> A Haunted Sleepover > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Setting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bartholomew took in a deep breath as he stared at the ceiling of their house. The thought almost brought a tear to his eyes, and he wiped it away with one of his claws. It had been so long since he’d been able to say that. When he had another to fill the loneliness who enjoyed his company, and the demands that his spirit had for him. Not that he ever argued the demands. Copping a feel on pretty, young girls was never a bad thing, at least so long as they didn’t figure out when he was corporeal and hit him where the sun don’t shine. After that horrible moment, his life had become much better than it had been for centuries. He kicked one leg off of the rafter he laid upon, and drifted to the ground. The last three years had breathed a new life into not only him, but the large house. Before now, it looked like a place a squatter would live, and had been raided back in the eighteenth century and never been touched after. Nowadays, it was a real house. Most of the holes were fixed, either with wood or cloth that he stole, and then placed over the holes. Furniture and carpet lined the floors, giving a way for someone to be comfortable if they decided to spend time around the place, or, for that matter, if you pushed a bacon haired woman onto the carpet before rutting her brains out. Bartholomew smiled at the thought, and felt a twinge in his loins. Yes, Sunset had instilled a new pride in him, and he had tried his best to show his appreciation. She had also tried to show him hers, something that still confused him to this day. How could she need to when she was so willing to be with an almost demon like him? He looked to his claws, and sighed. He thought he was human at one point, but, if he were honest, he’d been dead for too long to remember. The thought of how he died was one question that had haunted him for a long while now, especially when Sunset had asked. To answer her questions had always bothered him, but he liked it. He liked being able to care. He blinked as he heard the front door open, mostly because of the squeak in them, and reminded himself to get oil for it. Bart then heard something very odd for the old place. Voices. Not one, like whenever Sunset would let him know she was back, but multiple voices. And his spirit spiked in energy as he realized that they were all female. Are these the friends that Sunset has been telling me about recently? He floated through the halls, smiling to himself as he hoped to make a good first impression. However, when he saw the main entrance, and, more importantly, the lasses that stood in it, every thought of just saying hi, or his origins, or anything of that sort, vanished from his mind. All he could focus on were the six girls that surrounded Sunset. Each had different sort of beauty, from nerdy and busty like his Sunset, to athletic, but kind of flat. Others were slightly plump, but bounced enough to put a raquetball to shame, with their huge tits looking like they were about knock them out. The last one though, the one he floated behind, instead had her arms wrapped underneath her chest as she looked around. They were the largest tits he’d ever seen, and had to wonder if his claws would even fit around them. And then, he remembered that his job description was literally perverted ghost. “Ah!” Sunset and the others all turned to Fluttershy as she had almost leapt out of her skin, and now was covering her chest. The shy girl blushed as she realized that all of their eyes were on her, and she swallowed hard. She then glanced to the ground, and noticed that she was standing next to a small table. That would do. “S-sorry. I was just startled when I bumped into the table.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, not noticing as Bartholomew made Applejack’s eyes widen momentarily from his test of her homegrown rump. “Come on Flutters, I thought you were past such small scares. I mean, a table, really?” While Fluttershy wilted slightly, unwilling to say what she actually felt, Applejack ignored her own issue by looking back at the door, and guessing that that’s what hit her. She didn’t even consider a ghost though, because she got over country superstition a long time ago. Meanwhile, Sunset looked at the two, and forced herself not to break out in a stupid grin. She knew what was going on of course, and had even thought of warning them. But why warn them when she could finally give her original companion a treat? Of course, she didn’t plan to let him go too far. If she thought someone might get hurt from his antics, she would put an end to all of it. If he treated them like he treated her all those years back, then by the end of their stay, she expected to have a couple new roommates. Rarity brought her out of her thoughts as she stepped closer. “So, the place looks really good! And you said that you had to fix it up yourself?” Sunset smiled at her. “Yep. It’s not like some interdimensional being could actually afford to buy a house. Luckily, while it wasn’t easy, I had plenty of time to work on it. And that’s why, with the final hole being plugged earlier this week, I wanted to finally show it off!” Rainbow whistled as she looked at the chandelier, a piece that Bartholomew had defended in the basement from looters for reasons he couldn’t remember, before saying, “I’ll admit, it does look pretty good. What I’m looking forward to though is what kind of trouble we can get in for the week. It’s been awhile since I’ve had an interesting Spring Break.” Most of the others nodded, and finally, Sunset was able to smile as she felt a bit of heat build in her loins. Seven days with her friends, doing whatever they wanted, all the while while Bartholomew had them at his mercy. Well, him, and her, as she cast her eyes over them, and felt her heart flutter. It was going to be hard, but she knew if she was able to control herself, she could make this literally the best week of all of their lives. “Well, what should we begin with then, girls? Because I’m with Rainbow. I want to see just how fun we can make this.” She was pretty sure that no matter what, it was going to be a lot, especially as Rarity had her chance to jump, and looked to her rump. Bartholomew, for his part, had thought he might have died again and gone to heaven because of all that he’d heard, and was more than ready to spice up their week. So long as they didn’t mind coating the walls with ectoplasm at least. > A Touch of Baker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a good bit of conversation, and dampening Rainbow Dash’s idea to start crazy, most of them went towards one of the living rooms in the place. It was one of the better furnished ones, but there was still something lacking for their night of relaxing, and that was a television. Luckily, Applejack had brought hers, by request of Sunset. On other hand, Pinkie dashed towards the kitchen, following her nose so she could make them all something to snack on. So this left Bartholomew two main choices, as targeting the group was... dangerous. It was easy to say that someone was imagining things when they were alone, but in a group, when they could see you jump, you had evidence. In fact, his earlier antics had been a foolish moment, caused by his initial shock. Now that he was actually thinking though, his eyes drifted over the two. Applejack was tall, brawny, and had homegrown assets that almost beat Sunset or Rarity, at least in the chest area. She definitely had the best ass. But she was supposed to be gone for less time, and carrying something fragile. Pinkie and her love tufts on the other claw… Bartholomew drifted behind her, swaying in time with her hips. Honestly, with how energetic the woman was, he was a little surprised to see any bit of extra meat on her bones. Of course, with how she’d begun talking about cupcakes, pastries, and other such sweets, maybe he shouldn’t be. Not that he minded. A bit more fluff meant a bit more booty, and that it would jiggle more when he smacked it. Or, better yet, provide more cushioning for when he might start pounding away at it. And that probably brought the worst news of the night with it. While he could envision them all under his cock, giving into his perverted tendencies, by no means was that going to happen quickly. It had taken him a whole seven days to decide to make his move on Sunset, and something made him doubt he would have these ones in his claws for so long. Still, one could dream. Getting into the kitchen, he waved away the dreams. He had poltergeisting to do, and that took focus. One had to be aware of their surroundings, and able to calculate how everything played together. If he knocked this knife over, would they hear it? If he sent an electrical burst through the outlet, would it cause the lights to go out? One had to consider everything. Luckily, Bart was rather experienced in such things. He slid over the unsuspecting girl, enjoying the view of her plump bosom as her white shirt clung to it. The little pink heart was cute too, but the more important thing was the fact that it was white. It would also need to wait, because she was checking cabinets. Including one that had flour in it. Pinkie coughed as a small explosion of white powder coated her body lightly in the stuff. She wasn’t one to let a mess stop her, something Bart had guessed, and so started patting herself off. And this was what he had wanted. Anywhere her hands went, his followed, with only a slight delay. It would feel odd, especially as he applied a bit more pressure, but since it happened every time, she would think she was just being silly. It also gave him a chance to sample her assets. Her bosom, while not as perky as Sunset’s, were softer, and yielded to his touch better. The ass was about the same results, except that it was a good bit larger, and he could barely get his claws around the plump rump. All in all, he approved. Bart then moved away from her. Stay on top of her too long while like this, and his warm spirit would start making her sweat. Good for getting a girl to undress, sure, but it could also make them more suspicious. Besides, he could always enjoy a good show. And Pinkie was good at putting on a show. Her natural bounce never slowed, even while being alone, or when she was still for that matter. So, when she bent over a counter, humming to herself as she measured ingredients, her ass would jiggle in time with the self created beat. When she walked over to other cabinets, her slightly loose bra, chosen to be more comfortable, simulated some of the beauty of a girl who wore none, and gave Bart very bad ideas. During one of these trips, seeing where she was going with the new measuring cup, he flicked one of his claws at her back with a practiced ease. Sunset usually giggled when he did this, but Pinkie, used to not really feeling her bra anyways, didn’t notice as the clasp on it undid itself. She also didn’t seem to notice his presence as she turned the water on the sink on. For a moment, nothing happened, but it wasn’t because Bart had turned the water off. No, He simply was focusing on it, holding it back, waiting for Pinkie to move in closer. Once she had her breasts well within splash range, her let the block off, and ramped up the water pressure to its max. The water shot out of the faucet as if fired from a firehose, soaking everything within and around the sink in an instant. Pinkie let out a small cry of surprise as the cold water splashed her, before backing up fast. Already though, one could see straight through the white of her shirt, and see the cute, pink bra underneath. All except for Pinkie, who frowned as she realized how wet she was. If Bart had assumed enough about this girl correctly, then her next move should be… He smiled as her hands went to the bottom of her shirt, and began to pull on it. After all, she couldn’t stay soaked, could she? He watched with baited breath as the fabric was peeled away from her. She definitely had a stomach that he could call cute, rather than anything else, and could see himself blowing raspberries on the cute, little bit of chub she had. As it got higher though, he let his large, heavy cock fall into his hand, and smirked as he gave it a slow stroke. He expected not to get to look at the two, large mounds for too long, and he was going to be ready. When she did finish undressing, he was not disappointed. The bra had gone with the shirt, sticking to the fabric, rather than Pinkie, and so left the large, shining tits on full display. They jiggled and bounced now that they were free, and did so even more as she gasped. And then things went odd for good ol’ Bartholomew. Pinkie, with a boob in each hand, squeezing them together, hummed to herself. She then continued to fondle herself, letting her fingers sink into the sensitive flesh as she looked to the ceiling. “I thought I’d worn a bra today. Hmm, but, I am prone to forgetting such things…” She moved her arms, putting one underneath her rack and pushing it up, as her other hand came to her chin. Bart, for his part, was just a bit stunned, and was rock hard when she finally shrugged, causing the mountain of a chest to rock and jiggle, before she turned back to her mixing bowl. “I still have goodies to make, so let’s keep going!” Bartholomew didn’t really need to think for his next few tricks. He was running off of a burning curiosity to see where this girl’s boundaries laid, and so, quickly but quietly, he managed to undo the button to her shorts, before pulling the zipper on the all too tight pair of booty shorts down, exposing some of her darker pubic hair. And then, he waited. When she pulled out the mixer, a single snap caused a slight power surge, and the mixer exploded into life, splattering some of the batter in the bowl onto Pinkie as she let out a yelp. And then, he froze, just watching while his rocker hung in the air. Pinkie, much to his drastic confusion, acted to this almost as casually, and sexually, as she had to thinking she’d forgotten her bra. Instead of grabbing a towel, or seeing about unpacking a shirt so this wouldn’t happen again, Pinkie decided she ‘didn’t want to waste the batter’, before lifting one of her breasts upwards. A small bit of precum came out of Bartholomew’s cock as he watched her lips wrap around her nipple, where the smallest trace of the batter had landed, instead of the underside of her chest, like most of it. Then, the bountiful flesh became taut as she suckled on it, and let out a lewd moan. Pinkie wasn’t done defying every level of logic that Bartholomew had thought he’d gotten over the years as she leaned over one of the counters, and slipped a finger into her shorts. It was about this time that his spirit decided that instead of poltergeist mode, to go back to default, and he helped her right out of those shorts with a powerful yank. Now, Bart would explain Pinkie not noticing, and spreading her folds wide open, to her being some sort of lust addled air head. Pinkie would say it was because she liked the mischievous spirit, and watching his giant cock flail about the room had been way too much for her at that point. No matter which explanation, the next moment still happened. Pinkie’s scream from her sudden orgasm almost broke glass as she met twelve inches of ghastly meat, along with at least a cup of hot, aphrodisiac ectoplasm that filled her womb. The scream was euphoric to Bartholomew, and caused his essence to shimmer, dissipate, and then reform. Along with his mind, which just realized what he’d done, and how if he didn’t get out of there right that instant, it would be pretty hard for her to ever get off her guard. Something that Pinkie was rather sad about, as she could feel that her ghostly kitchen assistant could easily have gone on longer. Of course, she didn’t want to spoil the ghostly surprise for any of the other girls, or make them end up waiting any longer for their cupcakes, so she had to get dressed herself. When the others asked what in the world happened, Pinkie just giggled and said that she accidentally touched something a touch too hot, and reacted a little louder than she meant to. Sunset was the only one of them to notice the drips of green on the floor, and smiled, wishing she’d known before that Pinkie was happy with a surprise like Bartholomew, but was still pleased with the results. She only hoped Pinkie would get to experience his full, sexual power one of these nights. But until then, they had movies to watch, and sleep to get. > Night One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bartholomew took in a deep breath as he drifted into the main living room. The girls had spent the night watching movies and relaxing, and, for the most part, he’d left them alone. Sometimes he would slyly refill water cups, or when the popcorn bucket was almost out, somehow, there would already be another bag ready to be popped. All in all, he was pretty happy with himself. He didn’t only have to be some sex fiend, but could also manage to be a good, charming host! Then again, if he had always been only bad, Sunset would have never seen fit in keeping him around for so long. Then again, he doesn’t know exactly how she, or anyone else, would have gotten rid of him anyways. He stuck a claw to his mouth for a few moments, pondering the idea, before pushing it away. He wasn’t here to just watch over the girls and contemplate his existence. He’d been doing too much of that recently anyways. Instead, he was there for a full on recon of his new guests. His eyes shone for a moment, something he wasn’t even conscious of, and nodded to himself as the magic told him an order to go with. He called it instinct. His form became less defined as he leapt from the rafters. He usually maintained the identity of whatever his body defaulted to, but bodily manipulation wasn’t too hard for him either. This way, while he was still being corporeal, he could move inconspicuously. Tonight, he chose a snake with a few… hidden properties, in order to help him move around the clustered mound of bodies. First, he slipped over the only one who had been pushed to a corner to sleep by herself. This ‘Rainbow Dash’ apparently snored with the sound of a jet engine, and from how his essence shook as it slid along her body, he had to concur. It also meant she was already deep asleep, while the others would take a little longer. He dropped into her sleeping bag, careful not to rub against her, yet, as he examined her night attire. Bartholomew was pretty happy with what he saw. A cute, red pair of shorts that barely touched her thigh, and he bet, at the right angle, could let you see within. Then there was her loose, white tanktop. Bart decided to focus on the shorts first, going from a bottom to top route since he was already down there. With a small tug, and a bit of squirming, he couldn’t help but smile. He had been right about the shorts, but even better was the fact that it got him to look straight to her small, pink slit. Something was off with it though, and he opened his mouth to let a small will o’ wisp out. With the light on, Bartholomew felt his essence warm a bit. Not from the heat of the ghostly light, but more so because he could now see a small bit of glistening down there. He could also remember how Rainbow had been the last to change, and watched as the other girls stripped down to get changed. She had then taken surprisingly long in the bathroom to change when no one was looking. Bartholomew slipped up towards her chest, laying on her flat stomach as he said, “I don’t blame you. I doubt I’d be attracted to dudes if I was a chick either. I hope you don’t mind me doing all of this because of your orientation though.” With the new information, he didn’t dwell long. He did need to spend a little time though, and lifted her tank top a little bit. It was so loose that on a large chested girl, they’d at least be showing the tops of their breasts. On a girl like Fluttershy, the shirt wouldn’t hide anything other than her underboob. On Rainbow though, with her cute, round bumps, it hid them plenty well. Bartholomew opened his mouth, and let a tentacle extend it, whose end slowly split into five fingers, and landed on the small bump. His eyes shone again as the hand squeezed the taut, firm flesh, and Bart nodded in appreciation. It could still be bigger, even without losing its firm, perky status, but it was fine for now. He did not notice the pink goop he left on her chest, that then spread to both, and sank in. His next target, he didn’t touch. He knew he couldn’t, and doubted she would ever get deep enough in her sleep to allow him to. Honestly, it made him sad. Not for the fact that he would need to find another chance to molest her, but because of how the girl’s life must be. Then again, for a spirit whose existence revolved around sex, shyness wasn’t something he could understand. He could only try to respect it, and gently pecked her on the cheek, and give her a bit of warmth with his ectoplasm, so she could have sweet dreams. Now that he was denied one huge mountain of flesh, he shot over to Rarity, who mumbled to herself in her sleep. It was about some nobleman, or popstar, or something, and Bartholomew couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He could remember holding both types in this house in its hayday, and both were terrible! They either destroyed the place, or brought in exorcists at the slightest bit of humor from him. Having watched her before though, he knew that Rarity was not quite as bad as those nobles. No, she could take a joke, and so, he thought she deserved the amazing body that she had. And, she dressed it well, wearing two pieces of what looked like a belly dancer’s outfit for the night. Both were a lovely shade of purple, and consisted of a deep purple over her privates, so as to make sure they could not be spied upon, and then a lighter purple that ran down her stomach and thighs as a curtain. Then again, he thought as the hand came back out, and began to slide down her stomach, she was the most confident with her body. She didn’t have the embarrassment of deeper feeling like Rainbow, or the modesty of Applejack. And then there was poor Sunset, who would be bare naked most days at home, but hadn’t even changed into pajamas for the sleepover, and she still slept in her own room! His fingers grazed her slit, and gently began to massage the precious place. It was well kept, shaved to be hairless, unlike Rainbow, who had let it grow wild. A little bit deeper though, and he felt a small pang of sadness for her. So pretty, but she must have never found a reason to give herself to someone yet. He would need to keep that in mind with her. He slowly slipped them out, letting the hand clean itself on her bare belly, before going underneath the top curtain of silk. Just like the fancy fabric, her well kept, perfect bosom was just as soft. It yielded to his fingers, and for a moment, he was happy that his normal claws were out. He didn’t want to possibly scratch such lovely flesh just for recon. Bartholomew didn’t want to dwell, not when he wanted to give the girls a good surprise in the morning, and so had to forgo further studies of her chest. Same went for Pinkie Pie, who he got a plenty good look at earlier, and bet he could find better times to get more. Instead, he slid up the chair next to the couch, and crawled behind the girl there. There he found that wonderfully delectable ass that had taunted him earlier. Yes, Applejack was definitely homegrown, and with pajamas that were just her normal clothes, at least for that night, she hadn’t lost that natural lewdness that came with her body. She also was probably the deepest sleeper, like most farmers, and as he nestled between her ass cheeks, he was fairly certain. A slight push with his head also proved that his thoughts that her ass could probably squeeze a cock off were well founded. Her chest was a different matter. He could enjoy how large they were, but unlike Rarity’s lowcut bra, her bra covered her whole chest, and taking that off to feel her up, as long as she was in the chair at least, would be tricky. Instead, he contented himself with loosening her attire up with a few pops of her buttons, and a gentle nuzzle against her tanned skin. But that was all. Especially, since this was when Twilight began to sleep talk. He wouldn’t end up trying any of Twilight’s body on for size that night. No, not even with him spending the majority of the night perched over her shoulder. His focus was entirely elsewhere, and his essence rippled in a mixture of fury, joy, and pain as he listened. The words were from her subconscious, speaking that which she never could. And this was what made, as the morning rays came into her room, looking over Sunset so hard. He cared about Sunset, considered her his sole property. But she was living, and he was a ghost. She would be gone, and he would persist. Not only that, but their relationship was one of friends and partners, not real lovers. She didn’t talk about him like she did of Twilight. Twilight was in fact the only one she knew all too well, both of them. And the one from this world fascinated Sunset even more, as both were still trying to look into this whole ‘friendship’ thing. And now he, and only he, knew they were both interested in more intensive studying with one another in that field. > Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bartholomew hummed to himself as he tapped his foot against nothing. He was spending the morning trying to lift his mood up after listening to Twilight, and watching the sunrise to do so. Not that it really helped. His essence still was agitated, and he doubted it wasn’t because he was ‘pent up’ or anything. Then again, it could also be a simpler worry. Today, his home was to be judged. They had forgone the normal wandering and inspection of the building for a more relaxed time in the living room last night, but today they would have more time, and probably end up looking over the place, and there were no guarantees they would like it. And then there were the hundred and one ways for it to go wrong. A cockroach could wander in, making them think they were infested, the boiler could explode, despite having been replaced within the past year, or… Bartholomew’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as he heard the absolute worst possibility. It wasn’t very loud though, so he might still have time to fix it. Not that it was guaranteed, especially if it was Twilight who had caused it. Besides, how could he fix such a disastrous occurrence? When he came through the ceiling, his spirit sank. Applejack, still in her white shirt, was looking down at the step she had just walked onto. Not only that, but Sunset was there! She must have been humiliated! The blush on her cheeks only confirmed the prediction, and Bartholomew wouldn’t have minded being taken to the next world right then and there. Sunset, for her part, shrugged at Applejack. “I consider them a part of the charm to the house. You don’t really need to worry about them breaking though. I’ve thoroughly tested them.” Sunset couldn’t help but grin as she said it, her mind slightly drifting as she considered how much force it could handle. To say that her and Bart experimented from time to time would be more than just understating what they did. In fact, there were a few places in the house where she’d been pinned against a wall, only for it to fall out from underneath her. Bart wasn’t always the best at remembering to check on her at those times, but she also liked the primal side of him. Applejack snapped her fingers in front of Sunset, bringing the woman back to reality for a moment. “You okay, sugarcube?” Sunset’s cheeks lit up bright pink, with her only barely managing to hide the blush with a quick heel turn. She needed to stay focused, especially if her plan for Applejack would work. “I am, just got lost a little bit in my memories. You start growing a connection with a place after so long.” Applejack let a smile slip over her features as she thought about how much more comfortable she always felt at home then when she did anywhere else. It was even proven this morning because of the crick in her back. Bartholomew would have blamed it on sleeping on a chair. “Yeah, I can definitely relate.” The two continued down the halls that Bart had so recently rushed through, and the spirit felt his essence ease a bit. While it had been a bit since Sunset had done this, he did know where she was going, and turned one of the door knobs on the way to the bedroom to let her know he was following her. Sunset smiled wider to herself as she rubbed herself just over where her pajama pants (put on to make sure that the others didn’t know about her staying in her regular clothes last night), her sign to Bart for him to follow her. Admittedly, it felt a little embarrassing now, when it wasn’t to signal him to take her over the stove as she made breakfast, or something like that. They slipped into one of the many abandoned bedrooms, and Sunset noticed Applejack raise an eyebrow. For a moment, Sunset considered toying with her friendly ghost by acting like she brought the other girl there for a vicious makeout session, before paling, and turning to the single window in the room. Come on, Sunset, you’re fine with sexual stuff. You’ve been fucked by a spirit for three years, in every sort of situation, in a million and one roles. There shouldn’t be any issue with trying to be fun with your friends by now. She forced herself not to sigh as she opened the window, remembering how much easier it was to plan all of this before they all got here. Bartholomew understood though, and gently ran a hand through her hair, trying to comfort his firecracker with it. If he did well enough though, she wouldn’t need to worry about coming out to her friends though. No, they’d probably even come out to her, hoping she knew about the ghost that was treating them so right. Or, at least, he hoped. Applejack and Sunset carefully walked onto the roof. While it was still slanted, it was very slight, and the end of the roof even ended in what was about a four foot long, straight ledge. Bartholomew had first shown Sunset the place before, and she had used it many a time before to watch her namesake as it came and passed For today though, she couldn’t wait for the end of the day, especially since this might be the only chance she had to talk to Applejack alone. Question was, how was she supposed to start it? She bit into her lip as she looked to the horizon, enjoying the orange glow that came with the early morning hours. Applejack shifted a bit on the shingles she laid down on, happy that the gentle sloping allowed a perfect angle for sungazing, but also felt like they tried to stab her in the back in about half a dozen places. “I’ll admit, the view is lovely.” Sunset turned to her, nodding as she herself shifted a bit. “I’ll admit, I usually come up here with a pillow, or a blanket to help.” “I can feel why.” Applejack grunted again as she shifted a little higher up, though not letting her feet leave the ledge, where she could have her weight on something. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Sunset let her eyes twitch over to her friend, her breath catching for a moment before she looked back to the beautiful view before them. “What do you mean? I just wanted to share this with you.” Applejack shook her head, smirking a little bit as she thought she could bet what she might need to talk to her about. “You’ve been tense ever since Pinkie Pie screamed last night, and with how red you were blushing on our way up here, it seemed to have gotten worse.” Sunset’s eyes flicked down, before she turned to Applejack, turning onto her side, and felt Bartholomew’s hands and on her thighs to make sure she didn’t possibly slide off. “W-well, yeah, I did want to talk to you about something. Or, I guess, someone.” Alright Rainbow, get ready to pay up. “Oh yeah, and who might that be.” “Well, he’s a guy named Bartholomew.” Applejack blinked at the name. It wasn’t familiar to her, but then again, like Rarity and Pinkie Pie, she had been expecting a female’s name to come out. Or, more specifically, one of their friend’s names to come out. And now they would need to let Sunset know so she could get the pot. Sunset fidgeted at the almost blank expression on Applejack’s face, and cleared her throat to make sure she still had her attention. “You don’t know him, if that’s what you’re wondering. In fact, he’s kind of…” Sunset swallowed hard, trying to make sure the word wouldn’t come out as a squeak. “Dead.” Applejack blinked again, before trying to clean out one of her ears with a finger, and then cupping it behind the same ear. “Come again?” Sunset tried to sit up now, waving her hands in front of her. “Look, it’s probably not what you think it is. Bartholomew, first off, is not a corpse, so please don’t think that anything else I say is related to anything like… that. What he is though, is a spirit. The spirit of the house even.” The farm girl slowly nodded, and, before she called her friend crazy, decided a different approach with it. She knew Sunset, like Twilight, liked proof, so she hoped she had some. “And you didn’t mention this before now because…” Sunset swallowed hard, thinking that her heart was about to explode from her chest if she spoke again. She did need to, even though she could almost bet Bartholomew was just staring at her. Which, he was, but it was out of the same level of bafflement as Applejack, and it only grew as she spoke. “Well, you see, he isn’t just the spirit of the house. While yes he keeps it spruced up, controls all of the utilities, and such like that, it’s also possible that he, just maybe, is… the biggest pervert you will ever find.” The statement was met with… wind. Just a gentle breeze that made its way between the two girls as they stared at each other. In anticipation for what was to happen, Bart put up a couple dozen psychic barriers, just to make sure they didn’t wake the rest of the girls. “What?” Sunset winced at how loud she was, and continued to do so as Applejack continued to yell. “You invited us to your place for a week, with complete knowledge that we would be getting some ghost off? What, is this some sort of sick ritual you do every year so he doesn’t rape you? Sunset, we trusted you!” Sunset breathed in deep, forcing herself not to end up letting her eyes sting, before a loud smack echoed between the two of them. Before Applejack, whose head had been turned by the force of something hitting her cheek, and now had four scratches on it, could turn her head, the house shook. Both girls screamed in terror as a few shingles bounced past them, and it was only because he knew that Sunset was being scared that he stopped. He wasn’t done though, and the two girl’s breaths caught together, but for whole different reasons. Sunset had never actually seen Bartholomew. He was always invisible, never able to take on a real body. As such, he also had no real vocal cords, and had never heard him speak before. The voice was oddly soft for how harsh the initial reveal was, and Bartholomew took a step back, one of his claws rubbing his other as he frowned. He then looked to Applejack, and, dressed in full butler’s attire, bowed. “I’m sorry. I overreacted to what you had to say about my lady Sunset, and my actions were entirely uncalled for.” Applejack lifted a hand, rubbing it against the four scratches on her cheek. They stung, as the cuts hadn’t been deep, but otherwise, she was fine. And now, with the morning sun shining [i[through him, she looked at the black spirit. Well, black in skin. Everything else… well, it was still off putting. “What are you?” The spirit clicked his heels together, or, at least, as best as he could, before saluting the farm girl. “My name is Bartholomew. My last name is lost to the annals of time, along with any sort of origin I may have. So, for clarification as to what I am… My best guess is that of a perverted being who died, and now tries to be a friend to Sunset, while still seeking those desires.” He didn’t stop there though, as next he knelt before her, and pretended to take off a hat he did not own. “I promise to you, Applejack, that I do not intend to rape any of you. I do not plan to force sheets around Rarity, halting her speech so I may accost her unintended, or drag another into the backyard where none shall hear their cries for help. To deny that those thoughts have passed my mind would be a lie, but I care too deeply about my lady Sunset as to do such horrible things to all of you.” He stood up, his hand over his heart. “I swear. If you say no, I will stop whatever I am doing, and leave you be. That goes to all of you.” Applejack and Sunset were silent for a moment as the spirit’s form began to shimmer, and eb. Sunset, while disappointed, was not all that surprised to see him going so quickly. If this were an ability of his, he would have shown her before now. Applejack, for her part, didn’t want to just mistrust the spirit. If he told the truth, she didn’t have to hate Sunset. In fact, with how Sunset looked, facing the shingles, she didn’t know she could blame her even. How do you tell your friends that you routinely fuck a ghost, and you want them to meet him. She still needed her own proof of his intentions. That he would not just vanish to smack her ass again, but did something. “Alright, Bartholomew, I’m willing to believe you, but you’ve got to do something for me.” Bartholomew looked back to her, smiling, before gesturing for her to go on, as his voice was already gone. Something he… didn’t notice. “What I want you to do is to round up all the clothes in the house, and get them sorted to be cleaned. Not only that, but I want pancakes to be readied, and a bath drawn for as many of us that this house will hold. Do you understa-” She didn’t even finish her sentence before he shot into the house, the whole structure shaking again, though not quite with the same ferocity that it did before. Somewhere below the two, they could hear a bath begin to run. Sunset tucked her legs beneath her as she shook. “I-I’m s-so-” Applejack put a hand onto her friend’s shoulder, stopping Sunset’s tears as she smiled. The girl didn’t deserve to keep worrying, not if Bart did all that he was asked for. “Look, sugarcube, I don’t know how you met him, or how you came to trust him, but I can see why. That doesn’t mean I won’t have my guard up, but I do understand. And…” Applejack bit her lip as she glanced away. Sunset looked at Applejack, a smile slipping onto her face as she elbowed the farm girl in the ribs, ready to relax already “Ah, come on AJ, what is it? Applejack tapped her fingers on the shingles before letting a sigh out. “I was hoping that one of these nights, you could invite him into a shower or something, and guide me through how exactly screwing a ghost… goes.” And any possibility of Sunset relaxing evaporated as she thought of not only being naked in front of a friend, but… but also fucking them. She couldn’t just say no to Applejack though… right? She swallowed hard, forced herself to be steady, and extended a hand to her friend. “Yeah, I can do that, if it helps you trust Bartholomew.” Applejack chuckled as she shook Sunset’s hand. “Ah, I think I trust him already, to be honest. He seems like a bit of a sweetheart anyways.” ======+++++====== Applejack regretted placing her trust in the spirit when they got down to where the rest of the girls were, and they were all freaking out about where their clothes were. Or, at least, Rarity was. Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen, Twilight was hiding underneath her blanket, Sunset had collapsed when she walked in to see Rarity and Pinkie, only one of which actually cared about this, while the other played with her boobs, and Fluttershy… Well, at least she found the bath Bartholomew had drawn up in her mad panic. Applejack rubbed her temples as the smell of pancakes drifted into the room. This is going to be a long week. > Bonus: A gift for a fan. (not canon) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack smiled as he looked upon his morsel. Poor, innocent, all his own. Yes, absolutely delicious, but soon spoiled. Not that he cared. First there were her flanks. So tender, so juicy. Plenty of meat on them for him to run his claws along, before squeezing deep into it. The mare’s breath escapes for a split second, letting him know that she does indeed feel him, even if she does not quite know him yet. He would be fixing that in due time. His tongue ran along her skin, leaving a trail of slime along her perfect skin, before he took a sharp nip out of her inner thigh. A small squeak and jump is her reaction. But still no consciousness. Still no chance to fight. Not that it would matter. Jack opens his maw, letting his tongue slide free and extend outwards, easily reaching out to four feet long. For the moment, it is for show, and for his enjoyment, but he can still have a… taste. It flicks against her nethers, tasting the ripe flesh. No juices yet, but he didn’t care. Just hearing the slightest moan from her was well worth it. He gave it another lick, leaving his thick, wet juices over her crotch as his own responds with a monstrous throb. It had to wait though. He was not ready to wake her up yet. He moved upwards, his claws tracing the yellow mare’s lovely stomach. So flat, so nice, and yet the rest of her has such wonderful fluff. A body that is truly perfect for his needs. Yes, stalking this Fluttershy was perfect. Proven only more as a soft moan escapes her lips, and his claws brush against the bottom of her breasts. His claws did not stay there though. He was ready to increase the tempo, and lunged forward, his claws digging into her ample bosom. They left deep impressions, and he chuckled to himself, knowing that any who watched would only see the indents, and not the beast upon her. And Fluttershy? His puppet? She could not have reacted better. Her aura told him she was still asleep, but her cry of pleasure, her hands beginning to reach for the sheets… it was euphoric to him, and he began to grind his cock against her stomach, not caring any longer if it might ruin his fun. His claws continued to get to work, working hard upon the mare’s bare flesh. Every push, tug, and tease brought more moans from her. Her thrashing in her sleep, now helped by his own magic keeping her in a slumber, let her limbs brush against his mighty member, and he growled in enjoyment. This would not be the first time he enjoyed this mare. It couldn’t be. Jack’s maw opened up, his tongue extending again. This time, it flicked against her nipple as he recoiled back along her body. Such paultry tricks were beneath him. Instead, the heavy mound found itself coiled around by the invisible, slimy muscle, and squeezed tighter, only making the asleep Fluttershy moan all the louder. It then jumped to her other breast, beginning to squeeze both tight. So tight in fact, that she squirted milk over herself, and the rivulets that landed on his own tongue were sweet. Calling her his own before was just for his fun, but with this, he was sure it would be true. He only had one more thing to do now. To make her entirely his. Fluttershy screamed, feeling every bit of his violation at once. The slimy tongue on her bosom, his claws on her sides, digging into them, and… and his cock as it pushed all the way to her womb. She opened her mouth in a wordless scream, feeling an orgasm crash through her as his own ectoplasm filled her, causing only more heat to flood through her system. She would shudder, shake, and spasm for the rest of the night, trying to deal with the pleasure and horror that ran through her now. As for Jack? He didn’t care. He never cared. She was just his next plaything, and he would relish every night that he got to see her again, and do this to all over again until she could not sleep without his touch. And then? She would be his, and he would find a new challenge to play with. A new beauty to play with. What else should a monster do? > Clotheless Aftermath Pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity groaned to herself as she sat on top of the washing machine in the laundry room of the mansion. Due to Applejack not telling them what had happened, the farmgirl wanting to allow Bartholomew his chance to introduce himself personally to each of the others, it had taken them almost an hour to find their clothes. Which, while Rarity admitted the tour of the house was nice, was also a little annoying. Though, also a little entertaining. She was, admittedly, mostly into guys, but after so many boobs, butts, and beauties had passed through her boutique, she had gained at least an appreciation for the female form. And in only towels, for most of them, left a lot of room to look. She bit into her lip as a slight blush came to her cheeks, and she looked to the piles of clothes. She shouldn’t be thinking about her friend’s figures, especially with the oddity that was what had just happened. Who sorted their clothes for wash? Who had started the first load? Who had started the wash? Sunset didn’t have answers, though she claimed that nice little things like this had happened in the past. The thought of nice little things brought to mind Twilight. Just like the rest of them, a towel had not been enough to cover her, what with her own plentiful chest that she had to cover. It wasn’t as visible as Fluttershy’s well rounded rump, but her cute, tight little ass swaying back and forth had definitely caught Rarity’s eye. Of course, best ass of the morning had to go to Pinkie Pie. Not that she would normally rate it as such. However, unlike the rest, Pinkie had been willing to show herself off, deciding to go without a towel. While she had blushed with the rest at first, she had found Pinkie’s free spirit endearing. It even… Rarity paused, her hand hovering over the skirt of her towel, wanting to pull it up and touch that which a lady never dared. She especially didn’t do so in a place where she might be walked in on, or another’s- “Yours.” Rarity blinked as she felt a sudden rise of heat at her nethers, not realizing that they were a pair of fingers gently touching her down there. The voice had been so low that she thought it might be her subconscious, but it wasn’t. Bartholomew bit into his lips. He hadn’t registered what he’d done on the roof earlier, and still didn’t. Something had told him to speak though, to beckon to the girl. She was pretty, a lady, possibly more so than Sunset by empirical standards. Not that he would say she was better. Maybe equal. But he couldn’t believe he had managed words, or even a proposal like that. He gently stroked Rarity’s folds again, pushing just a bit harder as the lady let out a slight moan. Bartholomew didn’t plan to do too much to her. As said before, she was a pure lady, and a lady had to be courted, not taken or molested. It was a fine line though, as you couldn’t let a woman like this just say no either, for they normally would. Fortunately, Rarity still didn’t realize what was going on, and let her fingers lower to her nethers, brushing her own fingertips against it, and letting out another small moan. She wanted to enjoy a little private time, especially as she remembered how Fluttershy blushed. It was so cute, how vulnerable she was. Her fingers pushed inside of her as she let out a louder moan, and Bartholomew moved again, pulling off her towel, and letting those large, perky breasts out into the light. Her hard, gray nipples bounced a little at being free, but Rarity didn’t care. She could only think about how vulnerable they all had been. She could just see Fluttershy’s pillow of an ass, shaking back and forth in front of her, teasing her. It begged to be smacked, especially since it couldn’t hide under that little towel of hers. Same went for the shy girl’s nipples, whose areolas showed over the top of her towel. Normally, Rarity would have envied the girl’s size, but today it had been a detriment, making her unable to hide anything. A simple tug and she would have had all of theirs gaze. Rarity threw her head back in a much louder moan, ignoring the hand that pushed her back, and the other that gripped her breast. Her own thumb had flicked her clit, sending shivers all the way up her spine. Coupled with the thought of how she had been just as vulnerable, it was almost euphoric. Her own ass was on full display, with the towel just over her entire bosom. Not that that had been entirely on accident. If she were to admit that there was one girl that she desired, it was Applejack. She was strong, but not playful. Yes, in her arms she could be controlled, tied up like the cow she wanted at times, and spanked like the bad girl she was for thinking of doing the same to Fluttershy. While three of her fingers needily pushed into herself, the soft whispers that Bartholomew didn’t know he was saying making her forget her surroundings, her thighs fell over the side of the washing machine. Her feet tapped against the floor of the washing machine, right as her eyes widened. The surprisingly shaky and rough machine’s edge slid and shook against her nethers, smacking, rubbing, and grinding against it like another. It also didn’t care, fueling her latter desire as she moaned out, “Please mistress, smack me, hurt me, make me cum!” Bartholomew blinked for a moments, before something deep inside him made him smile. His claws flicked in the air as it was stoked, and plasma crackled between them. He raised one, the ozone in the air only slightly noticeable as his eyes fell on her free breast. Untouched, abandoned, but not for long. Smack! Rarity’s eyes shot open as her body shook and spasmed. The claw hit her hard, gripping into her vulnerable breast without warning. The smack itself stung, but the harsh, powerful shock that ran through her system, hurting her while also exciting every part of her bosom was by far better. It was too much though, and she screamed, her whole body shaking as her fluids gushed onto the bare, tile floor of the laundry room. Rarity then laid back, exhausted from the sudden encounter, and the magic that had been acting upon her until now. Bartholomew looked down upon his sleepy maiden, and smiled. She would be fun to play with throughout the week. He’d never had a girl who was a sub before after all. But oh the things he could do with one. He didn’t want to hurt her though, and so threw one of the sweaters, still waiting to be washed, over her, flipped over the clothes to start the next load, before he locked the door from the inside. Rarity would probably die from embarrassment if someone saw her like this, that much he’d discerned from her personality. And, like a good butler, done with his work, he slipped away, another on his mind already for who may be in need of his services.