> ~Tales of Candora~ > by Castel_Pastel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > CHAPTER ONE: Becoming Normal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER ONE: Becoming Normal The silence breaks, “Honey! Are you up?” It’s my mother, as she knocks loudly upon my wooden door. “Today is your big test remember? I’d hate for you to be late for school and miss it again!” she continued to speak, muffled through the door and distant through my not fully awoken ears. They twitch, my eyes open, freeing themselves slowly from the sweet sanctuary of slumber. The world around me is brightened by the morning sun gazing in through my windows, but slowly comes to a balance giving me a visualization of the area surrounding me. I whisper to myself, “Please oh please let this be a dream, I’m not ready to be awake.” Then my dreams were crushed and I was brought swiftly back into reality by the sound of my mother's voice, “Sweetie? Don’t make me come in there!” “Yes mom, I’m up!” I shout back loudly to reassure her. “Alright! Breakfast is downstairs waiting for you, when you’re ready!” she comments. “Kay!” My body unravels itself across the spread of my bed, knocking off all blankets and pillows that aided in my sleep. I sweep away any untamed hairs that blocked my vision and proceed to flop out of my bed onto the cold wooden floors below. I stand tall, performing any final stretches to bring me to a full composure. I glance around the room, “Geez, what a mess,” I speak to myself, “Well Seafood, you really let the place go haven’t you?” I again say as I slowly cross the floors covered in items and random clutter. The bedroom resembles that of a disaster scene in a picture reel. Pens and writing sticks litter my desk and papers with my fanart of ‘Character’ from the ‘The Lost Stone’ comic series. I’m not much of an artist myself, but I get around to it time to time. The cases of my song disks also lay out across the floor. Over the years I’ve collected every one of ‘Pop Rock’s’ albums. Pop Rock is practically the biggest super celebrity in all of Candora, next to President Harshmallow. Anypony who is somepony, knows who they are. My clothes also clustered the ground. Shirts and dresses tattered and wrinkled tossed around carelessly lay imperfect across the floor. Those must have been there for a while, I haven’t worn clothes since the last school dance. I approach the reverse window. It reflects back at me the image of my post-sleep appearance. My pastel blue hair mangled together with knots tangled in curls. The fluff of my pastel purple coat remains ungroomed as well. “Geez! Looks like you’ve let yourself go as well, girl.” I speak to myself directly, facing the reverse window. “Your breakfast is gonna get cold!” My mother shouts from downstairs. “Coming!” I yell back, quickly fixing myself so I don’t look like a like Character’s sidekick ‘Loofa’ (a mangy beast). I turn my body away from the reverse window and make my way to the door, stepping over everything that lay in the path. With almost all my effort, the door flies open before me, allowing my access through it. My hooves padder the stairs with force, shaking them. I swoop around the corner post, using my wing as an added advantage. “Dear, could you be a little less ‘heavy’ when coming down the stairs? You’re going to bring down the house, remember last week?” my mother says as my presents enters the kitchen. “Oh, yeah, sorry mom.” I reply. “So, what’s for breakfast today?” She looks at me and smiles, “Today I made eggs, sugar cane, and since it’s your big test day I thought we’d have some Clocana Flower for luck!” “No way!” I says surprised, “How did you get these?” I look down at the sweet golden brown flower, it shimmers in the kitchen light. “Well your father has been working hard at the factory and they thought they’d give us a bit of a gift,” She pauses, “along with a promotion.” I twist my head at a fast speed towards my father. “You-” I stutter, “You got promoted!?” I shout loudly with glee. “That’s right,” my father replies with his calm soft voice. “Awesome! I’m so proud of you!” I compliment him, fueling his ego. He chuckles, “Thanks.” I begin to fill my mouth with the food from my plate. “Mmm, thish ish delicioush!” I then feed compliments to my mom. She giggles back in response. My mother, Amber Hew, is an extremely kind hearted pony. She spends most of her time at home cleaning, but sometimes gets around to doing volunteer work such as helping out with the community gardens. She’s also practically my best friend. Who says mom’s can’t be friends too? My father, Aurous Straw is also kind at heart. I don’t see him much during the day. He works at the Chocolate Refinery Plant, where they filter all the old chocolate into new edible chocolate. He works hard for us, which I appreciate. Ever since I was born they’ve taken great care of me. “Alright hun,” my mom interrupts my thinking, “you should head off for school. You don’t want to be late again do you?” I look to the wall and glance at the clock. “No,” I quickly respond and proceed to demolish the food. I break away from the table, “Thanks for the food mom,” I say as I make my way to a closet we have near the front door. Opening it, I find my saddlebag that holds all my school work. I grasp it with my teeth and swirl it around onto my back. I work it around my wings. I make a final parting gesture to my parents, “Goodbye mom, bye dad!” “Goodbye sweetie, good luck on the test!” my mother says standing beside my father, “And no flying!” “I know, I know,” I say to them as I rush out the door, closing it upon my exit. I trot off from the comfort of my home to brace the new school day. Time for context! My name is Seafood Dinner, I’m fourteen years old and a third year student at Sugar Lane High School. I attend a special class called Stat training, where I learn to become stable enough to be known as a regular pony. You see, I’m not your average pony, in fact I’m the only pony of my kind here. Whereas everypony is made from candy, I’m made of, well… I’m not sure. I also have these wings like a bird would, I’m not allowed to use them. It’s considered bad behavior. And before you assume, no, I’m popular, everypony knows who I am. Only because President Harshmallow was there for my birth. I don’t remember much from that day, something about a curse. However, being popular, probably isn’t the right way of putting it, since, I literally have no friends. Except my parents. But that doesn’t matter to me! Because today I take my final test, the Stat test. It’s a test that will determine my stableness to enter regular high school. If I pass. Which I will. Today is the day I become normal!