Sex on the Porch

by MrPengu1n

First published

Humanized Twilight & Fluttershy are gfs and do lots of hot foreplay on the porch. Mouthplay & fingering. What else is there

Humanized Twilight & Fluttershy are gfs and do lots of hot foreplay on the porch. Mouthplay & fingering, What else is there

One Hot Night At The Farmhouse

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Fluttershy was sitting on an old porch, creaky and soft with age. The sky was deep, royal purple, painted in swaths of pink and blue and green by the stars above, and Fluttershy rested her shoulder against a swollen wooden pillar, gazing up at it.
The silence was broken by a pair of squeaky door hinges behind her, announcing the arrival of her partner Twilight. “Well, the movie’s over, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie went home” she said.

Fluttershy glanced at Twilight over her shoulder. She was leaning into the door to close it, dressed in little more than a sleeveless undershirt and a pair of boxers. Twilight’s speckled skin caught the starlight and made her body glow a deep, cool color.

“Ah, swell,” Shy remarked, and Twilight bounced over to Fluttershy and fell to a seat beside her, light as a feather. Twilight leaned into Shy’s shoulders and let out a tender sigh, tuckered out after their day. Shy shuffled her rump across the porch and leaned back into Twilight, deeply inhaling the scent in her fluffy purple hair.

Twilight’s hand went down to support herself and her fingers came to a gentle rest interlacing with Fluttershy’s. “I’m sorry we couldn’t find a movie you were interested in,” Twilight remarked, her voice tired and wistful. “Those guys would have watched anything, really. One time I got them to watch a documentary about scientists whose theories weren’t accepted while they were alive. Dash cried at the end.”

Fluttershy blew air through her nose and smiled, gently hooking her fingers around Twilight’s. “I-It’s fine, I don’t wanna be a bother.”

Twilight tilted her head, rubbing her cheek into Fluttershy’s face, “Mathematically impossible,” she rebutted lazily.

Shy smiled and huffed. “Besides, I had-, had enough, social interaction.” she chuckled at herself, feeling Twilight’s body gently pulse with tired laughter, “y’know...for one day.”

Twilight let go of Shy’s hand and reached way up above her head, arching her back and breaking into a moan as she stretched. “U-uh~ ...understood.” Twilight nodded once and dropped her arm behind Shy’s back, giving her lean support. Twilight pulled her legs up behind herself and took Shy’s hand in her other hand, brushing her fingertips against her palm. “I get that way sometimes too,” she whispered into Shy’s hair.

Shy’s heart felt light in Twilight’s embrace, and her fingers felt hot in Twilight’s hand; like holding onto a friendly fire. Her legs were freezing, though - Shy was dressed in little more than Twilight had on; a loose T and matching boxer shorts. Shy let a giggle bubble up in her throat, “You must be freezing, huh”

Twilight let that question sit for a while before answering. She nuzzled her nose deeper into the crook of Shy’s neck and murmured, “Mm, nah. You’ll keep me warm.”

Shy’s heart was set atwitter, and, feeling daring, she reached around Twilight’s back and let her hand fall into the arch of Twilight’s side, pulling her lower half closer to herself. Their thighs clasped together and warmed each other.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Twilight’s lips, and she locked fingers with Shy, pulling her hand along her own thighs; Shy’s fingers gently stroked her velvety skin. “I love feeling your hands on me,” she whispered into Shy’s neck, holding her mouth in a little o, giving teasing hot little breaths along Shy’s neck. “Feeling…frisky?”

Shy tilted her head, meekly pressing her neck into Twilight’s soft, warm lips. She bit the corner of her lips and squeezed Twilight’s fingers in her own, her heartbeat picking up. “....maybe,” she finally answered. “I don’t know…”

Twilight pulled away from Shy’s neck and looked in her face. Twilight’s eyes were half-lidded with weariness, blinking slowly. “Is something wrong, Shy?”

Shy bit her lip again. Her heart was beating excitedly, and she wanted to touch Twilight, and touch Twilight more. But… “I-..., no, nothing’s wrong, it’s just… I don’t know, it’s weird. Don’t make fun of me.”

Twilight smiled, her face dimpled and crinkling around her eyes. “I would never.”

Shy blinked and glanced away. “Okay…” she started, chewing her lip, her cheeks being dusted a dull pink. “It’s just...s-sex, it’s...” she gulped, pulling her hand away from Twilight’s fingers to tug at locks of her own hair absentmindedly. “It’s really fun, but... sometimes it can get, kinda...boring?” She wore a small crooked smile, hoping she was making some semblance of sense to her partner.

Twilight just blinked slowly, nodding along. “ wanna, experiment?”

Shy’s face flushed, “Well, y-yes, but t-that’s not what I was...going...for…” She tugged at her shirt’s collar and yanked it up over her nose, trying to cover her blushing face.

Twilight took her hand and lowered it slowly, giving her an understanding smile. “Take your time!”

Fluttershy looked into Twilight’s eyes. They were deep, deep brown, shining in the starlight, and completely honest. She nodded and gulped, her face burning and her thighs beginning to stick to the porch. At least she wasn’t cold anymore. “I-I-, I just think, that…,” she struggled to word her feelings. “Just...having sex, and not, y’know… doing anything else, it’s just…” she wrung her hands, trying to grab the words out of the air. “It’s like, it’s like setting an hour aside every day to, like, eat pizza, and do nothing else that whole hour. Like, not even watch TV, or anything. Just eat and stare at the wall.”

Twilight stroked her face, deeply pondering these observations. Slowly, she began to nod, lips pursing agreeably, eyes closed solemnly. “You know what… you’re absolutely right. And…” she paused for dramatic effect, “I think I have a solution.”

Fluttershy blinked. Twilight was so on board with everything she said, all the time. She was… an incredible human. Shy suddenly realized she had to say something; she quickly choked out an “O-okay,”

Twilight gazed into Fluttershy’s eyes; they were deep, muted blue in the dim, cool light of the starry sky. She was looking at Twilight curiously, with that nervous passion sparkling deep underneath her gaze. Twilight pulled herself closer to Fluttershy and took her hand, gently interlacing their fingers, brushing her fingertips across Shy’s. Twilight stared into Fluttershy’s eyes deeper, giving her that tired, half lidded stare. She pulled herself closer to Shy, pressing her chest into Shy’s, resting her forehead against Shy’s and brushing their noses together, just barely touching.

Fluttershy gave Twilight a heavy, half-lidded stare in return. Her heart was beating so fast she thought Twilight would be able to feel it through her chest (and she could). She finally couldn’t take it anymore and leaned in, slowly bringing her lips into a little o to match Twilight’s lips.

Twilight felt Shy’s hot breath on her lips and felt a shiver jolt down her spine, the hairs on her arm raising. Twilight pulled their interlocked hands down to Fluttershy’s thigh and stroked her, still holding hands. Twilight felt her fingertips spark to life with each centimeter of Shy’s soft, wide thigh. She never wanted to stop. “Y-, do you want me to keep going?” she asked carefully, quietly. Fluttershy nodded just barely, not wanting to move her lips away from their intended trajectory. She mouthed a quiet “please do,”

Twilight gently brushed her lips against Shy’s. Shy put her open lips on Twilight’s and slowly let them shut. Their kiss was warm, hot to the touch - electrifying. Twilight wrapped her arm around Shy’s middle, pulling their bodies flat together, spreading their fingers through Shy’s smooth, cold hair - inhaling her scent like they were drowning and she was air. Shy wrapped both her arms around Twilight, pulling her closer and closer until Twilight was practically on top of her - then literally on top of her; Twilight sat up and squatted on Shy’s lap, straddling her thighs with her own, their chests smooshed against each other’s.

Twilight finally pulled her lips away from Fluttershy’s - she leaned forward as Twilight pulled away, reluctant to stop. They rested their foreheads and noses together, gasping and panting for air, an arc of saliva still tracing the air between their lips. Twilight pulled her head away and exhaled deeply through her nose. “T-that was a good kiss,” she remarked. Shy just nodded, still breathless.

Then Twilight’s arms were around Shy’s shoulders, and then Shy’s arms were around Twilight’s back. Since Twilight was sitting on Shy’s lap, her chest was level with Shy’s nose. Shy absentmindedly pressed her face into Twilight’s chest, letting out a little moan which rumbled through Twilight’s body. Twilight chuckled and gripped her breasts with both hands, squeezing them into Shy’s face. “I’m glad someone is enjoying these puppies,” she remarked sarcastically. Shy tilted her face up and looked into Twilight’s eyes with pure bliss. “ was your day?”

Shy let out a sharp giggle, muffled by Twilight’s breasts massaging her face. She tilted her face up, freeing her lips, “I-Is that the solution you came up with? Small talk?”

Twilight let Shy’s face out and brought their faces back to eye level, smiling flirtatiously. “Well why not? I love you and want to hear about your day. I also wanna make out. Honestly,” she dragged one hand over her head through her hair, pulling it out of her face. It fell loosely over her shoulder, curling upwards at the ends. “It’s two birds one stone.”

Shy’s giggles rose to laughter she was desperately trying to stifle, trying not to wake the neighbors. She arched her back as Twilight began giving Shy hot little pecks all along her face, down her cheek and down her neck, moving slowly and deliberately, pleasing her tender skin. Shy tried to gather her thoughts, while her mind squatted in a love-haze. “W-well, I had a-, a really good day, a-actually,” she tried desperately to make coherent conversation while being pleased so carefully.

“Tell me allllll about it,” Twilight whispered into Shy’s ear, even nibbling on her lobe and tracing the edge of her ear with her tongue.

Shy stifled ticklish giggles and said, “W-Well, I did some gardening,… e-early in the morning,” she ran her hand down Twilight’s thinly veiled body and stroked her hot, firm thigh, brushing her little, colorless hairs that were standing up in the cold. “My tomato plants are looking b-beautiful right now, they’re - ah!” she gave a soft cry as Twilight bit her collarbone and ran her hands over Fluttershy’s small, firm breasts. “I’m looking forward t-to when they bloom! I-It should be a-Aa-any day no-oOOW~” hot gasps and uncontrollable moans kept interrupting her as Twilight kissed and bit every centimeter of exposed flesh along her chin and neck. Twilight’s hands explored her body, feeling her contours and fingering the gaps between her ribs. One hand drifted down to her thighs, feeling deep along her soft inner thighs and thumbing the hem of her shorts.

For good measure, Twilight forced her tongue into a thin point and slowly, carefully traced from the middle of Shy’s chest all the way up to the tip of her chin. Fluttershy was a hot, bothered mess - her face was flushed deep pink and her shirt was disheveled, her heart was beating so hard that her entire body pulsated, her chest rose and fell in time with her heartbeat, lungs greedy for air.

Twilight covered her mouth with one hand, stifling laughter at Fluttershy’s appearance. She was so cute and hot Twilight could hardly believe it was real life. “You should show me tomorrow,” she said, sidling her hands up Fluttershy’s thighs and under her loose shirt, gripping her hips. “I’ve tried growing tomatoes; they always rot away too soon for me.”

Fluttershy gave a crooked smile, dizzy with pleasure. “T-takes a green thumb, huh?”

“Mm,” Twilight agreed, sliding Fluttershy’s plain T up her body, exposing her soft, squishy belly to the cold, night air. Shy leapt at the nipping cold on her midsection, clutching instinctively to Twilight for more warmth. Twilight continued pulling the shirt up Shy’s body, a devilish grin spreading across her face.

“T-Twi, a-are you sure?” Shy inquired, heart pounding. “T-the neighbors…-”

“It’s fine,” Twilight assured, breathing hot and comfortingly along Shy’s cheek. “They’re a couple of seniors - they went to sleep, like, hours ago.”

Shy’s hands gripped Twilight’s wrists as she pulled her shirt up, over her head, and off. She inhaled sharply as the cold air bit at her flesh. At the thought of being nude outside, her heart beat so hard that her whole body shook and shivered - maybe it was just the cold.

Then Twilight reached down to her own hips. “So,” she started, peeling the undershirt up, off of her beautiful brown body, “What else did you do today?” Twilight’s tank top came off. She waved it around her head like a lasso, tossing it daringly over her shoulder into the yard. Twilight arched her toned, firm body, showing off for Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was dumbfounded, rendered speechless, unable to move, unable to do anything but sit and stare and burn with lust. Twilight gyrated her body over Shy’s lap teasingly. “Well…?”

“Wh-…” Fluttershy choked out, gulping a deep, ragged breath, “W-Why don’t y-you tell me about y-your day, now…?” She asked. Her hands fell onto the rough wood of the porch behind her, and she pushed herself into Twilight’s exposed chest, desperately pecking and nibbling at her flesh with her lips.

Twilight bit her lip slowly, deliberately, letting it fall away from her teeth as Fluttershy worked her mouth around one of Twilight’s breasts, giving it a hard suckle and pulling her lips away with a quiet pop. Twilight’s chest twitched forward, in time with her small, hot gasps, in time with Fluttershy’s kisses. Her face burned in the best kind of way. “Okay,” she giggled. “Well…” One of her hands went up, under Fluttershy’s arm, lacing her fingers around her ribs, fingertips clawing inward, tugging at her skin. “Today I got to work on a, uh-,” Her other hand went under Fluttershy’s other arm, behind her back and up her neck, into her cool, amber hair. “A math thing that I had been, y-know-, looking into-,” She pulled Fluttershy’s head harder into her breasts, and Fluttershy moaned around the one in her mouth, racing one hand up Twilight’s belly and over her other breast, pulling her nipple tightly between her thumb and forefinger. Twilight’s lips, getting chapped by the cold, were pulling into a hot smile as Fluttershy played with her body, and a persistent blush dusted her cheeks and nose. “S-so, made a little progress with that,”

Fluttershy scrunched up her nose, her legs twitching and fidgeting under Twilight’s weighty thighs, her whole body solely focusing on treating her partner, and herself – “W-what was the thing?” She managed to ask around Twilight’s breasts, saliva tracing silvery ropes through the air between her open mouth and Twilight’s body.

“Ah-,” Twilight lolled her head away dismissively, gyrating her hips against Fluttershy’s thighs and leaning into her more deeply, “Just some-…like, super old, unsolved problem.” Fluttershy pulled her lips, now kissed-swollen, away from Twilight’s breast, letting it go with a small pop. She immediately turned her mouth to the other, tragically ignored breast in front of her and wrapped her lips around a mouthful of Twilight’s warm, soft flesh, her chest rising and falling with hot breaths and her lips pulled into a mischievous, coy grin. ”I w-wasn’t gonnAh~!” Fluttershy’s teeth suddenly fell against Twilight’s nipple, gently tugging and biting at the firm, pointed flesh. A soft, but emphatic “F-Fuck!” escaped Twilight’s lips, capped with a hard, breathy inhale. “…W-wasn’t gonna get-, anywhere with it-, anyway…” she finished.

Fluttershy finally pulled her tired mouth away from Twilight’s body and instead pressed her face into Twilight, her cheeks softly smooshed between Twilight’s breasts. “D-Don’t say that…” she gently chastised.

Twilight dropped her hands to Fluttershy’s thighs, hot to the touch, clawing and tugging at her soft, sun-speckled skin. “Why not?”

Fluttershy tilted her head upwards to look deeply into Twilight’s warm, brown eyes and pink face. She straightened her spine and pushed her lips into Twilight’s, teasing the tip of her tongue into her chapped, bitten-pink bottom lip. “I-I’ll stop you,” she warned, pecking at Twilight’s mouth over and over again.

Twilight pulled herself up onto her knees – still straddling Fluttershy, but cool air rushed into the gap between them. Fluttershy shut her thighs tight instinctively at the cutting cold where Twilight’s hot thighs had been seated. Twilight ran her hands up Fluttershy’s body and gripped both of her shoulders, digging her fingertips into her flesh greedily. “…like this?” she asked, and kissed Fluttershy back. Her open lips fell onto hers, slick with saliva and lust. Twilight suddenly let go of one of Fluttershy’s shoulders and took Fluttershy’s chin between her thumb and forefinger, tilting her head back and forcing her lips into a tight, open pucker. Twilight’s tongue went behind Fluttershy’s lips, tasting her mouth and teasing the soft, pointed tip of Fluttershy’s own tongue. Fluttershy, head swimming in love and lust, helplessly grabbed at Twilight’s wrists and hung on to them, desperate for more of her. A soft moan escaped her and rumbled through Twilight’s lips. Her back suddenly gave way, and she fell backwards, falling lightly onto the rough, swollen wood of their porch, pulling Twilight on top of herself.

Twilight fell onto her elbows, just barely keeping her mouth on Fluttershy’s as they fell. Her knees slid away from each other, and her whole body fell onto Fluttershy’s. Fluttershy’s arms went under Twilight’s, hands falling against her back, her nails digging into Twilight’s firm, brown flesh; she clawed long, lustful lines and streaks in her back, pulling her body as close as possible to Twilight’s while they kissed.

Twilight’s lips finally fell away from Shy’s, and her hand fell back to Fluttershy’s shoulder. She pushed up on her elbows, pulling her face away from Fluttershy’s, to look into her eyes. Her mouth hung open in a happy, tired grin, and her tongue lolled lazily about, spilling out of her lips. Her whole face was kissed-bitten-pink and kissed-bitten-swollen, flushed and messy, wet and happy. Fluttershy was the same; her hair bun was messy and undone, and her soft, pink locks spread out over the rough, greening wood, cushioning her head. Her chest rose and fell as she greedily gulped at the icy air around her impish, embarrassed grin, struggling to catch her breath with Twilight laying on top of her, yet never wanting her to move ever again.

“...y-yeah,” Fluttershy finally breathed, “like that.”

Twilight giggled dreamily, falling back onto her elbows to push her face into Fluttershy’s teasingly, gently smooshing their cheeks together. Twilight’s back arched over Fluttershy’s smooth, squishy belly, goosebumped from the cold. She took one hand away from Fluttershy’s shoulder and slid it down her own body, stroking her own thigh up, and deep, and running her fingers tantalizingly over her own deep, inner thighs.

Fluttershy tilted her head up just enough to gaze down Twilight’s body, and see how she was beginning to pleasure herself. A sizeable spot had darkened the front of her plain grey undershorts. She inhaled deeply as a new wave of lust washed over her. “M-my stars, Twi…” she commented dreamily, “Y-You sure are e-excited.”

Twilight looked into Fluttershy’s eyes, then away with an embarrassed grin, heart pulsing, “Can you blame me?”

Fluttershy’s hand suddenly traced its way down their bodies and fell on top of Twilight’s own, explorative hand. “H-here,” she offered, sneakily lacing her lithe fingers through Twilight’s, probing Twilight’s inner thigh and thumbing the hem of her shorts. “L-Let me-...”

A shiver ran up Twilight’s back - probably just the cold - and she dropped her hand away from Fluttershy’s, “O-Okay,” she croaked, nervous, lustful excitement spilling into her voice, smile crooked and heart pounding.

Fluttershy watched her fingers through a low, half-lidded gaze, drinking in her top-to-bottom view of Twilight’s luscious body as she worked. She worked her pinky into the fleshy crevice between Twilight’s thigh and hip, and her forefinger into the opposite crevice. She tugged those fingers back and forth teasingly, letting her middle fingers only just barely graze the area between Twilight’s thighs, over her shorts. Twilight remained on all fours, eyes screwed shut with her intense pleasure, breathing in time with the gentle, teasing tugging of Fluttershy’s fingers.

Her eyes glinted with desire for just a split second before she moved her fingers into a tight, clawing hold on Twilight. An uncontrollable moan rose from Twilight’s chest and rumbled through her jaw. She bit her bottom lip, desperately trying to contain herself, but her whole body shivered in ecstasy. Her legs suddenly gave way, and her hips fell onto Fluttershy’s hand, knees and elbows sliding away helplessly, she fell all over Fluttershy’s body, melting through her fingers.

“O-Oh-, uh-,” Fluttershy said, reacting to Twilight falling all over her. She freed her hands from under Twilight’s body and tucked them under her arms, guiding her up. Twilight recovered from her spasm of ecstasy quickly and followed Fluttershy’s hands, getting on her knees, then over, off of Fluttershy’s legs, and sitting on the porch beside her. Fluttershy wrapped one of her arms around Twilight’s back, reaching up to grope Twilight’s breast, and slid the other teasingly over Twilight’s thigh, down her hip, and under the hem of her shorts.

Twilight spread her legs open, letting the freezing air bite at her firm, steaming inner thighs, swallowing hard her lust as Fluttershy worked her body, fingers tracing her skin electric. Fluttershy stretched her back out and tucked her face into the warm crook between Twilight’s neck and shoulder, smelling her hair and kissing her collarbone. She traced small pecks up Twilight’s neck as her fingers teased Twilight’s body. She nibbled at Twilight’s earlobe and traced her ear with the tip of her tongue, suddenly whispering, “I love making your pussy wet,” hotly into Twilight’s ear.

A high pitched, whimpering, whining noise rose out of Twilight, and her face flushed deep, deep pink. “T-That was really lewd, Fluttershy!!!” she giggled helplessly, voice climbing octave after octave. Pearls of sweat crowned her forehead and her heart pounded like a timpani drum.

Fluttershy’s eyes shone mischievously, full of desire. Her middle fingers toyed with the lips of Twilight’s pussy, slowly stroking them up and down. She ran one finger longways through Twilight’s slit, precum catching her and lubricating her. She gleefully worked that finger from side to side, spreading Twilight’s precum all around. Her fingers slipped and slid around Twilight’s pussy, digging into her soft, carnal flesh. Everywhere Fluttershy touched, Twilight felt electric. Her thighs twitched and shivered, goosebumps rose like armies up and down her body. Her fingers fidgeted and scratched at the rough wood beneath them, and she bit her lip so hard it almost bled as Fluttershy touched her body.

Having teased enough, Fluttershy wiggled one of her middle fingers into Twilight, dipping inside before sliding out just as quickly. Then back in, dipping into Twilight with two fingers, digging into Twilight’s inside walls not nearly hard enough before slipping right back out. Twilight’s pussy leaked like a busted pipe and Fluttershy’s working fingers spilled her precum all over her hand, all over her inner thighs, and all over the swollen porch wood. Fluttershy’s other hand was still clawing at Twilight’s breast, working her tight nipple between her forefinger and thumb, squeezing her breast so tightly that the flesh spilled between her fingers, fingering the divets between Twilight’s ribs through her skin and muscle, squeezing the toned flesh around Twilight’s abdomen, and tracing all the way up Twilight’s body to her neck, massaging her smooth, speckled skin.

Twilight rocked her hips, pushing desperately into Fluttershy’s fingers, begging to be penetrated deeper. She bit her lip and gasped out playfully, “W-What happened to our small talk, h-huh?”

Fluttershy pondered this for a moment. Then she hooked her wrist and slid three of her fingers into Twilight’s pussy, absentmindedly rubbing her lip with her thumb as she rubbed her fingers deep inside Twilight, eliciting ever more moans from Twilight, her body twitching and her hips and thighs convulsing, Twilight desperately trying to fuck herself on Fluttershy’s fingers. “Y-Your body requires all my concentration,” she whispered into Twilight’s neck, giving her soft flesh a hot bite.

“Th-ah!-that’s f-fuck!-fai-, that’s faaAAaair~,” Twilight breathed, hot and fast, chest heaving and falling in time with Fluttershy’s fingers. Fluttershy tugged her fingers up Twilight’s pussy and thumbed her slit, giving her clit an electrifying graze. She locked Twilight’s clit between her thumb and forefinger, slick with precum and gave it a teasing tug. Twilight whined and whimpered incessantly, hips bucking and body twitching. Her head rolled backwards and her tongue lolled free of her lips; she tried to fall completely backwards but Fluttershy caught her. Twilight leaned her full body weight into Fluttershy, giving herself completely into Fluttershy’s hand. Her body felt tight and hot, her thighs convulsed with ecstasy, her pussy clenched and unclenched and pulsated around Fluttershy’s fingers, gushing precum onto the porch like a leaky faucet. She felt like a rubber band on fire.

“F-Fluttershy, I-I think I’m-,” Twilight choked out, body rocking in time with Fluttershy’s movements, helpless, desperate, “I-I’m g-gonna-”
Fluttershy suddenly hooked her wrist further and penetrated Twilight with all four of her fingers, diving in and out of Twilight’s slick hole, fucking her senseless.


Twilight’s pussy tightened around Fluttershy’s hand, squeezing it into immobility before exploding. Cum gushed out of TWILIGHT in hot, slick, sticky ropes, decorating Fluttershy’s fingers like ribbons and pouring onto the swollen porch wood beneath them. Twilight’s hips bucked forward once more, fidgeting back and forth as she tried to grind herself on Fluttershy’s hand, teasing out every last drop of cum in her, before finally gulping one breath of icy air and falling backwards, leaning into Fluttershy, giggly, bubbly, and warm, thighs still twitching in ecstasy.

Fluttershy slid her hand out of Twilight with a slick, small pop and lifted her hand up to her face, inspecting her prize. Twilight watched her out of one eye still open, the other squeezed shut from pleasure. With Twilight’s eyes on her, Fluttershy’s face reddened as she opened her mouth and extended her tongue, resting the tip of her middle finger on the tip of her tongue. She slid the whole finger through her tight, pink lips, cum spilling over them and down her chin. She suckled Twilight’s cum off of that finger and opened her mouth, winding her tongue around her finger teasingly, like a snake, for good measure. Then she looked over at Twilight and grinned lustfully. “T-Tastes sweet.”

Twilight felt her second wind pulse through her heart and gave her a crooked, love-weary grin. “W-Wanna move to the bed for round two?”


The following day they both woke up with colds because they fucked outside on a cold night with no clothes on like a couple of damn fools.