Like Clockwork

by Harris

First published

Harris stared at the orange toned mare. This was his ticket to adventure...

The star-skimmer was a warm, clean airship, this was the shipmaster's home as well as the crew's refuge and a weapon of utmost destruction.

Harris was a Pegasus who worked on a farm east of the Luna Ocean, He didn't have a n exiting life as a farm hand and a very underused one at that, his family gave him the worst of jobs and although this life wasn't perfect, or adventurous or anything - Nothing like the life of a sailor: adventure, Swearing, Drunken Fights... ah brilliant...

Chapter 1: Shipmaster

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So, I am Harris... well, not really a title.
My story begins with my home, Vanhoover, a town in west Equestria on the coast of the North Luna Ocean and, to be frankly honest, it isn't the best place in Equestria but it's my home and I can deal with this. I am a grey-ish Pegasus. I came from a farming family in a small house, north of Galloping Gorge, and came from a family of my Father, Mother, 5 brothers and 2 sisters and I, to my disappointment, was the youngest of all of them. It was the 15th of July and I was 14 at the time so, as I was coming into my stallion life, my Father wanted work for me, like my brothers before me and, me being the youngest, all the useful jobs were used up so I was a not very useful farm hand however, on that day my father came back from my brother, the baker, as usual but he came with a strange pony I've not seen before.

The pony was an Earth-Pony, one without wings and without a horn, she was a worn-looking, orange pony. Before I knew it I was called by my father and he sounded rather urgent so I walked across the farm towards the strong mare. I walked towards my father and this Pony and she leaned towards my father and exchanged some words, quick as they were they definitely intended me not to hear because as I came upon them she stepped back from my father and looked towards the floor.

"Dad, what's the problem?" I asked, staring at the mare strange to his right, I noticed her loose raged cloths on her back and a hat that looked Appleusian.

"Well... I needed to get you a job and... I found you a n-" He stuttered along his words, eyes darting around as if he was looking for the correct words.

"Ah Shipmaster of th Star-Skimmer." The mare said looking down on the young stallion below her,

"Ah, Yes, That's it... this is your new Shipmaster; Applejack." My father announced "She and whoever else she needs to, you will take you on..."

"Tomorrow." Applejack said blankly.

Tomorrow... what a time to prepare, less than a day left. At first I felt thrilled that I'd have a hint of adventure, a dash of hope against the dull work of a lesser farm hand but as he thought further this could be dangerous! A Shipmaster, How dangerous could this be Airships, I assumed, were terribly dangerous and they're technically sailors so, How much cursing would there be?! Oh I was Innocent...

"Harris, wait in the kitchen, I'll be with you..." My father said with a tired sigh.

I walked slowly from them to the house listening in as I went. I heard some of the words about It being dangerous but It'll be okay. I looked from the kitchen window towards the ponies outside as the mare took off her hat to my father and, bowing as she stepped back, she departed down the dirt path. I was looking out the window as Applejack trotted away at a brisk pace. I father placed a hoof on his shoulder as he looked downwards to the short stallion.

"Hey, Son..." He said, getting down on one knee, "It's gonna be a while before you come back, but I'd love you to visit!"

"Hey, I will, I'm just... thinking... Is this gonna be dangerous?" I asked

"No, well, depends..." He replied,


"Yeah, Depends"

"Not Useful" I finished the convocation in a very... Deadpan matter.

My father got off of his knee and looked around the room and out the window, after his thorough look around the room then plunged his hand into his pocket for a minute. He pulled out a Pocket watch. The Pocket watch was a silver half hunter and a very refined chain. This was my fathers, and his before him, and his before him, and his bef- okay, you get the picture!

"Well, Son, this may well be the last time we ever see face to face so, I want you to have this" He shot his arm out, and moved the other to his eyes, was he crying? Honestly, I wouldn't be too surprised, It was a family watch and if I lost it, who knows?

"Thanks, Dad" I smiled to him,

"We're not finished yet, come with me" He said

My father brought me up to his room, opening the wardrobe and showing me an array of suits and other brilliant clothing.
My eyes were drawn to a black 3 piece suit, it was very nice-looking and came with a small top hat atop the shoes.

"This is yours now" He said, Indicating the suit "Wear it with pride"

The Star-Skimmer

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Ah... June 16th was a great day, not that I knew that at the time, Celestia no, I was terrified, thought it'd be horrable! Thinking back, I was probably more scared than it was scary when I saw Applejack walk up that path but however scared I was I was also so proud, with my suit, waistcoat and father's pocket watch. I looked at Applejack and what she was wearing and it wasn't a suit which was smart considering the work that we'd soon get to doing.

"Good luck, son..." was the last thing my father said too me as I left, it was what I really needed at the time.

When Applejack saw me she tilted her head slightly and smiled me, I don't really think that she was kindly smiling at me I think she was really suppressing a laugh at the suit that I was wearing and probably thinking; This idiot knows that he'll be doing things in this line of work, right? And I did, I did but I'd look Damn well doing it. No... I took it off first chance I got, It was very... Tight in places.

"Ya ready, sugarcube?" She asked, getting head-height with me,

"Yeah, I hope" I replied under my breath, nodding nonetheless.

She put her hoof on my shoulder and walked off with me, We reached the top of the hill and I took one last look at my home, my home. I didn't know what to do, I'd never left my home for more than a couple of miles of the farm and now, how far was I gonna go? Applejack and I didn't engage in much conversation and it would be awkward but the walk was, normal of Equestria, it was a beautiful landscape and it took my breath away, Applejack had seen it all before so I'm sure she wasn't impressed, but anything could have been going on in her head and she always had a kind smile.

"Ah know that getting a job is a big move for ya..." Applejack started, "But it won't be that bad, y'all get paid well..."

"Yeah..." I replied

At the time or at all, really, I didn't and couldn't find the words for it but it was a real nice gesture. We reached the summit of a hill that we were climbing and took in the view that we'd conquered and there, reaching from above the forestry was a great airship and it was amazing...

"There's the star-skimmer, our home." Applejack announced,

"our?" I asked

"There's five others" she explained, "There's a Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, The Navigator. She handles the charts and plotting our course,"

"Then there's an Earth-Pony, Pinkie Pie. She handles the cannons and arms," "There's also Rainbow Dash, our sniper and scout, we also have Flutter Shy, our Engineer and Helms-Mare" "Finally, There's Rarity, Our stores-mare and cook" She finished.

"And you are?" I asked

"Ah am Shipmaster, a Captain if you will." She said, slightly matter-of-factly but her accent made it sounded more like a joke.

"And what'll I be doing on the... Erm, Star-Skimmer?" I asked

"Meh, This and that, just do as you're told and you'll be fine..."