Thiccagio: The Tale Of A Man And A Goddess 💋

by Zelku The Thicc-Hunter

First published

Sometimes when you least expect it you can have an encounter with greatness

You hear about rumor that if you leave some money in on of the Janitor's Closet somewhere around school, a girl well meet with you someplace and have sex with you for the night and you decide to go through with it hoping to get lucky and you do, be if far beyond what you expected when you come face to face the a goddess

(All characters in the story are of the age of 18 or older)

A Night With Thiccagio Part 1

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Thiccagio: The Tail Of A Man And A Goddess💋

Chapter 1: A Night with Thiccagio.

Canterlot High School, Friday, 9:45 a.m

("All right, man, you can do this. Just remember what you have to do, and you’ll be losing your V-card soon enough.")

You think to yourself as you walk down the hallways of Canterlot High School. To everyone else around you, it looks like you are on your way to class, but you're really on your way to one of the janitor's closets down the hallway.

As you continue to your destination, you think about what got you started on this path. It's a rumor floating around the school for quite some time now. As the rumor goes, you go to the janitor’s closet on the first floor on the far east side of the building and enter.

Once inside, look around for a loose brick in the wall, remove the brick, and leave $250 with a note with your full name on it. After that, peek your head out the door and look around to see anyone nearby.

If no one is around when you place the brick back into the wall, leave the room. If you do all that, then sometime during that same school day, a note should be in your locker with the meetup location and time. You go to the meetup location, and someone there should give you a bag with a note inside and the following meetup location.

Go to the address on the note, and it should be a hotel. Go to the front desk and ask for the keys from whoever's there, and they should also tell you the password to get into the room.

Go upstairs to the number on the room key and recite the password. Once you've been permitted to enter, enjoy the rest of your night because it will be one to remember.

It's a one-night stand with no strings attached kind of deal. But if you can get the girl to cum before you, you get an additional night free of charge! Or so the rumor goes, at least.

You heard this from one of your friends. You say they know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who did this, and out of curiosity, stupidity, and a little desperation, you decide to go through with it. Common Sense tells you that if the rumor were accurate, principal Celestia and vice-principal Luna would have shut it down before it got out of hand. But since neither one confirmed nor denied the rumor, nobody paid much attention to it, and just one about school life is normal.

Although some guys were crazy enough to do it, they say that they got laid and, well, here, say, it is good enough for you. You come to the closet and look around for a bit to make sure that no one is about and go inside. You go through the motions like it says to do in the rumor, then you look around again when you leave the room and walk away. “Well, it looks like mowing all of my neighbor's yards last summer is finally being used for something.”

You pull out your phone to check the time and realize you’re about to be late for your next class. Decide to bolt it and worry about the consequences later. If you don’t get to your next class on time, Ms.Harshwhinny is going to have your ass on a silver platter, but it is all be worth it if all goes as planned.

Canterlot High School, Friday, 3:09 p.m

You get to class a little late, and Ms. Harshwhinny still reprimands you for coming late after the bell. The rest of the day goes typically. At each period, you go to your locker to see if the note is there yet, but it's empty each time you go. By the time school gets out for the weekend, you’ll have doubts about this whole thing. Maybe it was all just a clever scam to rip off stupid fools like you for their money, but when you open up your locker to grab your stuff, you notice a note that wasn’t there before. You hold it and slowly open it to find that it says.

"Hi (your name), I got to hand it to you for taking a risk like this, and I promise you-you will be rewarded for it. Come to this address on Saturday from around 5:30 to 6:00. Someone will be waiting for you there to give you directions for where we can meet up. I can't wait to see you.


The one who will take your virginity💋.

“This is it, this is it.” You want to burst out in excitement but decide against that course of action for now, anyway. You slip a note into your back pocket, gather up all your stuff, and leave the school as if nothing ever happened. You hurry home. You have a full day prepared. You get home, do your homework, have dinner with your family, play Overwatch with your friends, and then go to bed for the night. By tomorrow, you’ll be getting laid.

Saturday, Downtown Canterlot, 5:40 p.m

You get off the bus and start walking to the address on the note; you told your parents you would spend the night at a friend's place and would be back sometime tomorrow morning or at least in the afternoon. Before going to the bus stop, you went to the store to grab two packs of condoms. You figured you'd see plenty of action tonight and decided to hold more than one.

You turn on the next corner and come to the location where you should receive the next clue, and it's a taco joint. Well, this is odd. This isn't the kind of place you were expecting. But that's probably part of the point if you do something like this in the most inconspicuous place possible.

You try not to think much of it and go inside. The place looks nice on the outside, and the inside is good, too; it's also really crowded, mostly just guys on one line. Well, for now, at least, you should grab some food and wait for now. The smell of tacos has got you hungry. You go to the back of the line and wait to order your food. As you wait in line, you notice that the cashier's voice sounds very familiar; when you get to the cashier at the register, a familiar face greets you.

Sonata Dusk is one of the Dazzling's who tried to take over school last year with the whole battle of the band's thing before you can get a single word in Sonata Speaks. "Oh! Hello sir. I have your order right here." She then hands you a bag with a note attached to it. The note on the bag says to go to the hotel five blocks down from here. You look back at Sonata, and she says. "Your order has already been paid for in advance. Have a nice day." And then she winks at you😉.

With that, you take the bag and walk out the door. Once outside, you open the bag, and inside it is a chicken taco and a grape soda with a note attached to it; you read the note, and it says. "Tell Aria she owes me $5.50 for the Taco and soda; hopes you have a great time tonight, signed Sonata❤." You close the bag back up and walk to the hotel.

Downtown Canterlot, hotel, 6:05 p.m

You arrive at the hotel 25 minutes later with the bag still in hand and, find your way to the check-in/out desk and see another familiar face, Aria Blaze. Aria sits at the desk looking bored out of her mind when she spots you out of the corner of her eye. "Well, it's about time you get here. I'm starving; you got my order or what?"

You hand her the bag, and she opens the bag and pulls out the chicken taco and the grape soda. Aria looks at the note that Sonata left, crumples it, and throws it away; she then hands you a room key. "Go to room K32, third floor at the end of the hallway on the left, knock on the door 3 times, and say, "I have come here to receive the blessing of the goddess; may I enter your Divine domain." You know that kind of crap, well have fun!" and proceeds to eat her taco.

With the room key, you go up to the 3rd floor. As you go up the stairs, it becomes pretty clear who your date is. With Sonata working at the taco joint and Aria working at the hotel, that only leaves one of the Dazzlings, the leader of the group, Adagio Dazzling. Out of all of them, Adagio always stood out the most, not just because of her Beauty but her fantastic body. The moment she steps into a room, all eyes are immediately on her. With her Luminous, vivid orange hair, her big sexy lips I can suck the meat right off of a chicken bone, her double J cup-sized breast that could easily crush a beer can, her Amazonian thicc thighs which could break a watermelon right open, and that voluptuous round ass can suffocate a grown man in minutes (although that in itself is a rumor too) with all that she was given the nickname, Thiccagio: The Goodness Of Thickness.

She loved the name so much that she even started calling herself that and referring to herself as a goddess; of course, that only inflated her ego even more, but most of the guys at school didn't mind it. When you stop and think about it, her being the girl from the rumor makes perfect sense, and you are about to spend the entire night with the goddess of Thickness herself. You come to the room Aria told you to go to; you can feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest, and your palms and forehead are sweaty. You're nervous, but you've come this far, and there's no turning back now you're no little boy. You're a man, and the time has come to prove it. You slowly raise your fist to the door. You knock three times and then recite the lines.

"I have come to receive the blessing of the goddess; may I enter your Divine domain." A voice comes from the other side of the door. "I grant the permission to enter my domain mortal." You grab the keys from your pocket and place the key into the door. You twist the key in the lock, and the door opens, and you walk into the room and close the door behind you.