> Tea for Two > by Bluespectre > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tea for Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEA FOR TWO There was something almost magical about lying under the stars and listening to the river with the myriad sounds of the approaching night carried on the cool breeze. The moon was beginning to rise on its lonely path through the night sky, where occasionally a thin flash of silver would mark the passing of a shooting star before hurtling off into the infinity of universe. Rush yawned and lay back on his makeshift pillow made from sacking stuffed with straw; they weren’t ideal, but would do for now. Beside him, Tia was still awake, sipping her tea and staring into the flickering campfire. He was quite proud of the work he’d done on the fire: he’d used river stones to create a boundary, and found a good selection of dry wood in the tree line to keep them warm all night. Fortunately he was a lot more used to using his hooves now than he had been, and just a well too – having a splinter in your mouth would not be something to relish, not mention trying to get the blasted thing out. He subconsciously touched his lip and frowned in thought… “What are you thinking?” “Hmm?” Rush blinked and turned over to be met with the inquisitive purple eyed gaze of a white alicorn holding a cup of tea in the golden glow of her magic. He smiled, “Lip splinters.” “Lip splinters?” Celestia held a hoof to her mouth and chuckled, “You do have some strange thoughts, Rush!” Rush clucked his tongue and yawned expansively. “How’s the tea?” he asked, “I know we’re a bit limited here, but I think I did it justice.” The Princess nodded, allowing the steam to curl around her muzzle with a sigh, “You have, it’s…wonderful…” Hot, rich and with a slightly earthy aftertaste, the dark leaves were the nearest Rush had discovered to the blend he’d enjoyed growing up in the mountains – the mountains of another world. It was just one more example of how much his life had irrevocably changed. Oddly enough though, his ‘new body’ didn’t really register with him any more. Instead, it was the little things, like the written language, the plant life, the birds, and even how ponies in Equestria looked at life. All around him every day, there were small reminders of how his life would never be the same again and, maybe, it was just as well. Doubtless having constant reminders of his old life probably wasn’t going to do him any favours in the long term. Sighing, he closed his eyes and stretched; he’d already finished his cup, and despite having a slightly smoky aftertaste, it hadn’t been too bad at all. Rush clucked his tongue and reached up to give his ear a scratch; regardless of everything else, he didn’t think he’d ever get used to having ears on the top of his head, but he had to admit they were useful. It had taken some time to get to grips with controlling the things though - they seemed to have a mind of their own at times. One of them was really bugging him tonight and… “Ouch! Damn it…” A white hoof appeared on his foreleg, “Ear trouble?” Rush nodded, checking his hoof to see if there was any blood, “Yeah, the bloody thing’s been driving me crazy since…um…” he cleared his throat, “I had some trouble with mud mites.” “Mud mites?” Celestia asked in surprise. She took a breath and shook her head slowly, “You never told me about that!” Rush shrugged, “It’s not that big of deal. I picked them up somehow during the flood.” “Oh…” Tia closed her eyes a moment and hung her head. She didn’t like to remember that time, not when she’d so very nearly lost him and… The Princess huffed out a breath; it had been her fault that had happened: what with her magic going out of control the way it had, the awful things she’d done, the war, the- “Tia?” Celestia looked up with a start, “Wha…? Oh! Rush, sorry…I think my mind wandered off there for a moment.” Shaking his head, Rush put a comforting hoof on her shoulder, “No, that’s my fault, I shouldn’t have brought it up. I know how much it upsets you.” “Even though I nearly drowned you again?” she asked. “Even though you nearly drowned me again, yes.” Rush nodded emphatically before waggling his eyebrows cheekily. Celestia chuckled and turned to the fire, using her magic to float another piece of wood onto the hotly glowing coals, “You’ve done it again, haven’t you?” Rush smiled knowingly, “What?” The Princess shook her head, “Never mind, now come on,” she shifted herself round until she was right to Rush, “let’s have a look at those ears.” “Eh?” Rush blinked in surprise, “They’re fine, honestly.” “Really?” Celestia raised an eyebrow, “And there you were scratching.” She shook her head, “Tell me, how did you get rid of them last time?” “Er…Fathom got them out for me” Rush mumbled. Celestia’s expression never changed, “Did she now…” Rush closed his eyes, expecting a tirade…one which never came. “How did she get them out?” Tia finished. “How?” Rush swallowed. He knew the Princess had a jealous streak running through her that could manifest itself as dark moods from time to time, but if he were honest, it secretly gave him a slight thrill to know she felt so passionately about him. He closed his eyes and smiled, nodding to himself, “She used a scraper to get them out and then ran something around the inside of my ear.” “Mmm.” Tia’s mouth curled up slightly, “And where were you when she was doing this? Sitting up like you are now?” “No, I was…” Rush took a breath, “I was…” Celestia snorted quietly, “Why don’t you just show me.” Damn it, she knew all too well, didn’t she! Rush pushed himself up and moved over to the white alicorn who was already sat on her haunches, watching his every move in silence with those deep purple eyes. In the gathering darkness, the flames of the campfire sparkled and reflected in those limpid pools of his beloved’s, making his heart hammer almost painfully in his chest as he moved closer. Rush took a shuddering breath; he wasn’t going to get out of this was he? He shifted himself closer, “Like…this” he whispered. Rush laid his head in the Princess’s lap, trying desperately to think of something else. It had been bad enough when Fathom had done it and…well, that probably wasn’t the right word really. To say it had been ‘bad’ would have been a stretch of the imagination – it had been wonderful. Gods, he could remember now the warmth even now, the smell of…Tia? A shudder ran through Rush’s body as he suddenly realised just how close he was to her. Despite that fact that they’d been together for a while now, they’d spent far too little of it actually ‘getting to know one other’. The Princess’s work and her numerous commitments as a royal, made it difficult for her to…to… Oh, Gods! Rush squeezed his eyes shut and bit down on his tongue, trying to stifle a whimper… “T…Tia!” The Princess clucked her tongue, “Hold still! I’m trying to see if there’s anything in there.” “Wh…wha…?” Rush gasped. Fathom hadn’t done anything like this! He squeezed his eyes shut as the indescribably erotic waves of heat around the edge of his ear intensified. Together the tingling feeling of what was no doubt the Princess’s magic, the sensation was starting to make him feel like he wanted to kick out and go for a damned hard run. Instead, exercising as much self control as he could, Rush simply lay there, trying to endure whatever it was she was doing to him. Above him, Celestia huffed irritably, “I can’t see anything, your ear looks fine. It was probably just a fly, but we’ll keep an eye on it just in case.” “Oh” Rush said almost disappointedly as the magic winked out. He gulped in a breath, trying to gather his wits about him. Gods above, that was… that was incredible! “Come on, let me up.” The Princess clopped him on the shoulder, “You’re making me all warm down there.” Rush could feel his cheeks burning, but went to move and… froze, “T…Tia?” “Hmm?” “Do you…do you mind if I stay like this, just for a…um…a minute longer?” Rush muttered. “Why? Are you alright?” The Princess peered down at him, “Your face is bright red!” She wasn’t exaggerating either, Rush’s face felt like it was on fire. He squeezed his eyes shut and shifted his body slightly, “Tia, please, just…just a minute…please?” Celestia shrugged, “I…” From out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of Rush’s forelegs trying to drag his blanket over his haunches for some… “Oh!” Beneath her she felt Rush shiver with embarrassment, and she leaned down to place a comforting kiss on his forehead, “It’s alright, love, you stay there as long as you like.” Visibly relieved, Rush took a deep breath and relaxed, trying to take his mind off the warmth flushing his body and the tingling sensation that was still lingering in his ears and his…’other’ place. Damn it all, the bloody thing wasn’t exactly discreet was it? And to make matters worse, his clothes were still hanging over the side of the chariot since Tia had accidentally dumped him in the river. Well, in fairness he actually fell, but… Oh, Gods, that cold water was looking more tempting by the second! Breathing was probably the key here; breathing and relaxation, taking his mind off the smell of mare and… and the scent of… Rush swallowed; was so close to her, he wanted to just reach out and… Celestia’s hooves gently stroked his mane, making him groan happily. This situation was becoming distinctly uncomfortable, and not just because of physical ‘situation’, but because the normally firm grip he kept on his self control was starting to slip. Gods help him, he couldn’t think like this! He…he couldn’t…could he? But why not? They were a couple, they’d shared a bed together, and they were in love weren’t they? Why couldn’t they be…’intimate’ with each other? Rush’s ears suddenly began to feel like the blasted things were on fire…Damn it! DAMN IT! He’d have to make an excuse, get up and- “This reminds me of the mountains” Tia said quietly. Rush was in such a state he nearly missed it as she continued, “I remember the feel of the snow beneath my hooves and the smells of the bamboo forest.” She chuckled, “It was so strange! All those tall straight trees; they weren’t like anything I’d ever seen.” Tia continued to stroke Rush’s mane, “Don’t you miss it?” Rush shook his head, “Sometimes, but Equestria has its own beauty.” He shifted himself and rolled onto his stomach, pulling his hooves under him, “The river, the trees and the sky are just the same. The grass is lush and green, the water fresh and pure.” He smiled, “It’s a dream, my dream - come to life.” And it was too. The dreams he’d had growing up, of galloping through the tall green grass to drink at the crystal clear river – he had done just that, and more. He gave Tia’s hind leg a nudge, “It was my home, and in some ways it always will be, in my memories.” Rush looked up at his Princess, his beloved Tia, “But my heart…my heart is here.” Tia closed her eyes and smiled, “I didn’t know whether I would ever see you again” she said quietly, “I was so frightened when I saw you fighting that…that monster, and…and then I chased Thorn away and…” “Shhh.” Rush sat up and put his forelegs around her, holding her close, “It’s alright love, it’s alright. You did what you had to do, and it’s over now; we’re together.” “I…I know.” Celestia pushed her muzzle into Rush’s mane, “I shouldn’t have chased him away, Rush. He was our friend, and…” She sniffed loudly, “I…” Rush just held her and stroked her mane, her beautiful, long rainbow mane that was flowing around him in the faint breeze and tickling his neck. “You’re shaking!” Celestia said suddenly, wiping the tears from her eyes. Rush grinned, “It’s your mane, it’s got a life of its own!” He chuckled, “How does it do that?!” Despite her wave of melancholy, Tia couldn’t help but laugh at Rush’s expression. She shrugged demurely before sticking her tongue out playfully, “It’s a mare’s secret.” To her surprise, Rush ran his hooves through her hair and pushed his muzzle into it, inhaling deeply, “It smells of you” he sighed happily, “Whenever I smell lavender, it makes me…” he paused, “I think of you.” The Princess noticed the curious pause in her stallion’s words; what was he going to say? She felt an unexpected tingle run down her spine that made her wings shiver. She’d seen Rush’s reaction to her ministrations earlier, and felt the heat emanating from him, the way it seemed to mingle with the musky, warm smell of stallion lying in her lap. She felt so comfortable around him, and yet at the same time so…afraid? Was that the word? She shook her head; no, not afraid, but…what if he didn’t feel that way towards her? What it he didn’t ‘like’ her like that and simply saw as a close friend? She was, after all, considerably older than Rush – in fact she was older than any pony alive other than the alicorns of the herd. Was she…was she too old for him? She always tried to keep herself in trim of course, but every so often she’d lose control, especially when she was under a lot of stress or... Something was touching her ear, “Rush?” “Oh, I’m sorry” he apologised. Celestia turned to face him, “What are you…?” “Since you’ve check my ears, I thought I’d return the favour” he said with a shy smile, “I guessed that because I’d seen mutual grooming on…that is, my old…um…” he coughed, “I’m sorry, Tia, I shouldn’t have done that, and-” Celestia caught his hoof, stopping him from slipping into one of his darker moods. She could tell when he was heading into one now, probably even before he did so himself. It was the little things that gave it away: the way he hung his head, his eyes losing their customary sparkle and his tone of voice; Rush was a pony wracked with self doubt. Even now, after living in Equestria with her, there was still that underlying melancholy that he would take refuge in if he felt emotionally threatened. It was something she’d tried to change, but knew that deep down, she probably never would. That didn’t, however, mean she couldn’t find some way to divert him from it. Rush looked up at her in surprise as she hugged him to her chest, “Yes…you should have.” She pulled away and leaned her forehead on his, careful to avoid catching him with her horn, “I want you to…” Rush shivered, “Oh, Tia…” He reached up and brushed his lips against hers. The softness, the gentle heat and smell of her breath was making him melt inside. Their lips met. The Princess groaned, pressing up against her stallion and slipped her tongue into his mouth, tasting him, revelling in his heat filling her. Rush responded, moving closer, pushing into her with a barely restrained urgency that was as stimulating for her as it was frightening. She’d never…not with him…nor any stallion. Rush’s tongue danced over hers, the moist, warm sensations making her legs tingle and her heart race. Things were quickly getting out of control and she knew it too; alarmingly she could feel a slight dampness building in her nethers…and it scared her. Her body was acting on its own now, her hooves pulling at him, reaching down his chest towards his… “No!” She broke away suddenly, “I…I can’t! We can’t!” “Tia?” Rush looked confused, and…and hurt. Celestia’s hooves flew up to her face as tears began to pour down her cheeks, “Oh Rush! I…I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” With a neigh she jumped up and backed away, “I can’t do this!” Rush swallowed and closed his eyes, looking away slightly, “I’ve hurt you…” “No!” Celestia cried, “You haven’t, you… OH!” With a loud nicker she suddenly spread her wings and in a brilliant flash of golden magic, the Princess vanished from the clearing. Rush blinked and shook his head sadly, staring at the place Celestia had been only a moment ago. What was he going to do now? What could he do? He was weak, powerless – he had no magic to call upon to do…to do anything! The abyss yawned open before him, beckoning him, drawing him to it. He walked forward and stopped, shaking his head. It would be so easy wouldn’t it? So simple, just to give up and allow himself to surrender to that hollow, helpless emptiness he could feel sucking at his whole being, pulling him downward into that dark and lonely place. He’d been there before, when nopony was around, when the world got too much or he felt too alone; he would curl up into a ball, pulling the blanket over his head and just let himself drift away into the void. Soon, things would be back to normal…soon… Rush took a deep breath and neighed loudly, the sound rolling out around the clearing. He’d half expected Tia’s mother to suddenly ‘pop up’ out of nowhere which she had a timely and annoying tendency to do, and it wouldn’t surprise him if turned round and… She wasn’t there. Oh, thanks the Gods! The last thing he wanted was God’s wife suddenly popping up and lecturing him on how to handle her flighty daughter! Rush gave himself a hard shake and walked over to the chariot where he’d left his pack – he was sure he’d brought a book with him to read, something that would hopefully take his mind off that…that mare! Irritably, he yanked it open, roughly pulling the contents around and began swearing under his breath. Where the hell was it? He bet she’d taken it out, hadn’t she? Probably! Damned women, bloody mares, bloody damned, blasted, stupid, idiotic…” “OW! Gods damn it all to bloody HELL!” Rush hopped back and sank to haunches rubbing his hind leg. Something had slipped out of his pack and cracked him right on the knee, and it had been damned heavy too! He looked down at the object and narrowed his eyes, resisting the urge to kick it, but…it was familiar somehow, very familiar. His discomfort forgotten, the brown stallion lifted the oil cloth parcel and carefully unwrapped it, revealing the fairly short but heavy blade of something he hadn’t used since he’d left his old world. Rush shook his head in wonder, lifting the old knife in his mouth and took a few test swings. Shifting it to his forehooves, he balanced on his hind legs and tried again, nodding to himself in satisfaction. Right then; if Tia was going to run off like that, then he was going to make himself busy and get some work done - that would take his mind off things and be practical too. Anyway, if he had have been thinking of ‘other things’ earlier, then he sure as hell wasn’t now! “Bloody mares!” he grumbled and headed off towards the river. ******************* Celestia flew high and fast, using her wings rather than her magic to propel her through the air. It was far from graceful, but she didn’t care right now, nor did she want to think on what had just, or rather had so very ‘nearly’, happened. It wasn’t as though she were being prudish of course, but… Tia blinked away a tear: was she? Was she becoming an old mare who was frightened to touch another pony or allow them to… to touch her? She whinnied and banked hard, feeling the wind buffeting her wings, straining her muscles to their limits. It felt good to use them, really use them, but she knew she couldn’t keep this kind of pace up for long. But really, did it matter? She could still feel the afterglow of the warm sensations that had flooded her body, the ones that had felt so… Celestia took a breath and squeezed her eyes shut; how did he do this to her? Why?! And…Damn it, why did she want him to?! Bursting through a small cloudbank, the Princess flew straight up, higher and higher, letting the wind stream past her as she rose until eventually, wings aching, she could simply rise no more. Below her the forest seemed so small, the horizon now completely lost in darkness with the baleful moon high above her, the silent sentinel bathing the world in its otherworldly glow. There, in the moon, she knew she slept, waiting for the day she could come home to be with her sister, her family, once more. Celestia shook her head in sadness, her forelegs across her chest as though trying to keep her aching heart from being seen, “Oh, Luna…” The Princess looked up at the mare in the moon, “I need to speak to you, more so now than ever. I need a friend, a sister…” she took a shaking breath and wiped a tear away, “I feel so alone! I don’t know what to do, I don’t…I don’t know!” The cold of the night air chill against her damp fur, its bite crisp and sharp with the hint of winter, only silence answered the Princess of the sun,. She stared off towards the distant mountains and the snow capped peaks; she would be there soon, there to face her past, and confront the horrible reality of what she’d done. Was that what was causing this? Was it the memories, the dreadful realities of war that were casting a shadow over her heart and her soul? Perhaps…perhaps this was why she was afraid to let Rush touch her. Maybe, if he knew the truth, if he knew what she’d done, then he wouldn’t want her after all and if she’d opened her heart to him, gave herself to him, only to be rejected… it would break her heart in two. The Princess gave herself a shake and turned to look up at the moon once more, “What should I do, Luna? What?” She closed her eyes and shook her head, “I love him so much, I want to be with him and yet…I’m so frightened!” Celestia felt a wracking sob run through her body. She loved Rush, she’d dreamt of him every night since that terrible day she’d seen him vanishing as the portal between their worlds closed. She’d been utterly heart broken, her life feeling as though it were crashing down around her even as her home was tearing itself apart, but that still hadn’t stopped her carrying on with her royal duties, nor had it stopped her dreaming about him, had it? She’d imagined him, holding her, kissing her, slipping his arms around her and…and ‘touching her’. She shivered and took in a gasp of air; how vivid those dreams had been! How she, her dream self, had revelled and drowned herself in the sheer joy of bonding with her stallion, letting him run his tongue up her marehood had been…electrifying… Celestia shuddered, and not just with the cold this time. She’d wanted him, she’d wanted him so much! And yet…when she’d had the chance, when they’d been alone, somepony always seemed to walk in, something always stopped them just at that precious moment, and then everything just seemed to…to burst, and it would be over. It wasn’t fair, none of it was fair! The Princess gave her wings a hard thrust and stared up into the face of the moon. She missed her sister so much; if only she hadn’t…if… Celestia shook her head and spoke quietly, “I’m sorry, sister. I’m so…” Did something touch her? In alarm, Celestia looked about her but saw nothing, but… “Tia?” That voice! It was so near, and so gentle, like the memory of a breeze. The Princess blinked in surprise and strained her hearing to the limit, “L…Luna?” There was a pause, “Tia? It’s me.” “Oh, Luna!” Celestia hooves flew to her muzzle as tears began pour down her face, “Luna! Where are you? Where…?” “I’m sleeping now.” The voice of Luna was so quiet, so soft, it made Celestia’s heart cry out. “I can speak to you for only a little while…” “Luna, I’m sorry! I-” “-I know” Luna’s voice said surprisingly gently, “I watch over you while you sleep, my sister. I know…” Celestia felt like screaming, wanting nothing more than to fly up to that damned moon and rip her sister away from its cold grasp, but she knew…she knew magic just didn’t work that way, did it? She felt more tears spill from her eyes, soaking her fur… “Tia?” It felt like something brushed Celestia’s face; the soft touch of a hoof, the kiss of a lover, “Why are you crying?” “I…I feel so alone…” Celestia sobbed, “I’ve never felt like this! Not since…not since you…” “Shhh, it’s alright, sis, you’re never truly alone. Mother and father love you, and so do I, even…now.” Luna’s voice trailed off slightly. “But, Nightmare Moon…” Celestia began. “Sleeping” Luna replied, “As my body sleeps, so does she. In the world of dreams, I can still reach out and watch the dreams of my children.” She chuckled slightly, “And even my beloved sister.” Celestia blinked in surprise, “You…can see my dreams?” Luna’s voice sounded gentle and calming, “A little.” Her voice became lilting, “You dream with such passion and such fire, sis, you blaze like the sun even as you sleep.” She laughed quietly, “It is hard not to hear you, even from the moon.” The Princess smiled sadly, “I’m sorry…” Something brushed her face, so soft and fleeting, “You don’t need to keep apologising” Luna said, “What is done is done, and only in the fullness of time and when the spell has run its course, will destiny reveal itself.” Celestia shook her head, “You always did like speaking in riddles.” “And I always liked the way that infuriated you too!” Luna’s laugh rolled around the Princess like a cooling shower of rain, “Now tell me, Tia, why is your heart in such turmoil? It is the earth stallion, the one I have seen in your dreams, is it not?” Tia nodded, “You’ve seen him.” Luna sighed, “I have. I have seen two of him: a…’human’? and a stallion, both separate and yet one. He was the one you met on the other world, the one you fell in love with.” “He is” Celestia said hopelessly, “I didn’t mean to.” Luna chuckled, “Didn’t mean to!” Celestia shivered as Luna’s voice spoke right into her ear, “Nopony ‘means’ to fall in love, Tia…they just ‘do’.” She seemed to roll past her, the gossamer touch of wings making Celestia’s spine shiver, “Has he…touched you?” The white alicorn closed her eyes and nodded, “We’ve…kissed.” “And you’ve shared a bed?” Celestia nodded. “Then what…?” Luna seemed to hesitate and then her voice returned, a little huskier than before, “Oh…I understand now.” “Understand?” Celestia asked, “I don’t-” “You have not made love.” Luna said in a matter-of-fact manner. “Luna!” Celestia snapped, her hooves flying up to her face, “Don’t talk like that, it’s-” “-It’s what? Lewd? Perverted?” Luna clucked her tongue, “Honestly, Tia, I don’t know where you learned all of this from. How do you think you and I came into the world? Shall I tell you?” “No!” Celestia squeaked. “Oh, believe me, you don’t want to know!” Luna chuckled, “I wandered into mother’s dreams when I was a foal once and saw them doing…’that’.” Her voice hesitated, “It nearly put me off stallions for life!” Despite herself, Celestia giggled and felt her heart lift slightly. “Does he love you?” Luna asked. Tia nodded. The Princess of the moon’s voice purred in her sister’s ear, “I have seen his dreams you know.” Celestia blinked, “Y…you have?” “Oh, yes.” Luna said sultrily, “He wants to be with you, but he puts up walls in his mind - barriers of such self doubt as I have never seen before. Truthfully, Tia, if you don’t take that first step yourself, you may never become one.” “B…become one?!” Celestia balked, Luna ran her feathers along her sister’s spine and whispered into her ear, a breath so soft, it was like a morning’s breeze, “You know you want to…” “Stop that!” Celestia said louder than she meant. Luna huffed, “No.” She seemed to be pacing around her sister now, “You never listened to me when I was in Equestria, but I will have my say now.” Luna paused, making sure her sister was listening, “You are a mare Tia, like me, like mother, like every other mare in Equestria. Do you think there is something noble about being alone? Do you think that there is some sort of higher purpose to remaining ‘untouched’ and empty your whole life because you fear the touch of one who loves you?” Celestia squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, “I…It’s not like that!” “Then what is it, Tia? Tell me?” Luna asked irritably, “Why won’t you let yourself be with the one you love? Why won’t you allow yourself to enjoy being with him as you know you want to be?” “Gods, Luna, I don’t know! I DON’T KNOW!” Celestia felt like screaming, her mind a turmoil of conflicting thoughts, emotions and desires. “You’re scared.” Luna said. “Yes!” The white alicorn shivered, her mane shimmering in the night air, “Yes, I am! What if…what if he won’t accept me?” She could feel a tear trickling down her cheek, “Luna, I…I did some awful things, terrible things…If he and I do ‘that’, he may still reject me when he finds out the truth. What will I do then?! If I give him everything, if I give him my body and my heart, he could leave me with…with nothing…” “Do you think he would?” Luna asked quietly. Celestia shook her head, “I don’t know…I don’t think so, but…how can I be sure?” Luna took a breath and shrugged, “You can’t, sis. You never can be. You just have to trust in the love you share with him and that you made the right choice. If Rush is the stallion you believe him to be, if he is the one you can trust with your heart, then he will love you no matter what.” She chuckled, “Do you no longer love me, sis? What I did was…” she trailed off. “Luna…” Celestia opened her eyes and looked up at the moon, her tears dropping like stars to the earth, “I love you, sis. I never stopped…” She felt a muzzle push into her neck, “Neither did I, sis.” Luna sighed, “I must leave now, my magic is weakening, but I should like to…talk like this again.” Celestia nodded, a soft smile on her lips, “I’d like that.” “Tia?” Luna’s voice sounded tired, yet full of love, “Don’t always let your head rule heart. Sometimes…sometimes your heart knows what is best.” The Princess nodded, “Sleep well, Luna. Be safe my beloved sister.” Luna’s voice was fading away - the mere memory of a dream… “Follow your heart, sis. Follow…your heart…” ******************* Rush was hot, his muscles burning from his exertion in the chill night air and his legs freezing cold from working in the forest river. But by the Gods, he felt good! And best of all, it was taking his mind off ‘other things’. He’d been told before he had a tendency to ‘over think’ things, and damn it all, he knew he did too. But whether he liked it or not that was part of who he was, and as much as he’d tried to change, he kept slipping back into his old ways and his old habits as surely as the sun rose in morning. He lifted the river stone in his hooves and brought it down, cracking the river reeds with just the right amount of force. Wiping the sweat from his muzzle, he carried on, working the natural material: rolling, cutting, and shaping it to just the right size. Satisfied with his efforts, Rush gave himself a wipe down with a cloth soaked with the cooling water from the river and hoisted the load onto his back before carrying his finished work back to camp. Tia wasn’t back yet. Perhaps she wouldn’t come back? Rush sighed; who knew the mind of a mare, let alone a Princess? One thing he did know; is that it was a long walk back, if he could even remember the way. Shaking his head, he rammed the negative thoughts from his mind and lifted the pillow cases in his mouth, dumping out the dried contents and began re-stuffing them with the fresh reeds. It was a basic task, and one he had done many, many times in the past. It brought back memories of the house in the forest, of his family, his mother, his friends… Snorting he gave himself a shake; he wouldn’t think of that! Gods damn it! It was like his mind was trying to torture him with images of the past – a past that was gone, and although not forgotten, should stay where it was and not keep dragging him- “Damn it!” He gave himself another hard shake to dislodge the dark thoughts that were beginning to assail him. For now at least, it worked. Rush finished the last of the stuffing and lay the two pillows beside each other. For a brief moment, he wondered if he should move his away, but then decided against it left it where it was. Part of him was still seething inside, wanting desperately to shout and rage at Celestia, to yell at her and just…just get his feelings across to her…somehow! But how could he do that? He loved her so much, but she wouldn’t listen no matter how hard he tried. What more could he do? He just didn’t know! Rush sighed and got into his bedding roll; he was being unfair – Tia did listen, but something didn’t seem to quite ‘connect’ between them. They were in love, they even shared a bed together, and yet there was something there, like an indefinable invisible barrier that held her back from- A gust of wind and the sound of wings beating overhead made him pause and he closed his eyes… “There’s tea in the pot” he said quietly. Behind him, he heard hoof steps approaching and the faint rustle of feathers. The clink of pottery and the sound of tea pouring into a cup made his ears twitch. “Rush?” Rush took a breath, calming his heart, “Hmm?” “Do you…like me?” The brown stallion squeezed his eyes shut and took another cleansing breath, trying to clear his mind of the thoughts that were already intruding on him, “Of course I do.” “Oh.” There was a long pause before Tia added, “Why?” Irritated, Rush turned over to face her and looked up at his Princess, “What sort of questions is that?” he asked, “I love you because I do.” Rush huffed, “I didn’t intend to, it just…happened.” “You’re angry with me” Celestia said quietly, taking a sip of her tea and staring into the fire, “I can’t blame you. I flew off like a coward when I should have stayed and talked to you…and now, I’ve hurt you.” “Don’t start that again!” Rush said climbing out of his bedding, “You haven’t hurt me at all, and besides, I’m the one who ran off and got himself washed away before his Princess had to sweep in and rescue him from the evil wendigo!” He chuckled, “I thought the Princess was supposed to be the ‘damsel in distress’!” Celestia covered her mouth with her hoof and giggled, “Oh, Rush, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You make my heart lift so easily.” Rush smiled and reached out to touch her and then paused, “You do the same with me, love.” He hung his head, “I’m sorry I’m so hard to live sometimes.” He put his hoof down, “Sorry, I…” A white hoof gently brushed against his, a pair of bright purple eyes filling his vision, “Rush?” “Hmm?” “Do you…do you want to…to touch me?” Tia looked away shyly. Rush’s heart thumped hard in his chest as their eyes met. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry, “Yes” he whispered. Celestia put her tea down and moved closer, just a little, but even that sent a wisp of her scent out to tantalise Rush’s nose. He breathed her in and closed his eyes, gathering his self control and reached out, taking her hoof in his and nuzzled it gently, “You smell so wonderful…” he said, and kissed her foreleg. Rush smiled gently at the shy expression of his Princess and reached up, kissing her neck. Tia shivered in response, letting out a whimper, but let him continue. Rush moved upwards, kissing and nibbling ever so slightly. Each touch, even the barest brush against her fur, elicited more shivers, more squeaks and moans from the alicorn as she covered her mouth with her foreleg. Rush sat back and gently moved her foreleg away, smiling at her. She looked lost, frightened even, but with a hint of the determined Princess he knew so well. Tia was letting him lead, and lead he would. Her mother had told him to ‘be a stallion’ and now…now he would be. Rush took Tia’s muzzle in his hooves and brushed his lips against hers, teasing her, tenderly giving her a taste of what he knew she wanted. She shivered, moving away slightly and then moved forward once more, questing, trying to reach him. Rush allowed her, drawing her in until, finally, their lips met. Almost clumsily, Tia fumbled for him, grappling his neck and hugging him to her while slipping her tongue into his mouth. Rush let out a moan as theirs tongues met, the moist warmth of his Princess’s tongue, her taste…it was beyond anything he’d ever experienced before. Yes, they’d kissed, they’d held one another, but tonight, here beneath the stars, this was something else altogether. Tonight, Celestia wanted more than a loving kiss with her stallion, far more than the comforting warmth of a pony sleeping beside her. No, she had needs, and Rush was more than willing to share himself with his beloved mare. A fresh breeze playfully tugged at their manes, their breath curling up into the cool night air. Finally, the Princess broke the kiss, gasping for air and let out a chuckle, leaning her forehead on Rush’s and closed her eyes, “Rush…” The brown stallion lifted her mane in his hooves and inhaled her scent before running his muzzle up her neck, “Tia…” He gently guided her to the bedding, bringing over the extra pillow and lay her down; all the while her eyes watched him, so trusting and so unfathomably beautiful. Rush felt a tremble run through him; his mind, mercifully, a complete blank. If he thought about what he was going to do, his damned mind would no doubt drag him from- “Oh…Gods…!” Celestia had run her hoof down his chest, following the contours of his muscles, sending a jolt of electricity through him. He took a shuddering breath and looked down at her, that beautiful mane, so…wait… “Tia?” Rush stared down at the pale magenta hair spread out around her. “Do you remember?” she asked quietly, “When you found me?” Rush felt a sudden wave of emotion burning through him. He couldn’t speak, and could only nod helplessly. Tia’s rainbow mane, so familiar to him now, had been as it appeared now: a simple pastel shade of magenta, and yet it called to his heart more than he ever thought possible. “I don’t need magic tonight” Celestia said softly, “We can make our own.” She turned her head and sniffed at the pillows, a knowing smile spreading across her lips, “It smells of you…the hills and mountains. The place we first met.” Rush took a breath and leaned down, brushing his lips against hers, “Snow.” Celestia chuckled, “I’ll always be your Snow, my love.” He kissed her gently, careful to keep his weight from pressing on her, before slowly working his way down her heaving chest. Celestia’s heart was beating hard, her stifled huffing and whimpers as Rush caressed her only added to his rising excitement. He tried to ignore it, and only to focus on her, to give her what she sought. But what did he know of mares? He knew precious little about human women let alone equestrian females, despite having fathered a daughter. Gods above, he barely remembered how that had happened – only recalling the enduring sense of emptiness and disappointment. Yet now, despite his doubts and uncertainties, Rush’s body was acting on its own, gliding down his mare, his teeth gently and carefully nibbling her, licking her, eliciting little sounds of mounting pleasure from the beautiful creature below him. Rush carried on until his muzzle found what he knew would be there. He’d caught glimpses when she’d been bathing with him or drying off, and he’d always looked away quickly. It wasn’t easy either; mares pretty much had everything ‘there’ for you to see, if you were looking, but still… He took a breath and slowly, carefully, ran his tongue up one of her breasts, rolling her nipple around in his mouth, before repeating the process for the other. There was a sudden gasp and Tia’s body went rigid as she took a deep intake of breath and her wings shot out from her sides, knocking over the bedding and giving Rush a start. He didn’t let it slow him though, not now. “Oh…OH!” Celestia huffed loudly, at first covering her muzzle with her forelegs and then, on impulse, digging them hard into the ground. Dear Gods, she hadn’t felt anything…anything like this! Sometimes she had….’touched’ herself of course, when she was lonely or if the mood took her, but it was just to relax her - nothing like…like this! She shuddered as Rush’s tongue licked her breasts, his teeth scraping her nipples and squeezing in just…the right…places. Fear forgotten, propriety ignored, Celestia neighed, the sound escaping her throat as her legs quivered. Something was building within her: a heat, a passionate need to…to do more…to take more. Yes…YES! She wanted more than this, but… but it was so good! Gods above, she felt like screaming, like thrusting her loins into Rush’s…wait…what? What was…oh…Oh Gods! Celestia’s throaty cry of release rolled out around the clearing as her body spasmed and shook at her stallions touch. Rush continued; his tongue was a lot longer than a human’s and was proving to be just the thing to indulge himself in the delectable form of the Princess. Smiling to himself, he carefully moved Tia’s tail to one side as he moved downward, taking in the warm and heady fragrance of her most precious of secrets. Closing his eyes, Rush’s muzzle brushed along the Princess’s marehood, his whiskers causing tiny shocks of pleasure that rocketed up her spine as they tickled her. Tia bit down on her foreleg, trying to stifle her cries while her stallion changed tack and his tongue began to hungrily probe between her moist folds, slowly and steadily tracing upwards to flick against her clitoris. It was too much; Tia’s wings quivered and she howled out a cry of such animalistic passion that normally would have surprised even her. How could such a thing be? She had never experienced anything like this, not even in her dreams where she and Rush would…come together. Luna had been right: why had she denied herself such joy, and such blissful release? She gritted her teeth as she felt Rush’s tongue…entering her. Tia’s gasps were coming in fast short breaths now, droplets of sweat beading on her brow as her stallion licked her mercilessly between her haunches, tasting her marehood, delving ever deeper inside her. She rammed her forehooves into the soft earth and pushed her nethers up to Rush. She wanted more…she had to have more! Rush was working on one of her breasts now with his hoof, while his mouth pleasured her with a moist, rough, heat that was sending waves of need through the Princess’s body. Dear Gods; every touch, every breath, was like fire, burning through her! She…she had to… “G…GODS! Rush, I…I…” Tia bucked up hard into Rush, reaching for him, grabbing his head with her hooves and all but rammed his muzzle into her as a wave of ecstasy crashed through her and finally, at its very peak…it broke. “RUSH!” Tia’s scream was like thunder, shaking even the sunflowers that grew around the clearing, making the ground itself vibrate with its resonance. And then it was over. Collapsed, exhausted and defeated, the Princess rolled over onto her side and looked up weakly into Rush’s big blue eyes. She smiled, shaking her head in amazement, “That…that was…incredible!” She took a deep breath, trying to get her senses and body back under control while Rush leaned across and kissed her gently before brushing some stray mane hairs from her face, “You’re incredible” he said happily. Tia shook her head, “Hmmf! I’m sure!” She chuckled and then rolled onto her tummy, “Hold still, now.” “Huh?” Rush blinked in surprise, but Celestia was already pulling him towards her, “Now…let’s have another look at these ears…” Rush squeezed his eyes shut as a jolt of unadulterated pleasure ran through him. This was far more intense than what Fathom had done to him; it was on a different level altogether and sending what felt like sparks of electricity racing down his spine. He squirmed helplessly while the mare ran her tongue around the edge of one of his ears, taking it into her mouth and gently, but firmly…she bit down. Rush cried out in surprise at the unimaginably erotic sensation and flung his forelegs around the white alicorn, his mind going blank in a haze of passion. He was losing control; all he wanted, everything he wanted, in any world – was her. She was so warm, so close, her scent filling his nostrils while the little moans and noises she made as she worked on his ears was rapidly tipping him over the knife edge of reason into the realm of the pure animal. Rush bellowed and before he knew it, the surprised Celestia was beneath him once more. His heart hammering in his chest and his mane hanging over his face made him look…wild. Tia looked up at him in bewilderment. She wasn’t used to be grappled like that - not by anypony! But Rush, the way he’d taken charge, the way he had her now, like this… She was a little frightened by him; she’d never seen this side of Rush before, but it…it thrilled her. Taking a breath, she smiled up at him and nodded, “Will…will it hurt?” Rush closed his eyes and seemed to regain some of his composure, but his breath was still heavy, his scent heady and powerful, “I’ll be gentle, love. I promise.” She shifted herself and lifted her haunches for Rush to slide a rolled up blanket beneath her. Rush gave himself a shake and reached down once more, taking another long lick of his mare before moving himself forward. For a moment, he paused; would he really not hurt her? Dear Gods, that...’thing’ between his legs was…well, without putting too fine a point on it - it was enormous! Grove had assured him it was perfectly normal of course, and he’d seen stallions when he’d worked in the Lord’s stables too, but…he hadn’t really thought about it much until now. He’d been so worried about the thing ‘sneaking out’ at the most inopportune times and now here he was, about to put the massive thing inside…Tia? He swallowed, and flinched as he felt the warm, wet touch of her marehood against his member before he’d even realised what he was doing. Rush took a breath; he couldn’t falter now. Giving himself a mental shake, he moved forward over her until he was muzzle to muzzle with the beautiful white alicorn. Tia looked…frightened, yet excited and totally trusting all at once. She must have noticed his reticence and gave him a peck on the muzzle, “It’s alright, love. Please…” Rush nodded and slowly, carefully, pushed his hips forward. Celestia gulped air and suddenly gasped, “Oh!” “Tia?” Rush asked in concern. The Princes shook her head, “No…no it’s alright. Please, Rush, just…please…” Rush pushed his hips forward once more, feeling his cock slipping inside the tight moist folds of his mare. Little by little, inch by inch, he moved into her and then pulled back slightly, not wanting to fully hilt inside her all at once. Beneath him, Tia had her eyes tight shut, her face scrunched up in a grimace, but whether it was one of pleasure or pain, he wasn’t sure. Rush moved again, moving forward slowly, more concerned about Tia’s discomfort than any actual pleasure he was feeling. She suddenly gasped, “Rush! I…OW!” She hissed in pain and Rush immediately pulled back, “Tia, I-“ “No!” the Princess cried out, “Don’t…don’t you dare! Don’t!” Rush nodded, “Alright love, but tell me if you want to stop, okay?” She winced and nodded as Rush shifted himself around until he had her positioned just right. And then without warning he bit down on her shoulder making her squeak in surprise as he plunged his cock deep inside her. Celestia opened her mouth wide in a silent scream, her forelegs digging into the ground while her stallion began to plough. He bucked her, gently, but firmly, with a mounting urgency that had her in a whirlwind of emotion. The pain Celestia had felt when Rush had first entered her was quickly replaced with an ebbing and surging crescendo of unadulterated ecstasy that made her marehood feel as though it were melting. Above her, Rush kept up a steady rhythm, his mind a swirling mass of pleasure and joy, yet still carrying that faint hint of concern he was hurting her, even if- Rush suddenly gasped as Celestia’s teeth sank into his neck, her forelegs wrapping around him and pulling him into her with a desperation that nearly had him howling. Suddenly, she released him, slamming her forehooves into the ground and pushed her body downwards, meeting his thrusts with her own, “Rush, I…I think…” She groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, “M…more…Gods! Rush…” The brown stallion, his cream mane plastered to his face, abruptly released her, sitting back on his haunches while Celestia opened her eyes in surprise. Why had he stopped? What…? Rush began to move her, turning her over, gently guiding her onto her tummy so she could present herself to him. The cooling air of the night drifted across The Princess’s rump, tickling her marehood and adding its own thrill to her already excited state. But why had Rush moved her just as- Rush’s cock pushed into her, hilting deeper than it had before. Celestia gasped in shock, throwing her head back and letting out a strangled cry. Her stallion withdrew and pushed again, a little harder this time, a little faster - each thrust making her buck up into him hungrily. Her body was responding on its own now, her consciousness vanishing like the dawn dew, and Gods…she let it. Responding to her, Rush began to hammer his cock into her, the heat and indescribable ecstasy she was feeling with each movement, every touch of his hooves, every delicious inch he rammed into her was building up to…to a… Celestia’s eyes flew open; this was…it was so incredible and yet so frightening too! She was on a precipice; her mind, her thoughts, all screaming and howling simultaneously as she flew up, up into the sky, high above the clouds and…and… With a final grunt, Rush plunged his cock into his mare and groaned, emptying everything her had into the beautiful pure white body of the Princess of the sun. Celestia’s neigh seemed to make the stars shake, the sunflowers leaves quivering with the force of her outpouring of emotion. Gods…her…her heart! It was like she was flying, flying through the air as light as a feather. Grinning like a foal, Tia just lay there panting, her wings splayed, her body steaming and her chest heaving as the feelings slowly ebbed away. She hadn’t felt anything like that…never! She closed her eyes and flopped over onto her side, taking in the scent of the river reeds in the pillow, and smiled. “Hello, love.” Rush’s tired but gentle face appeared in front of her hazy vision and she reached forward to kiss him weakly on the muzzle, “Hello…” Tia gave him a wink and the two chuckled, completely exhausted but happy in the afterglow of their love making. Rush watched her; his big blue eyes were so full of love, so kind and gentle, he made her shiver. Tia wanted to say something, to say…what? She didn’t know! Her mind was such a mess; she was hot, sticky, and her coat was damp too, and what’s more, she didn’t care! Not at all! She reached out a shaky hoof and ran it down her stallion’s chest, “I love you.” Rush kissed her, “I know” he said softly, “I love you too.” He got up and picked up a blanket, shook it out, and threw it over her, “Don’t want you getting a chill, my lady.” “Mmm…” Tia purred, “I don’t think I will, not with my stallion beside me.” Rush grinned, “By your command, my Princess!” “And don’t you forget it!” Tia suddenly grabbed him, and like some striking predator, pulled him under the blanket and rolled on top of him. Smiling, she blew the strands of mane from her face and kissed Rush on the nose before straddling him, “Gotcha…!” ******************* “…fourth annual meeting is due this Thursday after the meeting with Senator Red Dart of the Pewter Feather Commission on…” there as a pause, “Tia? Are you listening to me?” Celestia sighed and stared up at the stars outside the window. It wouldn’t be dawn for hours yet and she was bored…bored and…lonely… “TIA!” “Wha…?!” Celestia sat up suddenly, nearly upsetting the table, the scrolls and the candelabra. “Good Gods, sis, be careful!” Luna’s magic enveloped the candelabra and set it back down with a look of exasperation on her face, “What is wrong with you tonight? I know court business has been a little difficult of late, what with that whole changeling business and Cadence and-” “All right!” The white alicorn got up from the table and rolled eyes, “I know, it’s just…” she sighed and lifted the goblet of wine in her magic and finished it in one gulp, much to Luna’s wide eyed surprise, “I’m going out.” “Y…You’re going out?!” Luna sputtered, “What do you mean, you’re going out?! Tia, it’s the middle of the night!” The Princess of the sun gave her rainbow mane a shake and stretched her legs, her muscles still stiff and aching from sitting for too long. Blasted paperwork, blasted duties and blasted bloody griffins and their love of blasted bureaucracy! She walked over to the midnight coated mare and gave her a brief nuzzle, “I’m sorry, Luna, I’ve been up all day and the last few weeks have been…taxing for me.” Luna paused and then nodded slowly, placing a comforting hoof on her sister’s shoulder, “I know, I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have asked you to help me with this when you can barely keep your eyes open.” She gave Celestia a nuzzle, “Sleep well sis, I’ve got it from here anyway.” Celestia nodded gratefully and headed back to her chambers. The night air in palace was cool, quiet, and she was, genuinely, quite tired – so much so she didn’t even respond to the guards as they snapped to attention outside her bedchamber door. Tia yawned and walked over to the coffee table where she poured out a glass of elderberry liqueur. The fragrant spirit was as delicious as ever, and quite warming too. Licking a stray drop from her lips, she settled herself by the fire and began taking off her hoof covers, lifting them one by one with her magic and setting them down beside the fire ready for the morning. How long had she had these now anyway? They were a far cry from the armour she’d had to wear once, all those years ago, so…so long ago… Tia’s eyes drifted up to mantelpiece, and above that, the long curved sword – the sword from another world; its dark green scabbard and wound hilt were just the same as when she’d first seen it hanging from Rush’s hip. He’d left it here; something so precious, something that carried so much meaning for him, and he’d left it behind…for her. Celestia sighed and walked over to her book case. It was still there too, as it had been for over a thousand years – a thousand years that had gone by in the blink of an eye. Magic glowed around the small carved box and she levitated it down to rest in her outstretched hoof. The Princess took a deep breath: sniffing, scenting – If she concentrated, if she strained her senses to their limits, she could still smell him, still see him in her minds eye, running with her, laughing and frolicking in the lush green fields of Equestria. She wiped the tear from her eye and gave herself a shake. It had been too long. Celestia headed for the door, taking the bottle of elderberry liqueur with her in a pannier and set off down the corridor. The sound of her hooves clopping along the silent corridor felt ‘empty’ somehow, hollow, and yet…promising something, as though they were taking her onward - towards destiny. She trotted down the stairs to the familiar heavy old wooden door with its equally heavy bolts and magical wards intended to keep out any inquisitive muzzles, and even…well, this was for her, wasn’t it? She grinned to herself and headed inside and through the rippling silver light of the portal. Blinking her eyes, Celestia smiled and took in the warmth of the sun, the blue sky and the forest around her. The eternal herd had always been like this: perfect. The temperature, the breeze, the light – everything was just…perfect. Shrugging it off, she trotted off down the forest path, a spring in her step and her fatigue forgotten. She knew this route as well as any she had ever trod in her life. She knew all its twists and turns, the left fork after the large rock, the way the small white flowers that grew alongside the babbling mountain stream with its water as sweet as wine. Tossing her mane, Celestia passed the modest wooden house, down the winding well trodden path to the river. The water was running by just as it always had - sparkling like countless diamonds in the sunlight. In the distance a pheasant called, while above her a flock of bluebirds flew by, squabbling and squawking amongst themselves. Tia smiled; here, surrounded by trees and the sounds and smells of nature, was where her heart belonged…truly belonged. She tossed her mane in anticipation; she could hear him before she saw him, the muscular stallion splashing noisily out of the river and whistling a tune she’d never heard before. She’d have to ask him about that one later. He looked up as she approached, his blue eyes sparkling in the dappled sunlight and making her heart flutter as much as it had when she first realised her feelings for him all those centuries ago. Rush looked up at her and wiped his muzzle with a grin, “Hello, love.” Rush put down his latest batch of cut reeds, “Good amount today, eh?” Celestia smiled, “Somepony’s been working hard.” Rush shrugged, “Are you stopping for a while? I know you’ve busy you’ve been lately.” “Oh, I think I can stop a few days” Tia smiled. Time was different here in the herd, and she should be able to have at least a good few days before having to return home and…she paused, looking back up the track to the wooden house. In a way, this was home, wasn’t it? Not the palace with its white marble walls and towers of silver and gold, but here, in this simple wooden house in the forest with the one she loved. “Tea?” Rush finished rubbing himself down with the towel he’d left warming on a nearby rock, “I’ve left the water on, so we-” A bottle of sweet smelling liqueur floated in front of his eyes. Behind it, the mischievous purple eyes of his mare sparkled as brightly as the first day he’d met her, “Oh, I don’t think so” she grinned wolfishly, “I have something… a little stronger in mind.” Rush raised an eyebrow, moving closer to her, “Really?” Celestia took a breath and groaned as she moved into him, tossing the bottle and her pannier to one side, “Mmm…” she purred, “Really…” THE END