> Pegasus -Pony Plot- Device > by PlanetKiller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > YWBKBRD > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- YWBKBRD “I still can’t believe she asked you if you wanted fries with that.” The small cerulean blue pony on your lap said. Her spectral mane shone with the colors of the rainbow. Her coat seemed darker than the show, while her friends’ coats were spot-on. There were dark edges to her pomegranate eyes that you could lose yourself in for hours, which is what you were doing now. You stroke her mane as you both sit on a bench outside Sugarcube Corner Rainbow Dash was referring to your unceremonious arrival to Equestria. You are still not sure how you got there, but you were in a humorously compromising position. Naked, you were in a popular pose that Rainbow Dash had once struck. Awakening in that position was bad enough, but it was in front of Twilight’s castle. The purple alicorn had come out to greet you with a line she assumed was human for ‘hello’. Granted ‘do you want fries with that’ was popular, but not what you expected to hear naked, in Equestria, looking at the princess of friendship, while in a lewd pose. It didn’t help that she had asked your ass; instead of your face. Obviously, somepony need to brush up on her anthropology. Either that, or a troll came to Equestria and was spreading disinformation. This had brought many jokes from Rainbow Dash once she had heard about it. Everything from calling you ‘Your Hind-Ass’ to making you the occasional ‘butt’ of a joke. You knew it was all ing good fun, and let your friend spend your dignity on occasion. To Twilight’s credit the hay fries tasted like potato strings that come in a can. She had also gotten her white unicorn friend, Rarity, to make you some clothes. Dash wanted you to stay naked, she thought it was funny while Twilight insisted you covered yourself. Apparently, you did not have enough fur to warrant a nudist lifestyle. Your reminiscence is broken by Dash shifting her weight on your lap. She was enamored with you, but never made a move to further your relationship. You only had eyes for best pony, as she called herself, but your overtures were ignored or rejected. That is why Dash’s next words surprised you. “Wanna do something kinky in the weather factory?” She notices your surprise. “Cloudsdale is nearby, and it’s twenty percent cooler than doing it at home.” You ask her if she is insane. What if you both get caught? How would you get up there? Why? Although you were not saying no, you did want to cover your bases. Being banished to a faraway dungeon wouldn’t be fun. “Pff, you worry too much.” Dash dismisses your questions “Twilight will give you cloud-walking and I have a secure office in the factory. You could be on cloud nine, with me, literally.” That still left how you’d get up there. Rainbow was rather strong, she proved that almost everyday. Strength was not the problem, size was. Being smaller that what you knew actual ponies to be you wondered if she could carry you. Still, she had carried four other ponies, but you were still concerned. Hurting her would put a damper on your fun, unless she wanted it. .oOo. Twilight had raised her eyebrow at Rainbow’s insistence that you both go to Cloudsdale. She still cast the cloud-walking spell, but her reaction was puzzling. As you both left, she almost looked sad. If she had wanted you, she should have spoken up. As you follow Dash to the edge of Ponyville for the trip to Cloudsdale, you notice her excitement. Her wingtips quiver and her hips sway a little more as she lead the way. It is difficult to follow her while she was trotting, so you were glad she wasn’t flying. Upon arriving she did fly away, only to return with a puffy white nimbus cloud. “Sit” Rainbow pats the cloud with a hoof. You sit on the cloud, surprised and delighted that the spell worked. It feels puffy, like a soft couch. As you rest on the cloud, Rainbow grabs a harness you didn’t notice earlier. The speed at which she pulls the cloud is astonishing and you have to lay down to keep from falling off. Within minutes you both arrive at the city made of clouds. .oOo. The streets of Cloudsdale are springy as the two of you walk down them. Rainbow Dash wanted to take you on a date before the main attraction. Something about being full increasing the yield, but you were too busy ogling the cloud and bolt on her flanks. Even her cutie-mark had darker edges. As you both pass an arcade Rainbow asks if you want to play a bit before dinner. You are a bit confused by the question, coming out of a flank-ogling stupor, but you agree after seeing the arcade. After all it wouldn’t hurt to work up a bigger appetite, and maybe beat Dash with the dexterity of you fingers. Yeah, you wanted to beat dash with the dexterity of you fingers. The name of the arcade, Game Over, makes you groan on the inside. “Ha, you just lost the game!” Rainbow crowed as she made the final score. It had been a game of skeeball, and you had hoped that your fingers would help you to win. In fact, many of the arcade games were similar. From hoops to coin toss, there wasn’t an actual ‘video game’ to be seen. You assumed that was par for the course, but you still had fun. Except that you lost to Rainbow Dash in everything you played. Your fingers should have helped you, but Dash was just too skilled. “I used to play here every day as a filly, don’t feel bad about not beating me off.” You wonder if Dash’s word choice is intentional, or miscommunication. “Here, I’ll let you help with this.” Rainbow had bought a mane-tie with some of the tickets she had won. She had given the rest to some young ponies that didn’t have any, and they went off to buy some kind of junk. You tie Dash’s mane into a ponytail while enjoying the feel of the prismatic strands. “Now all I need is some glasses and I’ll be a Reading Rainbow.” Dash jokes. As you both leave you become emboldened by how cute Dashie looks with a ponytail. You reach out and stroke her back between her wings. They immediately flare out with a loud pomf sound. Rainbow glares at you “Not in public, there could be foals around.” Chastised, you apologize. Apparently, you committed a massive faux pas in public. You follow Dash silently as you both head to dinner. Rainbow forgives you before you reach your destination. She explains that … ‘mature’ actions are frowned upon in public. Some acts are fine, but pegasus wings are sensitive, and have many erogenous zones. Even preening is usually done behind closed doors, and what you did was tantamount to foreplay. Luckily, nopony seemed to notice or report it. Although she did enjoy it and hoped for more when you were both alone. Rainbow Dash raved about the pizza place you were having dinner at. Something about lightning kilns being superior to wood. You get to taste the flavor of the crust instead of the wood. The taste is surprisingly good. You notice that he crust has a rich flavor and the cheese has tart overtones of sourness. Even the vegetables are crisp and fresh. Dash explains that all of the ingredients are fresh from nearby towns. Noting where Cloudsdale is now, the vegetables could have even come from Ponyville. After a filling dinner you both take the scenic route to the weather factory. Rainbow continues to shiver in anticipation as her breathing becomes deeper. The sun is setting, lighting the clouds on fire and painting a romantic picture. The evening is so perfect, you wouldn’t mind if it was your last. “Stay cool, there is a guard.” Rainbow informs you. You look and there is indeed a gray pegasus guard in front of the weather factory. He monitors your approach, but does nothing. “Giving someone else the tour?” the guard asks. “Yeah, is it okay?” Rainbow asks. “I don’t see why not, you do have an office.” The guard shrugs. As you enter the factory you are impressed with its size. The ceilings are high enough for pegasi to fly comfortably and almost everything is made of puffy, white, clouds. Dash activates the lights and you notice several doors leading to other areas. You ask about any others that have gotten this tour. Rainbow assures you that it was her closest friends and a few other humans that arrived in Equestria. She had to prove something about a ‘Rainbow Factory’ to those idiots. Leading you to a locker she informs you that everyone has to wear a lab coat. With her mane tied back, Rainbow Dash looks even cuter in the lab coat. “Y-you can touch me now,” Dash whispers huskily “but not too much; I’m taking you somewhere special.” You walk beside her, occasionally touching her in various areas. It is a little awkward, especially when her wings flare with a soft pomf, but she seems to be enjoying it. Her descriptions of various areas become husky and strained as she gives her tour. It hurts, but you know it will be worth it, for her; by the end. After visiting the snowflake lab, cloud puffer, lightning generator, and the main water distribution room, you both head toward your final destination. It is a room marked ‘access prohibited’. Inside there are prisms and mirrors made of ice hanging from the ceiling. Clear pipes snake around the room and several vats are filled with bright, colored, liquids. Curiosity gets the better of you, so you ask about the room. “This is the infamous Rainbow Factory, end of the line” Dash replies. Hearing that gives you pause as your libido takes a dump right there. This place was infamous in various fanfics, it shouldn’t exist here. Rainbow Dash notices your pause and flashes a dirty look. “It’s not that Rainbow Factory” Dash assures. You ask what rainbows are made of anyway. “Light being refracted by water vapor” Dash snarks. Rainbow grins at the look you give her “I’ll show you what the liquid rainbows are made of.” You learn that soylent rainbows are not made from ponies. A special crystal is ground into powder, which spreads equally within water and absorbs the qualities of light for several weeks. Rainbow falls are used to spread this mineral-rich mixture around Equestria. Earth ponies are the only ones that can cultivate the crystals. This explains the Pie’s rock farm. The quick explanation calms your concerns and helps restore your libido. Dash, on the other hand, looks ready to take you where you stand. Her breath is ragged and her wings are twitching. She almost looks like an addict jonesing for a drug. As you reach to relieve your ‘friend with new benefits’, she launches into the air. “Follow me” Dash gives a sultry look. She flies to the mezzanines surrounding the room. You readily comply and follow her up the catwalk (ponywalk?) that surrounds the room. A dark cloud door leads from the room to Dash’s office. The office is similar to any other office. White interior, well lit, and has a desk. A few images of Scootaloo, and Dash’s friends, are scattered on walls, shelves, and on the desk. One thing does stand out on the gray floor; a white cloud mat. There is also a small cylinder on the far wall, the size of your fist. It looks like the tanks in the other room, but smaller and empty. “Take off your clothes, they’ll only get in the way” Rainbow orders breathlessly. You quickly comply with her help. Before long, Dash is looking over your fleshly glory. She licks her lips as she ogles you and faster than you can react, Dash knocks you onto the cloud mat. The attack surprises you, but you remain unharmed. “What are we gonna do on the cloud, Rainbow Dash?” you ask innocently. “Something you’ll remember *mnh* for the rest of your life” you can tell Dash is about to lose it. Dash moves around the office preparing something. The cloud mat feels comfortable and you are reluctant to ask what Dash is preparing. Rainbow begins to speak, filling you in. “You might feel a little drowsy, I put the magic of a summer shower in that mat just for you.” “I’ll just be a minute, have to prepare a little surprise.” You relax and enjoy your drowsiness, but you’re still anxious to get started. Whatever Rainbow has planned better be worth it. “You know, I’d never use something like the Pegasus Device on ponies.” That’s reassuring. Dash turns away from you to fiddle with something in the floor. As she does, you take in the fullness of her plot. Toned, well planned, and the perfect amount of back-story. Rainbow finishes her preparations and hops atop you. She settles in with a moan and nuzzles your chest. “You waited long enough?” You agree to her question. “Good, let’s begin.” Her wings cover your face and you smell something sweet. “That’s to make you more sensitive.” Your senses heightened, you can feel the individual hairs of Dash’s coat as she rubs rhythmically across your body. It was indeed worth the wait, but you never saw her apply anything to her body. As your breathing and moans match hers she starts nibbling on your ear. Time seems to slow as the pleasure builds, even from this semi-platonic contact. “But I do have a Pegasus Device” she whispers in your ear. “I bet you do” you reply. “And I want to consume your essence.” Dash continues the apparent innuendos, rubbing against you. “I want to consume your essence, too” you’re oblivious. There is a click and the floor opens blow you as the cloud disappears. You grab the edges of the void before falling, but it causes strain. Dash’s wings flare, but she does not move. She gives you an evil grin. “I bet you’ll make excellent black spectra.” You will be killed by Rainbow Dash and only one thing comes to your mind. “You have beautiful eyes.” “I know.” Dash launches, breaking your grip. Falling to your doom, you close your eyes. The impact makes your entire body burn, inside and out. You smell sulfur and hear horrific screams. Waiting an eternity for the release of death, you realize this is it. On the far wall an empty cylinder fills with a black liquid. This is what Rainbow dash has been waiting for. As the floor closes up, she retrieves the vial. She is glad the liquid is dark. Dark spectra has a sinfully rich taste, unlike white spectra, which tasted too wholesome. Those that produced white spectra were easy to avoid, now that she knew how they acted; still she had acquired a few vials of the stuff. She’d find a use for them later. She would have the dark spectra over fava beans with a nice Chianti. Rainbow had become addicted to the stuff and it contributed to her darker coat, eyes, and personality. Every week she needed a new victim. Twilight disapproved of Rainbow’s actions, but her concern was ignored. As she leaves her office she sings to herself. “In the Rainbow Factory, where not a single soul gets through.”