get started?” I said, lifting Silvered up in my magic and depositing her in a surprisingly clean spot on the blankets. “You owe him Shiny.” “Oh, er, well, heh,” Shiny stumbled over his words, looking over at Silvered. “Yeah, let’s get started.” Queen’s Chambers – Silvered Whistle Oh colt was this exciting! Morphie hadn’t swapped my gender since a few weeks after our wedding. Mmmmm and had that been some honeymoon… I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. Looking over at Shiny sitting next to me, I nodded to him. He made quite the beautiful mare, much like me but with little differences still. Mane styled shorter, muzzle thicker than my own, but all the other bits looked familiar. Seeing as he didn’t seem to be ready to make the first move, I wiggled closer to him, kissing his cheek. “So, my beautiful mare,” I crooned, running a hoof down his chest, rubbing it through his thick, fluffy, fur. “What shall I do to you first?” He gave a hesitant laugh, grinning sheepishly. “Colt, Silvered, I think you are as bad as him when a male,” he said, pointing a hoof at Morphie, who had plopped down on the bottom of the large bed and was giving us a wicked grin. “Well, lovers do learn from each other, don’t they?” I crooned, reaching forward and kissing him on the tip of his muzzle. “You enjoyed my licking up of your cock before, right?” He nodded. “Well then,” I said, rolling in front of him and twinging a little as my back hit against cold cum. I spread my hind legs wide, revealing to him my own lovely cock. Mmmm so thick and long. Sure it was pretty much the same size as his, but didn’t mean I couldn’t admire it? It was currently at around half-mast, pulsing in excitement as Shiny gazed at it and my growing balls. “Is it weird I am attracted to it?” Shiny asked, blushing as Morphie and I both laughed. “Not at all!” I shook my head. “I like that you are attracted to it.” I leaned forward and kissed him on the muzzle, wrapping my hooves around him. Shiny leaned forward, kissing me back. “Mmmm at least Chryssy taught you something good,” I teased, kissing his cheek. Pulling away, I ran a hoof down his side, smiling as he shivered slightly at the touch. “Enjoying seeing how you stallions make us mares feel?” I asked. Shiny nodded, “actually, it gives me more ideas for what to do with Chryssy when she returns.” “Well, you are with me now beautiful,” I crooned. Colt, was Morphie really rubbing off on me that much? Or was it just having a cock again making me horny? Whatever it was, it was working on Shiny. I could smell the scent of his mare juices leaking onto the blankets. “Yes, yes I am,” he said, shifting his position, ears twitching. “Come on, let’s get some action!” Morphie cackled, and I couldn’t help giving a chuckle of my own. Aw, Morphie, what a barrel of laughs when he was feeling horny. “Go ahead Shiny, give my stallionhood some attention,” I purred reaching a hoof up and around his neck, pulling him down closer to my pulsing cock. Shiny smiled, nostrils twitching as he took in my scent. He gave his lips a long, slow lick and nodded. “As you wish, my dear Silvered,” he said and bent down, giving my cock a hesitant nuzzle, before he licked the tip. “Ooooh yes,” I moaned softly. Just that simple lick sent a shiver of pleasure up my spine. “Keep going Shiny!” He nodded, putting a forehoof on either side of my flanks as he bent lower, licking along my length with smooth, slow strokes. Every few licks he would pause at my tip, give it a brisk lick, then continue onward. He took my cock in one hoof, holding it up as he licked at my base, moaning softly as he did so. I could hear Morphie chuckle softly beside me, to which I looked up to find he had crawled up behind me and was watching with eager eyes. “Enjoying little Shiny’s new tricks?” he asked, running a hoof through my mane before he bent down to kiss my cheek. “He’s a quick learner.” I nodded, gasping as Shiny took my flared tip in his mouth and started to suck on it. “Oh yeah!” I moaned, giving Morphie a goofy grin. Colt did I love having a cock! Wiggling closer to Shiny, I moaned louder as he took more of me in, watching the bulge in his throat grow as I became harder. Pre started to trickle from my tip, to which Shiny moved to lick, swallowing every so often. Shiny pulled away, gasping for breath a few moments later, face flushed. “Colt Silvered, you are so big and thick!” “You like it I take it?” I giggled, looking down at his work, Morphie leaning over my shoulder to do the same. I was now nearly at full mast, my balls roiling with seed and about the size of a large grapefruit. My cock lay between them, the majority of it slick with pre and drool. “Doing a very good job beautiful,” I said, winking at him. “But your poor marehood needs some attention too, am I right?” “You are indeed dear,” Morphie said, looking up at Shiny. “Let me get him ready for you, shall I?” I nodded, “as long as that sweet tongue can keep at its job.” “Lay on your back Shiny,” Morphie purred. Shiny rolled his eyes, but then gazing over at me nodded, complying. He winced slightly as he splashed into another puddle of cum, but looked over at the two of us. Morphie chuckled, making his way to the other side of the bed as he eyed up Shiny’s marehood, “oh, this will be delicious,” he looked up at me. “Why don’t you keep that tongue busy hmm my dear?” “You know it, my little lovebug,” I giggled, putting my forehooves against Shiny’s shoulders and moving closer, my erect cock slapping gently against his cheek. “I really love that tongue of yours Shiny, why not keep the fun going hmm?” I kissed the tip of my cock against his lips. “I know you want it, give my lovely member a warm cock-sleeve.” Shiny let out a yelp, turning away from me and looking down at Morphie. I fluttered my eyelashes down at Morphie, whose long tongue was buried deep in Shiny’s marehood. Mmmm did I know what that was like! It almost made me jealous. I jolted as Shiny’s tongue licked along my cock, turning my attention back to him. Sweet Celestia was that tongue practiced, even if he was more used to licking pussy than cock. “Take me all in Shiny, I want to feel that mouth of yours around me.” He nodded. “You taste so good Silvered,” he moaned softly, jumping a little as Morphie dug deeper into his pussy. “I taste like you silly pony,” I said, grinning at him. “Which means you like your own taste.” He shrugged to that, wrapping his lips around my cock and taking the first few inches into his mouth, making me moan as he licked every crevice, nibbling on my tip every so often. I wanted more though, needed more. To have my entire stallionhood shoved down that throat of his. “Ready or not, let’s take this to the next level,” I grinned, and shoved further inside, watching as his eyes grew wide in shock. He quickly recovered, reaching a hoof up to massage my balls. “Ohhhh yesss Shiny,” I moaned as his hoof tenderly ran over my warm orbs. “Mmmmm will never tire of that flavor,” Morphie chuckled, coming up from Shiny’s pussy and licking his lips. Marecum covered his muzzle, dripping from his lower lip. “We should have done this ages ago! I do love having two versions of my favorite pony beside me in bed.” He purred, leaning forward to kiss my muzzle. “Oh you sly little devil,” I laughed, licking my lips when he pulled away. Shiny tasted a little sweeter than I did as a mare, but it was still delicious. I pulled out of Shiny, leaning back as he gasped, taking in deep breaths as he looked at the two of us. “H-having fun at my expense, are you?” he gasped, to which Morphie nodded, grinning slyly. “As long as you make my Silvered happy, that is all that matters,” he said, reaching a hoof down and rubbing it hard against Shiny’s pussy. “Together, the two of us will make your stamina something Chryssy can be proud of!” “Oh, so is that the plan?” I asked as Shiny let out a loud moan. “I’m good with that.” my cock was now fully erect below me, pre leaking onto Shiny’s cheek. Leaning down, I licked it up, then moved to nuzzle his ear. “Think we can get you as far as me before the end of the winter?” I said, chuckling as his ears went down flat. “So Morphie told you my record huh?” “Y-yeah he did,” Shiny gasped, biting his lower lip as Morphie continued to rub his hoof against Shiny’s dripping marehood. “A-and as long as you help, t-then sure we can try.” “Oh, you’re willing to let her help but not me?” Morphie frowned. “She’s a mare, or well… usually,” he chuckled sheepishly. Morphie snorted. “Well maybe I shouldn’t let her buck you then, after all she is my wife.” He ran a long, slow lick over Shiny’s pussy, making the mare shiver. “And after I got you all nice and ready for her,” he sighed. “N-no I-I want her to buck me,” he said, blushing. “Then beg for it,” Morphie crooned, giving the pussy another lick. “Mmm yes I like the idea of that,” I said, winking at Shiny. “You want Morphie and me to switch places? Then beg for me to put your good work to use.” I moved a hoof down to my cock, rubbing along it gently. Oh yes, Shiny had done a wonderful job with this beauty. Now I wanted to let out the load he had worked up straight into that beautiful pussy of his. “Otherwise, I’ll let Morphie cum in you instead, and you know how much bigger than us he is.” “Okay, okay!” Shiny yelped. I looked down to see Morphie had pressed the tip of his own cock against Shiny’s entrance, winking at him. “Silvered, I want you to buck me please,” he said, giving me a pleading smile. “That’s enough for me, come on my little lovebug,” I reached over and gave Morphie a peck on the cheek. Morphie nodded, lifting his cock away from Shiny’s entrance and moving to lay down near Shiny’s head. Shiny let out a relieved sigh as I took Morphie’s place near his glistening, dripping pussy. “Let’s give him a good ride, shall we my dear?” Morphie crooned, putting a hoof under Shiny’s chin and grinning at him. “Indeed, by the way, beautiful work,” I said, lifting a hoof to Shiny’s dripping pussy. His little clit winked out at me, making me giggle. “Oh, is someone anxious for some hot stallion cock?” I giggled. “N-no, just you,” Shiny mumbled, blushing. “Aw, isn’t that sweet,” Morphie crooned. “Well, you’ll be getting much more than that. Now, get up and into position, little Shiny.” “What do you- oh, nono, you don’t mean?” Shiny gasped, eyes moving to look at Morphie’s cock. I looked down at it as well, admiring every curve and pulsing vein. His medial ring as thick around as a pony’s hoof. The chitin along it rough, making me shiver and drip more pre as I remembered the feel of it inside me. “Indeed I do, both of us are so close, you wouldn’t want to leave one of us without a place to unload now would you?” Morphie frowned. “Come on, it will be fun!” I beamed. “I’ve never done this one before, at least not as the stallion.” Shiny looked over at me, smiled softly back at me, then nodded. “Very well, for you Silvered.” He rolled over, lifting his tail to the side and exposing his dripping marehood to me once more. Morphie reared up, placing his hooves around Shiny’s shoulders as his cock dangled in front of Shiny’s face, swinging side to side like a pendulum. “Ready then, my dear?” He winked at me. I grabbed hold of Shiny’s flanks with my hooves, rearing to place my cock against his entrance. “I am, my lovebug.” I felt Shiny’s clit wink below me, his ears going down as he stared at Morphie. Guess he was as excited as us? But I couldn’t wait anymore, pressing my tip harder against him, I slid in the first few inches as Morphie shoved the first few inches of his own cock down Shiny’s throat. Shiny gasped, moaning around Morphie’s cock. His walls squeezed against my cock, making me moan and push in deeper. He was so tight and warm! Yessss I had missed this so much. Morphie leaned over Shiny and gave me a little peck on the cheek. “How you feeling dear?” “Wonderful,” I sighed, wiggling around inside Shiny a bit and letting out another moan. Shiny let out a loud moan, and a moment later he came, his marejuices gushing out all over my lower hooves. “Already?” I teased, rubbing a hoof along his back, making him shiver. “Well you better have more in you.” I shoved deeper inside, my medial ring right outside his entrance, as I watched Morphie do the same. Beneath us Shiny breathed heavily through his nostrils, eyes flickering between the two of us, his throat already bulging out with Morphie’s cock inside of it. I gave his flank a gentle slap, making him jolt forward, taking in even more of Morphie. “Ready for us to take this to the next level?” I asked him, to which he nodded best he could. “Very well, Morphie?” “After you my dear.” I nodded and shoved myself the rest of the way inside of him, making him groan around Morphie’s cock. Oooh yes,that felt so good! I pulled most of the way out only for Morphie to force his way deeper into Shiny’s mouth until he hilted, his giant balls slapping against Shiny’s cheeks. As he pulled out again I shoved back in. We continued to shove back and forth, Shiny moaning and groaning between us, his walls clamping against my cock again and again, his clit winking like mad. It slowly started to get harder and harder to pull out, our movements becoming erratic. Morphie let out a loud moan, glancing over at me. “I am so close! You?” I nodded, to which he just grinned. “On three then? We’ll shove into him together.” “Okay,” I gasped, feeling my balls begin to rise. “One, two…” “Three!” Morphie yelled, and I slammed down once more into Shiny’s glistening pussy, feeling my cock poke inside of his womb. He moaned beneath us, coming once again all over my hooves. My balls dropped a moment later, I let out a gasping moan as the pressure coursed through my cock and gushed my seed straight into Shiny, filling up his womb with spurt after spurt of my hot seed. Hearing a yell of ecstasy, I looked up through bleary eyes to see a huge grin on Morphie’s face as he came as well, Shiny’s belly expanding below us as we both filled him up. I collapsed to the cum covered covers a few moments later, spent, my cock popping out of Shiny’s pussy, cum and mare juices dribbling everywhere. Morphie followed me soon after, dragging Shiny along with him as his cock popped out of his mouth with a wet slurp. We all lay there, Shiny taking deep breaths as cum rolled down his lips and marehood. “T-that was actually quite f-fun,” Shiny said, panting, cheeks reddening even further if possible. “Ooooh, did we find something our little Shiny likes?” Morphie teased, flicking his tail at Shiny. “Not surprising, as my dear Silvered loves it too, don’t you dear?” I nodded. “Both ways actually,” I admitted, blushing. “Both as the mare and as the stallion.” Shiny looked back and forth between the two of us, “d-does that mean you want to do this again this winter?” “Only if you do beautiful,” I giggled, wrapping my hooves around him. “Give me the chance to be a stallion more often? I’ll take it!” “W-we shall see,” Shiny mumbled, which only made Morphie laugh. “What did I tell you? Being with a stallion can be wonderful,” Morphie winked at him. “F-fine,” Shiny let out a deep sigh. “I’ll admit I was wrong about that. But I will still always prefer Chryssy, no offense.” “None taken young stallion,” Morphie said, winking at him. “So, shall we continue working on that stamina of yours?” I asked, leaning forward and licking his cheek, where a strand of Morphie’s cum had settled. Shiny shook his head. “T-there is plenty of time. For tonight, let’s just get some sleep.” “Of course,” I said, wrapping a hoof around him. “Fine,” Morphie muttered. “Since you are correct. There will be more time for fun and games.” With that, I let out a yawn and wrapped my hooves around my two favorite stallions. Snuggling against them, I thought of all the other adventures we could have together as I drifted off to sleep.