> Payback's a Dish, Best Served with Chocolate > by CreeperAfterDark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Safeword? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking into Sugarcube Corner on a sleepy Sunday afternoon, you can’t help but feel giddy as you trot across the main floor. And why shouldn’t you be? Everything was going perfectly. “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake,” you say with a smile as you pass them by. “Well hello there, dear!” Mrs. Cake says with an equally big smile. “You’re in a good mood. Here to see Pinkie?” You nod quickly as you fiddle with your saddlebag. “Yeah, I got some new candy I want her to try out. This new batch of fireballs are really good, want one?” Mrs. Cake shakes her head as she stirs a bowl of batter. “No, sorry... I’m not much of a fan for spicy or hot things. Not since Pinkie accidentally poured that hot sauce into the cake batter...” She trails off with a shiver. “Well, suit yourself,” you say before popping it into your mouth. “They’re not that spicy, actually. They’ve got this cherry flavor that just tingles and tickles at your mouth and doesn’t leave your lips or tongue burning like your usual fireball. They’re, uh... even safe for skin,” you say with a bit of a blush. “Well... Maybe just one...” Mrs. Cake reasons as she sets aside her bowl. Taking the candy from you, she gives it a little sniff. “Ooh, I’ll save it for later. And ask Pinkie if she’s okay, will you? She hasn’t made a peep all day.” You look to Mrs. Cake in shock. “Really? Not a sound?” “No,” she says with a frown. “It’s so unlike her... I hope she’s not sick.” “I’m sure she’s fine,” you say with a shrug. “I’ll just leave you to your work.” “Well alright dear. Just holler if you need anything,” Mrs. Cake says before returning to her mixing bowl. Your big smile returns as you make your way up the stairs to Pinkie’s room. Except as your hoof touches the doorknob, your smile twists and becomes something quite sinister. “And just how are we doing, Ms. Pinkamena Pie?” Opening the door slowly, you bask in the sight before you. Pinkie Pie is right where you left her this morning: cuffed to the bed. But that wasn’t all you did. Closing the door behind you and locking it, you start to circle the bed like a hungry shark. She didn’t even know you were there. She was blindfolded and had a pair of earplugs in, after all. The corners of her mouth were stained with drool, leaking from the corners of your homemade ball-gag; or jawbreaker gag as it was. I wonder if she likes the taste, you think, still smiling. Her jaw’s probably tired and tongue raw from licking... You let your eyes wander down her body and feel your heart quicken when your eyes graze over teats. Her nipples were obscured, under two egg vibrators and taped down so they couldn’t slip off. But the pièce de résistance of the whole thing was a rather expensive purchase all the way from Canterlot; and it was currently making Pinkie’s entire body shake in what had to be her dozenth orgasm that day. An enchanted vibrator. Just thinking those words make you giggle at the sheer absurdity, but somepony out there decided to make a vibrator that could really please a partner, pulsating and vibrating in response to its user. You made sure the harness it was connected to wouldn’t slip and it was as deep as possible. You were torn from your thoughts when Pinkie’s hips bucked into the air and she whimpered into the ball gag. You wish you knew how many orgasms she’s had so far, but judging from the small puddle forming in the already drenched sheets, you had a good idea it was a lot. The whole sight, the smell seeping into your brain, it’s all enough to get you standing at attention and more than ready. With a small sigh, you drop your saddlebag onto the floor and wait. As soon as Pinkie’s body stopped quaking and the vibrator slowed down, preparing for the next round, you pounce. Literally. Jumping onto the bed, you straddle Pinkie’s chest and rest your rock hard member on her face. Squeaking in surprise, she starts to pull uselessly at her restraints and lets out another whimper as you started to rub your shaft against her nose. “So tempted to just rut you just now,” you say with a labored breath. You start first with the earplugs, pulling them out gently and getting a sigh of relief from your bound mare. Next came the blindfold and immediately, Pinkie looks up to you with pleading eyes. “MMM ‘ORRY! MM ‘ORRY!” She mumbles into the gag. “I’m... Lorry? Who's Lorry?” “MMM ‘OR-RY!” “I’m... Whory? Well, you certainly are a glutton for punishment, that’s much for sure,” you say with a wicked grin. Tapping your shaft against her cheek, you let out a little laugh. “But I don’t think you’re whory, my little Sweetie Pie.” Pinkie takes a deep breath to try and get the point across, but you stop her short and start to undo her gag. With a heavy sigh of relief, she closes her jaw with a click and pants in relief. “Better?” She nods quickly. “I’m... I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she half whimpers. “Please, I’ll never do it again!” You take a breath through your teeth and roll your shoulders. “I don’t know... You said the same thing twice already and I told you what would happen the third time.” Resting your shaft on her lips, you look down to her with a wicked grin. “I might need some convincing.” Pinkie’s eyes dart between your cock and you and slowly, she parts her lips and drags her tongue up the side of your shaft. Immediately, you let out a hiss through your teeth and throw your head back as the skilled tongue belonging to your beloved mare works across your cock. Moaning aloud, you slide a hoof down and let it rest on Pinkie’s head. After all this time, she knew what that meant and you let out a gasp as her lips wrap around the tip. She suckles, she laps and traces her tongue all around and you’re left a panting, squirming mess. “Ohhh sweet sisters above, you’re good at that...” You moan aloud. At your words of endearment, you feel another few inches slip into her warm, wet muzzle and you do everything you can not to buck your hips forward. Just when you think it can’t get any better, her pace picks up and she does that. She hums. You feel your shaft vibrate and it’s just enough to make you see stars. Part of you just wants to start to rut her muzzle, but you know better and get yourself under control. “Alright, alright!” You yell as you pull out. “I think you’ve almost proven to me you’re sorry.” The look on Pinkie’s face is priceless and as much as she (and you) wanted to keep going, you had another plan. Getting off the bed, you make your way for your marefriend’s nethers and remove the tape. The vibrator didn’t budge and looking up to Pinkie, you could see her biting her lip. “W-Wait, it’s still going... I-I think I’m close...” “You think?” You ask with a laugh. “Can’t tell. Hips numb,” she moans. With another chuckle, you reach out and bite onto the end of the vibrator, earning yourself a gasp and moan from Pinkie as you slowly start to pull out. “Wait... Wait,” she says breathlessly as inch after inch leaves her marehood. “WaitwaitWAITWAITWAI-NNNNNNNNGH!” Throwing her head back, Pinkie’s whole body quakes once more in the throes of orgasm and adds to the growing puddle between her legs. “Now... We’re gonna finish this up just right,” you say as you climb back onto the bed. “W...What? Wha...” Pinkie drifts in and out from her afterglow and is only dimly aware you’re putting the gag back into place. When she finally realizes it, she looks up to you with a bit of worry in her eyes. “Don’t fret, I’m not leaving you... Just don’t want you bringing down the rafters,” you say with a giggle. Reaching for the nightstand, you grab the roll of tape and tear off a piece. Pinkie looks at you with rapt attention and with that same wicked grin you walked in with, you stick your tongue out and her eyes go wide. “These new fireballs were so hard to get ready... Especially since one greedy little filly kept eating them even when I said they were for an order!” “Mmmm ‘orry! ‘Er ‘o ‘ooooood!” “Yes, I know they’re good... And I wouldn’t have minded if it just happened once. But you said the same thing the second time around and I made you a promise; that if you did it again and I have to delay that order, that you’d be sorry. But don’t worry Pinkie,” you say as you place the fireball onto the tape. “I’m giving you one more.” In one, fluid motion, you lay the tape across her winking clit and make sure the fireball was pressed right on it. The results were instant and Pinkie’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head, moaning and crying into the ball-gag with renewed vigor. Grabbing onto her hips, you try to keep her steady and line yourself up. “MMM ‘ORRY! MM ‘ORRY! MMM-MMMMMPH!” In one single thrust, you bottom out into Pinkie’s sopping wet marehood and let out a strangled sigh. Your marefriend, on the other hoof, went quiet and shook like a leaf on a twig. “Get ready...” Taking hold of her hips, you pull back slowly, relishing in her squeals and whimpers before slamming back in, You soon pick up a steady pace, the sound of moans and groans being overshadowed by the squeaking of the mattress and the little knock the headboard made each time you slammed your hips into hers. Pinkie was loving this as much as you, that much was evident. Her marehood squeezed around you tight like a vise and did everything it could to keep you inside. Every fiber of your being urged you on, making you thrust harder and faster into her. You and Pinkie were no longer making love; you were fucking like animals. It doesn’t take long and you start to see your peak approaching. Burying your face into the side of her neck, you kiss, lick and nip at her as you feel your cockhead start to flare. “Gonna fill you...” You grunt into her ear. Finally, you bury yourself in as deep as possible and let out bestial grunt, your balls tightening up and letting loose a flood of stallion seed into her depths. For the longest moments in your life, you just stay like that, feeling Pinkie’s marehood constrict and spasm. “E...Enjoy yourself?” You pant out as you slowly pull out. Pinkie lays there, basking in her post-orgasm bliss and you can see the tug of a smile at the corners of mouth. You’re happy. She learned her lesson. You start with fireball, move onto the gag and undo the hoof-cuffs, letting her free finally. “You okay, honey?” You ask as you start to massage her back legs. Pinkie nods slowly. “Ohhh yeah... That’s better,” she moans out. “That was... Wow.” “With the way you were squirming around the first hour, I honestly thought you were trying to get free,” you say with a nervous laugh. “Kinda thought I went too far.” “Why we have a safe-sign,” she croaks out. “Wow, I’m thirsty...” Taking that cue, you get up from the bed and make your way to the personal bathroom, fetching a glass of water. Bringing it up to Pinkie’s lips, she takes a few much needed gulps and sighs happily. “Thank you~” “C’mon, let’s shower and get the sheets washed. We reek.” Pinkie holds her hooves out gives you a pleading look. “Carry me?” Rolling your eyes, you help her off the bed and onto your back. “So, learn your lesson about taking what isn’t yours?” “Uh-huh. If I wanna cum like, 20 times in a day, take your stuff until you get mad.” “Pinkie...” “Kidding~”