> Benevolence & Entropy > by Lola Dotz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Guess Who? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun batted the bent blinds that covered the glass trying to block the rays of light from pouring in and waking up a delicate woman still fast asleep. She moved slightly, letting her hand fall off the ripped mattress. The glow of her yellow-tinted skin almost like the sunrise itself outside on her porch. She wore only a shirt, and her pajama pants to keep cozy, cuddling with an old and torn-up quilt, her feet bare. The fingers of her left hand touched the old wooden floor that had begun to rot on its own without care from others in the household. The woman’s pink Irish locks stretched across her lace pillow, making anyone gawk at the sight of her beauty practically spilling over the side of the bed. It was too early to wake up for school. One more year and this marvel of a woman would go off to live out her dream of being a veterinarian and caring for animals she would love with all her ability. She wanted to be kind to all those around her and help others care for creatures in need of love and stability. It was a rightful job for her, and her years of growing had proven it. If only the alarm would sound off before she’s late for her senior year of high school. The last year, finally. It had been ages, nineteen years of preparing for adulthood, and taking unwanted exams and assignments. The gentle lady sprawled across a broken mattress in an aging room would move out of her home and leave to be a doctor for all animals who needed the assistance. And she would be great. She will be great. She is great. A small sigh came out from the woman, then she returned to her shallow sleepy movements. She didn’t realize the alarm hadn’t been set last night, and the sun was her only wake. It leaked through at last and fell off the walls and across the mildew and junk on the bedroom floor. Slowly past the cans and broken glass shards, alongside the alcohol spills staining the red wood floorboards and the butts of smoked cigarettes. It reached the bed frame and crawled up the covers and across the woman’s feet and legs, encasing her lower half in morning glow. It came up slowly around her small figure and to her eyes, finally. She saw the red glow of the sun reflected on her eyelids, and then the wall with a large crack that glistened as the sun shone through the bedroom. She blinked a few times before really staring at the wall. Her eyes veered past the crack and the door frame to see the living room and occupied couch. The young woman closed her eyes once again and took a deep breath then looked up at her alarm clock on the mantle beside her bed post. 5:30 Her eyes widened and she quickly sat up, getting a light head at the same moment. “Oh...ow.” She whispered as her head made an unmistakable thump of pain. She looked around at her bedroom and saw the remanence of what seemed to be a big party hosted by freshmen college students. But it wasn’t. The young lady looked back to the living room and saw a larger woman sprawled across the couch in drunken sleep. Another deep sigh came out from the delicate woman, now fully awake. She took no time to get up out of her bed, which was difficult to sit up in, and then get up out of the crevasse in the center of the mattress. The metal spring caught in her pants and ripped them slightly. “Oh, I just sewed this yesterday…” She pouted looking at the tear in the cotton, the head of a lightning bug had been ripped from the rest of its stitched body. A low moan sounded from the living room and the delicate lady looked up quickly to see if she had woken the older, but she was still sound asleep. A relief came from her and she moved to the bathroom down the hall to the right of her bedroom, moving further away from the drunk Mrs. that she rather would not wake. She came to the door frame and slid on the bathroom floor, catching the counter and stopping her fall. The young woman looked at the floor and saw the drink her mother had been drinking again, now spilled on the horizon of the wood floor. She let out another sigh and looked straight ahead to the mirror. She smiled a little. As if practicing what to look like--to hide something--she was stretching her mask of happiness to the corners of her face. Back to a focused frown she carried on with her morning tasks. She brushed her teeth till they were pearls and brushed the locks of her hair to a shiny pink silk, then letting it fall over her shoulder. Walking back to her room she looked at the filth with a blink, then went over to the pink dresser hidden by the door. She grunted, banging on it once while trying to open the wood to reveal several shirts. She wore a white shirt this time with a jean jacket, a red skirt stained with white polka dots and lined with lace at the hem, and a pearl necklace to take the outfit to a newer height. It was the first day of school, and her last year. She had saved up and kept the last of her savings for a whole new line of outfits that even her friend of a fashionista would envy. She looked in the cracked mirror built into her dresser and smiled, making the reflection seem more broken. She frowned again. The woman opened up her top drawer and pulled out a pair of socks, quickly slipping them on and leaving for the kitchen connected to the living room, quietly avoiding her mother on the recliner. A snore alerted her to hurry and grab what she needed in the locked cabinet above the stove. She pulled out the key to the lock and opened the squeaky door slowly to reveal a jar full of cash and bits. The woman grabbed it and put it on the countertop in front of her, moving dirty dishes and cigarette butts out of the way with a small swipe of her knuckles. The jar was opened with a silent “pop” and then she began pulling out the amount she would need for the day. Quickly she shoved her savings in her skirt pocket and put the jar back in its place, closing the doors of the cabinet. The woman gasped silently when she saw the new scratch marks on the wood and the screw holes as if someone had tried to get into the cabinet again. The teal eyes of the delicate lady turned over and saw her mother still snoring a storm up with an alcohol bottle in her yellow hand. The screwdriver of prior confirmation was on the floor beside the culprit. Anger flashed through the woman for a moment but then only sadness. She locked the doors of the cabinet as she had done every day, and then grabbed her bag by the door, leaving the house with only the sound of the front door closing as a sign of leave. “It’s going to be a good day…” She said to only the morning sky and herself. Her voice was quiet and her eyes were closed contently now that she was out of the house for another day. She went on and to a comfort bike that rested against the wall on the other side of the house and left without another word. The tires of the turquoise bike squeaking as she left the driveway, or dirt patch connected to the house. The flat pedals moving swiftly as the woman made her way down the road, now putting in her headphones with her other free hand. She hummed the tunes and watched as a man pulled out a “for sale” sign from the ground of a yard to a house down the street from her’s. Someone’s moving in. That’s good, I hope they’re nice. She made her way around the corner and saw the high school close by, another breath of contentment escaping her lips as she came up to the building. The woman quickly came to the bike rack and chained it up tight, not noticing another individual coming up behind her. “Are ya always going to ride that thing to school? I’d thought you’d be able to get yurself a car by now?” A thick country accent made the young woman turn and greet a knowing face with a smile. “Oh Applejack! Oh um...I just thought...well...a bike isn’t that bad to ride, and I-...sorry...” The soft-spoken woman stuttered on her words and her friend softened. “No need to apologize Fluttershy, ah understand just fine. I just don’t want ya wastin’ so much energy before the day has even started!” Fluttershy looked to her orange-skinned friend and smiled tenderly for the farmer’s concerns. Her friends were always caring for her, even if they didn’t know everything. “Come on now, we don’ wanna be late for class.” Applejack patted her friend’s shoulder and headed toward the door alongside Fluttershy and a few other students that filed into the large school building. The two headed out of the sea of students and saw a group of talking girls and an adolescent man beside the cafeteria doors. “Hey y’all!” Applejack called out to the group as they saw their other two friends joining the conversation. “What took ya so long slowpokes?! We’ve been waiting outside of the cafeteria forever for your guys to show up!” A blue woman with rainbow-dyed hair complained, crossing her arms over her jean vest and green shirt. Her ripped jeans and sneakers showed her personality well and the keychain of a soccer ball hanging from the belt loop of her jeans said “winner”. Fluttershy smiled at her friends and was ready to answer the rainbow girl right before another woman spoke up. “Oh please Rainbow Dash, we were hardly waiting five minutes! Why, I had just now got here after stopping at the magazine stand down the road.” This friend was white as snow and had long purple curls tied up in a ponytail showing off her figure which had a lovely blue dress without sleeves. It came out in an A-line and made her look the part as a fashion artist. “Ugh, whatever, if it feels like forever then I tell ya it was a while longer than it could have been.” The said Rainbow Dash continued on with her pouting as she turned over to the doors of the cafeteria and went on in as everyone else did after her. “Don’t mind her, she’s only upset because she hasn’t had her coffee yet.” A yellow adolescent came up behind Fluttershy and gave her a comforting hand on the shoulder. Her hair was bright red and yellow and her eyes were a kind green. She wore a teal shirt and a black leather jacket over it, along with a frilly yellow skirt. She was also a friend. “If I don’t get coffee soon, everyone is going to be upset.” A purple woman with bags under her purple eyes spoke up. She seemed tired enough to have the right to say such a thing to the group. Her dark blue, pink and purple striped hair was in knots as if she had been sleeping on a desk, which she might have, being the smartest out of the group. It wasn’t unnatural. “Haha, no kidding, you should see the scar Twilight gave me last week when I woke her up without a cup of coffee to give her. Apparently being an item isn’t an exception...” This time a man spoke up with a soothing sing-song voice. He had obviously been the lover of the woman prior, since they were wearing matching bracelets on their wrists, and he admittedly said they were together. Aside from that he was the rocker of the group, his hair was swept back and dyed blue to match his leather jacket which was black and had red and white stripes across the chest. Twilight groaned his name in annoyance. Flash Sentry, was the perfect band boy name for the lead guitarist. “I-already-had-my-coffee-for-the-morning! I-mean-at-first-I-was-thinking-that-maybe-I- wouldn’t-need-any-because-it’s-the-first-day-of-school-and-I-was-already-super excited! But-then-I-thought-that-maybe-I’d-fall-asleep-by-accident-and-then-not-learn-all -of-the-teachers’-names-or-our-classmates’-and-then-I-would-be-sad-” Rainbow groaned as the group reached the cafeteria tables, finally sitting down to a cup of coffee she had grabbed halfway through the story from another member of the group. The fast talking was beginning to annoy her, however, the coffee gave a bit more leverage. “Don’t worry Pinkie, I’m sure you won’t fall asleep...and even if you did, I’m sure the teachers would wake you up. Plus, I’m assuming you had your coffee.” The yellow red-haired woman said as she paid the lunch lady some bits and took a bite of her cinnamon bun. Pinkie smiled widely and jumped up and down with glee. “Oh did I Sunset! The Blue Pegasus really is the best coffee place, you know?!” She was mere inches away from Sunset Shimmer’s face with wide eyes and a big smile. Sunset smiled tenderly and swallowed the rest of her bite. “It is Pinkie.” She said simply, watching Pinkie smile even larger and then head for the table with a bounce, joining the rest of the gang. Applejack began to braid her hair as Rarity puffed herself with powder and continued with makeup. Pinkie sat talking to Twilight and Flash as she drank yet another cup of coffee at the same time. As Rainbow watched Fluttershy sit at the table with a wince, you could see a small amount of anger flare up in the rainbow friend. “Fluttershy…” She said coming up to her and then sitting at the table. Her voice was low and raspy, but at a whisper. “Yes?” Fluttershy said quietly, as she stirred the ingredients of tea in a cup and then drank it slowly as Rainbow watched her for a moment before questioning her. “Did she hurt you again?” There was silence between the two friends. The rest of the group’s chatter was the only thing to break up the silence at the table. “Don’t worry about me-” Fluttershy chose her words carefully. “I’ll be fine, I can take care of myself.” She smiled at her friend who looked at her with worried eyes. “If you ever need to, you can live with me again, what happened last time won’t happen again, okay? And she won’t be able to find you this time-we could-I-I can-” Fluttershy drank her tea and stared at her friend with a knowing look in her eyes. “Sigh, alright...but my door is always open to you Flutters...I can’t see you get hurt like that again.” Rainbow submitted to the silent discussion and got up as the bell rang. As students left the cafeteria Vice Principal Luna passed out classes to the students, handing a paper to Fluttershy. “Good Morning to you Miss Fluttershy, I hope you’re doing well and are excited for the year?” Luna said with a small smile. “I am, thank you Vice Principal Luna.” Fluttershy continued walking forward and stopped near the group as they stood in the middle of the meeting hall. “Well, what’d y’all get? I’m stuck in Mrs. Bell’s for first hour…” Applejack said concentrating. “Really? I got soccer for the early hours, then I go to…ugh, Math…with Mr. Calculus, I’ll be dead before I graduate!” Rainbow complained yet again. “I get to go to Music first- oh look Rainbow! We got the same hour for Math! I’m sure I can help you.” Twilight proclaimed ecstatic. “Hey babe look, I’ll be with you. I’ll be in Music for first hour.” Flash said pointing at the paper in his other hand. “Oh this will sure to be fun!” She replied back to her lover with gleaming eyes. “Aww...I got art for second hour…” Pinkie pursed her lips. Rainbow looked at her questionably. “Uh, Pinkie, isn’t that a good thing?” “No, I really wanted it for first hour but I got English...Rarity, can I have your fainting couch?!” Pinkie pouted, which everyone chuckled and rolled their eyes. “What?! I don’t have one! And even if I did I certainly wouldn’t have brought it to school. Anyhow, I have Home Ec. for my first period.” Rarity said playing with a loose hair from her head. “What did you get Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked looking at her friend, who seemed to have buckling knees. “I-I got Mr. Doodle...for Biology…” She said with sad eyes...it was her doom. The group gasped, they knew it was the worst class and the worst teacher for it and for such a shy meek little woman as Fluttershy, it would be a difficult year. “Oh -well, darling that’s not too bad...is it?” Rarity said with an unsure tone. “Yeah it can’t be all bad…” Rainbow said reassuringly. “I mean it’s not like you’ll be suspended on the first day or anything.” She said with a confident smile, but her eyes showed worry for her friend. “Yeah! It’s not like you ended up with the worst teacher in the hardest class in the whole school or anything!” Pinkie piped but then tapped her chin with her fingernail, rethinking her previous statement. “Oh wait...maybe you should panic…” “Pinkie!” The group grunted and slapped their faces in frustration. “It’ll be fine. Just be you and do your work thoroughly, I’m sure you’ll make this year with straight A’s.” Sunset said coming up to her friend with confidence. “In fact, we all will if we try hard enough, right?” “Right!” They broke off from their group and headed for their classes as the warning bell sounded off through the halls. With equal volume goodbye’s everyone went down separate paths leaving Fluttershy to her paper and her classes ahead for the year. She made her way to her first class and was hit by a cold chill from the room’s fan, as if to warn off trespassers. The last bell sounded off while Fluttershy was still outside in the hall, only right outside the door to the classroom. “You’re late.” A grumpy man grunted and looked her way, she shivered under his cold gaze. He was by no means handsome and was quite old. He had a wig of black strands and a sweater with a zig-zagged design across his chest, it all pulled together with a dull darkened green bow keeping his dress shirt underneath neat and tidy. He had a large nose that poked into Fluttershy’s personal bubble. “Get in your assigned seat before I write you to detention!” He shouted at her, to which she whimpered and carried on to an open seat that was presumably her’s. “Let’s begin with introductions.” He said dryly and with mockery in his tone. Fluttershy’s confidence in the year ahead was on a thread, a very thin thread. “I’m Mr. Doodle, I do biology, and you are expected to learn in this class whether your tiny brain likes it or not. So let me lay down some rules before I get started.” He went to the blackboard and began to write his name in white chalk. He then wrote five rules below it, then slammed the chalk down hard on his desk. “You there, nerd, stand up and read the rules off for the rest of the class. If you can’t read then leave.” Mr. Doodle said coming to the front of his desk and crossing his arms, his chest trying to stick out to show brave stance, but instead his stomach poking out proudly. The student picked on by the teacher stood nervously. He fixed his glasses and spoke with spit coming out due to his braces, his words muffled. “Rule nu-number one: No Drinking or Eating in Class. Two: No Listening to Music. Three: Turn in All Assignments. Four: Do Not Speak Unless Called On. Five: No Pu-public Displays of Affection.” The young male sat back down as Doodle came back to the board and underlined the last rule. “If any of these rules are broken I will personally make it my top priority to have you either suspended or possibly-” He touched the last rule with his finger, tapping twice. “Expulsion.” He said with a small chuckle, as if proud for striking fear in all the students of his class. “Now, take out your journals, we will begin the year with a report on the book Thou Has Fallen, it is a great read and we will discuss its contents.” Fluttershy scrunched her nose, that book was not something she wanted to have to read, or write a report on. She raised her hand as she brought out her binder, not noticing her music player lying on top. Doodle turned around seeing the delicate woman raising her hand from the corner of his eye. “Yes…” Doodle looked at his seating chart and saw her name. “Miss Fluttershy?” “Yes, um, is there...possibly, if it’s not too much trouble...another book option?” She stumbled on her words, her face etched with worry. Doodle studied her for a moment, then realization shook his features making him smile mischievously at her. “Does Miss Fluttershy have a reason for not wanting to read this particular literacy?” He said slyly. “Well, yes...I-it’s just against my-” “Well, I hate to disappoint you Missy but there are no other book options for you to-” “Oh, surely you have something else for me to read? I mean there are plenty of books on the subject that may include the same facts and content of the first suggestion-” Fluttershy stopped as she realized she had spoken over the teacher and was out of her seat with her hands on her desk. This could not be happening. What was she doing?! “Miss Fluttershy, are you saying that my book suggestion for your first assignment of the year isn’t adequate enough for you?” He growled under his breath, his anger dripped off of his lips. It was dangerous to go any further. But… “Well…um, sigh, I don’t want to-” “You don't want to read it, huh?” “N-no! That’s not what I-” Doodle had walked up to her desk with wide eyes as he looked at her music player and headphones sprawled across her school binder. “And what’s this!” The class looked at her and their teacher with wide eyes and scared faces. The anticipation and fiery anger in that moment was putting them on the edge of their seats. “Oh, it must’ve-” “You were listening to music in my class?!” “N-no, I-” “Detention!” Fluttershy stood in shock and watched as her teacher wrote a sticky note and handed it to her with an angry scowl. All she could mutter was…“What?” The woman looked at the sticky note with a sad face. The handwriting from Mr. Doodle was like a knife through her heart, she hadn’t expected her first day to go like this. The first day! On my very first day and I already have detention! I can’t believe this! I didn’t even- Fluttershy stopped in front of the detention door and sighed a deep breath. “I guess I had taken it too far…” She whispered as she opened the door to find Luna drawing at the desk. “Vice Principal Luna? What are you doing in here?” She said aloud this time and stared at Luna with wide eyes. Luna too turned and viewed the one who had spoke up and entered her domain. “Shouldn't I be the one to ask such a question? Whatever could a shy young woman be doing in here for?” Luna said scribbling some more. “Well, I-” Fluttershy slid the note to Luna and the teacher snorted. “Oh, thou such a poor state indeed. Being written up for disturbance of class and...oh my, you would listen to music in class Miss Shy?” Luna said with a small smile, knowing the answer perfectly well. “Of course not! Sigh...I wish I would have just kept quiet but, I really didn’t want to read such a book for my first assignment…” Fluttershy went and sat down at a desk, slamming her head on the wood, letting her pink locks fall off the edges and almost touching the floor. “Rainbow was right about one thing...I’m not suspended at least…” she said with slight sarcasm in her tone, making Luna giggle thoughtfully. “Oh, Miss Fluttershy, surely it isn’t that bad. It’s only till lunch.” Fluttershy groaned in her jacket’s sleeve. “Well, I suppose Celestia can have something else productive for you to do instead of wasting your time in such a place as the detention room…” Fluttershy raised her head at this and looked at Luna with pleading eyes. “You think?” “Of course, though my sister is quite busy with many tasks. Surely she could find something for you to do.” Luna went to the desk and typed a number in for the office on her school phone. “Oh, thank you Vice Principal Luna, though, are you sure you wouldn’t need my company?” Fluttershy got up holding her backpack on one shoulder and standing at the front of Luna’s temporary desk. “Not at all Miss Fluttershy.-Hello, yes I’m sending Miss Fluttershy to Principal Celestia’s office with a note. Thank you Pommel.-” Luna hung up the phone and wrote a note down quickly then gave it to Fluttershy with a tender smile. “Here.” “Thank you Luna.” “Now go on and make sure not to tease Mr. Doodle further.” Fluttershy giggled. Her laugh like a little bell. “I will.” “Well, can’t they just send it via e-mail or how about fax?-Well excuse me for being old fashioned, sir, but we have to get the papers there soon.-I can’t just drop everything and go!- Yes, well-I understand that. I suppose I could rely on my Vice Principal then. But I still-I see. Well alright, I’ll be there in thirty minutes-alright, good bye.” Principal Celestia set her phone down on her desk and massaged her temples, the stress getting to her head and making it pound. The next pound came from her door, and then a creak. Celestia looked up to see a student as her first hour office assistant come in with another student. “Pommel, Fluttershy? What can I do for you?” “Miss Celestia, Fluttershy is here with a note from Principal Luna.” Pommel came to Celestia’s desk and set the blue sticky note on the table. “I see, let her sit then. Thank you Coco.” “Miss.” Pommel left closing the door leaving Fluttershy and Celestia alone in the bright sunny office. “Let’s see...well, I can say you have timing Fluttershy.” Celestia said standing up and walking toward her book shelf and then grabbing papers from an unused printer. “Oh? I-I do?” Fluttershy stuttered, confused. “Indeed. You see I have some school documents with all of the students who have signed up for school and are here today but they hadn’t been faxed to the school board yet for some reason. Circumstances have left me with no choice but to give all my tasks for today to my sister.” Celestia stuffed her previous papers and books inside a purple leather briefcase. “Oh, that’s too bad…” Fluttershy had sad eyes, just when she thought she could help instead of staying in the detention room. Now she would be in there alone until lunch period with nothing to do. Celestia saw the hopelessness etched on the young woman’s face and smiled. “But, there is one thing neither of us will be able to accomplish.” Fluttershy lifted her chin and saw Celestia staring at her with a glowing face. “I had almost forgotten I’m due to pick up an old friend of mine from the airport. It’s his first time in America and sadly neither I nor my sister will be able to pick him up.” Celestia came up to Fluttershy and smiled more as she hugged the strap of her briefcase. “Would you be kind enough to see to it he’s dropped of at his new home? Perhaps you could even show him around our little town? If it’s not too much to ask.” Celestia pleaded with her eyes, her face was filled with a confidence that Fluttershy thought she’d never have. “I-” Fluttershy thought about it for a moment. She didn’t want to go back to the detention room and sulk in shame of being banished to the basement on her first day, and it would be a good way for her to help. She wanted to please Celestia, maybe rewrite her previous mistakes of the day. “I think I can do it Principal Celestia…” Celestia closed her beautiful eyes and smiled brightly. “Excellent, well, here is his new address and Luna’s car keys. Be sure to be back at lunchtime, if you’re unable to, just call in and Pommel will say you went home sick. By the way, I think I can erase your previous detention from the records.” Fluttershy gawked at her Principal for a moment then shook her head. “Oh you don’t have to-” “I want to. Don’t worry about a thing Fluttershy. Just hold up that sign for the flight twenty seven passengers, he’ll see it and come to you.” Celestia left the room, leaving Fluttershy with the sign at the foot of the desk and the car keys with an address in her hand. What had she gotten herself into? Fluttershy took a deep breath and continued out into the parking lot and found Luna’s Honda Civic, as it said on her keys. The yellow tinted woman had wondered how Celestia had obtained the keys from her sister in the first place, but chose not to think too much on it. She ignited the ignition and let the car run for a moment before driving off, away from the school and toward the city airport. She sighed once again with a concentrated frown, taking small glimpses at the address and the sign. Her eyes widened when she realized the address was her street address and happened to be the house she had seen earlier that was no longer for sale. It had been a nice penthouse style home. With nice exterior, and she assumed interior as well, and with a lovely front and back yard. He must be rich to own a house like that...he probably won’t even stand the sight of me when he sees where I live. I wonder if he’s nice, maybe he is...maybe he isn’t. What if he doesn’t like animals? Oh, how could he not? Everyone likes animals, right? Fluttershy pulled onto the interstate and drove up and down one of the bridges then headed for the visible airport. The planes flew off and on the landings and made loud noises that clouded the air. Fluttershy felt a twinge of pain surge through her as she would glance at the planes. Her mind dulling momentarily to similar moments. “Papa! Papa! Look, hehe, I’m flying!” A small voice of a young child sounded through her memories and she wasn’t paying attention to the planes but the road as she entered the parking lot of the city airport. She continued frowning as she parked and paid for the car to stay in the lot as she went into the large glass building with the sign and Luna’s car keys. Fluttershy walked on and about trying to find where he might see her and her sign, then she saw the passengers filing out from plane twenty six. Twenty seven being next door with no one coming in just yet but the plane visible outside on the landing lot. The young woman read the sign and smiled. I’ll be the first face he see’s, I should smile, and be kind. Fluttershy walked toward the opening doors as passengers came out one by one. She held up her sign against her chest and watched as passengers would see her and then walk away. Her shoulders tightened, her nervousness affecting her stomach. Why were they all looking at her funny, or was it funny? Fluttershy was nervous as it was, being in an airport surrounded by flying death traps, but now no one seemed to be the man she was sent to pick up. She looked around worriedly and prayed that he would show up soon. She looked behind her for a moment but not before catching something out of the corner of her eye. A tall man walked out with the last of the passengers and was reading a thick book. He was a dark tan, almost an Egyptian Black but was lighter like an Arabian. He had a short haircut that was black with sideburns that showed off his small chin and excellent jawline. He had a long bridged nose that didn’t come out as much on the tip as you would think. His cheeks caved inward slightly, and his eyes were a piercing red while his bushy black eyebrows made his face look kinder. He had a small figure but his upper chest was somewhat built, his hands and fingers long. Fluttershy blushed at the sight of him. His clothes were very professional, he looked like a teacher. He stood at the entrance continuing to read his book, changing to the next page, while Fluttershy absorbed his appearance. His outfit would be something Rarity would want to change on sight for it being tacky, but to Fluttershy it suited him well. A white tuck-in folded at the elbows and a dull blue, cotton vest and dirty styled jeans that hugged his legs slightly, with a businessman's pair of shoes. And to top off his look he had the nicest orange tie tucked into the collar of his tuck-in. He was most definitely handsome. Fluttershy shook her head furiously and looked around holding her sign up higher so other passengers could see they had missed her. Her long pink locks fell over her back and she turned around facing the leaving people as they grabbed their suitcases. She turned back around to see the still deep reader in the way of the exit. A guard proceeded to talk to him, asking him to move, which the stranger did not give much recognition and did not look up from his story, which was now identified as “The Phantom of The Opera”. That is one of the most-no! I have to find him! He’s somewhere, and if he had left he must know that he might have left me inside by myself…or at least he would think he left Celestia inside by herself. The stranger then looked up from his book, squinting at the brightness of the airport and let out a groan. He turned and saw the sign, raising an eyebrow at the curious woman holding it up with so much determination in her eyes. The name on the sign made his eyes soften, and he chuckled throatily. He quickly put his book away in his satchel and walked toward her. “Excuse me…” He said in a raspy, baritone voice. Fluttershy turned and saw the man who had spoken to her, she blinked several times and stared at him. “H-Hello?” She finally breathed out in a low whisper. “I see you’re waiting for someone...may I help you?” He sounded so sincere, it made Fluttershy blush slightly, but she couldn’t forget where she was and lose her senses. “Well, you see, I was trying to find someone, but he may have stepped out without seeing me. I’m sure he’ll be back though.” She gulped, she saw heat in this man’s eyes as he watched her every little movement of nervousness. “Hm...I see, well, if you don’t need my help I won’t pressure you into doing something you wish not to. However, would you mind telling me this man’s name?” He said slyly with a soft blink of his lashes. Fluttershy looked at her sign and looked back at the man with an unconfident smile. “Um, Mr. Cordy?” She said unsure if that was right or if she had pronounced that correctly. The stranger couldn’t take it anymore, he bellowed a loud and low baritone of a laugh, his eyes leaking happy tears. “Oh-ho-my...pardon me, my dear...I’m afraid that I do not know anyone by that name...however, I do know his real name…” He stood straight up and looked down at the young woman who had a face of confusion. He towered over her by a few inches, but she was not fazed. “I...don’t really...understand…” She said looking up into his red eyes. “The name is Mr. Cordwood, my lady...I’m afraid Celestia had forgotten not to call me by such a ridiculous nickname-” “Wait-you’re Mr. Cor-Cordwood?” She had to say his true name after thinking about what the stranger had just said. “In the flesh, darling. Might I say that I was not expecting such a fine woman to pick me up from such a long flight.” He was being coy and his voice was sing-song with each word, it made Fluttershy feel slightly aggravated. “Well, I don’t think I’m that fine. Anyways, if you really are the Mr. Cordy I’m looking for, I’d like to-” “Now slow down there darling...it’s Mr. Cordwood to you. And I’d like to grab my bags before you start talking.” The strange thin man walked off to the suitcases collecting and tried finding his bag. Fluttershy gawked at his attitude toward her, she thought he’d be a bit nicer than that. She sighed heavily. I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt! And besides, this may be the last time we see one another. And he can’t be all bad… Fluttershy came up to the tall man as he grabbed his bright orange metal suitcase that had clashing purple polka dots. It made the young woman squint at the bright popping colors. “Well don’t just stand there love, aren’t you going to carry my stuff? Isn’t that why you’re here?” He leaned against his suitcase his satchel sliding down his arm and to his wrist. Fluttershy blinked repeatedly then showed a face of shock and worry. “No, I’m actually here to-” “Ugh, alright, I’ll carry it myself then!” He grabbed the handle of the suitcase and pulled the wheels of the metal carrier across the floor to the glass doors that would get him to the entrance of the parking lot. Fluttershy stood once again alone staring at the man who had just walked away and was heading outside without her. He didn’t even know what she drove here! How could he be so selfish?! Now, now Fluttershy...I’m sure he’s just cranky from such a long flight. Yes. That has to be it. All I need to do is stay quiet for the trip unless he asks me a question...then I can go to lunch hour and all of this will have never happened. Fluttershy took another deep breath and put a smile on her face as she walked out and stood beside the man with a confused brow. It made her giggle, he looked cute that way. The young woman blinked and covered her giggle with a cough. But the Mr. Cordwood had already heard it. “Well little missy, I see you think my confusion is funny?” He turned to her with a mischievous grin. “Oh, well, no Mr. Cordwood.” Cordwood looked at her suspiciously but then let it slide. He liked making anyone laugh. “Aren’t you going to tell me where the vehicle is?” He said nonchalant. “Oh! Yes, of course...um…” Fluttershy was momentarily unawares but then she saw the car at last, after being almost a minute of her eyes searching. “Th-this way.” She stuttered. Mr. Cordwood eyed her with a concentrated brow. He didn’t expect someone other than Celestia to pick him up. He had prepared so many jokes and good laughs for himself for the trip to his new place. His lip puckered with a pout. What am I to do with such a meek little thing? Why, the only satisfaction to be gained out of this ordeal would be her laughing at my own expense! We’ll just have to see about that! I’m sure I can still have the same plan to ruffle a few feathers...it will be with just a prettier face. Cordwood made his way to the woman who was now unlocking his side of the car, the passenger side. Cordwood gasped dramatically. “Young lady! Are you assigning me to second best? Why must the guest of honor be sat at shot gun? Why not drive myself?” Fluttershy looked at him for a moment with a slightly dizzy face. Then she couldn’t help thinking. Because you might leave me here… She shook her head and smiled. “Well, you see Mr. Cordwood...it’s only right that the...guest of honor be driven, why, we wouldn’t want such an outstanding new citizen to have to drive himself? What kind of lady would I be if I didn’t drive you to your new place? Why should I force you to do such labor?” She smiled sincerely at him, her words were dripping with honey and kindness. She lied about every word. Every. Single. One. At least she could get away with smiling rather than snickering. Cordwood looked at her momentarily, as if thinking through his options. She’s good. Oh well, plenty of time to tease once we’re on the road. But I shall not give her the satisfaction of being witty. “Oh very well, someone of my intelligence and beauty should rest after such a ridiculous amount of hours stuck on a plane. Thank you for volunteering as the lower class to pick me up and drive me to my new beloved home.” He hopped into the car and Fluttershy gently closed the door. Okay, so it was a bit more forced than that. Fluttershy was outraged that he would call her lower class! She was not lower than him! No! He was the one that had stooped so low to tell her to her face her social status! It’s true though...I am lower class. Her face turned solemn, her mind going back to her own life and where she lives and who she lives with. A deep sigh escaped her and she walked to the driver's side of the car without another word. She closed the door and turned on the car, driving out and back on the highway away from the city. She thought to herself, in a daze and in her own world, just watching the road go underneath the car. She couldn’t even hear Cordwood complaining. “My what an awful car! The colors are just ghastly! And are these seats not leather? Oh, no it’s a cheap cover of cheetah print, go figure...I say my dear I would have thought a pretty thing like you would have a better sense of color. Or at least a better brand of car!” Cordwood looked over to see if he had gotten to the young girl yet. Instead he frowned and watched as the girl looked off into the distance. “Um...hello!” He said sing-song like, then squeaked in surprise when Fluttershy looked at him with a deadpan face. She looked back to the road, then she took a deep breath to calm herself down. Patience. “It’s not my car.” Fluttershy smiled innocently as she drove down the road her voice a bit more chipper. She wasn’t going to let a bad day get her down. She was helping Principal Celestia! She was doing a good deed. “This is Vice Principal Luna’s car, and I think it looks rather nice. This car also has better gas mileage, I think.” Cordwood stared at her, confused at her sudden confidence to talk to him in such a way. To just blatantly ignore his complaints and sarcasm. He then thought about what she said and smirked. “Oh? Why would such a young girl be picking me up when Sunny should? I’d rather have her pick me up!” He pouted, puckering out his bottom lip. He wanted nothing more than to use all his new jokes on the goody-two-shoes Celestia. It was his specialty to annoy, of course. “I’m very sorry to hear that. Anyway, Celestia had to take an emergency trip and she asked me and Luna to help her with her tasks at school while she was gone. She realized that you were coming to America today and that if she left, you wouldn’t have a ride. So she asked me to come get you so you wouldn’t be...alone.” Fluttershy looked at him when she finished her sentence, then back at the road. His face was blank. He didn’t know what was worse, that he couldn’t tease Celestia on the way to his foreign home, or that this young girl was brushing off each and every insult and complaint coming from him. “I...see…” Cordwood was silent and instead took out his previous read and mimicked the words on the page with his lips. Fluttershy looked at him for another moment. He had suddenly gotten tired of talking to her it seems. Fluttershy sighed quietly and paid attention to the road instead. She had been wanting it to be quiet the whole time, but now that it was, it was awkward. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do. “So, why are you here Cordwood?” She asked, her eyes still on the road. Cordwood looked up from his book with a stunned face, staring at Fluttershy. He thought she didn’t want to be talked to? He didn’t want to talk to her either. But a question asked is a question that must be answered. Or something like that. Cordwood smiled with an idea in mind. “My dear, if you wish to converse...we converse my way.” He closed the book and rested his hand on the cover while he looked at Fluttershy with witty irises. Fluttershy took a deep sigh and smiled. She knew it would be a bad idea to start talking to him, but it did sound intriguing. “Okay.” She replied simply. Cordwood smiled at the invitation. “Let’s play a game of sorts, shall we? I’ll ask a question and you answer with yes or no, then you ask a question after me.” He put his hand to his chest, thinking himself royalty, closing his eyes blissfully, as if to make him more beautiful. Fluttershy giggled a little at the sight, she smiled in submission. “Alright.” She said staring at the road. Fluttershy would like it better to keep him occupied this way than to have him insulting her. Though, she had a feeling it was going to be a long car ride. “Good. First, my rules. Me and you get three tries to guess, if the question is not a yes or no question. If we don’t guess correctly, then the person asked this specific question will answer for them, but the person who had asked the question misses a turn and the person who had answered their question for them gets to ask one more question than the other.” Cordwood smirked at the confused face of the young lady next to him. Fluttershy had felt a bit lost, but she smiled yet again and nodded. “I’ll ask a question first. Is your favorite color blue?” Fluttershy giggled at that question, but she calmed and smiled at him before turning her attention back to the road. “No.” “Yellow?” “No.” “Green?” Fluttershy grinned and looked at him. “Yes.” “Oh I knew it all along!” He scrunched his nose and filled his cheeks with air. It was a suiting face for him. Fluttershy could see now that he wasn’t all that bad, he was actually quite funny and interesting. I’ll have my patience with him and see where it goes...besides, we’re almost there. “Alright, now your turn.” He said opening his book again and reading with a smile on his face. “Hm...well-” Fluttershy looked at his book and smiled. “So you like to read. Is your favorite genre... dark?” “Nope, darling, guess again.” Fluttershy looked at the book cover and back at the road. “Horror?” “No, dearest.” Those nicknames made Fluttershy blush lightly. She took one last glimpse at the book and realization hit her. “Oh! Romance! You like romance novels!” She said enthusiastically while Cordwood coughed repeatedly as he choked on air. “O-Of course not!” He said hiding his book with a large blush. “I like drama!” He said with a pouting lip. Fluttershy smiled at him then back at the road once more. “I like romance too…” She whispered, Cordwood ignored it and huffed. How could she guess that! I don’t like that...in particular. Oh well, no matter. Now would be a good time to begin my real game anyways. This will surely be a good tease. “Alright missy, for my next question!” He said with a determined eye and a chipper voice. Fluttershy felt where this would be going as he eyed her clothes. “My. that is a lovely dress you have there.” Fluttershy looked at him confused by the sudden change in subject, like he was really being sincere all of a sudden. She had tried her best to look pretty that day; she was even wearing a bit of lip gloss, which was unlikely of her to use. It felt nice to have recognition. She smiled looking down at her clothes for a moment before seeing her neighborhood sign. “Why, thank you I-” “I mean you can get anything nice from a lost and found, don’t you think?” He interrupted her, turning back to his book. Fluttershy’s face fell at that statement. It was so blunt, and he said it without a fake smile on his face, like he meant it. She couldn’t help but take his words to heart, it was hard not to when he was a stranger and she didn’t know him personally. He was handsome, but it didn’t make up for his attitude toward her. No! I won’t let him get to me...I’ll just ignore his jokes and I’ll be fine. Must show kindness. Everyone has a little good in them. “That’s...not a question.” She thought to herself out loud. “Oh, but it is! Tell me, did you take those clothes from Lulu too?” “No, I didn’t...” “Did you get them from a garage sale then?” “No.” She said quietly. Cordwood looked at her, his smirk fading slowly, he had just realized the sensitivity of this strange woman. He felt a tinge of guilt strike him in the chest, the woman’s face was so sad. So what! She shouldn’t be so sensitive! Those were funny jokes, it was just sarcasm! She needs to grow up and have some fun! “Where’d you get them then?” “You’ve ran out of questions…” Fluttershy said trying to hold back a few tears. She dressed her best, but she still wasn’t good enough. It would always show. Her class, her life, who she was, it would always be there...and there was nothing she could do about it. Cordwood looked at her stunned. She was right, he was breaking the rules of his own game. He wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of seeing his bewilderment, however. “So…” he prodded. “I bought them myself...at a thrift shop down the road from my house.” Cordwood felt a little bad now; he knew now that she probably wasn’t as rich as he was. But he ignored that thought and instead smiled once again and looked at Fluttershy. “Alright. What is your question?” Fluttershy thought for a moment, calming down enough to talk to him once more. She thought for a moment about asking him why he was so mean, but she didn’t want to start another “argument”. She tried to think why he might be so sarcastic, why he was always laughing at her own expense. Fluttershy had thought he was just cranky, but he seemed so chipper about putting her down. It was for fun. Then she remembered how sad she felt when her friends were broken up. How, because of Sunset, they hadn’t talked and seen one another. And because of her home life, she had gone into a deep sadness while she was alone. Fluttershy looked back at him with a concentrated frown, then she pulled the car up into a driveway and looked at her knuckles resting on the steering wheel. She knew what to ask. “Do you...have any friends?” She showed Cordwood her innocent eyes. She saw only loneliness in his own. “No.” He said bluntly, now looking away from his book and having all focus on the young woman. Fluttershy sighed as she realized how touchy that might have been for their first and last meeting. She watched as he gathered his things and got out of the passenger side. He opened the back seat door getting his suit case, not having any eye contact with the woman behind the wheel. Cordwood slammed the door and walked in front of the civic, grazing the hood with his hand and coming to Fluttershy’s window. She looked at him curiously. He was smiling. Cordwood knocked a tune on the glass and waited for Fluttershy to roll the window down for him. They stared at each other for a moment, then he bent his back forward and rested on the empty space where the window had been, his arms crossed and his face only a foot away from her’s. “What’s your name?” Fluttershy was quiet for a long while, stuck in thought. It wouldn’t hurt to tell this stranger her name if they would never see one another again. But what would be the fun in that? Fluttershy smiled at him and started rolling up the window, him moving away quickly, looking at her in bewilderment. “Hey! You didn’t answer my-” As the window was almost closed it stopped and Fluttershy looked at him, still smiling. “Take a guess.” She said playfully then rolled the window up all the way, started the car, and then backed off the driveway with a loud roar. She sped off down the road, Cordwood watching her turn the corner and head for the high school. She...out smarted me…He shook his head and smiled. What a woman! He began walking up the steps to his new house, then looked back at the place where Fluttershy had been in his driveway. “I will.” > I Had Salad For Lunch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow pushed the doors of the cafeteria open and made her way to the breakfast bar to meet Granny Smith the cafeteria lady. She was short and overweight but with a big smile that made dimples in her old baggy cheeks. Rainbow smiled as a greeting and pointed at the bar to a wrapped cinnamon bun, which made the old woman nod in understanding, then giving the rainbow-haired woman her breakfast. “Thanks!” Rainbow pulled at the wrapping and took in the scent of the delectable baked good. She was about to take a bite till the next woman in line stiffened as she dug into her pocket. A sad face etched her features and she sighed moving away from the bar. “Fluttershy? Whatcha doin’ why aren’t you getting something to eat?” Rainbow had come up to said woman with a worried brow. “Oh, I just forgot to bring money for today is all. She was awake and so much happened at once I guess I forgot to get what I needed.” Fluttershy put her fingers to her head as Rainbow watched with sympathy. “Here, I’ll get you something to eat.” Rainbow came up to the bar and gave Granny Smith some money to get a second cinnamon bun. “Rainbow, you don’t have to-” “I want to.” said Rainbow, giving Fluttershy the bun and smiling warmly. “You shouldn’t have to starve because of her.” Fluttershy looked down at the delicious breakfast, then she smiled up at Rainbow and gave her a hug. “What would I do without you…?” Rainbow hugged her friend back.“My door is still open for you Flutters, my family wouldn’t mind if you stayed.” Rainbow and Fluttershy began walking back to the group of friends that had gathered at the lunch table. “Thank you, really...but this is my life and I have to do it myself. If things ever get to be too much for me I’ll come to you first.” The two friends looked at each other with sad, knowing smiles before the bell rang through the halls. “Guess we'll meet up at lunch then!” Pinkie chimed, bouncing up and down happily. “Bye girls…” Twilight said as she hugged Flash’s arm. The group walked out of the lunch room and down separate halls to their own classes. Fluttershy was dreading these moments before the second bell would ring, before she walked into class. The past couple of days that week with her new teachers had been nice except for this one Biology class. It was her least favorite class out of all of them, including her classes before Senior year. Mr. Doodle, her teacher for first hour, was one of the hardest teachers to pass. Everyone knew him as the stubborn old man that failed most students, and who paid no heed to a shy girl. And it was only getting worse. While Fluttershy had reluctantly accepted the assignment that had gotten her in detention in the first place, Mr. Doodle was making it extra hard for her in his class, and the book itself made Fluttershy physically cringe. On another note, Doodle mentioned a teacher's assistant would be coming in that very day, which only made Fluttershy feel more tired at the thought of having another looming over her and reprimanding her. Though, this teacher’s assistant could be quite the opposite, but that wouldn’t mean the assistant would be any nicer considering what class they would be in. Doodle would have much influence on the teaching student, no doubt. Fluttershy breathed a heavy sigh as she walked from the world of the hallways to Mr. Doodle’s cold, plain classroom. This time she was a minute early. “So glad you showed up early again, ready for another day in my class?” Doodle chuckled as he paused to look at her and then continued writing on the blackboard behind his desk. Fluttershy smiled sweetly, trying to hold back tears of agony as she began a casual conversation. “I am Mr. Doodle, and how are you today?” Fluttershy tried to kill Doodle’s attitude with every ounce of sugar sweet coating she could gather from her heart. The teacher snorted with his usual frown as he continued writing notes down in white on a black board. That gave the student her cue to get her binder out and her other note pads for the class, being sure to keep her music player in her bag. Other students began filing in, the last student coming in as the bell rang it’s final notice. Fluttershy smiled ahead, reading the notes on the board as Doodle began sitting at his desk and writing in his planner. Studying Human Interaction: Section 1 Good, yesterday we had worked on our reports. I’d hate to do that while in class again. Fluttershy’s attention was caught when Doodle looked to the door and motioned his hand up toward it, as if to say “stay”. His face was etched with a disapproving glare as he looked at the entrance, getting up from his desk. He turned again to the class and greeted all with a grumpy brow. “Roll call.” He said with an exhausted tone. He began with the A’s, each student raising their hand when their name was called. Doodle liked it better when he didn’t have to hear the students speak to him. He stopped calling when he reached the edge of the page and signed it off with his name and class hour, then turning back to the door, his frown deepening. “Class, a couple days ago I had informed you that we would have a teacher’s assistant coming in at the request of our Principal Celestia. He’s a student…” Doodle looked at him with a smirk. “So he’s not professional just yet, he’s only here to learn so don’t think he’s in charge.” Doodle picked up a notepad and signaled the assistant into the room. Fluttershy and all the other students looked to the door as a tall man walked in holding a satchel strap that hung over his shoulder. He was dressed in a nice grey dress shirt that tucked into his khakis and a cozy green vest. Fluttershy was used to looking down at people’s shoes when she met new people, but one glimpse of the man walking in and the odd colors made her blush. Whether it was frustration or how well the outfit actually suited him she didn’t know. But as soon as he walked in and stood next to the desk, he looked at her with a smirk. Fluttershy gaped at the sight of him, her eyes wide in shock. Mr. Cordwood?! Why is he here? What's going on? While Fluttershy panicked mentally, her face was now straight with a small nervous smile to hide her true thoughts and feelings. Mr. Cordwood was pleased with her reaction to him being there in the same class that she'd be. He hadn't planned on seeing her so soon, but he figured soon enough since he would be volunteering at the high school. Cordwood’s new game seemed to take an easier path than he had hoped for initially. He couldn't wait to begin. I'll show you, pretty thing, who I am and why it's best not to ignore me as you've done. Cordwood smirked at the slightly blushed face of Fluttershy, now calming herself. The teacher of the class coughed loudly to stop the noise of whispers; Fluttershy hadn't noticed the other students were talking about the new arrival. “He seems rather weird, don't you think?” A woman behind Fluttershy whispered. “He's not at all attractive, either.” “I'm sure he's not all that intelligent, or at least in clothes.” A man answered back from Fluttershy’s right. She couldn't help but frown at the words being said; she tried to ignore them and look at Mr. Cordwood instead. “He’ll probably be just as mean as Doodle is or worse.” another student said. “Yeah we might as well just ignore him though, like Doodle said he's only here to watch. Kinda useless.” Another. “That's probably all he's good for…” And another. Fluttershy had been listening anyway to the ignorance behind her, but still looked ahead to the teacher’s assistant. All the comments took effect for only a second. Fluttershy saw Cordwood’s face falter, his smug smile twitched and for a moment Fluttershy saw only pain. No attitude, no fearing, nothing but utter pain. Fluttershy watched as Cordwood endured all the whispers as if they didn't effect him in the slightest. But Fluttershy knew now how Cordwood felt. She knew his pain of people looking down on her for her appearance and sometimes only judging on what they had heard. She felt pity, but also understanding. Cordwood had not a single friend in the world, and he was being judged so quickly with a smile on his face...as if he accepted all the whispers as fact. Fluttershy wouldn't accept them. She thought Cordwood was handsome the way he was, he was funny and he seemed highly intelligent, though he was rude when they first met that didn't make him an awful person altogether. Fluttershy turned around and smiled at the group of students who were conversing amongst themselves about the news. They saw her smiling at them and went silent, the whole room did. “You shouldn't condemn before you've even met them, how would you know if he is intelligent or not until he helps you? I think he is fine just the way he is.” Fluttershy whispered sweetly, she wouldn't let them talk badly about him; not about his appearance and solely off what they think. They must know him first. Although Fluttershy didn't know him either, even though she could be defending a mean spirited man, as she turned around to face the front as Doodle coughed once more to get the class’s attention, Fluttershy saw the shock etched on Cordwood’s face. At that point, Fluttershy knew he felt the same as anyone else would have in that situation, and what she had said was the right thing to do. Why did she defend me…? Doodle turned to face Cordwood and groaned loudly when he saw Cordwood wasn't paying attention. “Sir, your attention please…” Doodle was more aggravated than usual. Cordwood’s head turned fast and he realized he hadn't been listening to Doodle’s complaining groans. The teacher’s assistant blushed out of embarrassment and turned his full attention to the teacher. “I will only give a brief moment to explain who you are and why you're here…” Doodle grabbed a piece of chalk from the desk and handed it to Cordwood with a deepening frown. “Write your name on the board, though it's not like we need to know.” Cordwood showed a straight face unfazed by the teachers reluctance to accept him into the classroom. He sighed heavily and dropped his satchel with a thud and walked to the board. The assistant paused for moment, as if thinking about something, taking a small peek behind him at Fluttershy. She looked at him oddly as he smiled, then wrote his last name in uppercase and lowercase letters. As he wrote, the class began giggling, even Fluttershy couldn't help but smile and shake her head. The teacher coughed again, which made Cordwood turn to him after finishing the last letter of his name. “What do think you’re doing?” Doodle asked in almost a growl. “Writing my name of course!” Cordwood said with a chipper voice and his face smiling brightly, but his eyes were mischievous. As he said this the whole class burst out laughing and were smiling at the fact that “mR. cOrDWooD” was utterly hilarious. Doodle looked out at the class which then fell dead silent. Cordwood took the chance to see the face of the woman in the front row. Fluttershy smiled and nodded at him in agreement that he was off to a good start. Cordwood smiled wide, pleased everyone saw him as the class clown. The teacher, however, continued to have a frown etched on his face. “Well, aren't we the funny one? But as you can see this class is not meant for fun, you will stop any urge to enjoy yourself while in my class…” Doodle snorted, then swiped the chalk from Cordwood’s hand and walked off to the corner of the room beside the windows. “Continue, pronounce your name and why you're here.” Cordwood nodded in understanding and turned his attention to the class. Some were still smiling and others were looking at him confused, he rather liked both when they saw him. “The name on the board is pronounced as ‘Cord’ like something to conduct electricity-” “I think they get it.” Doodle interrupted. This made the students suppress their laughter. “And then you simply put ‘Wood’ in the name. No need to call me that however, ‘hey you!’ works just as well.” The class erupted in giggles, Fluttershy let out a small laugh as well, which made Cordwood smile brighter. “I'm simply here because...well I...I wanted to move away from my homeland and become a teacher to the newer generation of America. Since Celestia and I have known one another almost all our lives, she trusted me enough to come here and learn how to teach. I'll be here for the whole year and I'll become a teacher here soon enough...a Biology or Chemistry teacher to be precise. I look forward to assisting all of you, Mr. Doodle included.” Doodle began clapping slowly, as if to taunt Cordwood with each step closer the teacher took toward his own desk. “I didn't ask for your life story, but I'm glad you didn't take too long. You will be standing over there in front of the counter by the windows, if you wish to sit you can in a desk or on the counter itself. I'll allow you to walk around and monitor the students, but that's all.” Doodle pointed to the windows giving initiative for Cordwood to leave his presence. Which the assistant obliged. “Now class, open your books to this page-” Doodle wrote on the board. “We will begin reading aloud.” The class carried on normally, dry and deprived of much energy, but no one falling asleep for fear of being reprimanded. Doodle had passed out worksheets for the students to fill out while he stayed at his desk and worked. Cordwood had taken that as his cue to walk around and watch the students work, one in particular. He came up to her desk, which she didn't even notice until he bent down and looked at her answers. Fluttershy's bangs had touched his cheek with him being so close. She gasped silently, a little spooked thinking it was Mr. Doodle, but calmed when she realized who it was beside her. He didn't look at her but instead at her paper as Fluttershy looked at him through the corner of her eye, pretending to be focusing on her work. “Questions 10, 17, and 4 were overlooked.” he whispered, looking at her at last after almost half a minute had gone by. Fluttershy blinked then looked at her paper, then back at him. “Are you sure?” she whispered back. Cordwood smiled and nodded. He placed his finger in the book and smiled back at her. “Sometimes the answers aren't always in the book, the book doesn't tell everything...at times you have to figure things out and use your own head.” he silently replied. Fluttershy understood and nodded thoughtfully with a small smile. “Thank you.” She continued with her work as Cordwood stood up, but didn't leave till he had begun his turn in their game. “Of course...Butterfly.” He said the last bit with a small wince, but then smiled at her hopefully. Fluttershy had stiffened when she heard it, it was a nickname someone had used for her once, and she wondered how he could possibly know it. When she looked at him, she remembered their game and sighed in relief that he didn't know more than she would want him to. Fluttershy smiled up at him and closed her eyes, shaking her head back and forth. Cordwood frowned and walked off with a huff in disappointment. I thought that would be it because of her necklace...hmph… He referred to the golden butterfly necklace that she had decided to wear that day. He huffed again and continued walking through the classroom, his disappointment apparent for all to see. It made Fluttershy suppress a giggle, and then she continued on with her work as the class minutes passed. Soon enough the bell rang and the students gathered their things. Fluttershy would take short seconds of packing her folders and looking at the teacher's assistant. He seemed nicer today, but he was still only playing a game and that seemed to be the only thing he cared about at the moment besides being in the limelight. Fluttershy sighed and finished gathering her things and walked up to Cordwood who was waiting at the door, gathering papers from the last of the students. Fluttershy handed Cordwood the worksheet that she had corrected earlier thanks to him. She had titled it “Butterfly” out of fun, which made Cordwood give her a “seriously?” look. He took it with care and read it, then smiled, his teeth shining like pearls against his brown lips. “Nicely done, couldn't have worded it better myself, my dear.” Cordwood looked at her, his face becoming more of a relaxed smile. Fluttershy was somehow proud to receive his approval, but there was something she had to say to him to make it all the better. “Not bad for a low-class citizen like me is it?” She smiled at him but her eyes played. It made him look at her with a surprised smile. “Not bad at all...but,” Cordwood felt something there in him. As he was talking with this woman he felt the urge to talk with her more and ask her so many questions about herself. All the things he could say or do. The many things they could discuss with one another and possibly have a great time doing so. He could feel it growing as he looked at her kind smile...and it scared him. She’ll just leave me...they always leave me...they never loved me, she left me, everyone I love leaves. It's better to be alone than to lose. Fluttershy looked at him curiously because he had been quiet for a moment with a frown etched in his features. Then she smiled again as he looked up at her and into her eyes. For a moment Fluttershy saw the same pain she had seen earlier flash through his eyes. Then he went back to his default smirk and teasing eyes. “Not good enough...maybe you should go back to middle school and learn how to write better sentences.” He watched Fluttershy's face, waiting for it to change. But it didn't. Instead Fluttershy looked at him and smiled still. “Thanks for the advice...I'll work on it.” The young woman nodded in determination and then walked out into the hall. Cordwood looked at her paper and at the beautiful cursive writing, and beautifully formatted sentences she had completed her work in. Before the teacher’s assistant took his next longing sigh, Doodle swiped the papers from Cordwood’s grip. A grunt of annoyance came out from him as Doodle walked off with the mysterious woman’s paper. Then he thought back on her beautiful handwriting, and her smile, and the way she was kind to him. “I could've come up with a better insult than that...come now-what am I doing wrong?” Cordwood looked back at the hallway entrance where Fluttershy had left. Why is she so kind to me? Why is she making this so hard for me? Fluttershy picked at the large green veggies that were covering her plate. The small tomatoes rolling off the edges of the cafeteria ware to the blue tray underneath, and the ranch had reached the farthest corners of the green hill of salad. The cafeteria was as loud as ever, but Fluttershy ignored this and instead numbly messed with her food. Rainbow, who had been sitting next to her watched her with a sympathetic look. It might have been easier to leave Fluttershy alone on it, but Rainbow was her closest friend and needed to try and comfort Fluttershy to the best of her ability. Whatever the problem may be. “I hope we get to Chapter Five soon, I’ve read that book so many times, but that part of the book happens to be my favorite! When Caroline finally admits that she was wrong and goes to Dean and they finally have the talk that the readers were waiting to hear since the very beginning-” Twilight spoke enthusiastically as her hands went near her face, a fork in her grasp. A small tomato flinging off the fork and hitting Flash on the cheek at the same moment. Which surprised him for a moment while Sunset laughed at his expense. In a fleeting moment of playfulness Flash grabbed the fruit slice and threw it at the laughing girl’s face. It would have been an endless banter if it weren’t for the continuing discussion. “Twilight how could you! I’ve only read the first chapter!” Rarity pouted. Twilight sheepishly smiled and apologized. “I'm sorry Rarity, I forgot…brownie?” Twilight handed the white woman a chocolate treat with rainbow sprinkles as a sign of apology. “Oh boy, apology dessert!” Pinkie took it from Rarity’s grasp and shoved it in her mouth whole as Rarity sarcastically remarked, “Sure Pinkie, you can have my dessert.”, complete with eye roll and playful grin. The ingredients getting all over Pinkie’s lips and around her mouth as she spoke again, “Apology sweets are the second best kind of sweets!” Rarity and the others shook their heads knowingly with smiles on their faces. “If you don’t mind Pinkie, but, tell me…what would be the first best kind of sweet?” Rarity asked curiously watching Pinkie eat Fluttershy’s brownie she had taken without said woman’s slightest recognition. “No prob, Rarity! Actually, I think the first best kind of sweet would be-” “Fluttershy, why don't you eat something? Your putting my extra lunch money to waste…” Rainbow asked finally in a low whisper, interrupting Pinkie, like she cared though. Even though Rainbow was quiet when she asked, as if it should be a two people conversation, the group was just as worried. No one had wanted to ask, they had learned not to because Fluttershy would only brush it off as nothing, but her behavior now was different than those other times. The woman had only been picking at her food, and nodding occasionally as acknowledgement that she was indeed alive, but was simply spaced out. Though, her face held only sadness, and a confused sort of look. Fluttershy was always quiet and held herself to low standards, but would try to act more happy than she really was around her friends, like nothing in the world could possibly go wrong. Nobody but Rainbow knew of what truly went on in Fluttershy’s life, and the woman would rather it stay that way. She didn’t want anyone looking down on her and pitying her because she had less than others. So she would remain happy for the most of the moment with her friends, and she would keep this mask held until she would return home and to her sorry state of a living space. At the moment however, her face was an odd one. Her mind was almost blank with no other thought but the things that had transpired two days ago and that very same day. She couldn't stop thinking about how Cordwood would blatantly disrespect her and be spiteful, but within the very same hour help her with her assignment. He was so confusing and it made no sense. Why would he be so mean to her just because she was unlike him? Or was it because he knew who she was or where she lived. But he didn't know her name. Then why would he be so opposing to himself at times? And the pain he would show on occasion, Fluttershy knew that feeling. I can’t feel sorry for myself. I’m lucky to have a home and to have friends who care for me like they do. Unlike some people who have a nicer home and no friends...I’m thinking of him in particular. I feel sorry for him. Should I? He was so rude toward me, but at other times he seemed sincere, like he could be the nicest person you’d ever meet. But someone who makes you feel inferior to them is not someone I’d want to be friends with...right? I can’t feel sorry for myself and everything that has been blessed to me. I won’t feel sorry for him either. Everyone has a purpose and I do too, I have to stay positive. I’m sure he has a purpose too, and maybe he’ll be more nice now...but I would never know. I’m not sure if I’d want to know. “Yo! Flutters!” Rainbow was standing out of her bench and was looking at Fluttershy, her face only a few inches away. Rainbow’s back bent and her brow furrowed. “Huh?” Fluttershy said in a low whisper before she looked out to her friends who were staring at her with worried looks. She must have spaced out again and had forgotten to nod or acknowledge her friends, because they seemed to be waiting for her to answer something. “I said, what’s wrong? Why are you so down right now? What happened?” Rainbow stared at her friend awaiting a response. Fluttershy only looked blankly at the rainbow-haired student for a moment, thinking over her options. She could tell them that she had been sent to detention and instead was sent by Principal Celestia to go pick up a foreigner, a man, from the airport and she was insulted the whole way and had to endure his antics. She would have to mention that he is also the new teacher’s assistant for her first hour. Or, she could just tell them she is having trouble in Doodle’s classroom. She chose the latter. “Mr. Doodle sent me to detention the other day because I didn’t want to do a report on a book. He found my music player, I guess I had accidentally pulled it out along with my binder, and it irritated him. Now I'm having to do the report anyway without complaint...even though it’s against everything I believe.” Fluttershy responded and finally took her first bite out of her salad. Her friends looked at her in bewilderment and utter shock. They didn’t know how to respond to the news of their meek little friend being sent to detention for not following instructions. Fluttershy hadn't wanted to tell them that part. “Darling, why on earth would you do such a thing? Wouldn’t you do better to just read the book and do the report?” Rarity inquired, looking worriedly at her friend. Tomorrow would be worse, she presumed. Fluttershy shook her head in response, she only needed to say no, but explained anyway. “I will not read something that is against my faith, I won’t do it guys...I can’t.” Fluttershy reminded them, her fork picking at her salad once again. Her friends looked between each other with an understanding nod. “Fluttershy, we know that you wouldn’t read something that goes against everything you believe. And it wouldn’t be right for us to make you read it anyway.” Sunset began, her surrounding group of friends nodding in agreement. “However, if you wish to pass the year, you’ll have to do what Mr. Doodle asks of you. I think that you could write a report better than what he’s expecting though.” Fluttershy was about to protest to reading such a book, but then she paused when she thought on Sunsets last words. “What do you mean?” Fluttershy's brow lifted. Sunset then smiled eagerly. “Look, instead of doing what he expects you to do, do something you ought to do. Write the report on the book, but use it as an argument with what you believe. No one can tell you to stop having faith, so prove that you're not alone in this.” Sunset said hugging the other with her arm around her shoulder. Fluttershy felt relieved to have such understanding friends. She smiled up at her friend, accepting the comfort. “Revolution!” Pinkie Pie blurted out, to which her friends only laughed light-heartedly. “Yeah, Pinkie, Revolution!” Sunset punched the air with her clenched knuckles straight up, above her head. Flash and the girls laughed and then calmed, continuing their lunch. Fluttershy talked amongst her friends with a more chipper attitude and higher spirits. She couldn’t wait to see what she would do for the report. She wanted to leave an impression on her peers, and possibly her teacher. School carried on normally, and Fluttershy avoided a particular hallway, she’d wait till tomorrow to see Mr. Doodle’s face once again, and Cordwood’s. Other than the long routes, and barely-made-it runs through the hallway, Fluttershy was happy throughout the second half of her day. She didn’t think about Mr. Doodle, or Cordwood, or her home life. Now she could only think about what she would be doing once she left school grounds. Fluttershy unlocked her bike as Flash and Twilight conversed amongst one another, with Fluttershy being the awkward third wheel. “I’ll see you tomorrow at six, with coffee, I promise.” Flash said, holding Twilight's hand loosely and looked out at the sun that had moved significantly since lunchtime, smiling sadly. “Alright, don’t forget the donuts too. Fluttershy? Would you like to join us for breakfast before school? We could come pick you up!” Twilight beamed. She had made friends with all of them now and they had known one another for a little over a year. The young purple woman would always try and drag her friends into activities to do. Fluttershy felt a small bit of pride for her friendship, but then it left when she realized that she couldn’t. “Oh, um, thanks Twilight, but I’ll just go to school on my own. It’s really nice to be in the peace and quiet of the morning before the day starts-” Fluttershy got on top of her bike’s comfort seat and walked the ground, making her bike roll closer, then past her friends. “Are you sure?” Twilight said, a bit disappointed. “I’m sure. Don’t worry about it, I promised this weekend we’d hang out together, and we will. I’m sorry to leave guys, but I have work.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly at the couple before they exchanged goodbyes and the yellow woman peddled off down the street toward town. The wind grazing through her hair as it flew in the air. Fluttershy enjoyed the feel of a bike, the way it was so freeing and it seemed to relax her when she was riding it anywhere. No matter the destination, it gave her a sense of freedom, a sense of flight. Fluttershy stuck her headphones in and listened to her music, her head swaying back and forth, or bobbing up and down as she mimicked the words said through the ear buds. The music being entrancing and the words hitting her soul, making her smile brightly as she rode through town. “And I'd give up forever to touch you. 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow~” Fluttershy sang aloud, passing buildings on the street. A small Movies & Theater, the “Blue Pegasus”, and even the grocery store before she turned her bike into the parking lot of the Town Library. "Hm, hm, And I don't want the world to see me. 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand~” She picked up a sack out of the basket of her bike and made her way inside the library toward the front desk. “Hello Mrs. Yearling.” Fluttershy pulled her earphones out then rested her arms and chin on the desk, since it was considerably higher than your average work space. The woman that was working on the computer turned at the mention of her name and saw the woman who had spoken up. Mrs. Yearling was a short woman who had short greyscale hair and arylide yellow skin. Her clothes were simple, only a plain white dress with puffy sleeves and a button up bodice, with a maroon shawl lightly hugging her shoulders and pinned together with a small compass, the outfit as a whole was pulled together with a small maroon hat that was decorated with a small pink flower. Mrs. Yearling smiled brightly and greeted Fluttershy with a hug before letting her go and speaking. “Oh, my dear, it’s nice to see you again. Sometimes I wish we had readings everyday just so I can see you.” Yearling leaned on her desk and looked down at her guest. Fluttershy giggled and lifted the prior sack she had picked up out of her bicycle's basket. “I have Home Economics this year, we made some cookies for fun today.” “Oh Fluttershy, you really are the best assistant I could have asked for!” The librarian exclaimed, then sheepishly held her hand to her lips when she remembered she was in a library. Yearling opened the small half-door to her desk and went down the steps to the floor, reaching out for Fluttershy's shoulder, while munching on a cookie. The two shared giggles and went to their left to enter the library that seemed to be a bit more crowded than usual. “What would you like me to help with today Mrs. Yearling?” Fluttershy asked, now munching on one of her own cookies. “Well Fluttershy, today as you know, is one of the times I read to the children. Do you think you could help me settle them down long enough to get ready for the reading? It’s a little more work this time rather than every other Wednesday, there’s more kids this time around. Do you think you can handle it?” Yearling stopped beside a bookshelf with children's fiction, awaiting a response from Fluttershy. “Of course, you know I always can.” Fluttershy smiled confidently. “Thank you Miss Shy. Well, don’t forget the apron on the hook. The children are kind of scattered all over the place, so get their attention and seat them on the carpet. I’ll be back momentarily.” Yearling went off into the bookshelves to try and find a book, while Fluttershy went and got her apron off the wall by the entrance of the library. She then proceeded toward the restless children that were talking and playing with provided library toys. “Alright children, who’s ready for a good story, hm?” All the children looked up for a moment with surprised faces, most of them full of excitement. “Miss Fluttershy!” The kids happily went to her and hugged at her legs or tried to climb up on her, which left Fluttershy giggling. The children always greeted her this way, they had learned her name and always enjoyed seeing her at the library to help them learn. “ Hehe, you kids are going to stretch my skirt if you pull on it-Yes, I’m happy you see you too-Oh, careful!” The children attempted to have their own individual conversations with Fluttershy to which she patted the little ones heads. “Now slow down, I’m only here to make sure you kids behave during the reading. Mrs. Yearling thinks you guys need to be watched over, but do you really?” Fluttershy smirked, waiting for the children to understand her logic. “No!” They all giggled jokingly, in unison. “Well, go sit on the carpet and be the quietest little mice you can be so Mrs. Yearling can see how good you all are, hm?” The kids all smiled brightly and joyfully shouted as they went in a hurry to the carpet at the center of the library, awaiting their reader and library assistant. An adult that had been behind the crowd of children, came forward, and now faced Fluttershy with a small child in her hands. “Miss Shy, delightful as always to see you here. You're always so good with the children.” The woman spoke with a soft smile. She was a short light blue woman, her pink hair went into a beehive shape, or a kind of cupcake frosting swirl. The baby she held was a small little boy who was tan and had brown hair that was messed up from either playing or sleeping. The little one smiled at her, to which Fluttershy smiled in return and was given the small toddler to hold and watch over throughout the reading. “It’s not a problem, I always enjoy the children.” Fluttershy was always certain she could help people. She was always volunteering for things. And showing up on certain days at specific places to help others in need. She believed everyone deserved to be treated kindly, and that she should help in any way she could for her community. That’s mostly why a lot of the small town knew her name. Though none knew her home life. Fluttershy was always secretive about her life outside of school and volunteering, she was embarrassed about it. It was only something Rainbow would know. Fluttershy would smile happily, and pretend everything was okay on her end to stay out of trouble and not get stuck in a situation where she would have to admit who she was. And it worked out better that way. Fluttershy smiled still, now holding the young child and walking to the carpet. She sat down quietly beside the other children who were chattering amongst themselves. One of them, the sister of the child Fluttershy was holding, decided to come to the library assistant and rest her head on her lap. The young lady smiled tenderly and caressed the young girl's head before looking up at the children. They finally saw Mrs. Yearling come out with a stack of books in her grasp, which made the children squeal in excitement. “ Hehe, calm down, hush now…” Fluttershy said putting her index finger to her lips. The children then smiled silently in recognition and awaited Mrs. Yearling. The librarian sat carefully down in the wooden rocking chair, placed a stack of children's books beside her, then revealed the cover of one book to the children and Fluttershy. “Hello kids, guess what we’ll be reading first today?” All the kids smiled attentively, which made Yearling chuckle. “Today I’ll be reading The Bird And The Cat, who’s ready?” Yearling nodded when she heard the children shout a resounding “me”. “Alright, let’s begin-” Yearling opened the black-colored cover with only the title in a more shiny material to reveal a colorful page the next. It was a watercolor piece that represented a small yellow bird. It made Fluttershy smile and hug the children in her lap. “Once on a morning, a bird flew high,” The reader turned the page carefully. “It flew above the clouds and over the city, then down to the alley.” Another page. “It landed on a can and picked at it’s feathers, till the peace was stirred and a new noise was heard.” Once again. “Out came a cat, a monster to a bird, but it only looked curiously at her.” The picture was of a grey cat looking at the significantly smaller yellow bird. It looked intimidating to Fluttershy. Such a small bird against a menacing cat, who would the odds be in favor for on the next page? “The bird smiled as a friendly critter, unfazed by Cat’s whiskers. She spoke next, with a voice of a bell. She simply asked, ‘Hello Cat, are you well?’. To which Cat replied, ‘No dear Bird, I am not well.’...” Fluttershy frowned at the book’s context. Why would Cat not be well? This book was curious, and it made Fluttershy feel all different emotions. Usually she would know what would happen next, but this book seemed different. She could relate to the bird in a way, and that made her happy, it gave her a feeling of freedom that she longed for on a daily basis. But she couldn’t understand why the cat seemed familiar and why he wasn’t happy in the story. Yearling turned the page to reveal yet another picture of Cat and Bird. “Bird looked worriedly at Cat, then dared to ask, ‘Why do you feel this way?’. Cat frowned and looked at Bird, ‘No one will stay with me.’. Bird smiled once more and flew on his nose, ‘I’ll stay with you, Cat.’...” Yearling turned the page again. “Cat smiled sadly, ‘Why be with little old me, aren’t I scary?’. Bird pecked Cat’s head and smiled brightly. ‘Of course not silly!’. Cat and Bird smiled at one another, before Cat frowned again, ‘Won’t you leave me though? No one likes a cat, after all...’.” Fluttershy’s frown deepened and her eyes looked curiously at the book. She could understand why Bird would leave if Cat had intentionally tried to scare her, but why leave Cat when he hadn't done anything to deserve such loneliness, only being rejected for who you were was not a reason. Why did it seem that Cat was pushing Bird away with all these questions? What would be the point? Bird wanted to stay, so why would Cat just push her away like that? The book was making Fluttershy thinking harder than she probably should. Yearling continued. “Bird looked down at Cat, ‘I won’t leave, or let you fall...you're my friend now, Cat and all!’. Cat smiled to which Bird frowned and asked, ‘Do you like me this way too? I’m only a bird, a weak little thing. Even then, will you still be my friend?’. Cat smiled wider and answered brighter, ‘My dear Bird, I’ll be here for you. Though we’ve only just met, I don’t feel like leaving just yet.’...” Yearling turned the page and smiled to the children before she read on. Fluttershy was beginning to really enjoy this story. The characters loving one another even though they were an odd pair to be together. They accepted their differences, and became friends anyway, and it turned the story into something bright and inspiring. She could understand why Bird would be self-conscious about who she was, Fluttershy suffered the same predicament. But it was better to have a friend who understood her and accepted her weaknesses than to be alone. Fluttershy hugged the children in her lap and carried a concentrated look as Yearling read the last page. “So Bird and Cat were friends till the end, never to be alone, ever again. Both accepting and understanding, always seeing the better light. Sometimes we hide how we feel, but it's better to be yourself. Keep a friend, and try again. You might be surprised on how your story ends.” Yearling closed the book and sighed. The children cheered, they had loved the book and the characters in it. Fluttershy in particular agreed it was her favorite reading by far. Even though Cat was indifferent to a bird, and Bird was considered weak, the two overcame differences and were friends. It made Fluttershy think about recent events. Cordwood hadn’t been very open about himself while Fluttershy had talked with him. He seemed elusive and not very social, but somehow had the charisma to talk for hours and never leave one without laughter. He was comparable to Cat in the story, almost. Fluttershy thought about it more, it made sense that he would push others away if he felt that he would just lose them in the end. But it gave no excuse for his behaviour. Fluttershy wished he acted more like Cat in the story and was nice to her, like she was Bird. Rather than being cruel and uncaring toward her kindness. He seemed too much like a cat. Fluttershy shook her head free of these thoughts and set the children she was holding down on the floor in front of her. The hours blurred together, and not much else happened as Yearling continued reading children's favorites from the shelves, group after group of children. Pretty soon the once large stack of books beside Yearling’s rocker had been gradually escalated to the other side of her chair, ending the last hour. Yearling finished the last book and rested her hands and the cover on her lap, then looked to Fluttershy, giving an indication, to which Fluttershy smiled and nodded. She stood up and clapped her hands, still smiling tenderly down at the children. “Alright Children, that’s all we have for today-” She said while receiving replied groans and denials. “Go to your parents and tell them to come back next Wednesday and Friday for another reading.” All the kids agreed in unison and ran away from the carpet to their parents. Fluttershy smiled warmly, Yearling coming behind her and putting a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks for the help Fluttershy, you always know how to handle the children.” Yearling said smiling at the young crowd ahead of them, who began to leave the library until next week. “It’s no problem Mrs. Yearling.” “Can’t you help on Fridays too?” Fluttershy turned to face Yearling properly, only to smile sadly. “I’m afraid not, I work in the Soup Kitchen on Fridays, and even then I have to see my friends on the weekend so I can’t stay for the Bedtime Program.” Fluttershy referred to the last reading, the parents liking the children to come after school and hear Yearling read as a bedtime treat. The group was very small and better managed, even Yearling could take care of them and still read, but Fluttershy rather stay through all volunteer hours. Except on Fridays. “Oh, that’s right, I forgot you're a volunteer for everything around here, aren’t you?” Fluttershy giggled at that. She did have many “jobs” around town, just to keep her busy, and to stay away from home. “Alright, I guess I can’t keep you hostage here, I’ll see you next week…I plan on paying you next time.” “Oh, I’m a volunteer today, you don’t have to-” “No, no, it matters not to me whether you are a volunteer or a part-time worker here-” Yearling interrupted. “I will give you some decent earnings. I know usually you work here, I do realize that today was considered a volunteer job because it was supposed to be your day off...but I will still give you something for the work you did.” Fluttershy hugged the librarian saying a ‘thank you’ and walked off exchanging a goodbye, then exited the building. The sun had finally set and stained the sky with red and purple, yellow-tinted clouds could only be seen lower to the ground. The stars had already come out, and the lightning bugs had shown up as smaller stars for the moon and Fluttershy to enjoy. She took in a deep breath and got on her bike, not so ready to go home. She didn’t want to go home to what she knew she was expecting. Fluttershy would rather stay out and watch the sun go down and fall asleep on a hill with a view of the stars. It was a nice thought, if only she could. Fluttershy sighed heavily, then rode her bike down the street. She plugged her earphones in and listened to the words once more. The feel of the bike against the road and beat of the song made her more soothed, but she couldn’t help but feel strained from the day she had. She had gone to school, been herself as she thought best, and wound up in a strange game with an even stranger man. Not to mention the hard times she has had with her teacher Doodle. However, she went through all the motions of her day and ended it on a happy note at the library. But now, Fluttershy would have to suffer the trials at home, if she would even be there. It was like this almost as far back as Fluttershy’s memory goes. Only a few times does she remember when things were happier, when it was all easier to cope with. Fluttershy turned on her street. She tried to avoid it, but she couldn’t help it and looked at the house she had been at earlier that week. The lights were on and the kitchen window was open. She only looked at it for a moment before she saw Cordwood in the window reading a book and placing a dish in the sink. Fluttershy sped faster to avoid any confrontation, though she would guess he didn’t even notice her come down the street with his nose in that book. Instead of running into someone she knew, it was quiet the way home, and Fluttershy felt both relieved and guilty in a way. She didn't usually try to purposely ignore people, but she didn’t want to talk to him twice that day, or at all really. Oh, stop feeling guilty, why should I feel this way?! He wouldn’t feel guilty if he ignored me! Ugh...I’m too tired… Fluttershy pulled into her driveway on her bike, yawning as she got off the seat. She went to the front door and turned the knob to reveal a woman laying on the couch fully awake once the door was opened. She was watching the television across the room from her and was holding a large bottle of clear liquid. The woman was light orange and had white messy hair that was dyed pink at the tips. She wore a dress that stopped above her mid-thigh, making her look as if she had a party to get to. Fluttershy walked in and closed the door, then walked past the couch to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and pulled out the orange juice and looked for something else, only to come away from the refrigerator without it. The young woman looked at the other on the couch and awaited for her acknowledgement, but received none. Finally, Fluttershy sighed and called out to her. “Mom…? Mom-” Still no acknowledgement. “Jasmine?” Silence, Fluttershy sighed. “Did you eat what I had left for dinner tonight?” The said Jasmine didn’t look at the woman who spoke, but instead only nodded as she watched the television. “Oh, alright...I was planning on making us both dinner, but that’s alright if you got hungry before I had got home...” Fluttershy said in a cautious whisper, then got a glass from the cabinet and poured herself some orange juice. “Don’t call me mom, you brat...it’s Jasmine every time, you got that? And it’s my house I’ll eat whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want...you don’t tell me when I eat and what to eat.. Doesn’t matter if you bought it or not.” The woman said bluntly, then got up and walked slowly to the counter that divided the living room and the kitchen. “You should start treating me with more respect, I’m much older than you and have to put up with a lot of shit throughout the day, I deserve every bit of respect since I have to deal with such a pathetic excuse for a daughter.” Jasmine's eyes were mean. They had so much eye shadow and liner, and the rest of her face was covered with a thick layer of make-up. Her hair was in knots and it was greasy, her whole body was a perfect depiction of filth. “Sorry, I just wish you would have saved some food at least for m-” “I don’t care about what you want or need, I come first, you got that?” Jasmine stated, crossing her arms and staring at her daughter across the counter. Fluttershy only smiled sadly. “Of course.” Jasmine looked at Fluttershy for a moment, then behind her at the cabinets. She snorted and then turned back around to the couch, flopping down on the cushions and watching TV once again. Fluttershy silently let out a sigh of relief as she grabbed her orange juice and went to her bedroom. She closed the door slowly and then rested her head on the wood. She closed her eyes and worded a ‘thank you’ with her lips. Usually her arguments with her mother were much more frightful than that. But luckily, Fluttershy got out of it okay this time. She could still remember last night when she came home to find her room destroyed by her mother and her friends. Fluttershy had gotten into a fight with her mom, and wound up getting hurt on her leg when her mother kicked her after pushing her down and yelling at her to be a grateful child. ”At least you have a room, you selfish brat! This memory echoed in Fluttershy’s head once again, reminding her who she was and where she would always be if she didn’t leave soon. The young woman slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before she went to the dresser and got out some sleep-wear for herself. She focused, frowning, as she went to her bed and lifted the mattress to get her soap box and shampoo hidden underneath the springs and cotton. She sighed happily, thankful they were still there for her to use. She grabbed them, placed them on top of her clothes, and carried those too with her as she left the bedroom. She went to the bathroom, went underneath the sink, and grabbed a sack of rabbit food hidden in there. Fluttershy looked deeper into the bathroom for a moment, looking at the bathtub. It had muck and grime all over it and was cracked down one side. The faucet was also nonexistent with only a hole in the wall where it should be. She breathed deeply before leaving the bathroom with her items and heading for the backdoor that was next to the bathroom and her mother’s bedroom, which was even more wrecked than Fluttershy’s was. She pressed the button on the handle and opened the backdoor, finally outside of the house again, being greeted by the cool night air. Fluttershy breathed in deep and walked further away from the house to a small forest. She smiled. “It’s okay, it’s just me...you can come out now.” Once she said this in a low whisper, a white rabbit came out from behind one of the trees. “Hello my little Angel, sorry I was gone so long...I brought some food for you to eat-” Fluttershy opened the bag and spilled some of the contents on the ground, which made the rabbit smile thankfully and he dug into the food hungrily. Fluttershy giggled, but calmed herself, frowning. “I think, little bunny, it’s best that you don't’ live with me anymore...only for right now...I can't provide you with food like this every night...you need to go to the forest where you belong.” The rabbit looked up from his meal and pleaded with sad eyes. Fluttershy only sighed and stood back up, pressing her clean clothes and wash products to her chest. “Maybe not now, but soon you’ll have to go and live on your own.” Fluttershy teared up. The rabbit hugged the woman's ankle in understanding then hopped off back into the forest, done with his dinner. Fluttershy smiled sadly, wiping a tear from her eye. She knew she wouldn’t be able to watch him for much longer, it would be for the best. She sighed again, then turned around and walked to the farthest right corner to a large tin bath that was against the wall of the house. She continued with her task by turning on the water hose and filling the tub up with water, occasionally putting small squirts of soap to make bubbles form. It made Fluttershy content as she took her day clothes off and rested in the bath. She had gotten used to the cold water by then and was more content outside in the cold water than inside the house with her mother. She cleaned herself thoroughly, then rested against the rim and looked at the stars. She lived in the part of town that was on the outskirts of the city and town itself. There was all this land behind her house and her mother and herself were the last on the street. She was perfectly safe outside alone. And she wouldn’t want it any other way, she wanted to relax for a time on her own after the day she had. So much had happened, so many things said and actions done. It was so tiring. Fluttershy felt sleep calling to her, and she knew better than to stay in the bath any longer. She got out with a skip, and dried off with a towel, putting her clean clothes on and then dumping the tub’s contents in the grass. She made her way back inside with her wet hair dripping down her back as she went to her bedroom. Fluttershy stared at the bedroom and the mess it was. She knew better than to leave it like this. I’ll clean it tomorrow… She yawned. I have to sleep for now. She dropped her things on the dresser and fell on the mattress. It was so close, the sleep, the peacefulness of slumber and dreamland. Fluttershy’s eyes opened abruptly before she giggled. “I almost forgot…” She whispered. Her body slid down the mattress, her knees hitting the floor. Her hands clasped together and her head bowed. “Dear God, I am thankful for a day I’m still alive. I pray you help me tomorrow and this next week with work and school. Help me with this book report I’m supposed to do...use me to get to others.” She prayed, but paused for a moment when a certain man flashed through her memory. “Oh, and um, help Mr. Cordwood to find a friend. Amen.” Fluttershy climbed back on the bed and curled up with the blanket, the light already being off and the fan on the ceiling running steadily. Fluttershy closed her eyes and let sleep take hold of her as she laid on a snapped mattress on a torn up floor in a broken house. > Mr. Cat and Miss Bird > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy clutched the yellow slip in her hand and read it for the thirteenth time as she walked through a hallway. Why Principal Celestia needed her so soon after school started that Friday, she wasn’t sure. She was hoping it had nothing to do with Mr. Doodle or Mr. Cordwood. Fluttershy frowned as she felt today’s stress weighing down on her shoulders and a anxious heat all across her body. For the past two days Mr. Cordwood had been trying to pry for her name without directly asking, even though he had that much more opportunity to ask. It seemed the more Fluttershy saw him on a daily basis, the more confusing and bipolar he acted. It drives the little woman crazy, not knowing why he acts so strange. She had been practicing her patience with him in hope that, possibly, he wouldn’t be so mean to her. On the one hand he had shown he knew how to be gentle and understanding, and he tries to be generous with his vast brain of knowledge during class, all while thoroughly enjoying himself. Then out of the blue, he puts on this facade of aloofness and hides the pain Fluttershy already knows is there. The young woman gripped her head lightly as her headache from the previous night’s fight with her house mate beat against her skull. Her mother had yelled at her, slapping her hard, causing a head wound and an noxious migraine. Fluttershy opened her eyes once again and realized just how much of a hypocrite she was being. Here she was keeping a mask on her face and hiding what really goes on in her life, but she tries to speculate and figure out what is going on in another’s. It was none of Fluttershy’s business why Mr. Cordwood acts the way he does, he does it out of pain for certain. However, his reasoning should remain unknown unless he were to tell her about it. Which would most likely never happen since Mr. Cordwood always pushed away any sort of kindness Fluttershy had to offer. They wouldn’t be the best of friends if they couldn’t even be good acquaintances. Either way, the year would be a dizzying loop of sarcastic remarks and kind gestures on top of her already poignant homelife, whether it was welcome or not. Fluttershy practiced her smile before walking into Celestia’s office, keeping her happiness at the front lines, and her depression covered by the familiar mask. The edges of her smile creasing, making small dimples show at the corners of her lips. She smiled brightly before relaxing into a tender, small smile as she walked up to the door. Her delicate hand reached for the knob and she turned it slowly, knocking lightly on the wood of Principal Celestia’s door as it opened. “ Um, hello? Principal Celestia? I...got a note-” Celestia was looking out her window at the pleasant view of the front lawn of Canterlot High. It was a sunny day, but the winter months were already starting to show through the colorful tree leaves. There was still an abundance of green, but the trees were painted with orange and yellow flecks if one paid enough attention. Before Fluttershy had walked in, Celestia had found herself focused on a tree off to the side of the lawn, deep in thought. The tall woman, hearing the door close, turned to her student she had summoned and smiled brightly like the sun beyond the window. “My child, please, come sit.” Celestia gestured to the chair in front of her desk, still smiling warmly. Fluttershy smiled back and obliged. The room was quiet for a moment, before Celestia sat down at her desk and began to speak again. “I understand you are confused by why I have called you here?” Celestia said it like a question, but Fluttershy stayed silent. “Well, if you remember correctly, I had you assist me in picking up a friend of mine from the airport earlier this week. You do recall?” Fluttershy held her breath for several moments. She didn’t really want to discuss her thoughts on him, but her principal seemed to be asking out of concern. Fluttershy didn’t want to get Mr. Cordwood in any trouble, perhaps she should stay quiet about his mishaps and rude demeanor towards her. Fluttershy smiled thoughtfully up at Celestia before responding. “ Oh yes, I do. He was very sweet and fun to be around. It was very enjoyable to be in his company.” Fluttershy said innocently, hoping Celestia would then leave the subject alone. But of course, she didn’t. Celestia smirked then laughed light heartedly. “Fluttershy, there’s no reason to lie to me, I know full well of Cordwood’s antics. I know him too well to be fooled to believe that he is anything but misunderstood, and often offensive to those he meets.” Fluttershy mentally face-palmed, of course Celestia would know who he is really, they were friends. The young woman then thought harder on that. No, they weren’t, because Mr. Cordwood said he didn’t have any friends to her personally. The Principal noticed Fluttershy’s confused look and carried on with the conversation. “I know how hard it must have been to be around him-” Celestia stated sadly, to which Fluttershy looked up quickly and interrupted the Principal in a fleeting moment of rescue for the man who couldn’t defend himself at the moment. “No, not at all, I meant what I said...about Mr. Cordwood being fun and entertaining...of course, he was rude and there was something...odd...about him, but he wasn’t what I would consider ‘hard’ to handle!” Fluttershy said defensively. Celestia looked at her student in surprise, then smiled brightly again. This will be easier than I originally thought. Celestia thought in relief. “If that is how you perceive him, and personally, I agree. That is why I need your help, any other person wouldn’t see him the way you and I do.” Celestia began. Fluttershy looked at her, even more confused than before. “What do you mean, Principal Celestia?” Fluttershy asked. “When we were younger, we knew each other well during our elementary years; we went to a boarding school together. He was several grades older than me but we got along fairly well. Cordwood was often...picked on for his intelligence, but it didn’t seem to bother him as much as it did me-” Celestia got up, a nervous habit of walking around entitled her to stand as she spoke. “I will spare his story, for his sake, but something back then triggered him to push everyone away. He’s been this way ever since. After his graduation, I never saw him again, I only knew he had left for another city to pursue his studies and become a teacher. I only just recently met him again while I was in Arabia for the summer. I -somehow- convinced him to come to America and be a part of my school, offering him a position once he completed his studies.” “Wow, he’s been in school a long time, hasn’t he?” Fluttershy deducted, her face now more solemn than before. Celestia chuckled nervously before continuing. “Not too long, but he does love to learn. Though sadly, in recent years he has become quite arrogant and refuses to associate with others in a friendly manner. This is why, well, I would understand if you were to decline my offer...maybe you could try and help him be kinder?” Fluttershy looked at her crazy Principal with her mouth agape for several moments, before closing it abruptly and smiling nervously. “A-are you sure t-that no one e-e-else can do it?” She stammered as Celestia’s face fell into a frown. “I’m afraid not, no one else would have the amount of patience to deal with him and certainly not the kindness to treat such a fickle person that he is.” Celestia looked at her student sorrowfully. “I understand if it makes you uncomfortable, and I’m sure eventually I would be able to help him open up and trust others again, given time.” Celestia moved to the door, she was prepared to open it and allow Fluttershy to leave without another thought on the Cordwood subject. She knew that Cordwood was in one of her classes, but now Fluttershy wouldn’t worry about it if she didn’t agree to helping the teacher’s assistant. Afterall, Celestia had put him there on purpose for this very reason. She wanted nothing more than her old role-model back on his feet again, and she knew well enough of Fluttershy and her personality to know it would help significantly with “reforming” Cordwood. But she also knew how difficult it would be for Fluttershy to agree to this, to try and help a man who was ignorant to such gestures. So, Celestia opened the door and was about to say goodbye when- “Wait! I-” Fluttershy thought for a moment. She was just asked to help a sad and angry man be kind like he once had been, and by Celestia’s account, she was the only one who could do so. The times she’d spent with Mr. Cordwood at school and their first encounter were only of his sad eyes and mean remarks and her being kind and sweet to him. It was an endless game that Cordwood loved to play, to torment her and laugh at her expense. And yet… as Fluttershy suffered and Cordwood taunted her, all she could see were his sad eyes. The way they pleaded even though he smiled, shrugged, and joked. Those eyes that were dark and dangerous and swirled with mystery. The eyes of a lonely soul that knew of no one who loved them. Red irises that seeked adventure and knowledge, who were kind, even though they were scared. That was his pain. He was scared, he was sad, and he was lonely. He wanted someone to be there and talk to him so he wasn’t alone in the dark alley by himself. Cordwood wanted a little bird to rest on his head and tell him how silly he was for not loving himself. He was a cat, a sad, lonely cat with sad, red eyes. Fluttershy knew then what she had to do. “I-I want to do it! I want to-to be his friend!” She said determined, getting up and practically skipping to the shocked Principal by the door. “I’m not sure if I can really do it but-I will certainly try. I understand how lonely he must be and I don’t wish that on anyone. So maybe-maybe I can be his friend and show him kindness, maybe I can open his heart?” Celestia looked down at Fluttershy and smiled proudly, then hugged her tight. Fluttershy’s eyes widened in surprise, then softened, happily returning Celestia’s hug. “Thank you.” Celestia whispered to her beloved student. “Of course, but, do you really think I can befriend him?” Fluttershy asked, she was worried she might not be able to succeed, but that wouldn’t stop her from trying. Though, it would be nice to have the support from her Principal. “I know you will.” Celestia said confidently, holding Fluttershy’s chin gently. Fluttershy blushed, receiving so much high praise made her embarrassed. She did feel more confident now, and she was excited to help Celestia more than anything, and that was to help Cordwood. It was too early for Cordwood, the man yawned loudly, holding his hand to his mouth, hardly muffling the sound. He knew he shouldn’t have spent all night reading, but he did it anyway, there was nothing better to do. Cordwood sat on the window sill, meditation style, rummaging through some paperwork he hadn’t finished last night. While he pondered how many times a piece of paper had to ask him if he was allergic to anything, he sucked on a pink cotton candy flavored sucker. His favorite type of candy. He sucked, and wrote, multitasking as he listened to Doodle teach his third hour students. The hours of the first half of the day molded together and passed so quickly. It was awfully boring in that classroom, like most of the school it was white and green. You would think it’d be more colorful and welcoming. Unless you considered the posters and the art room as enough color to make the school seem remotely alive, this building was a good representation the school of the dead. And that’s saying something since I was raised in a Boarding School Cordwood laughed to himself quietly, Doodle failing to notice in the slightest. The class was always very quiet and dreary, making it seem like it was grey inside. Luckily Cordwood, being up against the window allowed his back access to the warm rays of the winter sun, reminding him there was actually life outside of Mr. Doodle’s jail cell. The man sighed heavily, writing down his short-handed signature on the last page of his college enrollment. Yes, he was smart, and was capable of becoming a teacher at any point, but knowledge gave him a sense of power and there was always more to learn. So he thought he would go to college for one more year to get more stuff crammed in that genius of a brain before he started his career in teaching. Another sigh escaped him, this time through his nose. He put the contract down in front of him and stared off, outside of course, towards the land of the living. Definitely nothing like this place… When he became a teacher, he would be fun, and try new and better techniques besides lecturing the class’s ears off. No, he would make everything worth while and it’d be a hands-on experience. That was the best kind of learning. To touch and to feel it for yourself. His mind wandered, and it went nowhere else but to the most recent memories of a young woman with long irish pink locks and a gentle smile that melted your heart. Cordwood opened his eyes abruptly, his pupils shrunk in realization of his daydream. He missed her. It made sense, the room he was in could be considered the anti-fun zone, no games could be played when there was no opportunity. It was only a game, just a game. He thought on that. Many people wonder why he plays these “games”, and enjoys toying with others’ minds. If he was honest, he didn’t know anymore. I guess when you’ve done it for so long you forget what the point was in the first place. He thought to himself, Doodle’s voice became more monotone and you could practically hear sleep beckoning through the still air. Cordwood closed his eyes for a moment and dreamed, he shouldn’t be afraid to see her again if he did, but this time he only saw black calmness. Most thought he was crazy and aloof, but that was only something he held up to shield himself. The calm peacefulness was something he longed for, since life was always so tiring. His brain worked sluggishly and his blood slowed down, his heart rate steadying as he thought more deeply and muffled out the background noise. It wasn’t that long ago to him, the depression, the sadness that took over his life. The black pit of his vision turned to something blue, light blue, with soft white streaks gliding across it. “Hey, what are you doing? Don’t you wanna play with me? You promised you would teach me to write today too…” A young girl’s voice echoed throughout his memories. The person she was talking to was unknown at the moment, and her face was blurry as she popped into view. “Sorry Tia-” A young boys voice responded, he sounded so young and fragile, sickly. “I’m afraid I-I can’t today...I-um…” The voice paused, then a stifled noise came from him. “A-Abay? What’s wrong, why are you crying? Was someone mean to you again? I can help you-” “No, don’t...don’t bother! T-There’s nothing you can do to help…”The young boy stopped himself and breathed heavily, then he stood up. The young girl's face was clearer now, she was so small compared to him. She was only a child, and the young boy was some adolescent. Apart from the blurry tears, he could see her face was small and round and her eyes sparkled, she was crying too. Her hair was put into two neat ponytails that were a light pink and she wore a dark blue uniform. The young boy looked to her, then at the sky and sighed a heavy, shaky breath. “There’s nothing you can do to help me Tia...I-I think I just want to be alone…” The boy said calmly. “Oh, t-that’s okay, I’ll wait till you feel better and then we can-” “Tia…” The little girl went quiet as the boy took slow and shaky breaths. “I don’t think we’ll be able to talk to each other again...I-I’m sorry...I’m just-better off on my own. You can go make some new friends, and you're smart, you don’t need me anymore.” “But-But I want….I-I want you to teach me. sniff W-why won’t you stay with me...I’ll be all alone…” The boy lifted his hand slightly in guilt, then thought better and put it down as another tear fell from his cheek. “I-It’s better to be alone...than to feel what I’m feeling now, Tia. Feelings...hurt, so I’m giving them up...but don’t fret, this is what I want. Don’t worry about me...just don’t.” A loud shriek sounded throughout the halls of the school and Cordwood awoke abruptly and fell off the counter on the floor, receiving a classroom of laughs just as the students began filing out. His heart rate was fast now, he must have been dreaming; Doodle’s long lecture making sleep come to him faster than it usually had. “Awake now, are we?” Doodle said coming up to the man on the floor and kicking Cordwood’s shoe with his foot lightly. “Good rest I assume?” Cordwood slipped his foot slowly away from the teacher as he looked up at Doodle with shrewd eyes. “It’s lunch time kid, get you somethin’ to eat before I make you clean out the cobwebs on the walls.” Cordwood didn’t know if the teacher was actually concerned about his hunger, which he didn’t know he had, or that Doodle just wanted the “kid” out of his hair. The teacher’s assistant stood up quickly and brushed off his clothes nonchalantly as he grabbed his lunch sack and walked out without another word. He walked down the halls and watched a blurry reflection walk on the shiny white walls beside him. Cordwood rubbed his neck, it being sore and achy from not sleeping correctly he supposed, and then he yawned. “Ugh, everything is so boring in this dumb school.” Cordwood mumbled bitterly, not even bothering to trail off that sentence. It was a fact to him, it ended in a period and wasn’t trailed, being a legitimate statement that he had concluded. As far as the eye could see, there were neutrals. All he could see were dull colors. From whites to dull greens to horrible blues that stained the walls as things considered art on paper. Hideous, he thought again. No matter how colorful and welcoming the adolescents that came here claimed to be, their school was still an awful bland and it clashed easily with the masses. Instead of straining his eyes any longer, Cordwood focused instead on his shoes and listened to his lunch box make a shuffling against his leg. It was a calming sound to him, and again, he felt sluggish. He was always like this; he had thought maybe the nightmares would go away at some point. Yet, the scenes kept replaying over and over in his mind until he decided it’d be to better stay up and read a book. Sleep would come eventually as it had in Mr. Doodle’s class, but it was enforced and was fleeting, and every time rest came it left a deeper scar. Cordwood shook his head. No! It would not be this way forever, it would go away soon enough, he couldn’t stay this way for an eternity. He wouldn’t live through it, he knew that. The medicines didn’t help anymore, the sessions were too long ago to remember what he had learned, all he could recall were the long hours of a low mumble as his child-like eyes looked out the window. The time that he sat in a chair and looked to the side where a mass of judges sat so they could see his pain as he spoke. These memories would just go away later, wouldn't they? “Afternoon, my friend.” A voice echoed in the hallway, and the footsteps closed in on their targeted person. “Marhaba-er- Afternoon…” Cordwood corrected himself, his head being in the clouds messing up his dialect. He spoke in English perfectly after his native tongue had held itself, allowing Cordwood to be professional. The teacher’s assistant turned to see an old face coming closer to him. Not really old, more like a young face from a distant memory. She still looked as pretty and proud as ever. “Celestia.” He growled a little, it wasn’t that he was annoyed with her, it was the feeling she gave him. Regret. “Marhabaan to you too, teacher…” Celestia smiled thoughtfully. “I understand it must be a bit hard for you to adapt to the English tongue, you’ve only just arrived this week after all, after being on Arabia for so long...” She sympathized. “I know English well enough Tia, don’t pity the possum when it isn’t dead.” He began to walk once more after Celestia had caught up with him. “And might I say your flowing candy advertisement is as lovely as ever...how much does Airhead pay you for that hair?” Celestia giggled. “Is it that chromo today?” “More so than usual, you must be exhausted to brush off my insult that quickly, Tia.” Fact. It ends with a period. He knew it wasn’t just the insult dodge, he noticed the owl-like dark circles around her eyes, and the sluggish walking making him move painfully slower than he would want to. All of these factors correlated with the fact that Celestia was drained. “I have learned to brush past your mean banter toward me as brutal sarcasm till this point. I’ll admit though, I am a little weary...running a school as I do will leave you wanting retirement as quickly as you had received the job.” The white, pretty faced Principle carried on in silence after that, Cordwood walking lazily beside her. Cordwood felt the pain of hunger and decided to eat what he had in his lunch box as he walked down the hall. It was best to walk while eating than to sit some place possibly ear-splitting; and it would have stayed peaceful if Tia hadn't began talking again as Cordwood took a bite of his peanut-butter sandwich. “Cordwood, what do you plan on doing while you’re here?” Cordwood chewed for a moment, the sweet peanut-butter tasting bitter the longer he was next to Celestia. “Learn.” He answered simply, then took another bite. “Are you still going to college? Aren’t you a bit old to still be going?” Celestia teased. “Of course not-” Cordwood retorted through a stuffed mouth. “I’m only 27!” He pouted, pausing after chewing and swallowing. “It’s my voice isn’t it?” Cordwood complained once again. “Hehe, no, I just thought with that brilliant mind of yours you would already be a chemistry professor or something. I can understand that what happened may have held you back a few years, but I thought you would have been done by now…” Celestia trailed off when she looked at Cordwood’s fallen face. Her eyes widened, she coughed and apologized. “Forgive me, that wasn’t my place, I hadn’t realized you were still-” “I’m over it.” Period. He was, most definitely, but it still hurt to talk about it at any point in time. Ever. This was a forbidden subject, but he was still over it. Definitely. The hallway grew silent again, most of Cordwood’s sandwich uneaten as it usually ended up being. Celestia and Cordwood listened to the shuffle of his lunchbox against his pant leg instead. The principle thought deeply as she focused her hearing on the quiet noise, her arms crossed and her brow furrowed in a worry look. “Will you always be like this, friend?” Celestia watched Cordwood put away his sandwich back in its box. He was silent again, and for the longest time Celestia thought he wouldn't answer. “Like what?” He broke the silence with a strained voice. “Distant. Not just from me, but from everyone around you. You say you’re over it, but you don't act that way. You're constantly pushing others away and-” “Enough, Tia.” He stopped in front of her, his hand outward to make her stop as well. The hall was dim here, and the air was pressed with tension and intense breathing from Celestia. Fear coursed through her as she looked up at the tall man before her, but all she could see was a young boy with a cold gaze. “I don't need anymore therapy from anyone else...especially someone like you. Don't you have some drones and a prison to run instead of being my mother?” His eyes looked dead, frozen in place as they stared the young Principal down as if to scold her for being disrespectful. They were dark and dangerous, more so than usual, Celestia could sense his emotions went quickly out of balance. “I-” Celestia paused for a second, taking a deep breath. She was a mentor, but she was also a friend, and she knew that her friend needed help. “I'm not being authoritative, I only wish to see you happy Cordwood.” She started, but Cordwood interrupted her with a pathetic laugh. “Happy? Happy?!” He aggressively stepped forward and pointed to Celestia with fire in his eyes. “There is no such thing for me, Tia. I could try, but the moment I see it, it will be gone before I can even feel what it's like. You may think you can command everyone around you to do your bidding, and you may think you can grant people whatever they want...but you can’t, especially for me...there are no such things as miracles…” he stood straight up and began to walk away, and in a sudden moment of boldness, Celestia spoke up again. “What if there was?” He stopped. “A way you could be happy again, Cordwood.” He turned around and stared at her in surprise. “What if you opened up...or trusted someone just one last time and it ended well for you…what if that person could make you happy, and you could believe again...in miracles?” Cordwood stared at her with a confused brow, then his face twisted into a sorry excuse for a smile. “Yeah, sure, when this miracle comes, if ever, let me know!” He walked off waving his goodbyes. Yeah, right, like that's gonna happen. “Now if you excuse me,” he said, lifting his lunchbox at eye level, “I’m on break!” Celestia stayed in the spot Cordwood had left her in the hall, alone with her thoughts. “It already has Cordwood...just take it when she comes.” Celestia whispered to herself, then turned back around to go to her office, the discussion between her and Cordwood long since over.