The Lights that brought Us Together

by Piratesplaytrumpets

First published

An MLP OC original! When Keen Eye is sent on a job request by Rarity he runs into a Pegasus he's never seen before. "His wings were huge! Even larger than the princesses wings! And he was beautiful. Wait what? No, I was wrong. He's rude and crude a

An MLP OC original!
When Keen Eye is sent on a job request by Rarity he runs into a Pegasus he's never seen before. "His wings were huge! Even larger than the princesses wings! And he was beautiful. Wait what? No, I was wrong. He's rude and crude and needs to be flanked! I want this job to be over and get home quick! I don't care if he's the most beautiful pony I've ever seen! No wait! I meant rude! that's right, r-rude..."

However, When things go from bad to worse how will they cope with their newly found "friendship"?

Scroll I

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There are times when you feel utterly alone...and sometimes, when you're alone enough, you forget what it's like to even want the company of another. I've been alone for so long now; I don't need anyone else.
Snow falls silently against the gray of the mountains surrounding the cottage tucked away in a bed of trees.

"Thanks for your service!" An old mare yelled as I exited the door.

"No problem sir, thank you for your business "

Walking out into the open I was met with the suttle caress of the Norths chilly wind, blinded by star like flakes reflecting in the light of the moon. It amazed me how the Pegasi could keep this place so well maintained. With the sun gone and the moon fully out I realized my job took way longer than anticipated and probably should've asked to stay the night of it wasn't any trouble.

"Sigh~ oh well."

The night seemed to dragging on forever. And the longer I stayed in the snow the more it's charm was wearing off. I decided to rest for a bit on the edge of a cliff nearby overlooking the frozen valley when suddenly the sky lit up in flashes of light unfolding into a river of colors across the sky! I'd never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life. I sat on the edge enchanted by this rainbow dance, losing myself in my imagination.
"Just a bit more- I told myself. "Then I'll get going."

Just then there was a flash of light and I immediately looked up to see the light had split apart and was now squirming in the air. Just then a shadow flew high above me, rushing to grab the two ends. The Pegasus then proceeded to forces the wild ends together, struggling a bit, until finally the ends met. Sealing the Crack and returning it to its normal way as if it never broke in the first place.
There's nothing more I love than my job. The beautiful colors, the crisp wind through my mane and wings! Extreme bliss. Tonight though, has been one of the busiest all month. The lights were breaking all over the place! Once here, a little there, then one 10 miles away and then another 3 miles back.
"This is crazy. Magic must be unbalanced lately." I say binding another ray together.

Once I finished up the connection and re-checked to make sure there were no cracks, something caught my eye. I noticed a shadowy figure amongst the trees near the cliff. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. And I wasn't. There was a pony down there, which baffled me. No one's lodging was around for miles, let alone would sit at the end of one of the deadliest cliffs willingly. This pony must be seriously bonkers or worse.
"Must be lost." I said flying down to meet the mystery pony.

Flying down I caught one wicked wind stream that sent me hurdling towards the cliff. It took all I had to pull myself up to avoid crashing into its face and realign myself to land behind the pony, with some distance of course. My wings are too big to close like a proper Pegasus so I just kept them close to my body as I walked over to get a closer look. And man, the sight before me was truly sent from above. The Mare in front of me basically shone with all the brilliance of a glistening gem. Mane long and flowing, coat sleek and shiny like an opal, as purple as an amethyst and as delicate as the flowers in spring, soft and full of life. I tried to gather my thoughts together but to no avail. My words came out harsh and wrong.

"Oi, what are you doing in these parts of the woods eh? This is my territory you know. And I don't take too kindly to trespassers." Fool! What were you thinking!?

She shrunk into herself, "I um... I seem to have become lost I-I had no idea I was trespassing. Honest!"

I circled the mare wanting to get a better view, entranced by her scent and sweet lulling voice. Lavender. But again, my words were harsh and not at all what I wanted to say.

"Hmm, I don't believe you. Got any proof?" Proof! What good would proof do you block head!?

"No. T-This is the f-first time I've been up north. I had work, my boss s-sent me instead because she was busy with other orders, Honest!"

"Oh really? Where? " Great! Just great! Her first time up north and she's being interrogated by somepony she doesn't even know!

"Well, just a little up the way from snake river. I have the paperwork if you want to see it." She whimpered, shaking nervously, but I couldn't tell from me or from the cold. Sweet Celestia I pray it wasn’t because of me.

"No thanks, that's enough. But tell me, what's a mare like you doing in a place like this? Don't you know it's dangerous to travel alone? and in the dark for that matter?" Ah, right oh good chap, the first nice thing you meant to say all evening, well done.
"Well I…Mare?, I heard something snap. "I~ am a STALLION."
"What!? REALLY!?" I gasped in shock and disbelief.



"Yes!" Sh- He, responded with flaring nostrils.


He looked at me with his mouth gaped open the again with a straight face. I looked him over once again, my eyes not believing that this body belonged to a male, and yet, seeing so. Once our eyes met I came crashing back to my senses and realized I had been staring for way too long and I could see he was going to lose his temper.

I cough to break the ice, his glare still focused on me. I said the first thing that came to mind, and looked dead in his face.


"Urgh! Of all the pony- sweet Celestia! How rude can one be! Good day sir!" He stormed past me, tail slapping me in the face as he stormed by and headed down the hill, I was right, it was lavender and…cream? Before I knew it I had chased after him.
"No wait! Look. I'm sorry it's just-

"I don't need to hear your Excuses thank you! Now if you EXCUSE me. I have to return home where there are civilized ponies around!" He trotted off into the darkness, the forest swallowing him whole in attempt to block me from pursuing.

The snow covering his hoof prints and the strong scent of the evergreens cover his smell. I sat where he left me dumb founded and blank. Replaying over and over things I could’ve said, should’ve said. But I didn’t. I was brought back to reality from the explosion of another light strand breaking.
“Sigh~ way to go me, no wonder you live up here all alone.” And I fly back to my job.

Scroll II

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It’s the light at the end of the tunnel that some people are scared of, but to others it’s the answer, the way out, their hope. But how did you get there in the first place? Don’t leave without me… I beg you… Please.
“I can’t believe I met someone like THAT! That’s the second pony I’ve met in my entire life! And I do NOT want to remember the first one.” He shivered sticking his tongue out in disgust at the thought of the Colt back home.

He continued to stomp his way through the winter wonderland as the storm continued to rage against him. Soon after what felt like hours, the snow turned into a blinding white. The path that was once there no longer visible from where he walked. He fought to keep his eyes open.

“The one time I don’t listen to my conscience to bring something extra, really?” He grumbled under his breath.

Just then a brilliant flash of light exploded, blinding him; causing him to lose his footing, falling into the mouth of a cliff. The fall was sudden and happened in a flash to the little unicorn. Down he went, tumbling down the summit, scraping himself on the sharp rocks that reached for the lights up above. The worst hit got him in one of his major joints in his front left hoof, fracturing bone in the process and bruising a few ribs. It wasn’t until he crashed into a pile of densely frozen ice covered in a thin layer of snow, did the pain reach up and choke him. knocking him with more force than he could take with his already numb body from the bitterness of the North’s wind.

*This…isn’t how I imagined my life would end. I should never have left home. I’m sorry…sorry*

His silent cries fell quite in his mind, his consciousness fading and last drops of tears fleeing his eyes as he passes out.
Snow continues to fall silently, covering its territory in its embrace. Giving no regard to the life that so desperately tried to break free from its hold. Alas, to no avail. Sleep now, it beckoned. Let my lights guide you away from your worries. Let my body give you chilling warmth that you may forever be preserved in its perfectness. Don’t fight me.

All night. That’s how long I let the guilt from earlier get to me. Eating me from the inside out and weighing me down so much I felt like a bloated dragon drunk off its greed.

“ARGH!!!” I roared into the twilight sky. “Why am I so… so, URGH!!!!” No amount of bursting solar lights could drown out the guilt and pain that would forever mark itself upon my memories of the first pony I’ve seen after years of isolation from my own kid, pony-kind.

I was never one for words. Would always keep quiet, stay in the back of crowds, and keep conversations short if any. But to be THIS bad? I feel like an isolated pony from another realm. Can’t even get words out properly. Or tell genders apart! Is the world changing so much I can’t tell mares from colts anymore?

*Mother please~ help me with my awkwardness* I pleaded towards the sky.

With only a short time till the sun rises, I decide to take my last rounds.

“It would be best if that pony made it out okay.”

Looking around in this darkness has me confused in more ways than one. Where was I? The darkness seemed never ending and with each step forward, would part. Strange. Why part? Was it showing me something? Puzzled but filled mostly with curiosity, I kept walking until I began to notice a light ahead of me.

“Was that the way out?” I thought to myself. If “out” was even where I needed to go.

After blinking a few times to make sure what I was seeing was real I went closer at a quicker pace, still weary of my surrounding just in case. But for some reason, the closer I got the more I felt I should stay away. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I knew for sure this was not the exit I was looking for. So I stopped.

“What are you doing here little pony?” A voice from the shadows whispered, catching me off guard.

“Whoa! You startled me! At least a warning would be nice… where… who are you anyway?” I asked turning ‘round in search of the voice.

“What are you doing here little pony.” The voice sounded from all around me. “Go back.” It whispered. “Now’s not your time. Go back.” It said more loudly, wind blowing me away from the direction of the light.

“But I don’t know how.” I protested. “Can you help me? I so desperately need to return home, if my sister knew she’d-

A gust of stronger wind blew at me. Shifting me off my hooves and faced down sliding once again through the sea of parting darkness. “Only once little one, just this once.” And the voice subsided, my vision becoming darker and pain increased, as if I had smashed my whole body against a sheet of ice and iron in the worst possible way.

I slowly open my eyes with slight difficulty. Ice had frozen over my eyelids. How long was I out? Going by how stiff I felt it could have been hours! But not days. We creatures have long lives, but even something fatal could do us in. It took me a second to realize I was buried in snow in an awkward position. Excruciating pain was stabbing my insides, but the pain mostly rang from my hoof. What the heck happened to me? Once I got myself in a better, less painful position I took in my surroundings. Black rigid walls enclosed me. I could see the hole from where I fell in, but unless I had wings or knew a teleportation spell I was stuck.

“Now I’m starting to wish I paid more attention to Twilight’s lectures.” I grumbled to myself. I looked up towards the sky hole once more.

“Sweet Celestia, please send someone to rescue me.” With my final words of pleading said, I screamed from the top of my lungs, “PLEASE!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME~!!!”

I waited a few moments before yelling again, “SOMEBODY!? ANYBODY!? HELP ME!! HELP!” Over and over I cried out into the hole that had swallowed me whole. After a few more tries doubt started to settle in and the dryness from my throat reminded me of the situation that was upon me. When WAS the last time I ate? Or drank for that matter? I don’t know. I didn’t even know where my bags were or any of my belongings.

*I just want out of here*

I looked up once more and braced myself with whatever strength I had left and shouted one last time, “HELP!!!” The shout came out dry and painful. Almost like a dying old man if you will, shouting his last victory and marking the minds of those who were there to see him off. At this point, that’ll just be me while the mountains and cliffs laugh at me as the snow buries me.

Giving up I turn and limp towards the wall of the cavern. Letting the darkness consume me for the last time. I plop down, no strength left to stand. My limbs frozen and bruised, mane tasseled and covered in a mix of ice, snow, rock, and blood. I laugh to myself, if Rarity saw me now she’d just about faint. Mom would probably have a field day picking the rocks out of my mane and sort them according to age or sediment deposit or some other random thing rock related. And my sister, boy, she’d pound me for sure. Then would baby me until I got back to 100% health. Tears fell from my eyes as I laugh waiting for death to come take me away. Away from my incomplete life. Away from my lonely death. Away. This wasn’t at all how I pictured my life. I never even fell in love.

Just then I saw a flutter of a shadow in what little light I had through foggy eyes. It was getting closer, blocking out the light completely as it reached the area with taller rocks. But when it came through and my vision cleared, I saw a Pegasus descending slow, with what little light was left from the changing sky above. It was glorious. Its wings were huge and fluffy. Mane shone with the reflective colors of the dancing lights, and build, strong yet sleek, but reliable.

*At last my savior had come* I thought as I slipped into to unconsciousness.