> Flash Doesn't Get The Girl > by ArtsyUnicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Summer Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- August is that last month of summer that makes you go wild planning for that last summer vacation. The beach is the perfect place to have one last summer party, peace and quiet... Right? RIGHT?? Wrong! "Alright Dis, I have the perfect plan to get Twilight to notice me this summer and I will finally have my princess!" Flash exclaimed cheerfully to his friend Discord. "And what would this plan be? Chaos related maybe? Think of it, I put her and her friends in trouble and you save the day!" Discord gave him the idea; however it might not be the best. "Yeah! You could be a beach bully kicking down sandcastles, busting beach balls, and I will come and save the day!" He said getting ready to go. "Not the type of chaos I was going for but okay..." And with that they headed to the beach, ready for some fun. ~~~~~ "Sun screen, glasses, beach ball." "Okay Twi, I'm pretty sure we have all the supplies! No need to triple check..." Rainbow Dash interrupted her thoughts. "It's always good to be prepared Dash; I'm just making sure we are fully prepared!" "But do we really need to bring an emergency cell phone, a lasso, pepper spray, an extra bathing suit and a big fancy book on mathematics?" said Applejack throwing out the unnecessary things out of the bag. "I agree darling, we are just going to need sun screen, an umbrella, towels and a beach ball. That's it." said Rarity as she loaded the car. Shocked, Twilight adjusted her glasses and sat in the front seat frowning. Sunset Shimmer got in the driver’s seat and started up the car, excited to have fun with her friends at the beach. "So girls, what are you hoping to see at the beach?" Asked Sunset as they started their journey to Canterlot beach. "Adorable sea creatures in their natural habitat!" Squeaked an excited Fluttershy. "An epic volleyball team waiting to be beat by The Rainbow Dash!" said Rainbow getting her game face on. "Shirtless boys playing in the sand waiting for a beautiful girl to greet them!" Swooned Rarity, you could practically see the hearts floating above her head. "Rainbow Dash losing the first round of beach ball" Said Applejack giving Dash a glare. "Do you really think you could beat me?!" yelled Dash getting frustrated. "Yeah ah can! You ain't too high and mighty fer me to beat!" Applejack yelled back. "GIRLS! Calm down we are almost there!" Twilight shouted to them in the back, she should have been prepared for Applejack and Rainbow getting competitive. "Twilight's right! We have to save our energy for the big beach party I'm throwing!!!" Shouted Pinkie Pie very excitingly. Today was going to be a long day. They arrived at the beach just before the guys arrived, they sat down towels and set up the volleyball net as Pinkie Pie blew up the beach ball (not boom boom blow up! ). Just then Flash and Discord pulled up in their car in swim trunks ready to hit the water, well Discord was ready to hit the water, Flash was ready to swoon a certain girl off her feet. "So what’s the real game plan here Sentry?" Asked Discord as he put on his glasses. "You are the beach bully, you know knock down sand castles, pop their beach balls, mean stuff like that" Flash said as he put on sun screen. "Fine, I think I see my first victim up ahead" He said as he glared evilly, the gears in his head were definitely working. Just as he walked toward the girl, he caught sight of the biggest most adorable teal eyes he had ever seen in his life. He couldn't harm this girl; she was just too sweet and beautiful... "Um excuse me, you dropped your sun glasses" Fluttershy said handing them to Discord, she just noticed him standing there and his glasses fell right off. "Oh thank you dear" He said taking them back, 'Her hands are so soft....’ he thought as a light pink dusted his cheeks, Fluttershy went back to helping Dash set up umbrellas. "Discord! What was that? That was perfect opportunity and you screwed it up!" yelled Flash once he found where Discord wandered off too. "You are on your own Flashy boy; I'm going to help the angel with light pink hair" Said Discord as he patted Flash on the back as he walked off toward Fluttershy. Flash knew he was lost without Discord helping him, but if it was this easy for Discord to go after a girl then it should be easy For Flash too. He walked over to the girls with his own beach ball. "Hello girls, care to play a game of volleyball with me and my friend here?" he asked as he dragged Discord away from Fluttershy. "Two guys against us?! Ha! Too easy right AJ?" Said Dash, "Your so on!" Twilight and Sunset stood away from the net keeping score, Rainbow Dash was the first to serve and boy was her overhand serve good. Flash was able to hit it back up and it landed in Pinkie's hair. "Um it didn't touch the ground so it's still game on" said Twilight to clarify the situation, Flash got the ball this time and served underhand, the ball went flying high into the sky and smacked Rarity right in the head which bounced again, Dash was able to hit the ball again and it soared over Discord. "DISCORD YOU COULD HAVE HIT THAT!" yelled Flash as he spiked the ball right into Discord's face, this made Fluttershy gasp in terror she took the ball from Flash and spiked it pretty darn hard onto Flash's head. He fell flat on his side unconscious which caused Twilight to run to his side with a first aid kit. "Fluttershy whatever caused you to do that to him!" asked Rarity calming Fluttershy down. Fluttershy went to Discord and hugged him. "Oh now I understand, our little Fluttershy has a crush!" Twilight gave Flash an ice pack for his head and made sure he was alright. "Thanks Twilight" "Flash right? No problem, that's why I brought this first aid kit, Always be prepared that's what I say" she smiled which made his heart do jumping jacks. "Would you like to go out sometime with me?" he asked which made Twilight's jaw drop. "Flash I don't even know you that well! Let alone could I go on a date with you! I have someone else on my mind!" she freaked out stuttering all over the place. "Wait a tick, is that why you came over here and tried to get along with us? Just to get to Twi??" asked Applejack. "It's true! I didn't want to get involved but he wanted me to be a beach bully towards you poor girls!" said Discord spilling the beans on Flash. This made Twilight pretty mad, so mad she slapped him so hard even the slap mark on his face was already purple! Rainbow Dash and Applejack lifted him up and tossed him into the water and left the beach. ~~~ "So girls what did you enjoy about today?" asked Sunset Shimmer as she drove away from the beach. "Throwing Flash into the water!" said Dash and AJ at the same time, while giving each other a high five. "Playing volleyball!" said Rarity as she relaxed into her seat. "Watching Fluttershy spike a ball into Flash's skull!" chipped Pinkie Pie, "I think we all know Flutter's favorite part, it was that Discord guy huh!?" she questioned. "Um well.. I guess I did like that part the most..." she blushed a bright pink while trying to hide her face in her long hair. Everyone aww'd at Fluttershy's first crush, Twilight just sat in her seat looking out the car window frowning slightly. "You okay Twi?" asked Sunset putting a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, I just thought how rude that Flash guy was, how can someone like him" she looked at Sunset "no offense" "None taken, Flash is just a bit desperate and he still can't remember you are not the same Twilight he fell in love with. He never gets the girl in the end" she said causing Twilight to giggle. She was right, but at least they all had a fun day at the beach. ~~~~ "DISCORD HELP ME OUT HERE!" yelled Flash in the water. "Nah, I'm busying texting Flutters! Aw you don't know how to swim?" "NO! NOW PLEASE HELP ME!" "Why should I? This is the perfect time for you to learn how to swim" said Discord as he left the beach and drove off in Flash's car. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING? DISCORD DON'T LEAVE ME!" "DISCORD!!!"